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Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Species Composition in Ovitraps From a Mesoamerican Tropical Montane Cloud Forest


Abstract and Figures

Knowledge about mosquito species diversity at tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) in Mesoamerica is scarce. Here, we present data on mosquito species richness from samples biweekly collected, from January to December 2017, in ovitraps installed in a TMCF patch at Vázquez de Coronado County, Costa Rica. Ovitraps were placed at 2.25, 1.50 and 0.75 m at 16 sampling points. During the study period we measured relative humidity and air temperature at each sampling point, and water temperature, volume and pH in each ovitrap. We collected a total of 431 mosquito larvae belonging to five taxonomic units, one identified to the genus level and four to the species level. The most common mosquito species was Culex bihaicolus Dyar & Nuñez Tovar (Diptera: Culicidae), which accounted for nearly 80% (n = 344) of the collected mosquitoes. Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae) was the only medically important species we found and it was collected both in the dry (January to March) and rainy season (April to December). Over 95% (n = 411) of the mosquitoes were collected during the rainy season and 60% (n = 257) at 0.75 m. Among the environmental variables that we measured, only water volume and pH were significantly (P < 0.05) different between the dry and rainy season, the former increasing and the later decreasing during the rainy season. These results suggest that rainfall plays a major role regulating the phenology of the sampled mosquito species and highlight the need to screen for pathogens in Cx. nigripalpus at the study area.
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Sampling, Distribution, Dispersal
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Species Composition
in Ovitraps From a Mesoamerican Tropical Montane
Luis MarioRomero,1 Luis GuillermoChaverri,2 and Luis FernandoChaves3,4,5,
1Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa
Rica, 2Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Escuela de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Universidad Estadal a Distancia, San Pedro
de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica, 3Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud (INCIENSA),
Apartado Postal 4-2250, Tres Ríos, Cartago, Costa Rica, 4Programa de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales (PIET), Escuela de
Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica, and 5Corresponding author, e-mail:
Subject Editor: JonathanDay
Received 3 June 2018; Editorial decision 20 August 2018
Knowledge about mosquito species diversity at tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) in Mesoamerica is scarce.
Here, we present data on mosquito species richness from samples biweekly collected, from January to December
2017, in ovitraps installed in a TMCF patch at Vázquez de Coronado County, Costa Rica. Ovitraps were placed at 2.25,
1.50 and 0.75 m at 16 sampling points. During the study period we measured relative humidity and air temperature
at each sampling point, and water temperature, volume and pH in each ovitrap. We collected a total of 431 mosquito
larvae belonging to five taxonomic units, one identified to the genus level and four to the species level. The most
common mosquito species was Culex bihaicolus Dyar & Nuñez Tovar(Diptera: Culicidae), which accounted for
nearly 80% (n = 344) of the collected mosquitoes. Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae) was the only
medically important species we found and it was collected both in the dry (January to March) and rainy season
(April to December). Over 95% (n=411) of the mosquitoes were collected during the rainy season and 60% (n=257)
at 0.75 m.Among the environmental variables that we measured, only water volume and pH were significantly
(P<0.05) different between the dry and rainy season, the former increasing and the later decreasing during the rainy
season. These results suggest that rainfall plays a major role regulating the phenology of the sampled mosquito
species and highlight the need to screen for pathogens in Cx. nigripalpus at the study area.
Key words: Culicidae, Costa Rica, container mosquito, longitudinal data
Mosquito diversity surveys are important for disease control because
they reveal the entomological risk posed by the presence of domi-
nant vector species, i.e., those species competent and able to ef-
ciently transmit pathogens that affect human health (Turell etal.
2001, Turell et al. 2005). Furthermore, when mosquito diversity
surveys are longitudinal they also allow to describe the phenology of
mosquito species with and without medical importance (Toma and
Miyagi 1981, Reisen etal. 1999, Hoshi etal. 2014b), and to evalu-
ate associations between mosquito diversity and infection (Chaves
etal. 2011).
From an ecological perspective, understanding mosquito diversity
is necessary to generalize principles about insect diversity and factors
shaping it (Foley etal. 2007), and to also generate landmark obser-
vations that could be useful to evaluate impacts of climate change
on medically important taxa (Chaves 2016, Chaves and Añez 2016,
Chaves 2017a). For example, Costa Rica is a global biodiversity
hotspot (Mittermeier etal. 1998, Myers et al. 2000), and this pat-
tern of overwhelming diversity also extends to mosquitoes (Foley
etal. 2007). In Costa Rica, longitudinal studies on mosquito species
diversity have been unusual, and most data comes from short-term
surveys (Heinemann and Belkin 1977, BurkettCadena et al. 2013,
Chaverri etal. 2018). Despite its small geographical area Costa Rica
has a great richness of natural ecosystems which in part explains
its huge diversity of living taxa (Kappelle 2016), but some highland
ecosystems have been poorly studied, e.g., tropical montane cloud
forests (Myers etal. 2000), hereafter referred asTMCFs.
In general, mosquito diversity studies in Costa Rica have been
biased toward the lowlands (Heinemann and Belkin 1977, Gilbert
et al. 2008, BurkettCadena et al. 2013, Chaverri et al. 2018), an
area that historically has faced epidemics of mosquito-borne dis-
eases, including arboviruses, such as dengue (Calderón-Arguedas
etal. 2015, Soto-Garita etal. 2016) and Yellow fever (Romero and
Journal of Medical Entomology, XX(X), 2018, 1–10
doi: 10.1093/jme/tjy170
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Trejos 1954), and parasites, e.g., Plasmodium spp. Machiafava &
Celli, the causative agent of malaria (Núñez 1926, Kumm and Ruiz
1939, Kumm etal. 1940, Warren etal. 1975, Sáenz etal. 2012) and
Wuchereria bancrofti (Cobbold), the worm causing lymphatic la-
riasis (Weinstock etal. 1977, Paniagua etal. 1983). The Costa Rican
lowlands also comprise the areas where the invasion by the Asian
tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), was rst documented
(Marín etal. 2009) and its ecology (Calderón Arguedas etal. 2012)
and phylogeography (Futami etal. 2015) have been studied in more
detail. Costa Rica’s lowland areas have year-round high tempera-
tures and high relative humidity (Herrera 2016), which are opti-
mal conditions for mosquito movement and vector-borne disease
transmission (Silver 2008). Nevertheless, Costa Rica is crossed by
mountains (Vargas 2006), and high-altitude ecosystems are known
to harbor a diverse array of mosquito species (Eisen et al. 2008),
but the ecology of montane mosquito species has been poorly stud-
ied, with a few exceptions (Barker etal. 2009, Lozano-Fuentes etal.
2012a,b), and even fewer mosquito studies in TMCFs (Parker etal.
2012, Abella-Medrano etal. 2015).
TMCFs are high altitude (over 1,650 m above the sea) eco-
systems characterized by a high proportion of endemic species
(Bruijnzeel etal. 2010), and are among the ecosystems more affected
by global warming and expected to disappear if global temperatures
continue to increase (Ponce-Reyes et al. 2012). From the perspec-
tive of mosquitoes an interesting aspect of tropical cloud forests is
the high abundance of epiphytes (Foster 2001), among which the
Bromeliaceae are known to serve as natural habitat for many mos-
quito species (Müller etal. 2008, Marques etal. 2012, Parker etal.
2012, Müller et al. 2014, Alencar et al. 2016, Inácio et al. 2017).
Ovitrap sampling is a cheap and simple way to collect diverse mos-
quito species (Moriya 1974, Toma and Miyagi 1981, Zea Iriarte
etal. 1991, Ritchie etal. 2003). Ovitraps have shown encouraging
results when used for mosquito diversity studies in tropical rainfor-
ests of Mesoamerica (Chaverri etal. 2018) and South America (Silva
et al. 2018). Since no outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases have
been reported at high elevations in Costa Rica, an open question
is whether species with known vectorial competence and capacity
are present in natural areas expected to undergo major ecological
transformations as product of climate change. Thus, given the lack
of knowledge about mosquitoes from TMCFs, here we present
results from a season-long study looking at mosquito species rich-
ness and their phenology in ovitraps biweekly sampled, from
January to December 2017, at a TMCF patch in the central valley
of CostaRica.
Our study was done at Finca San Francisco de Asis (FSFA),
an 8.5-hectare secondary growth TMCF plot centered at (10°
131.01N, 83°5627.34W) with a mean altitude of 1,760 m.FSFA
is located in Montserrat, Vázquez de Coronado County, San José
Province, Costa Rica (Fig. 1). This area has been populated since
pre-hispanic times, and by the time Spaniards arrived to the area
the kingdom of Toyopán was a highly developed Huetar culture
(Rodríguez Argüello 2010). Nevertheless, with the arrival of Spanish
explorer Juan de Cavallón y Arboleda in 1561, who subjugated the
major native kingdoms in the central valley of Costa Rica, and then
by Juan Vázquez de Coronado who furtherly imposed Spanish rule
in Costa Rica, the development of this area waned until 1834, when
the area started to be colonized as part of the historic and economic
development of Costa Rica as an independent nation (Rodríguez
Argüello 2010). Until 1910 land transformation was minimal, and
associated with subsistence agriculture, but with the separation of
the historic Toyopán area, from San José county, as the ‘Vázquez
de Coronado’ county, the historic Toyopán area was extensively
deforested for both the exploitation of wood as a commodity and
the transformation of forests into ranchland for livestock, mainly
for dairy cattle ranches (Rodríguez Argüello 2010). For example,
between 1910 and 1914 over 6,000 of the 22,000 hectares of the
Vázquez de Coronado county were deforested to become farmland
(Rodríguez Argüello 2010). As of 2000, around 73% of the county
22,000 hectares are covered by primary and secondary forests, and
there is little pressure for further deforestation (Bonilla-Carrion
and Rosero-Bixby 2004). Interspersed with the dairy cattle ranches
remain several patches of TMCF the original landcover of this area,
Fig.1. Study area Map. The left map shows the location of the oviposition traps at the study site and on the right is the location of Finca San Francisco de Asis
in Costa Rica, where San José is shown as reference. The base maps are courtesy of Google Earth.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
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one of these patches is FSFA which is covered by a secondary for-
est that grew from the primary forest growing at the margin of
Quebrada Juncos, a stream that ows across FSFA and is tributary
to Rio Sucio, a major river in the central valley of Costa Rica. FSFA
is near to ‘Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo’ one of the largest natu-
ral Areas in Costa Rica (475.8 km2), comprising several ecosystems
and ranging from 30 to 2,906 m, including TMCFs similar to FSFA
(Meza and Bonilla 1990).
Mosquito Sampling
For mosquito sampling we set ovitraps at 16 points along a longi-
tudinal transect (Fig.1). The selected points were mainly composed
of bamboo clumps and ovitraps were set at heights of 0.75, 1.5,
and 2.0 m, thus totaling 48 ovitraps. Each ovitrap (Chaves etal.
2015) was made from 333 ml recycled soda cans, which were
painted, both in the inside and the outside, with black paint (2X
Double Coverage, Harris, Vernon Hills, IL). Traps were set on 23
December 2016, when all traps were lled with 250ml of tap water,
and the data presented here correspond to the biweekly collections
from 30 December 2016 to 30 December 2017. Specically, each
14 d we checked every individual ovitrap, repeating the following
procedure: 1)Contents from each ovitrap were emptied on a trans-
parent tray 150×220×45mm (Mujirushi Ryōhin Co. LTD. Tokyo,
Japan) and we carefully searched for mosquito larvae and pupae;
2)Large larvae, third and fourth instar, were collected in vials with
70% ethanol (LABQUIMAR, San José, Costa Rica), although we
considered collecting pupae, we did not nd any during the studied
period; 3) Contents from the tray were returned into the ovitrap;
4)The tray was thoroughly rinsed with a pressurized water sprinkler
before starting the cycle with the next ovitrap. This last step was
made to prevent the accidental transfer of eggs and rst instar larvae
between ovitraps (Chaves and Moji 2018). The collected larvae were
then mounted on slides using PVA (Bioquip, Rancho Dominguez,
CA) and then identied using a light microscope and the taxonomic
key for mosquitoes of Costa Rica by Darsie (1993). Vouchers of all
collected taxa were deposited at the Museo Nacional de Costa Rica.
During each sampling session we collected water temperature data
using a bafx3435 infrared thermometer (BAFX Products, Franksville,
WI), pH with a 35423-10 EcoTestr pH 2 pH meter (Oakton
Instruments, Vernon Hills, IL) and measured the water volume of
each ovitrap with a graduated cup (OXO, New York, NY). We also
measured relative humidity and air temperature using a Kestrel 3000
weather sensor (Kestrel Meters, Minneapolis, MN). All measure-
ments were taken during the study period, with the exception of pH,
whose systematic measurements started on 11 February 2017. Since
these data only spanned one season we also retrieved rainfall data
from NOAA CPC Morphing Technique (‘CMORPH’) database and
temperature data from the NOAA Global Historical Climatology
Network version 2 and the Climate Anomaly Monitoring System
(GHCN_CAMS 2m model). We accessed the data using the KNMI
explorer available at The spatial res-
olution of these two databases is 0.5° for temperature and 0.25° for
rainfall. Data were extracted from the cell containing the studysite.
Figure 2 shows the seasonal rainfall (Fig. 2A) and tempera-
ture (Fig.2B) prole based on monthly observation from January
1998 to December 2017. During, the study period rainfall followed
a normal pattern, with a dry season from January to April, and a
rainy season for the rest of the year, reaching a rainfall peak in July
(Fig.2A). Meanwhile temperatures were abnormally high during the
dry season and November and December, reaching a historic peak
in February (Fig.2B).
Statistical Analysis
We estimated the mean and standard deviation (Zar 1998) of mos-
quito persistence, i.e., how often were larvae present at the ovit-
raps (Chaves 2017b), per season (dry and rainy), for all ovitraps
and for ovitraps placed at the different studied heights. We also
estimated the mean and standard deviation of each of the locally
measured environmental variables (ovitrap water temperature, pH
and volume) per season. We compared the mean of mosquito per-
sistence and environmental variables, during the dry (January to
April, i.e., biweeks 1 to 9)and rainy season (May to December,
i.e., biweeks 10 to 26), using a Welch’s t test. We chose this test as
it corrects for differences in the variance between the two groups
compared (Zar 1998). To perform a time series analysis we input-
ted missing ovitrap water temperature and pH data points using
the locally weighted smoothing (LOESS) method (Cleveland and
Devlin 1988). Briey, a LOESS regression on the collected time
series allows to intepolate the missing data points (Faraway 2006).
We estimated cross-correlation functions (Shumway and Stoffer
Fig.2. Seasonal climatic profiles of Vázquez de Coronado County (A) rainfall and (B) temperature. The monthly boxplots show the distribution of the observations
between January 1998 and December 2017, and the boxes show the second and third quantiles of the data, while the bar indicates the median of the data. The
dashed line corresponds to observations for 2017.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
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2011) between the time series of environmental variables and the
persistence and total abundance of all collected mosquitoes (Hoshi
etal. 2014a, Hoshi etal. 2017). We also estimated spatial persis-
tence, i.e., how often we were able to collect mosquito larvae by
trap height and by sampling location (Chaves 2017b). Finally, we
studied the spatial association patterns between the season-long
averages of the environmental variables and the season-long cumu-
lative abundance and spatial persistence patterns of all collected
We collected a total 431 mosquito larvae, which belonged to ve
taxonomic units, including four taxa identied to the species level
and a homogenous taxon identied to the genus level (Table 1).
Figure3 shows time series of the collected data. Figure3A shows
mosquito abundance through time, where it is clear that over the
studied period mosquitoes were more abundant at 0.75 m, followed
by samples collected at 1.50 m and less abundant at 2.25 m.Indeed
over 60% (n = 257) of the mosquitoes were collected at 0.75 m
(Table1). Over 95% (n=411) of the mosquitoes were collected dur-
ing the rainy season (Table1), biweeks 10 to 26 in Fig.3A. Asimilar
seasonal pattern was observed for mosquito persistence (Fig. 3B)
where the maximum persistence observed at any given sampling ses-
sion was 50% at 0.75 m during biweek 16 (Fig. 3B). In general,
mosquito persistence was signicantly (P<0.05) smaller during the
dry season, biweeks 1 to 9 in Fig.3B, than during the rainy season,
across all ovitraps, and also at the three heights where ovitraps were
placed (Table2). Relative humidity (Fig.3C) was consistently high
during the study period, with similar values during the dry and rainy
seasons (Table2). Air temperature was slightly higher than in the
ovitraps (Fig.3D) during the study period and temperature increased
with ovitrap height. Although temperature increased its mean value
during the rainy season, the difference was not statistically sig-
nicant (P > 0.05) when compared with the dry season (Table2).
Also, due to a malfunction, during intense rain, of the water tem-
perature thermometer on biweeks 12 and 14, values for those time
periods were inputted (Fig. 3D). Ovitrap water volume (Fig. 3E),
decreased when temperature reached peak values (Fig. 3D), and
traps had more water during the rainy than the dry season (Table2).
Additionally, ovitrap water volume slightly increased as trap height
decreased (Fig.3D and Table2). Ovitrap water pH (Fig.3F) became
more acidic during the rainy than the dry season (Table2) and more
extreme pH uctuations were observed as trap height increased
(Fig.3F). Due to a decalibration of our pH meter during biweek 9
we inputted values for that biweek (Fig.3F). We want to highlight
that differences in the df for the comparisons between dry and rainy
(Table2) arose from the correction for variance heterogeneity of the
Welch’s t test but also because we did not include any inputted obser-
vation, but the collected rawdata.
The collected species included Cx. bihaicolus, which was the
most abundant (Table1) and was present through all the rainy sea-
son, from biweeks 10 to 25 (Fig.4A). This species was followed by
Cx. nigripalpus, which appeared during the dry, at biweek 6, and
rainy season, at biweek 14 (Fig.4B). The third most abundant spe-
cies Aedes spinossus Berlin which appeared after biweek 16 (Fig.4C)
followed by Culex erethyzonpher Galindo & Blanton, which also
appeared during the rainy season after biweek 16 (Fig.4D). Finally,
the least abundant taxon we identied was a homogeneous group of
larvae belonging to the genus Wyeomyia sp. Lynch, which appeared
on the 13th biweek (Fig. 4E). Regarding the species distribution
across ovitrap height, it is worth highlighting Cx. erethyzonpher was
the species more abundant, in proportion to its total abundance, at
2.25 m, while the Wyeomyia sp. was the most abundant, in propor-
tion to its total abundance, at 1.5 m and the rest of the species were
mainly found at 0.75 m (Table1).
Air temperature and relative humidity, in general, were not signif-
icantly associated with neither mosquito abundance nor persistence,
and signicant associations (P<0.05) occurred for relatively long
lags, of 6 biweeks or more (Table3). By contrast, ovitrap water tem-
perature was positively and signicantly (P<0.05) associated with
mosquito abundance, with short time delays, in general between
1 and 2 biweeks (the exception being abundance at 2.25 m, were
the signicant lag was 7 biweeks). The association pattern between
mosquito abundance and temperature was positive in all cases, indi-
cating that an increasing ovitrap water temperature was followed
by increases in mosquito abundance and persistence at the FSFA,
with the exception of ovitraps at 1.50 m (Table3). An increase in
water volume, was correlated, with a lag of around 3 biweeks with
mosquito persistence in ovitraps at 2.25 m and 0.75 m (Table3).
Meanwhile a more basic pH around, with a lag between 5 and 8
biweeks, was positively and signicantly associated (P<0.05) with
an increase in mosquito persistence and abundance at all heights but
0.75 m (Table3). For further reference the cross-correlation func-
tions, CCFs, between mosquito abundance and persistence, with the
environmental variables used to generate Table3 are presented in
Supp. Fig.1.
Spatial patterns of association between mosquito abundance
and persistence showed, in general, no clear association with any of
the environmental variables we studied (Fig. 5). More specically,
in Fig. 5A, we show unique symbols for each sampling location in
our study transect. These symbols were used in subsequent panels
to individually identify each sampling location and tones were used
(Fig. 5B) to identify the height of each ovitrap. We then plotted
cumulative mosquito abundance as function of the different environ-
mental variables: relative humidity (Fig.5B), temperature (Fig.5C),
Table1. Mosquito species abundance by ovitrap height at Finca San Francisco de Asis, Vázquez de Coronado County, Costa Rica during
Season Dry season Rainy season
Ovitrap height (m) 2.25 1.50 0.75 2.25 1.50 0.75
Culex (Carrollia) bihaicolus Dyar & Nuñez Tovar 0 0 0 63 100 181
Culex (Culex) nigripalpus Theobald 0 0 20 0 0 39
Aedes (Howardina) spinosus Berlin 0 0 0 0 1 15
Culex (Micraedes) erethyzonpher Galindo & Blanton 0 0 0 4 1 1
Wyeomyia sp. Theobald 0 0 0 0 5 1
Total 0 0 20 67 107 237
The dry season spanned January–April and the rainy season was from May to December.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
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ovitrap water volume (Fig.5D) and ovitrap water pH (Fig.5E), and
did not nd any clear pattern of association. We also plotted mos-
quito spatial persistence as function of relative humidity (Fig.5F),
temperature (Fig.5G), ovitrap water volume (Fig.5H) and ovitrap
water pH (Fig. 5I), and a similar pattern to the one observed for
abundance was observed, without any clear pattern of association
between mosquito persistence and the environmental variables.
A key nding of this study was the occurrence of Cx. nigripalpus at
the study site, a dominant vector species in the transmission of sev-
eral arboviruses in the New World, including St. Louis Encephalitis
virus (Edman and Taylor 1968, Day and Edman 1988, Day et al.
1990, Day and Curtis 1994, Day and Curtis 1999), Eastern Equine
Encephalitis virus (Day etal. 2015) and West Nile virus in North
America (Rutledge et al. 2003, Vitek et al. 2008), Venezuelan
Equine Encephalitis virus (Mendez etal. 2001), and Eastern Equine
Encephalitis virus (Downs etal. 1959) in South America. Cx. nigri-
palpus is also known to transmit pathogens of wildlife veterinary
importance, e.g., Plasmodium hermani Telford & Forrester the etio-
logic agent of Wild Turkey malaria (Forrester etal. 1980). Thus, the
nding of Cx. nigripalpus at the study site calls for a more detailed
monitoring of this mosquito species and its potential to transmit
pathogens, especially as temperatures warm up rendering possible
pathogen development and transmission by Cx. nigripalpus (Dohm
etal. 2002) in the study area, where current low temperatures likely
limit pathogen development and transmission in mosquito vector
species (Carrington etal. 2013a,b, Chaves 2017a).
From an ecological perspective our data showed that species
richness sampled with ovitraps at the studied TMCF patch was
relatively low, with only ve taxonomic units collected, especially
Fig.3. Time series of collected data (A) Mosquito abundance, (B) Mosquito persistence, (C) Ralative humidity, (D) Temperature, (E) Ovitrap water volume, and
(F) Ovitrap water pH. The inset legend of panel Agives codes for data from ovitraps set at different heights, and dashed lines indicate variables that were not
measured at the ovitraps (‘Air’). For ovitrap water temperature and pH we needed to impute a few observations that are indicated by points (see inset legend
of panel D).
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
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when compared with results from ovitraps employed in lowland
areas (Chaverri etal. 2018) and other mosquito studies using dif-
ferent traps and sampling methods also in the lowlands (Calderón
Arguedas et al. 2012, BurkettCadena et al. 2013), but similar to
what has been observed for mosquitoes in diverse phytotelmata
from TCMF (Seifert 1980, Seifert and Barrera 1981). This result
might also reect the impacts of the landscape matrix where FSAS
is located, as a TMCF patch surrounded by dairy cattle ranchs, a
matrix that has been associated with overall low species richness and
diversity in the tropics (Perfecto and Vandermeer 2008).
The colonization of traps at different heights by different mos-
quito species might reect their natural habitat preferences. For
example, Cx. nigripalpus was only found at 75cm, and it is common
for this species to colonize natural and articial water containers
placed near ground level (Hribar etal. 2004, Hribar 2007) as we
observed during the study period. Meanwhile, Cx. erethyzonpher,
which in proportion to its total abundance was the mosquito species
most common at 2.25 m, is known for having a preference for arbo-
real epiphytes, as opposed to ground epiphytes (Galindo and Blanton
1954). By contrast, all the other species we were able to identify are
known to be associated with larval habitats at wider height ranges.
For example, Cx. bihaicolus has been frequently found at low-height
phytotelmata, including Heliconia spp., which are common at FSFA,
and aspects of its ecology in Heliconia spp. bracts have been studied
in a TMCF of Venezuela (Seifert 1980, Seifert and Barrera 1981). In
addition, Cx. bihaicolus is also known to colonize treeholes at higher
heights (Galindo etal. 1955), bamboo stumps, leaf axils of brome-
liads and fallen palm fronds (Valencia 1973). It is also common
that Wyeomyia spp. are associated with Heliconia spp. of TMCFs,
as revealed in the few mosquito studies from TCMFs in the New
World (Seifert 1980, Seifert and Barrera 1981, Abella-Medrano etal.
2015), and when checking Heliconia spp. near our ovitraps we only
found Wyeomyia spp., including larvae similar to the homogeneous
taxon we found in the ovitrap and at least two more taxa, which
we were unable to identify given the lack of taxonomic keys for this
group of Sabethini mosquitoes, whose classication and phylogeny
remains largely unresolved (Motta et al. 2012). Ae. spinosus was
Table2. Mosquito larvae persistence and environmental parameters by ovitrap height and season at Finca San Francisco de Asis, Vázquez
de Coronado County, Costa Rica during 2017
Parameter Height (m) Dry season Rainy season tdf P-value
Mosquito persistence (%) Average 0.231±0.069 15.196±9.310 −6.593 16.334 <5×10−6*
2.25 0.000±0.000 10.662±9.047 −4.859 16 <2×10−4*
1.50 0.000±0.000 16.911±11.851 −5.884 16 <2×10−5*
0.75 0.694±2.0833 18.015±12.862 −5.419 17.539 <4×10−5*
Relative humidity (%) Average 92.56±7.04 95.37±4.300 −1.483 11.253 0.1655
Air temperature (°C) Average 18.035±2.975 18.851±1.097 −0.794 9.169 0.4471
Water temperature (°C) Average 15.339±2.647 17.357±1.208 −2.148 10.172 0.0568
2.25 15.481±2.666 17.502±1.279 −2.122 10.403 0.0587
1.50 15.337±2.663 17. 372±1.258 −2.144 10.329 0.0567
0.75 15.197±2.617 17.197±1.093 −2.174 9,820 0.0553
Water volume (ml) Average 276.30±13.05 289.25±10.39 −2.577 13.507 <0.0224*
2.25 273.785±14.570 287.846±11.715 −2.499 13.615 <0.0259*
1.50 276.088±16.113 287.953±11.984 −1.943 12.822 0.0743
0.75 279.016±12.313 291.942±12.303 −2.548 16.426 <0.0212*
Water pH Average 6.681±0.177 6.133±0.337 4.826 13.331 <0.0003*
2.25 6.708±0.213 6.265±0.525 2.783 17.276 <0.012*
1.50 6.583±0.128 6.014±0.284 6.347 15.704 <1×10−5*
0.75 6.753±0.203 6.118±0.381 4.899 13.117 <2×10−4*
All parameters are presented as mean ± SD. t indicates the Welch’s t statistic comparing the dry and rainy seasons mean values, df, the degrees of freedom and
P-value the signicance of the test. The dry season was from January to April and the rainy season was from May to December. In ‘Height (m)’ average indicates
the mean from ovitraps at the three heights.*P < 0.05.
Fig. 4. Biweekly mosquito abundance (A) Culex bihaicolus, (B) Culex
nigripalpus, (C) Aedes spinosus, (D) Culex erethyzonpher, and (E) Wyeomyia
sp. Each bar indicates the abundance for the biweek ending on the date
presented in the x-axis.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
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Table3. Association sign and lags of weather variables significantly correlated with mosquito abundance and persistence at Finca San
Francisco de Asis, Vázquez de Coronado County, Costa Rica during 2017
Parameter Height (M) Relative humidity Air temperature Water temperature Water volume Water pH
Abundance Average N.S. N.S. +(2) N.S. +(5) and +(7)
2.25 −(7) N.S. +(7) N.S. +(5)
1.50 N.S. +(6) N.S. N.S. +(5), +(6) and +(7)
0.75 N.S. N.S. +(2) N.S. N.S.
Persistence Average N.S. N.S. +(1) and +(2) N.S. +(5) and +(7)
2.25 N.S. N.S. +(1) +(3) −(2) and +(5)
1.50 N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. +(6), +(7) and +(8)
0.75 N.S. N.S. N.S. +(2) and +(3) N.S.
Columns indicate weather variables. N.S.stands for not signicant, + for a positive association, − for a negative association and the number inside parenthesis
() indicates the lag, in biweeks, of the association. In ‘Height (m)’ average indicates the time series that averages data from ovitraps at the three heights.
Fig.5. Spatial data (A) Ovitrap locations with unique identification symbols for each trap. Total mosquito abundance, during the study period, by trap height
as function of (B) relative humidity, (C) ovitrap water temperature, (D) ovitrap water volume, and (E) ovitrap water pH. Mosquito persistence, during the study
period, by trap height as function of (F) relative humidity, (G) ovitrap water temperature, (H) ovitrap water volume, and (I) ovitrap water pH. In panels (B) to (I)
data from different ovitrap heights are codedas presented in the inset legend of panel (B).
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
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also predominant at 75cm, and was the only other species we found
when incidentally sampling phytotelmata near the ovitraps. Ae. spi-
nosus was present in the leaf axils of a common Araceae at the study
site, and more generally, Ae. spinosus is known to be associated with
epiphytic bromeliads at altitudes above 1,200 m above the sea level
in Panamá and Costa Rica (Berlin 1969). Ae. spinosus also belongs
to the subgenus Howardina, a taxon where little is known about its
medical importance, without any circumstantial evidence, at least
to the best of our knowledge, supporting a role in pathogen trans-
mission (Berlin 1969), other that infections with Plasmodium spp.
malaria parasites in the thorax of Aedes quadrivittatus (Coquillet)
(Abella-Medrano etal. 2018).
The phenology of the mosquito taxa we collected suggests that
rainfall likely plays a major role regulating mosquito populations
at our study site given that all species, with the exception of Cx.
nigripalpus, were only collected during the rainy season. Also the
nding of Cx. nigripalpus during the dry season occurred after an
unusual rain event, a phenomenon observed for this mosquito in
North America (Day and Edman 1988, Day and Curtis 1989, Day
et al. 1990, Day and Curtis 1999), which further highlights the
importance of rainfall for the phenology of mosquitoes sampled
with ovitraps at the study site. As shown by our analysis, the per-
sistence and abundance of mosquitoes in the ovitraps above 75cm
was favored by high temperatures, and mosquito persistence was
favored by water accumulation in the ovitraps, something that might
reect the importance of oviposition site availability for the species
we collected, as observed for several mosquito species (Day etal.
1990, Takagi etal. 1995, Edman etal. 1998, Harrington etal. 2008,
Chaves and Kitron 2011, Nguyen et al. 2012). We also found that
across a trend of decreasing pH, mosquitoes were more likely to
be abundant and persistent when the pH was more basic, and with
a long delay, suggesting that the mosquito species we collected are
selective with their oviposition (Mangel 1987, Mangel and Heimpel
1998, Spencer etal. 2002).
Finally, our results highlight the need to better study mosquito
fauna at TMCFs as these ecosystems are likely to undergo signicant
changes in response to global warming (Foster 2001). It is impor-
tant to assess mosquito diversity using several sampling tools (Hoshi
et al. 2014b) to better assess mosquito diversity in the TMCF of
FSFA, and to assess patterns of interannual mosquito abundance
and persistence variability modulated by phenomena like El Niño
Southern Oscillation (Chaves et al. 2014), unusual weather pat-
terns (Chaves etal. 2014) and long-term landscape transformation
(Chaves 2016). In that sense, this study provides baseline data for a
reproducible long-term evaluation of changes in mosquito species
richness and diversity at TMCFs. The presence of Cx. nigripalpus
(Day and Curtis 1994) at the study site highlights the need for arbo-
virus transmission surveillance, especially as temperatures keep rais-
ing, enabling the transmission of mosquito-borne pathogens at the
study site and the whole Vázquez de Coronado county. Our results
also encourage the use of samples like ours for the development of
DNA barcode libraries, especially thinking in the large proportion of
damaged specimens, up to 30% of the collected samples (Morrison
etal. 2008, Torres etal. 2017), that cannot be identied to the spe-
cies level in epidemiological studies sampling adult mosquitoes to
isolate and quantify pathogen infection in tropical settings.
Supplementary data are available at Journal of Medical Entomology
We thank Francisco Romero and Cecilia Vega for granting access to ‘Finca
San Francisco de Asis’. Laura Ríos occasionally helped with the mosquito col-
lections and Aryana Zardkoohi provided feedback on this manuscript. This
study was partially funded by Sumitomo Foundation grant 153107 to L.F.C.
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Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
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Downloaded from by ESA Member Access, Luis Chaves on 04 October 2018
... Thus we expected mosquito abundance to be associated to both the mean and higher orders of variability, i.e., SD and Kurtosis, of microclimatic variables. We also expected the correlation of mosquito abundance with climatic variables to exhibit a time lag (Hacker et al. 1973;Hayes and Hsi 1975;Reisen et al. 1992;Hoshi et al. 2014bHoshi et al. , 2017Romero et al. 2019;Chaves et al. 2020;Chaves and Friberg 2021). ...
... Alencar et al (2016) found that Hg. leucocelaenus, for instance, did oviposit at heights of 7 and 9 m, suggesting an adaptation to exploit less competitive vertical niches. Romero et al. (2019) (Williges et al. 2014). This shift implies that as the season progresses and population pressures ease, mosquitoes revert to preferred lower elevations for oviposition. ...
Climate, land use and land cover change influence infectious disease dynamics, particularly vector-borne diseases. Knowledge about mosquito ecology in southern Indiana is limited. Here, we present results from a season long study where we sampled mosquitoes at the Hickory Ridge Fire Tower in Hoosier National Forest, Monroe County, Indiana, USA. Using BG-Pro traps with BG-Lure and LED lights weekly from 23 May to 31 October 2023, we collected 178 mosquitoes over 24 weeks of sampling, encompassing a total of 120 trap-nights, with an average of 1.48 ± 3.41 (SD) mosquitoes per trap-night. The species accumulation curve for all the samples was flat, indicating a comprehensive sampling of species. We collected 10 species with a Chao2 ± SE species richness estimate of 14.46 ± 7.14. The dominant species was Aedes vexans (n = 58, 36%), followed by Culex spp. (composed of morphologically indistinguishable Culex pipiens and Culex restuans) (n = 51, 31%), Culex erraticus (n = 16, 10%), and Aedes triseriatus (n = 15, 9%). Because mosquitoes are ectothermic, they are highly sensitive to microclimatic variables such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall. Our time series analysis showed a significant association of mosquito abundance with the variability (SD and kurtosis) of the environmental variables we studied highlighting the importance of weather fluctuations in mosquito ecology. Our study highlights how weather variability shapes mosquito abundance, thus impacting disease vectors like Culex spp. and Aedes triseriatus with implications for arbovirus transmission in the context of climate change.
... Due to their altitudinal gradients and historical geomorphological processes, mountains have diverse climates, soils, and reduced natural habitat connectivity, resulting in niche isolation and species diversification, which is especially pronounced in cloud forests (Benzing 1998, Romero et al. 2019. Cloud forests are among the habitats most heavily impacted by climate change and global warming. ...
... However, information from these habitats is very important in light of ecological changes that might be concomitant with global warming. For example, it has been observed that mosquitoes reduce their diversity during the dry season, with non-native species becoming dominant when the environment is dryer in cloud forests (Romero et al. 2019). We certainly have no idea if the associations we observed could also be related to emerging environmental conditions from habitats experiencing higher temperatures and whether the patterns we observed in the cloud forest of MNP reflect new diversity patterns that have followed climate change. ...
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Bess beetle species tend to be endemic and are useful indicators for the designation of conservation areas. However, little is known about the diversity and distribution of these beetles in El Salvador. Here, we present results from a study testing if species segregated along the altitudinal gradient of Montecristo National Park, El Salvador. The survey was done between September and December 2015. Beetles were collected at nine transects from three ecosystems, which included cloud, mixed-pine, and dry forests that occur along the alti-tudinal gradient of Montecristo. We sampled a total of 696 trees, finding 79 galleries of bess beetles, belonging to 13 species, which included: Arrox agassizi (Kaup), Chondrocephalus granulifrons (Bates), Chondrocephalus sp., Chondrocephalus salvadorae (Schuster), Heliscus eclipticus (Truqui), Odontotaenius striatopunctatus (Percheron), Ogyges politus (Hincks), Oileus sargi (Kaup), Passalus punctatostriatus Percheron, Passalus punctiger Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, Verres hageni Kaup, Vindex sculptilis Bates, and Chondrocephalus gemmae Reyes-Castillo & Castillo which is a new species record for El Salvador. We found that species segregated by altitude, with the highest species richness observed in the cloud forest (n = 6), followed by the dry (n = 5) and mixed pine-oak (n = 4) forests. Most species were randomly associated with different tree species trunks, with the exception of V. hageni which was associated with trunks of Cecropia sp. Loefl. (Rosales: Urticaceae), and P. punctastriatus and P. punctiger which were associated with trunks of Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken (Boraginales: Boraginaceae). Our results show that species segregate by habitat, as only two species (C. gemmae and H. eclipticus) were found in more than one ecosystem.
... One major problem to test if dengue transmission was associated with entomological indicators was the lack of a spatially standardized sampling (Bowman et al., 2014), which is more feasible with ovitraps (CENAPRECE, 2015). In Costa Rica, ovitraps have been successfully used to survey mosquito biodiversity (Chaverri et al., 2018) and to study mosquito population dynamics (Romero et al., 2019). Moreover, the Costa Rican National programme for integrated vector management started to use ovitraps to guide vector control in 2017, as done elsewhere in Latin America (CENAPRECE, 2015;PAHO, 2017;Regis et al., 2008). ...
... Major advantages of ovitrap use for Ae. aegypti surveillance include their low cost and ease for systematic field deployment and monitoring (CENAPRECE, 2015;Chaverri et al., 2018;Romero et al., 2019) and the potential involvement of local residents in vector surveillance efforts (Hamer et al., 2018;Sousa et al., 2020;Tarter et al., 2019). This study was carried out during a low transmission period for dengue in Costa Rica and the rest of the Americas in 2017 and 2018 (Perez et al., 2019). ...
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Problems with vector surveillance are a major barrier for the effective control of vector-borne disease transmission through Latin America. Here, we present results from a 80-week longitudinal study where Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) ovitraps were monitored weekly at 92 locations in Puntarenas, a coastal city in Costa Rica with syndemic Zika, chikungunya and dengue transmission. We used separate models to investigate the association of either Ae. aegypti-borne arboviral cases or Ae. aegypti egg counts with remotely sensed environmental variables. We also evaluated whether Ae. aegypti-borne arboviral cases were associated with Ae. aegypti egg counts. Using cross-correlation and time series modeling, we found that arboviral cases were not significantly associated with Ae. aegypti egg counts. Through model selection we found that cases had a non-linear response to multi-scale (1-km and 30-m resolution) measurements of temperature standard deviation (SD) with a lag of up to 4 weeks, while simultaneously increasing with finely-grained NDVI (30-m resolution). Meanwhile, median ovitrap Ae. aegypti egg counts increased, and respectively decreased, with temperature SD (1-km resolution) and EVI (30-m resolution) with a lag of 6 weeks. A synchrony analysis showed that egg counts had a travelling wave pattern, with synchrony showing cyclic changes with distance, a pattern not observed in remotely sensed data with 30-m and 10-m resolution. Spatially, using generalized additive models, we found that eggs were more abundant at locations with higher temperatures and where EVI was leptokurtic during the study period. Our results suggest that, in Puntarenas, remotely sensed environmental variables are associated with both Ae. aegypti-borne arbovirus transmission and Ae. aegypti egg counts from ovitraps.
... The codes in the branches indicate F for the Indiana University Campus Farm and R for the Indiana University Research and Teaching Preserve; numbers 1 to 9 indicate the specific location of the traps, as can be observed in (D) F1 to F4, and (E) R5 to R9 of Fig. 1. 2021). Similarly, collecting detailed data about larval mosquito populations, either monitoring treeholes (Tsuda et al. 1994) or using standardized ovitraps (Hoshi et al. 2014b, Romero et al. 2019) would help understand the impacts of climate change in mosquitoes from southwestern Indiana. ...
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Land use and land cover (LULC) gradients are associated with differences in mosquito species composition and the entomological risk of mosquito-borne disease. Here, we present results from a season-long study of mosquito species richness and abundance with samples collected at 9 locations from 2 plots with contrasting LULC, an urban farm and a forest preserve, in Bloomington, IN, a city in the midwestern USA. With a total sampling effort of 234 trap-nights, we collected 703 mosquitoes from 9 genera and 21 species. On the farm, we collected 15 species (285 mosquitoes). In the preserve, we collected 19 species (418 mosquitoes). Thirteen species were common in both study plots, 2 were exclusive to the farm, and 6 were exclusive to the forest preserve. In both plots, we collected Aedes albopictus and Ae. japonicus. In the farm, the most common mosquito species were Culex restuans/Cx. pipiens and Coquillettidia perturbans. In the preserve, Ae. japonicus and Ae. triseriatus were the 2 most common mosquito species. Time series analysis suggests that weather factors differentially affected mosquito species richness and mosquito abundance in the plots. Temperature, relative humidity (RH), and precipitation were positively associated with richness and abundance at the farm, while increases in the SD of RH decreased both richness and abundance at the preserve. Our results highlight the importance that LULC has for mosquito species diversity and abundance and confirm the presence of Ae. albopictus and Ae. japonicus in southwestern Indiana.
... Basal larval habitats confer several advantages as oviposition sites, including lower desiccation probability and higher nutrient input than more elevated larval habitats and are often preferred oviposition sites among many containerbreeding mosquito species (Carpenter 1982, Walker et al. 1991, Kaufman et al. 1999, Kaufman et al. 2002, Romero et al. 2019, Williams et al. 2007). Vertical stratification results from oviposition site selection by Ae. triseriatus and Ae. ...
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For the sibling mosquito species Aedes triseriatus Say and Ae. hendersoni Cockerell, success of offspring is highly dependent on oviposition site selection by gravid females, and the dynamics of that selection process have been the subject of much investigation. Patterns of vertical oviposition stratification were examined in this study by placing basal and canopy level oviposition traps in relatively steep and flat terrains, as well as in flood-prone riverbank vs upland settings. Strong stratification existed in both steep and flat terrains, with Ae. triseriatus favoring basal ovitraps and Ae. hendersoni favoring canopy ovitraps. Contrary to expectations, Ae. hendersoni displayed even more marked preference for canopy ovitraps in steeper terrain. Both species avoided basal ovitraps in flood-prone locations, where Ae. triseriatus oviposited only in canopy ovitraps and greatly outnumbered Ae. hendersoni in canopy ovitraps. In contrast, the expected stratification was found in nearby upland habitats.
... We recorded the time (s) when ovitraps became dry (Fig. S2A) and were colonized by mosquitoes. During each sampling session, ovitrap contents were carefully removed with a turkey baster syphon and put in a clear pan that was examined in the field, avoiding ovitrap cross-contamination and the artificial hatching of eggs, by following a detailed procedure described elsewhere (Chaves et al., 2015;Romero et al., 2019). All pupae, and 4th instar mosquito larvae different from Tripteroides bambusa (Yamada), were removed from the pan, counted, and stored in identified vials. ...
Mosquito-borne infections often have concerted peaks, or are synchronous, across landscapes. This phenomenon might be driven by vector responses to similar environmental conditions that synchronize their abundance. While adult mosquito populations can be synchronous over spatial scales ranging from a few meters to a few kilometers, little to nothing is known about immature mosquito synchrony, including its relationship with mosquito colonization and persistence in larval habitats. Here, we present results from a 2-yearlong synchrony study in co-occurring populations of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse), Aedes (Stegomyia) flavopictus Yamada and Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus japonicus (Theobald), three invasive mosquito species, along an urban altitudinal gradient in Japan. We found that Ae. albopictus was asynchronous while Ae. flavopictus and Ae. j. japonicus had synchrony that, respectively, tracked geographic and altitudinal patterns of temperature correlation. Spatially, Ae. albopictus was more persistent at hotter locations near urban land use, while Ae. j. japonicus and Ae. flavopictus increasingly persisted farther away from urban land. Temporally, Ae. albopicus and Ae. flavopictus decreased the proportion of colonized habitats following variable rainfall, while Ae. j. japonicus increased with vegetation growth and leptokurtic temperatures. Our results support the hypothesis that immature mosquito synchrony is autonomous from dispersal and driven by common environmental conditions.
The Culicidae mosquito family breeds in various natural and artificial water bodies. Phytotelmata are plant structures that hold water and are used by many mosquito species during their life cycle. Mosquitoes are disease vectors, and phytotelmata play an important role in harbouring them. Investigating these phytotelmata will facilitate to develop appropriate site specific vector control strategy. Approximately 750 phytotelmata in 16 locations on Car Nicobar Island was examined. Mosquito larvae were collected from different habitats such as tree holes, root holes, leaf axils, and bamboo stumps. On average, the number of larvae per 10 ml of water ranged from 0.003 to 3.833. Among the 16 mosquito species identified, there were vectors of malaria ( Anopheles sundaicus ), dengue ( Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus ) and filariasis ( Culex quinquefasciatus ), belonging to seven genera. The most common phytotelmata were coconut trees (17.5%) followed by Java apple trees (10.3%) and bamboo stumps (7.1%). The most widespread mosquito species was Aedes edwardsi , followed by Aedes malayensis and Ae. albopictus , and the per cent of phytotelmata that contained these species were 42.6, 22.0, and 16.8% respectively. Anopheles mosquitoes had the highest container index (6.1%) in root holes, while Aedes and Culex mosquitoes were more frequently found in bamboo stumps. The alpha biodiversity indices indicated that the mosquito population in Car Nicobar Island was highly diverse ( S = 16; DMg = 36.9). Tree holes showed the highest diversity, as all 16 species were collected from them. Assessment of phytotelmata, there is a significant relationship observed between mosquito genus, village, habitat, and tree families, on the remote island of Car Nicobar. Considering the presence of disease-transmitting mosquito vectors in the phytotelmata, these habitats should be considered when implementing control measures to eliminate mosquito-borne infections.
Surveys to discover the habitats of mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) are useful for understanding their distribution, seasonality activity patterns, ecological interactions and the risk they pose for disease transmission. Therefore, in this study, we conducted a 1 year survey of mosquito species and analysed the seasonality and daily rhythms of four species found in a forest fragment from Southern Brazil. Collections were performed during the morning, afternoon, and evening, from October 2012 to September 2013. The most abundant species were Psorophora ferox, Aedes crinifer and Coquillettidia venezuelensis. Ae. crinifer was collected during all seasons, exhibiting diurnal and nocturnal activity in all seasons, except summer. Cq. venezuelensis was collected only in spring and summer and was primarily nocturnal. Haemagogus leucocelaenus, which transmits the Yellow Fever virus, was collected in spring, summer, and autumn; this species was primarily diurnal and was more active in the afternoon. Ps. ferox was collected in spring, summer and autumn and was primarily diurnal. Despite the low abundance of mosquito species at our study site, we consider that the knowledge about Culicidae fauna was improved, mainly regarding their biology. We provide new data about mosquito species in a specific area in Southern Brazil, which was once known to record deaths of non‐human primates, a phenomenon that may be directly related to the presence of wild yellow fever vector mosquitoes.
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The Atlantic Rainforest of South America is one of the major biodiversity hotspots of the world and serves as a place of residence for a wide variety of Culicidae species. Mosquito studies in the natural environment are of considerable importance because of their role in transmitting pathogens to both humans and other vertebrates. Community diversity can have significant effects on the risk of their disease transmission. The objective of this study was to understand the distribution of mosquito communities using oviposition traps in a region of the Atlantic Forest. Sampling was carried out in Bom Retiro Private Natural Reserve (RPPNBR), located in Casimiro de Abreu, Rio de Janeiro, using oviposition traps, which were set in the forest environment, from October 2015 to December 2016. The canonical correspondence analysis was used to assess the influence of the climatic variables (precipitation, maximum dew point, and direction) throughout the seasons on the population density of the mosquito species. The results showed that population density was directly influenced by climatic variables, which acted as a limiting factor for the mosquito species studied. The climatic variables that were significantly correlated with the density of the mosquito species were precipitation, maximum dew point, and direction. Haemagogus janthinomys was positively correlated with the three climatic variables, whereas Haemagogus leucocelaenus was positively correlated with precipitation and maximum dew point, and negatively correlated with direction.
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Mosquito sampling using efficient traps that can assess species diversity and/or presence of dominant vectors is important for understanding the entomological risk of mosquito-borne disease transmission. Here, we present results from a survey of mosquito species sampled with ovitraps in a neotropical rainforest of Costa Rica. We found the method to be an efficient sampling tool. With a total sampling effort of 29 traps, we collected 157 fourth-instar larvae and three pupae belonging to eight mosquito taxonomic units (seven species and individuals from a homogenous taxonomic unit identified to the genus level). In our samples, we found two medically important species, Sabethes chloropterus (Humboldt) and Trichoprosopon digitatum (Rondani). The former is a proven vector of Yellow Fever in sylvatic environments and the later has been found infected with several arboviruses. We also found that mosquito species abundance and diversity increased with canopy cover and in environments where leaf litter dominated the ground cover. Finally, our results suggest that ovitraps have a great potential for systematic sampling in longitudinal and cross-sectional ecological “semi-field” studies in neotropical settings.
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Mosquito sampling using efficient traps that can assess species diversity and/or presence of dominant vectors is important for understanding the entomological risk of mosquito-borne disease transmission. Here, we present results from a survey of mosquito species sampled with ovitraps in a neotropical rainforest of Costa Rica. We found the method to be an efficient sampling tool. With a total sampling effort of 29 traps, we collected 157 fourth-instar larvae and three pupae belonging to eight mosquito taxonomic units (seven species and individuals from a homogenous taxonomic unit identified to the genus level). In our samples, we found two medically important species, Sabethes chloropterus (Humboldt) and Trichoprosopon digitatum (Rondani). The former is a proven vector of Yellow Fever in sylvatic environments and the later has been found infected with several arboviruses. We also found that mosquito species abundance and diversity increased with canopy cover and in environments where leaf litter dominated the ground cover. Finally, our results suggest that ovitraps have a great potential for systematic sampling in longitudinal and cross-sectional ecological "semi-field" studies in neotropical settings.
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The Asian Bush Mosquito, Aedes (Finlaya) japonicus japonicus (Theobald) is an important globally invasive mosquito species. In comparison with other major invasive mosquitoes, relatively little is known about Ae. j. japonicus population dynamics in the field. Here, we present results from a 54-biweek long study of Ae. j. japonicus abundance in ovitraps set across the altitudinal gradient of Mt. Konpira, Nagasaki, Japan. Spatially, we found that Ae. j. japonicus fourth instar larvae (Aj4il) were more abundant at the base and top of Mt. Konpira and in ovitraps with more platykurtic water temperature (WT) distributions. In contrast, we found that temporally Aj4il were more abundant when ovitrap WT was more leptokurtic with 2 weeks of lag, and with high relative humidity SD with 2 months of lag. We also found that Aj4il were unlikely present when ovitrap WT was below 12.41°C. Parameter estimates for the Ricker model suggested that Ae. j. japonicus population growth was under density-dependence regulation, with a stable population dynamics whose fluctuations were associated with changes in ovitrap WT kurtosis and demographic stochasticity. Our results suggest that Aj4il abundance is more sensitive to temperature changes in kurtosis than mean values, potentially limiting the predictive ability of Ae. j. japonicus niche models based on the increase of average temperatures with global warming, and suggesting this mosquito species has a relatively coarse-grained response to temperature changes.
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The identification of mosquito vector species present at arboviral enzootic transmission foci is important to understand transmission eco-epidemiology and to propose and implement prevention and control strategies that reduce vector-borne equine encephalitis transmission. The goal of this study was to identify mosquito species potentially involved in the transmission of enzootic equine encephalitis, in relation to their abundance and diversity at three endemic regions in the Repú blica de Panamá. We sampled adult mosquitoes during the dry and rainy season of Panamá. We employed CDC light traps with octanol, EV traps with CO 2 and Trinidad 17 traps baited with live hamsters. Traps were deployed in the peridomicile and extradomicile of houses from 18:00 to 6:00 h. We estimated the abundance and diversity of sampled species. We collected a total of 4868 mosquitoes, belonging to 45 species and 11 genera, over 216 sampling nights. Culex (Melanoconion) pedroi, a major Venezue-lan equine encephalitis vector was relatively rare (< 2.0% of all sampled mosquitoes). We also found Cx. (Mel) adamesi, Cx. (Mel) crybda, Cx. (Mel) ocossa, Cx. (Mel) spissipes, Cx. (Mel) taeniopus, Cx. (Mel) vomerifer, Aedes scapularis, Ae. angustivittatus, Coquillettidia venezuelensis, Cx. nigripalpus, Cx. declarator, Mansonia titillans, M. pseudotitillans and Psorophora ferox all species known to be vectorially competent for the transmission of arbo-viruses. Abundance and diversity of mosquitoes in the sampled locations was high, when compared with similar surveys in temperate areas. Information from previous reports about vectorial competence / capacity of the sampled mosquito species suggest that sampled locations have all the elements to support enzootic outbreaks of Venezuelan and Eastern equine encephalitides. PLOS ONE |
Human activities modify environmental conditions, altering ecological interactions that can contribute to the increasing number of vector-borne pathogens affecting both human and wildlife populations. There is a dearth of knowledge about mosquitoes feeding preferences and their role as potential vectors of haemosporidian parasites, particularly in modified habitats. During 2013–2014 we sampled mosquitoes in five different land use types within a cloud forest matrix. From a total of 4107 adult mosquitoes, 90 were engorged. We extracted DNA from mosquito blood-meals, abdomens, and thoraxes, which belonged to seven different species. Seventeen specimens were positive for avian Plasmodium parasites. We were able to identify the blood-meal source of 10 mosquitoes, the identified vertebrate species were: Homo sapiens (Human), Sturnira hondurensis (Bat), and Bos taurus (Cow). Our results show that Culex restuans is positive for avian malaria and it is feeding on both humans and domestic animals at urban and peri-urban habitat types, where it is also an abundant species throughout the year. Furthermore, Aedes quadrivittatus, also positive for avian malaria, is feeding on humans in the well-preserved cloud forest, where this mosquito species is highly abundant. This study is the first in Mexico to provide reference data showing generalist mosquito feeding preferences and presence of avian Plasmodium at locations with different land use types.
Time Series Analysis and Its Applications, Second Edition, presents a balanced and comprehensive treatment of both time and frequency domain methods with accompanying theory. Numerous examples using non-trivial data illustrate solutions to problems such as evaluating pain perception experiments using magnetic resonance imaging, monitoring a nuclear test ban treaty, evaluating the volatility of an asset, or finding a gene in a DNA sequence. The book is designed to be useful as a text for graduate level students in the physical, biological and social sciences and as a graduate level text in statistics. Some parts may also serve as an undergraduate introductory course. Material from the first edition of the text has been updated by adding examples and associated code based on the freeware R statistical package. As in the first edition, modern developments involving categorical time series analysis and the spectral envelope, multivariate spectral methods, long memory series, nonlinear models, longitudinal data analysis, resampling techniques, GARCH models, stochastic volatility models, wavelets, and Monte Carlo Markov chain integration methods are incorporated in the text. In this edition, the material has been divided into smaller chapters, and the coverage of financial time series, including GARCH and stochastic volatility models, has been expanded. These topics add to a classical coverage of time series regression, univariate and multivariate ARIMA models, spectral analysis and state-space models. R.H. Shumway is Professor of Statistics at the University of California, Davis. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and a member of the International Statistical Institute. He won the 1986 American Statistical Association Award for Outstanding Statistical Application and the 1992 Communicable Diseases Center Statistics Award; both awards were for joint papers on time series applications. He is the author of a previous 1988 Prentice-Hall text on applied time series analysis. D.S. Stoffer is Professor of Statistics at the University of Pittsburgh. He has made seminal contributions to the analysis of categorical time series and won the 1989 American Statistical Association Award for Outstanding Statistical Application in a joint paper analyzing categorical time series arising in infant sleep-state cycling. He is currently a Departmental Editor for the Journal of Forecasting and Associate Editor of the Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.