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Security Approach for In-Vehicle Networking Using Blockchain Technology


Abstract and Figures

Security is nonnegotiable key point for in-vehicle networking. However, all communication between Electrical Control Unites (ECU) still suffer from security drawbacks like highly processing time or preserving confidentiality, integrity and authenticity. In this paper, we propose an approach to assess the feasibility of a private Blockchain technology to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks. In this approach, we consider in-vehicle networking contains two parts, namely, central (or connected) gateway (cGW) and switches. cGW and switches are Blockchain nodes, wherein Blockchain consensus protocols are what keep all the nodes on a network synchronized with each other. The approach considers any communication type between ECUs as an individual event, which can be a transaction, data entry or application execution. A use case of secure communication between two ECUs is presented as an evaluation mechanism for securing in-vehicle networking using the proposed Blockchain approach.
Overview of modern and future in-vehicle networking architecture As seen in figure 1, all subnetworks with related ECUs are connected to the same domain, which are connected to a cGW. All ECUs are communicating with each other through the domain controllers and the cGW is managing all the communication processes. With the considered architecture in figure 1 and the communication to the external resources using WiFi, Bluetooth or LTE, the vehicle becomes one of the complex and complicated networks. This architecture allows more vulnerabilities to be emerged and new attack vectors from the external networks to threaten the in-vehicle communication. Moreover, the process of authentication and preserving the integrity inside the vehicle network between all ECUs now needs more time for identity verification from the controller and the cGW as well, which in turn is considered time consuming. On the other hand, used cryptographic HW or SW solutions such as the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), Hardware Secure Module (HSM), Software Guard Extension (SGX), or Trusted Zone (TZ) is adding extra processing time, particularly with asymmetric methods and each one is installed in different OEM vehicle manufacturer, e.g. AUDI is implementing NXP HW solution from TPM or HSM while BMW mostly SGX or TZ. This non de-facto security solution is also considered in time processing issue [3]. There are currently several security approaches and architectures in the in-vehicle networking to secure the data, prevent any unauthorized access, or to preserve the integrity. All of these approaches are securing the vehicle but they still suffer from the processing time and the lack to immutability. In the next section, some of the recent security architecture will be discussed. In this article, we adopt the Blockchain technology and propose an approach to overcome the previous shortages and strengthen security and privacy inside the vehicle networks. The Blockchain is defined as an open ledger that offers decentralization to the parties. In addition, it also offers transparency, immutability, and security. It has many features including being open, distributed, ledger, P2P and permanent. The function of
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Security Approach for In-Vehicle Networking Using
Blockchain Technology
Maher Salem, Moayyad Mohammed, Ali Rodan
Higher Colleges of Technology
Department of Computer Information and Sciences
Abstract. Security is nonnegotiable key point for in-vehicle networking.
However, all communication between Electrical Control Unites (ECU) still
suffer from security drawbacks like highly processing time or preserving
confidentiality, integrity and authenticity. In this paper, we propose an approach
to assess the feasibility of a private Blockchain technology to overcome the
aforementioned drawbacks. In this approach, we consider in-vehicle networking
contains two parts, namely, central (or connected) gateway (cGW) and switches.
cGW and switches are Blockchain nodes, wherein Blockchain consensus
protocols are what keep all the nodes on a network synchronized with each other.
The approach considers any communication type between ECUs as an individual
event, which can be a transaction, data entry or application execution. A use case
of secure communication between two ECUs is presented as an evaluation
mechanism for securing in-vehicle networking using the proposed Blockchain
1 Introduction
Recent In-vehicle networking architecture includes ECUs, which are
intercommunicating with each other. All ECUs are attached to various buses like CAN,
CAN-FD, LIN, MOST, FlexRay [1]. The vehicle industry is expanding rapidly and
hence security becomes one of the major key point in vehicle communications.
Most of in-vehicle networking topology are now domain based architecture and each
domain contains all related ECUs attached to it. In addition, most of modern vehicles
have now the Ethernet as a new bus system. Ethernet is intended to connect inside the
vehicle high-speed communication requiring sub-systems like Advanced Driver
Assistant Systems (ADAS), navigation and positioning, multimedia, and connectivity
systems. For hybrid (HEVs) or electric vehicles (EVs), Ethernet will be a powerful part
of the communication architecture layer that enables the link between the vehicle
electronics and the Internet where the vehicle is a part of a typical Internet of Things
(IoT) application. Figure 1 shows the recent and most likely future in-vehicle
networking architecture [2].
Fig. 1. Overview of modern and future in-vehicle networking architecture
As seen in figure 1, all subnetworks with related ECUs are connected to the same
domain, which are connected to a cGW. All ECUs are communicating with each other
through the domain controllers and the cGW is managing all the communication
With the considered architecture in figure 1 and the communication to the external
resources using WiFi, Bluetooth or LTE, the vehicle becomes one of the complex and
complicated networks. This architecture allows more vulnerabilities to be emerged and
new attack vectors from the external networks to threaten the in-vehicle
communication. Moreover, the process of authentication and preserving the integrity
inside the vehicle network between all ECUs now needs more time for identity
verification from the controller and the cGW as well, which in turn is considered time
consuming. On the other hand, used cryptographic HW or SW solutions such as the
Trusted Platform Module (TPM), Hardware Secure Module (HSM), Software Guard
Extension (SGX), or Trusted Zone (TZ) is adding extra processing time, particularly
with asymmetric methods and each one is installed in different OEM vehicle
manufacturer, e.g. AUDI is implementing NXP HW solution from TPM or HSM while
BMW mostly SGX or TZ. This non de-facto security solution is also considered in time
processing issue [3].
There are currently several security approaches and architectures in the in-vehicle
networking to secure the data, prevent any unauthorized access, or to preserve the
integrity. All of these approaches are securing the vehicle but they still suffer from the
processing time and the lack to immutability. In the next section, some of the recent
security architecture will be discussed. In this article, we adopt the Blockchain
technology and propose an approach to overcome the previous shortages and strengthen
security and privacy inside the vehicle networks.
The Blockchain is defined as an open ledger that offers decentralization to the
parties. In addition, it also offers transparency, immutability, and security. It has many
features including being open, distributed, ledger, P2P and permanent. The function of
a Blockchain is straightforward. As it is a peer-to-peer network, a user needs to start a
transaction. Once done, a block is allocated to the said transaction. The transaction
block is also broadcasted to the network, and all the nodes in the network get the said
information. The block is then mined and validated. It is also added to the chain,
followed by a successful transaction. [4].
Blockchain is managed distributedly by a peer to peer network. Each node is
identified using a Public Key (PK). All communications between nodes, known as
transactions, are encrypted using PKs and broadcast to the entire network. Every node
can verify a transaction, by validating the signature of the transaction generator against
their PK. This ensures that Blockchain can achieve trustless consensus, meaning that
an agreement between nodes can be achieved without a central trust broker, e.g.
Certificate Authority (CA). A node will periodically collect multiple transactions from
its pool of pending transactions to form a block, which is broadcasted to the entire
network. The block is appended to the local copy of the Blockchain stored at a node if
all constituent transactions are valid. A consensus algorithm such as Proof of Work
(PoW) is employed to control which nodes can participate in the Blockchain. Once a
block is appended, it (or the constituent transactions) cannot be modified, since the hash
of each block is contained in the subsequent block in the chain, which ensures
immutability. A node can change its PK (i.e. identity) after each transaction to ensure
anonymity and privacy [5].
Consensus algorithms are a decision-making process for a group, where individuals
of the group construct and support the decision that works best for the rest of them. It’s
a form of resolution where individuals need to support the majority decision, whether
they liked it or not [4]. List of All Consensus Algorithms
Delegated Proof-of-Stake
Leased Proof-Of-Stake
Proof of Elapsed Time
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Simplified Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Directed Acyclic Graphs
Regarding the network between nodes, there are three types of network, namely
decentralized, centralized and distributed. Since in-vehicle networking ECUs are
related to one domain and all are controlled by the cGW, we adopted the centralized
network approach where all the nodes come under a single authority.
The rest of this article is divided as follows, section 2 discusses some related work
regarding in-vehicle security and Blockchain. Section3 presents our approach by
deploying Blockchain technology. Secure communication mechanism using the
proposed Blockchain will be presented in section 4. Finally, Discussion and conclusion
are presented in section 5.
2 Related Work
Cybersecurity in vehicle communication attracts researcher to propose and implement
a security solution to protect vehicle internal and external communication. However,
till now security still a major issue in vehicle communications. Rajbahadur et al.
conducted a survey about anomaly detection techniques in vehicle communication
using 3 dimensions with several subcategories. The main result was that most of prior
research evaluated their methods from simulations. proposed techniques ignored safety
of the vehicles while focusing on cybersecurity [6]. IOActive published a white paper
about the vulnerabilities in automotive industry and they concluded that vulnerabilities
have decreased in both impact and likelihood. In addition, they showed that most
common attack vectors are internal software components and network-connected
applications [7]. Li et al. presented also some explanation and declaration about
considering attacks and improving security in the connected vehicle cloud computing.
They have discussed and investigated all articles in the journal and give a professional
insight regarding cybersecurity and the attacks against vehicle networks [8].
M. Singh and S. Kim have discussed the challenges of automotive security in hardware
and software, and propose a security architecture for automotive security and also
mention future research challenges in automotive cyber security [9]. They have defined
possible future security issues related to intelligent vehicles such as secure
communication and secure routing. This article supports our approach by emphasizing
on the need for a novel security approach to protect vehicle communications.
Even pioneers in the automotive industry like NXP reviewed todays’ ECUs, especially
from a semiconductor technology perspective. After that they reviewed it regarding the
potential of future vehicle networks, it has described future ECUs along with the
limitations and opportunities. They have concluded that the domain based architectures
will be introduced on the short- to mid-term while for the central computing platform
items like safety, reliability and cost still need to be answered especially for the central
Module [10]. On the other hand, Y. Onuma et al. investigated the case of updating the
ECU with less processing time and to avoid any attacker exploiting exposed
vulnerabilities. This article emphasized on the weakness of in-vehicle networking
specially on ECUs update process [11].
For the last decade a lot of proposed solutions have been presented to improve
security of vehicle communications. In this regard, Zeng et al. have presented a
comprehensive survey discussing all in-vehicle networks based on three factors, system
cost, data transmission capacity, and fault-tolerance capability. Then they have assured
the importance of the gateway in connected vehicle, and finally presented some security
threats issues on the in-vehicle networks [12]. Their contribution was very clear about
the importance of having connected gateway and emphasizing on the importance of
security on in-vehicle communication.
Wang et al. have also proposed a distributed anomaly detection system using
hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) to enhance the security of a vehicular controller
area network bus [13]. The HTM model can predict the flow data in real time, which
depends on the state of the previous learning. This technique is also oriented to detect
and minimize the abnormal behavior inside the vehicle network. In addition, Woo et al.
showed that even wireless attack is physically possible using a real vehicle and
malicious smartphone application in a connected car environment. They proposed a
novel security protocol for CAN networks and used CANoe for the evaluation and
experiment. The result delivered promising security protocol better than existed one in
regards to authentication delay and communication load [14]. Many other security
proposals for securing communications have been demonstrated and achieved good
result which again spot on the importance of security in vehicle, such as [15], [16], [17],
[18]. Moreover, some significant topics describe secure communication with the cloud
and enhancing it with a secure storage concept, [28] and [29].
All of the above proposed methods and many more others have proven feasible
security improvement. However, the main issues of the authentication and processing
time are still existed. Therefore, Blockchain technology recently is the newest solution
to avoid the aforementioned issues. As a start, a good survey about involving
Blockchain in several applications to improve the security can be found in [19]. The
authors have provided an overview of the application domains of Blockchain
technologies in IoT, e.g. Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Energy, Internet of Cloud, Fog
computing. One of the professional solution that utilizes Blockchain is presented by S.
Alam in his thesis about securing in-vehicle communication [20]. The author proposes
the use of symmetric key cryptography and elliptic curve-based Public Key Encryption
(PKE) for ensuring confidentiality and the use of digital signature for ensuring integrity
and authenticity. He introduces Blockchain in vehicles to protect the stored data of
ECUs. The experiment study was conducted on Docker and ARM processor based
Raspberry Pei. In our proposed article, we have used the concept in [20] and improve
it not only to protect the data but also to control the communications between all ECUs.
According to other applications of Blockchain in vehicle, A. Dorri et al. [5] proposed
an optimized Blockchain instantiation for the Internet of Things (IoT) called
Lightweight Scalable Blockchain (LSB). It is a decentralized approach that secure and
preserve the privacy of all automotive ecosystem. They proposed the LSB approach
that solved the problem of high processing time of the consensus algorithm. Moreover,
they discussed some attack scenarios like DDoS and how the LSB method protect
against it. In our article, we will utilize also some concepts from the LSB in reducing
the processing time. However, we still believe that a centralized and private Blockchain
is suitable for in-vehicle networking. On the other side, M. Cebe et al. proposed a
permissioned Blockchain to manage all collected data by the vehicle [21]. They
integrated Vehicular Public Key Management (VPKI) to the proposed Blockchain to
provide membership establishment and privacy. Next, they designed a fragmented
ledger that will store detailed data related to vehicle such as maintenance
information/history, car diagnosis reports, etc. Z. Yang et al. have proposed a
decentralized trust management system in vehicular networks based on Blockchain
technique where vehicles can validate the received messages from neighboring vehicles
using Bayesian Inference Model [22]. In the before mentioned article, the proposed
method gather data from vehicles and rank it. Then they generate a block in the
Finally, and unfortunately, we cannot cover all proposed work due to limitation and
space issue. However, further details and resources about using Blockchain in vehicle
security can be found in [23], [24], [25] and [26].
3 Proposed Blockchain Approach
In the domain-based architecture, ECUs are grouped by their functionalities and placed
in the same communication bus (called a domain). Every domain is controlled by a
controller, which is called a switch (domain controller). In this architecture, every ECU
collects data from its sensors, processes the data, takes a decision, and works on that
decision or sends the processed data to other ECUs. Nodes are connected through the
connected /central gateway (MasterNode). A node can send data to other nodes through
the MasterNode.
Since the number of switches or domain controllers in the current or future in-vehicle
communication architecture is limited and connected to one cGW (or may be many
cGWs), a centralized Blockchain with a single authority, i.e. permissioned, is feasible
and suites the internal structure of the vehicle. However, if we consider the vehicle
external communications with the infrastructure such V2X then a centralized approach
may not be suitable. From this point of view, the general overview o f our proposed
Blockchain approach is demonstrated in figure 2.
Fig. 2. Overview of proposed Blockchain Approach
In the previous figure, MasterNode is permitting the authority for each node to get
involved in the network or not. In addition, each node gets updated by the recent
Blockchain after a block is validated, approved and created then added to the
Blockchain. The MasterNode shares blocks with the nodes where the integrity is
preserved by the hashing mechanism applied. The internal structure of a single block
can be shown in figure 3.
Fig. 3. Internal Structure of a Single Block in the Chain
The procedure of how the approach works is described in the following points:
1. Every ECU sends encrypted and signed data to the corresponding Node to
preserve the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity
2. All ECUs data are stored in the Blockchain of each Node
3. Inter-communication between ECUs is only allowed when the Node grants
permission for its ECU
4. The MasterNode monitors and verifies all Nodes, say, all Blockchain data
with each Node is encrypted to avoid any impact between Nodes if one is
5. MasterNode stores all public keys for all Nodes and ECUs to keep verify
their signatures and identity.
a. If ECU1 attached to Node1 needs to communicate with ECU3
attached to Node3, Node1 verifies ECU1 and ECU3 identity from
the MasterNode. Once verified, a permission is granted to ECU1.
b. ECU1 sends a transaction to Node1. Node1 in turn shares the
transaction with other Nodes to vote based on a consensus
algorithm, then based on voting, it will be validated, approved and
added to the transactions list.
c. After approval of all Nodes on group of transactions then a block is
added to the front of the Blockchain with the following information:
i. Hash value for the current block and previous block. In this
regard, each node has a copy of the blockchain, Merkle tree
is inside each block for integrity
ii. Block version and header added to the MasterNode for
monitoring and history issues
d. The communication is granted and executed in a way that ECU3
decrypt the transaction using its private key.
The following message sequence diagram in figure 4 shows the processes of
securing and validating communications between two ECUs.
Fig. 4. Message Sequence Diagram for secure communication between two nodes
The previous figure shows the main and simple process to secure the communication
between two nodes and how the MasterNode is monitoring the process and granting
accesses for each ECU.
- ECU1 and ECU3 need to communicate.
- ECU1 sends signed request to Node1 asking for permission
- Node1 asks the MasterNode if this communication is allowed
- MasterNode contains all public keys for all components. It verifies the signature
of ECU1 and ECU3 to preserve the authenticity and integrity.
- Once verified, MasterNode notifies Node1 and Node3 that both ECUs can
communicate. Moreover, it sends the public keys of the two ECUs for the nodes.
- Each node shares the public key with the ECU and grants it a permission to
- ECU1 can now encrypt the data using the public key of ECU3 and signs it using
its private key
- ECUs can now securely communicate
- All of these transactions will be validated and verified by the MasterNode and
once all nodes vote for validation, a new block is added to the Blockchain in the
- The hash value will be then calculated for the current block and the MasterNode
shares the updates with the Nodes.
- All communication between nodes and MasterNode is signed for identity
In the previous diagram, all communication is secured by asymmetric encryption and
the identity is verified by the signatures. And all transactions have been considered to
add a new block in the chain. Therefore, Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticity are
all preserved and the MasterNode is monitoring and controlling all the process.
4 Secure Communication using proposed Blockchain Approach
For this case study, we adopted the secure communication process between two ECUs.
Both ECUs contains an MPC5646C microcontroller from NXP [27]. The process is
proposed by F. Juergen as displayed in figure 5.
Fig. 5. Secure Communication between two ECUs
The main idea of this method in figure 5 is to preserve integrity, authenticity and
confidentiality. The Cryptographic Service Engine (CSE) contains already from the
OEM all keys between all ECUs for communication. The symmetric encryption
shortages like using single-key for encryption and key distribution is known and have
been solved by asymmetric methods. Therefore, using public key method for
encryption and private key for signing in our approach is suitable and more feasible for
in-vehicle communication.
Applying our Blockchain approach in the previous process in figure 5 can be interpreted
as the following:
1- Central ECU sends a signed request together with a random number to the
intended Node
2- The intended Node verifies it and forwards it to the MasterNode
3- The MasterNode will validate the identity of Central ECU and encrypt the
random number with the public keys of central ECU and sensor ECU
4- MasterNode sends permission approval and the public key of central ECU to
the Node of sensor ECU. The same action for central ECU.
5- Each Node communicates with the related ECU with the following
information: permission granted, public key of other node, encrypted random
6- Central ECU will decrypt the random number to verify MasterNode identity
7- Sensor ECU will decrypt the random number to verify MasterNode identity,
then it encrypts the random number again using central ECU public key.
8- Sensor ECU sends this to the central ECU, which in turn decrypt it to check
Sensor ECU identity
9- When everything is validated and verified, both ECU can now securely
10- All of the above transactions will be stored in one block and all Nodes vote
for approval.
11- If they are approved, the MasterNode will calculate a new hash value for all
transactions, then add a new block to the Blockchain and share it with all
After applying our proposed approach, all components have been identified
(Authenticity), data is encrypted between ECUs (Confidentiality) and hash values have
been generated (Integrity).
5 Discussion and Conclusion
All communication between ECUs still suffer from security drawbacks like highly
processing time or preserving confidentiality, integrity and authenticity. We propose an
approach to assess the feasibility of a private Blockchain technology to overcome the
aforementioned drawbacks. Blockchain nodes in this approach are the cGW as
MasterNode and switches as Nodes. According to the nature of in-vehicle networking,
the best Blockchain structure is centralized where the permission is granted by the
MasterNode. We present a use case of how two ECUs can communicate together in a
secure communication channel and how the Blockchain interact in this regard. To
demonstrate the secure communication between ECUs, we present a message sequence
diagram to show all internal processes between the MasterNode and intended nodes.
Then, we apply the proposed approach on a real example from NXP microcontrollers.
All communications between ECUs are secure and valid, in which a block of all these
transactions has been created by the MasterNode and then added to the beginning of
the chain. Finally, MasterNode updates all Nodes with the latest Blockchain. So, the
processing time is minimized, and Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticity are
preserved. We believe, the proposed Blockchain is feasible and can be applied on the
in-vehicle communication. As a future outlook, more improvements on the proposed
approach will be performed and a real experimental and comparison study will take
place to provide a practical evidence on the success of the approach.
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... Previous efforts that focus on the security of in-vehicle networks have focused on intrusion and anomaly detection which enables the detection of unauthorized access to in-vehicle network (Akosan et al., 2015;Aloqaily, Otoum, Al Ridhawi, & Jararweh, 2019;CUBE, 2018;Nilsson & Larson, 2008;Oguma, Yoshioka, & Nishikawa, 2008;Salem, Mohammed, & Rodan, 2019), and the identification of deviations from acceptable vehicle behavior (Wasicek & Weimerskirch, 2014). Several challenges however persist. ...
... Several challenges however persist. First, proposed security solutions are based on a centralized design which relies on a Master ECU that is responsible for ensuring valid communications between in-vehicle ECUs (Nilsson & Larson, 2008;Oguma et al., 2008;Salem et al., 2019). However, these solutions are vulnerable to a single point of failure attack where an attacker's aim is to compromise the centralized security design. ...
... BC can be public or permissioned (Oham, Jurdak, Kanhere et al., 2018) to differentiate user capabilities including who has the right to participate in the BC network. Compared to identified intrusion (CUBE, 2018;Nilsson & Larson, 2008;Salem et al., 2019), and anomaly detection (Swawibe Ul Alam, 2018) solutions, BC replaces centralization with a trustless consensus which when applied to our context can ensure that no single entity can assume full control of verifying the state of ECUs in a smart vehicle and could facilitate the identification of rogue actions executed by vehicle manufacturers (Oham, Jurdak, Kanhere et al., 2018). Furthermore, the decentralized consensus provided by BC is well-suited for securing the internal network of smart vehicles by keeping track of historical operations executed on the vehicle's ECUs such as firmware updates, thus easily identifying any change to the ECU and entities responsible for that change. ...
The ubiquity of connecting technologies in smart vehicles and the incremental automation of its functionalities promise significant benefits, including a significant decline in congestion and road fatalities. However, increasing automation and connectedness broadens the attack surface and heightens the likelihood of a malicious entity successfully executing an attack. In this paper, we propose a Blockchain based Framework for sEcuring smaRt vehicLes (B-FERL). B-FERL uses permissioned blockchain technology to tailor information access to restricted entities in the connected vehicle ecosystem. It also uses a challenge–response data exchange between the vehicles and roadside units to monitor the internal state of the vehicle to identify cases of in-vehicle network compromise. In order to enable authentic and valid communication in the vehicular network, only vehicles with a verifiable record in the blockchain can exchange messages. Through qualitative arguments, we show that B-FERL is resilient to identified attacks. Also, quantitative evaluations in an emulated scenario show that B-FERL ensures a suitable response time and required storage size compatible with realistic scenarios. Finally, we demonstrate how B-FERL achieves various important functions relevant to the automotive ecosystem such as trust management, vehicular forensics and secure vehicular networks.
... Salem et al devised use of a private blockchain-based solution to addressing challenges of authenticity, integrity, and secrecy where they propose use of in-vehicle networking, which includes a central gateway and switches, was taken into consideration for practical use cases [11]. Sharma et al created a fresh vehicular information framework utilising Blockchain innovation that maintain a contract among conveyed expert co-ops to guarantee car verification, information honesty, consistent access control and security protecting [12]. ...
... Salem et al developed a private blockchain approach for solving integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality issues. 122 Here, in-vehicle networking was considered, which contains switches and a central gateway. Wang et al 123 developed a collaborative vehicular edge computing approach, termed CEVC. ...
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Recently, The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) concept is becoming very popular due to sharing of the data between vehicles and the infrastructure. The sharing of data is very important for enhancing vehicular services, but at the same time makes IoV vulnerable for security and privacy issues. The smart and interconnected vehicles produce sophisticated services for transport authorities, car manufacturers, vehicle owners, and other service providers. IoV are very vulnerable to malicious attacks due to its self-organizing nature and the open source nature of its implementations. This exposes the smart and interconnected vehicles to a variety of privacy and security threats, such as a remote hijacking or location tracking of vehicles. Thus, the security for IoV environment is critical. Blockchain technology has been recently used for cybersecurity due to the robustness and integrity preserving nature of its design. This review article provides a detailed survey of existing work in the literature to secure IoV through blockchain techniques such as security, privacy, reputation, distributed, decentralized , data sharing, authentication, and trust-based approaches. The paper presents the detailed discussion and analysis of these blockchain techniques to secure IoV. In addition, we present the gaps and research challenges identified from the existing research works. This provides work directions for future research in blockchain techniques to secure IoV.
... Blockchain can serve two fundamental roles: (i) to provide the reputation of data from its secure storage, and (ii) the reputation of process executions in this execution managed distribution by a peer to peer network [23]. In this network, every vehicle is noticed by a public key (PK), and all transactions between the vehicles are encrypted using PKs and communicate the entire network [24]. ...
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The rapid growth and technological progressions in the vehicle edge computing and networks (VECON) enhanced existing vehicular administrations through information sharing and information investigation, which further incremented traffic security difficulties. This carries the need to verify vehicle networks with gigantic information stockpiling substances. Recognizing the vehicles that communicate fashioned messages and ensuring the protection of every vehicle is an essential assignment. Blockchain can be utilized as an effective solution to provide security during vehicle edge computing. Every transaction and data is recorded in the blockchain, which expands the number of blocks after some time. Another test in blockchain methods is utilizing a consensus mechanism, which can be effectively undermined by the attackers. Artificial intelligence (AI) trained by machine learning (ML) algorithms as an amazing paradigm can be incorporated with blockchain to settle these issues. The data storing methods of blockchain can likewise be enhanced with the assistance of ML algorithms. In this paper, a two-tier authenticated consortium blockchain (TTA-CB) protocol is proposed for secure information partaking in Vehicle Edge Computing and Networks (VECONs). Utilizing a one-time password (OTP) based notoriety estimation calculation, the misbehaving vehicles are recognized. The use of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) understands the ideal data provider selection issue utilizing notoriety esteems. Exploratory outcomes demonstrate the importance of the proposed strategy, and the correlation results demonstrate that the proposed technique is unrivaled and secure.
... In some implementations, vehicles mine blocks themselves, and region-bounded ledgers may be used [26]. In-vehicle blockchains have also been proposed [27,28]. ...
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Automotive software is increasingly complex and critical to safe vehicle operation, and related embedded systems must remain up to date to ensure long-term system performance. Update mechanisms and data modification tools introduce opportunities for malicious actors to compromise these cyber-physical systems, and for trusted actors to mistakenly install incompatible software versions. A distributed and stratified "black box"audit trail for automotive software and data provenance is proposed to assure users, service providers, and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of vehicular software integrity and reliability. The proposed black box architecture is both layered and diffuse, employing distributed hash tables (DHT), a parity system and a public blockchain to provide high resilience, assurance, scalability, and efficiency for automotive and other high-assurance systems.
Strategic investment(s) in vehicle automation technologies led to the rapid development of technology that revolutionised transport services and reduced fatalities on a scale never seen before. Technological advancements and their integration in Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) increased uptake and adoption and pushed firmly for the development of highly supportive legal and regulatory and testing environments. However, systemic threats to the security and privacy of technologies and lack of data transparency have created a dynamic threat landscape within which the establishment and verification of security and privacy requirements proved to be an arduous task. In CAVs security and privacy issues can affect the resilience of these systems and hinder the safety of the passengers. Existing research efforts have been placed to investigate the security issues in CAVs and propose solutions across the whole spectrum of cyber resilience. This paper examines the state-of-the-art in security and privacy solutions for CAVs. It investigates their integration challenges, drawbacks and efficiencies when coupled with distributed technologies such as Blockchain. It has also listed different cyber-attacks being investigated while designing security and privacy mechanism for CAVs.
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Security has been the most widely researched topic, particularly within IoT, and has been considered as the major hurdle in the adoption of different applications of IoT. When it comes to IoV, security is considered as the most inevitable component to ensure a safe and smooth driving experience. CAV is the new era of transportation, integrating intelligence and self-driving capabilities within vehicles and that requires strong security measures to ensure safety. Security alone is not enough. Instead, a complete package including privacy of the vehicles and passengers needs to be added in addition to secure communication. This is because CAVs are under continuous cyber threats and attacks and the most important among them is the DDoS, where a remote attacker can hijack/launch attacks on vehicles remotely. Single point of failure attacks target the centralized trusted body in order to mislead the connected vehicles for personal gains. In this paper, the authors have proposed a secure communication system for CAVs using blockchain, which also ensures the privacy of the vehicle/people. The paper highlights the major components of the proposed system, and its performance is evaluated to check its efficiency against DDoS and Eclipse attacks. The unlinkability and anonymity of the vehicles have been ensured using the zk-SNAKR protocol over Blockchain.
Traditionally, Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in vehicles have been left unsecured. Ensuring cybersecurity in an ECU network is challenging as there is no centralized authority in the vehicle to provide security as a service. While progress has been made to address cybersecurity vulnerabilities, many of these approaches have focused on enterprise, software-centric systems and require more computational resources than typically available for onboard vehicular devices. Furthermore, vehicle networks have the additional challenge of mitigating security vulnerabilities while satisfying safety and performance constraints. This article introduces a blockchain framework to detect unauthorized modifications to vehicle ECUs. A proof of concept blockchain prototype framework is implemented on a set of microprocessors (comparable to those used by simple ECUs) as a means to assess the efficacy of using our blockchain approach to detect unauthorized updates.
Connected vehicles, in the transportation system and cloud-based infrastructure (all together are enterprise IoT infrastructure), communicate with each other to obtain services and perform updates via the internet. However, this will emerge new vulnerabilities which in turn will emerge attack vectors like Advanced Persistent Threat attack (APT) to gain unauthorized access to the transportation system. APT causes disruption and data loss as well as integrity violations. This leads to overhead the network and makes it harder to verify each and every transaction between the vehicles. Because of these issues and other security-related shortages like processing time, the need for a solution that specifies all requirements and implementations to be protected against APT attacks and any zero-day attack or any unknown hidden threat emerged from the new vehicle communications, is becoming essential. This paper is to utilize Blockchain technology to secure and protect the transportation system. It will propose an authentication approach using a random number generator to verify vehicle identity and authority, improve the security, integrity, and immutability of the transportation system. An experimental scenario has been also demonstrated to clearly explain the new authentication method. It shows that it is an effective approach to increase security defense lines and provide a secure infrastructure for the transportation system.
Glioma is a type of malignant brain tumors which requires early detection for patients Overall Survival (OS) prediction and better treatment planning. This task can be simplified by computer aided automatic segmentation of brain MRI volumes into sub-regions. The MRI volumes segmentation can be achieved by deep learning methods but due to highly imbalance data, it becomes very challenging. In this article, we propose deep learning based solutions for Glioma segmentation and patient’s OS. To segment each pixel, we have designed a simplified version of 2D U-Net which is slice based and to predict OS, we have analyzed radiomic features. The training dataset of BraTS 2019 challenge is partitioned into train and test set and our primary results on test set are promising as dice score of (whole tumor 0.84, core tumor 0.80 and enhancing tumor 0.63) in glioma segmentation. Radiomic features based on intensity and shape are extracted from the MRI volumes and segmented tumor for OS prediction task. We further eliminate the low variance features using Recursive Features Elimination (RFE). The Random Forest Regression is used to predict OS time. By using intensities of peritumoral edema-label 2 of Flair, the necrotic and non-enhancing tumor core-label 1 along with enhancing tumor-label 4 of T1 contrast enhanced volumes and patients age, we are capable to predict patient’s OS with considerable accuracy of 31%.
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Anomaly detection techniques have been applied to the challenging problem of ensuring both cybersecurity and safety of connected vehicles. We propose a taxonomy of prior research in this domain. Our proposed taxonomy has 3 overarching dimensions subsuming 9 categories and 38subcategories. Key observations emerging from the survey are: Real-world datasets are seldom used, but instead, most results are derived from simulations; V2V/V2I communications and in-vehicle communication are not considered together; proposed techniques are seldom evaluated against a baseline; safety of the vehicles does not attract as much attention as cybersecurity.
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Nowadays, the automobile industry is integrating many new features into vehicles. To provide these features, various electronic systems are being added. These systems are coordinated by different ECUs (Electronic Control Unit). Vehicle ECUs are internally connected through multiple communication buses. Any ECU connected to the bus can read or send data to other ECUs. As a result, if an adversary can compromise one of the ECUs, then the adversary will be able to access and exploit data of other important ECUs. The absence of confidentiality is the main reason for that. Furthermore, the absence of data integrity and authenticity make the communications more vulnerable. In the past, it has been shown that an adversary can take control of the vehicle exploiting the inadequacy of CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authenticity). Moreover, an adversary can modify the stored data of an important ECU, if it is compromised. To solve these problems, we propose the use of symmetric key cryptography and elliptic curve-based Public Key Encryption (PKE) for ensuring confidentiality and the use of digital signature for ensuring integrity and authenticity. In addition, we propose the adoption of an identity-based access control in Mother ECUs (MECU, also known as a domain controller) to control the communication permissions. We also introduce Blockchain in vehicles to protect the stored data of ECUs. Finally, we integrate a watcher to monitor the stored data and report if it is modified. We implement the proposed technique in two platforms, namely Docker and the ARM architecture-based Raspberry Pi Board. Our experiments show that the proposed technique can improve security in ECU communications. The watcher reports when an ECU data is modified which helps limit the damage when an ECU is compromised.
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Recently Liang et al. propose an interesting privacy-preserving ciphertext multi-sharing control for big data storage mechanism, which is based on the cryptographic primitive of anonymous multi-hop identity based conditional proxy re-encryption scheme AMH-IBCPRE. They propose a concrete AMH-IBCPRE scheme and conclude their scheme can achieve IND-sCon-sID-CCA secure (in-distinguishable secure under selectively conditional selectively identity chosen ciphertext attack). However, our research show their scheme can not be IND-sCon-sID-CCA secure for single-hop and multi-hop data sharing. Also in 2014, Liang et al. propose an interesting deterministic finite automata-based functional proxy re-encryption scheme DFA-based FPRE for secure public cloud data sharing, they also conclude their scheme can achieve IND-CCA secure (indistinguishable secure under chosen ciphertext attack), we also show their scheme can not be IND-CCA secure either. For these two proposals, the main reason of insecurity is that part of the re-encryption key has the same structure as the valid ciphertext, thus the adversary can query on the decryption oracle with this part of the re-encryption key to get secret keys, which will break the CCA-security of their scheme. We give an improved AMH-IBCPRE scheme and an improved DFA-based FPRE scheme for cloud data sharing and show the new schemes can resist our attack and be CCA-secure. We also demonstrate our improved AMH-IBCPRE scheme’s efficiency compared with other related identity based proxy re-encryption schemes, the results show our scheme is almost the most efficient one.
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Vehicular networks enable vehicles to generate and broadcast messages in order to improve traffic safety and efficiency. However, due to the non-trusted environments, it is difficult for vehicles to evaluate the credibilities of received messages. In this paper, we propose a decentralized trust management system in vehicular networks based on blockchain techniques. In this system, vehicles can validate the received messages from neighboring vehicles using Bayesian Inference Model. Based on the validation result, the vehicle will generate a rating for each message source vehicle. With the ratings uploaded from vehicles, Roadside Units (RSUs) calculate the trust value offsets of involved vehicles and pack these data into a “block”. Then, each RSU will try to add their “blocks” to the trust blockchain which is maintained by all the RSUs. By employing the joint Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, the more total value of offsets (stake) is in the block, the easier RSU can find the nonce for the hash function (proof-of-work). In this way, all RSUs collaboratively maintain an updated, reliable, and consistent trust blockchain. Simulation results reveal that the proposed system is effective and feasible in collecting, calculating, and storing trust values in vehicular networks.
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Today's vehicles are becoming cyber-physical systems that do not only communicate with other vehicles but also gather various information from hundreds of sensors within them. These developments help create smart and connected (e.g., self-driving) vehicles that will introduce significant information to drivers, manufacturers, insurance companies and maintenance service providers for various applications. One such application that is becoming crucial with the introduction of self-driving cars is the forensic analysis for traffic accidents. The utilization of vehicle-related data can be instrumental in post-accident scenarios to find out the faulty party, particularly for self-driving vehicles. With the opportunity of being able to access various information on the cars, we propose a permissioned blockchain framework among the various elements involved to manage the collected vehicle-related data. Specifically, we first integrate Vehicular Public Key Management (VPKI) to the proposed blockchain to provide membership establishment and privacy. Next, we design a fragmented ledger that will store detailed data related to vehicle such as maintenance information/history, car diagnosis reports, etc. The proposed forensic framework enables trustless, traceable and privacy-aware post-accident analysis with minimal storage and processing overhead.
This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the existing blockchain protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT) networks. We start by describing the blockchains and summarizing the existing surveys that deal with blockchain technologies. Then, we provide an overview of the application domains of blockchain technologies in IoT, e.g, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Energy, Internet of Cloud, Edge computing, etc. Moreover, we provide a classification of threat models, which are considered by blockchain protocols in IoT networks, into five main categories, namely, identity-based attacks, manipulation-based attacks, cryptanalytic attacks, reputation-based attacks, and service-based attacks. In addition, we provide a taxonomy and a side-by-side comparison of the state-of-the-art methods towards secure and privacy-preserving blockchain technologies with respect to the blockchain model, specific security goals, performance, limitations, computation complexity, and communication overhead. Based on the current survey, we highlight open research challenges and discuss possible future research directions in the blockchain technologies for IoT.
The rapid growth of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has brought huge challenges for large data storage, intelligent management, and information security for the entire system. The traditional centralized management approach for IoV faces the difficulty in dealing with real time response. The blockchain, as an effective technology for decentralized distributed storage and security management, has already showed great advantages in its application of Bitcoin. In this paper, we investigate how the blockchain technology could be extended to the application of vehicle networking, especially with the consideration of the distributed and secure storage of big data. We define several types of nodes such as vehicle and roadside for vehicle networks and form several sub-blockchain networks. In the paper, we present a model of the outward transmission of vehicle blockchain data, and then give detail theoretical analysis and numerical results. Our study has shown the potential to guide the application of Blockchain for future vehicle networking.
In the IoT setting, many resource constrained devices outsource their collected data to the Cloud. To ensure the outsourced data has not been lost, these devices need some mechanism to check the integrity of their data. Furthermore, in some settings, ad hoc devices need to act as a group, and in this group, any member may require to verify the integrity of outsourced cloud storage. Aiming at solving this problem, in AISACCS'15, first proposed the concept of group‐based proofs of storage (GPoS). In GPoS, a group manager can authorize data owners as group members, and then these group members can outsource files to the cloud storage server; later, each member can verify the integrity of the outsourced cloud storage. They also give a concrete construction of GPoS. Unfortunately, in this paper, we find their scheme is not secure. Recently, also proposed a dynamic group‐based integrity auditing protocol for outsrouced cloud storage; we also show their scheme is not secure either. Finally, we give an improved scheme and roughly analysis to its security and performance.
The articles in this special section focus on vehicular cloud computing platforms (CVCC). As a special cloud computing platform, connected vehicular cloud computing (CVCC), which seamlessly combines cloud computing and VANETs, has been recently proposed to accelerate the adoption of VANETs, and extends the traditional cloud infrastructure consisting of a majority of stationary nodes to the edge of vehicles. CVCC is a mobile computing paradigm that consists of in-motion vehicles cooperating with each other to achieve a bunch of practical applications, such as collaborative package delivery and information dissemination. Essentially, CVCC coordinates the computing, communication, sensing, and storage resources of vehicles on the road to balance the service requirements and hardware limitations. Because of these advantages, CVCC has been regarded as a key basis of future competition and innovation, and has attracted considerable attention from both industry and academia in recent years. Nevertheless, different from the traditional cloud infrastructure, CVCC requires sophisticated security and privacy protection mechanisms as legitimate users and attackers have the same privileges in CVCC.