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Multimodal imaging in nonlesional medically intractable focal epilepsy


Abstract and Figures

Identification and localization of epileptogenic zone (EZ) is vital in patients with medically-intractable focal epilepsy, who may be candidates for potentially curative resective epilepsy surgery. Presence of a lesion on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) influences both diagnostic classification and selection for surgery. However, the implications for MRI-negative cases are not well-defined for such patients. Most of these patients undergo invasive long-term Electroencephalography recordings before a final decision regarding resection is possible. Recent developments in structural and functional neuroimaging which include quali-quantitative MRI, Positron Emission Tomography, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, and functional MRI have significantly changed presurgical epilepsy evaluation. Source analysis based on electrophysiological information, using either EEG or magnetoencephalography are also promising in order to noninvasively localize the EZ and to guide surgery in medically-intractable focal epilepsy patients that exhibit nonlesional MRI. This chapter aims to review the value of the combined use of structural and functional imaging techniques, and how this multimodal approach improves both selection of surgical candidates and post-operative outcomes in medically-intractable nonlesional focal epilepsy.
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[Frontiers in Bioscience, Elite, 7, 48-65, January 1, 2015]
Identification and localization of
epileptogenic zone (EZ) is vital in patients with
medically-intractable focal epilepsy, who may
be candidates for potentially curative resective
epilepsy surgery. Presence of a lesion on
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) influences
both diagnostic classification and selection for
surgery. However, the implications for MRI-
negative cases are not well-defined for such
patients. Most of these patients undergo invasive
long-term Electroencephalography recordings
before a final decision regarding resection is
possible. Recent developments in structural and
functional neuroimaging which include quali-
quantitative MRI, Positron Emission Tomography,
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography,
and functional MRI have significantly changed
presurgical epilepsy evaluation. Source analysis
based on electrophysiological information, using
either EEG or magnetoencephalography are also
promising in order to noninvasively localize the EZ
and to guide surgery in medically-intractable focal
epilepsy patients that exhibit nonlesional MRI. This
chapter aims to review the value of the combined
use of structural and functional imaging techniques,
and how this multimodal approach improves both
selection of surgical candidates and post-operative
outcomes in medically-intractable nonlesional focal
Multimodal imaging in nonlesional medically intractable focal epilepsy
Lilia Maria Morales Chaco, Carlos Alfredo Sanchez Catasus1, Margarita Minou Baez Martin1,
Rafael Rodriguez Rojas1, Lourdes Lorigados Pedre, Barbara Estupiñan Diaz1
1Epilepsy Surgery Program, International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN), Ave 25 #
15805% 158 and 160, Playa 11300, Havana Cuba
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Multimodal imaging in presurgical evaluation of nonlesional medically intractable focal epilepsy
3.1. SPECT and PET as multimodal neuroimaging
3.2. Electromagnetic source localization and functional neuroimaging
4. Multimodal neuroimaging and epilepsy surgery outcome
5. Conclusions
6. Acknowledgments
7. References
At least 30% of patients with epilepsy
will fail to respond to antiepileptic drug (AED)
treatment (1). For those, the best approach
is surgical treatment with resection of the
epileptogenic zone (EZ) (2, 3). Identification and
accurate localization of EZ is vital in patients with
medically-intractable focal epilepsy, who may
be candidates for potentially curative resective
epilepsy surgery. Precise localization of this region
should be ideally done using several methods
based on different pathophysiological principles.
Localization accuracy is a pre-requisite for seizure-
free outcome and for minimizing the side effects
of the operation, though it remains a challenge,
especially for nonlesional epilepsy (4, 5).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
is one of the most important diagnostic tools
in presurgical evaluation of epileptic patients.
However, the proportion of MRI-negative patients
in reported epilepsy surgery cohorts ranges from
16 to 47%. Most of these patients undergo invasive
long-term EEG recordings before a final decision
regarding the possibility of resection. In addition,
post-operative seizure freedom rates, with few
exceptions, range from 40 to 50% (6-11). There is
also evidence that the connotations of normal MRI
may be applied more to extratemporal epilepsy than
to temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) surgery (12-19).
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Moreover, a satisfactory postsurgical outcome is
commonly correlated with positive (MRI) findings, in
which focal lesions or cortical abnormalities may be
disclosed (7, 20-22).
The ability to localize seizure origin is
even more challenging in children with nonlesional
epilepsy in whom widespread and extratemporal
epileptogenicity related to malformations of cortical
development (MCDs) is common. In the pediatric
population there is a higher frequency of cortical
dysplasia (23), a type of lesion that often shows
negative on MRI scans (8, 24, 25). Thus the
absence of a MRI lesion weighs heavily against
surgical candidacy. That is why, pediatric epilepsy
centers typically defer surgical consideration in this
population (26).
Structural neuroimaging such as quali-
quantitative MRI and functional neuroimaging
like Perfusion single photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT), using both 99mTc-HMPAO
or 99mTc-ECD, and 18F-FDG positron emission
tomography (18F-FDG PET) and functional MRI
(fMRI) have significantly changed presurgical
epilepsy evaluation. Source analysis based on
electrophysiological information, using either EEG or
magnetoencephalography (MEG) have significantly
changed presurgical epilepsy evaluation, particularly
in nonlesional cases (5, 27-40). Furthermore,
multimodal post-processing and coregistration
increase the diagnostic value of all imaging data, and
help overcome the intrinsic limitations of individual
The idea of a poor prognostic implication
of normal MRI has been exhaustively stressed.
However, relatively little work has focused on
identifying the factors that do characterize
‘‘favorable’’ epilepsy surgery candidates within this
group (41-43). On the other hand, few studies have
proposed that MRI-negative cases, which present
challenges in terms of presurgical evaluation
and surgery, are indeed surgically treatable with
satisfactory outcomes (17, 41-44). Moreover, there
is a lack of studies showing the utility of a multimodal
approach use in the same patients on individual
basis and the value of multimodal imaging in the
nonlesional epilepsy population (33, 45-47).
In this chapter we aim to review the value
of the combined use of multiple anatomical and
functional brain imaging modalities in presurgical
evaluation for precise localization of the EZ in
epileptic patients with normal MRI. It also reviews
the prediction of epilepsy surgery outcome regarding
this multimodal imaging approach.
Conventional noninvasive presurgical
epilepsy evaluations include ictal and interictal scalp
EEG and MRI in practically all patients. Functional
imaging is also commonly used, and it plays an
important role in localization of seizure onset in
patients with nonlesional MRI or multiple potentially
epileptogenic lesions. On the other hand, MEG
and fMRI are increasingly utilized to localize the
EZ and to delineate proximity to eloquent cortex.
Each modality has weaknesses and strengths with
respect to temporal or spatial resolution, and to
functional or anatomical relevance. On the basis of
recent research in the field of neuroimaging, several
novel imaging modalities have been improved
and developed to provide information about the
localization of EZ during presurgical evaluation of
patients with medically intractable epilepsy (48).
Additionally, the concordance of coregistered
data from multiple imaging modalities serves as a
predictor of seizure-free outcome (49-51).
Several studies, mainly focused on TLE,
have described the utility of these techniques
including the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity
when used separately in various epilepsy
groups (47, 52-61). There is also a growing
agreement that the combined use of these imaging
techniques increases the accuracy of EZ localization
(62-64). In other words, a multimodal imaging
approach could use concordant imaging findings to
achieve better EZ localization.
3.1. SPECT and PET as multimodal
Multimodal post-processing is defined
as the simultaneous presentation of two or more
modalities which have been spatially coregistered.
Although most investigations have focused on
the use of single modalities (i.e. SPECT or PET)
coregistered to MRI or Computerized Tomography
(CT), in practice, combinations of additional
postprocessing techniques and imaging modalities
are used to improve EZ localization, grid placement,
and ultimately outcome (65).
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The indications for Subtraction of the
interictal SPECT from the ictal SPECT coregistered
to MRI (SISCOM) in patients undergoing a
presurgical evaluation include nonlesional focal
epilepsy, multilobar pathology and conflicting
results in the noninvasive evaluation (9). SISCOM
may result in better delineation of epileptogenic
zone, which may sometimes be missed even
on ictal SPECT (66). In patients with normal MRI
and refractory epilepsy, SISCOM may also help to
detect subtle focal cortical dysplasia, and has been
described as particularly useful in identifying the
seizure-onset zone in these lesions (56, 67, 68).
The presence of a SISCOM alteration
may obviate the need for intracranial EEG (icEEG)
recordings in selected patients (69, 70). A prospective
study in patients with nonlesional MRI, discordant
data in standard presurgical assessment, or
widespread MRI lesion showed that SISCOM results
altered the electrode implantation scheme in the
majority of patients. The concordance of these results
with other tests such as EEG, MRI and semiology,
were predictive for good seizure outcome (71).
In summary, SISCOM significantly improves the
results in sensitivity and specificity, particularly in
extratemporal lobe epilepsies (54, 55, 72, 73).
Another study that reported the influence
of various techniques showed that SISCOM was
localizing in 66.7.% of temporal and 84.6.% of
extratemporal cases in a selected group of pediatric
epileptic patients with excellent surgical outcome
(74). Similar results were found by Barba et al,
showing that SISCOM had a high localizing value
and good surgical outcome in this difficult patient
group (75). Figure 1 presents SISCOM analysis
in one of our patients with nonlesional TLE and
postoperative seizure-free outcome.
The use of multimodal coregistration using
SPECT and MR spectroscopy in patients with
TLE were examined by Doelken, et al. This study
demonstrated that the combination of modalities
increased sensitivity of focus lateralization to 100%
and was especially valuable in MRI-negative cases.
They also found that combining modalities allowed
recognition of bilateral pathology which generally
predicts unfavorable postoperative outcome, though
it was not examined in their cohort (49).
On the other hand, 18F-FDG PET has
higher spatial resolution and lower background
activity than perfusion SPECT (29). However, one of
the limitations of 18F-FDG PET for the evaluation of
epilepsy during the ictal phase is its low temporal
resolution. This is due to the fact that 18F-FDG uptake
period (30–45 minutes) is significantly longer than
the average seizure duration (1-2 minutes) which
leads to a mixture of interictal, ictal and postictal
phases (76). So, interictal 18F-FDG PET has an
established role in the noninvasive localization of
EZ (29). Consequently, interictal 18F-FDG PET/MRI
coregistration where PET images are fused onto the
structural MRI of the same patient provided more
sensitivity than PEt alone in the detection of cortical
lesions (77).
It has been shown that 18F-FDG PET/MRI
has a high sensitivity (up to 98%) to detect focal
cortical dysplasia (FCD), especially in patients
with mild FCD type I and normal MRI (78). FCDs
are highly epileptogenic brain lesions and are
one of the most important causes of intractable
epilepsy (79, 80). Although the precise mechanisms
of epileptogenesis in these lesions are not known,
some studies suggest that the over-expression
of the multidrug efflux transporter proteins such
as P-glyprotein (Pgp) in both malformative and
neoplastic glioneuronal tissue from patients with
refractory epilepsy may explain one possible
mechanism for drug resistance in these pathologies
(81-84). A recent result has supported the notion
that brain Pgp overexpression contributes
to a progressive seizure-related membranes
depolarization in hippocampus and neocortex (85).
In this context functional neuroimaging techniques
such as MR spectroscopy, FDG-PET, or new PET
tracers, may infer the presence of abnormality and
could help to better localization of pharmacoresistant
brain areas (86). (11C)-verapamil (VPM) is the best
validated PET tracer to image Pgp function in vivo to
date. A reduced VPM uptake in refractory compared
to seizure-free patients with TLE was reported
using (11C)-verapamil. This result supports the
hypothesis of Pgp overexpression in refractory
epilepsy (87). It is important to highlight that 18F-
FDG may be an in vivo and in vitro marker for
multidrug resistant (88, 89).
18F-FDG PET/MRI in nonlesional
childhood epilepsy (90, 91) has been also validated.
Rubi S et al. prospectively evaluated PET and PET/
MRI results of 31 nonlesional pediatric patients (92).
They demonstrated the ability of this tool to guide
a second look at MRI studies previously reported
as nonlesional, turning a meaningful percentage
of these into subtle-lesional. As a result, 18F-FDG
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PET/MRI has become a useful tool for preoperative
EZ detection in patients with drug resistant epilepsy
and normal or less specific findings on MRI.
Interictal FDG-PET and ictal SPECT
have similar sensitivity to localize the EZ, but
complementary when the other modality is not
localizing in a given patient (93). Both ictal SPECT
and interictal PET are sensitive methods for the
lateralization of TLE. However, ictal subtraction
SPECT is more sensitive when MRI is normal and it
is especially useful in frontal epilepsy (31).
In a group of eighteen TLE patients
with normal appearing MRI, we found that ictal
video-EEG (V-EEG) has the highest percentage
of correct lateralization (100%), followed by ictal
SPECT/SISCOM and choline/creatine and N acetyl
aspartate/creatine metabolic ratios measured by
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (94). This study
confirmed that localizing data provided by V-EEG
and complemented by functional neuroimaging
studies can be used to perform successful temporal
lobectomies on patients with drug-resistant
nonlesional TLE or bilateral structural abnormalities.
Despite the demonstrated utility of nuclear
medicine neuroimaging in nonlesional medically
intractable focal epilepsy, recent studies combing
SPECT and/or PET with electromagnetic source
localization data have shown incremental validity to
determine EZ for surgical purpose without invasive
electrodes or for planning intracranial electrode
placement in patients with nonlesional medically
intractable epilepsy.
3.2. Electromagnetic source localization
and functional neuroimaging
Source analysis based on
electrophysiological information, using either EEG
or MEG, and neuroanatomical data (e.g. MRI)
Figure 1. A. Ictal scalp Video- EEG pattern during a habitual complex partial seizure of a 52-year-old patient with nonlesional temporal lobe
epilepsy and postoperative seizure-free outcome. Note rhythmic activity at seizure onset in channels containing the temporal leads, F7, T3,
Cg3, T1. B. SISCOM study (threshold, + 2 SD) of the patient. SISCOM showed a focal cerebral hyperperfusion in the left temporal lobe,
concordant with ictal EEG and clinical data in a region apparently normal by MRI. C. Magnetic resonance imaging of the patient. T1 and
T2-weighted sequences did not clearly reveal structural abnormalities.
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allow revealing the source localization of interictal/
ictal epileptic discharges (IEDs) in patients with
focal epilepsy (36-39). These methods include low
resolution electromagnetic tomography analysis
(LORETA), dipole brain electric source analysis
(BESA) and brain distributed variable resolution
electromagnetic tomography (VARETA) (5, 34, 95).
Recently a bayesian spatio-temporal model for source
reconstruction of MEG/EEG data has been also
proposed (96). The complementary strengths and
weaknesses of established functional brain imaging
methods and EEG/MEG-based techniques make
their combined use a promising avenue for studying
brain processes at a more fine-grained level (97).
Anatomical MRI/CT can also be fused
in 3D arrangement with data obtained with other
functional neuroimaging such as PET, SPECT,
fMRI, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and optical
imaging of intrinsic signals (98). These techniques
highlight information on the functional correlates of
anatomical or space-occupying lesions and their role
in focal epilepsy (98, 99).
During the last decade several studies
that compare diagnostic modalities with different
underlying mechanisms were published (100-102).
A study carried out by Santiago-Rodríguez
et al. (2006) evaluated the concordance of
hypoperfusion zones measured by interictal
SPECT with BESA and VARETA in patients with
complex partial seizures. They concluded that the
concordance of hypoperfusion zones was better
with BESA than with VARETA (103). Previous
studies had found lower concordance rates of
magnetic source imaging (MSI), SISCOM and
icEEG in neocortical epilepsies compared to
mesial TLE cases (33, 47).
In our study we compared LORETA vs
Bayesian Methods Analysis (BMA), average brain
vs individual brain in patients with nonlesional focal
epilepsy. We found that the methods based on time-
frequency decompositions of EEG are useful tools
to determine ictal EEG onset and the subsequent
estimation of their generators. Besides, BMA
solutions estimated on individual brains are less
distributed than LORETA (Figure 2).
Figure 2. A. LORETA calculated on the average brain space (ab-LORETA) and BMA and LORETA calculated on the individual brain space
(ib-LORETA and ib-BMA respectively) in a patient with non lesional right temporal lobe epilepsy. LORETA and BMA solution (time-domain
analysis of ictal activity) demonstrated a right temporal source. LORETA solution showed bilateral temporal sources. Note that ib approach
introduces a much higher accuracy and precision levels. B. Ictal scalp EEG onset pattern of the patient presented in A. Note rhythmic activity
at seizure onset in channels containing the temporal leads, F8, T4, and Cg2.
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We also found that morphometric
measurements (volumetry and voxel based
morphometry) are able to localize small signs of
structural alteration in the brain when quantitative
MRI information is combined with inverse solution
estimation. In many cases they can be consistent with
functional estimation by inverse solution of the EZ
(unpublished data) (Figure 3).
Jayakar P et al. (2008) reported that a
multimodal integrative approach can minimize the
size of resection and alleviate the need for invasive
EEG monitoring in a cohort predominantly of children
with nonlesional drug-resistant focal epilepsy
undergoing successful resective surgery (104).
Various reports on MSI, SPECT, and icEEG in
patients with focal epilepsy have been written focused
on nonlesional neocortical and mesiotemporal
lobe epilepsies (37, 39, 100, 105). One of them,
which did not specifically focus on nonlesional
neocortical epilepsies, showed that MSI had the
highest concordance rate with icEEG compared to
SPECT and PET (105).
Not long ago, Schneider F et al. conducted
the largest retrospective study to examine and
compare icEEG with MSI and SISCOM in patients
with nonlesional neocortical epilepsy. The most
important finding from this study was that sublobar
concordance of ictal icEEG with either MSI or
SISCOM was superior to ictal icEEG alone in
localizing the EZ. Another result was that specificity
and positive predictive value of ictal icEEG were
higher combined with MSI and SISCOM (102). With
regard to the diagnostic values of each modality
alone, they did not observe significant differences
between icEEG, MSI, and SISCOM. Like previous
studies, their findings showed that icEEG had the
highest sensitivity for localizing the EZ based on
epilepsy surgery outcome (71, 101).
Certainly, few studies have directly
compared SISCOM, MEG, and FDG-PET with iEEG
in the same patient. One of these studies focused
on children with nonlesional epilepsy demonstrated
that both SISCOM and MEG had better lobar
concordance with icEEG than statistical parametric
mapping (SPM) analysis of 18F-FDG-PET (106).
These findings suggest that nonlesional neocortical
epilepsy with both positive MSI and SISCOM may
indicate a higher chance of a localized icEEG
result. Therefore, both diagnostic modalities provide
additional and not redundant localizing information
over the one provided by icEEG alone, even if icEEG
is localizing. In a previous study these authors had
already suggested that multimodality approach may
improve surgical outcome (43).
In recent years, studies have shown that
localization accuracy of MEG might be closer to that
of the “gold standard” icEEG (100, 101, 107, 108).
Knowlton et al. observed that MSI had the highest
concordance rate with icEEG compared to ictal
SPECT and 18F-FDG PET (101). However, MEG is
less available and requires more IEDs (38, 64, 109).
Figure 3. A. Morphometric measurements (volumetric and voxel based morfometry using MRI) in a patient with non lesional qualitative
MRI showed in Figure 2. Quantitative RMN localized small signs of structural alteration in the brain medial and inferior temporal girus,
consistent with fuctional estimation by inverse solution (BMA and LORETA). B. Focal cortical dysplasia observed in the inferior temporal gyrus
resected during epilepsy surgery in the patient with non lesional right temporal lobe epilepsy showed in Figures 2 and 3A. Histopathological
features of focal cortical dysplasia type- 1B, (dyslamination associated with giant and immature neurons). Hematoxylin-eosin; bar: 100 µm).
Histopathological findings confirmed a diagnosis of neocortical temporal mild Palmini type-IB FCD.
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Since MEG covers the whole head
(e.g., cortices) while icEEG is sample-limited,
MEG might be more advantageous in detecting the
seizure focus than icEEG in patients with normal
MRI. Some reports indicate that MEG may also
allow differenti ating focal cortical dysplasia (FCD)
type I and II (110, 111).
When Leijten, F.S et al compared MEG
and simultaneous EEG using high-resolution source
imaging in mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy, it was found
that MEG localized sources were more superficial,
whereas EEG localized sources were deeper. They
demonstrated that the yield of spikes was too low,
and EEG/MEG equivalent current dipoles modeling
showed partial correlation with ECoG findings (112).
Further, Kaiboriboon et al. (2010)
demonstrated that when MRI, and/or ictal scalp EEG
is not localizing, MEG/MSI can detect medial temporal
spikes and it may provide important localizing
information in patients with mesial TLE (113).
High-density EEG and EEG-fMRI are also
noninvasive imaging techniques which separately
considered are widely used to investigate electrical
activity and abnormal neural activity in relation
to blood oxygen dependent level (BOLD) activity
respectively (114). These imaging techniques can
be combined to map noninvasively abnormal brain
activation elicited by epileptic processes. Zhang et al
observed in EEG-fMRI exams that hemodynamic
changes related to IEDs in patients with MRI-negative
TLE are often localized in extratemporal regions. This
might be noninvasive evidence that the ictal onset
zone of these patients are not localized in the temporal
region (115). Thornton R et al. also suggested that
EEG-fMRI may provide useful additional information
about the seizure onset zone in epileptic patients
with FCD. Widely distributed discordant regions of
IED-related hemodynamic change appear to be
associated with a widespread seizure onset zone and
poor postsurgical outcome (114).
In practice, a multimodal imaging approach
for presurgical evaluation has been taken by
various epilepsy centers in which concordant
neuroimaging findings often reduce the need for
icEEG in presurgical planning. For example, in
the protocol of drug-resistant epilepsy presurgical
evaluation in our center, if the findings of noninvasive
techniques such as long-term video-EEG, ESI (EEG
Source Imaging), MRI, ictal SPECT/SISCOM are
convergent, then presurgical icEEG monitoring is
unnecessary and surgical treatment with ECoG
(electro-corticography) is performed; otherwise,
presurgical icEEG monitoring is suggested (5, 94).
It is important to point out that promising
noninvasive neuroimaging such as MEG/MSI, PET
and ictal SPECT alone or in combination; so far
still cannot replace invasive icEEG in localizing EZ
especially in nonlesional extratemporal epilepsies.
However, these neuroimaging techniques could
minimize the need for invasive presurgical monitoring
in certain cases. On the other hand fMRI, MEG/MSI
and EEG/ESI have reduced the need for ECoG in
mapping the eloquent cortex, and also fMRI might
replace invasive Wada test in language lateralization.
Lastly, accurate anatomic models using
noninvasive presurgical imaging data combined with
post-implantation electrode maps can be of immense
value after a failed epilepsy surgery, providing
important data regarding localization of functional
cortex in relation to ictal abnormalities and potentially
avoiding duplication of previous invasive studies.
Multimodal neuroimaging is needed not
only in presurgical evaluation, but also during
functional navigation in epilepsy surgery (116).
Assessment of clinical validity of multimodal imaging
in epilepsy surgery requires post-surgical outcome.
Up to the present, most studies, have been limited
to case reports of correlation with icEEG. However,
test concordance in presurgical evaluation is
also essential for predicting the epilepsy surgery
outcome (77).
Previous studies have found lower
concordance rates of MSI, SISCOM and icEEG
in neocortical epilepsies compared to mesial
TLE cases (32; 33). On the other hand, another
investigation had demonstrated that positivity of all
tests including MSI, 18F-FDG PET and ictal SPECT
predicted increased odds for seizure free outcome
after surgery (117).
Correlations to surgical outcome suggest
that SISCOM also provides complementary
information to MRI or neurophysiological
findings (70, 71, 118-122). O’Brien et al. reported an
excellent outcome when SISCOM localization was
concordant with surgical-resection site in patients
with medically intractable focal epilepsy and normal
Multimodal imaging in focal epilepsy
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MRI (55). That is to say, resection of the area of
increased perfusion is associated with better surgical
In a multicenter study, Matsuda et al. (2009)
compared SISCOM with regular ictal SPECT and
found that SISCOM provides higher predictive value
of good surgical outcome and more reliability on
the diagnosis of the epileptogenic focus than side-
by-side comparison in medically intractable partial
epilepsy (123).
SISCOM has also shown to have high
localizing and predictive value for seizure-free
outcome in extratemporal lobe epilepsy (74, 101).
In 2013, Kurd et al. showed that complete resection
of the dysplastic cortex localized by SISCOM,
FDG-PET or icEEG was a reliable predictor of
favorable postoperative seizure outcome in patients
with nonlesional extratemporal epilepsy (124).
Lee et al. showed that seizure-free outcome
could be achieved in 47% and that up to 90% seizure
reduction could be achieved in 80% of the patients
with refractory epilepsy and normal MRI evaluated
with ictal SPECT and 18F-FDG PET (125).
In an interesting study, Knowlton et al.
(2008b) investigated the prediction of epilepsy
surgery outcome regarding ictal SPECT, MSI,
and 18F-FDG PET (105). Most of the 34 SISCOM
patients in this study had extratemporal lobe
epilepsy with no localizing MRI or EEG. SISCOM
had the highest predictive value (odds ratio= 9.9.) for
excellent surgical outcome. Further, it was found that
MEG/MSI, PET and ictal SPECT had clinical value
in predicting good surgical outcome for patients with
nonlocalized MRI or video-EEG, and MEG/MSI was
close to ictal icEEG in predicting a good surgical
outcome (105).
Schneider´s investigation also clearly
shows that a multimodal approach can significantly
contribute to predict surgical outcome (102). They
found that specificity and positive predictive value
of ictal icEEG were higher combined with MSI and
SISCOM. Interestingly, they observed that MSI
was more advantageous compared to SISCOM in
predicting seizure-free epilepsy surgery outcome,
when sublobar concordance of MSI with ictal
icEEG was present whereas a positive SISCOM
concordant with ictal icEEG and complete resection
may have prognostic implications, forecasting a
more advantageous epilepsy surgery outcome.
Two recent studies reported that
concordance of icEEG with MEG results increased
the predictive value for a seizure-free surgical
outcome in patients with nonlesional neocortical
epilepsy (102, 126). Seo´s et al. investigation also
compared SISCOM, MEG, and FDG-PET with icEEG
and surgical outcome in children with nonlesional
epilepsy, and concluded that multimodality approach
may improve surgical outcome (106).
The role of fMRI in the prediction of surgical
outcome in epilepsy has also been investigated in
some studies. For example, the use fMRI triggered by
IEDs (EEG-fMRI) can identify not only hemodynamic
abnormalities in the seizure onset zone of patients
with epilepsy but also detect abnormal networks
that may have implications in surgical outcome. In
addition, EEG-fMRI has the advantage of single
subject analysis that can add patient-specific
information for clinical decisions. These studies have
demonstrated that the concordance of IED-triggered
hemodynamic abnormalities with the localization of
surgical resection is associated with better surgical
outcome (114, 127).
In spite of the increasing number of
multimodal studies showing the utility of this
approach in patients with medically intractable
nonlesional focal epilepsy, it would be useful to
randomize patients to neuroimaging or invasive
techniques in order to assess the clinical utility of
neuroimaging more accurately. Besides, there is
no meta-analysis clarifying the importance of this
approach neither cost-effectiveness studies to
identify the most cost-effective method. Accordingly,
carefully designed multi-center prospective trials can
clarify the usefulness of the combined use of these
imaging techniques in epilepsy surgery process.
Notwithstanding that appropriate clinical
trials are still needed to provide more evidence,
the multimodal approach may play a greater role
in presurgical evaluation of nonlesional medically
intractable neocortical focal epilepsy patients, or those
with multiple potentially epileptogenic abnormalities
on MRI. This approach could reduce the costs and
risks of epilepsy surgery and provide surgical options
for more patients with medically intractable epilepsy.
Selection of surgical candidates and post-
operative outcomes may be improved by recent
developments in multimodal analysis that combines
Multimodal imaging in focal epilepsy
56 © 1996-2015
structural and functional neuroimaging techniques.
In our view, a multimodality approach is needed to
identify subtle abnormalities in presurgical evaluation
which may reduce invasive EEG monitoring and
surgical failure.
Future prospective multicenter studies and
ramdomized randomized placebo-controlled trials
are required in order to clarify how the multimodal
imaging analysis may contribute both to presurgical
evaluation and prediction of surgical outcome in
nonlesional epilepsy patients. These studies are
also needed to determine how each technique can
be optimized, not only economically, but also for
individual benefit.
We thank Odalys Morales Chacón for
her English assistance. We would also like to thank
Maria Luisa Rodriguez and Abel Sanchez for their
useful cooperation.
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Abbreviations: EZ, epileptogenic zone;
MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging; EEG,
Electroencephalography; icEEG, intracranial
EEG; PET, Positron Emission Tomography;
SPECT, Single Photon Emission Computed
Tomography; SISCOM, Subtraction of the
interictal SPECT from the ictal SPECT
coregistered to MRI; fMRI, functional MRI; MEG,
magnetoencephalography; TLE, temporal lobe
epilepsy; MSI, Magnetic Source imaging; ESI,
EEG Source Imaging
Key Words: EEG, epilepsy surgery, MEG, MRI,
multimodal imaging, nonlesional medically
intractable epilepsy, SPECT, PET, Review
Send correspondence to: Lilia Maria Morales
Chacon, International Center for Neurological
Restoration (CIREN), Clinical Neurophysiology
Service, Ave 25 #15805 % 158 and 160, Playa
11300, Havana, Cuba, Tel: 537- 2735379,
Fax: 537-2732420, E-mail: lilia.morales@
... Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common type of focal epilepsy [7,[10][11][12]. It has been conceptualized as a neural network disease that can involve brain regions beyond the mesial temporal lobe [13,14]. ...
... It has been conceptualized as a neural network disease that can involve brain regions beyond the mesial temporal lobe [13,14]. Frontal lobe epilepsy is the second one [15], commonly produced by Cortical Developmental Disorders [7,10,11]. ...
... Morales Chacón et al. [11] described that the proportion of patients with non-lesional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in epilepsy surgery cohorts varies from 16% to 47%, being more frequent in extratemporal epilepsies than in temporal lobe epilepsies. Toledano et al. [7] reported non-lesional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 46% of the subjects and focal cortical dysplasia, such as the type of Cortical Developmental Disorders, as the most frequent in lesional cases [27]. ...
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Ictal semiology and brain single-photon emission computed tomography have been performed in approaching the epileptogenic zone in drug-resistant focal epilepsies. The authors aim to describe the brain structures involved in the ictal and interictal epileptogenic network from sequential semiology and brain perfusion quantitative patterns analysis. A sequential representation of seizures was performed (n = 15). A two-level analysis (individual and global) was carried out for the analysis of brain perfusion quantification and estimating network structures from the perfusion indexes. Most of the subjects started with focal seizures without impaired consciousness, followed by staring, automatisms, language impairments and evolution to a bilateral tonic-clonic seizure (temporal lobe and posterior quadrant epilepsy). Frontal lobe epilepsy seizures continued with upper limb clonus and evolution to bilateral tonic-clonic. The perfusion index of the epileptogenic zone ranged between 0.439–1.362 (mesial and lateral structures), 0.826–1.266 in dorsolateral frontal structures and 0.678–1.507 in the occipital gyrus. The interictal epileptogenic network proposed involved the brainstem and other subcortical structures. For the ictal state, it included the rectus gyrus, putamen and cuneus. The proposed methodology provides information about the brain structures in the neural networks in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsies.
... Preoperative evaluation included: (a) prolonged video-electroencephalography (VEEG) monitoring with scalp electrodes and additional electrodes considering the epileptogenic zone presumed; (b) MRI scans with a 1.5 T or 3T scanner (Siemens Magnetom Symphony); (c) a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests (executive functions, attention and memory assessment, higher verbal and visual functions) and; (d) multimodal evoked potentials, somatosensory, visual and auditive [9][10][11]. Interictal and ictal brain single photon emission computed tomography with EEG co-registration was also carried out in patients with non-visible lesion in MRI. ...
... Interictal and ictal brain single photon emission computed tomography with EEG co-registration was also carried out in patients with non-visible lesion in MRI. Additionally, ictal ESI, SISCOM and MRI post processing were performed in this patient group in accordance with our previously published protocol [10]. ...
... The cortical generators of EEG measurements can be estimated by solving an inverse imaging problem where the unknown sources are distributed on the individual's cortex. The methodology followed in this study for the estimation of the inverse solution of ictal EEG has previously been published [10]. ...
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Objective: to present the postsurgical outcome of extratemporal epilepsy (ExTLE) patients submitted to preoperative multimodal evaluation and intraoperative sequential electrocorticography (ECoG). Subjects and methods: thirty-four pharmaco-resistant patients with lesional and non-lesional ExTLE underwent comprehensive pre-surgical evaluation including multimodal neuroimaging such as ictal and interictal perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans, subtraction of ictal and interictal SPECT co-registered with magnetic resonance imaging (SISCOM) and electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging (ESI) of ictal epileptic activity. Surgical procedures were tailored by sequential intraoperative ECoG, and absolute spike frequency (ASF) was calculated in the pre- and post-resection ECoG. Postoperative clinical outcome assessment for each patient was carried out one year after surgery using Engel scores. Results: frontal and occipital resection were the most common surgical techniques applied. In addition, surgical resection encroaching upon eloquent cortex was accomplished in 41% of the ExTLE patients. Pre-surgical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) did not indicate a distinct lesion in 47% of the cases. In the latter number of subjects, SISCOM and ESI of ictal epileptic activity made it possible to estimate the epileptogenic zone. After one- year follow up, 55.8% of the patients was categorized as Engel class I-II. In this study, there was no difference in the clinical outcome between lesional and non lesional ExTLE patients. About 43.7% of patients without lesion were also seizure- free, p = 0.15 (Fischer exact test). Patients with satisfactory seizure outcome showed lower absolute spike frequency in the pre-resection intraoperative ECoG than those with unsatisfactory seizure outcome, (Mann- Whitney U test, p = 0.005). Conclusions: this study has shown that multimodal pre-surgical evaluation based, particularly, on data from SISCOM and ESI alongside sequential intraoperative ECoG, allow seizure control to be achieved in patients with pharmacoresistant ExTLE epilepsy.
... Candidates were required to be non-responsive to at least two appropriate Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs) trials due to inefficacy and intolerance; hence, recurrently compromised by seizures [8]. potentials, somatosensory, visual and auditive [9][10][11]. Interictal and ictal brain single photon emission computed tomography with EEG coregistration was also carried out in patients with non-visible lesion in MRI. ...
... Interictal and ictal brain single photon emission computed tomography with EEG coregistration was also carried out in patients with non-visible lesion in MRI. Additionally, MRI post processing was performed in these patient group in accordance with our previously published protocol [10]. ...
... The cortical generators of EEG measurements can be estimated by solving an inverse imaging problem where the unknown sources are distributed on an individual's cortex. The methodology followed in our study for the estimation of the inverse solution of ictal EEG was published by our group [10]. ...
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Objective: To present pre and postsurgical electroclinical profile in extratemporal lobe epilepsy patients (ExTLE). Thirty-one patients with pharmacoresistant (Ex TLE) underwent comprehensive presurgical evaluations including multimodal neuroimaging as well as surgical resective and/or disconnective procedures tailored by sequential intraoperative Electrocorticography (ECoG). Postsurgical electroclinical outcome assessment for each patient was carried one year after seizure. During presurgical evaluation, the majority of seizure types were aware and non-aware focal seizure, which in some cases, evolved to bilateral tonic clonic seizures. Ictal EEG pattern was unilateral in 71.4 % of the subjects tested, and regional in 82.3 % of the cohort. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) did not indicate a distinct lesion in 51.6 % of the cases. In the latter group, subtraction of ictal and interictal SPECT co-registered with MRI (SISCOM) and ictal Electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging (ESI) allowed to estimate the epileptogenic zone. Resective surgical techniques were performed in 51.6% of the group followed by combined procedures in 45, 1 % of the patients. Frontal and occipital resection was the most common techniques. Furthermore, surgical resection encroaching upon eloquent cortex was accomplished in 43 % of the ExTLE patients. After one- year follow up, 54.8 % of the cases were categorized as Engel class I-II. Patients with satisfactory seizure outcome showed lower absolute spike frequency in the intraoperative preresection ECoG than those with seizures recurrence, (Wilcoxon Matched pairs test, p=. 0,001). The present study focuses on intraoperative ECoG and its utility in epilepsy surgery along with multimodal presurgical evaluation based on data derived from Video EEG, neuroimaging; particularly SISCOM and ESI, in subjects with pharmacoresistant extratemporal lobe epilepsy .
... The presurgical examination plan included: (a) prolonged Video-Electroencephalography (V EEG) monitoring with scalp electrodes placed according to the international 10 to 20 system and additional electrodes considering the epileptogenic zone presumed; (b) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans with a 1.5T or 3T scanner (Siemens Magnetom Symphony) (c) A comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests (executive functions, attention assessment and memory, higher verbal and visual functions), (d) multimodal evoked potentials, somatosensory, visual and auditive [15][16][17]. In patients with non-visible lesion in MRI interictal and ictal brain perfusion Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) using 99m Tc-Ethylene-Cysteine Dimer (ECD) were carried out. ...
... The SISCOM methodology was also implemented in this cases Figure 1A. Besides, MRI post processing comprising voxel based morphometric and volumetric analysis with functional neuroimaging using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) were also implemented in these patients in accordance with our previously published protocol [16]. ...
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This paper presents an Electro clinical outcome of Extra Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (ExTLE) patients derived from a national comprehensive epilepsy surgery program in Cuba. Twenty-three patients with pharma co resistant Ext TLE underwent thorough pre surgical evaluations as well as resective and disconnective surgical procedures tailored by sequential intra operative ElectroCorticography (ECoG). Seizure outcome assessment for each patient was carried out one and two years after seizure. Logistic regression analysis was used to consider the potential predictive factors, which included demographic, presurgical and surgical variables. Resective surgical techniques were performed on frontal, occipital, pericentral and parietal lobes. Hemispherectomy was implemented in one patient for Rasmussen encephalitis. Anterior callosotomies for drop attacks were completed in two children; and focal frontal resection was carried out in one patient additionally to anterior callosotomy. About 80.9% of the surgeries were done in non-dominant hemispheres. Furthermore, surgical resection encroaching upon eloquent cortex was accomplished in 42.8% of the Ext TLE patients. During presurgical evaluation, the most common seizure types were aware and non-aware focal seizure which evolved to bilateral tonic clonic seizures. Regional interictal Electroencephalography pattern was documented in 61.5% of the patients; while 66.6% exhibited non-lateralized or bilateral interictal epileptiform discharge. Ictal EEG pattern was lateralized in 69.2% and regional in 76.9% of the cohort. Magnetic Resonance Imaging did not indicate a distinct lesion in 52.1% of the cases. After one-year follow up, 52.6% was labeled (Engel class I) and 47.3% (class II-III); at 24 months: 41.1% cases were registered class I, and 58.8% class II-IV. Clinical evolutions did not show significant modification concerning the assessed terms (Friedman ANOVA p=0.15); and there was no variation in the number of cases registered Engel class I two years after surgical treatment compared to the previous year (p=0.47 Sign test). A drop in the Absolute Spike Frequency (ASF) was observed in the post resective intra operative ECoG performed in all resective surgeries. The ASF during pre-resection ECoG was lower in patients Engels Class I one and two years after surgery (*p<0.05, Mann U test). A multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that an acute postoperative seizure was the sole postoperative variable related to Engel classification. (p=0.01), odd ratio 3.88. This multidisciplinary and multi-modal program for presurgical epilepsy workup and surgical procedures guided by sequential intra operative ECoG indicates favorable outcomes that show a safe and viable procedure with mild morbidity, and no mortality.
... Although the relationship between SPECT and surgical outcome has not been established [20], multimodal imaging using SPECT coregistered to MRI are useful to improve EZ localization. The concordance of these techniques with other tests such as EEG, MRI, and semiology are predictive for good seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery [9,21,22]. In addition, we have reported that brain perfusion patterns in patients with DRFE show hyperperfusion in brain structures related to the EZ [23]. ...
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To explore the role of the interictal and ictal SPECT to identity functional neuroimaging biomarkers for SUDEP risk stratification in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy (DRFE). Twenty-nine interictal-ictal Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans were obtained from nine DRFE patients. A methodology for the relative quantification of cerebral blood flow of 74 cortical and sub-cortical structures was employed. The optimal number of clusters (K) was estimated using a modified v-fold cross-validation for the use of K means algorithm. The two regions of interest (ROIs) that represent the hypoperfused and hyperperfused areas were identified. To select the structures related to the SUDEP-7 inventory score, a data mining method that computes an automatic feature selection was used. During the interictal and ictal state, the hyperperfused ROIs in the largest part of patients were the bilateral rectus gyrus, putamen as well as globus pallidus ipsilateral to the seizure onset zone. The hypoperfused ROIs included the red nucleus, substantia nigra, medulla, and entorhinal area. The findings indicated that the nearly invariability in the perfusion pattern during the interictal to ictal transition observed in the ipsi-lateral putamen F = 12.60, p = 0.03, entorhinal area F = 25.80, p = 0.01, and temporal middle gyrus F = 12.60, p = 0.03 is a potential biomarker of SUDEP risk. The results presented in this paper allowed identifying hypo- and hyperperfused brain regions during the ictal and interictal state potentially related to SUDEP risk stratification.
... (6) Se introduce el análisis multimodal de las neuroimágenes estructurales y funcionales especialmente de medicina nuclear como el SPECT realizado en estado interictal e ictal (bajo monitoreo de EEG) corregistrado con imágenes de resonancia magnética (SISCOM), y los métodos de localización de fuentes electromagnéticas (figura 2). (17) Una metodología novedosa para la localización de la ZE se desarrolla a partir de la combinación del EEG y el SPECT, donde las fuentes generadoras del EEG ictal se estiman utilizando como salida la información obtenida a priori por el SISCOM para la solución inversa del EEG. (18) La integración multimodal de imágenes funcionales derivadas del electroencefalograma ictal, la evaluación cuantitativa de las imágenes de resonancia magnética utilizando la morfometría basada en vóxeles y la Tomografía por Emisión de fotón único (SPECT de sus siglas en inglés) en estado ictal corregistrado con imágenes de RMN (SISCOM) ofrecen información de las redes neurales implicadas en las epilepsias farmacorresistentes. ...
Introducción: El objetivo fue presentar los resultados del programa integral para la evaluación, y tratamiento quirúrgico de las epilepsias farmacorresistentes (EFR) en Cuba. Métodos: Se introduce una estrategia de evaluación prequirúrgica multimodal contemplando técnicas de videoelectroencefalograma (EEG) complementada con análisis espectral en el dominio del tiempo, la tomografía por emisión de fotón único SPECT realizado en estado interictal e ictal (bajo monitoreo de EEG) corregistrado con imágenes de resonancia magnética (SISCOM), así como métodos de localización de fuentes electromagnéticas, utilizando varios modelos estadísticos. Resultados: La estrategia desarrollada devenida en programa nacional, permitió identificar de forma no invasiva la zona epileptogénica (ZE) en pacientes con EFR no lesionales. La asimilación de las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas utilizadas en el tratamiento de las EFR, guiadas por monitoreo secuencial con electrocorticografía intraoperatoria (ECoG), demostraron la asociación entre los patrones ECoG y las displasias corticales focales ligeras en pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal (ELT), no visualidades en las imágenes de resonancia magnética. En las ELT y extra temporales se logra 70,0 % y 52,6 % de libertad de crisis un año después de la cirugía respectivamente. Precisamos estabilidad evolutiva en el comportamiento de las crisis a partir del segundo año y hasta los catorce después de la cirugía en pacientes con ELT, asociado a disminución de la frecuencia de descarga absoluta de actividad epileptiforme en el EEG y a modificaciones en la composición de frecuencias del EEG. Conclusiones: Se confirma la factibilidad del programa de cirugía de epilepsia, avalándolo como opción terapéutica eficaz y segura en las epilepsias farmacorresistentes.
... (6) Se introduce el análisis multimodal de las neuroimágenes estructurales y funcionales especialmente de medicina nuclear como el SPECT realizado en estado interictal e ictal (bajo monitoreo de EEG) corregistrado con imágenes de resonancia magnética (SISCOM), y los métodos de localización de fuentes electromagnéticas (figura 2). (17) Una metodología novedosa para la localización de la ZE se desarrolla a partir de la combinación del EEG y el SPECT, donde las fuentes generadoras del EEG ictal se estiman utilizando como salida la información obtenida a priori por el SISCOM para la solución inversa del EEG. (18) La integración multimodal de imágenes funcionales derivadas del electroencefalograma ictal, la evaluación cuantitativa de las imágenes de resonancia magnética utilizando la morfometría basada en vóxeles y la Tomografía por Emisión de fotón único (SPECT de sus siglas en inglés) en estado ictal corregistrado con imágenes de RMN (SISCOM) ofrecen información de las redes neurales implicadas en las epilepsias farmacorresistentes. ...
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Introduction: The objective was to present the results of the first comprehensive epilepsy sur-gery program in Cuba. Methods: Video-electroencephalogram (EEG) complemented with a me-thodology that combines non-invasive functional modalities electroencephalography (EEG) andthe subtraction of ictal and interictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)co-registered with magnetic resonance imaging (SISCOM) was used to estimate the location ofthe epileptogenic zone. In addition, estimation of ictal EEG source imaging methods was alsodeveloped. Results: All the proposed methodology allowed for a non-invasive identification ofthe EZ in patients with non-lesional pharmacoresistant epilepsy. During epilepsy surgery, theintraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG) spike frequency allows for the characterization ofthe histopathological subtypes of mild cortical focal dysplasia in patients with Temporal LobeEpilepsy (ELT). Pharmacoresistant temporal and extratemporal epilepsy operated patients weresubmitted to EEG and clinical follow-up assessment. Engel scores follow-up was described asfollows: at 12 months 70,0 % class I, at 24 months after surgery 55,2 % of the patients wereclass I, These Engel class I figures changed to 48,6 % five years following surgery, whereas 50% maintained this condition in the last follow-up period (fourteen years). On the other hand,one year after extra temporal epilepsy surgery, 52,6 % of the patients were seizure free. Logitregression (p < 0,05) revealed that six months after surgery, quantitative EEG can be a tool topredict the outcome of epilepsy surgery. An adequate social functioning was also found. Con-clusion: Results confirm the feasibility of conducting a successful epilepsy surgery programwith favorable long-term electroclinical and psychosocial functioning outcomes in a developing country.
... This is a more simple and streamlined approach to data export compared with the process using AMIRA. The use of 3DMMI in epilepsy surgery is well described in the literature (Hogan et al., 1999, Murphy et al., 2001, Murphy et al., 2004, Wellmer et al., 2010, Morales-Chacon et al., 2015. ...
Conference Paper
Over 50 million people worldwide are affected by epilepsy and in one third of these the condition is poorly controlled by medication. In these patients epilepsy surgery offers potentially curative treatment. The presurgical evaluation and surgical management of epilepsy is complex. Patients typically undergo a range of imaging modalities, and may also require intracranial EEG (ic-EEG) evaluation. Cortical resections are informed by these investigations, with the aim of removing the epileptogenic zone (EZ) without causing any functional deficits. I have investigated the use of 3D multimodality image integration (3DMMI) and it’s relevance in epilepsy surgery in adults. I have supported the use of 3DMMI in our busy epilepsy surgery unit, and demonstrated that disclosure of models changes and informs clinical decision making during presurgical evaluation and surgical planning. EpiNav(TM) is custom-designed software for use in epilepsy surgery, representing an image-guided solution to address the complexities of the pipeline. I have incorporated this software into our clinical workflow and demonstrated the potential benefits of computer-assistance in planning depth electrode implantations. 3DMMI and EpiNav have been crucial in the development of the stereoEEG (SEEG) service in our unit. I describe the implementation of frameless SEEG, which forms part of our simplified, image guided pipeline for epilepsy surgery. Finally, I have gained experience in the generation of optic radiation tractography using constrained spherical deconvolution techniques, which are increasingly used in clinical practice. In a pilot study I demonstrate an association between language lateralisation determined by functional MRI and asymmetry in the position of the anterior bundle of the optic radiation in patients with epilepsy.
Objective Epilepsy is an important public health problem representing 0.6% of the global burden of disease that particularly impacts people living in the lowest income countries where epilepsy incidence may be 10 fold more than in the developed world. The battery of treatments designed to counteract the clinical manifestations of this disease are various and range from a wide spectrum of antiseizure medication and specific diets, to surgical techniques for resection of the epileptogenic focus. The aim of our study was to describe the State of the art of Epilepsy Surgery (ES) in Africa and examine ways to deal with the high surgical treatment gap. Methodology In an observational study, we prospectively disseminated questionnaires via email or directly administered to main epileptologists and neurologists involved in epilepsy care, in key African countries. We also conducted a literature search using PubMed, Google scholar on ES in all the African countries. Results We received responses from the majority of African countries, which allowed us to identify 3 levels of care for ES in African countries, a first level that uses ES with invasive presurgical evaluation, a second level that uses ES but without invasive presurgical evaluation, and a third level that does not use ES, and we summarized these results on a map. Discussion This paper studied the availability of ES as a treatment modality in several African countries. We aimed to establish optimal pathways for initiating ES with noninvasive Electroencephalography and readily available investigations. This could be achieved through collaboration with epilepsy programs in developed countries directly or by using telemedicine.
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Background and Purpose: Surgical management of patients with cingulate epilepsy (CE) is highly challenging, especially when the MRI is non-lesional. We aimed to use a voxel-based MRI post-processing technique, implemented in a morphometric analysis program (MAP), to facilitate detection of subtle epileptogenic lesions in CE, thereby improving surgical evaluation of patients with CE with non-lesional MRI by visual inspection. Methods: Included in this retrospective study were 9 patients with CE (6 with negative 3T MRI and 3 with subtly lesional 3T MRI) who underwent surgery and became seizure-free or had marked seizure improvement with at least 1-year follow-up. MRI post-processing was applied to pre-surgical T1-weighted volumetric sequence using MAP. The MAP finding was then coregistered and compared with other non-invasive imaging tests (FDG-PET, SPECT and MEG), intracranial EEG ictal onset, surgery location and histopathology. Results: Single MAP+ abnormalities were found in 6 patients, including 3 patients with negative MRI, and 3 patients with subtly lesional MRI. Out of these 6 MAP+ patients, 4 patients became seizure-free after complete resection of the MAP+ abnormalities; 2 patients didn't become seizure-free following laser ablation that only partially overlapped with the MAP+ abnormalities. All MAP+ foci were concordant with intracranial EEG ictal onset (when performed). The localization value of FDG-PET, SPECT and MEG was limited in this cohort. FCD was identified in all patients' surgical pathology except for two cases of laser ablation with no tissue available. Conclusion: MAP provided helpful information for identifying subtle epileptogenic abnormalities in patients with non-lesional cingulate epilepsy. MRI postprocessing should be considered to add to the presurgical evaluation test battery of non-lesional cingulate epilepsy.
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Epilepsy surgery has improved over the last decade, but non-seizure-free outcome remains at 10%-40% in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and 40%-60% in extratemporal lobe epilepsy (ETLE). This paper reports a complex multifocal case. With a normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) result and nonlocalizing electroencephalography (EEG) findings (bilateral TLE and ETLE, with more interictal epileptiform discharges [IEDs] in the right frontal and temporal regions), a presurgical EEG-functional MRI (fMRI) was performed before the intraoperative intracranial EEG (icEEG) monitoring (icEEG with right hemispheric coverage). Our previous EEG-fMRI analysis results (IEDs in the left hemisphere alone) were contradictory to the EEG and icEEG findings (IEDs in the right frontal and temporal regions). Thus, the EEG-fMRI data were reanalyzed with newly identified IED onsets and different fMRI model options. The reanalyzed EEG-fMRI findings were largely concordant with those of EEG and icEEG, and the failure of our previous EEG-fMRI analysis may lie in the inaccurate identification of IEDs and wrong usage of model options. The right frontal and temporal regions were resected in surgery, and dual pathology (hippocampus sclerosis and focal cortical dysplasia in the extrahippocampal region) was found. The patient became seizure-free for 3 months, but his seizures restarted after antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) were stopped. The seizures were not well controlled after resuming AEDs. Postsurgical EEGs indicated that ictal spikes in the right frontal and temporal regions reduced, while those in the left hemisphere became prominent. This case suggested that (1) EEG-fMRI is valuable in presurgical evaluation, but requires caution; and (2) the intact seizure focus in the remaining brain may cause the non-seizure-free outcome.
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Aims: To assess the practical localising value of subtraction ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SISCOM) coregistered with MRI and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in patients with extratemporal epilepsy and normal MRI. Methods: We retrospectively studied a group of 14 patients who received surgery due to intractable epilepsy and who were shown to have focal cortical dysplasia, undetected by MRI, based on histological investigation. We coregistered preoperative SISCOM and PET images with postoperative MRI and visually determined whether the SISCOM focus, PET hypometabolic area, and cerebral cortex, exhibiting prominent abnormalities on intracranial EEG, were removed completely, incompletely, or not at all. These results and histopathological findings were compared with postoperative seizure outcome. Results: Two patients underwent one-stage multimodal image-guided surgery and the remaining 12 underwent long-term invasive EEG. SISCOM findings were localised for all but 1 patient. FDG-PET was normal in 3 subjects, 2 of whom had favourable postsurgical outcome (Engel class I and II). Complete resection of the SISCOM focus (n=3), the area of PET hypometabolism (n=2), or the cortical regions with intracranial EEG abnormalities (n=7) were predictive of favourable postsurgical outcome. Favourable outcome was also encountered in: 4 of 8 patients with incomplete resection and 1 of 2 with no resection of the SISCOM focus; 4 of 7 patients with incomplete resection and 1 of 2 with no resection of the PET hypometabolic area; and 2 of 7 patients with incomplete resection of the area corresponding to intracranial EEG abnormality. No correlation between histopathological FCD subtype and seizure outcome was observed. Conclusion: Complete resection of the dysplastic cortex localised by SISCOM, FDG-PET or intracranial EEG is a reliable predictor of favourable postoperative seizure outcome in patients with non-lesional extratemporal epilepsy.
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P-glycoprotein (P-gp) has been associated with pharmacoresistance and mechanisms regulating the membrane potential. However, at present it is unknown if P-gp overexpression in brain is associated with changes in membrane depolarization in refractory epilepsy. Experiments were designed to evaluate the membrane depolarization and P-gp overexpression induced by repetitive pentilenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced-seizures. Wistar rats were daily treated with PTZ during 4 to 7 days (PTZ4 and PTZ7 groups), and the brain was used to evaluate membrane potential by in vitro electrophysiological procedures and using bis-oxonol dye, bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol (DiBAC4(3)), a fluorescence dye voltage-sensitive to membrane potentials. Rats with repetitive PTZ-induced seizures demonstrated lower phenytoin-induced anticonvulsant effects, increased number of DiBAC4(3) fluorescence cells and P-gp overexpression in hippocampus and neocortex, as well as augmentation of the induced fEPSP in CA1 field. These changes were more evident in PTZ7 group. Phenytoin or phenytoin plus nimodipine (a P-gp antagonist) avoided the enhanced fEPSP and decreased DiBAC4(3) fluorescence in animals from PTZ4 group. However, in PTZ7 group these effects were evident only when phenytoin was combined with nimodipine. An additional flow cytometry study demonstrated increased intracellular accumulation of DiBAC4(3) in K562 leukemic cells that overexpress MDR-1 and COX-2 genes, and are refractory to specific cytotoxic agents. These results represent the first evidence supporting the notion that brain P-gp overexpression contributes to a progressive seizure-related membranes depolarization in hippocampus and neocortex. Further experiments should be carried out to confirm the role of P-gp on membrane depolarization and epileptogenesis process.
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Approximately 30% of epilepsy patients are medically intractable. Epilepsy surgery may offer cure or palliation, and neuromodulation and direct drug delivery are being developed as alternatives. Successful treatment requires correct localization of seizure onset zones and understanding surrounding functional cortex to avoid iatrogenic disability. Several neurophysiologic and imaging localization techniques have inherent individual weaknesses which can be overcome by multimodal analysis. We review common noninvasive techniques, then illustrate the value of multimodal analysis to localize seizure onset for targeted treatment.
Cortical dysplasia (CD) is one of the most important causes of intractable epilepsy. The precise mechanisms of epileptogenesis in CD are not known. Using CD animal models, we attempted to understand the mechanisms and efficacy of various antiepileptic drugs. In two separate studies, we assessed (1) the effects of levetiracetam (LEV) and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) on pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-kindled rats, and (2) the effects of LEV and topiramate (TPM) on rats with CD and hyperthermia (HT). In the HT-induced rats with CD study, LEV and TPM decreased both the intensity of seizures and the number of rats with seizure. In these studies, we used immunocytochemistry (occludin, glial fibrillary acidic protein [GFAP], and P-glycoprotein [Pgp antibodies] and electron microscopy (EM) (sodium fluorescein [NaFlu]) and horseradish peroxidase [HRP]) to assess blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity. Both LEV and TPM protected BBB. In PTZ- kindled rats with CD, both LEV and VNS reduced the duration of seizures. Immunocytochemistry and EM revealed no BBB impairment in any of the treatment groups. In a second set of experiments, we assessed the relationship between disruption of vascular components and epileptogenesis. Astrocytic albumin uptake in focal epileptogenic lesions with vascular components suggested that dysfunction of the BBB contributes immediately to epileptogenesis, rather than simply resulting from seizure activity. Hemosiderin deposits were seen as potential epileptogenic triggers in vascular malformations (e.g., cavernomas [CA] or arteriovenous malformations [AVMs] with or without a dysplastic cortical component). However, we found strikingly high accumulation of astrocytic albumin deposits in surgically removed brain parenchyma in the vicinity of CAs and AVMs from patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy, which suggests different pathophysiologic dispersion pathways for hemosiderin and albumin in vascular lesions. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In order to validate the ability of ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to localize the epileptogenic zone (EZ) in children, we compared in 20 patients aged from 10 months to 17 years (mean 6.5 years) the topography of the area of increased ictal perfusion (IPA), determined on the basis of ictal minus interictal scan values, with that of the EZ determined by intracranial EEG recordings and assessed its relationship with the postsurgical outcome. Eighteen patients had symptomatic epilepsy and 10 had extratemporal epilepsy. All patients except one had an ictal injection (mean time lag from clinical seizure onset was 18 s). Ictal and interictal SPECT images were successively co‐registered, normalized, subtracted, smoothed and superimposed on MRI. All patients with ictal injection exhibited one or several IPAs. The topography of the ‘highest’ IPA, i.e. the maximal cerebral blood flow (CBF) change between ictal and interictal SPECT, significantly colocalized with the site of onset of the discharge, and that of the lower IPAs with that of the area of propagation ( P < 0.0001). At a threshold of 30% of the maximal CBF change, the IPAs detected the onset of the discharge with a sensitivity of 0.80 and a specificity of 0.70. The highest IPA localized the EZ in 12 out of 15 patients. In the three others it missed the EZ and showed the area of propagation because of rapid seizure propagation or of infraclinical seizure onset. Among the patients with favourable surgery outcome, the highest IPA colocalized with the resected area in 70% of cases. Ictal SPECT could therefore plays an important role as a non‐invasive presurgical method of investigation by optimizing the placement of intracranial electrodes, thus improving the postsurgery outcome of paediatric partial epilepsy.
Overexpression of the multidrug efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp) at the blood–brain barrier (BBB) is thought to be involved in pharmacoresistance in epilepsy by extruding antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) from their target site. To explore this hypothesis, positron emission tomography (PET) scans were performed with the Pgp substrate–verapamil (VPM) in animal models before and after status epilepticus (SE) and in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and healthy controls. In addition to baseline scans, a second VPM-PET scan was performed after administration of the Pgp inhibitor tariquidar (TQD), showing that VPM uptake at baseline and its increase after Pgp inhibition are reduced in animals following SE compared to baseline, and in refractory TLE relative to healthy controls. In animal models, brain regions with increased Pgp expression (cerebellum, thalamus, and hippocampus) showed reduced influx rate constants from blood to brain, K1, of the radiolabeled Pgp substrate relative to control animals. In human studies, preliminary findings are lower K1 values in refractory compared to seizure-free patients and attenuated increase of K1 for temporal lobe regions in patients with TLE compared to healthy controls. In summary, there is lower brain uptake of the Pgp substrate VPM in Pgp-rich areas of animals 2 days following SE, as well as lower increase in VPM brain uptake after TQD in patients with refractory TLE compared to healthy controls, supporting the hypothesis of increased cerebral Pgp function following prolonged seizures and as a mechanism contributing to drug resistance in refractory epilepsy. The observation of reduced VPM uptake in refractory compared to seizure-free patients with TLE is consistent with multiple mechanisms affecting Pgp function, including uncontrolled seizures.
Epilepsy is one of the most common yet diverse neurologic disorders, affecting almost 1%-2% of the population. Presently, radionuclide imaging such as PET and SPECT is not used in the primary diagnosis or evaluation of recent-onset epilepsy. However, it can play a unique and important role in certain specific situations, such as in noninvasive presurgical localization of epileptogenic brain regions in intractable-seizure patients being considered for epilepsy surgery. Radionuclide imaging can be particularly useful if MR imaging is either negative for lesions or shows several lesions of which only 1 or 2 are suspected to be epileptogenic and if electroencephalogram changes are equivocal or discordant with the structural imaging. Similarly, PET and SPECT can also be useful for evaluating the functional integrity of the rest of the brain and may provide useful information on the possible pathogenesis of the neurocognitive and behavioral abnormalities frequently observed in these patients.
MRI is one of the most important diagnostic tools in the presurgical evaluation of patients suffering from pharmaco-refractory focal epilepsies. Presence of a lesion on MRI influences both diagnostic classification as well as selection for surgery; however, the implications for MRI-negative cases are far from well defined for such patients. Detection of potentially epileptogenic lesions depends on the techniques applied (high-field MRI, post-processing, etc.) and the experience of the neuroradiologist. The proportion of MRI-negative patients in reported epilepsy surgery cohorts ranges from 16 to 47%. Most MRI-negative patients undergo invasive long-term EEG recordings before a final decision regarding resection is possible. Post-operative seizure freedom rates, with few exceptions, range from 40 to 50%. Selection of surgical candidates and post-operative outcomes may be improved by recent developments in structural and functional imaging techniques and multimodal approaches. This report gives an overview of outcomes after epilepsy surgery in MR-negative patients with a focus on children. Issues regarding definitions, the role of established and recently introduced diagnostic tools, and the question of how outcome might be improved in the future are discussed.
Efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp) at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) restricts substrate compounds from entering the brain and may thus contribute to pharmacoresistance observed in patient groups with refractory epilepsy and HIV. Altered P-gp function has also been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Positron emission tomography (PET), a molecular imaging modality, has become a promising method to study the role of P-gp at the BBB. The first PET study of P-gp function was conducted in 1998, and during the past 15 years two main categories of P-gp PET tracers have been investigated: tracers that are substrates of P-gp efflux and tracers that are inhibitors of P-gp function. PET, as a noninvasive imaging technique, allows translational research. Examples of this are preclinical investigations of P-gp function before and after administering P-gp modulating drugs, investigations in various animal and disease models, and clinical investigations regarding disease and aging. The objective of the present review is to give an overview of available PET radiotracers for studies of P-gp and to discuss how such studies can be designed. Further, the review summarizes results from PET studies of P-gp function in different central nervous system disorders.