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Performance of Diagonal Mesh Network on Chip using NS2



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International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Open Access
Research Paper Vol.-6, Issue-9, Sept. 2018 E-ISSN: 2347-2693
Performance of Diagonal Mesh Network on Chip using NS2
P.P. Papalkar1*, M.A. Gaikwad2
1Electronics and Telecommunication, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi - Mumbai, India
2Electronics and Telecommunication, G. H. Raisoni college of Engineering, Nagpur, India
*Corresponding Author:
Available online at:
Accepted: 18/Aug/2018, Published: 30/Sept./2018
Abstract Network on Chip (NoC) is an interconnection network, which provides a network architecture to overcome
limitations of System on Chip(SoC). The Interconnection among multiple cores on a chip has a major effect on
communication and performance of the chip in terms of latency and throughput. Many routing architectures and routing
algorithm have been developed to alleviate traffic congestion, performance enhancement and low power consumption for
Network on Chip(N0C). In this paper, Diagonal Mesh NoC architecture is described using Network Simulator (NS2), which
reduces the load distribution across the network by reducing the diameter of the network, as a result, routing cost also reduces.
In Diagonal Mesh topology, routing estimates the alternative routes with priority given to a diagonal path. In this paper, it is
seen that latency reduces for a pair of nodes that uses the diagonal path as compared to another pair of nodes. Throughput is
also enhanced by this approach.
Keywords Network on Chip (NoC), Topology, Latency, Throughput, NS2.
System on Chip (SoC) is complex and consist of
heterogeneous IP cores. IP cores may be video processor,
Image processor, programmable processors, memories, input
/output interface, custom hardware, peripherals, external
interface IP (INTELLECTUAL property) blocks. Due to the
rapid progress in electronic systems, the number of cores in
SoC has been increased to enrich the performance of the
system. With the rising number of IP cores in SoC, many
issues have arisen like poor Scalability, more power
consumption, high complexity, high latency etc. the
limitation of SoC are resolved by Network on Chip(NoC).
NoC is an interconnection network, which provides a
network architecture to overcome limitations of SoC. In NoC
network architecture and routing algorithm are important for
enriching the performance of the system.
Before the advent of NoC interconnection architecture was
based on dedicated wire and bus-based interconnections used
for communicating with different IPs components. All the
components in the SoC are communicating using a single
transporting medium. This allows only one communication
at a time managed by arbiter however when the number of
components increases than the performance will degrade due
to bandwidth limitation. In order to solve this restricted
access problem, a full crossbar switch approach is used. As
the number of integrated IPs increases wiring complexity
also increases. The hierarchical bus system can be used to
solve bandwidth limitation in the shared bus system. In this
case, a bridge is used to connect two bus systems but here
bridge hold-up access when two buses want to communicate
between them which results in the increase of latency.
NoC has several merits such as high bandwidth, low latency,
low power consumption and scalability as compared to
dedicated wiring and shared bus.
A. NoC Description
The communication infrastructures based in NoC has
Network Elements (NE) and Network Interfaces (NI). The
packet travels across the Network Elements while the
Network Interfaces provide an interface with the IP or
The following are the main characteristic of NoC:
1. Topology: Arrangement of tiles and physical connectivity
between them.
2. Switching: Allocating the path for data transfer from the
inport to the outport.
3. Routing: Determines route for the message to transverse in
the network.
4. Flow Control: Dynamic allocation of the channel
5. Buffering: It is the process of storing the packets when
they cannot be processed.
6. Arbitration: Planning the use of channels and buffers.
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Vol.6(9), Sept. 2018, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
© 2018, IJCSE All Rights Reserved 68
B. Topology
Core, network interface, and router together form a tile. The
arrangement of tiles and their interconnectivity leads to the
formation of a Topology. Owing to their grid-type shapes
and regular structure 2D mesh is the most appropriate for the
two-dimensional layout on a chip [1]. A decent topology is
one which offers less latency (hop count), more path
diversity, high throughput and can support load balancing
[2]. 2D Mesh is the most commonly used topology in
commercial and industrial prototypes like Tilera multicore
family or Intel 80 cores Polatis chip. But due to the
constraint of 2D mesh, alternative topologies or modification
to 2D mesh are projected [3]. Other standard NoC topologies
are Torus, Folded Torus, Ring, Octagon, Star, SPIN
(Scalable Programmable Integrated Network), Binary
Tree(BT), Binary Fat Tree(BFT)and CLICHE [4]. The
arrangement of these nodes in the chip affects the bandwidth
and latency of the network [5].
Rest of the paper is organized as follows, Section I contains
the introduction of Network on Chip, Section II contains the
related work of NoC topology, Section III contains
Architecture specification and performance, Section IV
describes results and discussion for diagonal mesh topology
and Section V concludes research work.
Figure 1: 2D Mesh Topology
Figure 1 shows a simple Mesh network that is commonly
used in NoC because of its simplicity. Mesh topology suffers
from shortcomings such as high power consumption and
latency increase when the diameter of the network increases.
To reduce latency, the diagonal concept is used which is
demonstrated in Figure 2. For a packet to transverse from
source to the destination, it requires two hops if
horizontal(X) and vertical(Y) methodology is used but if the
diagonal method is used then it requires only one hop. In
diagonal conception, the number of hop count reduces as
compared to XY method. Diagonal links restraint to less
average latency than nondiagonal topology. Due to the
advent of X-architecture routing technique, inchip
manufacturing additional diagonal links to the 2D mesh
network are possible [6].
In this paper, the diagonal Mesh topology for latency
enhancement is explained.
Figure 2: Diagonal concept
Figure 3. Diagonal Mesh network architectures
A. Architecture Specification
Figure 3 shows diagonal mesh topology. Each Diagonal
Mesh tile that has a bidirectional port for communication
with its neighbour router namely East(E), West(W),
North(N), South(S), Northeast(NE), Northwest(NW),
Southeast(SE) and Southwest(SW). Each corner tile has
three neighbours, border tile has five neighbours and others
have eight neighbours. Each router is identified by unique
integer ID. Four diagonal links are added to basic Mesh. For
an nxn topology node degree is 3 for a corner,5 for border
and 8 for generic, Network diameter is n-1, Bisection
bandwidth is 3n-1. Diagonal Mesh has more multiple paths
for communication as compared to Mesh topology. Multiple
paths help in the reduction of latency.
A node is represented by a circle as shown in Figure 3. It acts
as a source or a destination and a router if it is an
intermediate node. The node receives packets, and forwards
them on the links specified by the router with the help of the
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Vol.6(9), Sept. 2018, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
© 2018, IJCSE All Rights Reserved 69
routing table or delivers them to the ports specified in the
packet header [7]. A node in NS2 uses a flat-addressing and
static routing by default [7]. The routing table is computed
once at the beginning of the Simulation phase and does not
change thereafter [7].
B. Architecture Performance Evaluation
A 4 x 4 Diagonal mesh topology is evaluated using Network
Simulator (NS2). NS2 is an object-oriented open-source
discrete event network simulator developed at UC Berkeley.
NS2 is used to simulate real-time network traffic and
topology for analysis. NS2 has been developed in C++ and
TCL [7]. TCL programming is used for simulation and C++
is used for adding a new module. TCL is an interpreted
language. Each instruction is a command in Tcl program.
TCL programming is used to write simulation script in ns2.
OTCL is an extension of TCL with the object-oriented
feature. OTcl is short for MIT Object Tcl [7].
In NS2 “ns” command is used for execution of the file. After
execution of the Tcl file through NS2, the output of a
simulation is trace file. The simulation outputs provided by
NS2 are either in text format or animation format. These
outputs can be viewed by NAM tool and graphs can be
obtained by the tool XGraph [7]. A scripting language AWK
can be used to extract the necessary information from a trace
file to grasp the network performance [7].
NAM provides many features for visualization. These
features can be used for animating flow of various coloured
packets, the positioning of nodes, colouring a precise
connection, changing the shape of nodes colouring a specific
link, and queue observing etc. [7]. Figure 3 shows a sample
NAM window for a Diagonal Mesh topology with 16 nodes
and Figure 4 shows the Diagonal Mesh network architectures
scenario of packets roving from source to destination.
Figure 4. Diagonal Mesh network architectures scenario of
packets roving from source to destination.
NS2 simulation consists of three main steps.
1. Design of topology is the most important step. Here 4 x 4
Diagonal Mesh topology is defined.
2. This step also includes configuring the simulation
scenario by the various parameter applied in NS2 to the
topology and running simulation of the design.
Simulation parameters are listed in Table 1.
3. The final step in a simulation is to collect the result of the
simulation and trace the simulation and writing AWK
Table 1. Parameters for simulation of Diagonal Mesh
Number of nodes
Connection type
Router to Router
Protocol for transmission
UDP(User Datagram
Routing Scheme
Routing Protocol
Dijkstra shortest path
Bisection Bandwidth
Router-to-router 1Mb
Traffic Generation
CBR(Constant Bit Rate )
Traffic Rate
100 kb
Packet Size
Performance evaluation parameters for Diagonal mesh
topology are listed below.
1. Latency: Latency is the average delay between end to end
delivery of packets. It is used to measure the performance of
the network. It is expressed in simulator clock cycles.
Latency is reduced by using diagonal paths since multiple
paths are available for routing.
2. Throughput: Throughput is defined as the maximum
traffic that the network can handle. It is measured in
message/second or message/clock cycle. The normalized unit
is bits per second of successful packet deliveries.
NS2 is used for simulation of a NoC topology. For
understanding the behaviour of a NoC topology a 4×4
Diagonal Mesh, topology was simulated. Figure 2 illustrates
Diagonal Mesh topology here router nodes are denoted by
the circle and they are interconnected by bidirectional links.
Table 1 shows various parameters applied for simulation.
The scenario of packet transversal from source to destination
is mentioned in table 2. Here some links 2 to 5, 1 to 2 and 1
to 4 are shared between routers for communication to check
the effect of latency. Latency and throughput plot for the
above scenario is shown in Figure 5 and 6 respectively.
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Vol.6(9), Sept. 2018, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
© 2018, IJCSE All Rights Reserved 70
Latency is measured in milliseconds(ms) and throughput in
kilobytes per second (Kbps). Node pair 8 to 15 and node pair
11 to 12 uses completely diagonal path for packet transverse
so latency reduces for these pair of nodes as compared to
another pair of nodes as seen from Figure 5.
Table 2. Packet transversal path from source to destination
Path of transverse
from source to
Figure 5. Latency of Diagonal Mesh network architectures
Figure 6. Throughput plot of Diagonal Mesh network
XY is a deterministic routing algorithm, hence the path taken
by the packet for every source-destination pair is fixed.
Hence Overall latency of the packets increases. In a diagonal
Mesh topology, a diagonal route is given priority and it also
offers multiple paths for transverse. For the Diagonal mesh
topology of nxn, the shortest path from any source to
destination is n-1, it means that shortest path is always less
than n. Path 8,5,10,15 uses complete diagonal path so
latency is reduced as seen from the Figure 5 latency plot.
From Figure 6 it is observed that Throughput performance
also increases. Hence Diagonal Mesh topology outpaces
other topologies.
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International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Vol.6(9), Sept. 2018, E-ISSN: 2347-2693
© 2018, IJCSE All Rights Reserved 71
Authors Profile
Ms.P.P.Papalkar pursed Bachelor of Engineering from
University of Amravati, Amravati in 1992 and Master of
Engineering from Shivaji University in year 2006. She is
currently pursuing Ph.D. and currently working as Associate
Professor in Department of Electronic and Communication,
Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai since
2007. Her main research work focuses on Image processing
and Network on chip. She has 13 years of teaching
experience and 5 years of Research Experience.
Dr. M.A. Gaikwad did his BE in Electronics Engineering in
1991 from Nagpur University. Later he did his MBA in
Marketing Management from Nagpur University and he has
completed his MCM from Nagpur University. He did his M.
Tech in Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT), Bombay in 1998. He did his PhD on
“Network -on-Chip Architecture using Perfect Difference
Network Topology” from VNIT, Nagpur. Presently he is
working as Professor in Electronics and Telecommunication,
G.H. Raisoni college of Engineering, Nagpur. He has
published 99 research papers in various International and
National Journals, International and National Conferences.
He is the life member of various professional bodies like
Indian Society for Technical Education, Institution of
Engineers (India), Indian Society for Telecommunication
Engineers, Computer Society of India. He is also invitee
member of Institution of Engineers (India), Nagpur local
Chapter, Nagpur. He also worked as the Chairman of Ad-hoc
Board of Studies in Information Technology, RTM Nagpur
University, Nagpur. He has developed “Face Recognition
System” Software for Local Crime Branch, Department of
Police to identify the hard-core criminals. He has also
developed “Speech Recognition System” for Bharat Sanchar
Nigam Ltd., Wardha He is also the recipient of prestigious
National Award “Rashtriya Vidya Saraswati Purskar” for
outstanding achievement in the field of Engineering &
Technology. His research areas of interest are Network-on-
Chip Architecture, Perfect Difference Network Topology,
Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing and Speech
Analysis and Synthesis.
Full-text available
The shortcomings of conventional bus architectures are in terms of scalability and the ever increasing demand of more bandwidth. And also the feature size of sub-micron domain is decreasing making it difficult for bus architectures to fulfill the requirements of modern System on Chip (SoC) systems. Network on chip (NoC) architectures presents a solution to the earlier mentioned shortcomings by employing a packet based network for inter IP communications. A pivotal feature of NoC systems is the topology in which the system is arranged. Several parameters which are topology dependent like hop count, path diversity, degree and other various parameters affect the system performance. We propose a novel topology forNoC architecture which has been thoroughly compared with the existing topologies on the basis of different network parameters.
Conference Paper
Performance of a NoC (network-on-chip) strongly depends on its underlying architecture and related routing techniques. A structural scalable interconnection architecture may significantly increase the performance of a NoC in terms of scalability, modularity, transport latency and parallelism in communication. Well-constructed network architecture will also balance load of the network and try to reduce the chance of causing a hot spot on the network. In this work, our primary objective was to design an efficient NoC architecture to increase its performance in all these aspects with distribution of the load across the network and trying to reduce the diameter of the network in order to reduce the cost of routing. In this paper, we present a new architecture, called Structural Diametrical 2D (SD2D) mesh based on Structural Diametrical XY deterministic routing algorithm that tries to balance the load of the network, increase the level of parallelism, ensures that the packet will always reach the destination through the possible shortest path, and the path is deadlock free.
This paper presents the result of experiments conducted in mesh networks on different routing algorithms, traffic generation schemes and switching schemes. A new network on chip (NoC) topology based on partial interconnection of mesh network is proposed and a routing algorithm supporting the proposed architecture is developed. The proposed architecture is similar to standard mesh networks, where four extra bidirectional channels are added which remove the congestion and hotspots compared to standard mesh networks with fewer channels. Significant improvement in delay (60% reduction) and throughput (60% increase) was observed using the proposed network and routing when compared with the ideal mesh networks. An increase in number of channels makes the switches expensive and could increase the area and power consumption. However, the proposed network can be useful in high speed applications with some compromise on area and power.
The 2D mesh network on chip (NOC) is a popular NOC topology because of network scalability and the use of a simple routing algorithm. However, the long distance traffic may suffer from high transmission latency. In this paper, we propose an improved design called the star-type architecture in which the long distance traffic is allowed to traverse an additional second-level mesh. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed design can reduce the number of hops traversed for long distance traffic. A 12 × 12 star-type NOC shows performance improvements of 17.2% and 10.3% in comparison with the normal 2D mesh and level-2 mesh architectures, respectively.
The Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been recognized as a paradigm to solve System-on-Chip (SoC) design challenges. The routing algorithm is one of key researches of a NoC design. XY routing algorithm, which is a kind of distributed deterministic routing algorithms, is simple to be implemented. Odd-Even (OE) routing algorithm, whose implementation is complex, is a sort of distributed adaptive routing algorithms with deadlock-free ability. We demonstrate the two routing algorithms in details at first. XY routing algorithm and OE routing algorithm are then simulated and compared based on a 3X3 mesh topology NoC with NIRGAM simulator. The simulation results show that OE routing algorithm, whose P parameter equals to 1.09, increases P parameter greatly as compared to XY routing algorithm, whose P parameter equals to 0.86, in a 2-dimension 3X3 mesh topology NoC, with Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic condition of each tail.
  • Naveen Choudhary
Naveen Choudhary" Network -on-Chip: A New SoC Communication Infrastructure Paradigm", IJSCE, vol. 1, issues-6, January 2012, pp.332-335, 2012.
Performance Evaluation and Simulation of Network Parameters for NoC Architecture Using NS2
  • Kalpana Pandey
  • M A Dr
  • Gaikwad
Kalpana Pandey, Dr.M.A. Gaikwad "Performance Evaluation and Simulation of Network Parameters for NoC Architecture Using NS2" International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2015.
Seminar on Embedded System Architecture (Prof. A. Strey) seminar
  • Simone Pellegrini
Simone Pellegrini "On -chip Networks (NoCs)" Seminar on Embedded System Architecture (Prof. A. Strey) seminar, pp.1-6, Dec.10 2009.
Mesh Analysis Vectors for Routing in Network-On-Chip Architectures
  • T Blessington
  • Dr B Bhanu Murthy
  • Dr Fazal Noor
  • Basha
T. Praveen Blessington, Dr. B. Bhanu Murthy, Dr. Fazal Noor Basha "Mesh Analysis Vectors for Routing in Network-On-Chip Architectures" Advances in engineering and Technology, volume 2, February 2013, pp282-287, 2013.