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Blockchain-based Automated Certificate Revocation for 5G IoT


Abstract and Figures

Internet of Things(IoT) is a key topic of interest in modern communication context. The IoT interconnects millions and billions of devices through wireless communication. The wireless communication exposes the devices to massive security risks in different dimensions. The Public Key Infrastructure(PKI) is one of the promising solutions to eliminate security risks by ensuring authentication, and communication integrity using public key certificates. The certificate storage overhead is a significant problem for the resource constrained IoT devices. We propose an application of Elliptic Curve Qu Vanstone (ECQV) certificates, which are lightweight in size for the resource restricted IoT devices. Furthermore, we incorporated the blockchain based smart contracts for the certificate related operations. We utilized the smart contracts in the certificate issuance and developed a threat scoring mechanism to automatically revoke the certificates. The lightweight nature of ECQV certificates enabled the distributed ledger to store, update, and revoke the certificates. We evaluated the proposed solution in Hyperledger Fabric blockchain platform.
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Blockchain-based Automated Certificate Revocation
for 5G IoT
Tharaka Hewa, An Braeken, Mika Ylianttila, Madhusanka Liyanage§
∗‡ Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
§School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
Email: ∗‡ §[firstname.lastname], §
Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) is a key topic of interest
in modern communication context with the evolution of 5G and
beyond ecosystems. 5G will interconnects billions of IoT devices
wirelessly. The wireless communication exposes the devices to
massive security risks in different dimensions. The Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) is one of the promising solutions to eliminate
security risks. It ensures the authentication and communication
integrity by using public key certificates. However, the overhead
of certificate storage is a significant problem for the resource
constrained IoT devices. We propose an application of Elliptic
Curve Qu Vanstone (ECQV) certificates, which are lightweight
in size for the resource restricted IoT devices. Furthermore, we
incorporate the blockchain based smart contracts to handle the
certificate related operations. We utilize the smart contracts in the
certificate issuance and developed a smart contract based threat
scoring mechanism to automatically revoke the certificates. The
lightweight nature of ECQV certificates enables the distributed
ledger to store, update, and revoke the certificates. We evaluated
the proposed solution in Hyperledger Fabric blockchain platform.
Index Terms—Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Qu Vanstone Cer-
tificates, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, 5G, IoT
Internet of Things (IoT) allows the interconnection of bil-
lions or even trillions of objects through the internet and is
growing at tremendous rate. IoT basically represent a network
of physical objects or devices, consisting of sensors and
actuators, enabling a multitude of applications and services by
exchanging data with each other and the end user. This requires
compute intensive operations, huge storage needs and realtime
communication, which can not always be guaranteed in the
most efficient way by cloud service providers. Therefore, fog
computing has been introduced, in which fog devices perform
the first data processing activities, resulting in a significant
reduction of delay for the application.
As most of the communications are performed in a wireless
medium, open for a wide range of attackers, the inclusion of
sufficient security mechanisms should be guaranteed [1]. In
particular, authentication of legitimate IoT devices is a very
important feature [2]. Authentication is typically addressed
by means of certificates, issued by a particular Certificate
Authority (CA). In particular, in case of IoT, the Elliptic
Curve Qu-Van Stone certificates offer a lightweight solution.
However, as IoT devices are put in open field, they can be more
easily attacked and hijacked. As a consequence, it should be
possible to organise the revocation of certificates, issued by
multiple CAs, in an efficient way. This is typically done by
consulting a Certificate Revocation List (CRL), which requires
a lot of storage memory, is time consuming and not easily
manageable in case different CAs are involved.
A comprehensive discussion on the role of blockchain in the
5G and IoT with opportunities and challenges discussed in [3].
The goal of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of using
distributed ledger technologies to organise the authentication
of IoT devices in an efficient way for a fog computing
architecture. The IoT devices should be able to contact the
fog devices in an authenticated way using their certificates
published on the distributed ledger by their CA. The fog is in
the possibility to easily verify the validity of the certificates
by consulting the ledger. The servers, responsible for the fog
architecture are able to monitor the traffic and to determine
potentially malicious devices (e.g. through intrusion detection
mechanisms). If so, the server revokes the corresponding
certificate of the device and publishes the revocation on the
We utilized the CA with a private blockchain platform
to enable Elliptic Curve Qu Vansone (ECQV) certificate
generation, access, and revocation using the smart contracts.
We compared the impact of time and memory of applying
the blockchain on each operation with scaling up the num-
ber of requests. The blockchain service provides Application
Programming Interface(API) to receive threat related events
from the trusted threat acknowledgement services within the
network and assigns a threat score for the threat. When the
threat score exceeded, the smart contract automatically revokes
the certificate. We validated the solution with simulation and
elaborated with an implementation to evaluate the impact of
memory and time parameters as well as the scalability on each
type of operation.
A. Elliptic Curve based operations
The most lightweight public key cryptographic solutions can
be organised by means of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).
ECC is based on the algebraic structure of ECs over finite
fields. The curve in the finite field Fpis denoted by Ep(a,b)
and is defined by the equation y2=x3+ax +b, where a
and bare two constants in Fpand ∆=4a3+ 27b2̸= 0. The
base point generator of Ep(a,b)of prime order qis denoted
by G. All points on Ep(a,b), together with the infinite point
form an additive group. The curve E25519 [5] in Fpwith
p= 2255 19 represents currently one of the fastest curves,
possessing in addition also resistance against some well-known
implementation attacks [4]. As the EC points are compressed,
it is sufficient to use the X-coordinate for the representation
of the complete point.
There are two main operations in ECC, being addition and
multiplication. The addition of two points, P1 + P2 = R,
results in a new EC point R. The scalar EC multiplication
with rFqfor a given EC point Pis represented by R=
rP = (Rx, Ry), with Rx, RyFp, resulting in the point R
of the EC.
The concatenation and xor operation of two messages M1
and M2is denoted by M1M2and M1M2respectively.
In addition, the SH AKE128(M , d)algorithm is used, which
is the Keccak[256](M1111d)scheme applied on message
Mwith output size d. This scheme offers a security strength
of min(d/2,128) bits against collision and pre-image attacks
and min(d, 128) bits against 2nd pre-image attacks [6]. The
default mode SH AKE128(M , 256) can be used as a hash
function with a 256-bit length and 128-bit overall security.
The notation His used to refer to this function.
We now describe the ECQV mechanism, used to define the
certificates proposed in our setting.
1) Elliptic Curve Qu Vanstone Mechanisms: The Certifi-
cate Authority (CA) is responsible for this process and is
considered to be a trusted entity. The identity IDCA and
corresponding public key QCA should be publicly available.
In our context, this would correspond to the publication of
both parameters on the ledger. The corresponding private key
dCA is kept secret at the CA.
The different steps in the derivation of the key pair (dn, Qn)
for an entity with identity IDnare as follows. First, the device
needs to send its identity and an EC point Rn=rnG, with rn
randomly chosen. Based on this information, the CA performs
the following operations.
First, the CA chooses its own random value rCA F
and computes RCA =rC AP. Then the certificate certn
is defined by certn=RCA +Rn.
The value r=H(certnIDn)rCA +dC A is computed.
The tuple (certn, r)is sent to the user.
The device can then derive its private key by dn=
H(certnIDn)rn+rand the corresponding public key equals
to Pn=dnP.
Note that any other device/user can derive the public key
of the entity with identity IDngiven its certificate certnby
Qn=H(certnIDn)certn+QC A.
B. Blockchain and the Distributed Ledger Technology
Blockchain and the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
is one of the most hot topics which attracted strong interest
by the industry and the academia. The distributed nature
of blockchain and the autonomous accurate execution of
smart contracts open broader scope of innovations. Especially,
in the telecommunication context, the distributed nature of
blockchain and smart contracts are advantageous in terms
of efficiency, security and so on. The distributed ledger in
blockchain is a versatile application which eliminates the cen-
tralization of data storage along with the guaranteed integrity
of data storage.
The ECQV mechanism [7] possesses several interesting
properties. First, the entity requesting for the security material,
is the only one, thus also not the CA, able to derive the private
key. Therefore, the scheme is secure against key escrow.
Second, no secure channel is required during the process as
all variables can be sent over the open channel. Only an
initial check on the validity of the identity is required. Finally,
the scheme only requires the identity (e.g. 32-bit variable)
and certificate (point of the curve), in order to derive the
corresponding public key. This principle of implicit certificates
leads to very small size of the certificates, compared to other
approaches like X.509 certificates. The ECQV mechanism is
typically applied in IoT contexts [8], [9], which is also a
domain characterized by its constrained nature. A concrete
applications of ECQV implicit certificates for the vehicular
networks is presented in [10], [11] utilizing the advantage
of smaller size of the certificate. Ethereum is the first smart
contract based innovation which is explained in [17]. The
public blockchain application to the PKI context is presented
in [12]–[16]. The scaling up Hyperledger Fabric blockchain
network is explained in [18].
For the communication between IoT and fog device, a lot of
well established authentication and key agreement algorithms
exist. Therefore, we here consider that the fog received both
the identity and certificate, established by means of the ECQV
mechanism, and is able to derive the corresponding public key
of the device. The focus of our system will be the verification
of the validity of the public key or certificate at the distributed
ledger, taking into account that potential revocations have been
added to the ledger by servers. The miners consist of servers
and active CAs. The significant modules of the proposed
Fig. 1. The proposed architecture
CA 1 CA 2 CA n
5G Core Network
Blockchain Service Layer
MEC node 1
MEC node 2
MEC node n
architecture are as follows.
A. Blockchain Service Layer
The blockchain service layer plays a vital role by acting
as a service provider in the proposed architecture providing
transparency, validation of the certificate request and accuracy
in the threat scoring and revoking operation. There are a few
smart contracts deployed to operate on different activities of
the certificate life cycle. The blockchain is working separately
and the main objective is to adopt to Blockchain as a Service
(BaaS) architecture in the system.
B. Certification Authority(CA)
The proposed solution makes identity IDC A and corre-
sponding public key QCA publicly available. The correspond-
ing private key dCA is kept secret at the CA. Furthermore,
the CA publishes the CRL, which consists of the revoked
certificates. The CA only receives the certificate generation
requests upon the basic validation of attributes from the smart
contract. The smart contract submits the certificate generation
request to the CA after a basic validation through the smart
C. Certificate Access Nodes
The certificate access node is a high level reference to any
node of the IoT ecosystem. In the PKI ecosystem perspective,
there are three broad categories identified, segregated by the
interaction within the network.
1) Certificate subscribing nodes: The subscriber node se-
lects an EC point Rn=rnGand submits to the blockchain
service along with the identity information. The CA extracts
the identity information and proceeds with the certificate
generation. The certnand value rgenerated as the tuple
(certn, r)is available in the ledger enabling the subscriber
to derive its corresponding private key and complete the
certificate generation process.
2) Certificate status querying nodes: The nodes in the
ecosystem require to check the certificate status prior to
a particular operation. The proposed solution provides a
smart contract based threat scoring mechanism through the
blockchain service layer. In addition to that, the smart contracts
are applicable to establish the granularity of access to the
certificate according to the node category.
3) Threat acknowledging nodes: The threat alerting smart
contracts update the threat score according to the alert informa-
tion received via services such as Intrusion Detection Systems
D. Blockchain based smart contracts
The smart contracts are an immutable programs deployed
in the nodes of the PKI ecosystem to execute when the certain
conditions are met. The smart contracts utilized the subscriber
on-boarding and attack notification. The smart contracts guar-
antee accurate and autonomous conditional execution on each
operation. It is important to ensure the immutability in the
threat scoring mechanism to guarantee the accuracy and alter-
ations in the scoring.
1) Certificate issuance smart contract: The certificate is-
suance smart contract is invoked when a new IoT device
requests a certificate. The smart contract performs a primary
validation to eliminate the sybil attacks before sending the
request to the CA. The certificate issuance smart contract
invokes the certificate issuance request via calling off-chain
the CA service via the smart contract. The smart contract also
updates the ledger including the corresponding information.
Algorithm 1 Threat scoring and revocation smart contract
Require: attackT ype,certIdentif er
certif icate getCertificateFromLedger(certI dentif er)
if attackT ype == attackT ype1then
certif icate.threatScore certif icate.threatScore +
certif icate.threatScore certif icate.threatScore +
end if
if certif icate.threatScore > threashold then
certif icate.status revoked
end if
updateCertificateInLedger(certif icate)
2) Threat scoring and revocation smart contract: The
threat scoring smart contract is encoded with the scoring
algorithm as illustrated in Algorithm 1. In a more specific
implementation, the type of attacks and the corresponding
scores can be defined in the smart contracts. For instance,
for ICMP traffic, the threat score is score1while for the
portscan, the threat score is score2. Each attack information
is acknowledged by the integrated IDS of the system. The
threshold value to revoke the certificate also can be defined
in the smart contract. The main advantage of the mechanism
is the accurate execution of the pre-defined conditions in a
transparent way, which leads to increment the threat score and
eventually revoke the certificate. The smart contract retrieves
the certificate object for each event and updates the threat
score of the device associated with the certificate. When the
threat score exceeds the threshold level of threat score to
revoke the certificate, the certificate will be marked as a
revoked certificate and acknowledge the ledger. The events
corresponding to the certificate revocation are logged in the
ledger and transparently available for the post investigations.
The key objective of this section is to validate the proposed
architecture and investigate the impact of time and memory
in the CA related operations on the simulation environment.
The principal requirement of the proposed architecture is to
enable the resource restricted IoT devices to interact with
the certificate related operations outperforming the features of
the existing CA based architecture. Therefore, time, memory
consumption and scalability need to be carefully evaluated.
A. Simulation environment
The computing infrastructure consists of one virtual ma-
chine and one host machine. The virtual machine runs Ubuntu
18.10 64 bit with 13.2GB RAM and single core allocation.
The host machine consists of Intel(R) Core i5 -8250 CPU
with four cores and eight logical processors. The Hyperledger
Fabric blockchain deployed on the virtual machine is a single
order mode with REST API connectivity.
B. Assumptions
1) The communication channel between IoT device and
blockchain service is secured.
2) The threat acknowledgement messages are received from
a trusted threat detector.
3) The communication channel between the threat detector
and the blockchain service is secured.
4) The randomly generated certificate serial number does
not correspond to a previously issued certificate.
5) The randomly generated certificate serial number does
not correspond to a previously issued certificate.
C. Transaction generation
The transactions follow a Poisson arrival with defined mean
values corresponding to the transactions per second (tps). The
rate parameter λis defined for the generated transactions
per second. The simulation of IoT device is performed by
the multi-threaded software codes in simulation. The rate
parameter is configurable when the test is conducted. The
transaction generation follows a Poisson distribution with rate
parameter λand the probability of observing kevents in the
time period denoted as
P(X=k) = eλλk
The average of the measuring parameter Rfor Nrequests
triggered on each λis denoted as
The runtime memory consumption and transaction time such
as elapsed time to the round trip of a function call are the
main parameters measured in the evaluation.
D. Core components of the simulation setup
1) Certification Authority: The CA simulates the state of
art CA in a PKI ecosystem. The CA is implemented using
Java programming language utilizing cryptographic libraries
such as BouncyCastle cryptographic library. The CA supports
signature algorithms based on curves such as NIST P-256,
Brainpool 256 r1, and Brainpool 384 r1. The CA is deployed
with REST API to receive the certificate generation requests
from the smart contract. The ElasticSearch, which is the
Lucene based state of art optimal search engine, is connected
as the backend for the data storage with anticipation of the
optimal retrieval.
2) Blockchain and smart contracts: We use Hyperledger
Fabric private blockchain in the blockchain service layer. The
smart contracts are encoded in the Javascript and capable in
off-chain invocation of the CA for the certificate generation.
The blockchain service layer consists of significant services
including order, storage, peer and Hyperledger CA service
(for Hyperledger associated certificate management) deployed
as Docker containers. However, there is no restriction of the
blockchain platform. The current implementation utilizes Hy-
perledger Fabric as the blockchain platform. The Hyperledger
Fabric blockchain platform deployed with API to be invoked
by the different services including IDS, and CA.
3) Certificate accessing IoT nodes: The IoT nodes perform
certificate generation, certificate retrieval, and threat acknowl-
edgement requests to either the blockchain service layer or
the CA. The IoT nodes simulated using the software codes
are developed using the REST API clients and are capable of
measuring the elapsed time in milliseconds for the operations
and run-time memory consumption on the invocation of REST
API calls for each operation.
E. Simulation
1) Certificate generation: The certificate generation is fo-
cused on the behavior of the certificate generation time with
the developed state of art CA simulator and with the proposed
solution. Furthermore, to evaluate the behavior when scaling
the proposed solution, the number of threads is increased with
corresponding values aligning with the Poisson arrival process.
The elapsed time from the point of submission of identity and
required parameters to the point of generation of the implicit
certificate is measured. The certificate generation is generally
considered as a once a lifetime operation in a PKI ecosystem.
2) Certificate access for verification/status check: The cer-
tificate access operation is one of the most important and
frequent actions on the PKI ecosystem. The nodes may need
to check the certificate status before connecting or interacting
with the nodes which hold the certificates. Furthermore, the
proposed solution reflects the threat score, which corresponds
to the state of the certificate with attack history within the
network. The run-time memory consumption of the function
calls and the elapsed time for the round trip of the query are
evaluated in the experiment.
3) Threat scoring and certificate revocation: Each attack
type assigned a score and a threshold value encoded in the
smart contract. The threat score is updated after the attack
notification and once the threat score exceeds, the smart
contract automatically revokes the certificate. The revocation
reasons and attack history of a particular certificate are logged
and published in the ledger for further investigations. Software
codes are used to simulate the attacking alerts to update the
blockchain. A concrete implementation of the threat scoring
and certificate revocation algorithm (Algorithm 1) is imple-
mented in the smart contract. Depending on the attack type
acknowledged by the Suricata IDS, the threat score is updated.
The attack types in the smart contracts include Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic, port-scan attempts and key
F. Simulation Results
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean transactions per second( )
Average generation time (ms)
Generation without blockchain
Generation with blockchain
Fig. 2. ECQV implicit certificate generation elapsed time with and without
1) Certificate generation: The simulation for the certifi-
cate generation is performed using a multi-threaded program,
which generates transaction traffic in Poisson arrival according
to each lambda value. The mean transaction is scaled from 1
to 30 per second and the results are displayed in Figure 2. We
observed that there is a limitation in scaling the transaction rate
due to the simulation deployment model of the Hyperledger
Fabric blockchain. A scaled deployment model will eliminate
the scaling limitations in the single order deployment model.
However the certificate generation is considered as a lifetime
request in a PKI ecosystem because a device will request a
certificate once in a lifetime or upon expiry.
2) Certificate access for verification/status check: Certifi-
cate access is considered as a key operation on the PKI
ecosystem. The impact of runtime memory and elapsed time
for the query are evaluated and represented in Figure 3 (a) and
(b). The blockchain outperforms the certificate access query
with ElasticSearch based CA simulator in terms of memory
and time efficiency. This is an anticipated behavior of the
proposed architecture since accessing the certificate from the
blockchain is similar to accessing a database directly. Even
though ElasticSearch is an optimal data storage for searching,
it cannot be interfaced for access to the accessing nodes due to
security reasons. ElasticSearch interfaces with the nodes using
a requirement specific API such as RESTful services to limit
the scope of access of the subscribers for data. In contrast, the
blockchain is accessible as a database directly and with the
built-in consensus and integrity mechanisms, the blockchain
is safe from attacks such as data alterations and DoS attacks.
The lightweight nature of the ECQV implicit certificate takes
advantage of storing on the blockchain with minimal storage
overhead and faster querying capability. The simulation scaled
up to 500 transactions per second and are even more scalable
for querying on the blockchain to access certificates.
3) Threat scoring and certificate revocation: Elapsed time
and memory for the certificate threat acknowledgement and
certificate revocation are illustrated in Figure 4 (a) and (b).
1 5 10 50 100 500
Mean transactions per second( )
Average retrievel time in ms
Certificate access from CA storage
Certificate access from blockchain
1 5 10 50 100 500
Mean transactions per second( )
Average memory consumption(MB)
Certificate access from CA storage
Certificate access from blockchain
Fig. 3. ECQV implicit certificate access elapsed time (a) and memory (b)
overheads from CA and from the blockchain
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean transactions per second( )
Average revocation time (ms)
Certificate revocation from CA storage
Certificate revocation from blockchain
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean transactions per second( )
Average runtime memory consumption (MB)
Certificate revocation from CA storage
Certificate revocation from blockchain
Fig. 4. ECQV implicit certificate revocation elapsed time (a) and memory
(b) overheads from CA and from the blockchain
The threat acknowledgement requests triggered aligning to
the Poisson arrival using multi-threaded applications. The
threat scoring also reflects a limitation on scaling due to
the deployment model of blockchain. However a scalable
blockchain deployment model can eliminate the limitation
A. Experimental environment
The computing infrastructure for the experiments consists
of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2 devices connected to the
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) simulating the 5G
Host Laptop
Virtual machine
for Hyperledger
Peer Service
Miner Service
Couch DB Service
Chaincode Service
Suricata IDS Hyperledger
Rules to catch ICMP traffic
Rules to catch portscan
Alerting to blockchain
Raspberry Pi as
a CA
Raspberry Pi as
a client
Certificate data for
Certificate generation
Fig. 5. The experimental setup
network. The Raspberry Pi acts as fog node and the virtual ma-
chine as the blockchain service running on the edge computing
node. The network is simulated using the Wireless Local Area
Network (WLAN). The Raspberry Pi devices connected to
the WLAN and the blockchain service are running a virtual
machine connected by bridging through the wireless adapter of
the host machine. The role of the virtual machine is expected
to be identical to the edge computing node running in the
network. Figure 5 portraits the experimental setup.
B. Implementation and experimental results
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean transactions per second( )
Average certificate generation time (ms)
Generation on the simulation environment
Generation on the implementation environment
Fig. 6. Comparison of performance of the elapsed time for ECQV implicit
certificate generation on the simulation and implementation environment
Figure 6 reflects a comparison between the certificate gen-
eration time in the simulation and implementation environ-
ment. The averages of the certificate generation time for each
transaction rate is higher than the simulation environment. The
difference between computational hardware and the latency on
the network are the key reasons for the observation.
Figure 7 (a) and (b) illustrate the elapsed time and memory
in the implementation environment. The elapsed time averages
behave the same as the generation with a minor latency. The
memory consumption averages remain lower. The memory
efficient techniques of Raspberry Pi implementation is a key
reason for this observation.
Figure 8 (a) and (b) illustrate the elapsed time and memory
in the implementation environment for certificate revocation.
The elapsed time averages behave the same as the generation
1 5 10 50 100 500
Mean transactions per second( )
Average access time (ms)
Certificate access in the implementation environment
Certificate access in the simulation environment
1 5 10 50 100 500
Mean transactions per second( )
Average memory consumption (MB)
Certificate access in the implementation environment
Certificate access in the simulation environment
Fig. 7. ECQV implicit certificate access elapsed time (a) and memory (b)
overheads in the simulation and the implementation environment
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean transactions per second( )
Average revocation time (ms)
Certificate revocation in the implementation environment
Certificate revocation in the simulation environment
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
Mean transactions per second( )
Memory consumption for revocation (MB)
Memory overhead on the implementation environment
Memory overhead on the simulation environment
Fig. 8. ECQV implicit certificate revocation elapsed time (a) and memory
(b) overheads in the simulation and the implementation environment
with a minor latency as per the previous cases. The memory
consumption averages remain lower. The memory efficient
techniques of Raspberry Pi implementation is the key reason
for this observation as per the previous operations.
C. Limitations of the implementation
The solution deployed in the single order mode in Hy-
perledger Fabric. The scalability limitations occur due to the
deployment mode of Hyperledger. Furthermore, the REST API
has some more latency than protocols such as gRPC (Google
Remote Procedure Calls) and TCP sockets. Since the limitation
Use Cases Centralized CA [13] [14] [15] [16] Our Solution
Decentralization No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automated certificate generation No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Edge computing compatibility Optional Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified Yes
ECQV certificate generation Optional No No No No Yes
Certificate generation financial cost Service fee Blockchain fee Blockchain fee Blockchain fee Blockchain fee No
Threat scoring automatic revocation No No No No No Yes
ECQV certificate generation Optional No No No No Yes
of scaling is entirely dependent on the blockchain platform,
it can be eliminated by either deploying more miner nodes or
using a plug-and-play scalability improvement technique such
as [18].
In this paper, we propose a solution to manage the lifecycle
of ECQV certificates using the distributed ledger technology.
The main advantage is the lightweight nature of ECQV
certificate, which enables storage in the ledger. The distributed
ledger acts as a tamper proof database and provides faster
retrieval of certificates for different purposes. In terms of
memory, the lightweight nature of the certificate yields optimal
results in related operations. Furthermore, we incorporated
smart contracts on the certificate subscription as well as the
revocation process. The smart contracts precisely manipulate
the threat score and revoke the certificates. The distributed
ledger provides transparent records on revocation history for
the investigations. The experiment conducted on the Hyper-
ledger Fabric private blockchain platform is not costly to
operate. Table I provides a high level comparison between the
proposed solution with centralized CA and a few blockchain
based PKI implementations.
In order to evaluate the full scalability of the solution,
the blockchain platform should be improved. Since the smart
contract platform is operating as a separate service, the ca-
pability to integrate a user required blockchain platform is
ensured. The security improvements of the blockchain, such
as scaling up the miners and enforcement of miner security
to eliminate 51% attacks can be performed without affecting
to the PKI management system. Finally, the feasibility to
replace the REST API based architecture should be evaluated
by substituting protocols such as gRPC Remote Procedure
Call, Constrained Application Protocol (COAP) and Message
Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) to eliminate the latency
This work is party supported by European Union in RE-
SPONSE 5G (Grant No: 789658) and Academy of Finland in
6Genesis (grant no. 318927) and SecureConnect projects.
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... Trusted CA certificate management, validation, revocation, and storage are managed through the blockchain in their platform. In [24], Hewa et al. proposed a framework to manage ECQV certificates for IoT devices through a blockchain platform. Blockchain is used to simplify the certificate issuance and revocation processes in this research. ...
... In this experiment, we investigated the impact of a DoS attack on the certificate issuance process. We have considered four scenarios in this experiment, i.e. a traditional CA-based system without blockchain [36], a single CA entity with blockchain as proposed in [32], a blockchain between the CA and certificate requested party [24], and our framework ( figure 15). We performed a DoS attack on the certificate issuer during the 20th and 80th iterations and measured the time to receive a certificate from the system. ...
... We considered three MNOs randomly for certificate generation. (a) Traditional method to generate certificates [36] (b) Framework proposed in [32] (c) Framework proposed in [24] (d) Proposed framework in the paper Fig. 15: Benchmarked architectures in the experiment Figure 16 shows the received results in this experiment. Architecture (a) shows the minimum time to issue a certificate, as blockchain interaction is not required to issue certificates. ...
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The rapid evolution of heterogeneous applications signifies the requirement for network slicing to cater to diverse network requirements. Network Functions (NFs), which are the essential elements of network slices, are required to communicate with each other securely to facilitate network services. Certificates are the established method to authenticate each other. However, dynamic certificate management while allowing NFs to communicate in a multi-operator environment is arduous. Also, sharing NFs between network slices originates authorization-related security challenges such as unauthorized service utilization , deceptive Denial of Service attacks, and data leakages from network slices. In this paper, we develop a novel framework to address the security challenges related to authentication and authorization in 5G network slicing systems. A blockchain-based multi-party distributed certificate management framework with secure communication protocols is developed using elliptic curve cryptography to facilitate certificate services for multi-operator environments. Also, we propose a blockchain-based NF authorization framework to mitigate the security vulnerabilities in NF sharing between network slices. We implement the proposed framework using Hyperledger Fabric blockchain with Java chain codes and perform comprehensive experiments to show the significance of our framework.The Ability to mitigate the single point of failure with respect to state-of-the-art, including traditional certificate authorities and blockchain-based certificate authorities, time analysis for certificate generation, and the potential to eliminate the mentioned authorization attacks are some of the experiments conducted.Also, we have shown that our framework is secure using informal and formal (using Real-Or-Random (ROR) logic and Scyther Validation tool) security verification mechanisms.
... Blockchain technology is increasingly recognized for its potential to improve communication security in IoT environments [11], [67], including the specific domain of the IoUT [9], [10]. The focus of several studies was on resolving the single point of failure problem of conventional PKI that relies on a centralized CA for issuing, maintaining, and revoking public key certificates [13], [18], [21]. Blockchain features such as decentralization, traceability, and tamper-proof were exploited for the implementation of scalable and secure distributed PKI. ...
... A conditional privacy-preserving authentication protocol with implicit certificates for vehicular edge computing was proposed in [21]. In [13], smart contracts on a private blockchain platform were used to enable implicit certificate generation, access, and revocation. While the studies referenced in [13], [21] proposed security solutions using blockchain and implicit certificates in edge computing infrastructures, which aligns with our approach, they did not address the unique challenges posed by UASNs. ...
... In [13], smart contracts on a private blockchain platform were used to enable implicit certificate generation, access, and revocation. While the studies referenced in [13], [21] proposed security solutions using blockchain and implicit certificates in edge computing infrastructures, which aligns with our approach, they did not address the unique challenges posed by UASNs. Specifically, these studies ignored the significant propagation delays that make frequent communication with the blockchain time-consuming. ...
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This paper introduces a new blockchain-assisted key management protocol specifically designed for clustered Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASNs). The protocol focuses on simplifying cross-cluster reauthentication for mobile underwater devices and reducing the risks of internal attacks caused by compromised nodes. To address the resource limitations of UASN devices, the protocol utilizes Elliptic Curve Qu Vanstone (ECQV) certificates, which considerably reduces Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) overhead. Moreover, it integrates the Hashed One-pass Menezes-QuVanstone (HOMQV) protocol with blockchain technology to enhance key exchange security against active attacks. The blockchain is hosted on resource-intensive surface nodes that serve as cluster heads and decentralized authorities for certificate management. Smart contracts embedded within the blockchain facilitate certificate-related operations and node trust scoring mechanism. We compared the proposed solution against a state-of-the-art benchmark and demonstrated that it imposes lower computational and communication overheads while exhibiting robustness against various attacks, as confirmed by the AVISPA tool. The solution is implemented on actual underwater/surface devices and validated experimentally. By leveraging the immutable, traceable, and fault-tolerant properties of blockchain, it establishes a secure, scalable, and efficient communication framework for mission-critical UASN applications.
... A blockchain network is classified into four types: private, public, consortium, and hybrid blockchain. Public blockchain does not store information in one place instead, it is securely divided among various nodes on the distributed ledger thus eliminating the need for centralization [7], Nodes on the peer-to-peer network agree on a consensus algorithm for the verification process and prove the authentication of the user. Here are two major terms concerned with consensus algorithm: Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of Work (PoA). ...
... Individuals can safely transmit communication over the unsecured network with a set of protocols and schemes in PKI. Users can authenticate the identities of the subsequent parties to whom they are communicating [7]. This infrastructure provides network security services such as authentication, authorization, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation. ...
... Madhusanka Liyanage et al. [7] discussed the role of public key infrastructure in removing security threats. The public key certificate has a high overhead which adds to the challenge for the IoT devices. ...
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Internet of Things (IoT) has gained wide popularity due to its implementation in smart homes and wearables. IoT centralized system increases the risk of a single point of failure and thus reduces the scalability. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) mitigates these security concerns by providing digital certificates which act as identity proof with a limited lifetime. Certificate Authority (CA) grants public key certificates that consist not only of users but also of servers and software. Once the private key is exposed then an attacker can misuse the information that is intended for the receiver. IoT has low computational power, which can disrupt the encryption process. Blockchain has been transforming cyberspace since its inception as the fundamental technology behind the emergence of cryptocurrencies. Blockchain’s key features consist of decentralization, transparency, immutability, encryption, peer to peer which will overcome the shortcomings of IoT infrastructure. Blockchain records every transaction in the blocks, which are secured by hashing algorithms. Smart contracts will be implemented in the PKI and will be executed when certain conditions are fulfilled. PKI with IoT lacks trust in the certificate and the high cost of signing the certificate. IoT with blockchain has real-life use cases in different sectors such as medicine, supply chain, smart home automation, and so on. In this paper, we have done a comparative analysis of existing work by various researchers and focused on the challenges of PKI with IoT, and provided potential solutions for blockchain Implementation with PKI and IoT.
... To start, we consider that the fog at timestamp T S is in possession of a valid private-public key pair (d f , Q f ) with certificate Cert f and is able to access a list of revoked certificates cert rn of vehicles for the considered period T s . This list can be locally stored or consulted via an online trusted and integrity protected source like for instance being stored on a distributed ledger [54]. ...
Road condition monitoring schemes allow a severe reduction of traffic queues and drastically improve road safety. In these schemes, authorized vehicles communicate the current road condition via a Road Side Unit (RSU) or fog node. The reaction time for these schemes greatly improves in case the RSUs are capable of locally determining the validity of the messages and if relatively low-cost cryptographic operations are involved to ensure the required security features like confidentiality, mutual authentication, anonymity, untraceability, etc. The current literature on vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) does not cover all these mentioned issues profoundly. We show that a recently outperforming scheme called the V2F authentication scheme (VFAS) suffers from several severe issues like no protection against impersonation, traceability, perfect forward secrecy, and ephemeral leakage attacks, no possibility to revoke certificates, scalability problems, and being vulnerable for a semi-trusted third party. We propose an improved scheme, called iVFAS, to address all the required security features and which has better computational, communication, storage and energy consumption performance with respect to most of the related literature, including VFAS. In addition to this, we also evaluated performance under unknown attacks and practical implementation using NS3. Moreover, this new scheme also includes a variant of the Elliptic Curve Qu Vanstone (ECQV) certificate scheme in the registration phase, which is resistant to the extended Canetti–Krawczy adversary model.
... In [24], a blockchain-based solution for automated certificate revocation in 5G IoT networks is proposed. The system utilizes blockchain technology to ensure the security and privacy of IoT devices and data by providing a reliable and efficient certificate revocation mechanism. ...
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Smart devices are connected to IoT networks and the security risks are substantial. Using blockchain technology, which is decentralized and distributed, 5G-enabled IoT networks might be able to tackle security issues. In order to simplify the implementation and security of IoT networks, we propose a multi-level blockchain security model. As part of the multi-level architecture, the communication between levels is facilitated by clustering. IoT networks define unknown clusters with applications that utilize the evolutionary computation method coupled with anatomy simulation and genetic methodologies. Authentication and authorization are performed locally by the super node. The super node and relevant base stations can communicate using local private blockchain implementations. A blockchain improves security and enhances trustworthiness by providing network authentication and credibility assurance. The proposed model is developed using the open-source Hyperledger Fabric blockchain platform. Stations communicate securely using a global blockchain. Compared to the earlier reported clustering algorithms, simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm. In comparison with the global blockchain, the lightweight blockchain is more suitable for balancing network throughput and latency.
... In addition, a lack of trust among the nodes is also inherently present in this particular scenario, and thus sufficient evidence of a well-behaving node should be provided. Therefore, protection should be provided against the most well-known attacks [25], [26] in this adversary model. ...
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The exponential growth in connected devices with Internet-of-Things (IoT) and next-generation wireless networks requires more advanced and dynamic spectrum access mechanisms. Blockchain-based approaches to Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) seem efficient and robust due to their inherited characteristics such as decentralization, immutability and transparency. However, conventional consensus mechanisms used in blockchain networks are expensive to be used due to the cost, processing and energy constraints. Moreover, addressing spectrum violations (i.e., unauthorized access to the spectrum) is not well-discussed in most blockchain-based DSA systems in the literature. In this work, we propose a newly tailored energy-efficient consensus mechanism called "Distributed-Proof-of-Sense (DPoS)" that is specially designed to enable DSA and detect spectrum violations. The proposed consensus algorithm motivates blockchain miners to perform spectrum sensing, which leads to the collection of a full spectrum of sensing data. An elliptic curve cryptography-based zero-knowledge proof is used as the core of the proposed mechanism. We use MATLAB simulations to analyze the performance of the consensus mechanism and implement several consensus algorithms in a microprocessor to highlight the benefits of adopting the proposed system.
... Social influence, trust, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions are very critical constructs that affect BCT adoption directly. BC with the improvement of a security system with 5G, as the enforcement of and scaling up the miner security to deduct 50% attacks without damaging to PKI management system can be enacted [20]. ...
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Hitherto, the evolution of mobile networks havefulfilled the increasing demands for enhanced performance,availability, portability, elasticity, and energy efficiency posed bythe ever growing network services. In line with the progression,5G depicts the next generation of mobile networks that furtherpromises remarkable performance improvements as well ascreation of new value chain. In parallel with 5G, the Internetof Things (IoT) has also emerged as new paradigm for intercon-nection of massive communication-capable heterogeneous smartobjects. 5G is envisaged to broaden IoT’s scope and fields ofapplicability. However, since current mobile networks and alsomore general IoT systems are based on centralized models thusit is anticipated that they will face tremendous challenges tomeet-up the requirements of future 5G-enabled-IoT use cases. Tosolve these inevitable issues blockchain stands out as a promisingtechnology. Some of the offerings of Blockchain technology areimmutability, non-repudiation, proof of provenance, integrity,privacy, etc. Blockchain’s combination with 5G and IoT stillrequires essential insights with respect to concrete applicationdomains, scalability, privacy issues, performance, and potentialfinancial benefits. The paper aims to elaborate and emphasizethe key aspects of the use of Blockchain for 5G and IoT.
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Traditional Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) is Certificate Authority based (CA-based). Thus, the security of PKI is completely relying on the security of CAs' infrastructure. However, many recent breaches show that the CA's infrastructure can be compromised as well as exposed to operational errors, while the Log-based PKIs and Web of Trust (WoT) approaches have many issues related to the potential points-of-failure and other difficulties. In this paper, we propose a novel blockchain-based PKI management framework which can issue, validate and revoke X.509 standard certificates using Blockchain technology. Our framework resolves the problems with traditional PKI systems - in particular, certificate revocation, elimination of single points-of-failure and rapid reaction to CAs misbehavior. We designed and developed a prototype for issuing, validating and revoking PKI certificates through Ethereum blockchain. Evaluation and experimental results confirm that the proposed framework can be used to construct reliable and robust PKI systems.
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In this paper, we introduce an efficient and dynamic elliptic curve qu-vanstone implicit certificates distribution scheme for vehicular cloud networks. We are concerned about how to achieve efficiently and dynamically certificates distribution with a reduced cost. We design an efficient mechanism that reduces the communication cost and the computational overhead for more safety and robustness of intelligent transportation systems. Our proposal enables vehicles to request and obtain implicit certificates upon a secure request, which can be used for further signing exchanged messages. Due to the restricted nature of these certificates, a simple and efficient revocation method has been presented. It is literally based on selective revocation message delivery technique that reduces the number of messages needed for revocation phase and solves a bunch of drawbacks of existing solutions. An extensive analysis is performed to demonstrate how the proposed scheme can dynamically carry out an effective certificates distribution. We further discuss and evaluate simulation results to demonstrate the merits gained by the proposed protocol.
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Motivated by the recent explosion of interest around blockchains, we examine whether they make a good fit for the Internet of Things (IoT) sector. Blockchains allow us to have a distributed peer-to-peer network where non-trusting members can interact with each other without a trusted intermediary, in a verifiable manner. We review how this mechanism works and also look into smart contracts-scripts that reside on the blockchain that allow for the automation of multi-step processes. We then move into the IoT domain, and describe how a blockchain-IoT combination: 1) facilitates the sharing of services and resources leading to the creation of a marketplace of services between devices and 2) allows us to automate in a cryptographically verifiable manner several existing, time-consuming workflows. We also point out certain issues that should be considered before the deployment of a blockchain network in an IoT setting: from transactional privacy to the expected value of the digitized assets traded on the network. Wherever applicable, we identify solutions and workarounds. Our conclusion is that the blockchain-IoT combination is powerful and can cause significant transformations across several industries, paving the way for new business models and novel, distributed applications.
The first comprehensive guide to the design and implementation of security in 5G wireless networks and devices. Security models for 3G and 4G networks based on Universal SIM cards worked very well. But they are not fully applicable to the unique security requirements of 5G networks. 5G will face additional challenges due to increased user privacy concerns, new trust and service models and requirements to support IoT and mission-critical applications. While multiple books already exist on 5G, this is the first to focus exclusively on security for the emerging 5G ecosystem. 5G networks are not only expected to be faster, but provide a backbone for many new services, such as IoT and the Industrial Internet. Those services will provide connectivity for everything from autonomous cars and UAVs to remote health monitoring through body-attached sensors, smart logistics through item tracking to remote diagnostics and preventive maintenance of equipment. Most services will be integrated with Cloud computing and novel concepts, such as mobile edge computing, which will require smooth and transparent communications between user devices, data centers and operator networks. Featuring contributions from an international team of experts at the forefront of 5G system design and security, this book: Provides priceless insights into the current and future threats to mobile networks and mechanisms to protect it. Covers critical lifecycle functions and stages of 5G security and how to build an effective security architecture for 5G based mobile networks. Addresses mobile network security based on network-centricity, device-centricity, information-centricity and people-centricity views. Explores security considerations for all relative stakeholders of mobile networks, including mobile network operators, mobile network virtual operators, mobile users, wireless users, Internet-of things, and cybersecurity experts. Providing a comprehensive guide to state-of-the-art in 5G security theory and practice, A Comprehensive Guide to 5G Security is an important working resource for researchers, engineers and business professionals working on 5G development and deployment.
For numerous applications, it is essential to reliably link a public key with its owner. The current solution is to employ the well-known Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), represented by a trusted certificate authority (CA), to fulfil this assignment by signing the certificate for the public key after validating its owner. However, due to the centralized architecture, it raises the single-point failure problem with unpredictable threats. In this paper, we present a distributed certificate scheme, referred to as Cecoin which is inspired by the well-known Bitcoin by employing its irreversible unforgeability and public verifiability. In Cecoin, the certificates can be treated as currencies and recorded on block chain, which removes the single point failure problem. The miners can verify the validity of certificates following a set of rules to ensure ownership consistency, and allow an identity to bind multiple public-key certificates. For efficient retrieval and verification of certificates, and quick operations, we incorporate the modified Merkle Patricia tree and employ it to implement a distributed Certificate Library. To allow the owner to transfer the possession of identity, we design an online fair exchange protocol without a trusted third party. Security and efficiency analyses show that our Cecoin provides strong security with desirable efficiency.
Conference Paper
The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in use today on the Internet to secure communications has several drawbacks arising from its centralised and non-transparent design. In the past there has been instances of certificate authorities publishing rogue certificates for targeted attacks, and this has been difficult to immediately detect as certificate authorities are not transparent about the certificates they issue. Furthermore, the centralised selection of trusted certificate authorities by operating system and browser vendors means that it is not practical to untrust certificate authorities that have issued rogue certificates, as this would disrupt the TLS process for many other hosts. SCPKI is an alternative PKI system based on a decentralised and transparent design using a web-of-trust model and a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, to make it easily possible for rogue certificates to be detected when they are published. The web-of-trust model is designed such that an entity or authority in the system can verify (or vouch for) fine-grained attributes of another entity's identity (such as company name or domain name), as an alternative to the centralised certificate authority identity verification model.
Conference Paper
This paper introduces a design and implementation of a security scheme for the Internet of Things (IoT) based on ECQV Implicit Certificates and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol. In this proposed security scheme, Elliptic curve cryptography based ECQV implicit certificate plays a key role allowing mutual authentication and key establishment between two resource-constrained IoT devices. We present how IoT devices get ECQV implicit certificates and use them for authenticated key exchange in DTLS. An evaluation of execution time of the implementation is also conducted to assess the efficiency of the solution.