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Abstract and Figures

The cardiovascular disease are the causes one the major of the dead of the Brasil and this has been incentived the development of artificial devices for implanting in the cardiovascular system that deepen the knowledge process of thrombus formation, that is, thrombogenesis. This process consists of the aggregates formation of blood cells, of plasma and of fibrin. Such aggregates (thrombus) can be originated by alterations of the flow conditions and the contact with the walls of the device, that frequently can leading to the patient death. In this present work, developed three version an optic device based of the turbidimetric method that uses infrared light sensor capable to analyze the platelet aggregation, that is, to the measure that platelets agregate ones to the others, the turbidity of the plasma is modified with increase the area of pass of infrared light produced by the Light Emitting Diode (LED) that can be perceived by one phototransitor. Thus, the three version of the device is able to perform the analysis of the aggregation for the variation of the optic density in the plasma sample during the aggregation process. Although similar devices exist in the market, the devices went developed in the Bioengeneering Laboratories of the Departament of Mechanical Engineering of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) have as main advantage to allow the evaluation of the process of aggregation in different flow conditions with more an accessible cost. The preliminary results of aggregation obtained with the three version of the device developed permited quantify to proccess aggregation for the uses of infrared sensors and went compatible to results similar device existent in the market.
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Sandoval, G.H.,
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, CEP 31270-901, Belo
Horizonte (MG), Brasil
Oliveira, M.E.C.,
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, CEP 31270-901, Belo
Horizonte (MG), Brasil
Pinotti, M.
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, CEP 31270-901, Belo
Horizonte (MG), Brasil
Abstract. The cardiovascular disease are the causes one the major of the dead of the Brasil and this has been incentived
the development of artificial devices for implanting in the cardiovascular system that deepen the knowledge process of
thrombus formation, that is, thrombogenesis. This process consists of the aggregates formation of blood cells, of plasma
and of fibrin. Such aggregates (thrombus) can be originated by alterations of the flow conditions and the contact with
the walls of the device, that frequently can leading to the patient death. In this present work, developed three version an
optic device based of the turbidimetric method that uses infrared light sensor capable to analyze the platelet
aggregation, that is, to the measure that platelets agregate ones to the others, the turbidity of the plasma is modified
with increase the area of pass of infrared light produced by the Light Emitting Diode (LED) that can be perceived by
one phototransitor. Thus, the three version of the device is able to perform the analysis of the aggregation for the
variation of the optic density in the plasma sample during the aggregation process. Although similar devices exist in the
market, the devices went developed in the Bioengeneering Laboratories of the Departament of Mechanical Engineering
of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) have as main advantage to allow the evaluation of the process of
aggregation in different flow conditions with more an accessible cost. The preliminary results of aggregation obtained
with the three version of the device developed permited quantify to proccess aggregation for the uses of infrared
sensors and went compatible to results similar device existent in the market.
Keywords: platelet aggregation, turbidimetric method, infrared light, hemodinamic, thrombogenesis
1. Introduction
Coronary stenosis is a decrease of the lateral section of arteries surface which propel heart and it is provoked by the
formation of fat plaque below the endothelium. That stenosis decreases the bloodstream toward the cardiac muscle and
provokes severe consequences. These complications are due to the interaction between blood and the lipid plate (known
as atheroma plate) formed in the vessel. When this plate bursts, it reveals sub-endothelial structures (such as collagen)
which activate blood clot. That process forms embolus which causes a blockage in the post lesion and, as a result,
provokes a heart attack. In this case the platelets are activated in two different moments: 1) passing through stenosis and
imposing an unusual flow pattern, 2) when the lipid plaque bursts, reveals the collagen and it develops the process of
adhesion/aggregation of platelets and the formation of fibrin causes thrombus.
Initial studies on the thrombus formation process or thrombogenesis were carried out in 1856 by Virchow and,
since then, it has been known that the phenomenon occurs due to the flow, the blood biochemistry and the surfaces in
which the blood may be in contact (PETSCHEK, 1968). Clot activation and thrombus formation occur when the events
known as Virchow triad are initiated: 1) the activation of platelets; 2) the activation of clot factors; and 3) the activation
of the fibrinolytic system.
By using in vitro studies with blood, the formation of vortex, originated from a stenosis, is characterized by
increasing the shock between the platelets; due to long periods and radial collision toward the wall vessel (KARINO et
al., 1987). This process favours the thrombus development, without adding aggregation agents, or rather, vortex may
cause hemolysis (red globules burst) by liberating the inductor agent of aggregation, Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP),
and activating the platelets. Vortex may conduct to thrombus and thrombosis formation (STEIN and SABBAH, 1974).
One way of studying the aggregation process of in vitro platelets is carried out by the stirring of a suspension of
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Once the platelet aggregation is started (in consequence of its activation) the suspension
speed decreases provoking a change of the infrared light quantity absorbed by the plasma sample. Due to this reason the
stirring method of a PRP suspension is called Method Turbidimetric.
The study on the potential of the in vitro platelet aggregation, or rather, the capability of platelet aggregation when
submitted to either physical or chemical stimulation, as well as the diagnosis method in the area of tissue engineering,
have employed the infrared spectroscopy as sensors (HAZEN et al., 1998); holding the great promise for noninvasive,
nondestructive and therefore less aggressive method (HAZEN et al,1998, FINE and SHVARTSMAN, 2003).
Infrared sensors work according to the absorption frequency of each one of the different blood cells. It makes them
able to detect any blood structural alteration, specially the cellular adhesion and aggregation which alter as the blood is
submitted to different conditions of flow and/or exposed to different kinds of surfaces (BERGER et al., 1997).
Near-infrared spectroscopy is one the three invisible light of the infrared electromagnetic spectrum which has been
used in both tissue and cell stimulation. Near-infrared spectroscopy NIR is based on the absorption of
electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths raging from 750 - 2500nm, or rather, it is a radiation close to the visible
light spectrum (HAZEN et al., 1998). The radiation which interacts with a sample may be absorbed, transmitted or
reflected. Reflectance is eliminated so the relation between non-absorbed and transmitted light intensity from the
sample can be measured as the transmittance and the absorbance as the quantity of absorbed light.
LEDS (Light Emitting Diode) and the photosensors sensible to emitted radiation appeared as some of the near-
infrared light device, able to analyse blood. It has been verified the development of high intensity LEDS, which have
low spectral rate, with specific wavelength in the near-infrared area and low cost.
Different optical and electrical devices, able to monitor change in blood sample, were developed to the study on
platelet aggregation. One of them was the equipment developed by Feinman et al (1977), which allowed to monitor
both answers given by the stimulated platelets: ATP aggregation and secretion. This device works according to the
already shown turbidimetric method, however, its flow induction speed is steady. This system of aggregation
measurement uses a 55C LED (General Electric) with a 940 nm emission spectrum and a FTP-100 phototransistor
(Fairchild). Another technique used to in vitro analyses consists of detecting the potential difference obtained by the
insertion of electrodes into the sample (CARDINAL and FLOWER, 1982; FREILICH, 1986). There is another
technique of cellular monitoring, of platelet aggregation and of variations in other parameters of platelet aggregation,
which uses a device with a tungsten lamp to create visible light on the filter. For that reason, the method allows to
analyse the electromagnetic radiation at definite wavelengths (RENAUD and RUBEL, 1978). Davis (1968) developed a
measure technique of platelet aggregation and clotting in which both the turbidimetric method and the Chandler tube are
used. The technique consists of adapting a photospectroflowmeter to a 620nm monochromatic filter. Fukuyama et al
.(1989) developed an optical device to promote shear-induced platelet aggregation (SIPA). It was done based on a
turbidimetric technique as employed in commercial platelet aggregation. In this process the optical density of the PRP
sample was detected by a (wavelengths 633 nm) laser light source and a sensor, both guided by an optical fiber.
The degree of platelet aggregation has been used as a sign of some diseases of cardiovascular system or some
blood biochemical disorders in clinical studies. The developed device may be used to: 1) investigate some hemorrhagic
diseases, i. g., Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia, von Willebrand’s disease and Bernard-Soulier disease; 2) monitor the
results of using platelet disaggregates on patients who present platelet hiper-activation; and 3) distinguish those
individuals who present a platelet hiper-activation from the others, pointing out the necessity of prophylactic initiatives
in order to avoid thrombus formation.
The purpose of this study is to developed a Optical Aggregometer which quantifies the platelet aggregation in
equine blood plasma by the Turbidimetric Method, the LED/Phototransistor infrared sensors and variable speed. The
experimental tests were compared to a commercial equipment which works on the same principles.
2. Methods
2.1 Construction of the device
A device was developed due to the need of studying the flow effects on platelet aggregation by the turbidimetric
method as shown in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1: Squematic draw of the aggregometer and data acquisition system
used that to study of the Platelet Aggregation process
Speed control, data acquisition system (PC, Multimeter and signal conditioning equipament) are turned on to
activate the stirring system from 300 to 2000 rpm. Due to the necessity of simulating different flow conditions, the
speed can be manipulated. Later, a sample of platelet suspension is placed in the aggregometer channel and closed to
avoid surrounding light.
Turbulence data is read as the optical density difference of the PRP sample is transformed into transmittance sign
by LED/phototransistor optical pair. It occurs as the sample is stirred to quantify this sign as a Platelet Aggregation
percent (% Ag) in terms of time. In this way, platelet aggregation is represented.
Transmittance sign is sent to a conditioned plate to transform this sign into tension sign, which is sent to digital
multimeter. A mobile computer (PC) receives this last sign through a serial port and records that data obtained by
software Masview version 1.1.
The conditioning and amplification system of the sign from LED/photosensor optical pair is done by means of a
micro-controller PIC16F876. There is another micro-controller to monitor the 12 Volts and 3 amperes electric motor
(Tenko Motors). Motor speed control is done by an encoder model PHT18 (Texas Instrumenys).
Comparative tests of platelet aggregation were carried out with a Packs-4 Aggregometer (Helena Laboratories).
2.2 Aggregation measurements
Data was collected using infrared light sensors, spectral scale 880 nm. The transduction system is compound of
LED infrared diode or TIL32 emission (Texas Instruments) and of a phototransistor or receptor model TIL78 (Texas
Instruments) sensible to the emitted radiation.
Magnets with the plasma sample are required to the performing of the magnetic stirring system. The magnets used
in PRP homogenisation from Labbio aggregometer were chosen due to their magnetic intensity, what is fundamental to
the development of the stirring system of Labbio aggregometer. The lower cost of Labbio in comparison to Packs-4
aggregometer was also considered.
2.3 Samples and reagents
Blood samples were collected from 13 adult equines. 20 ml plastic syringes (40 x 16) contained 2 ml of Sodium
Citrate anticoagulant (volume of 3,8%) were used in order to minimize hemolysis. Among those equines, six were
under experimental conditions of induced laminitis. Laminitis is a disease which attaches the animal immune system,
provoking a platelet pre-activation. The other seven animals were healthy.
Blood samples were collected and prepared as stated by Standard ISO 10993-4 (SEYFERT et al., 2002); since red
blood cells may be burst during procedures. After blood collecting, samples were processed to obtain platelet-rich
plasma (PRP) and platelet-poor plasma (PPP).
Some tests were carried out without using ADP, in order to study spontaneous platelet aggregation when it is
submitted to more turbulent flow conditions. Spontaneous aggregation concerns platelet aggregation provoked by the
mechanic shock caused by platelets. The process initiates with platelet membrana bursting what releases ADP in the
dense granules of platelets. ADP activates the liberation of Calcium ions from the dense tubular system to feed the cycle
of platelet activation. However, ADP was used in a majority of the tests to accelerate the activation and aggregation
platelet process.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Optical model applied for the Aggregometer
The optical model shown in the section (OLIVEIRA,2004) was developed based on the change of optical density in
plasma samples, which occurs as platelets aggregate. This aggregation allows a larger light passage. From the relation
between light quantity emitted by photodiode and perceived by photosensor arises a potential difference called
In the analyses of transmittance data (section 3,2), some conditions were assumed:
1. Radiation absorbed by cells is meant to be proportional to the cell surface and transversal to the direction of
radiation incidence.
2. Spread radiation is absorbed by either other cells or small tube walls.
3. Spread is meant to be proportional to the cell surface and transversal to the direction of radiation incidence.
4. Platelet surface in the suspension can be calculated based on the total number of platelet in the suspension.
5. Transmitted radiation is inversely proportional to the cell number in the sample.
According to these conditions, optical density can be represented by the number of cells in the sample, or rather,
volumetric cellular density. Therefore, the optical density of the sample can be represented cells mean surface by
volume unit; since the transversal surface to the beam is the source of absorption or spread of radiation.
An initial moment of analyses is assumed as a time reference in order to calculate platelet aggregation percentage
of any suspension, at any time. A calculation of the number of platelet is carried out at the initial moment (No). Later,
the same calculation is carried out to greater moments than the initial one (Np). Theoretically, the lowest platelet
number of plasma suspension is the lowest platelet number of a PPP plasma suspension (Nppp). Therefore the greatest
variation of platelet number in any plasma suspension would be (No-Nppp). Any variation between the initial moment
and any other time would correspond to a percent of this number. It is considered that total surface of platelet (Ap) can
be calculated as the surface of one platelet times the platelet number in the suspension.
The relation platelet number in the plasma sample with the Aggregometer data can be obtened for eq. 3.1, where
the platelet number is function tension sign read in the aggregometer of the that form:
Of the eq. 3.1, verified that number of platelet is carried out at the initial moment can be represent for eq. 3.2:
Therefore, the percent of aggregation is calculated by the eq. 3.3:
3.2 Results of Platelet Aggregation
3.2.1 Results of Platelet Aggregation to Labbio Aggregometer
The first test carried out with Labbio Aggregometer consisted of testing the sensor ability in detect optical density
changes in PRP samples by the formation of platelet aggregation when submitted to different conditions of flow. Or
rather, mechanical aggregation tests were carried out without using ADP (Fig. 3.1). In these tests, PRP samples were
submitted to different conditions of flow by speed variation. It was noticed that, to the three shown curves, there is a
phase of platelet activation which occurs and is characterized by the change of platelet forms. In the aggregation phase,
characterized by the increase of transmittance, the intensity at witch platelets aggregate do not vary. It occurs because
the shear-stress rate imposed is sufficient to burst the platelet membrana and release the Calcium ions.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time (s)
% Aggregation
1000 RPM
2000 RPM
3000 RPM
Figure 3.1: Mechanical aggregation curve obtened with Labbio
Aggregometer in speed variation
Figure 3.2 shows curves of mechanically induced platelet aggregation when submitted to 3.000 rpm . Aggregation
and activation phase can be observed on both curves. However a disaggregation process can be verified at the end of
each aggregation curve. It can occurs for two reasons: 1) the lack of ADP makes the platelets return to their discoid
form. 2) shear rate may provoke a microaggregate formation.
Tests to obtain curves of platelet aggregation induced by ADP and steady-state velocity of 1000 rpm are shown in
Figure 3.3. The three curves are in the normal rate of aggregation (30 – 70%). Activation phases caused by a quick
decrease in transmittance is noticed after ADP injection, about 60 seconds after the begining of the test. How platelet
aggregation is accelerated with ADP using is verified now.
0 500 1000 1500
Time (s)
% Aggregation
Figure 3.2: Mechanically Induced Platelet Aggregation with the Labbio Aggregometer
using the same PRP sample in steady-state velocity of 3000 rpm
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (s)
% Aggregation
% Agr eg1
% Agr eg2
% Agr eg3
Figure 3.3: Induced Platelet Aggregation curve for ADP obtened with the Labbio
Aggregometer using the same PRP sample and steady speed of 1000 rpm
Figures 3.4 and 3.5 show high levels of fluctuation during aggregation measurements. Figure 3.4 shows high
percent of aggregation due to the fact that the animal had Laminitis, or rather, since the platelets were pre-induced, ADP
adding might have amplified the aggregation process. This fluctuation might have been accentuated by the high number
of platelets in PRP samples.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (s)
% Aggregation
Figure 3.4: Induced agregation curve for ADP obtened with Labbio Aggregometer the steady
speed of 1000 rpm using the same PRP sample of the animal had Laminits
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (s)
Figure 3.5: Induced aggregation curve for ADP with Labbio Aggregometer
using the same PRP sample and steady speed of 1000 rpm
Figure 3.6 shows the comparison between the number of platelet and greatest aggregation of tests which were
carried out with Labbio and Packs-4 aggregometers. It was noted that the preliminary results revealed by the developed
aggregometer show a good correlation with Packs-4. Although the developed system reveals a higher rate of
aggregation. Preliminary results of the prototype of the developed aggregometer reveal the capability of infrared light
sensors model LED/Phototransistor to detect Platelet Aggregation. ADP induced aggregation is more accelerated
and amplified than mechanical aggregation. However, ADP stored in platelets is sufficient to provoke their aggregation,
what depends on the flow conditions in which platelets are submitted as time goes by.
150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290
platelet number*105
% Maximum Aggregation
Max Aggreg Labbio
Max Aggreg Packs-4
Figure 3.6: Comparison between the number of platelet and greatest aggregation
of tests with Labbio and Packs-4 aggregometers
4. Conclusion
An optical aggregometer which uses the Turbidimetric Method was developed by LED/ Phototransistor infrared
sensors to analyse the process of in vitro platelet aggregation. The experimental methodology allowed to obtain needed
values to the determination of platelet aggregation. This process permitted checking the performance of Labbio
aggregometer by comparing Labbio to commercial aggregometer Packs-4, which is on the market.
The measurement system by light sensor with radiation in the near-infrared spectrum model LED/Phototransistor,
wavelength 880 nm, was able to detect the changes in optical density from plasma samples during the aggregation
The system of magnetic stirring of platelet suspension was efficient, since speed could be varied. Therefore, two
facts were verified: 1) the influence of speed on the system of plasma stirring; 2) the preliminary results agree with the
results obtained with the device on the market. An acceptable deviation between the devices was not statistically
established due to the insufficient number of tests.
In relation to preliminary experimental tests, it was observed that the rate of platelet aggregation suffers great
influence from speed and, as a consequence, the degree of turbulence imposed by the flow tends to increase
aggregation. However, from a given speed, the rate of aggregation seems do not alter any longer and the platelet
aggregates begin to be sheared by a turbulent flow.
The time and the magnitude of speed in which platelet aggregates are submitted to a turbulent flow determine the
size of aggregates. These aggregates tend to be great to flows in which the stirring system of platelet suspension is the
least non-invasive one.
Therefore, this paper is a very important step to the study on in vitro aggregation in terms of platelet number and
flow conditions in which platelets are submitted.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Near-infrared calibration models are described for the measurement of total protein, albumin protein, globulin protein, triglycerides, cholesterol, urea, glucose, and lactate. Spectra are collected in triplicate over the 5000–4000 cm−1 spectral range with a 2.5 mm optical path length for 242 undiluted human serum samples. Calibration models are generated for each analyte by performing partial least-squares (PLS) regression on raw and digitally filtered spectra. Models are optimized individually for each analyte by considering spectral range, number of model factors and width/position of a Gaussian shaped filter response function for a digital Fourier filter. Accurate measurements are demonstrated for each analyte except lactate which is below the detection limit under our experimental conditions. Standard error of prediction (SEP) for glucose is 23.3 mg/dl (1.29 mM). Relevance and stability of the glucose calibration model are examined by evaluating the accuracy of glucose predictions from 50 human serum samples collected on a modified spectrometer nineteen months after the calibration data were collected. In addition, these 50 subsequent samples were treated in a blind manner by withholding their glucose values until all predictions were complete. Results indicate a slight positive bias in the predictions corresponding to a minor instability in the model. This instability is likely due to changes in the spectrometer hardware. Nevertheless, the strong correlation between predicted and actual glucose levels in these blind samples strongly suggests that this calibration model is based on information particular to glucose.
We have developed a new instrument that simultaneously monitors aggregation and secretion of ATP from the same sample of platelets. Aggregation is determined by the usual turbidimetric method; secretion of ATP is followed by measuring luminescence from the firefly luciferase system at right angles to the aggregometer light path. Data are recorded on a two-pen strip chart recorder and reveal the temporal relations between the two platelet responses.
A mechanical device for continuous recording of shear-induced platelet aggregation (SIPA) has been developed using a turbidometric technique. The device consists of three components: light source, a thermostated cone-plate streaming chamber and optical detection unit. There was a good correlation between platelet count and transmitted light intensity under the conditions in which no activation of platelets occurred. When platelets were exposed to shear stress at 37 degrees C, transmitted light intensity increased with time. Scanning electronmicroscopic examinations revealed that more prominent platelet aggregation was demonstrated when light intensity increased. Reproducible recording of SIPA was obtained when experiments were repeated using the same sample. No change in light intensity was observed when formalin-fixed platelets were sheared. Both PGE1, and anti-GPIIb/IIIa mouse monoclonal antibody, AP2, showed complete inhibition of SIPA. It is indicated that our device for continuous measurement of SIPA is an important new tool to study one aspect of platelet functions.
We have studied the flow patterns in various glass models of stenoses and branching vessels as well as in isolated transparent natural blood vessels, and described the three-dimensional structure of disturbed flows formed in each vessel. It was made clear at this point that disturbed flows are formed within the flowing blood by at least one or a combination of the following three mechanisms: (i) through a flow separation caused by the irregularity of the vessel wall, (ii) through a development of strong secondary flows (as a result of flow deflection) caused by sudden changes in the direction of flow as it occurs at bends, T-junctions, and bifurcations, and (iii) through mismatching of flow rate entering each daughter vessel at the branching sites of T-junctions and bifurcations that force the backflow of the excess fluid entering a particular branch due to the inertia of the fluid. Thus, in an axisymmetric stenosis, an annular ring vortex with closed orbits was formed downstream of the constriction as a result of a flow separation. A similar flow pattern was also observed in natural vessels in the pocket of venous valves. The exact flow patterns were, however, somewhat different from those of the annular ring vortex formed downstream of an axisymmetric stenosis. In the annular vortex, theory predicts closed streamlines and there could be no flow of blood cells from the mainstream into the vortex unless there were frequent and vigorous particle interactions between the crowded cells in flowing blood.
Turbulence is one of the hydraulic disturbances implicated in thrombus formation, even though absolute proof of its contributory effect is lacking. Because of the importance of a possible effect of turbulence on thrombus formation, the relation was studied in 8 dogs. In each dog, 2 arteriovenous shunts were established, one from each femoral artery to the contralateral femoral vein. Only one shunt contained a turbulence producing device; otherwise, the shunts were identical in shape, size, and material. The intensity of turbulence distal to the turbulence generator was quantified in vitro by measuring the relative magnitude of the randomfly fluctuating velocities. In each of the 8 dogs, more thrombi, by weight, accumulated in the turbulent shunt than in the laminar shunt (P<0.001). randomly from the turbulent shunt weighed 180 ± 30 (SE) mg, whereas those from the laminar shunt weight 0.9 ± 0.6 mg. The weight of thrombi that accumulated within the turbulent system appeared to be related to the intensity of turbulence. A linear relation was observed between the Reynolds number in the region of the turbulence producing orifice and the weight of the thrombi within the turbulent shunt (r = 0.90). The relative intensity and the absolute intensity of turbulence distal to the turbulence generator were also linearly related to the Reynolds number (r = 0.97 and 0.90, respectively). The results of this study therefore indicate that turbulence is a characteristic of blood flow that can contribute to the formation of thrombi. Twenty four references are cited.
We report the determinations of glucose concentrations in human whole blood samples made using near-infrared Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra of blood samples with above-physiological levels of glucose were acquired for 5 min through the wall of a cuvette via fiber optics. Partial least squares analysis was used to predict glucose concentrations in the samples. A root mean squared prediction error of 3.6 mM glucose was achieved with a correlation coefficient of 0.99 between reference and predicted values. This result is the first step in evaluating the potential of near-infrared Raman spectroscopy to perform blood glucose measurement with clinical accuracy. The technique is capable of measuring the concentration of other Raman-active blood constituents; as an example, bicarbonate was also measured. The method could eventually be useful for direct measurement of tissue analytes.
The development of synthetic materials, textured polymers and metals and their increasing use in medicine make research of biomaterials' hemocompatibility very relevant. Problems arise from the polymorphism and diversity of the different materials, the static and dynamic test models and the patients' individual biologic factors. First, methods, models, tests as well as preanalytical factors have to be standardized according to the current knowledge in medicine laid down in the ISO 10993 part 4. The routine controls used in clinical chemistry and hematology have to be performed. Information about normal ranges (mean value, standard deviation, 95% confidence interval) should be provided. Tests have to be performed within a minimal delay of usually 2 h since some properties of blood change rapidly following collection. Various conditions (depending on the wall shear rate) were simulated within the centrifugation system and a Chandler system. Qualities and aspects of hemocompatibility such as platelet activation, oxidative burst, hemolysis, fibrinolysis, fibrin formation, generation of thrombin, contact activation, and complement activation were analysed and the results were entered non-dimensionally into a non-dimensional score system, where 0 points stand for the best and 65 points for the worst evaluation. We found a good correlation between the total score and contact activation, thrombin generation and leukocyte activation in a low shear stress system and a good correlation between the total score and thrombin generation, hemolysis and platelet activation in the high shear stress system. Further on the effect of additives and sterilization procedures can be measured. The concepts presented underline the relevance/importance of an efficient diagnostic approach to hemocompatibility that takes account of clinical and socio-economic concerns.