Marcelo Rabossi

Marcelo Rabossi
Universidad Torcuato di Tella · Escuela de Gobierno

Ph.D. in Education


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Publications (31)
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As the result of an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, the internationalization of institutions of higher education grew and adopted established and regulated characteristics. An example of this evolution is the creation of the international relations offices (IROs). These sectors are responsible for formalizing collaborations with i...
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The interdependence between countries in relation to the production and transfer of knowledge has grown steadily since the 1980s. As a result, in the past two decades the number of students crossing borders to pursue an education abroad skyrocketed. However, the arrival of COVID-19 in early 2020 imposed a series of restrictions on this exponential...
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Con el arribo de la pandemia a principios de 2020, las universidades evidenciaron su agilidad para reconvertirse y así continuar brindando educación y llevando a cabo sus tareas de investigación, en este caso, bajo la modalidad remota de emergencia. Durante este proceso, las Oficinas de Relaciones Internacionales (ORIs) cumplieron un rol fundamenta...
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The internationalisation of higher education is a growing phenomenon of great interest not only to universities but also to nations and governments. Developed nations are the main receptors of international students and researchers. As a matter of fact, 80% of all enrollees around the globe migrate from peripheral countries to industrialized center...
In 2020, higher education institutions faced an unprecedented challenge: how to continue internationalization processes and student mobility despite a sudden and complete disruption of international travel. When the Covid-19 pandemic began, almost 6 million internation al students outside their country of origin were afected by the closure of natio...
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Las ciencias con aplicaciones tecnológicas y biomédicas son las que más se han destacado en la transferencia de innovaciones con impacto económico, y, al mismo tiempo, representan las unidades académicas con mayor impacto en los rankings (Yudkevich, Altbach, & Rumble, 2016). En el caso de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas, hay menos recursos dis...
In the last two decades, a growing tendency has been established to relate the quality of higher education with the rankings. This has created tensions in departments and areas, such as social sciences and humanities, that tend to publish less in international journals in the English language, which is a key factor in the weighting of university ra...
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La internacionalización de la educación superior ofrece desafíos y oportunidades para los países en vías de industrialización. Dentro de una dinámica de poder, las universidades de las naciones centrales dominan el escenario a la hora de atraer a estudiantes de todo el mundo. Mientras tanto, América Latina se presenta con capacidad de convocatoria...
The dual labor market theory (DLM) posited the existence of two distinct labor markets working in parallel. A primary one is a place where high wages, employment stability and high opportunities for advancement are the norms. On the other hand, low wages, arbitrariness and less desirable working conditions determine a secondary market. The main obj...
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Argentina ingresa en esta discusión de los rankings de forma lateral y esporádica. A diferencia de otros países del norte y el sur global, la política pública en el país ha estado más centrada en administrar los recursos para proveer acceso masivo al sistema de educación superior que a posicionar algunas de sus universidades en los rankings interna...
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Mergers or acquisitions of higher education institutions are relatively rare, especially in the non-for-profit sector. However, in the need to keep the global university arena competitive, this phenomenon has gradually begun to take place. For example, between 2000 and 2015, the market saw more than hundred ongoing mergers only in Europe. In the US...
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El término internacionalización es de definición simple y compleja a la vez. Por un lado, su interpretación resulta intuitiva si la comprendemos como aquel proceso de intercambio de ideas, recursos, bienes, servicios y personas de un país a otro. Sin embargo, cuando se lo circunscribe al universo de la educación superior, dada la cantidad de actore...
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Actualmente más de 5 millones de alumnos estudian en universidades del exterior mientras se espera que para 2025 dicha cifra alcance los 8 millones. Dentro de este flujo académico de un país a otro, son los países centrales los que absorben la mayor cantidad de estudiantes internacionales. En consonancia con el resto de América Latina y confirmando...
This chapter analyzes the motivations behind North-South collaboration, as well as facilitators and obstacles. Through a case study approach, two specific cases focus on research units at public and private Argentinian universities with established North-South research partnerships. General conclusions indicate that international scientific coopera...
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The pursuit to construct " world-class " universities is an ongoing global obsession across the world, which lays emphasis on the development of competitive higher education and research systems as core national economic approach. The portrayal " world-class " is more contextual rather than absolute, the expression " world-class university " has an...
An agency situation is established when one of the parties involved in a transaction (the principal) delegates to a single or group of individuals (the agents) certain rights to carry out activities. In this dynamic, any number of problems and risks could arise. Problems result from informational asymmetries, high monitoring costs, and conflicting...
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Book Series on Higher Education
Private higher education accounts for half of total enrollment in Latin America but only a fifth in Argentina. For reasons including statist norms, tough regulation, and public university stature, it has been difficult for Argentina's private higher education to attain the position held by its counterparts in the region. Whether that may now change...
Although Argentina prides itself on having the highest gross university enrollment rate in Latin America, the relative low proportion of graduates has put the open and free-for-all national university under pressure and questioning. In a national system where in more than one third of all public drop-out rates are above 80 percent, an urgent reform...
Over the past decades, research-driven universities have been positioning themselves as central players of an economy that has proven to be increasingly dependent on the creation and dissemination of knowledge for the advancement of human progress. Those institutions frequently receive high rankings and boast their prestige (Salmi 2009). Thus, in h...
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Although academic inbreeding practices are a means to assure organizational stability and institutional identity, which is sometimes seen as a positive circumstance for universities, it is also a way for older and more prestigious faculty members to secure and perpetuate power. From this perspective, for some scholars, the practice of senior facult...
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In a contractual situation, adverse selection problems and moral hazard risks are commonly seen as organizational or behavioral anomalies that impede that a transaction of goods or services develops efficiently. Generated by informational asymmetries, high monitoring costs, and different preferences between the employer and employees, these agency...
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Admission, retention and graduation are part of a continuum with its own characteristics that will have an impact in the student’s success or failure. Closely related to these concepts, comes the idea of access, that takes into account the socioeconomic condition of the student, its intellectual capacity and all the challenges that he or she will f...
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The expansion of the private university market was part of a global trend that grew vigorously at the turn of the twenty first century. Although private demand has long dominated Southeast Asian countries, Latin America has also witnessed a dramatic shift toward non-public options since the early 1990s. However, not all countries in the region reac...
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The literature on private higher education has identified striking differences between the public and private sectors in terms of fields of study. For example, unlike their public counterparts, private universities have traditionally specialised in the social sciences and humanities. This paper explores the university market in Argentina to see if...
Agency cost can be seen as organizational anomalies that impede institutions from attempting to reach their maximum productive capacity. Informational asymmetries, high monitoring costs, and different preferences between the parties under an economic exchange, can lead to adverse selection problems and moral hazard situations. Universities are not...
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The neoliberal reform arrived at the market of higher education with the intention of introducing private dynamics into public organizations. Through this strategy, the objective was to improve efficiency by promoting intra- and intersectoral competition. The introduction of performance funding shifted the concept of accountability for expenditures...


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