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Human Papillomavirus Types and Cervical Cancer Vaccine for Sudanese Women: A Review



Cervical cancer is thought to result from different high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types. Although many studies have been conducted worldwide regarding HPV infection and its oncogenic properties, limited data are available on the incidence and genotype specific dissemination of HPV in Sudan. The purpose of this review article is to summarize the existing data regarding HPV genotypes in Sudan. To review the distribution of HPV infections, electronic databases (e.g. PubMed, and Google Scholar) were searched for peer reviewed articles in English. The study was performed between January and April of 2019 and comprises a review of six relevant articles that were published prior to 2013. Inclusion criteria included: availability of general population data, cytology and tissue results and the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for HPV detection. The overall infection rate of high-risk HPVs DNA was 173/506 (34%) and within the tissues ranged between 93 and 94% (all the paraffin sections were cancer and precancerous cases). The HPV genotyping in cervical smears were found to range from 2.9% to 50.0%, with the most prevalent types of HPV being 16 (2.9-50.0%), 18 (0-3.4%), 58 (2.9%), and 42 (2.9%). Familiarity of the frequent high risk HPV genotypes found in Sudan, which had a high prevalence of cervical cancer, is essential in order to construct an applicable genotype of the virus in the HPV vaccine. The commercially available vaccines do not prevent infection of the HPV types not contained in the vaccine. Based on this literature, it is clear that the nine-valent HPV vaccine should be considered in Sudan.
European Journal of Preventive Medicine
2019; 7(6): 95-99
doi: 10.11648/j.ejpm.20190706.11
ISSN: 2330-8222 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8230 (Online)
Human Papillomavirus Types and Cervical Cancer Vaccine
for Sudanese Women: A Review
Magdi Mansour Salih
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Taif University, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Email address:
To cite this article:
Magdi Mansour Salih. Human Papillomavirus Types and Cervical Cancer Vaccine for Sudanese Women: A Review. European Journal of
Preventive Medicine. Vol. 7, No. 6, 2019, pp. 95-99. doi: 10.11648/j.ejpm.20190706.11
Received: September 30, 2019; Accepted: October 28, 2019; Published: October 31, 2019
Cervical cancer is thought to result from different high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types. Although many
studies have been conducted worldwide regarding HPV infection and its oncogenic properties, limited data are available on the
incidence and genotype specific dissemination of HPV in Sudan. The purpose of this review article is to summarize the existing
data regarding HPV genotypes in Sudan. To review the distribution of HPV infections, electronic databases (e.g. PubMed, and
Google Scholar) were searched for peer reviewed articles in English. The study was performed between January and April of
2019 and comprises a review of six relevant articles that were published prior to 2013. Inclusion criteria included: availability of
general population data, cytology and tissue results and the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for HPV detection. The
overall infection rate of high-risk HPVs DNA was 173/506 (34%) and within the tissues ranged between 93 and 94% (all the
paraffin sections were cancer and precancerous cases). The HPV genotyping in cervical smears were found to range from 2.9% to
50.0%, with the most prevalent types of HPV being 16 (2.9-50.0%), 18 (0-3.4%), 58 (2.9%), and 42 (2.9%). Familiarity of the
frequent high risk HPV genotypes found in Sudan, which had a high prevalence of cervical cancer, is essential in order to
construct an applicable genotype of the virus in the HPV vaccine. The commercially available vaccines do not prevent infection
of the HPV types not contained in the vaccine. Based on this literature, it is clear that the nine-valent HPV vaccine should be
considered in Sudan.
Human Papilloma Virus Genotypes Vaccine, Cervical Cancer
1. Introduction
Cervical cancer is one of the most common diseases
worldwid e. The universal prevalence rate of cervical
cancer is approximately 11.7%. Among asymptomatic
women, the global cervical HPV prevalence rate is
estimated to be 10.4% and it differs across geographical
sectors, ranging from 6.2% in south-eastern Asia to 31.6%
in East Africa, out of which.
Sub-Saharan Africa was found to be the most affected
with the highest preponderance rates. In Sudan, cervical
cancers are the second most prevalent type of cancer; 90.9%
of cancers in Sudan are squamous cell carcinoma, 4.8% are
adenocarcinomas, and 4.3% are other epithelial tumors [1].
Viral infections comprise 15-20% of all human cancers and
the interaction between a given virus and its correlated
cancer ranges from 15-100% [2]. HPV may be co-infected
with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other
microorganisms. Co-infections, specifically HIV-HPV
infection cause higher HIV reduplication and condition
advancement through the activation of cellular mechanisms
in the immune system that make cells liable to HIV elevated
viral load amount [3]. Most cervical cancers (globally) are
due to the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection [4]; HPVs
are a large group of viruses, which consist of more than 180
different types, of which, 15 have high oncogenic equity [5].
Infection with HPV can lead to different types of disorders,
from benign lesions to cancer. HPV is a DNA virus from the
Papillomavirus family. The classification 'high-risk' and
'low-risk' are common and reveal the types that are
commonly found in cervical cancers, in contrast to the types
that are rarely or never appear in cervical cancers [6]. HPV18
was first described in 1984 by Boshart and his group [7] and
is known to be present in a higher proportion of cervical
adenocarcinomas than cervical squamous cell carcinomas
[8]. HPV is transmitted sexually, and causes a great health
96 Magdi Mansour Salih: Human Papillomavirus Types and Cervical Cancer Vaccine for Sudanese Women: A Review
burden in both men and women [9]. Following HPV
infection, seropositive men are at an increased risk for
developing penile and anal cancer; some studies showed
HIV-HPV seropositive individuals are 60% more likely
(than healthy individuals) to develop cancer [10].
Additionally, heterosexual HPV-seropositive can transmit
HPV into female partners, which increases the risk for
cervical cancer [11]. The International Agency for Research
on Cancer (IARC) working group classified HPV into 21
types (HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53,
56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 70, 73 and 82) that are most prevalent in
their association with cervical tumors [12]. However,
information regarding HPV infection epidemiology in Sudan
is scarce and scattered. Therefore, the purpose of this review
article is to summarize the existing data on HPV genotypes
in Sudan, provide clarity for future research directions, and
to enhance public awareness of HPV infection and
HPV-related diseases in Sudan.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Design
This study was conducted using a computerized systematic
search. The Literature search was performed through a
detailed survey of the issued peer reviewed articles on HPV
infection and cervical cancer in Sudan with publication dates
prior to April 20, 2019 using the following databases: PubMed,
Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The search was
completed without language limitation between January and
April of 2019. The keywords “HPV”, “Sudan”, “genotype”,
and “cervical cancer” were used in the search. This resulted in
six relevant articles. Abstracts from these six articles were
read to determine relevance to this review. Original articles
that were included in this review mentioned at least one
specific HPV-related test that was being evaluated. Data were
included from international journals and local, non-indexed
medical journals and the following inclusion criteria were
applied: cervical cytology and paraffin wax embedded tissue
results available, use of PCR for viral DNA detection and
genotyping. Exclusion criteria included articles that were
published before 1990 and articles that described the
contribution of HPV infection to oral and other types of cancer.
Morbidity was not included. The application of these
inclusion/exclusion criteria resulted in six relevant articles on
the topic of the review. Of the articles reviewed, one was a
report from local non-indexed journals that was published in
Egypt: Acad. Journal. Biological. Sciences. The link is
provided in the list of references. In general, the information
available on HPV prevalence in Sudan is very ambiguous and
it became obvious that further research studies are necessary
in this field.
2.2. Ethical Consideration
This article is based on published data, and hence, ethical
approval was not required.
3. Results
HPV Infection in Sudan - Prevalence and Type Distribution
There have been many studies worldwide regarding the
epidemiology of HPV infections and oncogenic properties that
result from different HPV genotypes. However, limited data
are available regarding HPV prevalence, incidence and
genotype specific dissemination in Africa, no data regarding
the epidemiology of HPV infections are available for the
Sudanese population. There are only a few articles in
reference to HPV infections in Sudan that have been published
in international peer reviewed journals, although there are
several articles in local medical journals. The first article in
Sudan that investigated HPV genotyping published in an
international journal presented the results of 135 patients in
the Omdurman Military Hospital [13], and were tested for
(beta)-globin using PCR, as described by Jacobs et al. [14],
and Human papilloma virus infections were analyzed using a
general primer GP5+/6+ mediated PCR enzyme
immune-assay (EIA), also described by Jacobs et al. [14]. of
these 135 smears, there were 60.7% ß. globin positive samples
indicating DNA integrity. HPV DNA was identified in three
samples (2.2%) by gel electrophoresis and was positive in four
samples (2.9%) as single and multiple infections by
PCR-ELISA. The high risk HPV types (16 and 58) were
identified in one sample as a mixed infection. The low risk
HPV types (40 and 42) were also found as a mixed infection in
another patient. HPV types 58 and 42 were identified in the
other two patients. They reported that the HPV genotypes
identified were not associated with cancer [13]. The search in
the international journals for HPV epidemiology has allowed
us to identify the largest study of HPV prevalence (400
samples), which was done in the Khartoum state [15]. The
study on HPV prevalence and distribution was performed by
analyzing prospective cervical smears taken from women
attending different hospitals in Khartoum State during the
period between July of 2008 and July of 2009. Isolated DNA
from cervical scrapes was subjected to PCR of each GP5
(sequence 5" to 3": TTT GTT ACT GTG GTA GAT ACT AC),
and GP6 (sequence 5" to 3": GAA AAA TAA ACT GTA AAT
CAT ATT C) primers using a PCR processor (PE9600;
PerkinElmer) [15]. HPV DNA was found in 144 samples
(36.0%) that showed a product that was typical in size (150
bp), as indicated by the standard DNA marker 5. HPV was
detected at a high ratio among patients with cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia 29/30 (96.7%). Although, that study
did not assess the different genotypes of HPV. Another study
used cervical smears to investigate 40 cases. HRHPV 16 and
18 were identified in 16/40 (40%) of the cervical tissues and of
these, 8/16 (50%) were positive for HPV 16, 6/16 (37.5%)
were positive for HR-HPV 18, and 2/16 (12.5%) were positive
for both HR-HPV subtypes. PCR was used for these
detections [16]. In 2013, Sahar studied human papilloma virus
infection among 106 cervical smears. HR-HPV DNA was
detected in 29/106 (27.4%) patients using in situ hybridization.
Using the GenPoint Kit (#K 0620; DAKO) according to the
manufacturer's instructions, the risk associated with high risk
European Journal of Preventive Medicine 2019; 7(6): 95-99 97
HPV infection was found to be statistically significant [17].
Ebba Abate genotyped the Human Papillomavirus in paraffin
embedded cervical tissue samples from women in Ethiopia
and Sudan, and included 86 paraffin embedded tissues. PCR
was used for DNA detection and 98% (85/86) of the samples
were positive for the housekeeping gene, Beta-globin.
Probable HR-HPV, the overall HPV DNA was 94% (80/85)
Include 17 different HPV genotypes [18]. Huda investigated
cervical and oral screening for HR-HPV types 16 and 18
among Sudanese women with cervical lesions. They detected
HPV DNA in 93.6% (73/78) of the cancer samples, sixty
tumor samples harbored HPV genotype 18. Single infection
with this genotype was found in 40 samples (51.3%), while
mixed infection was detected in 20 samples (25.6%). The
HPV genotype 16 was found in 33 tumor samples. Single
infection with this genotype appeared in 13 patients (16.7%),
while 20 samples (25.6%) had mixed infections [19].
4. Discussion
The HPV DNA in Sudan was detected in cervical smears
and tissue-based HPV genotyping studies of cervical cancer
681 (80.6%) and 164 (19.4%), respectively. Within the
cervical smears, the overall infection rate of high-risk HPVs
DNA was found to be 173/506 (34%) and within the tissues
ranging from 93% to 94% as all the paraffin sections were
cancer and precancerous cases. The HPV genotyping in
cervical smears were found to range from 2.9% to 50.0%, with
the most prevalent types of HPV being 16 (2.9-50.0%), 18
(0-3.4%), 58 (2.9%), and 42 (2.9%). The genotypes within the
paraffin section (with the most common HPV genotypes) were
16 (60.4%), and 18 (34.1%). High rates of HPV infection was
detected in premalignant conditions. This finding supports the
importance of early diagnosis and treatment that can be made
on the basis of cytology and confirmed with histopathology. In
addition, the results of these studies strengthen the need for the
detection of high risk HPV as a screening method for early
detection of precancerous stages. Human papillomavirus 16
was the most numerous genotypes identified from all the HPV
positive cervical smears and tissue sections. This genotype
was also the most persistent in all cancerous and precancerous
conditions. The prevalence of HPV 16 over the other
genotypes (among these studies) is in agreement with previous
reports from different geographical areas [20, 21, 22]. Few
studies have been conducted in Africa to assess the
distribution of HPV genotypes (HPV 58 was common in the
current studies). However, HPV 58 is considered a rare type,
and is not commonly reported in most of Europe. However, in
Africa, this type has been observed in the east, central, west
and in South Africa [23]. This finding could reflect
international differences in the distribution of HPV. A high
preponderance of high risks for HPV 16, 18 and 58 were
determined with the different samples. HPV 16, 18 and 58
were revealed in cervical smear and paraffin blocks 6.8.%
(12/175) vs. 42% (99/164), 3.4% (6/175) vs. 34.1% (56/164)
and 2.9% (4/135) vs. 15% (12/80) of all HPV positive samples,
respectively. Studies have shown that 58 was recorded as the
most common HPV genotype in Latin America, East Asia and
for Chinese women with cervical pathology [24]. The
prevalence of multiple infections reported in two studies that
were done on cervical smears and paraffin embedded tissue
blocks were found to be due to the high sensitivity of the
detection method used. One advantage of the probe based
assay is the possibility to easily discriminate heterogeneous
PCR groups, which cannot be differentiated by other
hybridization methods used for genotyping general PCR
products. This may indicate that the incidence of multiple
infections may be underestimated in many other studies.
However, the scheme with epidemiology of HPV and its
relation to cervical cancers in Sudan is not very clear. Recent
statistical data regarding cervical cancers epidemiology in
Sudan are unsettled. Cervical cancer is appraised to be second,
after breast cancer among Sudanese women, and a recent
survey from the National Health Laboratory in Sudan
illustrate that each year, around 833 Sudanese women are
analyzed with cervical cancer (estimated age standardized
incidence: 7.9 per 100,000 per year, supplementary, around
534 die from this disease [25]. Studies from Africa, Asia, and
South America revealed that the highest reported age
standardized incidence rate were found to be
17.9/100,000/year in Zimbabwe and the lowest is
0.11/100,000/year in China. The highest reported age
standardized mortality rate was found to be 16/100,000/year
in India in 2015, and the lowest: 1.8/100,000/year in Colombia
[26]. In comparison to the developed countries of Europe and
North America, where the age-standardized incidence of
cervical cancer is less than 9% [27], Sudan’s statistical data
reveals depressing indicators. This imbalance is attributed
primarily to the effective and successful implementation of
organized cervical cancer screening programs in developed
countries, which lead to early detection and appropriate
management of precancerous lesions [28].
5. Conclusion
Familiarity with the frequent high risk HPV genotypes
found in Sudan that have a high prevalence of cervical cancer
is essential in order to construct an applicable genotype of the
virus in the HPV vaccine. Presently, three prophylactic HPV
vaccines are commercially usable. Gardasil and Cervarix,
which is a bivalent vaccine accepted for the avoidance of
cervical cancer and precancerous lesions caused by HPV 16
and 18 in young females. Gardasil is a quadrivalent vaccine
anti-HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 [29], and the nine-valent
HPV vaccine developed recently to provide protection against
HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18; and is already covered by the
Gardasil and the next five most common oncogenic types
associated with cervical cancer worldwide (types 31, 33, 45,
52, and 58) [30]. However, the current vaccines do not prevent
infection with the HPV types that are not contained in the
vaccine. Thus, the data of the present studies are crucial for the
confirmation of the most suitable vaccines in an area without
much information regarding the HPV disease, like Sudan.
From the review given here, it is clear that other HPV
98 Magdi Mansour Salih: Human Papillomavirus Types and Cervical Cancer Vaccine for Sudanese Women: A Review
genotypes like HPV 58 should be considered in Sudan. This
review provides useful information for future HPV
genotyping research and vaccinations for cervical cancer in
Sudan. But more importantly, this work reveals the substantial
need for further studies on cervical cancer and associated risk
factors in Sudan.
6. Limitations
Our study is limited to PubMed, Web of Science and
Google Scholar. Thus, it may not cover all the studies
conducted in this field; particularly those non-published data
or data published in non-indexed local journals, and open
access platforms not covered by Google Scholar, PubMed and
Scopus. Moreover, we did not assess the publication bias of
the articles, as it is not relevant in the context of cervical
cancer, HPV DNA or genotypes studies. It is possible that
there is considerable under reporting in HPV DNA,
genotyping or cervical cancer in our study, particularly since
the capacity for cancer diagnoses and data capture is limited in
Table 1. Studies on Cervical Human Papilloma Virus Genotypes Percentage and Detection Methods.
Study/ year Sample size Detection method used Types N (%)
(Salih et al., 2010) 135 Cervical smear PCR, There were 60.7% ß. globin
positive samples
HRHPV16 4/135 (2.9%) HRHPV58 4/135 (2.9%)
LRHPV40 2/135 (1.4%) LRHPV42 4/135 (2.9%)
(Elasbali et al., 2012
40 Cervical smear PCR HRHPV 16 8/16 (50%), HRHPV 18 6/16 (37.5%) Mixed 16,
18 2/16 (12.5%)
Mansour et al. 2013 400 Cervical smears PCR HR-HPV DNA 144/400 (36.0%)
Gafar et al., 2013 106 Cervical smears In Situ hybridization (ISH) techniques HR-HPV DNA 29/106 (27.3%)
Abate et al., 2013 86 paraffin embedded
98% (85/86) of sample were positive for
Housekeeping gene (b-globin)
Probable HR-HPV genotype.
HRHPV 16 66/80 (82.5%), HRHPV 18 16/80 (20.0%)
HRHPV 31 5/80 (6.2%) HRHPV 33 10/80 (12.5%) HRHPV
35 8/80 (10%) HRHPV 39 3/80 (3.7%)
HRHPV 45 14/80 (17.5%) HRHPV 52 2/80 (2.5%) HRHPV
53 5/80 (6.2%) HRHPV 58 12/80 (15%) HRHPV 59 1/80
(1.2%) HRHPV 68 8/80 (10%) HRHPV 39/68 2/80 (2.5%)
HRHPV 56/74 2/80 (2.5%) LRHPV 6 8/80 (10%) LRHPV
44 1/80 (1.2%) LRHPV 74 1/80 (1.2%)
(Eltahir, Elhassan
and Ibrahim, 2012 78 paraffin section PCR HRHPV16 33/78 (42. 3%). HRHPV18 40/78 (51.3%).
Type of specimen
Cervical smear HPV DNA 173/506 (34%) HRHPV16 69
%), HRHPV18 86 (
%), HRHPV58 4 (0.
LRHPV40 2 (0.2
%) LRHPV42 4 (0.
Cervical smear 681 (80.6%)
Paraffin section 164 (19.4%)
Total 845 (100%)
HPV: Human papilloma virus. HR: High risks. LR: Low
risk. PCR: polymerase chain reaction. DNA:
Deoxyribonucleic acids. N: number.
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Full-text available
Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer. Using a vaccine to prevent HPV infections could be a cost-effective strategy to decrease the incidence of cervical cancer. Learning about the characteristics of CIN patients with HPV infection in Wenzhou is a key step in guiding the use of HPV vaccines and screening for cervical cancer. Methods We undertook a retrospective analysis including 2612 women who were treated in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics from Jan 2016 to Nov 2017. All of the patients were examined by HPV testing and histology. Results The prevalence of HR-HPV among women with cervical intraepithelial lesions aged 65–69 years (38.8%) was significantly higher than that of the other age groups. The percentage of patients diagnosed with HPV-positive HSIL progressively increased with age to a maximum of 18.0% in the group of 40 to 44 years of age. HPV 16, 52, and 58 were the three most dominant genotypes among these women, and single infections (950, 73.3%) were more common than multiple infections (346, 26.7%). Compared to cervicitis, the odds ratios (ORs) for LSIL associated with HPV 33, 52, 16 and HPV 58 infection were 5.98, 3.91, 3.65, 3.65, and 3.188, respectively; for HSIL associated with HPV 16, 33, 58 and HPV 31 were 9.30, 7.68, 5.97, and 4.21, respectively. In LSIL, the frequencies of HR-HPV 52,16,58,18 were 19.3,18.2,10.9, and 7.8%, respectively. Conclusion Our study provides important data about the HPV genotype distribution and its correlation with cervical intraepithelial lesions in the Wenzhou population.
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Introduction: Cervical cancer rates vary across the world, being highest in Eastern Africa (including Zimbabwe) and lowest in Western Asia. It is the second most common type of cancer in women in the South East Asia region and a major cause of cancer deaths among women of low and middle income countries (LMICs) like Nepal. This review is an attempt to make a comprehensive report of prevalence, incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in LMICs. Methods: The review was conducted applying a computerized search with the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) major topics “Cervical Cancer”, “Cervical neoplasm” “Epidemiology”, (“prevalence” OR “incidence” OR “mortality”) and “HPV” OR “Human papillomavirus” as MeSH subheading. The search limits were: language (“English”), LMICs, dates (articles published from “1st January 2000 to 31st December 2015”), and species (“Humans”). The search was supplemented by cross-referencing. Publications that met the inclusion criteria were included in the synthesis. Results: Among the 20 studies reviewed; seven were from Africa, seven from Asia, three from South America, and one each from North America, Europe and Oceania. The review found the highest reported age standardized incidence rate as 17.9/100,000/year in Zimbabwe in 2000 and the lowest as 0.11/100,000/year in China in 2006. One study of Nigeria revealed a cervical cancer prevalence of 5.0 per 1,000 in 2012 in the 25-64 year age group. Further, the highest reported age standardized mortality rate was 16/100,000/year in India in 2015 and the lowest 1.8/100,000/year in Colombia in 2013. In addition, coitarche, tobacco smoking, number of sexual partners and family history of cervical cancer were reported as significant risk factors. Conclusion: The study provides a review of reported prevalence, incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in LMICs from 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2015. The scarcity of information reveals a substantial need for further studies on cervical cancer prevalence, incidence and mortality with associated risk factors in LMICs.
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Background Country-level HPV genotyping data may be sought by decision-makers to gauge the genotype-specific burden of HPV-related diseases in their jurisdiction and assess the potential impact of HPV vaccines. We investigated, by country, the availability of published literature on HPV genotypes in cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancers and intraepithelial neoplasms (CINs, VaINs and VINs) and on prevalence and incidence of genital HPV infections among women without clinically manifest disease. Findings Primary sources of publications were the PubMed/Medline and EMBASE databases. Original studies or meta-analyses published from 2000, covering genotypes 16 and 18 and at least one of genotypes 31/33/45/52/58, were included. Key exclusion criteria were language not English, cervical lesions not histologically confirmed (cytology only), special populations (e.g., immunocompromised) and, for cervical studies, small population (<50). A total of 727 studies reporting HPV genotype-specific data were identified: 366 for cervical cancers and CINs, 43 for vulvar or vaginal cancers and VINs/VaINs, and 395 and 21 for infection prevalence and incidence, respectively, in general female population samples. A large proportion of studies originated from a small set of countries. Cervical cancer/CIN typing data was scarce for several regions with the highest cervical cancer burden, including Eastern, Middle and Western Africa, Central America, South-East Asia, South Asia, and Eastern Europe. Data for vulvar/vaginal disease was limited outside of Europe and North America. Conclusions Although a large body of published HPV genotype-specific data is currently available, data gaps exist for genotype-specific infection incidence and several world regions with the highest cervical cancer burden. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13027-015-0008-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Despite the growing burden of cancer worldwide, it continues to receive low priority in Africa, across the continent and specifically in Sudan. This is due to political unrest, limited health resources, and other pressing public health issues such as infectious diseases. Lack of awareness about the magnitude of the current and future cancer burden among policy makers play a major role as well. Although, the real scope of cancer in Sudan is not known, the reported cases have increased from 303 in 1967–6303 in 2010. According to Globocan estimates, the top most common cancers in both sexes are breast, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, esophagus, and colorectum. This review is the first of four papers that focuses on cancer, its distribution and trend as well as the risk factors most common in Sudan. It is expected that cancer will increase in Sudan as a result of migration of people from rural areas to urban cities in the pursuit of a better standard of living, which has resulted in lifestyle and behavioral changes that include tobacco chewing and smoking, unhealthy dieting, and a lack of physical activity. These changes are further exacerbated by the aging population and have made the country vulnerable to many diseases including cancer. These reviews are meant to provide a better understanding and knowledge required to plan appropriate cancer-control and prevention strategies in the country.
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This study investigates the presence of human papilloma virus (HPV) on cervical smear among women in Khartoum State. Four hundred specimens were taken from patients who attended different hospitals in Khartoum State during a period from July 2008 to July 2009. The specimens were processed and screened using cytological technique (Papanicolaou stain) and PCR for HPV detection. The pre-cancer cells were detected in 30/400 (7.5%) specimens among which cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (CGIN) was found in one cases 1/30 (0.3%), the details were as follows: mild dyskaryosis was present in 18/30 (4.5%), moderate dyskaryosis in 5/30 (1.3%), and severe dyskaryosis 6/30 (1.5%). On the other hand, screening for HPV among the enrolled subjects revealed high ratio (36.0%). HPV was detected in all cases that had cytological changes except one (29 out of 30 cases (96.7%)). Infections other than HPV were observed during cytological assessment which include T. vaginalis 8 (2.0%), Candida spp. 11(2.8%), and Actinomyces spp. 5 (1.3%). The study concluded that the prevalence of HPV infection is high in Sudanese women (36%) who were revealed as 96.6% in pre-cancer cases and 83.3% in cervical cancer patients.
Objective: Nine-valent human papillomavirus (9vHPV) vaccine efficacy against disease and cervical surgeries related to all nine vaccine components was assessed compared with a historic placebo population. This was not assessed in the 9vHPV vaccine efficacy trial since the trial was quadrivalent HPV (qHPV) vaccine-controlled, efficacy was measured for the five HPV types covered only by 9vHPV vaccine (HPV31/33/45/52/58), but not the four types covered by both vaccines (HPV6/11/16/18). Methods: Three international, randomized, double-blind studies were conducted using the same methodology. In the 9vHPV vaccine study (NCT00543543), 7106 and 7109 women received 9vHPV or qHPV vaccine, respectively. In the historic qHPV vaccine studies (FUTURE I [NCT00092521] and II [NCT00092534]), 8810 and 8812 women received qHPV vaccine or placebo, respectively, based on the same eligibility criteria. Cervical cytological testing was performed regularly. Biopsy or definitive therapy specimens were assessed for HPV DNA. Results: Among women negative for 14 HPV types prior to vaccination, incidence of high-grade cervical disease (9vHPV, n = 2 cases; placebo, n = 141 cases) and cervical surgery (9vHPV, n = 3 cases; placebo, n = 170 cases) related to the nine HPV types was reduced by 98.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 93.6–99.7) and 97.8% (95% CI, 93.4–99.4), respectively. The 9vHPV vaccine did not prevent disease related to vaccine HPV types detected at baseline, but significantly reduced cervical, vulvar, and vaginal diseases related to other vaccine HPV types. Conclusions: Effective implementation of the 9vHPV vaccine may substantially reduce the burden of HPV-related diseases and related medical procedures.
Oxidative dissolution is a critical step for the environmental remediation of heavy metal oxides in industrial solid wastes. In order to overcome the drawbacks of high energy consumption and severe environmental pollution in conventional treatments, a novel electrochemical advanced oxidation process was first reported for the V2O3 oxidative extraction in alkaline media. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified electrode was employed to produce hydrogen peroxide via two-electron-pathway oxygen reduction reaction, following by the Cr(III)-induced activation process to generate highly oxidative ·OH radical. The oxidative dissolution ratio was affected by the alkaline concentration, and the V(III) was completely transferred within 160 min treatment at the pH of 13. Subsequently, the vanadium and chromium were selectively recovered by a solvent extraction method. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy and quenching reagents were performed to probe the reaction mechanism and main reactive species, indicating that the heterogeneous electro-catalytic oxidative dissolution process was mainly attributed to the in-situ generated ·OH. Furthermore, the long-term stability test illustrates the excellent durability of the MWCNTs modified electrode. Therefore, this novel method offers a promising solid waste treatment approach, and new insight on the electrochemical advanced oxidation process in alkaline media.
To provide updates for the 2015 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines on human papillomavirus (HPV) and anogenital warts (AGWs), a review of the literature was conducted in key topic areas: (1) epidemiology and burden of disease; (2) transmission and natural history; (3) diagnosis and management of AGWs; (4) occupational exposure of healthcare workers; (5) anal cancer screening among men who have sex with men (MSM); and (6) HPV vaccine recommendations. Most sexually active persons will have detectable HPV at least once in their lifetime; 14 million persons are infected annually, and 79 million persons have prevalent infection. HPV is transmitted frequently between partners; more frequent transmission has been reported from females to males than from males to females. A new formulation of imiquimod (3.75% cream) is recommended for AGW treatment. Appropriate infection control, including performing laser or electrocautery in ventilated rooms using standard precautions, is recommended to prevent possible transmission to healthcare workers who treat anogenital warts, oral warts, and anogenital intraepithelial neoplasias (eg, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia). Data are insufficient to recommend routine anal cancer screening with anal cytology in persons living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS or HIV-negative MSM. An annual digital anorectal examination may be useful for early detection of anal cancer in these populations. HPV vaccine is recommended routinely for 11- or 12-year-olds, as well as for young men through age 21 years and young women through age 26 years who have not previously been vaccinated. HPV vaccine is also recommended for MSM, people living with HIV/AIDS, and immunocompromised persons through age 26 years.
Epidemiological studies on benign lesions related to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection are scarce in Latin America. We enrolled 342 consecutive patients with lesions suspected of being genital warts (GW). All patients underwent confirmatory biopsy and GP5+/GP6+/- Reverse Line Blot HPV testing on frozen tissue. In 261 (81%) cases, the diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology and HPV was detected in 90.6% of men and 87.7% of women. HPV 6 was by far the most common type in both women (62%) and men (56%), followed by HPV 11 (∼20%). Co-infection with these two types occurred in 7% and 12% of women and men, respectively. HPV16 ranked third in prevalence, with 16% of patients testing positive. Twenty-five percent of cases tested positive for multiple HPV genotypes. Although HPV 6 and HPV 11 were the main types detected and no differences between men and women were observed, we found HPV 11 contributed more to GW aetiology compared with previous reports, showing a variability of HPV type distribution in GW across populations. This information is valuable baseline data in Latin America for future estimations of the burden of GW in men and women and shows the potential benefit obtainable by prophylactic vaccination against HPV types 6 and 11.