Luis Antonio Rodríguez Arrieta

Luis Antonio Rodríguez Arrieta
University of Antioquia | UdeA · Sección de Endocrinología y Diabetes Mellitus


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Publications (15)
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e association of type B insulin resistance syndrome (TBIRS) due to autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is uncommon. is is partly due to the lack of established criteria for the diagnosis of this resistance. However, some clinical aspects may suggest that the diagnosis does not necessarily have to be positive insulin recep...
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Unlabelled: We present the case of a patient with a history of symptomatic hypoglycaemic episodes and a negative 72-hour fasting test with histological confirmation of insulinoma. A literature review of hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia with a negative fasting test was performed. Learning points: The 72-hour fasting test is the gold standard for i...
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Marine-Lenhart syndrome (MLS) is an uncommon cause of primary hyperthyroidism, which can occur in the context of diffuse goiter due to Graves disease (GD) or autonomic nodular disease (Plummer disease (PD)). The coexistence of these two conditions is the hallmark of the MLS. Patients with MLS have a lower remission rate with oral antithyroid drugs,...
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Endocrine tests are the cornerstone of diagnosing multiple diseases that primary care physicians are frequently faced with. Some of these tests can be affected by situations that affect the proper interpretation, leading to incorrect diagnoses and unnecessary treatment, such as the interference of biotin with thyroid function test, falsely elevated...
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Background and aims: Thyroid storm and severe thyrotoxicosis remain among the most frequent endocrine emergencies, and first-line hyperthyroidism treatment is not always an option. Since the first report in 1970, plasmapheresis is a second-line treatment for severe or otherwise untreatable thyrotoxicosis when rapid euthyroidism is desired. Methods...
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is the third beta-coronavirus since 2003 capable of causing lower respiratory tract infection, leading to severe cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome and death. Advanced age, high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus are three predictors of worse clinical outcomes. Multiple mechanisms could ex...
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A pesar del avance en las técnicas de laboratorios en los últimos años, los errores y dificultades al momento de interactuar con las pruebas endocrinológicas siguen siendo un limitante común en el ejercicio clínico diario, que distorsionan la impresión clínica inicial y por ende el enfoque terapéutico. En este artículo se abordan los errores de lab...
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Pelvic renal ectopia is a congenital anomaly secondary to poor renal migration to the lower back. Usually, these pathologies are of asymptomatic course, therefore its finding is usually fortuitous during radiological examinations for other causes or in work-up of the infrequent symptomatic cases characterized by the occurrence of recurrent infectio...
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Crisis hiperglucémicas: De lo básico a lo práctico La cetoacidosis diabética (CAD) y el estado hiperosmolar hiperglucémico (EHH) son, sin lugar a duda, las dos complicaciones más graves y potencialmente mortales en los pacientes diabéticos. Si bien la CAD es más común en personas jóvenes con diabetes mellitus tipo I (DM1) y el EHH es más frecuente...
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Describir la efectividad de la plasmaféresis para reducir el nivel de hormonas tiroideas en centros de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Medellín Objetivo La plasmaféresis es utilizada como herramienta terapéutica para remover diferentes sustancias del plasma, entre ellas las hormonas tiroideas 1. Ha sido utilizada en el tratamiento de la tirotoxico...
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Thyroid nodules (TN) are more frequently identified with the use of thyroid ultrasonography, and they have a low risk of malignancy. Ultrasonographic features have been established that increase the probability of being faced with thyroid carcinoma; however, individually, these characteristics do not perform adequately in the diagnosis of malignanc...
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El coma mixedematoso es la complicación más grave de un hipotiroidismo. Ocurre, por lo general, en mujeres ancianas con hipotiroidismo conocido sin un adecuado manejo y en presencia de un evento desencadenante. El diagnóstico es difícil y debe realizarse en forma oportuna para disminuir el riesgo de muerte. El coma es una de las presentaciones neur...
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El sarcoma de Kaposi y la enfermedad de Castleman multicéntrica/virus herpes humano-8 positivo/virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana negativo representan un subgrupo etiológico dentro del espectro clínico de las enfermedades asociadas al virus herpes humano-8 positivo, inicialmente fueron consideradas dos entidades aisladas. El virus tiene un papel...
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Kaposi’s sarcoma is a low-grade vascular tumor that affects the skin and mucous membranes and may compromise lymph nodes and internal organs. It is usually associated with human herpes virus infection 8, classified into four clinical-epidemiological subtypes, including the classical type, which is usually manifested in elderly, immunocompetent whit...


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