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Learning to Communicate with Autoencoders: Rethinking Wireless Systems with Deep Learning


Abstract and Figures

The design and implementation of conventional communication systems are based on strong probabilistic models and assumptions. These fixed and conventional communication theories exhibit limitations in the utilization of the limited spectrum resources and the complexity of optimization for emerging wireless applications. Currently, new generations of wireless systems supported by artificial intelligence can learn from the wireless spectrum data, and optimize their utilization to enhance their performance. In this paper, we describe how deep learning can be used to design an end-to-end communication system using an encoder to replace the transmitter tasks such as modulation and coding, and a decoder for the receiver tasks such as demodulation and decoding. This flexible design can capture channel impairments effectively and optimize the operations of the transmitter and receiver altogether. We evaluate the case of a single-antenna system, incorporating impairments in the channel layer of the autoencoder and evaluating the response of different neural network optimization algorithms.
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Learning to Communicate with Autoencoders:
Rethinking Wireless Systems with Deep Learning
Manuel Eugenio Morocho-Cayamcela, Judith Nkechinyere Njoku
Dept. of Electronic Engineering
Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Gumi, South Korea
{eugeniomorocho, judithnjoku24}
Jeonghun Park, Wansu Lim
Dept. of IT Convergence Engineering
Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Gumi, South Korea
{wlsemrl8, wansu.lim}
Abstract—The design and implementation of conventional
communication systems are based on strong probabilistic models
and assumptions. These fixed and conventional communication
theories exhibit limitations in the utilization of the limited
spectrum resources and the complexity of optimization for
emerging wireless applications. Currently, new generations of
wireless systems supported by artificial intelligence can learn
from the wireless spectrum data, and optimize their utilization to
enhance their performance. In this paper, we describe how deep
learning can be used to design an end-to-end communication
system using an encoder to replace the transmitter tasks such as
modulation and coding, and a decoder for the receiver tasks such
as demodulation and decoding. This flexible design can capture
channel impairments effectively and optimize the operations of
the transmitter and receiver altogether. We evaluate the case of a
single-antenna system, incorporating impairments in the channel
layer of the autoencoder and evaluating the response of different
neural network optimization algorithms.
Index Terms—Deep learning, autoencoders, wireless systems,
physical layer, channel estimation.
The design and implementation of conventional commu-
nication systems are built upon strong probabilistic models
and assumptions [1]. Furthermore, they are limited in ex-
plaining theory to practice when handling the complexity of
optimization for new wireless applications with high degrees
of freedom. Deep learning has shown a high potential to
address this challenge via data-driven solutions, improving
the utilization of limited wireless spectrum resources [2]–
[5]. Instead of following a rigid design, new generations of
wireless systems empowered by cognitive radio can learn
from spectrum data, and optimize their spectrum utilization
to enhance their performance. These smart communication
systems rely on various detection, classification, and prediction
tasks, such as signal detection and signal type identification
for spectrum sensing [6]. To address these tasks, deep learning
provides powerful automated means for communication sys-
tems to learn from spectrum data and adapt to its dynamics
[7]. Wireless communications data come in large volumes
and at high rates and is subject to interference and security
threats due to the shared nature of the medium [8], [9]. Tra-
ditional modeling often fall short when capturing the delicate
relationship between highly complex spectrum data, whereas
deep learning has a robust capacity to meet the requirements
(i.e., data rate, mobility, latency, connection density, energy
efficiency, traffic capacity, etc.) of the next-generation mobile
and wireless communication systems [10].
In this paper, we rethink the approach to a conventional
communication system and describe how deep learning can
be used to design an end-to-end communication system using
an encoder to replace the transmitter functionalities such as
modulation and coding, and a decoder for the receiver func-
tionalities such as demodulation and decoding. We consider
an autoencoder to improve the performance of conventional
systems by jointly optimizing the communication between
the transmitter and the receiver, instead of optimizing their
individual modules. An autoencoder is a deep neural network
that consists of an encoder that learns a (latent) representation
of the given data, and a decoder that reconstructs the input data
from the encoded data. In this setting, joint modulation and
coding at the transmitter correspond to the encoder, and joint
decoding and demodulation at the receiver corresponds to the
decoder. The proposed convolutional encoder-decoder design
captures channel impairments and optimizes the transmitter
and receiver operations jointly for a single-antenna system.
Additionally, we compare different optimizers for the param-
eter update of our design, as well as for the constellations
generated by the autoencoder. Results demonstrate the power
of deep learning optimization in providing novel means to
design wireless communications.
A communication system is comprised of a transmitter, a
receiver, and a channel that carries the information between the
transmitter and the receiver. Claude E. Shannon in its original
paper on communication theory [11], stated that the funda-
mental problem of communication systems is: "reproducing at
one point either exactly or approximately a message selected
at another point". That statement is equivalent to the concept
of a modern autoencoder, where its job is to reconstruct a
given input at its output. In this section, we revisit the physical
layer of a conventional communication system design and
reformulate it as an end-to-end reconstruction task that aims to
optimize the transmitter and receiver components in a single
978-1-7281-4985-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
Informa tion
Info rmation
{1010} {1000}
Fig. 1. Block diagram of a conventional communication system.
A. The Limitation of Conventional Communication Systems
Conventional communication systems are divided into mul-
tiple independent blocks for the transmitter and receiver. These
independent pieces are optimized individually for different
tasks [12] (Fig. 1). Each block at the transmitter prepares
the signal to the effects of the communication channel and
noise at the receiver. The source encoder compresses the
input data and removes redundancy. The channel encoder adds
redundancy on the output of the source encoder in a controlled
way. The modulator changes the characteristics of the signal
based on the required data rate. The transmitted signal is
then distorted and attenuated by the channel. On top of that,
the impairments of the receiver’s hardware introduce extra
noise to the signal. The transmitter processes are reversed at
the receiver to recover the information. The optimization of
these individual processing blocks is known to be suboptimal,
given that it does not optimize the overall system collec-
tively [13]. In this conventional communication system, the
transmitter communicates one from the Mavailable messages
s∈M={1,2,..., M}to the receptor, making nuses of the
channel. The transmitter applies the modulation f:M → Rn
to the message s, and generates the signal x=f(s)∈Rn
to be transmitted. Digital modulation maps the input symbols
from a discrete alphabet to complex numbers that represent
the points on the constellation diagram. The process of digital
modulation in conventional communication systems has fixed
and pre-established constellation diagrams. The desired data
rate determines the constellation scheme and the grouping of
the input bits for symbol construction. Linear decision regions
make it simple to decode the information at the receiver.
B. An End-to-End Optimization Process with Autoencoders
As opposed to the independent block optimization of con-
ventional communication systems, deep learning is capable
to jointly optimize multiple communications blocks at the
Normaliza tion
Acti vatio n
Dense Layers
Dense Layers
g (y)
Fig. 2. An autoencoder-based end-to-end communication system.
transmitter and receiver by training them as deep neural
networks (DNNs). In an autoencoder system for a single
antenna, the output constellation diagrams are not pre-defined
but learned, based on the desired performance metric to be
minimized at the receiver (i.e., the symbol error rate, coherence
time, distance, propagation loss, etc.). The hardware of the
transmitter imposes the following constraints [14]:
(a) an energy constraint x2
(b) an amplitude constraint |xi|≤1i,
(c) an average power constraint E|xi|21ion x.
The data rate of this system is computed as R=k/n
[bit/channel use], where k=log2(M)represents the number
of input bits and nincludes both the input bits and redundant
bits to reduce channel effects. The notation (n,k)implies that
a communication system sends one from the M=2kmessages
(i.e., kbits) over nchannel uses. Figure 2 illustrates a block
diagram of the channel autoencoder. The learning process
exploits the distribution of the communication channel data
under impairments. The communication channel is explained
by the density of the conditional probability p(y|x), where
yRndenotes the signal at the receiver. The transmitted
message sis detected as yat the receiver, where the operation
g:Rn→Mis applied to estimate the value of ˆs. The channel
autoencoder is optimized to map xto yto enable sto be
recovered by minimizing probability of error. The autoencoder
components are summarized as follows:
1) Input: The input symbol sis encoded as a one-hot
vector, that is, scan only take legal combinations of values
with a single high ’1’ bit and all the others low ’0’. This
encoding allows a state machine to run at a faster clock rate
than any other encoding of that state machine. Determining
the state of a one-hot vector has a low and constant cost of
accessing one flip-flop.
2) Transmitter: The transmitter is composed of a feed-
forward neural network (FNN) with multiple dense layers. The
last dense layer output is reshaped to represent two complex
numbers with real (in-phase, I) and imaginary (quadrature,
Q) parts for each modulated input symbol. The normalization
layer ensures that physical constraints on xare met.
3) Channel: The channel layer is not trainable, and is rep-
resented by an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) layer
with a variance β=(2REb/N0)1, where Eb/N0constitutes
the energy per bit (Eb)to noise power spectral density (N0)
ratio. The noise varies for every training example, and it is
used for the forward pass to distort the transmitted signal, but
neglected in the backward pass.
4) Receiver: Similar to the transmitter, the receiver is im-
plemented as an FNN. The softmax activation of its last layer
outputs the probability vector p∈(0,1)Mover all possible
messages. The element of pwith the highest probability value
is selected as ˆs.
5) Training: The autoencoder is trained using different
optimizers to update the weights of the FNN and compare their
behavior. The optimizers used during training are: stochastic
gradient descent (SGD), root mean square propagation (RM-
Sprop), adaptive gradient (Adagrad), adaptive learning rate
(Adadelta), adaptive moment (Adam), Adam-based infinity
norm (Adamax), and Nesterov Adam (Nadam). The training
batch is the set of all possible messages s∈M. The gradient is
derived from a categorical cross-entropy loss function between
1sand p.
The autoencoder uses the data generated for transmission
and the same data at the reception point. The autoencoder
is considered as an unsupervised learning system since the
data used is not labeled externally. This concept allows the
autoencoder to learn without any prior knowledge. According
to [15], an autoencoder can achieve equivalent performance as
the Hamming (7, 4) code with maximum likelihood decoding
(MLD). The autoencoder achieves the same BLER as uncoded
BPSK for a (2, 2) system, and outperforms uncoded BPSK
for an (8, 8) system. We have reproduced the latter results
and discovered that the autoencoder learns the coding and
modulation scheme by jointly optimizing the cost function
for the entire end-to-end model. Optimizing the encoder and
decoder together is how we force the autoencoder to extract
only the features that are necessary and characterize the input
data to store it in the bottleneck layer (i.e., where the smaller
and dense representations are). After the training stage, the
autoencoder learns a heavily tailored compression scheme for
the specific communication system. Figure 3 presents a block
diagram of the simulated autoencoder architecture used to
compare the different optimizers. Figure 4 shows how the
loss of the cost function reduces until converging to almost
zero after around 100 epoch. The plot of SNR vs. BLER of
our autoencoder (1,2) with different optimizers can be seen
in Fig. 5. We identified that our autoencoder trained with a
categorical cross-entropy and optimized with Adadelta [16],
gives the best performance in terms of SNR range against
block error rate (BLER). The constellations received by our
autoencoder with diverse optimizers are illustrated in Fig. 6.
inpu t_1: Inp utLayer
dense_1: Dense
dense_2: Dense
batch_normalization_1: BatchNormalization
lambda_1: Lambda
gaussian_noise_1: GaussianNoise
dense_3: Dense
dense_4: Dense
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the autoencoder used to compare the optimizers.
Fig. 4. The number of epochs against the loss of Adadelta optimization.
We notice that for some optimizers e.g., SGD, the constellation
points are deviated from their ideal positions. This deviation
increases the modulation error at the receiver, which agrees
with Fig. 5 where SGD tends to diverge when we increase the
SNR range.
We have review how deep learning architectures can help
in the optimization of communication systems. First, we
Fig. 5. Signal to noise ratio vs. block error rate for different autoencoder
(AE) optimizers.
Fig. 6. Constellations generated by our autoencoder under different parameter
discussed how to formulate a transmitter and receiver as an
autoencoder for the physical layer. We have used an end-
to-end optimization for the reconstruction loss, instead of
optimizing the individual blocks of a conventional communi-
cation system (i.e., synchronization, symbol estimation, error
correction, channel coding, modulation, etc.). We showed that
this formulation enables to capture channel impairments of
single antenna systems, and can match modulation baselines
by just applying off-the-shelf DNNs. Future works in the
field might include channel generalization by scaling from a
simple AWGN model to more complex real-world channels.
This channel generalization might be studied by combining
generative RF models with discriminative RF models, in an
adversarial way to improve both. Additionally, researchers
may leverage theory we know about propagation and physics
to propose better impairment models. From the autoencoder
side, several learning strategies can be studied, such as dif-
ferent weights initialization, hyperparameter selection, and
emerging autoencoder architectures. Moreover, additional au-
toencoders may be employed to extend this approach to
multi-user systems and multiple-antenna systems. It would be
interesting to see the new solutions of using autoencoders as
we scale systems. Finally, this work may be transferred to
specific domains, such as satellite communications, backhaul
radios, dense urban wireless, 5G MIMO, etc. There is still a
wide engineering knowledge that researchers might include to
take advantage of autoencoders in wireless communications
to finally enable a full deep learning-based communication
This work was supported by Kumoh National Institute of
Technology (2019-104-155), and by the Technology Develop-
ment Program (S2508336) funded by the Ministry of SMEs
and Startups (MSS, Korea).
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... Refs. [10,11] propose to insert the non-trainable but differentiable additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) layer between the receiver and transmitter as a channel model. The additional layer has adjustable parameters related to noise variance, which makes the description of the ratio of energy per bit to noise power spectral density more accurate. ...
... Calculating the loss function of receiver L Updating the neural network weight θ R of decoder in receiver by back-propagation. 11: until Stop criterion is met. ...
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... The paper presented a block error rate (BLER) as a key evaluation for the possibility of a showcase of an over-the-air transmission scheme. A study in [23] explored the effect of using optimizers with convergence Autoencoder speed for short-coherence channel and high-mobility applications. In addition, [24] examined an optical wireless communication scheme with an autoencoder design that handles one user. ...
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... The authors demonstrated the effectiveness of this model in an over-the-air system through training and validation. Another study in [20] investigated the impact of optimizers on AE convergence speed for highmobility and short-coherence channel applications. End-to-end learning has also been applied in molecular and optical communications with promising performance, indicating the potential of deep learning in complex communication scenarios [21,22]. ...
Wireless experts worldwide have become interested in using Autoencoders (AEs) for modelling communication systems as an end-to-end reconstruction task. This approach optimizes both the transmitter and receiver components simultaneously, offering flexibility and convenience for representing complex channel models. Traditional communication systems rely on conventional models and assumptions that limit their utilization of limited frequency resources and hinder their ability to adapt to new wireless applications. However, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, new wireless systems are capable of learning from wireless spectrum data and optimizing their performance. In this paper, the use of deep learning with autoencoders is explored to create an end-to-end communication system that replaces traditional transmitter and receiver activities. The autoencoder architecture effectively addresses channel impairments and enhances overall performance. Simulation results indicate that autoencoders surpass conventional communication systems in terms of Block Error Rate performance, even when facing impairments in the autoencoder's channel layer and using different neural network optimization algorithms.
... In contrast, this work adopts an unsupervised artificial neural network based on Denoising AutoEncoder (DAE) to optimize the 3D beamformer for secure UAV communications, adopting the partial CSI assumption. This is inspired by the fact that artificial intelligence-powered future generations of wireless systems may learn from wireless spectrum data and maximize its use to improve performance [11][12][13][14]. Numerical results will show that the proposed DAE-based neural network (DAENN) architecture has lower computational complexity while providing higher performance than the existing methods [9,10]. ...
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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are considered to play vital roles in the Sixth Generation (6G) networks and beyond. However, the confidentiality of UAV communication is sensitive to security threats owing to the broadcast nature and principal line-of-sight channel conditions. This paper proposes a three-dimensional (3D) robust beamforming method for UAV systems in terms of physical layer security in order to improve secrecy performance. In particular, attempting to maximize the average secrecy rate (ASR) of the considered system, a precisely designed unsupervised artificial neural network based on Denoising AutoEncoder (DAE) is used to optimize the beamformer for confidential signal with the simultaneous existence of artificial noise (AN). Simulation results show that the proposed approach can achieve higher average secrecy and more focused beams than existing previous methods in the same scenarios.
... The study of [19], The authors demonstrate how deep learning may be utilized to construct a complete communication system as end-to-end, replacing the transmitter chores of modulation and coding with an encoder and the reception tasks of demodulation and coding with a decoder. With this adaptable architecture, channel imperfections may be properly captured, and both the transmitter and receiver can operate to their fullest potential. ...
... aos problemas tradicionais de comunicação sem fio, como classificação de modulação, estimação de canal, detecção de sinais, e alocação de recursos [2]. Alguns pesquisadores vão além, ao proporem o problema de unificar todos os blocos clássicos do sistema utilizando um autoencoder [3], [4]. Nesse caso, em lugar de se otimizar cada bloco individualmente, otimiza-se o sistema inteiro, do receptor ao transmissor, em um único processo. ...
... This structure is equivalent to the 49 concept of a communication system. Along this thread, pure 50 data-driven AE-based end-to-end communication systems are 51 firstly proposed to jointly optimize transmitter and receiver 52 components [7], [8], [9], [10]. And then, T. O'Shea and 53 J. Hoydis consider the linear and nonlinear steps of processing 54 the received signal as a radio transformer network (RTN) 55 in [7], which can be integrated into the end-to-end training 56 process. ...
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Internet-connected mobile devices are increasing day by day in almost every domain which created a surge in mobile data traffic so an advanced system is highly needed that can handle a large amount of data. In this paper, Deep Learning (DL) is incorporated into wireless technology. Deep learning is an emerging technology that has a diversity of applications. A large amount of heterogeneous data is generated by wireless systems which is difficult to compute in a short time. DL makes wireless communication intelligent and more robust. In this paper, a review of the DL platform and different mechanisms to deploy DL in wireless communications is summarized. Further different research areas for deep learning in a wireless system are discussed to motivate researchers in this domain.KeywordsDeep learningReinforcement learningWireless networkFog computingMobile network
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zet-Bu yazıda, farklı modülasyon türlerine sahip iletişim ve radar dalga sinyallerinin ön eğitimli evrişimli sinir ağı (CNN) yapıları kullanılarak sınıflandırılması ele alınmıştır. İlk olarak düzleştirilmiş sözde Wigner-Ville dağılımını hesaplayarak orijinal sinyallerin özelliklerini çıkarıyoruz. İletişim ve radar sinyalleri arasındaki en önemli ayrım zamanla frekans değişimidir. Tek boyutlu sinyallerin zaman-frekans analizini kullanarak zaman-frekans görüntülerine (TFI'ler) dönüştürüyoruz ve dört farklı ön eğitimli CNN yapıları kullanarak özellik haritasını çıkarıyoruz. Kullanılan CNN yapıları: AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, VGG-16 modelleridir. Daha sonra sinyal sınıflandırması için Destek Vektör Makinesi (DVM) sınıflandırıcısı kullanıldı. Sonuç olarak, ön eğitimli CNN yapılarından VGG-16 modeli %95.94 ile en yüksek tanıma doğruluğuna ulaştığını elde etmiş olduk. Anahtar Kelimeler-Derin öğrenme, Zaman-frekans analizi, İletişim dalgaları, Radar dalgaları, Evrişimli sinir ağı,
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Deep learning has been helping communication networks to reconfigure and heal themselves dynamically. Self-organizing maps (SOM) have been used for this purpose in order to create self-organizing networks (SON) to meet the requirements of the actual fifth-generation (5G) network. In this paper, we create hexagonal and random topologies to simulate the performance of SON under certain conditions. Specifically we analyze the impact of the cost function in the neural network in charge of updating the weights of the SON. Results demonstrate that using the propagation loss as a cost function instead of the Euclidean distance increases the performance of the network. Furthermore, we optimize the training stage with stochastic gradient descent with momentum and prove that the convergence time can be reduced by 14%, dumping the gradient update oscillations on its way.
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Driven by the demand to accommodate today’s growing mobile traffic, 5G is designed to be a key enabler and a leading infrastructure provider in the information and communication technology industry by supporting a variety of forthcoming services with diverse requirements. Considering the everincreasing complexity of the network, and the emergence of novel use cases such as autonomous cars, industrial automation, virtual reality, e-health, and several intelligent applications, machine learning (ML) is expected to be essential to assist in making the 5G vision conceivable. This paper focuses on the potential solutions for 5G from an ML-perspective. First, we establish the fundamental concepts of supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, taking a look at what has been done so far in the adoption of ML in the context of mobile and wireless communication, organizing the literature in terms of the types of learning. We then discuss the promising approaches for how ML can contribute to supporting each target 5G network requirement, emphasizing its specific use cases and evaluating the impact and limitations they have on the operation of the network. Lastly, this paper investigates the potential features of Beyond 5G (B5G), providing future research directions for how ML can contribute to realizing B5G. This article is intended to stimulate discussion on the role that ML can play to overcome the limitations for a wide deployment of autonomous 5G/B5G mobile and wireless communications.
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Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology generally adopts Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) to transmit based safety messages (BSMs) e.g., geographical location, braking information, speed, the status of the turn signal, and direction of travel. Specific propagation and wireless communications channel models have been proposed from industry and academic researchers. However, the range of DSRC is limited to a few hundred meters, and it is necessary to employ a multi-hop communication to extend the range of communication, reaching many target vehicles as possible. In this article, we explore the problem of multi-hop connectivity in V2V networks and propose a methodology that consists of two different deep learning (DL) routines. First, two convolutional neural networks (CNN) are created and tuned to segment terrestrial imagery into different environments. The multi-environments are anticipated to have different propagation models. The second part uses a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to find the optimal multi-hop path with the lowest propagation loss, based on the results of the environment segmentation. The optimal multi-hop link is simulated and compared with current single propagation models, showing that our proposal can extend the coverage of multi-hop wireless links by transmitting the link via the optimum path.
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A fully operative and efficient 5G network cannot be complete without the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) routines. Existing 4G networks with all-IP (Internet Protocol) broadband connectivity are based on a reactive conception, leading to a poorly efficiency of the spectrum. AI and its sub-categories like machine learning and deep learning have been evolving as a discipline, to the point that nowadays this mechanism allows fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks to be predictive and proactive, which is essential in making the 5G vision conceivable. This paper is motivated by the vision of intelligent base stations making decisions by themselves, mobile devices creating dynamically-adaptable clusters based on learned data rather than pre-established and fixed rules, that will take us to a improve in the efficiency, latency, and reliability of the current and real-time network applications in general. An exploration of the potential of AI-based solution approaches in the context of 5G mobile and wireless communications technology is presented, evaluating the different challenges and open issues for future research.
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Metasurfaces can be engineered to guide surface waves in a homogeneous path, where sub-wavelength size printed patches are etched on a grounded high-frequency laminate. When the homogeneity of the patches is compromised or it is inappropriately excited, leakage takes place. This effect can be exploited to design leaky-wave antennas for a wide range of applications, starting for Internet of Things (IoT) to Smart Factories. Step-index waveguides and antennas are engineered to work by introducing perturbations on the pattern so radiation occur in a controlled manner. The aim of this paper is to propose certain candidate antenna designs. The engineering method to derive effective refractive index is comprehensively investigated to guide and radiate surface waves at a centre operating frequency of 𝟏𝟎𝑮𝑯𝒛 as a validation of the theory proposed.
Existing communication systems exhibit inherent limitations in translating theory to practice when handling the complexity of optimization for emerging wireless applications with high degrees of freedom. Deep learning has a strong potential to overcome this challenge via data-driven solutions and improve the performance of wireless systems in utilizing limited spectrum resources. In this chapter, we first describe how deep learning is used to design an end-to-end communication system using autoencoders. This flexible design effectively captures channel impairments and optimizes transmitter and receiver operations jointly in single-antenna, multiple-antenna, and multiuser communications. Next, we present the benefits of deep learning in spectrum situation awareness ranging from channel modeling and estimation to signal detection and classification tasks. Deep learning improves the performance when the model-based methods fail. Finally, we discuss how deep learning applies to wireless communication security. In this context, adversarial machine learning provides novel means to launch and defend against wireless attacks. These applications demonstrate the power of deep learning in providing novel means to design, optimize, adapt, and secure wireless communications.
We present and discuss several novel applications of deep learning (DL) for the physical layer. By interpreting a communications system as an autoencoder, we develop a fundamental new way to think about communications system design as an end-to-end reconstruction task that seeks to jointly optimize transmitter and receiver components in a single process. We show how this idea can be extended to networks of multiple transmitters and receivers and present the concept of radio transformer networks (RTNs) as a means to incorporate expert domain knowledge in the machine learning (ML) model. Lastly, we demonstrate the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on raw IQ samples for modulation classification which achieves competitive accuracy with respect to traditional schemes relying on expert features. The paper is concluded with a discussion of open challenges and areas for future investigation.