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Automated detection of obstructive sleep apnea in more than 8000 subjects using frequency optimized orthogonal wavelet filter bank with respiratory and oximetry signals



Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common respiratory disorder marked by interruption of the respiratory tract and difficulty in breathing. The risk of serious health damage can be reduced if OSA is diagnosed and treated at an early stage. OSA is primarily diagnosed using polysomnography (PSG) monitoring performed for overnight sleep; furthermore, capturing PSG signals during the night is expensive, time-consuming, complex and highly inconvenient to patients. Hence, we are proposing to detect OSA automatically using respiratory and oximetry signals.The aim of this study is to develop a simple and computationally efficient wavelet-based automated system based on these signals to detect OSA in elderly subjects. In this study, we proposed an accurate, reliable, and less complex OSA automated detection system by using pulse oximetry (SpO2) and respiratory signals including thoracic (ThorRes) movement, abdominal (AbdoRes) movement, and airflow (AF). These signals are collected from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) database from the National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR), which is one of the largest repositories of publicly available sleep databases. The database comprises of two groups SHHS-1 and SHHS-2, which involves 5,793 and 2,651 subjects, respectively with an average age of ≥60 years. The 30-s epochs of the signals are decomposed into sub-bands using frequency optimized orthogonal wavelet filter bank. Tsallis entropies are extracted from the sub-band coefficients of wavelet filter bank. A total 4,415,229 epochs of respiratory and oximetry signals are used to develop the model. The proposed model is developed using GentleBoost and Random under-sampling Boosting (RUSBoosted Tree) algorithms with 10-fold cross-validation technique. Our developed model has obtained the highest classification accuracy of 89.39% and 84.64% for the imbalanced and balanced datasets, respectively using 10-fold cross-validation technique. Using the 20% hold-out validation, the model yielded an accuracy of 88.26% and 84.31% for the imbalanced and balanced datasets, respectively. Hence, the respiratory and SpO2 signals-based model can be used for automated OSA detection. The results obtained from the proposed model are better than the state-of-the-art models and can be used in-home for screening the OSA.
Automated detection of obstructive sleep apnea in more
than 8000 subjects using frequency optimized orthogonal
wavelet filter bank with respiratory and oximetry signals
Manish Sharmaa,, Divyash Kumbhania, Jainendra Tiwaria, T.Sudheer Kumara, U.
Rajendra Acharyab,c,d
aDepartment of Electrical and Computer Science Engineering, Institute of Infrastructure, Technology,
Research and Management (IITRAM), Ahmedabad, India
bDepartment of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore 599489,
cDepartment of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University, Taiwan.
dDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, School of Science and Technology, SUSS University, Singapore
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common respiratory disorder marked by interrup-
tion of the respiratory tract and difficulty in breathing. The risk of serious health dam-
age can be reduced if OSA is diagnosed and treated at an early stage. OSA is primarily
diagnosed using polysomnography (PSG) monitoring performed for overnight sleep;
furthermore, capturing PSG signals during the night is expensive, time-consuming,
complex and highly inconvenient to patients. Hence, we are proposing to detect OSA
automatically using respiratory and oximetry signals.The aim of this study is to develop
a simple and computationally efficient wavelet-based automated system based on these
signals to detect OSA in elderly subjects.
In this study, we proposed an accurate, reliable, and less complex OSA automated
detection system by using pulse oximetry (SpO2) and respiratory signals including
thoracic (ThorRes) movement, abdominal (AbdoRes) movement, and airflow (AF).
These signals are collected from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) database from
the National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR), which is one of the largest repositories
Corresponding author
Email addresses: (Manish Sharma ), (Divyash Kumbhani), (Jainendra Tiwari),
(T.Sudheer Kumar), (U. Rajendra Acharya)
Preprint submitted to Journal of L
X Templates March 6, 2022
of publicly available sleep databases. The database comprises of two groups SHHS-1
and SHHS-2, which involves 5,793 and 2,651 subjects, respectively with an average
age of 60 years. The 30-s epochs of the signals are decomposed into sub-bands using
frequency optimized orthogonal wavelet filter bank. Tsallis entropies are extracted
from the sub-band coefficients of wavelet filter bank. A total 4,415,229 epochs of
respiratory and oximetry signals are used to develop the model. The proposed model
is developed using GentleBoost and Random under-sampling Boosting (RUSBoosted
Tree) algorithms with 10-fold cross-validation technique.
Our developed model has obtained the highest classification accuracy of 89.39%
and 84.64% for the imbalanced and balanced datasets, respectively using 10-fold cross-
validation technique. Using the 20% hold-out validation, the model yielded an accu-
racy of 88.26% and 84.31% for the imbalanced and balanced datasets, respectively.
Hence, the respiratory and SpO2 signals-based model can be used for automated OSA
detection. The results obtained from the proposed model are better than the state-of-
the-art models and can be used in-home for screening the OSA.
Keywords: Obstructive sleep apnea, Tsallis entropy, polysomnography (PSG),
GentleBoost, SpO2, Airflow .
1. Introduction
Sleep occupies roughly one-third of a person’s life. Good quality of sleep is very
essential for a human’s life as it aid in resetting the body, improves learning capacity,
physical development, emotional control, and overall quality of life. Apneic episodes
leads to oxygen deficit and arousals, keeping patients from sleeping and jeopardis-5
ing their health and well-being.[1]. Sleep-related disorders like narcolepsy, sleep ap-
nea, cataplexy, hypersomnia, insomnia, and others have a devastating impact on health
and quality of life [2, 3, 4]. Hence, a method for diagnosing sleep disorders must
be devised [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
(AASM), sleep apnea is the most frequent sleep condition [10]. Sleep apnea can be10
defined as a sleep-related condition marked by breathing problems while sleeping [11].
The Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI), which indicates the occurrences of apnea and hy-
poapnea events per hour during total sleep time (TST), and is considered as the most
important metric for diagnosing the presence and seriousness of the condition. The
hypoapnea is another type of sleep disorder in which the patient experiences shallow15
breaths due to partial (30%) airway blockage for 10 seconds or more duration accom-
panied by oxygen desaturation of 3% or more [12]. According to some studies [13],
around 200 million people are suffering from sleep apnea. This disease affects 4% of
adult males and 2% of adult females, making it more prevalent in men than in women
[14]. The prevalence of sleep apnea increases with age and is highest among elderly20
population [15]. Elderly patients suffering from apnea are observed to have shown a
decline in cognitive functions and are at a higher risk of stroke [16, 17] and mortality
Sleep apnea is categorised into several types based on its cause: (i) central sleep
apnea (CSA), (ii) obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and (iii) mixed sleep apnea (MSA)25
[19]. The OSA occurs when the air passage is stopped by the throat muscles leading
to more than 90% reduction in the airflow for at least two respiratory cycles, and CSA
occurs when the impulses from our brain that regulate breathing are disrupted [20].
The MSA is characterized by the combination of OSA and CSA. It begins with CSA
and progresses towards the OSA [21].OSA is the most prevalent among all types of30
sleep apnea and is positively correlated to obesity and age [22]. Studies [22] show
that around 22% men and 17% women on average suffer from OSA if we consider an
AHI 5. OSA is also linked to an increased risk of stroke, arrhythmias, hyperten-
sion, preoperative problems, and myocardial involvement during sleep, in addition to
personal pain, annoyance, and tiredness during the day. Several variables can play a35
part in the growth of OSA. The presence of OSA is most commonly indicated by bone
malformation and increased soft tissue around the airway and the other factor is muscle
activity [23]. Furthermore, it plays a critical role in memory loss, obesity, impotence,
and weakness. Sleep disorders can have a significant societal cost as well as a negative
impact on one’s quality of life. Early observation of OSA may aid in the prevention of40
potentially harmful health consequences [24].
In recent years, simplifying the diagnosis of OSA has become a major research fo-
cus. The nocturnal polysomnogram (PSG) [25] is the gold standard in OSA diagnosis.
It is designed to diagnose the normal overnight recurrence of apneas and hypopneas,
which lead to intermittent hypoxia (insufficient gas exchange), and disrupted sleep. The45
PSG usually needs at least 11 channels which also includes electrocardiogram (ECG)
[26, 27], electroencephalogram (EEG), respiratory effort, oxygen saturation of arterial
blood through blood gas analysis (SaO2) and airflow (AF) for different bio-signal mea-
surements and twenty two wires linked to the patient who is being monitored during
the night [21, 24, 28].50
The large number of signals are needed to track patients during PSG and complex
acquisition equipment is required. PSG is a costly test due to its difficulty and the need
for qualified staff overnight. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of specialized laboratories
that can perform the PSG test. Due to the limitations of PSG, researchers are looking
for other ways to identify sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS). A lot of effort has55
been made on the identification of simplified method. One of the easiest methods to
simplify the diagnostic test is to assess a reduced collection of signals rather than the
whole set used in PSG. [21, 29]. Nocturnal home pulse oximetry (NHPO) is a reliable
screening method that measures a patient’s oxygenation in their normal surroundings.
Generally NHPO can be used as a preliminary step in the screening process for OSA60
[30]. Signals that measure respiratory movements are important since breathing is a
key aspect in detecting sleep apnea [23].
The SpO2signal and respiratory signals like thoracic (ThorRes), abdomen (Ab-
doRes) and AF can be considered to develop a potential low-cost method for determin-
ing apnea severity. Pulse oximetry uses photoplethysmographic pulses at two wave-65
lengths, commonly in the red and infrared, to measure SaO2 (oxygen saturation in
arterial blood) noninvasively. [31]. Respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP) is
the most extensively used method for noninvasive quantitative and qualitative respira-
tory measurements in adults and children [32]. The ThorRes and AbdoRes signals are
measured with thoracic and abdominal belts using the RIP method. AF signals are cap-70
tured using temperature-sensitive devices called thermistors and thermocouples. The
Figure 1 represents the typical respiratory signals during OSA event.
Figure 1: Typical airflow, SpO2, abdominal (AbdoRes) and thoracic (ThorRes) movement signals during
OSA event.
1.1. Related Work
To identify OSA, several studies have been conducted in the literature. Biswal et
al. [33] published a research article on sleep stage classification and sleep apnea de-75
tection by using recurrent and convolutional neural networks (RCNN). They obtained
an accuracy of 83.2% using SHHS-1 dataset. Golroul et al. [34] used SaO2, AF, Thor-
Res and AbdoRes for the detection of sleep apnea using fuzzy logic and achieved an
accuracy of 83.7%. ´
Alvarez et al. [35] have used multivariate analysis of SaO2record-
ings to detect OSA with 148 subjects obtained from the Hospital Universitario P´
ıo del80
ıo Hortega of Valladolid (Spain) and reported an accuracy of 89.7%. Barroso-Garc´
et al. [36] focused on OSA detection in children by using discrete wavelet analysis
and airflow signal. Sharma et al. [24] detected OSA using ECG signals and an opti-
mal class of anti-symmetric wavelet filter banks, however, they have used a different
dataset named Apnea-ECG with only 70 overnight recordings only. Recently, Uddin85
et al. [37] have developed an automated sleep apnea detection system using AF and
oximetry signals and SHHS dataset. They have used only 988 recordings, whereas we
have used more than 8,000 recordings. Majority of these studies have been conducted
on pediatric subjects [38]. Very few studies are performed on elderly subjects (aged
60 years or more) [39, 40, 41]. OSA is considered more severe and most prevalence90
among all types of sleep apnea. The majority of studies in the literature are on the
detection of obstructive sleep apnea [24, 37, 42, 43]. Hence, we have detected only
OSA events in this study. And, the traces of CSA events were found in only 4,191 (less
than 50% of OSA subjects) subjects, which would make the data further imbalanced.
Hence, we have considered only OSA. However, in our future work, we can take all95
four types of events.
1.2. Proposed Work
In this study, we provide a new OSA detection system based on respiratory and
oximetry signals for elderly subjects of age 60 years. This study uses a new class of
frequency optimized wavelet orthogonal filter bank for the subband decomposition of100
the signals considered. Feature extraction is done with Tsallis entropy, while OSA de-
tection is done using supervised machine learning classifiers. Unlike previous studies,
the proposed system uses a large database (SHHS) which includes SHHS-1 (5,793 Sub-
jects with average 63 years) and SHHS-2 (2,651 subjects with average age 68 years).
For the imbalanced and balanced SHHS database, the proposed work yielded the high-105
est classification accuracy of 89.39% and area under the curve (AUC) of 0.904 and an
accuracy of 84.64% and AUC of 0.932, respectively. To analyse the performance of the
proposed model, we employed RUSBoost and GentleBoost classifiers with a 10-fold
cross-validation technique. The proposed model also achieved the accuracy of 83.97%
and 84.21% for imbalanced data and balanced data with the SHHS-1 dataset. Simi-110
larly, it achieved 89.50% and 88.45% accuracy for the imbalanced data and balanced
data with SHHS-2 dataset. The proposed study, to the best of our knowledge, is the
pioneered study that used such a large number of elderly subjects for OSA detection
using wavelet subbands of respiratory and oximetry signals. This is the first study that
uses all (8,444 PSG) recording of both SHHS-1 and SHHS-2 databases. Further, a total115
4,415,229 epochs of each signals of 15 different signals are considered to develop the
model. A large number of subjects, PSG recordings, different types of signals, and
huge number epochs have been used to develop the model. The suggested model has
yielded a high classification performance, which indicates the robustness and accurate-
ness of the proposed system. The system is simple, accurate and robust. Hence, it can120
be tested for installation in home-based environment for OSA detection, specially for
elderly people.
2. Methods and Materials
2.1. Database
The proposed study used PSG data from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) [44]125
database, which is accessible through the National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR).
The SHHS database consists of 8,444 subjects and it includes two subsets namely
SHHS-1 with 5,793 subjects (avg. age 63 yrs) gathered between November 1995, and
January 1998, and SHHS-2 with 2,651 subjects (avg. age 68 yrs) collected from Jan-
uary 2001 to June 2003. This dataset is a good representation of elderly subjects. Every130
set includes one ECG channel, one EMG channel, two bipolar EEG channels (C4-A1
and C3-A2), two-channel EOGs, dual-channel respiratory inductance (abdominal and
thoracic), position channel, light channel, SaO2channel, and an airflow (AF) channel.
Depending on the signal nature, the sampling frequency ranges from 1 Hz to 256 Hz.
A thermistor is used to monitor nose respiration, whereas inductive plethysmography135
bands are used to assess thoracid (ThorRes) and abdominal (AbdoRes) excursions [23].
The PSG recording in the database is available in the form of a european data format
(EDF), and XML files annotated for every sleep stage as per Rechtschaffen & Kales
(R&K) rules [45]. The summary of the database is given in the Table 1 and the channel
information is given in Table 2.140
Table 1: Detailed description of sleep heart health study (SHHS) database.
Description SHHS-1 SHHS-2
No. of Subjects 5,793 2,651
Dataset Size 216 GB 137 GB
Age (year) 63 (55 - 72) 68 (60 - 76)
Male Patients 3,033 1,425
Female Patients 2,760 1,226
Body Mass Index (BMI) 27.5 (24.7 - 30.8) 27.7 (24.9 - 31.1)
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
7 (4 - 11) 7 (4 - 10)
(ESS) score
Total Sleep Time (minutes) 367.5 (321 - 406) 381.5 (336 - 417.9)
Sleep Efficiency (%) 72.8 (64.2 - 80.1) 63.6 (55.7 - 70.5)
AHI ( per hour) 24.7 (15.2 - 37.7) 14.6 (9.17 - 22.9)
** Data are median and range is IQR
2.2. Proposed method
The flow diagram for the proposed study is shown in Figure 2. It represents ex-
traction of respiratory signals from the database followed by segmentation and pre-
Table 2: Details of the channels and subjects used in our proposed method.
Frequency Number of Subjects
(Hz) SHHS - 1 SHHS - 2
SpO21 5,793 2,651
AF 10 3,943 2,535
AbdoRes, ThorRes 10 5,793 2,535
processing, 5-Level wavelet decomposition, feature extraction, and classification. The
respiratory signals are segmented into 30-sec epochs and then pre-processed. 5-level 1-145
D wavelet decomposition with an orthogonal wavelet filter bank is used on each epoch
to obtaind sub-bands. Tsallis entropy is extracted from each sub-band coefficients. Fi-
nally, GentleBoost and RUSBoosted tree classifiers are employed to classify OSA and
normal epochs.
2.2.1. Segmentation and Preprocessing150
In this study, we separated respiratory signals from every subject in the database.
The SHHS database consists of European Data Format (EDF) file and XML file for
every subject. The XML file contains R&K Specified annotations for each sleep stage
of 30 sec epoch and sleep disorder events. The signal data is stored as a matrix, which
is subsequently normalized for segmentation into 30 sec epoch.155
Table 3: Details of number of epochs used in imbalanced and balanced data.
SHHS - 1 SHHS - 2
Imbalanced Balanced Imbalanced Balanced
OSA 104,781 (4.7 %) 104,781 (50 %) 59,430 (2.7 %) 59,430 (50 %)
Normal 2,118,282 (95.3 %) 104,781 (50 %) 2,132,736 (97.3 %) 59,430 (50 %)
Total 2,223,063 209,562 2,192,166 118,860
Extraction of Respiratory
channels from SHHS dataset
Segmentation and pre-processing
Wavelet Decomposition of level 5
Feature Extraction
OSA Normal
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the proposed method.
2.2.2. Design of wavelet based filter banks
In order to obtain sub-bands of the signals, we have used an optimal orthogonal
wavelet filter banks. The optimal filter bank has designed by minimizing bandwidth
of the wavelet filter of the given length for given number of zero moments of the filter
[46]. For the analysis of non-stationary signals, such as physiological signals, the160
bandwidth of localised filters is highly desirable [47, 48, 49]. Hence, in this study, we
used band-width localized filter of length 18, and with 7 number of zero-moments [46].
The frequency response of the filter with bandwidth localized filter of length 18, and
with 7 zero-moments are shown in Figure 3 and 4, respectively.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Normalized Frequency ( rad/samples)
Magnitude in dB
Low Pass Filter
High Pass Filter
Figure 3: Magnitude response of the bandwidth localized filter of length 18, and with 7 number of zero-
moments used in the study.
2.2.3. Feature extraction165
Tsallis entropy (TE): Tsallis statistics have been used to describe a wide variety
of phenomena in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, economics, and geophysics,
among other fields [50]. Transient feature extraction is a crucial element of signal
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Normalized Frequency ( rad/samples)
Low Pass Filter
High Pass Filter
Figure 4: Magnitude response of the bandwidth localized filter of length 18, and with 7 number of zero-
moments used in the study.
analysis, and wavelet entropy has grabbed the interest of researchers around the world
to develop a new feature extraction methodology [51]. An easy approach to introduce170
Tsallis entropy (TE) is a generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon (BGS) entropy
and it is nonextensive [50].
T E =
where xidenotes ith sample of the N-length wavelet coefficient sequence x(n).
Because of long-range interactions, physiological signals have nonextensivity. In
nonextensive statistical mechanics, Tsallis entropy is critical. It can be used to describe175
systems with long-range interactions, multifractal space-time constraints, or long-term
memory effects, as well as non-stationary nature. [52, 53]. The Tsallis entropy has
the advantage of being able to measure the uncertainty of generalised systems. The
combination of wavelet analysis with Tsallis entropy can be considered an excellent
candidate for the analysis of transient non-stationary biomedical signals. Furthermore,180
Tsallis entropy has only a summation part in its mathematical expression. As a result,
Tsallis entropy takes significantly less time to compute than other methods, giving
it an advantage in terms of computational complexity.The physiological signals are
nonlinear, transient and non-stationary. Hence, Tsallis Entropy seems a good candidate
for their analysis.185
2.3. Classification and performance evaluation
With a 10-fold cross-validation (CV) technique, the GentleBoost and RUSBoost
classifiers are employed for the classification of normal and OSA classes. The k-
fold cross-validation approach is often used to develop a robust model with the least
amount of over-fitting and redundancy [24]. To evaluate the classification performance190
of both datasets individually and also in combination, the average classification accu-
racy (ACC), precision, sensitivity, specificity, F1-Score, and area under the ROC curve
(AUC) are computed.
In this work, the RUSBoost classifier performed the best for the detection of OSA
with imbalanced data. There are three types of resampling techniques: oversampling,195
undersampling, and hybrid. Oversampling methods generate a superset of the origi-
nal dataset by reproducing certain instances or generating new examples from existing
ones, whereas undersampling methods produce a subset of the original dataset by re-
moving a specific case from the majority class [54]. A hybrid method combines both
over and undersampling techniques. The numerous data sampling approaches are ex-200
plicitly developed to solve the problem of class imbalance. Boosting is an approach that
can enhance the performance of weak classifiers [55]. When training data is skewed,
RUSBoost combines data sampling and boosting to create a simple and quick for im-
proving classification performance. [56].
In the proposed study GentleBoost classifier provides optimal performance with205
balanced data. GentleBoost was introduced by Friedman et al. [57] as an alterna-
tive to AdaBoost for improving boosting performance in the face of outliers. To give
less weight to misclassified samples, GentleBoost uses a quadratic objective function
of margin, which increases at a slower rate than AdaBoost’s exponential function of
margin [58]. Furthermore, GentleBoost is a method for reducing exponential loss that210
uses decision trees as base learners. As a result, when compared to other ensemble
techniques, it has a smaller ensemble error [59].
Table 4: Tuning parameters used for the RUSBoost and GentleBoost classifier for imbalanced and balanced
SHHS - 1 SHHS - 2 SHHS 1 + SHHS 2
Imbalanced Balanced Imbalanced Balanced Imbalanced Balanced
Classifier RUSBoost GentleBoost RUSBoost GentleBoost RUSBoost GentleBoost
No. of observations 2,223,063 209,562 2,192,166 118,860 4,415,229 328,422
No. of Learner 13 497 13 496 22 498
Max. no. of Splits 42,169 1,171 525,350 452 572 101,588
Learning Rate 0.168 0.399 0.391 0.051 0.893 0.013
Prediction Speed (obs/sec) 140,000 5,100 160,000 5,300 140,000 3,600
Training Time (sec) 1,333.3 7,914.7 747.8 2,883.2 539.6 25,493
3. Classification results
The proposed work was carried out using a computer with 8 GB of RAM, an In-
tel i5 10th generation processor running at 1.60 GHz, and MATLAB R2020a (version215 We conducted our assessment on both ’imbalanced’ and ’balanced’
data. In the following two subsections, the obtained results for both datasets are pre-
3.1. Classification results obtained for ’imbalanced’ data
We have collected respiratory signals from the original SHHS database to detect220
OSA. A total of 4,415,229 epochs (2,223,063 epochs from SHHS-1 and 2,192,166
epochs from SHHS-2). Table 3 shows the detailed classification of epochs employed
for the proposed method. We have used the RUSBoost classifier for imbalanced data
and the learning rate, prediction speed, and training time of the classifier are given in
the Table 4.225
Table 5 shows the classification accuracy of the proposed model using individ-
ual channels and combined channels of respiratory signals with SHHS-1 and SHHS-
2 datasets. We have obtained the maximum classification accuracy of 83.97% and
89.50% with combined channels of SHHS-1 and SHHS-2 datasets. Table 7 represents
the confusion matrix of the proposed model for both imbalanced and balanced data.230
To ensure the robustness of the proposed method, we have employed 10-fold CV tech-
nique. The performance parameters of the proposed model for both imbalanced and
balanced data are shown in Table 8.
3.2. Classification results obtained for ’balanced’ data
To overcome the bias and inaccuracy associated with classification using imbal-235
anced data, we balanced the epochs in every dataset and evaluated the performance
of our proposed method. The under-sampling approach was employed to balance the
number of respiratory epochs for healthy and OSA subjects in all datasets. For in-
stance, the number of normal and OSA epochs in the imbalanced SHHS-2 dataset are
2,132,736 and 59,430, respectively. The number of normal epochs is reduced to the240
number of OSA epochs by randomly selecting 59,430 normal epochs from the unbal-
anced normal epochs. As a result, the balanced data of SHHS-2 dataset includes 59,430
normal and OSA epochs. Similar approach is employed to balance normal and OSA
epochs of SHHS-1 dataset also.
For classification using balanced data, a total of 209,562 epochs (104,781 epochs245
for both normal and OSA) in the SHHS-1 dataset and 118,860 epochs (59,430 epochs
for both normal and OSA) in the SHHS-2 dataset are used. The epoch distribution for
both balanced and imbalanced datasets is depicted in Table 3.
The GentleBoost classifier is applied for balanced data, and the classifier parame-
ters are shown in Table 4. We have achieved the maximum accuracy of 84.21% and250
88.45% using SHHS-1 and SHHS-2 balanced datasets as shown in Table 5. From Ta-
ble 6, we can observe that balancing significantly improves the F1-score for OSA class.
It implies that the model is performing better to classify OSA events. The confusion
matrices for both imbalanced and balanced data using 10-fold CV are shown in Ta-
ble 8. We have obtained AUC of 0.921 and 0.953 for SHHS-1 and SHHS-2 datasets,255
respectively. The AUC values are close to one, indicating better discrimination ability.
We have also obtained maximum classification accuracy of 89.39% and AUC of
0.904 as well as the accuracy of 84.64% and AUC of 0.932 by combining both datasets
(SHHS-1 and SHHS-2) with imbalanced and balanced data, respectively. Table 7
shows the confusion matrices obtained using the RUSBoost and GentleBoost classi-260
fiers for each dataset, as well as by combining both datasets (SHHS-1 and SHHS-2)
with imbalanced and balanced data. The performance metrics of the proposed model
for each dataset and combination of datasets are shown in the Table 8.
4. Discussion
The present work focuses on automatic detection of OSA in elderly subjects using265
oximetry and respiratory signals. There are very few studies in the literature which have
considered elderly subjects (average age of more than 60 years) and which used on the
combination of SpO2and respiratory signals [60, 38]. We proposed a new orthogonal
filter bank for 5-levels using 1-D wavelet decomposition. The novelties of the present
Table 5: Classification accuracy (%) of the proposed method with individual and combined channels with
imbalanced and balanced data.
SHHS - 1 SHHS - 2
Imbalanced Balanced Imbalanced Balanced
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes + AF 83.97 84.21 89.50 88.45
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes + AF + ECG 79.85 82.09 83.79 86.47
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes 80.41 81.25 84.04 83.82
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes + ECG 80.36 81.63 84.21 84.51
SpO2+ ThorRes + AF 79.72 81.02 83.86 85.91
SpO2+ ThorRes + AF + ECG 79.78 81.82 83.75 86.46
SpO2+ AbdoRes + AF 79.75 80.93 83.89 85.58
SpO2+ AbdoRes + AF + ECG 79.68 81.76 83.93 86.09
SpO2+ AF 80.36 80.11 83.83 84.79
SpO2+ ThorRes 80.08 80.72 84.01 83.46
SpO2+ AbdoRes 80.02 80.64 83.93 82.89
ThorRes + AbdoRes + AF 69.27 74.02 72.01 81.89
ThorRes + AbdoRes 66.92 72.63 74.63 76.88
ThorRes + AF 59.26 69.69 71.93 80.76
AbdoRes + AF 64.25 69.67 70.95 80.11
SpO281.29 79.81 83.81 81.49
ThorRes 57.54 66.77 76.34 73.02
AbdoRes 65.14 66.76 56.48 70.83
AF 48.39 55.46 71.38 75.73
ECG 56.94 72.31 26.92 81.14
Table 6: F1 Score of the proposed method with individual and combined channels with imbalanced and
balanced data.
SHHS - 1 SHHS - 2
Imbalanced Balanced Imbalanced Balanced
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes + AF
N 0.909 0.843 0.943 0.884
O 0.312 0.842 0.293 0.885
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes + AF + ECG
N 0.884 0.825 0.910 0.865
O 0.246 0.817 0.206 0.864
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes
N 0.887 0.817 0.911 0.840
O 0.245 0.808 0.198 0.836
SpO2+ ThorRes + AbdoRes + ECG
N 0.887 0.821 0.912 0.847
O 0.245 0.812 0.200 0.843
SpO2+ ThorRes + AF
N 0.883 0.814 0.910 0.860
O 0.245 0.806 0.206 0.858
SpO2+ ThorRes + AF + ECG
N 0.883 0.822 0.910 0.865
O 0.246 0.814 0.206 0.864
SpO2+ AbdoRes + AF
N 0.883 0.814 0.910 0.857
O 0.244 0.805 0.206 0.855
SpO2+ AbdoRes + AF + ECG
N 0.883 0.822 0.911 0.861
O 0.243 0.813 0.206 0.861
SpO2+ AF
N 0.887 0.807 0.910 0.849
O 0.242 0.795 0.205 0.847
SpO2+ ThorRes
N 0.885 0.812 0.911 0.837
O 0.243 0.802 0.198 0.832
SpO2+ AbdoRes
N 0.885 0.812 0.911 0.833
O 0.243 0.801 0.197 0.825
ThorRes + AbdoRes + AF
N 0.812 0.741 0.833 0.818
O 0.158 0.740 0.133 0.820
ThorRes + AbdoRes
N 0.794 0.725 0.852 0.765
O 0.157 0.727 0.122 0.770
ThorRes + AF
N 0.733 0.696 0.833 0.807
O 0.141 0.698 0.133 0.808
AbdoRes + AF
N 0.774 0.699 0.826 0.800
O 0.147 0.694 0.129 0.802
N 0.893 0.804 0.910 0.819
O 0.243 0.792 0.192 0.811
N 0.718 0.665 0.863 0.727
O 0.137 0.670 0.120 0.734
N 0.781 0.669 0.707 0.709
O 0.146 0.666 0.088 0.711
N 0.638 0.565 0.829 0.756
O 0.101 0.544 0.127 0.759
N 0.717 0.735 0.401 0.815
O 0.103 0.710 0.064 0.808
*** O: OSA; N: Normal
Table 7: Confusion matrices obtained for the proposed method using combination of channels with both
imbalanced and balanced data.
SHHS - 1
Imbalanced Balanced
N 1,785,887 (84.3 %) 332,395 (15.7 %) 88,661 (84.6 %) 16,120 (15.4 %)
O 23,869 (22.8 %) 80,912 (77.2 %) 16,970 (16.2 %) 87,811 (83.8 %)
Predicted Predicted
SHHS - 2
Imbalanced Balanced
N 1,914,329 (89.8 %) 218,407 (10.2 %) 52,262 (87.9 %) 7,168 (12.1 %)
O 11,768 (19.8 %) 47,662 (80.2 %) 6,561 (11.0 %) 52,869 (89.0 %)
Predicted Predicted
Imbalanced Balanced
N 3,829,965 (90.1 %) 421,053 (9.9 %) 139,691 (85.07 %) 24,520 (14.93 %)
O 47,620 (29.0 %) 116,591 (71.0 %) 25,930 (15.79 %) 138,281 (84.21 %)
Predicted Predicted
*** O: OSA; N: Normal
Table 8: Performance parameters obtained for the proposed method using imbalanced and balanced data.
Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Specificity F1-Score Kappa AUC
(%) (%) (%) (%)
SHHS - 1
98.68 84.31 77.22 0.909
0.256 0.891
O 19.58 77.22 84.31 0.312
83.93 84.62 83.80 0.843
0.684 0.921
O 84.49 83.80 84.62 0.842
SHHS - 2
99.39 89.76 80.20 0.943
0.260 0.932
O 17.91 80.20 89.76 0.293
88.85 87.94 88.96 0.884
0.769 0.953
O 88.06 88.96 87.94 0.885
98.77 90.10 71.00 0.942
0.292 0.904
O 21.69 71.00 90.10 0.332
84.34 85.07 84.21 0.847
0.693 0.932
O 84.94 84.21 85.07 0.846
*** O: OSA; N: Normal
study are as follows: (i) automated technique for detecting OSA using respiratory and270
SpO2signals; (ii) Novel filter bank with certain desirable properties are presented; (iii)
Features are extracted using Tsallis entropy which is computationally less intensive.
Table 9 represents the comparison of the proposed method with previous study con-
ducted. Our proposed strategy has outperformed earlier studies, as seen in the table.
Biswal et al. [33] used only SHHS-1 for sleep apnea detection using convolutional275
neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) and achieved an accu-
racy of 83.2%. They have combined all respiratory events (hypopnea, central apnea,
obstructive apnea, and mixed apnea) and took them as a single class (apnea event).
They employed respiratory signals and transformed them to spectrograms to classify
presence or absence of apnea using CNN and RNN. They have computed twelve time-280
domain and eighty four frequency-domain features, resulting in high computational
complexity. However, the proposed method used the same respiratory signals with
both datasets (SHHS-1 and SHHS-2) and obtained maximum accuracy of 89.39% with
RUSBoost classifier using Tsallis entropy features.
Wavelet entropy combines wavelet decomposition and entropy, thus, it offers the285
advantages of both multi-resolution analysis and complexity evaluation for time-varying
signals. Hence, the macro and micro aspects of some signals could be captured using
wavelet entropy. Therefore, wavelet entropy has been used in analyzing physiological
signals. However, the Shannon wavelet entropy has been extensively used. Shannon
wavelet energy entropy has some limitations in processing non-stationary signals, re-290
sulting in inaccurate results. Tsallis entropy is good at expressing the uncertainty of
generalized systems; with a combination of Tsallis entropy and wavelet decomposition,
a wavelet entropy-Tsallis wavelet energy entropy is constructed. The experimental re-
sults show that Tsallis wavelet energy entropy is better than Shannon wavelet energy
entropy in analyzing transient signals[52, 53]. Thus, the combination of wavelet anal-295
ysis with Tsallis entropy can be considered an excellent candidate for the analysis of
transient non-stationary biomedical signals. The combination of wavelet filter bank
used and Tsallis entropy produced highly discriminative features. Further,we have
used frequency localized orthogonal wavelet filter bank, which possesses simultane-
ously good localization in time due to finite support and good localization in frequency300
due to minimum possible bandwidth. Hence, the bandwidth localized orthogonal fil-
ter banks can be regarded as an excellent tool for the analysis of transient and non-
stationary physiological signals. The minimum time-frequency product of wavelets
leads to an excellent analysis of non-stationary signals. Hence, the proposed Wavelet-
Tsallis Entropy based model perform better.305
Simpler oximetric measures, such as the mean of desaturations are used in the
OSAs detection through oximetry. However, a systematic underestimating of the con-
dition has been found, and performance varied significantly in the study [61]. In the
present study, we proposed a simple approach using oximetry and respiratory signals.
Our experimental results indicate that the classification accuracy obtained in detecting310
OSA using a large dataset (SHHS-1 & SHHS-2) and a combination of SpO2, ThorRes,
AbdoRes, and AF signals outperformed the other study [33]. This may be because our
new filter bank and Tsallis entropy features are able to pick salient signatures from the
physiological signals accurately.
Table 9: Comparison of proposed method with state-of-the-art apnea detection systems using respiratory
signals with same SHHS database.
Study Methodology Dataset Accuracy (%)
Biswal [33] AHI detection using CNN + RNN SHHS - 1 83.20
Proposed work OSA detection using Machine learning
SHHS - 1 83.97
SHHS - 2 89.50
SHHS - 1 & SHHS - 2 89.39
Our proposed model has following advantages:315
It is the first study to use 8,444 (5,791 from SHHS-1 and 2,535 subjects from
SHHS-2 dataset) elderly subjects for automated OSA detection.
For the detection and diagnosis of OSA , we used respiratory (ThorRes, Ab-
doRes, AF) signals and SpO2instead of traditional ECG signal. As shown in
Table 5, we have analyzed their individual performances as well as 11 different320
combinations of these signals and performed more than 124 classification tasks.
It can be observed that individual SpO2signal yielded better OSA classification
performance as compared to individual respiratory signals. However, combina-
tion of these signals significantly improved the performance.
We have used shorter epoch duration (30s) as it helps in lowering the time com-325
Moreover, our method is simpler than others because we just employed Tsallis
entropy to detect OSA. The method is simple and requires minimal complexity.
As a result, it can be incorporated in sleep monitoring system.
In this study, we have also explored the possibility of using respiratory and SpO2
signals simultaneously rather than applying them separately. Our results show
that combination of signals yielded better results than individual signals.
The source data is imbalanced, but a balanced dataset is constructed as well, and
both datasets are used to identify OSA. The classification performance of the
model obtained using both datasets is consistent, indicating that our model is not335
biased towards any class and 10-fold cross-validation is also employed to obtain
a robust system.We used 10-fold cross-validation to avoid possible over-fitting of
the model. Since we have used 10-fold cross-validation and the number subjects,
and number of epochs considered are massive the probability of using the same
epochs of the same subject in training and testing both is less. Similar approach340
is used in recent studies [62, 63, 64] on apnea detection using different types of
The highest accuracy of 84.64% using balanced and 89.39% using an imbalanced
datasets is achieved by the proposed model. Using the same SHHS database,
each of these results outperformed earlier state-of-the-art systems for OSA de-345
Obtained high classification accuracy even with huge SHHS database with ten-
fold cross-validation which confirms that, our model can be employed in real-
world situations.
In order to ensure the robustness of the proposed model, we have also performed350
hold-out validation for both balanced and imbalanced data sets. In the hold-out
validation, testing data (20%) and training data (80%) are mutually exclusive,
meaning subjects involved in testing were not involved in training and vice versa.
It is to be noted that the results obtained from both 10-fold cross-validation and
20% hold-out validation are comparable. The confusion matrices correspond-355
ing to hold-out validation is given in Table 10 for the case when all signals are
combined. The results obtained using 10-fold cross-validation and 20% hold-out
validation are compared in Table 11. It can be observed from the table that there
is small difference (0.24% to 1.46%) in the average classification accuracies ob-
tained with 10-fold cross-validation and 20% hold-out validation strategies. This360
justifies that our model is robust, and accurate as it performed equally well with
different validations.
The limitations of the proposed model are explained as follows:
Since we are using respiratory channels, the patients may experience discomfort.
Furthermore, home-based mobile sensors/recording units are relatively costly.365
It is difficult to determine the appropriate number of decomposition stages in our
wavelet-based technique in advance.
Rather than using a Nasal Pressure (NP) sensor, a thermistor is used to obtain the
AF signal. Thermistor’s measurements are indirectly related to only AF, which
may discard the presence of hypopneas [65].370
Deep learning algorithms have been widely used for discriminating various phys-
iological signals [66]. Moreover, while dealing with huge databases, DL-based algo-
rithms perform well. Hence, in our future study, we intend to evaluate the usage of
deep learning (DL) methodologies such as CNN, RNN, and long short-term memory
(LSTM) networks, as well as auto-encoders for detecting various sleep disorders like375
OSA, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, etc.
Table 10: Confusion matrices obtained for 20% hold-out validation method using combination of all channels
with both imbalanced and balanced data.
SHHS - 1
Imbalanced Balanced
N 1,781,015 (84.08 %) 337,267 (15.92 %) 86,901 (82.94 %) 17,880 (17.06 %)
O 24,561 (23.44 %) 80,220 (76.56 %) 17,190 (16.41 %) 87,591 (83.59%)
Predicted Predicted
SHHS - 2
Imbalanced Balanced
N 1,882,551 (88.27 %) 250,185 (11.73 %) 51,454 (86.58 %) 7,976 (13.42 %)
O 11,911 (20.04 %) 47,519 (79.96 %) 7,066 (11.89 %) 52,364 (88.11 %)
Predicted Predicted
Imbalanced Balanced
N 3,782,779 (88.99 %) 468,239 (11.01 %) 139,166 (84.75 %) 25,045 (15.25 %)
O 49,952 (30.42 %) 114,259 (69.58 %) 26,472 (16.12 %) 137,739 (83.88 %)
Predicted Predicted
*** O: OSA; N: Normal
Table 11: Comparison of classification accuracy (%) using different validation techniques for the combined
Validation type
Imbalanced Balanced Imbalanced Balanced Imbalanced Balanced
10-fold CV 83.97 84.21 89.50 88.45 89.39 84.64
20% hold-out 83.73 83.27 88.04 87.34 88.26 84.31
Difference* 0.24 0.94 1.46 1.11 1.13 0.33
*Difference between classification accuracies obtained using 10-fold CV and 20% hold-out validation techniques
5. Conclusion
In the proposed work, we have developed an automatic OSA detection system for
elderly subjects using oximetry (SpO2) and respiratory (ThorRes, AbdoRes, and AF)
signals. We employed SpO2and respiratory signals individually as well as in combi-380
nation for the detection of OSA and observed that the combination of SpO2and res-
piratory signals yields the best OSA detection performance. A new class of frequency
optimized orthogonal wavelet filter banks has been used to obtained sub-bands of the
signal. Tsallis entropy-based features are utilized to develop the model. The proposed
model has achieved a promising performance using the wavelet-based Tsallis features385
of respirator and oximetry signals. The proposed model has been developed using
a RUSBoost classifier and a GentleBoost classifiers. Using SHHS-1, the proposed
model attained maximum accuracy rate of 83.97%. Similarly, for SHHS-2 database,
the model yielded accuracy of 89.50%. When both the databases are combined the
propsed model produced the highest accuracy of 89.39%. Hence, the proposed method390
is simple and robust that can be used in the early detection of OSA. In the future, it
would be interesting to explore if our proposed model can detect other types of apnea,
such as central apnea, mixed apnea, and hypopnea. Also, the system can be tested in
the future for measuring the severity of the apnea.
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... Each measurement took about 10 min, and the average value measured over 10 min was taken as the blood oxygen value at that time. Blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) indicates the concentration of oxygen in arterial blood and is closely related to the respiratory cycle [32]. ...
... Automatic SAS detection methods have been proposed using single-lead and few-lead signals from laboratory or PSG devices. Initially, these researches were dominated by feature engineering and traditional machine learning methods [13], [14], [15], [16]. In recent years, deep learning technology has been widely adopted to SAS detection, which achieved better performance. ...
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Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS), which can lead to a range of Cardiopulmonary diseases, is a common chronic sleep disorder. The unobtrusive detection based on wearable devices is helpful for early diagnosis and treatment of SAS. To this end, this paper presents a method based on a one-dimensional multi-scale bidirectional temporal convolutional neural network (1D-MsBiTCNet) and two model performance optimization techniques, i.e., regularized dropout (RD) and logit adjustment (LA). Among them, 1D-MsBiTCNet has outstanding capabilities in both feature extraction and temporal dependence representation. RD and LA play an effective role in solving the overfitting problem of model training and the class imbalance problem of the dataset, respectively. The proposed model was trained and tested on a photoplethysmography (PPG) dataset (including data from 92 subjects) collected from commercial wearable bracelets. On this dataset, our method achieved accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 82.76%, 71.58%, 86.74% for per-segment detection, and 97.83%, 88.89%, 100.00% for per-recording severe SAS detection. For the precise quantification of apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), our method achieved a mean absolute error of 5.44 between the predicted AHI and the ground truth AHI. The experimental results show that our proposed method has an outstanding performance and can provide a methodological reference for large-scale SAS automatic detection.
... The annotations for sleep apnea syndrome consisted of hypopnea (number of samples: 56,936), central apnea (22,763), mixed apnea (2,641), and obstructive apnea (32,547). In addition, this dataset was annotated at 1 s intervals for RERA (43,822), which is difficult to find in 23:190 other polysomnography datasets. In this study, RERA, which is likely to be misclassified as apnea, was used as a reference for ambiguous samples, and the performance of the confidence score-based algorithm was validated. ...
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Background One of the most common sleep disorders is sleep apnea syndrome. To diagnose sleep apnea syndrome, polysomnography is typically used, but it has limitations in terms of labor, cost, and time. Therefore, studies have been conducted to develop automated detection algorithms using limited biological signals that can be more easily diagnosed. However, the lack of information from limited signals can result in uncertainty from artificial intelligence judgments. Therefore, we performed selective prediction by using estimated respiratory signals from electrocardiogram and oxygen saturation signals based on confidence scores to classify only those sleep apnea occurrence samples with high confidence. In addition, for samples with high uncertainty, this algorithm rejected them, providing a second opinion to the clinician. Method Our developed model utilized polysomnography data from 994 subjects obtained from Massachusetts General Hospital. We performed feature extraction from the latent vector using the autoencoder. Then, one dimensional convolutional neural network—long short-term memory (1D CNN-LSTM) was designed and trained to measure confidence scores for input, with an additional selection function. We set a confidence score threshold called the target coverage and performed optimization only on samples with confidence scores higher than the target coverage. As a result, we demonstrated that the empirical coverage trained in the model converged to the target coverage. Result To confirm whether the model has been optimized according to the objectives, the coverage violation was used to measure the difference between the target coverage and the empirical coverage. As a result, the value of coverage violation was found to be an average of 0.067. Based on the model, we evaluated the classification performance of sleep apnea and confirmed that it achieved 90.26% accuracy, 91.29% sensitivity, and 89.21% specificity. This represents an improvement of approximately 7.03% in all metrics compared to the performance achieved without using a selective prediction. Conclusion This algorithm based on selective prediction utilizes confidence measurement method to minimize the problem caused by limited biological information. Based on this approach, this algorithm is applicable to wearable devices despite low signal quality and can be used as a simple detection method that determine the need for polysomnography or complement it.
... Another interesting future goal would be to assess the proposed methodology combining deeplearning and XAI to detect apnea/hypopnea events and subsequently identify novel EEG J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f patterns related to apneas and hypopneas. Similarly, the proposed methodology could be extended to cardiorespiratory signals, which have been frequently proposed as a simplified alternative to PSG for the diagnosis of both adult[60,61] and pediatric[62,63] OSA.In summary, we obtained an accurate CNN-based deep-learning model for automatic sleep staging in children while using a single channel EEG. Our model outperformed CNN-Inception and CNN-RNN architectures when evaluated on a database of 1,637 EEG recordings. ...
Sleep apnea (SA) is a non-communicable medical condition associated with sleep, characterized by recurrent interruptions in breathing during sleep. Electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor data are commonly employed in medical diagnosis to capture the minute electrical impulses of the heart and effectively diagnose SA complications. Analyzing raw ECG data to extract the underlying subtle features poses challenges due to its nonlinear and non-stationary nature. This article introduces a novel approach to diagnosing SA patients using a multi-resolution assessment of raw ECG data. The tunable Q -factor wavelet transform (TQWT) is used to decompose the raw signal into multiple sub-bands (SBs). Selecting the optimal basis parameters for accurate decomposition using TQWT is a complex task. To address this, an artificial gorilla troop optimization algorithm is integrated with the TQWT method to determine the best tuning parameters, resulting in more representative SBs. To differentiate between apnea and normal ECG segments, an array of statistical features is evaluated from all SBs. Selected features are then used as input for five different neural network configurations and four other machine learning modules. The wide neural network configuration achieves the highest accuracy of 96.60%, with a sensitivity of 96.50% and specificity of 96.41%. This research proposes a non-parameterized technique for the efficient decomposition of non-stationary data. The presented strategy, in conjunction with the neural network configurations, can also be applied to detect other health complications.
Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder. Traditional testing and diagnosis heavily rely on the expertise of physicians, as well as analysis and statistical interpretation of extensive sleep testing data, resulting in time-consuming and labor-intensive processes. To address the problems of complex feature extraction, data imbalance, and low model capacity, we proposed an automatic sleep apnea classification model (CA-EfficientNet) based on the wavelet transform, a lightweight neural network, and a coordinated attention mechanism. The signal is converted into a time–frequency image by wavelet transform and put into the proposed model for classification. The effects of input time window, wavelet transform type and data balancing on the classification performance are considered, and a cost-sensitive algorithm is introduced to more accurately distinguish between normal and abnormal breathing events. PhysioNet apnea ECG database was used for training and evaluation. The 3-min Frequency B-Spline wavelets transform of ECG signal was carried out, and Dice Loss was used to train the classification model of sleep breathing. The classification accuracy was 93.44%, sensitivity was 88.9%, specificity was 96.2% and most indexes were better than other related work.
Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic sleep disorder characterized by frequent cessations or reductions of breathing during sleep. Polysomnography (PSG) is a definitive diagnostic tool for OSA. The costly and obtrusive nature of PSG and poor access to sleep clinics have created a demand for accurate home-based screening devices. Methods: This paper proposes a novel OSA screening method based solely on breathing vibration signals with a modified U-Net, allowing patients to be tested at home. Sleep recordings over a whole night are collected in a contactless manner, and sleep apnea-hypopnea events are labeled by a deep neural network. The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) calculated from events estimation is then used to screen for the apnea. The performance of the model is tested by event-based analysis and comparing the estimated AHI with the manually obtained values. Results: The accuracy and sensitivity of sleep apnea events detection are 97.5% and 76.4%, respectively. The mean absolute error of AHI estimation for the patients is 3.0 events/hour. The correlation between the ground truth AHI and predicted AHI shows an R2 of 0.95. In addition, 88.9% of all participants are classified into correct AHI categories. Conclusions: The proposed scheme has great potential as a simple screening tool for sleep apnea. It can accurately detect potential OSA and help the patients to be referred for differential diagnosis of home sleep apnea test (HSAT) or polysomnographic evaluation.
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Humans spend a significant portion of their time in the state of sleep, and therefore one's’sleep health’ is an important indicator of the overall health of an individual. Non‐invasive methods such as electroencephalography (EEG) are used to evaluate the ’sleep health’ as well as associated disorders such as nocturnal front lobe epilepsy, insomnia, and narcolepsy. A long‐duration and repetitive activity, known as a cyclic alternating pattern (CAP), is observed in the EEG waveforms which reflect the cortical electrical activity during non‐rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. The CAP sequences involve various, continuing periods of phasic activation (phase‐A) and deactivation (phase‐B). The manual analysis of these signals performed by clinicians are prone to errors, and may lead to the wrong diagnosis. Hence, automated systems that can classify the two phases (viz. Phase A and Phase B accurately can eliminate any human involvement in the diagnosis. The pivotal aim of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of stopband energy minimized biorthogonal wavelet filter bank (BOWFB) based entropy features in the identification of CAP phases. We have employed entropy features obtained from six wavelet subbands of EEG signals to develop a machine learning (ML) based model using various supervised ML algorithms. The proposed model by us yielded an average classification accuracy of 74.40% with 10% hold‐out validation with the balanced dataset, and maximum accuracy of 87.83% with the unbalanced dataset using ensemble bagged tree classifier. The developed expert system can assist the medical practitioners to assess the person's cerebral activity and quality of sleep accurately.
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Sleep is imperative for a healthy life as it rejuvenates memory, cognitive performance, cell repair and eliminates waste from the muscles. Sleep-related disorders such as insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), periodic leg movement (PLM), and bruxism lead to hormonal imbalance, slower reaction time, memory problems, depression, and headaches. This adversity of sleep disorder gained the attention of many sleep researchers. To examine the reasons for sleep disorders, it is imperative to monitor and analyze the sleep of the affected patients. The conventional method of monitoring sleep and identifying the sleep disorders using polysomnographic (PSG) recording is a complicated and cumbersome task in which multiple physiological signals with multiple modalities are recorded for a long (overnight) duration. The PSG recordings are carried out in sophisticated sleep laboratories and cannot be considered suitable for real-time sleep monitoring. Thus, a simple and patient-convenient system is highly desirable to monitor and analyze the quality of sleep. We proposed an automatic detection of sleep disorders using single modal electrooculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG) signals. We have used a new maximally flat multiplier-less biorthogonal filter bank for obtaining discrete wavelet transform of the signals. We computed Hjorth parameters (HOP) such as activity, mobility, and complexity from the wavelet sub-bands. Highly discriminative HOP features are fed to different machine learning classifiers to develop the model. Our results show that the developed system can classify insomnia, narcolepsy, NFLE, PLM, and REM behaviour disorder (RBD) against normal healthy subjects with an accuracy of 99.7%, 97.6%, 97.5%, 97.5%, and 98.3%, respectively using combined features from EOG and EMG signal. The proposed model has yielded an accuracy of 94.3% in classifying six classes using an ensemble bagged trees classifier (EBTC) with a 10-fold cross-validation technique. Hence, EOG and EMG-based proposed methods can be deployed in a portable home-based environment to identify the type of sleep disorders automatically.
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Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a cardiac disorder caused due to inefficient pumping of the heart, which leads to insufficient blood flow to the various parts of the body. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is widely used for the detection of heart diseases. However, it is prone to noise resulting in the detection of P, Q, R, S, and T waves ambiguous and erroneous. The heart rate variability (HRV) is considered to be a good indicator of various cardiac abnormalities. Hence, HRV is preferred. HRV can depict the magnitude of pumping of the heart in the RR interval signals accurately. This work proposes a method to automatically identify CHF using two-band stopband energy (SBE) optimized orthogonal wavelet filter bank with HRV signals. In the proposed method, we have segmented the HRV data into lengths of 500 and 2000 samples. The HRV signals are decomposed into six sub-bands, and the wavelet coefficients obtained are used for the extraction of fuzzy entropy (FE) and log energy (LE) features. The extracted features are utilized to classify HRV signals into control and CHF-affected patients using support vector machine (SVM), bagged tree, complex tree, k-nearest neighbour (KNN), and linear discriminant classifiers. The SVM performed better than other classifiers yielding the classification accuracy and maximum classification accuracy of 99.30% with (2000 samples) using cubic SVM (CSVM). The 10-fold cross-validation method is employed during classification to reduce the over-fitting phenomenon (Sharma, Dhiman, & Acharya, 2021). It appears that the proposed optimal wavelet-based automated system can identify CHF accurately using HRV signals. Hence, the model may be applied in clinical usage during an emergency employing a cloud-based wireless system after testing the developed model with more data.
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Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects a large population. This disorder can cause or augment the exposure to cardiovascular dysfunction, stroke, diabetes, and poor productivity. The polysomnography (PSG) test, which is the gold standard for sleep apnea detection, is expensive, inconvenient, and unavailable to the population at large. This calls for more friendly and accessible solutions for diagnosing sleep apnea. In this paper, we examine how sleep apnea is detected clinically, and how a combination of advances in embedded systems and machine learning can help make its diagnosis easier, more affordable, and accessible. We present the relevance of machine learning in sleep apnea detection, and a study of the recent advances in the aforementioned area. The review covers research based on machine learning, deep learning, and sensor fusion, and focuses on the following facets of sleep apnea detection: (i) type of sensors used for data collection, (ii) feature engineering approaches applied on the data (iii) classifiers used for sleep apnea detection/classification. We also analyze the challenges in the design of sleep apnea detection systems, based on the literature survey.
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Sleep is highly essential for maintaining metabolism of the body and mental balance for increased productivity and concentration. Often, sleep is analyzed using macrostructure sleep stages which alone cannot provide information about the functional structure and stability of sleep. The cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) is a physiological recurring electroencephalogram (EEG) activity occurring in the brain during sleep and captures microstructure of the sleep and can be used to identify sleep instability. The CAP can also be associated with various sleep-related pathologies, and can be useful in identifying various sleep disorders. Conventionally, sleep is analyzed using polysomnogram (PSG) in various sleep laboratories by trained physicians and medical practitioners. However, PSG-based manual sleep analysis by trained medical practitioners is onerous, tedious and unfavourable for patients. Hence, a computerized, simple and patient convenient system is highly desirable for monitoring and analysis of sleep. In this study, we have proposed a system for automated identification of CAP phase-A and phase-B. To accomplish the task, we have utilized the openly accessible CAP sleep database. The study is performed using two single-channel EEG modalities and their combination. The model is developed using EEG signals of healthy subjects as well as patients suffering from six different sleep disorders namely nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE), sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), narcolepsy, periodic leg movement disorder (PLM), insomnia and rapid eye movement behavior disorder (RBD) subjects. An optimal orthogonal wavelet filter bank is used to perform the wavelet decomposition and subsequently, entropy and Hjorth parameters are extracted from the decomposed coefficients. The extracted features have been applied to different machine learning algorithms. The best performance is obtained using ensemble of bagged tress (EBagT) classifier. The proposed method has obtained the average classification accuracy of 84%, 83%, 81%, 78%, 77%, 76% and 72% for NFLE, healthy, SDB, narcolepsy, PLM, insomnia and RBD subjects, respectively in discriminating phases A and B using a balanced database. Our developed model yielded an average accuracy of 78% when all 77 subjects including healthy and sleep disordered patients are considered. Our proposed system can assist the sleep specialists in an automated and efficient analysis of sleep using sleep microstructure.
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A sleep disorder is a medical condition that affects an individual’s regular sleeping pattern and routine, hence negatively affecting the individual’s health. The traditional procedures of identifying sleep disorders by clinicians involve questionnaires and polysomnography (PSG), which are subjective, time-consuming, and inconvenient. Hence, an automated sleep disorder identification is required to overcome these limitations. In the proposed study, we have proposed a method using electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for the automated identification of six sleep disorders, namely insomnia, nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE), narcolepsy, rapid eye movement behavior disorder (RBD), periodic leg movement disorder (PLM), and sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). To the best of our belief, this is one of the first studies ever undertaken to identify sleep disorders using EEG signals employing cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) sleep database. After sleep-scoring EEG epochs, we have created eight different data subsets of EEG epochs to develop the proposed model. A novel optimal triplet half-band filter bank (THFB) is used to obtain the subbands of EEG signals. We have extracted Hjorth parameters from subbands of EEG epochs. The selected features are fed to various supervised machine learning algorithms for the automated classification of sleep disorders. Our proposed system has obtained the highest accuracy of 99.2%, 98.2%, 96.2%, 98.3%, 98.8%, and 98.8% for insomnia, narcolepsy, NFLE, PLM, RBD, and SDB classes against normal healthy subjects, respectively, applying ensemble boosted trees classifier. As a result, we have attained the highest accuracy of 91.3% to identify the type of sleep disorder. The proposed method is simple, fast, efficient, and may reduce the challenges faced by medical practitioners during the diagnosis of various sleep disorders accurately in less time at sleep clinics and homes.
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The visual sleep stages scoring by human experts is the current gold standard for sleep analysis. However, this method is tedious, time-consuming, prone to human errors, and unable to detect microstructure of sleep such as cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) which is an important diagnostic factor for the detection of sleep disorders such as insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The CAP is only observed as subtle changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, making it very difficult for human experts to discern. Hence, it is important to have an automated system developed using artificial intelligence for accurate and robust detection of CAP and sleep stages classification. In this study, a deep learning model based on 1-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) is proposed for CAP detection and homogenous 3-class sleep stages classification, namely wakefulness (W), rapid eye movement (REM) and NREM sleep. The proposed model is developed using standardized EEG recordings. Our developed CNN network achieved good model performance for 3-class sleep stages classification with a classification accuracy of 90.46%. Our proposed model also yielded a classification accuracy of 73.64% using balanced CAP dataset, and sensitivity of 92.06% with unbalanced CAP dataset. Our proposed model correctly identified majority of A-phases which comprised of only 12.6% in the unbalanced dataset. The performance of the developed prototype is ready to be tested with more data before clinical application.
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Sleep apnea is a potential sleep disorder, which deteriorates the quality of sleep. It is characterized by the obstruction in nasal airflow, which results in a low concentration of oxygen in the blood. Though polysomnography (PSG) is considered as a gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea, it is arduous, demanding, expensive and inconvenient to the patients. This study presents an effective, efficient and sustainable sleep apnea automated detection system using pulse oximetry signals (SpO2), which indicate the percentage of oxygen content in the blood. The conventional methods, which employ PSG recordings are computationally intensive and costly. Nowadays, the focus is on non-invasive and portable devices for higher convenience and cost-effective diagnosis. In this work, we have used optimal duration-bandwidth concentrated wavelet transform to decompose the SpO2 signals into various subbands (SBs). The Shannon entropy features are extracted from various SBs coefficients. These features are then fed to various supervised machine learning algorithms, including decision trees and ensemble algorithms for automated detection of sleep apnea. The proposed model has attained the highest accuracy of 95.97% , and area under the receivers operating characteristics curve (AUC) of 0.98 for optimal wavelet-based Shannon entropy features when an ensemble boosting technique called random under-sampling boosting (RUSBoost) is employed with ten-fold cross-validation strategy. Thus, the proposed model is portable, economical, and accurate which can be used even at homes.
Nowadays, sleep studies have gained a lot of attention from researchers due to the immense importance of quality sleep. Human beings spend nearly one-third of their lives in sleep. Therefore, adequate quality sleep is indispensable for a healthy life. The sleep pattern may not be the same for every individual as one may either suffer from various sleep ailments such as insomnia, apnea, bruxism, epilepsy, narcolepsy, or maybe healthy with no sleep disorder. Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder that can lead to many health-related issues in human beings. Usually, polysomnogram (PSG) signals are used to detect the sleep stages and sleep disorders. The PSG signals are difficult to handle, time-consuming, and not convenient for patients. Hence, in this work, we have used single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) signals to detect insomnia automatically. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on automated insomnia identification using the CAP database and EEG alone. We have used the single-channel EEG channel and created eight different subsets based on sleep-stages annotations according to American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) guidelines for sleep stage scoring. The classification task is performed on each subset for the automated identification of insomnia. A new class of an optimal bi-orthogonal filter bank is used for wavelet decomposition. The wavelet-based norm features are extracted using the optimal filter bank. Then these features are fed to various machine learning algorithms. The proposed model has attained the highest classification performance with the area under receivers’ operating characteristic curve (AROC) of 0.97, F1-score of 0.9645, the accuracy of 95.60%, and Cohen’s Kappa value of 0.9067 using an ensemble bagged decision trees (EBDT) classifier. Our developed model can be used to detect insomnia using sleep EEG signals accurately and provide early treatment. The method is simple and computationally fast. The proposed system can be used at home as well as at sleep labs to monitor insomnia.
Background Machine‐learning approaches have enabled promising results in efforts to simplify the diagnosis of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A comprehensive review and analysis of such studies increase the confidence level of practitioners and healthcare providers in the implementation of these methodologies in clinical practice. Objective To assess the reliability of machine‐learning‐ based methods to detect pediatric OSA. Data Sources Two researchers conducted an electronic search on the Web of Science and Scopus using term, and studies were reviewed along with their bibliographic references. Eligibility Criteria Articles or reviews (year 2000 onwards) that applied machine learning to detect pediatric OSA; reported data included information enabling derivation of true positive, false negative, true negative, and false positive cases; polysomnography served as diagnostic standard. Appraisal and Synthesis Methods Pooled sensitivities and specificities were computed for three apnea‐hypopnea index (AHI) thresholds: 1 event/hour (e/h), 5 e/h, and 10 e/h. Random‐effect models were assumed. Summary receiver‐operating characteristics (SROC) analyses were also conducted. Heterogeneity (I ²) was evaluated, and publication bias was corrected (trim and fill). Results Nineteen studies were finally retained, involving 4,767 different pediatric sleep studies. Machine learning improved diagnostic performance as OSA severity criteria increased reaching optimal values for AHI=10 e/h (0.652 sensitivity; 0.931 specificity; and 0.940 area under the SROC curve). Publication bias correction had minor effect on summary statistics, but high heterogeneity was observed among the studies. Conclusions Machine learning can reliably detect severe OSA. However, further steps are needed to improve diagnostic performance for less severe pediatric OSA, and thus increase the confidence levels when using these approaches. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.