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Internet has changed the way people and brands communicate, produce, share content on social media and buy products or services. Several interaction platforms emerged, making it easy for individuals to exchange information. Facebook and Instagram are the most used networks all over the world; Instagram, in particular, has become one of the social networks with the higher number of followers/users, across different ages. The Internet has promoted changes not only in terms of communication, but also in terms of consumer buying behavior. Individuals started buying more online, so it is now essential to clearly understand the consumers’ behavior and perceptions. To buy, they no longer use just websites or marketplaces; social networks that have been updated and allow them to complete a purchase are being widely used. Instagram, due to the exponential growth in the number of followers, is now used as a source of inspiration for the purchase of various items, highlighting decorative items, the subject of this study. We aim to understand the importance of social networks on purchasing decisions, focusing on Instagram commerce, more specifically on buying intention on decoration products in Brazil. The study uses quantitative and descriptive methods. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire, built on the basis of the literature review carried out. According to the data obtained, it was observed that most women, aged between 25 and 34 who shop online, do access Instagram several times a day, being influenced by the content that is shared on this social network. The study proves the growing importance of Instagram for brands, specifically those that offer articles and services in the area of home decoration.KeywordsInstagramConsumer behaviorSocial networksHome decoration
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O progresso técnico e sua difusão pelo território materializa-se na criação de novas redes, sejam elas de transportes, comunicação, distribuição etc. Produto da divisão social, territorial e internacional do trabalho, as redes estruturam e reestruturam as interações entre os indivíduos e o espaço constantemente. Nesse contexto, emerge o e-commerce como uma nova ferramenta de comercialização, marketing e distribuição de mercadorias. O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar o processo de desenvolvimento do e-commerce no Brasil, bem como a relação dele com os serviços logísticos. Para que o e-commerce pudesse, de fato, difundir-se pelo território brasileiro foi necessário que, além das claras seguranças econômica e jurídica, houvesse um razoável aparato de redes e objetos técnicos. No entanto, não só o avanço das redes de comunicação e da melhoria do aparato técnico da população explicam a expansão do comércio eletrônico no Brasil, mas também questões conjunturais advindas das necessidades objetivas, como o caso do impulso dado ao e-commerce pela pandemia do Covid-19. Neste artigo sustentamos o argumento que o estudo da expansão do e-commerce no Brasil pode ser analisado a partir de três eventos: a expansão e a popularização das redes de internet, a difusão do uso de smartphones e os impactos da pandemia do Covid-19.
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The purpose of this paper is to understand if it is possible, in the retail area, to consider having only online stores, since e-commerce in Portugal has been changing over the past few years and the numbers registered in the virtual trade have been growing or, alternatively, if it is important to offer both possibilities. Specifically, this research seeks to understand the importance of offering good buying experiences, both on off and online stores, to make consumer feel satisfied and, therefore, committed to a certain retail brand and thus develop loyalty. This article focuses on the major groups of the Portuguese retail sector aiming to analyze these two scenarios and a model is proposed, through the formulation of some Hypotheses, as a result of the literature review; in a second part, to test the suggested model, a questionnaire to a sample of 165 persons was applied. According to the results, good shopping experiences, both on and offline stores, lead to Satisfaction which, in turn, leads to Commitment and, therefore, increases the possibility for the client to become Loyal (and recommend the on and offline store to their closest friends). Thus, offering the two possibilities is, in fact, the best option; the actual crisis situation created a very rational consumer, totally aware of the need to save money because his/her income has been reduced due to politic and economic measures adopted. As a consequence, the individuals want to be in control of the buying process, having the possibility to easily access to a lot of information about products and services and, therefore, make the right choice.
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Social media have provided new opportunities to consumers to engage in social interaction on the internet. Consumers use social media, such as online communities, to generate content and to network with other users. The study of social media can also identify the advantages to be gained by business. A multidisciplinary model, building on the technology acceptance model and relevant literature on trust and social media, has been devised. The model has been validated by SEM-PLS, demonstrating the role of social media in the development of e-commerce into social commerce. The data emerging from a survey show how social media facilitate the social interaction of consumers, leading to increased trust and intention to buy. The results also show that trust has a significant direct effect on intention to buy. The perceived usefulness (PU) of a site is also identified as a contributory factor. At the end of the paper, the author discusses the results, along with implications, limitations and recommended future research directions.
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This paper provides a framework for conceptualizing omnichannel integration as a continuum, identifies phenomena that determine how firms should position along that continuum, and summarizes empirical research regarding these phenomena. The framework combines the customer journey (search to purchase to aftersales) and channel choice (online vs. offline). This generates a range of omnichannel strategies, anchored by “Unconnected” on one extreme and “Complete” on the other. In between, “Vertical” strategies integrate channels over the customer journey, while “Horizontal” strategies integrate across channels at a given stage in the customer journey. We draw on more than 200 articles to identify 10 consumer and marketing phenomena (“determinants”) that influence where a firm should position along the continuum. This however raises challenges. For example, empirical research surprisingly finds many customers belong to an offline-focused segment. This suggests a Vertical strategy linking offline channels. However, today's turbulent retail environment questions whether the offline-focused segment will endure. Should the retailer cater to offline-focused customers or facilitate their progression to “multichannelism”? Another finding is that consumers strongly prefer consistency across channels. This suggests a Horizontal strategy. However, consistency might create channel cannibalization. How can the retailer avoid this? We discuss these and several other findings regarding the impact of the 10 determinants on omnichannel continuum strategy. We identify issues researchers need to research and managers need to consider when developing omnichannel continuum strategy.
The main aim of the study was to investigate Instagram's impact on users’ mental well-being and behavior (including purchasing activity) during the pandemic. The study was conducted on 359 respondents who stated that they used Instagram regularly. Three questionnaire tools were implemented: the Instagram Usage Questionnaire (original tool), the MSEI Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory by O'Brien and Epstein, and the Personal Data Sheet (original tool). Significant negative correlations were obtained between self-esteem components: self-control, competence, lovability, identity integration, defensive self-enhancement, frequency, and intensity of social media use. The respondents declared no negative influence of Instagram on their current mental well-being. One group (21.2%) considered the influence beneficial to their mental well-being. Observing others’ Instagram profiles did not influence the activity of (most) users, including changing appearance, lifestyle, or making purchase decisions. Moreover, most respondents declared not making purchase decisions based on Instagram ads. The analysis of differences between purchasing and nonpurchasing groups showed significant discrepancies in these self-esteem components: likability, personal power, and competence. Significant differences regarding physical attractiveness, overall self-esteem, lovability, likability, personal power, competence, and vitality were reported between men who made purchase decisions based on Instagram messages and those who did not. Among women, these differences concerned only defensive self-enhancement. The results confirm that prolonged/frequent use of social media can have a negative impact on self-esteem (including identity integration and self-control). However, a positive impact of Instagram on mental well-being was observed. Following (mostly) acquaintances (not influencers) and not undertaking activity (regarding purchasing decisions of Instagram-advertised products) may indicate emerging changes in society due to the pandemic.
The relevance of social networks in recent years has been demonstrated at the business level. However, selling through social networks and more specifically on Instagram constitutes an emerging field of knowledge. Instagram commerce is part of the new means of social commerce, in which various companies all over the world sell their products and services, and Instagram is the second most preferred social media platform globally. The aim of this research is twofold: on the one hand, to demonstrate the influence of social networks on the purchasing decisions of individuals by focusing more on Instagram commerce, and on the other hand, to analyze the factors that drive purchases in the context of the development of sales in social businesses, more specifically, on Instagram in Palestine. For this purpose, an experimental situation was developed in which users answered a survey after watching a video. From this survey, the present study obtained 200 valid responses. The research model is evaluated through structural equation modeling (SEM). Results reveal the huge impact of social networks on consumer purchase intention. In this sense, there are several factors that mediate the growth of sales in social commerce, particularly on Instagram. The research has important implications for the theory and practice of Instagram commerce.
Instagram is a social media which refers to an online media platform that supports users' social behaviors, including parallel communication, interaction, leisure and entertainment. However, the evolution of today's online market and continuous changes in business models are critical factors driving the growth of the social commerce market. This study aims to investigate social media behaviors and social commerce analysis on Taiwan Instagram users on social media/networks and purchase behavioral preferences of different cluster groups in terms of suggesting social media and social commerce development. This study first stage is to develop a big data structure using a relational database approach. Based on an empirical survey in Taiwan, a total of 1,954 valid questionnaires response was incorporated into a database. The second stage is to implements big data analytics methods, including Apriori algorithms and Cluster analysis, to investigate Instagram users’ profiles and their social media and social commerce preferences.
O Instagram Como Meio De Influência Na Decisão De Compra Do Consumidor. Universidade Federal Rural Do Semi-Árido Pró-Reitoria De Graduação Departamento De Ciências Exatas
  • J Eliab
  • D Santos
  • D A Silva