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  • Institute of Information Technology, Baku, Azerbaijan.


Regarded as a strategic resource in the fields such as science, health, industry, business and etc., Big data is increasingly attracting attention of state authorities. Currently states are aimed at allowing the use of large volumes of data to increase the efficiency of decision-making processes and activity of organizations, creation of new services, generation of new ideas and etc. Full support is provided for application of big data technologies and solving problems in this field at the state level in a number of countries. Big data initiatives of some developed countries in this field are being explored. Initially, views of international organizations on “big data” are mentioned. Big data strategies of countries such as USA, Great Britain, France, Australia, China, Korea are studied. Suggestions and recommendations are developed on the formation of "big data"state policy in Azerbaijan
Problems of information society, 2017, №1, 1019
Makrufa Sh. Hajirahimova 1, Aybaniz S. Aliyeva2 DOI: 10.25045/jpis.v08.i1.02
1,2 Institute of Information Technology ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan,
Big Data - regarded as a strategic resource in the fields, such as science, health, industry, and
business, is increasingly attracting attention of state authorities. Currently, a number of states aim
at allowing the use of large volumes of data to increase the efficiency of decision-making processes
and activity of organizations, creation of new services, generation of new ideas and etc. Full
support is provided for application of big data technologies and solving problems in this field at
the state leveling a number of countries. Big data initiatives of some developed countries in this
field are being explored. Initially, views of international organizations on “big data” are
mentioned. Big data strategies of countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, France, Australia,
China, South Korea, are studied. Suggestions and recommendations are developed on the
formation of "big data" state policy in Azerbaijan.
Keywords: big data, big data technologies, big data analytics, big data strategy, data scientist.
The end of the second millennium and the beginning of the third millennium is characterized
by the emergence of the information society. In this society, information has become an important
resource as a particular type of goods in terms of commercial, private and public interests. The
increase of the information and communication tools and of the information availability in the past
decade has led to an increase in data stream, and data volume has enlarged in geometric
progression each year. Analysts predict that there will be no reduction in this trend in the coming
years. “Big data big today, normal tomorrow” has been recognized as a source of obvious or
secret knowledge by the academic and business communities [1]. Since 2004, the emergence of
the technological platforms as MapReduce, Hadoop and others, which provide real-time large-
scale data processing and include deeper analytical tools, has increased the value of data once
more. Because, the joint analysis of structured and unstructured data, and acquisition of new
knowledge and useful data out of them is very important for making new scientific discoveries,
fast and accurate responding to the incidents at the public and private organizations, making
reasonable decisions, as well as for national security and public health areas. In this regard, big
data technologies are attracting the attention of scientific, industrial, business and other areas,
including the public sector - the largest producer and consumer of data [2]. Now, many countries
are stating the initiatives to benefit from the opportunities of big data in the areas, such as national
security, social and economic development, health and so on. We can state that, in the future,
economic and political competition among the countries will ground on the use of potential
opportunities of big data. In other words, the study and application of large scale data will be
necessary in order to increase the competitiveness of any country [3]. Therefore, the study of the
current situation in this field and the exploration of the documents (strategy, initiative, etc.)
adopted by the states is of great importance.
Big data through the lens of the international organizations
Big data is one of the key topics discussed at the international level. It is considered to be
the driving force of the Information and communication technologies (ICT) sector and called “new
oil”. Big data is in the focus of international organizations as a resource of the strategic importance.
In recent years, big data is given a high value by the international organizations, and a number of
strategic plans and projects have been adopted for the use of its potential opportunities. In 2012,
the World Economic Forum in Davos valued big data as a new economic asset, and released a
document demonstrating its capacity for the international development [4].
Problems of information society, 2017, 1, 1019 11
Taking into account the technological development in the world and the volume and
diversity of information rapidly growing in real time, in 2009, the United Nations initiated “Global
Pulse”. The initiative is a concept designed to take advantage of big data opportunities to maintain
global and sustainable development, to eliminate poverty and crisis, to raise the living standards
and humanitarian activity [2, 5]. The initiative aimed at realizing the use of digital information
sources, data high-speed collection and analysis technologies by the real-time decision-making
bodies in order to better understand the factors affecting the formation of the vulnerable segments
of population and to discover anomalies, trends and events [6]. The key issues of “Global Pulse”
include: the study of innovative methods and techniques for real-time data analysis; the integration
of free and open source software source technological tools for real-time data analysis and
exchange of hypotheses; the development of national “Pulse Lab” global network in the country.
“Putting people's voices at the development center by using big data analytics”, “Data visualization
and interactive mapping to support response to disease outbreak”, and more than 45 similar
projects have been planned to be executed within the framework of the initiative.
The report Exploring data-driven innovation as a new source of growth presented in October
2012 by the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (OECD), which
mainly focuses on the representative democracy and free-market economy, surveys the potential
role of data and data analysis for the formation of knowledge-based capital that is capable to
stimulate the sustainable development of innovation, economy and society, and to contribute to
significantly competitive supremacy [7]. The report presents the potential value of using data as
a source for increasing the productivity of innovations and labor in the areas such as online
advertising, public administration, healthcare, public utilities, logistics and transport.
In December 2013, by the European Commission adopted the largest research and
innovation program “Horizon 2020” of the European Union (EU). About 80 billion Euros of funds
is planned to be allocated for the implementation of this program, which is aimed at ensuring
global competitiveness of Europe. The program defines research and innovation strategy for the
successful implementation of excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenges,
including big data economy. The program allocates 120 million Euros for big data related to the
study and application industry within the framework of the document. The main objective of the
program is to accelerate scientific discoveries and innovations in areas such as healthcare, energy,
transport, climate change, agriculture, security, management and etc. through big data and to
achieve the development of the European economy manageable through data. The program is
mainly targeted to maintain and develop the leading position of the EU in electronics, computing,
robotics and network technologies. One of the main focuses of the program is the development
and use of language technologies [8].
Within the framework of “Horizon 2020” program, more than 87 projects, including So Big
Data Research Infrastructure, Education for Data Intensive Science to Open New Science
Frontiers, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Storage: Storage-based Convergence
between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data and others have been adopted [9]. The grant Big Data
Europe prepared within the program aims at accelerating the use of big data technologies in the
areas, such as healthcare, agriculture, energy, climate change, social sciences, and security, in other
words, developing and introducing an architecture of the infrastructure that meets the requirements
of the multilingual data sets, data analytics and visualization [10].
The funding of 3.8 million Euros is allocated to the execution of the project Big Storage:
Storage-based Convergence between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data within the framework of
“Horizon 2020”. The main objective of this project is to conduct theoretical and fundamental
studies and to improve complex infrastructure and software packages. The project is supposed to
play an important role in developing researchers and planners in the international context [9, 11].
iKnow (Interconnect Knowledge) project adopted by the European Commission in
September 2009 is aimed at deepening the researches in Europe. The EU’s studies conducted
Problems of information society, 2017, №1, 1019
within the framework of this project related to earthquakes, tsunami, terrorism, network and global
crises is based on big data opportunities [12].
The World Bank also widely studies the big data opportunities and considers the use of these
resources in many areas, such as increasing the efficiency of contributions and coordination,
improving the transparency and social responsibility [13].
Big data in the policy of the world countries
Along with the international organizations, Big data have attracted the attention of many
developed countries of the world. The first initiative in this field has been put forward by the
United States. Later, several Western countries, including Australia, China, Japan and others, have
estimated big data as a strategic resource as oil, besides, the great importance is given to the
problems in this area and numerous relevant documents have been adopted.
Big Data initiative of the US. Big data has already shifted from the research and
development phase to the implementation phase in the US. The US President Administration
announced Big Data Research and Development Initiative in March 2012 [14]. The Initiative
intended to hold complex events (conferences, forums, etc.) for the use of big data technology in
the key areas of the US government policy and developing projects. In addition, 200 million USD
was allocated to the relevant government agencies in order to organize and analyze large volumes
of digital data. In general, the document assumes the development of 84 projects [15].
The initiative gears towards improving the new infrastructure and research methodology of
the data, and fostering the competences to use them for scientific discoveries. The White House
intends to use BD for the following purposes:
- developing technologies necessary for collection, storage, protection, management,
analysis and share of large-scale data;
- accelerating scientific discoveries in the field of science and engineering (technology),
strengthening national security, and mastering this technology to radically change education and
- enhancing the identification of new talents and the training of specialists for the
development and use of big data technologies. The project is designed to train data scientists and
engineers, in particular, analysts with high capacity in the field of data extraction from texts in any
According to the document, the data is to be applied in the following areas: healthcare and
social protection of the population, environment and sustainable development, responding to
emergencies, manufacturing, robotics and intelligent systems, cyberspace security, transport and
energy, education and development areas of human resources.
To take the maximum advantage of the opportunities created by Big Data and to make
efficient use of their potential, the state, industry, research institutions and non-profit organizations
should act jointly for the implementation of this initiative.
As a part of the initiative, the National Science Foundation has allocated 10 million USD for
the project “Expeditions in Computing” planned to be implemented at Californian universities
within 5 years. The project is designed for the integration of three different approaches as machine
learning, cloud computing and crowd sourcing for the data research - transformation of data into
information [14, 16].
Within the framework of Big data initiation, the Ministry of Energy has allocated the funding
of 25 million USD to the Institute of Scalable Data Management, Analysis and Visualization
(SDAV) for the implementation of the project Scientific Discovery Through Advanced
Computing. Under the leadership of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of the Ministry
of Energy the Institute of SDAV involves the use of 6 national laboratories and the practice of 7
universities for the preparation or development of new tools to assist the researchers in data
management and visualization in supercomputers [15, 17].
Problems of information society, 2017, 1, 1019 13
“The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency” (DARPA) has already started XDATA
program to develop available computing technology and software tools for large-scale data
analysis. The program focuses on the key issues as the expansion of scaling algorithms for data
processing and the development of effective human-computer interaction tools accelerating the
visualization for different purposes [15.18].
Big Data strategy of Australia.In recent years, Australian state authorities have evaluated
data as a national value. Data analysis with the introduction of new technologies is believed to be
contributive both for the Australian government and the Australian people. Big data have become
an indispensable factor in the government policy making, the introduction of new services, and in
creating opportunities for innovation.
In 2013, the Australian government adopted Australian Public Service Big Data strategy
[19]. The strategy involves the projects to realize the reforms in the public service sector and to
provide more effective public policy and information security of the citizens’ by using capacity of
large-scaled data. The main objective here is increasing the efficiency of services provided in the
public sector and positioning Australia among the leading countries of the world for the use of
data analysis in the field of collaboration and innovation [19].The concept aims at the expansion
of services, opportunities for new services and business partnership, improved political
development and data privacy, as well as benefiting from the government support for investing in
ICT sector. The development of the strategy was initially specified in the Australian Public Service
Information Communication Technology Strategy 2012-2015. The main point of this conceptual
document is generally defined as follows: providing better services by improving services and
raising their quality; improvement of the efficiency of the governmental activity through the
optimal investment and the expansion of innovation; direct participation in generating knowledge
and effective cooperation. In addition, two other projects are proposed in the strategy: 1)
Development of a register of information assets; 2) Monitoring of the technical development in
big data analysis [19,20].
Solution of these issues depends on the efficient and effective use and analysis of data
following six sub-principles, which are:
database (which is common for all) is a national wealth;
privacy of the project;
data completeness and transparency of the processes;
distribution of gained experiences, resources and capabilities;
cooperation between industry and research institutions;
increasing public data.
Currently, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service is taking advantage of the
opportunities of big data in the identification of the suspects [21].
Big data policy of Great Britaini. Great Britain is a potential country to turn big data
revolution into one of the main events of the 21st century. Hence, this country has world-class
business sectors such as aerospace, automotive, agro-technology, healthcare, media,
telecommunications and others. It has huge opportunities in human resources, infrastructure and
data, and the highest share in the field of the high performance computing systems in the world. It
is also a world leader in data science and computer science. Special attention is paid to the
development of e-infrastructure here. High performance computing, cloud computing and other
modern technologies ensuring solution of very complicated and time consuming issues are the
basis of e-infrastructure in Great Britain. The government allocated an investment of 158 million
sterling for HPC resources in 2011 and 375 million sterling in 2012 [22].
Great Britain holds a leading position in the world for open data. Since 2010,
has generated more than 10,000 data sets. The world’s first Open Data Institute was also
established here [23].
Problems of information society, 2017, №1, 1019
In order to improve the quality of services provided in Great Britain ,in October 2012, Data
Service was established by the financial support of the Economic and Social Research Council
(ESRC). Data Service is a national service providing sociologists, researchers and practitioners
with the access to census data, social and economic data sets funded by the state. The service
combines the elements of Economic and Social Data Service established by ESRC, Secure Data
Service, web-site, including the Census Programme [24]. In October 2013,
additional financial support was given to Data Service by the UK government departments and
other authorities for the coordination of Administrative Data Research Network (ADRN), which
provides access to administrative data [20, 25]. ADRN is considered to be one of the stages of big
data network of ESRC, and its main function, is to ensure researchers, teachers, students, local
politicians, philanthropists, and business owners with “high quality social and economic data”.
The government of Great Britain allocated 64 million pounds of funding for data network of ESRC
to optimize the data as a resource. Various large-scale data collected by the government
departments, enterprises and organizations is an important resource that can be used for the
research institutions, organizations and for whole community [25].
Big Data, which has the potential to change every business sector and field of science, is one
of eight major technologies (big data and energy-efficient computing, satellites and space spatial
programs, robotics and autonomous systems, synthetic biology, regenerative medicine, agrarian
science, most advanced materials and nanotechnology, energy and its maintenance) of Great
Britain. In 2012, the government invested 189 million pounds to data centers and energy-efficient
computing to solve big data issues [22, 23, 26].
In June 2013, the British government adopted the Industrial Strategy: government and
industry in the partnership (Information Economy Strategy) aimed at developing information
economy. The strategy emphasizes the huge potential of big data to change all sectors of the
economy, and shows the importance of e-infrastructure and scientific data to take advantage of
large-scaled data. The strategy also ensures more effective use of information technology and data
and provides the citizens to benefit from the digital century [23, 27]. In October 2013, as a
continuation of the mentioned strategy, the government adopted the strategy Seizing the
opportunity of data: A strategy for UK data Capability [22, 28]. The strategy developed with the
cooperation of industry and scientific community aimed at making the UK a world leader for the
use of useful information, which is extracted from data, by the citizens, business and academic
circles, including public and private sectors. The strategy includes the following aspects [22, 28]:
- Human Capital: specialized workforce and data confident citizens;
- Available tools and infrastructure for data storage and analysis;
- Data as an enabling factor: accessibility and sharing opportunity of relevant data by
consumers, business and scientific community.
To this end, the strategy is designed to take measures, such as capacity building in the
business, academic and public sector; strengthening the skills targeted at schools, universities and
the further education; supporting the capacity of Research and Development (R&D) data in Great
Big data plan of France. France is an industrial country, where business, scientific inventions
and entrepreneurship have developed. The smart and network technologies, software, cloud
computing, big data and information security systems and so on are considered a priority in France. In
this country, data have become the new economic asset of the government, enterprises, regions and
cities. Since 2011, the government provided access to the public data [29].
The country pays special attention to the development of the digital economy. To this end, in
February 2013, the French government adopted a plan “Digital Roadmap”. The plan involved the
implementation of seven project, including Big data. Within the framework of the “Programme of
Investments for the Future”, an investment of 11.5 million Euros has been allocated to the plan [30].
The plan incorporates three main areas: 1) capacity building of the digital economy for the younger
Problems of information society, 2017, 1, 1019 15
generation; 2) strengthening the competitiveness of French companies at the expense of the digital
economy; 3) promoting the values of the digital society and economy.
In recent years, French government increased attention to the development of policy in the
field of big data. Thus, the strategic program “New Industrial France” adopted in September 2013
included Big Data as one of the main 34 largest interrelated projects of the reconstruction of French
industry (medical biotechnology, digital hospital, cloud computing, online education, Nano-
electronics, the Internet of Things, contactless services, supercomputers, robots, cyber security,
the plants of the future and other areas) [20.30]. Big Data plan was adopted in July 2014 as a part
of this strategy. The goal of the plan is to make France a world leader in this field. The initiative
covers the areas, such as building technological resource centers, to develop the trainings and
startups of data scientist, and supporting scientific research [30].
The plan mainly covers three sets of activities: the development of big data ecosystem in
France; initiatives in the field of big data(which includes projects in the public and private sectors);
evaluation of regulations (which includes privacy rules) [20, 30].
Big data strategy of Japan. Japan ranks third in the world for the size of the economy [31].
Japan has high-level ICT infrastructure and the world’s leading service providers in ICT as Fujitsu,
Hitachi, NTT Data and Nec. More than 86% of the population of Japan is the Internet and
smartphone users, and the highest growth rate in this area around the world [32, 33]. Big data is
one of the main economic priorities for the Japanese government, and a number of strategies have
been adopted by the government in this area.
In 2012, the government adopted Open Government Data Strategy in order to contribute to the
transparency in Japan. The Council for Regulatory Reform initiated the establishment of the basic
principles for the use of large-scaled data by the large local companies without violating the privacy
laws. The Japanese government allocated 13.2 billion Japanese yen for the implementation of this
strategy [34]. Furthermore, the national big data strategies the Integrated Strategy for ICT 2020 and
Declaration to be the World's Most Advanced IT Nation were adopted by the government in 2012
and 2013 respectively. These strategies aimed at developing the strategy of information technology
of Japan during the period of 2013-2020 through open public data and big data. The main objective
is to acquire the status of a country with high standards for extensive use of big data in the
information technology industry of Japan [5, 35]. The strategy reviews the use of big data in the
creation of new businesses and job creation, as well as new services in ecology, education, transport
and other sectors through the cooperation with private and public sectors. The document stresses the
importance of expanding the access of private sectors to the public data and supporting the creation
of new business areas and services at the expense of the use of big data [35].
In June 2013, the Japanese government adopted Japan Revitalization Strategy. The strategy
outlines the creation of strong infrastructure and facilities to connect to data services market and
plans to make Japan the world leader in information technology [36]. The goal of the strategy is
to strengthen its position as a world-leading IT nation. The government predicts the volume of
data service market to reach 51 billion pounds by 2020. Moreover, 87.5mln pounds have been
allocated for the projects on the expansion of studies and the development of network virtualization
technologies and data analysis programs and so on. Newly established technological infrastructure
focuses on improving the industrial competitiveness of Japan and on the creation of new
manufacturing and innovation areas [35, 36, 37].
Big Data initiatives of China. Holding a series of events associated with -Big Data Technology
Conference, Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit, China Legal Big Data Symposium, Big Data
Asia Showcase, Big Data World Forum and others in China is explained with the technological advances
in this area in this country [38]. China, which has 1.2 billion mobile subscribers, possesses the world’s
largest mobile phone market and more than 700 million Internet users. Social media in China takes more
active position. According to official estimates, more than 250 million people use social media, including
Problems of information society, 2017, №1, 1019
blogs, social networks, micro-blogs and others. Non-governmental organizations estimate that this figure
is close to 590 million [38, 39].
Increasing volume of information, including the rising number of mobile phone, social
media and the Internet users in China has created favorable conditions for the use of big data in
identifying problems in the country and developing the country. Now, the public sector has started
exploring the potential of big data. In June 2014, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative
Council put forward the initiative to use the potential of big data technologies in raising the
administrative capacity at the forum held by the council [20.38].
The initiative also considers the use of big data in the fields as improving the performance of public
sector; developing urban transport planning; understanding the socio-economic trends; assessing the
poverty; assisting e-waste disposal; and identifying hot points of pollution in urban areas. To use big data
potential, first of all, it is important to create conditions to carry out joint work of public and private
sectors in order to solve numerous problems (data analytics, system problems, etc.) [38].
Big data projects of South Korea. South Korea has an extensive experience in the use of the
latest technology. Economic development of the country, innovation and competitive advantage is
achieved through the application of these technologies. This trend is also observed in the field of
big data use. As other technologies, big data have already started to play an important role in the
development of South Korea. The use of Big data has attracted the attention of the scientific
community, private and public institutions too. The President’s Council of National ICT strategy
established a working group within the framework of big data initiative in 2011. The initiative was
aimed at the analysis of public big data networks and systems; the convergence of data between
the public and private sectors; the diagnostic systems for open large data; the creation of the
management and analytical technologies in the public and private sectors. Besides, the initiative
also includes the cooperation of Big Data Strategy Center of the Agency for the National
Information Society with the big data Institute, which operates under the Seoul State National
University [40].
In November 2012, the National Science and Technology Commission of South Korea
developed Big Data Master Plan. The plan considers the use of big data in the public policy-
making, public service sector, protecting the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises, the
development of research skills, and in the creation of new infrastructure. The objective of the plan
is to realize the idea of Smart Nation. As part of this plan, Pilot Project for Big Data in Using
Official Statistics has been established by the government [20].
South Korea is developing information systems of big database for the prediction of natural
disasters based on the information obtained from various sources. The government plans to use
big data for the census. In comparison with the traditional census, this is a savings of 140 million
USD [41]. Due to the rapid analysis of large volumes of unstructured data obtained from Facebook,
Twitter and other social networks, the growing number of suicides in South Korea in recent years
is prevented [42].
Recommendations regarding the use of big data technologies in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is one of the countries that hold a high position for the comprehensive use of ICT
in public administration [43-45]. It should be noted that Azerbaijan has already started the studies
in the field of big data, which is one of the major challenges of the XXI century, and the use of
this technology in some fields of activity. Thus, the volume of data collected and processed through
the e-government portal is rapidly growing. It should be noted that e-government portal was
founded in 2012, and it currently unites 80 organizations, delivering over 650 e-services to citizens
in general, and the number of its users reached 2.5 million. And this, in turn, causes serious
problems for the analytics of state data for different purposes. In order to tackle the problem, cloud-
based Data Center, which is the first in the region, is ready for operation. The launch of the Data
Problems of information society, 2017, 1, 1019 17
Center will enable the expansion of “e-Government”, and the preservation of the data of both state
and non-state bodies [46].
It should be noted that the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS is exploring the
problems of knowledge extraction from big data sets. At the same time, AzScienceNet Data Center
with the huge memory and computational resources (200 terabytes of memory, 14 Tflops
computing power) is operating at the institute. . It should be noted that AzScienceNet is connecting
around 4000 computers of research institutions of ANAS. The centre, which is considered to be a
key infrastructural element for Big data, offers cloud services for the complex scientific issues that
require large computing resources and provides storage resources for the institutes and
organizations of ANAS.
Overall, the wide research and application of big data technologies and the support provided
by the state to solve the problems in this area is recommended. The implementation of the
following measures by the state issuggested:
1. to analyze the different situations related to the application of Big data in the country, and
to identify the priority areas of this technology.
2. to develop the national big data strategy. In the course of the preparation of this strategy, a
separate document or a part of the ICT strategy that is based on the experience of developed
countries and suitable to the development strategy of the country can be adopted.
3. to develop e-infrastructure. The development of software and infrastructure necessary for
large-scale data collection, storage, protection, management, analysis and sharing. Providing the
state support to the development of high performance computing, cloud and other advanced
technologies, which ensure the calculation of very complex and time consuming issues that require
big memory capacity.
4. to improve the quality of services provided in the field of data in Azerbaijan.
5. to develop and support the open public network that ensures the efficient use of big data
for the society, which is collected by the government departments, enterprises and organizations.
6. to accelerate the training of new talents in the development and use of big data technologies
and experts and to improve the capabilities to use them for scientific discoveries. To train data
scientists and engineers, and high-capacity analysts.
7. to organize the teaching of academic discipline in data scientist in higher and further education
degrees, to establish technological resource centers, and to support research, and so on. coordinate and organize the joint activities of the state, industrial, academic and non-
profit organizations to take maximum advantage of big data opportunities and to effectively
use its potential.
9. to develop the ecosystem of big data. To develop smart and network technologies, software,
cloud computing, information security and other areas.
10. to create and improve the legal framework in regards with the introduction of Big data
technologies. It includes key issues such as the provision of data storage and protection,
information security, privacy of citizens and etc.
Big data technologies should be applied in the following areas: healthcare and social security
of population, ensuring transparency, environment and sustainable development, response to
emergencies and natural disasters, transport and energy, education and labor resource
management and development, and the creation of new businesses and services.
The emergence of real time Big data processing and analytics technologies has enhanced the
value of data. This, in turn, attracted the attention of countries to make the maximum use of data.
Because, Big data analytics may play a crucial role in the solution of the problems as the prevention
of the infectious diseases, terrorism, natural disasters and global risks, and in making the right
decisions in health, social security and so on at the state level. Prominent international
Problems of information society, 2017, №1, 1019
organizations and developed countries have adopted a number of documents in this field.
Conducted studies allow us to state that these states have adopted big data strategies in various
fields (scientific, social, economic, health, safety, etc.). Therefore, adopted strategies principally
differ from one another.Azerbaijan is distinguished for the development rate of ICT sector, for the
number of Internet and mobile users in the CIS region, and characterized by sustainable economic
development. To develop the future policy and maintain the competitiveness of Azerbaijan, it is
exceptionally important to use big data technologies through studying the experience of advanced
countries in this field and to benefit from them. At the same time, defining the priority areas of big
data technology application, developing the national big data strategy of Azerbaijan, establishing
e-infrastructure, open data network and its state support, training data scientists and the adoption
of the necessary legal documentation in connection with the introduction of big data technologies
are of great importance.
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40. 40. Jung S. Open Source Technologies for the World of Big Data, 2015,
41. Adarsh D., Bruno S., Rade N. Korea shows how to use Big Data for development, 2015,
42. Song T.M., Ryu S. Big Data Analysis Framework for Healthcare and Social Sectors in Korea
// Journal Healthcare Information Research, 2015, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 39.
43. National Strategy on Information and Communication Technologies for the development of
the Republic of Azerbaijan (2003-2012), 17 February, 2003,
44. “Azerbaijan 2020: vision to future” Development concept, 29December, 2012,
45. National Strategy on the Development of Information Society in Azerbaijan for 20142020.
2April, 2014,
46. E-Government Bulletin, e-Government Portal, Bulletin No36, 2015,
... Countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, France, Britain, Japan, Australia, China and South Korea are also ). leveraging big data technology to gain insights into citizens' needs and preferences, improve governance, and drive socio-economic development (Anna & Nikolay 2015;Hajirahimova & Aliyeva 2017. Governments and other organisations are applying several ways such as advanced analytics to Big Data for anticipating critical cases, detecting and diagnosing infected patients, predicting outbreaks and providing decision support for determining which patients would benefit from a particular treatment, preventing the spread of the disease and organising future actions (Mehta & Shukla 2022). ...
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Background: Big Data, sourced from various digital sources, offers valuable insights for better decision-making, and organisations are implementing Big Data technologies to improve their services. This article is about how the City of Tshwane (CoT), a South African metropolitan municipality is using data collected from its various information and communication technology (ICT) projects to improve decision-making. Objectives: The study aims to identify the type of Big Data generated by South African municipalities and to establish ways in which knowledge, expertise and suitable management techniques impact the efficient application of Big Data in these municipalities. Method: A qualitative approach, a case study method and Semi-structured interviews were deemed fit to collect data while thematic analysis was employed to identify patterns and themes associated with participants’ experiences. Structuration Theory was used to analyse existing social structures that govern how Big Data is used in the CoT. Results: There is a lack of data integration and a Big Data management system in the CoT. However, the CoT is ready to embrace Big Data and it is currently establishing a unit to effectively analyse collected data. Conclusion: Big Data’s potential for developing effective data management systems has garnered significant attention in the public sector and the CoT is also ready to fully adopt and implement these technologies. Contribution: South African municipalities can effectively utilise Big data by establishing skilled staff, good infrastructure and suitable policies for efficient data generation and interpretation.
... For Europe, in 2013, the European Commission adopted the largest research and innovation program "Horizon2020" to support the implementation of big data related projects. In this article, several projects have been launched in order to guarantee availability and management of platforms for HPC and data storage [2], [5], [15], [18], [19]. Several other institutions and agencies have been investing in the same direction. ...
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Availability of multitemporal (MT) images, such as the sentinel-2 (S2) ones, offers accurate spatial, spectral and temporal information to effectively monitor vegetation, more specifically agriculture. Agricultural practices can benefit from temporally dense satellite image time series (SITS) for accurate understanding of the phenological evolution and behavior of crops. Developing techniques that deal with high spatial correlation and high temporal resolution requires a shift in the processing paradigm and poses new challenges in terms of data processing and methodology. This article presents an automatic approach to large-scale precise mapping of small agricultural fields based on the analysis of S2-SITS at Country level. The approach deals with a flexible and automatic processing chain for massive data and was tested at Country level. The large-scale application requires to consider: the management of big amount of data with particular attention to download and pre-processing of S2-SITS; and MT fine characterization of crop fields accounting for the strong variability in size and phenological behaviors when mapping at large scale. Both challenges are addressed in an automatic way by exploiting and/or updating state-of-the-art methodologies. Promising results have been obtained and validated over 2017 and 2018 agrarian years for Italy.
The chapter review major big data initiatives that have a geospatial component of remote sensing and Earth Observations. These include initiatives in selected countries and international organizations. The reviews highlighted that geospatial standards play an important role in these initiatives to support interoperation of data, metadata, and services.KeywordsBig data initiativeBig Earth Data InitiativeEarthCubeBig Earth Data Science EngineeringDestination EarthAustralian Geoscience Data CubeResearch Data AllianceUnited Nations Global Pulse
Big data is one of modern tools that have impacted the world industry a lot of. It also plays an important role in determining the ways in which businesses and organizations formulate their strategies and policies. However, very limited academic researches has been conducted into forecasting based on big data due to the difficulties in capturing, collecting, handling, and modeling of unstructured data, which is normally characterized by it’s confidential. We define big data in the context of ecosystem for future forecasting in business decision-making. It can be difficult for a single organization to possess all of the necessary capabilities to derive strategic business value from their findings. That’s why different organizations will build, and operate their own analytics ecosystems or tap into existing ones. An analytics ecosystem comprising a symbiosis of data, applications, platforms, talent, partnerships, and third-party service providers lets organizations be more agile and adapt to changing demands. Organizations participating in analytics ecosystems can examine, learn from, and influence not only their own business processes, but those of their partners. Architectures of popular platforms for forecasting based on big data are presented in this issue.
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The term big data is perceived as a source that may not only provide several benefits to various organisational functions but also has the ability to influence overall organisational performance. However, limited studies are covering this evolving technological field with reference to developing countries, as realising technological innovations in these countries is significantly low compared to developed nations. The massive productive outcome in businesses holds that the importance of technology is undeniable especially its role in fostering marketing activities in the retail sector. Hence, this study attempts to conceptualise the impact of big data applications on the pricing mechanism of online retail stores through the opinion of IT experts associated with online retailers. The data was collected from IT experts from online retailers in Pakistan. Smart-PLS software was used to analyse the data and to gauge the impact of big data application on the price mechanisms. The results signify the predominance of technology adoption for online retailing mechanism. The findings of the study will help marketers to devise viable strategies to adopt IT and utilize big data analytics for precise predictions of customer behavior in order to formulate competitive pricing strategies.
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This paper is devoted to “Big Data” phenomenon. It explores the term of "Big Data", opportunities, challenges and existing approaches of this technology. 3V conception and the tasks of big data mining are analyzed. We also analyzed the existing software and hardware products in the implementation of this conception.
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In recent years, the rapid development of Internet, Internet of Things, and Cloud Computing have led to the explosive growth of data in almost every industry and business area. Big data has rapidly developed into a hot topic that attracts extensive attention from academia, industry, and governments around the world. In this position paper, we first briefly introduce the concept of big data, including its definition, features, and value. We then identify from different perspectives the significance and opportunities that big data brings to us. Next, we present representative big data initiatives all over the world. We describe the grand challenges (namely, data complexity, computational complexity, and system complexity), as well as possible solutions to address these challenges. Finally, we conclude the paper by presenting several suggestions on carrying out big data projects.
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We reviewed applications of big data analysis of healthcare and social services in developed countries, and subsequently devised a framework for such an analysis in Korea. We reviewed the status of implementing big data analysis of health care and social services in developed countries, and strategies used by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea (Government 3.0). We formulated a conceptual framework of big data in the healthcare and social service sectors at the national level. As a specific case, we designed a process and method of social big data analysis on suicide buzz. Developed countries (e.g., the United States, the UK, Singapore, Australia, and even OECD and EU) are emphasizing the potential of big data, and using it as a tool to solve their long-standing problems. Big data strategies for the healthcare and social service sectors were formulated based on an ICT-based policy of current government and the strategic goals of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. We suggest a framework of big data analysis in the healthcare and welfare service sectors separately and assigned them tentative names: 'health risk analysis center' and 'integrated social welfare service network'. A framework of social big data analysis is presented by applying it to the prevention and proactive detection of suicide in Korea. There are some concerns with the utilization of big data in the healthcare and social welfare sectors. Thus, research on these issues must be conducted so that sophisticated and practical solutions can be reached. 6. Big data for development: challenges & opportunitiesprojects 7. Exploring data-driven innovation as a new source of growth: mapping the policy issues raised by 'big data
  • Big Data
  • Big Impact
Big Data, Big Impact: New Possibilities for International Development, 2012, 5. 6. Big data for development: challenges & opportunities, 2012, 7. Exploring data-driven innovation as a new source of growth: mapping the policy issues raised by 'big data', 2013, 11. 12. KNOW (Interconnecting knowledge for the early identification of issues, events and developments) project Big Data in Action for Development
Horizon 2020-The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020, 9. 10. 11. 12. KNOW (Interconnecting knowledge for the early identification of issues, events and developments) project, 2011, 13. Big Data in Action for Development, 2014, 14. Big data is a big deal, 2012, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Australian Pubic Service Big Data Strategy,2013,
Seizing the data opportunity. A strategy for UK data capability
  • H Lammerant
  • A Galetta
  • Paul De Hert
  • L Bigagli
  • P Mazzetti
  • S Grumbach
Lammerant H., Galetta A., Paul De Hert, Bigagli L., Mazzetti P., Grumbach S. Big Data Policies BYTE project, 2014, 21. 22. Seizing the data opportunity. A strategy for UK data capability, 23. Industrial Strategy: government and industry in partnership, 24. 27. 28. 29clerc_big-data-icci-2014.pdf 30. The new face of industry in France
  • Uk Data Service
UK Data Service- 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. The new face of industry in France, 31. World Bank: India Overtakes Japan as World's Third Largest Economy,
S. Open Source Technologies for the World of Big Data
  • Jackie Hoi-Wai
  • C Big
  • Data
  • China Development In
Jackie Hoi-Wai C. Big Data for Development in China : UNDP China Working Paper, 2014, 39. 40. 40. Jung S. Open Source Technologies for the World of Big Data, 2015,
Korea shows how to use Big Data for development
  • D Adarsh
  • S Bruno
  • N Rade
Adarsh D., Bruno S., Rade N. Korea shows how to use Big Data for development, 2015,
  • E-Government Bulletin
  • E-Government Portal
E-Government Bulletin, e-Government Portal, Bulletin No36, 2015,