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Abstract and Figures

Objective: Considering the different pathogenic mechanisms of the two main forms of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT), we ascertained whether this results in a different onset time as well. Design and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical records of 200 consecutive AIT patients (157 men and 43 women; mean age 62.2±12.6 years) referred to our Department from 1987 to 2012. The onset time of AIT was defined as the time elapsed from the beginning of amiodarone therapy and the first diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis, expressed in months. Factors associated with the onset time of AIT were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: The median onset time of thyrotoxicosis was 3.5 months (95% CI 2-6 months) in patients with type 1 AIT (AIT1) and 30 months (95% CI 27-32 months, P<0.001) in those with type 2 AIT (AIT2). Of the total number of patients, 5% with AIT1 and 23% with AIT2 (P=0.007) developed thyrotoxicosis after amiodarone withdrawal. Factors affecting the onset time of thyrotoxicosis were the type of AIT and thyroid volume (TV). Conclusions: The different pathogenic mechanisms of the two forms of AIT account for different onset times of thyrotoxicosis in the two groups. Patients with preexisting thyroid abnormalities (candidate to develop AIT1) may require a stricter follow-up during amiodarone therapy than those usually recommended. In AIT1, the onset of thyrotoxicosis after amiodarone withdrawal is rare, while AIT2 patients may require periodic tests for thyroid function longer after withdrawing amiodarone.
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The onset time of amiodarone-induced
thyrotoxicosis (AIT) depends on AIT type
Luca Tomisti, Giuseppe Rossi
, Luigi Bartalena
, Enio Martino and Fausto Bogazzi
Endocrinology Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Ospedale Cisanello,
Via Paradisa, 2, 56124 Pisa, Italy,
Endocrine Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,
University of Insubria, 21100 Varese, Italy and
Unit of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Institute of Clinical
Physiology, National Research Council, 56184 Pisa, Italy
should be addressed
to F Bogazzi
Objective: Considering the different pathogenic mechanisms of the two main forms of amiodarone-induced
thyrotoxicosis (AIT), we ascertained whether this results in a different onset time as well.
Design and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical records of 200 consecutive AIT patients (157 men and
43 women; mean age 62.2G12.6 years) referred to our Department from 1987 to 2012. The onset time of AIT was defined
as the time elapsed from the beginning of amiodarone therapy and the first diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis, expressed in months.
Factors associated with the onset time of AIT were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses.
Results: The median onset time of thyrotoxicosis was 3.5 months (95% CI 2–6 months) in patients with type 1 AIT (AIT1) and
30 months (95% CI 27–32 months, P!0.001) in those with type 2 AIT (AIT2). Of the total number of patients, 5% with AIT1
and 23% with AIT2 (PZ0.007) developed thyrotoxicosis after amiodarone withdrawal. Factors affecting the onset time of
thyrotoxicosis were the type of AIT and thyroid volume (TV).
Conclusions: The different pathogenic mechanisms of the two forms of AITaccount for different onset times of thyrotoxicosis in
the two groups. Patients with preexisting thyroid abnormalities (candidate to develop AIT1) may require a stricter follow-up
during amiodarone therapy than those usually recommended. In AIT1, the onset of thyrotoxicosis after amiodarone
withdrawal is rare, while AIT2 patients may require periodic tests for thyroid function longer after withdrawing amiodarone.
European Journal of
(2014) 171, 363–368
Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) develops in
w15% of patients under amiodarone therapy (1, 2). Two
main forms of AIT may occur: type 1 is a form of iodine-
induced hyperthyroidism occurring in patients with
underlying thyroid abnormalities, and type 2 is a destruc-
tive thyroiditis mainly due to direct cytotoxic effects of
amiodarone on thyroid follicular cells of a normal thyroid
gland (1, 3, 4, 5). The prevalence of the two main forms of
AIT has changed over the last 30 years in Italy with a current
predominance of the type 2 AIT (AIT2) (6).
Occurrence of AIT is usually considered to be unpre-
dictable, often sudden, and explosive, occurring either early
or long after initiation of amiodarone treatment. In a group
of 58 patients,Trip et al.(7) observed that average duration of
amiodarone treatment before AIT occurrence was w3 years,
with a probability of 2.5% after 18 months and 33.5% after
48 months. In addition, Ahmed et al.(8) have recently
reported an AIT incidence rate per 100 persons/year of 1.9 in
a series of 303 patients taking amiodarone. Other small
prospective studies described the onset of AIT after
12–47 months of amiodarone therapy (9, 10). AIT may also
develop months after drug withdrawal, because of tissue
storage of the drug and its metabolites and their slow release
into the circulation.
Owing to the different pathogenic mechanisms of the
two forms of AIT, we aimed at evaluating whether AIT1
and AIT2 may have different onset times in a large series
of patients. This information might be useful in clinical
European Journal of Endocrinology
Clinical Study L Tomisti and others Onset time of AIT depends
on type
171:3 363–368 Ñ2014 European Society of Endocrinology
DOI: 10.1530/EJE-14-0267 Printed in Great Britain
Published by Bioscientifica Ltd.
practice for planning a different surveillance program of
thyroid function.
Materials and methods
Study design
We retrospectively analyzed the clinical records of AIT
patients referred to the Department of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, Endocrinology Section,
University of Pisa, from January 1987 to December 2012.
Each patient gave her/his written informed consent, at
the first clinical visit at our Department, for the use of
anonymous data for research purpose. The Internal
Review Board of our Department approved the study.
Subjects and diagnosis of AIT
A total of 200 consecutive AIT patients (157 men and
43 women; mean (GS.D.), age 62.2G12.6 years, range
24–87 years) were included in the study.
Diagnosis of AIT was based on clinical grounds (signs
and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis) and laboratory findings,
including increased serum free thyroxine (FT
) and free
tri-iodothyronine (FT
) concentrations, undetectable
serum TSH levels, and increased urinary iodine excretion
(UIE). Diagnosis of AIT2 was based on the following
criteria (1): normal or slightly increased TV without
nodules (R1 cm) at conventional ultrasonography, absent
hypervascularity at color-flow Doppler sonography,
absence of circulating thyroid-directed autoantibody
(anti-thyroglobulin (TgAb), anti-thyroid peroxidase
(TPOAb), anti-TSH receptor (TRAb)), and low/undetect-
able thyroid radioiodine uptake (RAIU) values (!5% at
24 h), as reported previously (11, 12).
The remaining subjects, including patients with Graves’
disease, toxic adenoma, and multinodular goiter, did not
meet the above criteria and were classified as type 1 AIT
(AIT1). For the purpose of this study, all non-AIT2 patients
were designated as AIT1, as reported previously (6).These
criteria were applied retrospectively to patients diagnosed
with AIT before 1990, when differentiation of the two main
types of AIT had not yet been clearly established (6).
Clinical and biochemical findings of the two groups
are given in Table 1.
Time definitions
Onset time of AIT was defined as the period elapsed from
initiation of amiodarone therapy and first diagnosis of
thyrotoxicosis. Onset time after amiodarone withdrawal
was defined as the period elapsed from the withdrawal of
amiodarone therapy and first diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis
in patients who developed thyrotoxicosis after amiodar-
one discontinuation.
Thyroid status
Serum FT
(Vitros Immunodiagnostics, The Broad-
way, Amersham), TSH (Immulite 2000, third generation
TSH; Diagnostic Products Corp., Los Angeles, CA, USA),
Table 1 Clinical and biochemical features of the study groups.
Data are expressed as meanGS.D.Normalvaluesinour
laboratory are as follows: FT
, 7–17 pg/ml; FT
, 2.7–4.5 pg/ml;
TSH, 0.4–3.4 mU/l; TPOAb, !10 IU/ml; and 3rd and 24th h RAIU,
in our area, 15–30 and 30–45% respectively. To convert serum
and FT
values from pg/ml to pmol/l, multiply by 1.29 and
1.54 respectively.
AIT1 (nZ42)
AIT2 (nZ158)
Sex (female/male) 11/31 32/126 0.41
Age (years) 65.3G10.6 61.4G13 0.07
BSA (m
) 1.85G0.23 1.88G0.21 0.52
BMI 26.1G4.6 25.4G3.9 0.35
Basal FT
(pg/ml) 28.2G15.3 41.7G16.4 !0.001
Basal FT
(pg/ml) 7.2G4.7 10.2G5.2 !0.001
4.2G2.2 4.4G1.3 0.50
TSH (mIU/l) !0.01 !0.01 1.00
TPOAb (IU/ml) 138G384 !10 !0.001
UIE (mg/l) 5769G10 999 7967G8045 0.24
TG (ng/ml) 218.3G492.2 136.1G203.9 0.32
3rd h RAIU (%) 7.1G8 1.5G1.1 !0.001
24th h RAIU (%) 12.8G13.3 1.1G1.3 !0.001
TV (ml) 56.7G39.7 19.6G8.8 !0.001
TV norm (ml/m
) 30.5G20.1 10.5G4.6 !0.001
CFDS pattern
3/11/23/5 154/4/0/0 !0.001
Duration of
9.9G11.8 28.7G16.1 !0.001
Daily dose of amio-
darone (mg)
193G38 192G54 0.96
Cumulative dose of
amiodarone (g)
46.8G31.7 134.4G108.8 0.001
AIT post AMIO (%) 2/40 (4.76) 36/122 (22.8) 0.007
Basal FT
and basal FT
, serum thyroid hormone concentrations at
diagnosis; UIE, urinary iodine excretion; TG, serum thyroglobulin; 3rd
and 24th h RAIU, 3rd and 24th h thyroid radioiodine uptake; BSA, body
surface area calculated using the Mosteller formula, as described
previously; TV, thyroid volume estimated by ultrasonography; TV norm,
normalized thyroid volume obtained by dividing thyroid volume by body
surface area; CFDS pattern, color-flow Doppler sonography pattern
expressed as the number of patients having pattern 0/1/2/3; AIT after
AMIO, number of patients (and percentage) developing AIT after
amiodarone withdrawal.
European Journal of Endocrinology
Clinical Study L Tomisti and others Onset time of AIT depends
on type
171:3 364
TG (Access Immunoassay Systems; Beckman Coulter, Inc.,
Brea, CA, USA), TRAb (TRAK human; Brahms, Hennigs-
dorf, Germany), TgAb (AIA-Pack TgAb; Tosoh, Tokyo,
Japan), and TPOAb (AIA-Pack TPOAb; Tosoh) were assayed
using commercial kits. Normal values in our laboratories
are as follows: FT
, 7–17 pg/ml (9.0–22.0 pmol/l); FT
2.7–4.5 pg/ml (4.2–7.0 pmol/l); TSH, 0.4–3.4 mU/l; TRAb,
!1 U/l; TgAb, !30 IU/ml; and TPOAb, !10 IU/ml.
Random morning urinary samples were collected for
iodine measurements using an autoanalyzer apparatus
(Technicon, Rome, Italy). Median UIE in our area is
110 mg/l.
Thyroid ultrasound and RAIU
TV was measured by ultrasonography and calculated by the
ellipsoid model (width!length!thickness!0.52 for each
lobe) as described previously (13, 14). TV was normalized by
body surface area (TV norm) calculated using the Mosteller
formula (BSA (m
)ZOheight (m)!weight (kg)/3600) (15),
because, as reported previously (16), BSA accounts for the
main variations in TVs, including sex-related differences;
normal values in our areas are 3.5–13 ml/m
Thyroid RAIU was measured at 3 and 24 h after the
administration of a tracer dose (50 mCi) of
I. The normal
3 and 24 h RAIU values in our area are 10–20 and 30–45%
Statistical analysis
Results are expressed as meanGS.D. for quantitative data
and percentage for categorical data. The comparison
between the two study groups (AIT1 vs AIT2) for clinical
and biochemical features was performed by the Wilcoxon
rank-sum test for quantitative variables and by Fisher’s
exact test for categorical variables. The onset time of AIT
was analyzed by the Kaplan–Mayer survival curve and the
comparison between groups was performed by the log-rank
test. Factors associated with onset time were evaluated by
univariate and multivariate analyses using the Cox
regression model. Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% CI were also
reported. A two-sided Pvalue of !0.05 was considered
statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed
using the JMP4 (SAS Institute, Inc.,Cary, NC, USA) software.
Out of 200 patients evaluated in this study, 42 (21%) were
diagnosed with AIT1 and 158 (79%) with AIT2. The
clinical and biochemical features of the two groups of
patients are given in Table 1. As expected, patients with
AIT2 had lower 3 and 24-h RAIU values and a smaller TV
than those with AIT1. In addition, patients with AIT2 had
significantly higher serum thyroid hormone concen-
trations (FT
41.7G16.4 pg/ml and FT
10.2G5.2 pg/ml)
than those with AIT1 (FT
28.2G15.3 pg/ml and FT
4.7 pg/ml, P!0.001 and P!0.001 respectively). Eight
patients with AIT1 had Graves’ disease, six a toxic
adenoma, and 28 a multinodular goiter.
Median onset time of thyrotoxicosis in the AIT1 group
was 3.5 months (range 1–61 months) and 30 months in
AIT2 group (range 1–95 months, log-rank !0.001, Fig. 1).
Distribution of onset time of AIT in the two groups of
patients is shown in Fig. 2.
Out of 200 patients, 38 (19%) developed thyrotoxi-
cosis after amiodarone withdrawal: two patients in the
AIT1 group (4.8%) and 36 patients in the AIT2 group
(22.9%, PZ0.007). The two patients with AIT1 developed
thyrotoxicosis at 1 and 12 months (median time 6.5
months) after the withdrawal of amiodarone. The time
elapsed from the withdrawal of amiodarone therapy and
the first diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis in the AIT2 group
(median time 5.5 months, range 1–18 months) is
summarized in Fig. 3. In the AIT2 group, no difference
was found between patients developing thyrotoxicosis
before or after amiodarone withdrawal in TV, normalized
TV, BMI, and sex, whereas patients developing thyrotoxi-
cosis after amiodarone withdrawal were significantly
younger (56.8G11.9 vs 62.8G13 years respectively;
PZ0.014). In addition, the onset time of thyrotoxicosis
Percentage of patients remaining euthyroid
0 1020304050
60 70 80 90 100
Figure 1
The Kaplan–Meier event-free survival estimates the onset time
of thyrotoxicosis in type 1 AIT (dotted line) and type 2 AIT
(continuous line). Onset time of thyrotoxicosis was significantly
shorter in type 1 AIT patients (log rank, P!0.001).
European Journal of Endocrinology
Clinical Study L Tomisti and others Onset time of AIT depends
on type
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did not significantly differ in patients who developed AIT
during amiodarone therapy or after therapy withdrawal
(median time 31 months, range 1–200 months, and
median time 26 months, range 2–63 months respectively;
log-rank PZ0.066).
Factors affecting the onset time of thyrotoxicosis were
evaluated by the univariate and multivariate analyses, as
reported in Table 2. In the univariate analysis, a shorter
onset time was related to AIT1 (P!0.0001) and to a larger
normalized TV (P!0.0001). When patients were divided
based on the type of AIT, the univariate analysis confirmed
the significant effect of the normalized TV on the onset
time of thyrotoxicosis (HR 1.01, 95% CI 1.00–1.03,
PZ0.04 in the AIT1 group and HR 1.05, 95% CI 1.01–
1.09, PZ0.01 in the AIT2 group).
After adjusting for age, sex, and BMI, in the multi-
variate analysis, the type of AIT and the normalized TV
were confirmed as the main independent factors affecting
the onset time of thyrotoxicosis with a HR of 2.88 (95% CI
1.76–4.55, P!0.0001) and 1.03 (95% CI 1.01–1.04,
P!0.0001) per unit of increment respectively. No
interaction was found between the type of AIT and
normalized TV (PZ0.42).
Onset of thyrotoxicosis during amiodarone therapy is
usually considered to be unpredictable (1, 3, 7) and has
been reported to occur at any time during therapy as well
as after drug withdrawal. However, no studies have so far
investigated as to whether differences exist in the onset
time of the two main forms of AIT.
The present retrospective study of a large cohort of
patients is the first report of a significant difference in the
onsettime of thyrotoxicosis of the twoforms of AIT. The time
elapsed from initiation of amiodarone therapy and occur-
rence of thyrotoxicosis was much shorter in AIT1 than in
AIT2, themedian time being 3.5and 30 months respectively.
This observation is consistent with previous limited
observations in small series and the different pathogenic
mechanisms of the two forms of AIT (6, 12, 17). AIT1 is
a form of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism arising in
a thyroid gland with underlying functional autonomy;
in these patients, iodine load may rapidly trigger
an increased thyroid hormone synthesis. Conversely,
AIT2, being a destructive thyroiditis due to a direct
cytotoxic effect of amiodarone or iodine (1, 3, 18, 19),
may imply that a high intrathyroid drug concentration
may be reached before the damage of thyroid follicular
cells becomes evident at a clinical level (20).
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Percentage of patientsPercentage of patients
5 1015202530
35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Figure 2
Percentage of patients developing amiodarone-induced
thyrotoxicosis (AIT) from the beginning of amiodarone
therapy in type 1 AIT (nZ42 patients, A) and type 2 AIT
(nZ158 patients, B).
Percentage of patients
5 101520
Figure 3
Time distance from the withdrawal of amiodarone therapy and
the onset of thyrotoxicosis in the 36 type 2 AIT patients
developing thyrotoxicosis after amiodarone withdrawal.
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Clinical Study L Tomisti and others Onset time of AIT depends
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However, AIT2 may also have an abrupt and explosive
onset at any time during amiodarone therapy (21). In fact,
although the mean onset time was 30 months in AIT2
patients, w15% of subjects developed thyrotoxicosis
after !12 months of amiodarone therapy.
In addition, we observed that w20% of AIT2 patients
developed thyrotoxicosis after amiodarone withdrawal,
probably due to the long storage time and the slow release
of amiodarone and its main metabolite, desethylamiodar-
one, from the adipose tissue, which prolong and maintain
exposure of the thyroid gland to amiodarone. This is in
keeping with the observation that onset time of thyro-
significantly from that of patients who developed thyro-
toxicosis during amiodarone therapy. This event was
rarely observed in AIT1 (!5%), which is associated with
an earlier occurrence of thyrotoxicosis.
Despite the clear-cut difference in the average onset
time of AIT1 and AIT2, there was a partial overlap between
the two forms. A possible reason for the presence of a
longer onset time in a small subset of AIT1 patients may be
a concomitant destructive process (mixed forms) accoun-
table for a longer onset time. However, w70% of AIT1
patients but only 5% of AIT2 patients developed AIT
within 6 months. At variance, in 70% of AIT2 patients,
thyrotoxicosis developed after 2 years, while only 10%
of AIT1 has such a long onset time. The interval between
initiation of amiodarone therapy and occurrence of AIT,
nevertheless, cannot be used, alone, to distinguish the two
forms of AIT in individual patients.
Another independent determinant of the onset time of
thyrotoxicosis was the TV. We have previously reported that
the normalized TV is an independent factor affecting the
response to glucocorticoid therapy in AIT2 patients (11).
In this study, we have found that a larger TV was related to a
shorter onset time of thyrotoxicosis, confirming that the
thyroid size plays a role in development and severity of AIT.
It is noteworthy that the TV is calculated at the moment of
the diagnosis of AIT. This is a limitation of our study due to its
retrospective design. However, no data regarding modifi-
cation of the TV in patients under amiodarone therapy have
been currently reported. Thus, being so we have considered
the TV, estimated at the timeof diagnosis of AIT, to be a good
proxy for thebasal TV. As a matter of fact, a prospective study
by Silva et al.(22) did not find any correlation among the
time of use, the daily dose and the cumulative dose of
amiodarone, and the detection of goiter in a subset of
patients taking amiodarone because of Chagas disease. This
information may support the concept that TV should not be
significantly affected by the amiodarone therapy.
It has been previously observed that a lower BMI may
be an independent risk factor for the development of AIT
(23). However, our study failed to find a relationship
between the onset time of thyrotoxicosis and BMI. It is
worth noting that patients described in the study by Stan
et al.(23) had congenital cardiomyopathy and a normal to
low BMI, at variance with patients of the present series.
In conclusion, our data showed that patients with AIT1
have a shorter median onset time of thyrotoxicosis than
those with AIT2. In patients under amiodarone therapy,
evaluation of thyroid function is usually recommended
at 6-month intervals (1,2,3,24). Based on the present data,
we suggest a closer follow-up (i.e. every 1–3 months) for
the patients with preexisting thyroid abnormalities
(autonomous multinodular goiter or latent Graves’ disease)
who may develop AIT1.
By contrast, in patients with a normal thyroid gland
we cannot provide a follow-up plan able to guarantee an
early diagnosis of AIT because of the large variability of
their onset time. In addition, the onset of thyrotoxicosis is
often sudden and the clinical features of thyrotoxicosis
may be atypical and mild, mainly in older patients. As
a result, evaluation of thyroid function should be
performed, at any time, in patients under amiodarone
therapy showing an unexpected worsening of cardiac
conditions and in patients, also taking warfarin therapy,
showing an unexplained increased sensitivity to antico-
agulant therapy (25).
However, in patients under amiodarone therapy
showing no signs of thyrotoxicosis, we believe that a
thyroid function test should be periodically performed
because the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis might be strongly
delayed by the atypical clinical features often observed.
Table 2 Factors associated with the onset time, evaluated by
the Cox regression model. Factors associated with the onset
time were evaluated using univariate analysis by the Cox
regression model.
HR 95% CI P
AIT type 4.20 2.90–5.96 !0.0001
Age (years) 0.99 0.98–1.00 0.435
Sex 0.81 0.58–1.16 0.257
BMI 1.02 0.98–1.05 0.206
TV norm 1.05 1.03–1.06 !0.0001
Type 1 AIT, a larger thyroid volume, and a larger body surface area were
associated with a shorter onset time; BSA, body surface area calculated
using the Mosteller formula, as described previously; TV norm, normalized
thyroid volume obtained by dividing thyroid volume by body surface area;
HR, hazard ratio.
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Clinical Study L Tomisti and others Onset time of AIT depends
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Finally, thyroid function should be monitored for at
least 2 years after amiodarone withdrawal, particularly in
patients without apparent thyroid abnormalities.
Declaration of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be
perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported.
This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency
in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.
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Received 2 April 2014
Revised version received 30 May 2014
Accepted 16 June 2014
European Journal of Endocrinology
Clinical Study L Tomisti and others Onset time of AIT depends
on type
171:3 368
... Sono globalmente riconosciuti due tipi di AIT: tipo 1 (AIT1), una forma di ipertiroidismo iodio-indotto, e tipo 2 (AIT2), una forma di tiroidite distruttiva con conseguente tireotossicosi sostenuta dalla fuoriuscita di ormoni tiroidei preformati [1,2]. L'AIT1 il più spesso si sviluppa in una ghiandola tiroidea con una preesistente autonomia funzionale a causa del carico iodico che induce rapidamente (mediana 3,5 mesi [11]) un'iperproduzione ormonale tramite effetto Jod-Basedow; in una minoranza di pazienti, invece, l'AIT1 si realizza per "disinibizione" di un morbo di Basedow latente. L'AIT2 può svilupparsi sia in assenza sia in presenza di patologia tiroidea pre-esistente [12], il più spesso dopo un'esposizione più prolungata all'amiodarone (mediana 30 mesi [11]). ...
... L'AIT1 il più spesso si sviluppa in una ghiandola tiroidea con una preesistente autonomia funzionale a causa del carico iodico che induce rapidamente (mediana 3,5 mesi [11]) un'iperproduzione ormonale tramite effetto Jod-Basedow; in una minoranza di pazienti, invece, l'AIT1 si realizza per "disinibizione" di un morbo di Basedow latente. L'AIT2 può svilupparsi sia in assenza sia in presenza di patologia tiroidea pre-esistente [12], il più spesso dopo un'esposizione più prolungata all'amiodarone (mediana 30 mesi [11]). È stata ipotizzata l'esistenza di una sovrapposizione tra AIT1 e AIT2, a identificare le cosiddette forme di "AIT di tipo misto" nelle quali coesisterebbe una componente di iperproduzione di ormoni tiroidei iodioindotta e una componente di liberazione di ormoni tiroidei in conseguenza di un danno distruttivo; poiché non esiste una letteratura al riguardo, la reale entità di questa sovrapposizione e, di conseguenza, la reale prevalenza di queste forme è motivo di discussione tra gli autori [9], con alcuni che sostengono una forte sovrapposizione tra le due (e, di conseguenza, un'alta prevalenza delle forme "miste") e altri che sostengono una scarsa sovrapposizione tra le due (e, di conseguenza, una bassa prevalenza delle forme "miste"), con importanti implicazioni nell'approccio terapeutico (Fig. 2). ...
... In virtù del diverso meccanismo fisiopatologico, il tempo di esordio della tireotossicosi dall'iniziale somministrazione di amiodarone è minore nella AIT1 e maggiore nella AIT2, con una mediana rispettivamente di 3,5 e 30 mesi [11]; questo dato anamnestico è uno strumento utile nell'orientamento diagnostico tra le due forme di AIT, sebbene non completamente conclusivo in considerazione di una certa sovrapposizione tra i tempi di esordio nelle due forme. ...
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Sommario L’amiodarone è un antiaritmico che esercita importanti effetti sulla fisiologia tiroidea e nel 20% dei casi determina lo sviluppo di ipotiroidismo o di tireotossicosi. La tireotossicosi indotta da amiodarone (AIT) è gravata da alti tassi di morbidità e mortalità, dovuti alla lunga esposizione di un cuore “malato” a un importante eccesso di ormoni tiroidei spesso poco responsivo alla terapia medica. Negli ultimi anni recenti acquisizioni in tema di diagnosi e terapia hanno permesso un approccio più moderno all’AIT.
... Incidencia tyreotoxikózy je udávaná od 3 -9 % (13). Uvedený patofyziologický dej sa dominantne uplatňuje u pacientov s preexistujúcou tyreopatiou (struma s autonómnou funkciou) (7,14). ...
... AIT môže vzplanúť hocikedy počas užívania amiodarónu a taktiež aj niekoľko mesiacov po jeho vysadení, vzhľadom na jeho významnú lipofilitu a dlhý biologický polčas (5,14,17). ...
... АмИТ1 часто развивается на фоне предшествующей патологии ЩЖ (многоузлового зоба, латентного течения болезни Грейвса), тогда как АмИТ2 чаще встречается среди пациентов с интактной ЩЖ. Медиана манифестации АмИТ1 составляет 3,5 мес от начала терапии, АмИТ2 может дебютировать значительно позже, медиана манифестации -30 мес [11]. ...
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Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disorder in patients with chronic heart failure. One of the most effective antiarrhythmic drugs for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmia is amiodarone. In the group of patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and low left ventricular ejection fraction, it is the drug of choice when conducting a „rhythm control“ strategy. Patients receiving amiodarone often develop an adverse event – amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, which exacerbates the course of cardiovascular pathology. In this article, we consider a clinical case of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis in a 30-year-old patient with dilated cardiomyopathy and agranulocytosis that developed against the background of thyrostatic therapy.
... Differentiating between the two types of amiodaroneinduced hyperthyroidism is important because the treatment is different for each ( Table 4). The onset of Type I typically occurs earlier, around a few months after initiation of amiodarone treatment while Type II typically occurs much later with a median onset of 30 months [40]. The presence of a nodular goiter suggests iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, whereas the absence of thyroid enlargement suggests inflammatory thyroiditis. ...
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Purpose: Thyroiditis refers to a set of inflammatory disorders involving the destruction of normal thyroid follicular tissue. Each disorder has distinctive histology and pathology. Understanding each condition in the thyroiditis frame is crucial for physicians. Main: This review categorizes thyroiditis into two groups based on the presence or absence of tenderness: painful and painless. This paper reviews the primary etiologies, diagnostic modalities, and treatment options for each condition. The painful thyroiditis comprises subacute, infectious, radiation, trauma-induced thyroiditis, and rarely Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The painless group consists of subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis, postpartum thyroiditis, drug-induced thyroiditis, and fibrous thyroiditis. Findings: In the painful group, the primary etiology of subacute thyroiditis is viral, including SARS-CoV-2, which has been reported recently, and the main etiology of the infectious subgroup is bacterial infections. Symptom management and pain relief are the mainstays of treatment for painful conditions. The painless group typically progresses from transient hyperthyroidism to euthyroidism to hypothyroidism before resolving. Autoimmune and genetics, HLA-DR3, likely contribute to subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis. Certain medications , including interferon-alpha (HVC management), IL2 Tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (cancer management), amiodarone, lithium, and checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy (CTLA-4 and PCD-1) are found to be related to thyroiditis. Fibrous thyroiditis is usually associated with systemic fibrous disease. Conclusion: A comprehensive understanding of each thyroiditis condition's etiology and clinical presentation is important to accurately diagnose, appropriately manage, and counsel patients on the risk for permanent hypothyroidism that may require long-term thyroid replacement therapy.
... По данным ретроспективного исследования 65 пациентов с субклиническим тиреотоксикозом, проведенного в Нидерландах, только у 16 (24,6%) пациентов развился манифестный АиТ, из 49 пациентов с субклиническим АиТ 22 пациента спонтанно вернулись к состоянию эутиреоза, а у 27 пациентов сохранилось состояние субклинического тиреотоксикоза в течение 3,4 года наблюдений [4]. Отмечено, что к формированию АиТ чаще предрасположены мужчины, нежели женщины [11,12], и лица молодого возраста [13]. В американском ретроспективном анализе выявлено, что АиТ чаще встречается у лиц с более низкой массой тела (ИМТ<21 кг/м 2 ) [14,15]. ...
Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic drug that is widely used in clinical practice to control various types of arrhythmias. One of the most significant side effects of amiodarone therapy is thyroid dysfunction, which is observed in about 15–20% of patients. This article presents a clinical case of a 55-year-old patient with a paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation, for which amiodarone therapy was performed with the development of manifest amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, refractory to drug therapy with glucocorticosteroids and thyrostatics. Due to the ineffectiveness of drug therapy, a total thyroidectomy was performed, which led to a rapid resolution of thyrotoxicosis and normalization of the heart rhythm.
... It occurs earlier in type 1 disease, and later in type 2 disease 83 . If AIT develops after discontinuation of amiodarone therapy, it is more likely to be type 2 83 . In a study conducted in an area with deficient iodine intake, it was found that 38% of patients with AIT previously had multinodular goiter, 29% had nodular goiter, and 33% had a morphologically normal thyroid, which was confirmed by ultrasound 61 . ...
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Thyroid gland has a key role in maintaining the body homeostasis. Thyroxine is the main hormone secreted from the thyroid gland, its effect being predominantly achieved after the intracellular conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine, which exhibits a higher affinity for the receptor complex, thus modifying gene expression of the target cells. Amiodarone is one of the most commonly used antiarrhythmics in the treatment of a broad spectrum of arrhythmias, usually tachyarrhythmias. Amiodarone contains a large proportion of iodine, which is, in addition to the intrinsic effect of the medication, the basis of the impact on thyroid function. It is believed that 15%-20% of patients treated with amiodarone develop some form of thyroid dysfunction. Amiodarone may cause amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism (AIH) or amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT). AIT is usually developed in the areas with too low uptake of iodine, while AIH is developed in the areas where there is a sufficient iodine uptake. Type 1 AIT is more common among patients with an underlying thyroid pathology, such as nodular goiter or Graves' (Basedow's) disease, while type 2 mostly develops in a previously healthy thyroid. AIH is more common in patients with previously diagnosed Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Combined types of the diseases have also been described. Patients treated with amiodarone should be monitored regularly, including laboratory testing and clinical examinations, to early detect any deviations in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Supplementary levothyroxine therapy is the basis of AIH treatment. In such cases, amiodarone therapy quite often need not be discontinued. Type 1 AIT is treated with thyrostatic agents, like any other type of thyrotoxicosis. If possible, the underlying amiodarone therapy should be discontinued. In contrast to type 1 AIT, the basic pathophysiological substrate of which is the increased synthesis and release of thyroid hormones, the basis of type 2 AIT is destructive thyroiditis caused by amiodarone, desethylamiodarone as its main metabolite, and an increased iodine uptake. Glucocorticoid therapy is the basis of treatment for this type of disease.
... Studier tyder på at prevalensen av amiodaronindusert tyreotoksikose er 3-5 % blant pasienter behandlet med amiodaron i områder med tilstrekkelig jodinntak (8), og risikoen øker med kumulativ amiodarondose. Type I debuterer ofte tidlig e er oppstart av behandling med amiodaron (median 3,5 måneder), type II senere (median 30 md.) (9). Saerlig type II kan manifesteres e er at amiodaronbehandling er avslu et. ...
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We see an increasing number of patients with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. This condition can be treated pharmacologically, but treatment over several months may give rise to adverse reactions. In most cases we recommend that amiodarone therapy be continued despite newly detected thyrotoxicosis. Particularly in cases of heart failure, one should not wait too long before considering thyroidectomy. Treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis must be delivered with close collaboration between endocrinologist and cardiologist.
Objectives: Through the use of FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS) dataset, this study analyzes the pattern of time-to-event (TTE) for drugs and adverse events, and suggest ways to identify candidate late-onset events for monitoring. Methods: The duration between administration date of the drug and the onset of adverse events was explored with using FAERS data from 2012-2021. The fold change of proportional reporting ratios or reporting odds ratios were calculated to identify enriched events in the later period and to suggest the late-onset events for further monitoring. To compare the findings, we used the claims database of the Korean National Health Insurance Service (NHIS). Results: A total of 1,426,781 reports were included. The median TTE was 10 days (interquartile range [IQR]: 0-98 days), with 11.5% (n = 164,093) reporting events that occurred at least one year after administration. TTE and fold change analysis captured historical cases of late-onset events, while generating an additional less-explored list of events. The results for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors were compared using the NHIS dataset. Conclusion: Our study provides a comprehensive analysis of the FAERS dataset, focusing on TTE data. Periodic summarization of reports would be helpful in monitoring the late-onset events.
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Pancreatitis is a very rare complication of methimazole and carbimazole therapy. We describe a case of possible carbimazole-associated pancreatitis. A 41-year-old Asian man (with no comorbidities) reported to the hospital with atrial fibrillation and a fast ventricular rate. He was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism due to Graves disease. His rhythm was reverted with amiodarone, and carbimazole was initiated at 15 mg daily for the medical management of Graves disease. Fifteen days later, he presented with acute severe abdominal pain and vomiting with elevated serum amylase 387 U/L (reference range, 28-100 U/L) and lipase levels 206 U/L (reference range, 13-60 U/L). Magnetic resonance imaging showed a bulky pancreas with extensive extrapancreatic fat stranding suggestive of acute pancreatitis. Considering the possibility of carbimazole-related pancreatitis, the drug was withheld. He was managed conservatively, and his pancreatic enzymes normalized within 1 week. The observation suggests that the pancreatitis was a consequence of the therapy with carbimazole. Although it is a rare occurrence, patients taking carbimazole who report abdominal discomfort and vomiting should be evaluated for pancreatitis.
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Objective: To review the literature regarding the interaction among amiodarone therapy, thyroid hormone levels, and warfarin metabolism. Methods: A 73-year-old male with type 2 after describing an unusual case of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) who experienced a severe rise in international normalized ratio (INR) values after initiating warfarin therapy due to an unusual combination of excessive thyroid hormones, amiodarone therapy, and a genetic abnormality affecting warfarin metabolism. Results: Genetic analysis revealed that the patient was CYP2C9*2 wild-type, CYP2C9*3/*3 homozygous mutant, and VKORC1*3/*3 homozygous mutant. A review of the literature revealed that both mutations can independently affect warfarin metabolism. In addition, amiodarone therapy and the presence of thyrotoxicosis per se can affect warfarin metabolism and reduce the dose needed to maintain INR in the therapeutic range. The association of the 2 genetic polymorphisms in a patient with AIT is extremely rare and strongly impairs warfarin metabolism, exposing the patient to a high risk of overtreatment. Conclusions: In patients with AIT, warfarin therapy should be gradually introduced, starting with a very low dose, because of the significant risk of warfarin overtreatment. Whether the genetic analysis of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphisms should be routinely performed in AIT patients remains conjectural.
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Amiodarone-induced thyroid dysfunction occurs in 15-20% of amiodarone-treated patients. Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism (AIH) does not pose relevant problems, is easily controlled by L-thyroxine replacement, and does not require amiodarone withdrawal. Most frequently AIH develops in patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Amiodarone- induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) is most frequently due to destructive thyroiditis (type 2 AIT) causing discharge of thyroid hormones from the damaged, but otherwise substantially normal gland. Less frequently AIT is a form of hyperthyroidism (type 1 AIT) caused by the iodine load in a diseased gland (nodular goiter, Graves' disease). A clearcut differentiation between the two main forms is not always possible, despite recent diagnostic advances. As a matter of fact, mixed or indefinite forms do exist, contributed to by both thyroid damage and increased thyroid hormone synthesis. Treatment of type 1 (and mixed forms) AIT is based on the use of thionamides, a short course of potassium perchlorate and, if treatment is not rapidly effective, oral glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids are the first-line treatment for type 2 AIT. Amiodarone should be discontinued, if feasible from a cardiac standpoint. Continuation of amiodarone has recently been associated with a delayed restoration of euthyroidism and a higher chance of recurrence after glucocorticoid withdrawal. Whether amiodarone treatment can be safely reinstituted after restoration of euthyroidism is still unknown. In rare cases of AIT resistance to standard treatments, or when a rapid restoration of euthyroidism is advisable, total thyroidectomy represents a valid alternative. Radioiodine treatment is usually not feasible due to the low thyroidal iodine uptake.
Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) occurs in both abnormal (type I) and apparently normal (type II) thyroid glands due to iodine-induced excessive thyroid hormone synthesis in patients with nodular goiter or latent Graves' disease (type I) or to a thyroid-destructive process caused by amiodarone or iodine (type II). Twenty-four consecutive AIT patients, 12 type I and 12 type II, were evaluated prospectively. Sex, age, severity of thyrotoxicosis, and cumulative amiodarone dose were similar. Type II patients had higher serum interleukin-6 (IL-6; median, 440 vs. 173 fmol/L; P < 0.001), but lower serum thyroglobulin levels. Several weeks of thionamide therapy in eight type II or prolonged glucocorticoid administration in two type I patients had previously failed to control hyperthyroidism. Type II patients were given prednisone (initial dose, 40 mg/day) for 3 months and achieved normal free T3 and IL-6 after an average of 8 and 6 days, respectively. Exacerbation of thyrotoxicosis with increased serum IL-...
The relationship between thyroid volume and anthropometric characteristics is a matter of controversy. The aim of this study was to investigate thyroid volume and its determinants in healthy adult subjects from a noniodine-deficient area. Of the 280 000 inhabitants of the city, served by L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, we randomly selected 880 subjects from the census of the city. The participation rate in the study was 44%; after application of several exclusion criteria, a further 28 subjects were excluded because of previously diagnosed thyroid disease. We finally studied 268 subjects representative of the census of the city: 134 male and 134 female, without thyroid disease. We determined the anthropometric characteristics, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, body surface area; body composition by bioelectrical impedance analyser; thyroid volume by ultrasonography; basal TSH, antithyroid antibodies and urinary iodine excretion. Thyroid volume in our population was higher in males (9.19 ml, CI 9.09–10.65) than in females (6.19 ml, CI 6.02–6.92), P = 0.001. Significant correlations were found among thyroid volume and body weight (r = 0.39, P = 0.0001), height (r = 0.44, P = 0.0001), body mass index (r = 0.13, P = 0.02), waist-hip ratio (r = 0.38, P = 0.0001), body surface area (r = 0.48, P = 0.0001), total body water (r = 0.14, P = 0.02), free fat mass (r = 0.47, P = 0.0001), fat mass (r = 0.37, P = 0.001) and body fat (r = 0.32, P = 0.001). Negative correlation was found between thyroid volume and basal TSH (r = −0.26, P = 0.001). No correlations were found among thyroid volume and iodine excretion, previous pregnacies in women, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. In a multiple regression analysis with thyroid volume as the dependent variable, body surface area was demonstrated to account for the 44% of variation of thyroid volume (P = 0.0001). It is important to know the reference values of the thyroid volume in a population free of iodine deficiency and its determinants. Body surface area accounts for much of the variation of thyroid volume. Age, gender, anthropometric variables, body composition variables and biological variables, do not significantly influence the thyroid volume when considered as possible additions to this baseline model.
Amiodarone is a benzofuranic-derivative iodine-rich drug widely used for the treatment of tachyarrhythmias and, to a lesser extent, of ischemic heart disease. It often causes changes in thyroid function tests (typically an increase in serum T(4) and rT(3), and a decrease in serum T(3), concentrations), mainly related to the inhibition of 5'-deiodinase activity, resulting in a decrease in the generation of T(3) from T(4) and a decrease in the clearance of rT(3). In 14-18% of amiodarone-treated patients, there is overt thyroid dysfunction, either amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) or amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism (AIH). Both AIT and AIH may develop either in apparently normal thyroid glands or in glands with preexisting, clinically silent abnormalities. Preexisting Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a definite risk factor for the occurrence of AIH. The pathogenesis of iodine-induced AIH is related to a failure to escape from the acute Wolff-Chaikoff effect due to defects in thyroid hormonogenesis, and,
Many modern microelectronic chips contain embedded memory arrays. A typical memory bit-cell contains several transistors. Failure of a single transistor or contact within a bit cell makes the entire bit cell inoperable. A dual-beam Focused Ion Beam (FIB) tool combines milling capability with in situ Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging, which is very useful for identifying the root cause when a physical defect is present. This paper describes the slice-and-view FIB technique for failure analysis (FA) in memory arrays. Several failure mechanisms have been identified, in-cluding missing patterns, killer particle defects, shorted and open stack vias. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)/ Scanning TEM (STEM) analysis was able to provide additional information when SEM resolution was not sufficient. Processes were adjusted appropriately leading to yield enhancement. Ó 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) is a recognized complication of amiodarone treatment with limited management options. Its predisposing factors are incompletely defined yet a higher prevalence was reported in adults with congenital heart disease (CHD). Therefore we sought to determine the incidence and risk factors for AIT in adults with CHD. Methods: At a tertiary care center we followed a historical cohort of amiodarone-treated CHD patients for the period 1987-2009. Follow-up concluded at AIT diagnosis or with last thyroid assessment on amiodarone. Cumulative incidence of AIT was calculated. AIT association with nutritional status was hypothesized a priori. Results: AIT developed in 23/169 patients or 13.6%. The AIT incidence peaked in the 3rd year at 7.7%. AIT patients had a lower body mass index (BMI) at AMIO initiation compared with the rest of the cohort (mean ± standard deviation: 21.9 ± 2.9 vs. 25.1 ± 5.0; p<0.001). Patients with BMI<21 were more likely to develop thyrotoxicosis (RR=6.1) compared to those with BMI>25 (p<0.001). Presence of goiter was strongly associated with AIT (RR 3.6, p=0.002). Affected patients had a trend for higher cyanotic heart disease prevalence (34.8% vs. 17.8%, p=0.059). On multivariate analysis body mass index and goiter remained independent predictors of outcome. Conclusions: BMI<21 at initiation of amiodarone therapy and presence of goiter are strong predictors of AIT in this population. Its incidence is time dependent. These predictors can be used clinically in assessing overall impact of amiodarone therapy in congenital heart disease patients.
Amiodarone is frequently associated with thyroid dysfunction. Identifying predictors for amiodarone-associated thyroid dysfunction and assessing treatment outcome may aid clinicians in daily practice. We included 303 consecutive patients with amiodarone therapy for cardiac arrhythmias (260 with atrial fibrillation and 43 with ventricular arrhythmias). Thyroid function tests were performed every 6 months. Mean age was 63 ± 12 years and 66% was male. After median follow-up of 3·3 (0·1-24) years, 23 (8%) patients developed amiodarone-associated thyrotoxicosis (incidence rate 1·9 per 100 person years) and 18 (6%) hypothyroidism (incidence rate 1·1 per 100 person years). The only predictor for amiodarone-associated thyrotoxicosis was age <62 years [HR = 2·4 (95% CI 1·0-5·7), P = 0·05]. Predictors for amiodarone-associated hypothyroidism were thyroid stimulating hormone >1·4 mU/l at baseline [HR = 5·1 (95% CI 1·1-22·4), P = 0·03], left ventricular ejection fraction <45% [HR = 3·8 (95% CI 1·1-13·3), P = 0·04] and diabetes mellitus at baseline [HR = 3·3 (95% CI 1·1-10·3), P = 0·04]. Gender was not a predictor for amiodarone-associated thyroid dysfunction. Five out of 12 (42%) patients with thyrotoxicosis exhibited spontaneous normalization of thyroid function on continuation of amiodarone therapy. Mean time to normalization in the total group was 6·2 ± 3·3 months, with no difference between continuing or discontinuing amiodarone (6·6 ± 3·8 vs 5·8 ± 2·8 months, P = 0·5). During median follow-up of 3·3 years, the incidence of amiodarone-associated thyrotoxicosis was higher compared to hypothyroidism. Only general predictors for amiodarone-associated thyroid dysfunction were observed. Discontinuation of amiodarone did not influence treatment outcome.
Over the years, several drugs used in the treatment of nonthyroidal conditions have been shown to affect thyroid function. As novel drugs are introduced, novel interactions are described. The aim of this review is to summarize clinically relevant thyroidal side effects of drugs used for nonthyroidal conditions. Special focus is given to recent developments and to drugs with the largest clinical relevance. Thyrosine kinase inhibitors are novel drugs used in the treatment of several neoplasias, including thyroid cancer. Thyroidal side effects are being increasingly detected with these drugs. Some drugs in this category affect thyroid hormone metabolism and therefore only affect patients on thyroid replacement. Others affect the thyroid directly profoundly, causing primary hypothyroidism. Immune modulators used in infectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic conditions also cause hyper- and hypothyroidism, through poorly understood immune or nonimmune mechanisms. The effects of amiodarone on the thyroid have been long recognized. However, given the complexity of these effects, several areas in this field remain problematic, such as the identification of subtypes of hyperthyroidism and the best treatment strategies. Lithium also has important antithyroid effects and it is a commonly prescribed medication. Its antithyroid effects may have clinical utility in selected clinical situations. Other drugs known to affect thyroid hormone absorption, metabolism, and transport are also briefly reviewed. Several drugs are known to alter thyroid function as a side effect of their primary pharmacological action. Some of these effects have been recognized for decades, but novel thyroid-drug interactions are being recognized as new drugs are developed. It is important for the clinician to be familiar with thyroid-drug interactions, as enhanced surveillance may be necessary in patients undergoing therapies known to affect thyroid function.