Mahmoud S Abdul-wahid

Mahmoud S Abdul-wahid
University of Thi-Qar · Faculty of Agriculture and Marshlands

Prof. Ph.D.


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Mahmood Shakir Abdulwahid currently works at the Faculty of Agriculture and Marshlands, University of Thi-Qar. Mahmood does research in Agricultural Plant Science. Their most recent publication is 'تأثير الرش بحامضي الأسكوربيك و السالسيليك في بعض الصفات الفيزيوكيميائية لشتلات النارنج المحلي Citrus aurantium L.‏ محمود شاكر عبدالواحد, عقيل هادي عبد الواحد, رواء هاشم حسون مجلة جامعة ذي قار للبحوث الزراعية 2 (2222-5005), 43-55 2012'.
Skills and Expertise


Publications (29)
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تم إعداد هذا الكتاب ليكون بمثابة المرجع العلمي بحيث يخدم جميع المراحل التعليمية (الاولية والعليا). يحتوي على خمسة فصول , تناول الأول منها عائلات النباتات الزهرية وتاريخ تقسيمها والاسس العلمية المتبعة في التقسيم ودراسة التركيب الزهري. أما الفصل الثاني فتناول الزهرة وتركيبها وانواعها وطرق التلقيح والاخصاب فيها ومراحل تطورها. أما الفصل الثالث فتناول م...
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The study was carried out in a wooden canopy Affiliated to the Department of Horticulture and Gardening - College of Agriculture and Marshlands - Dhi Qar University Date 2-2-2020 and ended on 10-9-2020 on pomegranate seedlings, cultivar Wonderful with one stem and one year old by three seedlings per experimental unit This brings the of Seedling to...
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nitrogen content in leaves and roots, percentage of phosphorous in leaves and roots, percentage of potassium in leaves and roots, magnesium content in leaves, leaf iron content, (except for leaf zinc content) , respectively.As follows (38.80 cm, 2.22 mm, 3.71 mm, 5.52 branches, seedlings-1, 63.80 leaves, seedlings-1, 802.3 cm2, seedlings-1, 25.81 g...
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The study was conducted during the growing season 2020-2021 in the greenhouse of the Department of Horticulture / College of Agriculture and Marshlands _ University of Thi -Qar, where a number of henna seedlings of one year old were selected, in order to know the effect of spraying with deunifer and azomin on the physical, chemical and anatomical c...
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The experiment was carried out in the greenhouse covered with saran of the Department of Horticulture and Landscaping - College of Agriculture and Marshland, University of Thi-Qar during the growing season (2022). Experimental units were distributed using Randomized Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D) The first factor is spraying with seaweed extract F...
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The experiment was carried out in the saran-covered greenhouse of the College of Agriculture and Marshes / Thi Qar University on 20/2/2022 to study the effect of spraying with glutathione and ascorbic lion on the physical and chemical properties of grapes plant Vitis vinifera L at the age of one year, where the effect of the glutathione compound wa...
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الحمد لله الذي علم الإنسان مالم يعلم , والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين ابي القاسم محمد وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين وبعد المختبر هو المكان الذي يكون فيه عمليات التحليل والاستقصاء، وكذلك اختبار النظريات وتطبيقها، كذلك المختبر يعتبر البيئة التي تعمل على توفير فرصة اكتشاف الاساليب التي استخدمها العلماء في مجالاتهم التخصصية، وهي تشمل تنمية التفك...
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62.60 ٝ 60.29 ٝ 15.02 ٝ 68.90. ‫حُظٞحُ٢‬ ‫ػِ٠‬ %) ‫ِفزبؽ١خ:‬ ‫وٍّبد‬ ‫حُظَٔ‬ ‫ٗو٤َ‬-‫حُ٘خىٍس‬ ‫ح٧ٛ٘خف‬-‫ٝحٌُ٤ٔ٤خث٤ش‬ ‫حُل٤ِ٣خث٤ش‬ ‫حُٜلخص‬ ‫اٌّمذِخ:‬ ‫حُ٘ٔٞ‬ ‫أ١ٞحٍ‬ ‫ك٢‬ ‫طليع‬ ‫حُظ٢‬ ‫ٝحٌُ٤ٔ٤خٝ٣ش‬ ‫حُل٤ِ٣خث٤ش‬ ‫ٝحُظـ٤َحص‬ ‫حُؼٔخٍ‬ ‫ِٓٞى‬ ‫ريٍحٓش‬ ‫حُزخكؼ٤ٖ‬ ٖٓ ‫ًؼ٤َ‬ ‫أٛظْ‬ ‫َٓحكَ،‬ ‫رؼيس‬ ‫طَٔ‬ ‫إٔ‬ ‫اُ٠‬ ‫حُظخّ‬ ‫حُ٘٠ؾ‬ ‫َٓكِش‬ ‫كظ٠‬ ‫حُظِو٤ق‬...
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A field experiment was carried out in one of the agricultural fields in Thi Qar governorate in Nasiriyah during the winter season 2017-2018 The aim was to investigate the effect of foliar application of seaweed extract on yield and quality of four varieties of broad bean .The design of field experiment was (RCBD) in factorial experiments with three...
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This study was conducted during the 2020 growing season in a wooden canopy affiliated to the Department of Horticulture and Gardening, College of Agriculture and Marshlands, to study the effect of adding Nano NPK and spraying by salicylic acid on some of the major and minor metabolism products of pomegranate seedlings, cultivar Wonderful, the Nano-...
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5-6 / 12 / 2018 1 ‫دراسة‬ ‫المؤشرات‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫ال‬ ‫فيزي‬ ‫و‬ ‫كيميائية‬ ‫ل‬ ‫النادرة‬ ‫االصناف‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫ثمار‬ ‫التمر‬ ‫نخيل‬ ‫من‬ ‫قار‬ ‫ذي‬ ‫محافظة‬ ‫في‬ ‫النامية‬Phoenix dactylifera L. ‫النجار‬ ‫حسن‬ ‫عبداالمير‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫االبراهيمي‬ ‫عبدالواحد‬ ‫شاكر‬ ‫محمود‬ ‫الزراعة‬ ‫البصرة/كلية‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫واالهوار‬ ‫الزراعة‬ ‫قار/كلية‬ ‫ذي‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫ال‬ ‫خالصة‬ :...


Question (1)
What is meant by plant growth regulators?


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