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Magdalena Flores-Ferres

Magdalena Flores-Ferres
SUMMA - Education Research and Innovation Laboratory for Latin America and the Caribbean

Doctor Child Development and Education


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My research focuses on writing instruction in secondary education of public education, with the aim to promote equity through quality education. In my ph.D, I provided evidence to design and implement educational public policies adequated to this educational context in Chile. We described teachers' practices and beliefs about writing instruction, in relation to contextual features. We collected data from through a survey methodology, and a complementary case study.
Additional affiliations
August 2022 - September 2023
Alberto Hurtado University
  • Docente
  • Lecturer at the Master program of Didactics of Language and Literacy / Docente en el Magister en Didáctica del Lenguaje y la Literacidad.
March 2021 - December 2021
Autonomous University of Chile
  • Docente y supervisora
March 2016 - July 2021
University of Amsterdam
  • Researcher
March 2012 - May 2015
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Field of study
  • Late language development - middle and secondary education
March 2005 - December 2007


Publications (10)
The Chilean curriculum for writing education includes five paradigms: cultural, macro-linguistic, micro-linguistic, procedural, and communicative. The implementation of such a poly-paradigmatic curriculum can occur in multiple ways. Therefore, we analyzed classroom practices with two aims: (a) to describe how the paradigms are evident across practi...
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Language use provides a window on the world and makes it possible to analyze and understand natural and human phenomena without direct observation. We share knowledge about humans and the world through all sorts of texts, including fictional, factual, verbal, and pictorial ones. Language teachers support their students’ development of competencies...
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In this chapter, we discuss three basic design principles for creating or redesigning effective writing lessons: initiate communication and metacommunication, demonstrate procedures, and differentiate. These principles should guide the (re)design process and can be used for describing and evaluating instructional units. We consider these principles...
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This study aimed to provide evidence for continuing the innovation of writing instruction in Grades 7-12 of Chilean public schools. Teachers' beliefs influence their curricular interpretations; therefore, these beliefs play a key role when aiming for educational innovation. Hence, we investigated the relations between Language teachers' current pra...
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Traducción al español de la presentación realizada en mi defensa doctoral, el 7 de julio de 2021. Esta presentación sintetiza los antecedentes, propósitos, metodología y principales hallazgos de mi investigación doctoral.
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Since 2010, efforts have been made in Chile to support students' writing skills development, in order to better prepare them for participation in modern society. However, more knowledge about current practices of writing instruction in Grades 7-12 is needed to guide future improvements in these educational levels. We aimed to provide a context-base...
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ESPAÑOL La presente investigación pretende describir la incidencia de la frecuencia en la distinción entre el fonema /s/ y [∫] (la variante fricativa de /t∫/) en el español de Chile. Se realizó una prueba de percepción a 32 informantes adultos residentes en Santiago de Chile. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se establece que uno de los rasgos...


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