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The Impact Of Reward System On Employee Turnover Intention: A Study On Logistics Industry Of Sri Lanka



Human capital is a paramount important part of todays' business world. For any company to achieve its corporate strategies, it is important to have motivated, committed workforce within the company. Therefore keep employees satisfy is a necessity for any organization. Otherwise they may leave the company as there are lots of job opportunities remain in this modern business world. This study focus on how reward system of an organization impact on employee turnover intention. This study empirically evaluated five independent variables (remuneration, cash incentives, work life balance, supervisor support and employee recognition) and their relationship to the turnover intention of non-executives in the logistics industry of Sri Lanka. The sample consists of 97 non-executive staff in the logistics industry of Sri Lanka. The data collection was done by using a self-administrated structured questionnaire. The results indicated that remuneration, cash incentives, work life balance, supervisor support and employee recognition variables were negatively and significantly correlated with turnover intention. And those relationships were strong. Results of regressing the reward system on turnover intention showed that reward system is a powerful predictor of labour turnover in logistics industry of Sri Lanka. The research findings give evidence that better financial and non-financial rewards have strong impact on employee turnover intention. Therefore to reduce employee's high intention to leave the company, the management needs to develop well balanced reward system in both financial and non-financial aspects.
The Impact Of Reward System On Employee
Turnover Intention: A Study On Logistics Industry
Of Sri Lanka
M.V.S. Mendis
Abstract: Human capital is a paramount important part of todays’ business world. For any company to achieve its corporate strategies, it is important to
have motivated, committed workforce within the company. Therefore keep employees satisfy is a necessity for any organization. Otherwise they may
leave the company as there are lots of job opportunities remain in this modern business world. This study focus on how reward system of an
organization impact on employee turnover intention. This study empirically evaluated five independent variables (remuneration, cash incentives, work life
balance, supervisor support and employee recognition) and their relationship to the turnover intention of non-executives in the logistics industry of Sri
Lanka. The sample consists of 97 non-executive staff in the logistics industry of Sri Lanka. The data collection was done by using a self-administrated
structured questionnaire. The results indicated that remuneration, cash incentives, work life balance, supervisor support and employee recognition
variables were negatively and significantly correlated with turnover intention. And those relationships were strong. Results of regressing the reward
system on turnover intention showed that reward system is a powerful predictor of labour turnover in logistics industry of Sri Lanka. The research
findings give evidence that better financial and non-financial rewards have strong impact on employee turnover intention. Therefore to reduce
employee’s high intention to leave the company, the management needs to develop well balanced reward system in both financial and non-financial
Index Term: Logistics Industry, Reward system, Sri Lanka, Turnover intention.
In today’s changing environment and organizations, buffered
by globalization, social variation and intense competitive
environment, the sources of sustained competitive advantage
have lifted from finance concept to technology side and now to
human assets. To be able to achieve the organizations goals,
management need to understand how to motivate their
employees. In order to do it management need to understand
their attitude to work and life and understand different
personality types. Inability of accomplishment of above
mission, may lead to leaving employees from the work place
resulting huge financial and non-financial loses in the
organization. Employee turnover is the most challenging issue
of modern organizational environment. Most of the time
employee turnover; movement of employee from one firm to
another within particular time period, may result deterioration
of quality of the organization. In Sri Lankan context, this issue
is more critical in operation level employees of many
industries. Rajapaksha (2015) stated that employee turnover
significantly affects to the role of an organization in apparel
industries. Nowadays organizations are looking for better ways
to help their employees to be more productive and to be
happier in their work place with the aim of keeping high
retention rate. Employees want to be appreciated of their
efforts and they expect a fair return on that effort as well. Most
organizations implement many strategies which makes
employees happier. A systematic way of a scheme or a
program which gives incentives for those individuals or groups
who perform well in the firm called a Reward system. Reward
system can be categorized into two areas (Armstrong, 2007).
Those are financial rewards and non - financial rewards.
Financial rewards mean those which satisfy the employees by
providing rewards in terms of money. Besides the financial
rewards, there are certain non - financial rewards which can
satisfy the ego and self-actualization needs and wants of
employees. Lack of fair rewards and recognition system may
cause to create unsatisfactory workforce within the
organization, because today’s employees want to be treated
like a valuable resource not a disposable asset. Therefore, in
the current context retention of the qualified blood within
organizations has become one of the most common
challenges and thereby one of the major problems managers
of organizations face today is employee turnover. Intention to
turnover refers to an individual’s perceived probability of
staying or leaving an employing organization (Cotton and
Tuttle, 1986). The objective of this paper is to explore the
relationship between reward system and turnover intention of
non-executives in logistics industry of Sri Lanka. Logistics
industry in Sri Lanka thrives towards a great extent. In terms of
quality and competency, logistics service in Sri Lanka has
increased the logistics performance index from 2.10 - 2.70
since 2010 - 2014 (Index Mundi, 2014). 10% of contribution
coming towards Sri Lankan economy by logistics sector and
12%-14% of employment opportunities also covered through
logistics sector as well (Jayalal, 2015). Employee turnover
intention is an important concept that every manager wants to
eliminate within their organizations. However the available
studies do not provide empirical evidence with regard to the
relationship between reward system and turnover intention of
non-executive employees in logistics industry of Sri Lanka. So
this study will focus on whether there is a relationship between
reward system and non-executive employees’ turnover
intention in the logistics industry of Sri Lanka.
2.1 Turnover Intention
Hom and Griffeth (1995) define turnover intention as the
relative strength of an individual’s intent toward voluntary
permanent withdrawal from an organization. Cotton and Tuttle
(1986) define turnover intention as an individual’s perceived
probability of staying or leaving an employing organization.
M. V. S. Mendis, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Human
Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and
Management Studies, University of Kelaniya,
Employee turnover is always costly for the organization.
Employee can quit for many reasons. Smith (2009) listed out
twelve major reasons for employees to leave from their
positions. Those were rude behavior, work-life imbalance,
inability to meet expectations, employee misalignment, feeling
undervalued, lack of coaching and feedback, lack of decision
making ability, inadequate skills, organization’s instability,
stagnation, lack of growth opportunities and lack of
2.1.1. Remuneration and employee turnover intention
A'yuninnisa & Saptoto (2015) suggested that pay level
dimension has a higher correlation with intention to leave than
other dimensions like affective commitment. This result
conveys that the pay level is more important with regard to
turnover intention in a way that employees want to quit from
the company and looking for another opportunity. Further
author has highlighted that pay level was moderately and
negative correlated with the turnover intention dimension
where the pay level satisfaction was the most significant other
than the pay raise satisfaction. This shows that employees
who are extremely happy with their pay level are the most
satisfied and less expected to search for another job
opportunity to quit from the current job role. In another words
this study indicated that turnover intention has direct and
indirect impact on pay level satisfaction where the turnover
intention can be reduced by increasing the level of pay
structure. This further notified that if some employee is not
happy with the pay level that they get for their hand is not
enough to cope up with the economic levels, that will be a
turning point to stay in the company or not. Naeem Akhtar,
Abdul Waheed Ahmad Awan, Muhammad Akmal Anwar,
Sohail Saeed, Sajid Ali & Muhammad Qurban (2016) also,
revealed that the turnover intention is significantly negative
associated with the salary which means that when salary
decreases as a result of that turnover intention goes high vice-
2.1.2. Cash incentives and employee turnover intention
Mohammad Atiq and Afshan Bhatti (2014) indicate that cash
incentives have a strong relationship against employee
turnover in different age groups. Even though the age groups
are differing it’s important to have a right incentive schemes to
cater employees where employees have an intention not to
quit the current job. Furthermore, Authors observed that a
good combination of incentive type is more important and it
lies on the different age groups. Other hand side it also needs
to be attainable with the respective objectives given for each
employee. This concludes that type of incentive scheme purely
depends on the age groups of employees and companies
should be able to match the correct incentive scheme
concerning their age groups and business environment.
Babangida Mohammed Musa, Ibrahim Ahmed and Abubakar
Bala (2014) stated that there is a linear relationship among
fringe benefits and turnover intention in the hotel industry.
Authors recommended having monitory and non-monitory
incentive schemes in place to reduce the high turnover since
high frequency of turnover has a huge impact on overall
company achievements. Monitory and non-monitory incentives
enhance the employee retention and employee commitment
as well.
2.1.3. Work life balance and employee turnover intention
According to the many researchers, there is no universally
accepted definition for work life balance. However, Clutterbuck
(2003) defined work life balance is a state where individual try
to manage potential demand on his or her time and energy in
a way that fulfilled needs for his or her well-being. Klopping
(2011) defined that work life balance is a measure of control
where, when and how individual work. What is best balance
between work and life is different for everyone as they have
different priorities and different lives. Rashid, Rab, Khalil,
Zahid & Moeed (2013) conducted a survey to find out the
relationship of work life balance and stress with turnover rate
for employees. They found that, work life balance has a strong
positive correlation with rate of turnover. Ghayyur & Jamal
(2012) also concluded that, work life balance and employee
turnover intention has significant and positive correlation,
despite of all demographic characters such as gender,
material status and designation. Work- family conflicts create
problems for workforce which influences on their intention to
leave. Further researcher postulate that, mostly employees
who are suffering from heavy working hours have to struggle
to manage the needs of their family life and he suggested that,
flexible working schedules may positively impact on
employees in their intention to stay job, satisfaction and
commitment. The matter of maintaining the balance between
person’s personal and professional life is mostly talkative topic
in modern globe. Noor (2011) revealed that, there is a negative
correlation between work life balance satisfaction and intention
to leave. And this relationship is mediated by job satisfaction
and organizational commitment.
2.1.4. Supervisor support and employee turnover
Maertz, Griffeth, Campbell & Allen (2007) found in their study
that the effect of perceived organizational support and
perceived supervisor support on employee turnover, there is
strong negative relationship between organizational and
supervisor support and employee turnover intention. They
concluded that, both organizational and supervisor supports
are quite valuable implication in turnover management.
Therefore supervisor should be responsible to maintain
supportive work environment to build constructive relationships
with employees. Such an action will eventually help to
increase retaining employees within the organization. Son
(2014) discussed that, as supervisors act as agent of the
organization, employee who receive better support from his
superior and favorable treatments from the organization, they
reciprocate by retaining in the organization and it has
psychological contact, employee tend to perceive employer by
fulfilling its obligations.
2.1.5. Employee recognition and employee turnover
According to beliefs of many employers, turnover rate rises,
when employees are not satisfied. They mostly apply simple
measures of recognition to slow down the rate of turnover.
Gary Dessler (2011) explains that recognition positively effect
on employee performance. Recognition mostly refers to the
formal program like employee of the year. Employers in many
country use recognition program such as long service award
or loyalty award for employees who complete many years.
Such an action enhances the retention of employees in
industries where turnover rate is high. Mosley (2016) stated
that, modern organizations are tend to implement recognition
program as part of their strategies to be recognized as “best
place to work” in their industry. It further elucidates that, a
company can experience better results in both business and
culture by implementing sound recognition program by
aligning with values and having a great culture is the key to
reduce staff turnover and maintaining top talents.
2.2 Reward System
A reward system consists with financial rewards, other benefits
as well as non-financial rewards such as recognition,
responsibility career prospects etc. The total reward system
consists with mix of financial rewards, employee benefits and
non- financial rewards (Armstrong, 2002). According to the
above definition the below figure shown how the total reward
system can be illustrated.
Fig. 2.1 The Components of Total Reward System
2.3 Conceptual Framework
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship
between reward system and turnover intention of the non-
executive employees in the logistics industry of Sri Lanka. An
analysis and review of the relevant literature have used to
develop the following conceptual framework (Fig. 2.2). The five
(5) independent variables such as remuneration, cash
incentives, work life balance, supervisor support and
employee recognition can be identified as dimensions of
reward system that have negative relationships with turnover
intention. Turnover intention of the employees is the
dependent variable.
Independent Variables Dependent Variable
Fig. 2.2: The Conceptual Framework
3.1 Hypotheses
Based on the above conceptual model the following
hypotheses (H) has been formulated for this study.
H1: There is a significant negative relationship between
remuneration and turnover intention of employees
H2: There is a significant negative relationship between cash
incentives and turnover intention of employees
H3: There is a significant negative relationship between work
life balance and turnover intention of employees
H4: There is a significant negative relationship between
supervisor support and turnover intention of employees
H5: There is a significant negative relationship between
employee recognition and turnover intention of employees
3.2 Collection of Data
The study relied on survey method as the researcher assumed
it to be the most appropriate method according to the nature of
the study. The sample of the study is 97 non executives
working in logistics industry. The stratified random sampling
method was used as the sampling technique. Further the data
collection was done by using a self-administrated structured
questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three sections
and the section one of the questionnaire designed to obtain
demographic characteristics, including gender, age and the
length of work experience etc. In the second section there are
questions regarding reward system (financial and non-financial
rewards). Finally the third section consists of questions
regarding employee turnover intention. Some of the questions
were close ended, whiles others scored on a 5-point Likert
scale. Point 1 for strongly agree, 2 for agree, 3 for neutral, 4
for disagree and 5 for strongly disagree have been provided to
analyze data. To test the hypotheses, Pearson’s product
moment correlation analysis, and multivariate analysis were
used. The statistical computer package SPSS version 20.0
was utilized to analyze the data. The reliability of a measure
indicates the extent to which it is without bias (error free) and
hence ensures consistent measurement across time and
across the various items in the instrument (Sekaran, 2006).
This can be tested statistically by using Cronbach’s alpha. The
reliability statistics indicated 0.970 for remuneration, 0.934 for
cash incentives and 0.956 for work life balance, 0.948 for
supervisor support, 0.939 for employee recognition and finally
0.975 for employee turnover intention (Cronbach’s alpha
values) which suggest that the items have relatively high
internal consistency.
4.1 Testing of Hypotheses
Table 4.1: Pearson Correlation for all selected independent
variables and turnover intention
Dependent variable
(Turnover intention)
Cash incentives
Work life balance
Supervisor Support
**.Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).
The analysis of the results indicate a negative correlation
between remuneration and turnover intention (r = -0.905) and
is significant at 0.01. This shows that when the remuneration is
not up to the required level according to the needs of the
employees their intention to leave the organization is affected.
There is a negative relationship between cash incentives and
turnover intention. The correlation coefficient (r = -0.657) is
significant at 0.01. The negative relationship between work life
balance and turnover intention (r = -0.911) is also significant at
0.01. The results of supervisor support reveal its significant
negative correlation with turnover intention (r = -0.886) at p =
0.01. Employee recognition gave a negative correlation with
turnover intention (r = -0.957) at 0.01 shows that employees’
turnover intention is highly correlates to the employee
recognition in the organization. Multivariate analysis evaluates
the simultaneous effects of all the independent variables on
dependent variable. The results of multivariate regression of
the five independent variables against the dependent variable
turnover intention are shown in the Table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Aggregate impact of the employee reward system
on turnover intention of employees
Std. error of
the estimate
Sig. F
The adjusted square of the multiple R is 0.958 indicating that
the 95.8% of variance in turnover intention is explained by the
five independent variables jointly. There is statistical evidence
to claim that five independent variables have significantly
explained the 95.8% of the variance in turnover intention in the
selected domain.
As hypothesized it was found that there are significant
negative relationships between remuneration, cash incentives,
work life balance, supervisor support and employee
recognition and turnover intention of employees. The overall
relationships of different elements of reward system showed
that employee recognition has the strongest negative
relationship with turnover intention. When reviewing the
existing literature it was also found that according to
Henryhand (2009) employee recognition has significant impact
on turnover intention. Analysis of the collected data revealed
that reward system has a significant impact on the employees’
turnover intention. The sample indicated that majority of the
non-executive employees are male (87.6%). And the age of
55.7% of non-executive employees are in the range of 18 -25
years and 60.8% of the non-executive employees have less
than 12 months’ experience. 53.6% of the non-executive
employees are General Certificate in Education (Ordinary
Level) qualified.
The research findings give evidence that better financial and
non-financial rewards lead to decrease employee turnover
intention. The problem of the research was that to what extent
the current reward system affects to the non-executive level
employees’ turnover intention in logistics industry of Sri Lanka.
Based on the existing literature, a conceptual framework is
developed so as to test the relationship between financial and
non-financial rewards (remuneration, cash incentives, work life
balance, supervisor support and employee recognition) and
turnover intention. As per the research findings, it can be
concluded that there is a strong negative relationship between
financial and non-financial rewards and non-executive level
employees’ turnover intention in logistics industry of Sri Lanka
and this relationship is significant. We can conclude the
research findings as the reward system of organizations in
logistics industry of Sri Lanka need to be improved in both
financially and non-financially because there is a strong
negative relationship between reward system and turnover
intention of employees. That means if the reward system is
effective and attractive to employees their turnover intention
will be reduced gradually.
According to the research findings remuneration is a significant
variable that reduces the turnover intention of non-executive
employees. The equity theory of Adams (1965) emphasizes that
pay satisfaction is caused by feeling regarding the equity of one’s
pay. Not only increasing pay is enough to reduce turnover
intention of employees, but also employees’ perception of
whether they are being paid fairly for their work do matter.
Therefore the company should follow equity pay system where
each and every employee gets paid fairly for their contribution to
the company. Therefore current reward system should consider
about this. Attractive cash incentive is another significant value
that reduces the turnover intention of non-executive level
employees in logistics industry. Company should take necessary
steps to upgrade employee incentive programmes such as
providing bonuses depending on performance (goal attainment)
and the goals must be realistic and closely matched to the
business and people involved. Introducing new profit sharing
scheme where a pre-determined percentage of profit is shared
among all employees. Other than that good work life balance is
also another significant variable that reduces the turnover
intention of non-executive level employees. Company should
attempt to provide flexible working hours, telephone access which
ensuring all employees are able to receive urgent telephone calls
or messages from family members at work and have access to a
telephone to remain contactable with their family during working
hours also contributes to reduce turnover intention. Arranging
transport for the daily travel from office to home is also effective
method to have good work life balance. According to the findings
of the research, it was discovered that supervisor support also
contribute to reduce the turnover intention of non-executive level
employees. Therefore, company should build a social culture that
focuses on friendly relationships among co-workers and
supervisors adopt a “people-first attitude, implementing
programs which help to improve the employees’ attitudes towards
team work, good team atmosphere, etc. Finally, employee
recognition is also a significant variable that reduces the turnover
intention of non-executive level employees. Since the majority of
employees want their superiors to see them as effective
contributors, because it reinforces their positive image of
themselves and their self-worth, effective employee recognition
system is a must. Employee recognition needs to be a common
practice in the organization. To be effective, employee recognition
must be sincere and heartfelt. Therefore, top management of the
company should create a working environment where employee
recognition is a normal day-to-day process. As a result, the non-
executive level employeesturnover intention can be reduced.
In Sri Lankan context, there are very few researches on the
concept of reward system. Therefore, future researches can
be conducted to investigate the relationship between reward
system and employee retention, recruitment, employer
attractiveness and employee engagement. In addition to the
structured questionnaire which has been distributed in this
study, conducting face to face interviews with a reasonable
number of respondents could be given some valuable
information. Further it is also recommended to perform similar
study in different organization or industry in Sri Lanka.
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... Retaining an employee means that they must be motivated to work with the corporation and will utilize their skills in the company's best interest. The company will only be able to retain them when they will be motivated and they will assess company as a better choice as compared to other options they have (Mendis, 2017). ...
... Employees tend to develop intentions to quit employee turnover is not a positive sign, particularly because of the depressed leadership style. Literature indicates inconsistent results on the effect of organizational commitment, leadership styles, career satisfaction on personal turnover (Mendis, 2017;Shu, Gong, Xiong, & Hu, 2018). ...
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The following study aims to investigate the effect of leadership style (LS), organizational commitment (OC), and career satisfaction (CS) on personal turnover intention (PTI). To understand these relations more clearly, a quantitative approach was conducted for this study. Data were collected from employees who worked inside the Eastern Province Saudi Arabia Company. Questionnaires were distributed to subordinate staff, team leaders, supervisors, and managers in order to collect data, and Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) was utilized for analysis the data. The findings indicated a negative significant link between LS, OC, CS and PTI. The findings also contribute to our understanding the significance of the impact of leadership style, organizational commitment, and career satisfaction on personal turnover intention. Moreover, this study contributes to the current existing literature and research done on personal turnover intention, since employees seem to show poor commitment to their organization due to different reasons, therefore, this study also helps companies to adapt their strategies in order to maintain employees on a longer term and at a higher dedication level.
... The rewards and recognition process must be fair; the lack of a fair rewards and recognition system can lead to an unsatisfactory workforce in the organisation and it is known that employees want to be treated like valuable resources, not disposable assets (Mendis, 2017). Recognition and appreciation for employees can be in the form of monetary or non-monetary benefits. ...
... Recognition and appreciation for employees can be in the form of monetary or non-monetary benefits. For instance, organisations may prefer to recognise their employees by giving service awards or loyalty awards to employees who have worked for the organisation for a long period (Mendis, 2017). These enhance employees' performance, satisfaction and productivity (Nagaraju & Pooja, 2017). ...
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Orientation: Employees’ motivation is a key driving force of any successful organisation. Motivated administrative employees commit themselves to achieving the goals and objectives of the organisation.Research purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether motivational factors statistically differ among demographic groupings.Motivation for the study: This department is currently operating in a diverse environment, which demands managers to understand the factors that influence the motivational level of their administrative employees.Research approach/design and method: A quantitative research approach was used. A structured research questionnaire was used to achieve the objective of the study. Non-probability, convenience sampling was used to select 150 administrative employees who were targeted from the population of 463.Main findings: This study showed marginally significant differences between factors of motivation namely job responsibility and leadership to respondents’ race groups. This study showed significant differences between male and female respondents regarding factors of motivation namely goal setting and feedback. The results showed that there were marginally significant differences between age groups regarding what motivated them.Practical/managerial implications: Management and Human Resource Management should make use of both motivators and hygiene factors to effectively motivate employees and promote job satisfaction in the workplace.Contribution/value-add: The contribution of this study is to assist managers and management in understanding the influence of motivation on employees. This study underlines factors that contribute to employee motivation and offers guidelines on the factors that are conducive to keeping employees motivated.
... With the current financial crisis, the importance of the financial system stability is widely discussed. Therefore, in order to achieve financial system stability or the financial system soundness, it is important to ensure the soundness of the banking sector (Mendis, 2017). Ensuring the employees are satisfied in banks is crucial for maintaining the soundness of the banks as it determines the performance of banks as well as the performance of the Sri Lankan economy. ...
Conference Paper
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Employee performance depends majorly on job satisfaction. Satisfied employees result in employee retention while job dissatisfaction creates turnover intention among employees. Although studies have been performed regarding job satisfaction and turnover intention in other countries, only a handful of studies have been conducted in the Sri Lankan context. Among those studies, research with reference to the banking sector is minimal. A deficiency of literature exists in terms of comparative research as the aforementioned studies have considered only public banks. Therefore, this study aimed at examining the impact of job satisfaction on turnover intention of employees in commercial banks of Sri Lanka. The current study used a sample of 151 bank employees in Colombo district. Data was collected using a questionnaire, created by adapting indicators from Job Satisfaction Survey and Turnover Intention Scale (TIS-6). An exploratory factor analysis was performed in identifying the four reflective latent factors as pay, promotion, nature of work and supervision. Data was analyzed through a Covariance-Based, Higher order Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using the SPSS AMOS version 23. The study found that, job satisfaction has a significant negative impact on turnover intention of banking employees. Identified four latent factors were found to be positively related to job satisfaction. Moderation analysis found that, gender and work setting do not alter the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. Male employees reported a lower job satisfaction compared to females and job satisfaction of private sector employees was higher in comparison to public sector. Aligned with the study findings, enhancing job satisfaction through adequate compensation, clear promotion criterion, positive work environment and stronger supervision are potential policy implications to reduce the turnover intention of employees.
... p value = 0.000). Mendis (2017) investigated the impact of reward system on employee turnover intention: a study on logistics industry of Sri Lanka. The results indicated that remuneration, cash incentives, work life balance, supervisor support and employee recognition variables were negatively and significantly correlated with turnover intention. ...
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This paper investigated the effect of financial rewards on employees' turnover and job performance in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to ascertain the effect of financial rewards on employees' turnover and job performance in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. A survey-descriptive design was adopted for the study. The population constituted 3,800 academic and non-academic employees of tertiary institutions in CrossRiver State, Nigeria. Two research questions and two corresponding hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Tworesearcher-made rating scales were constructed for data collection. Data were analyzed with One Sample Test and ANOVA to ascertain the effect of financial rewards on employees' turnover and job performance in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. The paper recommended that heads of tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria should find out exactly why there is a turnover of employees in the institutions. It further recommends that further investigations should be conducted to ascertain other possible causes of employees' turnover in the tertiary institutions investigated.
... Organizations must timely remunerate their employees to fulfill their personal financial needs and goals. However, some employees may prefer non-financial incentives such as prospects, recognition, and feedback for their career development (Mendis, 2017). Thus, both financial and non-financial benefits and incentives are comparably vital in every organization. ...
... The determinants of employee turnover in organizations are multifaceted and can be classified into individual work-related factors and integrative factors such as job satisfaction, pay, promotion, and working conditions (Mendis, 2017). In addition, demographic variables such as age, tenure, level of education, income, job category, and gender have been found to significantly impact employee retention and turnover intention significantly. ...
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The hospitality industry has gained much attention following its enormous contributions to economies. The job satisfaction of employees has been remarked to lead to higher productivity in the hospitality industry. This study explored the effects of employees' job satisfaction and their intention to quit. Through a quantitative research approach using regression models and descriptive statistics, the study analyzed 40 questionnaire responses from employees. The analyses revealed a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and the turnover intention of employees. The results showed that the socio-demographics of respondents are relevant to their job happiness. It was revealed that employees had fair satisfaction with their jobs, although promotion and work conditions barely influenced their satisfaction. Based on these findings, the study recommended further practice and research.
... Moreover, decreasing retention rates reported due to the inflation in the market directly caused the labour market and several companies tend to keep their talented staff for their brand identity and transparency (Sandhya & Kumar, 2011). Losing workers is a potential loss financially and nonfinancially (Mendis, 2017). Replacement costs, generating negative perceptions and demotivation among current staff, and interrupting the daily operations in a business unit are some of the other consequences that occur due to huge turnover (Cloutier, Felusiak, Hill, & Jones, 2015). ...
Even though many years have passed, organisations continually focus on retaining Labour resources. Especially, Sri Lankan Nursing Staff tend to decrease their likelihood of continuing in hospitals, and it becomes a critical issue for the entire healthcare industry in Sri Lanka. Thus, the present study attempts to assess the impact of perceived satisfaction of the organisational climate on the intention of retention of nursing staff of a leading private hospital in Sri Lanka. The study uses a quantitative approach. The primary data were collected using a standard questionnaire, and a simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample from the population. Thus, every respondent has an equal contribution to select from the sample. 108 nursing staff in a selected leading private hospital were used as sample respondents. Correlation and regression analysis was used to analyse the gathered data. The findings of this research show a significant impact of perceived satisfaction of the organisational climate on the retention of nursing staff in a leading private hospital. The practical implications of hospitals, managers, and industrial psychologists guide favorable organizational climate physically and mentally which impact the retention decision of the nursing staff. Keywords: Retention, Perceived satisfaction of organisational climate, Human relations, Internal process
Turnover intention merupakan suatu masalah yang sering dihadapi di banyak industri perusahaan, tingkat turnover intention yang tinggi sudah menjadi permasalahan yang cukup serius, terutama jika yang keluar dari perusahaan tersebut adalah pegawai yang memiliki pengalaman dan keterampilan yang baik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui informasi pengaruh dukungan atasan terhadap turnover intention pada karyawan PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Cabang Karawang Timur. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penyebaran skala dukungan atasan dan skala turnover intention. Untuk membuktikan keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan uji regresi linear sederhana untuk mengetahui besaran nilai turnover intention yang dipengaruhi oleh dukungan atasan (X). Selanjutnya, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil yang didapat dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,001<0,05 dan nilai r hitung sebesar -0,797 > 0,195. Maka hipotesis pada penelitian ini adalah Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak, yang berarti ada pengaruh dukungan atasan terhadap turnover intention pada karyawan PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Cabang Karawang Timur. Hasil dari uji koefisien determinasi menunjukan bahwa dukungan atasan memberikan sumbangan pengaruh sebesar 63,5% terhadap turnover intention. Turnover intention is a problem that is often faced in many industrial companies. A high level of turnover intention has become quite a serious problem, especially if those leaving the company are employees who have good experience and skills. This research is a quantitative study which aims to find out information on the influence of superior support on turnover intention among employees of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya East Karawang Branch. Data collection in this research was carried out using the distribution method of superior support scale and turnover intention scale. To prove the validity of the data in this study, researchers used a simple linear regression test to determine the magnitude of the turnover intention value which is influenced by superior support (X). Next, the data was analyzed using simple linear regression. The results obtained had a significant value of 0.001 <0.05 and a calculated r value of -0.797 > 0.195. So the hypothesis in this study is that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, which means that there is an influence of superior support on turnover intention among employees of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya East Karawang Branch. The results of the coefficient of determination test show that superior support contributes 63.5% to turnover intention.
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The main objective of the study was to determine and identify whether, independent variables (Compensation and Benefit, Training and Development, Employee Engagement, Performance Management, Reward and Recognition, Work-Life Balance) affects the dependent variable (Employer of Choice) or not. The nature of the research was causal (explanatory) in nature. This research was explanatory because it focused on identifying the impact, relationships, and analysis of specific variables. The research was conducted in area of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, the data was collected from six (6) different FMCGs (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, the sample size of the study was 300 respondents accordingly. The type of research that was implemented in this research was quantitative in type. Data was collected by floating a close ended survey questionnaire, which was developed on the Likert Scale. The statistical results concluded that all independent variables have been accepted and have an impact on the dependent variable.
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The purpose of this study has focused on what kind of impact rewards and supervisor support has on turnover intentions that had been developed by university lecturers and how affective commitment plays a mediating role in the reduction of turnover intentions by university lecturers in universities of Islamabad. The quantitative technique was used to collect data from a sample of 278 university lecturers of both public and private universities in Islamabad through close-ended questionnaires. Stratified simple random sampling technique was implemented in this study. The data was analyzed through correlation and regression analysis while using SPSS. For mediation, the Preacher and Hayes Test has been used to check the mediation effect of affective commitment between independent and dependent variables used in this study. Findings show that rewards and supervisor support played a pivotal role in the reduction of turnover intentions among lecturers and developed a stronger level of affective commitment for their respective universities.
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This study examines mediated effects of perceived supervisor support (PSS) and perceived organizational support (POS) on turnover cognitions, and their interactive effects on turnover behavior in a sample of 225 social services workers. In this study, we address a seeming contradiction in current findings regarding support and attachments to managers versus attachments to the organization itself. The POS literature suggests fully mediated causal paths to turnover from POS and PSS, through affective commitment. Whereas, the commitment, LMX, and turnover literatures suggest alternative causal paths that imply broader effects for POS and PSS on turnover. Contrary to earlier POS literature, findings showed that PSS had independent effects on turnover cognitions not mediated through POS. Model tests also indicated that POS had significant effects on turnover mediated through normative commitment, as well as affective organizational commitment. Moreover, a new significant interactive relationship was discovered such that low PSS strengthened the negative relationship between POS and turnover, while high PSS weakened it. Implications for research and practice are discussed. Copyright copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Journal of Organizational Behavior is the property of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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Studies of employee turnover are reviewed using meta-analytic techniques. The findings indicate that almost all of the 26 variables studied relate to turnover. The findings also indicate that study variables including population, nationality, and industry moderate relationships between many of the variables and turnover. It is suggested that future research on employee turnover: (1) report study variables, (2) continue model testing rather than simply correlating variables with turnover, and (3) incorporate study variables into future models. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Academy of Management Review is the property of Academy of Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
The aim of my study to find out the relationship of the work-life balance and stress with the turnover rate of the employees and examine the type of relationship among them if exists. Research conducted on the marketers of the Pakistan. The study collects the data by using the questionnaire technique and selects the sample size of 200 marketers of the Pakistan. Correlation and regression analyses are used to find the results and reliability test used to check the reliability of the collected data. Results of correlation show that there is a relationship of work-life balance and stress with the turnover rate of employee and regression analysis to find the nature of that relationship. According to my results of study, my hypotheses are accepted. This study will help the other researchers to further study on this topic. It will also help the managers of the different organizations to improve their strategies about their employees and will be overcome on the turnover rate of the employees so that they can improve their organizational performance.
One of the antecedents of turnover and turnover intention is job attitude. Among the job attitudes in the organizations, many researchers have focused on satisfaction and organizational commitment as the factors affecting turnover intention. Meta-analysis studies have noted that correlation between turnover intentions is higher relative to its relationship with satisfaction which indicates the possibility of mediation relationship. One facet of satisfaction which is important in predicting turnover intention is pay satisfaction. Only a few studies have been conducted to test the mediation relationship among the variables. This study aimed to examine the direct and indirect effect of pay satisfaction on turnover intention, which is mediated by affective commitment. Instruments used in this study were the Indonesian version of Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire (Heneman & Schwab, 1985), Affective Commitment Scale (Allen & Meyer, 1990), and Turnover Intention Scale, which were delivered to 183 employees of an automotive manufacture company in Indonesia. The data of 150 respondents involved were analyzed using path analysis with latent variables. The result showed that turnover intention was significantly predicted by both pay satisfaction (γ1 = -0.19, p < 0.05) and affective commitment (β = -0.77, p < 0.05), while affective commitment was significantly predicted by pay satisfaction (γ2 = 0.32, p < 0.05). The model supported for a partial mediation and that there were both direct and indirect effects of pay satisfaction on turnover. Affective commitment played an effective role in mediating the relationship between pay satisfaction and turnover intention.
Hand Book Of Employee Reward Management and Practices
  • M Armstrong
Armstrong, M. (2007). Hand Book Of Employee Reward Management and Practices (2nd ed.). USA: Kogan Page Limited.