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A model-based regression test selection approach for embedded applications


Abstract and Figures

Regression test selection techniques for embedded programs have scarcely been reported in the literature. In this paper, we propose a model-based regression test selection technique for embedded programs. Our proposed model, in addition to capturing the data and control dependence aspects, also represents several additional program features that are important for regression test case selection of embedded programs. These features include control flow, exception handling, message paths, task priorities, state information and object relations. We select a regression test suite based on slicing our proposed graph model. We also propose a genetic algorithm-based technique to select an optimal subset of test cases from the set of regression test cases selected after slicing our proposed model.
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AModel-Based Regression Test Selection Approach for Embedded
Swarnendu Biswas Rajib Mall
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kharagpur, India - 721302
{swarnendu, rajib}
Manoranjan Satpathy Srihari Sukumaran
GM India Science Lab, Bangalore
{manoranjan.satpathy, srihari.sukumaran}
Regression test selection techniques for embedded programs
have scarcely been reported in the literature. In this paper,
we propose a model-based regression test selection technique
for embedded programs. Our proposed model, in addition to
capturing the data and control dependence aspects, also rep-
resents several additional program features that are impor-
tant for regression test case selection of embedded programs.
These features include control flow, exception handling, mes-
sage paths, task priorities, state information and object rela-
tions. We select a regression test suite based on slicing our
proposed graph model. We also propose a genetic algorithm-
based technique to select an optimal subset of test cases from
the set of regression test cases selected after slicing our pro-
posed model.
Keywords: Regression testing, Regression test selection,
Embedded software, Regression test optimization, Real-time,
Safety critical.
1 Introduction
Over the last decade, there has been a proliferation of em-
bedded systems and a variety of embedded applications have
infiltrated into almost every facet of our daily lives, for exam-
ple entertainment, automobiles, medical devices etc. With
every passing year, the embedded applications are becom-
ing more and more sophisticated resulting in a rapid in-
crease in their size and complexity. Procedural languages
and techniques are usually suited for the development of sim-
ple embedded systems like device drivers. However, object-
oriented technologies are being increasingly adopted for de-
velopment of embedded systems having more sophisticated
interfaces such as automobile infotainment etc. The popu-
larity of object-oriented techniques is largely attributable to
the advantages they offer to handle complexity during design,
development and maintenance of large software products as
compared to the traditional design approaches. [Mal08]). On
the other hand, satisfactory testing of object-oriented pro-
grams has turned out to be a challenging research problem
[Bin99, MS01]. The real-time and safety-critical nature of
embedded programs adds another dimension of complexity
Figure 1: A partition of the initial test suite
in testing of embedded programs [SPE+07, SPT05, TFB90].
Every software product typically undergoes frequent
changes in its lifetime. These changes are necessitated on
account of various reasons such as fixing defects, enhancing
or modifying existing functionalities, or adapting to newer
execution environments. Whenever a program is modified, it
is necessary to carry out regression testing to ensure that no
new errors (called regression errors) have been introduced.
Regression testing is an expensive activity as it consumes
large amounts of time and computing resources, and often
accounts for more than half of the software maintenance costs
The regression test suite of a product is a carefully chosen
subset of the initial test suite. Figure 1 shows the classes
into which test cases from the initial test suite can be par-
titioned after a modification has been made to a program
[LW89, Mat08]. Obsolete test cases (To) are those test cases
which are no longer valid for testing the modified program as
they execute program elements that have been deleted in the
modified version. Redundant test cases (Tu) execute only the
unchanged parts of a program. Hence, although redundant
test cases are valid (i.e., not obsolete), there is no need to re-
execute them during regression testing. Regression test cases
(Tr) are those test cases that execute the modified parts of a
program, and hence, need to be run during regression test-
ing. In Figure 1, only the test set TrTshould be used
to revalidate the modified program. However, the set of test
cases Trselected for regression testing can be optimized by
ignoring test cases which execute those modified parts that
have already been covered by other test cases. In Figure 1,
Tor Trrepresents the set of optimized regression test cases.
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
Page 1
July 2009 Volume 34 Number 4
DOI: 10.1145/1543405.1543413
Regression test cases are usually selected from an initial
test suite either based on expert judgment or based on man-
ual analysis of the program. In either of these cases, even
a very small change to the original program might require a
large number of test cases to be rerun, leading to an unneces-
sarily high overhead in regression testing. What is probably
more disconcerting is the fact that many test cases which
could have potentially detected regression errors are over-
looked during test selection [Bin99]. On the other hand,
regression test selection techniques focus on automatically
selecting only those test cases for retesting an application
that are relevant to the modifications made to the original
Regression testing of real-time, safety-critical embedded
applications is accepted as one of the most challenging
tasks in the lifecycle of these applications [SPE+07, SPT05,
TFB90]. Additional complexities are introduced during re-
gression testing because of timing constraints and concurrent
executions which are typical characteristics of embedded pro-
grams. Another dimension in regression testing of real-time
and safety-critical embedded applications is that the execu-
tion of the test cases can be very expensive. The high cost of
test setup for embedded applications, while being tested us-
ing hardware-in-loop (HIL) techniques or on fully operational
systems (implemented on specialized hardware), contributes
to the high expenses incurred during testing.
Automated selection of an optimal set of regression test
cases from the initial test suite is a promising way of reduc-
ing the expenses incurred in regression testing. An important
area of research, in this context, is the development of a tech-
nique for selection of an optimal suite of regression test cases
for embedded applications such that the thoroughness of re-
gression testing is not compromised. The problem of regres-
sion test selection (RTS) for procedural and object-oriented
programs has been investigated by many researchers, and
over the years many novel RTS techniques have been pro-
posed [Bin97, GHS96, HJL+01, RH97, RHD00]. But these
techniques cannot satisfactorily be applied to embedded pro-
grams, since embedded programs have many features that
are very different from those of the traditional programs.
Some of the important features that make it difficult to use
RTS techniques designed for traditional programs for RTS
of embedded programs are the following:
Embedded programs are usually composed of a set of
tasks. Each task is generally associated with specific
priority and criticality information. For a safety-critical
real-time system, any failure of the high priority and
critical tasks are not tolerated, though occasional fail-
ures of low priority and less critical tasks may be accept-
able. Hence, test cases should be selected such that the
higher priority and critical tasks get more thoroughly
tested compared to the low priority tasks.
A real-time task is usually associated with a deadline by
which it needs to complete its execution. Thus, all test
cases testing the timing aspects of a modified task need
to included.
Embedded programs are concurrent and event-driven.
These features can result in subtle bugs in the program
that need to be specifically tested.
Embedded programs use explicit exception handling
mechanisms. This is especially true for safety-critical
applications where error situations need to be properly
handled. When an exception is thrown, the normal flow
of control in a program usually gets altered. Hence,
while testing a program, all possible control flows in the
program need to be tested.
Several existing RTS techniques for traditional programs
are based solely on static program analysis. However, a static
analysis of programs has several shortcomings. It is compu-
tationally expensive, and various types of relations (like state
transitions, message paths, task criticality etc.) among the
program elements are not explicit in the code. Further, selec-
tion of regression test cases based on code analysis becomes
more problematic if different parts of a program are writ-
ten in different programming languages. The drawbacks of
RTS techniques based on only code analysis is further ac-
centuated for software products that are large, complex, and
are frequently modified. Moreover, maintenance of softwares
products evolving over many years adds to the complexi-
ties in the code. These drawbacks of code analysis-based
RTS techniques have lead to an increased research focus on
model-based regression testing techniques.
Model-based analysis is efficient and has several inherent
advantages. A model is a compact representation of pro-
grams, and algorithms used for processing those models are
more efficient than those for text analysis. Further, model-
based regression testing can help take into consideration sev-
eral aspects of embedded programs that are not easily ex-
tracted from the code. Such program aspects include object
state, message path information, exception handling, tim-
ing characteristics etc. Some of these information can eas-
ily be extracted from design models, and the others from
the requirements specification document (SRS) and incor-
porated in the model representing the program under test.
An analysis of such a model, that has been augmented with
the information extracted from the design and analysis mod-
els, can help to accurately identify all the relevant regression
test cases. This model can also be used for prioritizing the
regression test cases and selecting an optimal test suite.
In this paper, we propose a model-based RTS technique for
embedded programs. We first propose a graph model that is
constructed from program analysis and captures the different
characteristics of embedded programs that are relevant for
RTS. We subsequently enhance this model with information
extracted from the SRS document, and the analysis and the
design models. We then discuss our approach for RTS and
regression test suite optimization based on the constructed
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 contains
an overview of our approach. In Section 3, we discuss our
proposed intermediate representation of embedded programs
and the construction of the same from analysis of the code,
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July 2009 Volume 34 Number 4
DOI: 10.1145/1543405.1543413
design models and the SRS document. We present our RTS
and optimization strategies in Sections 4 and 5 respectively.
In Section 6, we compare our approach with the related work
available in the literature. Section 7 concludes the paper.
2 Overview of Our Approach
We have named our technique Model-based Regression Test
Selection for Embedded Software (MTest). Our technique
is essentially based on first constructing suitable models for
the original as well as the modified embedded program. The
constructed models are then analyzed to identify the model
elements that might be directly or indirectly affected due
to the code modifications. Test cases executing the affected
elements of the model are selected for revalidating the mod-
ified program. Considering that even for small code changes
a large number of regression test cases can get selected, we
propose a technique to select any desired number of test cases
from the regression test suite to reduce the regression testing
effort without unduly diluting the thoroughness of testing.
The important steps of our approach have schematically
been shown in Figure 2. In Figure 2, rectangular blocks rep-
resent artifacts such as code, design, SRS etc. The ellipses in
the figure represent processing activities such as instrumen-
tation, slicing etc. We now briefly discuss the different steps
involved in our approach.
(i) The Intermediate Model Constructor constructs the in-
termediate model for the original program. The con-
structed model also contains additional information
from the analysis and the design models (e.g., SRS,
UML diagrams).
(ii) The Code Instrumenter instruments the original pro-
gram, and the instrumented code is executed on the
initial test suite (T) by the Program Execution module.
The instrumented code helps to determine the model el-
ements which are covered by each test case. Each model
element is marked with the test cases that execute it.
(iii) The Model Differencer analyzes the modified source
code and identifies the model elements that are mod-
ified and tags those elements on the model.
(iv) The Slicer performs a forward slice [HRB90] on the
modified marked model to identify the affected model
elements that need to be retested. Each modified model
element and the definition or use of all the variables at
that point act as the slicing criterion [MM06]. Thus,
all the directly or indirectly affected regions of code are
identified through slicing. The set of test cases1which
execute the affected elements are selected for regression
testing of the embedded application.
(v) The Optimizer analyzes additional information about
the program components gathered from the operational
profile [Mus93], and prioritizes the test cases based on
the criteria used in the operational profile module. A
1Corresponds to Trin Figure 1.
Model Constructor
Requirements Design
Code Program
Execution Test Suite
Optimized Regression
Test Suite
Original Source
Source Code
Marked Model
Regression Test
Figure 2: Schematic representation of our proposed RTS ap-
subset of test cases2from the prioritized test suite is
chosen for regression testing of the software.
3 EClDG: Our Proposed Model
In this Section, we first highlight the drawbacks of existing
graphical models which render them inadequate to repre-
sent all the important characteristics of an embedded pro-
gram. We extend an existing graph representation (i.e.,
ClDG [LM96, RH94a, RH94b]) to incorporate the neces-
sary information that would be useful in RTS of embed-
ded programs. We have named our proposed model EClDG
3.1 Existing Models
The System Dependence Graph (SDG) [HRB90] was pro-
posed as an intermediate representation of procedural pro-
grams. SDGs have been used for a wide variety of appli-
cations, including program slicing [LH98, SHR99], impact
analysis [KK07], reverse engineering [CHH06] etc. SDGs
were extended to capture the special features of object-
oriented programs, and the Class Dependence Graph (ClDG)
[LM96, RH94a, RH94b] was proposed. ClDG is an exten-
sively used model for intermediate representation of object-
oriented programs. But embedded programs have several
features that are not captured in a ClDG. Moreover, repre-
senting information available from the design model is impor-
tant for embedded programs. This is because certain features
such as object state, message paths, timing information, task
priority and criticality of embedded programs are not easily
identifiable from code analysis, but are explicitly available
2Corresponds to Tor in Figure 1.
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July 2009 Volume 34 Number 4
DOI: 10.1145/1543405.1543413
int x = 0;
CE1 class A {
S4 B *bptr = new B();
S6 try {
E2 void mA() {
S3 int a = 0;
CE13 class B {
S16 if ( y < 0 )
S17 throw new E2();
S19 catch(E2 &e2) {
S11 cout<<"Error"<<endl; }
S10 catch(...) {
S5 cin>>a;
C7 bptr−>mB(a); }
S9 cout<<"Error E1"<<endl; }
S8 catch(E1 &e1) {
S15 try {
S18 x = sqrt(y); }
S20 cout<<"Error E2"<<endl;
E14 float mB( int y ) {
S12 cout<<x<<endl; }
S21 throw; }
S22 cout<<x<<endl; }
E23 main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
S24 A *aptr = new A();
C25 aptr−>mA();
Figure 3: A sample program
from the design model. Hence, a ClDG representation is in-
sufficient to model embedded programs. The following list
summarizes the aspects of embedded programs that are not
represented in a ClDG.
In an embedded program, the criticality and timing in-
formation is usually associated with threads. ClDG does
not represent the control flow of a program and hence
cannot represent threads or their associated timing and
criticality information.
ClDG does not represent exception handling mechanism
in embedded programs.
SDG does not support any mechanism to represent in-
formation about object states, and state behavior.
3.2 EClDG Model
We have extended a ClDG model to incorporate additional
features which capture the aspects specific to an embedded
program. We augment a ClDG with the following additional
Control flow.
Exception handling.
Information available from design models, such as:
Method sequences and message paths.
Timing and priority information.
Object state information.
In the following, we discuss how the above information is
represented in our EClDG model.
3.2.1 Representation of Control Flow Information
Embedded programs usually consist of many co-operating
tasks. Each task is associated with a deadline, as well as
with certain priority and criticality information. To repre-
sent the priority and criticality information of tasks, we first
need a way of representing the tasks in the EClDG. For this,
we propose a mechanism to represent threads in the EClDG.
Figure 4: ClDG for class A for the program in Figure 3
y = y_in
x = x_in
x_out = x
S15 S16 S18 S19 S22
S17 S20 S21
control dependence edges
data dependence edges
Figure 5: ClDG for class B for the program shown in Figure
A thread can be represented in terms of the sequence of state-
ments constituting the thread. Therefore, it is necessary to
incorporate control flow information in the EClDG to repre-
sent threads.
Computation of control flow information can be deter-
mined from the program by analyzing the sequence of pro-
gram statements and the method calls. We have introduced
control flow edges in the EClDG to represent the order in
which the statements within a given method are executed.
Example 1 Figures 4 and 5 show the ClDG for the classes
A and B of Figure 3. Figure 6 shows the ClDG for the entire
program. The ClDG of Figure 6 augmented with the control
flow information is shown in Figure 7. The control depen-
dence and data dependence edges in the ClDG of Figure 7
is represented by continuos and dotted edges. The dashed
edges in the figure represent the control flow information.
3.2.2 Representation of Exception Handling Infor-
Exception handling [Str04] is an important feature of object-
oriented and embedded programs. Exceptions raised in a
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
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July 2009 Volume 34 Number 4
DOI: 10.1145/1543405.1543413
S24 C25
S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 S12
y_in = a
S9 S10
x_in = x
x = x_out
y = y_in x = x_in
x_out = x
S15 S16 S18 S19 S22
S17 S20 S21
control dependence edges
data dependence edges
Figure 6: ClDG for the program given in Figure 3
program can alter the flow of control in that program, and
may also change the dependence relationships for some vari-
ables [JZSJ06]. For example, execution of a throw statement
in a C++ program would alter the normal control flow of the
program. Therefore, it is necessary to represent all these pos-
sible alternate paths in the EClDG. In such cases, the data
dependencies may also be affected as the exception handling
mechanism may alter the definition-use sequences for some
variables. For example in the sample program shown in Fig-
ure 3, in the absence of an exception in the method B::mB(),
the value of the variable xin line S12 is dependent on the
value of x in line S18, otherwise it is dependent on the global
value of x [JZSJ06].
An exception can result in the following possible intra-
function execution paths [JZSJ06]:
An exception is raised in a try block [Str04]. The cor-
responding catch block handles the exception and the
execution exits normally from the method.
An exception is raised in a try block. The correspond-
ing catch block handles the exception but rethrows or
raises another exception. This exception is then han-
dled by the enclosing try blocks (if nested) in a similar
manner. If there are no more enclosing try blocks, then
the exception is propagated to the calling function.
An exception is raised in a try block but no correspond-
ing catch block is found for handling the exception. This
exception is then handled by the enclosing try blocks (if
nested) or is passed to the calling function.
Exception handling can induce the following possible inter-
function execution paths [JZSJ06]:
The called function propagates the exception back to
the calling function which then handles the exception.
The called function propagates the exception back to the
calling function, but the calling function is not able to
handle the exception. The exception is then propagated
upwards along the method invocation chain until a han-
dler is found. If no handler is found for the exception,
then the default handler is invoked.
Improvements in representing the exception handling
mechanism have been proposed in previous works [AH03,
JZSJ06, SH98, SH00, SOH04]. However, the work proposed
in [SH98, SH00] suffer from the fact that the catch/throw
nodes in the model have only one outgoing edge and hence
are not able to adequately represent the data and control de-
pendence information [JZSJ06]. Our approach to represent
the exception handling information in the EClDG is based on
the work reported in [AH03, JZSJ06]. We have introduced
the following additional nodes in the EClDG to represent ex-
ception handling information: try,catch,throw,normal exit,
exceptional exit,normal return and exceptional return nodes.
The throw and catch statements are treated as conditional
statements which alters the flow of control depending on
the evaluation of the conditional expression. Therefore, the
throw and the catch nodes are treated similar to predicate
nodes. The try node depicts the start of the try block in the
code. The normal return,normal exit,exceptional return and
exceptional exit nodes represent normal and exceptional exits
from a method.
Consider the sample program shown in Figure 3. The
EClDG model corresponding to the program is shown in Fig-
ure 7. The exception handling information is represented in
the EClDG by means of additional nodes. For example, in
Figure 3, method B::mB() has a try-catch block. This infor-
mation is represented in the EClDG model (see Figure 7) by
two nodes, a normal exit and an exceptional exit. Nodes nor-
mal return and exceptional return have also been introduced
in the EClDG model of Figure 7.
3.2.3 Representation of Information from UML
UML diagrams such as state charts, activity diagrams (se-
quence and collaboration diagrams) are used to model the
dynamic behavior of embedded applications. Therefore, in-
formation pertaining to object states, state transitions, and
message paths which are required for RTS can be extracted
from an analysis of the UML models and represented in the
Representation of method sequences and mes-
sage paths: Along with the control flow information,
it is important to represent the different sequences in
which methods may be invoked in an embedded pro-
gram. For this, it is necessary to first identify the
messages which trigger a particular sequence of method
calls. Zhao and Lin [ZL06] and Jorgensen and Erickson
[JE94] have proposed the concept of a Method-Message
path (MM-Path) which represents the sequence of meth-
ods and the corresponding messages which triggered the
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
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July 2009 Volume 34 Number 4
DOI: 10.1145/1543405.1543413
S24 C25
S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 S12
y_in = a
S9 S10
x_in = x x = x_out
y = y_in x = x_in x_out = x
S15 S16 S18 S19 S22
S17 S20 S21
control dependence edges
data dependence edges
control flow edges
method sequence edges
Figure 7: EClDG for the program given in Figure 3
methods. We assign an unique identifier to each method
sequence. We augment the ClDG with the method
sequence information by introducing method-sequence
edges. For example, the EClDG model in Figure 7 rep-
resents the method sequence information with method-
sequence edges. The method-sequence edges are labeled
with the tuple <method sequence identifier, message>.
The message information is also required for identify-
ing message sequences because, in object-oriented pro-
grams, dynamic polymorphism enables the same mes-
sage to invoke different methods during runtime.
Representation of timing and priority informa-
tion: In embedded applications, threads are used to
represent concurrent activities. For real-time tasks, each
thread may be associated with specific timing infor-
mation and different threads may have different priori-
ties. A thread is usually implemented either as a single
method or a sequence of methods. We represent the pri-
ority information of each thread in the start node of the
corresponding method sequence in the EClDG.
Representation of object state information: An
object state is defined by the values of the state vari-
ables stored in that object. A state transition for an ob-
ject occurs when the corresponding state variables are
modified. This usually occurs as a consequence to some
event or on invocation of certain operations on that ob-
ject. The initial state and the guard condition for a
transition determine the final state to which the object
would transit. The pair (initial state, guard condition)
can be used to uniquely identify all possible state tran-
sitions for an object. We represent the different object
states and possible transitions among those states for
e = 1, pop
e <n, push e =n-1, push
e > 1, pop
e > 1, pop
e <n-1, push
Figure 8: Statechart diagram for the Stack class
each object by means of a transition table. This infor-
mation is represented in the EClDG by storing the state
transition table of a class object in each class entry node
of that particular class.
Example 2 We illustrate the construction of the transition
table using the example of a Stack class. The Stack class is
characterized by three states: empty, full and partially-full,
and it can hold a maximum of ‘n’ elements. Let us assume
that the guard conditions for the Stack class is defined based
on the number of elements stored in the stack at a given in-
stant. The transitions of a Stack object for a given operation
are defined on the combination of the current state and the
guard condition. The operations defined on the Stack are
push and pop. The push operation inserts an element into
the stack if it is not full. Pop operation removes an element
from the stack if it is not empty.
Figure 8 shows the statechart diagram for such a Stack
class. In Figure 8, the rectangular blocks with curved edges
denote states, and the edges represent possible transitions
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
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July 2009 Volume 34 Number 4
DOI: 10.1145/1543405.1543413
Table 1: State transition table for the statechart of a Stack
class shown in Figure 8.
Initial State Condition Operation Final State
emptye<npush partially full
emptypop ND
partially full e>1pop partially full
partially full e<n-1 push partially full
partially full e= 1 pop empty
partially full e= n-1 push empty
full e>1pop partially full
full push ND
between the states. The edges are labeled with the condition
and the operations triggering the transition. The transition
table for the statechart diagram in Figure 8 is shown in Table
4 Regression Test Selection
Our RTS approach is based on those program elements of the
EClDG model that are exercised during the execution of a
test case. For this, the original program is instrumented, and
the instrumented code is executed with each test case from
the initial regression test suite. The instrumented code when
executed marks the EClDG such that each model element is
made to store an identifier for the test case which executed
it. This approach of storing the test history information
is space efficient especially for large programs and makes
the later processing and searching steps efficient. After the
program is modified, the modifications are identified by the
Model Differencer and the EClDG model is augmented with
the information of all the changed model elements. We call
the EClDG model augmented with the test history and the
change information as the Modified Marked Model (see Fig-
ure 2).
The parts of the program that are affected by the code
modifications are identified by the Slicer by computing for-
ward slices [HRB90] on the modified marked model. Each
modified element of the modified marked model and the vari-
ables defined in the modified model elements are used as the
slicing criterion [MM06]. Forward slicing on the modified
marked model determines all the directly or indirectly af-
fected elements of the model. After all the affected model
elements are identified by the Slicer, the test cases that ex-
ecute those modified model elements are selected for regres-
sion testing (see Figure 2). The test case identification step
becomes trivial since the test cases executing the modified
elements are already stored in the corresponding model ele-
Note that object state information in the EClDG has not
been incorporated into the above RTS approach. How to use
this information to improve the RTS approach is currently
under investigation.
Criticality of a test case
C Pareto front
Cost of execution of a test case
Figure 9: Pareto optimality in multi-objective optimization
5 Regression Test Suite Optimiza-
As compared to traditional approaches, our RTS technique
takes into consideration many additional relationships be-
tween program elements that arise in an embedded applica-
tion. However, due to the additional dependencies that are
considered, the number of test cases selected for regression
testing can become considerably larger than the traditional
techniques. But executing a large number of regression test
cases especially for minor changes to the code is impractical
for many embedded applications such as automobiles where
execution of each test case is usually very expensive. There-
fore, we optimize the selected regression test suite to reduce
the size.
Our optimization approach aims at selecting a subset of re-
gression test cases according to the criticality of the program
elements. Our optimization approach reduces the size of the
regression test suite without affecting the achieved coverage
of the test suite selected by our RTS technique. The objec-
tive of our optimization approach is to maximize the number
of times the critical program elements are executed during
regression testing. The criticality of the program elements
can be determined by identifying the critical and high pri-
ority tasks in the embedded application. The information
from the operation profile [Mus93] of the system helps in
determining the features that are executed most frequently.
Our test suite optimization approach is based on the fol-
lowing criteria:
(i) Maximize the sum of priorities of the selected test cases.
(ii) Ensure maximum coverage of the different model ele-
ments in proportion to their priorities.
(iii) Minimize the cost of testing.
These various parameters used for optimization are com-
peting in nature, i.e., increase in one may be at the cost of
decreasing the value of some other parameter. For example,
test cases which execute critical and high priority program
elements may also be more expensive to execute as com-
pared to test cases which execute lower priority and less crit-
ical elements. These competing factors make our test suite
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
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July 2009 Volume 34 Number 4
DOI: 10.1145/1543405.1543413
optimization problem a multi-objective optimization prob-
lem. Evolutionary techniques like Genetic Algorithms (GA)
[Gol00] have successfully been used to solve various multi-
objective optimization problems. These evolutionary tech-
niques have also been used in studies related to prioritizing
regression test cases [HCP08, LHH07]. We use a GA-based
approach for our test suite optimization problem. For multi-
objective optimization problems, the concept of Pareto-
optimal solution is used to identify a set of good solutions
(called the Pareto-optimal set) [FF93, Gol00, YH07, ZT98].
The concept of dominance is used to explain whether one
solution is better than the other with respect to some or all
the parameters considered in the optimization process.
For example, in Figure 5, solution Bis dominated by so-
lution Cwith respect to both the parameters, cost of test
cases and the criticality value of a test case. But the so-
lutions A,C, and Din Figure 5 are not dominated by any
other solution, and hence constitute the Pareto-optimal set.
Our technique chooses an optimal set of test cases from the
computed Pareto-optimal set.
6 Comparison with Related Work
Many RTS techniques have been proposed in the literature
for regression testing of traditional programs [Bin97, GHS96,
HJL+01, RH94a, RH97, RHD00]. But we could not find
any work focusing on RTS of embedded programs. In the
absence of any directly comparable work, we compare our
technique with the reported work on RTS of procedural and
object-oriented programs. Existing model-based approaches
for traditional programs [HJL+01, RH94a, RH97, RHD00]
construct graphical models based solely on source code anal-
ysis of the programs. In contrast, our proposed EClDG
model is constructed from source code analysis and is also
augmented with information from the analysis and design
models. Our model improves upon the existing ones by ex-
plicitly considering object state, exception handling, message
path information, criticality etc. Since our approach consid-
ers control and data dependencies along with other types of
possible code relations among program elements, our pro-
posed test selection technique is safe3. Another advantage
inherent to our approach is that the test history information
is not stored in a separate file as in some other RTS tech-
niques [RH94a, RH97]. In contrast, each model element is
associated with the test cases that execute it. This helps to
save storage space and makes the RTS process more efficient
especially for large programs having hundreds of test cases.
We also optimize the set of test cases selected for regression
testing to reduce the regression test effort.
3Asafe RTS technique selects all the relevant test cases from the
initial test suite that can potentially reveal defects in the modified pro-
gram [RH96].
7 Conclusion
RTS of embedded applications requires addressing additional
issues such as control flow, message path information, crit-
icality etc. as compared to RTS techniques for traditional
programs. Therefore, the test suites selected using tradi-
tional RTS techniques for regression testing of embedded pro-
grams are unsafe. Many of the required information for RTS
of embedded programs are easily obtained from the SRS doc-
ument and the design models. Therefore, we have proposed
a model for embedded programs which is enriched with the
required information. However, due to the additional depen-
dencies that are considered in our approach, larger number
of test cases are likely to be identified as compared to the
traditional techniques. Subsequently, to reduce the number
of selected test cases, we use a GA-based optimization tech-
nique. Case studies carried out by us on several small ap-
plications show that our approach indeed selects all the test
cases that are important for regression testing, and at the
same time, does not unduly increase the size of the selected
test suite.
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... -el uso de técnicas con enfoque de inteligencia artificial (Kumar, Shumar & Kumar, 2012); (Biswas, Mall, Satpathy, & Sukumaran, 2009); (Anderson, Salem & Do, 2014); (Cibulski & Yehudai, 2011). ...
... Swarnendu Biswas et al. (2009) presentan una combinación de técnicas que se basa en la representación del programa a través de técnicas clásicas como grafos, en la que se añadió la información característica de sistemas embebidos (ECIDG) como es manejo de flujo de control, tareas, prioridad de tareas, manejo de excepciones, asa como la información de los objetos relacionados, se combina con algoritmo de particionamiento para obtener los casos de prueba que deben optimizados con el algoritmo genético; ...
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El primer aporte establece los aspectos y factores considerados hasta el año 2020, que evidencia la escasa aplicabilidad de las investigaciones de la academia en la industria. El segundo aporte es el diseño de un método para pruebas de regresión que realiza una combinación de técnicas de clusterización probabilística no supervisada con valores de centroide aleatorios y pruebas unitarias, que juntamente con el esquema de la base de datos, determinar los casos de prueba relacionados con las modificaciones o adiciones de nuevas funcionalidades del producto software. El método fue validado empíricamente bajo el enfoque de ingeniería de software experimental, mediante 32 de 37 pruebas de regresión de cinco proyectos de software de pequeña y mediana escala, utilizando indicadores del campo de la búsqueda y recuperación de información. Los resultados sugieren que el método propuesto mejora las pruebas de regresión en productos de software con acceso a datos bajo entornos de desarrollo iterativo incremental.
... If we consider iterative and incremental development environments in which the software is developed and delivered in short cycles, the execution of the complete suite of test cases is an unacceptable practice given the volume of test cases to execute (the goal of pursuing agility is lost). This issue has raised the study of soft computing approaches [10], in conjunction to agile approaches [11] in order to identify test cases that guarantee an acceptable level of verification of the software product [12]. ...
... Leung and White [29] introduced a technique with emphasis at the module level; this strategy determines the modified modules along with their test cases, and it considers them for the integration tests. The abstraction of the program into models has also been applied in [12]. ...
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Software regression testing (RT) verifies previous features on a software product when it is modified or new features are added to it. Because of the nature of regression testing it is a costly process. Different approaches have been proposed to reduce the costs of this activity, among which are: minimization, prioritization and selection of test cases. Recently, Soft Computing techniques, such as data mining, machine learning and others have been used to make regression testing more efficient and effective. Currently, in different contexts, to a greater or lesser extent, software products have access to databases (DBs). Given this situation, it is necessary to consider regression testing also for software products such as information systems that are usually integrated with or connected to DBs. In this work, we present a selection regression testing approach that utilizes a combination of unsupervised clustering with random values, unit tests and the DB schema to determine the test cases related to modifications or new features added to software products connected to DBs. Our proposed approach is empirically evaluated with two database software applications in a production context. Effectiveness metrics such as test suite reduction, fault detection capability, recall, precision and the F-measure are examined. Our results suggest that the proposed approach is enough effective with the resulting clusters of test cases.
... Those parameters represent a set of basis in which selective techniques can be compared and evaluated. ... (11) Where T is a given test suite and Tr is its reduced form. ...
... Swarnendu Biswas et al [11], proposed a model-based regression test selection technique for embedded programs. They proposed a graph model constructed from program analysis, which captured the different characteristics of embedded programs that were relevant to test selection. ...
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Regression testing is a part of the software testing activity, which is an important activity of the software development life cycle and the maintenance process. It is carried out to ensure that changes made in the fixes or any enhancement changes are not influencing the previously working functionality. Regression testing is mostly done by re-running existing test cases against the modified code to determine whether the changes affect anything. This requires a lot of cost and time, which increases as the size and the complexity of the software increases. Instead of re-running all the test cases, a number of different approaches were studied to solve regression-testing problems. There has been an explosion in the use of data mining techniques in the exploration and analysis of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules. Data mining models were introduced for software testing to design a minimal set of regression tests. This helps solving regression testing problems with large-scale systems that are usually accompanied by thousands set of test cases, where it is considered impossible to re-run all of them each time a system update is applied. Therefore, data mining is investigated to handle such cases.
... Nevertheless, unlike the existing studies, that typically use re-execution for detecting regressions, our approach relies on replay of execution traces collected from a base model on its modified version. Regression testing in the context of MDE There are several approaches using model level information for regression testing [79][80][81][82][83]. Biswas et al. [84] proposed a model-based RTS technique that constructs a graph model from a program representing characteristics that are important for RTS. ...
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Regression testing is indispensable, especially for real-time distributed systems to ensure that existing functionalities are not affected by changes. Despite recent advances, regression testing for distributed systems remains challenging and extremely costly. Existing techniques often require running a failing system several times before detecting a regression. As a result, conventional approaches that use re-execution without considering the inherent non-determinism of distributed systems, and providing no (or low) control over execution are inadequate in many ways. In this paper, we present MRegTest, a replay-based regression testing framework in the context of model-driven development to facilitate deterministic replay of traces for detecting regressions while offering sufficient control for the purpose of testing over the execution of the changed system. The experimental results show that compared to the traditional approaches that annotate traces with timestamps and variable values MRegTest detects almost all regressions while reducing the size of the trace significantly and incurring similar runtime overhead.
... Several test case selection techniques have been proposed afterwards including symbolic execution (Yau and Kishimoto 1987), program slicing (Agrawal et al. 1993;Bates and Horwitz 1993), data-flow analysis (Gupta et al. 1992;Harrold and Souffa 1988;Taha et al. 1989), path analysis (Benedusi et al. 1988), dependence and flow graphs (Rothermel and Harrold 1993, 1994, 1997Laski and Szermer 1992;Ball 1998). There are works that used heuristics to select test cases; In Biswas et al. (2009), the authors used genetic algorithms. In Mirarab et al. (2012); Kumar et al. (2012); Panichella et al. (2015);de Souza et al. (2014); Yoo and Harman (2007), the authors used multi-objective optimization techniques to select the appropriate cases. ...
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Model transformations play an important role in the evolution of systems in various fields such as healthcare, automotive and aerospace industry. Thus, it is important to check the correctness of model transformation programs. Several approaches have been proposed to generate test cases for model transformations based on different coverage criteria (e.g., statements, rules, metamodel elements, etc.). However, the execution of a large number of test cases during the evolution of transformation programs is time-consuming and may include a lot of overlap between the test cases. In this paper, we propose a test case selection approach for model transformations based on multi-objective search. We use the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) to find the best trade-offs between two conflicting objectives: (1) maximize the coverage of rules and (2) minimize the execution time of the selected test cases. We validated our approach on several evolution cases of medium and large ATLAS Transformation Language programs.
The ability to create decentralized applications without the authority of a single entity has attracted numerous developers to build applications using blockchain technology. However, ensuring the correctness of such applications poses significant challenges, as it can result in financial losses or, even worse, a loss of user trust. Testing smart contracts introduces a unique set of challenges due to the additional restrictions and costs imposed by blockchain platforms during test case execution. Therefore, it remains uncertain whether testing techniques developed for traditional software can effectively be adapted to smart contracts. In this study, we propose a multi-objective test selection technique for smart contracts that aims to balance three objectives: time, coverage, and gas usage. We evaluated our approach using a comprehensive selection of real-world smart contracts and compared the results with various test selection methods employed in traditional software systems. Statistical analysis of our experiments, which utilized benchmark Solidity smart contract case studies, demonstrates that our approach significantly reduces the testing cost while still maintaining acceptable fault detection capabilities. This is in comparison to random search, mono-objective search, and the traditional re-testing method that does not employ heuristic search.
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Software testing is undertaken to ensure that the software meets the expected requirements. The intention is to find bugs, errors, or defects in the developed software so that they can be fixed before deployment. Testing of the software is needed even after it is deployed. Regression testing is an inevitable part of software development, and must be accomplished in the maintenance phase of software development to ensure software reliability. The existing literature presents a large amount of relevant knowledge about the types of techniques and approaches used in regression test case selection and prioritization (TCS&P), comparisons of techniques used in TCS&P, and the data used. Numerous secondary studies (surveys or reviews) have been conducted in the area of TCS&P. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive examination of the analysis of the enhancements in TCS&P using a thorough systematic literature review (SLR) of the existing secondary studies. This SLR provides: (1) a collection of all the valuable secondary studies (and their qualitative analysis); (2) a thorough analysis of the publications and the trends of the secondary studies; (3) a classification of the various approaches used in the secondary studies; (4) insight into the specializations and range of years covered in the secondary texts; (5) a comprehensive list of statistical tests and tools used in the area; (6) insight into the quality of the secondary studies based on the seven selected Research Paper Quality parameters; (7) the common problems and challenges encountered by researchers; (8) common gaps and limitations of the studies; and (9) the probable prospects for research in the field of TCS&P.
Conference Paper
This paper presents dynamic analysis of test cases. By software mining, we get dynamic call tree to reproduce the dynamic function calling relations of test cases and static call graph to describe the static calling relations. Based on graph analysis, we define some related testing models to evaluate the test cases with the execution of software. Compared with the models of evaluating test cases in static analysis, the models given in this paper can be used on large-scale software systems and the quantization can be completed automatically. Experiments prove that these models of dynamic analysis have an excellent performance in improving testing efficiency and also build a foundation of quantization for the management, selection, evaluation of capability to find software defects of test cases. Even more critical is that they can indicate the directions of improvement and management of the test for testers.
Conference Paper
System testing in the automotive industry is a very expensive and time-consuming task of growing importance, because embedded systems in the domain are distributed over numerous controllers (ECUs). Modern software development techniques such as continuous integration require regular, repeated and fast testing. To achieve this in the automotive domain, test suites for a specific software change must be tailored. We propose a novel test selection technique for system-level functions in the automotive industry based on component and communication models. The idea is to follow input and output signals that are used in the testing steps through the ECUs implementing a function. We select only those tests for a planned integration in which at least one of the signals sent in its steps is processed by the ECU that was changed and thus triggered the integration. The technique is well-suited for black-box testing since it requires only the full test suite specification and the system architecture. We applied the technique to a test suite of the Active Cruise Control function at BMW Group in the context of hardware-in-the-loop system testing and found the possible reduction rates to be 82.3% on average in comparison to the full test suite. Possible future work includes the evaluation with a wider set of functions, the evaluation of the fault detection rate, further automation and combination with other test selection techniques.
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Regression testing is one of the most intricate parts of software development and maintenance. In complex multi-tasking real-time systems, task interleaving issues, dead-lines and other factors further complicate this activity. In all software, however, the process of regression testing comes down to two basic activities: (1) selecting which test cases to re-execute and (2) actually performing the re-tests. The twofold contribution of this paper is the definition of the following problems: The regression test selection prob-lem and the reproducibility problem for multi-tasking real-time system regression testing.
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When developing complex embedded applications, the software is often built in the form of subsystems or compo-nents, which are later integrated and assembled to a full system. Throughout all stages of development and assem-bly, software testing is performed. On unit-or component-level, the structure and run-time properties of the soft-ware can fairly easily be predicted. This enables a thor-ough testing based on the structure of the software (as well as testing based on the intended functionality of the software). However, in the later stages of the assembly process, the structure of the software becomes more com-plex and less obvious. Hence, the developers are forced to base their testing solely on the intended functionality of the software, leading to a reduced testing-induced quality assurance. At the same time, bugs found in the later stages of testing (i.e., integration-and system-level testing) are significantly more costly to correct. Using dynamic and static information of the software, this situation can be significantly improved. This paper outlines a framework for more efficient system-level testing of real-time software for embedded applications.
Conference Paper
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Data reverse engineering (DRE) is a complex and costly process that requires a deep understanding of large data-intensive software systems. This process can be made easier with the use of program understanding methods and tools. In this paper, we focus on the program slicing technique and we show how it can be adapted to support DRE. We present a DML-independent SDG construction approach involving the analysis of database operations as a first stage. We describe a tool based upon this approach and we report on two industrial DRE projects
Analysis techniques, such as control flow, data flow, and control dependence, are used for a variety of software engineering tasks, including structural and regression testing, dynamic execution profiling, static and dynamic slicing, and program understanding. To be applicable to programs in languages such as Java and C++, these analysis techniques must account for the effects of exception occurrences and exception handling constructs; failure to do so can cause the analysis techniques to compute incorrect results and, thus, limit the usefulness of the applications that use them. This paper discusses the effects of exception handling constructs on several analysis techniques. The paper presents techniques to construct representations for programs with explicit exception occurrences-exceptions that are raised explicitly through throw statements-and exception handling constructs. The paper presents algorithms that use these representations to perform the desired analyses. The paper also discusses several software engineering applications that use these analyses. Finally, the paper describes empirical results pertaining to the occurrence of exception handling constructs in Java programs and their effect on some analysis tasks
More than ever, mission-critical and business-critical applications depend on object-oriented (OO) software. Testing techniques tailored to the unique challenges of OO technology are necessary to achieve high reliability and quality. Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns, and Tools is an authoritative guide to designing and automating test suites for OO applications. This comprehensive book explains why testing must be model-based and provides in-depth coverage of techniques to develop testable models from state machines, combinational logic, and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). It introduces the test design pattern and presents 37 patterns that explain how to design responsibility-based test suites, how to tailor integration and regression testing for OO code, how to test reusable components and frameworks, and how to develop highly effective test suites from use cases. Effective testing must be automated and must leverage object technology. The author describes how to design and code specification-based assertions to offset testability losses due to inheritance and polymorphism. Fifteen micro-patterns present oracle strategies--practical solutions for one of the hardest problems in test design. Seventeen design patterns explain how to automate your test suites with a coherent OO test harness framework. The author provides thorough coverage of testing issues such as: *The bug hazards of OO programming and differences from testing procedural code *How to design responsibility-based tests for classes, clusters, and subsystems using class invariants, interface data flow models, hierarchic state machines, class associations, and scenario analysis *How to support reuse by effective testing of abstract classes, generic classes, components, and frameworks *How to choose an integration strategy that supports iterative and incremental development *How to achieve comprehensive system testing with testable use cases *How to choose a regression test approach *How to develop expected test results and evaluate the post-test state of an object *How to automate testing with assertions, OO test drivers, stubs, and test frameworks Real-world experience, world-class best practices, and the latest research in object-oriented testing are included. Practical examples illustrate test design and test automation for Ada 95, C++, Eiffel, Java, Objective-C, and Smalltalk. The UML is used throughout, but the test design patterns apply to systems developed with any OO language or methodology
MM-Path, an acronym for Method/Message Path, describes the dynamic interactions between methods in object-oriented systems. This paper discusses the classifications of MM-Path, based on the characteristics of object-oriented software. We categorize it according to the generation reasons, the effect scope and the composition of MM-Path. A formalized representation of MM-Path is also proposed, which has considered the influence of state on response method sequences of messages. .Moreover, an automatic MM-Path generation approach based on UML Statechart diagram has been presented, and the difficulties in identifying and generating MM-Path can be solved. . As a result, it provides a solid foundation for further research on test cases generation based on MM-Path. Keywords—MM-Path, Message Sequence, Object-Oriented Integration Testing, Response Method Sequence, UML Statechart Diagram.
Since software must evolve to meet the typically changing requirements, source code modifications can not be avoided. Impact analysis is one of the central and relatively demanding tasks of software maintenance. It is constantly needed while aiming at ensuring the correctness of the made modifications. Due to its importance and challenging nature automated support techniques are required. Theoretically, forward slicing is a very suitable technique for that purpose. Therefore, we have implemented a program dependence graph (PDG) based tool, called GRACE, for it. For example, due to the typical rewritings of Visual Basic programs there is a great need to support their impact analysis. However, there were neither earlier scientific studies on slicing Visual Basic nor reported slicers for it. In case of forward slicing there is a need to perform efficient static slicing revealing all the potential effects of considered source code modifications. Use of PDGs helps in achieving this goal. Therefore, this paper focuses on describing automated PDG-based forward slicing for impact analysis support of Visual Basic programs. GRACE contains a parser, a PDG-generator and all other necessary components to support forward slicing. Our experiences on the application of the PDG-based forward slicing has confirmed the feasibility of the approach in this context. GRACE is also compared to other forward slicing tools.