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Kesum (Polygonum minus)

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International Food Research Journal 18: 526-531 (2011)
Maizura, M., *Aminah, A. and Wan Aida, W. M.
School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology,
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600
Bangi, Malaysia
Antioxidants are recognized for their potential
in promoting health and lowering the risk for cancer,
hypertension and heart disease (Wolfe and Liu, 2003;
Valko et al., 2007). The uses of natural antioxidants
from plant extracts have experience growing
interest due to some human health professionals and
consumer’s concern about the safety of synthetic
antioxidants in foods (Sun and Ho, 2005; Suhaj, 2006).
Antioxidant activities in plants have been identied
by many researchers (Hinneburg et al., 2006; Kumar
et al., 2006; Cousins et al., 2007) and their effects
in chicken sausage have been studied by Noriham
et al., (2005). The natural occurring antioxidant
is focused more on edible plants, especially spices
and herbs (Huda-Faujan et al., 2009; Nanasombat
and Teckchuen, 2009). Spices and herbs are an
excellent source of phenolic compounds (avonoids,
phenolic acid and alcohols, stilbenes, tocopherols,
tocotrienols), ascorbic acid and carotenoids which
have been reported to show good antioxidant activity
(Zheng and Wang 2001). Generally, Malaysian foods
are rich in spices and herbs including kesum, ginger
and turmeric. The whole of kesum is normally use
when making gravy for laksa (wet rice noodle), while
ginger and turmeric can be added into various foods
as whole spices, powder or extracts. However, direct
use of these spices and herbs as antioxidant is limited
due to their aromatic and pungent properties.
Numerous studies had showed good antioxidant
activity of kesum (polygonum minus) (Vimala et al.,
2003; Huda-Faujan et al., 2009), ginger (zingiber
ofcinale) (Hinneburg et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2007;
Kota et al., 2008) and turmeric (curcuma longa)
(Kaur and Kapoor, 2002; Tangkanakul et al., 2009).
In Thailand and Vietnam, kesum is known as Pak
pai or Vietnamese mint (Ra and Vastano, 2007).
According to Nanasombat and Teckchuen (2009),
kesum contained avonoids such as rutin (3.77%),
catechin (0.34%), quercetin (0.08%), isorhamnetin
(0.01%) and kaempferol (0.01%) which had showed
to have antioxidant activity.
Ginger is commonly use in food as spice. Kim et
al., (2007) and Schwertner and Rios (2007) reported
that the main components of ginger are 6-gingerol,
6-shogaol, 8-gingerol and 10- gingerol and these
constituents had exhibited strong antioxidative
Generally turmeric has been used as dye and
spice. Turmeric is an important tropical spice mainly
for its colour, aroma and antioxidant property. The
yellow colour in turmeric are mainly due to the
presence of 3 major pigments; curcumin 1,7-bis(4-
dione), demethoxy-curcumin and bis demethoxy-
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of kesum
(Polygonum minus), ginger (Zingiber ofcinale) and
turmeric (Curcuma longa) extract
Abstract: Herb and spices namely kesum, ginger and turmeric were extracted by using juice extractor without
the additional of solvent. These herb and spices were determined for moisture content and the extracts were
analyzed for total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (DPPH radical scavenging assay and FRAP
ferric-reducing antioxidant power assay). The yield of kesum, ginger and turmeric extraction was 23.6%, 58.6%
and 66.4%, respectively. The results showed that, there was signicant difference (P < 0.05) in total phenolic
content and antioxidant activity for kesum, ginger and turmeric extracts. Kesum extract had the highest total
phenolic content followed by ginger and turmeric extract. A signicant and positive high Pearson’s correlations
between TPC and DPPH assay (r = 0.86) and between TPC and FRAP assay (r = 0.91) respectively was observed
for all plants extracts. This indicated that phenolic compounds were the main contributor of antioxidant activity
in plants. However, there was no synergistic effect observed for all plants extract mixture.
Keywords: Kesum, ginger, turmeric, phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging assay, ferric –reducing antioxidant
power assay
46 Maizura, M. Aminah, A. and Wan Aida, W. M.
International Food Research Journal 18: 526-531
curcumin. These curcuminoids are known to have
high antioxidant activities (Ishita et al., 2004; Sharma
et al., 2005; Cousins et al., 2007).
The objectives of this research was to determine
the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant
activity of kesum, ginger and turmeric by using
Folin-Ciocalteau method, DPPH-free radical
scavenging method and ferric-reducing antioxidant
power assay (FRAP) method. The correlation of TPC
with DPPH and FRAP assay of plants extracts were
Materials and Methods
Fresh plant materials namely kesum (Polygonum
minus), ginger (Zingiber ofcinale) and turmeric
(Curcuma longa) were purchased from local market
in Selangor. Folin-Ciocalteu’s (FC) phenol reagent
was obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
Sodium carbonate, gallic acid, 1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,4,6,-Tris (1-pyridyl)-
5-triazine (TPTZ) were purchased from Sigma
(Steinheim, Germany), and ferrous sulphate was
obtained from R&M Chemicals (Essex, UK).
Determination of moisture content
Moisture content was determined by drying 5 g
of samples (kesum, ginger and turmeric) at 105oC in
a drying oven to a constant weight (AOAC, 1990).
Preparation of plant extracts and determination of
Two hundred gram of fresh kesum (Leaves and
stem), peeled ginger and turmeric were washed with
clean water followed by surface drying using oven at
37oC for 30 mins. The extracts were obtained by using
juice extractor (Breville Juice Fountain® Plus Juice
extractor, Australia) without any addition of water.
Then, the pure plant extracts were ltered using lter
paper (Whatman No 1) followed by centrifugation
(Hermle GmbH, Germany) at 4750 g (4oC) for 15
mins. The extracts were collected and stored in air
tight glass vials covered with aluminium foil and
kept at - 4oC. Sample extract mixtures (kesum:
ginger: turmeric) with different ratios (1:0:0, 1:1:0,
0:1:0, 0:1:1, 0:0:1, 1:0:1 and 1:1:1) were prepared
before analyzed. The percentage of yield extracts was
calculated as % yield = [Weight of sample extract /
Initial weight of sample] x 100.
Determination of total phenolics
Total phenolic contents of all plants extracts were
determined using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent as described
by Singlaton and Rossi (1965). Samples were inserted
into different test tube and mixed thoroughly with 5
ml Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (previously pre-dilute
10 times with distilled water). After 5 mins, 4 ml
of 7.5% sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) was added and
allowed to react for 2 hrs at room temperature. The
absorbance was measure at 765 nm using microplate
reader spectrophotometers (Molecular devices,
VERSAmax tunable, California, USA). Samples
were measured in three replicates. Standard curve of
gallic acid solution (10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 ppm)
was prepared using the similar procedure. The results
were expressed as mg GAE/100 g extract sample.
Determination of free radical scavenging using
DPPH method
The antioxidant activities of all extracts were
evaluated through free radical scavenging effect on
1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. The
determination was based on the method proposed
by Akowuah et al. (2005). Two ml of 0.1mM DPPH
methanolic solution was added into 200 µl of sample
extracts and 0.8 ml methanol. The mixture was
thoroughly mixed and kept in the dark for 1 hr. The
control was prepared by mixing 2 ml of DPPH and
1 ml methanol. The absorbance was measure at 517
nm using microplate reader spectrophotometers
(Molecular devices, VERSAmax tunable, California,
USA). Samples were measured in three replicates.
Percentage of DPPH scavenging activity was
calculated as % inhibition of DPPH = [Abs control
–Abs sample / Abs control] x 100.
Determination of ferric reducing/antioxidant power
assay (FRAP)
FRAP assay was carried out according to the
method of Benzie and Strain (1996). FRAP reagent
was prepared from acetate buffer (1.6 g sodium
acetate and 8 ml acetic acid make up to 500 ml) (pH
3.6), 10 mM TPTZ solution in 40 mM HCL and
20 mM iron (III) chloride solution in proportion of
10:1:1 (v/v) respectively. The FRAP reagent was
prepared fresh daily and was warmed to 37oC in oven
prior to use. A total of 50 μl samples extract were
added to 1.5 ml of the FRAP reagent and mixed well.
The absorbance was measured at 593 nm using using
microplate reader spectrophotometers (Molecular
devices, VERSAmax tunable, California, USA) after
4 mins. Samples were measured in three replicates.
Standard curve of iron (II) sulfate solution (200,
400, 600, 800 and 1000 ppm) was prepared using
the similar procedure. The results were expressed as
μmol Fe (II) /100 g extract sample.
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of kesum (Polygonum minus), ginger (Zingiber ofcinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) extract 47
International Food Research Journal 18: 526-531
Statistical analysis
Experiment data were analyzed using Excel
(Microsoft Inc.) and SPSS version 17.0 software.
Signicant differences between samples were
analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
Duncan’s multiple-range test (P< 0.05). Pearson’s
correlation was used to determine the correlation of
data between DPPH free radical-scavenging activity
(%) and ferric reducing/antioxidant power assay
(µmol Fe (II)/g extract) on total phenolic content (mg
GAE/100 g extracts). Data obtained were reported as
mean ± standard deviation.
Results and Discussions
Moisture content and extraction yield
Results showed that, mean moisture content of
kesum, ginger and turmeric in this study was 84.5%,
91.5% and 91.0 % respectively. Analysis of extraction
showed that turmeric had the highest yield which is
66.2%. It seemed that more than 50% of moisture
content of turmeric had been extracted. The yield of
ginger extracted was 57.8%, while kesum had the
lowest yield of extraction (23.6%).
Total phenolic content
Total phenolic contents of plants extract were
tested using the diluted Folin-Ciocalteu reagent.
Table 1 showed total phenolic content of plants
extracts. Result clearly showed that kesum had the
highest total phenolic content followed by ginger and
turmeric which mean value of 165.34 mg GAE/100 g
extract, 101.56 mgGAE/100 g extract and 67.89 mg
GAE/100 g extract, respectively. In the present study,
the mixture of kesum and ginger extract (132.0 mg
GAE/100 g extract) showed signicantly increased
(p<0.05) in total phenolic content compared to single
ginger extracts. There was no signicant different
(P>0.05) observed in total phenolic content for the
mixture of kesum and turmeric (103.3 mg GAE/100
g extracts) with the total phenolic content for the
mixture of kesum, ginger and turmeric (104.7 mg
GAE/100 g extracts).
Antioxidant capacity
DPPH radical was used as a stable free radical to
determined antioxidant activity of natural compounds
(Ozturk et al., 2007). The antioxidant activity of plant
extracts containing polyphenol components is due
to their capacity to be donors of hydrogen atoms or
electrons and to capture the free radicals (Stoilova et
al., 2007). Thus, the purple colour of 2,2-diphenyl-1-
picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) will reduce to α, α-diphenyl-
β-picrylhydrazine (yellow coloured) (Akowuah et
al., 2005). According to Suhaj (2006) scavenging
of the stable radical (DPPH) is considered a valid
and easy assay to evaluate scavenging activity of
Results of the activity of free radical scavenging
of plants extracts are presented in Table 2. Results
showed that, kesum extract contained the highest
DPPH radical scavenging activity (82.6 ± 0.7%),
followed by ginger extract (79.0 ± 0.6%) and turmeric
extract (64.6 ± 2.4%). Mixture of kesum and ginger
(79.4 ± 1.2%) extract did not show signicant (P
> 0.05) increased in the antioxidant activity when
compared to single ginger extract. In contrast, mixture
of kesum and turmeric (73.4 ± 2.7%) extract and the
mixture of ginger and turmeric (68.6 ± 1.8%) extract
had showed signicantly (P<0.05) higher antioxidant
activity when compared to single turmeric extract.
The natural presence of antioxidants in plants
and a combination with other antioxidants may have
an additive effect (that is expected from a simple
addition) and synergistic effect (an effect which is
greater than individual or sum of the combination)
(Fuhrman et al., 2000). Studied by Graversen et al.
(2008) and Roberts and Gordon (2003) found that
plant polyphenols have a synergistic effect with other
antioxidants present in plant material. In addition,
other studies have also been carried out to analyze
the synergistic effect of antioxidants (Liu et al.,
2008; Altunkaya et al., 2009; Romano et al., 2009).
However, antioxidant activity in this study did not
show synergistic effect in plant extract mixture.
In this study, the antioxidant activity is also
determined on the basis of the ability of antioxidant
in this plants extracts to reduce ferric (III) iron to
ferrous (II) iron in FRAP reagent (Alothman et al.,
2009; Wong et al., 2006). Generally, FRAP assay was
used due to its simplicity and reproducibility. Table 2
shows the antioxidant activity of plants extracts. The
results indicated that kesum exhibited signicantly
(P < 0.05) higher antioxidant activity (46.3 ± 1.2
µmol Fe (II)/g) compared to ginger (26.2 ± 0.0 µmol
Fe (II)/g) or turmeric (23.3 ± 0.9 µmol Fe (II)/g).
Antioxidant activity of plants mixtures of kesum and
ginger; kesum and turmeric; and ginger and turmeric
were 34.4 µmol Fe (II)/g, 27.5 µmol Fe (II)/g and 25.3
µmol Fe (II)/g, respectively. There was no synergistic
effect observed for antioxidant activity in any plants
mixture. In addition, the result demonstrated that
antioxidant activity of plants extracts by FRAP assay
had similar trend with DPPH assay except for mixture
of kesum, ginger and turmeric extracts.
48 Maizura, M. Aminah, A. and Wan Aida, W. M.
International Food Research Journal 18: 526-531
Spices and herb extracts Total phenolic (mg GAE/100g
Polygonum minus 165.3 ± 1.0a
Zingiber ofcinale 101.6 ± 0.6d
Curcuma longa 67.9 ± 1.0f
Polygonum minus: Zingiber
ofcinale (1:1) 132.0 ± 1.9b
Polygonum minus: Curcuma longa
(1:1) 103.3 ± 1.1cd
Zingiber ofcinale : Curcuma longa
(1:1) 73.6 ± 1.2e
Polygonum minus: Zingiber
ofcinale : Curcuma longa (1:1:1) 104.7 ± 1.2c
Table 1. Mean ± SD of total phenolic content of fresh spices and herb
Values are mean (n=3) ± standard deviation. Values with the same superscript letter within each column are not
signicant different (p>0.05).
Spices and herb extracts DPPH inhibition
FRAP (µmol
Fe (II)/ g
Polygonum minus 82.6 ± 0.7a46.3 ± 1.2a
Zingiber ofcinale 79.0 ± 0.6b26.2 ± 0.0cd
Curcuma longa 64.6 ± 2.4e23.3 ± 0.9e
Polygonum minus: Zingiber
ofcinale (1:1) 79.4 ± 1.2b34.4 ± 1.1b
Polygonum minus: Curcuma longa
(1:1) 73.4 ± 2.7c27.5 ± 0.7c
Zingiber ofcinale : Curcuma longa
(1:1) 68.6 ± 1.8d25.3 ± 0.7d
Polygonum minus: Zingiber
ofcinale : Curcuma longa (1:1:1) 78.1 ± 0.8b23.1 ± 0.2e
Table 2. DPPH inhibition and ferric reducing/antioxidant power assay
of spices and herb extracts
Values are mean (n=3) ± standard deviation. Values with the same superscript letter within each column are not
signicant different (p>0.05).
y = 0.1712x + 56.789
= 0.7328
60 80 100 120 140 160 180
DPPH free radical-scavenging
activity (%)
Tota l ph enoli c con tent (mg GAE/ 100 g extract)
Figure 1. The correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant activity
(DPPH free radical-scavenging activity) of plants extracts
y = 0.2265x + 5.2286
= 0.822
60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Tota l ph enoli c con tent (mg GAE/ 100 g ex tract)
Figure 2. The correlation between total phenolic content and ferric reducing/
antioxidant power assay (FRAP) of plants extracts
The correlation between total phenolic content and
antioxidant activity
Several studies (Shan et al., 2005; Wu et al.,
2006; Wong et al., 2006) reported that phenolic
compounds in spices and herbs signicantly
contributed to their antioxidant properties. Figure 1
shows the correlation between total phenolic content
and DPPH assay of plants extracts. Results shows
a positive correlation coefcient between the total
phenolic content and DPPH assay of plants extracts
(r=0.86) which is highly signicant (p<0.01). Figure
2 shows the correlation between total phenolic
content and FRAP assay of plants extracts and the
results also demonstrated highly positive correlation
coefcient between the total phenolic content and the
FRAP assay of the plants extract (r=0.91), that was
highly signicant (p<0.01). Meanwhile, coefcient
of determination (R2) was measured on how well
the regression line represents the data which shows
the association between total phenolic content and
DPPH assay (R2=0.73) in Figure 1 and between
total phenolic content and FRAP assay (R2=0.82)
in Figure 2. In this study, it seemed that, the higher
total phenolic content of plants extracts resulted in
higher antioxidant activity as similarly reported by
Cai et al., (2004), Shan et al., (2005) and Wong et al.,
(2006). A signicant and linear relationship existed
between the antioxidant activity and phenolic content
of kesum, ginger and turmeric, thus indicating that
phenolic compounds are major contributors to
antioxidant activity.
The results obtained demonstrated that kesum
had the highest total phenolic content and antioxidant
activity compared to ginger and turmeric. The mixture
of plants extracts had showed no synergism effect.
There was a good correlation between total phenol
content and antioxidant activity (DPPH and FRAP
assay) that support the idea of phenols as contributor
of the antioxidant power of plants extracts.
The authors would like to thank the Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia for the nancial support
(GUP grant –NBT-08-27-103) for this research.
Acknowledgment goes to Universiti Sains Malaysia
for the nancial support for the rst author.
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Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is extensively used as a spice, food preservative and colouring material in India, China and South East Asia. It has been used in traditional medicine as a household remedy for various diseases, including biliary disorders, anorexia, cough, diabetic wounds, hepatic disorders, rheumatism and sinusitis. For the last few decades, extensive work has been done to establish the biological activities and pharmacological actions of turmeric and its extracts. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), the main yellow bioactive component of turmeric has been shown to have a wide spectrum of biological actions. These include its antiinflammatory, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, anticoagulant, antifertility, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiviral, antifibrotic, antivenom, antiulcer, hypotensive and hypocholesteremic activities. Its anticancer effect is mainly mediated through induction of apoptosis. Its antiinflammatory, anticancer and antioxidant roles may be clinically exploited to control rheumatism, carcinogenesis and oxidative stress-related pathogenesis. Clinically, curcumin has already been used to reduce post-operative inflammation. Safety evaluation studies indicate that both turmeric and curcumin are well tolerated at a very high dose without any toxic effects. Thus, both turmeric and curcumin have the potential for the development of modern medicine for the treatment of various diseases.
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The presence of natural antioxidant in plants is well known. This paper reports the antioxidative activities of some methanolic plant extracts namely ‘ulam raja’ (Cosmos caudatus), ‘kesum’ (Polygonum minus), ‘selom’ (Oenanthe javanica), ‘pegaga’ (Centella asiatica) and ‘curry leaf’ (Murraya koenigii). The analysis carried out was total phenolic content, ferric reducing power, ferric thiocyanate (FTC) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) tests. From the analyses, M. koenigii had the highest yield extraction (1.65%), highest total phenolic content (38.60 mg TAE/ 100 g fresh weight) and antioxidant activity (70.60%) using FTC method. Increasing the concentration of the extracts resulted in increased ferric reducing antioxidant power for all methanolic extracts tested. TBA analysis showed that C. caudatus extract had the highest antioxidant effect. Total phenolic content had positive correlation with antioxidant capacity (r = 0.451). This shows that the plants, especially M. koeniigi, may be potent source of natural antioxidants.
Asian foods were studied for antioxidant capacity, total phenolics, and nutritional value. Varieties of commonly consumed foods were selected for the present study. They are chicken curry, spicy stir-fried pork, spicy sausage, curry dip, sate sauce (peanut sauce), and a dessert from black glutinous rice. The foods were packed in retort pouches and sterilized to understand the effect of heat on natural antioxidants to scavenge peroxyl radicals (ORAC assay) and DPPH radicals. One hundred grams of examined foods exhibited antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content ranging from 154.15 to 1499.63 μmole trolox equivalent from 7.46 to 40.16 mg vitamin C equivalent (VCE) and from 14.53 to 145.93 mg gallic acid equivalent, respectively. The top three highest foods in antioxidant capacity were Mu phat phrik khing (40.16 mgVCE/100g), Khua kling mu (31.38 mgVCE/100g) and Nam phrik ong (23.54 mgVCE/100g). The results showed that natural antioxidants retained their activity after thermal processing. Total phenolic content have a positive high correlation (r2 = 0.90) with antioxidant capacity. The determined content of protein, fat, total dietary fiber and energy ranged 1.97-22.74, 2.28-24.97, 1.72-6.77 g/100 g and 125-342 Kcal/100 g, respectively.
Leaf powder of Orthosiphon stamineus was extracted with the following solvents; distilled water, 50% aqueous methanol, methanol, 70% aqueous acetone and chloroform, at 2, 4 and 8 h, respectively, on a water bath at 40 °C. The extracts were subjected to qualitative and quantitative HPLC analyses of the polyphenols, the most dominant chemical constituents in the leaf. Chloroform extraction from 4 to 8 h at 40 °C gave the highest amount of sinensetin and eupatorin. The extraction with 70% aqueous acetone extracts at 4 and 8 h gave a high yield of 3′-hydroxy-5,6,7,4′-tetramethoxyflavone. The yield of rosmarinic acid was high in 50% methanol extracts at 2, 4 and 8 h of extraction. The extracts were screened for free radical-scavenging potential, using a 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl in vitro model system. The extracts exhibited significant radical-scavenging activity and the acetone extracts showed the highest activity.
Thai local vegetables (20 species) were screened for their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Methanolic extracts of Cassia siamea, Garcinia cowa, Limnophila aromatica and Polygonum odoratum exhibited strong antioxidant and antibacterial activities. The sensitive bacteria to these extracts were Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. Among all plant extracts, the extract of P. odoratum had the highest phenolic content and antioxidant activity with EC 50 value of 315.35 μg extract/mg DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). These plant extracts were also tested for cytotoxicity against human oral epidermal carcinoma (KB), breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) and small cell lung carcinoma (NCI-H187). P. odoratum extract was moderately active against MCF-7 (IC 50 value of 6.01 μg/ml). Major types of active compounds in P. odoratum extract were identified by HPLC method. Flavonoids found in this plant were rutin, catechin, quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin. Among these compounds, rutin was found in the highest amount (3.77% w/w dry extract).
The biological activity of lycopene can be enhanced by the presence of these other active antioxidants such as β-carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Since many of these natural antioxidants are consumed together in foods, the potential for synergistic interactions is high in the human diet. The aim of this study was to determine what concentrations and combinations of antioxidants among lycopene, vitamin E, vitamin C, and β-carotene are capable of producing synergistic antioxidant effects, based on tomato-based food products. Solutions of the scavenging capacities of lycopene, vitamin E, vitamin C, and β-carotene, alone and in different combinations were measured using the stable free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Three different levels of each antioxidant were used. A comparison of the scavenging capacity (antioxidant activity) of the combinations of antioxidants to the arithmetic sum of the scavenging capacities of the individual antioxidants was used to calculate the synergistic effects (SEs) between the antioxidants. The results showed that the mixture that had the highest SEs (P
Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of a methanol rosemary extract (RE) containing 30% carnosic acid (CA), 16% carnosol (COH) and 5% rosmarinic acid (RA) was studied in vitro alone and in combination with the antioxidant food additives butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The antioxidant efficiency of the extract, CA, and RA, was determined by a kinetic analysis of the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate radical (DPPH·) scavenging activity. RE showed two different rate slopes in the reduction of DPPH· vs. time curve, which correlated with the distinct behaviours of RA and CA; pure RA reached the plateau more rapidly than CA. A synergistic antioxidant effect between RE and BHT was demonstrated by isobolographic analysis and a synergistic interaction of RE with BHA to inhibit Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus growth was observed. Therefore, rosemary not only enhances the antioxidant efficiency of BHA and BHT, but also the antibacterial effect of BHA; allowing a decrease from 4.4 to17 folds in the amounts of the synthetic compounds used.
Plant genotype, field conditions, and postharvest processing of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) can alter the combinations of phytochemicals in rhizomes. We investigated the effects of drying upon the antioxidant potential of methanolic extracts from rhizomes of four clones of turmeric grown in vitro under controlled conditions. Antioxidant properties of microrhizomes were also compared with commercially available rhizome powder. The antioxidant capacities of extracts were assayed for their ability to scavenge the DPPH* radical and chelate ferrous iron. Tissue drying negatively affected the ability of extracts to scavenge the DPPH* radical in all four accessions tested, whereas the effect of tissue drying on ferrous iron chelating ability of extracts was cultivar specific. Fresh tissue extracts were more potent than extracts from commercially available turmeric powder in all cases for both assays. The iron chelation assay revealed that extracts from recently dried tissue were significantly more potent than extracts from aged commercially available turmeric powder. DPPH* scavenging capacity of the dried tissue was usually of similar intensity to the commercially available powder with only one clone showing a significant difference in potency. Commercial drying methods may have negative effects on the antioxidants present in the rhizomes of turmeric. Genotypic selection minimized this effect. In vitro prepared rhizomes are a readily available source of fresh turmeric tissue from controlled environments irrespective of uncertainty associated with international outsource of seasonal, agricultural products.