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Spectrum and Management of Complement Immunodeficiencies (Excluding Hereditary Angioedema) Across Europe

  • Joe Security LLC

Abstract and Figures

Complement immunodeficiencies (excluding hereditary angioedema and mannose binding lectin deficiency) are rare. Published literature consists largely of case reports and small series. We collated data from 18 cities across Europe to provide an overview of primarily homozygous, rather than partial genotypes and their impact and management. Patients were recruited through the ESID registry. Clinical and laboratory information was collected onto standardized forms and analyzed using SPSS software. Seventy-seven patients aged 1 to 68 years were identified. 44 % presented in their first decade of life. 29 % had C2 deficiency, defects in 11 other complement factors were found. 50 (65 %) had serious invasive infections. 61 % of Neisseria meningitidis infections occurred in patients with terminal pathway defects, while 74 % of Streptococcus pneumoniae infections occurred in patients with classical pathway defects (p < 0.001). Physicians in the UK were more likely to prescribe antibiotic prophylaxis than colleagues on the Continent for patients with classical pathway defects. After diagnosis, 16 % of patients suffered serious bacterial infections. Age of the patient and use of prophylactic antibiotics were not associated with subsequent infection risk. Inflammatory/autoimmune diseases were not seen in patients with terminal pathway, but in one third of patients classical and alternative pathway defects. The clinical phenotypes of specific complement immunodeficiencies vary considerably both in terms of the predominant bacterial pathogen, and the risk and type of auto-inflammatory disease. Appreciation of these phenotypic differences should help both immunologists and other specialists in their diagnosis and management of these rare and complex patients.
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Spectrum and Management of Complement Immunodeficiencies
(Excluding Hereditary Angioedema) Across Europe
A. J. Turley &B. Gathmann &C. Bangs &M. Bradbury &S. Seneviratne &
L. I. Gonzalez-Granado &S. Hackett &N. Kutukculer &H. Alachkar &S. Hambleton &
H. Ritterbusch &P. Kralickova &L. Marodi &M. G. Seidel &G. Dueckers &J. Roesler &
A. Huissoon &H. Baxendale &J. Litzman &P. D. Arkwright
Received: 13 December 2014 /Accepted: 28 January 2015
#Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Introduction Complement immunodeficiencies (excluding
hereditary angioedema and mannose binding lectin defi-
ciency) are rare. Published literature consists largely of
case reports and small series. We collated data from 18
cities across Europe to provide an overview of primarily
homozygous, rather than partial genotypes and their im-
pact and management.
A. J. Turley
Paediatric Immunology, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
B. Gathmann :H. Ritterbusch
For the ESID Registry working party, Center for Chronic
Immunodeficiency (CCI), University Medical Centre Freiburg and
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
C. Bangs
Immunology, Royal Manchester Infirmary, Manchester, UK
M. Bradbury
Paediatric Nephrology, Royal Manchester ChildrensHospital,
Manchester, UK
S. Seneviratne
Immunology, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
L. I. Gonzalez-Granado
Pediatric Immunodeficiencies Unit, Hospital Universitario 12
Octubre, Madrid, Spain
S. Hackett
Paediatric Immunology, Birmingham Heartlands, Birmingham, UK
N. Kutukculer
Paediatric Immunology, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
H. Alachkar
Immunology, Salford Royal Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
S. Hambleton
Paediatric Immunology, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK
P. Kralickova
Allergology & Clinical Immunology, Faculty Hospital Hradec
Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
L. Marodi
Medical & Health Science Center, University of Debrecen,
Debrecen, Hungary
M. G. Seidel
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Medical University-Graz,
Graz, Austria
G. Dueckers
HELIOS Clinic, Childrens Hospital Krefeld, Krefeld, Germany
J. Roesler
Kinder und Jugendmedizin, Universitatsklinkkum Carl Gustav
Carus, Dresden, Germany
A. Huissoon
Immunology, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK
H. Baxendale
Immunology, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK
J. Litzman
Clinical Immunology & Allergology, St. Annes University Hospital
and Facultyof Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
P. D. Arkwright
Paediatric Immunology, Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital,
Manchester, UK
P. D. Arkwright (*)
Department of Paediatric Allergy and Immunology, Royal
Manchester Childrens Hospital, Oxford Rd.,
Manchester M13 9WL, UK
J Clin Immunol
DOI 10.1007/s10875-015-0137-5
Methods Patients were recruited through the ESID registry.
Clinical and laboratory information was collected onto stan-
dardized forms and analyzed using SPSS software.
Results Seventy-seven patients aged 1 to 68 years were iden-
tified. 44 % presented in their first decade of life. 29 % had C2
deficiency, defects in 11 other complement factors were
found. 50 (65 %) had serious invasive infections. 61 % of
Neisseria meningitidis infections occurred in patients with ter-
minal pathway defects, while 74 % of Streptococcus
pneumoniae infections occurred in patients with classical
pathway defects (p<0.001). Physicians in the UK were more
likely to prescribe antibiotic prophylaxis than colleagues on
the Continent for patients with classical pathway defects. Af-
ter diagnosis, 16 % of patients suffered serious bacterial infec-
tions. Age of the patient and use of prophylactic antibiotics
were not associated with subsequent infection risk.
Inflammatory/autoimmune diseases were not seen in patients
with terminal pathway, but in one third of patients classical
and alternative pathway defects.
Conclusion The clinical phenotypes of specific complement
immunodeficiencies vary considerably both in terms of the
predominant bacterial pathogen, and the risk and type of
auto-inflammatory disease. Appreciation of these phenotypic
differences should help both immunologists and other special-
ists in their diagnosis and management of these rare and com-
plex patients.
Keywords Complement .immunodeficiency .
meningococcemia .Streptococcus pneumoniae .
atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome .glomerulopathy .
vaccination .antibiotics
aHUS Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
ESID European Society for Immunodeficiencies
GOF Gain of function
HAE Hereditary angioedema
MBL Mannose binding lectin
MCP Membrane cofactor protein
PNH Paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
In Europe, as in other parts of the world, primary complement
immunodeficiencies associated with clinical disease are rare
and make up less than 5 % of all primary immunodeficiency
diseases (
Statistics) [13]. Low mannose binding lectin (MBL) concen-
trations are present in 25 % of Eurasians and 5060 % of
people from sub-Sahara, but the vast majority of people re-
main healthy [4]. Hereditary angioedema (HAE) occurs in up
to 1/10,000 individuals but does not predispose to infection
and is only associated with autoimmune disease if poorly con-
trolled [5]. We conducted a European-wide survey focusing
on rare non-MBL/HAE primary complement immunodefi-
ciency disorders. The aim was to document the relative prev-
alence of individual factor deficiencies in Europe, highlight
differences in clinical phenotype and factors that predispose to
infection risk, as well as the impact and variation in manage-
ment of these conditions.
Complement disorders include defects in more than forty
individual complement factors and receptors, which make up
this complex pathway [6]. From the spate of early reports
particularly in the late 1960s and 1970s [712], complement
is classically thought of as predisposing to recurrent, invasive
infections with Neisseria meningitidis [13]andStreptococcus
pneumoniae [14], as well as autoimmune diseases, particular-
ly systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). More recently muta-
tions in complement regulatory factors have been shown to
trigger microangiopathies resulting in non-Shiga toxin-associ-
ated atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome (aHUS) [1517].
Over 60 % of the genetic predisposition to aHUS can be ex-
plained by homozygous or heterozygous mutations in com-
plement factor H, factor I, membrane cofactor protein,
thrombomodulin, or gain-of-function mutations in comple-
ment factor 3 or factor B. Membranoproliferative and dense
deposit glomerulopathies have also been linked to mutations
in complement regulatory factor genes [18,19]. Although
there are over seventy published case reports or small case
series of complement immunodeficiencies, there are no large
surveys specifically comparing the relative distribution of
these conditions, complications and management. This survey
addresses this gap in the current published literature.
Patient Identification and Recruitment
Patients with complement immunodeficiencies were identi-
fied from the European Society for Immunodeficiencies
(ESID) registry. Patients with hereditary angioedema and
mannose binding lectin deficiency were excluded. Principle
Investigators at individual centres were emailed and invited to
participate. Response rate of those invited to participate was
95 %. The study had multicentre ethics committee approval.
Complement Assays
Complement measurements were done in accredited regional
immunology laboratories in country of residence of the pa-
tients using standard techniques. [20] Briefly, complement-
dependent lysis of antibody sensitized red blood cells in either
a fluid or gel were used to provide a quantitative measure of
functional activity (CH100 for the classical pathway and
AP100 for the alternative pathway). Complement factors C3
and C4 were measured using rate nephelometry. Other com-
plement components, for example factor B, H and I of the
alternate pathway and C5 to C9 of the classical pathway were
detected individually by either gel diffusion (Ouchterlony
technique) or ELISA. Subsequent gene sequencing was initi-
ated by physicians liaising with regional clinical genetics
Data Collection
Data was obtained from the existing ESID database. This in-
formation was supplemented by requesting that all Principle
Investigators complete a standardized questionnaire providing
additional anonymized demographic and clinical (infections
and autoimmune disease) information, as well as laboratory
test results (CH100, AP100 and specific complement factors,
genetic mutation screening, autoantibodies, vaccine re-
sponses) and treatment (vaccines, antibiotics, immunosup-
pressants, intensive care admissions).
Statistical Analysis
Data was collated and analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics
20.0. For discrete variables groups were compared using
Chi-square test.
Patient Demographics
Seventy-seven patients aged 1 to 68 years (median 22) from
18 cities across Europe (nine in the UK and nine on the Con-
tinent) were identified. As well as the UK, countries partici-
pating in this survey included Austria, Czech Republic, Ger-
many, Hungary, Spain and Turkey. There were more males
(60 %) than females. Two thirds of patients were white Cau-
casians and a third Asian,but there were no patientsof African
descent. 21 (27 %) patients came fromconsanguineous unions
and 43 (56 %) of patients had a family history of primary
complement immunodeficiency (Table 1). Three (4 %) with
C3 had a heterozygous rather than homozygous gene mutation
and one patient had a gain of function C3 mutation. The clin-
ical phenotypes of two of the patients with loss of function C3
deficiency have been described previously and were associat-
ed with a propensity to respiratory infections, as well as ne-
phrotic syndrome and arthritis which resolved in childhood
[21]. The 5 year old girl with the C3 gain of function mutation
had suffered from Pneumococcal pneumonia and aHUS, suc-
cessfully treated with the anti-C5 monoclonal antibody
eculizumab. 44 % of the patients presented within the first
decade of life and 76 % by the end of the second decade
(Fig. 1). Of the 17 patients who were referred after the second
decade of life, nine had a family history and five had a con-
firmed genetic mutation. Seven of these patients had a history
of meningococcal disease, five recurrent chest infections and
bronchiectasis and one nephrotic syndrome.
Complement Disorders and Clinical Features
A wide spectrum of specific complement deficiencies was
identified. 33 (43 %) were defects in the classical pathway
(C1q, C1r, C2, C4), 24 (31 %) were in the alternative pathway
(C3, factors D, H, I, P) and 20 (26 %) were terminal comple-
ment component defects (C6, C7 and C8) (Fig. 2). 25 (32 %)
patients had confirmatorygenetic as well as functional testing.
50 (65 %) had suffered serious invasive infections prior to
diagnosis, most commonly with Neisseria meningitidis or
Streptococcus pneumoniae (Table 2). 59 % had 12 and the
others had suffered 3 serious infections. 15 (20 %) had been
Tabl e 1 Demographics of 77 patients in the cohort
Age 168 years, median 22 years, 24 children / 53 adults
Age referral 063 years, median 12 years
Gender 46 (60 %) male
Race 53 (69 %) white Caucasian, 22 (31 %) Asian
Consanguinity 21 (27 %)
Family history 43 (56 %)
City United Kingdom: Birmingham 5 %, Cambridge 1 %,
Cardiff 1 %, Hull 1 %, Liverpool 4 %, London 14 %,
Manchester 39 %, Newcastle 4 %, Nottingham 3 %,
Continental Eurasia: Brno4 %, Debrecen 3 %, Duisburg
Izmir 5 %, Konigswartha 1 %, Madrid 7 %
Fig. 1 Age of referral of patients
J Clin Immunol
admitted to an intensive care unit. Three patients, two with
C1q and one with Factor I deficiency had died (two of Pneu-
mococcal meningitis in infancy and one at 54 years old of
coronary vascular disease secondary to chronic glomerulone-
phritis having had a renal transplant atthe age of 35 years old).
After diagnosis, infections were less common, occurring in
only 12 (16 %) patients. 25 % had Neisseria meningitidis
and 58 % Streptococcus pneumoniae infections. The pathway
defect, age of the patient, use of prophylactic antibiotics and
additional meningococcal vaccinations were not associated
with significant differences in subsequent infection risk.
The spectrum of disease in patients with defects in different
parts of the complement cascade varied significantly. For in-
stance, 74 % of pneumococcal disease occurred in patients
with classical pathway defects, while 61 % of meningococcal
disease occurred in patients with defects in terminal pathway
components (p<0.001) (Table3). Invasive pneumococcal dis-
ease was no more common in patients with low pneumococcal
antibody titres at diagnosis. No inflammatory/autoimmune
diseases were seen in patients with defects in terminal com-
plement. However, 37 % of patients with classical pathway
defects had SLE-like conditions affecting skin, brain and/or
kidneys, including 5 of 6 patients with C1q deficiency who
also had anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA, Sm, Rho). 39 % of
patients with alternative pathway defects had aHUS,
membranoproliferative glomerumonephritis. Two patients
with factor I deficiency suffered from recurrent Henoch-
Schönlein Purpura with a typical purpuric rash on the legs
and arthritis of both ankles. Skin biopsy demonstrated a
leukocytoclastic vasculitis. One of these patients suffered
from transient proteinuria, which was treated with oral pred-
nisolone for 3 months. In both cases the disease has resolved.
Management of Complement Immunodeficiencies
There was no significant differences in the requirement for
intensive care between complement deficiency subgroups.
46 (60 %) patients had received quadrivalent meningococcal
vaccination, 55 (72 %) had received a Pneumococcal vaccine
(polysaccharide or conjugate) and 52 (68 %) were taking pro-
phylactic antibiotics, most often amoxycillin or penicillin V
(80 % of cases). Patients with defects in terminal complement
components, the group at highest risk of recurrent meningo-
coccal disease, were most likely to have received additional
quadrivalent meningococcal vaccinations (Table 3). Despite
there being no significance in the prevalence of either menin-
gococcal or pneumococcal between the UK and the continent,
physicians in the UK were more likely to prescribe antibiotic
prophylaxis than their colleagues onthe Continent for patients
with classical but not other pathway defects (80 % versus
27 %, p<0.01) (Table 4). Prescribing of penicillin and other
Fig. 2 Distribution of specific primary complement immunodeficiencies.
Grey scale: classical pathway, purple scale: terminal components, blue-
green scale: alternate pathway. GOF gain of function
Tabl e 2 Clinical features
of cohort Parameter
Pre-diagnosis infections 50 (65 %) of which 1: 34 %, 2: 26 %, 34: 28 %, >4 13 %
47 % had Neisseria meningitidis,45 %Streptococcus pneumoniae,
1%Haemophilus influenzae E, 1 % Group A Streptococcus
Post-diagnosis infections 12 (16 %) of which 1: 58 %, 2: 8 %, >2: 34 %
25 % had Neisseria meningitidis,58 %Streptococcus pneumoniae
Autoimmunity 21 (27 %), kidney 15 %, joints 11 %, skin 14 %, brain 3 %
Intensive care / Died 15 (20 %) / 3 (4 %) 2 Pneumococcal meningitis,
1 complications of chronic glomerulonephritis
meningococcal vaccine
46 (60 %)
Pneumococcal vaccine 55 (72 %)
Prophylactic antibiotics 52 (68 %)
Amoxycillin 47 %, penicillin V 32 %, azithriomycin 12 %, cefaclor 2 %,
cefuroxime 2 %, ciprofloxacin 2 %, co-trimoxazole 2 %
Immunosuppressants 11 (14 %), bone marrow transplantation 1 (1 %)
antibiotics did not vary significantly between UK and Conti-
nental physicians. Non penicillin antibiotics were more likely
to be prescribed for patients with classical than other pathway
defects Table 3).
One quarter of patients with defects in the classical comple-
ment pathway required immunosuppressive therapy, mainly
with corticosteroids (Table 3). A steroid sparing agent was
sometimes also required (pulse intravenous cyclophosphamide
in two patients with C1q deficiency, and cyclosporin, azathio-
prine, methotrexate or rituximab for patients with C2 or C4).
Three patients with alternative pathway defect required immu-
nosuppressive therapy: two patients with factor H deficiency
were treated with corticosteroids and one C3 gain of function
patient with eculizumab. One patient with C1q deficiency and
life-threatening CNS vasculitis was successfully cured with
hemopoetic stem cell transplantation [22] and remains well,
engrafted and off all treatment 2 years post transplantation.
This is to our knowledge the largest published series of pri-
mary complement immunodeficiencies (excluding HAE and
MBL deficiency), collating data from 77 patients managed in
18 centres across Europe. It provides an overview of the
spectrum and variation in disease caused by these immunode-
ficiencies. The majority of patients presented within the first
two decades of life, although there were 24 % who were di-
agnosed in adulthood. Despite invasive bacterial infections
occurring in 65 % of patients, deaths were uncommon
(4 %). Twelve different complement factors defects were iden-
tified, with C2 deficiency being the most common (29 % of
the total).
Complement immunodeficiencies are classically consid-
ered as being inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, or
X-linked pattern in the case of properdin deficiency. However,
partial (heterozygous) mutations in the alternative comple-
ment pathway factors e.g., factor H, factor I and MCP, and
gain of function mutations in C3 or Factor B can cause renal
disorders such as aHUS [16,21,2325]. In contrast, carriers
of classical pathway complement (C1q, C2, C4) components
typically remain well [26]. Anti-C5 monoclonal antibody ther-
apy is effective treatment for PNH [27], aHUS and
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis [28,29], where
previously patients progressed relentlessly to renal failure,
which recurrent after renal transplantation.
Defects in membrane attack complex components of the
terminal complement pathway were characterized by a high
prevalence of meningococcal disease affecting 61 % of cases,
while only one patient (4 %) suffering from pneumococcal
disease and none of the patients suffered from autoimmune
or autoinflammatory diseases. 80 % of these patients were
managed with additional quadrivalent meningococcal vacci-
nation and prophylactic antibiotics. The use of antibiotics as
Tabl e 4 UK versus continental European practice
UK Continent Pvalue
Number 56 (73 %) 21 (27 %)
Children (%) 25 48 0.1
Males (%) 62 52 0.4
Age at referral
(median (inter-quartile range))
14 (620) 8 (419) 0.4
Family history (%) 60 48 0.4
Pathway - classical 39 52
- alternative 36 19 0.4
- terminal 25 28
Pre-diagnosis infections 68 58 0.6
Post-diagnosis infections 15 20 0.7
Meningococcal infections 35 29 0.8
Pneumococcal infections 30 35 0.8
Prophylactic antibiotics 76 48 0.03
Quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine 67 48 0.1
Pneumococcal vaccine 77 62 0.2
Intensive Care 20 19 0.9
Numbers for each parameter are percentages or median (inter-quartile
range). P values were calculated using Chi-square statistic
Tabl e 3 Comparative characteristics depending on pathway affected
Pathway Classical Alternative Terminal P
Number 33 (43 %) 24 (31 %) 20 (26 %)
% males 64 46 70 0.2
% with consanguinity 23 44 15 0.1
% with family history 53 70 45 0.2
Pre-diagnosis infection
70 39 90 0.002
Meningococcemia 13 23 78 0.001
Pneumococcal disease 55 22 5 0.001
Post-diagnosis infection
25 9 10 0.2
Autoimmunity - kidney 13 30 0 0.02
Autoimmunity - joints 10 22 0 0.1
Autoimmunity - skin 17 22 0 0.1
Autoimmunity - brain 7 0 0 0.2
meningococcal vaccine
44 67 80 0.06
Pneumococcal vaccine 83 57 75 0.1
Prophylactic antibiotics 61 65 80 0.4
- penicillin as proportion of
all antibiotics
67 100 88 0.03
Immunosuppression 26 13 0 0.04
Intensive Care 13 19 32 0.3
Numbers for each parameter are percentages. Pvalueswere calculated
using Chi-square statistic
J Clin Immunol
well as booster vaccination is in keeping with previous stud-
ies, which have shown that meningococcal vaccination re-
duces but does not eliminate the risk of meningococcal disease
[30] as complement-dependent bacterocidal activity is more
important than complement-independent opsonophagocytosis
in killing Neisseria meningitidis [31].
In contrast, we found that Streptococcus pneumoniae
caused three quarters of infections in patients with classical
complement pathway defects, while only 4 of 30 (13 %) of
patients suffered from Neisseria meningitidis infections,
highlighting the differences in immune defence for these two
encapsulated bacteria. The results are in keeping with mouse
models and smaller case series, which have shown the impor-
tance of opsonophagocytosis in killing Pneumococcus [32,
33]. UK clinicians prescribed prophylactic antibiotics more
frequently for patients with classical pathway defects than
colleagues on the Continent. There was no significant differ-
ent in the number of patients with Pneumococcal sepsis in
these two regions. With the widespread use of conjugate
Pneumococcal vaccines over the last decade, the need for
ongoing use of prophylactic antibiotics in this subset of pa-
tients might be reviewed.
In keeping with the published literature, SLE was most
common in patients with classical pathway defects and partic-
ularly in patients with C1q deficiency were associated with
serious renal or CNS vasculitis. Over a third of patients with
alternative pathway defects had renal microangiopathies par-
ticularly aHUS and other glomerulopathies, which were not
seen in patients with other pathway defects. Interestingly, two
Spanish siblings with compound heterozygous factor I defi-
ciency (c.1610_1611insAT (exon 13)/c.559C > T (exon 4)
presented with recurrent Henoch-Schönlein purpura (typical
rash and arthritis). This is not a well recognized complication,
although at least one previous case has been reported in the
literature [34] and clinicians should be aware of this potential
Limitations of the study include its retrospective nature and
use of a primary immunodeficiency database to identify pa-
tients. Although immunologists from across Europe actively
recruit patients onto the ESID registry and were keen to par-
ticipate in this survey, an increasing number of complement
deficiencies are diagnosed and managed by other specialists
including hematologists (e.g., SLE, paroxysmal noctural
hemoglobulinuria (due a somatic, acquired mutation in the
X-linked phosphatidylinositol glycan class A gene impairing
blood cell membrane expression of a number of proteins, in-
cluding the complement regulators CD55 and CD59 [35])),
nephrologists (e.g., SLE, aHUS, membranoproliferative glo-
merulopathies), rheumatologists (e.g., SLE, other vasculiti-
des) and ophthalmologists (e.g., age-related macular degener-
ation linked to polymorphisms in a number of complex regu-
lators (Factor 3, B, H and I) in 10 % of severe cases [36]) and
therefore the distribution and clinical phenotype are
potentially biased by the method of recruitment. Greater col-
laboration between subspecialists through joint clinics, multi-
disciplinary meetings and registries are required if this limita-
tion is to be overcome. The lack of detailed information spe-
cific to these complex immunodeficiencies available on the
ESID registry database was overcome by completion of a
more detailed questionnaire on each patient by principle
Complement disorders have previously been thought of as
being the Bsmall print^even amongst the clinical workload of
immunology specialists. Progress in our understanding of the
complexity of the pathway and identification of increasing
numbers of diseases that complement defects can cause has
brought the part of the immune system back into the limelight
of internal medicine. The direct comparison of complement
immunodeficiencies in this study highlights the differences in
clinical phenotypes, with Pneumococcal disease being the
predominant problem in classical pathway defect, indicating
the importance of ensuring up to date Pneumococcal vaccina-
tion in this subgroup. In contrast, meningococcal disease is
less of a problem in classical pathway defects but more com-
mon in patients with terminal component defects,
emphasising that it is this group where quadrivalent
(ACW135Y) conjugate vaccine [37] and group B vaccine
[38] as well as supplementary prophylactic antibiotics should
be prioritized [39]. The recognition that defects in comple-
ment underlie a number of auto-inflammatory diseases lead-
ing to acute, or chronic renal failure that can potentially have a
poor outcome, even after kidney transplantation highlight the
need for physicians to accurately diagnose and develop bio-
logic and stem cell therapies that address the primary patho-
genesis if patients are to be treated successfully [40]. A pro-
spective, worldwide complement deficiency database involv-
ing not only immunologists but also other subspecialists, par-
ticularly nephrologists, would help to address the limitations
of the current study and help to address some of the questions
raised, such as the effectiveness or otherwise of prophylactic
antibiotics in these patients.
Declaration of interests The authors declare no conflict of interests
relevant to this study
Author contribution PDA conceived of and led the study. AT collect-
ed and collated all the data. All authors contributed to collation and
submission of their centres data and to the writing of the final version
of the manuscript.
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J Clin Immunol
... Interestingly, this finding is in line with the strong correlation between the inherited deficiency of early complement component with SLE. In particular, genetic deficiencies of the early components from the CP are associated with the development of SLE, mainly C1q, C1r/C1s, C4 and C2 [69]. The role of complement system in SLE pathogenesis has been demonstrated in mice models. ...
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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease with a wide range of clinical expressions. The kidney is often affected, usually within 5 years of the onset of SLE, and lupus nephropathy (LN) carries a high risk for increased morbidity. The clinical heterogeneity of the disease is accompanied by complex disturbances affecting the immune system with inflammation and tissue damage due to loss of tolerance to nuclear antigens and the deposition of immune complexes in tissues. Several studies have reported that in human SLE, there is an important role of the Type-I-interferons (INF) system suggested by the upregulation of INF-inducible genes observed in serial gene expression microarray studies. This review aims to describe the transduction pathways of Type-I-interferons, in particular INFα, and its immune-regulatory function in the pathogenesis of SLE and, in particular, in LN. In addition, recent novelties concerning biologic therapy in LN will be discussed.
... Tyrimų duomenimis, C8 komponento trūkumo paplitimas Europoje sudaro 8 proc. visų komplemento komponentų trūkumų [20]. Komponento C8, kaip ir kitų terminalinių komplemento sistemos komponentų, nepakankamumo sąlygota meningokokinė infekcija pasireiškia vyresniame amžiuje, lyginant su bendra populiacija. ...
Tyrimo tikslas – remiantis literatūros duomenimis, ap­žvelgti pagrindinių komplemento komponentų trūkumų, turinčių ryšį su N. meningitidis sukelta infekcija, prie­žastis ir ypatumus. Atlikta literatūros apžvalga, į kurią įtraukti 29 straipsniai, atrinkti iš PubMed duomenų bazės. Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados. Labiausiai meningokoki­nės infekcijos riziką didinantis veiksnys yra terminali­nių komplemento komponentų (C5-C9) trūkumas, kurį gali sukelti genų mutacijos arba tam tikrų medikamentų vartojimas. Šie sutrikimai siejami su meningokokinės infekcijos pasireiškimu vyresniame nei įprastai amžiuje, didesne kartotinės infekcijos rizika, mažiau invaziškomis N. meningitidis serogrupėmis bei geresne ligos baigtimi. Properdino trūkumą turintiems asmenims meningokoki­nės infekcijos kartojasi retai, bet dažniau baigiasi mirtimi. Naujausių viso genomo tyrimų duomenimis, rastas sti­prus, galimai apsauginis ryšys tarp meningokokinės in­fekcijos ir komplemento faktoriaus H genų polimorfizmų.
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Introducción: la inmunodeficiencia es la alteración funcional del sistema inmunológico, la cual es causada por factores congénitos o secundarios. Esta disfunción suele generar no solo manifestaciones sistémicas, sino también a nivel de cavidad bucal y zona peribucal. Objetivo: identificar y explicar las manifestaciones bucales de la inmunodeficiencia según la literatura. Metodología: se realizó una revisión integrativa de la literatura, los documentos fueron identificados mediante la búsqueda en bases de datos de alto impacto; se seleccionan in-vestigaciones originales, casos clínicos, revisiones literarias y libros. No se aplicaron restricciones en el idioma ni en el tiempo de publicación. Resultados: Entre las manifestaciones bucales más reportadas se encuentran, la candidiasis bucal, lesiones ulcerativas, Condiloma acuminado, leucoplasia vellosa y enfermedades perio-dontales necrosantes. Conclusiones: debido a que los sujetos inmunodeficientes tienen mayor susceptibilidad de padecer diversas afecciones que podrían poner en riesgo su vida; se considera fundamental la identificación temprana de las manifestaciones bucales que permitan facilitar el diagnóstico sistémico de la afección inmune además de permitir un tratamiento concomitante de la manifestación estomatológicas y sistémicas.
The complement cascade comprises soluble and cell surface proteins and is an important arm of the innate immune system. Once activated, the complement system rapidly generates large quantities of protein fragments that are potent mediators of inflammatory, vasoactive and metabolic responses. Although complement is crucial to host defence and homeostasis, its inappropriate or uncontrolled activation can also drive tissue injury. For example, the complement system has been known for more than 50 years to be activated by glomerular immune complexes and to contribute to autoimmune kidney disease. Notably, the latest research shows that complement is also activated in kidney diseases that are not traditionally thought of as immune-mediated, including haemolytic-uraemic syndrome, diabetic kidney disease and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Several complement-targeted drugs have been approved for the treatment of kidney disease, and additional anti-complement agents are being investigated in clinical trials. These drugs are categorically different from other immunosuppressive agents and target pathological processes that are not effectively inhibited by other classes of immunosuppressants. The development of these new drugs might therefore have considerable benefits in the treatment of kidney disease.
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Factor H (FH) is one of the most important regulatory proteins of the alternative pathway of the complement system. FH deficiency is a rare condition that causes unregulated C3 consumption, leading to an increased susceptibility to infections and glomerulopathies. Our previous studies have demonstrated a FH deficient patient carrying a c.452G > A, p.R127H FH mutation which leads to a misfolded protein and its retention in the endoplasmic reticulum. In his cultured fibroblasts, FH-delayed secretion was partially rescued when treated with curcumin, and once secreted, exhibited normal regulatory function. Here, we report a childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE) in this FH deficient patient and the results of experimental treatment with curcumin aiming to rescue FH secretion and regulatory activity.
Our understanding and management of atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) has dramatically improved in the last decade. Atypical HUS has been established as a prototypic disease resulting from a dysregulation of the complement alternative C3 convertase. Subsequently, prospective non-randomized studies and retrospective series have shown the efficacy of C5 blockade in the treatment of this devastating disease. C5 blockade has become the cornerstone of the treatment of atypical HUS. This therapeutic breakthrough has been mitigated by persistent difficulties in the positive diagnosis of atypical HUS, and the latter remains, to date, a diagnosis by exclusion. Furthermore, the precise spectrum of complement-mediated renal thrombotic microangiopathy is still a matter of debate. Nevertheless, long-term management of atypical HUS is increasingly individualized and life-long C5 blockade is no more a paradigm that applies to all patients with this disease. The potential benefit of complement blockade in other forms of HUS, notably secondary HUS, remains uncertain.
Primary immune deficiencies are a heterogeneous group of disorders collectively referred to as inborn errors of immunity. Distinct disorders can be classified based on the clinical presentation and further categorized by the underlying immune defect. This provides a better phenotypic distinction within disorders causing errors of immunity in antibody production or those affecting other components of immunity. An overview of therapeutic strategies underlying the treatment of those phenotypes characterized by immune deficiency is presented in this chapter. Disorders are separated by their phenotypic and in some cases genotypic classifications. Therapeutic measures directed at mitigating morbidity from infection as well as treating autoimmunity are discussed for the more common primary immune deficiencies (PIDs). These therapies may include but are not limited to antimicrobial agents, immunoglobulin replacement to treat the infection as well as immunosuppressive agents or antiinflammatory agents such as corticosteroids or B-cell targeted therapies to treat complications or related comorbidities including associated autoimmune diseases, bronchiectasis or interstitial lung diseases such as granulomatous-lymphocytic interstitial lung disease. More and more genetic causes of PIDs are being identified, and this knowledge is often helpful in directing treatment and allowing for risk assessment of potentially curable treatment modalities such as bone marrow transplantation and/or gene therapy.
Complement deficiencies represent approximately 1–6% of all primary immunodeficiencies and they can be primary or secondary. The inheritance is usually autosomal recessive, except for properdin deficiency, which is X-linked and factor B, C1-INH and MCP/CD46 deficiency, which are autosomal dominant. Severe or multiple infections, caused by capsulated bacteria as Streptococcus, Haemophylus and Neisseriae or autoimmune diseases are the main clinical manifestations presented in complement deficiency. Polymorphism in components of lectin pathway have been associated with the susceptibility to infections or autoimmunity. Hereditary Angioedema causes edema affecting subcutaneous and mucosa, responsible for recurrent attacks in skin, gastrointestinal tract and obstruction of upper airways. The approach to recurrent infections in complement deficient patients includes vaccination and antibiotic prophylaxis. Specific therapies were developed improving the prognosis of these defects.
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Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome, age-related macular degeneration and other diseases are associated with defective alternative pathway (AP) regulation. Factor H (CFH), Factor I (CFI), membrane cofactor protein (MCP) and C3 exhibited the most disease-associated genetic alterations in the AP. Our interactive structural database for these was updated with a total of 317 genetic alterations. A consensus structure for the short complement regulator (SCR) domain showed that the majority (37%) of SCR mutations occurred at its hypervariable loop and its four conserved Cys residues. Mapping 111 missense mutations onto the CFH structure showed that over half occurred in the C-terminal domains SCR-15 to SCR-20. In particular, SCR-20 with the highest total of affected residues is associated with binding to C3d and heparin-like oligosaccharides. No clustering of 48 missense mutations in CFI was seen. In MCP, SCR-3 was the most affected by 23 missense mutations. In C3, the neighbouring thioester and macroglobulin domains exhibited most of 46 missense mutations. The mutations in the regulators CFH, CFI and MCP involve loss-of-function while those for C3 involve gain-of-function. This combined update emphasizes the importance of the complement AP in inflammatory disease, clarifies the functionally-important regions in these proteins, and will facilitate diagnosis and therapy.
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Background: About 10% of pediatric patients with invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) die from the disease. Some primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) are known to confer predisposition to IPD. However, a systematic search for these PIDs has never been carried out in children presenting with IPD. Methods: We prospectively identified pediatric cases of IPD requiring hospitalization between 2005 and 2011 in 28 pediatric wards throughout France. IPD was defined as a positive pneumococcal culture, polymerase chain reaction result, and/or soluble antigen detection at a normally sterile site. The immunological assessment included abdominal ultrasound, whole-blood counts and smears, determinations of plasma immunoglobulin and complement levels, and the evaluation of proinflammatory cytokines. Results: We included 163 children with IPD (male-to-female ratio, 1.3; median age, 13 months). Seventeen children had recurrent IPD. Meningitis was the most frequent type of infection (87%); other infections included pleuropneumonitis, isolated bloodstream infection, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, and mastoiditis. One patient with recurrent meningitis had a congenital cerebrospinal fluid fistula. The results of immunological explorations were abnormal in 26 children (16%), and a PID was identified in 17 patients (10%), including 1 case of MyD88 deficiency, 3 of complement fraction C2 or C3 deficiencies, 1 of isolated congenital asplenia, and 2 of Bruton disease (X-linked agammaglobulinemia). The proportion of PIDs was much higher in children aged >2 years than in younger children (26% vs 3%; P < .001). Conclusions: Children with IPD should undergo immunological investigations, particularly those aged >2 years, as PIDs may be discovered in up to 26% of cases.
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Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PID) are a group of heterogeneous disorders mainly characterized by severe and recurrent infections and increased susceptibility to malignancies, lymphoproliferative and autoimmune conditions. National registries of PID disorders provide epidemiological data and increase the awareness of medical personnel as well as health care providers. This study presents the demographic data and clinical manifestations of Iranian PID patients who were diagnosed from March 2006 till the March of 2013 and were registered in Iranian PID Registry (IPIDR) after its second report of 2006. A total number of 731 new PID patients (455 male and 276 female) from 14 medical centers were enrolled in the current study. Predominantly antibody deficiencies were the most common subcategory of PID (32.3 %) and were followed by combined immunodeficiencies (22.3 %), congenital defects of phagocyte number, function, or both (17.4 %), well-defined syndromes with immunodeficiency (17.2 %), autoinflammatory disorders (5.2 %), diseases of immune dysregulation (2.6 %), defects in innate immunity (1.6 %), and complement deficiencies (1.4 %). Severe combined immunodeficiency was the most common disorder (21.1 %). Other prevalent disorders were common variable immunodeficiency (14.9 %), hyper IgE syndrome (7.7 %), and selective IgA deficiency (7.5 %). Registration of Iranian PID patients increased the awareness of medical community of Iran and developed diagnostic and therapeutic techniques across more parts of the country. Further efforts must be taken by increasing the coverage of IPIDR via electronically registration and gradual referral system in order to provide better estimation of PID in Iran and reduce the number of undiagnosed cases.
J Gaschignard, C Levy, M Chrabieh. Clin Infect Dis. 2014;59(2):244–251 The goal of this study was to investigate all children hospitalized in France with invasive pneumococcal disease for possible immunodeficiency. A total of 163 children were hospitalized in 28 pediatric wards throughout France between 2005 and 2011. A French national cooperative prospectively identified hospitalized patients with invasive pneumococcal disease that was based on the isolation of Streptococcus pneumoniae from an otherwise sterile site. Patients with HIV disease or sickle cell anemia were excluded. Clinical and family history, as well as pneumococcal vaccination status, was documented in all patients; laboratory studies included white blood cell counts, immunoglobulin levels, complement …
Objectives To assess the potential use of a protein-based meningococcal group B (MenB) vaccine (Bexsero®) in addition to antibiotic chemoprophylaxis for preventing secondary cases. Methods Published studies on the risk of secondary meningococcal infections were used to estimate the numbers needed to vaccinate (NNV) with Bexsero® to prevent a secondary case in household and educational settings. Results Most secondary cases occur within a few days of diagnosis in the index case. Unlike conjugate vaccines, early protection offered after a single dose of Bexsero® is likely to be low, particularly in young children, who are at higher risk of secondary infection. NNV was dependent on predicted meningococcal strain coverage, estimated onset of protection after one Bexsero® dose and estimated vaccine efficacy. Even in the most favourable scenario where we assume the vaccine is administered within 4 days of the index case and prevents 90% of cases occurring after 14 days, the NNV for household contacts was >1,000. NNV in educational settings was much higher. Conclusions The estimated NNV should be taken into account when deciding policy to recommend Bexsero® for close contacts of single cases in household or educational settings. Bexsero® may have a protective role in clusters and outbreaks..
Complement deficiencies comprise between 1 and 10% of all primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) according to national and supranational registries. They are still considered rare and even of less clinical importance. This not only reflects (as in all PIDs) a great lack of awareness among clinicians and general practitioners but is also due to the fact that only few centers worldwide provide a comprehensive laboratory complement analysis. To enable early identification, our aim is to present warning signs for complement deficiencies and recommendations for diagnostic approach. The genetic deficiency of any early component of the classical pathway (C1q, C1r/s, C2, C4) is often associated with autoimmune diseases whereas individuals, deficient of properdin or of the terminal pathway components (C5 to C9), are highly susceptible to meningococcal disease. Deficiency of C1 Inhibitor (hereditary angioedema, HAE) results in episodic angioedema, which in a considerable number of patients with identical symptoms also occurs in factor XII mutations. New clinical entities are now reported indicating disease association with partial complement defects or even certain polymorphisms (factor H, MBL, MASPs). Mutations affecting the regulators factor H, factor I, or CD46 and of C3 and factor B leading to severe dysregulation of the alternative pathway have been associated with renal disorders, such as atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and – less frequent – with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN). We suggest a multi-stage diagnostic protocol starting based on the recognition of so called warning signs which should aid pediatricians and adult physicians in a timely identification followed by a step-wise complement analysis to characterize the defect at functional, protein and molecular level.
Monospecific antiserum to highly purified second component of human complement (C'2) was used to show the absence of the protein from the serums of four persons homozygous for a hereditary deficiency of second-component activity. Serum from an individual heterozygous for the deficiency contained a reduced amount of this protein as compared to the concentration in normal serum. These observations indicate that genetic deficiency of this component is due to failure of synthesis of normal amounts of the protein rather than to synthesis of an antigenically related, hemolytically inactive analog of C'2.
Long-term prophylactic antibiotics are being widely implemented as primary or adjunctive therapy in primary immune deficiencies. This practice has transformed clinical outcomes in the setting of chronic granulomatous disease, complement deficiencies, Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, hyper-IgE syndrome, Toll signaling defects, and prevented Pneumocystis in patients with T-cell deficiencies. Yet, controlled trials are few in the context of primary antibody deficiency syndromes, and most of this practice has been extrapolated from data in patients who are immune competent and with recurrent acute otitis media, chronic rhinosinusitis, cystic fibrosis, and bronchiectasis. The paucity of guidelines on the subject is reflected in recent surveys among practicing immunologists that highlight differences of habit regarding this treatment. Such discrepancies reinforce the lack of standard protocols on the subject. This review will provide evidence for the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in various primary immune deficiency populations, especially highlighting the role antibiotic prophylaxis in primary antibody deficiency syndromes. We also discussed the relationship of long-term antibiotic use and the prevalence of resistant pathogens. Overall, examination of available data on the use of prophylactic antibiotics in antibody deficiency syndromes merit future investigation in well-designed multicenter prospective trials because this population has few other management options.