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Pathoanatomy and Associated Injuries of Posterior Malleolus Fracture of the Ankle

  • Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Abstract and Figures

Background: We present a classification system that progresses in severity, indicates the pathomechanics that cause the fracture and therefore guides the surgeon to what fixation will be necessary by which approach. Methods: The primary posterior malleolar fracture fragments were characterized into 3 groups. A type 1 fracture was described as a small extra-articular posterior malleolar primary fragment. Type 2 fractures consisted of a primary fragment of the posterolateral triangle of the tibia (Volkmann area). A type 3 primary fragment was characterized by a coronal plane fracture line involving the whole posterior plafond. Results: In type 1 fractures, the syndesmosis was disrupted in 100% of cases, although a proportion only involved the posterior syndesmosis. In type 2 posterior malleolar fractures, there was a variable medial injury with mixed avulsion/impaction etiology. In type 3 posterior malleolar fractures, most fibular fractures were either a high fracture or a long oblique fracture in the same fracture alignment as the posterior shear tibia fragment. Most medial injuries were Y-type or posterior oblique fractures. This fracture pattern had a low incidence of syndesmotic injury. Conclusion: The value of this approach was that by following the pathomechanism through the ankle, it demonstrated which other structures were likely to be damaged by the path of the kinetic energy. With an understanding of the pattern of associated injuries for each category, a surgeon may be able to avoid some pitfalls in treatment of these injuries. Level of evidence: Level III, retrospective comparative series.
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Foot & Ankle International®
2017, Vol. 38(11) 1229 –1235
© The Author(s) 2017
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DOI: 10.1177/1071100717719533
Posterior malleolar fractures of the ankle have been reported
to occur in more than 40% of ankle fractures.18 This inci-
dence has been increasing especially in women over the age
of 65.3 A number of studies have reported clinically poorer
outcomes in ankle fractures that have sustained a posterior
malleolar fracture.18,29 However, many published studies of
these fractures have been limited by considering them to be
one homogenous group.*
Several papers have considered the effect of size of the
fragment as a proportion of the tibial plafond. Biomechanically,
the tibiotalar contact area significantly decreases as the size
of the fragment surpasses 33%,15,20 posterior subluxation sig-
nificantly increases between 25% and 40%,25,26 and the
stress on the remaining joint increases.9 The size of the
fragment has not been demonstrated to correlate with the
functional outcome.6,11,23,31 It has been suggested that the
unevenness in reduction and increased fragment size may be
related to posttraumatic arthritis6,32; however, fixation may
not consistently improve the evenness, and radiographic
arthritis may not correlate to a clinically significant differ-
ence in function.6
Attempts have been made to categorize these fractures by
the pathoanatomy of their primary fracture fragment.2,13,21
The clinical relevance of these systems is limited, however,
by their failure to understand the posterior malleolar fracture
719533FAIXXX10.1177/1071100717719533Foot & Ankle InternationalMason et al
1University Hospital Aintree, Lower Lane, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Corresponding Author:
Lyndon W. Mason, MBBCh, MRCS(Eng), FRCS(Tr&Orth), Trauma and
Orthopaedic Department, University Hospital Aintree, Lower Lane,
Liverpool, L9 7AL, United Kingdom.
Pathoanatomy and Associated
Injuries of Posterior Malleolus
Fracture of the Ankle
Lyndon W. Mason, MBBCh, MRCS(Eng), FRCS(Tr&Orth)1,
William J. Marlow, MBChB, MRCS(Eng)1,
James Widnall, MBChB, MRCS(Eng)1, and
Andrew P. Molloy, MBChB, MRCS(Ed), FRCS(Tr&Orth)1
Background: We present a classification system that progresses in severity, indicates the pathomechanics that cause the
fracture and therefore guides the surgeon to what fixation will be necessary by which approach.
Methods: The primary posterior malleolar fracture fragments were characterized into 3 groups. A type 1 fracture was
described as a small extra-articular posterior malleolar primary fragment. Type 2 fractures consisted of a primary fragment
of the posterolateral triangle of the tibia (Volkmann area). A type 3 primary fragment was characterized by a coronal plane
fracture line involving the whole posterior plafond.
Results: In type 1 fractures, the syndesmosis was disrupted in 100% of cases, although a proportion only involved the
posterior syndesmosis. In type 2 posterior malleolar fractures, there was a variable medial injury with mixed avulsion/
impaction etiology. In type 3 posterior malleolar fractures, most fibular fractures were either a high fracture or a long
oblique fracture in the same fracture alignment as the posterior shear tibia fragment. Most medial injuries were Y-type or
posterior oblique fractures. This fracture pattern had a low incidence of syndesmotic injury.
Conclusion: The value of this approach was that by following the pathomechanism through the ankle, it demonstrated
which other structures were likely to be damaged by the path of the kinetic energy. With an understanding of the pattern
of associated injuries for each category, a surgeon may be able to avoid some pitfalls in treatment of these injuries.
Level of Evidence: Level III, retrospective comparative series.
Keywords: ankle fracture, posterior malleolar, classification
*References 1, 4, 5, 10, 14, 27-30, 32, 34, 35.
1230 Foot & Ankle International 38(11)
fragment in relation to the pathomechanism and how it inte-
grates into the pattern of the ankle injury as a whole.
Our aim in this study was to identify the injury patterns
sustained in combination with posterior malleolar ankle
fractures and to integrate this with pathomechanisms to fur-
ther understand the injury. We have hypothesized 3 distinct
pathomechanics groups, related to the anatomy of the ankle
complex to explain the 3 primary fracture lines that were
Between June 2014 and March 2017, we prospectively col-
lected data on 121 consecutively treated patients that
attended our unit having sustained a posterior malleolar
fracture. It is well recognized that plain radiographs under-
estimate posterior malleolar fractures,8 and CT scans are
routine for these fractures in our institution as the posterior
malleolus is commonly underestimated on radiographs.22
All radiographs and CT imaging were analyzed using digi-
tal imaging software (Vue PACS, Carestream, Version There were 121 patients included in this
study. Within this patient group, there were marginally
more women than men (72 females [60%] and 49 males
[40%]). The left ankle was more commonly injured than the
right (66 left [55%], 55 left [45%]). The average age of this
cohort of patients was 48 (range 17-90).
The primary fracture fragments were characterized into
3 groups dependent on a theorized mechanism of injury
(Figure 1). A type 1 fracture was described as an extra-
articular posterior malleolar primary fragment, sustained
by avulsion from the distal posterior tibial cortex by the
pull of the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL).7
The mechanism of this injury was theorized to occur with
the ankle in plantarflexion with an unloaded talus and a
rotational force applied to the foot. A type 2A fracture con-
sisted of a primary fragment of the posterolateral triangle
of the tibia (Volkmann area) extending into the incisura,
sustained by the impact of a rotating talus on the tibial pla-
fond (Figure 2). The mechanism of this injury was theo-
rized to occur with the ankle in neutral to plantarflexion,
with a loaded talus and a rotational force applied to the
foot. If the talus continues to rotate in the mortise, a sec-
ondary fragment on the posteromedial aspect of the tibia is
produced, usually at a 45° angle to the primary fragment
(type 2B). A type 3 primary fragment was characterized by
a coronal plane fracture line involving the whole posterior
plafond. The mechanism was of the typical posterior pilon
fracture with axial loading of a plantarflexed talus.
The cases were anonymized, blinded, and radiographi-
cally categorized by 2 blinded foot and ankle consultants.
Inter-observer reliability was assessed using Cohen’s kappa
coefficient. Associated patterns of fracture in the tibial pla-
fond, the medial malleolus, the fibula and diastasis of the
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the different types of posterior malleolar fractures. Axial CT view 5 mm proximal to tibial
plafond, and sagittal CT view 1 cm medial to the incisura.
Mason et al 1231
syndesmosis were noted for each fracture. The medial mal-
leolar fracture configuration was quite variable. Despite the
attempt by Herscovici Jr et al16 at classifying medial mal-
leolar fractures, only the small avulsion fracture (which we
term an anterior collicular fracture) was persistently compa-
rable with our series. We categorized the larger fracture
fragments into anterior oblique and posterior oblique frac-
tures, which were comparable with the Herscovici Jr type B
and C fractures. A separate fracture configuration was a Y
shape fracture theoretically caused by a push off posterior
fragment and a separate avulsion anteromedially. This vari-
ability is illustrated in Figure 3. Medial ligamentous injuries
were identified by medial clear space widening of 4 mm
without medial malleolar fracture.
The fibular fracture was categorized to low (at or below
the syndesmosis), high (above syndesmosis), or long
oblique (spans from syndesmosis to above in a long oblique
configuration). Syndesmotic diastasis was defined as >5
mm gap between fibula and incisura on CT, as previously
described by Yeung et al.33
When categorized by primary fracture fragment, of the 121
cases, 41 (34%) were type 1, 55 (45%) were type 2, and 25
(21%) were type 3. Of the type 2 fractures, 25 (45%) were the
2B variant, with the presence of a secondary posteromedial
fragment. The Cohen’s kappa coefficient for interobserver
reliability was 0.919. Tables 1 to 3 illustrate the associated
injuries with each type of posterior malleolar fracture. Table
4 compares our proposed classification system with the
Haraguchi et al classification.13
Figure 2. An illustration of the pathomechanics of a type 2 posterior malleolar fracture, where the loaded talus pushes off the
posterolateral corner of the tibia when rotated in the conforming tibial plafond. With continued rotation, the posteromedial corner is
also fractured as a separate fragment.
Figure 3. Medial malleolar variability showing the differing
fracture patterns.
Table 1. Fibular Fracture Anatomy Associated With Posterior
Malleolar Fracture Type.a
Fibular Fracture
n (%)
n (%)
Long Oblique,
n (%)
n (%)
I 2 (5) 29 (71) 4 (10) 6 (14)
II 4 (7) 31 (56) 8 (15) 12 (22)
III 1 (4) 10 (40) 7 (28) 7 (28)
aPercentage given of fibular fracture type per posterior malleolar
fracture type.
Table 2. Syndesmotic Injury Associated With Posterior
Malleolar Fracture Type.a
Syndesmosis Injury
n (%)
Full Syndesmotic Injury,
n (%)
n (%)
I 0 31 (76) 10 (24)
II 28 (51) 16 (29) 11 (20)
III 20 (80) 5 (20) 0
aPercentage given of syndesmotic injury type per posterior malleolar
fracture type.
1232 Foot & Ankle International 38(11)
In type 1 fractures, most cases demonstrated a low fibu-
lar fracture (71%). There was a medial-sided injury in 78%
of cases, and most injuries were either ligamentous or ante-
rior collicular avulsions. This illustrates the avulsion injury
pattern in this fracture type. The syndesmosis was disrupted
in 100% of these cases, although approximately a quarter
involved the posterior syndesmosis only.
In type 2 posterior malleolar fractures, the fibula fracture
was again predominantly low (56%). There was a medial
injury in 96% of cases, although these injuries were vari-
able, in keeping with mixed avulsion/impaction etiology.
There was syndesmotic diastasis in 49% of cases, with a
large proportion being posterior syndesmosis.
In type 3 posterior malleolar fractures, most fibular frac-
tures were either a high fracture or a long oblique fracture in
the same fracture alignment as the posterior shear tibia frag-
ment. Almost a third (28%) had no fibular fracture. There
was a medial injury in 92% of cases, with only 1 (4%) being
ligamentous. The majority, 16 (64%), were Y-type fractures
or posterior oblique. This fracture pattern had a low level of
syndesmotic injury (20%) with no solitary posterior syndes-
motic diastasis, as the distal fibula went posteriorly with
the posterior malleolar fracture. Figure 4 demonstrates
3-dimensional CT reconstructions of the 3 different types of
posterior malleolar fractures.
Our results clearly indicate that posterior malleolar frac-
tures are variable in their nature, and as such should not be
grouped together for analysis. Each fracture type had its
own injury associations, which in themselves can determine
the management and final outcomes of these fractures. On
initial analysis, we attempted to use the Haraguchi et al
classification13 to assess the associated injuries; however,
this did not address the injury mechanism and as such we
have modified the classification as illustrated in Table 4.
Our type 1 fracture is comparable to their type 3 small
shell–type fractures. Our type 2A fractures are comparable
to their type 1 fracture (a posterolateral-oblique type), and
our type 2B fractures to their type 2 medial-extension type.
We believe we have illustrated in this research that the
Haraguchi type 1 (our proposed type 2A) is a “push-off”
fracture and not an avulsion fracture as thought in the
Haraguchi classification.13 Our modification of the
Haraguchi classification allowed better understanding of
this injury as a rotational pilon fracture. The Haraguchi type
3 (our proposed type 1) is a PITFL avulsion fracture, which
we believe has been significantly underestimated in the cur-
rent literature. We have included true posterior pilon frac-
tures in our classification as type 3 fractures, which were
not included in the Haraguchi classification. Our fracture
classification system progresses in severity, with type 3
fractures being worse than type 1, although this system’s
prognostic accuracy has not been addressed in this paper.
The value of this classification system is in its guidance
of treatment. The knowledge of the mechanism and its asso-
ciated injury patterns allows thorough treatment planning.
With a type 1 injury, the fragment is extra-articular and
often too small to fix with a screw. There is, however, in
every case a syndesmotic diastasis, be it a full diastasis or a
solitary posterior diastasis. The posterior syndesmosis does
not open on conventional intraoperative screening tech-
niques,24 and thus it is prudent to also screen with internal
rotation under arthroscopic or live radiologic screening.
Intraoperatively, all patients who had posterior syndesmotic
displacement on CT had instability on stress testing. We
believe a low threshold should be maintained for fixation of
the syndesmosis in these cases.
With type 2 cases, where the fracture line ran into the
incisura, the posterior malleolar fragment displaced, and
thus changed, the shape of the incisura. Only approxi-
mately half the injuries had syndesmotic instability, as a
Table 3. Medial Malleolar Fracture Anatomy Associated With Posterior Malleolar Fracture Type.a
Fracture Type
Medial Malleolar Fracture
n (%)
Deltoid Injury,
n (%)
Anterior Collicular,
n (%)
Anterior Oblique,
n (%)
Posterior Oblique,
n (%)
Y Fracture,
n (%)
I 9 (22) 11 (27) 16 (39) 2 (5) 0 3 (7)
II 2 (4) 10 (18) 19 (34) 11 (20) 5 (9) 8 (15)
III 2 (8) 1 (4) 6 (24) 0 8 (32) 8 (32)
aPercentage given of medial malleolar fracture type per posterior malleolar fracture type.
Table 4. Comparison of Previous Haraguchi Classification
System With Current Proposed Classification System.
Classification Number
1 3 41
2A 1 30
2B 2 25
3 – 25
Mason et al 1233
proportion of the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
(PITFL) footprint remained intact in these push-off frac-
tures without syndesmotic instability, strengthening the
hypothesis that this was not an avulsion injury. In the inju-
ries with syndesmotic diastasis, the PITFL footprint was
involved. In these injuries, if the syndesmosis was first
reduced into the deformed incisura, the fibular could
become posteriorly malreduced in the syndesmosis, and
consequently block subsequent anatomical reduction of the
posterior malleolar fragment. This complication was also
described by Irwin et al,17 who felt it was prudent to fix the
posterior malleolus under direct vision in these cases, as
syndesmotic clamping can result in the malreduction. Since
the PITFL is attached to the primary fracture fragment,
once the posterior fragment is reduced, a proportion of
these fractures will require no further syndesmotic stabili-
zation. This finding is in keeping with Gardner et al12
where in a cadaveric study they found that posterior mal-
leolar fixation conferred 70% syndesmotic stability in
comparison to 40% with screw fixation.
In the type 2B variant, the posteromedial fragment
occurred in general at 45° to the posterolateral fragment, and
propagated below the posterolateral fragment in an antero-
medial direction. As such, the posteromedial fragment
needed to be reduced and fixed before the posterolateral
fragment, as the posterolateral fragment would otherwise
prevent the posteromedial fragment anatomical reduction.
We believe the preoperative identification of fracture type is
important for identifying the surgical approach that will
need to be used. A type 2A primary fragment plus fibula
fracture should be approached via a single lateral (deep dis-
section anterior and posterior to peroneal tendons to expose
both fractures) or via separate lateral and posterolateral inci-
sions, depending upon size of fragments and patient habitus.
A type 2B primary fragment will require an additional pos-
teromedial incision to fully expose, reduce, and fix the
medial part of the fracture. This is because of the consistent
45° obliquity of the fracture line splitting the posterior mal-
leolar fragment. If just approached from the lateral side,
fixation can only be placed in the same plane as this fracture
line. The posteromedial incision is performed either just
medial to the Achilles tendon (moving the flexor hallucis
longus medially) or between the tibia and tibialis posterior,
depending on comminution and fracture pattern.
In type 3 cases, only 20% had a syndesmotic diastasis,
with no instances of isolated posterior syndesmotic dis-
placement. This was commonly a consequence of a long
oblique fracture of the fibula remaining attached posteriorly
to the displacing posterior malleolar pilon fragment and
anteriorly, attached to the remaining tibia. The clinical test-
ing of the syndesmosis is therefore in these cases, more
likely to be reliable, and a higher threshold for syndesmotic
fixation can be maintained. Specific elements to this frac-
ture pattern are the high preponderance of associated pos-
teromedial malleolar injuries. A Y-type fracture was
demonstrated in 32% of cases, and in these cases the larger
Figure 4. Three-dimensional computed tomographic reconstructions of the different posterior malleolar fractures. The type 1
fracture shows the typical avulsion appearance of the medial malleolus. The type 2B fracture demonstrates the 2 separate posterior
malleolar fractures (posterolateral and posteromedial) and an associated anterior oblique medial malleolar fracture. The type 3
fracture exemplifies the long oblique fibular fracture in the same orientation as the posterior pilon fragment.
1234 Foot & Ankle International 38(11)
fragment was in the posterior oblique direction with a sepa-
rate anterior collicular avulsion. This fracture pattern was
also described by Klammer et al.19 In fixation of this frac-
ture, we find it is more successful in reduction and fixation
of the larger fragment first, followed by attachment of the
smaller anterior fracture fragment to this stable construct.
As for the type 2 fractures, the approach will be determined
by the fracture pattern. If a Y-type fracture is present, it is
usually necessary to carry out a posteromedial incision.
We present a classification system of posterior malleolar
fractures based on a large series. The system progresses in
severity as well as indicating the pathomechanics that cause
the fracture. We have demonstrated predictable associated
injuries for each fracture type and how both these factors
determine which surgical approaches will be necessary.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
ICMJE forms for all authors are available online.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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... For many decades, a posterior malleolus fracture involving more than 33% and later 25% of the articular surface indicated surgery [6,10,11], especially if accompanied by a step-off ≥2 mm in lateral X-rays [12,13]. The introduction of CT scans provided three-dimensional information (Figure 1) not only about fragment size and composition but also about the involvement of the fibular notch, tibial plafond impaction, intercalary fragments, and syndesmosis instability [14][15][16][17][18]. ...
... For many decades, a posterior malleolus fracture involving more than 33% and later 25% of the articular surface indicated surgery [6,10,11], especially if accompanied by a step-off ≥2 mm in lateral X-rays [12,13]. The introduction of CT scans provided threedimensional information (Figure 1) not only about fragment size and composition but also about the involvement of the fibular notch, tibial plafond impaction, intercalary fragments, and syndesmosis instability [14][15][16][17][18]. These factors became considerations for the correct treatment of these fractures, altering the goals of surgical intervention. ...
... Bartonìcek's 2015 classification takes into account the three-dimensional aspects of the posterior fragment, including size, shape, fragment position, and integrity of the fibular notch [16,18,20,[22][23][24]. ...
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Background: The treatment of the third malleolus has evolved in recent years, and surgical treatment can be carried out with traditional percutaneous osteosynthesis using anteroposterior screws or ORIF with a posterolateral plate. Methods: Our study included 54 patients divided into two groups based on the intervention type (screw or plate). Instrumental assessments comprised pre- and post-operative X-rays and pre-operative CT scans to evaluate joint step-off. The mean follow-up duration was 1 year and 9 months. Results: Radiographic control revealed no loss of reduction or mobilization of the synthesis devices, and all patients achieved fracture healing. Articular step-off > 2 mm was observed in 21 patients (38.9%), including 4 in the plate group and 17 in the screw group, with a statistically significant likelihood of step-off presence in the latter. The mean AOFAS score was 90 points, negatively correlated with age, and lower in patients with joint step-off and a 15° reduction in ROM. Conclusions: The management of posterior malleolus fractures has changed with anatomical studies and an understanding of ankle stability through CT scans. ORIF with a posterior plate is advantageous for anatomical reduction of the tibial plafond but is disadvantageous in terms of surgical invasiveness and technical difficulty.
... However, two systematic reviews concluded that other factors, such as syndesmotic instability, are equally important [4,5]. Several studies demonstrated superior clinical outcomes after open reduction and internal fixation of posterior malleolar fractures [4,6,7]. Furthermore, improved results were obtained after direct reduction compared to percutaneous anteroposterior screws [3,5,6,8]. ...
... Regarding the surgical approach, there is a general agreement that most posterolateral ankle fractures can be addressed via a posterolateral approach [2,7,9], allowing simultaneous access to the distal fibula and tibia. However, the most suitable approach for managing large posterior and posteromedial malleolar ankle ...
... After classifying the Chaput fragment based on our new system (Patel-Dhillon Classification), we noted that Type 1 was the most common pattern (20 patients, 60.6%), followed by Type 2 (8 patients, 24.3%), Type 4 (3 patients, 9.1%) and Type 3 (2 patients, 6.1%). The Mason classification system [4] was used to categorize posterior malleolus fractures, with Type 2 A being the most frequent (13 patients, 39.4%), followed by Type 1 (7 patients, 21.2%) and Type 2B (3 patients, 9.1%). Ten patients (30.3%) did not have a posterior malleolus fracture, and five patients (15.2%) were documented to have deltoid ligament injury. ...
... We propose a novel classification system for Chaput fractures based on the morphology of the anterior malleolus fragment (Fig. 1). This classification system was adapted from the well-recognized and validated classification systems for the posterior malleolus, namely the Mason and Haraguchi classifications [4,8]. The velocity of the force of injury probably plays a crucial role in determining the spectrum of injury. ...
Background The Chaput fragment, a bony avulsion of the anterolateral margin of the distal tibia, is a less commonly discussed fracture pattern in ankle injuries. Its significance in ankle fractures and the optimal fixation technique remains unclear due to limited literature. This study aims to describe the morphology of ankle fractures with Chaput fragment and introduce a new classification system. Materials and Methods We retrospectively analyzed 33 patients with ankle fractures with associated Chaput fragment treated at our institute over a 3-year period. Data on patient demographics, fracture classification, surgical approach, and fixation method were collected, and a novel classification system for Chaput fragments was proposed. Results Four distinct morphological types of Chaput fragment were identified (types 1-4), and three newer variants of trimalleolar fractures were identified (anterior, lateral, and medial variants). Type 1 refers to a small avulsion fragment attached to the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament; Type 2 is an anterolateral oblique type; Type 3 refers to an anterolateral fragment with extension into the medial malleolus and Type 4 is a comminuted Chaput fragment. Type 1 Chaput fragment was the most prevalent (60.6%), followed by Type 2 (24.3%), Type 4 (9.1%), and Type 3 (6.1%). The fixation methods ranged from screw fixation, plate fixation, and suture fixation to combinations of these techniques or even indirect stabilization with syndesmotic screws. Conclusion Our new classification system based on morphology includes all possible variants of Chaput fracture. This preliminary data needs to be corroborated by more studies and validated by a larger number of observers
... The high incidence of ankle fracture has brought to the orthopedic surgeon different profiles of patients and several types of presentations that may be associated with ligament lesions [30,31]. These facts made the evaluation exclusively with physical exams and radiographs much more challenging. ...
To demonstrate how the use of adjunctive Computed Tomography (CT) can modify diagnosis, treatment options, and operative planning of ankle fractures in comparison with conventional radiographs (CR) in isolation. A total of 53 patients diagnosed with an ankle fracture between 2011 and 2016, were assessed with CT and CR. Evaluations of the fractures using CR in isolation and CR combined with CT were compared using different readers. Fractures were assessed in terms of type, displacement, size, associated injuries, treatment, patient position and surgical planning. The medial malleolus fractures characteristics (posteromedial fragment and anterior colliculus), the presence of posterior malleolus fracture and its characteristics (displacement, size, posteromedial or posterolateral segment) (ps < 0.042), syndesmosis injury (p < 0.001), and the absence of deltoid ligament lesion (p < 0.001), were more evident with the combination of CT and radiographs. There was an increase in operative indication (p = 0.007), prone positioning (p = 0.002), posterior malleolus surgical treatment (p < 0.001), posterolateral approach for the lateral malleolus (p = 0.003), and syndesmosis fixation (p = 0.020) with the association of CT and CR, among all groups of expertise, with a high interobserver reliability (> 0.75). The CR may fail to demonstrate subtle lesions, such as posterior malleolus fractures and syndesmotic injuries. The CT evaluation increases the diagnostic precision and improves the quality of information the surgeon receives, what might positively affect patient care. Retrospective Comparative Study.
... The form of the posterolateral fragment has been described in several studies. Mason 19 and Vosoughi 20 proposed that pilon subtypes occur when the talus rotates and impacts the posterolateral corner of the tibia, forming posterolateral fragments. A biomechanical study on posterior malleolar fractures conducted by Haraguchi and Armiger indicated that the posterolateral fragment is considered an avulsion caused by tension from the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament. ...
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Background This study aimed to create three-dimensional heat map and study the characteristic of fracture lines and represented fragments of OTA/AO type 43C pilon fractures. Methods CT scan was performed in105 fractures diagnosed with OTA/AO type 43C pilon fractures between January 2017 and December 2022. Three-dimensional pilon fracture maps were created and converted into fracture heat maps. CT scan graphic parameters including the fracture line height, α angle, β angle, the ratio of the area and size of bone fragment represented by the fracture line to the total articular surface were measured. Results The study included 105 patients with 91 males and 14 females. The fractures included C1 (n=16), C2 (n=23), and C3 (n=66). There was no statistically different among the most parameters except in the fracture-line height of the anterior fracture line (p=0.03) and the sagittal fracture line (p=0.02) between C2 and C3 pilon fractures. The average size of the anterolateral fragment, occupied approximately 13.5% of the articular surface area, was (11.5±2.8) mm × (20.5±6.3) mm with the average height of 29.8 mm. The average size of the posterolateral fragment, occupied approximately 13.0% of the articular surface area, was (15.7±4.6) mm × (19.3±4.0) mm with the average height of 19.1 mm. Conclusion This study demonstrates that the articular surface fracture lines in the C type pilon fracture are formed by fixed main fracture lines. The understand of morphological and distribution characteristics of the fracture lines and size of fragments in OTA/AO type 43C pilon fractures would help the surgeons take suitable approach and fixation.
Introduction. The Bartoníček/Rammelt classification is established for posterior malleolar fractures. It subdivides the fractures into 5 types and outlines treatment recommendations. This study aims to determine the intraobserver and interobserver reliability of the Bartoníček/Rammelt classification and investigates its applicability regarding treatment recommendations. Materials and methods. Computed tomography (CT) scans of 80 ankle fractures with a posterior malleolar fracture were analyzed by four observers at two different time points 30 days apart (d1 and d2). Intrarater and interrater reliability was measured using kappa values. The corresponding surgery rates of the fracture subtypes were analyzed, and the surgery rates were correlated with fragment sizes and displacements. Results. A moderate interobserver reliability for d1 0.41 (CI 0.35-0.47) and d2 0.42 (CI 0.36-0.48) was detected. Intraobserver reliability was documented as perfect, with a mean kappa of 0.83. Type II fractures were operated on in 50% of cases. In 50% of type II cases, a nonoperative treatment was chosen. Fragment size correlated strongly with the chosen therapy, and osteosynthesis was performed significantly more often when the fragment size exceeded 3 cm ³ (P < .01). Conclusions. The Bartoníček/Rammelt classification system showed moderate interobserver reliability and perfect to substantial intraobserver reliability. In clinical practice of this study cohort, the size of the posterior malleolar fragment rather than the dislocation and joint impaction seemed to have the decision to operate on type II or III fractures. Existing treatment recommendations based on the Bartoníček/Rammelt classification correspond to the therapy algorithm carried out in this cohort of patients. Levels of Evidence: Level III: Retrospective study
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Posterior malleolar fractures are relatively common and usually result from rotational ankle injuries. Although treatment of associated lateral and medial structures is well established, several controversies exist in the management of posterior malleolus fractures. We performed a systematic review of the current published data with regard to the diagnosis, management, and prognosis of posterior malleolus fractures. A total of 33 studies (8 biomechanical and 25 clinical) with >950 patients were reviewed. The outcome of ankle fractures with posterior malleolar involvement was poor; however, the evidence was not enough to prove that the size of the posterior malleolus affects the outcome. Significant heterogeneity was noted in the cutoff size of the posterior malleolar fragment in determining management. The outcome was related to other factors, such as fracture displacement, congruency of the articular surface, and residual tibiotalar subluxation. Indirect evidence showed that large fracture fragments were associated with fracture dislocations and ankle instability and, thus, might require surgical fixation. We have concluded that the evidence to prove that the size of the posterior malleolar affects the outcome of ankle fractures is not enough, and the decision to treat these fractures should be determined by other factors, as stated previously. Copyright © 2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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To 1) characterize posterior malleolar fracture morphology using Cole fracture mapping; and 2) study reliability of Quantification of Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography (Q3DCT)-modelling for posterior malleolar fractures with respect to quantification of fragment size (mm) and true articular involvement (mm). CT-scans of a consecutive series of 45 patients with an ankle fracture involving the posterior malleolus were reconstructed to calculate 1) fracture maps, 2) fragment volume; 3) articular surface of the posterior malleolar fragment; 4) articular surface of intact tibia and 5) articular surface of the medial malleolus by three independent observers. 3D-animation of this technique is shown on Fracture mapping revealed 1) a continuous spectrum of postero-lateral oriented fracture lines and 2) fragments with postero-lateral to postero-medial oriented fracture lines extending into the medial malleolus. Reliability of measurements of the volume and articular surface of posterior malleolar fracture fragments was defined as almost perfect according to the categorical system of Landis (inter-class coefficient (ICC), range 0.978 - 1.000). Mapping of posterior malleolar fractures revealed a continuous spectrum of Haraguchi III to I fractures, and identified Haraguchi type II as a separate pattern. Q3DCT-modelling is reliable to assess fracture characteristics of posterior malleolar fracture fragments. Morphology might be more important than posterior malleolar fracture size alone for clinical decision making.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the pathoanatomy of the posterior fragment on the basis of a comprehensive CT examination, including 3D reconstructions, in a large patient cohort. One hundred and forty one consecutive individuals with an ankle fracture or fracture-dislocation of types Weber B or Weber C and evidence of a posterior tibial fragment in standard radiographs were included in the study. The mean patient age was 49 years (range 19-83 years). The exclusion criteria were patients below 18 years of age, inability to provide written consent, fractures of the tibial pilon, posttraumatic arthritis and pre-existing deformities. In all patients, post-injury radiographs were obtained in anteroposterior, mortise and lateral views. All patients underwent CT scanning in transverse, sagittal and frontal planes. 3D CT reconstruction was performed in 91 patients. We were able to classify 137 cases into one of the following four types with constant pathoanatomic features: type 1: extraincisural fragment with an intact fibular notch, type 2: posterolateral fragment extending into the fibular notch, type 3: posteromedial two-part fragment involving the medial malleolus, type 4: large posterolateral triangular fragment. In the 4 cases it was not possible to classify the type of the posterior tibial fragment. These were collectively termed type 5 (irregular, osteoporotic fragments). It is impossible to assess the shape and size of the posterior malleolar fragment, involvement of the fibular notch, or the medial malleolus, on the basis of plain radiographs. The system that we propose for classification of fractures of the posterior malleolus is based on CT examination and takes into account the size, shape and location of the fragment, stability of the tibio-talar joint and the integrity of the fibular notch. It may be a useful indication for surgery and defining the most useful approach to these injuries.
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One of the factors contributing to long-term outcome of posterior malleolar fractures is the development of osteoarthritis. Based on biomechanical, cadaveric, and small population studies, fixation of posterior malleolar fracture fragments (PMFFs) is usually performed when fragment size exceeds 25-33%. However, the influence of fragment size on long-term clinical and radiological outcome size remains unclear. A retrospective cohort study of 131 patients treated for an isolated ankle fracture with involvement of the posterior malleolus was performed. Mean follow-up was 6.9 (range, 2.5-15.9) years. Patients were divided into groups depending on size of the fragment, small (<5%, n = 20), medium (5-25%, n = 86), or large (>25%, n = 25), and presence of step-off after operative treatment. We have compared functional outcome measures (AOFAS, AAOS), pain (VAS), and dorsiflexion restriction compared to the contralateral ankle and the incidence of osteoarthritis on X-ray. There were no nonunions, 56% of patients had no radiographic osteoarthritis, VAS was 10 of 100, and median clinical score was 90 of 100. More osteoarthritis occurred in ankle fractures with medium and large PMFFs compared to small fragments (small 16%, medium 48%, large 54%; P = .006). Also when comparing small with medium-sized fragments (P = .02), larger fragment size did not lead to a significantly decreased function (median AOFAS 95 vs 88, P = .16). If the PMFF size was >5%, osteoarthritis occurred more frequently when there was a postoperative step-off ≥1 mm in the tibiotalar joint surface (41% vs 61%, P = .02) (whether the posterior fragment had been fixed or not). In this group, fixing the PMFF did not influence development of osteoarthritis. However, in 42% of the cases with fixation of the fragment a postoperative step-off remained (vs 45% in the group without fixation). Osteoarthritis is 1 component of long-term outcome of malleolar fractures, and the results of this study demonstrate that there was more radiographic osteoarthritis in patients with medium and large posterior fragments than in those with small fragments. Radiographic osteoarthritis also occurred more frequently when postoperative step-off was 1 mm or more, whether the posterior fragment was fixed or not. However, clinical scores were not different for these groups. Level IV, retrospective case series. © The Author(s) 2015.
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The purpose of the present retrospective study was to describe the single oblique posterolateral approach for open reduction and internal fixation of large, displaced, posterior malleolar fractures with an associated lateral malleolar fracture. A single oblique posterolateral approach was used for osteosynthesis of the posterior and lateral malleolus in 50 consecutive patients (23 females [46%], 27 males [54%]; mean age, 47.44 ± 16.13 years; mean follow-up duration, 26.32 ± 5.15 months). The mean interval to surgery was 4.3 ± 1.9 days after the inciting trauma. During the follow-up period, the surgery was complicated by skin necrosis around the incision in 2 (4%) patients and sural nerve damage in 2 (4%) patients. We found that the single oblique posterolateral approach to large, displaced, posterior malleolar fractures with an associated lateral malleolar fracture provided easy exposure of the posterior and lateral malleoli and had the potential to decrease the incidence of sural nerve injury because of the smaller incision size. Copyright © 2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
To explore clinical characteristics and treatment of posterior Pilon fracture. From January 2011 to January 2013,18 patients with posterior Pilon fracures were treated. Among them, 13 were male and 5 were female, aged from 22 to 63 years old, with an average age of 46. All the patients were closed fractures. Open reduction and internal fixation were performed after swelling subsided, lateral malleolous and posterior Pilon fracture were exposured through lateral approach on healthy side, plates were used to fixed,screws or small plates were used to fix the posterior prominence of medial malleolus after changed to supine position. AOFAS scoring were applied to evaulate clinical effects. All patients were followed up with an average of 22(ranged, 12 to 48)months. All patients obtained satisfactory reset except one patient. All factures were recovered well with an average healing of 11 weeks. According to AOFAS score at the final following up, 7 cases were excellent,2 cases were moderate, and the total score was 86.8±9.2. Posterior Pilon fracture is not rare in clinical, its mechanism of injury, traumatic anatomy, surgical procedure and prognosis are different from that of classical ankle fracture and Pilon fracture.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to explore the diagnostic accuracy of CT measurements in predicting syndesmosis instability of injured ankle, with correlation to operative findings. Methods: From July 2006 to June 2013, 123 patients presented to a single tertiary hospital who received pre-operative CT for ankle fractures were retrospectively reviewed. All patients underwent open reduction and internal fixation for fractures and intra-operative syndesmosis integrity tests. The morphology of incisura fibularis was categorized as deep or shallow. The tibiofibular distance (TFD) between the medial border of the fibula and the nearest point of the lateral border of tibia were measured at anterior (aTFD), middle (mTFD), posterior (pTFD), and maximal (maxTFD) portions across the syndesmosis on axial CT images at 10 mm proximal to the tibial plafond. Statistical analysis was performed with independent samples t test and ROC curve analysis. Intraobserver reproducibility and inter-observers agreement were also evaluated. Results: Of the 123 patients, 39 (31.7%) were operatively diagnosed with syndesmosis instability. No significant difference of incisura fibularis morphology (deep or shallow) and TFDs was demonstrated respective to genders. The axial CT measurements were significantly higher in ankles diagnosed with syndesmosis instability than the group without (maxTFD means 7.2 ± 2.96 mm vs. 4.6 ± 1.4 mm, aTFD mean 4.9 ± 3.7 mm vs. 1.8 ± 1.4 mm, mTFD mean 5.3 ± 2.4 mm vs. 3.2 ± 1.6 mm, pTFD mean 5.3 ± 1.8 mm vs. 4.1 ± 1.3 mm, p < 0.05). Their respective cutoff values with best sensitivity and specificity were calculated; the aTFD (AUC 0.798) and maxTFD (AUC 0.794) achieved the highest diagnostic accuracy. The optimal cutoff levels were aTFD = mm (sensitivity, 56.4%; specificity, 91.7%) and maxTFD = 5.65 mm (sensitivity, 74.4%; specificity, 79.8%). The inter-observer agreement was good for all aTFD, mTFD, pTFD, and maxTFD measurements (ICC 0.959, 0.799, 0.783, and 0.865). The ICC for intraobserver agreement was also very good, ranging from 0.826 to 0.923. Conclusions: Axial CT measurements of tibiofibular distance were useful predictors for syndesmosis instability in fractured ankles. The aTFD and maxTFD are the most powerful parameters to predict positive operative instability.
Background: Substantial attention has recently been placed on fractures of the posterior malleolus. Fracture extension to the posteromedial rim ("posterior pilon variant") may result in articular incongruity and talar subluxation. Current classification systems fail to account for these fractures. The relative frequency of this fracture, its associated patient characteristics, and the reliability of its diagnosis have never been reported in such a large series. Methods: We retrospectively identified 270 patients who met our inclusion criteria. Basic demographic data were collected. The fractures were classified according to Lauge-Hansen and AO/OTA. Additional radiographic data included whether the fracture involved the posterior malleolus and whether the fracture represented a posterior pilon variant. Univariate statistical methods, chi-square analysis, and interobserver reliability were assessed. Results: The relative frequency of posterior malleolus fracture was 50%. The relative frequency of the posterior pilon variant was 20%. No significant difference was noted with respect to the frequency of posterior malleolar or posterior pilon variant between the subgroups of the AO/OTA and Lauge-Hansen classification systems when compared to the overall fracture distribution. Patients with posterior malleolar fractures and posterior pilon variants were significantly older. Females were significantly more likely than men to sustain posterior malleolar fractures and posterior pilon variants. Patients with diabetes trended toward a greater risk of both types of fractures. Interobserver reliability data revealed substantial agreement for posterior malleolar fractures and posterior pilon variants. Conclusion: These data represent the highest reported rate of posterior malleolar involvement in operatively treated ankle fractures and is the first to describe the percentage of the posterior pilon variant in such a large series. The interobserver reliability data demonstrate substantial agreement in identification of posterior malleolar fractures and the posterior pilon variant based on plain radiographs. Certain patient characteristics such as age, sex, and diabetes may be associated with these fractures. Level of evidence: Level III, retrospective cohort study.