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Towards an integrated framework for developing blockchain systems



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This is a preprint version, accepted for publication in Decision Support Systems journal
Towards an integrated framework for developing blockchain systems
Mahdi Fahmideh, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Babak Abedin, Macquarie University, Australia
Jun Shen, University of Wollongong, Australia
Abstract. Although the expanding applications of blockchain technologies have been widely
explored in the IS literature, a noticeable gap exists in understanding information systems
development methods (ISDMs) that facilitate the implementation of systems leveraging these
technologies. A conceptual foundation that cohesively organizes an ISDM along with its facets
associated with the development lifecycle for this class of systems is lacking. Applying a Design
Science Research approach and borrowing ideas from method engineering, we describe a
comprehensive framework for the development of blockchain systems. A series of qualitative in-
depth applicability checks with domain experts and case studies lend credence to the core
framework fragments. The evaluation results demonstrate the utility of the proposed framework
as a conceptual anchor to simplify the understanding of the complex nature of developing
blockchain systems and lead researchers to suggest future research agendas in their quests using
our framework. The framework can aid practitioners in comparing or designing new ISDMs to
satisfy the requirements of blockchain development.
Keywords: Information system development, blockchain, design science, method engineering
1. Introduction
Organizations are still concerned about the intricate complexities and uncertainties involved in
implementing systems that leverage blockchain technology [1],[2]. For example, numerous
transactions stored on Ethereum have been attacked, with high severity in multiple incidents. For
instance, the DAO and Parity Wallet hacks caused a total loss of USD $150 M. Failures have
extended beyond Ethereum, with USD $58,000 and USD $600 million stolen from the EOS and
Axie Infinity [3] platforms, respectively, using fake tokens. To alleviate these issues, there is a
long-standing acknowledgment that the adoption of information systems development methods
(ISDMs), among other factors, plays a crucial role in the successful implementation and effective
maintenance of systems coupled with emerging technologies [4],[5],[6]. Research and practice in
the IS field have largely benefited from ISDMs as the centerpiece of quality management
initiatives to build sustainable ISs in a cost-effective manner [7],[8].
Although practitioners believe that conventional system development practices can be applied to
implement blockchain systems, as characterized by the phrase old wine in new bottles [9],
opponents vehemently argue that the shift to blockchain results in unique complexities and
requirements to address within the system development lifecycle [10],[11],[12]. Many aspects of
blockchain systems appear to contradict the development of conventional systems. For example,
blockchain platforms enable multiple individuals, organizations, and devices to execute a cross-
chain business workflow concurrently in a decentralized manner, resulting in new ways of data
validation, transaction integrity, and interactions. While some of these complexities are rooted in
the immaturity of current blockchain platforms and the relatively nascent nature of their
application domains, others are inherent to the fundamental concept of the distributed ledger
architecture upon which blockchain systems are developed and run. Therefore, the development
of ISs that use blockchain is considerably more complicated than that of non-blockchain systems
However, a theoretical framework underpinning ISDMs pertinent to this class of systems is
nonexistent in the literature, and a disciplined, organized, and mature development process is
lacking [14]. Despite its significance, mounting evidence in the literature reveals that the concept
of blockchain-specific ISDMs has not been aptly sharpened as an individual unit of analysis;
rather, the concept is murky at best and often combined with purely technical, narrowly scoped
trial and error techniques for programming smart contracts and researcher intuitions [15].
Blockchain research is one of the most vibrant areas in the IS field, and extensive work is still
required to redress the suggestion of Rossi et al. [2] that novel theories are needed or existing
theories should be revisited in light of blockchain. The availability of an integrated blockchain-
specific ISDM is critical to advance the understanding of this salient area of blockchain research
[16]. As with any emerging technology in the IS field, the development of blockchain systems
requires the availability of advanced tools and implementation techniques as well as a nuanced
understanding of their holistic development lifecycle. The lack of a theoretical framework
underpinning blockchain-specific ISDMs hinders research that aims to establish the sequence of
its underlying mechanisms; that is, analysis and engineering business processes based on
blockchain [17]. The availability of such a conceptual framework would offer a complementary
viewpoint to existing knowledge in IS blockchain research and elucidate the development
lifecycle of these systems.
To address this knowledge gap, the current research extends the concept of ISDMs to emerging
IS research in the blockchain domain by providing an integrated framework constituting an
expanded array of conventional IS development lifecycles. The framework, which is based on the
concepts of method engineering [18] in the IS field, aims to take an wholistic view of the scattered
literature on blockchain development to unify different perspectives and abstract away from
technical concentration (e.g., Bitcoin scripting languages, smart contract programming models,
and cryptography algorithms). The framework serves as a means of establishing a shared
understanding and standardized terminology to facilitate effective communication and utilization,
and to evaluate existing or new blockchain-specific ISDMs.
We illustrate the utility of our framework, which is rigorously designed and validated based on
the guidelines of the Design Science Research (DSR) approach [19], through a series of qualitative
interviews with selected blockchain experts and real-world scenarios of blockchain
implementation in the supply chain and finance industries. Based on these findings, this study
provides a useful yardstick for IS researchers and practitioners to guide the design of entirely new
blockchain ISDMs and to evaluate existing ones (a.k.a., in-house) analytically, so as to identify
their deficiencies in supporting blockchain system development. Among the two dominant
perceptions regarding the principal outcomes of a DSR project; that is, design artifact camp vs.
design theory camp [20], the proposed framework tends towards the artifact school of thought
leading to the provision of new levels of customer service and convenience [21]. From this
perspective, the contribution of our work is an instance of exaptation [22]; that is, the adoption of
solutions from the IS field to a new problem domain, which is a conceptual shortcoming associated
with ISDMs pertinent to the blockchain domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
study to extend the application of design science to ISDMs in the blockchain context.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the guiding theories for
constructing our framework, unique requirements for developing blockchain systems, and the
studies most relevant to this research. Our research approach is presented in Section 3, followed
by a presentation of the proposed framework in Section 4. In Section 5, we demonstrate the utility
and application of our framework in analyzing real-world scenarios of blockchain system
development, before discussing the theoretical and practical implications of the study in Section
6. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our work and provide concluding remarks in Section 7.
2. Background
2.1. Theoretical foundations
A search of the IS literature reveals multiple definitions of ISDM, which vary significantly in
direction and detail. More recently according to Sabine et al. [4], ISDM refers to the entire suite
of system development lifecycle activities, e.g., planning, analysis, design, building, testing, and
maintenance, undertaken by humans individually/collectively to create a working information
system. This definition underscores at least three core aspects, namely development processes
(means of working), roles (means of controlling), and modeling (means of modeling), underlying
typical ISDM constituents (Figure 1). These aspects organize the coordination of IS teams,
specifications of certain activities/tasks, sequences, necessary input/outputs, and tools for a
system implementation endeavor. That is, regardless of the application domains for which they
are defined, ISDMs are commonly grounded in these fundamental aspects at the macro level,
although they may vary at the micro level and in domain-specific operationalizations [7].
Retrospectively, this view is consistent with the studies conceptualizing ISDMs for systems
relying on emerging technologies (e.g., business analytics [23], Internet of Things (IoT) [24], and
cloud computing [25]) under the same aspects. This study complements these aspects by capturing
the essence of ISDMs in implementing blockchain systems. This implies that it is necessary to
rethink whether ISDMs require an extension or wholesale change in the development mindset
attuned to blockchain development [2],[4],[16]. It is conceivable that the forthcoming generation
of ISDMs can assist IS teams in effectively implementing blockchain systems. These ISDMs
would fully or partially encompass the development process, modeling techniques, and relevant
roles specifically prescribed for blockchain system development.
Several approaches subsumed under the notion of method engineering [26],[18],[27] are
available, suggesting the construction and adaptation of ISDMs as a means of achieving flexible
and well-situated information system development. We borrow ideas from method engineering,
through which a set of method fragments; that is, individual and reusable building blocks of
different ISDMs [18], are assembled to create a new integrated ISDM framework. In this study,
the method fragments, which are labeled under three aspects (Figure 1), are derived from research
data in the literature but are iteratively refined and complemented by the opinions of domain
experts and real-world blockchain project case studies.
Figure 1. Core aspects of a typical ISDM used in this research, adapted from Sabine et al. [4]
2.2. Unique requirements in developing blockchain systems
Blockchain technology can be described as a distributed ledger technology (DLT), underpinned
by five fundamental assumptions: decentralization, peer-to-peer (P2P) transmission, transparency
with pseudonymity, irreversibility of records, and computational logic. These assumptions raise a
set of essential requirements for a typical ISDM, which is applied to build blockchain systems.
Drawing on the IS blockchain literature [28],[16],[29], the following requirements offer insight
into the design of blockchain-specific ISDMs.
Security and privacy. Although blockchain technology holds promise for various industries, its
credibility has been challenged by apprehensions regarding security and privacy. In particular, the
legitimacy of public blockchains has faced scrutiny because of concerns such as smart contract
vulnerabilities, consensus attacks, and privacy breaches. For example, in DLT protocols, where
multiple network participant nodes execute smart contract code, the underlying logic of the smart
contract becomes accessible to all entities operating these nodes. It is imperative to fortify the
system against such vulnerabilities by implementing robust security measures and conducting
comprehensive testing and auditing. To address these security concerns, an ISDM should
incorporate method fragments guiding the selection of an appropriate blockchain type, whether
permissioned or permissionless, with access restricted to authorized users only, thereby
safeguarding the data and integrity of the platform.
Scalability and performance. Scalability pertains to the capacity of the system to maintain optimal
performance as it undergoes expansion, such as increasing the number of network participant
nodes, storage demands, and transaction response times in tandem as the network grows.
Blockchain platforms often face scalability limitations, particularly in public and permissionless
networks. The blockchain system performance may be degraded as the number of transactions and
participant nodes increases. Hence, an ISDM must provide techniques to address scalability
requirements. For example, the adoption of privately permissioned blockchains can be
recommended by the ISDM because it involves a smaller number of nodes that add blocks to the
chain, resulting in improved performance and scalability.
Interoperability. Systems may differ in their capabilities to exchange and utilize information
effectively. Blockchain platforms may use different protocols, consensus algorithms, and data
formats that may not be supported by existing infrastructure and legacy systems. Integrating
different system components that run on/off blockchain platforms requires careful readiness
analysis and interaction design standards to enable seamless cross-chain communication,
interaction, and data transfer.
Energy consumption. Each smart contract transaction (in Ethereum, for instance) incurs a gas fee,
which is determined by the computational intensity of the transaction. Higher computational
requirements result in higher gas fees. The execution of the smart contract may fail if a transaction
consumes an excessive amount of gas. Accurately estimating the gas consumption of a smart
contract can be a complex task. Furthermore, proof-of-work consensus algorithms that are
employed to validate transactions require significant computational resources and energy
consumption. ISDMs should offer guidelines or techniques for designing energy-aware smart
contracts and selecting appropriate consensus algorithms.
Maintenance. Once a blockchain system is in operation, challenges relating to maintainability
negatively affect the ease of updating the deployed smart contract codes, such as incorporating
new features, addressing flaws, and enhancing the code efficiency of smart contracts. An ISDM
is expected to provide the necessary support for smart contract maintainability to enable seamless
updates, flaw corrections, and code improvements throughout the smart contract lifecycle.
Programming languages. The choice of the smart contract programming language and execution
platform may result in complexities in the development of blockchain systems. Not all
programming languages provide built-in support for smart contract development. Some
blockchain platforms (e.g., Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum) may support only specific
languages, restricting developers to a limited set of options. An ISDM may need to be tailored to
align with the preferred programming paradigm of the selected platform. Thus, an ISDM focused
on the development of smart contracts on Ethereum platforms may be suitable for a project using
a language such as Solidity, which is a statistically typed contract-oriented programming language
specifically designed for Ethereum.
2.3. Prior literature
Although ISDMs are applied frequently in the IS field, they are remarkably less prevalent in the
blockchain literature. We found that the knowledge on ISDMs is spread out over the literature,
where each study provides a partial view of the entire development lifecycle at different levels of
abstraction, varying from a high level to purely technical. Apart from promising studies unveiling
the challenges of blockchain adoption in IT-enabled organizations (e.g., [30],[31],[11],[2]), we
deemed the cumulative body of literature most relevant to the current study to be organized within
five interrelated streams.
The first stream of research addresses the need for governance frameworks to ensure that the
development of blockchain systems in organizations is coordinated and compliant with legal
regulations and ethical responsibilities. Very few studies have enhanced conventional IT
governance models to oversee blockchain development projects. For example, Liu et al. [32]
highlighted the lack of guidance on the governance of the decision-making process during the use
and evolution of blockchain in organizations. They presented a new governance model
synthesizing the six principles of the degree of decentralization, decision rights, incentives,
accountability, ecosystem, and legal and ethical responsibilities. Werner et al. [33] defined a set
of governance mechanisms and archetypes for blockchain adoption. The main difference between
our framework and the aforementioned studies, as well as others (e.g., [34],[33],[35]), is that we
narrow our focus to ISDMs as the unit of analysis and explore how they are defined to build a
blockchain system. When developing a blockchain ecosystem governance is carried out as an
umbrella process throughout the lifecycle of all development projects and technology adoption in
organizations. Existing studies are neither sufficiently narrow nor precise in terms of the
components of ISDMs in their proposed governance models. However, our framework is a
complementary component to embed into these governance models to fill the gap in the
development of blockchain systems.
The second stream examines blockchain adoption in different contexts but according to a specific
IS theory. The work by Wenyu et al. [36] used the affordance-actualization theoretical lens to
conduct a case study of blockchain implementation in a conglomerate organization and suggested
a process model. The process model extended the affordance-actualization theory by adding an
experimentation phase in which blockchain use cases within the organization are identified,
implemented, and tested. Similarly, Wang et al. [37] used service-dominant logic and social
exchange theory to explore value creation using blockchain platforms that offer solutions for
supply chain partners. The results were interpreted through a series of qualitative analyses
showing the benefits emanating from the blockchain by determining customer categories, their
target motives, and the practices of resource exchanges. These sample studies and others such
as[38],[39] remain in the phenomenological exploration of blockchain, and aspects of ISD
methods, such as development process tasks, roles, and modeling, remain unexplored.
Mirroring developments in the broader literature, the third research stream, which is probably the
closest to the focus of the current study, is dominated by two groups. The first group, which is
mainly associated with the software engineering community, addresses the purely technical,
implementation-oriented, and platform-centric challenges faced by smart contracts. In general, the
central claim of these studies is the proposal of techniques and tools to help developers with
automatic smart contract code generation, detecting security defects, detrimental code flaws,
testing, code execution efficiency on the Ethereum, EOSIO, and Hyperledger Fabric platforms,
and updating smart contract codes. Although there are merits to adopting these techniques in the
implementation phase of the development lifecycle, they are largely naïve and insufficiently
grounded in the concept of ISDM. In this study, we raised the abstraction level of the development
lifecycle and fed these studies as data sources for the creation of our framework. In practice, the
techniques proposed in this research stream can be used to operationalize the proposed framework.
However, the second group of work in this research stream, which mainly originates from IS
literature, either accommodates the common system development lifecycle (e.g., [40],[41],[42])
or promotes agile practices (e.g., [43]) in the development of blockchain systems. These studies
do not incorporate core method fragments specialized for blockchain throughout the blockchain
development lifecycle or provide a full end-to-end model for such development. For example, the
method in [41] is specifically designed for implementing industrial IoT systems running on
blockchain platforms.
The final stream of work covers broader literature such as Internet blogs and white papers that
often do not provide rigorous domain-independent validation and generalization but propose
general ideas surrounding blockchain development. The literature in this stream offers a multitude
of studies (e.g.,[44],[45],[46]) driven by the intuitions of bloggers. Similarly, big IT market
players such as IBM [47], Amazon [47], and Deloitte [48] provide experience reports and case
studies of the successful implementation of blockchain systems. Nevertheless, the development
lifecycle is either uncovered, probably because of intellectual property, privacy, and regulatory
issues in publishing internal work, or somewhat narrowly bound to a specific blockchain
development scenario.
Despite the proliferation of blockchain research, there is a dearth of studies that address
overlapping ISDM areas, and none of the reviewed streams exclusively aims to create an
integrated framework underpinning ISDMs for this context. The availability of these conceptual
clues is critical. Because ISDMs span all lifecycle stages of implementing blockchain systems and
are relevant to many prescriptions for business transformation to blockchain, their influence on
the high-quality development of target blockchain systems is profound and overarching in nature.
This study aims to address this gap; accordingly, we turn our attention to building a theory-
grounded IS model to guide our inquiry.
3. Research approach
This study seeks to design and validate an integrated framework that provides a cohesive
understanding of blockchain system development, thereby providing a foundation for researchers
and practitioners to use the ISDM concept in the context of blockchain development. Research
that focuses on creating meaningful artifacts to support system development is a type of design
science in the IS field [19],[22]. Thus, we follow the guidelines of the DSR approach to create
artifacts. A DSR project is stimulated by identifying a justifiable research problem, followed by
defining an objective solution to solve the research problem. ISDMs that aid blockchain
development are largely unnoticed and the existing material is fragmented, imprecise, and
incomplete in the unbounded and continuously growing body of IS blockchain literature. A
corollary of this shortcoming is that researchers and practitioners are unprepared and make ad-
hoc interpretations when implementing this new class of ISs. This research ameliorates the lack
of understanding of ISDM for blockchain by proposing a unified framework that captures key
aspects and method fragments for incorporation into the blockchain system development lifecycle
to guide IS practitioners and researchers when defining a new ISDM or evaluating and extending
an existing one in support of blockchain development. Drawing on the view of Gregor and Hevner
[22] that kernel theories are justificatory input for artifact creation, the concepts of method
engineering are employed, wherein individual pieces of method fragments are reused and
assembled from different existing sources to create an integrated framework. This framework
enables the characterization of ISDMs for implementing blockchain systems from the perspective
of the development process, roles, and modeling [4].
3.1. Framework artifact quality criteria and design iterations
A DSR project is administered in a series of build-validate-refine iterations, resulting in one or
more artifacts. The iterations are driven by the extent to which an artifact is expected to meet
certain quality criteria (i.e., design principles or meta-requirements) as its construction progresses
[20]; that is, seeking usefulness not necessarily perfect solutions [49]. These quality criteria are
used for artifact design and validation [22] and indicate the ability of an artifact to satisfy its purist
The creation of our framework artifact is indeed a classificatory effort; that is, creating a set of
assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a means of understanding the
research within a body of knowledge [50]. In this vein, we leverage the criteria set adopted from
the IS literature (e.g., [51],[52]), which informs the content and structure of a classificatory artifact
creation effort, such as theoretical frameworks, taxonomies, and typologies. Applying these
criteria during the creation cycles of the framework artifacts is essential to ensure that the resultant
framework comprises aspects that each have mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive
method fragments relevant to the blockchain system development lifecycle. The criteria in Table
1 were fed into the artifact creation iterations.
Table 1. Quality criteria revisited for the context of this research and fed into the framework design iterations [51], [52]
The framework has sufficient coverage of critical method fragments related to process,
modeling, and roles for incorporation into the development lifecycle of blockchain
The framework is abstract and independent of specific blockchain platforms, protocols,
standards, implementations, and other concrete technical details.
The framework is meaningful and has a semantic link to real-world blockchain
Our DSR approach was sustained in three consecutive iterations of conceptualization/deduction
(1st iteration) and empiricism/induction (2nd and 3rd iterations), each leading to a cumulatively
built framework in line with the quality criteria (Table 1). This meant a shift of focus between
research data (i.e., existing literature in the 1st iteration) and empirical data (i.e., domain experts
and case studies in the 2nd and 3rd iterations, respectively). The iterations along with their
underlying logic, input sources, applied analysis technique, and transitional results are outlined in
Table 1, but the internal working of the iterations is delineated in sections For
simplicity, noticeable refinements to the framework after each iteration are presented in section
Table 2. Framework creation iterations
Transitive artifact
Crafting an
except for
review (63
Appendix A)
and thematic
Preliminary framework
composed of 45 method
fragments for 23 tasks, 7
roles, and 6 modeling
refining, and
12 qualitative
Updated framework with 3
new method fragments
under development process
and role aspects, changing
the structure of the
refining, and
2 case studies
Updated framework with 3
new method fragments
under the development
process and modeling
3.2. Creation of framework
3.2.1. 1st iteration: framework derivation from the literature
The guidelines in the systematic literature review [53] were considered as a point of departure to
collate a set of commonly occurring method fragments from the literature. This iteration assumed
that the literature on blockchain research is rooted in similar notions and axiomatic commonalities,
although they may vary in technical and operational details, such as the choice of blockchain
platforms, smart contract scripting languages, and development tools. We used secondary data in
the form of studies selected from the literature along with the research streams listed in section
2.2. Secondary research data have been recognized as an important source for conceptualization
and theory generation efforts [54] and have been used extensively in previous ISD studies [25],
[55], [56]. The research data in the context of the current research were studies delineating either
the partial or full development lifecycle of blockchain systems published in the scientific digital
libraries of AIS, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, ACM, and IEEE from 2016 onwards.
Given the nascent state of ISDM for blockchain, each piece of work in the literature could provide
only a partial view of specific phases or areas within the development cycle. A paper was selected
from the literature to feed into the framework creation upon satisfaction of four conditions: (i)
presenting a clear business problem for which the implementation of a blockchain system had
been proposed as a viable solution; (ii) adopting blockchain as a core technology, rather than a
subsidiary, as the focus of the system implementation; (iii) explaining an actual system
implementation rather than ideation; and (iv) providing good records of system implementation
in the form of an in-depth case study, interview, prototype, or simulation so that we could identify
instances of method fragments.
The framework was derived based on preconceived assumptions regarding the development
process, role, and modeling aspects. More precisely, the method fragments were defined by
abstracting, harmonizing, and labelling text segments in the selected studies into a set of method
fragments to align with the framework. If an identified method fragment was meaningfully related
to one or more aspects, it was classified as such. Table 3 presents an example of research data on
five exploratory case studies of blockchain adoption reported in AIS-leading journals, excluding
MISQ, ISR, and ISJ, in which the blockchain development undertaken was ancillary to the
purpose of our analysis. These case studies provided in-depth insights into the real-life
development of blockchain systems, leading to the integration of method fragments within the
overarching framework. Statistically, of 63 selected studies, 78%, 39%, and 37.5% provided
method fragments related to aspects of the development process, role, and model, respectively
(Appendix A).
Table 3. Excerpt of coding research data into relevant method fragments
Research data
Wang, Lu, et al.
Value creation in
supply chain
Information &
“our findings indicate three distinct roles during
the blockchain-enabled value creation processes:
core company, supplier, financial institution, p. 5
“standardized norms and protocols are required to
be applied to transactions to increase the efficiency
of B2B interactions, p.7
(design phase)
“transactions in a multitier SCF scenario require
higher settlement speed and adequate security
guarantees, p.8
(design phase)
Du, Wenyu
Derek, et al.
and actualization
of FinTech: A
study, The Journal
“not all use cases were feasible. For example,
AirSouth’s headquarters intended to integrate the
loyalty programs of subsidiaries, such as airlines,
hotels and tourism, but subsidiaries did not want to
give up their customer information, p. 11
“The development team developed a use case,
whereby small suppliers could use blockchain
records to prove their solvency and secure loans
from financial institutions, p. 7
of Strategic
Systems (JSIS)
Vaia, Giovanni, et
al. Digital
mechanisms and
that enable agile
responses in
European Journal
of Information
Systems (EJIS)
“The suppliers had the responsibility to define the
specific architecture and manage all of the
implementation activities at the periphery, p. 9
e models
“Spunta proof-of-concept project was powered by
close collaboration and coinnovation between all
participants, with each playing a key role, p. 9
“Spunta participants reached consensus on
“Corda” as the blockchain platform to underpin the
project. The collaborative solution resolved
mismatches through performing checks and
exchanges directly within banking applications, p.
(design phase)
Zhang, Wenping,
et al. Beyond the
block: A novel
technical model
for long-term care
insurance, Journal
of Management
Systems (JMIS)
“we only include four prominent stakeholders in
LTCI: a person applying for LTCI (denoted as
applicant), a nursing home (denoted as NHO), an
LTCI distributing insurance company (denoted as
DIO), and an LTCI leading insurance company
(denoted as LIO), p. 15
Proposed InsurModel blockchain model (Figure 1
on p. 10)
e models
Chong, Alain Yee
Loong, et al.
Business on chain:
A comparative
case study of five
inspired business
models, Journal of
the Association
for Information
Systems (JAIS)
“if trading partners are on separate blockchains,
transactional data are inscribed on both subchains
synchronously, p. 10
(design phase)
“by developing its own blockchain architecture,
ChainArchitect is able to offer an open innovation
platform, p. 10
e model
“we designed a scenario-based task and recorded
the time spent on task completion across three
different technical models. This task aims to
identify the source of tampering and fraud… This
experiment has two players: a fraudster and a
detective. The task of the fraud is to select a
business node randomly, tamper with the file at this
node, and send the tampered file to the subsequent
node(s), p. 16
on phase)
3.2.2. 2nd iteration: domain expert review
To extend and refine the framework, we conducted a domain expert review [57] to obtain
affirmative or dissenting qualitative feedback on how well the framework was perceived regarding
the quality criteria (Table 1). The purposive selection of experienced practitioners was strictly
driven by three exclusive conditions: (i) actively involved in at least one real-world blockchain
(on-going) project with explicit responsibilities in a development team; (ii) formally enacted an
ISDM (e.g., agile or in-house) at the macro level within which a micro-level blockchain-specific
development was performed at the individual project level, as an indication of the maturity of the
host organization in systematic system development; and (iii) possessed some knowledge of
ISDMs. We invited 36 randomly selected experts from our industry network, of whom 13
accepted our invitations (denoted as E1E13 in Table 4). The selected experts were from six
countries and had a combined experience of over seven years in blockchain system development.
Of the 11 interviewees with different roles, which allowed us to gain different perspectives on the
framework artifact, two were purely technical developers of the core blockchain infrastructures.
Our research project objectives, relevant terminologies, and review procedures were explained to
each participant to obtain a consistent understanding of our research project goal. This included
an invitation letter, a three-page document detailing the method fragments of the framework, and
a set of open-ended questions associated with the quality criteria (Table 1), which was sent as an
electronic document to each expert via Google Forms. Without communicating, each research
participant qualitatively assessed the framework to determine its soundness and deficiencies as
per the quality criterion set. Wherever required, we conducted follow-up interviews with each
participant to prevent the misinterpretation of their feedback or further open-ended questions. The
feedback collected from the research participants, which spanned two months, from August to
October 2022, was treated anonymously and confidentially to refine the framework, resulting in
the next version.
Table 4. Details of domain experts recruited for framework review
Role of
Blockchain type
1 yrs
1.6 yrs
Supply chain
6 yrs
5 yrs
4 yrs
Supply chain
1 yrs
5 yrs
2 yrs
1 yrs
3 yrs
5 yrs
6 yrs
public & private
3.2.3. 3rd iteration: case study application
As discussed in Section 5, the dual purpose of the case studies was to examine how capable the
framework artifact is in framing blockchain system development endeavors in case organizations
and to identify areas for improvements in an enacted in-house ISDM, which may positively impact
the cost, on-time delivery, and quality of blockchain system development. This approach involved
conducting a series of thought trials [58] that have been applied in previous literature to evaluate
theoretical IS frameworks [51]. We selected two completed projects [55] that, in addition to the
first two conditions in the 2nd iteration, had a consistent and relatively stable context and sufficient
availability of documents (e.g., logs, reports, diagrams, and smart contract source codes) to
strengthen the triangulation and substantiation of the method fragments of the framework. After
obtaining permission from the ethics authority of our academic institute and ensuring the privacy
of the project data of the organizations, we conducted a post-hoc analysis through a series of
interviews with each project leader, over four months from August to December 2022, to analyze
the conformance of the enacted ISDM in their organizations to the framework qualitatively. The
interviewees were first provided with a full list of the method fragments of the framework,
accompanied by their definitions. To determine whether the method fragments had been enacted
in the in-house ISDM of the organization (e.g., Agile Scrum, XP, and relevant sprints), we asked
interviewees to indicate the perceived important method fragments in their project and to provide
a rationale and illustrative examples to support their answers. We investigated the adopted in-
house ISDMs as the units of analysis. Among them, we examined the conformance of significant
events, decisions, and actions in the project logs to the corresponding method fragments in our
framework. The iteration provided an opportunity to identify missing method fragments in the
framework, thereby yielding a refined framework.
3.2.4. Iterative refinements to framework and quality criteria
In relation to the DSR guidelines asking for design as a search process [49], ensuring the
adherence of the framework to the quality criteria was related to both the conceptualization and
empiricism iterations. Each iteration provided an opportunity to extend and refine the framework
based on the quality criteria. The following provides exemplary evidence for applying quality
criteria to the iterations of the framework creation.
To address the criterion of comprehensiveness, the snowballing technique [59] was applied in the
1st iteration, through which forward and backward searches over the selected papers were fed into
the iteration as resources for identifying new method fragments. However, the framework was
deficient in terms of feedback from domain experts and case studies in the 2nd and 3rd iterations.
Thus, to improve its comprehensiveness, we extended the framework to two and three new method
fragments associated with the process and role aspects, respectively.
For the generality criterion, the recommendation by Nickerson et al. [51] for taxonomy design
was followed by noting that the conceptual models should be explanatory, not descriptive; that is,
not explaining a framework in complete detail, but rather, providing useful explanations of the
nature of the framework. Therefore, in the derivation of method fragments during the iterations,
we were inclined to include method fragments that were sufficiently representative, agnostic to
blockchain platforms, and independent of implementation techniques and tools to make them as
equally applicable as possible in different contexts of blockchain system development. For
example, we discarded a come-out candidate method fragment known as analyze device mobility
(a task for blockchain IoT systems) that was identified from study 61 (Appendix A) in the 2nd
iteration and fuzzing test (a technique to identify bugs in blockchain smart contracts written in
different programming languages) as suggested by E3 in the 3rd iteration. We deemed that the
inclusion of these method fragments could skew the framework towards being too specific,
whereas other iterations did not necessarily recommend them out of other options.
In addition to the domain expert review in the 2nd iteration, we used a frequency-based technique
as a yardstick to determine the inclusion of a candidate method fragment in the framework to
satisfy the soundness criterion. The technique, with its previous application in the IS literature
[55],[25], is based on the premise that a conceptual model for a given domain should be formed
based on the most commonly referred to and agreed upon elements. Hence, during the 1st iteration,
candidate method fragments with a lower frequency were revisited or omitted from the
4. Framework of ISDM for blockchain
The framework depicted in Figure 2 maintains a balance between being sufficiently theoretical to
capture the essence of the development lifecycle for blockchain systems and being sufficiently
aligned with empirical data for validation purposes. Inevitably, in such an artifact creation
exercise, technical details relating to framework instantiation and operationalization will be
mentioned; however, we deemphasized these details to focus on the core ISDM aspects for the
development of blockchain systems.
The framework captures important method fragments that are classified according to the
development process, role, and modeling aspects [4]. Within this framework, the development
process unfolds along a set of task method fragments, although their sequences are not fixed, and
they are grouped into seven phases: analysis, preliminary design, detailed design, construction,
transition, maintenance, and retirement. It is worth noting that, at the macro level, the development
phases in the framework are reminiscent of the conventional ISD lifecycle, e.g., the model of
Avison et al. [6], yet consistent with earlier blockchain research [12],[32]. In addition, the
development phases suggest new special method fragments for incorporation into the
conventional ISD lifecycle or an existing in-house ISDM that suits a blockchain project, as
explained further.
The analysis phase calibrates further phases by identifying organizational challenges and existing
points in business workflows for which the implementation of a
Figure 2. Framework as a backbone providing constituent method fragments classified under development process, modeling, and role aspects. Many means are available for actually
applying the framework method fragments in real settings: they can be applied sequentially, in an iterative and ongoing incremental manner, or according to any other development
lifecycle deemed suitable by development teams.
blockchain system is a solution. In the preliminary design phase, decisions are made regarding
the mapping of blockchain use cases to candidate smart contracts. This phase includes an off/on
blockchain identification task to define the overall architecture (e.g., system blueprint) of a target
blockchain system, showing how business workflows and existing systems will use the blockchain
smart contracts. The skeleton of smart contracts is crafted; that is, clauses of legal (textual)
contracts, business transaction logic, and backend codes are transformed into smart contract codes
such as Ethereum Solidity scripts that are executable on blockchain platforms. The detailed design
phase is responsible for elaborating the system architecture and smart contract models (e.g.,
operations, parameters, and states), which, in turn, act as guidelines for the construction phase.
The validated smart contracts are configured and deployed on a selected blockchain platform
during the transition phase. The maintenance phase is concerned with managing postdelivery
operations and supporting smart contracts to maintain their operations prior to the retirement
phase, where the retirement phase is performed to move back data from on-chain to off-chain.
Furthermore, a blockchain system development endeavor can be viewed as a collaboration among
human resources, actors, and other stakeholders to realize the final system [60],[61],[62]. The role
aspect in the framework indicates the responsibilities assumed by IS teams that lead to effective
organization of the development process and regulations. Beyond the typical system development
roles (e.g., project manager/technical leader developer, developer, and data modeler), a
blockchain system development endeavor entails new specific roles with different associated
responsibilities, such as legal professionals, auditors, smart contract developers, and integrators,
as shown in Figure 2. These roles may be combined in practice, where an individual can be a
smart contract developer, miner, and integrator.
Finally, in the context of system development, it is crucial to ensure that all aspects of the system
are adequately represented [63]. This includes models such as the system structure, processes,
transformations, and defined solutions. In this framework, the modeling aspect, which includes
diagrams, images, and pure sentential text, offers a means of understanding and obtaining
knowledge of the domain of interest, and a consistent method of communication among the roles
involved. Furthermore, models enable a precise representation of different components of a
blockchain system; for example, tracing stakeholder requirements, starting from use cases towards
actual executable smart contracts. In this vein, the role aspect characterizes a continuum of models
that are created and read as the outcome of performing task method fragments under the
development process aspect by the different roles. It should be noted that the modeling aspect in
our framework is not a substitute for the well-known modeling practices recommended in
conventional ISD; however, as shown in Figure 2, it extends to a new set of blockchain-specific
modeling associated with each phase of the development lifecycle. An ISDM may accommodate
multiple modeling techniques that vary from simple block diagrams to semi-formal languages,
such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram, for
modeling the compositional facets of a blockchain system (e.g., smart contracts). Models may
impose a costly burden in terms of update and maintenance, and are not generated in a vacuum;
rather, they depend on the lifecycle focus and decisions of IS teams.
Some of the listed method fragments in the framework (Figure 2), such as assess readiness or
develop use cases in the development process aspect, are general and already known in
conventional ISD. We assume that they offer practical relevance to blockchain system
development, as confirmed by our findings through the iterations of conceptualization (1st
iteration) and empiricism (2nd and 3rd iterations).
5. Function of framework: utility application in organizations
Two qualitative case studies are presented that serve two purposes. First, they demonstrate the
efficacy of the framework in characterizing real-world scenarios of blockchain system
development. Second, they aim to highlight the value of the framework in analyzing the
shortcomings and inadequacies of the in-house ISDMs of organizations regarding blockchain
system development.
Table 5 summarizes the case studies with two development teams: (i) Food Trust: a large
multinational IT corporation that is headquartered in the US and operates over 170 countries, and
gave us access to its Australian branch, and (ii) Token Exchanger: a start-up blockchain service
provider in Switzerland.
Table 5. Details of case studies
Case 1: Food Trust
Case 2: Token Exchanger
Supply chain
problem and
In the occurrence of a food-borne disease
outbreak, it can take days to identify the
reason. If investigators cannot point to
farms, the government advises consumers
to avoid products grown in certain areas. A
blockchain food traceability system could
help save lives by allowing companies to
act faster and protect the livelihoods of
farmers by only discarding products from
the affected farms. The system enabled
tracking of mangoes sold in Walmart’s US
stores and pork sold in its China stores. For
pork in China, it allowed uploading
certificates of authenticity to the
blockchain, resulting in more trust, and for
mangoes in the US, the time needed to track
the provenance of over 25 products from
five different suppliers was reduced from
days to seconds.
Users are often concerned by the complexity
of transferring tokens over multiple
blockchain platforms, for example,
purchasing a non-fungible token from other
users or blockchain systems in multi-chain
environments. The project aimed at providing
a multiple blockchain ecosystem known as
Squid, i.e., a third party for interoperable
business to business integration, e.g., users
and systems, which simplifies token
exchange (or cross-chain logic) in
multiple/cross-chain blockchain
environments. Squid allows the exchange of
tokens between platforms. Users can
integrate their systems via either Squid’s
APIs and smart contracts or by using Squid’s
front-end application.
Permissioned private
Permissioned public
Project duration
18 months
Agile scrum
Agile scrum
Team size
Project leaders, architects, promontory,
blockchain advisors, blockchain
developers, project manager
Community manager, architect, blockchain
core developer, backend developer, user
experience, frontend engineer, data designer,
DevOps lead, business development
Team location
Australia (co-located)
Switzerland (distributed)
To help to discern the commonalities across and differences in the enacted in-house ISDMs among
these case studies, Figure 3 succinctly shows exemplar method fragments that were either
instantiated as evidence of their soundness in practice (blue labels) or left unaddressed in the in-
house ISDM of organizations as areas for improvement (red labels). Every blockchain
development project is driven by specific business problems and objectives. Therefore, each case
study incorporated a subset of the method fragments of the framework into its core ISDM. For
example, in the Food Trust case, the method fragments identify participants, approve agreement,
decide on/off blockchain components, design permissions, and create consensus protocols were
instantiated by the team, but in the Token Exchanger they were not (grey labels). The rationale
was that, in the Token Exchanger case, the blockchain system was aimed at serving as a public
service to enable interoperability and cross-chain token exchange across multiple blockchain
platforms. In the same vein, some other grey labelled method fragments were not observed in
either in-house ISDMs, given that either of the blockchain tools can automatically take care of
their executions or are subsidiary to the project. For example, at Token Exchanger, the Axelar
technology was adopted by the development team to operationalize method fragments relevant to
the construction and transition phases, specifically for implementing and publishing smart
contracts. The Axelar technology provided protocols, tools, and APIs that allowed core
blockchain developer roles to build on blockchain platforms for interoperable token exchanges.
However, in the Food Trust case, Hyperledger Fabric was used to implement, test, and deploy
smart contracts.
Figure 3 is largely self-explanatory, showing the observed method fragments instantiated in each
in-house ISDM in light of our framework. With respect to the development process, the task
method fragments develop use cases, design security, implement smart contracts, test smart
contracts, and monitor nodes were instantiated in both in-house ISDMs. The ISDM of neither
Food Trust nor Token Exchanger necessitated the instantiation of define smart contract skeleton
and define smart contract change as explicit method fragments. Regarding the role aspect, system
architect was a major player in both projects. While it was absent in the Food Trust case, the core
blockchain developer played an active role in the Token Exchanger case. The role involved
constructing the necessary APIs, system-level protocols, and tools to allow smart contract
developers to engage in cross-platform communication and construct interoperable smart
contracts. In comparison, both case studies aimed to develop smart contracts for different groups
of the blockchain user role; that is, a limited group of stakeholders in Food Trust (permissioned
private) vs. a broad group of stakeholders (permission public) in the Token Exchanger. Regarding
the modeling aspect, from the project data, we observed that for both development teams, the
models (system) prototype, base architecture, smart contract models, and data flow were mostly
upfront. For example, once the business case for blockchain technology was established, Food
Trust started working on two proofs of concept for a food traceability system.
Our framework artifact aims to provide actionable recommendations for the improvement of the
in-house ISDMs when the costs, resources, overheads, on-time delivery, and quality of the
blockchain system development become significant. At the outset, the fact that the in-house ISDM
in the Food Trust case did not provide adequate support for the method fragments analyze
technology and optimize gas consumption (red labels in Figure 3.1), which were perceived as
important by the development team, was a concern. This suggests improvement areas that should
be prioritized when adopting an ISDM for blockchain development. For example, the interviewed
project leaders highlighted that the optimize gas consumption design task deserves special
attention during the development process when implementing smart contracts. Each transaction
that is executed by a smart contract charges a certain amount of gas, which means that a higher
gas fee is paid when the smart contracts are more computationally intensive.
Figure 3.1. Instantiation of framework in Food Trust in-house ISDM
Figure 3.2 Instantiation of framework in Token Exchanger in-house ISDM
The trivial method fragments of in-house ISDMs and practices (e.g., project management, risk management, and quality assurance) are not presented to preserve the parsimony of our diagrams. Legend:
Instantiated method fragment Not necessary to instantiate Unaddressed area of the in-house ISDM for improvement
A comparison of the ISDM of Food Trust with the framework highlighted that performing the
comprehensive analyze technology task was relatively unaddressed during the development
process. Notably, the same observation was made regarding the security designer role in Food
Trust. Among the method fragments perceived as important in the Token Exchanger case, the
scrum post-mortem review revealed that only identify participants had not been adequately
supported as an explicit task in earlier scrum sprints (Figure 3.2), which indicates a lack of
attention to end users of the target blockchain system at the early stage of development. This
deficiency caused complexity in the coordination of the subsequent phases. Finally, another
observation made upon examining both cases was the inclusion of conventional IS practices (e.g.,
the system prototype model in both projects) in the blockchain development, which was a
confirmatory finding to [9] indicating that conventional IS can be well connected and
accommodated in blockchain development endeavors.
6. Discussion
6.1. Theoretical contributions
This study is the first to directly explore the concept of ISDMs in this area and it makes three
contributions. First, the proposed framework outlines the implementation of blockchain systems
in a core set of method fragments associated with the three key aspects of the development
process, roles, and modeling. Our study elaborates on how the method fragments underlying the
ISDM structure are incorporated into a blockchain system implementation endeavor. This
framework elevates the discussion from a purely technical (e.g., smart contract programming,
etc.) to the managerial level. This shift allows the IS community to gain valuable insights into the
entire developmental lifecycle of blockchain systems. It also creates a separation layer between
defining (what) and operationalizing (how) an ISDM, thus reducing the complexity of ISDM
maintenance and updates.
In addition, the proposed framework offers a solution to the knowledge integration problem in the
context of blockchain, that is, the meta-method. Prior studies [63],[64],[65],[66] discussed that
the availability of multiple views on ISDMs is beneficial, as they allow for pluralist interpretations
at the inception of emerging information technology. On the other hand, an integrated unified
view that binds these differences, which Avison and Fitzgerald [6] referred to as a method jungle,
i.e., a seemingly impenetrable maze of competing ideas, is also required for consensus creation
and standard knowledge sharing regarding domain-specific ISDMs. The same axiom holds true
for ISDMs in the blockchain domain. Most existing studies (see section 2.2) provide various
means of implementing systems that leverage blockchain platforms. However, they often remain
overly general, limited to a specific development phase, focused solely on technical concerns, or
restricted to platform choices (e.g., Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and EOSIO). In contrast, our
framework systematically consolidates the essence of all classes of ISDMs for the blockchain
domain instead of individual instances [65], providing a distinction between essences and
accidents. This is an important contribution as it encourages a comprehensive understanding of
the range of key aspects and method fragments that can facilitate the institutionalization of
integrated blockchain system development, which has not been attempted in the previous
Moreover, Goldkuhl et al. [19] called for the need to design ISDMs using proper research
frameworks that meet the standards in both rigor and relevance. Our framework is a first response
to their call and, in the context of blockchain, it supports and guides researchers (especially
novices) in the design and evaluation of ISDMs. The framework assists researchers in evaluating
their newly proposed ISDMs or framing emerging ones in the literature in terms of three aspects:
the development process, roles, and modeling. Therefore, our framework provides a more
comprehensible theoretical foundation for organizing ISDMs for blockchain technology.
6.2. Practical contributions
Beyond its theoretical contributions, our study provides important practical contributions as well.
First, to increase the likelihood of successful blockchain adoption, the framework can identify
deficiencies in the in-house ISDM of an organization. More specifically, the framework provides
several indications of what went wrong in the implementation of a blockchain system that failed,
experienced costly security errors, and did not attain the expected goals of its stakeholders. For
example, if a blockchain system is implemented but does not operate as planned, the framework
can identify the aspects that have not been covered or adequately operationalized during the
development lifecycle. For example, in the Token Exchanger case study, the post-mortem review
of the project sprints revealed a lack of attention to the requirements analysis and identification
of actual users of smart contracts before the design and implementation of smart contracts. This
highlighted that the in-house ISDM had to reemphasize the feasibility and requirements analysis
method fragments in further sprints. Without such a framework, organizations are left unprepared
to trace the sources of system development errors and rectify them when things go wrong. Our
framework unites the current body of knowledge to guide organizations that are interested in
defining new ISDMs for blockchain development.
Moreover, the framework can be used as a guide to identify the required method fragments when
defining a new or augmenting an existing ISDM. For example, to determine which tasks and
outputs should be included in an ISDM covering the blockchain system architecture design,
blockchain practitioners can take steps to incorporate relevant method fragments under the
development process and modeling aspects; that is, the preliminary design phase of the
framework, as suggested by the framework, into the ISDM.
Evaluation frameworks within the IS field have inspired a consistent research stream in the IS
literature [67]. These frameworks help to identify the strengths and weaknesses, and facilitate the
comparison and selection of appropriate ISDMs for specific projects. A long trajectory of ISDM
evaluation framework variants [5],[24],[68],[69],[67],[70] with well-established constructs is
available for analyzing the characteristics of ISDMs, including structured, object oriented, and
agile. Neither key blockchain elements (such as smart contracts) nor essential blockchain-specific
method fragments were defined in these studies. However, one may be interested in knowing
when the adoption of a specific ISDM (or a combination of them) occurs in a real-world scenario
of blockchain system development [71]. Without a sound evaluation, the choice of an ISDM for
blockchain development may be merely assumed to work without any evidence. The proposed
framework allows the ISDM selection process to occur in a consistent manner. An important
caveat to note here, in conjunction with the falsifying one-size-fits-all socio-technical blockchain
characteristics [72], is that some ISDMs may merely focus on certain features and ignore others.
In this spirit, the concepts of method engineering suggest that ISDMs should be tailored to
particular circumstances to obtain organizational alignment for use [73],[74]. In this regard, our
framework provides a repository of method fragments that can be reused to construct bespoke
ISDMs or to augment an existing one to meet the requirements of a given blockchain project.
7. Conclusions and future work
This study needs to be understood in light of some shortcomings that open avenues for future
research. First, our framework can be scrutinized from the scope perspective. Although the
framework provides an integrated reference to blockchain-specific ISDMs, the manner in which
it can be tailored with respect to situational factors and boundary conditions related to a
blockchain project scenario has yet to be addressed. Situational factors relevant to blockchain
adoption have been discussed in the literature [16],[75]; however, the manner in which such
factors circumscribe ISDM tailoring has not yet been investigated. Extending the framework to
include supplementary customization guidance and tailoring techniques [76],[77] will enhance its
applicability and ensure its relevance and effectiveness in diverse blockchain development
scenarios. This will certainly be a fruitful area for future work that will aid in the situational
configuration of the development process, roles, and modeling in the framework.
Second, given that blockchain technology is still in the introductory stage and adopters are
concerned about its lack of technical immaturity and well-established business models [28], it was
challenging to find domain experts and comprehensive case studies that could effectively
demonstrate the application of our framework for an extended duration. However, we attempted
to achieve an optimal sample size of interviewees and carefully selected two case studies that met
certain criteria. For example, the selection of interviewees in the 2nd iteration of the framework
creation (Table 4) was based on their extensive years of real-world experience in blockchain
adoption, industry background, geographical representation, and diverse domain expertise to offer
varying feedback on the framework quality and prevent attrition bias. However, we do not claim
generalizability of our proposed framework application or that it is an exhaustive representative
of all blockchain practitioner opinions and application domains. Future research can be oriented
towards statistically validating the framework to reinforce and expand its application within
boundary conditions.
Third, a potential issue related to our 3rd DSR iteration, which could have affected the framework
artifact design and validation, is the retrospective nature of the personal interviews. As a
countermeasure to alleviate the critique of recall-precision errors and post-hoc project
rationalizations in retrospective responses [78], we aimed to have multiple follow-up
conversations with the interviewees to avoid misunderstanding of comments or missed method
fragments. For example, we shared the final version of the framework after refinement and our
case analysis report with the interviewees to increase the accuracy of our data analysis. We also
cross-checked our interviews with the research data from the 1st iteration to ensure that the
framework was consistently refined with the interpretations of others over time.
Fourth, our framework contributes significantly to the IS blockchain literature by enriching the
scientific underpinnings of ISDMs for the blockchain domain, upon which new ISDMs can be
constructed, evaluated, and extended. Ideally, we can empirically apply the framework throughout
the entire project lifecycle to observe its perceptual efficacy in developing blockchain systems.
However, such an evaluation is impractical because of the different timeframes in the selected
case studies and the time constraints of our study. We acknowledge that this is a limitation of our
study and that a more prolonged and periodic longitudinal evaluation is required.
Overall, the proposed framework artifact can be viewed as a method for accumulating existing
knowledge from previous literature as well as empirical findings on developing systems using
blockchain platforms. The framework establishes a holistic view of the ISDM for blockchain,
which has been overlooked in previous studies.
The authors thank the guest editors, associate editors, and reviewers for their feedback and helpful
suggestions. The authors would also like to thank Martin Ng from the IBM Corporation for his
constructive comments on our research project. The authors acknowledge that, in the preparation of
this work, they used generative AI-assisted technologies, such as ChatGPT, to address some writing
issues. After using this service, the authors reviewed and edited the content as needed and take full
responsibility for the content of this publication.
Appendix A
List of selected studies used in 1st iteration of framework creation
Note: J: Journal, C: Conference, S: Symposium, W: Workshop, B: Book chapter, M: Magazine, V: Multi-vocal literature
Author and title
Relevant method fragment(s)
C. Lin, D. He, X. Huang, BSeIn: A blockchain-
based secure mutual authentication with fine-
grained access control system for industry
L. Hang, D.H. Kim, Design and
implementation of an integrated IoT
blockchain platform for sensing data integrity
M. Marchesi, L. Marchesi, R. Tonelli, An agile
software engineering method to design
blockchain applications
I. Karamitsos, M. Papadaki, N.B. Al
Barghuthi, Design of the blockchain smart
contract: A use case for real estate
M. Jurgelaitis, V. Drungilas, L. Ceponiene, R.
Butkiene, E. Vaiciukynas, Modeling
principles for blockchain-based
implementation of business or scientific
Y. Shi, Z. Lu, R. Tao, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, A
trading model based on legal contracts using
smart contract templates
A. Badr, L. Rafferty, Q.H. Mahmoud, K.
Elgazzar, P.C. Hung, A permissioned
blockchain -based system for verification of
academic records
G. Destefanis, M. Marchesi, M. Ortu, Smart
contracts vulnerabilities: a call for blockchain
software engineering?
Case study
P. Chakraborty, R. Shahriyar, A. Iqbal, A.
Bosu, Understanding the software
development practices of blockchain
projects: a survey
Survey of
C. Udokwu, H. Anyanka, A. Norta, Evaluation
of Approaches for Designing and Developing
Decentralized Applications
Case study,
Y. Yuan, F.Y. Wang, Towards
blockchainbased intelligent transportation
W. Dai, C. Wang, C. Cui, H. Jin, X. Lv,
Blockchain-Based Smart Contract Access
Control System
W. Zou, D. Lo, P.S. Kochhar, X. D. Le, X. Xia,
Y. Feng, Z. Chen, B. Xu, Smart contract
development: Challenges and opportunities
Survey and
interview of
A.Y.L. Chong, et al. Business on chain: A
comparative case study of five blockchain-
inspired business models
on of IS
Case study
B. Marino, A. Juels, Setting standards for
altering and undoing smart contracts
K. Yue, Blockchain-augmented organizations
L. Luu, D.-H. Chu, H. Olickel, Making smart
contracts smarter
R. Bettín-Díaz, A.E. Rojas, Methodological
approach to the definition of a blockchain
system for the food industry supply chain
Case study,
X. Xu, Q. Lu, Y. Liu, L. Zhu, H. Yao, A.V.
Vasilakos, Designing blockchain-based
applications a case study for imported
product traceability
Case study
W. Cai, Z. Wang, J.B. Ernst, Z. Hong, C.
Feng, V.C. Leung, Decentralized
applications: The blockchain-empowered
software system
N.B. Truong, K. Sun, G.M. Lee, Y. Guo,
GDPR-compliant personal data
management: A blockchain-based solution
A. Bosu, A. Iqbal, R. Shahriyar, P.
Chakraborty, Understanding the motivations,
challenges and needs of blockchain software
developers: a survey
Survey of
L. Marchesi, M. Marchesi, R. Tonelli,
ABCDEAgile blockchain DApp engineering
B.A. Scriber, A framework for determining
blockchain applicability
L. Cocco, A. Pinna, G. Meloni, A Blockchain
Oriented Software Application in the Revised
Payments Service Directive context
X. Xu, C. Pautasso, L. Zhu, Q. Lu, I. Weber,
A pattern collection for blockchain-based
G. Al-Mazrouai, S. Sudevan, Managing
blockchain projects with agile methodology
L. Wang, et al. Value creation in blockchain-
driven supply chain finance
Case study
Q. Lu, A. Tran, I. Weber, Integrated model-
driven engineering of blockchain applications
for business processes and asset
I. Weber, X. Xu, R. Riveret, G. Governatori,
Untrusted business process monitoring and
execution using blockchain
P. Garamvölgyi, I. Kocsis, B. Gehl, A. Klenik,
Towards model-driven engineering of smart
contracts for cyber-physical systems
T. rski, J. Bednarski, Applying model-
driven engineering to distributed ledger
F. Glaser, Pervasive decentralization of
digital infrastructures: a framework for
blockchain enabled system and use case
A. Mavridou, A. Laszka, E. Stachtiari, A.
Dubey, VeriSolid: Correct-by-design smart
contracts for Ethereum
P. Zhang, J. White, D.C. Schmidt, G. Lenz,
Design of blockchain-based apps using
familiar software patterns with a healthcare
Case study
M. Wöhrer, U. Zdun, Design patterns for
smart contracts in the Ethereum ecosystem
Y. Liu, Q. Lu, X. Xu, L. Zhu, H. Yao, Applying
design patterns in smart contracts
Case study,
H.D. Bandara, X. Xu, I. Weber, Patterns for
blockchain data migration
M. Wohrer, U. Zdun, Smart contracts:
security patterns in the Ethereum ecosystem
and solidity
M. Bartoletti, L. Pompianu, An empirical
analysis of smart contracts: platforms,
applications, and design patterns
Case studies
J. De Kruijff, H. Weigand, Understanding the
blockchain using enterprise ontology
H.M. Kim, M. Laskowski, Toward an
driven blockchain design for supply
chain provenance
O. Choudhury, N. Rudolph, I. Sylla, N.
Fairoza, A. Das, Auto-generation of smart
contracts from domain-specific ontologies
and semantic rules
Case study
H. Baqa, N.B. Truong, N. Crespi, G.M. Lee,
F. Le Gall, Semantic smart contracts for
blockchain-based services in the Internet of
G. Governatori, F. Idelberger, Z. Milosevic,
On legal contracts, imperative and
declarative smart contracts, and blockchain
M. Giancaspro, Is a smart contract ‘really a
smart idea? Insights from a legal perspective
W.D. Du, S.L. Pan, D.E. Leidner,
Affordances, experimentation and
actualization of FinTech: A blockchain
implementation study
A.M. Langer, Blockchain analysis and design
C. Hebert, F. Di Cerbo, Secure blockchain in
the enterprise: A methodology
J. Plansky, T. O’Donnell, K. Richards, A
strategist’s guide to blockchain
S. Almeida, A. Albuquerque, A. Silva, An
approach to develop software that uses
G. Fridgen, J. Lockl, A solution in search of a
problem: a method for the development of
blockchain use cases
AIS e-Lib
Case study
H. Rocha, S. Ducasse, Preliminary steps
towards modeling blockchain oriented
X. Xu, C. Pautasso, L. Zhu, V. Gramoli, A.
Ponomarev, S. Chen, The blockchain as a
software connector
X. Xu, I. Weber, M. Staples, A taxonomy of
blockchain-based systems for architecture
A. Takyar, Blockchain development process
A complete guide for innovators
C.K. Frantz, M. Nowostawski, From
institutions to code: Towards automated
generation of smart contracts
G. Vaia, et al. Digital governance
mechanisms and principles that enable agile
responses in dynamic competitive
Case study
W. Zhang, et al. Beyond the block: A novel
blockchain-based technical model for long-
term care insurance
Taylor &
C.T.B. Garrocho, et al. A Complete Step-by-
Step Methodology for Defining, Deploying
and Monitoring a Blockchain Network in
Industry 4.0
S. Demi, M. SánchezGordón, M.
Kristiansen, Blockchain for requirements
traceability: A qualitative approach
D. Geroni, 7 Stages of New Blockchain
Development Process
R. Stambolija, Blockchain Development
Lifecycle Explained
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... The common aspect among these projects is the reliance on BPs during the execution process. The initial phase of a digital project involves defining its purpose, followed by the design of a suitable plan aligned with the objectives [28]. Subsequently, a BP is chosen for the execution of the digital project. ...
... Step 20: The overall alternative value matrix (ℛ = [ℛ ] ) was computed using Eq. (28). It is shown in Table 7. Table 7 The overall alternative value matrix. ...
Digital projects aspiring to reach target audiences are executed through decentralized and trustworthy blockchain platforms (BPs). Once the objectives and target audience of a digital project are defined, the selection of suitable BPs is undertaken. The primary objective of this research is to develop a decision support system that aids in the selection of BPs for transferring digital data and assets. Numerous quantitative parameters determine the performance of BPs, alongside qualitative parameters indicating their performance. In this study, the aim is to determine the performance of BPs based on both qualitative and quantitative parameters. Within this scope, a multi-criteria decision-making approach and interval-valued spherical fuzzy (IVSF) sets are adopted. IVSF sets are utilized to determine expert importance levels. The IVSF-criteria importance assessment (CIMAS) method is introduced for the weighting of criteria. IVSF-CIMAS enables the determination of reliability levels in calculating criterion weights. The IVSF-simple weighted sum product (WISP) method is formulated to obtain the performance ranking of BPs. Thus, in this research, the IVSF-CIMAS-WISP hybrid model is developed, and an algorithm for this novel decision-analytic model is presented. A case study is developed focusing on BP selection for a digital project to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed hybrid model. The robustness of IVSF-CIMAS-WISP is tested through extensive sensitivity analysis scenarios. According to the research results, the applicability of the IVSF-CIMAS-WISP hybrid method is supported and its robustness is confirmed. The research findings provide numerous insights for project managers and practitioners.
Full-text available
Blockchain technology has emerged as a “disruptive innovation” that has received significant attention in academic and organizational settings. However, most of the existing research is focused on technical issues of blockchain systems, overlooking the organizational perspective. This study adopted a grounded theory to unveil the blockchain implementation process in organizations from the lens of blockchain experts. The results revealed three main categories: key activities, success factors, and challenges related to blockchain implementation in organizations, the latter being identified as the core category, along with 17 other concepts. Findings suggested that the majority of blockchain projects stop at the pilot stage and outlined organizational resistance to change as the core challenge. According to the experts, the following factors contribute to the organizational resistance to change: innovation–production gap, conservative management, and centralized mentality. The study aims to contribute to the existing blockchain literature by providing a holistic and domain-agnostic view of the blockchain implementation process in organizational settings. This can potentially encourage the development and implementation of blockchain solutions and guide practitioners who are interested in leveraging the inherent benefits of this technology. In addition, the results are used to improve a blockchain-enabled requirements traceability framework proposed in our previous paper.
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Many scientific and practical areas have shown increasing interest in reaping the benefits of blockchain technology to empower software systems. However, the unique characteristics and requirements associated with Blockchain Based Software (BBS) systems raise new challenges across the development lifecycle that entail an extensive improvement of conventional software engineering. This article presents a systematic literature review of the state-of-the-art in BBS engineering research from the perspective of the software engineering discipline. We characterize BBS engineering based on the key aspects of theoretical foundations, processes, models , and roles . Based on these aspects, we present a rich repertoire of development tasks, design principles, models, roles, challenges, and resolution techniques. The focus and depth of this survey not only give software engineering practitioners and researchers a consolidated body of knowledge about current BBS development but also underpin a starting point for further research in this field.
Full-text available
Information systems development (ISD) has been a fundamental topic in MISQ from its first volume (Juergens 1977, Kling 1977). 1 Focus of the Research Curation An early challenge for us in preparing this curation was that ISD was not defined precisely in any of the MISQ articles we reviewed, despite early recommendations to do so (Moore 1979, p. 31). The best definitions we could find tended to be mere descriptions of activities in the systems development life-cycle (Juergens 1977, Swanson 1989, Slaughter et al. 2006). To address this problem, we developed the following definition of ISD to focus the curation. ISD is the entire suite of development activities (e.g., planning, analysis, design, building, testing, and maintenance) undertaken by agents (humans [individuals/ collectives] or software) to create a working information system. ISD is embedded in a social, organizational, and technical context with stakeholders who influence and are influenced by the ISD activities.
Conference Paper
The blockchain technology is one of the most prominent innovations in recent years. Besides its use as a cryptocurrencies wide-ranging use cases are announced and its potential to disrupt various industries is recognized. Due to its technological characteristics, it may challenge existing platforms by disintermediation. These platforms, like Amazon, usually have a provider and owner. In contrast, blockchainbased platforms may have no intermediary, but they must also have mechanisms for governance. Because there may not be an intermediary anymore, these mechanisms might differ from the mechanisms of traditional platforms. The aim of this study is to identify governance mechanisms, which were used by platforms using blockchain-technology. For this purpose, we develop a taxonomy using existing research on platform governance and a startup database. Then, we analyze the identified governance mechanisms using a cluster analysis to detect archetypes. As results, a taxonomy of governance mechanisms is developed and five archetypes of governance for blockchain-based platforms were identified.
Blockchain eliminates the need for trusted third-party intermediaries in business by enabling decentralised architecture design in software applications. However, the vulnerabilities in on-chain autonomous decision-makings and cumbersome off-chain coordination lead to serious concerns about blockchain’s ability to behave in a trustworthy and efficient way. Blockchain governance has received considerable attention to support the decision-making process during the use and evolution of blockchain. Nevertheless, the conventional governance frameworks do not apply to blockchain due to its distributed architecture and decentralised decision process. These inherent features lead to the absence of a clear source of authority in blockchain ecosystem. Currently, there is a lack of systematic guidance on the governance of blockchain. Therefore, in this paper, we present a comprehensive blockchain governance framework, which elucidates an integrated view of the degree of decentralisation, decision rights, incentives, accountability, ecosystem, and legal and ethical responsibilities. The above aspects are formulated as six high-level principles for blockchain governance. We demonstrate a qualitative analysis of the proposed framework, including case studies on five extant blockchain platforms, and comparison with existing blockchain governance frameworks. The results show that our proposed framework is feasible and applicable in a real-world context.
This study aims to identify and investigate the various trust targets and their transfer mechanism in a blockchain-enabled healthcare mutual aid platform. We first conduct a qualitative online interview toward initial users in the platform and identify three types of trust (i.e., trust in technology, trust in members, and trust in platform) that play salient roles in promoting users' usage intentions. We then develop a preliminary theoretical model based on the interview findings and conduct a survey to test our research model. The empirical results suggest that three platform mechanisms, namely member credibility, blockchain certificate, and structural assurance, significantly facilitate the three trust targets, which subsequently enhance individuals' behavioral intentions. A mediation analysis further demonstrates that the three trust targets partially or fully mediate the influences of three platform mechanisms on behavioral intentions through different path relationships. Our study contributes to the extant literature by uncovering the nomological network among three specific trust targets and explicating their antecedents as well as behavioral outcomes in the emerging context of blockchain-enabled applications.
Billions of dollars in investments are expected for Industry 4.0 due to the arrival of technologies like the blockchain within the scope of the Industrial Internet of Things. The blockchain has attracted attention to the industrial context due to its potential to provide processes with a functioning in which information is immutable, traceable, and auditable. Currently, the blockchain is evaluated and applied by the academy in different application areas. These applications helped in the development of this technology, allowing it to be applied not only in traditional systems, but also in industrial processes. Despite its rapid technological advancement, and considering that the industrial environment presents great challenges and requirements that are different from traditional applications for human use, the definition of a blockchain network in the industrial environment becomes critical. Given this context , this work presents a step-by-step methodology that presents paths to be followed, and presents and discusses important aspects to be analyzed in order to define, implement and monitor a blockchain network in an industrial environment. Given the heterogeneity and complexity of blockchain systems, this methodology becomes essential to assist in the proper choice of platforms and parameters for blockchain networks, providing cost reduction and safety in the operation of sensitive industrial processes.
The insurance business is characterized by complicated transactional interrelationships among various stakeholders involved in insurance-related activities. Given this unique nature, the century-old challenge in the insurance industry is to effectively reduce transaction costs among the stakeholders while maintaining business privacy and trust. Although blockchain is a promising technology to mitigate this challenge, two technical issues, namely (1) inefficiency in data auditing and (2) difficulty in verifying encrypted data, are of strategic importance when applying blockchain to the insurance industry. To address these technical challenges, we propose an innovative blockchain-based technical model, InsurModel, in the context of newly initiated long-term care insurance in China. Specifically, we utilize cryptographical methods including “zero-knowledge-proof” to 1) represent business interdependence and 2) verify confidential business information without disclosure of specifics. We demonstrate the scalability and applicability of InsurModel and explore its strategic implications in constraining adverse behaviors of the stakeholders.
Blockchain technology has the promise of transforming security and trust in digital transactions. However, concerns about technical complexity and the benefits of deployment have blunted its adoption. We examine factors that influence managerial intention to adopt blockchain technology. We extend the fit-viability model (FVM) and develop a value-based technology adoption model through an empirical study of 242 managers mostly in medical and financial industries. Managers in such organizations are likely to consider fit and viability in adopting blockchain technology to store and protect data. Drawing upon Fit-Viability and Task-Technology Fit models, and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), we test a model with Partial Least Squares (PLS) to assess managers’ intention to adopt blockchain technology. Our findings indicate that functional and symbolic benefits have positive impact on managers’ assessment of task-technology fit. Furthermore, viability is an important criterion in adopting blockchain technology.
The objective of this study is to explore the blockchain-enabled value creation process in supply chain finance (SCF). We analyze the roles of participants (who?), motives (why?), resources (what?), and practices (how?) through the lens of service-dominant logic and social exchange theory. We conducted an exploratory case study of a blockchain-based platform that offers SCF solutions for supply chain partners and interpreted the results through a series of qualitative analyses. The results prove that the blockchain-driven SCF solution provides services to its customers by applying key resources and conducting corresponding practices, which create value for the participants through meeting their motives.