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Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps


Abstract and Figures

Given a picture taken somewhere in the world, automatic geo-localization of such an image is an extremely useful task especially for historical and forensic sciences, documentation purposes, organization of the world’s photographs and intelligence applications. While tremendous progress has been made over the last years in visual location recognition within a single city, localization in natural environments is much more difficult, since vegetation, illumination, seasonal changes make appearance-only approaches impractical. In this work, we target mountainous terrain and use digital elevation models to extract representations for fast visual database lookup. We propose an automated approach for very large scale visual localization that can efficiently exploit visual information (contours) and geometric constraints (consistent orientation) at the same time. We validate the system at the scale of Switzerland (40,000 \(\hbox {km}^2\)) using over 1000 landscape query images with ground truth GPS position.
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Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps
Olivier Saurer ·Georges Baatz ·Kevin Köser ·
L’ubor Ladický ·Marc Pollefeys
Received: date / Accepted: date
Abstract Given a picture taken somewhere in the world, automatic geo-localization
of such an image is an extremely useful task especially for historical and forensic
sciences, documentation purposes, organization of the world’s photographs and in-
telligence applications. While tremendous progress has been made over the last years
in visual location recognition within a single city, localization in natural environ-
ments is much more difficult, since vegetation, illumination, seasonal changes make
appearance-only approaches impractical. In this work, we target mountainous terrain
and use digital elevation models to extract representations for fast visual database
lookup. We propose an automated approach for very large scale visual localization
that can efficiently exploit visual information (contours) and geometric constraints
(consistent orientation) at the same time. We validate the system at the scale of
Switzerland (40000km2) using over 1000 landscape query images with ground truth
GPS position.
Keywords Geo-Localization ·Localization ·Camera Calibration ·Computer Vision
1 Introduction and Previous Work
In intelligence and forensic scenarios as well as for searching archives and organis-
ing photo collections, automatic image-based location recognition is a challenging
Olivier Saurer
ETH Zürich, Switzerland, E-mail:
Georges Baatz
Google Inc., Zürich, Switzerland, E-mail:
Kevin Köser
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany, E-mail:
L’ubor Ladický
ETH Zürich, Switzerland, E-mail:
Marc Pollefeys
ETH Zürich, Switzerland, E-mail:
2 Olivier Saurer et al.
task that would be extremely useful when solved. In such applications GPS tags are
typically not available in the images requiring a fully image-based approach for geo-
localization. Over the last years progress has been made in urban scenarios, in par-
ticular with stable man-made structures that persist over time. However, recognizing
the camera location in natural environments is substantially more challenging, since
vegetation changes rapidly during seasons, and lighting and weather conditions (e.g.
snow lines) make the use of appearance-based techniques (e.g., patch-based local im-
age features [28,8]) very difficult. Additionally, dense street-level imagery is limited
to cities and major roads, and for mountains or for the countryside only aerial footage
exists, which is much harder to relate with terrestrial imagery.
In this work we give a more in depth discussion on camera geo-localization in
natural environments. In particular we focus on recognizing the skyline in a query
image, given a digital elevation model (DEM) of a country — or ultimately, the world.
In contrast to previous work of matching e.g. a peak in the image to a set of mountains
known to be nearby, we aggregate shape information across the whole skyline (not
only the peaks) and search for a similar configuration of basic shapes in a large scale
database that is organized to allow for query images of largely different fields of view.
The method is based on sky segmentation, either automatic or easily supported by an
operator for challenging pictures such as those with reflection, occlusion or taken
from inside a cable car.
A preliminary version of this system was presented in [2]. This work provides a more
detailed analysis and evaluation of the system and improves upon the skyline seg-
mentation. The main contributions are a novel method for robust contour encoding as
well as two different voting schemes to solve the large scale camera pose recognition
from contours. The first scheme operates only in descriptor space (it verifies where
in the model a panoramic skyline is most likely to contain the current query picture)
while the second one is a combined vote in descriptor and rotation space. We validate
the whole approach using a public digital elevation model of Switzerland that covers
more than 40000km2and a set of over 1000 images with ground truth GPS position.
In particular we show the improvements of all novel contributions compared to a
baseline implementation motivated by classical bag-of-words [31] based techniques
like [8]. In addition we proposed a semi-automatic skyline segmentation technique,
based on a dynamic programming approach. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the
skyline is highly informative and can be used effectively for localization.
Previous Work.
To the best of our knowledge this is the first attempt to localize photographs of
natural environments at large scale based on a digital elevation model. The closest
works to ours are smaller scale navigation and localization in robotics [37,32], and
building/location recognition in cities [28,1,8, 26, 34, 4] or with respect to commu-
nity photo collections of popular landmarks [19]. These, however, do not apply to
landscape scenes of changing weather, vegetation, snowlines, or lighting conditions.
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 3
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Fig. 1 Different stages in the proposed pipeline: (a) Query image somewhere in Switzerland, (b) sky
segmentation, (c) sample set of extracted 10contourlets, (d) recognized geo-location in digital elevation
model, (e) overlaid skyline at retrieved position.
The robotics community has considered the problem of robot navigation and robot
localization using digital elevation models for quite some time. Talluri et al. [33]
reason about intersection of known viewing ray directions (north, east, south, west)
with the skyline and relies thus on the availability of 360panoramic query contours
and the knowledge of vehicle orientation (i.e. north direction). Thompson et al. [35]
suggest general concepts of how to estimate pose and propose a hypothesize and
verification scheme. They also rely on known view orientation and match viewpoint-
independent features (peaks, saddle points, etc.) of a DEM to features found in the
query image, ignoring most of the signal encoded in the skyline. In [11], computer vi-
sion techniques are used to extract mountain peaks which are matched to a database
of nearby mountains to support a remote operator in navigation. However, we be-
lieve that their approach of considering relative positions of absolute peaks detected
in a DEM is too restrictive and would not scale to our orders of magnitude larger
problem, in particular with respect to less discriminative locations. Naval et al. [24]
proposes to first match three features of a contour to a DEM and estimate an ini-
tial pose from that before doing a non-linear refinement. Also here the initial step of
finding three correct correspondences is a challenging task in a larger scale database.
Stein et al. [32] assumes panoramic query data with known heading, and computes
super-segments on a polygon fit, however descriptiveness/robustness is not evalu-
ated on a bigger scale, while [10] introduces a probabilistic formulation for a similar
setting. The key point is that going from tens of potential locations to millions of
locations requires a conceptually different approach, since exhaustive image compar-
ison or trying all possible “mountain peaks” simply does not scale up to a large-scale
geo-localization problems. Similarly, for urban localization, in [27] an upward look-
ing 180field-of-view fisheye is used for navigation in urban canyons. They render
untextured city models near the predicted pose and extract contours for compari-
son with the query image. A similar approach was recently proposed by Taneja et al.
[34], where panoramic images are aligned to a cadastral 3D model by maximizing the
overlap between the panoramic image and the rendered model. In [26] Ramalingam
et al. propose a general framework to solve for the camera pose using 3D-to-2D point
and line correspondences between the 3D model and the query image. The approach
requires an initial correspondence match, which is propagated to the next image using
appearance based matching techniques. These approaches are meant as local meth-
ods for navigation or pose refinement. Also recently, in [3] Baboud et al. optimize
the camera orientation given the exact position, i.e. they estimate the viewing direc-
tion given a good GPS tag. In [4] Bansal et al. propose a novel correspondence-free
geo-localization approach in urban environments. They match corners and roof-line
4 Olivier Saurer et al.
edges of buildings to a database of 3D corners and direction vectors previously ex-
tracted from a DEM. None of the above mentioned systems considered recognition
and localization in natural environments at large scale.
On the earth scale, Hays et al. [13] source photo collections and aim at learning
location probability based on color, texture, and other image-based statistics. Con-
ceptually, this is not meant to find an exact pose based on geometric considerations
but rather discriminates landscapes or cities with different (appearance) characteris-
tics on a global scale. In [18] Lalonde et al. exploit the position of the sun (given the
time) for geo-localization. In the same work it is also shown that identifying a large
piece of clear sky without haze provides information about the camera pose (although
impressive given the data, over 100km mean localization error is reported). Both ap-
proaches are appealing for excluding large parts of the earth from further search but
do not aim at exactly localizing the camera within a few hundred meters.
Besides attacking the DEM-based, large scale geo-localization problem we pro-
pose new techniques that might also be transferred to bag-of-words approaches based
on local image patches (e.g. [31,28,8]). Those approaches typically rely on pure
occurrence-based statistics (visual word histogram) to generate a first list of hypothe-
ses and only for the top candidates geometric consistency of matches is verified.
Such a strategy fails in cases where pure feature coocurrence is not discriminative
but where the relative locations of the features are important. Here, we propose to do
a (weak) geometric verification already in the histogram distance phase. Furthermore,
we show also a representation that tolerates largely different document sizes (allow-
ing to compare a panorama in the database to an image with an order of magnitude
smaller field-of-view).
2 Mountain Recognition Approach
The location recognition problem in its general form is a six-dimensional problem,
since three position and three orientation parameters need to be estimated. We make
the assumption that the photographs are taken not too far off the ground and use the
fact that people rarely twist the camera relative to the horizon [7] (e.g. small roll).
We propose a method to solve that problem using the outlines of mountains against
the sky (i.e. the skyline). For the visual database we seek a representation that is
robust with respect to tilt of the camera which means that we are effectively left with
estimating the 2D position (latitude and longitude) on the digital elevation model
and the viewing direction of the camera. The visible skyline of the DEM is extracted
offline at regular grid positions (360at each position) and represented by a collection
of vector-quantized local contourlets (contour words, similar in spirit to visual words
obtained from quantized image patch descriptors [31]). In contrast to visual word
based approaches, additionally an individual viewing angle αd(αd[0;2π]) relative
to north direction is stored. At query time, a skyline segmentation technique is applied
that copes with the often present haze and also allows for user interaction in case of
incorrect segmentation. Subsequently the extracted contour is robustly described by
a set of local contourlets plus their relative angular distance αqwith respect to the
optical axis of the camera. The contour words are represented as an inverted file
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 5
system, which is used to query the most promising location. At the same time the
inverted file also votes for the viewing direction, which is a geometric verification
integrated in the bag-of-words search.
2.1 Processing the Query Image
2.1.1 Sky Segmentation
The estimation of the visible skyline can be cast as a foreground-background segmen-
tation problem. As we assume almost no camera roll and since overhanging structures
are not modelled by the 2.5D DEM, finding the highest foreground pixel (foreground
height) for each image column provides an good approximation and allows for a
dynamic programming solution, as proposed in [20,5]. To obtain the data term for
a candidate height in a column we sum all foreground costs below the candidate
contour and all sky costs above the contour. The assumption is, when traversing the
skyline, there should be a local evidence in terms of an orthogonal gradient (similar
in spirit to flux maximization [36] or contrast sensitive smoothness assumptions [6,
15] in general 2D segmentation).
We express the segmentation problem in terms of an energy:
Ed(x) + λ
where Edrepresents the data term, Esthe smoothness term and λis a weighting
factor. The data term Ed(x)in one column xevaluates the cost of all pixel below it
to be assigned a foreground label while all pixels above it are assigned a background
(sky) label. The cost is incorporated into the optimization framework as a standard
logh(F|zi) +
where h(F|zi)denotes the probability of pixel zibeing assigned to the foreground
Fmodel and h(B|zi)the probability of a pixel being assigned to the background B
model. The likelihoods h(z|F)and h(z|B)are computed by the pixel-wise classifier,
jointly trained using contextual and superpixel based feature representations [17].
The contextual part of the feature vector [30,16] consists of a concatenation of
bag-of-words representations over a fixed random set of 200 rectangles, placed rel-
ative to the corresponding pixel. These bag-of-words representations are built using
4 dense features - textons [22], local ternary patterns [14], self-similarity [29] and
dense SIFT [21], each one quantized to 512 clusters using standard K-means clus-
tering. For each pixel the superpixel part of the feature vector is the concatenation
of a bag-of-words representations of a corresponding superpixel [17] from each un-
supervised segmentation. Four superpixel segmentations are obtained by varying the
parameters of the MeanShift algorithm [9], see Fig. 2. Pixels, belonging to the same
6 Olivier Saurer et al.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 2 Superpixel based segmentation: (a) Input image. (b) MeanShift filtered image. (c) MeanShift region
boundaries. (d) Final segmentation.
segment, share a large part of the feature vector, and thus tend to have the same labels,
leading to segmentations, that follow semantic boundaries.
The most discriminative weak features are found using AdaBoost [12]. The con-
textual feature representations are evaluated on the fly using integral images [30],
the superpixel part is evaluated once and kept in memory. The classifier is trained
independently for 5 colour spaces - Lab, Luv, Grey, Opponent and Rgb. The final
likelihood is calculated as an average of these 5 classfiers.
The pairwise smoothness term is formulated as:
Es(x,x+1) =
λ||d|| ,(3)
where Cis the set of pixels connecting pixel znin column xand zmin column
x+1 along the Manhattan path (path along the horizontal and vertical direction), d
is the direct connection vector between znand zm,giis the image gradient at pixel
i,Rrepresents a 90 degree rotation matrix and λis set to the mean of dRgifor
each image. The intuition is, that all pixels on the contour should have a gradient
orthogonal to the skyline.
Given the energy terms defined in Eq. (2) and (3), the segmentation is obtained by
minimizing Eq. (1) using dynamic programming. Our framework also allows for user
interaction, where simple strokes can mark foreground or background (sky) in the
query image. In case of a foreground labelling this forces all pixel below the stroke
to be labels as foreground and in case of a backround stroke, the stroke pixel and all
pixels above it are marked as background (sky). This provides a simple and effective
means to correct for very challenging situations, where buildings and trees partially
occlude the skyline.
2.1.2 Contourlet Extraction
In the field of shape recognition, there are many shape description techniques that
deal with closed contours, e.g. [23]. However, recognition based on partial contours
is still a largely unsolved problem, because it is difficult to find representations in-
variant to viewpoint. For the sake of robustness to occlusion, to noise and systematic
errors (inaccurate focal length estimate or tilt angle), we decided to use local repre-
sentations of the skyline (see [38] for an overview on shape features).
To describe the contour, we consider overlapping curvelets of width w(imagine
a sliding window, see Fig. 1). These curvelets are then sampled at nequally spaced
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 7
-0.14 -0.01 0.10 0.17 0.15 0.04 -0.10 -0.21
001 011 101 111 110 100 001 000
Fig. 3 Contour word computation: (a) raw contour, (b) smoothed contour with nsampled points, (c) sam-
pled points after normalization, (d) contourlet as numeric vector, (e) each dimension quantized to 3 bits,
(f) contour word as 24-bit integer.
points, yielding each an n-dimensional vector ˜y1,..., ˜yn(before sampling, we low-
pass filter the skyline to avoid aliasing). The final descriptor is obtained by subtracting
the mean and dividing by the feature width (see Fig. 3(a)–(d)):
wfor i=1,...,nwhere ¯y=1
Mean subtraction makes the descriptor invariant w.r.t. vertical image location (and
therefore robust against camera tilt). Scaling ensures that the yi’s have roughly the
same magnitude, independently of the feature width w.
In a next step, each dimension of a contourlet is quantized (Fig. 3(e)–(f)). Since
the features are very low-dimensional compared to traditional patch-based feature
descriptors like SIFT [21], we choose not to use a vocabulary tree. Instead, we directly
quantize each dimension of the descriptor separately, which is both faster and more
memory-efficient compared to a traditional vocabulary tree. In addition the best bin
is guaranteed to be found. Each yifalls into one bin and the nassociated bin numbers
are concatenated into a single integer, which we refer to as contour word. For each
descriptor, the viewing direction αq, relative to the camera’s optical axis is computed
using the camera’s intrinsics parameters and is stored together with the visual word.
We have verified that an approximate focal length estimate is sufficient. In case of an
unknown focal length, it is possible to sample several tentative focal length values,
which we evaluate in Section 3.
2.2 Visual Database Creation
The digital elevation model we use for validation is available from the Swiss Federal
Office of Topography, and similar datasets exist also for the US and other countries.
There is one sample point per 2 square meters and the height quality varies from 0.5m
(flat regions) to 3m-8m (above 2000m elevation) average error1. This data is con-
verted to a triangulated surface model with level-of-detail support in a scene graph
representation2. At each position on a regular grid on the surface (every 0.001in
8 Olivier Saurer et al.
N-S direction and 0.0015in E-W direction, i.e. 111m and 115m respectively) and
from 1.80m above the ground3, we render a cube-map of the textureless DEM (face
resolution 1024×1024) and extract the visible skyline by checking for the rendered
sky color. Overall, we generate 3.5 million cubemaps. Similar to the query image,
we extract contourlets, but this time with absolute viewing direction. We organize
the contourlets in an index to allow for fast retrieval. In image search, inverted files
have been used very successfully for this task [31]. We extend this idea by also taking
into account the viewing direction, so that we can perform rough geometric verifica-
tion on-the-fly. For each word we maintain a list that stores for every occurrence the
panorama ID and the azimuth αdof the contourlet.
2.3 Recognition and Verification
2.3.1 Baseline
The baseline for comparison is an approach borrowed from patch based systems (e.g.
[25,28,8]) based on the (potentially weighted) L1-norm between normalized visual
word frequency vectors:
d) = k˜
di|or DEw(˜
d) =
with ˜
and ˜
Where qiand diis the number of times visual word iappears in the query or database
image respectively, and ˜qi,˜
diare their normalized counterparts. wiis the weight of
visual word i(e.g. as obtained by the term frequency - inverse document frequency
(tf-idf) scheme). This gives an ideal score of 0 when both images contain the same
visual words at the same proportions, which means that the L1-norm favors images
that are equal to the query.
Nister et al. [25] suggested transforming the weighted L1-norm like this
d) =
in order to enable an efficient method for evaluating it by iterating only over the visual
words present in the query image and updating only the scores of database images
containing the given visual word.
2.3.2 “Contains”-Semantics
In our setting, we are comparing 10–70views to 360panoramas, which means that
we are facing a 5×–36×difference of magnitude. Therefore, it seems ill-advised to
3Synthetic experiments verified that taking the photo from ten or fifty meters above the ground does
not degrade recognition besides very special cases like standing very close to a small wall.
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 9
implement an “equals”-semantics, but rather one should use a “contains”-semantics.
We modify the weighted L1-norm as follows:
DC(q,d) =
The difference is that we are using the raw contour word frequencies, qiand diwith-
out scaling and we replace the absolute value |·| by max(·,0). Therefore, one only
penalizes contour words that occur in the query image, but not in the database image
(or more often in the query image than in the database image). An ideal score of 0
is obtained by a database image that contains every contour word at least as often as
the query image, plus any number of other contour words. If the proposed score is
transformed as follows, it can be evaluated just as efficiently as the baseline:
DC(q,d) =
This subtle change makes a huge difference, see Fig. 6(a) and Table 1: (B) versus (C).
Note that this might also be applicable to other cases where a “contains”-semantics
is desirable.
2.3.3 Location and Direction
We further refine retrieval by taking geometric information into account already dur-
ing the voting stage. Earlier bag-of-words approaches accumulate evidence purely
based on the frequency of visual words. Voting usually returns a short-list of the top
ncandidates, which are reranked using geometric verification (typically using the
number of geometric inliers). For performance reasons, nhas to be chosen relatively
small (e.g. n=50). If the correct answer already fails to be in this short-list, then
no amount of reordering can bring it back. Instead, we check for geometric consis-
tency already at the voting stage, so that fewer good candidates get lost prematurely.
Not only does this increase the quality of the short-list, it also provides an estimated
viewing direction, which can be used as an initial guess for the full geometric verifica-
tion. Since this enables a significant speedup, we can afford to use a longer short-list,
which further reduces the risk of missing the correct answer.
If the same contour word appears in the database image at angle αd(relative to
north) and in the query image at angle αq(relative to the camera’s optical axis), the
camera’s azimuth can be calculated as α=αdαq. Weighted votes are accumulated
using soft binning and the most promising viewing direction(s) are passed on to full
geometric verification. This way, panoramas containing the contour words in the right
order get many votes for a single direction, ensuring a high score. For panoramas con-
taining only the right mix of contour words, but in random order, the votes are divided
among many different directions, so that none of them gets a good score (see Fig. 4).
Note that this is different from merely dividing the panoramas into smaller sections
and voting for these sections: Our approach effectively requires that the order of con-
tour words in the panorama matches the order in the query image. As an additional
benefit, we do not need to build the inverted file for any specific field-of-view of the
query image.
10 Olivier Saurer et al.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Optical Axis
Fig. 4 Voting for a direction is illustrated using a simple example: We have a query image (a) with contour
words wiand associated angles βirelative to the optical axis. We consider a panorama (b) with contour
words in the same relative orientation αias the query image. Since the contour words appear in the same
order, they all vote for the same viewing direction α(c). In contrast, we consider a second panorama (d)
with contour words in a different order. Even though the contour words occur in close proximity they each
vote for a different direction αi, so that none of the directions gets a high score (e).
2.3.4 Geometric Verification
After retrieval we geometrically verify the top 1000 candidates. The verification con-
sists in computing an optimal alignment of the two visible skylines using iterative
closest points (ICP). While we consider in the voting stage only one angle (azimuth),
ICP determines a full 3D rotation. First, we sample all possible values for azimuth
and keep the two other angles at zero. The most promising one is used as initializa-
tion for ICP. In the variants that already vote for a direction, we try only a few values
around the highest ranked ones. The average alignment error is used as a score for
re-ranking the candidates.
3 Evaluation
In this section we evaluate the proposed algorithm on two real datasets consisting of
a total of 1151 images. We further give a detailed evaluation of the algorithm under
varying tilt and roll angles, and show that in cases where the focal length parameter
is unknown it can effectively be sampled.
Query Set.
In order to evaluate the approaches we assembled two datasets, which we refer to as
CH1 and CH2. The CH1 dataset consists of 203 photographs obtained from different
sources such as online photo collections and on site image capturing. The CH2 dataset
consists of 948 images which were solely captured on site. For all of the photographs,
we verified the GPS tag or location estimate by comparing the skyline to the surface
model. For the majority of the images the information was consistent. For a few
of them the position did not match the digital elevation model’s view. This can be
explained by a wrong cell phone GPS tag, due to bad/no GPS reception at the time
the image was captured. For those cases, we use dense geometric verification (on
each 111m×115m grid position up to a 10km radius around the tagged position) to
generate hypotheses for the correct GPS tag. We verify this by visual inspection and
removed images in case of disagreement. The complete set of query images used
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 11
Fig. 5 Oblique view of Switzerland, spanning a total 40 000km2. Spheres indicate the query images’ of the
CH1 (red) and CH2 (blue) dataset at ground truth coordinates (size reflects 1km tolerance radius). Source
of DEM: Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo (Art. 30 GeoIV): 5704 000 000
is available at the project website4. The distribution of the CH1 and CH2 dataset
is drawn on to the DEM in Fig. 5. For all of the query images FoV information is
available (e.g. from EXIF tag). However, we have verified experimentally that also in
case of fully unknown focal length the system can be applied by sampling over this
parameter, see Fig. 10 as example and subsection 3.
Query Image Segmentation.
We used the CH1 query images which were already segmented in [2] as training set
and apply our segmentation pipeline to the CH2 dataset. Out of the 948 image 60% of
the images were segmented fully automatically, while 30% required little user inter-
action, mainly to correct for occluders such as trees or buildings. 10% of the images
required a more elaborate user interaction, to correct for snow fields, (often confused
as sky), clouds hiding small parts of the mountain or for reflections appearing when
taking pictures from inside a car, cable-car or train. Our new segmentation pipeline
improved by 18%, compared to the previous method proposed in [2].
Parameter Selection.
The features need to be clearly smaller than the images’ field-of-view, but wide
enough to capture the geometry rather than just discretization noise. We consider de-
scriptors of width w=10and w=2.5. The number of sample points nshould not be
so small that it is uninformative (e.g. n=3 would only distinguish concave/convex),
but not much bigger than that otherwise it risks being overly specific, so we choose
n=8. The curve is smoothed by a Gaussian with σ=w
2n, i.e. half the distance be-
tween consecutive sample points. Descriptors are extracted every σdegrees.
Each dimension of the descriptor is quantized into kbins of width 0.375, the first
and last bin extending to infinity. We chose kas a power of 2 that results in roughly
1 million contour words, i.e. k=8. This maps each yito 3 bits, producing contour
12 Olivier Saurer et al.
words that are 24 bit integers. Out of the 224 potential contour words, only 300k–
500k (depending on w) remain after discarding words that occur too often (more than
a million) or not at all.
Recognition Performance.
The recognition pipeline using different voting schemes and varying descriptor sizes
is evaluated on both datasets, see Table 1. All of the tested recognition pipelines return
a ranked list of candidates. We evaluate them as follows: For every n=1,...,100,
we count the fraction of query images that have at least one correct answer among
the top ncandidates. We consider an answer correct if it is within 1km of the ground
truth position (see Fig. 6).
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(E) Location and direction
(C) "contains"-semantics
(B) "equals"-semantics
(A) Random guessing
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(D) 2
(E) 3
(F) 5
(G) 10
(H) 20
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(E) Location and direction
(C) "contains"-semantics
(B) "equals"-semantics
(A) Random guessing
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(D) 2
(E) 3
(F) 5
(G) 10
(H) 20
(a) (b)
Fig. 6 Retrieval performance for different: (a) voting schemes, (b) bin sizes in direction voting. Evaluated
on the CH1 (top) and CH2 (bottom) dataset.
In Fig. 6(a), we compare different voting schemes: (B) voting for location only,
using the traditional approach with normalized visual word vectors and L1-norm
(“equals”-semantics); (C) voting for location only, with our proposed metric (“contains”-
semantics); (E) voting for location and direction simultaneously (i.e. taking order
into account). All variants use 10descriptors. For comparison, we also show (A)
the probability of hitting a correct panorama by random guessing (the probability
of a correct guess is extremely small, which shows that the tolerance of 1km is not
overly generous). Our proposed “contains”-semantics alone already outperforms the
baseline (“equals”-semantics) by far, but voting for a direction is even better.
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 13
Voting scheme Descriptor width Dir. bin size Geo. ver. CH1 (top 1 corr.) CH2 (top 1 corr.)
(A) random N/A N/A no 0.008% 0.008%
(B) “equals” 10N/A no 9% 1%
(C) “contains” 10N/A no 31% 21%
(D) loc.&dir. 102no 45% 30%
(E) loc.&dir. 103no 43% 31%
(F) loc.&dir. 105no 46% 31%
(G) loc.&dir. 1010no 42% 30%
(H) loc.&dir. 1020no 38% 28%
(I) loc.&dir. 2.53no 28% 14%
(J) loc.&dir. 10&2.53no 62% 44%
(K) loc.&dir. 10&2.53yes 88% 76%
Table 1 Overview of tested recognition pipelines.
In Fig. 6(b), we analyse how different bin sizes for direction voting affects re-
sults. (D)–(H) correspond to bin sizes of 2
,20respectively. While there
are small differences, none of the settings outperforms all others consistently: Our
method is quite insensitive over a large range of this parameter.
In Fig. 7(a), we study the impact of different descriptor sizes: (E) only 10de-
scriptors; (I) only 2.5descriptors; (J) both 10and 2.5descriptors combined. All
variants vote for location and direction simultaneously. While 10descriptors outper-
forms 2.5descriptors, the combination of both is better than either descriptor size
alone. This demonstrates that different scales capture different information, which
complement each other.
In Fig. 7(b), we show the effect of geometric verification by aligning the full
countours using ICP: (J) 10and 2.5descriptors voting for location and direction,
without verification; (K) same as (J) but with geometric verification. We see that ICP
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(J) 10
and 2.5
(E) 10
(I) 2.5
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 800 1000
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(K) Geometric verification
(J) Without GV
Distance to Ground Truth Position (km)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
Distribution of error
Cumulative distribution
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(J) 10
and 2.5
(E) 10
(I) 2.5
Number of Candidates
0 20 40 60 800 1000
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(K) Geometric verification
(J) Without GV
Distance to Ground Truth Position (km)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
Distribution of error
Cumulative distribution
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 7 Retrieval performance for CH1 (top) and CH2 (bottom) dataset: (a) Different descriptor sizes. (b)
Retrieval performance before and after geometric verification. (c) Fraction of queries having at most a
given distance to the ground truth position. Not shown: 21 images (9.9%) from the CH1 dataset with an
error between 7 and 217km and 177 images (18.6%) from the CH2 dataset with an error between 13 and
14 Olivier Saurer et al.
based reranking is quite effective at moving the best candidate(s) to the beginning
of the short list: On the CH1 dataset the top ranked candidate is within a radius of
1km with a probability of 88%. On the CH2 dataset we achieve a recognition rate of
76% for a maximum radius of 1km. See Fig. 7(c) for other radii. In computer assisted
search scenarios, an operator would choose an image from a small list which would
further increase the percentage of correctly recovered pictures. Besides that, from
geometric verification we not only obtain an estimate for the viewing direction but
the full camera orientation which can be used for augmented reality. Fig. 8 and 9
show images of successful and unsuccessful localization.
In Fig. 10 we illustrate the effect of inaccurate or unknown field-of-view (FoV). For
one query image, we run the localization pipeline (K) assuming that the FoV is 11
and record the results. Then we run it again assuming that the FoV is 12etc., up
to 70. Fig. 10 shows how the alignment error and estimated position depend on the
assumed FoV.
In principle, it is possible to compensate a wrong FoV by moving forward or
backward. This holds only approximately if the scene is not perfectly planar. In ad-
dition, the effect has hard limits because moving too far will cause objects to move
in or out of view, changing the visible skyline. Between these limits, changing the
FoV causes both the alignment error and the position to change smoothly. Outside of
this stable range, the error is higher, fluctuates more and the position jumps around
This has two consequences: First, if the FoV obtained from the image’s metadata
is inaccurate it is usually not a disaster, the retrieved position will simply be slightly
inaccurate as well, but not completely wrong. Second, if the FoV is completely un-
known, one can get a rough estimate by choosing the minimum error and/or looking
for a range where the retrieved position is most stable.
The field-of-view (FoV) extracted from the EXIF data may not always be 100%
accurate. This experiment studies the effects of a slight inaccuracy. We modify the
FoV obtained from the EXIF by ±5% and plot it against the recognition rate obtained
over the entire query set CH1. We observe in Fig. 11(a) that even if the values are off
by ±5%, we still obtain a recognition rate of 70 80%.
Tilt Angle.
Our algorithm assumes that landscape images usually are not subject to extreme tilt
angles. In the final experiment evaluated in Fig. 11(b), we virtually rotate the ex-
tracted skyline of the query images by various angles in order to simulate camera tilt
and observe how recognition performance is affected. As shown in Fig. 11(b) with
30tilt we still obtain a recognition rate of 60% on the CH1 dataset. This is a large
tilt angle, considering that the skyline is usually straight in front of the camera and
not above or below it.
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 15
Roll Angle.
Our algorithm makes a zero roll assumption, meaning that the camera is held upright.
To evaluate the robustness of the algorithm we virtually perturb the roll angle by ro-
tating the extracted skyline of the query image by various angles. Fig. 11(c) shows
the achieved recognition rate. For 5roll angle the recognition rate drops by 26%.
This drop does not come as a surprise since the binning of the skyline makes a strong
assumption on a upright image. In general this assumption can be relaxed by extend-
ing the database with differently rotated skylines, or by using IMU data (often present
in today’s mobile phones) to correct for the roll angle in the query image. In general
we found that landscape images captured with a hand held camera are subject to very
little roll rotation, which is also confirmed by both datasets.
We implemented the algorithm partly in C/C++ and partly in Matlab. The segmen-
tation runs at interactive frame rate and gives direct visual feedback to the operator,
given the unary potential of our segmentation framework. Given the skyline it takes
10 seconds to find the camera’s position and rotation in an area of 40000km2per
image. Exhaustively computing an optimal alignment between the query image and
each of the 3.5M panoramas would take on the order of several days. For comparison,
the authors of [3] use a GPU implementation and report 2 minutes computation time
to determine the rotation only, assuming the camera position is already known.
4 Conclusion and Future Work
We have presented a system for large scale location recognition based on digital el-
evation models. This is very valuable for geo-localization of pictures when no GPS
information is available (for virtually all video or DSLR cameras, archive pictures,
in intelligence and military scenarios). We extract the sky and represent the visible
skyline by a set of contour words, where each contour word is represented together
with its offset angle from the optical axis. This way, we can do a bag-of-words like
approach with integrated geometric verification, i.e. we are looking for the panorama
(portion) that has a similar frequency of contour words with a consistent direction.
We show that our representation is very discriminative and the full system allows for
excellent recognition rates on the two challenging dataset. On the CH1 dataset we
achieve a recognition rate of 88% and 76% on the CH2 dataset. Both datasets include
different seasons, landscapes and altitudes. We believe that this is a step towards the
ultimate goal of being able to geo-localize images taken anywhere on the planet, but
for this also other additional cues of natural environments have to be combined with
the given approach. This will be the subject of future research.
Acknowledgements This work has been supported through SNF grant 127224 by the Swiss National Sci-
ence Foundation. We also thank Simon Wenner for his help to render the DEMs and Hiroto Nagayoshi for
providing the CH2 dataset. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for useful discussions and constructive
16 Olivier Saurer et al.
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18 Olivier Saurer et al.
Fig. 8 Sample Results: First and fourth column are input images. Second and fifth column show the
segmentations and third and sixth column show the query images augmented with the skyline, retrieved
from the database. The images in the last five rows were segmented with help of user interaction.
Image Based Geo-Localization in the Alps 19
Fig. 9 Some incorrectly localized images. This usually happens to images with a relatively smooth skyline
and only few distinctive features. The pipeline finds a contour that fits somewhat well, even if the location
is completely off.
10 20 27 33 42 50 60 70
FoV (degrees)
Alignment Error (pixels)
Northing (km)
Easting (km)
5 0 5
Northing (km)
Easting (km)
5 0 5
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 10 (a) Query image. (b) Alignment error of the best position for a given FoV. Dashed lines indi-
cate the limits of the stable region and the FoV from the image’s EXIF tag. (c) Alignment error of the
best FoV for a given position. For an animated version, see
mountain-localization. (d) Shaded terrain model. The overlaid curve in (c) and (d) starts from the
best location assuming 11FoV and continues to the best location assuming 12, 13, etc. Numbers next
to the markers indicate corresponding FoV.
Change in Field-of-View (percent)
-5 0 5
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
Additional Tilt (degrees)
0 10 20 30
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
Additional Roll (degrees)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
Change in Field-of-View (percent)
-5 0 5
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
Additional Tilt (degrees)
0 10 20 30
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
Additional Roll (degrees)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fraction of Correctly Localized Images
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 11 Robustness evaluation under: (a) varying FoV, (b) varying tilt angle, (c) varying roll angle. Top
row CH1 and bottom row CH2 dataset.
... Therefore, field positioning algorithm based on horizon image retrieval is considered feasible. However, existing horizon-based geo-location algorithms currently require manual assistance to achieve accurate results [21], and they have shortcomings in terms of positioning success rate and positioning error [22,25]. ...
... Taking into account the visual information and geometric constraints of the horizon, they developed a method to describe the contour of the horizon, and use it to match the horizon. The method extracted the sky and represented the visible horizon by a set of contour words, where each contour word is represented together with its offset angle from the optical axis [25]. They considered positioning within a deviation of 1000 m as successful. ...
... For example, the algorithm proposed by Hammoud et al. [22] can only limit the results to top10, and the positioning success rate of top1 is only 39%. Even with a maximum positioning error of 1000 m, Battz et al. [25] had success rates of only 88% and 76% on the two datasets. ...
Full-text available
In the wild, the positioning method based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) can easily become invalid in some cases. We propose a geo-location method that can be used without manual feedback even in the absence of GNSS signals. This method belongs to a vision-based method, which is realized through horizon image retrieval. Horizon image retrieval is a task with a huge database in which each image has a unique label, and different images cannot be divided into a single category. To solve this problem, we develop a new training method called “a few-shot image classification training method for serving image retrieval problems” (FSCSR). This method involves training on multiple few-shot classification tasks and updating the parameters by testing on image retrieval tasks, thereby obtaining a feature extraction model that meets the retrieval requirements. A new neural network, named HorizonSegNet, specifically designed for horizon images is also proposed. HorizonSegNet, trained with FSCSR, demonstrated its effectiveness in the experiments. Besides, a search strategy called “area hierarchy search” is proposed to increase the accuracy and speed of retrieval as well. In the experiments that conducted on 182.72 km² of land, our positioning method achieved a 95.775% success rate with an evaluation error of 40.23 m. The results verified the conclusion that our positioning accuracy is generally higher than that of other positioning methods.
... The design of VG methods is mainly influenced by two factors: the target environment (urban [1,5,6], natural [7][8][9][10], global [11][12][13][14]) and the spatial scale (city-scale [1,5], largescale [8], planetary-scale [11][12][13][14]). Due to the great differences in target environments and spatial scales, many different local-ization methods have been proposed, and the localization criteria used in these methods vary, such as retrieval [1,8,9,11,[13][14][15], classification [12,16,17], and regression [6,18,19]. ...
... The design of VG methods is mainly influenced by two factors: the target environment (urban [1,5,6], natural [7][8][9][10], global [11][12][13][14]) and the spatial scale (city-scale [1,5], largescale [8], planetary-scale [11][12][13][14]). Due to the great differences in target environments and spatial scales, many different local-ization methods have been proposed, and the localization criteria used in these methods vary, such as retrieval [1,8,9,11,[13][14][15], classification [12,16,17], and regression [6,18,19]. ...
... The design of VG methods is mainly influenced by two factors: the target environment (urban [1,5,6], natural [7][8][9][10], global [11][12][13][14]) and the spatial scale (city-scale [1,5], largescale [8], planetary-scale [11][12][13][14]). Due to the great differences in target environments and spatial scales, many different local-ization methods have been proposed, and the localization criteria used in these methods vary, such as retrieval [1,8,9,11,[13][14][15], classification [12,16,17], and regression [6,18,19]. Global planetary-scale approaches [11][12][13][14] are based on images taken anywhere in the world so it is possible to identify locations on a global scale, and these methods typically have an error of hundreds of kilometres. ...
Full-text available
In this paper, a new approach to visual geo‐localization for natural environments is proposed. The digital elevation model (DEM) data in virtual space is rendered and construct a panoramic skyline database is constructed. By combining the skyline database with real‐world image data (used as the “queries” to be localized), visual geo‐localization is treated as a cross‐modal image retrieval problem for panoramic skyline images, creating a unique new visual geo‐localization benchmark for the natural environment. Specifically, the semantic segmentation model named LineNet is proposed, for skyline extractions from query images, which has proven to be robust to a variety of complex natural environments. On the aforementioned benchmarks, the fully automatic method is elaborated for large‐scale cross‐modal localization using panoramic skyline images. Finally, the compound index is delicately designed to reduce the storage space of the positioning global descriptors and improve the retrieval efficiency. Moreover, the proposed method is proven to outperform most state‐of‐the‐art methods.
... What is perhaps even more challenging, however, is the fact that images can be taken anywhere in the world, representing an extremely vast classification space. To that end, many of the previous approaches at image geolocalization were constrained to small types of parts of the world, such as looking exclusively at cities (Wu & Huang, 2022), specific mountain range like the Alps (Baatz et al., 2012;Saurer et al., 2016;Tomešek et al., 2022), deserts (Tzeng et al., 2013), or even beaches (Cao et al., 2012). Other approaches focused on highly constrained geographical area, such as the United Sates (Suresh et al., 2018) or even specific cities like Pittsburgh and Orlando (Zamir & Shah, 2010) or San Francisco (Berton et al., 2022a). ...
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We introduce PIGEON, a multi-task end-to-end system for planet-scale image geolocalization that achieves state-of-the-art performance on both external benchmarks and in human evaluation. Our work incorporates semantic geocell creation with label smoothing, conducts pretraining of a vision transformer on images with geographic information, and refines location predictions with ProtoNets across a candidate set of geocells. The contributions of PIGEON are three-fold: first, we design a semantic geocells creation and splitting algorithm based on open-source data which can be adapted to any geospatial dataset. Second, we show the effectiveness of intra-geocell refinement and the applicability of unsupervised clustering and ProtNets to the task. Finally, we make our pre-trained CLIP transformer model, StreetCLIP, publicly available for use in adjacent domains with applications to fighting climate change and urban and rural scene understanding.
... Several methods exist that incorporate semantic segmentation and object detection into visual place recognition and 6-DoF metric localization pipelines, as surveyed in [30]. This includes using Faster-RCNN [31] for constructing object graphs [32] or object matching [33]; segmenting specific objects/entities such as buildings [34], lanes [35] and skyline [36] for improved recognition; or pre-selecting multiple object classes [37]- [39]. In particular for 6-Dof localization, semantic label consistency between 3D points and their projections on the query image was employed within a particle filter [19] or a P3P-RANSAC loop [18], [40] for improving pose estimation. ...
Most 6-DoF localization and SLAM systems use static landmarks but ignore dynamic objects because they cannot be usefully incorporated into a typical pipeline. Where dynamic objects have been incorporated, typical approaches have attempted relatively sophisticated identification and localization of these objects, limiting their robustness or general utility. In this research, we propose a middle ground, demonstrated in the context of autonomous vehicles, using dynamic vehicles to provide limited pose constraint information in a 6-DoF frame-by-frame PnP-RANSAC localization pipeline. We refine initial pose estimates with a motion model and propose a method for calculating the predicted quality of future pose estimates, triggered based on whether or not the autonomous vehicle's motion is constrained by the relative frame-to-frame location of dynamic vehicles in the environment. Our approach detects and identifies suitable dynamic vehicles to define these pose constraints to modify a pose filter, resulting in improved recall across a range of localization tolerances from $0.25m$ to $5m$, compared to a state-of-the-art baseline single image PnP method and its vanilla pose filtering. Our constraint detection system is active for approximately $35\%$ of the time on the Ford AV dataset and localization is particularly improved when the constraint detection is active.
... Geolocation identification of automobiles has been a topic of growing interest in recent years due to its potential applications in navigation and route planning for intelligent vehicles [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Conventionally, obtaining the geographic location of a vehicle through Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has been a convenient and cost-effective method. ...
Full-text available
Geolocation is a fundamental component of route planning and navigation for unmanned vehicles, but GNSS-based geolocation fails under denial-of-service conditions. Cross-view geo-localization (CVGL), which aims to estimate the geographic location of the ground-level camera by matching against enormous geo-tagged aerial (e.g., satellite) images, has received a lot of attention but remains extremely challenging due to the drastic appearance differences across aerial–ground views. In existing methods, global representations of different views are extracted primarily using Siamese-like architectures, but their interactive benefits are seldom taken into account. In this paper, we present a novel approach using cross-view knowledge generative techniques in combination with transformers, namely mutual generative transformer learning (MGTL), for CVGL. Specifically, by taking the initial representations produced by the backbone network, MGTL develops two separate generative sub-modules—one for aerial-aware knowledge generation from ground-view semantics and vice versa—and fully exploits the entirely mutual benefits through the attention mechanism. Moreover, to better capture the co-visual relationships between aerial and ground views, we introduce a cascaded attention masking algorithm to further boost accuracy. Extensive experiments on challenging public benchmarks, i.e., CVACT and CVUSA, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which sets new records compared with the existing state-of-the-art models. Our code will be available upon acceptance.
Full-text available
The concept of geo-localization broadly refers to the process of determining an entity’s geographical location, typically in the form of Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates. The entity of interest may be an image, a sequence of images, a video, a satellite image, or even objects visible within the image. Recently, massive datasets of GPS-tagged media have become available due to smartphones and the internet, and deep learning has risen to prominence and enhanced the performance capabilities of machine learning models. These developments have enabled the rise of image and object geo-localization, which has impacted a wide range of applications such as augmented reality, robotics, self-driving vehicles, road maintenance, and 3D reconstruction. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of visual geo-localization, which may involve either determining the location at which an image has been captured (image geo-localization) or geolocating objects within an image (object geo-localization). We will provide an in-depth study of visual geo-localization including a summary of popular algorithms, a description of proposed datasets, and an analysis of performance results to illustrate the current state of the field.
This paper presents a Semantic Positioning System (SPS) to enhance the accuracy of mobile device geo-localization in outdoor urban environments. Although the traditional Global Positioning System (GPS) can offer a rough localization, it lacks the necessary accuracy for applications such as Augmented Reality (AR). Our SPS integrates Geographic Information System (GIS) data, GPS signals, and visual image information to estimate the 6 Degree-of-Freedom (DoF) pose through cross-view semantic matching. This approach has excellent scalability to support GIS context with Levels of Detail (LOD). The map data representation is Digital Elevation Model (DEM), a cost-effective aerial map that allows for fast deployment for large-scale areas. However, the DEM lacks geometric and texture details, making it challenging for traditional visual feature extraction to establish pixel/voxel level cross-view correspondences. To address this, we sample observation pixels from the query ground-view image using predicted semantic labels. We then propose an iterative homography estimation method with semantic correspondences. To improve the efficiency of the overall system, we further employ a heuristic search to speedup the matching process. The proposed method is robust, real-time, and automatic. Quantitative experiments on the challenging Bund dataset show that we achieve a positioning accuracy of 73.24%, surpassing the baseline skyline-based method by 20%. Compared with the state-of-the-art semantic-based approach on the Kitti dataset, we improve the positioning accuracy by an average 5%.
Conference Paper
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In this work we propose the method for a rather unexplored problem of computer vision -discriminatively trained dense surface nor-mal estimation from a single image. Our method combines contextual and segment-based cues and builds a regressor in a boosting framework by transforming the problem into the regression of coefficients of a local coding. We apply our method to two challenging data sets containing images of man-made environments, the indoor NYU2 data set and the outdoor KITTI data set. Our surface normal predictor achieves results better than initially expected, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art.
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Given a picture taken somewhere in the world, automatic geo-localization of that image is a task that would be extremely useful e.g. for historical and forensic sciences, documentation purposes, organization of the world's photo material and also intelligence applications. While tremendous progress has been made over the last years in visual location recognition within a single city, localization in natural environments is much more difficult, since vegetation, illumination, seasonal changes make appearance-only approaches impractical. In this work, we target mountainous terrain and use digital elevation models to extract representations for fast visual database lookup. We propose an automated approach for very large scale visual localization that can efficiently exploit visual information (contours) and geometric constraints (consistent orientation) at the same time. We validate the system on the scale of a whole country (Switzerland, 40 000km2) using a new dataset of more than 200 landscape query pictures with ground truth.
Conference Paper
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The availability of geolocated panoramic images of urban environments has been increasing in the recent past thanks to services like Google Street View, Microsoft Street Side, and Navteq. Despite the fact that their primary application is in street navigation, these images can be used, along with cadastral information, for city planning, real-estate evaluation and tracking of changes in an urban environment. The geolocation information, provided with these images, is however not accurate enough for such applications: this inaccuracy can be observed in both the position and orientation of the camera, due to noise introduced during the acquisition. We propose a method to refine the calibration of these images leveraging cadastral 3D information, typically available in urban scenarios. We evaluated the algorithm on a city scale dataset, spanning commercial and residential areas, as well as the countryside.
For shapes represented as closed planar contours, we introduce a class of functionals which are invariant with respect to the Euclidean group, and which are obtained by performing integral operations. While such integral invariants enjoy some of the desirable properties of their differential cousins, such as locality of computation (which allows matching under occlusions) and uniqueness of representation (asymptotically), they do not exhibit the noise sensitivity associated with differential quantities and therefore do not require pre-smoothing of the input shape. Our formulation allows the analysis of shapes at multiple scales. Based on integral invariants, we define a notion of distance between shapes. The proposed distance measure can be computed efficiently, it allows for shrinking and stretching of the boundary, and computes optimal correspondence. Numerical results on shape matching demonstrate that this framework can match shapes despite the deformation of subparts, missing parts, and noise. As a quantitative analysis, we report matching scores for shape retrieval from a database.
This paper presents a method for extracting distinctive invariant features from images that can be used to perform reliable matching between different views of an object or scene. The features are invariant to image scale and rotation, and are shown to provide robust matching across a substantial range of affine distortion, change in 3D viewpoint, addition of noise, and change in illumination. The features are highly distinctive, in the sense that a single feature can be correctly matched with high probability against a large database of features from many images. This paper also describes an approach to using these features for object recognition. The recognition proceeds by matching individual features to a database of features from known objects using a fast nearest-neighbor algorithm, followed by a Hough transform to identify clusters belonging to a single object, and finally performing verification through least-squares solution for consistent pose parameters. This approach to recognition can robustly identify objects among clutter and occlusion while achieving near real-time performance.
Conference Paper
We propose a purely geometric correspondence-free approach to urban geo-localization using 3D point-ray features extracted from the Digital Elevation Map of an urban environment. We derive a novel formulation for estimating the camera pose locus using 3D-to-2D correspondence of a single point and a single direction alone. We show how this allows us to compute putative correspondences between building corners in the DEM and the query image by exhaustively combining pairs of point-ray features. Then, we employ the two-point method to estimate both the camera pose and compute correspondences between buildings in the DEM and the query image. Finally, we show that the computed camera poses can be efficiently ranked by a simple skyline projection step using building edges from the DEM. Our experimental evaluation illustrates the promise of a purely geometric approach to the urban geo-localization problem.
supported under a scholarship from CNPq, Brazil. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing o The thesis advanced by this dissertation is that convex sets of probability distributions provide a powerful representational framework for decision making activities in Robotics and Arti cial Intelligence. The primary contribution of this dissertation is the development of algorithms for inference and estimation in two domains. The rst domain is robustness analysis for graphical models of inference. Novel results are developed for models that represent perturbations in Bayesian networks by convex sets of probability distributions. The dissertation reports on a system, called JavaBayes, that uniformly handles standard probability distributions and convex sets of probability distributions. This system is publicly available and has been used for teaching and research throughout the world. The second domain explored in this dissertation is outdoor visual position estimation for mobile robots. A novel algorithm for visual position estimation is derived
Conference Paper
Features such as Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and Local Ternary Patterns (LTP) have been very successful in a number of areas including texture analysis, face recognition and object detection. They are based on the idea that small patterns of qualitative local gray-level differences contain a great deal of information about higher-level image content. Current local pattern features use hand-specified codings that are limited to small spatial supports and coarse graylevel comparisons. We introduce Local Quantized Patterns (LQP), a generalization that uses lookup-table-based vector quantization to code larger or deeper patterns. LQP inherits some of the flexibility and power of visual word representations without sacrificing the run-time speed and simplicity of local pattern ones. We show that it outperforms well-established features including HOG, LBP and LTP and their combinations on a range of challenging object detection and texture classification problems.