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Performance Evaluation of Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms

Performance Evaluation of Intrusion Detection System Using
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
Md. Sabbir Hossain, Dipayan Ghose, All Masror Partho, Minhaz Ahmed, Md. Tanvir Chowdhury, Mahamudul Hasan,
Md Sawkat Ali, Taskeed Jabid, Maheen Islam,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: { sabbirhossain1338, ghosedipayen, Masror.partho, minhazahmed39, mdtanvirchowdhury015, munna09bd},
{alim, taskeed, maheen}
Abstract- Now that Internet access is so widely used,
our society has a greater number of networked
technologies. Data travels between them because of their
daily activities. Due to the server's weaknesses, hackers
may get access to the system through difficult-to-identify
network breaches. One of the most well-known defense
mechanisms against these attacks on networked devices
is the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), which is built
into the system. IDS has previously received extensive
training in the classification of threats using traditional
machine learning-based models and pre-assembled
datasets. In this research, we presented two deep
learning-based models, the Multilayer Perceptron Model
(MLP) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), along
with five machine learning-based models, including
Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest
Neighbor (KNN), Random Forest (RF), and Support
Vector Machine (SVM). The NSL-KDD dataset has been
used to achieve 89.6% accuracy with normalization and
89.2% without normalization, 97.77% with LSTM and
96.89% with MLP. Each record in the data collection
has 43 features, including two labels and 41 features that
are related to traffic input.
Index Terms- Intrusion Detection System (IDS),
KNN, LSTM, MLP, Classification, Accuracy
Researchers looked into how machine learning (ML)
and deep learning (DL) techniques could be used to create
an intrusion detection system (IDS) that could satisfy
contemporary network security needs. The advancement of
technology and the shift towards online transactions have
led to an increase in network and endpoint attacks, posing
risks to data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. The
researchers emphasize that while traditional security
measures such as access control, password protection, and
firewalls are important, they are not sufficient to protect
against sophisticated intrusions. Hence, IDS is employed as
a real-time monitoring system that can identify suspicious
activities and send warnings when unauthorized access or
malicious attacks occur.
Machine learning and deep learning are subfields of
artificial intelligence (AI) that are well suited for analyzing
massive volumes of data and extracting meaningful
information. These techniques enable the IDS to accurately
predict both typical and deviant actions based on learned
patterns from network traffic. The study covers various
aspects of network intrusion risks, including conventional
and rule-based procedures, as well as innovative machine
learning and deep learning techniques. By leveraging these
advanced approaches, the IDS can enhance the detection
and prevention capabilities, thereby strengthening the
overall cybersecurity posture. In conclusion, the researchers
suggest using deep learning and machine learning
approaches to create an efficient intrusion detection system.
This approach leverages the power of AI to analyze network
traffic, detect anomalies, and provide timely warnings,
thereby improving the security of online transactions and
protecting against unauthorized access and attacks.
Fig.1. Intrusion Detection System
A. Machine Learning Algorithm
Since the beginning of civilization, people have employed a
variety of tools to complete a range of tasks in ways that are
more practical and less complicated to meet their needs.
Thanks to the human mind's capacity for creation, a wide
range of tools and objects have been made. By enabling
people to meet a range of needs, such as those related to
travel, industry, and computing, these devices facilitate the
ease of human living. Machine learning is the most extreme
and stands out nowadays [3]. These gadgets made it easier
for people to live their lives by helping to address a variety
of needs, including those pertaining to travel, business, and
computing. The most notable of these is machine learning
[3]. Making it feasible for computers to learn without being
explicitly instructed is the aim of the area of computer
science known as machine learning, according to Arthur
Samuel [4]. The focus of machine learning techniques is
function approximation issues, where the aim is represented
by a function, and the learning problem is to improve the
accuracy of that function using experience from a sample of
input-output pairs that are well-known for the function [5].
As a result, the primary challenge of supervised learning is a
lack of enough labeled data. Unsupervised learning, on the
other hand, draws out relevant feature information from
unlabeled data, greatly increasing the accessibility of
training material. In terms of detection, supervised learning
methods frequently beat unsupervised learning methods
Supervised Learning Algorithm:
A collection of data is used as input in supervised
learning, and a machine learning model is used to
identify a connection between the feed and the
outcome. The two categories are regression and
1. Support Vector Machine (SVM): In SVMs, the
objective is to locate a max-margin separation
hyperplane in an n-dimensional feature space.
SVMs can produce good results even with limited
training sets because the separation hyperplane
only requires a small number of support vectors to
be set. SVMs, however, are noise-sensitive close to
the hyperplane. SVMs excel at handling linear
issues. Kernel functions are usually used for data
that is not linear [10]. The kernel technique
translates inputs implicitly to high-dimensional
feature spaces. It essentially defines the boundaries
between the classes. The margins are designed to
maximize the distance between the margin and the
classes, hence decreasing classification error.
Because SVMs and other machine learning
methods frequently use kernel techniques [3].
2. Naïve Bayes (NB): The Naive Bayes method is a
classification algorithm based on attribute
independence and conditional probability. The
example is put in the outcome class with the
highest probability [10]. Because it simplifies the
assumptions about the qualities, it is referred to as
"naive". A probabilistic algorithm is what the
Naive Bayes algorithm is known as, and its
formula is.
3. Decision tree (DT): One of the main methods for
supervised machine learning, DT applies a set of
decisions (rules) to classify and predict data using
both regression and classification. A typical tree
structure with nodes, branches, and leaves is
included in the model [6]. The simplest classifier is
the decision tree. The extreme gradient boosting
(XGBoost), which consists of several decision trees
with parent and root nodes, and random forest are
examples of advanced techniques [12].
4. Random Forest (RF): Random Forest is a
supervised learning technique that generates
training sample sets using the Bagging (Bootstrap
aggregation) technique and creates multiple
decision trees when a new set of data is input.
When this new set of samples is supplied, each
decision tree in the forest makes a prediction on it
separately, and then the predictions of all the trees
are combined to provide a result [12]. Most of the
time, even without the use of a hyperparameter, it
is possible to obtain acceptable results. It is one of
the most favored techniques due to the speed and
accuracy with which it produces results, even for
mixed, incomplete, and noisy datasets [13].
Unsupervised Learning Algorithm:
Unsupervised learning models identify hidden
patterns without human assistance but may require
human involvement.
1. K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN): The manifold
theory serves as the foundation for KNN's
main idea. If most of its neighbors also fall
into that class, there is a substantial likelihood
that the sample will as well. As a result, only
the k closest neighbors are associated to the
classification outcome. The parameter k has a
big impact on how well KNN models perform.
The likelihood of overfitting increases as k
decreases because the model becomes more
complex. On the other hand, as the work
grows, the model gets simpler and loses its
capacity to fit data.
B. Deep Learning
Artificial neural networks are used in deep learning, a branch
of machine learning, to simulate human thought and
learning. The analysis of Big Data, picture classification,
language translation, and speech recognition all use it
nowadays. Data scientists who gather, examine, and
understand vast volumes of data can also benefit from it. A
deep learning artificial neural network applies signals to
nodes using weights to produce outputs. It can identify data
using binary true or false queries, but it also needs robust
hardware and data sets. Due to its capacity to grow and learn
through time, it has recently become more and more
pertinent. Over time, the facial recognition program will
successfully recognize faces in this scenario [15]. While first
proposed in the 1980s, deep learning has only recently
gained popularity for two reasons.
1. Deep learning needs lots of data that has been classified.
For instance, millions of images and many hours of video are
needed to create self-driving cars.
2. For deep learning, a lot of processing power is required.
High-performance GPUs are ideal for deep learning,
allowing systems to group data and provide precise
predictions by taking cues from the human brain. Deep
learning algorithms conduct logical analyses of data to draw
conclusions that are comparable to those of humans [16].
C. Deep Neural Network
An artificial neural network is the foundation of the
advanced machine learning technology known as deep
learning. It needs a lot of data to learn on, and it labels the
information utilized during training. Only once a deep
learning model has been trained and achieved an acceptable
level of accuracy can it interpret unstructured data. Neural
networks are made up of interconnected nodes, called
neurons, which are based on our brain's organic neurons.
Weights are used to create connections between neurons,
and each node has a weight and threshold associated with it.
Artificial neural networks can be used to swiftly classify and
cluster data, and training data is utilized to learn and
improve accuracy. One of the most well-known neural
networks is the one that powers Google's search engine.
1. Perceptron: Perceptron is a single neuron that
processes input values and transfers them to an
activation function to generate binary output.
2. Feedforward neural networks (MLP): The
neurons and hidden layers make up Feed Forward
(FF) neural networks, which move data forward
without backpropagation. Flow control begins at
the input level and goes to the output level,
allowing for customization of weights and
improved learning FF neural networks are used in
classification, speech recognition, face recognition,
pattern recognition.
3. Multi-layer perceptron’s (MLPs): Multi-layer
perceptron’s, which can be used for multi-class and
binary classification, are bi-directional, with inputs
propagating forward and weight changes
propagating backward.
4. Recurrent neural networks (RNN): parallel
neuronal systems (RNNs) are deep learning
techniques used in popular applications such as
Siri, voice search, and Google Translate. RNNs use
a Hidden Layer to remember specific information
about a sequence. They use the same parameters
for each input, reducing the complexity of the
parameters. The primary drawback of RNN is the
Vanishing Gradient problem, which makes it
impossible to remember the weights of earlier
5. Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM):
Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) are
a variation of recurrent neural networks that can be
used to tackle the Vanishing Gradient problem.
LSTMs can identify long-term dependencies and
use gates to decide which outputs should be used
and which should be ignored. The input gate
determines which data should be kept in memory,
while the output gate regulates the data transferred
to the following layer. LSTMs are used in various
applications such as: gesture recognition, speech
recognition, text prediction.
A. Research Analysis
This section of the proposed approach discusses the chosen
approaches for supporting or analyzing a set of data or a
desired case. In order to predict results, the effective model
collects a dataset, analyzes it, and then applies machine
learning and deep learning algorithms to it. In this research
proposed approach, we will investigate an ABC dataset
utilizing some of the most popular machine learning methods
as well as some proven deep learning techniques. The
algorithms used were Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes,
Decision Tree, Random Forest Classifier, MLP, and LSTM.
The suggested model's schematic process diagram is shown
in Fig. 2. Following the preprocessing of the acquired
dataset, observations were produced, paving the way for the
feature selection technique's identification of key features.
The dataset is divided into train and test sets after the class
imbalance issue has been addressed. In order to train the
models, classifiers are fed the training dataset. Making
predictions using test instances is the next step in evaluating
the trained models' performance.
Fig.2. Workflow Diagram
B. Data Overview
The NSL-KDD dataset enhances KDD'99 for testing
intrusion detection methods. It has training and testing sets:
KDDTrain+, KDDTest+, and KDDTest-21. They include
attack-type labels in CSV. DoS, U2R, R2L, probing, and
normal instances are covered. These attacks fall into
surveillance, DoS, and probing categories. U2R is
unauthorized local superuser access, R2L is unauthorized
remote access. Our study evaluated methods using DoS
attacks. NSL-KDD is recommended over KDD Cup'99 for
addressing issues. It's vital for building intrusion detection
systems and studying cybersecurity. Industry also uses
datasets like ADFA-ID, ISCX-UNB. Let's explore NSL-
KDD's improvements.
Data Preprocessing
Because noisy and contradictory data can result in a
fatal mistake [27], it is preprocessed using the
techniques described in it goes through preprocessing
using the methods outlined in Fig.2.
Due to extraction or input problems, a portion of the
dataset comprises some noisy data, duplicate values,
missing values, infinite values, and so on. As a result,
we begin by preprocessing the data. The following is
the basic fundamental.
Fig.3. Different preprocessing phases
A. Evaluation Metrics
To assess our model's performance, we utilize accuracy. We
also discuss the false positive rate and the detection rate. The
number of records that are appropriately rejected and
identified as anomalies is referred to as True Positive (TP).
True Negative (TN) signifies the opposite. True Negative
(TN) indicates normal records, whereas False Negative (FN)
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indicates the opposite. The following measures are used to
assess the effectiveness of self-taught learning:
1) Accuracy: It is defined as the proportion of properly
categorized records among all records.
2) Precision: The proportion of records with true
positives (TP) to all records with true positives and false
positives (FP) is calculated.
3) Recall: The ratio of true positive records to all true
positives and false negative (FN) category records,
expressed as a percentage.
4) F-measure: Precision and recall's harmonic mean is
characterized as a balance between the two.
B. Machine Learning Model Performance without
Five different machine learning algorithmsNaive Bayes
(NB), Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN),
Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine
(SVM)have been used in this study. We have determined
the accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score of each
algorithm. The following are the machine learning
algorithms results shown in Table 1:
TABLE I. Without Normalization results
Fig.4. Plotting of Machine Learning Algorithms
Results(Without Normalization)
So, from our machine learning of all algorithms, we can see
that the Random Forest (RF) method gave us the most
accuracy, 89.2%, and the KNN algorithm gave us the lowest
accuracy, 73.5%. Now, if we look at the F1 score for
machine learning algorithms, we can find that the DT
method has the best score (92%), and the Naive Bayes (NB)
algorithm has the lowest score (72%). From our table and
charts, we can also observe the precision and recall values
for the machine learning methods.
C. Machine Learning Model Performance with
TABLE II. With Normalization Results
Fig.5. Plotting of Machine Learning Algorithms Results
(With Normalization)
So, from our machine learning of all algorithms, we can see
that the Random Forest (RF) method gave us the best
accuracy, which was 89.6%, while the NB algorithm gave
us the lowest accuracy, which was 75.9%. Now, if we take
F1 score into account for machine learning algorithms. We
can see that the Naive Bayes (NB) algorithm gave us the
lowest score, 69%, while both the DT and RF algorithms
gave us the greatest score, 92%. From our table and charts,
we can also observe the precision and recall values for the
machine learning methods.
D. Deep Learning Model Performance
We have employed the Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)
and the Feed Forward Neural Network (MLP) as two
separate deep learning techniques. All these algorithms'
training accuracy, testing accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-
score have been calculated. The following is the deep
learning algorithms results shown in the Table 3:
TABLE III. Deep Learning Algorithms Results
Fig.6. Plotting of Deep Learning Algorithms Results
Now, if we consider When using deep learning techniques,
we can find that the algorithm's accuracy was 97.77%, while
the MLP algorithm's training accuracy was 96.89%.
Additionally, we achieved a top f1 score of 97.23% using
the LSTM algorithm. From our table and charts, we can also
examine the precision and recall numbers for deep learning
E. Comparison Between ML (Normalization) & DL
Algorithms Result
Fig.7. ML & DL Algorithms Classification
We can see from the plot above that there are two deep
learning algorithms and five machine learning algorithms.
The deep learning algorithms are LSTM and MLP, whereas
the machine learning methods are RF, DT, SVM, NB, and
KNN. We can see that RF, a machine learning algorithm,
gave us the best accuracy out of all the methods, albeit deep
learning algorithms also produced better results. From the
KNN, a machine learning algorithm, we obtained the lowest
F. Deep Learning Model Accuracy and Loss Curve
We can now observe the accuracy vs. epoch plotting curve
for deep learning algorithms as well as the loss vs. epoch
charting curve for train and test datasets. The accuracy of
the LSTM algorithm for the train and test datasets is plotted
as a function of epoch in the chart below.
Fig.8. Plot of LSTM Algorithm of Accuracy Vs Epoch for
Train and Test Dataset
Fig.9. Plot of LSTM Algorithm of Loss Vs Epoch for Train
and Test Dataset
G. Deep Learning Model Accuracy and Loss Curve
Now, for deep learning algorithms, we shall examine the
accuracy vs. epoch plotting curve for the train and test
datasets as well as the loss vs. epoch plotting curve. The
accuracy vs. epoch plotting curve for the MLP algorithm for
the train and test dataset is shown below:
Fig.10. Plot of MLP Algorithm of Accuracy Vs Epochs for
Train and Test Dataset
Fig.11. Plot of MLP Algorithm of Loss Vs Epochs for Train
and Test Dataset
The intrusion detection system is evaluated in this paper
using machine learning and deep learning techniques. It
demonstrates that, except for random forests and decision
trees, the model using neural networks achieves greater
accuracy than typical machine learning models. The model
may enhance both the capability to identify the type of
intrusion and the accuracy of intrusion detection. In future,
it is recommended to lower the average accuracy while
increasing system efficiency by decreasing the imbalance
ratio. The NSL KDD dataset has no duplicate data, which
enables us to identify the models' maximum accuracy.
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Conference Paper
This work presents the application procedure VGG19, MobileNetV2, and CNN models for images Classification in remote sensing applications. This strategy employs pre-trained models, using transfer learning Feature extraction. The dataset includes classes like ’Cloudy,’ ’desert,’ ’green_field’ and ’water.’ Data augmentation techniques are involved to improve model generalization. The Models pass through training and evaluation with various considerations Setup, and class delivery are illustrated. Confusion matrix and precision-recall curves are analyzed. In addition, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used, focusing Data preparation, amplification and model design. The study presents the training, evaluation and comparison of two models version, shows effective image classification. The test result show a accuracy of 97.51% with consistently high Precision, recall, and F1-score across classes (’cloudy,’ ’desert,’ ’green_area,’ and ’water’), resulting in aggregates accuracy of 96%. These results underscore its effectiveness Transfer learning and CNN-based techniques in robust images classification is the critical step from data exploration to model deployment considerations are included, providing a comprehensive framework for remote sensing imagery classification.
Technical Report
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Machine learning (ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without being explicitly programmed. Learning algorithms in many applications that's we make use of daily. Every time a web search engine like Google is used to search the internet, one of the reasons that work so well is because a learning algorithm that has learned how to rank web pages. These algorithms are used for various purposes like data mining, image processing, predictive analytics, etc. to name a few. The main advantage of using machine learning is that, once an algorithm learns what to do with data, it can do its work automatically. In this paper, a brief review and future prospect of the vast applications of machine learning algorithms has been made.
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Augmented Reality (AR) is crucial for immersive Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) and the vision of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Labeled data drives object recognition in AR. However, manually annotating data is expensive, labor-intensive, and data distribution asymmetry . Scantily labeled data limits the application of AR. Aiming at solving the problem of insufficient and asymmetry training data in AR object recognition, an automated vision data synthesis method, i.e., background augmentation generative adversarial networks (BAGANs), is proposed in this paper based on 3D modeling and the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) algorithm. Our approach has been validated to have better performance than other methods through image recognition tasks with respect to the natural image database ObjectNet3D. This study can shorten the algorithm development time of AR and expand its application scope, which is of great significance for immersive interactive systems.
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Sentiment analysis is called opinion mining which is the field of study that analyzes people’s opinions, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals, attitudes, and emotions towards entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their attributes. Starting from the importance of the sentiment analysis generally for individuals and more specifically for gigantic organizations, we started digging in this paper. Graphlab was used to build the sentiment models. Many algorithms were used along with text features selection techniques to predict the positive and negative sentiments like “SVM”, “logistic regression” and “boosted trees”. The mentioned classifiers were applied to a Hotel reviews dataset got from Trip Advisor website to emulate real customer opinions. The results showed that using SVM classifier along with N-grams features selection technique was superior to others.
Machine learning is a branch of computer science that has the potential to transform epidemiological sciences. Amid a growing focus on "Big Data," it offers epidemiologists new tools to tackle problems for which classical methods are not well-suited. In order to critically evaluate the value of integrating machine learning algorithms and existing methods, however, it is essential to address language and technical barriers between the two fields that can make it difficult for epidemiologists to read and assess machine learning studies. Here, we provide an overview of the concepts and terminology used in machine learning literature, which encompasses a diverse set of tools with goals ranging from prediction, to classification, to clustering. We provide a brief introduction to five common machine learning algorithms and four ensemble-based approaches. We then summarize epidemiological applications of machine learning techniques in the published literature. We recommend approaches to incorporate machine learning in epidemiological research and discuss opportunities and challenges for integrating machine learning and existing epidemiological research methods.
Conference Paper
Deep Neural Networks based intrusion detection systems (DNN-IDS) have proven to be effective. However, in domains like critical infrastructure security, user trust on the DNN-IDS is imperative and high accuracy isn’t sufficient. The black-box nature of DNNs hinders transparency of the DNN-IDS, which is necessary for building trust. The main objective of this work is to improve user trust by improving transparency of the DNN-IDS by making it more communicative. This paper presents a methodology to generate offline and online feedback to the user on the decision making process of the DNN-IDS. Offline, the user is reported the input features that are most relevant in detecting each type of intrusion by the trained DNN-IDS. Online, for each detection, the user is reported the inputs features that contributed most to the detection. The presented method was implemented on the KDD-NSL dataset with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) based DNN-IDS. Binary and multi-class classification was carried out on the dataset. Further, several DNN-IDS architectures with different depth were tested to study the factors that drive classification. It was observed that despite showing very similar accuracy results, the factors that drove the decisions were different across architectures. This evidences that the qualitative analysis that is enabled through reporting relevant input features is important for the user to make a more informed decision in choosing a DNN-IDS. This online and offline feedback leads to improving the transparency of the DNN-IDS and helps build trust prior to and during deployment.
Intrusion detection is one of the important security problems in today’s cyber world. A significant number of techniques have been developed which are based on machine learning approaches. However, they are not very successful in identifying all types of intrusions. In this paper, a detailed investigation and analysis of various machine learning techniques have been carried out for finding the cause of problems associated with various machine learning techniques in detecting intrusive activities. Attack classification and mapping of the attack features is provided corresponding to each attack. Issues which are related to detecting low-frequency attacks using network attack dataset are also discussed and viable methods are suggested for improvement. Machine learning techniques have been analyzed and compared in terms of their detection capability for detecting the various category of attacks. Limitations associated with each category of them are also discussed. Various data mining tools for machine learning have also been included in the paper. At the end, future directions are provided for attack detection using machine learning techniques.
Machine learning addresses the question of how to build computers that improve automatically through experience. It is one of today’s most rapidly growing technical fields, lying at the intersection of computer science and statistics, and at the core of artificial intelligence and data science. Recent progress in machine learning has been driven both by the development of new learning algorithms and theory and by the ongoing explosion in the availability of online data and low-cost computation. The adoption of data-intensive machine-learning methods can be found throughout science, technology and commerce, leading to more evidence-based decision-making across many walks of life, including health care, manufacturing, education, financial modeling, policing, and marketing.