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Digit ratio (2D:4D) as an indicator of body size, testosterone concentration and number of children in human males

Taylor & Francis
Annals of Human Biology


Objectives: The 2nd to 4th digit ratio (2D:4D) is thought to reflect exposure to androgens during foetal development. This study examined the relationship between low (more masculine) and high (more feminine) 2D:4D and body size at different stages of the life course, adult testosterone levels and number of children among males. Methods: Five hundred and fifty-eight men from rural Poland at the Mogielica Human Ecology Study Site participated in this study. Life history data and anthropometric measurements were collected. Salivary morning and evening testosterone levels among 110 men from the same population were measured. Results: Low 2D:4D was related to higher birth weight (p = 0.04), higher birth length (p = 0.01), higher body mass during childhood and adolescence (p = 0.01), higher BMI (borderline significance, p = 0.06), higher number of children among fathers (p = 0.04) and higher testosterone levels during adulthood (p = 0.04). Conclusions: This study shows, for the first time in a single population, that digit ratio is related to sub-adult body size at different stages of the life course, adult testosterone levels and number of children. The observed results suggest that digit ratio might be a valuable predictor of male body size and reproductive characteristics.
ISSN: 0301-4460 (print), 1464-5033 (electronic)
Ann Hum Biol, Early Online: 1–6
!2014 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2014.902993
Digit ratio (2D:4D) as an indicator of body size, testosterone
concentration and number of children in human males
Magdalena Klimek
, Andrzej Galbarczyk
, Ilona Nenko
, Louis Calistro Alvarado
, and Grazyna Jasienska
Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland,
Department of Animal
and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, and
Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Objectives: The 2nd to 4th digit ratio (2D:4D) is thought to reflect exposure to androgens during
foetal development. This study examined the relationship between low (more masculine) and
high (more feminine) 2D:4D and body size at different stages of the life course, adult
testosterone levels and number of children among males.
Methods: Five hundred and fifty-eight men from rural Poland at the Mogielica Human Ecology
Study Site participated in this study. Life history data and anthropometric measurements were
collected. Salivary morning and evening testosterone levels among 110 men from the same
population were measured.
Results: Low 2D:4D was related to higher birth weight (p¼0.04), higher birth length (p¼0.01),
higher body mass during childhood and adolescence (p¼0.01), higher BMI (borderline
significance, p¼0.06), higher number of children among fathers (p¼0.04) and higher
testosterone levels during adulthood (p¼0.04).
Conclusions: This study shows, for the first time in a single population, that digit ratio is related
to sub-adult body size at different stages of the life course, adult testosterone levels and
number of children. The observed results suggest that digit ratio might be a valuable predictor
of male body size and reproductive characteristics.
2D:4D, body size, number of children, rural
population, testosterone
Received 23 October 2012
Revised 27 January 2014
Accepted 16 February 2014
Published online 28 April 2014
Pre-natal testosterone concentration may play a significant
role in programming the future biological condition of males,
including body size and reproductive success (Fink et al.,
2003; Manning & Fink, 2008). A number of researchers have
suggested that 2nd to 4th digit ratio (2D:4D) might be a
marker of pre-natal androgens concentration in the womb
(i.e. Manning & Bundred, 2000). 2D:4D is defined as a
proportion between the length of the index and ring fingers
and is determined during early foetal development, around
the 13th week of gestation (Manning et al., 1998). Higher
concentration of pre-natal testosterone (in relation to oestro-
gen) may be indicated by longer ring finger than index finger
and is defined as low digit ratio. In contrast, high 2D:4D
potentially indicates a greater early oestrogen exposure
(in relation to testosterone) (Manning & Bundred, 2000).
The relationship between pre-natal sex hormone concentra-
tion and finger lengths was supported by a study that shown
that males with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) – a
disease related to high pre-natal levels of androgens – had
lower values of 2D:4D (Brown et al., 2002), similarly to
males with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (responsible for
developing CAH) (O
¨kten et al., 2002). It is also hypothesized
that 2D:4D is genetically determined due to the presence of
variant rs314277 located within intron 2 of the LIN28B
gene (Medland et al., 2010) and expression of Hoxa or Hoxd
genes. These Hox genes are responsible for differentiation
of both the digits and the urinogenital system simultaneously
(Manning et al., 2003), although this hypothesis still requires
confirmation (Medland et al., 2010).
Digit ratio (as a possible marker of pre-natal sex hormone
levels) has been reported to correlate with male birth size
(Danborno et al., 2010; McIntyre et al., 2006; Ronalds et al.,
2002), adult body size (Fink et al., 2003; Van Dongen, 2009)
and family size (Manning et al., 2003). However, some other
studies have not confirmed these relationships (for a review
see: Putz et al., 2004). Additionally, there are some sugges-
tions that digit ratio predicts adult testosterone concentrations
(Garcia-Cruz et al., 2012), including patients of infertility
clinics (Manning et al., 2004), but this association was
questioned by meta-analytic review (Honekopp et al., 2007),
which did not prove a statistically significant relationship
between 2D:4D and adult circulating sex hormone levels.
Testosterone is related to body size and body composition
in males. The impact of pre-natal and post-natal testosterone
concentration on body composition may be 2-fold. High
testosterone concentration is associated with higher lean body
mass (Schroeder et al., 2012), while lower testosterone levels
are related to increased fat mass (Vermeulen et al., 1999).
Correspondence: Magdalena Klimek, Institute of Public Health,
Jagiellonian University Medical College, Grzegorzecka 20, 31–531
Krakow, Poland. Tel: +48 12 43 32 842. Fax: +48 12 421 7447. E-mail:
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This is a possible consequence of the multifunctional effects
of testosterone (i.e. induction of muscular hypertrophy,
increased lipid uptake and higher fatty acid mobilization
from adipose tissue) (i.e. Vermeulen et al., 1999). It should
also be noted that high testosterone levels may accelerate
foetal growth and, thus, result in higher birth weight and
length, but the positive role of oestrogen also should be taken
into account (Danborno et al., 2010; Frank, 2003). Moreover,
a relationship between 2D:4D and birth size can also be
expected, since it is hypothesized that both these traits are
pre-natally programmed (Voracek, 2009). 2D:4D may also
predict family size (i.e. number of children) since it is related
to mating and reproductive preferences and sexual behaviour
(i.e. Manning & Fink, 2008), although not all studies
have confirmed such associations (Manning et al., 2000;
Sorokowski et al., 2012).
In this study we tested relationships between 2D:4D and
birth size, body size during childhood and adulthood, number
of children and testosterone concentration among men from
a traditional, rural population from Southern Poland. We
hypothesized that more masculine digit ratio (low 2D:4D),
indicating higher exposure to pre-natal androgens, will predict
larger body size, higher testosterone levels and a higher
number of children.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted in a village with a high birth rate,
which is a part of the Mogielica Human Ecology Study Site,
located in Southern Poland (for description of the study site
see Jasienska & Ellison (2004) and Jasienska (2013)). Two
groups of men were studied. Group 1 consisted of 558 males
who participated in the study between years 2003–2009.
This group was divided into two sub-groups: Group 1A:
Children and adolescents (3–22 years old) and Group 1B:
Fathers (23–89 years old). Data on demographic, anthropo-
metric and family characteristics were collected. Participants’
birth weight and length were obtained from personal health
records. Body weight, body height, right and left hand
finger digits were measured. Body weight, body height and
BMI for each child and adolescent were individually
compared to WHO Child Growth Standards (2006) and
calculated as a z-score. Finger lengths were measured directly
on the ventral surface of the palm by a trained assistant,
using a manual calliper. The measurements of second and
fourth finger length in both hands were taken from proximal
finger crease to the distal tip of the finger, according to a
previously published procedure (i.e. Manning et al., 1998), but
to the nearest 0.1 cm. Participants with arthritis or finger
injury (i.e. due to manual labour) were excluded from the
Group 2: Testosterone Study consisted of 110 men
surveyed in 2011, aged 18–78 (mean ¼39.5, SD ¼17.82)
from the same village. Saliva samples for testosterone
assessment were self-collected by participants in polypropyl-
ene tubes and frozen within 8 hours of collection. Each
participant took two saliva samples: in the morning, shortly
after waking up and at night, just before going to bed. Saliva
was analysed for testosterone at the Hominoid Reproductive
Ecology Laboratory, University of New Mexico, using an
enzyme immunoassay kit manufactured by Salimetrics
(State College, PA; Kit No. 1-2402).
Statistical analysis
Participants from both groups (1 and 2) were further divided
into two groups based on digit ratio value: low 2D:4D
(2D:4D51) or high 2D:4D (2D:4D 1), following previously
published studies (i.e. Bang et al., 2005; Seo et al., 2010).
Differences between groups with low and high 2D:4D in birth
weight, birth length, body weight, body height, BMI during
childhood and adolescence and testosterone concentration
were tested by Student’s ttest or Mann–Whitney Utest
(depending on whether a particular variable had a normal
distribution or not). Differences in body weight, body height,
BMI and the number of children in adulthood were tested by
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with age as a potential
confounder. Additionally, all analyses were repeated with
right- and left-hand 2D:4D as a continuous variable in
regression analysis. Simple or multiple (including partici-
pant’s age) regression analyses were performed. Statistical
analyses were conducted in Statistica package version 9.0.
An alpha of 0.05 was set to determine statistical significance.
Means (SD) of 2D:4D in both hands, age and anthropometric
measures of studied groups (Group 1A, Group 1B and
Group 2) are presented in Table 1 and means (SD) of 2D:4D
in groups with high and low digit ratio in both hands are
presented in Table 2. Groups of men with low and high digit
ratio differed in size at birth and childhood body size, number
of children and mean testosterone levels (Table 3). Among
children and adolescents, a group with low right-hand 2D:4D
had higher birth weight (p¼0.04) and higher birth length
(p¼0.01). In this group, boys with low right-hand 2D:4D had
higher body mass (when compared to norms published by the
World Health Organization (2006) and calculated as z-scores)
Table 1. Characteristics of study groups (mean and standard deviation).
Mean SD
Group 1A: Children and adolescents, n¼320
Right hand 2D:4D 0.97 0.05
Left hand 2D:4D 0.97 0.05
Age (years) 10.8 6.69
Birth weight (g) 3423.6 539.21
Birth length (cm) 55.4 3.21
Body mass (z-score) 0.43 1.177
Body height (z-score) 0.16 1.091
BMI (z-score) 0.23 1.136
Group 1B: Fathers, n¼238
Right hand 2D:4D 0.97 0.05
Left hand 2D:4D 0.97 0.05
Age (years) 51.9 15.92
Body mass (kg) 78.6 14.19
Body height (cm) 171.1 6.74
BMI (kg/m
) 23.4 4.22
Number of children 3.7 2.27
Group 2: Testosterone Study, n¼110
Right hand 2D:4D 0.97 0.04
Left hand 2D:4D 0.97 0.04
Age (years) 39.5 17.82
Testosterone levels (pmol/L) 270.3 100.22
2M. Klimek et al. Ann Hum Biol, Early Online: 1–6
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than boys with high 2D:4D (p¼0.01). We observed a
difference in BMI (borderline significance, p¼0.06) – boys
with low right-hand 2D:4D had higher BMI than boys with
high 2D:4D, when also calculated as z-scores. In addition,
we found no difference between groups of children and
adolescents with low and high right-hand 2D:4D in body
height (p¼0.36).
Fathers had between 1–12 children (mean ¼3.69,
SD ¼2.27). Fathers with low right-hand 2D:4D had a
higher number of children relative to the high 2D:4D group,
after controlling for age (p¼0.04, Table 3). No statistically
significant differences were observed among fathers in body
mass (p¼0.36), body height (p¼0.34) or BMI (p¼0.36).
Furthermore, among participants from Group 2: Testosterone
Study, mean testosterone concentration (calculated as a mean
of morning and evening values) was 270.6 [pmol/L]
(SD ¼100.22). Men with low right-hand digit ratio had
higher testosterone concentrations than those with high right-
hand 2D:4D (p¼0.04) and these participants did not differ in
mean age (p¼0.1, for both hands). All tested differences
between groups with low and high digit ratio were not
statistically significant for the left hand (Table 3).
When we re-ran all analyses with 2D:4D as a continuous
variable in simple or multiple regression models some of the
results remained statistically significant. We observed that
right hand 2D:4D is negatively related to body mass
(r¼0.18, p¼0.01) and to BMI during childhood and
adolescence (r¼0.14, p¼0.02), when body weight and
BMI were calculated as z-scores. Additionally, we observed
results with borderline statistical significance: negative rela-
tionship between left-hand digit ratio and birth weight
(r¼0.08, p¼0.08), right-hand 2D:4D and birth length
(r¼0.11, p¼0.08) and left-hand digit ratio and number
of children among fathers (r¼0.09, p¼0.09), when
participants age was included to the model.
This study, for the first time, documents that men’s digit ratio
(a putative measure of prenatal androgen concentration) is
associated with several life history traits in a single popula-
tion. We show that low right-hand 2D:4D was related to
larger size at birth, higher body mass during childhood and
adolescence, higher testosterone levels and higher number
of children. This indicates a possible long-term effect of
pre-natal androgens on male life history. However, some
of the results obtained in group comparisons were not
confirmed when regression models were used. The statistical
approach of group comparison was chosen to compare
participants with low more masculine and high more
feminine 2D:4D. Since body size, testosterone levels and
fertility are influenced by many factors we did not expect to
find strong, linear correlations with 2D:4D. We rather
hypothesized that there are differences between groups of
men who are more or less ‘‘masculine’’ (based on their foetal
hormonal exposure).
Our results, based on analysing 2D:4D in groups with high
and low digit ratio, show that a low digit ratio is related to a
larger birth size in males. A similar relationship was shown
in a sample of British men among whom low 2D:4D was
related to higher birth length (Ronalds et al., 2002) and in a
sample of Nigerian men where low 2D:4D was related to
higher birth weight (Danborno et al., 2010). This may be due
to a role of testosterone in determining body composition,
especially its positive impact on somatic growth (Danborno
et al., 2010) and development of lean body mass (Schroeder
et al., 2012). Higher body mass and higher BMI (calculated
as z-score) among children and adolescents with low 2D:4D
(borderline significance for BMI) was observed. However,
adult body size was no longer predicted by 2D:4D. Results
of previous studies investigating the relationship between
adult body size and 2D:4D were inconclusive. For example,
Barut et al. (2008) and Danborno et al. (2008) did not observe
statistically significant relationships, while other studies
documented either a positive relationship between 2D:4D
and adult body size—heavier males tended to have a lower
digit ratio (i.e. Van Dongen, 2009; Almasry et al., 2011) or a
negative impact of pre-natal testosterone on body mass—
heavier males had a higher digit ratio (i.e. Fink et al., 2003).
Such discrepancies between our results and some of the
previous findings may occur because of inter-population
variation in nutritional and behavioural factors that influences
body composition and size throughout the lifespan. Moreover,
pre-natal testosterone concentration is more likely to influ-
ence birth size and body size in childhood (due to the
shorter period of time elapsing since pre-natal exposure) than
body size in adulthood, when many different factors have
been influencing growth. This is exactly the pattern that we
observed in the studied population. It is also likely that in
adults other traits are better markers of adult body compos-
ition than body weight or BMI. For example, 2D:4D
correlated with waist-to-hip ratio (Manning, 2002) and hand
grip strength (a proxy of muscular strength) (Fink et al., 2006;
Hone & McCullough 2012; Zhao et al., 2012) among males
and with waist-to-chest ratio (Fink et al., 2003) among
females. Analyses of the 2D:4D relationship and body
composition using different pointers should be taken into
account in future studies.
Our study also shows that men with low 2D:4D have a
higher number of children. Similar findings were reported
in other studies assessing the relation between digit ratio and
males’ fertility (Manning et al., 2000; Manning & Fink, 2008;
Voracek et al., 2010). Despite the fact that there are many
cultural and behavioural factors which may affect males
Table 2. Characteristics of low and high 2D:4D (mean and standard deviation) among study groups.
Low right 2D:4D High right 2D:4D Low left 2D:4D High left 2D:4D
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Group 1A: Children and adolescents 0.95 (0.36) 1.02 (0.03) 0.95 (0.03) 1.02 (0.03)
Group 1B: Fathers 0.95 (0.04) 1.03 (0.04) 0.94 (0.04) 1.03 (0.05)
Group 2: Testosterone Study 0.95 (0.03) 1.01 (0.02) 0.95 (0.03) 1.01 (0.01)
DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2014.902993 Digit ratio (2D:4D) and body size and reproduction in males 3
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reproductive success, pre-natal hormonal environment
(reflected in 2D:4D value) seems to play a role as well.
Variables associated with male fertility such as sperm
number (Manning et al., 1998), sex drive, level of sexual
excitement (Manning & Fink, 2008), number of sexual
partners per individual (Honekopp et al., 2006) and age at
first marriage (Sorokowski et al., 2012) were all related to
2D:4D. These results might suggest that digit ratio might
be widely associated with traits related to male reproductive
We also show that pre-natal testosterone levels (reflected
in 2D:4D values) predict adult testosterone concentration.
In previous studies, in males referred for prostate biopsy,
those with high 2D:4D had lower testosterone serum levels
(Garcia-Cruz et al., 2012) and patients attending infertility
clinics tended to have 2D:4D (Manning et al., 2004).
However, the majority of other studies did not detect
statistically significant relationships between 2D:4D and
testosterone levels (i.e. Bang et al. 2005; Honekopp et al.,
2007; Muller et al., 2011). We previously demonstrated a
relationship between pre-natal characteristics and adult sex-
hormone levels in Polish women (Jasienska et al., 2006a,b)
and results of the present study suggest that pre-natal
environment may influence levels of male sex hormones
as well.
It is also worth mentioning that all our results are
significant only for right-hand digit ratio. It is likely that
pre-natal testosterone (early developmental masculinization)
influences a delay of development of left side of the
body traits (Geschwind & Galaburda, 1985) and may also
lead to stronger expression of sexually dimorphic traits
on the right side of the body (Tanner, 1990). Furthermore,
a meta-analysis of 116 studies suggested that right-hand
digit ratio might be a more suitable marker of pre-natal
sex hormones exposure than left-hand (Honekopp &
Watson, 2010).
Several limitations of our study should be taken
into account. First, our results should be replicated in a
study in which assessment of adult testosterone levels would
be based on a higher number of samples for each participant,
since testosterone levels can be influenced by many physio-
logical and behavioural factors, i.e. stress level, sexual
relationships, parenting or male competition (Gray &
Campbell, 2009; Jasienska et al., 2012) and thus frequent
sampling would lead to more reliable results. Second, due
to the study protocol and long-term duration of the study,
finger measurements were conducted only once for each
participant and participants taking part in a study in different
years were measured by different study assistants. However,
we did not observe any differences in mean finger lengths
among years of study for: right-hand index finger
¼0.28, p¼0.95, right-hand ring finger F
p¼0.97, left-hand index finger F
¼0.13, p¼0.99 and
left-hand ring finger F
¼0.10, p¼0.99 in ANOVA
analyses. This suggests high reliability of measurements.
Finally, further studies are needed in order to determine at
what age effects of pre-natal environment on body size are
no longer significant. It can be hypothesized that this
occurs around puberty, but our sample size did not allow
for testing of this hypothesis.
Table 3. Differences between groups with low and high, right- and left-hand 2D:4D in birth size, body size in childhood and adulthood, testosterone levels and number of children. pValue was derived from
Student’s ttest, Mann–Whitney Utest or analysis of covariance.
Right 2D:4D Left 2D:4D
Low 2D:4D High 2D:4D Low 2D:4D High 2D:4D
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t/F
df pMean (SD) Mean (SD) t/F
df p
Group 1A: Children and adolescents n¼179 n¼113 n¼196 n¼128
Birth weight (g) 3482 (469) 3352 (599) 1.98 267 0.04 3369 (505) 3358 (583) 1.7 297 0.09
Birth length (cm) 55.87 (2.95) 54.88 (3.58) 2.47 250 0.01 55.60 (2.94) 55.22 (3.59) 0.91 275 0.3
Body mass in childhood and adolescence z-score
0.60 (1.17) 0.14 (1.15) 2.56 178 0.01 0.47 (1.20) 0.35 (1.17) 0.70 178 0.4
Body height in childhood and adolescence z-score
0.19 (1.07) 0.08 (0.98) 0.92 289 0.3 0.14 (1.07) 0.17 (0.99) 0.26 288 0.7
BMI in childhood and adolescence z-score
0.33 (1.28) 0.08 (1.06) 1.84 287 0.06 0.26 (1.19) 0.21 (1.08) 0.40 286 0.7
Group 1B: Fathers n¼129 n¼74 n¼134 n¼76
Body mass in adulthood (kg) 78.39 (13.54) 80.16 (15.54) 0.85 199 0.3 77.46 (15.30) 81.00 (12.31) 3.13 207 0.07
Body height in adulthood (cm) 171.44 (6.47) 170.60 (7.35) 0.90 201 0.3 170.92 (7.04) 171.24 (6.28) 0.27 208 0.6
BMI in adulthood (kg/m
) 23.33 (3.90) 23.86 (4.62) 0.85 199 0.3 23.05 (4.55) 24.10 (3.66) 3.13 207 0.08
Number of children 3.8 (2.42) 3.2 (2.01) 4.45 200 0.04 3.8 (2.21) 3.4 (2.38) 2.15 207 0.1
Group 2: Testosterone study n¼77 n¼31 n¼77 n¼33
Testosterone levels (pmol/L) 283.17 (106) 239.9 (89.4) 1.99 106 0.04 275.77 (91.95) 258.50 (123) 0.81 48 0.4
tcoefficient corresponds with student’s ttest or Mann–Whitney Utest. Fcoefficient corresponds with analyses of covariance.
Depending on the type of analysis.
Calculated according to World Health Organization norms.
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In conclusion, 2nd to 4th digit ratio, a potential biomarker of
pre-natal testosterone exposure, is related to birth size and
subsequent sub-adult body size, adult testosterone levels and
number of children among men. This indicates a long-term
effect of pre-natal androgens on male life history.
We are grateful to Michal Jasienski, Ludwik Odrzywołek, Reverend Jan
Gniewek, Reverend Stanisław Krzywonos (Słopnice Parish, Poland),
Janusz Dziedzic, MD, research assistants and to our study participants.
We also thank Melissa Emery Thompson and the Hominoid
Reproductive Ecology Laboratory, University of New Mexico, for
assistance with hormone analysis. We are grateful to two anonymous
reviewers for comments that helped to improve the manuscript.
Declaration of interest
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are
responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
This study was supported by grants from the National Science Centre
(grant no. N N404 273440) and Ministry of Science and Higher
Education (grant no. IdP2011 000161), Salus Publica Foundation the
Foundation for Polish Science (I.N.) and Yale University Program in
Reproductive Ecology.
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... In light of the above, what may seem even more surprising is that there is a myriad of studies (but yet, with conflicting results) on the relationship between the digit ratios and numerous psychological, behavioral, and physiological characteristics, for instance sports performance (for a meta-analysis, see Hönekopp & Schuster, 2010), aggressive behavior (for a meta-analyses, see Hönekopp & Watson, 2011;Turanovic et al., 2017), grip strength (Fink et al., 2006; but see van Anders, 2007), substance and computer use (Siegmann et al., 2019; but see Borkowska & Pawlowski, 2013), prosocial behavior (Millet & Dewitte, 2006, 2009but see Brañas-Garza et al., 2019;de Miranda et al., 2018), sexual orientation (for a meta-analysis, see Grimbos et al., 2010), number of children (Klimek et al., 2014(Klimek et al., , 2016 but see Sorokowski et al., 2012), personality traits (Borráz-Le on et al., 2019; but see Candelo & Eckel, 2018), risk taking (Barel, 2019; but see Ronay et al., 2018), or handedness (for a meta-analysis, see Richards, Medland, & Beaton, 2021). These conflicting results draw a puzzling portrait of the digit ratios, indicating that the previously assumed biological mechanism of differences in the 2D:4D may not be clear and straightforward. ...
The ratio between the hands' second to the fourth finger (2D:4D) is commonly hypothesized to result from prenatal testosterone. The 2D:4D has also been hypothesized to relate to adult‐level testosterone and, more recently, to the testosterone response to a challenging situation. In the present work, we tested these core assumptions. Drawing from, in total, 54 studies and 8077 participants, we investigated whether the 2D:4D is related to adult level testosterone (44 studies), testosterone change (6 studies), and prenatal testosterone (10 studies). We found no evidence of the relationship between the above testosterone types and digit ratios. Furthermore, there was no relationship between testosterone and the right and left 2D:4D, male and female 2D:4D, and the 2D:4D and testosterone measurement (i.e., measured in blood or saliva). However, we found some evidence that prenatal testosterone measured in amniotic fluid (but not cord blood) might be related to the digit ratios—further studies are necessary to validate this observation. In summary, considering the current state of knowledge, any conclusions drawn from the assumption of the digit ratios as the proxy for testosterone (prenatal, adult level, or testosterone change under a challenging situation) warrant great caution.
... indicates high FT and low FE and high 2D:4D indicates low FT and high FE 9,10,13 which varies substantially by ethnicity 10,14,15 . The 2D:4D ratio as a proxy measure of intrauterine sex hormone levels, correlates significantly with various somatic features, fertility parameters, behavioural traits 10,[16][17][18][19] , sexual orientation 20 , sporting ability and physical fitness 21,22 , and language development 23 and also pathologies such as breast cancer risk 24 , Alzheimer's disease 25 , metabolic syndrome indices 26 and autism spectrum disorder 27,28 , could therefore be used as a non-invasive biomarker of prenatal testosterone exposure. ...
... The average of the values obtained in the two measurements was determined, and the 2D:4D ratios of both hands were determined. All participants were divided into two groups: low or masculine 2D:4D ratio < 1 or high or feminine 2D:4D ratio ≥ 1, as previously suggested [12,14]. The dominant hand was that preferred when writing [12]. ...
Background: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) caused by a deficiency or dysfunction of the plasma protease C1-inhibitor is a rare autosomal-dominant disorder. We explored a possible correlation between the ratio of the second and fourth finger lengths (2D:4D) and the frequency of HEA attacks, and whether the ratio might predict laryngeal attack. Method: We evaluated 35 HEA patients aged 19 to 66 years; 3 were subsequently excluded. The 2D:4D ratio was calculated by dividing the length of the second finger by that of the fourth finger of both hands. A structured clinical questionnaire exploring HAE course and treatment over the prior year was administered. Results: Of the 32 participants, 56.25 % (n = 18) were female. Of them, those with high 2D:4D ratios suffered significantly more laryngeal attacks than others; 93.3% of patients with high 2D:4D ratios experienced ≥5 attacks annually, significantly more than those with low ratios. Among type 2 HEA patients, 75 % of those experiencing ≥5 attacks annually had high 2D:4D ratios; all patients with low 2D:4D ratios reported <5 attacks annually. These significant effects were found for right-hand 2D:4D ratios and not left-hand 2D:4D ratios. Conclusion: The data suggest that intrauterine sex hormone exposure, which affects the 2D:4D ratio, is significantly associated with HEA attack frequency and severity, and laryngeal edema.
... Among men, testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliclestimulating hormone (FSH), which play an important role in reproductive function, are also associated with the 2D:4D ratio, 3,8,11,12 while a meta-analytic review reported null associations between adult hormone levels and 2D:4D ratios. 13 Few studies have investigated the association between the 2D:4D ratio and reproductive function in infertile men. ...
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Purpose: To investigate the relationship between the ratio of index to ring finger lengths (2D:4D ratio), reflecting androgen exposure in utero, and reproductive function among men. Methods: Male patients (N = 180) who consulted for fertility issues participated in the study. The palms of both hands were scanned, and the 2D:4D ratio was calculated. Data on semen volume, sperm concentration and total motility, total and motile sperm counts, and serum hormone concentrations were obtained. Spearman correlation coefficients between the 2D:4D ratio and hormone and semen quality parameters were calculated. Results: The total sperm count was significantly negatively correlated with the 2D:4D ratio of the left hand (r = -0.154, p = 0.039) but not with that of the right hand (r = -0.045, p = 0.548). Testosterone showed weak negative correlations with the 2D:4D ratio in the left (r = -0.142, p = 0.058) and right (r = - 0.149, p = 0.046) hands. Follicle-stimulating hormone levels were negatively correlated with the 2D:4D ratios of the left (r = -0.173, p = 0.020) and right (r = -0.164, p = 0.027) hands. Other semen quality parameters or luteinizing hormone levels showed no significant correlation with the 2D:4D ratios. Conclusions: No clear associations were observed between the 2D:4D ratios and reproductive function.
... Because deprivations like famines (during the gestation period) have no relationship with digit ratios (Stein et al., 2010), maternal deprivations (and their related effects on the fetus) are less likely determinants of the effect of socioeconomic factors on digit ratios. Studies have reported that agerelated changes occur in 2D:4D ratios (strongly among women, Van Dongen, 2009); postnatal sex hormones (testosterone) level is related to (García-Cruz et al., 2012;Klimek et al., 2014), or determine, 2D:4D ratios (Knickmeyer et al., 2011); stress hormones (Cortisol; Mehta & Prasad, 2015) and diet nutrients affect the level of testosterone (Volek et al., 1997) and estrogen (Roney & Simmons, 2015;Wu et al., 1999); higher status is related with the combination of high sex (testosterone) and lowstress hormones (Cortisol; Mehta & Prasad, 2015;Sherman et al., 2016), and; urban-rural differences (urban > rural) occur in the 2D:4D ratios (in the same ethnic group; Asuku et al., 2018). Thus, we speculate that postnatal dietary and other lifestyle factors (i.e., stress) interact with the genetic-hormonal systems to determine the effect of family income on digit ratios. ...
Objectives: The contributions of latitude and ethnicity in the determination of cross-society differences in digit ratios are unclear. In India, different castes (endogamous groups) have been living in the same areas (villages or towns) for the last 1500 years and, therefore, these groups may have different gene pools without a latitude-related difference component. Thus, in the present study, we studied the effect of caste on digit ratios. We also studied the effects of sex, birth season, and family income on digit ratios. Methods: We selected a sample of 301 college students (age: M = 19.9 years, SD = 2.63) in Muzaffarnagar city of western Uttar Pradesh, India, and asked participants for information regarding their birth month, religion, caste, and monthly family income. We measured participants' dorsal and palmar digit lengths (of all fingers, except the thumb, in both hands) using vernier calipers of 0.01 mm accuracy. Results: Other backward castes (intermediate castes) had longer digit lengths than general castes (upper castes), scheduled castes (lower castes), and Muslims. However, there was no difference in digit ratios of caste groups (scheduled castes vs. other backward castes vs. general castes vs. Muslims) or specific castes (Chamar-Jatav vs. Jat vs. Pandit-Tyagi). Winter-born women had lower left dorsal 2D:4D and 3D:4D ratios than summer-born women. Family income was related to higher dorsal 2D:4D and 3D:4D ratios among women. Moreover, in dorsal digit ratios, sex difference (men < women) occurred in digit ratios constituting digit 5, whereas, in palmar digit ratios, sex difference occurred in digit ratios constituting digit 2. Conclusions: The present study suggests that endogamy-led genetic difference in ethnic/caste groups is not a determinant, whereas birth season (i.e., the exposure to sunlight) and family income might be determinants of digit ratios. In addition, compared to palmar digit ratios, dorsal digit ratios are better markers of sexual dimorphism.
... Studies have reported that age-related changes occur in 2D:4D ratios (strongly among women, CASTE AND DIGIT RATIO 23 Van Dongen, 2009); postnatal sex hormones (testosterone) level is related to (García-Cruz et al., 2012;Klimek et al., 2014), or determine, 2D:4D ratios (Knickmeyer et al., 2011); stress hormones (Cortisol; Mehta & Prasad, 2015) and diet nutrients affect the level of testosterone (Volek et al., 1997) and estrogen (Roney & Simmons, 2015;Wu et al., 1999); higher status is related with the combination of high sex (testosterone) and low-stress hormones (Cortisol; Mehta & Prasad, 2015;Sherman et al., 2016), and; urban-rural differences (urban > rural) occur in the 2D:4D ratios (in the same ethnic group; Asuku et al., 2018). Thus, we speculate that post-natal dietary and other lifestyle factors (i.e., stress) interact with the genetic-hormonal systems to determine the effect of family income on digit ratios. ...
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Abstract The contributions of latitude and ethnicity in the determination of cross-society differences in digit ratios are unclear. In India, different castes (endogamous groups) have been living in the same areas (villages or towns) for the last 1500 years and, therefore, these groups may have different gene pools without a latitude-related difference component. Thus, in the present study, we studied the effect of caste on dorsal and palmar digit ratios in a sample of 301 college students (M = 19.9, SD = 2.63). We also studied the effects of sex, birth season, and family income on digit ratios. Results showed that, although other backward castes (OBC; intermediate castes) had longer digit lengths than general castes (GC; upper castes), scheduled castes (SC; lower castes), and Muslims, there was no difference in digit ratios of caste groups (SC vs. OBC vs. GC vs. Muslims) or specific castes (Chamar-Jatav vs. Jat vs. Pandit-Tyagi). Winter-born women had lower left dorsal 2D:4D and 3D:4D ratios than summer-born women. Family income was related to higher dorsal 2D:4D and 3D:4D ratios among women. Moreover, in dorsal digit ratios, sex difference (men < women) occurred in digit ratios constituting digit 5, whereas, in palmar digit ratios, sex difference occurred in digit ratios constituting digit 2. Thus, the present study suggests that endogamy-led genetic difference in ethnic/caste groups is not a determinant, whereas birth season (i.e., the exposure to sunlight) and family income are determinants of digit ratios. In addition, compared to palmar digit ratios, dorsal digit ratios are better markers of sexual dimorphism.
... However, some of these studies were carried out among a clinical population at fertility clinics and as such their findings may have been biased (Manning et al., 1998;Manning et al., 2004). Although some of the studies were performed in a normative population, meta-analytic studies found no significant relationship between digit ratio and adult circulating hormones (Hönekopp et al., 2007;Klimek et al., 2014;Muller et al., 2011;Oyeyemi et al., 2018). One possible reason for the lack of significant association between 2D:4D and adult circulating testosterone may be that Leydig cells (responsible for testosterone production in males) have different cell populations during the prenatal period, puberty and adulthood. ...
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The 2D:4D ratio is the putative marker of prenatal hormone exposure and has been suggested as a correlate of adult circulating testosterone and estrogen. The study aimed to determine whether sexual dimorphism in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) can be partly explained by the 2D:4D ratio or adult circulating testosterone or estrogen. The study was cross-sectional from June to December 2021 at the University for Development Studies. The study involved 206 healthy adults (Female = 93, Male = 113) between 18 and 30 years. The 2D:4D ratio was measured using computer-assisted analysis. Venous blood samples were collected and analyzed for testosterone, estradiol and creatinine using the ELISA technique and routine biochemical analysis. The adjusted eGFR was calculated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) creatinine equation (2021). The eGFR and the testosterone-to-estradiol ratio (TT:E2) were significantly higher in males than in females (p < 0.001). There was a significant interaction between sex and the TT:E 2 on the eGFR (p < 0.001). Although the relationship between the eGFR and the TT:E 2 was negative in both males and females, a unit change in the TT:E 2 had a greater impact on the eGFR in females (B = −1.38) than in males (B = −0.01). Sexual dimorphism in the eGFR is influenced by both testosterone and estradiol. Although the sex difference in the eGFR may be influenced by the TT:E2 , estrogen seems to account for more variability in the eGFR than testosterone. K E Y W O R D S adult, Ghana, glomerular filtration rate, humans, the 2D:4D ratio
Background: In Mongolian-origin ethnic groups digit ratio (2D:4D; a proxy for prenatal sex-steroids) is sexually dimorphic (males < females), as reported for other ethnicities. Most studies measured 2D:4D from soft tissue (directly from the digits, or indirectly from hand scans), or from radiographs. Evidence on the correspondence of 2D:4D measurements from soft tissue with measurements from radiographic images is scarce and has not been reported for a Mongolian-origin sample. In addition, previous research has not considered relationships between 2D:4D and measures of skeletal maturity. Aim: To examine (i) associations between 2D:4D measured directly from the palms with those obtained from radiographic images of the same individuals in a sample of children and adolescents from the Tuvan population in Siberia (Russian Federation), and ii) associations between 2D:4D measurements with chronological and skeletal age. Subjects and methods: Participants were Tuvan boys and girls aged 7 to 18 years. 2D:4D of the right and left hand was measured from soft tissue (directly from the palm) and compared with radiographic images (left hand only). In addition to finger length 2D:4D, we examined 2D:4D of the phalanges from measurements of radiographs. Skeletal age was assessed using the Tanner-Whitehouse method. Results: Sex differences (boys < girls) in measurements of 2D:4D from soft tissue and radiographs were found for total finger length and phalanges. In addition, 2D:4D measurements from radiographs correlated positively and significantly with those obtained from soft tissue. Sex predicted 2D:4D measurements from soft tissue and radiographs, but no effects of chronological/skeletal age and body height were detected. In girls (but not in boys), earlier skeletal maturity (relative to chronological age) was associated with higher 2D:4D in soft tissue measurements of both hands, radiographic 2D:4D, and 2D:4D of the proximal phalanges. Conclusion: Consistent with reports from other ethnic groups, 2D:4D in young Tuvans was sexually dimorphic, with boys having lower 2D:4D than girls. For girls, higher 2D:4D was found for participants whose skeletal age was more advanced than chronological age. This finding was obtained from direct soft tissue and indirect radiographic measurements. Age and body height were not associated with 2D:4D, which suggests differences in hormone developmental trajectories for 2D:4D and height.
According to studies in digit ratio (2D:4D) field, 2D:4D primarily consists of the index and ring finger ratios. The growth of 2D:4D started in the mother’s womb and affected by the number of sexual hormones of testosterone and oestrogen secretion, as low 2D:4D is associated with higher testosterone content. Thus, this leads to greater potential to compete in various sports and physical fitness with basis of testosterone assisting in muscle and human body development. However, findings regarding the relationship between 2D:4D and anaerobic fitness in younger populations can be rare and inconsistent. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of low and high 2D:4D towards anaerobic physical fitness. Total 582 children of male and female with age range from 10 to 12 years old participated in this study. In order to compute the ratio, both hands were scanned and measured, and the hand grip strength test and standing broad jump test were chosen as the test battery. The results showed that due to sexual dimorphism, male children shown lower 2D:4D than female children (p < 0.001). There was a significant connection between low and high 2D:4D in RL HGS for both genders (p < 0.001), as well as in SBJ (p < 0.001). It appears that low 2D:4D male and female groups performed significantly better than the high 2D:4D group. In conclusion, low 2D:4D is associated with performance on anaerobic fitness tests. In order to leverage the capabilities of low 2D:4D as a potential signal for classifying young athletes into sports based on their physical fitness domain, future research should include a greater emphasis on comprehensive anaerobic and aerobic-based fitness tests.KeywordsDigit ratioAnaerobicPrenatal testosteroneChildren
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The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is the putative marker of prenatal hormone exposure. The 2D:4D ratio or the right-left difference (Dr-l) are said to be negative and positive correlates, respectively, of circulating testosterone and estrogen in both adult males and females. However, previous studies on the subject have reported mixed results. This study aimed to determine the sex-moderated relationship between the 2D:4D ratio and adult circulating testosterone, estradiol, testosterone-to-estradiol ratio and the free androgen index. This was a cross-sectional study from January to June 2021 at the University for Development Studies, Ghana. The study involved 62 participants (Female = 28; Male = 34), aged between 20 and 26 years. The right (2D:4DR), the left (2D:4DL), and their difference (Dr-l) were measured by computer-assisted analysis. Fasting venous samples were assayed for total testosterone (T), estradiol (E 2), and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) using ELISA. The free androgen index (FAI) was then calculated (T/SHBG) and the data were analyzed using moderated and/or weighted regression. Males had significantly higher T and FAI than females while females had significantly higher E 2 than males, which were independent of age and body mass index (p < 0.001). There was a significant SEX*Dr-l interaction on FAI (p = 0.007). The Dr-l correlated negatively with FAI in males but positively in females and accounted for about 94.0% of the variability of FAI in males (adjR 2 = 0.940) and only 0.2% in females (adjR 2 = 0.002). The 2D:4D ratio, a putative marker of prenatal hormone exposure, may have an impact on sex differences in adult free androgen index. K E Y W O R D S adult, digit ratios, estradiol, Ghana, testosterone
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Rescently the subject of 2D:4D ratio has received great attention because reports have linked to traits that are influenced by testosterone and estrogen. The present paper reports the study of 2D, 4D and 2D:4D and their relationship to some anthropometric traits in Nigerians. 1400 subjects (males = 713 and females n = 687) participated in the study. Lengths of 2D and 4D were significantly higher in males (P <0.001) while 2D:4D mean was lower in males than females (males = 0.95 ± 0.04 females = 0.96 ± 0.05, t = -1.73 and P < 0.001). 2D and 4D showed significant relationship with height, weight, chest, waist and hip circumferences. This study strongly confirms the sexually dimorphic nature of 2D:4D. Even though it fails to show relationship between 2D:4D and BMI, chest, waist and hip circumferences as reported in other studies. This could result from the multiethnic diversity of the Nigerian population.
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Much recent research has focused on the ratio of the lengths of the second to fourth manual digits (2D:4D) as a predictor of the degree of expression of sexually dimorphic and other sex-hormone-mediated traits. However, published findings are often contradictory or subject to various methodological problems. In the present study, we reassessed the relationships among three measures of 2D:4D (left hand, right hand, and mean) and several variables previously claimed to be related to 2D:4D, including sexual orientation, spatial ability, status, physical prowess, and components of reproductive success. In addition, we examined the relationship between 2D:4D measures and several other traits whose expression is thought to be related to sex hormones, including voice pitch, sociosexuality, mating success, and fluctuating asymmetry. 2D:4D measures showed highly significant sex differences, as did spatial ability, sociosexuality, components of reproductive and mating success, and fluctuating asymmetry. However, out of 57 correlations, 2D:4D correlated significantly in the predicted direction only with sexual orientation (for both sexes) and only for left hand 2D:4D. We discuss the recent 2D:4D literature in light of these findings and consider their implications for understanding the timing of developmental events.
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The digit ratio, or the relative lengths, of the 2nd and 4th digits (2D : 4D) shows a sex difference, with males tending to have lower values in comparison with females. This sex differences arises early in the fetus and may result from the effects of prenatal testosterone and estrogen on the relative growth rate of the 2nd and 4th digits. This study aimed to estimate finger lengths and the 2D : 4D ratios for the first time in Saudi Arabian subjects using direct and indirect measurements, and to evaluate the correlations between both indirect and direct 2D : 4D with adult testosterone and various sexually dimorphic physical traits. The results revealed the following: (i) mean 2D : 4D in Saudi Arabian samples varied from 0.96 to 0.99; (ii) mean 2D : 4D was lower for indirect compared to direct 2D : 4D; (iii) sex differences in indirect 2D : 4D were higher than in direct 2D : 4D measurements; (iv) there were no significant correlations between indirect or direct 2D : 4D and testosterone level; (v) there were four significant correlations between direct 2D : 4D and body size traits but no significant correlations between indirect 2D : 4D and body size. Key words image analysis; Saudi Arabia; second digit and fourth digit ratio; sex-linked traits; testosterone
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So many women who do everything right to stay healthy still wind up with breast cancer, heart disease, or osteoporosis. In The Fragile Wisdom, Grazyna Jasienska provides an evolutionary perspective on the puzzle of why disease prevention among women is so frustratingly difficult. Modern women, she shows, are the unlucky victims of their own bodies’ conflict of interest between reproductive fitness and life-long health. The crux of the problem is that women’s physiology has evolved to facilitate reproduction, not to reduce disease risk. Any trait—no matter how detrimental to health in the post-reproductive period—is more likely to be preserved in the next generation if it increases the chance of giving birth to offspring who will themselves survive to reproductive age. To take just one example, genes that produce high levels of estrogen are a boon to fertility, even as they raise the risk of breast cancer in mothers and their daughters. Jasienska argues that a mismatch between modern lifestyles and the Stone Age physiology that evolution has bequeathed to every woman exacerbates health problems. She looks at women’s mechanisms for coping with genetic inheritance and at the impact of environment on health. Warning against the false hope gene therapy inspires, Jasienska makes a compelling case that our only avenue to a healthy life is prevention programs informed by evolutionary understanding and custom-fitted to each woman’s developmental and reproductive history.
Part two of this three-part series commences with anomalous dominance and special talents. Part one appears in a previous issue of the Archives.1ANOMALOUS DOMINANCE AND SPECIAL TALENTS According to our hypothesis, slowed growth within certain zones of the left hemisphere is likely to result in enlargement of other cortical regions, in particular, the homologous contralateral area, but also adjacent unfaffected regions. The influences that favor anomalous dominance may thus favor talents associated with superior development of certain regions either in the right hemisphere or in adjacent parts of the left hemisphere. Even with excessive retardation of growth and the resultant migration abnormalities and learning disorders (LD), high talents may exist as a result of compensatory enlargement of other cortical regions.Several types of data are in concordance with these conclusions. Several studies have claimed that the average level of spatial talents is higher in male subiects.2 Hier
In humans, the ratio of the second digit to the fourth digit — the 2D:4D ratio — is a sexually dimorphic trait (men, on average, exhibit lower 2D:4D ratios than do women) that is influenced by prenatal testosterone exposure, but not by circulating testosterone levels in adulthood. Consequently, 2D:4D ratios are commonly used as indirect measures of prenatal testosterone exposure. Many studies have examined the associations of 2D:4D ratios with sexually dimorphic adaptations that are thought to be influenced by such exposure, including physical prowess. The existing literature, however, remains unclear as to (1) whether 2D:4D ratios are more closely linked to strength or to endurance; and (2) whether 2D:4D ratios are linked with physical prowess for both men and women. In 100 men and 122 women, the relationship of 2D:4D ratios with maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) scores (hand grip strength) and maximum endurance time (MET) scores (local muscular endurance) using a hand dynamometer was examined. Controlling for age, height, weight, and average digit length, we found that 2D:4D ratios significantly predicted MVC scores in men, but not in women. 2D:4D ratios did not significantly predict MET scores for either sex. These results suggest that prenatal testosterone exposure in this sample is significantly related to hand grip strength in men, but not in women (and to local muscular endurance in neither sex), and, therefore, that strength, rather than local muscular endurance, potentially drives the relationship between 2D:4D ratios and physical prowess.
Most research shows that fatherhood is related to reduced testosterone (T) levels, but relationships between the number of children and T levels are not addressed. In humans, paternal care usually involves obtaining adequate resources to support children, which may require engaging in male-male competition and maintaining high T levels. We hypothesize that T levels in fathers should increase with increasing family size. In 78 Polish men, aged 30 to 77 years, the number of children was significantly correlated with paternal T levels, but the direction of this relationship was dependent on the fathers' education. In agreement with our hypothesis, in men with below-college education, T levels increased with increasing number of children. In contrast, in men with college education, the number of children was negatively related to paternal T levels. Drop in T levels throughout the day tended to be less pronounced the more children fathers had, irrespective of their educational level. Our results suggest that a hypothesis of simple trade-offs between mating and parenting effort may be too simplistic to explain changes in testosterone response to parenting in human males. In order to understand functional response of changes in T levels, it is crucial to account for family size and socioeconomic factors. However, due to the cross-sectional study design, we cannot exclude the possibility that T levels influenced reproductive behavior (rather than vice versa) and thus the number of children produced by men.