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CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era



The EU-RADION project, part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, revolutionizes radiological threat detection and emergency response strategies. It integrates advanced sensor technologies and real-time data analysis to enhance Europe’s capabilities in managing radiological incidents. This article discusses the project’s technological innovations, societal and environmental impacts, and its influence on national and EU-level policies. The study, combining primary experience in the project and secondary literature analysis, concludes that EU- RADION significantly advances national security paradigms and sets a foundation for future developments in radiological threat management. Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration; Szklarski Ł. CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era. Acad J Politics and Public Admin. 2024; 1(1): 555555
Research Article
Volume 1 Issue 1 - February 2024
Acad J Politics and Public Admin
CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on
European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats
in a New Era
University of ITTI, Poland
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6779-5897
Submission: Published:
 
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               
                
        
          
Keywords: 
How to cite this article: Szklarski Ł. CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era.
Acad J Politics and Public Admin. 2024; 1(1): 555555
Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration
Overview of the EU-RADION Project
      
       
          
         
         
      
        
      
 
      
       
       
     
are designed to operate in diverse environmental conditions.
      
       
    
       
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       
      
        
      
       
       
     
advancements translate into tangible improvements in radiological
      
      
        
      
    
     
       
        
         
      
       
          
Materials and Methods
       
Primary Research: Direct Involvement in EU-RADION
         
       
        
  
     
      
      
      
      
a) 
b) 
c) 
d)     
e) 
f)   
g)       
h) ö
        
       
       
    
  
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      
 
      
       
response challenges.
Research Question
        
  
How to cite this article: Szklarski Ł. CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era.
Acad J Politics and Public Admin. 2024; 1(1): 555555
Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration
      
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advancements in radiological threat management.
EU-RADION’s Technological Innovations
Advanced Radiological Detection Systems: 
       
       
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cohesive and coordinated manner.
Enhancing First Responder Capabilities
Training and Operational Advantages:  
       
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How to cite this article: Szklarski Ł. CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era.
Acad J Politics and Public Admin. 2024; 1(1): 555555
Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration
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Real-time Response and Mitigation Strategies: 
     
       
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     
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Societal and Environmental Impact
Improving Public Safety and Awareness: 
  
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      
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       
    
Management:     
     
         
      
       
     
        
        
How to cite this article: Szklarski Ł. CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era.
Acad J Politics and Public Admin. 2024; 1(1): 555555
Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration
     
     
      
      
        
     
     
    
       
term environmental degradation.
    
   
       
     
       
       
   
       
    
      
       
     
     
     
      
        
Policy Implications and Recommendations
National and EU-level Policy Adaptations: 
advancements necessitate policy adaptations at both national
       
       
       
      
       
      
       
    
     
       
Future Research and Development Directions:  
  
          
a)     
       
       
 
b)     
      
greatly enhance predictive analysis and threat assessment.
       
        
c)    
         
  
     
d)    
      
       
      
     
e)  
        
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f)      
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      
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g)    
      
      
h)        
      
        
How to cite this article: Szklarski Ł. CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era.
Acad J Politics and Public Admin. 2024; 1(1): 555555
Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration
         
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      
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        
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      
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        
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    
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        
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         
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How to cite this article: Szklarski Ł. CBRN Threats: The Impact of EU-RADION on European Security: Addressing Radiological Threats in a New Era.
Acad J Politics and Public Admin. 2024; 1(1): 555555
Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration
      
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... The system must be compatible with various national and international security infrastructures, requiring extensive coordination and training for personnel Policy Challenges: Policy-wise, the implementation of EU-SENSE poses challenges in terms of privacy and data protection. The extensive data collection and sharing capabilities of the system raise concerns about the handling and security of sensitive information (Levy & Bissell, 2013;Szklarski, 2024b;National Research Council, 2010). Establishing clear guidelines and regulations that balance security needs with privacy rights is crucial. ...
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This article examines the effectiveness of radiological and nuclear (R&N) threat detectiontechnologies. It assesses current methodologies, interdisciplinary approaches and their impacton national security. Utilizing an extensive literature review and the author’s expertise in CBRNdefence, the study explores technological advancements, operational challenges and future researchin R&N detection. It underscores the necessity of innovative, adaptive technologies integrated withstrategic policy to address evolving R&N threats effectively. The paper also highlights the strategic role of these technologies in national security policies and global non-proliferation efforts.
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Objective: The research objective is to indicate current priorities of the European Commission in funding modern technologies that enhance situational awareness and preparedness for CBRN events in urban areas. Methods: We analysed strategic documents of the European Union informing CBRN safety and security Horizon 2020 program priorities and the proposal which won the call HORIZON-CL3-2022-DRS-01-08. This process allowed us to indicate patterns reflecting European Union’s priorities in funding development of modern technologies to enhance both the awareness and the preparedness. Results: Investigation of 7 fundamental documents gave strategic background for applying modern technologies that enhance situational awareness and preparedness for CBRN events in urban areas. Relevant directions were reflected in the call for proposals named Disaster-Resilient Society 2022. Only one proposal was selected for funding and it now forms the basis for CHIMERA project (the full project title is: Comprehensive Hazard Identification, and Monitoring systEm for uRban Areas). The project’s mission is to provide a technological improvement in the CBRN domain complying with European legislation and boosting the capabilities of end-users with novel detection, identification, and monitoring functionalities at relatively high TRL. Discussion: As CHIMERA project describes directly many of issues addressed in the call for proposals, the current directions reflect strategic assumptions for ensuring safety and security in Europe. The project also uniquely concerns CBRN response capability gaps identified by International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation. Success story of CHIMERA proposal may serve as a reference in developing new technologies in a project formula in the future.
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In the contemporary era, the increasing complexities in national security necessitate the continuousevolution within the sphere of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threatdetection. This study presents a detailed analysis of the interdisciplinary technologies pivotal tochemical hazard detection systems, thereby offering an analytical framework to enhance nationalsecurity strategies. The authors examine the fundamental principles of standoff and point detectors,focusing on their role in safeguarding first responders in civilian contexts. Furthermore, theintricacies of current technologies were explored, highlighting their functionalities and inherentlimitations. This research aims to pinpoint optimal technologies that meet the stringent demandsof national security, facilitating a resilient response mechanism to chemical threats. By fosteringinterdisciplinary collaboration, this study contributes significantly towards building a fortifiednational security framework, adept at navigating the complex and evolving threat dynamics.
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This scientific paper investigates the potential threats posed by the release of Chemical WarfareAgents (CWAs) and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) due to possible destruction of chemicalfacilities in Ukraine during wartime. It presents an in-depth discussion of the risks, countermeasuresand decontamination strategies, focusing on the application in resource-constrained settings.This study aims to contribute to the understanding of chemical disaster management and thedevelopment of effective countermeasures.
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This paper investigates potential countermeasures to mitigate the disastrous effects of gammaradiation exposure in the event of a possible destruction of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant,Ukraine’s largest nuclear facility, due to escalating conflicts. The potential destruction could resultin an unparalleled release of gamma radiation, posing significant threats to human health andthe environment. By examining the radiological dangers of gamma radiation, past case studiesof radiation exposure, current countermeasures, as well as the limitations and challenges of thesestrategies, we may provide a comprehensive overview of the multidimensional nature of thispotential crisis. The paper also explores innovative approaches in decontamination under resourceconstraints, focusing on dry decontamination, the use of alternative fluids, and the effectivemanagement of decontamination effluents.
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Zagadnienie ochrony przed czynnikami CBRN wpisuje się bezpośrednio w przedmiot badań realizowanych w naukach o bezpieczeństwie. Skrót CBRN oznacza Chemiczne, Biologiczne, Radiologiczne i Nuklearne zagrożenia zarówno w kontekście wypadków przemysłowych, jak i broni [1]. W kwestii sytuacji kryzysowych system bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP i właściwe mu systemy operacyjne nie ma zadań ważniejszych niż ochrona ludności przed wydarzeniami stanowiącymi zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia oraz środowiska i eliminowanie ich następstw. Poprzez pryzmat unikalnych badań prowadzonych w praktyce autora, a także realizacje badań na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej autor zebrał wystarczającą ilość materiału badawczego. Artykuł ten uwzględnia przegląd obecnego rynku CBRN i propozycje rozwijania technologii potrzebnych do usprawnienia pracy służb pożarniczych. Doświadczenie to uwzględnia współpracę z uczelniami w kraju i obszarze Unii Europejskiej, jednocześnie obejmując spotkania z użytkownikami technologii, dziesiątki rozmów, konferencji, wywiadów i warsztatów [2]. Przedmiotem zainteresowania autora jest także przekazanie unikalnej wiedzy zebranej jako koordynator projektu na potrzeby rozwoju dorobku nauk o bezpieczeństwie. Badania czynników prowadzących do sytuacji kryzysowych przekłada się bezpośrednio na wyznaczanie standardów rozwijanych technologii i w efekcie zwiększanie skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa prowadzonych działań, zarówno prewencyjnych, jak i reagowania [3]. W obliczu rosnących obaw związanych nie tylko z wypadkami przemysłowymi, ale również tak priorytetowych kwestii jak ochrona ludności przed bronią masowego rażenia należy bardziej niż kiedykolwiek pamiętać o udziale pracy teoretycznej w dogłębnym zrozumieniu omawianych zagadnień i tego, w jaki sposób przekładają się one na praktykę.
The continued, longer-term operation (LTO) of existing nuclear power plants (NPPs) beyond their original design lifetime has become a crucial issue in most OECD countries with established nuclear power program to ensure adequate supplies of electricity in future. The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has already conducted a study intended to review and analyze the impacts of plant lifetime extension on fuel cycle and waste management requirements, on the economics of nuclear energy, on knowledge management and preservation, and also on future of nuclear energy in OECD member countries. Extension of the life of NPPs can avoid the need for immediate investment in new generating capacity, while the capital cost of plant life management for LTO, will also be much smaller than investment in any type of replacement capacity. LTO of existing NPPs contributes to sustainability by maintaining security and stability of energy supply and the diversity of energy sources.
The essential message in this book is that the true impact of the accident at Chernobyl is far greater than the Soviet government is willing to admit. The author says that he remains skeptical of the official version of the accident. The many key mistakes or shortcomings that figured prominently in the accident and that the Soviets have been reluctant to publicize are highlighted in this book. Problems with initial construction, the lack of instruments in the first hours and days after the accident to adequately measure the radiation level, the deliberate initial under-reaction to the accident, the evaluation fiasco, the mistakes made in taming the reactor fire, and the botched cleanup are all traced back to certain longstanding features of the Soviet system. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is faulted for helping the Soviets coverup the accident effects at the August 1986 IAEA International meeting by not questioning deeply enough the Soviet reports concerning the accident.
The European network of excellence NULIFE (nuclear plant life prediction) has been launched with a clear focus on integrating safety-oriented research on materials, structures and systems and exploiting the results of this integration through the production of harmonised lifetime assessment methods. NULIFE will help provide a better common understanding of the factors affecting the lifetime of nuclear power plants which, together with associated management methods, will help facilitate safe and economic long-term operation of existing nuclear power plants. In addition, NULIFE will help in the development of design criteria for future generations of nuclear power plant.
This paper traces the evolution of the linear nonthreshold dose-response model and its acceptance as a paradigm in radiation protection practice and risk analysis. Deterministic effects such as skin burns and even deep tissue trauma were associated with excessive exposure to x rays shortly after their discovery, and carcinogenicity was observed as early as 1902. Still, it was not until 1925 that the first protective limits were suggested. For three decades these limits were based on the concept of a tolerance dose which, if not exceeded, would result in no demonstrable harm to the individual and implicitly assumed a threshold dose below which radiation effects would be absent. After World War II, largely because of genetic concerns related to atmospheric weapons testing, radiation protection dose limits were expressed in terms of a risk based maximum permissible dose which clearly implied no threshold. The 1927 discovery by Muller of x-ray induced genetic mutations in fruit flies, linear with dose and with no apparent threshold, was an important underpinning of the standards. The linear nonthreshold dose-response model was originally used to provide an upper limit estimate of the risk, with zero being the lower limit, of low level irradiation since the dose-response curve could not be determined at low dose levels. Evidence to the contrary such as hormesis and the classic studies of the radium dial painters notwithstanding, the linear nonthreshold model gained greater acceptance and in the centennial year of the discovery of x rays stands as a paradigm although serious questions are beginning to be raised regarding its general applicability. The work includes a brief digression describing the work of x-ray protection pioneer William Rollins and concludes with a recommendation for application of a de minimis dose level in radiation protection.