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Occupational Exposures in Healthcare Workers in University Hospital Dubrava - 10 Year Follow-up Study



Occupational hazardous exposure in healthcare workers is any contact with a material that carries the risk of acquiring an infection during their working activities. Among the most frequent viral occupational infections are those transmitted by blood such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Therefore, they represent a significant public health problem related to the majority of documented cases of professionally acquired infections. Reporting of occupational exposures in University Hospital Dubrava has been implemented in connection with the activity of the Committee for Hospital Infections since January 2002. During the period of occupational exposures' monitoring (from January 2002 to December 2011) 451 cases were reported. The majority of occupational exposures were reported by nurses and medical technicians (55.4%). The most common type of exposure was the needlestick injury (77.6%). 27.9% of the accidents occurred during the blood sampling and 23.5% during the surgical procedure. In 59.4% of the exposed workers aHBs-titer status was assessed as satisfactory. Positive serology with respect to HBV was confirmed in 1.6% of patients, HCV in 2.2% of patients and none for HIV. Cases of professionally acquired infections were not recorded in the registry. Consequences of the occupational exposure could include the development of professional infection, ban or inability to work further in health care services and last but not least a threat to healthcare workers life. It is therefore deemed necessary to prevent occupational exposure to blood-borne infections. The most important preventive action in respect to HBV, HCV and HIV infections is nonspecific pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Cent Eur J Public Health 2013; 21 (3): 150–154
Occupational hazardous exposure in healthcare workers is any contact with a material that carries the risk of acquiring an infection during their
working activities. Among the most frequent viral occupational infections are those transmitted by blood such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis
C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Therefore, they represent a significant public health problem related to the majority of
documented cases of professionally acquired infections. Reporting of occupational exposures in University Hospital Dubrava has been implemented
in connection with the activity of the Committee for Hospital Infections since January 2002. During the period of occupational exposures’ monitoring
(from January 2002 to December 2011) 451 cases were reported. The majority of occupational exposures were reported by nurses and medical
technicians (55.4%). The most common type of exposure was the needlestick injury (77.6%). 27.9% of the accidents occurred during the blood
sampling and 23.5% during the surgical procedure. In 59.4% of the exposed workers aHBs-titer status was assessed as satisfactory. Positive
serology with respect to HBV was confirmed in 1.6% of patients, HCV in 2.2% of patients and none for HIV. Cases of professionally acquired
infections were not recorded in the registry. Consequences of the occupational exposure could include the development of professional infection,
ban or inability to work further in health care services and last but not least a threat to healthcare workers life. It is therefore deemed necessary
to prevent occupational exposure to blood-borne infections. The most important preventive action in respect to HBV, HCV and HIV infections is
nonspecific pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Key words: healthcare worker, HBV, HCV, HIV, needlestick injury, occupational exposure
Address for correspondence: T. Serdar, Avenija Gojka Suska 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail:
Tihana Serdar1, Lovorka Đerek1, Adriana Unić1, Domagoj Marijančević1, Durda Marković2, Ana Primorac3,
Mladen Petrovečki1, 4
1Clinical Department for Laboratory Diagnostics, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
2Department for Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Infections, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
3Hospital Management, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia
4Department of Medical Informatics, Rijeka University School of Medicine, Croatia
Occupational exposure in healthcare workers is considered any
contact with a material that carries the risk of acquiring an infec-
tion, which occurs during the working activities, either in direct
contact with patients or with body fluids or tissues (1, 2). Profes-
sional or nosocomial infections are infections acquired during the
working hours in health institutions (3). They can be transmitted
by any form of direct or indirect contact (4, 5). However, the
main route of transmission is via blood, which implies contact
with blood and other biological materials (tissue or fluid) that
may contain blood and pathogens that are transmitted by blood
(6). Viral infections are the main blood transmitted infections,
and the most frequent among them are hepatitis B virus (HBV),
hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV). These viruses can be permanently present in the infected
host blood. These infections are characterized by a potentially
significant morbidity and mortality, and consequently, they rep-
resent a significant public health problem related to the majority
of documented cases of professionally acquired infections (6).
According to the previously reported cases of professional
infections in healthcare workers, the total risk for transmission
of infection after occupational exposure is not high (7). The
greatest risk for transmission of HCV, HBV or HIV occurs after
a percutaneous injury, such as needlestick injury and cuts with
sharp objects (scalpels, needles etc.) (7, 8). The possibility of an
infection transmission after occupational exposure to blood-borne
pathogens by percutaneous injury is 2–40% for HBV, 3–10% for
HCV and 0.2–0.5% for HIV (7). Mucocutaneous incidents include
exposure of mucosa and injured skin areas to potentially infectious
body fluids (7, 8). The possibility of an infection transmission
after occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens by muco-
cutaneous injury is described as confirmed for HBV and HIV, and
possible for HCV (7). Transmission of infections by a bite is also
described and can result in infection of a bitten person and also
a person who inflicted the bite (7). Because of the highest viral
load, the exposure to contaminated blood represents the greatest
risk for infection transmission (6).
In 1982, the first official recommendations for the preven-
tion of occupational exposure to blood-borne infections were
published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), when specific imunoprophylaxis with HBV vaccination
of healthcare workers in pre-exposure prophylaxis was introduced
(9, 10). The awareness of the risk of occupational exposure and
infection has become greater with appearance of Human Im-
munodeficiency Virus infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Recommendations for prevention of
HIV transmission in healthcare settings were published in 1987
(11). In 1989, assay for the detection of immunoglobulin G (IgG)
antibodies to hepatitis C virus was developed and since then all
programmes and recommendations for post-exposure prophylaxis
incorporate HBV, HCV and HIV (11, 12).
CDC recommendations for prevention of occupational ex-
posure to blood-borne infections in healthcare workers define
specific and nonspecific pre-exposure and post-exposure prophy-
laxis. The implementation of standard precautions as nonspecific
pre-exposure prophylaxis is the most important preventive meas-
ure for the prevention of occupational exposure to blood-borne
infections in healthcare settings. Nowadays, specific pre-exposure
prophylaxis is available only for HBV and includes specific im-
munoprophylaxis with HBV vaccination (13). Guidelines for the
management of occupational exposures of healthcare workers to
blood and blood-borne pathogens were developed for the purpose
of post-exposure prophylaxis after occupational exposure (2,
14). These refer to the following steps in the procedure: decon-
tamination of the exposure site, immediate report of occupational
exposure, clinical and epidemiological evaluation of risk for HBV,
HCV and HIV infection, serological testing of source patients and
exposed healthcare worker, post-exposure procedure for HBV,
HCV and HIV, and clinical follow-up care (2, 14).
Reporting of occupational exposures at University Hospital
Dubrava has been implemented in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the Reference Centre for Hospital Infections, the
Ministry of Health of Croatia and in connection with the activity
of the Committee for Hospital Infections of University Hospital
Dubrava since January 2002. According to the latest official data
for 2011, University Hospital Dubrava has 600 hospital beds
(94.43% utilization) and 1,865 workers (1,342 medical workers,
123 cleaners and 400 others).
This article shows the way and frequency of occupational ex-
posures reported at University Hospital Dubrava over the period
from January 2002 to December 2011.
Since January 2002, every reported occupational exposure
of healthcare worker in University hospital Dubrava has been
registered by the Committee for Hospital Infections of University
Hospital Dubrava. Occupational exposure involves needlestick
injuries, cutting and scratching with a sharp object, body fluids
or secretion splashing in the eyes, mouth, on the damaged skin
as well as patients’ bites.
When reporting the occupational exposure, the exposed health-
care worker is educated about the treatment of the wound and
completes a standard form prescribed by the Committee for Hos-
pital Infections. The data concerning the occupational exposure
are entered into the form: name, department and qualifications of
the exposed worker, type of exposure, object that caused the expo-
sure, the working process in which the exposure occurred, and the
type of the body fluids that a healthcare worker was exposed to.
The form also requires information about the patient with
whose body fluid exposed person has been in contact with (name
and surname, identity number, ID number if known). After
recording occupational exposure, the Department for Blood
Transfusion (2002–2007) and thereafter the Clinical Department
for Laboratory Diagnostics (2008–2011), University Hospital
Dubrava, urgently determined pre-existing immunity to HBV
(aHBs-titer) and the initial serological status of exposed workers
for HIV and HCV as well as the serological status of the patient
for HBV, HCV and HIV (within 24 hours of reported occupational
exposure). Serological status was determined using screening
tests: hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and IgM and IgG
antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (aHBC) (IgM + IgG) for
HBV, antibodies to HCV (aHCV) for HCV, antibodies to human
immunodeficiency virus type 1 and/or 2 (aHIV) for HIV.
According to the estimates of the Committee for Hospital Infec-
tions, additional confirmation tests for HBV, HCV and HIV were
carried out. The access to the occupational exposure database is
strictly limited only to the authorized and qualified staff.
Spearman rank correlation was applied to assess the sig-
nificance trend over time in number of reported occupational
exposures. The level of p<0.05 was considered statistically
significant. Statistical analyses were performed using MedCalc statistical software (MedCalc, Mariakerke, Belgium).
From January 2002 to December 2011 (period of monitoring
the occupational exposures), 451 cases were reported. Annual
review is shown in Table 1 (r=0.77, p=0.008).
Table 1 shows the frequency of occupational exposures ac-
cording to the qualifications and gender of healthcare workers at
University Hospital Dubrava during the observed period. Employ-
ees of Surgery Clinic reported accidents most frequently (63.0%),
followed by the Departments of the Clinic of Internal Medicine
(22.6%) and other departments such as dialysis, different labora-
tories, neurology, psychiatry, incinerator, and radiology (14.4%).
The most common type of exposure is the needlestick injury
(69.6%), followed by cuts with a sharp object (23.5%), splashing
of body fluids or secretions in the eyes, mouth or damaged skin
(4.7%), scratching with a sharp object (2.0%), and bite (0.2%).
Table 2 shows the distribution of occupational exposures ac-
cording to the operating procedures during which the exposure
occurred. The needle is the object that caused the majority of
accidents (69.6%), followed by scalpel (14.2%) and other sharp
objects (16.2%). Other sharp objects include electrocauteries,
endoscopic clippers, forceps, bone fragment, hip fragment, lancet,
levers, rotary saws, glass, sternal wires, scissors, razor wire, and
other unknown objects. The most common type of body fluid to
which a healthcare worker was exposed during the incident was
blood (84.7%), while the remaining cases (15.3%) were urine,
saliva, stool, contents of the drain, and the unknown fluid.
59.4% of the exposed healthcare workers status had protective
aHBs-titer (aHBs>100 IU/L) and in 19.5% the level of antibodies
was not satisfactory (aHBs<100 IU/L). In 21.1% of the exposed
workers the value of aHBs-titer was not measured. After examin-
ing the laboratory results of serological status of patients for HBV,
HCV and HIV status as well as aHBs for healthcare worker, the
Committee for Hospital Infections prescribed the intervention in
35.0% of the exposed workers in the form of additional booster
doses of HBV vaccine or complete vaccination for HBV. Sero-
logical status of patients as regards HBV was reported negative
in 71.4% of reported occupational exposures, and was confirmed
positive in 1.6% of patients. 27.0% remained undetermined. In
71.0% of reported occupational exposures, the result of HCV
testing was negative in patients, in 2.2% was confirmed positive,
and in 26.8% it remained undetermined. The results of testing for
HIV showed a negative result in 73.6% of reported incidents, and
26.4% remained undetermined.
The 10-year follow-up of occupational exposures in healthcare
workers at University Hospital Dubrava has shown an increase
in the number of reported events. The number of unreported ac-
cidents remains unknown. An increase in the number of reported
occupational exposures may be due to continuous education and
raising awareness of the exposure risk to potentially infectious
biological material and the importance of reporting incidents. It
can also be attributed to the increasing number of medical doctor
residents, interns and also other healthcare workers who started
their professional training during the last 5–7 years.
The number of reported incidents probably does not match the
real state of occupational exposures in healthcare workers. As a
reason for not reporting exposure, the healthcare workers state
the assumption that transmission risk for infection in occupational
exposure is very small, and the prevalence of infection among
hospital patients is low (16). In addition, the stigmatization of the
occupational exposures and conviction of the possible developed
professional infections is still present. Most frequently, nurses and
medical technicians have reported occupational exposures. This
can be explained by the fact that this group of hospital workers
is most frequently in contact with patients and uses objects dur-
ing the medical treatment. Physicians reported less occupational
exposures probably because they believe that they can estimate
the transmission risk for infection themselves before they decide
to report it (16). One of the reasons for not reporting is the insuf-
ficient education of healthcare workers about the procedure and
management of occupational exposures to blood and blood-borne
pathogens. Some studies report that even 16.7% of medical doc-
tors and 14.2% of nurses did not know what to do and were not
aware that they should proceed according to the protocol after
occupational exposure (16).
A significant reduction in the incidence of HBV infection
among healthcare workers in the developed countries occurred
during the 1980s and 1990s. The reason for that was the imple-
mentation of preventive measures, such as universal precaution
measures and HBV vaccination (17). The analysis of reported
occupational exposures has shown that 59.4% of the healthcare
of healthcare worker 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Male/
Medical doctors specialist 2 2 2 4 6 2 4 6 6 2 36 (8.0%) 28/8
Medical doctor resident 1 2 6 3 9 4 8 8 8 8 57 (12.6%) 40/17
Medical doctor intern 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 8 (1.8%) 5/3
Nurse and medical
technician (bacc.) 0 2 1 1 4 2 2 6 3 5 26 (5.8%) 3/23
Nurse and medical
technician 19 12 21 21 30 28 32 37 32 18 250 (55.4%) 26/224
Laboratory technician 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 5 3 15 (3.3%) 2/13
Cleaner 0 2 1 3 5 2 3 4 8 3 31 (6.9%) 0/31
Assistant healthcare worker 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 14 (3.1%) 5/9
Technical stuff 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 (0.2%) 1/0
Nurse in training 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 8 (1.8%) 2/6
Radiology technician 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 5 (1.1%) 2/3
Total (N) 25 21 33 34 58 45 58 69 65 43 451 114/337
Table 1. Distribution of occupational exposures according to the qualications and gender of healthcare workers in University
hospital Dubrava
Working procedure 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total
Injection/Infusion 0 0 6 4 13 7 9 9 10 7 65 (14.4%)
Blood sampling 7 7 10 13 11 13 10 23 21 11 126 (27.9%)
Surgical procedure 8 5 7 6 15 9 14 12 17 13 106 (23.5%)
Cleaning up 3 3 4 5 9 6 9 10 16 4 69 (15.3%)
Other activities 7 6 6 6 10 10 16 15 1 8 85 (18.9%)
Total (N) 25 21 33 34 58 45 58 69 65 43 451
Table 2. Distribution of occupational exposures according to the working procedures at which occupational exposure occurred
workers have satisfactory aHBs-titer status, so further interven-
tion was not needed. In many countries, the number of health-
care workers that underwent HBV vaccination usually does not
exceed 65%, indicating that HBV vaccination is not applied in a
sufficient number of healthcare workers (1, 17, 18). In 1992, the
World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the introduction
of HBV vaccination in all national vaccination calendars (19).
Among the reported occupational exposures with determined
serological status, 7 patients (1.6%) were positive for HBV. The
average prevalence of HBV infection in Croatia is about 2% and
thus belongs to the countries with intermediate prevalence (20).
Immunization for HCV and HIV does not exist. Currently, there
is no available specific prophylaxis for HCV so post-exposure
procedures after occupational exposures to HCV positive blood
include only serological monitoring of exposed healthcare worker
(to determine or rule out seroconversion i.e. occupational HCV in-
fection). Among reported occupational exposures with determined
serological status, 5 patients (1.1%) were positive for HCV. In one
occupational exposure, six healthcare workers were exposed to
HCV-positive blood. Accurate data on the prevalence for chronic
HCV infection in the general population of Croatia is not known.
Based on the information that 1.6% of volunteer blood donors
were positive for anti-HCV as well as other indirect indicators,
HCV infection is certainly not less prevalent than HBV infection
(20). Even though the number of patients with determined HCV
infection is not insignificant, the consoling fact is that the infec-
tion average rate after occupational exposure to HCV is 1.8%
(2). In addition, about 50% of acute HCV infections resolve
spontaneously, so even the introduction of interferon in standard
HCV post-exposure prophylaxis protocol is not currently justi-
fied (21–23). None of the reported occupational exposures with
determined serological status of patients was positive for HIV.
Fortunately, Croatia belongs to countries with low prevalence
of HIV infection (24), with an annual rate of <10 new cases per
million people (24). However, considering possible increase in
the incidence of this infection, it is necessary to have in mind the
possibility of a professional acquisition of HIV infection after
occupational exposure (13).
Among the reported occupational exposures were those with
undetermined serological status of patients for HBV (27.1%),
HCV (26.8%) and HIV (26.4%), respectively, and the most com-
mon cause of this was the impossibility of determining the identity
of patients since the occupational exposure occurred during clean-
ing, and there was only the contact with body fluids. There were
also some failures in completing the protocol after occupational
exposure had occured and subsequently reported. Information
about the infection transmission from infected patients to exposed
healthcare workers were not recorded in the registry. Besides the
patient care, the purpose and aim of every national healthcare
system should be safety and health protection of healthcare work-
ers. Consequences of the occupational exposure could include the
development of professional infection, the inability to continue
in work and a threat to healthcare workers’ life. Therefore it is
necessary to prevent occupational exposure to blood-borne infec-
tion (6). The most important preventive action for HBV, HCV and
HIV infections is nonspecific pre-exposure prophylaxis. Thus an
education about universal precautions to blood-borne infections as
well as applying education in daily work is of a great importance.
One study reported that even 71% of healthcare workers did not
use adequate protection (such as gloves, protection glasses or a
mask) during their nursing and treating patients; this is also in
correlation with results from other studies indicating that there
was poor adherence to universal precautions (25).
In upcoming period in which the accreditation of the University
Hospital Dubrava is expected, the implementation of standards
for control of hospital infection, system of insurance and improv-
ing of quality in healthcare will be certainly set at a higher level.
According to the Document of the Accreditation Standards for
Healthcare Facilities, a programme for prevention and control of
infections related to prevention of occupational exposures will
be developed. The programme will comply with Standards for
Control of Hospital Infection (26). Employees for infection control
will implement a system for detecting, reporting, investigation
and control of infections. Epidemiological studies similar to this
one will help greatly in the analysis of quality indicators used for
control of hospital infections.
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Received June 11, 2012
Accepted in revised form June 27, 2013
Cont. from page 149
Potential for prevention
“The vaccine seems to provide strong protection against oral
HPV infections with the viral types that cause most cancers of the
oropharynx,” said Dr Rolando Herrero from IARC, lead author of
the study. “There are many aspects of the disease that we still don’t
understand, and we need more direct evidence that the vaccine
prevents oropharyngeal cancer, but these results indicate that we
may now have an important tool for primary prevention of these
increasingly common malignancies.”
Risk factors and recent incidence trends
Most oropharyngeal cancers have traditionally been linked
with heavy tobacco and alcohol consumption, but 30% of
oropharyngeal cancers worldwide are now thought to be related
to HPV infection, which is linked to sexual practices, such as
oral sex.
A recent study in the USA showed that over the past 20 years,
the rate of HPV detection in oropharyngeal tumour specimens
increased from 16% to 70%, leading that study’s authors to pos-
tulate that in the next few decades in the USA there may be more
cases of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer than HPV-related
cervical cancer.
“The results of our study demonstrated protection against oral
HPV infection in women. If similar results are observed in men,
vaccination of boys may become an important public health meas-
ure in areas where oropharyngeal and other HPV-related cancers
are relatively common in men,” added Dr Herrero.
Last month, another IARC study in partnership with NCI
showed that antibodies to HPV16 could help detect oropharyngeal
cancer several years before the clinical onset of the disease. Dr
Christopher Wild, Director of IARC, concluded that “both these
results show an exciting area of research that will hopefully lend
itself to public health action and help reduce the burden of HPV-
induced cancers in the medium term.”
For more information, please contact
Véronique Terrasse, Communications Group, at
International Agency for Research on Cancer; World Health
Organization. HPV vaccine could also prevent oropharyngeal
cancer, says IARC [Internet]. Lyon: IARC; 2013 [cited 2013 Sep
25]. Available from:
... Among the exposed HCWs, 59.4% had protective anti-HB titers. HBV seropositivity was 1.6% and HCV seropositivity was 2.2% in tested HCWs [41]. The preliminary results of the HEV seroprevalence testing in a small cohort of HCWs tested in 2014 and 2017 showed seropositivity of 2.7% and 2.0%, respectively [33,42]. ...
Full-text available
Viral hepatitis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Croatia, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are widely distributed, especially in some high-risk groups such as people who inject drugs (PWID), prisoners, and highly promiscuous groups. The seroprevalence of HBV ranges from 7.0% in the general population to 38.8% in PWID, depending on the region. The seroprevalence of HCV is highest among PWID (29–75.5%) as compared to 0.9% in the general population. Analyzing the distribution of HCV genotypes, no substantial changes in the molecular epidemiology of the two most frequent HCV genotypes (1 and 3) in the past 20 years were observed. However, the predominance of subtype 1b compared to subtype 1a as detected in 1996–2005 was not confirmed in 2008–2015. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) incidence was high in the past with a decreasing trend since the 2000s, except for an outbreak in 2017–2018 as part of the large European outbreak, which was mainly among men who have sex with men. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an emerging virus detected for the first time in Croatia in 2012. The seroprevalence of HEV is high among hemodialysis patients (27.9%) and liver transplant recipients (19.3–24.4%). In addition, higher seroprevalence rates were observed in animal-related professions (e.g., veterinarians, 15.2%; hunters, 14.9%). All detected HEV strains belonged to genotype 3.
... Occupational exposure can be described as any accidental contact with blood and/or body fluids during a medical procedure ( Approximately 3 million Health Care Workers (HCWs) experienced percutaneous exposure to blood-borne infections annually owning to NSIs, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (World health organization, 2003). Although the majority of these accidents have no adverse implications, at least 20 distinct blood-borne pathogens, such as hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been reported in literatures to be transmitted by NSIs or other sharp injuries (Rapiti et al., 2005;Serdar et al., 2013). Medical students, especially the undergraduates, are at a higher risk of being exposed in the course of their clinical practices while studying primarily to NSIs and injuries of sharp objects due to their underdeveloped skills, During work or training hours, there is a high risk of being exposed to a potentially contagious injury or a splash of blood or body fluid, since the prevalence of HBV and HCV, as well as HIV, is significantly greater among hospitalized patients than in the general population Salzer et al., 2011;Hofmann et al., 2002;. ...
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Background and aim: Approximately 3 million Health Care Workers are exposed to needle stick injuries (NSIs). Although the majority of these accidents have no sequela, at least 20 distinct pathogens, such as hepatitis B and C viruses or human immunodeficiency virus have been reported to be transmitted by NSIs. This study was conducted to determine medical students’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices of NSIs in Umm AL-Qura University. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted based on an electronic survey formed by Google Forms in April 2022. The survey was distributed to all medical students from the second-year to intern level who is studying at Umm-AL-Qura University. Results: Overall, 359 students were enrolled in this study. Most of the students’ age ranged from 21-23 age groups (63.5%), and most of the participants were males (86.6%). The majority of our participants (64.1%) were aware about NSIs, blood and exposure to body fluid. The majority of students had no previous history of NSI (88.3%), compared with students with positive history (11.7%). Most students completed their three HBV vaccination doses (60.77%). Conclusion: Our study reported NSIs’ knowledge level, attitudes, practices and preventable methods. Medical students would at Umm Al-Qura university benefit from proper education and training to control and limit the incidence of NSIs. Keywords: needle sticks injuries, knowledge, Prevention, medical students, Saudi Arabia
... Approximately 3 million Health Care Workers (HCWs) experienced percutaneous exposure to blood-borne infections annually owning to NSIs, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (World health organization, 2003). Although the majority of these accidents have no adverse implications, at least 20 distinct blood-borne pathogens, such as hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been reported in literatures to be transmitted by NSIs or other sharp injuries (Rapiti et al., 2005;Serdar et al., 2013). Medical students, especially the undergraduates, are at a higher risk of being exposed in the course of their clinical practices while studying primarily to NSIs and injuries of sharp objects due to their underdeveloped skills, During work or training hours, there is a high risk of being exposed to a potentially contagious injury or a splash of blood or body fluid, since the prevalence of HBV and HCV, as well as HIV, is significantly greater among hospitalized patients than in the general population Salzer et al., 2011;Hofmann et al., 2002;. ...
... A study revealed that from 35 million HCWs, more than 8% of them are exposed to bloodborne pathogens [4]. In another reviewed article, more than half of study participants had occupational exposure to BBFs [5]. ...
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Background: Health care workers face a daily risk of occupational exposure to blood and body fluids that makes susceptible them for pathogens at working areas. The most common pathogens are related with viruses like Hepatitis B, C and Human Immuno-deficiency Virus and bacteria's that are causing infections with chronic problems to even disabilities and deaths. Purpose: The aim of this study is to assess the occupational exposure to blood and other body fluids and their associated factors among health care workers working in hospitals of Aksum town. Methods: Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted from April 21 to May 21, 2019. A total of 219 participants were selected for the study using simple random sampling technique. To collect the data, a structured questionnaire was used. Then collected data was entered in to SPSS version 23 software packages for analyzing the data on the bivariable and multivariable logistic regression model. The degree of association between dependent and independent variables were assessed using the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval, and variables with a p-value < 0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The study revealed that 53.88% of health care workers had experienced occupational exposure to blood and other body fluids. Those health care workers who had more work experience had a more chance of exposure (AOR 4.74 (1.99-9.87)). Nurses are more than fivefold to be exposed than physicians. Those health care workers, who didn't wear gloves during procedure, had 2.02 times more exposure to blood and other body fluids than those who wore gloves during procedures (AOR 2.02, 95% (CI 1.02-3.31)). Conclusion: Magnitude of occupational exposure was high among healthcare workers. These exposures of health care workers to blood and body fluids were determined by the availability of personal protective equipment in the health facilities, training on infection prevention, infection prevention methods with in the hospital and compliance with guidelines. Keywords Body fluid, Blood, Health professionals, Occupational exposure, Ethiopia
... Nurses are the healthcare workers with biological higher risk (6) and nurses and physician are the categories that most deal with injuries of this kind (55,4%) (7). For instance, an observational study found higher rates of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSSIs) among nurses than among physicians, even if the accidents were underreported for both the professional categories (6). ...
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Background and aim of work: Despite national descriptions of awareness, knowledge, and perceptions about the exposure to the biological risk among nurses employed in renal-dialysis care are pivotal to increase work safety, there is a paucity of data on these descriptions in the Italian context. This study aimed at describing Italian nurses' awareness and knowledge about biological risk in delivering care for renal-dialysis patients, and their experiences of biological accidents. Methods: A pilot survey using cross-sectional data collection and convenience sampling procedure. 124 nurses were enrolled receiving a 7-item questionnaire: Questions 1, 2, and 7 were referred to the awareness about educational learning needs, questions 3 and 4 explored nurses' knowledge about biological risk, questions 5 and 6 collected accident-related information. Results: Overall, nurses' awareness and knowledge about biological risk appeared almost limited. Surprisingly, 52% of the enrolled nurses experienced a biological accident, and 29.5% reported to know colleagues who developed work-related disease after a biological accident. We found positive significant associations between awareness and knowledge. Conclusions: This pilot study highlighted the need to further describe Italian nurses' awareness and knowledge about biological risk in delivering care for renal-dialysis patients, as well as the need of up-to-date epidemiological description about biological accidents. Accordingly, future studies are highly recommended to provide robust evidence aimed at supporting policy makers, educators, clinicians, regulators, and managers.
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Background: This study aimed to assess occupational exposure to blood and body fluids (BBFs) and the use of protective equipment among pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS) workers in Mashhad, Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional questionnaire survey-based study was conducted from July 2020 to March 2021 in Mashhad. All pre-hospital EMS workers of Mashhad were invited to participate in the study using the census technique. The questionnaire was about occupational exposure to BBFs, infection control, protective measures, health program, and demographic information. Results: In total, 442 participants answered the questionnaire (response rate: 82.77%). Based on the findings, 420 (95.2%) and 402 (91.2%) participants had been exposed to BBFs as pre-hospital EMS workers. Moreover, 31.5% and 38.5% of these exposures were caused by contaminated needles and lancets, respectively. The BBFs incidents have occurred despite 98% of the EMS workers reporting there is a needle safety disposable box in the ambulance. The relationship between awareness of precaution measures after exposure to BBFs and training course completion was significant (P<0.0001). Conclusion: This study demonstrated the high prevalence of occupational exposures to BBFs among pre-hospital EMS workers. Considering the significant relationship between the completion of standard precautions courses and awareness of BBFs' post-exposure measures, it is recommended to consider multi-faceted strategies for continuous monitoring, training, and follow-up of pre-hospital EMS workers.
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The Infection Prevention Behavior (IPB) for health personnel at the Surade Public Health Center has not reached the target. The purpose of this study was to develop the IPB model for health personnel which is suitable to be applied in rural areas in Indonesia. The model was developed through a literature review from online journal database in the last 10 years. The model was tested using a cross-sectional design by the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Six selected variables had direct and indirect influences on the IPB of health personnel. They were supervision (27.50%), facilities (9.87%), training (10.44%), compensation (16.97%), work climate (10.78%), and work motivation (8.15%). The model was valid and significant. The Q2 showed 95.7% which mean 95.7% of the components in the model could be applied to other Public Health Centers in the rural area. The development of IPB models for health personnel which wass measured from the direct and indirect effects of six variables proved valid and significant to help achievement Public Health Center reach the target of protecting health workers from infectious diseases.
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Objective The objective of this study was to investigate occupational blood-borne pathogen exposure among dental nurses and their attitudes toward infected patients, as well as the effectiveness of the training course, to provide a scientific basis for improving the quality of safety management in the dental hospital. Materials and methods The study was conducted using questionnaires administered from November 2019 to December 2019 in three hospitals in Sichuan Province, China. Frequencies for answers were calculated and presented as percentages. Results In total, 257 valid questionnaires were returned. Most (61.9%) nurses stated that they were involved in occupational exposure. Among them, 154 had experienced sharp injuries, and the syringe needle was the most common instrument for injuries (45.8%). Twenty-two individuals had mucosal exposure, and the proportion of eye exposure was the highest (90.9%). Only associations between training and mucosal membrane exposure were found; however, the relevance was weak (r = 0.141). Of the participants, 86.4% felt morally responsible for taking care of patients with infectious diseases, and most (92.6%) said they would continue with this career. Conclusion Occupational exposure, particularly to sharp injuries, was common in medical care among dental nurses; however, vocational training had little effect on their incidence. As dental nurses still have positive attitudes toward patients with infectious diseases, more effective training should be conducted.
Background: Percutaneous injuries and blood-borne-related infections pose occupational hazards to healthcare professionals. However, the prevalence and associated factors for these hazards among midwives in Hunan Province, China are poorly documented. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample of 1,282 eligible midwives in the cities of Yongzhou, Chenzhou, Hengyang, and Changsha in Hunan Province, China, from January 2017 to July 2017. The association of selected independent variables with percutaneous injuries was investigated using binary logistic regression. Results: 992 participants responded (77.3%), and within the previous 12 months, 15.7% experienced percutaneous injuries. In multivariate analysis, hospital size, age, length of employment as a midwife, weekly working hours, and three aspects of Hospital Safety Climate Scale were associated with percutaneous injuries. The risk of percutaneous injuries among the midwives working in hospitals with ≤399 beds was higher than that among those working in hospitals with ≥400 beds by nearly 3 times. Furthermore, the percutaneous injury prevalence of midwives decreased as age increased. Moreover, the probability of percutaneous injuries among the midwives with weekly working hours of >40 was 4.35 times higher compared with that among midwives with weekly working hours of ≤40. Conclusion/Application to practice: The prevalence of percutaneous injuries among midwives in the study hospitals was substantial. Our results further proved that risk mitigation strategies tailored to midwives are needed to reduce this risk. These strategies include ensuring a positive organizational climate, providing highly safe devices, and reducing the workload.
Purpose Job satisfaction is indispensable in the daily life of the workforce, and the mechanism that drives job satisfaction requires the attention of the management of corporate organisations. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the predictors of work environment on job satisfaction among nurses in both federal and state tertiary hospitals in Lagos State. Design/methodology/approach The study used the longitudinal research design to elicit information from the respondents. The research instrument used is a nursing work index scale by Aiken and Patrician which has been established to have a high internal reliability coefficient. The simple random sampling strategy was used to administer the research instrument to 364 nurses. The study used hierarchical multiple regression to analyse the data obtained. Findings This study discovered that all the variables collectively determined nurses job satisfaction; however, the salary was the most fundamental essential predictor that drive nurses’ job satisfaction followed by advancement and promotion. All seven predictors, namely, socio-political climate; administrative and managerial support, autonomy and responsibility, salary, supervision and working condition, recognition and achievement, advancement and promotion, collectively exert positive relationship with nurses’ job satisfaction. The study concluded that to retain and prevent turnover intention among nurses, and other health-care workers, the management of hospitals must pay due attention to issues relating to job satisfaction, as this is likely to increase health-care system effectiveness, boost mental and social health of the nurses. Originality/value This study shows that job satisfaction in the workplace comes from diverse techniques, as other factors have been proven effective other than salary in international cultures and regions, but in Nigeria, salary and career promotion take pre-eminence above other factors. This is because of Nigerian socio-cultural realities and that is another paradigm shift.
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This article is a continuation of the paper published in the previous issue of Infektološki Glasnik where the authors are considering the current recommendations for prevention of occupational exposure to blood-borne infections in health care workers (HCWs). A special reference is given to infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) because of their significant epidemiological and clinical importance. The implementation of standard precautions as nonspecific pre-exposure prophylaxis is the most important preventive measure for prevention of occupational exposure to blood-borne infections in health care settings. HCWs also benefit from specific pre-exposure prophylaxis, at the moment available only for HBV, that includes specific imunoprophylaxis with HBV vaccination. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) includes all those measures that decrease the likelihood of blood-borne infection in HCWs after exposure to contaminated blood and other body fluids. The entire post-exsposure procedure and its efficacy depends on confirmation or exclusion of blood-borne infection in the source patient. That includes the importance of prompt epidemiological and clinical evaluation of the risks and serological testing of the source patient and exposed HCW. Post-exposure prophylaxis of HBV infection (HBV PEP) includes combined active-passive prophylaxis with HBV vaccination and specific hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) in susceptible HCW. For a long-term prophylaxis, an accelerated schedule of HBV vaccination is recommended. At the moment there is no specific prophylaxis available for HCV infection. Therefore, post-exposure prophylaxis after occupational exposure of HCWs to HCV-positive blood (HCV PEP) includes only serologic testing and follow--up in order to detect seroconversion - professional HCV-infection as early as possible. In case of occupational exposure to HIV-positive blood, antiretroviral agents are recommended as post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (HIV PEP) in order to decrease the risk for infection. In most cases, two antiretroviral agents (basic regimen) are recommended, while in rare cases with high risk for infection, three or more antiretrovirals (expanded regimen) are recommended. The vast majority of health care institutions are not able to provide timely and effective PEP to their HCWs exposed to blood-borne infections. In writing this paper our intention was to urge all health care institutions in Croatia to adopt and implement this recommendations in order to improve work safety and prevent occupational exposure to blood-borne infections in health care workers.
Health care workers are exposed to a variety of blood-borne infections in the health care settings. Among them, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are of greatest concern since they are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Occupational exposure to these infections doesn't necessarily result in infection of exposed health care worker. The transmission is related to the frequency of exposures capable of allowing transmission, the prevalence of these infections in the source populations, rate of exposure incidents, risk that poses each type of exposure, and the effectiveness of postexposure management. The most important preventive measure is nonspecific preexposure prophylaxis that includes implementation of standard precautions in any potentially risk situation. Occupational exposure to blood-borne infections in health care workers is a great challenge for Croatian health care system, especially for infectious disease specialists who will become even more involved with these issues in the future. Today, when the problem is clearly defined in the literature, when there are scientifically based and well defined surveillance, reporting, and management protocols for exposure incidents, as well as for efficient postexposure prophylaxis, a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to this problem is recommended in Croatia, too.
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a wellrecognized occupational risk for health care workers (HCWs). Vaccination coverage, disease trends, and the need for booster doses after hepatitis B vaccination of adults have been the subject of intense study during the 15 years of the vaccine's availability.Methods: Vaccination coverage of HCWs was determined from a review of medical records on a sample of employees from 113 randomly selected hospitals. The number of HBV infections among HCWs and the general US population for 1983 through 1995 was estimated from national surveillance data. Studies on long-term protection after hepatitis B vaccination of adults were reviewed.Results: A total of 2837 employee medical records were reviewed; 2532 employees (90%) were eligible to receive hepatitis B vaccine, and 66.5% of them (95% confidence interval, 61.9%-70.9%) had received 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine. Vaccination coverage was highest (75%) for personnel with frequent exposure to infectious body fluids (phlebotomists, laboratory personnel, and nursing staff) and lowest (45%) for employees at low risk for exposure (dietary and clerical staff). The number of HBV infections among HCWs declined from 17 000 in 1983 to 400 in 1995. The 95% decline in incidence observed among HCWs is 1.5-fold greater than the reduction in incidence in the general US population. Studies on long-term protection demonstrate that vaccineinduced protection persists at least 1 years even when titers of antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen decline below detectable levels.Conclusions: Although a high percentage of HCWs have been fully vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, efforts need to be made to improve this coverage. There has been a dramatic decrease in the number of HBV infections among HCWs who are now at lower risk of HBV infection than the general US population. Vaccine-induced protection persists at least 11 years and booster doses are not needed at this time for adults who have responded to vaccination.Arch Intern Med. 1997;157:2601-2605
Occupational exposure to potentially infectious agents has received great attention because of the advent of HIV and the growing awareness of the possible serious clinical ramifications of hepatitis C. However, there are more than 20 diseases that have been linked to needle-stick injury. The latter group of illnesses are beyond the scope of this chapter but should be considered when developing institutional policies or when providing care for exposed health care personnel (HCP). The following guidelines apply to any health care worker (HCW; e.g., employees, students, contractors, attending clinicians, public safety workers, volunteers).
Between March 1994 and March 1996 we studied transmission routes and clinical courses in eight patients with sporadic acute hepatitis C (two men, six women). Of the eight patients, three were treated for another illness 1–2 months before the onset of hepatitis, one was a parenteral drug abuser, one had an accidental needlestick injury and two had sexual contact with a partner with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Clinical courses included four women whose HCV RNA and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) became persistently negative without treatment, and four men and two women with the same results following interferon (IFN) treatment. It is thought that IFN therapy may prevent the progression to chronic liver disease. Results from this study might be useful in the future management of patients with sporadic acute hepatitis C.
To implement adequate preventive measures in a hospital, the number and nature of occupational exposures to blood must be known. In the Amsterdam Academic Medical Centre a standardised procedure was used to assess all reported occupational exposures to blood from 2003 to 2010. 1601 incidents were reported of which 66% were needlestick accidents. Thirty-five percent of the incidents concerned persons in training and 27% concerned experienced nurses. Twenty-nine percent of accidents occurred during cleaning up after a medical procedure, including the recapping of needles in 6%. In 8% of the accidents the patient was known or found to be infected with hepatitis B or C virus or HIV and in 86% of accidents the personnel were immune to HBV. One case of HCV transmission occurred. The number and nature of the occupational exposures indicate that preventive measures must focus on the replacement of needles by safety devices and on awareness training of experienced nurses and of persons in training.