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Gains in Flexibility Related to Measures of Muscular Performance: Impact of Flexibility on Muscular Performance


Abstract and Figures

Studies that investigated possible correlations between flexibility and muscular performance are scarce in the literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a program of static stretching on the flexibility of the hamstrings and on muscular performance of the knee flexors and extensors. Pre-post experimental design. University laboratory. Thirty subjects aged 22.8 +/- 4.9 years with bilaterally shortened hamstrings. Using a protocol that has been previously described, the intervention consisted of 30 sessions of static stretching, performed bilaterally five times a week for 6 weeks. Measures of knee range of motion and isokinetic muscular performance (peak torque, angle of peak torque, and work) of knee flexors and extensors at speeds of 60 and 300 degrees/s. After intervention, significant gains in measures of flexibility (P < 0.0001) were observed, with an average gain of the knee-extension angle of 12.6 degrees, ranging from -1.2 to 30.7 degrees. In addition, we found significant increases in the following parameters of muscular performance: angle of peak torque of hamstrings at 60 and 300 degrees/s (P < 0.0001 and 0.018) and for work at 60 and 300 degrees/s for knee flexors (P = 0.012 and 0.005) and for knee extensors (P < 0.0001). The intervention resulted in gains in measures of flexibility, and these gains had a positive impact on some parameters of muscular performance.
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Gains in Flexibility Related to Measures of Muscular
Performance: Impact of Flexibility on
Muscular Performance
Gustavo Nunes Tasca Ferreira, MSc, Luci Fuscaldi Teixeira-Salmela, PhD,
and Cristiano Queiroz Guimara
˜es, PT
Objective: Studies that investigated possible correlations between
flexibility and muscular performance are scarce in the literature.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of
a program of static stretching on the flexibility of the hamstrings and
on muscular performance of the knee flexors and extensors.
Design: Pre–post experimental design.
Setting: University laboratory.
Participants: Thirty subjects aged 22.8 64.9 years with bilaterally
shortened hamstrings.
Intervention: Using a protocol that has been previously described,
the intervention consisted of 30 sessions of static stretching,
performed bilaterally five times a week for 6 weeks.
Main Outcome Measurements: Measures of knee range of
motion and isokinetic muscular performance (peak torque, angle
of peak torque, and work) of knee flexors and extensors at speeds of
60 and 300 degrees/s.
Results: After intervention, significant gains in measures of flex-
ibility (P,0.0001) were observed, with an average gain of the knee-
extension angle of 12.6°, ranging from 21.2 to 30.7°. In addition, we
found significant increases in the following parameters of muscular
performance: angle of peak torque of hamstrings at 60 and 300
degrees/s (P,0.0001 and 0.018) and for work at 60 and 300
degrees/s for knee flexors (P= 0.012 and 0.005) and for knee
extensors (P,0.0001).
Conclusions: The intervention resulted in gains in measures of
flexibility, and these gains had a positive impact on some parameters
of muscular performance.
Key Words: flexibility, static stretch, muscular performance, knee
joint, hamstrings
(Clin J Sport Med 2007;17:276–281)
Improvements in physical performance have been
a common goal for health professionals.
Several ways
of maximizing physical performance have been described,
including increases of muscular strength, resistance, and
Flexibility refers to the ability of a muscle to
stretch, allowing a single joint, or more than one in series, to
move through all ranges of motion.
Appropriate flexibility
allows the muscular tissue to more easily accommodate
to imposed stresses, promoting more efficient movements,
which, in turn, could help prevent or minimize lesions and
improve performance.
Taylor et al
found that the muscle-
tendon units had a viscous elastic response to tensile loads:
when stretched and maintained in a constant length, the stress
or force at that length gradually decreases. This decline, or
stress relaxation, demonstrates that the muscle-tendon unit
adapts to the stretch stimulus by increasing its length, and this
adaptation cannot be quickly reversed.
For the most part, publications regarding flexibility
have outlined only aspects related to the magnitude of gains
associated with the time of intervention and/or applied
stretching technique.
Studies that have investigated possible
correlations between flexibility and muscular performance are
scarce in the literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study
was to investigate the impact of a program of static stretching
on the flexibility of the hamstrings and on muscular per-
formance of the knee flexors and extensors. Our hypothesis
was that the protocol for static stretching would positively
affect the flexibility of the hamstrings, with associated changes
on the performance of the muscles about the knee.
This quasi-experimental clinical trial was carried out with
a sample of 30 voluntary undergraduate students, without gender
restrictions, recruited from the Faculdade de Sau
´de e Ecologia
Humana, Minas Gerais, Brazil. To be included in this study,
subjects had to be between 18 and 39 years of age and
demonstrate shortening of the hamstrings muscles. This was
defined as a knee angle of more than 30 degrees of knee
flexion with the hip held in 90 degrees in flexion.
following exclusion criteria were applied: reported pathologies
or physical limitations, such as limited range of motion of the
knee, that could impede the research protocol; complaints
Submitted for publication September 5, 2006; accepted February 23, 2007.
From the Department of Physical Therapy, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Reprints: Luci Fuscaldi Teixeira-Salmela, PhD, Associate Professor,
Department of Physical Therapy, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Avenida Anto
ˆnio Carlos 6627, Campus Pampulha 31270-010, Belo
Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil (e-mail:
Copyright Ó2007 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
276 Clin J Sport Med Volume 17, Number 4, July 2007
of lumbar pain; recent surgery; currently in physical therapy
treatment for the lower limbs and/or lumbar spine; or unable to
accomplish the necessary movements for the isokinetic tests
and intervention protocol. The nature of the research protocol
was explained, and the volunteers signed a consent form to
participate in the study, which was approved by the university
ethical review board.
Measurements of the flexibility of hamstrings were
obtained with a universal goniometer (Smith & Nephew,
Rolyan INC, Germantown, Wisc), whose validity and reli-
ability were well documented.
The amount of applied force to
elevate the volunteer’s leg to obtain the measurements of the
angle of knee extension was controlled by a hand dynamom-
eter and was specifically adjusted for each subject (Microfet2,
Hoggan Health Elaborate, Draper, Utah), whose reliability and
validity have been demonstrated.
Measures of muscular per-
formance at the knee were obtained with an isokinetic dyna-
mometer Biodex 3 (Biodex Medical Systems, Inc., Shirley,
NY), which has shown adequate validity and reliability.
Measurement of Knee-Extension Angle
In accordance with previously established protocols,
the participants lay in the supine position on an examining
table with both lower limbs extended. The first examiner then
positioned the right hip at 90 degrees of flexion, ensuring that
the lumbar spine remained stabilized by not allowing move-
ment in the other leg. He then passively moved the right
calcaneus toward the final position of knee extension, deter-
mined by the point at which each individual complained of
discomfort or tension of the hamstring muscles, or the point at
which the examiner perceived resistance to the stretching.
In this position, the reference bony landmarks (greater tro-
chanter, lateral femoral condyle, and lateral malleolus)
identified and marked. Later, the markers were aligned so that
measurements could be made. To obtain the goniometric
measures, the first examiner repositioned the right hip and
knee at 90 degrees of flexion, with the volunteer’s calcaneus
now supported by the handheld dynamometer. To guarantee
the maintenance of the angle of 90 degrees of hip joint flexion
during the measurement of the knee-extension angle, a
reference plumb line was positioned perpendicular to the
examining table (Fig. 1). Once the final point of knee exten-
sion was reached, the second examiner recorded the degree of
knee extension with a goniometer, with 0 degrees considered
total knee extension, so that the first examiner remained blind
to all measurements. To increase the reliability of the mea-
sures, the first examiner was blind to the measurement values,
which were registered by the second examiner.
Isokinetic Dyamometer
Initially, standard calibration of the equipment was
carried out according to the manufacturer’s manual. The
volunteers were then submitted to an initial preparatory
activity of a 10-minute warm-up on a stationary bicycle, with
a load of 25 W and a medium speed of 18 km/h. Subsequently,
the individuals were positioned in the dynamometer chair in
the seated position with 85 degrees of hip flexion. The tested
range of motion was 70 degrees, or between 100 and
30 degrees of knee flexion. To familiarize themselves with the
equipment and the test procedures, subjects were allowed to
perform two series of submaximal efforts for three repetitions
of the knee flexion/extension movements for the modalities of
concentric/concentric contractions at previous recommended
speeds of 60 degrees/s
and 300 degrees/s.
These speeds
also were selected to approximate the demands on the knee
during functional activities, such as gait, sit to stand, and stair
climbing. The individuals were stabilized in the chair with the
equipment belts, and procedures were applied to correct for
gravity. Subsequently, the individuals performed the definitive
tests with maximum effort for five repetitions at each speed,
with a 1-minute rest interval between speeds.
The muscles on
the right side were tested first; after a 10-minute rest interval,
the same tests were applied to the left leg. During the tests, the
individuals received verbal encouragement, so that they were
asked to move the dynamometer lever arm with ‘‘the fastest
and strongest force possible.’’ All data were obtained online by
the Biodex software and stored for future analyses. The angle
of peak torque was determined by averaging the torque at each
angle of the range of motion for five repetitions.
Intervention Protocol
The intervention protocol followed the methodology
described by Sullivan et al.
To perform hamstring stretching,
each individual was in a standing position with the left foot on
the ground and forward, without any hip rotation. The right leg
was placed on a higher surface, supported on the calcaneus
with the knee fully extended, toes pointing upward without hip
rotation (Fig. 2). The surface was elevated enough to cause
a stretching sensation on the posterior aspect of the thigh.
Seven surfaces with varied heights, ranging from 27 to 89 cm,
were available. Individuals were instructed to lean forward,
maintaining the spinal column erect, the pelvis in ante-
and the shoulders retracted, until they perceived
a mild stretching of the posterior aspect of the thigh; this
position was maintained for 30 seconds.
FIGURE 1. Positioning of subjects for measurement of
hamstring flexibility.
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Clin J Sport Med Volume 17, Number 4, July 2007 Impact of Flexibility on Muscular Performance
Four stretching cycles were performed, with a rest
interval of 10 seconds. After accomplishing the four cycles
with the right leg, each individual was allowed to rest for
30 seconds; then, the individual repeated the same procedures
with the left leg. Each session was supervised by a third
independent researcher who also monitored the attendance of
the participants but who was not involved in the assessment.
Any missing sessions were made up the following day with
two stretching sessions, one in the morning and the other in the
afternoon, as recommended by Bandy et al.
Any individual
who missed more than four sessions would be automatically
excluded from the study; this did not occur. Each individual
accomplished five weekly sessions for 6 weeks, totaling
30 sessions. All individuals were tested again after the inter-
vention, using the same previously described procedures. The
time interval between the last stretching session and the second
data collection was 24 hours so that the viscous elastic effects
of the stretching could be dissipated.
Statistical Analyses
Descriptive statistics and tests for normality and for
equality of variance were calculated for all outcome variables,
using the statistical package SPSS (version 13.0, 2001, SPSS
Inc.). Because no differences between legs for all investigated
parameters were found, the data for both legs were collapsed
(n = 60). Depending on the data distribution, Student paired
ttests or Wilcoxon tests were calculated to investigate the
impact of the intervention at a significance level of a= 0.05 for
the following outcome variables: knee-extension angle, work
of knee flexors and extensors at 60 and 300 degrees/s, angle at
peak torque of knee flexors at 60 and 300 degrees/s, and peak
torque of knee flexors at 60 degrees/s.
Of the 30 participants, 19 were women (63%) and 11
were men (37%). Their demographic and anthropometric
characteristics are presented in Table 1. The values of peak
force obtained with the handheld dynamometer before the
intervention of 55.18 613.48 Nm did not show significant
differences between those of 55.94 613.22 Nm obtained
after the intervention (P= 0.18), indicating that a similar force
was applied during the measurement of the knee-extension
angles before and after intervention.
Measures of Flexibility
As presented in Table 2, the values of the angle of
extension of the knee of 23.3 69.1 degrees obtained after the
intervention were significantly lower than those of 35.9 65.4
degrees obtained before intervention (P,0.0001), with an
average gain of 12.6 67.8 degrees, ranging from 21.2 to
30.7 degrees.
Isokinetic Measures
The angles of peak torque of the knee flexors obtained
at speeds of 60 and 300 degrees/s after the intervention were
lower than those obtained before the intervention, indicating
a change in the angle of peak torque in the direction of knee
extension for both speeds (Table 2). As presented in Table 2,
the values of peak torque of knee flexors at 60 degrees/s were
127.9 626.0 and 128.1 631.7% before and after the
intervention, respectively, indicating that the intervention did
not result in significant changes of this measure (P= 0.23).
However, the variables related to the work of the knee
flexors showed significant increases in work production after
the interventions at both speeds of 60 degrees/s (P= 0.012) and
300 degrees/s (P= 0.005). The same was observed for the work
produced by the knee extensors, with the obtained values after
training being superior at those obtained before training at both
speeds of 60 and 120 degrees/s (P,0.0001).
The results of the present study demonstrate that
a regular program of static stretching resulted in significant
FIGURE 2. Positioning of subjects for stretching the ham-
TABLE 1. Descriptive Statistics (Mean, SD, and Range) of the
Subjects (n = 30)
Mean 6SD Range
Age, yrs 22.77 64.87 18–38
Height, m 1.67 60.08 1.53–1.84
Body mass, kg 61.80 611.29 44.80–91.20
Body mass index, kg/m
22.05 62.92 17.92–31.37
278 q2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Ferreira et al Clin J Sport Med Volume 17, Number 4, July 2007
improvements in measures of hamstring flexibility associated
with improvements in measures of muscular performance. The
average gains in flexibility of 12.6 degrees corroborate the
results of several studies that have employed similar
The effects of stretching on flexibility
have been widely investigated, and different approaches have
been employed.
In the present study, the observed changes
occurred after a 6-week-long intervention, which is believed to
result in long-term effects, and were different from flexibility
changes reported after previous interventions, which were
evaluated immediately after only a single bout of stretching.
It is well known that gains in flexibility are associated
with higher individual tolerance to pain,
the viscous elastic
properties of the muscle-tendon units,
and the increased
number of sarcomers in series.
According to Mueller
and Maluf,
changes in the levels of physical stress cause
a predictable adaptive response in all biological tissues. When
applying a tensile force on muscular tissue with stretch-
ing, a controlled stress level is actually applied, with the
aim of recuperating its full physiological joint range of
According to Taylor et al
and Gajdosik,
gains of flexibility are related to the viscous elastic properties
of the muscle-tendon unit. However, Mueller and Maluf
have argued that the regular application of stress forces
induces tissues to adapt positively. Some studies have
confirmed this hypothesis by finding increases in the number
of sarcomers in series in muscles submitted to continuous
stretching programs.
Although the number of
sarcomers was not a variable investigated in this study, there
is evidence that a muscle submitted to stretching for 4 weeks
results in an increase in the number of sarcomers in series.
Some factors may affect measures of flexibility and need
to be considered.
First is the amount of applied force when
assessing the knee-extension angle: a variable that was
controlled in the present study, where the amount of applied
force obtained with a handheld dynamometer was similar at
both the pre- and postintervention assessments. Thus, the
observed gains of flexibility did not seem to be associated with
changes in an individual’s tolerance to pain and/or stretching.
However, a limitation that needs to be addressed was the
impossibility of controlling the applied torque on the goni-
ometric data. The torque cannot be derived directly from a
dynamometer, because it is the result of the moment arm, as
well as the torque, caused by the weight of the leg, that changes
with the knee angle. However, this distance would be
impossible to predict because the gains in flexibility could
vary between individuals, thus affecting the magnitude of the
moment arm.
Another factor that can affect the consistency of flex-
ibility data relates to the time of day the data collection takes
To avoid differences attributable to circadian rhythms,
all measures were obtained at the same time period. In addi-
tion, all assessments were performed 1 day after the end of
the intervention, to dissipate the viscous elastic effects of the
The volunteers also were monitored regarding
the frequency with which they performed other physical
activities, and changes in this frequency did not occur during
the intervention.
One could argue that the stretching protocol might have
had an impact on the lumbar spine, and it is also possible that
part of the gains in flexibility were related to the effects of
stretching. In the present study, no specific measures of the
lumbar spine were included, but the examiners ensured that it
remained stabilized during both measurement and interven-
tion. However, because the same protocol was applied before
and after the intervention, we believe that the role of the
lumbar spine was minimized. In addition, during the
measurement of range of motion of the knee, the threshold
of force was specifically applied and adjusted for each subject.
TABLE 2. Descriptive Statistics [Means 6SD, and Range (Minimum to Maximum)] of
Selected Outcome Measures Obtained Before and After Intervention (n = 60)
Before After
Knee range of motion, degrees 35.9 65.4 (26–48) 23.3 69.1*(3–43)
Peak torque of knee flexors
60 degrees 127.9 626.0 (91–198) 128.1 631.7 (88–206)
300 degrees 105.77 (56–164) 107.38 (58–158)
Peak torque of knee extensors
60 degrees 261.26 650.76 (166–375) 260.79 651.18 (169–381)
300 degrees 178.52 636.20 (94–244) 182.22 636.15 (97–257)
Angle at peak torque of knee flexors, degrees
60 degrees/s 59.2 68.4 (43–99) 55.3 68.4* (42–82)
300 degrees/s 88.6 612.8 (43–96) 85.2 615.6* (42–96)
Concentric work of knee flexors, %
60 degrees/s 121.3 627.4 (79–186) 125.6 628.5* (80–197)
300 degrees/s 61.2 616.4 (30–105) 64.4 617.1* (34–104)
Concentric work of knee extensors, %
60 degrees/s (%) 240.7 648.0 (160–351) 248.6 653.0* (166–371)
300 degrees/s 116.0 627.7 (72–174) 119.3 628.0* (80–173)
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Clin J Sport Med Volume 17, Number 4, July 2007 Impact of Flexibility on Muscular Performance
The intervention employed in the present study can be
considered a long-term intervention, and factors that might
possibly influence the results were controlled. Therefore, it
is possible that the stimulus was strong enough to induce
sarcomerogenesis, as has already been demonstrated in studies
with animals.
The present results also revealed that the
angle of peak torque of the knee flexors changed in the
direction of knee extension at both tested speeds. This change
in angle of peak torque might be explained by an increased
capacity of the knee flexors to vary in length, associated with
a greater number of sarcomers in series, explaining the changes
in angle of peak torque in the direction of knee extension.
The values of the peak torque of the knee flexors at both
speeds were unchanged after the intervention. Changes in peak
torque values that could be detected in the present study could
be associated with the capacity of the muscular tissue to
generate force,
because the angular speeds, the number
of repetitions, the rest time interval between tests, and the
concentric contraction mode were the same before and after
the intervention. The stimuli necessary to induce hypertrophy
are well documented and involve training sessions with loads
above 70% of maximal voluntary contractions,
which did not
occur in the present study. Therefore, the fact that the values of
peak torque of the knee flexor muscles remained unchanged
reinforces previous findings that a program of static stretching
does not necessarily result in gains in isokinetic measures of
muscular strength.
The work of the knee flexors, evaluated at speeds of
60 and 300 degrees/s, showed significant increases after the
intervention. The angular work performed by a given muscle
or muscular group can be described by the following equation:
angular work = applied torque 3changes in angular distance.
Considering that the present intervention modified the
flexibility of the knee-flexor muscles and that a possible
explanation for this change would be sarcomerogenesis, it is
possible to speculate that these muscles became more capable
of moving the body segment of the leg through a larger angular
distance in the same time interval.
Thus, the inclination of
the torque curve becomes steeper, generating a larger area
below the curve, representing greater work generated by the
muscle group.
Studies that have compared the parameters of flexibility
with muscular performance are scarce in the literature. Worrell
et al
applied two stretching methods, static and proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation, in a sample of 19 volunteers, for
a period of 3 weeks, in 15 sessions. Their results indicate mean
gains of flexibility ranging from 8 to 9.5 degrees, depending
on the method, but the differences were not statistically
significant, because of great interindividual variability. They
also found significant increases in the peak of torque of
the hamstrings acting eccentrically at speeds of 60 and 120
degrees/s and concentrically at 120 degrees/s. However, they
did not observe gains in their concentric contractions at
the speed of 60 degrees/s. Their results were explained by
the existing relationship between gains in flexibility and
neuromuscular transmission modifications. Yamashita et al
report that stretching can induce increases in the liberation of
free intracellular calcium ions, which, in turn, could poten-
tially facilitate muscular performance.
Handel et al
have evaluated the effects of 8 weeks of
unilateral stretching of the hamstrings on muscular perfor-
mance, using contraction/relaxation techniques with 16 vol-
unteers, 3 d/wk, in 24 sessions. They report statistically
significant gains of flexibility for the leg that received the
intervention associated with gains of muscular performance.
They also observed increases of concentric work for the knee
flexor and extensor muscles, which they associate with an
increased number of sarcomers in series. Their results cor-
roborate those obtained in the present study and support
the existing association between flexibility and muscular
The work for the knee extensors also showed significant
increases after the intervention. Because this muscle group
was not submitted to the stretching protocol, a plausible
justification for such gains could be related to decreases of
resistance imposed by the knee flexors. Considering that the
range of motion tested was 70 degrees (or from 100 to 30
degrees of knee flexion), and considering that inclusion in this
study required the volunteers to have shortened hamstrings, it
is probable that before intervention the passive resistance
imposed by the knee flexors was higher because the
hamstrings developed tension during the final range of knee
After intervention, this passive resistance de-
creased because they became more stretched. Therefore, it is
possible that the smaller resistance imposed by the hamstrings
to extend the knee after intervention could be responsible for
the observed increases in work performed by the knee
The results of the present study demonstrate that
muscular flexibility can be modified, and these modifications
have been shown to be associated with various parameters of
muscular performance, which may have important implica-
tions in the field of sport medicine and might result in benefits
for the treatment and/or prevention of knee injuries.
We acknowledge the support of the Brazilian Govern-
ment Agency (CNPq).
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q2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 281
Clin J Sport Med Volume 17, Number 4, July 2007 Impact of Flexibility on Muscular Performance
... The addition of serial sarcomeres would furthermore enable limb rotation at the same angular velocity with reduced sarcomere shortening velocity, perhaps enabling greater torque production (25). Stretching for 6-8 wk shifted angle of peak torque toward extended positions in a consistent manner in a few studies (26,27), and only at some velocities in another study (28). The implications of stretching training on isokinetic work production are also not clear, with increased concentric work in one study (28), whereas this effect was only seen at certain velocities in another (26). ...
... Stretching for 6-8 wk shifted angle of peak torque toward extended positions in a consistent manner in a few studies (26,27), and only at some velocities in another study (28). The implications of stretching training on isokinetic work production are also not clear, with increased concentric work in one study (28), whereas this effect was only seen at certain velocities in another (26). ...
... Despite a small increase in GM thickness, the present intervention did not increase isometric or isokinetic strength, matching most (3,4,6,8,13,45) but not all (27,28) stretching intervention studies. Plantar flexion work was also unchanged, matching again some previous data (26) but not all (28). After the intervention, the angle of peak torque shifted toward a more dorsiflexed position at the lower angular velocities, with no difference between legs (Fig. 6), matching some (26,27) but not all studies (28). ...
Introduction This study examined the effects of 24 weeks of daily static stretching of the plantarflexors (unilateral 4x60 s stretching while the contralateral leg served as a control, n=26) on joint range of motion (ROM), muscle–tendon unit morphological and mechanical properties, neural activation, and contractile function. Methods Torque-angle/velocity was obtained in passive and active conditions using isokinetic dynamometry, while muscle-tendon morphology and mechanical properties were examined using ultrasonography. Results Following the intervention, ROM increased (stretching +11±7°, control +4±8°), and passive torque (stretching -10±11 N·m, control -7±10 N·m) and normalized electromyographic amplitude (stretching -3±6%, control -3±4%) at a standardized dorsiflexion angle decreased. Increases were seen in passive tendon elongation at a standardized force (stretching +1.3±1.6 mm, control +1.4±2.1 mm) and in maximal passive muscle and tendon elongation. Angle of peak torque shifted towards dorsiflexion. No changes were seen in tendon stiffness, resting tendon length, or gastrocnemius medialis fascicle length. Conformable changes in ROM, passive dorsiflexion variables, tendon elongation, and angle of peak torque were observed in the non-stretched leg. Conclusion The present findings indicate that habitual stretching increases ROM and decreases passive torque, altering muscle–tendon behavior with the potential to modify contractile function.
... Two trials were performed for each outcome measure, and the better of the two trials was considered. Previous studies reported that flexibility increases the speed of a runner as it increases muscle performance [25][26][27][28]. According to Swanson and Caldwell (2000), while running, lower limb muscles activate with the hamstring muscle activated first before foot strike, followed by Gluteus maximus and Gastrocnemius and finally, Soleus, Vastus lateralis and Rectus femoris [15]. ...
... The Pilates method has been considered an optimal exercise modality for improving the strength and endurance of back muscles [25]. Sewright (2006) performed six weeks of Pilates training on sixteen(n=16) collegiate tennis players to measure the effects on muscular endurance. ...
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An athlete's life revolves around their sport. Retirement from sports is a unique transition that influences significant identity, body, and lifestyle changes [1]. While competitive athletes exceed recommendations for physical activity, this only translates into regular physical activity after retirement from sports. Research suggests the nature of competitive sports participation may need to be more conducive to lifelong physical activity [2] Falling out from sports and physical activity leads the body into deconditioning. The study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Pilates in improving speed, agility and back extensor endurance in a deconditioned athlete. Materials and Methods: The clinical setup for the case study was arranged at VAPMS College of Physiotherapy in Visakhapatnam. The pre and post-tests were performed on the premises of the institution. The subject is a male athlete and a middle-distance runner. The subject received Pilates training four sessions/week for eight weeks for 40 minutes. Speed, Agility and Back extensor endurance were assessed with the outcome measures 20-meter sprint, Illinois agility test and Biering Sorensen test. Results: Results obtained from the present case study indicate that eight weeks of Mat Pilates improved speed, agility and back extensor endurance. Based on this study, there is a difference in the values recorded pre and post-Pilates training. Two trials were performed for each outcome measure, and the better of the two trials was considered. Conclusion: The results from the present case study concluded that the Mat Pilates exercise training is effective in the improvement and enhancement of the speed, Agility and back extensor endurance of an athlete. Overall, it shows that an athlete's re-conditioning is possible with Pilates training. Keywords: Pilates training, speed, Agility, back extensor endurance
... Stretching falls under the physical health components of flexibility. Flexibility, on the other hand, affects muscular performance [4]. It is 2 of 11 recommended to do a stretching exercise for a healthy recreational population or athletes to prevent injury, for rehabilitation, and to increase athletic performance [5]. ...
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Participating in sports has been shown to promote overall wellness and, at the same time, reduce health risks. As more people are participating in sports, competitions have increased, and every aspect of the game has been focused by coaches and athletes in order to improve performance. One of these aspects is the warm-up session. The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effect of a dynamic warm-up versus a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) warm-up on the sprint and jump performance of recreationally active men. Thirty (n = 30) males were randomly assigned to undergo three sessions of different warm-up types, 72 h apart, involving either proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), dynamic stretching (DS), or no stretching session (control). The PNF and dynamic modes of stretching improved vertical jump performance, F (2.58) = 5.49, p = 0.046, to a certain extent (mean + 3.32% vs. control, p = 0.002 for dynamic and mean + 1.53% vs. control, p = 0.048 for PNF stretching). Dynamic stretching is best used to get a better vertical jump height. Sprint performance was also increased to a greater extent following the stretching session, F (2.58) = 5.60, p = 0.01. Sprint time was +1.05% faster vs. the control, with a value of p = 0.002 after dynamic stretching, while PNF stretching demonstrated a sprint time of +0.35% vs. the control, with a value of p = 0.049. Dynamic stretching showed a better sprint performance and also vertical jump height performance in this study. PNF and dynamic stretching prove to be equally efficacious in flexibility conditioning depending on the type of movement involved. This type of stretching should be utilized to help preserve or improve the performance output of physical activity, especially in sprinting and jumping events.
... Self-stretching exercises decreased muscle spasms on the concave side and hyperactivity, and corrected the curvature of the lumbar region by lengthening the shortened muscles [9]. Stretching exercises can improve the yield of sports practices in the young [10][11][12], besides reducing workrelated musculoskeletal pain in adults [13]. Self-stretching interventions can reduce the burden of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders depending on their training, knowledge, and experiences. ...
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Background Smart-bar device (SBD) is a newly developed device to measure the body range of motion (ROM) by a kinetic sensor and to provide an exercise program with augmented reality (AR) guidance of body-frame image and audio feedback by mobile application. Objective This study aims to compare the performance of SBD with AR function with a goniometer and to verify the clinical utility of SBD with AR guide function` Methods Ten healthy individuals were enrolled and measured the ROM of body lateral flexion, extension, and rotation using a goniometer and SBD simultaneously. To evaluate the accuracy of an AR-guided exercise, we enrolled three patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and measured the ROM of trunk lateral flexion and rotation during stretching exercises using SBD with or without AR guidance. Results Concurrent validity between the goniometer and SBD was statistically significant, with a very high correlation coefficient from r = 0.836–0.988 ( p < 0.05). All patients with scoliosis showed higher accuracy when we used SBD with AR guidance than when we used SBD without AR guidance ( p < 0.05). Conclusions The SBD could be a valid device to measure the joint angle of neck, shoulder, and trunk. AR guidance increased the accuracy of the stretching exercise, and mobile application of AR-guided stretching exercises with SBD should be useful for scoliosis patients to correct their posture.
... Thus, stretching interventions of longer duration and intensity are required to examine the effect of stretching on muscle morphological characteristics and ROM. Larger ROM following training is associated with increased muscle contractile function (Ferreira et al., 2007;Moltubakk et al., 2016) and greater jump height (Kokkonen et al., 2007), possibly through the addition of sarcomeres in series that enables higher contraction velocity and a more optimal sarcomere length across a wider range of joint angles (Lieber and Fridén, 2000). Interestingly, from infancy to adulthood, ankle joint ROM decreases about 1.5% per year (Bénard et al., 2011), and during adolescence levels of flexibility tend to plateau or decrease at the time of the adolescent spurt (Malina, 2007). ...
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This study examined the effects of high-volume static stretching training on gastrocnemius muscle architecture, ankle angle and jump height in 21 female adolescent volleyball players. Static stretching of the plantar flexors of one leg (STR) was performed five times/week for 12 weeks, in addition to volleyball training, with the contra-lateral leg used as control (CON). Total duration of stretching per session increased from 540 s (week 1) to 900 s (week 12). At baseline, week 12 and after 3 weeks of detraining, muscle architecture at the middle and the distal part of both gastrocnemius heads (medialis and lateralis) and ankle angle were examined at rest and at maximum dorsiflexion. At the same time-points gastrocnemius cross-sectional area (CSA) was also assessed, while jumping height was measured at baseline and week 12. Following intervention, ankle dorsiflexion increased in both legs with a greater increase in STR than CON (22 ± 20% vs. 8 ± 17%, p < 0.001). Fascicle length at the middle part of gastrocnemius medialis increased only in the STR, at rest (6 ± 7%, p = 0.006) and at maximum dorsiflexion (11 ± 7%, p < 0.001). Fascicle length at maximum dorsiflexion also increased at the distal part of gastrocnemius lateralis of STR (15 ± 13%, p < 0.001). A greater increase in CSA (23 ± 14% vs. 13 ± 14%, p < 0.001) and in one-leg jumping height (27 ± 30% vs. 17 ± 23%, p < 0.001) was found in STR than CON. Changes in ankle angle, fascicle length and CSA were maintained following detraining. High-volume stretching training for 12 weeks results in ankle dorsiflexion, fascicle length and muscle cross sectional area increases in adolescent female volleyball players. These adaptations may partly explain improvements in jump performance.
... [49][50][51] Increasing muscular flexibility has been shown to have an impact on muscular performance. [52] Numerous researchers have argued about the PNF stretching efficacy on athletic performance and carried out their studies with different outcome measures to evaluate athletic performance changes. The majority of the published studies have used the vertical jump test (VJ) as the main outcome measure, [53][54][55][56][57][58] while other studies have used different methods such as the 1-repetition maximum test, [59] Wingate test, [60] and other specific outcome measures. ...
Nos últimos anos, muitos estudos foram realizados com o intuito de comprovar a eficácia de protocolos de alongamentos agudos sobre as habilidadesmotoras de força e potência muscular, no entanto seus efeitos crônicos ainda não foram totalmente elucidados na literatura. O objetivo do presente estudo foiverificar a influência de um protocolo de alongamento ativo estático crônico dos músculos quadríceps e isquiostibiais sobre a flexibilidade e as variáveis isocinéticasde força e potência em adultos praticantes de musculação, durante 12 semanas. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado (parecer número: 2.697.277), no qual aamostra foi composta por 20 adultos do sexo masculino, praticantes de musculação há no mínimo três meses. Os participantes foram avaliados quanto ao peso ealtura, força muscular da articulação do joelho (utilizando dinamômetro isocinético Biodex Multi-Joint Pro), teste de flexibilidade e avaliação de composiçãocorporal. A intervenção foi aplicada após a realização do treinamento muscular e consistiu em um programa de alongamentos estáticos ativos para os músculosisquiotibiais e quadríceps, após o treinamento de força, durante um período de 12 semanas. Observou-se um aumento para todas as variáveis de flexibilidade dogrupo intervenção, além de promover um aumento significativo das variáveis de pico de torque do membro dominante e não dominante na extensão e de potênciado membro dominante e não dominante na extensão e do membro dominante na flexão. Conclui-se que os exercícios de alongamento foram benéficos para o ganhode flexibilidade, além de constatar uma melhora nas variáveis isocinéticas do grupo intervenção nos membros dominante e não dominante em relação ao grupo controle.
Introducción: El presente trabajo se ha centrado en el desarrollo de un programa de estiramientos activos y pasivos con una duración de 6 semanas y una frecuencia de 5 veces a la semana, enfocados a mejorar los valores de flexibilidad en los miembros inferiores de jugadores de fútbol. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia del programa de estiramientos, a través del rango de movimiento articular medido con el test goniométrico. Material y métodos: Un total de 57 jugadores de fútbol, de 12 a 16 años de edad, completaron este estudio. Se desarrolló un diseño longitudinal, temporal, ininterrumpido de medidas pre y post aplicación. Resultados: El análisis de la fase inicial reveló que los jugadores tenían valores de flexibilidad por debajo de la normalidad. Luego de la aplicación de los estiramientos, se produjo un aumento estadísticamente significativo en las doce medidas de movilidad articular. Discusión: Los valores fueron mayores en la flexión de rodilla, flexión de cadera con rodilla flexada y flexión plantar de tobillo; estas, además, fueron las medidas de movilidad de mayor variabilidad en las diferencias entre pre y post, lo cual indica que posiblemente es mucho más efectiva la aplicación de los estiramientos en algunos participantes. Conclusión: Un programa sistémico de estiramientos activos y pasivos de 6 semanas de duración y una frecuencia de 5 veces por semana es efectivo para mejorar el rango de movimiento en jugadores de fútbol.
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BACKGROUND: The effects of a long-term static stretching program on physical performance parameters have not been elucidated completely, although the effects on muscle flexibility have a consensus. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the effect of a long-term static stretching program on physical performance and muscle properties. METHODS: Participants performed a 2-min static stretching for the ankle joint 5 times per week for 4 weeks. Physical performance and muscle properties was measured before and after the static stretching program. RESULTS: Results showed that range of motion (ROM), dynamic postural stability, and muscle hardness were positively changed, whereas other variables i.e. maximal isometric plantar flexion moment, jump heights, muscle-tendon junction displacement and its angle, were not. CONCLUSIONS: Four-week of SS program may improve ROM, dynamic postural stability, and muscle hardness without decreasing physical performance.
Muscle design constraints preclude simultaneous specialization of the vertebrate locomotor system for explosive and economical force generation. The resulting performance trade-off between power and economy has been attributed primarily to individual differences in muscle fiber type composition. While certainly crucial for performance specialization, fiber type likely interacts with muscle architectural parameters, such as fascicle length, to produce this trade-off. Longer fascicles composed of more serial sarcomeres can achieve faster shortening velocities, allowing for greater power production. Long fascicles likely reduce economy, however, because more energy-consuming contractile units are activated for a given force production. We hypothesized that longer fascicles are associated with both increased power production and locomotor cost. In a set of 11 power- and 13 endurance-trained recreational athletes, we measured 1) muscle fascicle length via ultrasound in gastrocnemius lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis, and vastus lateralis, 2) maximal power during cycling and countermovement jumps, and 3) running cost of transport. We estimated muscle fiber type noninvasively based on the pedaling rate at which maximal cycling power occurred. As predicted, longer gastrocnemius muscle fascicles were correlated with greater lower-body power production and cost of transport. Multiple regression analyses revealed that variability in maximal power was explained by fiber type (48% for cycling; 25% for jumping) and average fascicle length (18% for cycling; 12% for jumping), while average fascicle length accounted for 15% of the variation in cost of transport. These results suggest that, at least for certain muscles, fascicle length plays an important role in the power versus economy performance trade-off.
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To date, limited information exists describing a relatively new stretching technique, dynamic range of motion (DROM). The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of DROM with static stretch on hamstring flexibility. Fifty-eight subjects, ranging in age from 21 to 41 years and with limited hamstring flexibility (defined as 30 degrees loss of knee extension measured with the femur held at 90 degrees of hip flexion), were randomly assigned to one of three groups. One group performed DROM 5 days a week by lying supine with the hip held in 90 degrees of flexion. The subject then actively moved the leg into knee extension (5 seconds), held the leg in end range knee extension for 5 seconds, and then slowly lowered the leg to the initial position (5 seconds). These movements were performed six times per session (30 seconds of total actual stretching time). The second group performed one 30-second static stretch, 5 days per week. The third group served as a control group and did not stretch. Before and after 6 weeks of training, flexibility of the hamstring muscles was determined in all three groups by measuring knee extension range of motion (ROM) with the femur maintained in 90 degrees of hip flexion. Data were analyzed with a 2 x 3 (test x group) two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures on one variable (test) and appropriate post hoc analyses. The results of the two-way ANOVA revealed a significant interaction. Further statistical post hoc analysis of data to interpret the interaction revealed significant differences between the control group (gain = 0.70 degree) and both stretching groups, as well as a significant difference between the static stretch group (gain = 11.42 degrees) and the DROM group (gain = 4.26 degrees). The results of this study suggest that, although both static stretch and DROM will increase hamstring flexibility, a 30-second static stretch was more effective than the newer technique, DROM, for enhancing flexibility. Given the fact that a 30-second static stretch increased ROM more than two times that of DROM, the use of DROM to increase flexibility of muscle must be questioned.
Reliability of goniometric measurements has been examined only under standardized conditions and usually with healthy subjects. The purpose of this study was to assess goniometric reliability in a clinical setting. The reliability of goniometric measurements of passive elbow and knee positions was assessed using patients as subjects. The effect of using the means of repeated measurements and the interdevice reliability of three common goniometers were also examined. Results showed that intratester reliability for flexion and extension of the knee and the elbow joints was high (r = .91 to .99). Intertester reliability was also high (r = .88 to .97) for these measurements except for measurements of knee extension (r = .63 to .70). Although previous investigators have suggested that using the means of multiple measurements improves reliability, our data indicate that this procedure never improves the correlation coefficient more than .12. The reliability was similar for all three devices. The results of this study indicate that for the knee and elbow joints, goniometric measurements performed in a clinical setting can be highly reliable. The method described in this study provides a simple protocol that can be used clinically to investigate goniometric reliability.
In a series of experiments, cultured myotubes were exposed to passive stretch or pharmacological agents that block contractile activation. Under these experimental conditions, the formation of Z lines and A bands (morphological structures, resulting from the specific structural alignment of sarcomeric proteins, necessary for contraction) was assessed by immunofluorescence. The addition of an antagonist of the voltage-gated Na+ channels [tetrodotoxin (TTX)] for 2 days in developing rat myotube cultures led to a nearly total absence of Z lines and A bands. When contractile activation was allowed to resume for 2 days, the Z lines and A bands reappeared in a significant way. The appearance of Z lines or A bands could not be inhibited nor facilitated by the application of a uniaxial passive stretch. Electrical stimulation of the cultures increased sarcomere assembly significantly. Antagonists of L-type Ca2+ channels (verapamil, nifedipine) combined with electrical stimulation led to the absence of Z lines and A bands to the same degree as the TTX treatment. Western blot analysis did not show a major change in the amount of sarcomeric alpha -actinin nor a shift in myosin heavy chain phenotype as a result of a 2-day passive stretch or TTX treatment. Results of experiments suggest that temporal Ca2+ transients play an important factor in the assembly and maintenance of sarcomeric structures during muscle fiber development.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how muscle stretching affects the activity of neuromuscular transmission. The magnitude of the post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) of miniature end-plate potential (m.e.p.p.) frequency was measured in the rat soleus muscle at resting length and stretched length. The parameters of the magnitude of PTP can be indicators of the kinetics of Ca2+ metabolism in the nerve terminal. One of the parameters, normalized initial post-tetanic frequency (f), was significantly increased by stretching muscle 10% (P less than 0.05) and 20% (P less than 0.01) of its resting length. Another parameter, the time constant of augmentation (tau a), was not significantly changed by muscle stretching. The time constant of potentiation (tau p) was significantly increased by 20% muscle stretching (P less than 0.05). These results indicate that the Ca2+ conductance, especially the voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx, of the nerve terminal could be increased by muscle stretching. Greater Ca2+ conductance of the nerve terminal would increase intracellular free Ca2+. Consequently, the probability of transmitter release would be increased, because Ca2+ is closely related to the activity of the transmitter release mechanism.
Hamstring muscle strain represents a significant injury to the athlete participating in sporting activities. Lack of hamstring flexibility has been correlated to hamstring muscle injury. There is, however, conflict concerning the most efficient hamstring stretching technique. The purpose of this study was to compare static stretch (SS) and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) hamstring stretching techniques while maintaining the pelvis in two testing positions: anterior pelvic tilt (APT) or posterior pelvic tilt (PPT). Two groups of 10 subjects were randomly assigned to either an APT or PPT position. Each subject then performed eight sessions using PNF on one leg and SS on the other leg while maintaining the pelvis in the assigned position. Hamstring flexibility was assessed with the hip positioned at 90 degrees while actively extending the knee, i.e., active knee extension test (AKET). A two-way ANOVA comparing stretching technique and pelvic position revealed that the APT group significantly increased hamstring flexibility (P = 0.0375). There was not a significant difference between SS or PNF stretching technique in the APT position. There was not a significant increase in hamstring flexibility in the PPT group with either stretching technique (P > 0.05). The results suggest that APT position was more important than stretching method for increasing hamstring muscle flexibility.
Most muscle stretching studies have focused on defin ing the biomechanical properties of isolated elements of the muscle-tendon unit or on comparing different stretching techniques. We developed an experimental model that was designed to evaluate clinically relevant biomechanical stretching properties in an entire muscle- tendon unit. Our objectives were to characterize the viscoelastic behavior of the muscle-tendon unit and to consider the clinical applications of these viscoelastic properties. Rabbit extensor digitorum longus and tibialis anterior muscle-tendon units were evaluated using methods designed to simulate widely used stretching tech niques. Additionally, the effects of varying stretch rates and of reflex influences were evaluated. We found that muscle-tendon units respond viscoelastically to tensile loads. Reflex activity did not influence the biomechani cal characteristics of the muscle-tendon unit in this model. Experimental techniques simulating cyclic stretching and static stretching resulted in sustained muscle-ten don unit elongations, suggesting that greater flexibility can result if these techniques are used in the clinical setting. With repetitive stretching, we found that after four stretches there was little alteration of the muscle- tendon unit, implying that a minimum number of stretches will lead to most of the elongation in repetitive stretching. Also, greater peak tensions and greater energy absorptions occurred at faster stretch rates, suggesting that the risk of injury in a stretching regimen may be related to the stretch rate, and not to the actual technique. All of these clinically important considera tions can be related to the viscoelastic characteristics of the muscle-tendon unit.