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Technoethical Considerations for Advancing Health Literacy and Medical Practice: A Posthumanist Framework in the Age of Healthcare 5.0


Abstract and Figures

The integration of cutting-edge technologies into health literacy and medical practice presents unprecedented opportunities and ethical challenges. This chapter delves into the technoethical considerations crucial for navigating this new landscape, guided by a posthumanist framework. Embracing this framework encourages us to reevaluate traditional boundaries, inviting a more inclusive understanding of humanity's relationship with technology. The chapter also explores the intricate relationship between technology and ethics, advocating for a technoethical framework that ensures technological advancements in healthcare are employed ethically, responsibly, and with a deep understanding of their societal impact. By doing so, this chapter serves as a guiding beacon for healthcare professionals, technologists, ethicists, and policymakers, urging a future where technology and human values coalesce to foster a healthcare ecosystem that is not only advanced but also compassionate, equitable, and ethically grounded.
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Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
This is a pre-copyedit version of an article copied from and
published in the Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice book. The final authenticated version is
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Book Chapter
Technoethical Considerations for Advancing Health Literacy and Medical
Practice: A Posthumanist Framework in the Age of Healthcare 5.0
Manuel B. Garcia a *, Precious S. Garcia b, Renato R. Maaliw III c, Pitz Gerald G.
Lagrazon c, Yunifa Miftachul Arif d, Kingsley Ofosu-Ampong e, Ahmed Mohamed
Fahmy Yousef f, Chockalingam Aravind Vaithilingam g
a Educational Innovation and Technology Hub, FEU Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines
b College of Nursing, Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong City, Philippines
c College of Engineering, Southern Luzon State University, Quezon, Philippines
d Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
e Department of Business Technology and Innovation, Heritage Christian University College, Amasaman, Ghana
f Educational Technology Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University, Egypt
g Faculty of Innovation and Technology, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
* Correspondence:
Manuel B. Garcia, Educational
Innovation and Technology Hub,
FEU Institute of Technology.
How to cite this article:
Garcia, M. B., Garcia, P. S.,
Maaliw, R. R., Gonzales
Lagrazon, P. G., Arif, Y. M.,
Ofosu-Ampong, K., Yousef, A.
M., & Vaithilingam, C. A.
(2024). Technoethical
Considerations for Advancing
Health Literacy and Medical
Practice: A Posthumanist
Framework in the Age of
Healthcare 5.0. In M. Garcia &
R. de Almeida (Eds.), Emerging
Technologies for Health Literacy
and Medical Practice (pp. 1-19).
Article History:
Received: 27 Aug 2023
Revised: 12 Dec 2023
Accepted: 20 Jan 2024
Published: 15 Feb 2024
The integration of cutting-edge technologies into health literacy and medical
practice presents unprecedented opportunities and ethical challenges. Guided by a
posthumanist framework, this chapter delves into the technoethical considerations
crucial for navigating this new landscape. Embracing this framework encourages us
to reevaluate traditional boundaries, inviting a more inclusive understanding of
humanity's relationship with technology. The chapter also explores the intricate
relationship between technology and ethics, advocating for a technoethical
framework that ensures technological advancements in healthcare are employed
ethically, responsibly, and with a deep understanding of their societal impact. By
doing so, this chapter serves as a guiding beacon for healthcare professionals,
technologists, ethicists, and policymakers, urging a future where technology and
human values coalesce to foster a healthcare ecosystem that is not only advanced
but also compassionate, equitable, and ethically grounded.
Ethics, Health Literacy, Medical Practice, Healthcare 5.0, Technoethics
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
Over the centuries, the healthcare landscape has undergone remarkable transformations
in concert with technological advancements and societal changes. In its humble beginnings,
traditional medicine relied on herbal remedies and rudimentary practices. Over time, it has
progressively expanded into a sophisticated domain complemented by scientific discoveries and
medical breakthroughs. The culmination of this evolutionary journey is the age of Healthcare 5.0
(Mbunge, Muchemwa, et al., 2021). Many scholars characterized this transformative era by the
seamless integration of advanced technologies and data-driven insights into the healthcare
domain. Healthcare 5.0 represents a paradigm shift that leverages artificial intelligence (Soni et
al., 2023), blockchain technology (Rehman et al., 2022), the Internet of medical things (Natarajan
et al., 2023), cloud computing (Chi et al., 2023), machine learning (Abbas et al., 2023), and other
various cutting-edge technologies. One of the most significant developments within this context is
the proliferation of human-machine integration, where humans and machines collaborate
synergistically to achieve new frontiers in medical practice. For instance, surgical robots like the
da Vinci Surgical System have revolutionized minimally invasive procedures (Lee, 2016). This
technology enables precision and dexterity beyond the limitations of human hands. Moreover,
machine learning algorithms applied to medical imaging have bolstered diagnostic accuracy
(Mishra et al., 2023). All these advancements have equipped healthcare professionals with more
reliable and timely assessments. As we explore the implications of this human-machine
partnership, it becomes evident that the integration of emerging technologies into the health
domain has the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery and patient experiences alike.
Following the proliferation of innovative technologies, health literacy takes on paramount
significance as healthcare becomes increasingly complex. The effective communication of medical
information to patients and the public becomes even more substantial as a result. Health literacy
emboldens individuals to comprehend and navigate the intricacies of healthcare systems, make
informed decisions about their well-being, and actively engage in their care (Garcia et al., 2023).
Moreover, as emerging technologies continue to permeate medical practice, the impact on
patient care and the healthcare landscape at large becomes undeniable. Advanced technologies
such as robotics, telemedicine, big data analytics, and wearable devices are redefining the
boundaries of medical diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures (Maaliw et al., 2022). These
innovations not only enhance the efficiency and precision of medical interventions but also
necessitate a heightened level of health literacy among patients. Fulfilling this demand ensures
responsible and meaningful utilization of these technologies (Uunona & Goosen, 2023). The
integration of emerging technologies into medical practice also underscores the symbiotic
relationship between health literacy and the effective adoption of cutting-edge healthcare
solutions. More importantly, the arrival of the Healthcare 5.0 era necessitates a comprehensive
grasp of the implications associated with emerging technologies. Understanding these
implications is imperative to fully harness the potential of this epoch, ultimately resulting in
improved healthcare outcomes and a more informed and empowered patient population.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
The study of technoethics emerges as an indispensable endeavor in the modern age
across various domains (e.g., Mandal, 2021; Omand & Phythian, 2021). As a multidisciplinary
field, technoethics delves into the ethical ramifications of technology development, deployment,
and usage, particularly regarding its influence on human life and society. The exploration of this
concept gains even greater importance within the framework of Healthcare 5.0, as the smooth
integration of advanced technologies into the healthcare domain gives rise to intricate moral,
societal, and philosophical dilemmas. Therefore, our primary goal is to explore technoethical
considerations for advancing health literacy and medical practice within a posthumanist
framework. Technoethics will serve as the lens through which we navigate the intricate ethical
challenges arising from the convergence of human, machine, and technology-driven medical
interventions. By shedding light on these complex ethical dilemmas, we aim to foster a
comprehensive understanding of the socio-ethical landscape in which healthcare technology
operates. Embracing a posthumanist perspective encourages us to reevaluate traditional
boundaries, inviting a more inclusive and holistic understanding of humanity's relationship with
technology. This framework prompts us to question preconceived notions about human
exceptionalism and recognize the interconnectedness of technological advancements and human
existence (Dekeyser, 2023). Ultimately, our embrace of a posthumanist framework enables us to
discern the ethical ramifications of integrating advanced technologies into healthcare, with a focus
on promoting the well-being of both individuals and society at large.
Fostering Health Literacy through Emerging Technologies
The advent of emerging technologies in healthcare has opened unprecedented
opportunities to promote health literacy and empower individuals to take charge of their well-
being (Almeida, 2023; Dunn & Hazzard, 2019; Manganello et al., 2017). One significant
development in this domain is the emergence of digital health applications, which act as potent
allies in disseminating accurate and easily accessible health information. These tools capitalize on
the ubiquitous nature of smartphones and the Internet to provide users with a wealth of health-
related information, educational resources, and interactive platforms tailored to their specific
health needs. Through personalized health recommendations (Garcia et al., 2021), medication
reminders (Goh et al., 2019), or simply access to reliable medical information (Çalış et al., 2023),
users can deepen their understanding of health conditions and available treatment options. For
instance, mobile applications (e.g., Garcia et al., 2022) equipped with features to monitor dietary
habits and physical activity levels offer valuable insights that can encourage informed lifestyle
choices and better health outcomes. By democratizing health information and presenting user-
friendly interfaces, these digital tools serve as indispensable resources in enhancing health
literacy across diverse populations (Tomé & Coelho, 2023). This enhanced knowledge empowers
individuals to take a more active role in managing their healthcare journey.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
In addition to individual empowerment, emerging technologies play a pivotal role in
fostering collaboration between patients and healthcare providers. For instance, Electronic health
records (EHRs) and patient portals facilitate seamless communication and information sharing
(Chen & Decary, 2019). With access to their medical records, treatment plans, and secure
communication channels with their healthcare teams, transparency and shared decision-making
are promoted. Furthermore, the proliferation of personal health monitoring devices constitutes
another exemplification of how emerging technologies can foster health literacy. Some examples
of these tools include wearable fitness trackers, smartwatches, and home-based medical devices.
Revano and Garcia (2021) combined these technologies to create a device (i.e., iVital) that
enables continuous monitoring of vital signs and health metrics. Consequently, this device offers
personalized insights and empowers its users to proactively manage their health. Another
instance is a home blood pressure monitoring device that promptly alerts users to irregularities
(Nozato et al., 2023), which can lead to timely medical intervention and heightened health
awareness. Through seamless integration with smartphone applications and cloud-based
platforms, data sharing and analysis enable informed discussions between patients and healthcare
providers thereby promoting a collaborative approach to health management.
Beyond individual health monitoring, new promising technologies have also revolutionized
health information accessibility and dissemination (Jacobs et al., 2017). The emergence of
telemedicine and remote healthcare services has surpassed geographical constraints, granting
patients in remote areas access to global medical expertise and resources. Leveraging video
consultations, individuals can promptly receive medical advice, avail of specialized consultations,
and seek second opinions. These opportunities contribute to a more thorough understanding of
their health conditions and available treatment options. Notably, during the COVID-19 pandemic,
virtual clinics have been deployed to sustain some level of healthcare service delivery (Venessa et
al., 2022). The implementation of such digital services further exemplifies the significance of
these technologies in overcoming barriers to healthcare access. Moreover, advancements in
natural language processing and intelligent chatbots facilitate interactive and comprehensible
health communication. These advancements cater to diverse linguistic and literacy levels (Solanki
et al., 2023). By embracing these transformative tools, the healthcare industry takes a
momentous stride towards fostering health literacy for all, cultivating a society better equipped to
manage its health and well-being. The synergy of emerging technologies and health literacy
empowerment represents a promising pathway to a healthier and more informed population.
Impact of Emerging Technologies on Medical Practice
Rapid technological advancements in various medical specialties have also considerably
impacted the field of medical practice. Medical professionals now approach diagnosis, treatment,
and surgical procedures differently due to the influence of new technologies. Notably, the
integration of human enhancement technologies has emerged as a significant area of progress. As
described by Cinel et al. (2019), human enhancement encompasses techniques and approaches
that aim to improve body or cognitive functions through performance-enhancing drugs,
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
prosthetics, medical implants, and other innovative methods. This development has engendered
paradigm shifts in healthcare as astounding progress in prosthetics and bionics has culminated in
seamless integration with the human body (Frossard et al., 2022). Restoring lost functionality to
individuals grappling with limb deficiencies is now achievable. Simultaneously, the advent of
cognitive and memory enhancement technologies shows immense promise in the management of
neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive disorders (Dresler et al., 2019; Ziegler et al., 2022).
These innovative approaches present new avenues for addressing conditions such as Alzheimer's
disease and other forms of dementia, where cognitive decline is a significant challenge. In terms
of medical decision-making, it is unsurprising that artificial intelligence has emerged as an
indisputable game-changer (Lobo, 2023). Diagnostics and treatment planning systems harness
vast datasets and comprehensive patient records to provide indispensable support to physicians
in rendering accurate and timely diagnoses. Such unprecedented capabilities have led to
enhanced disease detection at early stages, concomitantly reducing misdiagnoses and
substantially ameliorating patient outcomes. Medical experts consider machine learning, a subset
of artificial intelligence, a powerful tool for analyzing multimodal factors to predict treatment
outcomes (e.g., Chekroud et al., 2021). Furthermore, its prowess in predicting treatment
responses and patient prognoses has bestowed medical practitioners with the capacity for
personalized treatment plans and medical interventions to cater to the unique needs of individual
patients (Tavares et al., 2023). Through these advancements, the medical community can now
extend improved quality of life and enhanced physical and cognitive capabilities to patients.
In the quest for precision medicine, the emergence of new technologies has also been
instrumental in propelling advances in personalized medical care. Notably, the integration of
genomics and genetic testing has empowered medical professionals to identify genetic
predispositions to diseases (Abul-Husn et al., 2014). This approach has paved the way for targeted
preventive measures and individualized treatment approaches. Additionally, pharmacogenomics
has revolutionized drug administration by predicting individual responses to medications (Shim et
al., 2023). This technique ensures patients receive the most effective and safest therapeutic
regimens. The discovery of biomarkers has likewise fueled the development of targeted therapies
that can optimize treatment outcomes while minimizing deleterious effects (Guo et al., 2022).
These innovative approaches empower medical practitioners to proffer treatments that resonate
with greater precision, efficacy, and personalization. Advancements in surgical procedures have
also been significantly influenced by the integration of new technologies. The utilization of
robotics in minimally invasive surgeries has endowed surgeons with enhanced dexterity and
precision (Lee, 2016). Employing surgical robots enables smaller incisions, reduced scarring, and
expedited patient recovery. Another advancement is a surgical navigation system that can provide
real-time, three-dimensional (3D) visualization of patient anatomy during surgeries. This medical
tool can substantially augment surgical accuracy and mitigate risks (Chen et al., 2015). The
advent of 3D printing has also culminated in the fabrication of customized medical devices and
implants, finely attuned to the unique anatomical characteristics of patients (Barua et al., 2023).
These technological strides collectively underscore a renaissance in surgical care, unlocking novel
prospects for intricate procedures and ushering in unprecedented patient outcomes.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
Acknowledging Technological and Practical Barriers in Healthcare 5.0
Alongside the apparent benefits and advantages of technology integration, Healthcare 5.0
introduces an intricate web of challenges that demand systematic investigation and resolution.
One of the primary barriers pertains to the seamless integration of technologies into the current
healthcare infrastructure (Garcia & Garcia, 2023). Transitioning to a more technologically
advanced healthcare system requires harmonization with legacy infrastructures and workflows.
The coexistence of outdated systems with emerging technologies often results in compatibility
issues, data interoperability problems, and potential disruptions in medical workflows. Moreover,
the adoption of novel technologies necessitates significant financial investments, which might be
particularly challenging for smaller healthcare facilities with limited resources. This financial
constraint can hinder the adoption of advanced technological solutions, leaving some institutions
struggling to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation. Furthermore, the upskilling and
continuous education of healthcare professionals become essential to effectively navigate these
technological barriers (Silva et al., 2023). Without adequate training and knowledge, healthcare
providers may face difficulties in utilizing and maximizing the potential of cutting-edge tools and
systems that may lead to suboptimal patient outcomes. Interdisciplinary collaboration and
communication also emerge as critical factors (Zumstein-Shaha & Grace, 2023), as integrating
various technologies requires seamless interaction among different stakeholders (e.g., medical
professionals, engineers, policymakers, and patients). Overcoming these barriers necessitates a
collective effort and cooperation among all parties involved in the healthcare ecosystem. Societal
acceptance and cultural adaptability of novel technologies may also play a significant role in
determining the success of Healthcare 5.0 implementation. Understanding the cultural contexts
and values of diverse populations helps tailor the adoption of technologies to specific healthcare
needs to ensure inclusivity and equitable access to advanced medical solutions.
Ethical and Moral Dilemmas in Health Literacy and Medical Practice
The rapid proliferation of cutting-edge technologies in healthcare calls for a
comprehensive reassessment of traditional ethical frameworks to determine their applicability
and efficacy in guiding modern healthcare practices. This notion is in line with the proposition put
forth by Mbunge, Fashoto, et al. (2021), who also advocated for a similar approach in response to
the emergence of new methodologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, a key concern
among stakeholders is data privacy and security following the pervasive integration of EHRs. The
vast amount of patient data collected and stored within these systems requires robust data
protection measures and stringent adherence to ethical guidelines to prevent unauthorized access
and potential misuse (Tertulino et al., 2023). The reliance on algorithms and artificial intelligence
in medical decision-making presents another ethical challenge, where the need for transparency,
accountability, and human oversight is paramount to maintain trust and uphold the ethical
principle of beneficence. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the use of ChatGPT in
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
medical decision-making and its overall integration in the health domain (e.g., Garcia, 2023).
While large language models like ChatGPT hold the promise of enhancing diagnostic accuracy and
treatment recommendations, they also introduce concerns about the comprehensibility and
interpretability of their decisions. The black-box nature of machine learning algorithms can make
it challenging for healthcare professionals to comprehend the reasoning behind computer-
generated suggestions, potentially eroding trust in the decision-making process. The digitization
of healthcare also introduces concerns about equitable access. Timmermans and Kaufman (2020)
cautioned that health technologies could aggravate pre-existing health disparities, particularly
among vulnerable populations who may encounter obstacles in adopting digital health tools. Prior
research has suggested several strategies to tackle these disparities, including enhancing health
literacy (Mantwill et al., 2015), bridging the digital divide (Haider et al., 2021), and increasing
public awareness (Ahmed et al., 2020). In their study, Yao et al. (2022) conducted a scoping
review to map the disparities in healthcare services arising from the adoption of digital health
technologies. While many of these ethical and moral considerations may be pertinent to
Healthcare 5.0, a compelling necessity exists to reassess current frameworks. Embracing a
posthumanist perspective can offer a balanced approach that improves healthcare outcomes while
upholding the core values of empathy, compassion, and patient-centered care.
Exploring the Posthumanist Landscape of Technology and Medicine
From a philosophical perspective, posthumanism challenges conventional notions of
human exceptionalism and advocates for a more inclusive understanding of existence that
incorporates both non-human entities and artificial intelligence. Rooted in critical theory and
postmodern philosophy, posthumanism emphasizes the intricate interconnectedness between
human beings, technology, and the environment (Bolter, 2016). It contends that humanity should
not be perceived as a fixed and static category but rather as a dynamic and ever-evolving entity. In
the context of Healthcare 5.0, the symbiotic relationship between humans and technology has
reached unprecedented levels. Prosthetics, wearable devices, and brain-computer interfaces have
become integral to medical interventions as tools to enhance human capabilities and extend life
(e.g., Frossard et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2020). Consequently, the traditional boundaries of what
it means to be human are being redefined. This evolution necessitates a reevaluation of the
concepts of autonomy, agency, and selfhood, which have profound implications for medical ethics
and patient care. Following the core tenets of posthumanism, there is a necessity to also
recognize the cultural and social constructs shaping our perceptions of technology and medicine.
By acknowledging diverse perspectives, beliefs, and values, we can avoid the imposition of a
monolithic technological ideology on different communities. Technology integration into
healthcare should be mindful of potential biases and the reinforcement of existing societal
inequalities. As we navigate the uncharted territories of Healthcare 5.0, adopting a posthumanist
framework provides an avenue to grapple with the complexities of humanity's relationship with
technology and medicine. By embracing the principles of inclusivity, ethics, and cultural
sensitivity, we can ensure that advancements in healthcare technology align with the values and
aspirations of diverse populations thereby paving the way for a more human-centric future.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
In response to the burgeoning influence of emerging technologies, there arises an urgent
need for a comprehensive and forward-looking technoethical framework to guide the responsible
integration of these innovations in the healthcare landscape. In this chapter, we propose a
technoethical framework designed to navigate the intricate intersection of healthcare and
technology while upholding ethical principles and safeguarding societal welfare. This framework
serves as an ethical compass to guide the healthcare industry towards a collective vision of
prioritizing health literacy and medical practice. Central to this technoethical paradigm are the
stakeholders involved, each carrying distinct responsibilities towards safeguarding ethical values,
and collectively engaging in activities that underpin the conscientious integration of technology in
healthcare (See Figure 1). By harmonizing the transformative potential of technology with
technoethical considerations, the healthcare industry can seek to improve patient outcomes and
overall healthcare delivery in an equitable, sustainable, and morally conscientious manner.
Figure 1: Technoethical Framework for Health Literacy and Medical Practice in Healthcare 5.0
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
At the heart of the proposed technoethical framework for healthcare lies the critical
consideration of stakeholders, constituting the first and foremost component. In this context,
stakeholders encompass a diverse array of individuals, organizations, and entities that hold a
vested interest in the development, deployment, and utilization of healthcare technologies. In
Healthcare 4.0, the involvement of stakeholders has been deemed necessary and essential (Garcia
et al., 2019; Laurisz et al., 2023). For this framework, stakeholders include healthcare providers,
patients, researchers, regulatory bodies, technology developers, policymakers, and society.
Recognizing the multifaceted roles and perspectives of these stakeholders is essential in
understanding the complex interplay of interests, expectations, and potential impacts that arise
from the integration of technology in healthcare (Wu et al., 2019). Effectively engaging with
stakeholders ensures a more inclusive and participatory approach, wherein diverse voices
contribute to shaping policies, ethical guidelines, and best practices in the domain of healthcare
technology. By fostering collaborative partnerships and open dialogue among stakeholders, the
technoethical framework seeks to achieve a harmonious synergy between technological
advancement and human well-being, underscoring the shared responsibility of all involved in
building a sustainable and ethically grounded future for healthcare.
The second pivotal component of the technoethical framework for healthcare is the
delineation of responsibilities vested upon the various stakeholders involved. Each stakeholder
assumes distinct obligations that contribute to the ethical integration of technology in healthcare
(Huotari & Havrdová, 2016). In some cases, these responsibilities overlap, emphasizing the
importance of collaborative efforts in upholding ethical standards. Healthcare providers, as
frontline caregivers, bear the responsibility of employing technological innovations in a manner
that enhances patient care, ensuring that compassion and empathy remain central to the
caregiving process. Patients, on the other hand, are tasked with actively participating in their own
healthcare decisions and providing informed consent for the use of their data in research and
technology development. Researchers carry the weight of conducting rigorous and unbiased
studies to ascertain the efficacy and safety of emerging technologies. Regulatory bodies play a
critical role in creating and enforcing guidelines that govern the responsible use of healthcare
technology, safeguarding patient rights, privacy, and data security. Technology developers must
adopt a commitment to designing user-friendly, secure, and transparent solutions, while
policymakers need to develop and advocate for policies that encourage equitable access to
healthcare technology and minimize disparities. Lastly, the broader society has the responsibility
of being informed and engaged, fostering public discourse around technoethical considerations,
and supporting initiatives that prioritize the well-being of individuals and the collective populace.
Through a shared understanding and adherence to these responsibilities, the technoethical
framework endeavors to fortify the ethical underpinnings of healthcare technology, promoting a
symbiotic relationship between technological advancement and ethical stewardship.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
Ethical Values
The third component of the technoethical framework is ethical values, which serve as the
bedrock of the entire construct. These values act as guiding principles that dictate the moral
course of action for all stakeholders involved in the integration of technology within the
healthcare domain. By upholding these ethical values, the framework aspires to cultivate an
environment founded on integrity, empathy, and profound respect for human dignity (Mbunge,
Fashoto, et al., 2021). It is within this context that Table 1 presents a comprehensive array of
technoethical considerations. Embracing these ethical tenets enables the conscientious
development, deployment, and utilization of healthcare technology, ensuring that advancements
in this sphere remain harmoniously aligned with the collective welfare of all stakeholders.
Table 1: Technoethical Considerations in Healthcare Integration
Ethical Value
Purpose, Description, and Significance
Beneficence and
Maximizing the benefits of technology while simultaneously
minimizing potential harm to stakeholders and society.
Beil et al. (2019)
Informed Consent
Obtaining explicit and voluntary agreement from individuals before
using their data in healthcare technology.
O’Connor et al.
Bias and Fairness
Addressing biases in data and algorithms to prevent unfair outcomes
in healthcare decision-making and treatment recommendations
Fletcher et al.
Data Privacy
Safeguarding sensitive patient information from unauthorized access
and ensuring confidentiality in technology-driven healthcare.
Tertulino et al.
Ensuring that the outputs of healthcare technologies can be
understood to build trust between patients and providers.
Kaplan (2020)
Holding stakeholders responsible for the ethical implications of their
actions in healthcare technology development and implementation.
Habli et al. (2020)
Implementing robust safety and security measures to protect
healthcare systems and data from breaches and cyber threats.
Paul et al. (2023)
Striving to make healthcare technologies accessible to all individuals,
including those with disabilities and diverse backgrounds.
Haider et al. (2021)
Prioritizing the needs, values, and experiences of patients and
healthcare providers in the development of technology solutions.
Melles et al. (2021)
Enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their
healthcare and the use of their data.
Liu et al. (2022)
Promoting fair distribution of resources and healthcare opportunities
to alleviate disparities and promote health equity.
Timmermans and
Kaufman (2020)
Upholding honesty and reliability in the development and
implementation of healthcare technology.
Quick (2022)
Promoting environmentally responsible practices in healthcare
technology development and usage.
and Ozben (2023)
Regularly reassessing the ethical implications and making necessary
adjustments to improve their impact on patients and society.
Mohr et al. (2013)
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
The last component of this technoethical framework entails a comprehensive exploration
of activities that align with the established ethical values and responsibilities of the stakeholders.
These activities serve as a practical guide that outlines the necessary steps and best practices for
integrating technology in a responsible and ethically conscious manner. Activities encompass a
wide range of initiatives, including conducting thorough risk assessments to identify potential
ethical challenges, implementing robust data governance protocols to ensure privacy and security,
promoting ongoing education and training on technoethical considerations for all involved parties,
and engaging in transparent communication with patients regarding the use and implications of
healthcare technology. Additionally, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among stakeholders
is essential in driving collective efforts to address complex technoethical issues. These activities
form a cohesive framework, empowering stakeholders to navigate the complex landscape of
healthcare technology with due diligence, prudence, and unwavering commitment to upholding
ethical values. By emphasizing purposeful and informed activities, the technoethical framework
for healthcare strives to create a culture of ethical excellence, where technological advancements
work in harmony with ethical principles to optimize healthcare outcomes and improve the overall
well-being of individuals and society. The sample activities are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Stakeholder-Specific Technoethical Activities
Potential Roles
Sample Activities
Patient Advocates,
Integrators, Ethical
Participate in training programs that foster digital health literacy
and the responsible use of healthcare technologies.
Collaborate with patients in utilizing emerging health technologies
and tools to enhance healthcare delivery and literacy.
Engage in interdisciplinary discussions about the responsible and
ethical aspects of posthumanist healthcare practices.
Health Technology
Users, Digital
Ambassadors, Co-
Be open about the potential transformative effects of technology on
medical practice and on enhancing patient outcomes.
Embrace the idea of patients actively co-creating their healthcare
experiences with technology-based medical services.
Seek information to understand healthcare technologies and
provide feedback on their effectiveness and usability.
Health Technology
Evaluators, Ethical
Ensure that the integration of emerging healthcare technologies in
medical practice and health literacy prioritizes patient welfare.
Conduct rigorous research studies to assess the effectiveness and
usability of healthcare technologies on patient outcomes.
Share research findings through peer-reviewed publications and
accessible channels to benefit the medical community and patients.
Health Policy
Establish regulations that address the ethical implications of
posthumanist healthcare practices.
Ensure that healthcare practices and technologies adhere to
posthumanist ethical guidelines.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
Contribute to the development of ethical guidelines for
posthumanist healthcare implementations.
Health Literacy
Innovators, User
Integrate health literacy tools that adapt to patients' changing needs
and abilities in the posthumanist healthcare context.
Collaborate with ethicists and healthcare providers to design
technologies that align with posthumanist ethical principles.
Offer training and workshops for healthcare providers on effectively
using posthumanist-focused technologies
Equity and Access
Technology Impact
Analysts, Advisors
Engage in public discourse about the potential benefits and
challenges of posthumanist healthcare practices.
Develop policies that support a posthumanist perspective on
healthcare technologies and information access.
Collaborate with technology developers to create guidelines that
align healthcare technologies with posthumanist principles.
Health Literacy
Promoters, Public
Demand transparent communication about the integration of
technology and posthumanist principles in healthcare.
Engage with healthcare institutions and policymakers to promote
ethical and inclusive posthumanist healthcare practices.
Advocate for educational initiatives that bridge the digital divide and
enhance health literacy in the context of posthumanism.
This chapter has explored the dynamic interplay of technology and ethics in the context of
health literacy and medical practice, particularly through a posthumanist lens. As we progress
further into the era of Healthcare 5.0, it is imperative to acknowledge the profound impact of
emerging technologies on both health literacy and medical practice. The integration of
innovations such as artificial intelligence, telemedicine, and wearable technology has not only
enhanced the efficacy of medical treatments and interventions but also redefined the patient
experience, emphasizing the need for heightened health literacy. Nevertheless, this technological
revolution brings with it a host of ethical dilemmas and challenges. The responsibility of
maintaining patient privacy, ensuring equitable access to advanced medical care, and navigating
the complexities of human-machine integration are paramount. It is in this context that the
technoethical framework proposed in this chapter becomes critical. This framework serves as a
guiding compass to navigate these challenges, ensuring that technological advancements are
leveraged responsibly and ethically to enhance healthcare outcomes.
Looking ahead, there are several key areas where future work is essential:
1. Continued Ethical Evaluation: As technology evolves, so too should our ethical
frameworks. Ongoing research and reassessment of technoethical principles are
consequently crucial to keep pace with rapid technological changes.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
2. Enhancing Health Literacy: There is a need for innovative strategies to improve health
literacy, particularly in understanding emerging technologies. Future initiatives should
focus on creating accessible educational resources for diverse populations.
3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The complexities of integrating technology in
healthcare call for collective efforts across various disciplines. Future work should foster
partnerships between technologists, healthcare professionals, ethicists, and patients.
4. Policy and Regulation Development: As new technologies emerge, so does the need
for robust policies and regulations to govern their use. Future efforts should be directed at
developing comprehensive policies that balance innovation with ethical considerations.
5. Technology Accessibility and Equity: Ensuring equitable access to advanced
healthcare technologies remains a significant challenge. Future work must focus on
reducing disparities and promoting inclusivity in healthcare technology.
6. Exploring Posthumanist Implications: The posthumanist perspective opens new
avenues for understanding the relationship between humans and technology. Future
studies should delve deeper into the implications of this perspective.
In conclusion, as we venture deeper into the age of Healthcare 5.0, we must continue to
evaluate and adapt our approaches, ensuring that technological advancements in health literacy
and medical practice are aligned with ethical standards and contribute positively to patient care
and societal well-being. In this journey, we must remember that at the heart of every
technological innovation lies the fundamental goal of enhancing human life. Our pursuit is not just
about advancing medicine and healthcare but about nurturing a more compassionate, equitable,
and understanding world where every individual has access to the care they need and the
knowledge to make empowered health decisions. This vision requires us to harness technology
not as an end in itself, but as a means to enrich human connections, deepen our empathy, and
uphold the dignity of every person we serve. Let us move forward with a renewed commitment to
this noble cause, carrying the torch of hope and humanism into a future where technology and
ethics converge to create a healthier, more inclusive, and more compassionate world for us all.
Albuquerque, C. (Ed.). (2019). Emerging Trends and Innovations in Privacy and Health
Information Management. IGI Global.
Almeida, R. P. (Ed.). (2022). Handbook of Research on Improving Allied Health Professions
Education: Advancing Clinical Training and Interdisciplinary Translational Research. IGI
Garcia, M. B., Lopez Cabrera, M. V., & de Almeida, R. P. (Eds.). (2023). Handbook of Research
on Instructional Technologies in Health Education and Allied Disciplines. IGI Global.
Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
Kanojia, S. (Ed.). (2024). Bridging Health, Environment, and Legalities: A Holistic Approach.
IGI Global.
Olszewski, J. (2024). Ethics for Mental Health Professionals. IGI Global.
Thompson, S. J. (Ed.). (2021). Machine Law, Ethics, and Morality in the Age of Artificial
Intelligence. IGI Global.
Ethics: Ethics refers to the moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conduct of an
activity. In various fields, including business, medicine, and technology, ethics plays a crucial
role in guiding decisions and actions. It involves considerations of what is right and wrong, fair
and unfair, and is often shaped by societal, cultural, and personal values.
Healthcare 5.0: Healthcare 5.0 represents the advanced stage in the evolution of healthcare
services, integrating the latest technological advancements such as artificial intelligence,
machine learning, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). This concept extends beyond the
digital transformation heralded by Healthcare 4.0, emphasizing hyper-personalization, enhanced
patient engagement, and more efficient, technology-driven healthcare delivery systems.
Health Literacy: Health literacy is the ability of individuals to obtain, process, and understand
basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. It includes
the capacity to navigate the healthcare system, fill out complex forms, share personal
information, and understand the risks and benefits of different treatments.
Medical Practice: Medical practice refers to the work that doctors and other healthcare
professionals do to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness and injury in patients. It encompasses a
range of activities, from conducting physical examinations and prescribing medications to
performing surgeries and providing long-term care.
Technoethics: Technoethics is a field of research that focuses on the ethical aspects of
technology within a societal context. This includes the responsibilities of those who design, use,
and distribute technology and consider how technology impacts human life and society. It covers
a wide range of topics, from data privacy and cybersecurity to the ethical implications of
artificial intelligence and biotechnology.
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Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice
Handbook of Research on Instructional Technologies in Health Education and
Allied Disciplines
Manuel B. Garcia, Mildred Vanessa Lopez Cabrera, and Rui Pedro Pereira de Almeida (2023). IGI Global.
Letter to the Editor
Can ChatGPT Substitute Human Companionship for Coping with Loss and Trauma?
Manuel B. Garcia (2023). Journal of Loss and Trauma.
Conference Paper
ChatGPT as a Virtual Dietitian: Exploring its Potential as a Tool for Improving
Nutrition Knowledge
Manuel B. Garcia (2023). Applied System Innovation.
If you are looking for research collaborators, please do not
hesitate to contact me at
Manuel B. Garcia is a professor of information technology and the founding
director of the Educational Innovation and Technology Hub (EdITH) at FEU
Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines. His interdisciplinary research interest
includes topics that, individually or collectively, cover the disciplines of education
and information technology. He is a licensed professional teacher and a proud
member of the National Research Council of the Philippines an attached agency
to the country’s Department of Science and Technology (DOST-NRCP).
... In this symbiotic relationship, individuals become active participants in their healthcare journey. Health tracking tools empower them to make informed decisions about their lifestyle and medication adherence, fostering a sense of responsibility for their well-being [7]. Simultaneously, healthcare providers, armed with a more comprehensive dataset, can deliver personalized and proactive care. ...
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This Pharmacy Management System serves as a multifaceted solution for optimizing pharmacy operations and enhancing patient care. It integrates User Profile Management, Medicine Database, Reminder System, and Health Tracker functionalities. The user-friendly platform efficiently stores user information, maintains comprehensive medicine records, and facilitates timely medication intake reminders. The system addresses prevalent challenges, including time-consuming medicine selection and manual stock management, offering streamlined processes and alert systems for low stock. The project's objectives involve automating manual record-keeping and enhancing overall efficiency in counter sales, purchases, reorder levels, and transactions. The methodology covers essential steps like requirement gathering, system analysis, design, development, and testing, supported by an illustrative ER diagram. Hardware and software requirements encompass standard tools, ensuring a robust system. The application's future scope includes telemedicine integration, AI-driven medication adherence monitoring, and interoperability with electronic health records, promising improved healthcare services through increased efficiency and comprehensive patient care.
... These stories not only demonstrate the practical applications of AI in medicine but also inspire students by showing the positive outcomes that can be achieved through the integration of AI technologies in healthcare. Such integration of pedagogical approaches in medical courses ensures that students are not only theoretically informed about AI but also understand its practical implications, ethical considerations, and real-world applications (Chan, 2023;Chiu et al., 2023;Garcia et al., 2024). ...
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With the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in medical practices, the integration of AI technologies into medical education has garnered significant attention. However, there exists a noticeable research gap when it comes to providing comprehensive guidelines and recommendations for its successful integration into this domain. Addressing this research gap is crucial as the responsible and effective incorporation of AI in medical education not only ensures that current and future healthcare professionals are well-prepared for the demands of modern medicine but also upholds ethical standards, maximizes the potential benefits of AI, and minimizes potential risks. The objective of this chapter is to fill this gap by offering practical tips and actionable insights for incorporating AI into medical education, encompassing practical, ethical, pedagogical, and professional implications. Consequently, it equips medical educators and learners alike with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the evolving landscape of medical education in the age of AI.
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Background: This study aims to characterize the types of physical exercise counseling practitioners utilize in public health care and their corresponding methods. The research was conducted across different regions of Pakistan, focusing on primary health care (PHC) settings. Methods: A survey was conducted among medical professionals, with 587 (85.4%) female respondents. The study focused on counseling activities conducted within the past 12 months. Functional components and approaches of counseling methods were scrutinized. Results: Recommendations for physical activity were made in 86.2% (95% CI = 83.2-88.8%) of cases. Counseling was typically described as brief, one-on-one sessions tailored for adults, senior citizens, and individuals with mental health concerns. A significant proportion (89.5%) of individuals were encouraged to join physical exercise groups at Health Centers. The most frequently employed technique within the 5As method was "providing advice" (99.0%) while motivating people to join organizations was the least utilized tactic (0%). Adherence to plans was observed in 22.6% of cases.
This chapter explores the swift incorporation of digital technology in healthcare and delves into the crucial need to cultivate digital consciousness inside hospitals. The significance of prioritising wellbeing within healthcare practices is underscored, with a focus on promoting mindfulness, human-centred care, and thorough training programmes for healthcare personnel. The study examines various strategies to enhancing wellness, encompassing patient-centric digital interventions, efficient communication methods, and comprehensive wellness programmes. Hospitals may effectively leverage the revolutionary capabilities of technology and uphold patient well-being as a paramount concern in the digital era of healthcare by placing emphasis on digital consciousness and wellness.
Body awareness is a relevant concept for healthy aging related to movement harmony, and consists of different connections between different body functions. Balance regulation depends on the integrity of proprioception and strength in different parts of the body. New approaches to promote body awareness literacy are vital and game-based active techniques represent one of the important solutions. This chapter results from a narrative literature review, and it intends to a) explore body awareness determinants and their relevance for health literacy in the aging process; and b) discuss new approaches for developing programs in body awareness literacy, exploring game-based active techniques. The user-centered approaches, like serious games, can facilitate health education, and improve health literacy and body awareness, maximizing health outcomes in older people. This chapter seeks to offer innovative health education strategies, equipping older adults with tools to improve body awareness and well-being through interactive game-based methods.
Healthcare systems generate an immense volume of data, which presents a unique opportunity to make a significant impact. This chapter examines the role of information retrieval systems in healthcare, specifically focusing on how text analysis can be utilized to enhance the understanding of medical data. By employing advanced text mining tools, this chapter demonstrates how we can extract valuable insights from these complex documents. It also presents text analytics as a solution-oriented approach, particularly beneficial in managing crises within healthcare systems and in making informed decisions based on accurate data analysis. The technical foundation of the study is rooted in the fields of natural language processing and artificial intelligence, with a focus on methodologies related to the semantics of words and text (e.g., text corpus, dictionaries, and text embeddings). Through this exploration, the chapter aims to highlight the transformative potential of text analysis and information retrieval systems in revolutionizing healthcare data understanding.
Recent years have witnessed a significant convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) within the healthcare sector. This chapter explores the transformative potential and challenges posed by these intelligent technologies in healthcare. It explores various domains such as predictive analytics, telemedicine, personalized medicine, and the enhancement of healthcare operational efficiencies. The findings underscore the potential of AI and smart technologies in revolutionizing healthcare delivery. This chapter carries extensive implications for the healthcare sector. Healthcare practitioners and administrators can leverage these insights to strategically incorporate AI solutions, aiming to improve patient outcomes and enhance organizational efficiency. Additionally, the findings provide valuable guidance for policymakers and stakeholders, informing the creation of guidelines and standards that foster innovation, ensure patient safety, and protect data security. Therefore, this chapter is an essential guide for effectively embracing the role of AI in advancing healthcare practices.
This scoping review explores the role of mobile applications in advancing health literacy, a critical aspect of modern healthcare. Health literacy, encompassing the ability to access, understand, and apply health-related information, significantly influences individual well-being and healthcare effectiveness. The review delves into various research findings, highlighting how mobile applications, with their widespread accessibility, have revolutionized the availability and usability of health information. By examining numerous studies, the review assesses how mobile applications not only enhance patient understanding and management of health conditions but also bolster healthcare professionals' proficiency. Through this exploration, the review underlines the necessity of integrating digital resources into healthcare strategies, thereby reinforcing the potential of mobile applications to significantly contribute to the advancement of health literacy.
Radiation therapy (or radiation oncology) plays a crucial role in the treatment of cancer, requiring advanced medical practices and strong health literacy on the part of healthcare professionals. This chapter aims to explore with a literature review how emerging technologies can be integrated into radiation therapy to improve patient health literacy and the effectiveness of medical practice. The application of technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and digital communication in radiotherapy highlights their implications for professional education attitude, patient education and treatment, and the development of optimization of radiotherapy treatment protocols. Nowadays, knowledge has become a crucial tool to meet the challenges of an increasingly digitized society. Staying up-to-date and understanding emerging technologies can be key to navigating this landscape. The ability to learn and adapt quickly has also become a valuable skill during constant change in a global society.
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This chapter explores the ever-changing environment of wearable health technology and its critical role in transforming modern healthcare. It goes into the historical history of these devices, tracking their path from basic fitness trackers to sophisticated health-monitoring systems, focusing on proactive and preventative health management. The present scene emphasizes the range and breadth of accessible wearable technology in healthcare. It discusses sensor improvements, biometric monitoring, and wireless communications. These advancements have significantly improved the precision and effectiveness of monitoring of numerous health markers. This chapter also thoroughly reviews the use of wearable devices in remote patient monitoring, emphasizing their revolutionary influence on chronic illness management and senior care through real-world case studies. Furthermore, investigates the integration of wearable device data into healthcare systems for real-time monitoring, covering technological and infrastructure issues.
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The Virtual Dietitian (VD) application is a nutrition knowledge-based system that generates personalized meal plans in accordance with the one-size-does-not-fit-all concept of precision nutrition. A subset of the population that was not involved in its four-part developmental study was gym and fitness enthusiasts despite them being important target users. As part of our quality improvement (QI) plan, we initiated a two-phase user testing to inform modifications to VD. We recruited a total of 30 users with prior experience in nutrition applications. In phase 1, they used the current version of VD for a week and answered a mixed-form questionnaire afterward. We used the same questionnaire from our previous study, which is composed of System Usability Scale (SUS) items and open-ended questions. After months of system modification, the same set of users evaluated again the new VD version after another week of use. A paired-sample t-test showed a statistically significant difference in SUS scores before (SUS = 79) and after (SUS = 82) modifying VD based on the suggestions of the participants (p = 0.005). Some new features include water tracker and reminder modules, Google Fit integration, and other nutrition support services (e.g., teleconsultation with registered dietitians). Although further refinements to VD are still needed, we were able to incorporate a QI initiative typically employed by healthcare organizations into software development for a better and improved personalized nutrition application.
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In the era of advancement in information technology and the smart healthcare industry 5.0, the diagnosis of human diseases is still a challenging task. Te accurate prediction of human diseases, especially deadly cancer diseases in the smart healthcare industry 5.0, is of utmost importance for human wellbeing. In recent years, the global Internet of Medical Tings (IoMT) industry has evolved at a dizzying pace, from a small wristwatch to a big aircraft. With this advancement in the healthcare industry, there also rises the issue of data privacy. To ensure the privacy of patients' data and fast data transmission, federated deep extreme learning entangled with the edge computing approach is considered in this proposed intelligent system for the diagnosis of lung disease. Federated deep extreme machine learning is applied for the prediction of lung disease in the proposed intelligent system. Furthermore, to strengthen the proposed model, a fused weighted deep extreme machine learning methodology is adopted for better prediction of lung disease. Te MATLAB 2020a tool is used for simulation and results. Te proposed fused weighted federated deep extreme machine learning model is used for the validation of the best prediction of cancer disease in the smart healthcare industry 5.0. Te result of the proposed fused weighted federated deep extreme machine learning approach achieved 97.2%, which is better than the state-of-the-art published methods.
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Introduction: Tyrosine kinase inhibitor drugs (TKIs) are highly effective cancer drugs, yet many TKIs are associated with various forms of cardiotoxicity. The mechanisms underlying these drug-induced adverse events remain poorly understood. We studied mechanisms of TKI-induced cardiotoxicity by integrating several complementary approaches, including comprehensive transcriptomics, mechanistic mathematical modeling, and physiological assays in cultured human cardiac myocytes. Methods: Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from two healthy donors were differentiated into cardiac myocytes (iPSC-CMs), and cells were treated with a panel of 26 FDA-approved TKIs. Drug-induced changes in gene expression were quantified using mRNA-seq, changes in gene expression were integrated into a mechanistic mathematical model of electrophysiology and contraction, and simulation results were used to predict physiological outcomes. Results: Experimental recordings of action potentials, intracellular calcium, and contraction in iPSC-CMs demonstrated that modeling predictions were accurate, with 81% of modeling predictions across the two cell lines confirmed experimentally. Surprisingly, simulations of how TKI-treated iPSC-CMs would respond to an additional arrhythmogenic insult, namely, hypokalemia, predicted dramatic differences between cell lines in how drugs affected arrhythmia susceptibility, and these predictions were confirmed experimentally. Computational analysis revealed that differences between cell lines in the upregulation or downregulation of particular ion channels could explain how TKI-treated cells responded differently to hypokalemia. Discussion: Overall, the study identifies transcriptional mechanisms underlying cardiotoxicity caused by TKIs, and illustrates a novel approach for integrating transcriptomics with mechanistic mathematical models to generate experimentally testable, individual-specific predictions of adverse event risk.
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Empirical evidence has demonstrated the benefits of physical activity in preventing chronic diseases and premature death. Unfortunately, there is a global trend of insufficient physical activity, which was aggravated by the recent global pandemic. Although physical education is often used to promote physical activity, the transition to online education made it difficult to teach fitness and exercise from a distance due to several limiting factors. This chapter aims to respond to these challenges by implementing a school-based public health intervention using a computer-assisted instruction (CAI) tool called VD-CAI. Through an experimental approach, it was found that VD-CAI as an instructional technology shows a performance advantage compared to other pedagogies. Specifically, students who used VD-CAI in their physical education courses received higher scores and exhibited a more positive attitude. This chapter contributes to the growing scientific evidence of the effectiveness of school-based health education programs as well as the expanding literature on CAI and physical education.
As the educational technology director of our institution, I often find myself at the forefront of discussions surrounding the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on our lives. Recently, a former student approached me with a thought-provoking question: "In times of grief and loss, can ChatGPT offer the comfort and consolation we seek?" The weight of this inquiry bore down on me, for I realized that answering it was not a task I could take lightly. I hesitated, acutely aware that I was not a health professional equipped with the expertise to navigate the depths of grief and loss. Moreover, my role as an educational technology director means that I have had the opportunity to witness the transformative potential of AI, leading me to wonder whether I possess a natural inclination to embrace technology as a solution. Therefore, I felt compelled to engage health professionals, the true authorities on matters of emotional well-being and mental health, to join me in an open and honest exploration of this complex question.
Nowadays, our society has been experiencing the development of Healthcare 4.0, focusing on digitalization by utilizing cloud/fog computing-based consumer Internet-of-Things (CIoT). Meanwhile, Industry 5.0 has been defined recently, targeting improving the current Industry 4.0. Inspired by Industry 5.0, we are among the first wave of researchers to propose Healthcare 5.0, specifically in the perspective of fog/cloud computing. Concretely, we perform a comprehensive vertical and horizontal summary of Healthcare 1.0 -4.0 and Industry 1.0 -4.0, which enables us to be among the first research efforts to provide a unique prediction of the corresponding upcoming Healthcare 5.0, based on Industry 5.0. In particular, we predict the potential development in Healthcare 5.0, specifically for fog/cloud computing, on top of a comprehensive overview of the role and state-of-the-art development in Healthcare 4.0. We also give our unique insight of the potential technologies of CIoT and fog/cloud computing in Healthcare 5.0, as well as the corresponding opportunities and challenges. Therefore, for the first time, this article provides deep and well-thought insight to open a new era towards the future fog/cloud computing for healthcare system development towards Healthcare 5.0.
This paper centres the colonial pre-histories of ‘the digital’ to complicate posthumanist theorisations of subjectivity. Posthumanism helpfully undercuts human exceptionalism by presenting subjectivity as always-already co-constituted by technology. However, this paper argues that it insufficiently engages the human as the historico-political effect of negating the assumed non-technological colonial Other. Focusing on liberal humanism between the 16th and 19th centuries, the paper theorises the modern human as bound up in ‘technological onticide’. The presumed absence of technology became a (theo-centric, ratio-centric, bio-centric) measure of the Other’s sub-humanity, at the same time as this Other was expected to be humanised through its technologisation. An emphasis on technological onticide complicates universalist theories of subjectivity that take it as always a matter of human-technology co-constitution. The paper argues that, to confront the legacies of ontological murder, conceptual room needs to be made for inhuman, counterhuman or unhuman theories of subjectivity.
Hypertension is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of hypertension and its complications is increasing yearly, yet it remains inadequately controlled worldwide. It has already been recognized that self-management, including self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home, is more important than office blood pressure monitoring. The practical application of telemedicine using digital technology was already underway. COVID-19 has promoted the popularization of these management systems in primary care, although the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted lifestyle and healthcare access. At the beginning of the pandemic, we were at the mercy of information on whether certain antihypertensive drugs, for example, might pose a risk of infection in the face of unknown infectious diseases. Over the past three years, however, much knowledge has been accumulated. It has been scientifically proven that there is no serious problem in managing hypertension in the same way as before the pandemic. That is to control blood pressure mainly through home blood pressure monitoring and continuing conventional drug therapy while modifying lifestyle. On the other hand, in the New Normal era, it is necessary to accelerate digital hypertension management and the establishment of new social networks and medical systems to prepare for the re-emergence of future pandemics while continuing to protect against infection. This review will summarize the lessons and future directions we learned from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hypertension management. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our daily life, restricted access to healthcare, and altered some of the conventional management of hypertension.
The healthcare industry is facing numerous challenges in providing efficient and effective care to patients, including increased demand, limited resources, and a growing shortage of healthcare providers. To address these challenges, many healthcare organizations are turning to technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to improve patient care and outcomes. In response, the development of smart chatbots has emerged as a promising solution in the healthcare field. This chapter focuses on the design and implementation of a smart chatbot using AI and ML for healthcare applications. The main goal of the chatbot is to provide a more convenient and accessible method of delivering healthcare information and services to patients. This chapter will also explore the various components and algorithms used in the design of the chatbot, as well as its potential impact on the healthcare industry. Overall, this chapter demonstrates the value of AI and ML in healthcare and encourages further exploration and development of chatbots for healthcare applications.