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Classification of Cardiotocogram Data using Neural Network based Machine Learning Technique

  • Arulmigu palaniniandavar college of Arts and Culture


Cardiotocography (CTG) is a simultaneous recording of fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine contractions (UC). It is one of the most common diagnostic techniques to evaluate maternal and fetal well-being during pregnancy and before delivery. By observing the Cardiotocography trace patterns doctors can understand the state of the fetus. There are several signal processing and computer programming based techniques for interpreting a typical Cardiotocography data. Even few decades after the introduction of cardiotocography into clinical practice, the predictive capacity of the these methods remains controversial and still inaccurate. In this paper, we implement a model based CTG data classification system using a supervised artificial neural network(ANN) which can classify the CTG data based on its training data. According to the arrived results, the performance of the supervised machine learning based classification approach provided significant performance. We used Precision, Recall, F-Score and Rand Index as the metric to evaluate the performance. It was found that, the ANN based classifier was capable of identifying Normal, Suspicious and Pathologic condition, from the nature of CTG data with very good accuracy.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 888)
Volume 47 No.14, June 2012
Classification of Cardiotocogram Data using Neural
Network based Machine Learning Technique
Christian College of Engineering
Oddanchatram 624619
PRIST University
Trichy Campus Tamilnadu
Tiruchirappalli 620 009
Anna University of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620024
Cardiotocography (CTG) is a simultaneous recording of fetal
heart rate (FHR) and uterine contractions (UC). It is one of the
most common diagnostic techniques to evaluate maternal and
fetal well-being during pregnancy and before delivery. By
observing the Cardiotocography trace patterns doctors can
understand the state of the fetus. There are several signal
processing and computer programming based techniques for
interpreting a typical Cardiotocography data. Even few
decades after the introduction of cardiotocography into
clinical practice, the predictive capacity of the these methods
remains controversial and still inaccurate. In this paper, we
implement a model based CTG data classification system
using a supervised artificial neural network(ANN) which can
classify the CTG data based on its training data. According to
the arrived results, the performance of the supervised machine
learning based classification approach provided significant
performance. We used Precision, Recall, F-Score and Rand
Index as the metric to evaluate the performance. It was found
that, the ANN based classifier was capable of identifying
Normal, Suspicious and Pathologic condition, from the nature
of CTG data with very good accuracy.
Multidimensional Data Classification, Medical Data
Classification, Cardiotocography, CTG, fetal heart rate, FHR.
uterine contractions, UC, ANN.
Data Mining (DM) and the technology of Knowledge
Discovery from Data (KDD) has brought many new
developments, methods, and technologies in the recent
decade. Also the improvement of integration of techniques
and the application of data mining techniques had contributed
in handling of new kinds of data types and applications.
However, the field of data mining and its application in
medical domain is still young enough so that the possibilities
of the application are still limitless [20].
One of the major challenges in medical domain is the
extraction of comprehensible knowledge from medical
diagnosis data such as CTG data. In this information era, the
use of machine learning tools in medical diagnosis is
increasing gradually. This is mainly because the effectiveness
of classification and recognition systems has improved in a
great deal to help medical experts in diagnosing diseases[21].
1.1 Cardiotocography (CTG)
Cardiotocography (CTG) is a technical means of recording
the fetal heart rate (FHR) and the uterine contractions (UC)
during pregnancy, typically in the third trimester to evaluate
maternal and fetal well-being. FHR patterns are observed
manually by obstetricians during the process of CTG analysis.
In the recent past fetal heart rate baseline and its frequency
analysis has been taken in to research on many aspects [2],[6].
Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring is mainly used to find out
the amount of oxygen a fetus is acquiring during the time of
labor [7]. Even then death and long term disablement occurs
due to hypoxia during delivery. More than 50% of these
deaths were caused by not recognizing the abnormal FHR
pattern, even after recognizing not communicating the same
without knowing the seriousness and the delay in taking
appropriate action [7]. The currently proposed computation
and datamining techniques for FHR can be used for analyzing
and classifying the CTG data to avoid human mistakes and
helps the doctors to take a decision.
Cardiotocography (CTG), consisting of fetal heart rate (FHR)
and tocographic (TOCO) measurements, is used to evaluate
fetal well-being during the delivery. Since 1970 many
researchers have employed different methods to help the
doctors to interpret the CTG trace pattern from the field of
signal processing and computer programming [2]. They have
supported doctors with interpretations in order to reach a
satisfactory level of reliability so as to act as a decision
support system in obstetrics. Up to now, none of them has
been adopted worldwide for everyday practice (Van
Geijnt, 1996). There is currently no consensus on the best
methodology for baseline estimation in computer analysis of
cardiotocographs [2]. More than 30 years after the
introduction of antepartum cardiotocography into clinical
practice, the predictive capacity of the method remains
controversial. In a review of lot of articles published on this
subject, it was found that its reported sensitivity varies
between 2 and 100%, and its specificity between 37 and 100%
[5]. So, in this work, we are going to evaluate some of the
statistical, machine learning and datamining techniques for the
classification of CTG data.
Classification can be viewed as a supervised learning
scenario. Here a training data set of records is accompanied
by class labels. New data can be classified based on the
training set by generating descriptions of the classes. In
addition to the training set, there is also a test data set which is
used to determine the effectiveness of a classification. In
principle, the popular neural network can be trained to
recognize the data directly. However, a simple network can be
very complex and difficult to train. Further, if the dimension
of the input data is high, then the training process will
consume very lot of time and the accuracy of classification
also vary with the increase of dimension in the training data.
Generally, the techniques used in the neural network systems
will depend on the application of the system.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 888)
Volume 47 No.14, June 2012
As means of data collection have become more capable, the
need for non-linear modeling techniques has become more
and more apparent. Traditional statistical methods rely on an
assumption of linearity. However, since most of the data
collected concerns, or is the result of, human behavior, and
humans rarely behave linearly, methods that assume linear
separability are ultimately doomed to failure. Furthermore,
data collection streams are broadening. The number of
variables of concern to modelers has increased by at least an
order of magnitude. Traditional methods simply were not
designed to work with one hundred or more variables.
In answer to this, the last decade has seen the emergence of
neural networks as a means of non-linear modeling. These
devices resulted from the efforts of a number of cognitive
scientists to mimic learning and memory in the human brain.
The back-propagation neural network in particular has proven
successful in creating useful models from large masses of
complex data. The algorithm has been successfully applied in
a variety of settings including direct marketing, intelligence
and process control. Because of its pattern recognition nature
it has proven robust with respect to missing data and other
data irregularities.
2.1 The Medical Background Of
Cardiotocography (CTG)
Cardiotocography is a medical test conducted during
pregnancy that records fetal heart rate(FHR) and uterine
contractions. The tests may be conducted by either internal or
external methods. In internal testing, a catheter is placed in the
uterus after a specific amount of dilation has taken place.
With external tests, a pair of sensory nodes is affixed to the
mother's stomach. The CTG trace generally shows two lines.
The upper line is a record of the fetal heart rate in beats per
minute. The lower line is a recording of uterine contractions
from the TOCO [4].
2.1 Baseline Heart Rate
The baseline heart rate helps to evaluate the healthy
functioning of the cardiovascular system. The baseline fetal
heart rate is determined by approximating the mean FHR
rounded to increments of 5 beats per minute (bpm) during a
10-minute window, excluding accelerations and decelerations
and periods of marked FHR variability (greater than 25 bpm.
Abnormal baseline is termed bradycardia and tachycardia.
The fluctuations are visually quantitated as the amplitude of
the peak- to-trough in bpm. Using this definition, the baseline
FHR variability is categorized by the quantitated amplitude
Absent- undetectable
Minimal- greater than undetectable, but less than or equal
to 5 bpm
Moderate- 6 bpm - 25 bpm
Marked- greater than 25 bpm
Bradycardia: It is the resting heart rate of under 60 beats
per minute, though it is seldom symptomatic until the rate
drops below 50 beats/min. It may cause cardiac arrest in some
Tachycardia: It typically refers to a heart rate that
exceeds the normal range for a resting heart rate (heart rate in
an inactive or sleeping individual). It can be dangerous
depending on the speed and type of rhythm.
Type 1 (early)
This occurs during the peak of the uterine contraction. It will
be uniform, repetitive, periodic slowing of FHR with onset
early in the contraction and return to baseline at the end of the
contraction. The reasons behind this may be fetal head
compression, cord compression or early hypoxia. This occurs
in first and second stage labor with decent of the head [4].
This is synchronous with uterine contraction
Type 2 (late)
This occurs after the peak of the uterine contraction. It will
also be uniform, repetitive, slowing of FHR with onset mid to
end of the contraction and nadir more than 20 seconds after
the peak of the contraction and ending after the contraction. If
the lag time is high seriousness is also high. This is also
synchronous with uterine contraction. Mx: a fetal pH
measurement is mandatory [4].
Type 3 (variable)
This is variable, repetitive, periodic slowing of FHR with
rapid onset and recovery. Variable and isolated time
relationships with contraction cycles may occur. In some
cases, they resemble other types of deceleration patterns in
timing and shape. If they occur consistently, there is a chance
of fetal hypoxia. This is unrelated to uterine contractions.
Mx: check fetal pH if the pattern persists after turning the
patient on her side (or if other adverse features are present)
3.1 ANN Based Classification
Here in this classification, we use supervised learning by
using a set of training data which is accompanied by class
labels. When a new data arrive, then classification of that data
will be done based on the training set by generating
descriptions of the classes. In addition to training set we also
have a test data set that is used to determine the effectiveness
of a classification. In general, commonly used and popular
neural networks can be trained to recognize the data directly,
whereas in simple networks there is a chance of the system
being complex and training may be difficult. The time taken
and the accuracy of classification depend on the dimension of
the input given and also on the dimension in the training data.
For input data with high dimension, the process will take a
longer time.
3.2 Structuring the Network
The number of layers and the number of processing elements
per layer are important decisions. These parameters to a feed
forward, back-propagation topology are also the most ethereal
- they are the "art" of the network designer. There is no
quantifiable, best answer to the layout of the network for any
particular application. There are only general rules picked up
over time and followed by most researchers and engineers
applying this architecture to their problems.
Rule One: As the complexity in the relationship between
the input data and the desired output increases, the number of
the processing elements in the hidden layer should also
Rule Two: If the process being modeled is separable into
multiple stages, then additional hidden layer(s) may be
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 888)
Volume 47 No.14, June 2012
required. If the process is not separable into stages, then
additional layers may simply enable memorization of the
training set, and not a true general solution effective with
other data.
Fig 1: Feed forward Network
Rule Three: The amount of training data available sets an
upper bound for the number of processing elements in the
hidden layer(s). To calculate this upper bound, use the number
of cases in the training data set and divide that number by the
sum of the number of nodes in the input and output layers in
the network. Then divide that result again by a scaling factor
between five and ten. Larger scaling factors are used for
relatively less noisy data. If you use too many artificial
neurons the training set will be memorized. If that happens,
generalization of the data will not occur, making the network
useless on new data sets.
A single-layer network of S logsig neurons having R inputs is
shown below in full detail on the left and with a layer diagram
on the right [16].
Feed forward networks often have one or more hidden layers
of sigmoid neurons followed by an output layer of linear
neurons [11], Multiple layers of neurons with nonlinear
transfer functions allow the network to learn nonlinear and
linear relationships between input and output vectors. The
linear output layer lets the network produce values outside the
range -1 to +1. On the other hand, if you want to constrain the
outputs of a network (such as between 0 and 1), then the
output layer should use a sigmoid transfer function.
3.3 The ANN based CTG Data
Classification System
The Fig. 2 shows the ANN based CTG data Classification
The Metrics Used for the Evaluation
Precision, recall and F-Score are computed for every (class,
cluster) pair. But Rand index is a metric which will consider
all the classes and the clusters as the whole.
Rand Index
The Rand index or Rand measure is a commonly used
technique for measure of such similarity between two data
Given a set of n objects S = {O1, ..., On} and two data
clusters of S which we want to compare: X = {x1, ..., xR} and
Y = {y1, ..., yS} where the different partitions of X and Y are
disjoint and their union is equal to S; we can compute the
following values:
a is the number of elements in S that are in the same
partition in X and in the same partition in Y,
b is the number of elements in S that are not in the same
partition in X and not in the same partition in Y,
c is the number of elements in S that are in the same
partition in X and not in the same partition in Y,
d is the number of elements in S that are not in the same
partition in X but are in the same partition in Y.
Intuitively, one can think of a + b as the number of
agreements between X and Y and c + d the number of
disagreements between X and Y. The Rand index, R, then
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 888)
Volume 47 No.14, June 2012
Fig 2: The ANN based CTG Data Classifier
The Rand index has a value between 0 and 1 with 0 indicating
that the two set of data clusters do not agree on any pair of
points and 1 indicating that the two data clusters are exactly
Precision is calculated as the fraction of correct objects among
those that the algorithm believes belonging to the relevant
class. It can be loosely equated to accuracy and it will roughly
answers the question: “How many of the points in this cluster
belong there/ correctly classified?”
The Precision is calculated as :
P(Lr, Si) = nri/ni
class Lr of size nr
cluster Si if size ni
nri data points in Si from class Lr
Recall roughly answers the question: "Did all of the
documents that belong in this cluster make it in?". In other
words, recall is the fraction of actual objects that were
The recall is calculated as :
R(Lr, Si) = nri/nr
F-Score is the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall and will
tries to give a good combination of the two. It is calculated
with the equation:
4.1 Data Set Information
For evaluating the algorithms under consideration, we used
cardiotocograms data from UCI Machine Learning
This data set contains 2126 fetal cardiotocograms belonging
to different classes. The data contains 21 attributes and two
class labels. The CTGs were classified by three expert
obstetricians and a consensus classification label assigned to
each of them. Classification was both with respect to a
morphologic pattern (A, B, C. ...) and to a fetal state (N, S, P).
Therefore the dataset can be used either for 10-class or 3-class
experiments. Here we use this data set for these evaluations.
Attribute Information
1) LB - FHR baseline (beats per minute)
2) AC - # of accelerations per second
3) FM - # of fetal movements per second
4) UC - # of uterine contractions per second
5) DL - # of light decelerations per second
6) DS - # of severe decelerations per second
7) DP - # of prolongued decelerations per second
8) ASTV - percentage of time with abnormal short
term variability
9) MSTV - mean value of short term variability
10) ALTV - percentage of time with abnormal long
term variability
11) MLTV - mean value of long term variability
12) Width - width of FHR histogram
13) Min - minimum of FHR histogram
14) Max - Maximum of FHR histogram
15) Nmax - # of histogram peaks
16) Nzeros - # of histogram zeros
17) Mode - histogram mode
18) Mean - histogram mean
19) Median - histogram median
20) Variance - histogram variance
21) Tendency - histogram tendency
The CTG Data
The Training
Data with Class
The Testing
Normalize the
Training Data
Normalize the
Testing Data
Train ANN using Training
Data and Class Labels
New Class
Class Labels of
the Test Data
Measure Performance Using
Rand Index, Precision, Recall and
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 888)
Volume 47 No.14, June 2012
22) CLASS - FHR pattern class code (1 to 10)
23) NSP - fetal state class code (Normal=1; Suspect=2;
Class Information
We used the data for a three class classification problem. The
descriptions for the three classes are
A CTG where all four features fall into the reassuring
A CTG whose features fall into one of the non-
reassuring categories and the reassuring category and the
remainder of features are reassuring
A CTG whose features fall into two or more of the Non-
reassuring the reassuring category or two or more abnormal
4.2 The Visualization of Data Space
The following image shows the projection of this 21 attribute
(dimension) data in to a virtual three dimensional data space.
We used three principal components of the data for this
projection. In this plot, the normal CTG data points are shown
in black dots, the suspicious data points are shown as blue
dots, and the Pathologic data points are shown as red ‘x’
mark. This figure roughly shows the distribution of the data in
the virtual space.
Fig 1 : The 3D projection of CTG data
The Numerical Results
The following tables show the average performance of the
three different methods. Here we tabulate the average results
of ten trials. (The detailed results of all the trials can be found
in the tables presented in annexure section)
Table 1.The Performance in terms of
Rand Index and CPU time
Table 2. The Average Performance of ANN Based
The Analysis of Results
The performance of the algorithms in terms of Rand Index
was good and always greater than 0.9. The proposed model
consumed around 2.5 seconds for training and testing. 2.5
seconds is not a big figure to consider and will not be a
obstacle in practical use of the method in real world
Performance Index
Analysis of Performance of ANN
Fig 4. Performance of ANN
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 888)
Volume 47 No.14, June 2012
The above chart (Fig. 4) obviously shows the good
performance of ANN based classifier. It gives good precision,
recall and f-score for normal as well as pathological
records. But giving poor performance in the case of suspicious
Arrived results obviously show that supervised machine
learning based methods can be used for the classification of
CTG data. We realize that there are some training glitches in
the case of suspicious records which caused some unexpected
poor results while classifying the CTG data class
The performance neural network based classification model
has been analyzed with CTG dataset.. According to the
arrived results, the performance of the supervised machine
learning based classification approach provided significant
performance. It was found that, the ANN based classifier was
capable of identifying Normal, Suspicious and Pathologic
condition, from the nature of CTG data with very good
accuracy. ANN based classifier provided excellent
performance in terms of Rand Index, Precision, Recall and F-
Score. It was capable of identifying Normal and Pathologic
condition with almost equal accuracy. But if we carefully see
the comparative chart of ANN (the last figure), we can tell
that, it’s performance to identify the Suspicious CTG pattern
is little bit poor than the other two classes. So future works
my address the way to improve the system to recognize the
Suspicious CTG patterns with the same accuracy.
Even though the ANN based classifier provided excellent
average performance, if we carefully watch the results of ten
trials with ANN (the last table in annexure), we may find
another weakness of this system. If we see some cells of the
columns P2, R2 and F2 there are some bad results
(highlighted in gray colour) during some trials. It means, in
that trial, the system was absolutely incapable of identifying a
single suspicious record. It means, even though we train the
system with all the classes of samples, there is a chance by
which the trained system may be incapable of identifying
suspicious record. That is why we are getting comparatively
poor average performance while classifying suspicious
records. It is a major weakness of the system which should be
overcome in future design. One may address the way to
improve the system for getting proper training with different
classes of CTG patterns. Future works may address hybrid
models using statistical and machine learning techniques for
improved classification accuracy.
In the following tables, P1 is the precision for normal record, P2 is the precision for suspicious record, P3 is the precision for
pathological records. R1 is the recall for normal record, R2 is the recall for suspicious record, R3 is the recall for pathological records.
F1 is the f-score for normal record, F2 is the f-score for suspicious records, F3 is the f-score for pathological records.
Table 3. Results with ANN (10 Trials)
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 888)
Volume 47 No.14, June 2012
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Clustering in data mining is a discovery process that groups a set of data such that the intracluster similarity is maximized and the intercluster similarity is minimized. Existing clustering algorithms are designed to find clusters that fit some static models. In this work, we are going to evaluate the performance of some of the popular clustering algorithms chameleon, DBSCAN, FC-Mean and K-means algorithm. Clustering in general, the quality of the discovered clusters are validated using suitable cluster validation metrics. The performance of the algorithms was tested with synthetic as well as real datasets using two cluster validation metrics 1. The Generalised Dunn Index and 2. The Davies-Bouldin Index.We demonstrate the validation measures with a number of data sets that contain points in 2D space, and contain clusters of different shapes and noise. However, if we measure the performance with a cluster validation metric, then it will give entirely different result. Experimental results on these data sets show that DBSCAN can discover natural clusters
Cardiotocography (CTG) is a simultaneous recording of fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine contractions (UC) and it is one of the most common diagnostic techniques to evaluate maternal and fetal well-being during pregnancy and before delivery. FHR patterns are observed manually by obstetricians during the process of CTG analyses. For the last three decades, great interest has been paid to the fetal heart rate baseline and its frequency analysis, as a base for a more objective analysis of the CTG tracings. Changes in the fetal heart rate pattern relative to contractions provide an induction of fetal condition. This paper proposed new algorithm for FHR baseline calculation.In this work, we present an algorithm for estimating baseline as one of the most important features present in the FHR signal. An algorithm based on digital CTG using Mathlab programming to estimate FHR baseline, the work in this paper rely on detection of baseline values which gives an indication of the fetal status and health condition. The results were compared with the opinion of experts (obstetricians) baseline estimation and one researcher in the same field of study. The obtained results showed slight difference with the experts opinion as a first step for further work to estimate the other parameters of the CTG. Key words: Cardiotocogram (CTG), fetal heart rate (FHR), baseline (BL), uterine contraction (UC), electronic fetal heart rate monitoring (EFM), Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG).
This paper proposes a new method to weight subspaces in feature groups and individual features for clustering high-dimensional data. In this method, the features of high-dimensional data are divided into feature groups, based on their natural characteristics. Two types of weights are introduced to the clustering process to simultaneously identify the importance of feature groups and individual features in each cluster. A new optimization model is given to define the optimization process and a new clustering algorithm FG-k-means is proposed to optimize the optimization model. The new algorithm is an extension to k-means by adding two additional steps to automatically calculate the two types of subspace weights. A new data generation method is presented to generate high-dimensional data with clusters in subspaces of both feature groups and individual features. Experimental results on synthetic and real-life data have shown that the FG-k-means algorithm significantly outperformed four k-means type algorithms, i.e., k-means, W-k-means, LAC and EWKM in almost all experiments. The new algorithm is robust to noise and missing values which commonly exist in high-dimensional data.
While within-cluster information is commonly utilized in most soft subspace clustering approaches in order to develop the algorithms, other important information such as between-cluster information is seldom considered for soft subspace clustering. In this study, a novel clustering technique called enhanced soft subspace clustering (ESSC) is proposed by employing both within-cluster and between-class information. First, a new optimization objective function is developed by integrating the within-class compactness and the between-cluster separation in the subspace. Based on this objective function, the corresponding update rules for clustering are then derived, followed by the development of the novel ESSC algorithm. The properties of this algorithm are investigated and the performance is evaluated experimentally using real and synthetic datasets, including synthetic high dimensional datasets, UCI benchmarking datasets, high dimensional cancer gene expression datasets and texture image datasets. The experimental studies demonstrate that the accuracy of the proposed ESSC algorithm outperforms most existing state-of-the-art soft subspace clustering algorithms.
As a prolific research area in data mining, subspace clustering and related problems induced a vast quantity of proposed solutions. However, many publications compare a new proposition—if at all—with one or two competitors, or even with a so-called “naïve” ad hoc solution, but fail to clarify the exact problem definition. As a consequence, even if two solutions are thoroughly compared experimentally, it will often remain unclear whether both solutions tackle the same problem or, if they do, whether they agree in certain tacit assumptions and how such assumptions may influence the outcome of an algorithm. In this survey, we try to clarify: (i) the different problem definitions related to subspace clustering in general; (ii) the specific difficulties encountered in this field of research; (iii) the varying assumptions, heuristics, and intuitions forming the basis of different approaches; and (iv) how several prominent solutions tackle different problems.
Nowadays, digital information is relatively easy to capture and fairly inexpensive to store. The digital revolution has seen collections of data grow in size, and the complexity of the data therein increase. Advances in technology have resulted in our ability to meaningfully analyse and understand the data we gather lagging far behind our ability to capture and store these data . It is often the case that large collections of data, however well structured, conceal implicit patterns of information that cannot be readily detected by conventional analysis techniques . Such information may often be usefully analysed using a set of techniques referred to as knowledge discovery or data mining. These techniques essentially seek to build a better understanding of data, and in building characterisations of data that can be used as a basis for further analysis, extract value from volume. This paper describes a number of empirical studies of the use of the data mining approach to the analysis of health information.