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Privacy of the Metaverse: Current Issues, AI Attacks, and Possible Solutions



Metaverse is one of the key emerging digital transformation concepts for the next generation of cyberspace. The metaverse is expected to create a self-sustaining virtual ecosystem of fully immersive, real-time experiences with numerous opportunities to interact with the world for both general users and industries. With the introduction of 6G networks and enabling technologies, the metaverse will achieve its success on a large scale. However, with increasing interaction using new technologies and a lot of third-party services, there would be an arena for more possibilities of privacy threats. Hence, privacy requirements are critical for the metaverse. They should be cautiously investigated since we see the commercial adoption of the metaverse is imminent. Therefore, this paper discusses different privacy issues, potential Artificial Intelligence (AI) related privacy attacks, and possible solutions to the metaverse. We initiate this by introducing the concepts of the metaverse and privacy. We then discuss potential privacy issues that could occur with the future metaverse. We present a new attack approach utilizing combined membership inference and reconstruction attacks that can be launched against metaverse users. We also propose viable techniques and tools that could act as possible solutions to those issues.
Privacy of the Metaverse: Current Issues, AI
Attacks, and Possible Solutions
Chamara Sandeepa, Shen Wang, Madhusanka Liyanage
∗† School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
Abstract—Metaverse is one of the key emerging digital trans-
formation concepts for the next generation of cyberspace. The
metaverse is expected to create a self-sustaining virtual ecosys-
tem of fully immersive, real-time experiences with numerous
opportunities to interact with the world for both general users
and industries. With the introduction of 6G networks and
enabling technologies, the metaverse will achieve its success on
a large scale. However, with increasing interaction using new
technologies and a lot of third-party services, there would be an
arena for more possibilities of privacy threats. Hence, privacy
requirements are critical for the metaverse. They should be
cautiously investigated since we see the commercial adoption
of the metaverse is imminent. Therefore, this paper discusses
different privacy issues, potential Artificial Intelligence (AI)
related privacy attacks, and possible solutions to the metaverse.
We initiate this by introducing the concepts of the metaverse and
privacy. We then discuss potential privacy issues that could occur
with the future metaverse. We present a new attack approach
utilizing combined membership inference and reconstruction
attacks that can be launched against metaverse users. We also
propose viable techniques and tools that could act as possible
solutions to those issues.
Index Terms—Metaverse, Privacy Attacks, AI, 6G, Virtual
Identity, PII, Non-Personal Data
Since the beginning of the Internet in the 1980s, cy-
berspace’s emergence has revolutionized people’s day-to-day
interactions with the world. Also, during a similar period, the
rise in wireless networks has completely changed the notion of
communication despite the physical barriers. It is visible that
the Internet, wireless networks, and associated infrastructure
have evolved tremendously within the previous decades, driv-
ing people to a facilitated, virtually connected environment.
The metaverse is very likely to become mainstream as the
industry’s attention to the metaverse has increased significantly
in recent years. One major example is the re-branding of the
Facebook company to Meta [1], which shows the company
invests heavily in making the metaverse a reality. According
to [2], almost 50% of Europeans have switched to at least
partial Work from Home (WFH) option compared to 12%
before the outbreak, showing the past COVID-19 pandemic
also had a significant impact on migrating from physical to
virtual workplaces.
The advent of 6G communication will speed up the meta-
verse’s ongoing efforts. Due to its capabilities, including ultra-
high peak data rates in the terabit range, very low latency
communication with less than one millisecond, enhanced
mobility from information exchange via all mediums, and
extremely high reliability beyond 99.99999%, the 6G will
serve as a key enabler for the metaverse [3], [4]. All these
features are significantly higher than the current 5G networks,
and they are crucial for the metaverse because it requires rapid
data transfers with minimum interruption for communication.
Faster rates will be especially important for multi-sensory
remote devices and high-quality 3D environment rendering.
In complex virtual environments, the capacity to manage
real-time connections between millions or even billions of
people is crucial for fostering a seamless social experience.
With the development of 6G networks, a variety of new
technologies will shortly be available, enabling the metaverse.
However, with these features, technologies, and great com-
munity interest with possible future engagement, metaverses
will undergo numerous privacy threats from internal providers
and external parties. Therefore, we bring this discussion of
privacy challenges through this paper. Our paper discusses
existing privacy issues, including possible attacks on metaverse
AI-based services, and a combination of potential existing
solutions that can be used to mitigate the identified privacy
Our Contributions: We summarise our contributions from
this paper in the following key points:
We provide an overview and discuss the importance of
privacy in the metaverse.
We identify a set of key privacy issues in the metaverse
over multiple communication layers, from the sensing
layer to metaverse services.
The possible solutions that we can apply for the metaverse
privacy issues to mitigate and their relative impact are
We present a novel privacy attack on AI by combining
membership inference and reconstruction against meta-
verse wearable IoT devices to recover user emotional
status and real identity.
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows: Section II
discusses the background of metaverse and privacy. Section III
focuses on the possible issues arising in the metaverse privacy.
We discuss potential privacy solutions in Section IV. Section
V presents a case study of attacks on AI launched against
metaverse users. The paper sums up in Section VI with the
A. Metaverse
The term “metaverse” refers to a vast, computer-generated
virtual space that exists alongside the real world and was first
used in 1992 from a book named “Snow Crash” [5]. There
are individuals in this setting known as Avatars,” and they
have characteristics that are equivalent to or even beyond those
perceived in the physical world. As a result of the Internet,
web technologies, and Extended Reality (XR), the metaverse
is now seen as a blend of the physical and digital worlds [6].
Low latency, reliable communication through 6G networks,
and technologies such as AI-based decision-making and edge
AI are key enablers of the metaverse. The XR application
quality will also be highly dependent on the capacity of the
6G wireless network to provide a fully immersive experience.
There are three steps in the development of the metaverse [6]:
1) digital twins - To make the virtual infrastructure/world
match with the real world, 2) digital natives - create virtual
content by people, through methods such as avatars, and 3)
coexistence of physical-virtual reality - to build a sustainable
coexistence between the actual world and the virtual world.
Even the current Internet offers mixed reality experiences
such as video conferencing, live video feeds, teleoperations,
etc. However, the key improvement in the metaverse would
be the more interactive, immersive, real-time virtual reality
experiences. It will also have a sustainable coexistence that
can work independently. For this, the metaverse would include
its own ecosystem having a virtual economy with internal
economic governance, metaverse commerce, a trading system,
and ownership [6].
We expect that virtual societal interactions will be moving
to new dimensions through the metaverse and associated
technologies. The new technologies such as Brain-Computer
Interface (BCI) or haptics will enable sharing of details up
to emotional and sensation levels and facilitate further con-
tent creation [7]. Faster short-range and long-range wireless
communication techniques will be developed to provide high-
quality user experiences, especially with rendering graphics
with ultra-high resolution and faster frame rates. However,
with innovations and more ways of exposing personal details,
inevitably, privacy concerns are critically arising with the
B. Privacy
In general, the concept of privacy assures data owners
the ability to control or influence their information on the
collection, storage, and by whom and to whom the information
may be disclosed [8]. There are many proposed taxonomies of
privacy based on different perspectives. One such example is
the consideration of different actions done on the information
of a data subject [9]: information collection, dissemination,
processing, and invasions. The General Data Protection Reg-
ulation (GDPR) Art. 4 [10] defines two categories of data to
be considered: personal and non-personal data. Personal data
is any data that can identify a specific person (data subject).
Conversely, non-personal data refers to data that has never
been associated with an identified or otherwise identifiable
natural person, according to [11]. Privacy aspects are crucial to
address before the commercialization of the metaverse, as the
adverse outcomes of privacy leakages will affect organizations
and millions or even billions of individuals. If privacy is
compromised in any aspect, the individuals will lose their
controllability in cyberspace, leading to the loss of trust on
the metaverse platform. The reflections would impact stock
prices of the metaverse platform providers and huge levies on
privacy leakages, such as GDPR fines [12].
Prior identification of potential privacy issues would help
mitigate the weaknesses beforehand and support a privacy-
enhanced metaverse. Therefore, we provide several privacy
concerns associated with the metaverse as shown in Figure
1. The detailed discussions are in the following subsections.
Fig. 1: Metaverse overview and its associated privacy issues
A. Data Collection from Wearable and Sensing Technologies
With numerous technologies in the metaverse, there will be
many types of multidimensional data generated during user
actions. They will be collected by multiple wearable and
sensing devices introduced with it. Extended reality/digital
twin, haptic engagement, and holographic telepresence are
some of the envisioned 6G technologies discussed in [13]
that will be available in the metaverse. However, these tech-
nologies will have a high chance of exposing user privacy.
For example, the work [13] discusses XR/digital twin could
capture biometric data and physical movements. Through
these devices, real-world biometric information, such as gait,
eye or head movements, physical characteristics, residence
details, heart rate, inferred emotions, and more, could be
obtained. [14] demonstrates how dwelling data, for example,
might include a information of objects in the household to
create an individual’s psychological profile. Previously, the
worst-case when a password is lost is that a person would
lose some data and have to make a new one. However, if
biometric data is exposed, it will be permanent [6] since they
are unique to the person. Therefore, such data can be regarded
as highly sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Hence, if exposed, sensing data and associated technologies
in the metaverse pose a significant vulnerability for users.
B. Attacks on Metaverse Edge Infrastructure and Services
In addition to the possibility of privacy violations from
the metaverse’s authorized data holders and processors, there
could be numerous flaws in the metaverse’s hardware, soft-
ware, and network. As a result, metaverse attack scenarios
span from user device hacking, cloud-based attacks to AI-
driven attacks on metaverse data.
1) Vulnerabilities of edge devices: Edge computing is a
model that minimizes the overhead of cloud computing by
moving computing resources closer to the “edge” or nearer
to end users [15]. Metaverse will use many edge devices for
its spatial, motion-sensing requirements and wearables such
as VR headsets. Since edge devices have limited capacity to
implement privacy preservation, issues are highly probable.
These edge devices can typically be available in various real-
world locations where attackers may have access. A malicious
edge computing device deployed or compromised by the
attacker may intercept or steal private information, including
biometric, motion, and health data. The work in [16] shows
issues like data manipulation and privacy leaks might occur
in the edge core infrastructure. Edge servers are susceptible to
privilege escalation and information leakage, which makes it
possible for unauthorized parties to access data.
2) AI attacks: Metaverse may use a variety of ML and AI
models to determine user actions and intentions from sensor
data. An AI model has created a privacy risk if they expose
sensitive information about individuals. The authors present
a taxonomy of several threats against ML models in [17].
An adversary can poison the input data during ML model
training or testing phases, making the model less accurate or
vulnerable to privacy threats. A malicious entity can also use
reverse attacks to reverse-analyse the model during the testing
phase. Deep Learning (DL) is also vulnerable to adversarial
attacks, model inversion, extraction, and poisoning attacks,
according to work in [18]. Attackers might predict personal
characteristics, such as location, preference in gender, and
political opinions, using public data [19]. Another significant
attack is a model stealing, also known as prediction poisoning,
in which an adversary tries to duplicate a target ML model’s
functionality by taking advantage of its black box queries,
like inputs and outputs [20]. Targeting AI with poisoning in
prediction may deceive users making use of privacy-related
decisions, causing them to do things that jeopardize their
Inference attack is another significant privacy concern in the
metaverse, particularly with more recent discoveries of privacy
attacks on AI models. Here, an adversary is attempting to infer
certain information, such as the membership or properties of
a target. In the case of membership inference, the attacker
queries a trained Machine Learning (ML) model to predict
if a particular example was contained in the model’s training
dataset [17], [21]. Such an attack is critical in the metaverse
since an anonymized individual’s real identity in private spaces
can be revealed if ML models are trained with activities done
by the users in these private spaces. Another possible attack
is a reconstruction from gradients or deep leakage, where
an attacker attempts to recover the original private dataset
from the gradient information of publicly shared ML models
[22]. This will be particularly risky for data owners with
collaborative learning such as Federated Learning (FL). In FL,
multiple parties collectively train local ML models based on
their private data and later share the local models that will
be aggregated to create a unified global model. FL may be a
dominant player in metaverse applications due to its by-design
features of privacy to user data since data is not directly shared.
Thus, reconstruction attacks pose a significant challenge that
may impact such decentralised algorithms operating metaverse
services. We will provide an example scenario of such an
attack in Section V.
C. Tracking User Behaviours in Metaverse
The metaverse is associated with privacy concerns related
to user behaviour, as it provides many interactive opportuni-
ties for users with numerous sensor tracking, as discussed.
According to research describing the metaverse game Second
Life, most players (72% of women and 68.8% of men) exhibit
the normal behaviour similar to the reality when playing
the game [23]. Their results indicate that the organizations
behind the metaverse have the possibility of tracking the actual
behaviour of the majority of users. Since private information
like user preferences and emotions may be readily anticipated
through behaviour, there could be a significant possibility of
privacy breaches in the metaverse.
D. Privacy Issues of Virtual Identity
The metaverse users interact with the world through a
virtual identity. Their avatars could be different based on user
preferences. One possible issue with virtual identity is the
difficulty in verifying if the person behind the avatar is real
as the one that claims to be. We see there are several such
scenarios: 1) an avatar disguised as a surrounding object to
tracking users [6] 2) a compromised user profile, 3) a copy
of the profile that acts as the original owner of the avatar
through approaches similar to deep-fakes, 4) an AI claiming
to be a real person. Especially with the development of natural
language understanding, AI avatars may produce responses
that would resemble a natural person. With the possibility of
detecting emotions in the metaverse, the robots may be able to
interact with users more realistically [24]. If an adversary uses
this, it can extract sensitive private information of individuals.
Handling the sensitive data on minors will also be challenging
since they resemble a large portion of XR users [6].
To address the aforementioned privacy issues, we propose
the following set of solutions achievable with the existing
A. Privacy Protection for User PII
The PII play an important role in metaverse privacy since
exposed PII reveals the identity of individuals, leading to
privacy leakage. Especially in future networks with fast and
new modes of data transmission, a massive amount of the
metaverse PII can be sent to a third party in milliseconds.
Many works mention techniques to ensure the privacy of PII.
The work in [25] employs AES encryption to mask digital
photos. The authors of [26] created a library that uses homo-
morphic encryption for privacy-preserving image processing.
The survey in [27] offers a detailed de-identification approach
for non-biometric and soft-biometric identifiers in multi-media
assets. Considering the avatars, the work in [6] discusses using
multiple avatars and privacy copies to add noise to create
confusion for attackers. Also, they discuss using temporary
private portions of the metaverse to interact among users to
prevent eavesdropping.
B. Privacy by Design Approaches
We consider privacy by design a crucial consideration that
should be made at every stage of the design process of
metaverse services. Independent authorities should assess the
capacity of these services. Furthermore, even without any prior
requirements from consumers, well-designed services should
protect privacy needs by default. That is, taking steps to secure
itself before a data breach occurs [28], [29]. AI privacy should
also be a primary consideration in the design process, as we
have shown many privacy attacks on AI in Section III. Some
privacy by design strategies discussed in [30], [31] are: 1)
reducing the amount of personal information that one collect
as much as feasible, 2) concealing personal data from plain
view and separating with decentralised manner, 3) processing
data at the highest possible level of aggregation, 4) maintaining
transparency of the data subjects, 5) enforcing a privacy policy
compliant with the law, and, 6) Adhering to the current privacy
policy and any applicable legal obligations.
C. Edge and Fog Computing Privacy Preservation
Edge computing increases data processing efficiency via 6G
networks in the metaverse with its capability of processing
data close to the user. However, it requires innovative data
privacy mechanisms due to its heterogeneity and distributed
nature [6]. The authors of [16] suggest lightweight data
encryption techniques, fine-grained information-sharing plat-
forms, decentralised security controls, and effective privacy-
preserving practices for edge computing.
Fog computing is a layer that sits between edge devices and
cloud servers, acting as a middleman for functions including
data filtering and forwarding to the cloud. With Fog, only
a small percentage of data will be transferred to the cloud,
lowering cloud server overhead and network congestion. As a
result, fog computing could help to protect the privacy of IoT
and users by reducing the need to transmit sensitive data to
the cloud for processing [32]. However, as data from the edge
will directly reach the untrusted fog layer, privacy concerns
within the fog node must be considered. A compromised
fog node poses the possibility of attackers listening in on
or directly altering user data. To ensure privacy in Fog, the
work in [33] proposes a multi-functional data aggregation
methodology based on ML for fog computing with differential
privacy. To establish decentralised privacy, prevent poisoning
threats, and achieve high efficiency in fog computing, the work
in [34] employs blockchain-enabled FL.
D. Explainable AI (XAI) Privacy Measures
XAI can provide reasonable justifications for metaverse AI-
based decisions when implementing intelligence-based solu-
tions. Since users have rights and any privacy breaches could
result in legal action, privacy is crucial in the metaverse.
Also, the decisions of these actions may be influenced by
how transparent and rational the AI judgment is. The authors
in [35] divide the explainability space for predictions/data
in the context of the security domain into three regions: 1)
explanations for the predictions/data themselves, 2) explana-
tions for covering privacy properties, and 3) explanations for
covering the threat model. Depending on the nature of the
data, privacy requirements, and complexity of the model as a
privacy solution, we must evaluate data, privacy attributes, and
model explanations. In the last few years, there has been a lot
of interest in the topic of XAI. The survey in [36] displays
several related XAI works from 2007 to 2020 and categorizes
them by scope, technique, and application. They also show
that open-source XAI products have vastly improved in recent
E. Blockchain-enabled solutions
Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network that uses a decen-
tralised and distributed public ledger technology [37]. It can
help many technological innovations associated with meta-
verse to improve their data privacy. For instance, blockchain
can facilitate decentralised security, smart contracts, and digital
identities [38]. It is also useful for user identity in the
metaverse. A person’s digital identity is currently shared with
several organizations, including entities of government, social
media sites, and other private/public organizations. The user
consequently has relatively lesser control over their personal
information. Digital identities that are self-managed or self-
sovereign can be created using blockchain. The person would
then be in charge of their own online identity. Users can access
various digital services using this identification to confirm their
identity [39]. Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) can be used to verify
a user’s identity. The work in [6] proposes blockchain can be
used to enforce a democratic process to implement guidelines
and penalty systems for misbehaviours.
F. Regulations and Standardization at a Global Scale
Regulations would help address privacy issues, including
lack of awareness of rights and privacy concerns in public be-
cause doing so would automatically protect personal data. The
regulatory approach is divided into three groups by the authors
in [40]: Three types of regulation exist: 1) governmental, 2)
industry-driven, and 3) consumer- or market-driven. Govern-
ment regulations and industry trends impact privacy issues on
a broad scale. Consumers are frequently aware of their privacy
rights, but [41] shows that they often lack the knowledge
and tools to use these rights effectively. Therefore, enacting
privacy legislation should ultimately protect consumers from
invading their privacy. The work [6] discusses the proposal of
standardizing privacy trading through compensation for selling
personal data by the original data owners. However, despite the
efforts of standardization, there can be a potential to exploit
user privacy in the metaverse as they may not be immune to
all possible leakages. Hence, suitable metrics by businesses
and governments should be in place.
Table I below compares the various solutions we presented
for resolving the issues in Section III.
TABLE I: Proposed privacy solutions for challenges in meta-
Issues Addressed
Privacy Solution IA IB IC ID
Privacy protection for user PII H H H H
Privacy by design approaches H H H H
Edge fog computing privacy preservation H H M H
XAI privacy measures M M H M
Blockchain-enabled solutions H H M H
Regulations standardization at a global scale H H L H
IA - Data collection from wearables and sensing technologies
IB - Attacks on metaverse edge infrastructure and services
IC - Tracking user behaviours in metaverse
ID - Privacy issues of virtual identity
LLow Impact MMedium Impact HHigh Impact
A. Introduction
To provide an example of privacy vulnerabilities in the
metaverse, we designed an experiment by combining two
privacy attacks, membership inference [42] and reconstruction
from gradients [43]. None of the associated works in the meta-
verse discuss specific scenarios of privacy leakage through
attacks; thus, to address this gap, we demonstrate it is highly
possible to exploit privacy by combining multiple attacks. In
the metaverse, we expect decentralised ML techniques such as
FL to be heavily used to train and deploy privacy-preserved AI
models near the user end devices like VR headsets. With FL,
metaverse users locally train their wearable device services
with data like facial expressions. These may contain captures
of relatively less data, which are highly user-specific. It is,
therefore, possible that local models in FL get overfitted to
these data.
Fig. 2: An attacker uses an ML model to infer the membership
state of a target user. If victim data is present, reconstruction
is done to recover user images from ML model gradients. This
process is repeated to track the user’s emotional behaviour.
A reconstruction attacks attempt to recover the input dataset
by matching an adversarial model with the original gradients
of a victim ML model [22]. An attacker launching a recon-
struction attack attempts to imitate the gradients of a target
model f(x;W)by lowering the loss Lgbetween a randomly
initialized set of gradients ˜
Wwith the target model gradients
W. This can be represented in the following equation:
With the improved attacker gradients from equation 1, data ˜x
that is close to original inputs xcan be reconstructed as:
Considering metaverse capturing devices at the edge, the data
used to train FL models will be relatively low compared with
big-data sets. Therefore, it is possible to recover these gradi-
ents if an attacker gains access to these models by attacking the
devices like VR headsets. Due to resource limitations, weaker
privacy mechanisms may be used in these devices, or low
security in communication channels makes it easier for an
attacker to launch the attack. However, many studies [22], [43]
show it is an expensive procedure to recover the gradients with
an increasing number of data that was used to train the models.
Furthermore, FL may create many ML models that do not
contain data from the target user. Suppose the attacker acts as
an aggregator in FL from client updates with unknown origin.
In that case, the attacker will not get sufficient information
on the target unless they reconstruct all the received updates.
However, if reconstruction attacks were launched on all ML
models without knowing where to look for a target, that would
cause high computation costs for the attacker.
To make the attack more directed, the adversary can com-
bine membership inference to initially identify if the target
user’s data is included in a received ML model. Membership
inference can be used to identify if a certain data record
was present in the training dataset of a given ML model.
For example, if face images of the target user are used to
train the ML model, the adversary should be able to predict
the presence of user information if a sample face record of
the victim is available. For this, the attacker trains an ML
model named attack model. An attack model is trained to
predict the membership state of a given data record x, whether
xDtrain where Dtrain is the training dataset of a target
model f. This can be denoted in equation 3 as:
Ω({f(x), y}) = (1,if xDtrain
0,if x /Dtrain
where f(x)is the target model prediction and yis the
label for the record x. To train the attack model , the at-
tacker generates a dataset named shadow dataset Dshadow
{fs(x), y, s}. Here, fsis called a shadow model, which
consists of the same NN architecture of the target model f.
We can create multiple copies of shadow models to increase
the amount of data in the shadow dataset. fs(x)is the shadow
model prediction of a representative example data record x
that resembles the original data in Dtrain of the target model.
These representative data records can be generated using
generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks
(GAN) [44]. For simplicity, in our work, we split the original
dataset where a portion of the data records was used to make
the shadow dataset. In the shadow set, yrepresents the labels
of the example records. The value srepresents the membership
state of either In/Out.
B. Dataset and Procedure
For experimental simulations, we used the facial expression
recognition dataset FER-2013 consisting of 28,709 training
and 3,589 testing data in 7 categories of human expressions
in 48x48 pixel grayscale images. We used 400 images from
each class for the model training in experiments. Our work
is designed as a proof-of-concept and assumes this dataset re-
sembles a scenario when a face recognition device in a VR box
captures or preprocesses the data in a low-resolution setting
for improved performance. For running the experiments, we
use a compute instance with a Xeon 2.20 GHz CPU, 26 GB
RAM, and a GPU of NVIDIA Tesla T4. We used a Neural
Network (NN) with a hidden layer of 512 dense units followed
by a dropout layer with a 0.2 dropout rate as the basic model
in our experiments as the target model. We named it V0. We
also used two different versions of this basic NN by adding
two more extra 512 dense layers in each version named V1and
V2. In our experiments, we also used two other Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) architectures: LeNet-5 and AlexNet.
C. Inference Attack
As the first step in the attack, we launch membership
inference with the aid of a dataset created from the outputs
of shadow models as discussed in Subsection V-A. To train
the shadow models, we used 1,120 input data records and
generated ten copies of shadow models, where the same
data is used to train the shadow models. Then, we train the
attack model with the data collected from the shadow models.
We set this attack model as a random forest classifier with
50 estimators. With the trained attack model, we evaluated
the membership inference accuracy of the attack model by
getting the membership state predictions for the target model’s
training dataset. The training dataset of the target model is
arranged in small batch sizes from 1 to 52, which resembles
small data availability in metaverse IoT sensor devices running
FL algorithms. Thus, the training dataset may get overfitted
to the local ML model. The impact of overfitting is analysed
by running a varying number of epochs of 1, 10, 20, and 30
by the target model. An attack on a particular local batch size
with one epoch configuration is run ten times to get an average
accuracy figure for the attack round.
We further considered the availability of a victim data
record. In a practical scenario, the attacker may not contain
an actual image example used in the target model’s training
dataset. Instead, they may possess a similar image of the target
user’s face. To simulate this, we modify the source image using
augmentation by rotating the target image to a random degree
during the attack phase. We evaluate the changes in attack
accuracy with 0%, 50%, and 100% augmentation percentages
of the test dataset, as shown in Figure 3.
1) Impact of batch size: From the experiments, we observe
that the accuracy of the attack is better for small batch sizes,
and when increasing the batch size, it reduces. This means
the sensor/image capturing devices that capture user data less
frequently or perform frequent model updates with smaller
batch sizes are at higher risk of privacy leakage. From the
observations, having larger batch sizes for training models is
better. However, the utility of data for larger batches and their
processing time also should be considered since the captured
data may be time-critical for highly accurate predictions with
low latency to maintain a satisfactory user experience.
2) Impact of training rounds: The number of model train-
ing rounds also can considerably affect the attack accuracy,
as observed from Figure 3. Here, the accuracy is high when
the target model has a higher number of training epochs.
This signifies the nature of data fitting; the more trained the
data to the model, the more leakage is possible. Therefore,
images captured by metaverse devices using FL/ML can use
lesser training epochs. Still, it will degrade the overall model
accuracies, and models may not get the total learning capacity
from the captured image samples.
3) Impact of data augmentation: The disadvantage is on the
side of the attacker when they do not possess exact samples
of the target user’s data, as observed from the augmentation
percentages in the experiments. The attack success rate will
drop when more augmented data is present in the attacker.
However, there is still a reasonable attack capability for
smaller batch sizes, even when augmentation is 100%.
Model complexity can also play a role in attack accuracy.
Figure 3d and 3e show deviations in attack accuracy, where
more complex models have higher average attack accuracies.
D. Reconstruction Attack
The next step in the attack is to launch the reconstruction of
a target model. The reconstruction is done via improved Deep
Leakage from Gradients (iDLG) attack [43] for reconstructing
(a) Augmentation 0%. (b) Augmentation 50%. (c) Augmentation 100%.
(d) Basic NN architecture. (e) Multiple NN architectures. (f) Reconstruction attack rounds vs batch size
Fig. 3: The accuracy of the attack vs. the local batch sizes with (a), (b), (c) different augmentation percentages of the target test
set, (d), (e) different model architectures of NN and variation of required iterations for reconstruction attack with the number
of NN models. (f) Required average attack rounds for reconstruction for varying target model training batch sizes.
images with different batch sizes from 1 to 10. We selected
this range since the membership inference is highly likely
with a lesser batch size. As the target model, we perform
our experiments with the LeNet-5 model. Figure 4 provides
an example reconstruction made with a trained target model
having a batch size of 3 with one epoch for the target model.
The average number of rounds taken to reconstruct the images
via gradients of the target model is shown in Figure 3f.
Here, we observe that the reconstruction of larger batch sizes
consumes more time than smaller batches. In an FL system, if
the attacker gains access to all the models but does not have
information on which model the target data is, they will have
to reconstruct all the models. It may be seemingly impossible
if millions of models are available. However, a lookup for the
potential target can be made via the membership inference,
which will significantly reduce the time the attacker takes to
recover the facial emotion data. Thus, our combined attack
will be effective, especially with growing batch sizes that will
consume significantly higher computational costs, as observed.
E. Mitigation with Proposed Solutions
The solutions we proposed in Section IV can be used
to mitigate the privacy attack. Perturbation techniques such
as differential privacy on the edge and fog [33] can be
implemented to reduce the attack accuracy with noisy inputs.
To avoid eavesdropping by a malicious entity to track model
updates, lightweight encryption [16] can be applied. Privacy
should be evaluated in the design phase [28], [29] of these
algorithms, and the trade-offs between utility and privacy can
Fig. 4: Example reconstructed dataset of face images for a
batch size of 3, with a median filter to reduce noise.
be considered when implementing privacy-preserving mech-
anisms. Existing standardizations such as GDPR, free flow
of non-personal data, and acceptable threshold privacy levels
should also be considered when designing the algorithms. XAI
can be incorporated in identifying the key decision-makers of
the AI algorithms employed in VR devices and if they can
lead to data leakage. To eliminate the possibility of malicious
aggregators in FL, and promote decentralised, collaborative
ML model aggregation, blockchain can be used [45].
In this paper, we evaluated privacy considerations for the
metaverse. The metaverse can combine many technologies
which are already existing, yet they should be improved
further to achieve privacy expectations with growing threats
and vulnerabilities. We show privacy issues can exist on both
generated personal and non-personal data emerging through
new technologies, internal service providers, and external
attackers. To provide an example, we introduced a novel
metaverse-related potential privacy attack where adversaries
can harness users’ emotional status by attacking the ML model
and recovering the image data from VR sensors. We showed
that overfitting, batch size variations, and original user data
availability can change the attack accuracy in inferring the
users’ membership, which can be used against the attack.
The potential solutions with already existing technologies and
tools are also proposed in this paper to address privacy issues.
However, some privacy solutions are more applicable than
others when considering their practicality, maturity, and avail-
ability of related work. We further discussed the possibility
of solutions to enhance the resilience of the metaverse ML
systems against future privacy leakages.
This work is partly supported by European Union in
SPATIAL (Grant No: 101021808), and Science Foundation
Ireland under CONNECT phase 2 (Grant no. 13/RC/2077 P2)
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Technical Report
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Since the popularisation of the Internet in the 1990s, the cyberspace has kept evolving. We have created various computer-mediated virtual environments including social networks, video conferencing, virtual 3D worlds (e.g., VR Chat), augmented reality applications (e.g., Pokemon Go), and Non-Fungible Token Games (e.g., Upland). Such virtual environments, albeit non-perpetual and unconnected, have bought us various degrees of digital transformation. The term `metaverse' has been coined to further facilitate the digital transformation in every aspect of our physical lives. At the core of the metaverse stands the vision of an immersive Internet as a gigantic, unified, persistent, and shared realm. While the metaverse may seem futuristic, catalysed by emerging technologies such as Extended Reality, 5G, and Artificial Intelligence, the digital `big bang' of our cyberspace is not far away. This survey paper presents the first effort to offer a comprehensive framework that examines the latest metaverse development under the dimensions of state-of-the-art technologies and metaverse ecosystems, and illustrates the possibility of the digital `big bang'. First, technologies are the enablers that drive the transition from the current Internet to the metaverse. We thus examine eight enabling technologies rigorously - Extended Reality, User Interactivity (Human-Computer Interaction), Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computer Vision, IoT and Robotics, Edge and Cloud computing, and Future Mobile Networks. In terms of applications, the metaverse ecosystem allows human users to live and play within a self-sustaining, persistent, and shared realm. Therefore, we discuss six user-centric factors -- Avatar, Content Creation, Virtual Economy, Social Acceptability, Security and Privacy, and Trust and Accountability. Finally, we propose a concrete research agenda for the development of the metaverse.
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Sixth-generation (6G) mobile networks will have to cope with diverse threats on a space-air-ground integrated network environment, novel technologies, and an accessible user information explosion. However, for now, security and privacy issues for 6G remain largely in concept. This survey provides a systematic overview of security and privacy issues based on prospective technologies for 6G in the physical, connection, and service layers, as well as through lessons learned from the failures of existing security architectures and state-of-the-art defenses. Two key lessons learned are as follows. First, other than inheriting vulnerabilities from the previous generations, 6G has new threat vectors from new radio technologies, such as the exposed location of radio stripes in ultra-massive MIMO systems at Terahertz bands and attacks against pervasive intelligence. Second, physical layer protection, deep network slicing, quantum-safe communications , artificial intelligence (AI) security, platform-agnostic security, real-time adaptive security, and novel data protection mechanisms such as distributed ledgers and differential privacy are the top promising techniques to mitigate the attack magnitude and personal data breaches substantially.
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One of the security issues affecting Federated Cloud Environment users is privacy. It is the ability to secure and control the Personal Identifiable Information (PII) of a user during and after being communicated to the Cloud. Existing studies addressed the problem using techniques such as: uApprove,, enhanced privacy and dynamic federation in Identity Management (IdM), privacy-preserving authorization system, end-to-end Privacy Policy Enforcement in Cloud Infrastructure, multi-tenancy authorization system with federated identity, and a Cryptography Encryption Key and Template Data Dissemination (CEKTTDD). Users’ PIIremains vulnerable as existing researches lack efficient control of user's attributes in the Cloud. This paper proposes a PIIPrivacy model for protecting user’s attributes on transit to the Federated Cloud Environment. The approach used, combined Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 128) and Discrete Cosine Transform Modulus three (DCTM3) steganography to improve CEKTTDD technique. This was achieved by techniques to encrypt user’s PIIs. The model was implemented using Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) and evaluated using undetectability, robustness, match (%), encryption time and decryption time. Chi-square attack was applied to prove the security of the proposed model. Results obtained showed that the proposed model was stronger in robustness with values of ((59.10 dB) and (55.45 dB) than the existing model of values ((55.76 dB) and (54.15 dB)). Similarly, the proposed system successfully minimizes undetectability than the former model, while evaluation for match (%) yielded 17% increase better than the existing system. This study has achieved a state-of-the-art model for a secured user’s attributes in the cloud.
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Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic made Working From Home (WFH) the new way of working. This study investigates the impact that family-work conflict, social isolation, distracting environment, job autonomy, and self-leadership have on employees' productivity, work engagement, and stress experienced when WFH during the pandemic. Methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed data collected through an online questionnaire completed by 209 employees WFH during the pandemic. The assumptions were tested using hierarchical linear regression. Results: Employees' family-work conflict and social isolation were negatively related, while self-leadership and autonomy were positively related, to WFH productivity and WFH engagement. Family-work conflict and social isolation were negatively related to WFH stress, which was not affected by autonomy and self-leadership. Conclusion: Individual- and work-related aspects both hinder and facilitate WFH during the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Mobile edge computing (MEC) has been envisioned as a promising paradigm to handle the massive volume of data generated from ubiquitous mobile devices for enabling intelligent services with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Traditionally, AI techniques often require centralized data collection and training in a single entity, e.g., an MEC server, which is now becoming a weak point due to data privacy concerns and high data communication overheads. In this context, federated learning (FL) has been proposed to provide collaborative data training solutions, by coordinating multiple mobile devices to train a shared AI model without exposing their data, which enjoys considerable privacy enhancement. To improve the security and scalability of FL implementation, blockchain as a ledger technology is attractive for realizing decentralized FL training without the need for any central server. Particularly, the integration of FL and blockchain leads to a new paradigm, called FLchain, which potentially transforms intelligent MEC networks into decentralized, secure, and privacy-enhancing systems. This article presents an overview of the fundamental concepts and explores the opportunities of FLchain in MEC networks. We identify several main topics in FLchain design, including communication cost, resource allocation, incentive mechanism, security and privacy protection. The key solutions for FLchain design are provided, and the lessons learned as well as the outlooks are also discussed. Then, we investigate the applications of FLchain in popular MEC domains, such as edge data sharing, edge content caching and edge crowdsensing. Finally, important research challenges and future directions are also highlighted.
Metaverse, as an evolving paradigm of the next-generation Internet, aims to build a fully immersive, hyper spatiotemporal, and self-sustaining virtual shared space for humans to play, work, and socialize. Driven by recent advances in emerging technologies such as extended reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, metaverse is stepping from science fiction to an upcoming reality. However, severe privacy invasions and security breaches (inherited from underlying technologies or emerged in the new digital ecology) of metaverse can impede its wide deployment. At the same time, a series of fundamental challenges (e.g., scalability and interoperability) can arise in metaverse security provisioning owing to the intrinsic characteristics of metaverse, such as immersive realism, hyper spatiotemporality, sustainability, and heterogeneity. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the fundamentals, security, and privacy of metaverse. Specifically, we first investigate a novel distributed metaverse architecture and its key characteristics with ternary-world interactions. Then, we discuss the security and privacy threats, present the critical challenges of metaverse systems, and review the state-of-the-art countermeasures. Finally, we draw open research directions for building future metaverse systems.
Conference Paper
In this position paper, we discuss the need for, and potential requirements for privacy certification standards for extended-reality devices and related services. We begin by presenting motivations, before discussing related efforts. We then review the issue of certification as a research problem and identify key requirements. Finally, we out-line key recommendations for how these might feed into a grander roadmap for privacy and security research.