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When does quality-adjusting life-years matter in cost-effectiveness analysis?

  • Marc L. Berger LLC

Abstract and Figures

This paper investigates the impact of quality-of-life adjustment on cost-effectiveness analyses, by comparing ratios from published studies that have reported both incremental costs per (unadjusted) life-year and per quality-adjusted life-year for the same intervention. A systematic literature search identified 228 original cost-utility analyses published prior to 1998. Sixty-three of these analyses (173 ratio pairs) reported both cost/LY and cost/QALY ratios for the same intervention, from which we calculated medians and means, the difference between ratios (cost/LY minus cost/QALY) and between reciprocals of the ratios, and cost/LY as a percentage of the corresponding cost/QALY ratio. We also compared the ratios using rank-order correlation, and assessed the frequency with which quality-adjustment resulted in a ratio crossing the widely used cost-effectiveness thresholds of 20, 000 US dollars, 50,000 US dollars, and 100,000 US dollars/QALY or LY. The mean ratios were 69,100 US dollars/LY and 103,100 US dollars/QALY, with corresponding medians of 24,600 US dollars/LY and 20,400 US dollars/QALY. The mean difference between ratios was approximately -34,300 US dollars (median difference: 1300 US dollars), with 60% of ratio pairs differing by 10,000 US dollars/year or less. Mean difference between reciprocals was 59 (QA)LYs per million dollars (median: 2.1). The Spearman rank-order correlation between ratio types was 0.86 (p<0.001). Quality-adjustment led to a ratio moving either above or below 50,000 US dollars/LY (or QALY) in 8% of ratio pairs, and across 100,000 US dollars in 6% of cases. In a sizable fraction of cost-utility analyses, quality adjusting did not substantially alter the estimated cost-effectiveness of an intervention, suggesting that sensitivity analyses using ad hoc adjustments or 'off-the-shelf' utility weights may be sufficient for many analyses. The collection of preference weight data should be subjected to the same scrutiny as other data inputs to cost-effectiveness analyses, and should only be under-taken if the value of this information is likely to be greater than the cost of obtaining it.
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Health Econ. 13: 429–436 (2004)
Published online 4 March 2004 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI:10.1002/hec.853
When does quality-adjusting life-years matter in
cost-e¡ectiveness analysis?
Richard H. Chapman
*, Marc Berger
, Milton C. Weinstein
, Jane C. Weeks
, Sue Goldie
Peter J. Neumann
Program on the Economic Evaluation of Medical Technology, Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, Harvard School of
Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Merck & Co., West Point, Pennsylvania, USA
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Purpose: This paper investigates the impact of quality-of-life adjustment on cost-effectiveness analyses, by
comparing ratios from published studies that have reported both incremental costs per (unadjusted) life-year and per
quality-adjusted life-year for the same intervention.
Methods: A systematic literature search identified 228 original cost–utility analyses published prior to 1998.
Sixty-three of these analyses (173 ratio pairs) reported both cost/LY and cost/QALY ratios for the same
intervention, from which we calculated medians and means, the difference between ratios (cost/LY minus cost/
QALY) and between reciprocals of the ratios, and cost/LY as a percentage of the corresponding cost/QALY ratio.
We also compared the ratios using rank-order correlation, and assessed the frequency with which quality-adjustment
resulted in a ratio crossing the widely used cost-effectiveness thresholds of $20 000, $50 000, and $100 000/QALY
or LY.
Results: The mean ratios were $69 100/LY and $103 100/QALY, with corresponding medians of $24 600/LY and
$20 400/QALY . The mean difference between ratios was approximately $34 300 (median difference: $1300), with
60% of ratio pairs differing by $10 000/year or less. Mean difference between reciprocals was 59 (QA)LYs per million
dollars (median: 2.1). The Spearman rank-order correlation between ratio types was 0.86 ðp50:001Þ. Quality-
adjustment led to a ratio moving either above or below $50 000/LY (or QALY) in 8% of ratio pairs, and across
$100 000 in 6% of cases.
Conclusions: In a sizable fraction of cost–utility analyses, quality adjusting did not substantially alter the
estimated cost-effectiveness of an intervention, suggesting that sensitivity analyses using ad hoc adjustments or
‘off-the-shelf’ utility weights may be sufficient for many analyses. The collection of preference weight data should
be subjected to the same scrutiny as other data inputs to cost-effectiveness analyses, and should only be under-
taken if the value of this information is likely to be greater than the cost of obtaining it. Copyright #2004 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords quality-adjusted life-years; preference weights; utilities; cost–utility analysis; cost-effectiveness analysis
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 27 June 2002
Accepted 16 June 2003
*Correspondence to: Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, 718 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making on September 26, 2000 in Cincinnati,
Introduction and Objectives
Cost–utility analyses (CUAs) that measure
cost-effectiveness in costs per quality-adjusted
life-year (QALY) have increasingly become the
standard in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) [1].
The US Public Health Service’s Panel on
Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine
(USPHS Panel) has recommended that, for
analyses intended to inform resource allocation,
a reference case should be included that measures
cost-effectiveness as incremental costs/QALY
(here abbreviated dC/dQALY) [2 (p. 122)]. How-
ever, many investigators still estimate and
report cost-effectiveness ratios as incremental
costs/life-year (dC/dLY), rather than as
dC/dQALY [3,4]. In addition, the collection of
utility data to quality-adjust years of life can
be expensive and resource-intensive. If quality-
adjusted and unadjusted analyses are expected to
produce similar results (that is, the addition of
quality-adjustment would not change decisions),
analysts might reasonably forego performing
complete reference case CEAs to save time and
Analysts are, therefore, faced with the dilemma
of how to perform CUAs within reasonable
cost and time constraints. Without some
‘methodological triage,’ analysts run the risk of
producing theoretically elegant analyses that have
little chance to influence decisions because they
take so long to complete, or of never performing
them to begin with because they are too expensive.
The USPHS Panel explicitly recognized this
dilemma in their formulation of the ‘rule of
reason’ [2 (p. 71)]. This rule states that, in
designing CEA models, analysts should consider
the importance of each cost and effect component
in deciding whether to include an element in the
actual analysis.
While some authors have discussed the issue
of whether or not quality adjustment is
always necessary when conducting a CEA, mainly
from a theoretical standpoint [5–7], there
have been few attempts to use empiric data to
answer this question [8]. Our main objective in
this study was to explore how often decisions
might differ if made based on dC/dLY rather
than dC/dQALY, using published CEAs that
present ratios as both dC/dQALY and dC/dLY
for the same intervention. That is, how often did
the extra effort of collecting and using quality-
adjustments pay off by substantially affecting the
results of CEAs? Comparisons of these paired
ratios were used to:
(1) quantify the absolute and relative differences be-
tween the cost-effectiveness of the same inter-
ventionasmeasuredbydC/dQALY and dC/
(2) explore how the differences between measures
might affect resource allocation decisions
made using commonly used thresholds; and,
(3) identify the factors causing dC/dQALY to be
substantially higher than dC/dLY (and vice
versa), and the factors associated with larger
Data sources
We explored the differences between dC/dLY and
dC/dQALY ratios using the Cost Utility Analysis
Database developed at the Harvard Center for
Risk Analysis [1,9], a comprehensive database of
published studies that is based on a systematic
literature search of relevant computerized data-
bases. The database contains 228 original CUAs
that present 645 dC/dQALY ratios published prior
to 1998. Details about the database have been
published previously [1,9,10] and are also available
on our Web site [11].
Of the 228 articles in the CUA database, 63
reported both dC/dQALY and dC/dLY for the
same intervention, either as baseline comparisons
or through sensitivity analyses on preference
weights (by setting health-related quality of life
adjustments to zero). The 63 studies reporting both
estimates contained 173 dC/dLY and dC/dQALY
ratio pairs. (Because cost-effectiveness analyses
often compare several possible programs or in-
tensity levels, a single article could contribute
several ratio pairs, ranging from 1 to 18 here.) To
allow cross-study comparisons on a common scale,
we converted all ratios into 1998 United States
dollars, using the appropriate foreign exchange
factors and the general Consumer Price Index [9].
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
for Windows, ver. 10.0.7 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL).
Analytic plan
Quantifying the differences between dC/dQALY and
dC/dLY. To quantify the absolute differences
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Health Econ. 13: 429–436 (2004)
R. H. Chapman et al.
between cost-effectiveness as measured by dC/
dQALY and dC/dLY for the same intervention,
the quality-adjusted and unadjusted ratios were
tabulated in two ways, as the ratio differences
(calculated as dC/dLY minus dC/dQALY esti-
mates for the same interventions), and as recipro-
cal differences (calculated as dQALY/dCminus
dLY/dCand expressed as QALYs or LYs per
million dollars). The ratio differences provide a
measure of the change in estimated cost-effective-
ness brought about by quality-adjustment. We
also determined the number of times the differ-
ences between ratios were positive and the number
of times negative. Because the incremental costs
(dC) are identical in both ratios in each pair, the
differences between the ratios are driven by
differences between the reciprocals of the effective-
ness measures (dLY and dQALY), rather than by
differences between the effect sizes themselves.
Therefore, we also calculated an alternative
measure that is proportional to the effectiveness
difference, namely, the differences between the
reciprocals of the ratios, expressed as dLY or
dQALY per million dollars. These ‘effectiveness-
cost ratios’ emphasize the incremental health gains
per resources spent, a concept that may be more
intuitive and ethically satisfying to those who are
unfamiliar with economic evaluation than is the
cost per LY or per QALY [12]. We also compared
the relative sizes of the ratios, calculating dC/dLY
as a percentage of the corresponding dC/dQALY
ratio (dQALY/dLY).
To compare the numerical dC/dLY and dC/
dQALY ratios and their reciprocals, as well as
these measures of difference between them, we
calculated descriptive statistics, including medians
and arithmetic means. We compared the rankings
of interventions based on each ratio type by
calculating the Spearman rank-order correlation
between dC/dQALY and dC/dLY. Spearman
correlations were used rather than Pearson be-
cause the ratio distributions were heavily skewed.
We also took the log of each ratio to produce more
normal distributions, and calculated Pearson
correlations. Correlations near þ1 indicate that
the rank ordering of the quality-adjusted C=E
ratios closely matched the order of the unadjusted
ratios, while those near 0 indicate that there was
little relation between the two sets of rankings.
Threshold analysis. To explore how the differences
between dC/dLY and dC/dQALY ratios might
affect resource allocation decisions made using
each type of ratio, we determined the numbers of
cases where analyzed interventions crossed one of
several commonly used ‘decision thresholds’ [14]
when dC/dQALY is used rather than dC/dLY and
vice versa. Specifically, we examined how often the
use of quality-adjustment caused an estimated
ratio to move across key thresholds used in the
literature (such as $50 000 or $100 000/LY or/
QALY), or to the intervention being dominated
(that is, gaining fewer QALYs or LYs at higher
cost that the alternative). This allowed some
quantification of how often quality-adjustment
might ‘make a difference’ in actual resource
allocation decisions.
Identifying factors associated with differences.To
identify which aspects of a given intervention were
associated with differences across ratio pairs, we
used variables related to the natural history of the
conditions and interventions, all of which could be
specified prior to the conduct of a CEA. Three
investigators (RHC, SG, MB) classified each
condition and intervention in the data set into
the appropriate categories. (For example, is the
condition acute or chronic, or is the intervention
preventive, curative, or palliative?) Discrepancies
among responses were resolved by using the
majority response. For each variable, we recorded
the value which we hypothesized would be
associated with larger differences between the
quality-adjusted and unadjusted ratios. For ex-
ample, we hypothesized that interventions for
chronic conditions would be associated with larger
differences than those for acute diseases, because
any QoL effects would more likely be long-term
rather than short-term.
We then performed two regression analyses: one
that attempted to determine which factors were
associated with positive or negative ratio differ-
ences (logistic regression), and one for factors
associated with larger differences (linear regres-
sion). Binary logistic regressions were performed
with the sign of the ratio difference as the
dependent variable and the factors discussed
above as independent variables. This regression
indicates the types of conditions or interventions
for which quality adjustment was most likely to
make the estimated QALYs either higher (if
the sign of the ratio difference is positive) or lower
(if negative) than the corresponding estimate
of unadjusted life-years. We also performed multi-
variate regression analyses with the reci-
procal difference (dQALY/dCdLY/dC)asthe
When does Quality-Adjusting Life-Years Matter 431
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dependent variable. We hypothesized that the
reciprocal differences variable would perform
better in the regression analyses because its
distribution was more normal than the distribu-
tion of the ratio difference (dC/dLYdC/dQALY)
variable, which was highly skewed. While trans-
formation of the dependent variable makes the
interpretation of regression results somewhat more
difficult, the use of reciprocals to normalize the
dependent variable’s distribution should lead to
more efficient regression estimates. We also
checked for autocorrelation of errors using the
Durbin–Watson statistic, because we were analyz-
ing at the ratio level and many studies reported
several ratios.
Quantifying the differences between dC/
dQALY and dC/dLY
The 173 dC/dLY and dC/dQALY ratio pairs from
the 63 published CUAs are listed on our Web site
[12], along with the differences between ratio types,
the reciprocals of each ratio type and their
differences, and dQALY/dLY. In 33 of these 173
ratio pairs, the incremental cost/life-year or incre-
mental cost/QALY (or both) was estimated to be
cost-saving or dominated. Because no specific cost
per QALY could be associated with cost-saving or
dominated ratios, these ratio pairs were not used
in the quantitative analyses that follow, leaving us
with 140 valid numerical ratio pairs.
The dC/dLYdC/dQALY differences were po-
sitive in 85 cases (61%) and negative in 51 cases
(36%), with four ratio pairs showing no difference
(Table 1). That is, dC/dLY ratios were greater
than their paired dC/dQALY ratios more often
than the other way around. The median dC/dLY
and dC/dQALY ratios for the sample of identical
interventions were approximately $24 600/LY and
$20 400/QALY (Table 2), while the means, ap-
proximately $69 100/LY and $103 000/QALY
(Table 2), were much higher than their respective
medians. This contrast reflects the fact that the
distributions of dC/dLY and dC/dQALY ratios
were highly positively skewed, with the highest
ratios being approximately $2 400 000/LY and
$8 900 000/QALY (for the same intervention).
With this outlier removed, the mean dC/dQALY
equals approximately $35 000/QALY and mean
dC/dLY, approximately $44 000/LY.
The Spearman rank-order correlation was 0.86
(p50:001, Table 2). After log transformation, the
Pearson correlation between the two ratio types
was 0.84 (p50:001, Figure 1). The mean difference
between ratios (dC/dLYdC/dQALY) was ap-
proximately $34 300, with a median difference of
approximately $1300 (Table 2). As expected, the
distribution of the ratio differences was also
heavily skewed (Table 2, Figure 2). The differ-
ence between the maximum ratios mentioned-
Table 1. Number of times the ratio difference (dC/
dLYdC/dQALY) was positive, zero, or negative
Sign of ratio difference N%
Positive (dC/dLY>dC/dQALY) 85 60.7
Zero (dC/dLYdC/dQALY) 4 2.9
Negative (dC/dLY5dC/dQALY) 51 36.4
Total 140 100.0
Table 2. Summary descriptive statistics (n¼63 studies)
Statistic dC/dQALY
difference ( 10
(n=140) (n=140)
Median 20 366 24 600 1276 49 41 2.1
Mean 103 075 69 104 34 306 136 141 59
734 693 215 308 549 855 280 650 238
Skewness 11.89 9.48 11.52 4.45 11.08 4.54
R. H. Chapman et al.
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Health Econ. 13: 429–436 (2004)
above leads to a negative outlier difference of
$6 400 000. When this outlier is excluded, the
mean ratio difference is approximately $11 800
(standard deviation=72 800). Sixty percent of the
ratio pairs ðn¼84Þdiffered from each other by
$10 000/year or less in absolute terms (Figure 2).
The means of the reciprocals of the ratios were
similar in value (at 141 LYs per million dollars and
136 QALYs per million dollars), as were the
medians (Table 2). The distributions of the
reciprocals of the ratios were less skewed than
those for the ratios themselves, as was that of the
reciprocal differences (Table 2). The mean reci-
procal difference was 59 (QA)LYs per million
dollars, with a median difference of only 2.1
(Table 2). When dC/dLY was expressed as a
percentage of the corresponding dC/dQALY ratio,
22% of the dC/dLY ratios were within 10% of the
corresponding dC/dQALY ratio, while 19% were
greater than 1.5 times the paired dC/dQALY ratio
(data not shown).
Threshold analysis
Quality-adjustment led to a previously unadjusted
ratio moving either above or below $50 000 in 14
of the 173 ratio pairs (8.1%; Table 3). Quality-
adjustment caused a ratio pair to cross $100 000 in
11 cases (6.4%; Table 3). Five interventions were
no longer dominated when dC/dQALY was used
rather than dC/dLY, while two cases that reported
positive dC/dLY ratios were dominated for dC/
dQALY (total=7 or 4.0%). Overall, the number
of interventions for which the use of quality
adjustment would lead to the estimated ratio
crossing any of these thresholds is 32, or approxi-
mately 18% of the 173 cases.
Identifying factors associated with differences
We performed a logistic regression analysis with
the sign of the ratio difference (positive or
negative) as the dependent variable, using the
condition- and intervention-level independent
variables in Table 4. Significant explanatory
variables in the final logistic regression model
were whether the condition is chronic and whether
negative long-term sequelae (defined as interven-
tions associated with negative side effects or
Ln (dC/dLY)
Ln (dC/dQALY)
Figure 1. Scatter-plot of dC/dLY and dC/dQALY (on a
natural log scale), Pearson correlation=0.84, p50:001
dC/dLY - dC/dQALY
Count of ratio diferences
Figure 2. Distribution of ratio differences (dC/dLYdC/
dQALY). (Graph does not show two negative outliers of
$485 000 and $6 437 000)
Table 3. Number of times adjustment for QoL caused
an estimated cost-effectiveness ratio to cross commonly
used thresholds ðn¼173Þ
Threshold value
($/LY or $/QALY)
Ratio pairs
$50 000 14 8.1
$100 000 11 6.4
Dominated 7 4.0
Total 32 18.5
When does Quality-Adjusting Life-Years Matter 433
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unintended outcomes that last longer than 2 years)
are associated with the intervention (Table 4). If a
condition was chronic, it was associated with an
increase in the likelihood of a positive ratio
difference (dC/dLY>dC/dQALY), while the pre-
sence of long-term negative sequelae was asso-
ciated with negative ratio differences.
For the linear regression model with reciprocal
differences as the dependent variable (Table 4),
we found that chronic conditions and palliative
interventions were significantly associated with
positive increases in the reciprocal difference. The
presence of long-term negative sequelae
were associated with decreases in the reciprocal
difference. However, this model explained only
about 13% of the variation in the reciprocal
differences (adjusted R2¼0:13). Attempts to
account for more of the observed variance,
through transformations of the dependent variable
and the inclusion of additional explanatory vari-
ables, were not successful. Examination of the
Durbin–Watson statistic (1.54) reveals no defini-
tive indication that autocorrelation of errors
within studies is a problem in this model, even
though we are analyzing at the ratio rather than
study level.
Cost-effectiveness analysis is one tool to help
inform resource allocation decisions and the
prioritization of medical interventions [14,15].
We identified 63 studies that reported both
quality-adjusted and unadjusted cost-effectiveness
ratios estimated for the same intervention, which
provided us with a unique opportunity to explore
systematically the relation between quality-ad-
justed and unadjusted ratios. The two ratio types
were highly correlated, and differences between
them appeared relatively small in over two-thirds
of the cases. Although quality-adjusting life-years
is now widely advocated for cost-effectiveness
analyses, we found that in most cases quality
adjustment had relatively little effect on the final
estimated cost-effectiveness ratio. This suggests
that in many studies, quality adjustment with
minimal data collection (for example, ad hoc
adjustments or previously published utility weights
for health states) may be adequate to obtain a
reasonable estimate of the cost-effectiveness of a
given intervention.
However, we also found that quality-adjustment
had a sizeable impact in a small but non-trivial
fraction of cases. Quality-adjustment led to a ratio
moving across potential ‘cost-effective thresholds’
(such as $50 000/LY or QALY) in almost one-fifth
of the cases in this data set. This suggests that
some form of sensitivity analysis or value of
information analysis on the importance of qual-
ity-adjustment should be undertaken before decid-
ing how much effort to put into the collection of
QoL or preference weight data. For example, if a
value of information analysis indicated that the
expected value of the optimal choice with QoL
Table 4. Independent variables used in the multivariate analyses, and results of (A) the final logistic regression
model for the sign of the ratio difference (positive or negative) ðn¼136Þand (B) the final multivariate linear
regression model with reciprocal differences ((dQALYdLY)/dC10
) as the dependent variable (adjusted
Variable Categories (A) Logistic regression (B) Linear regression
B(S.E) PBp
Explanatory, condition level
Term Acute, chronic
+1.44 (0.44) 0.001 117.43 (46.12) 0.012
Symptomatic? Y
intervention level
Term Acute, chronic
, intermittent NS NS
Purpose Preventive, curative, palliative NS 187.73 (46.36) [palliative] 50.001
Negative sequelae? No, short-, long-term 1.17 (0.45) 0.009 161.16 (53.11) 0.003
Value of variable for which we hypothesized that differences between ratios would be greater.
NS=not significant.
R. H. Chapman et al.
Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Health Econ. 13: 429–436 (2004)
information minus the expected value without
that information is smaller than the expected
cost of obtaining that information, then the
analyst should not undertake the collection of
QoL data. If other variables are likely to have a
greater effect on the final estimate of cost-
effectiveness, analysts might focus their attention
on obtaining better estimates of those inputs
rather than on the collection of health utilities
for quality adjustment. This information may be
useful because the accelerating pipeline of new
technology has the potential to overwhelm the
resources available to evaluate their cost-effective-
ness. Of course, analysts may wish to include
quality adjustment even in studies where it is not
expected to make much difference, so that a
reference case exists for comparison with other
studies [2].
To decide a priori whether quality-adjustment is
important to a given analysis, it would be helpful
to know which types of conditions and interven-
tions are most likely to be associated with
substantial differences between quality-adjusted
and unadjusted ratios. In our regression analyses,
quality-adjustment seemed to be most important
when the condition being studied was chronic,
when the intervention was palliative, and when the
intervention included long-term negative sequelae.
Interventions that are provided for chronic condi-
tions were associated with larger positive recipro-
cal differences, indicating that these interventions
are more likely to increase the incremental QALYs
gained than are those for acute conditions. This
finding confirms our prior belief that quality-
adjustment would be more important for chronic
conditions than for acute ones, because these
would be more likely to have long-term effects on
QoL. Using cost-per-QALY as the measure of
cost-effectiveness, rather than cost-per-LY, may
therefore make interventions for chronic condi-
tions appear relatively more cost-effective than
those for acute conditions, on average. Palliative
interventions, where the main purpose is to
improve QoL rather than to extend life, were also
associated with larger positive reciprocal differ-
ences. Interventions with long-term negative se-
quelae are associated with large negative reciprocal
differences. The presence of long-term side effects
from an intervention would be expected to cause a
decrease in the incremental QALYs relative to the
LYs gained from that intervention. It should be
emphasized, however, that these results are only a
rough guide, and should not be taken to indicate
that the absence of these factors means that
quality-adjustment is not important in a given
analysis (or that their presence implies that it will
necessarily be important).
There are several limitations to these analyses.
While our literature search included several
computerized databases, we were not able to
identify analyses that were either in unlisted
publications or not published at all. Thus, any
publication bias in cost–utility analyses would be
reflected in our database. A bias might exist, for
example, if investigators are more likely to per-
form a cost-per-QALY study if they anticipate
important differences from cost-per-LY. In addi-
tion, because our search algorithm was focused on
finding CUAs, we may have missed some studies
that estimated both costs per QALY and costs per
life-year. Also, this group of CEAs provides only
an incomplete snapshot of the field, and may not
be generalizable to other settings (because of
differences in disease prevalence, medical practice
or costs). Finally, the above analyses assume that
studies performed the QoL adjustments correctly.
To be complete, we would need to assess whether
all relevant effects (e.g. non-fatal side effects and
non-fatal disease effects) were included and valued
In summary, we found that in many individual
cost–utility analyses published before 1998, quality
adjusting has not substantially affected results,
while in others it had substantial effects. If
the intervention or condition being studied is
not expected to have much impact on QoL relative
to mortality effects, and if time and resources
are especially constrained, analysts may choose
to forgo quality-adjustment altogether, allowing
them to concentrate efforts on data inputs
for which the value of information is higher.
Further research should confirm the factors that
determine when quality adjustment will be most
Financial support for this study was provided in part by
a grant from the National Science Foundation and
Merck & Co., Inc. under the joint NSF/Private Sector
Research Opportunity Initiative (SBR-9730448). RHC
received financial support from training grants from the
National Library of Medicine and Agency for Health
Care Policy and Research (now the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality).
When does Quality-Adjusting Life-Years Matter 435
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Copyright #2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Health Econ. 13: 429–436 (2004)
... We did not consider disability adjustments in our projections of clinical benefits, although prior TB studies demonstrated that mortality was the major driver of disability-adjusted life-years. [56][57][58][59] Given increasing resource constraints for health care worldwide, including funding for trials, estimating VOI and extending that to project VOM should be undertaken more frequently. These extended methods can capture the VOT more comprehensively, which can guide future trials, not only in HIV and TB care but also in other clinical areas. ...
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Objectives. Conventional value-of-information (VOI) analysis assumes complete uptake of an optimal decision. We employed an extended framework that includes value-of-implementation (VOM)—the benefit of encouraging adoption of an optimal strategy—and estimated how future trials of diagnostic tests for HIV-associated tuberculosis could improve public health decision making and clinical and economic outcomes. Methods. We evaluated the clinical outcomes and costs, given current information, of 3 tuberculosis screening strategies among hospitalized people with HIV in South Africa: sputum Xpert ( Xpert), sputum Xpert plus urine AlereLAM ( Xpert+AlereLAM), and sputum Xpert plus the newer, more sensitive, and costlier urine FujiLAM ( Xpert+FujiLAM). We projected the incremental net monetary benefit (INMB) of decision making based on results of a trial comparing mortality with each strategy, rather than decision making based solely on current knowledge of FujiLAM’s improved diagnostic performance. We used a validated microsimulation to estimate VOI (the INMB of reducing parameter uncertainty before decision making) and VOM (the INMB of encouraging adoption of an optimal strategy). Results. With current information, adopting Xpert+FujiLAM yields 0.4 additional life-years/person compared with current practices (assumed 50% Xpert and 50% Xpert+AlereLAM). While the decision to adopt this optimal strategy is unaffected by information from the clinical trial (VOI = $ 0 at $3,000/year-of-life saved willingness-to-pay threshold), there is value in scaling up implementation of Xpert+FujiLAM, which results in an INMB (representing VOM) of $650 million over 5 y. Conclusions. Conventional VOI methods account for the value of switching to a new optimal strategy based on trial data but fail to account for the persuasive value of trials in increasing uptake of the optimal strategy. Evaluation of trials should include a focus on their value in reducing barriers to implementation. Highlights In conventional VOI analysis, it is assumed that the optimal decision will always be adopted even without a trial. This can potentially lead to an underestimation of the value of trials when adoption requires new clinical trial evidence. To capture the influence that a trial may have on decision makers’ willingness to adopt the optimal decision, we also consider value-of-implementation (VOM), a metric quantifying the benefit of new study information in promoting wider adoption of the optimal strategy. The overall value-of-a-trial (VOT) includes both VOI and VOM. Our model-based analysis suggests that the information obtained from a trial of screening strategies for HIV-associated tuberculosis in South Africa would have no value, when measured using traditional methods of VOI assessment. A novel strategy, which includes the urine FujiLAM test, is optimal from a health economic standpoint but is underutilized. A trial would reduce uncertainties around downstream health outcomes but likely would not change the optimal decision. The high VOT (nearly $700 million over 5 y) lies solely in promoting uptake of FujiLAM, represented as VOM. Our results highlight the importance of employing a more comprehensive approach for evaluating prospective trials, as conventional VOI methods can vastly underestimate their value. Trialists and funders can and should assess the VOT metric instead when considering trial designs and costs. If VOI is low, the VOM and cost of a trial can be compared with the benefits and costs of other outreach programs to determine the most cost-effective way to improve uptake.
... A series of sensitivity analyses supported the certainty of the decision. Although the interventions (empagliflozin or dapagliflozin) were related to higher medical costs and had no additional benefits on CV death, this was offset by fewer HHFs and more QALYs compared with comparators in the base-case analysis (Chapman et al., 2004), which provided information for decision makers and healthcare payers. ...
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Background: The potential benefits of intervention with empagliflozin or dapagliflozin for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) were first demonstrated in the EMPEROR-Preserved and DELIVER studies. However, the cost-effectiveness of this intervention (empagliflozin or dapagliflozin) is yet to be established. Methods: In the context of Chinese healthcare, a Markov model was proposed, which incorporates clinical outcomes from the EMPEROR-Preserved and DELIVER studies, to predict the utility and costs over a lifetime. The time horizon was 20 years, and a 5% discount rate was applied to the costs and utilities. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) threshold against willingness to pay (WTP) was set as the primary outcome. The robustness of the decision was evaluated using sensitivity analyses. Results: After a simulated 20-year lifetime, a 72-year-old patient with HFpEF in the intervention group (empagliflozin) showed an increase of 0.44 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and $1,623.58 with an ICER of $3,691.56 per QALY, which was lower than the WTP threshold of $12,032.10 per QALY. A 72-year-old patient with HFpEF in the intervention group (dapagliflozin) showed an increase of 0.34 QALYs and $2,002.13 with an ICER of $5,907.79 per QALY, which was lower than the WTP threshold of $12,032.10 per QALY. One-way sensitivity analyses showed that cardiovascular (CV) mortality in the intervention and comparator groups was the most sensitive to the decision. Cost-effectiveness was demonstrated in the intervention group (empagliflozin or dapagliflozin) in 67.9% or 62.2% of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations, respectively. Conclusion: In Chinese healthcare, the interventions (empagliflozin or dapagliflozin) for HFpEF were more cost-effective than the comparators. Our study has provided a quantitative evaluation of the costs and benefits of such interventions for a lifetime using the model.
... The cost-per-LY threshold could also serve as the lower bound for assessing the cost effectiveness of purely quality-of-life-improving interventions. In support of a similar threshold (or at least not a lower costper-QALY threshold) are intervention-level data suggesting that in a sizable fraction of cost-effectiveness analyses, quality-adjustment did not substantially alter the estimated cost-effectiveness ratios [32,33]. ...
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Purpose: Value-based pricing of new, innovative health technologies defined as pricing through economic evaluation requires the use of a basic cost-effectiveness threshold. This study presents a cost-effectiveness model that determines the cost-effectiveness threshold for life-extending new, innovative technologies based on health system opportunity costs. Methods: To estimate health system opportunity costs, the study used German data and examined the period between 1896 and 2014. To this end, it determined intertemporal differences in the remaining lifetime spending and life expectancy by age and gender. To account for the age composition of the population, it weighted age-specific intertemporal changes in the remaining lifetime spending and life expectancy by the age-specific population size. To estimate life expectancy gains solely attributable to the health care system, it used aggregated data on amenable mortality. It calculated the cost-effectiveness ratio of health care spending in the German health care system on average and at the margin. Results: Based on the cost-effectiveness ratio of health care spending at the margin, the threshold value for life-prolonging new, innovative technologies was at least €42,634 per life-year gained, with a point estimate of €88,107 per life-year gained. Based on the average ratio, the threshold value dropped below €34,000 per life-year gained. Conclusion: This study provides new evidence on the cost-effectiveness threshold for value-based pricing of new, innovative technologies. Data from Germany suggest that a threshold value based on health care spending at the margin is considerably higher than that based on the average ratio.
... Although there is a systematic difference in quality of life estimates between the validation and original study, the impact on the final results of the model is not substantial as the ranking based on the DALY per month delay of surgery is consistent. This finding is in line with observations in other DALY/QALY research: where survival and quality of life interact, usually the quality of life component has only a limited influence compared to survival [17,18]. Also, the difference in quality of life score seem to be relatively constant over the health states. ...
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Objectives A previously developed decision model to prioritize surgical procedures in times of scarce surgical capacity used quality of life (QoL) primarily derived from experts in one center. These estimates are key input of the model, and might be more context-dependent than the other input parameters (age, survival). The aim of this study was to validate our model by replicating these QoL estimates. Methods The original study estimated QoL of patients in need of commonly performed procedures in live expert-panel meetings. This study replicated this procedure using a web-based Delphi approach in a different hospital. The new QoL scores were compared with the original scores using mixed effects linear regression. The ranking of surgical procedures based on combined QoL values from the validation and original study was compared to the ranking based solely on the original QoL values. Results The overall mean difference in QoL estimates between the validation study and the original study was − 0.11 (95% CI: -0.12 - -0.10). The model output (DALY/month delay) based on QoL data from both studies was similar to the model output based on the original data only: The Spearman’s correlation coefficient between the ranking of all procedures before and after including the new QoL estimates was 0.988. Discussion Even though the new QoL estimates were systematically lower than the values from the original study, the ranking for urgency based on health loss per unit of time delay of procedures was consistent. This underscores the robustness and generalizability of the decision model for prioritization of surgical procedures.
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Decision models can be used to support allocation of scarce surgical resources. These models incorporate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) values that can be determined using physician panels. The predominant opinion is that one should use values obtained from citizens. We investigated whether physicians give different HRQoL values to citizens and evaluate whether such differences impact decision model outcomes. A two-round Delphi study was conducted. Citizens estimated HRQoL of pre- and post-operative health states for ten surgeries using a visual analogue scale. These values were compared using Bland–Altman analysis with HRQoL values previously obtained from physicians. Impact on decision model outcomes was evaluated by calculating the correlation between the rankings of surgeries established using the physicians’ and the citizens’ values. A total of 71 citizens estimated HRQoL. Citizens’ values on the VAS scale were − 0.07 points (95% CI − 0.12 to − 0.01) lower than the physicians’ values. The correlation between the rankings of surgeries based on citizens’ and physicians’ values was 0.96 (p < 0.001). Physicians put higher values on health states than citizens. However, these differences only result in switches between adjacent entries in the ranking. It would seem that HRQoL values obtained from physicians are adequate to inform decision models during crises.
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) capture the mortality and morbidity arising from a disease: they incorporate the years of life lost (YLL) and the years of life lived with disability (YLD) due to a disease. The relative importance of YLLs and YLDs differs across diseases. The magnitudes of YLLs and YLDs depend on parameters such as the age of onset of disease, duration of disease, the case fatality ratio and disability weight. In this paper, we examine the mathematical computation of the DALY and its underlying components, YLDs and YLLs. We aim to demonstrate under which circumstances (e.g., sets of input parameters) disease-specific YLDs and YLLs become sizeable relative to one another using the parameters of a set of diseases in low-income country settings. Researchers could then focus on understanding the key inputs that drive the relative extents of YLDs and YLLs (e.g., determine whether a detailed estimation of disability weights is essential), while maintaining DALYs as their key outcome metric consistent with disease burden assessments.
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Background The Empagliflozin Outcome Trial in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (EMPEROR-Preserved) is the first randomized controlled trial to provide promising evidence on the efficacy of adding empagliflozin to the standard therapy in patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF), but the cost-effectiveness of add-on empagliflozin treatment remains unclear. Method A Markov model using data from the EMPEROR-Preserved trial and national database was constructed to assess lifetime costs and utility from a China healthcare system perspective. The time horizon was 10 years and a 5% discount rate was applied. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) against willingness to pay (WTP) threshold was performed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness. A series of sensitivity analyses was applied to ensure the robustness of the results. Results Compared to standard therapy, the increased cost of adding empagliflozin from $4,645.23 to $5,916.50 was associated with a quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gain from 4.70 to 4.81, projecting an ICER of $11,292.06, which was lower than a WTP threshold of $12,652.5. Univariate sensitivity analysis revealed that the parameters with the largest impact on ICER were cardiovascular mortality in both groups, followed by the cost of empagliflozin and the cost of hospitalization for heart failure. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis indicated that when the WTP threshold was $12,652.5 and $37,957.5, the probability of being cost-effective for adding empagliflozin was 52.7% and 67.6%, respectively. Scenario analysis demonstrated that the cost of empagliflozin, the cost of hospitalization for heart failure, NYHA functional classes, and time horizon had a greater impact on the ICER. Conclusion At a WTP threshold of $12,652.5, the add-on empagliflozin treatment for HFpEF was cost-effective in healthcare systems in China, which promoted the rational use of empagliflozin for HFpEF.
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Purpose This study applies the modified brand avoidance model to examine factors that influence sustainable fashion avoidance behaviour among millennial shoppers in South Africa. Design/methodology/approach A positivistic approach and a web-based online survey were employed to collect cross-sectional data from 423 millennial fashion shoppers. Standard multiple regression analysis was used to test proposed hypotheses. Findings Unmet expectations, materialism and symbolic incongruence emerged as major predictors of millennials' intention to avoid sustainable fashion. Sustainable fashion avoidance intention was found to have a positive effect on sustainable fashion avoidance behaviour. Research limitations/implications This study relied on self-reported data collected from millennial shoppers. Future studies may improve the generalizability of this study's results by conducting a comparative study with other cohorts such as baby boomers and Generation X who espouse different shopping values. Future studies may benefit from the use of longitudinal data in order to understand how millennial shoppers relate to sustainable fashion as it evolves. Practical implications The results of this study suggest the importance of developing value propositions that align sustainable fashion with cultural, personality and symbolic cues valued by millennial shoppers. Consumer education on the benefits of sustainable fashion is recommended as a long-term behavioural change strategy. Social implications The purchase behaviour of sustainable fashion should be encouraged as it enhances environmental sustainability including safeguarding the livelihoods of future generations. Originality/value This study contributes to literature on sustainable fashion avoidance behaviour. This is one of the pioneering studies to empirically examine the influence of unmet expectations, symbolic incongruence and ideological incompatibility in the context of an emerging market, such as South Africa.
This is a unique, in-depth discussion of the uses and conduct of cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) as decision-making aids in the health and medical fields. The product of over two years of deiberation by a multi-disciplinary Public Health Service appointed panel that included economists, ethicists, psychometricians, and clinicians, it explores cost-effectiveness in the context of societal decision-making for resource allocation purposes. It proposes that analysts include a “reference-case” analysis in all CEA’s designed to inform resource allocation and puts forth the most expicit set of guidelines (together with their rationale) ever outlined of the conduct of CEAs. Important theoretical and practical issues encountered in measuring costs and effectiveness, valuing outcomes, discounting, and dealing with uncertainty are examined in separate chapters. These discussions are complemented by additional chapters on framing and reporting of CEAs that aim to clarify the purpose of the analysis and the effective communication of its findings. Primarily intended for analysts in medicine and public health who wish to improve practice and comparability of CEAs, this book will also be of interest to decision-makers in government, managed care, and industry who wish to consider the roles and limitations of CEA and become familiar with criteria for evaluating these studies.
This is a unique, in-depth discussion of the uses and conduct of cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) as decision-making aids in the health and medical fields. The product of over two years of deiberation by a multi-disciplinary Public Health Service appointed panel that included economists, ethicists, psychometricians, and clinicians, it explores cost-effectiveness in the context of societal decision-making for resource allocation purposes. It proposes that analysts include a “reference-case” analysis in all CEA’s designed to inform resource allocation and puts forth the most expicit set of guidelines (together with their rationale) ever outlined of the conduct of CEAs. Important theoretical and practical issues encountered in measuring costs and effectiveness, valuing outcomes, discounting, and dealing with uncertainty are examined in separate chapters. These discussions are complemented by additional chapters on framing and reporting of CEAs that aim to clarify the purpose of the analysis and the effective communication of its findings. Primarily intended for analysts in medicine and public health who wish to improve practice and comparability of CEAs, this book will also be of interest to decision-makers in government, managed care, and industry who wish to consider the roles and limitations of CEA and become familiar with criteria for evaluating these studies.
Purpose: Cost-utility analysis is a type of cost-effectiveness analysis in which health effects are measured in terms of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained. Such analyses have become popular for examining the health and economic consequences of health and medical interventions, and they have been recommended by leaders in the field. These recommendations emphasize the importance of good reporting practices. This study determined 1) the quality of reporting in published cost-utility analyses through 1997 and 2) whether reporting practices have improved over time. We examined quality of reporting by journal type and number of cost-utility analyses a journal has published. Data Sources: Computerized databases were searched through 1997 for the Medical Subject Headings or text keywords quality-adjusted, QALY, and cost-utility analysis. Published bibliographies of the field were also searched. Study Selection: Original cost-utility analyses written in English were included. Cost-effectiveness analyses that measured health effects in units other than QALYs and review, editorial, or methodologic articles were excluded. Data Extraction: Each of the 228 articles found was audited independently by two trained readers who used a standard data collection form to determine the quality of reporting in several categories: disclosure of funding, framing, reporting of costs, reporting of preference weights, reporting of results, and discussion. Results: The number of cost-utility analyses in the medical literature increased greatly between 1976 and 1997. Analyses covered a wide range of diseases and interventions. Most studies listed modeling assumptions (82%), described the comparator intervention (83%), reported sensitivity analysis (89%), and noted study limitations (84%). Only 52% clearly stated the study perspective; 34% did not disclose the funding source. Methods of reporting costs and preference weights varied widely. The quality of published analyses improved slightly over time and was higher in general clinical journals and in journals that published more of these analyses. Conclusions: The study results reveal an active and evolving field but also underscore the need for more consistency and clarity in reporting. Better peer review and independent, third-party audits may help in this regard. Future investigations should examine the quality of clinical and economic assumptions used in cost-utility analyses, in addition to whether analysts followed recommended protocols for performance and reporting.
Objectives: Although cost-utility analysis (CUA) has been recommended by some experts as the preferred technique for economic evaluation, there is controversy regarding what costs should be included and how they should be measured. The purpose of this study was to: a) identify the cost components that have been included in published CUAs; b) catalogue the sources of valuation used; c) examine the methods employed for estimating costs; and d) explore whether methods have changed over time. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search of the published literature and systematically collected data on the cost estimation of CUAs. We audited the cost estimates in 228 CUAs. Results: In most studies (99%), analysts included some direct healthcare costs. However, the inclusion of direct non-healthcare and time costs (17%) was generally lacking, as was productivity costs (8%). Only 6% of studies considered future costs in added life-years. In general, we found little evidence of change in methods over time. The most frequently used source for valuation of healthcare services was published estimates (73%). Few studies obtained utilization data from RCTs (10%) or relied on other primary data (23%). About two-thirds of studies conducted sensitivity analyses on cost estimates. Conclusions: We found wide variations in the estimation of costs in published CUAs. The study underscores the need for more uniformity and transparency in the field, and continued vigilance over cost estimates in CUAs on the part of analysts, reviewers, and journal editors.
We gathered information on the cost-effectiveness of life-saving interventions in the United States from publicly available economic analyses. “Life-saving interventions” were defined as any behavioral and/or technological strategy that reduces the probability of premature death among a specified target population. We defined cost-effectiveness as the net resource costs of an intervention per year of life saved. To improve the comparability of cost-effectiveness ratios arrived at with diverse methods, we established fixed definitional goals and revised published estimates, when necessary and feasible, to meet these goals. The 587 interventions identified ranged from those that save more resources than they cost, to those costing more than 10 billion dollars per year of life saved. Overall, the median intervention costs $42,000 per life-year saved. The median medical intervention costs $19,000/life-year; injury reduction $48,000/life-year; and toxin control $2,800,000/life-year. Cost/life-year ratios and bibliographic references for more than 500 life-saving interventions are provided.
We gathered information on the cost-effectiveness of life-saving interventions in the United States from publicly available economic analyses. "Life-saving interventions" were defined as any behavioral and/or technological strategy that reduces the probability of premature death among a specified target population. We defined cost-effectiveness as the net resource costs of an intervention per year of life saved. To improve the comparability of cost-effectiveness ratios arrived at with diverse methods, we established fixed definitional goals and revised published estimates, when necessary and feasible, to meet these goals. The 587 interventions identified ranged from those that save more resources than they cost, to those costing more than 10 billion dollars per year of life saved. Overall, the median intervention costs $42,000 per life-year saved. The median medical intervention cost $19,000/life-year; injury reduction $48,000/life-year; and toxin control $2,800,000/life-year. Cost/life-year ratios and bibliographic references for more than 500 life-saving interventions are provided.