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Long-Acting Inhaled β2-Agonists for Stable COPD


Abstract and Figures

To describe the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and mechanisms of benefit, formulations available, drug costs, pharmacokinetic profiles, and pertinent clinical studies for long-acting beta(2)-agonists. A MEDLINE search was conducted from July 1966 through October 2002. Pertinent articles related to COPD and long-acting beta(2)-agonists. The incidence and subsequent morbidity and mortality of COPD have increased during the last 4 decades, prompting worldwide initiatives to formulate guidelines to decrease the burden of this disease. COPD is a progressive, irreversible disease state characterized by chronic cough, dyspnea, sputum production, and wheezing, in which no medication has been shown to decrease mortality, excluding oxygen supplementation. Bronchodilators have been a mainstay of COPD treatment through their ability to work by both smooth- and non-smooth-muscle mechanisms. Long-acting beta(2)-agonists (i.e., formoterol, salmeterol) dosed twice daily provide more convenient dosing than 4-times-daily regimens of traditional short-acting bronchodilators. Both formoterol and salmeterol have acceptable adverse event profiles when used at recommended doses. There have been no direct clinical outcome studies comparing formoterol and salmeterol, but both have shown some benefits over ipratropium and theophylline in improving the symptoms, spirometric indices, exacerbations, and quality of life of patients with COPD. Based on current evidence, long-acting beta(2)-agonists are acceptable first-line agents for patients with COPD.
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he burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) as a healthcare problem has increased over
the last 4 decades. Currently, it is the sixth leading cause of
death and the twelfth leading cause of morbidity world-
wide. By the year 2020, COPD is expected to be the third
leading cause of death and the fifth leading cause of mor-
In the US, mortality related to the disease has in-
creased over 160% from 1965 to 1998.
Currently, COPD
affects >17 million people in the US and is responsible for
2.2 million disability-adjusted life years and one-half mil-
lion potential years of life lost.
Estimates of total direct
and indirect US costs are $30 billion/year (direct costs
>$18 billion/y).
The challenge in improving the prognosis of COPD pa-
tients is the development of medications that reverse the
progression of the disease, improve its symptoms, enhance
exercise tolerance, promote quality of life (QOL), and de-
crease the number of exacerbations. Since 1994, a number
of COPD treatment guidelines have been published.
addition, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and
World Health Organization collaboratively developed the
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
(GOLD) report.
The goal was to increase awareness of
and decrease morbidity and mortality from COPD.
The GOLD report
recommends bronchodilator agents
(i.e., anticholinergic agents, short-acting β
-agonists, long-
acting β
-agonists) as first-line therapies. This report gives
general information for the use of long-acting β
(formoterol, salmeterol), but lacks specific recommenda-
tions. Agent choice is based on disease severity, comor-
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2003 September, Volume 37
Long-Acting Inhaled β
-Agonists for Stable COPD
John A Dougherty, Bethany L Didur, and Loutfi S Aboussouan
Pulmonary & Allergy
Author information provided at the end of the text.
Supported in part by a seed money grant from the Division of In-
ternal Medicine at Wayne State University.
To describe the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and mechanisms of benefit,
formulations available, drug costs, pharmacokinetic profiles, and pertinent clinical studies for long-acting β
DATA SOURCES: A MEDLINE search was conducted from July 1966 through October 2002.
Pertinent articles related to COPD and long-acting β
DATA SYNTHESIS: The incidence and subsequent morbidity and mortality of COPD have increased during the last 4 decades,
prompting worldwide initiatives to formulate guidelines to decrease the burden of this disease. COPD is a progressive, irreversible
disease state characterized by chronic cough, dyspnea, sputum production, and wheezing, in which no medication has been shown
to decrease mortality, excluding oxygen supplementation. Bronchodilators have been a mainstay of COPD treatment through their
ability to work by both smooth- and non–smooth-muscle mechanisms. Long-acting β
-agonists (i.e., formoterol, salmeterol) dosed
twice daily provide more convenient dosing than 4-times-daily regimens of traditional short-acting bronchodilators. Both formoterol
and salmeterol have acceptable adverse event profiles when used at recommended doses. There have been no direct clinical
outcome studies comparing formoterol and salmeterol, but both have shown some benefits over ipratropium and theophylline in
improving the symptoms, spirometric indices, exacerbations, and quality of life of patients with COPD.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on current evidence, long-acting β
-agonists are acceptable first-line agents for patients with COPD.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, formoterol, salmeterol.
Ann Pharmacother 2003;37:1247-55.
Published Online, 1 Aug 2003,, DOI 10.1345/aph.1C436
bidities, agent availability, and patient response. Current data
should be considered to make prudent clinical decisions.
This article clarifies the role of long-acting β
and provides recommendations by evaluating mechanisms
of benefit, formulations, dosages, drug costs, pharmacoki-
netic profiles, and clinical outcome studies.
Bronchodilator Pharmacology
Bronchodilators (e.g., anticholinergic agents, β
nists, methylxanthines) are effective agents to improve air-
flow for symptomatic management of COPD.
cholinergic agents reduce smooth muscle contraction by
antagonizing endogenous cholinergic tone. β
-Agonists di-
rectly relax airway smooth muscle by stimulating the β
adrenoceptor through increases in intracellular cyclic-3,
5adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Methylxanthines
(e.g., theophylline) are hypothesized to cause bronchodila-
tion by several mechanisms.
Mechanisms of Airflow Limitation in COPD
Risk factors for COPD include host factors (i.e., defi-
ciency of α
-antitrypsin, airway hyperresponsiveness) and
exposures (e.g., tobacco smoke, occupational hazards, air
pollution, viral respiratory infections).
Smoking is consid-
ered the chief risk factor for COPD, but less than 25% of
smokers develop it.
In smokers, smoking cessation is the
only proven method to delay progression.
Further study
is needed regarding other risk factors and inflammation in
COPD is characterized by a fixed expiratory airflow ob-
struction causing chronic cough, dyspnea, sputum produc-
tion, and wheezing.
At least 3 pathophysiologic mecha-
nisms are involved in the development of airflow limitation.
First, structural alterations such as goblet cell metaplasia,
inflammation, smooth muscle hypertrophy and prolifera-
tion, and fibrosis facilitate narrowing of the airway lumen.
Second, alveolar wall destruction decreases lung elastic re-
coil and disrupts the tethering effects of alveolar attach-
ments on the small airway, thereby promoting its collapse.
Third, chronic bronchitis, peribronchiolar inflammation,
and small airway fibrosis contribute to airflow limitation.
COPD involves inflammation in the bronchioles and
lung parenchyma. A concerted effort is focused on the
molecular and cellular changes in the disease and how
medications interact at this level. One hypothesis of COPD
pathogenesis proposes an imbalance between inflammato-
ry mediators and protective mechanisms in the lung. In-
flammatory cells involved include macrophages, T lym-
phocytes, and neutrophils.
Proteases released from
these cells, including neutrophil elastase, proteinase 3, and
matrix metalloproteinases, break down lung tissue. Neu-
trophil elastase causes mucus gland hyperplasia, mucus se-
cretion, and decreased ciliary beat frequency.
In people
without COPD, protease activity is counteracted by an-
tiproteases (i.e., α
-antitrypsin, secretory leukoprotease in-
hibitor, elafin, tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinas-
es). In COPD patients, an increased protease burden and/or
diminished antiprotease activity tips the balance toward
lung destruction.
Mechanisms of Benefit of Long-Acting β
Short-acting and long-acting β
-agonists relax airway
smooth muscle by stimulating β
-adrenoceptors. This acti-
vates adenylate cyclase, which catalyzes the conversion of
adenosine triphosphate to cAMP. Increased intracellular
cAMP concentration inhibits calcium ion release from in-
tracellular stores and activates protein kinase A. Protein ki-
nase A phosphorylates proteins involved in maintaining
smooth muscle tone and subsequently causes bronchodila-
-Agonists may also inhibit airway smooth mus-
cle proliferation as demonstrated in vitro with albuterol.
Increased numbers of neutrophils are found in the spu-
tum of COPD patients.
Long-acting β
-agonists affect
neutrophil numbers, activity, and function by acting on β
adrenoceptors on neutrophils.
Long-acting β
inhibit neutrophil adhesion, accumulation, release, and ac-
tivation and induce apoptosis, which collectively reduces
the number and activation status of neutrophils in the air-
Long-acting β
-agonists may protect against the effects
of microorganisms on respiratory epithelium through main-
tenance of intracellular cAMP concentrations. Maintaining
cAMP concentrations may decrease bacterial colonization
and render patients less prone to acute bacterial exacerba-
Long-acting β
-agonists also increase ciliary beat
frequency to aid in effective mucociliary transport.
Formulations and Dosage
Formoterol is supplied as an Aerolizer inhaler consist-
ing of a capsule of dry powder containing the salt for-
moterol fumarate. Each capsule contains formoterol 12 µg
to be administered every 12 hours. The total daily dose
should not exceed 24 µg.
A 1-month supply at 24 µg/d is
estimated to have an average wholesale price (AWP) of
Clinical trial results involving identical MDIs are report-
ed differently in European and US studies.
The US re-
quires manufacturers to report the dose delivered at the
mouthpiece, while in Europe slightly higher doses are re-
ported because they refer to the dose delivered at the valve.
For example, ipratropium 40 µg in Europe (at valve) is
equivalent to ipratropium 36 µg in the US (at mouthpiece).
In subsequent discussions, all doses will be reported as in
the original articles.
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2003 September, Volume 37
JA Dougherty et al.
The salmeterol inhalation aerosol has been discontinued
due to risks to the ozone layer from chlorofluorocarbon
propellants. The current salmeterol formulation is the
Diskus. It is a specially designed plastic inhalation system
containing a double-foil blister strip of powdered salme-
terol xinafoate. Each blister contains salmeterol 50 µg,
which, on activation, is dispersed into the patient’s
airstream. The recommended dosage is 50 µg every 12
A 1-month supply at 100 µg/d is estimated to cost
(AWP) $80.02.
Pharmacokinetic Profiles
Comparison with Short-Acting β
-Agonists used in COPD treatment can be separated
into 2 categories (i.e., short- and long-acting) based on du-
ration of action. Short-acting β
-agonists such as albuterol
have a quick onset of action, producing bronchodilation
within minutes of inhalation. The duration of effect of
short-acting β
-agonists ranges from 4 to 6 hours; thus, they
require multiple daily doses.
Long-acting β
-agonists have
durations of at least 12 hours, making them convenient and
desirable for compliance.
Formoterol has a quicker onset
of action than salmeterol.
The following studies illustrate
the pharmacokinetic profiles of formoterol and salmeterol
and their effect on spirometric indices.
Spirometric indices are evaluated in long-acting β
nist studies. These indices are included to ade-
quately detect and measure the severity of air-
way obstruction in COPD. An obstructive pat-
tern on spirometry usually consists of a
reduction in the forced expiratory volume in
the first second (FEV
), particularly in relation
to the forced vital capacity (FVC). The
/FVC ratio is therefore typically reduced.
Other spirometry measures include peak expira-
tory flow and mid-flow rates (FEF
, a mea-
sure of small airway obstruction).
Comparison of Salmeterol and Formoterol
The intrinsic properties of long-acting β
agonists affect their interaction with lung tis-
sue and β
-receptors. Anderson’s microkinetic
diffusion theory
suggests that hydrophilicity
and lipophilicity of the long-acting β
are important factors to explain the onset and
duration of effect, respectively. Several small,
single-dose, pharmacokinetic studies have com-
pared salmeterol and formoterol in patients with
Studies’ objectives were to com-
pare the onset of action, peak bronchodilator
effect, and bronchodilator effect over 12 hours.
Specific results are available in Table 1.
A single-blind, randomized, crossover study was con-
ducted in 16 patients with moderate-to-severe COPD
(mean FEV
1569% predicted).
The study compared
MDI doses of salmeterol 50 µg, formoterol 24 µg, and al-
buterol 200 µg. The time of onset required to improve FEV
by 15% was similar for salmeterol 50 µg and formoterol
24 µg. However, the time of onset for both of these agents
was delayed compared with albuterol 200 µg. The mean
peak bronchodilation response was 1 hour, 4 hours, and 5
hours for albuterol, formoterol, and salmeterol, respectively.
Cazzola et al.
conducted a single-blind, crossover, ran-
domized, dose–response study in 12 patients with severe
12–32% predicted). Salmeterol 25, 50, and
75 µg and formoterol 12, 24, and 36 µg were administered
by MDI. The onset of action was similar between salme-
terol 50 µg and formoterol 12 or 24 µg. Peak bronchodila-
tion was reached 1 hour after any formoterol dose and 2
hours after any salmeterol dose. Salmeterol 50 µg had a
statistically higher improvement in mean FEV
(p < 0.05)
and mean FEV
AUC (p < 0.05) compared with for-
moterol 12 or 24 µg. The inconsistency in mean peak
bronchodilation results in these 2 studies can be explained
by different patient populations, number of doses, and
small sample sizes.
A double-blind, randomized, crossover, placebo-con-
trolled study evaluated 22 patients with mild-to-severe
COPD (mean FEV
35.5 ± 9.8% predicted) with salmeterol
50 µg and formoterol 12 µg administered by MDI.
moterol 12 µg had a quicker onset for bronchodilator action
compared with salmeterol 50 µg. Peak bronchodilator effects
were seen at 1 hour for formoterol and 2 hours for salme-
terol. The drugs showed similar FEV
effects over 12 hours.
Long-Acting Inhaled
-Agonists for Stable COPD
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2003 September, Volume 37
Table 1. Pharmacokinetic Studies Comparing Long-Acting
-Agonists on Spirometry
Time Course
Onset of Time (h) to of Broncho-
Treatment Effect Peak Effect dilating
Reference (µg) (mean) (mean) Effect
Cazzola et al. albuterol 200 3 min 56 sec
salmeterol 50 10 min 8 sec
formoterol 24 10 min 52 sec
Cazzola et al. salmeterol 25 75%
2 1.8
salmeterol 50 100%
2 2.9
salmeterol 75 92%
2 2.5
formoterol 12 92%
1 2.4
formoterol 24 83%
1 2.3
formoterol 36 92%
1 3.2
Celik et al. salmeterol 50 18%
2 3.2
formoterol 12 9%
1 3.5
Kottakis et al. salmeterol 50 15 min 2
salmeterol 100 10 min 2.5
formoterol 12 5 min 1
formoterol 24 5 min 1
= forced expiratory volume in 1 second.
Mean time of onset of bronchodilating effect — increase in FEV
of at least 15%.
Percentage of patients with a >15% in FEV
15 minutes after inhalation.
AUC in liters (1 h) over the 12-h postinhalation period.
Mean percentage change in FEV
after 10 minutes.
Recently, Kottakis et al.
published results of a double-
blind, randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled trial in 47
patients with moderate-to-severe COPD (FEV
<50% pre-
dicted). The study compared salmeterol 50 and 100 µg
with formoterol 12 and 24 µg delivered as dry powder for-
mulations. Drug effect on spirometric indices was mea-
sured over 4 hours after administration. Formoterol had a
shorter onset of bronchodilation compared with salmeterol.
There was a dose-dependent increase in FVC and FEV
with formoterol (12 and 24 µg), but not with salmeterol
(50 and 100 µg). Although the mean peak bronchodilation
was similar with salmeterol and formoterol doses, for-
moterol 24 µg reached the highest mean peak response and
was statistically significantly better than salmeterol 50 µg
(p = 0.0004). These pharmacokinetic studies provide an in-
dication of the action of these drugs, but caution should be
used for their applicability based on the small sample size
and single-dose design.
Studies in COPD patients have shown that formoterol
can potentially eliminate the need for short-acting β
nists for acute symptom relief.
Benhamou et al.
ied 24 COPD patients (FEV
between 30% and 60% of
predicted) in a double-blind, randomized, crossover, place-
bo-controlled trial. Active treatment groups (both dry pow-
der) were formoterol 24 µg and albuterol 400 µg. Mean
increase was similar from 5 minutes to 3 hours after
administration of formoterol or albuterol, with maximal in-
crease of about 200 mL over placebo occurring at 30 minutes
and 80% of maximal effect seen at 5 minutes for both drugs.
Sixteen patients with COPD were assessed in a double-
blind, randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled study.
The onset of bronchodilation with formoterol 12 and 24
µg, albuterol 400 µg, and albuterol 800 µg was compared
with the onset with placebo. No significant differences in
onset of action were seen among any of the active groups.
Acute exacerbations of COPD in 20 patients was as-
sessed in a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, placebo-
controlled trial.
The study evaluated formoterol 12, 24,
and 36 µg (MDI) in relieving bronchospasm and found a
dose-dependent increase in FEV
These trials show that formoterol has a similar onset of
bronchodilation as albuterol, but the clinical significance
of these findings is unknown. Further trials with a larger
number of patients are needed to clarify the role of for-
moterol versus albuterol for acute exacerbations and as a
rescue medication in COPD. Conversely, salmeterol should
not be used as a rescue bronchodilator for patients experi-
encing acute symptoms due to its slow onset of action.
Cazzola et al.,
in a double-blind, randomized, crossover,
placebo-controlled study, examined the effect of giving an
extra dose of salmeterol 50 µg (dry powder) to patients un-
dergoing salmeterol maintenance treatment. The extra dose
was well tolerated and caused no further increase in mean
peak FEV
but increased the duration of action of the drug.
Clinical Outcome Studies
The following studies evaluated the clinical efficacy of
salmeterol and formoterol against other bronchodilators in
patients with stable COPD (Table 2).
Disease stability
was defined as the absence of pulmonary infections and
stable respiratory status for at least 4 weeks prior to enroll-
ment. Parameters evaluated included spirometric indices,
dyspnea scales, effect on QOL, the use of rescue medica-
tions, walking distance, and number of exacerbations.
Salmeterol vs. Ipratropium
In 2 randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, 12-week
studies of patients with stable COPD, salmeterol 42 µg
twice daily was compared with ipratropium 36 µg 4 times
daily and placebo.
Compared with ipratropium, salme-
terol had similar, although delayed, maximal bronchodila-
tion, a more sustained bronchodilator effect, and a longer
duration of action. Mahler et al.
showed that the mean
change in FEV
AUC was significantly better for salme-
terol than ipratropium at weeks 4 and 8, while the mean
change in FEV
was significantly better for salmeterol than
ipratropium 4 and 6 hours postdose at weeks 0 and 12. In
one study,
there was no difference between salmeterol
and ipratropium in spirometric measures. The magnitude
of increase in mean peak FEV
with both drugs was about
200 mL (~15%) less than placebo. Although not signifi-
cantly different, salmeterol showed a greater reduction in
rescue albuterol use (by 0.50.6 puffs/d)
and improved
QOL compared with ipratropium. The improved QOL was
seen with the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire,
particularly in the subset of patients with bronchodilator
responsiveness. There were conflicting results between
studies when assessing the number of patients who experi-
enced exacerbations over 12 weeks. Mahler et al.
that the percentage of patients who experienced 1 exacer-
bation was 20.7% and 30.8% in the salmeterol and iprat-
ropium groups, respectively. Alternatively, exacerbation
percentages in Rennard et al.’s
study were 28.8% and
26.8%, respectively. The number of adverse events was
similar in all groups.
These 2 trials are particularly limited in their failure to
show significant improvements in endpoint measures that
are of crucial importance for patients with COPD. For in-
stance, they failed to document sustained significant im-
provements in the 6-minute walking distance with salme-
terol compared with ipratropium.
Similarly, dyspnea
scales as assessed by the Borg Scores and Transitional
Dyspnea Index (TDI) were not consistently improved with
salmeterol over ipratropium. Limitations when applying
these results to clinical practice include the ipratropium
dose (lower than often seen in clinical practice) and length
of the study.
In smaller studies that more specifically evaluated the
effects of salmeterol or ipratropium on exertional dysp-
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2003 September, Volume 37
JA Dougherty et al.
salmeterol and ipratropium equally reduced the
sensation of dyspnea with exercise,
and improved the
recovery from postexercise oxygen desaturation.
though these studies used larger doses of ipratropium (120
and 72 µg, respectively), limitations included their small
size (<20 patients for each), single-dose design, and lack
of long-term follow-up.
Salmeterol vs. Tiotropium
Tiotropium is a once-daily anticholinergic M3 receptor
antagonist recently introduced in Europe. It is currently un-
der Food and Drug Administration review. In a large ran-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial,
tiotropium 18 µg (dry powder) once daily was compared
Long-Acting Inhaled
-Agonists for Stable COPD
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2003 September, Volume 37
Table 2. Clinical Trials Assessing Outcomes of Treatment with Long-Acting β
Sample Treatment
Reference Size (n) Design/Length (µg) Clinical Outcome
Mahler et al. 411 R, DB, DD, PC, PG/12 wk S 42, IB 36, P S superior to IB and P in improving lung function (i.e., FEV
AUC) and time to first exacerbation; S and IB reduced
dyspnea-related activities of daily living and supplemental A
use >P; S and IB improved QOL (i.e., CRDQ)
Rennard et al. 405 R, DB, DD, PC, PG/12 wk S 42, IB 36, P S superior to IB and P in improving lung function (i.e., FEV
AUC) and time to first exacerbation; S more constant effect
and longer duration of action than IB; S and IB reduced sup-
plemental A use >P; S and IB improved QOL (i.e., CRDQ)
Donohue et al. 623 R, DB, DD, PC, PG/6 mo T 18, S 50, P T and S superior to P in improving lung function (i.e., FEV
with T also superior to S; T statistically significantly better than
P but not S for dyspnea; T superior to P and S for QOL (i.e.,
Patakas et al. 15 R, PC, C/3 d IB 120, S 50, P bronchodilating effect of S similar to IB (i.e., FEV
) at rest; S
and IB superior to P in recovery of postexercise oxygen
desaturation and sensation of dyspnea with exercise
Ayers et al. 16 R, DB, PC, C/7 d S 42, IB 72, P S and IB showed similar bronchodilation at rest; S > IB for
dyspnea ratings during exercise at 6 h
Dahl et al. 780 R, DB, DD, PG, PC/12 wk F 12 or 24, IB 40, P F and IB superior to P; F superior to IB in improving lung
function (i.e., FEV
AUC); F superior to IB and P in improving
QOL (i.e., SGRQ), diary scores, and use of rescue A, with
no difference in IB and P
Sichletidis et al. 27 R, SB, DD, PC, C/6 d IB 40 or 80, F 12 or F + IB > IB, F 24 > IB 40, all treatments > P in improving
24, F 12 + IB 40, P lung function (FEV
Di Lorenzo et al. 178 R, OL, PG/12 mo S 50, T S > T in improving bronchodilation (i.e., FEV
, FVC, PEFR) and
QOL measures (i.e., SF-36); statistically less use of rescue
A, greater % of symptom-free days/nights, and improved
auscultatory findings for S > T
Rossi et al. 854 R, DB, PC, PG, OA/12 mo F 12 or 24, P, TF and T > P; F > T in improving bronchodilation (i.e., FEV
AUC); F > P in improving QOL (i.e., SGRQ); F > T in use of
rescue A, decrease in exacerbations, and total diary symp-
tom score
Van Noord et al. 144 R, DB, DD, PC, PG/12 wk S 50, S 50 + IB 40, P S + IB > S alone in improving lung function (FEV
); no differ-
ence between S and S + IB in symptoms or need for rescue
Matera et al. 12 R, SB, DD, PC, C/4 d S 50, IB 40, S 50 + S and S + IB > IB and P in producing bronchodilation > 12 h; all
IB 40, P treatments better than P
D’Urzo et al. 172 R, DB, DD, C/6 wk F 12 + IB 40, A 200 F + IB > A + IB in improving lung function (i.e., FEV
+ IB 40 morning peak flow, and improved total symptom scores
ZuWallack et al. 943 R, DB, DD, PG/12 wk S 42 + T, S 42, T S + T > T alone in improving lung function, decreasing
symptoms, dyspnea, and A use, and COPD exacerbations;
S > T in improving lung function and patient satisfaction, S
less AEs
Cazzola et al. 80 R, PG/12 wk S 50, S 50 + Fl 250, all arms showed statistically significant results for increases in
S 50 + Fl 500, S 50 FEV
over 3 mo when compared with baseline, but arms not
+ T statistically significantly different at 3 mo; a 400-µg dose-de-
pendent increase in FEV
when added to arms
A = albuterol; AE = adverse effects; C = crossover; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRDQ = Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire;
DB = double-blind; DD = double-dummy; F = formoterol; FEV
= forced expiratory volume in 1 second; Fl = fluticasone; FVC = forced vital capacity;
IB = ipratropium; OA = open-arm; OL = open-label; P = placebo; PC = placebo-controlled; PEFR = peak expiratory flow rate; PG = parallel group;
QOL = quality of life; R = randomized; S = salmeterol; SB = single-blind; SF-36 = 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; SGRQ = St. George’s Respiratory
Questionnaire; T = theophylline.
with salmeterol 50 µg twice daily.
Tiotropium had signifi-
cantly greater increases in mean FEV
and FVC compared
with salmeterol, with the difference increasing with time.
Mean peak FEV
increase over placebo was 244 mL
(~22%) with tiotropium and 161 mL (~15%) with salme-
terol. Additionally, unlike salmeterol, tiotropium improved
dyspnea as assessed by the TDI. Tiotropium was also su-
perior to salmeterol in improving health-related QOL us-
ing the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ).
Tiotropium and salmeterol equally reduced the need for
rescue albuterol by approximately 1.45 puffs/d compared
with placebo. A significant limitation of this study is that it
did not address the effect of either salmeterol or tiotropium
on the 6-minute walking distance.
Formoterol vs. Ipratropium
A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, 12-week
study compared formoterol 12 and 24 µg twice daily with
ipratropium 40 µg 4 times daily and with placebo in pa-
tients with stable COPD.
Compared with ipratropium,
both formoterol doses had significantly higher mean FEV
peak, higher mean FEV
AUC, improved diary symptom
scores, reduced rescue medications use, and improved
QOL (measured by SGRQ).
Mean peak FEV
over placebo was 300350 mL (~20–25%) with for-
moterol and <200 mL (~15%) with ipratropium. Daily res-
cue inhaler use was lower in the formoterol 12- and 24-µg
groups (1.2 and 1.7 puffs/d, respectively) than in the ipra-
tropium group (2 puffs/d). The percentage of “bad” days
(defined as days with 2 individual symptom scores of 2
[6 clinical symptoms evaluated on a scale of 0 = best to 3 =
worst] and/or a reduction in peak expiratory flow [PEF]
from baseline >20%) was significantly reduced in the for-
moterol groups compared with the ipratropium group.
However, the number of days of additional therapy for
COPD exacerbations and the number of hospitalizations
were not different between formoterol groups, the ipra-
tropium group, or the placebo group. This study is limited
in that it did not address the impact of the study drugs on
dyspnea and the 6-minute walking distance. Also, the dose
of ipratropium was lower than used clinically and the ef-
fects of the drugs are unknown after 12 weeks.
Long-Acting β
-Agonist Inhalers vs. Theophylline
An open-label, randomized, parallel-group study com-
pared salmeterol 50 µg twice a day with oral theophylline
(goal concentration 1020 µg/mL).
Compared with the-
ophylline, salmeterol increased mean morning PEF rates
(45 L/min with salmeterol, 25 L/min with theophylline),
mean FEV
, mean FVC (up to 130 mL, a 10% increase),
and had a greater percentage of symptom-free days and
nights (59.7% vs. 46.2% for salmeterol and theophylline,
respectively). Salmeterol also reduced rescue albuterol use,
improved auscultatory findings, and improved QOL as as-
sessed on the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey. A signif-
icant limitation of this study was the open-label design; it
also did not assess the 6-minute walking distance.
Rossi et al.
compared formoterol 12 or 24 µg twice
daily with oral theophylline (goal concentration 820 µg/
mL) in a randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, place-
bo-controlled study for formoterol and an open-label de-
sign for theophylline. The mean 12-hour FEV
AUC after
12 months of treatment was significantly greater for for-
moterol 12 µg compared with theophylline and placebo.
Interestingly, formoterol 24 µg was not statistically signifi-
cantly better than theophylline. In a subset of patients with
irreversible or poorly reversible disease, formoterol 12 and
24 µg did not show statistically significant results compared
with theophylline or placebo. Compared with theophylline,
either dose of formoterol reduced the use of rescue medica-
tions by about 1 puff/d, decreased exacerbations of COPD,
and showed a decreased trend in total diary symptom
score. Formoterol 12 and 24 µg and theophylline improved
QOL (measured via SGRQ) compared with placebo. Limi-
tations include the open-label arm design for theophylline
and the absence of the 6-minute walking distance as an
Concomitant Long-Acting β
-Agonist Inhalers
and Other Bronchodilators
Ipratropium. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
controlled, parallel-group study, salmeterol 50 µg twice
daily combined with ipratropium 40 µg 4 times daily im-
proved FEV
and specific airway conductance compared
with salmeterol alone.
However, the combination did not
significantly add to symptom control or the need for rescue
medications, although the study may not have been suffi-
ciently powered to address those issues. Contrary to these
findings, Matera et al.
reported no significant benefit
from the addition of ipratropium to salmeterol except for
possible earlier onset of effect compared with salmeterol
A randomized, double-blind, 2-period, crossover study
compared formoterol 12 µg twice daily plus ipratropium
40 µg 4 times daily with albuterol 200 µg 4 times daily
plus ipratropium 40 µg 4 times daily.
There was a greater
increase in mean FEV
AUC, increased mean morning
PEF, and improved total symptom scores in the formoterol
plus ipratropium group. Limitations include short duration
(3 wk) and lack of data on clinically relevant outcome
measures except for symptom scores. Another trial found
that formoterol 12 µg plus ipratropium 40 µg resulted in
significantly higher increase in mean peak FEV
(335 mL;
~25% increase) than with ipratropium 40 or 80 µg alone.
This study was limited by its small size, short duration, ad-
ministration of single doses, and its predominant focus on
spirometric variables.
Theophylline. A randomized, double-blind, parallel-
group trial compared salmeterol 42 µg twice daily plus the-
ophylline (goal concentration 1020 µg/mL) with salme-
terol or theophylline given alone.
The salmeterol plus
theophylline group increased spirometric indices (i.e.,
mean FEV
AUC), improved dyspnea scores,
reduced albuterol use, and improved QOL and overall sat-
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2003 September, Volume 37
JA Dougherty et al.
isfaction compared with either salmeterol or theophylline
alone. No evaluation of exercise capacity was done in this
12-week study. A smaller study found a trend for im-
proved spirometric indices, but concluded that there was
no advantage of adding theophylline to salmeterol.
A ma-
jor limitation of this study was the exclusive focus on spiro-
metric indices as endpoints of treatment without a QOL or
dyspnea score assessment.
It is noteworthy that clinical improvements resulting
from bronchodilator treatment correlate poorly with im-
provements in FEV
For instance, there was a weak cor-
relation between changes in QOL and changes in FEV
with salmeterol 50 µg twice daily.
Higher doses of salme-
terol (100 µg twice daily) showed no clinically significant
impact on QOL.
Additionally, in several large, randomized
studies, there were clinical benefits from long-acting β
nists even with limited increases in mean peak FEV
(200300 mL).
A discordance is also noted in some
studies where benefits of salmeterol on QOL, use of rescue
medications, and number of exacerbations were not ac-
companied by objective improvements in dyspnea scores
or 6-minute walking distance.
These findings suggest
that other pathophysiologic mechanisms besides effects on
may account for the improvement noted with in-
haled β
-agonists. Alternative proposed mechanisms in-
clude reduction of work of breathing
and improvement in
parameters of forced inspiration rather than expiration.
Adverse Events
In randomized trials, there was no significant difference
in the number of adverse events with long-acting β
nists compared with ipratropium or placebo. One potential
exception is an increase in upper respiratory tract infec-
tions and sore throat occurring with salmeterol and ipra-
tropium compared with placebo,
but this was not con-
firmed in another similarly designed trial.
In 2 large trials of patients with stable COPD, 24-hour
cardiac monitoring revealed no significant differences in
ventricular and supraventricular ectopic cardiac contrac-
tions with salmeterol, ipratropium, or placebo.
In 1 re-
port, there was a reduction in total ventricular events with
salmeterol and ipratropium compared with placebo 4
weeks into the trial and an increase in supraventricular
contractions with ipratropium compared with placebo at 8
Further, in healthy subjects and those with airway ob-
struction, high doses of salmeterol (100 µg twice daily for
3 d) did not cause significant increases in heart rate, blood
pressure, or ventricular or supraventricular contractions.
Although these data demonstrate the safety of long-acting
-agonists, both salmeterol and formoterol have been
shown to increase heart rate.
A single dose of formoterol
24 µg increased supraventricular and ventricular contrac-
tions and significantly decreased plasma potassium for 9
hours (p value not reorted). Thus, care must be exercised
when these agents are administered to COPD patients with
preexisting cardiac arrhythmias and hypoxemia.
Khoukaz et al.
studied the transient decreases in arteri-
al oxygen tension (PaO
) after administration of albuterol,
ipratropium, or salmeterol in patients with stable COPD.
This decrease in PaO
has been demonstrated in asthmatic
patients and attributed to the pulmonary vasodilator effect
of bronchodilators, with resulting increased perfusion to
poorly ventilated areas of the lung and consequent mis-
matching of ventilation and perfusion.
Salmeterol and al-
buterol resulted in small, but statistically significant, drops
in PaO
of –2.74 mm Hg and –3.45 mm Hg, respectively.
The decline in PaO
was more prolonged with salmeterol
(90 min) than with albuterol (30 min). These transient
changes were not considered clinically significant. Com-
paratively, there was a smaller and statistically insignifi-
cant drop in PaO
with ipratropium.
The pharmacokinetic benefits of long-acting β
over ipratropium, short-acting β
-agonists, and theophyl-
line justify their use as first-line therapy for treatment of
patients with stable COPD. This may be particularly true if
there are concerns regarding adherence, presence of noc-
turnal or early morning symptoms, impaired QOL, or fre-
quent exacerbations. With current information, formoterol
is recommended over salmeterol based on cost data and its
somewhat more favorable clinical outcome data, but this
recommendation is contingent on future studies.
A patient with COPD who needs additional therapies
should receive a long-acting β
-agonist plus ipratropium.
This recommendation is especially important for patients
with persistent symptoms after long-acting β
-agonist ther-
apy. Patients who continue to have persistent symptoms
with a long-acting β
-agonist plus ipratropium should have
theophylline added or substituted for ipratropium.
John A Dougherty MBA PharmD, Assistant Administrative Di-
rector, Clinical Services, Pharmacy Department, Florida Hospital,
Orlando, FL
Bethany L Didur, PharmD Student, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Loutfi S Aboussouan MD, Associate Professor of Medicine,
Wayne State University; Harper University Hospital, Detroit
Reprints: John A Dougherty MBA PharmD, Pharmacy Department,
Florida Hospital, 601 E. Rollins St., Orlando, FL 32803-1248, FAX
We thank K Dougherty PhD for critical analysis of this manuscript.
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OBJECTIVO: Describir la patogénesis de enfermedad pulmonar
obstructiva crónica (EPOC), mecanismos beneficiosos, formulaciones
disponibles, costo de los medicamentos, perfil farmacocinético, y
estudios clínicos pertinentes del uso de agentes β
-agonistas de larga
FUENTES DE INFORMACIÓN: Se realizó una busqueda de literatura
publicada hasta octubre 31 de 2002 utilizando MEDLINE.
SELECCIÓN DE ESTUDIOS: Artículos relacionados a EPOC y a agentes β
agonistas de larga duración.
SÍNTESIS: La incidencia, morbilidad, y mortalidad asociada a EPOC ha
aumentado durante las últimas 4 décadas, obligando a crear iniciativas
mundiales hacia las formulaciones de guías que disminuyan el impacto
de esta enfermedad. EPOC es una enfermedad progresiva e irreversible
caracterizada por tos crónica, dificultad respiratoria, producción de
esputo, y sibilancias en la que ninguna terapia, a excepción de la
administración de oxigeno, ha logrado demostrar una disminución en
mortalidad. Los broncodilatadores han sido la terapia principal en el
tratamiento de EPOC por su capacidad para trabajar en el músculo liso y
por otros mecanismos. Los agentes β
-agonistas de larga duración
(formoterol y salmeterol) al poder ser administrados 2 veces al día
proveen una más conveniente administración que los broncodilatadores
tradicionales que requieren de una administración 4 veces al día. Tanto
salmeterol como formoterol poseen un perfil de seguridad aceptable
cuando se utilizan en las dosis recomendadas. No existen estudios
clínicos que comparen formoterol con salmeterol, pero ambos han
demostrado un mayor beneficio al compararse con teofilina o
ipratropium en mejorar síntomas, valores de pruebas de espirometría,
exacerbaciones, y calidad de vida en pacientes con EPOC.
CONCLUSIONES:Basada en la evidencia actual, los agentes β
-agonistas de
larga duración son una alternativa aceptable como agentes de primera
línea en el tratamiento de EPOC.
Annette Pérez
OBJECTIF: Décrire la pathogénèse de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive
chronique (MPOC), les formes pharmaceutique disponibles, le coût des
médicaments, les profils pharmacocinétiques, ainsi que les essais
cliniques pertinents avec des β
-agonistes à longue durée d’action.
SOURCE DES DONNÉES: Une recherche MEDLINE effectuée jusqu’à
octobre 2002.
SÉLECTION DES ÉTUDES: Les articles pertinents à la MPOC et aux β
agonistes à longue durée d’action.
RÉSUMÉ: L’incidence et la morbidité/mortalité subséquentes de la MPOC
a augmenté au cours des 4 dernières décennies, menant à la mise en
place de lignes directrices visant à réduire les conséquences de cette
maladie. La MPOC est une maladie progressive chronique caractérisée
par des symptômes de toux chronique, de dyspnée, de production de
mucus, ainsi que par une respiration sifflante pour lesquels aucun
médicament n’a démontré de réduction de la mortalité, à l’exception de
la thérapie avec l’oxygène. Les broncho-dilatateurs ont été les
principaux agents dans la thérapie de la MPOC à cause de leur double
action sur les muscles lisses et non-lisses du système respiratoire. Les
-agonistes à longue durée d’action (i.e., salmétérol et formotérol)
administrés à une fréquence de 2 fois par jour procurent un dosage plus
acceptable que les 4 administrations requises pour les β
-agonistes à
courte durée d’action. Le salmétérol et le formotérol ont tous 2 un profil
d’effets indésirables acceptable lorsque administrés aux doses
recommandées. Il n’y pas eu d’essais cliniques comparatifs entre le
formotérol et le salmétérol, mais les 2 agents ont démontré des bénéfices
par rapport à l’ipratropium et à la théophylline quant à l’amélioration de
la spirométrie, des exacerbations, et de la qualité de vie.
CONCLUSIONS:Sur la base des données disponibles à ce jour, les β
agonistes à longue durée d’action sont des agents de première ligne
acceptables pour le traitement des patients atteints de MPOC.
Nicolas Paquette-Lamontagne
Long-Acting Inhaled
-Agonists for Stable COPD
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
2003 September, Volume 37
... [70][71][72] Because of the natural bronchoconstrictive effect of the diurnal biorhythm, some patients with night symptoms may benefit from twice-daily dosing 72,73 that induces bronchodilation during the night, thereby improving these symptoms. 74,75 Device Choice ...
The list of pharmacological medications available to treat patients with COPD has expanded greatly over the past decade, primarily from the modification of older compounds that are now more potent, of longer duration, and delivered in much improved devices. They are all effective and available singly, doubly, and even in triple combinations that, although attempting to simplify their administration, has also provided confusion given the large number of marketed preparations. The favorable results obtained with systemic agents such as macrolides, roflumilast, and the preliminary results of some biologicals are opening the door for the development of new drugs or reformulation of older medications. Perhaps the most pressing need is to study the effect of these agents at early points in the course of the disease ⁸ • Sanchez-Salcedo P. • Divo M. • Casanova C. • et al. Disease progression in young patients with COPD: rethinking the Fletcher and Peto model.Eur Respir J. 2014; 44: 324-331 • Crossref • PubMed • Scopus (19) • Google Scholar because, until now, most if not all studies have been conducted in patients usually > 60 years of age, when most of the natural course of the disease has already been run. My hope is that as our knowledge of the different pathobiological processes resulting in persistent airflow limitation and its systemic consequences are better understood more specific and effective therapies will be developed.
... Pharmacologic treatments, as summarized in the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines for the management of stable COPD include bronchodilators (b 2 agonists and anticholinergics) and inhaled glucocorticosteroids. 3 Other medications such as phosphodiesterase may be used for severe COPD. 4 Some studies showed that these medications, whether used alone or in combination, seemed to be effective in improving HRQoL for patients with stable COPD. [5][6][7] However, the optimal maintenance therapy has not yet been determined due to conflicting results regarding the effects and safety of these medications. 2 There is a long history of using herbal medicine to treat disorders now classified as COPD, particularly in China, India, and their neighboring countries. ...
This study evaluates published clinical trials of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that employ a health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcome measure. Searches were conducted in April 2011 on MEDLINE, Embase, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, CINAHL, Scopus, and Chinese databases (CNKI, CQVIP, WANFANG). Randomized controlled trials involving oral administration of CHM formulae or single herb, with or without blinding, compared to placebo, no treatment, routine pharmacotherapy control, or CHM plus routine pharmacotherapy versus routine pharmacotherapy, with a HRQoL questionnaire as an outcome measure were identified. The methodological quality was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias assessment. A total of 27 studies involving 1966 patients were identified. St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) or Cai's QoLQ were used in 13 and 14 studies, respectively. Assessment of the Cochrane risk of bias revealed adequate sequence of generation in 10 studies and adequate allocation concealment in 1 study; double blinding was not described adequately in any studies. Seventeen (17) studies addressed incomplete outcome data, and 17 studies were free of selective reporting. The main results of meta-analysis showed improvement of total HRQoL scores (SGRQ and Cai's QoLQ) when CHM was compared to no treatment (-6.07 [-9.21, -2.93] and -0.20 [-32, -0.07], respectively) and for CHM plus routine pharmacotherapy versus routine pharmacotherapy (-5.15 [-7.26, -3.05]) and (-0.25 [-0.37, -0.13]). While the results of CHM on HRQoL for stable COPD sufferers were promising, they need to be interpreted with caution due to methodological problems, which should be addressed in future trials.
... It is not certain whether this has any clinical importance. Although the use of LABAs as partial or complete agonists is controversial, it has been suggested that a complete agonist should be more effective, in cases of extensive airway obstruction such as COPD (22,23). ...
Current guidelines recommend inhaled steroids as the first line control medication in the treatment of asthma. However, many patients particularly with airway obstruction need bronchodilators either as a symptom reliever or control medication to provide relaxation of bronchiolar smooth muscles. Both short acting and long acting beta-2 agonists (SABA and LABA) are of particular importance among the bronchodilators used in asthma. Despite their well-known benefits, in the recent years, a growing body of publications has been published on the safety of LABAs. However, the increased risk reported to be related to LABA monotherapy was not observed in patients receiving inhaled corticosteroid as the standard treatment in combination with LABA. The benefits of adding LABAs to inhaled corticosteroid have been thoroughly documented, while the risks, including asthma mortality, are currently under debate. Pharmacogenetic advancements drew attention to a potential genetic explanation for certain side effects of these medications whose efficacy and safety have been proven in several studies. In conclusion, LABAs are effective in relieving symptoms and improving lung functions and safe when combined with inhaled corticosteroid in asthma; however, LABA monotherapy should never be administered in the absence of inhaled corticosteroid treatment. Asthma patients that lack control of disease despite adequate doses of inhaled corticosteroids need addition of a regular bronchodilator to their treatment regimen.
In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) the inhaled bronchodilators represent the basis of the maintenance therapy, the therapeutic recommendations being made and adjusted based on the long-term therapeutic effects. This review focuses on the results of long-term (>1 year) studies with inhaled bronchodilators in COPD. Based on the data reviewed it can be concluded that long-acting bronchodilators such as tiotropium are most effective as individual therapy in milder COPD stages and also demonstrate added value when associated with other therapies in more advanced COPD stages. Long-acting Î2 agonists are most effective not as standalone but when combined with inhaled corticosteroids for severe and very severe COPD stages. Despite the long-term efficacy and safety of inhaled long-acting bronchodilators being demonstrated in the existing studies, and despite these having contributed a great deal to a more appropriate positioning of such therapies in the management of stable COPD, several pending issues, such as long-term effects of combined bronchodilators regimens and of bronchodilators/corticosteroids triple combinations on disease outcome, remain to be documented by the subsequent studies.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world and the impact of this respiratory pathology is expected to increase over the coming years. Currently available information suggests that genetic factors, environmental factors and genotype-environment interactions influence the disease. This complex pathology is characterised by airflow obstruction, which is generally progressive and largely irreversible. It is always associated with structural remodeling and chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract and neutrophils, macrophages and CD8+ lymphocytes all appear to participate in the inflammatory process. Several therapeutic classes of compounds are used in the treatment of COPD such as bronchodilators, corticosteroids and antibiotics (in the treatment of exacerbations caused by bacterial infections). Although these therapies improve the clinical symptoms and decrease the airway inflammation, they do not reduce significantly the long-term progression of the disease. Thus, new drugs that may affect the underlying causes of COPD such as the inflammatory and destructive processes of the disease are required. The aim of this review is to provide a critical evaluation of current pharmacotherapy in COPD and an overview of new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of this progressive disorder.
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Bronchodilators (anticholinergic drugs and beta2-agonist drugs) represent the mainstay of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment and can be combined with inhaled corticosteroids for greater efficacy. This review examines the role of short- and long-acting cholinergic drugs, together with that of short- and long-acting beta2-agonist drugs. A brief analysis of the long-term use of corticosteroids in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is made, with a review of the safety and possible side effects. Combination therapy is more frequently used due to its practicality and capacity to enhance compliance. The main studies on treatment combinations are also analyzed in this paper.
Nurses in acute care settings play a vital role in caring for individuals during an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. In addressing this health concern, the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Report summarized the goals for COPD management and recommended treatment supported by current data and research. It is imperative that our clinical nursing practice is based upon research-supported interventions: use of appropriate medications, monitoring acid-base status, administering controlled oxygen therapy, assessing the need for mechanical ventilation, and close monitoring of comorbid illnesses. Health promotion includes patient and family education on early recognition of symptoms, smoking cessation strategies, and participation in pulmonary rehabilitation that can reduce long-term morbidity from this chronic disease.
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Objective. —To determine whether a program incorporating smoking intervention and use of an inhaled bronchodilator can slow the rate of decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) in smokers aged 35 to 60 years who have mild obstructive pulmonary disease.
Administration of P-adrenergic agonist bronchodilators to patients with airways obstruction commonly results in transient decreases in Pa,, levels despite bronchodilation, an effect that has been attributed to these drugs' pulmonary vasodilator action. We compared the acute effects on gas exchange of salmeterol with those of albuterol and the anticholinergic agent ipratropium in 20 patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Each agent was given in recommended dosage on separate days in a double-blind, crossover format, and the patients' arterial blood gases (ABGs) were measured at baseline and at intervals to 120 min. Small but statistically significant declines in Pa-O2 the primary outcome variable, were found after administration of both salmeterol and albuterol. The decline in Pa-O2 after salmeterol was of lesser magnitude but was more prolonged than that after albuterol, the greatest mean change being -2.74 +/- 0.89 mm Hg (mean +/- SEM) at 30 min after salmeterol, and -3.45 +/- 0.92 mm Hg at 20 min after albuterol. Following ipratropium, the corresponding change was -1.32 +/- 0.85 mm Hg at 20 min. These declines, which were almost entirely attributable to increases in the alveolar-arterial difference in oxygen tension Delta(A-a)Do(2) tended to be more marked in subjects with higher baseline Pa-O2 values. No subject experienced a decline in Pa-O2 to levels below 59 mm Hg. There were no significant differences among the three drugs studied. We conclude that despite small decreases in Pa-O2 after each of the three drugs, the declines were small, transient, and of doubtful clinical significance.
PREVIEWChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious national problem, ranking fourth as a cause of death. The elusive nature of COPD unfortunately contributes to late diagnosis. How can primary care physicians help reverse the increasing morbidity and mortality of COPD? Dr Doherty discusses the importance of spirometrie testing in detecting COPD in its early stages and describes pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions for optimal early treatment.
beta (2)-Adrenergic agonists are commonly used as bronchodilators to treat patients with COPD. In addition to prolonged bronchodilation, long-acting beta (2)-agonists (LABAs) exert other effects that may be of clinical relevance. These include inhibition of airway smooth-muscle cell proliferation and inflammatory mediator release, as well as nonsmooth-muscle effects, such as stimulation of mucociliary transport, cytoprotection of the respiratory mucosa, and attenuation of neutrophil recruitment and activation. This review details the possible alternative mechanisms of action of the LABAs, salmeterol and formoterol, in COPD.
The aims of management in mild-to-moderate stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are to improve symptoms and quality of life (QOL), reduce decline in lung function, prevent and treat complications, increase survival while maintaining QOL, and minimize the adverse effects of treatment. Bronchodilator therapy is the keystone of improving COPD symptoms and functional capacity. The primary objective of this open-label study was to compare the efficacy and tolerability of salmeterol 50 μg BID administered by metered-dose inhaler versus oral, titrated, sustained-release theophylline BID, both given for 3 months to patients with a clinical history of chronic bronchitis. The secondary objectives of the study were to evaluate the safety profile of the two drugs for an additional 9-month period and to assess changes in QOL both within and between treatment groups, using the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) Health Survey. One hundred seventy-eight outpatients (122 men, 56 women; mean age, 56 ± 12.9 years; mean body weight, 76.1 ± 11.8 kg) were randomized to the two treatment groups. Patients receiving salmeterol showed significant improvement in mean morning peak expiratory flow rate (16.56 L/min) over the 3-month period compared with patients receiving theophylline (P = 0.02). Salmeterol also significantly increased the percentage of symptom-free days and nights with no additional salbutamol requirement (P < 0.01). A significant difference was found between increases in forced expiratory volume in 1 second compared with baseline for salmeterol compared with theophylline throughout the initial 3-month period (0.13, 0.16, and 0.16 L at months 1, 2, and 3, respectively) and during the additional 9 months. The incidence of adverse events was similar in the two groups (salmeterol, 49.5%; theophylline, 49.4%), with a lower percentage of pharmacologically predictable adverse events in patients receiving salmeterol (4%) compared with those receiving theophylline (14.8%). Both drugs improved QOL, as measured by effects on the eight aspects of life experience analyzed by the SF-36 questionnaire. Salmeterol therapy was effective in more aspects, and the improvements seen in each were numerically greater than those seen with theophylline therapy. Statistically different changes between the two treatment groups were reported for physical functioning, changes in health perception, and social functioning (P = 0.02, P = 0.03, and P = 0.004, respectively). These data suggest that inhaled salmeterol 50 μg BID was more effective and better tolerated than oral, titrated theophylline and allowed better long-term control of airways obstruction and symptoms with improved lung function in patients with COPD