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Global interest in walking accessibility: a scoping review


Abstract and Figures

We conduct a systematic scoping review of the academic literature concerning pedestrian accessibility. We distinguish “walking accessibility” from the broader topic of “walkability” by two criteria: papers must consider one or more destination type(s), and papers must address the issue of distance or impedance. After searching Web of Science, TRID, and Google Scholar databases and conducting screening, we identify 85 papers meeting these criteria. We organise the literature review according to the four components of accessibility identified by Geurs and van Wee [(2004). Accessibility evaluation of land-use and transport strategies: Review and research directions. Journal of Transport Geography, 12(2), 127–140]: (1) Land use; (2) transport; (3) temporal; and (4) individual and also add a section on the topic of impedance. Walking accessibility studies address a much greater range of land uses or destination types than is typically found for other modes. The transportation component is relatively undeveloped, as pedestrian infrastructure includes many influential elements not currently tracked in GIS systems. Few studies address the temporal component of walk accessibility, which varies according to climatic and nighttime conditions. Most papers do not account for the significant variation across individual capabilities and preferences regarding walking. We note that developing detailed pedestrian networks is a key first step, as most published analysis is conducted on roadway networks. A second major recommendation is to consider individual variations in walk accessibility across demographic classifications, accounting for varying levels of physical mobility.
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Global Interest in Walking Accessibility:
A Scoping Review
Author Information
Louis A. Merlin, AICP, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, Florida, USA
ORC ID: 0000-0002-9267-5712
Ulrike Jehle
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Urban Structure and Transport Planning
Technical University of Munich
Munich, Germany
ORC ID: 0000-0002-5962-6679
We would like to thank our colleague Elias Parajes for reviewing a draft of this paper and providing
helpful commentary.
No research funding was used in support of this project.
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We conduct a systematic scoping review of the academic literature concerning pedestrian accessibility.
We distinguish “walk accessibility” from the broader topic of “walkability” by two criteria: papers must
consider one or more destination type(s), and papers must address the issue of distance or impedance.
After searching Web of Science, TRID, and Google Scholar databases and conducting screening, we
identify 85 papers meeting these criteria.
We organize the literature review according to the four components of accessibility identified by Geurs
and van Wee (2004): 1) Land use; 2) transport; 3) temporal; and 4) individual and also add a section on
the topic of impedance. Walk accessibility studies address a much greater range of land uses or
destination types than is typically found for other modes. The transportation component is relatively
undeveloped, as pedestrian infrastructure includes many influential elements not currently tracked in
GIS systems. Few studies address the temporal component of walk accessibility, which varies according
to climatic and nighttime conditions. Most papers do not account for the significant variation across
individual capabilities and preferences regarding walking. We note that developing detailed pedestrian
networks is a key first step, as most published analysis is conducted on roadway networks. A second
major recommendation is to consider individual variations in walk accessibility across demographic
classifications, accounting for varying levels of physical mobility.
Pedestrians; Accessibility; Impedance; Transportation Infrastructure; GIS
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Main Text
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Understanding pedestrian accessibility is a topic of widespread concern for transport planners and
society generally. Walking is the most universal of modes available for most persons for most of their
life span and available across the globe, regardless of a country's level of economic development. In this
paper, we include personal transport by wheelchair within the scope of walking, as people traveling by
wheelchair usually rely on the same infrastructure as pedestrians in cities and travel at compatible
speeds. Walking is an essential component of travel in cities, as other modes such as driving, transit, or
even airplane travel have a walk-access and a walk-egress component. Scholars and planners who
advocate for better transit systems are also concerned with the ability of pedestrians to access transit
stops (see for example Bivina et al., 2020; Jehle et al., 2022; Sarker et al., 2019).
Travel by foot is perhaps the most sustainable mode (Jou, 2011; Replogle & Fulton, 2014). Walking
generates no greenhouse gases or other air pollution, and the infrastructure it requires is relatively
inexpensive and space-efficient compared to motorized modes. Because people take little space while
walking and travel at slow speeds, pedestrians are rarely subject to congestion, only in the most
crowded cities. The safety costs of a "crash" between pedestrians are minimal. Walking has significant
physical and mental health benefits (Chin et al., 2008; Moniruzzaman et al., 2014; US Dept. of Health
and Human Services, 2015). From an equity perspective, walking offers mixed benefits: travel by foot is
one of the most affordable means of travel, yet the physical capability for walking can vary widely.
Hence, destinations that are only accessible by foot may exclude some population segments.
In this paper, we focus on walking accessibility and distinguish it from the more general concern of
walkability. Walkability is a broad and, at times, vague concept that can include the enjoyment of
pedestrians of a particular facility or place (Jacobs, 1993), the compatibility of an environment with
urban design principles (Ewing, 1999), or a prediction the amount of walking likely present in a specified
area (Frank et al., 2010). Walking accessibility, on the other hand, is tethered to the accessibility
concept, which concerns the ability of persons of varying abilities to reach specified destinations (Levine
et al., 2019). Therefore, our concern here is for utilitarian walking for travel rather than undirected
recreational walking or walking for health reasons alone.
Measuring walking accessibility presents various challenges that are not as pronounced for motorized
modes. First, pedestrian infrastructure is very fine-grained and rarely recorded at the necessary level of
detail to accurately calculate walking accessibility (Iacono et al., 2010). Pedestrian infrastructure also
plays a more prominent role because pedestrians are more sensitive and vulnerable to environmental
conditions, threats, and the hazards of poor infrastructure. Second, the ability of individuals to walk, and
their attitudes towards walking, vary greatly. Therefore, much more attention must be paid to the
individual component compared to other modes. Generally, the ability of drivers to overcome distance
on a particular roadway segment at a particular time of day is assumed to be relatively constant and
does not vary by whom is driving. In contrast, walking abilities, needs, and preferences differ highly
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based on personal characteristics. The same walking infrastructure may be perceived quite differently by
different persons. Recent studies (e.g. Gebel et al. 2011; Jehle et al. 2022; Ryan & Pereira 2021) have
therefore discovered a mismatch between objective and perceived accessibility and highlighted further
research needs to explore this divergence (De Vos et al. 2022).
Walking accessibility has not received as much attention as accessibility by private vehicle or public
transit. Nevertheless, our search indicates an accelerating interest in the topic (see Figure 1). Our
earliest paper is from 1997, but we find more than five (5) papers each year from 2017 to 2021. We
attribute this increasing interest to improved utilization of geographic information systems (GIS), which
are an essential instrument for nearly all accessibility studies, and the availability of increasingly detailed
data concerning the built environment.
Figure 1: Publication per Year on the Topic of Pedestrian Accessibility
1.2. Theoretical Framework
We employ two key criteria for inclusion in our literature review: the specification of at least one specific
destination type and the application of a measure of impedance. These criteria correspond with the two
essential elements of accessibility identified by Wu and Levinson (2020) in their paper Unifying Access.
In this paper, Wu and Levinson (2020) survey the wide number of mathematical formulae for computing
accessibility, all of which can be connected to the generalized formula (also adapted from Páez et al.
(1) 
 
Where Ai is an accessibility measure from an origin i, at time t, to destination type k, for person type p.,
g(Otjk) is a measure of the attractiveness of opportunities of type k at destination j available at time t,
and f(Cpij) is a measure of the impedance of traveling from origin i to destination j for person type p.
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Note that the functional form f() concerns an impedance decay function, while Cpij is the generalized
travel cost, which may take into account factors such as time, distance, and effort.
Following Geurs and van Wee (2004) we examine each paper along the four components of accessibility
measurement: land use, transport, temporal, and individual. Per Geurs and van Wee:
The land use component includes the spatial location of origins and destinations, the amount
and quality of destinations, and the potential competition for destinations when demand outstrips
The transport component includes transport infrastructure and services and how those
translate into a disutility for travel from a particular origin to a particular destination, including factors
such as travel time, cost, and effort;
The temporal component incorporates scheduling constraints due to time commitments and
scheduling availability;
And the individual component addresses the varying needs, goals, and capabilities across
persons, noting that all modes are not equally available to all.
Our definitions of these components largely conform with the suggestions of Geurs and van Wee (2004)
as above. We expand the temporal component to include not only time constraints and the time
availability of destinations, but also how nighttime conditions and weather can impinge upon the
impedance experienced during pedestrian travel.
Figure 2 illustrates our conceptual framework regarding the four components and how they relate to the
opportunities and the impedance articulated in Equation 1. The availability and attractiveness of
destinations, g(Oj), is primarily encapsulated by the land use component though it could also be
influenced by differences between individuals in how they value destination types, and by temporal
components concerning when facilities are available. However, we find that the impedance element of
pedestrian accessibility f(Cij) is influenced by each of the four components, as well as the interactions
between these components. Geurs and van Wee (2004), suggest that the individual component
interacts with each of the other components, i.e. “a person’s needs and abilities that influence the
(valuation of) time, cost and effort of movement, types of relevant activities and the times in which one
engages in specific activities.” However, we find evidence of interactions across all four components
relative to the impedance element. For example, transport and temporal considerations overlap when
taking into account how lighting influences the ability to walk at night; land use and temporal
considerations interact when accounting for how the value of shade depends upon the prevailing
weather; and the land uses present along a segment influence the disutility experienced, demonstrating
an interaction between land use and transportation infrastructure. Thus, this diagram illustrates how
each of the four components feeds in turn into the two mathematical elements of destination
attractiveness and travel impedance. Our review focuses on this latter aspect how each of the four
components influences travel impedance as experienced by different pedestrians and through their
varying perceptions.
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Figure 2: Concept Framework
We acknowledge that more complex conceptual frameworks are viable and may shed light on different
issues. For example, the concept framework recently proposed by De Vos et al. (2022) highlights the
difference between perceived and objective accessibility, and their potential differential effects on
outcomes some as walking behavior and walking satisfaction. However, in this effort, we focus on the
four components outlined by Geurs and van Wee (2004) and how they are differentially operationalized
into mathematical formulae for the computation of pedestrian accessibility.
1.3. Structure of the Paper
The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 describes our methods for searching for relevant literature,
screening, and data collection from each piece of work. In Section 3, we explore how the body of
literature approaches each of the major components of walking accessibility: land use, transportation,
individual, and temporal. We note the most common approaches to each component as well as discuss
novel and promising approaches. Then we discuss how each of these components influences the
calculation of impedance, or the second element in Equation 1. In Section 4, we offer a discussion and
recommendations regarding how research and practice concerning walking accessibility might be
improved. Following that, we offer a summary of major points in the conclusion (Section 5).
2. Methodology
We conduct a scoping literature review on the topic of walking accessibility. A scoping literature review
aims to provide a comprehensive picture of approaches within a given field, with the objective of
defining a field’s conceptual boundaries (Xiao and Watson, 2019). This approach helps to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of existing research approaches and identify research gaps.
In the first stage, we searched the literature with three research databases: Web of Science, Google
Scholar, and the TRID database provided by the Transportation Research Board (final search date: 24th
of May, 2022). Within each of these databases, we look for at least one title term related to walking,
including “pedestrian”, “walk”, “nonmotorized”, and “non-motorized” as well as one term related to
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accessibility, for which we solely relied upon the term “accessibility.” We also conducted searches with
the term “access” but found too many results to be meaningfully reviewed.
Within Web of Science, we found 112 unique articles; in TRID, 63; and in Google Scholar, we limited the
search to the topic “pedestrian accessibility” and the results to the first 100 as listed by relevance. After
combining the results of the three searches, we netted 181 articles from the raw literature search (see
Table 1). In the few cases where articles were unavailable from online databases, we emailed authors
requesting a copy.
Table 1: Summary of Literature Search Strategy
Title Search
Number of Results
Web of Science Core Collection
“nonmotorized” and “accessibility”
Σ 112
“non-motorized” and “accessibility”
“walk” and “accessibility”
“pedestrian” and “accessibility”
“nonmotorized” and “accessibility”
Σ 62
“non-motorized” and “accessibility”
“walk” and “accessibility”
“pedestrian” and “accessibility”
Google Scholar
Topic Search: “pedestrian accessibility”
limited to top 100 results by relevancy
56 Σ 56
Σ 230
Duplicates Removed
In the next stage, we screened the articles by reviewing their titles and abstracts. Our inclusion criteria
were: 1) The article must be in English; 2) the primary mode of travel analyzed must be walking; 3) the
paper must discuss walking to destinations; and 4) the article must discuss some measure of distance,
cost, or impedance. We opted for inclusion in those cases where we were uncertain about whether an
article met these criteria. After screening, 82 articles remained. During our review process, we came
across three (3) additional articles meeting our criteria, resulting in a total of 85 articles reviewed.
For the purposes of data extraction, we identified the following fields of interest: Study title, journal of
publication, study area (city or metro), study continent, measurement of impedance or distance, land
use component (origins, and destinations), transport component (pedestrian network), inclusion of an
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individual component, inclusion of a temporal component, if the study was on perceived or objective
accessibility, analysis method, results, innovative features, and limitations. Only one member from the
research team reviewed each paper. We did an initial pass reviewing 8 papers together and discussing
our findings to synchronize our understanding of key concepts and data extraction methods. A
condensed summary of the data extraction is available in the appendix.
The vetted papers represent a genuinely global geography, as indicated in Figure 3. Though European
and North American publications are most numerous, every continent besides Antarctica is represented.
The fields of study housing publications concerning walking accessibility are also diverse. While 35
publications are from transport-related journals, there are also 11 from general planning, 11 from
geography and GIS, five from health-related journals, and four from computer science journals or
conferences (note that these counts are not mutually exclusive).
Figure 3: Map of Study Area Locations
3. Literature Review Findings
In this section, we are discussing the findings from the literature review. It is divided into six subsections
(transport component, land use component, individual component, temporal component, impedance
calculation, and objective vs. perceived accessibility). In each of them, first a general overview of the
most common practice is given, followed by a deeper dive into some exceptional examples.
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3.1. Transport Component
The first step in computing pedestrian accessibility is to build a pedestrian network. Analysts often
accomplish this by starting with the road network and subtracting out roads that do not accommodate
pedestrians (Carpio-Pinedo et al., 2021; Roblot et al., 2021; Vale and Pereira, 2017). OpenStreetMap
(OSM), the open, crowdsourced geographic database, is freely available and offers global coverage and
so can be an appropriate starting point for streets (Liu et al., 2021; Pearce, Matsunaka, & Oba, 2021;
Tiran et al., 2019). However, many attributes that are important for pedestrians (such as sidewalk
availability, width, lit, and surface) are often not complete within OSM. In a few cases, researchers have
gone to significant trouble to build accurate pedestrian networks far beyond the roadway network
(Amaya et al., 2022; D’Orso & Migliore, 2018; Erath et al., 2017; Jonietz and Timpf, 2012; Pearce,
Matsunaka, and Oba, 2021; Sinagra, 2019; Sun et al., 2015; Tang et al., 2021). Figure 4 provides an
overview of features and their corresponding measurements that could be considered in calculating
accessibility. The large number of potentially relevant items illustrates the difficulty of collecting
comprehensive pedestrian network data.
Accurate pedestrian networks are a substantial challenge to build, both because local authorities often
do not collect thorough pedestrian data and because many environmental features can affect the
pedestrian experience (Parmenter et al., 2008). Pedestrian networks can include not only sidewalks but
also plazas, parks, shared-use paths, pedestrian bridges and underpasses, off-street paths, stairways,
escalators, street crossings, interior corridors, and building entrance locations. Relevant data on the
individual segments may include surface, evenness, slope, obstacles, width, greenery, presence of
certain land use activities, and more (Alfonzo, 2005; Lo, 2009; Wimbardana et al., 2018). Laakso et al.
(2013) propose a comprehensive information model for capturing data regarding pedestrian accessibility
and pedestrian routing. They capture a variety of pedestrian pathway types (including crossings)
through linear features classified as “PedestrianPassage” and a range of obstacle types through primarily
point features classified as “PedestrianObstacle.” Li et al. (2018) propose a streamlined method for
developing a sidewalk and crosswalk network where none exists, building upon existing parcel and
roadway network GIS files. The method is semi-automated, but some hands-on data cleaning is
Van Eggermond and Erath (2016) developed two contrasting pedestrian networks for Singapore and
examine accessibility differences across these two networks. The first network is simply a network of
applicable roadway center lines. For the second network, they developed sidewalks for both sides of the
street by using an offset from roadway centerlines. They also identified three types of roadway
crossings: overhead bridges, pedestrian underpasses, and painted crosswalks. They find that detailed
pedestrian networks more accurately capture pedestrian accessibility, but a substantial amount of
ground truthing is required to develop correct networks. Several other researchers use site visits, Google
Street view, or aerial maps to construct detailed pedestrian networks (Achuthan et al., 2007; Amaya et
al., 2022; Blečić et al., 2013; D’Orso & Migliore, 2018; Jonietz & Timpf, 2012; Laakso et al., 2013; Pearce
et al., 2021; Sinagra, 2019; Stewart, 2016; Tang et al., 2021; Wilhelm, 2007; Xu, 2014).
Adding off-street pedestrian network features, such as shared-use paths, is also relevant; these features
are usually not captured in roadway networks. Off-street pedestrian networks, when they provide
additional options beyond the street-based network, can result in shorter paths and improved
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accessibility (Tal & Handy, 2012). Shared use paths may also be preferred routes for reasons of safety
and aesthetics (Erath et al., 2015).
The infrastructure element of accessibility is interwoven with the individual element; depending upon
which population segments researchers are considering, their data collection needs may differ. In
particular, when considering the accessibility needs of persons in wheelchairs or with constrained
mobility, obstacles and surface unevenness become more severe constraints (Laakso et al., 2011, 2013;
Orellana et al., 2020; Sinagra, 2019; Wilhelm, 2007). To capture the needs of these populations,
investigators must detail features such as physical obstacles present in the pedestrian pathway, curb
ramps, driveway ramps, textural changes (for the visually impaired), roughness, cross slope, tripping
hazards, and dips. Likewise, Amaya et al., (2022) consider the presence of benches when evaluating
walking accessibility for older adults.
Although the overwhelming majority of papers investigating walking accessibility employ a graph-based
model of pedestrian infrastructure (where the pedestrian network consists of nodes and edges
connecting them), there are exceptions. For example, Blanford et al. (2012) consider walking
accessibility to health care facilities in Niger in rural areas where road networks may be lacking.
Therefore, they consider pedestrian raster-based routing that considers elevation and land cover as
potential pedestrian obstacles that increase impedance. Paez et al. (2020) perform a similar analysis in
Kenya while examining residents’ access to water, primarily considering the distance and slope of
alternative raster-based routes. Rossetti et al. (2020) also employ a raster-based approach, this time in
urban Italy. Their reasoning for employing a rasterized method is that pedestrian routing through parks
and plazas involves a high degree of discretion and cannot readily be simplified into a discrete set of
possible linear pathways. Raster-based routing methods offer an appealing alternative when formal
pedestrian infrastructure is absent but involves much more computational load than a network
approach, so its applicability is likely of limited use.
Figure 4: Potential Measurable Characteristics of Pedestrian Links
3.2. Land-Use Component
Land use features in the consideration of pedestrian accessibility in three ways: as origins, as
destinations, and as a feature of segments alongside pedestrian routes.
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Reviewed papers most commonly consider residences as the primary origin of interest, i.e., walk trips
starting from home, for 32 out of the 85 papers. Several papers consider any possible location in the city
as an origin (Ariza-Alvarez et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021; Roblot et al., 2021) or consider any building as an
origin (Erath et al., 2017; Higgins et al. 2019; Sun et al., 2015). This finer building-scale analysis is
relevant when considering walking accessibility, where even building location entrances and under- or
overpasses can be accounted for (Desjardins et al., 2022; Tang et al., 2021). Several papers consider
public transport stops (Chandra et al., 2017) or parking lots (Joneitz & Timpf, 2012) as origins.
Destinations are notably more diverse than in the study of transit and auto accessibility, where most
studies focus on accessibility to jobs. Destination types considered include jobs, parks and green space,
health service facilities, schools, childcare facilities, shopping centers, and transit stops. The
categorization and nomenclature of destinations are not standardized, and different papers employ
differing terminologies for what appear to be the same concepts, i.e., “commercial areas” versus
“shopping” versus “services.” The most common destinations analyzed are a variety of points of interest
(23/85), parks and recreational amenities (13/85), transit stops (11/85), and shopping (10/85).
Land uses occurring along pedestrian segments can influence perceived impedance, though few
reviewed studies examine this. Erath and van Eggermond (2015, 2017) employ a stated preference
survey to determine that pedestrians in Singapore prefer to walk along segments with greenery and
with shops. Likewise, Broach and Dill (2015) found that perceived impedance is lower along main streets
(commercial streets) in Portland, Oregon, via a revealed preference survey using GPS. Several other
papers consider the effect of greenery or commercial activity on pedestrian impedance (Blečić et al.,
2015; D’Orso & Migliore, 2018; Gaglione et al., 2021).
3.3. Individual Component
While most papers that we reviewed do not distinguish between different populations, there is a rich
and growing literature on the individualized aspects of walking accessibility. Researchers considered the
demographic components of age, gender, income, health, mobility constraints, vision constraints,
vehicle ownership, and more in the papers we reviewed. There are two distinct approaches to
examining individual differences. One approach is to identify population segments with distinctive
characteristics and consider their particular needs (Orellana et al., 2020; Papa et al., 2018; Wilhelm,
2007). The second approach is to integrate multiple population characteristics into a statistical formula
for fully individualized accessibility profiles (García-Palomares et al., 2013; Marquet & Miralles-Guasch,
2014; Reyes et al., 2014).
Several of the reviewed papers examine walking accessibility for older adults (Amaya et al., 2022; Ariza-
Alvarez et al., 2021; Boakye-Dankwa et al., 2019; Borowska-Stefańska & Wiśniewski, 2017; Cheng et al.,
2019; Colclough, 2009; Erath et al., 2015; Gaglione et al., 2019, 2021; García-Palomares et al., 2013;
Marquet et al., 2017; Pajares et al., 2021; Papa et al., 2018; van der Vlugt et al., 2022). Gaglione et al.
(2021) examine pedestrian access of older adults to urban services in Naples, Italy, and Aberdeen,
Scotland, by utilizing a value of perceived travel time that considers the traveler's age. They aim to
identify areas of the pedestrian network where interventions could increase senior access. Jehle (2020)
examines how elderly accessibility varies from a “standard” pedestrian profile in Munich using the open-
source software tool GOAT. Using differential speeds across traveler types, they find a much lower level
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of walking accessibility among the elderly. Cheng et al. (2019) calculate cumulative opportunity
accessibility measures with varying distance thresholds based upon multiple individual and household
level characteristics, including age. Therefore, the level of accessibility depends not just upon location
and infrastructure but also on individual social and demographic characteristics. They find that older
adults have lower access to recreational facilities than their younger counterparts.
Surprisingly, walking accessibility for children was much less frequently analyzed in our set of papers.
Reyes et al. (2014) examine children’s walk accessibility to urban parks in Montreal employing a spatial
expansion model. Garcia-Palomares et al. (2013) consider the accessibility of different population
groups to metro stations and incorporate children within their analysis. But few reviewed papers
consider children’s walking access, despite the unique needs of this group, and children’s greater
dependence on walking as a mode of transport.
Wheelchair users have distinctive needs regarding pedestrian infrastructure, so several researchers have
delved into methods for accurately assessing their accessibility (Church & Marston, 2003; Jehle, 2020;
Laakso et al., 2011, 2013; Orellana et al., 2020; Sinagra, 2019; Wilhelm, 2007). Detailed data sets are
necessary that include the collection of curb ramps, driveway ramps, sidewalk texture, obstacles, and
slope (Jehle, 2020; Laakso et al., 2011, 2013; Orellana et al., 2020; Sinagra, 2019; Wilhelm, 2007). Some
of these features can present absolute obstacles to wheelchair travel, while others represent an
impediment that makes wheelchair travel more burdensome, creating a higher impedance (Sinagra,
2019; Wilhelm, 2007).
Socioeconomic variables, such as income, vehicle ownership, and housing type, are also sometimes used
to evaluate differences in pedestrian accessibility (Anciaes et al., 2015; Ariza-Alvarez et al., 2021;
Boakye-Dankwa et al., 2019; Chandra et al., 2017; Cheng et al., 2019; Damurski et al., 2020; García-
Palomares et al., 2013; Goodwin, 2005; Higgins, et al., 2019; Marquet et al., 2017; Morar et al., 2014;
Reyes et al., 2014; van der Vlugt et al., 2022; Xu, 2014). Ariza-Alvarez et al. (2021) calibrate different
gravity decay functions based on various socioeconomic characteristics, including income and vehicle
availability. Marquet et al. (2017) consider which population segments are most likely to take shorter
“proximity trips” to understand what groups would most value local accessibility. They find that age,
gender, and economic status are correlated with the likelihood of taking proximity trips. Socioeconomic
variables may help analysts identify accessibility differences across populations as well as observed
differences in the likelihood of overcoming a particular distance.
3.4. Temporal Component
Relative to the land-use and transport components of walking accessibility, the temporal component is
relatively less studied. Only nine of the reviewed papers consider the effect of nighttime (Chandra et al.,
2017; Jehle, 2020) or variations in weather (Erath et al., 2015) on pedestrian accessibility. Erath et al.
(2015) note that shaded and covered routes are preferred in hot, sunny Singapore and that the value of
covered routes increases during rainfall events. Jehle (2020) examine how accessibility to POIs varies
based on the opening hours each POI is available.
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3.5. Impedance Calculation
Each of the accessibility components – transport, land use, individual, and temporal can have an
independent or combined effect on the calculation of impedance along a given route. Transportation
infrastructure defines which routes are shorter as well as the relative difficulty of traversing each route.
Land use determines the location of origins and destinations, their quality, and whether or not there are
interesting diversions along the route for pedestrians. The individual component defines each person’s
physical ability to overcome spatial separation and their variable degree of sensitivity to infrastructure
conditions. The temporal component through reduced illumination or weather can also serve to
increase impedance or effectively remove specific unilluminated travel paths from the network.
Despite these manifold possibilities, the most common approach in the literature to calculating
impedance is simply distance, which was employed in 25 out of the 85 papers reviewed, with modified
versions of distance employed in an additional 11. In almost all cases, analysts used pedestrian network
distance, not straight-line distance. Researchers often applied cumulative opportunity measures and
distance-decay measures of route distance to destinations. In some cases, distances were modified by
considering aspects of transportation infrastructure that increased “effective” distance, such as slope
(Blečić et al., 2013, 2015, 2018; D’Orso & Migliore, 2018; Kuzmyak et al., 2006). Others tried to
incorporate perceived distance by adding impedances based on the quality of the path, assigning
greater lengths to unpleasant routes (Blečić et al., 2015; Blečić et al., 2018; D’Orso & Migliore, 2018;
Jang et al., 2020; Joneitz & Timpf, 2012).
The second most common method for measuring impedance was travel time, which was employed in 31
out of 85 papers. Travel time can be translated to distance if an expected walking speed is assumed;
however, different individuals walk at different speeds (and with differing levels of physical effort).
Several analyses account for differing travel speeds across population segments (Amaya et al., 2022;
Gaglione et al., 2021; Jehle, 2020). Interestingly, some research indicates that people better estimate
walk times than walk distances (Vale & Pereira, 2017). Travel time can also be adapted to account for
infrastructure characteristics, therefore increasing the walk time along any particular segment due to
slope or impediments (Amaya et al., 2022; Gaglione et al., 2021; Li et al., 2018; Tang et al., 2021;
Wilhelm, 2007). Lastly, several investigations examine perceived travel time as an impedance measure
by asking travelers about their perceptions or willingness to travel along specific routes based on each
route’s characteristics or attractiveness (Boakye-Dankwa et al., 2019; Erath et al., 2017; Gaglione et al.,
2021; Sun et al., 2015).
There are several ways to account for perceived travel time. Four methods we identified are: 1) Based
upon revealed route-choice behavior (Broach and Dill, 2015), 2) Based upon stated preference surveys
(Erath et al., 2015), 3) Based upon survey questions to study participants about perceived travel time
(Sun et al., 2015), or 4) Based upon assumptions about perceived travel time (Gaglione et al., 2021). For
example, Boakye et al. (2019) analyzed the connection between perceived accessibility to destinations
at different distances from home and self-reported amounts of walking for different purposes among
older adults in Brisbane and Hong Kong. Their survey found that higher perceived destination
accessibility was positively associated with the likelihood of walking only in Brisbane. Differing results
across the two study cities suggest that local contexts may affect how accessibility is experienced. Sun et
al. (2015) investigate the differences between actual and perceived travel time for various routes within
Preprint. Final article is available at Transport Reviews:
a Hong Kong-based campus that includes significant elevation changes. They hypothesize that perceived
walking time is primarily a function of distance and elevation change and calibrate a regression of
perceived walking time to these variables. Pot et al. (2021) consider perceived accessibility to be its own
category of accessibility measurement and relate it to the other traditional accessibility components.
Paez et al. (2020) employ a distinctive method for calculating pedestrian impedance, estimating the
metabolic energy expended in pedestrian travel across varying routes. Biologically, it is intuitive that
humans would endeavor to economize on metabolic energy expenditure while walking. Paez et al.’s
(2020) method is also appropriate because of the study context a rural part of Kenya with few
roadways present. Therefore, most pedestrian paths traverse an unpaved landscape, and the metabolic
energy expended can vary based upon the landcover and slope. They find that the shortest paths as
determined by metabolic energy expenditure are rather different from those that minimize either time
or distance.
3.6. Objective vs. Perceived Accessibility
Accessibility studies can be divided in two approaches: objective and perceived analysis. Objective
analyses calculate accessibility using spatial data, while perceived analysis are based on survey or
reported data. The majority of the accessibility studies we reviewed used an objective approach. Six
papers were identified which used a perceived approach (Abrahams, 2010; Arranz-López et al., 2021;
Boakye-Dankwa et al., 2019; Erath et al., 2015; Iacono, et al., 2008; van der Vlugt et al., 2022). Boakye-
Dankwa et al. (2019), Erath et al. (2015), Iacono et al. (2008) and van der Vlugt et al. (2022) leveraged
survey data to analyze perceived accessibility, while Abrahams (2010) conducted face-to-face interviews
with selected experts and incorporated passive field observations. The study by Arranz-López et al.
(2021) compared differing visualizations of accessibility in terms of their comprehensibility.
Eleven studies combined objective and perceived methods (Adams, 2002; Arranz-López et al., 2017;
Arranz-López et al., 2019; Damurski, Pluta, and Zipser, 2020; Erath et al., 2017; García-Palomares et al.,
2013; Iacono et al., 2010; Kang, 2015; Reyes et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2015). Arranz-López et al. (2017,
2019) survey residents to define different distance-decay functions across user groups; Iacano et al.
(2010) do the same for different trip purposes. Damurski et al. (2020) compare objective and perceived
accessibility and find disparities across the two measures. Kang (2015) juxtaposed pedestrian volumes
with accessibility values and found that the land use present along pathways impacts the level of
walking activity. To account for environmental perceptions, path characteristics and destination
attractiveness, Erath et al. (2017) employ behavioral data from surveys to calibrate accessibility
indicators. Sun et al. (2015) used the walking diary of 169 students to derive perceptions of walking
uphill and incorporate them into a 3D walking accessibility model. Some authors (e.g. Blecic et al.,2013;
Blečić et al., 2018; D’Orso & Migliore, 2018); Joneitz & Timpf (2012) and Amaya et al. (2022)) include
walkability attributes in the impedance function, hoping to impute their impact on perceived
Throughout the papers, different terms are used for perceived accessibility. Most of the authors (e.g.
van der Vlugt et al., 2022; Boakye-Dankwa et al., 2019) use the term perceived accessibility and the term
objective accessibility as its counterpart. Damurski et al. (2020) write subjective accessibility and Arranz-
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López et al. (2021) speak of relative accessibility, which is explained to be “subjective and shaped by
individual circumstances (e.g., individual preferences, habits, and cultural norms)”.
4. Discussion and Recommendations
Our recommendations for research and practice are summarized in Table 2, which we discuss in this
section. The column indicating current practice describes the most common or modal practice from the
body of literature we reviewed; the second column or recommended practice briefly describes our
recommendations for future walking accessibility studies.
The first step to improved analysis of pedestrian accessibility is to shift from the use of roadway
networks to pedestrian networks. As noted above, the quality of the pedestrian network can vary
widely, and detailed and precise data on the pedestrian network is a necessary precondition for
accurately analyzing pedestrian accessibility. Fortunately, several researchers have developed thorough
data models for capturing the necessary information (Laakso et al., 2013; Sinagra, 2019; Xu, 2014).
Although few jurisdictions have accurate and detailed pedestrian network data, we argue that the time
for both researchers and practitioners to start building such networks is now.
Table 2: Current vs. Recommended Practice for Analyzing Pedestrian Accessibility
Current Practice
Recommended Practice
Roadway Network
Pedestrian Network, including
Street Crossings
Land Use
Administrative Zones as
Specific Destination Types
Buildings as Origins or
Grid-Type Zones as Origins
Specific Destination Types
All Persons the Same
Distinct Population Segments
Not Considered
Consider the Effect of Weather
and Nighttime
Objective vs.
Imputed Perception
One of the most critical features of the pedestrian network that is currently often missing is street
crossings. Street crossings may pose either a minor or major obstacle to pedestrian travel (Anciaes &
Jones, 2020; Broach & Dill, 2015; Erath et al., 2015; Montgomery County Planning Department, 2020). In
most analyses based on the roadway networks, pedestrian crossings are not considered. Factors that
may influence pedestrians’ ability to cross include the number of traffic lanes, the presence of a median
island, prevailing vehicular speeds, the presence of a crosswalk, the presence of a signalized traffic light,
and the presence of an overpass or underpass (Anciaes & Jones, 2020; Montgomery County Planning
Department, 2020).
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The current dominant practice is to employ existing administrative zones as origins. However, as more
detailed GIS data becomes available, it may be possible to use individual buildings as origins, especially
major residential complexes with many housing units. Pedestrian travel can vary significantly on the
microscale in places where blocks are long or street crossings are infrequent, so the use of individual
buildings as origins and destinations is desirable. On the other hand, it may still be preferable to conduct
a zonal analysis if the study area is extensive or for the analysis is of an area with many single-family
homes. Another reason to prefer zonal analysis is for rapid, sketch-planning type tools (Pajares et al.,
2021). A middle route is to create a regular grid of small zones and to interpolate the population to that
grid (Desjardins et al., 2022; Liu et al. 2021).
In the research world, the current modal practice for understanding walking accessibility already
considers specific destination types. For example, parks, grocery stores, and schools have all been
analyzed as potential walk destinations. We recommend that the disaggregation of destination types be
the standard and that this approach also be adopted by those analyzing pedestrian accessibility in
practice. Each destination type may have distinct demographic segments that it attracts; distinct
patterns in hours of activity; and even differential ability to attract pedestrian trips; therefore, we argue
against the aggregation of various destinations into an overall walkability index. As increasingly accurate
and detailed information becomes available for POIs, such disaggregated analysis by destination type
should become more achievable. In addition, such analyses could take into account the quality of
destinations where adequate data is available.
As we have documented here, there is growing attention to the individual aspect of walking
accessibility; however, the norm in the literature is still to consider the entire population as experiencing
the same opportunity for walking to destinations. We recommend the consideration of different
population segments, especially concerning their differential ability to overcome distance, cross streets,
and access POIs. The population segments that appear to need attention the most would be older
adults, children, those using human-powered wheels (including persons in wheelchairs and persons
pushing strollers), and persons with other mobility impairments, i.e., cane users. Each group has specific
needs and requirements for walking infrastructure in terms of safety, freedom from barriers, etc.
Considering that metabolic energy may be an appropriate way to measure pedestrian impedance, there
may be cases where the pedestrian accessibility needs of the overweight and the obese could also be
considered in a differential fashion. Still another option that accounts for individual differentiation
would be comfort-based accessibility measures that include perceived route attractiveness factors.
However, we do not recommend a fully individualized approach to accessibility, where multiple
characteristics of each individual are integrated into a customized accessibility profile. We argue against
this for primarily practical reasons. The state of knowledge is not sufficiently developed to make such
individualized measures accurate. Moreover, decision-makers plan the built environment for general
populations, not specific individuals. Individualized accessibility measures complicate identifying
significant variations across major population segments. However, analyses disaggregated by population
groups (e.g., children's accessibility to kindergartens and primary schools with particular emphasis on
the safety of street crossings) may be beneficial to planners to highlight shortcomings in the walking
network to essential amenities.
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As noted previously, the temporal component is neglected in research and in practice. Despite this,
there is evidence that heat, cold, and rain may significantly affect the willingness of persons to walk and
may influence the distance they are willing to walk (Merlin et al., 2021). In addition, intuition tells us
that walking at night differs from walking during the day and presents unique challenges (Chandra et al.,
2017; Jehle, 2020). Since little data has been gathered on this topic, the temporal component of walking
accessibility may be more suitable for researchers than practitioners at this time. However, in
challenging environments, practitioners should undoubtedly consider designs that mitigate extreme
weather (Erath et al., 2017).
The most common unit of impedance measurement for pedestrian accessibility is distance. Distance has
several advantages it is easy to conceptualize and map for planning purposes. Moreover, distance can
be adapted to consider each of the accessibility components for example, expanding the distance
when someone is walking upslope or contracting it when someone is walking by a park. However, travel
time may be a more advantageous unit of analysis. Firstly, there is evidence that people report time
more accurately than distance (Vale & Pereira, 2017). Secondly, different accessibility analyses can easily
be adapted to different populations by incorporating their variability in walking speeds. Lastly, street
crossing time can be added to route times as a rough way to account for the additional impedance
created by street crossings.
Most of the reviewed studies focus on objective accessibility. The advantage of objective analyses is that
these measures can readily be transferred worldwide if the corresponding spatial data is available.
However, in doing so, they neglect variations in perception, which may vary systematically not only
across individuals but also across cultures (Golan et al. 2019). Perceived measures, on the other hand,
are based on questionnaires conducted for the respective study area and thus the results are not per se
transferable. Similar to Damurski et al. (2020), several studies have discovered a mismatch between
objective and perceived accessibility (Curl et al., 2015; Gebel et al., 2011; Lättman et al., 2018;
McCormack et al., 2008; Pot et al., 2021; Ryan and Pereira, 2021; Ryan et al., 2016; van der Vlugt et al.,
2022). In order to obtain realistic and holistic results, we recommend imputing perceived accessibility
based on empirical evidence from appropriate studies - thus using the advantages of both approaches.
Finally, we also want to argue not to make the perfect the enemy of the good. While the characteristics
outlined in Table 2 are desirable, they may not be necessary or appropriate in every context. We would
rather see more frequent pedestrian accessibility analysis even if it does not meet all of our
recommended criteria in Table 2. Rather, it is intended to be a guide for the general direction of
improvement in pedestrian accessibility analyses.
Our study has several limitations. We only examined three databases and only included papers
published in English; in fact, we found several relevant papers published in other languages. Also, we did
not receive papers from all authors upon request. It is possible that some highly relevant papers were
omitted from our review. Each paper was only reviewed by a single member of the research team;
double reviews could improve data extraction. However, given the inclusiveness of our search, we
believe we have drawn an accurate picture of the current state of pedestrian accessibility analysis.
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5. Conclusion
In this paper, we review the global, multidisciplinary literature on pedestrian accessibility, surveying 85
publications. We differentiate the literature concerning pedestrian accessibility from the broader
literature on walkability by screening out papers that do not concern reaching destinations or do not
incorporate some measure of impedance or distance. This distinguishes our review from a previous
effort that did not limit their scope to walking to destinations (Vale et al., 2016). For the purposes of
data extraction, we gathered data on the following topics of interest: Study title, publication journal,
study area, study continent, measurement of impedance or distance, origins, destinations, method of
developing the pedestrian network, variation by population group, temporal considerations, analysis or
calculation method, results, innovative features, and limitations.
In order to structure our critique of this body of literature, we employ the framework proposed by Geurs
and van Wee (2004), which identifies four components of the accessibility concept: transportation, land
use, individual and temporal. We conceive of these four components, in turn, influencing the two
elements of the generalized equation for accessibility from Levinson and Wu (2020) (Equation 1), an
element calculating attractiveness and an element calculating impedance or cost (see Figure 2). Our
analysis indicates that all four components, as well as interactions between the four components, can
influence the calculation of impedance.
Based upon the content of our review, we issue several recommendations for research and practice
concerning the study of walking accessibility, summarized in Table 2. We recommend that, when
possible, analysts use pedestrian networks that account for street crossings and other distinctive
features of the pedestrian environment rather than relying solely upon roadway networks. Because of
the importance of small-scale features of the pedestrian environment to impedance, we recommend
that building-level accessibility measures be calculated when feasible. Concerning the individual
component of accessibility, pedestrians are subject to much more significant variation than motorized
modes, and therefore we argue that differentiation across population groups should be considered. Two
populations that have often been considered are older adults and those in wheelchairs, but other
population segments with distinct pedestrian needs exist. We also note that the temporal component of
walking accessibility is generally neglected. Accounting for the effects of weather, nighttime, and
opening hours would be a fruitful way to consider temporal aspects. Lastly, we point to several
advantages of using travel time as the unit of analysis, rather than distance, for measuring pedestrian
impedance, while noting that other measures such as perceived impedance may also be relevant.
In any given specific implementation of pedestrian accessibility analysis, a trade-off must be made
between detailed data gathering and computational efficiency. Because of the large number of factors
that influence pedestrian accessibility, gathering comprehensive data on all aspects of pedestrian
accessibility may be cost-prohibitive in any given circumstance. Each analysis must consider the costs
and benefits of each additional component of data to be gathered, and the overall effort should be
guided by which kinds of data are most relevant to the populations and built environment contexts
under study. Therefore, the most appropriate level of data gathering for each pedestrian accessibility
analysis effort is a strategic consideration that should be carefully considered at the start of any
pedestrian accessibility analysis project.
Preprint. Final article is available at Transport Reviews:
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... Ensuring both an ample scale and a diverse range of types for urban health service facilities is equally crucial for enhancing the level of urban health services and achieving social equity. Another significant limitation is that planning standards fail to account for the heterogeneity in walkable accessibility among different age groups [17][18][19]. Compared to typical adults, the elderly often have lower physical fitness and lower walking efficiency, resulting in comparatively slower walking speeds [20]. ...
... With the ongoing expansion of the elderly population, it becomes imperative to amplify the emphasis on the elderly within research concerning the supply-demand alignment of urban HSFs. There has been extensive research investigating the accessibility of various public service facilities for residents, but few studies have explicitly considered the heterogeneity across different age groups [19]. To compare the differences in evaluation results between the elderly population and the general population, this study plotted a scatter diagram contrasting the scores of the two groups ( Figure 10). ...
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Ensuring the spatial equity of health service facilities (HSFs) is crucial for the well-being of residents. However, previous research has predominantly focused on the accessibility and equity of single-type facilities, neglecting the residents’ demand for diversified types of health services. This study proposes a multi-type, Gaussian-based, two-step floating catchment area method (MT-G2SFCA) to assess the comprehensive accessibility and equity of multi-type HSFs in different age groups in the Hedong District of Tianjin, with the Gini coefficient and the bivariate local Moran’s I. Furthermore, the key factors affecting the accessibility were explored through a geo-detector. The results indicate the following: (1) Neglecting the health benefits of facility type diversity can result in an underestimation of the accessibility and equity; (2) neglecting the differences in walking ability of the elderly can result in an overestimation of the accessibility and equity; and (3) the Pedestrian Route Directness is the key factor affecting the accessibility and equity in high-density urban areas, and especially that the facility density is the key factor for the elderly. This research emphasizes the impact of facility type diversity on the accessibility and equity of HSFs, which can offer more precise and holistic technical assistance and policy recommendations for optimizing the allocation of HSFs.
... Geographic accessibility is a measure of the ability to reach a place (e.g., labor and product markets, public service facilities, social interaction sites) in relation to another place (e.g., rural households' residence) (Merlin and Jehle, 2023;Mitropoulos et al., 2023;Pot et al., 2023). This is a reflection of the ease with which destinations can be reached and the opportunities and inequalities associated with them (Raza et al., 2023), as well as the burden of traveling between locations (Braga et al., 2023). ...
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Despite previous studies on the interconnectedness of livelihood risks and human well-being, limited emphasis has been placed on the influence of geographic accessibility and rural governance on the well-being of rural households. Furthermore, the interplay between geographic accessibility, rural governance, and livelihood risk remains inadequately explored. Based on 522 household samples collected in the Dabie Moun-and ordinary least squares regression, this study examines the influence of multiple risks on the subjective well-being of rural households by investigating the moderating roles played by geographic accessibility and rural governance. The results show that (1) multi-risk factors have a significant negative effect on rural households' well-being (β=−0.219, p<0.01); (2) geographic accessibility has a weak positive effect on rural households' well-being (β=0.064, p<0.1) compared to rural governance, which plays a larger positive role (β=0.228, p<0.01); and (3) geographic accessibility has a significant moderating on the relationship between multiple risks and rural households' well-being, decreasing adverse impact of multiple risks on households' well-being. Our findings suggest that geographic accessibility and rural governance have positive implications for enhancing well-being of rural households. The findings provide policy insight into mitigating livelihood risks and their negative impacts on household well-being in mountainous regions worldwide .
... Researchers uncovered the diverse and dynamic nature of the X-minute city (Logan et al., 2022): walking times/distances are influenced by different urban contexts, services, people, and behaviours (Abbiasov et al., 2024;Dunning et al., 2023;Staricco, 2022). However, Contardo Ayala et al. (2022) argued that factors beyond service provision were inadequately covered by the studies of 15-minute cities -a salient issue of many walkability metrics which often measure service provision while overlooking the public space between home and destinations and how different destinations are agglomerated Merlin & Jehle, 2023;Speck, 2013). Some researchers called for more studies of how morphology or human mobility pattern mediates the walking catchment and experience of 15-minute cities (Duany & Steuteville, 2021;Zhang et al., 2022). ...
The spatial arrangement of the popular ‘15-minute city’ struggles for definitional clarity, threatening effective application of the theory in practice. We conduct a comparative study of Shanghai, Melbourne, and Portland – pioneering cities in planning 15/20-minute neighbourhoods, by reviewing related planning documents and mapping the morphologies of walkable urban areas in these cities. Our findings highlight the capacity of planners to be constructive theorists of 15-minute cities. We suggest that the term “X-minute city” is more appropriate as an overall label, and that the crucial role of main streets in fostering walkability and urbanity could distinguish the X-minute city from similar theories.
... In the past two decades, there has been increasing emphasis on walking-related research (Ewing & Handy, 2009;Forsyth et al., 2008;Loo, 2021;Rodr ıguez et al., 2008). Generally, walking accessibility captures the number and variety of opportunities within a given walking distance or time (Hansen, 1959;Merlin & Jehle, 2023;Vale et al., 2015). In contrast, walkability describes the pedestrian experience and how pedestrian friendly a transportation system is (Ewing & Handy, 2009;Frank et al., 2010;Loo, 2021). ...
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For decades, accessibility – i.e. the ease of reaching destinations – has been an important concept in transport planning, resulting in many studies trying to measure it and put it into practice. Also walkability, a mode-specific type of accessibility referring to how easy it is to walk (to destinations) received increased attention in the last two decades. In recent years, a new focus has been on how people perceive their accessibility as this may be a stronger predictor of travel behaviour than objective elements of accessibility (such as built environment characteristics). Perceived walkability, i.e. how walk-friendly people experience a certain area, however, has only been explored by a limited number of studies. In this review paper, we give an overview of existing studies analysing perceived walkability, which mostly have focused on its effects on walking frequency/duration, physical activity and various aspects of mental well-being. Based on this literature review, a conceptual model is created, emphasising the determinants and effects of perceived walkability and how it is related to objective walkability. We end this paper by providing avenues for further research, including the introduction of a Short Perceived Walkability Scale (SPWS) and recommendations for data collection and analysis. Doing so can create new insights into perceived walkability and links with related elements, and therefore can contribute to stimulating walking trips and improving the experience of these trips.
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In order to create livable cities and shape a more sustainable mobility, it is crucial to focus on walkable environments. By providing adequate walking infrastructure and proximity to destinations, walking accessibility can be improved. Accessibility instruments as planning support systems can help to face these challenges. Ideally, all four components of accessibility (land-use component, transportation component, temporal component, individual component) are included in an accessibility instrument. This thesis examines how those four components can be incorporated into the Geo-Open Accessibility Tool (GOAT). All necessary data was mapped in OpenStreetMap for a selected study area. By adjusting the backend functions, three new routing profiles (elderly, wheelchair, safe-night) that influence the route choice, were implemented. In addition, the opening hours of the Points of Interest were included to allow for time-based accessibility analyses. These two new options represent the individual and the temporal component. Besides, the frontend was adjusted to include new layers on different walkability criteria, which visualizes the transportation component more realistically. These improvements provide valuable insights into how different groups of people are influenced in their walking accessibility and enhance GOAT to provide more holistic accessibility analyses.
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Population aging and urban development pose major challenges for societies today. Joining the literature assessing urban accessibility, the present exploratory research developed a multivariate accessibility model based on four independent variables—related to formal and structural urban space—that influence walkability for older adults (pedestrian network; facilities and shops; public benches; and slopes and gradients). The model used ArcGIS software. For the accessibility calculations, we selected two suburban neighborhoods in the conurbation of Grenoble (France) and selected three types of older adults’ profiles to reflect the variety of aging: an older adult in good health, an older adult with a chronic disease, and an older adult with reduced mobility. The results suggest that the accessibility of a neighborhood depends not only on its physical and urban characteristics, but it is also influenced by the physical and health characteristics of its inhabitants. The originality of the model lies mainly in its ability to estimate the spatial accessibility of a territory by taking into account, firstly, objective data such as the physical characteristics and the built environment of the neighborhood through objectification variables that consider such original variables as the presence of benches or the slopes and gradients and, secondly, specific data such as the physical and/or health characteristics of the study population. The measurement of geospatial accessibility could be of great value for public health in urban contexts, which is why relevant tools and methodologies are needed to objectively examine and intervene in public spaces in order to make them age-friendly.
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The Surabaya government has embarked development of urban public transportation to reduce the tendency of private vehicle usage. Urban transport development is also coupled with strategic planning for development around stations, known as transit-oriented development (TOD). The TOD areas are still in pre-development planning phases as the Surabaya mass rapid transit project has not started yet. One of the pre-development planning TOD in Surabaya is Joyoboyo Terminal. This research aims to evaluate Joyoboyo TOD readiness to represent the area where people are physically able to walk. The accessibility of Joyoboyo TOD measured by distance traveled to Joyoboyo terminal. Findings showed only 53.04% of Joyoboyo TOD is accessible in current condition and it is increased 6.7% if scenario 2 applied. The accessibility map represents a suitable area for public space and a decent area for high-density housing in Joyoboyo TOD. These findings represent the basis requirements for developing a TOD area in Surabaya, especially Joyoboyo TOD.
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As pedestrian networks tie together all transportation modes, their accessibility is crucial to supporting public transportation and fostering more sustainable and liveable cities. Nevertheless, most studies have relied on street networks when calculating pedestrian accessibility. While street networks can substitute for pedestrian networks in some cases, they fail to capture all paths available to pedestrians. Recent studies argue that this may distort our understanding of connectivity, accessibility and consequently the walkability of an area. This study sought to understand the effect of pedestrian network accessibility on segment-scale pedestrian density. To achieve this goal, dedicated pedestrian networks were constructed for two 400m2 areas in Bangkok and Osaka. In each site, the effect of accessibility variables, namely reach and gravity, were assessed first before controlling for other environmental factors addressing connectivity, transit proximity and path conditions. Measures were evaluated using ArcGIS and the Urban Network Analysis toolbox using data obtained from OpenStreetMap databases and field surveys. The results show that accessibility variables alone can account for up to 33% and 35% of observed pedestrian densities in Bangkok and Osaka, respectively. Accessibility to retail land uses is the biggest driver in this relationship. However, when controlling for all variables, only in the denser, more connected Osaka site did accessibility to retail remain significant, helping to explaining up to 45% of observed pedestrian densities, while in Bangkok, its effect was minimal with proximity to rail transit being the only significant variable.
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Accessibility is usually evaluated using indicators calculated from spatial data. However, perceived accessibility, defined as the perceived potential to participate in spatially dispersed opportunities, is often poorly reflected by these calculated measures. This paper sets out to explain the mechanisms that lead to these mismatches. A conceptual model is constructed to establish what factors shape perceived accessibility. A schematic framework shows that mismatches between a calculated indicator and perceptions can stem from inaccuracies in awareness as well as from inaccuracies in the measure if the measure fails to take account of the subjective evaluations of accessibility components. When evaluating the performance of land-use and transport system configurations, calculated measures based on spatial and transport data only serve as proxies for how accessibility is actually experienced. This paper argues that bringing perceived accessibility to the fore of accessibility-based planning, by acknowledging and evaluating potential mismatches with calculated accessibility indicators, will advance the evolution from mobility-based to accessibility-based planning.
Walking connects different modes of transport and acts as the main feeder for public transport. Nonetheless, ensuring high-quality accessibility for pedestrians to railway stations is seldom evaluated beyond measurable factors such as walking distance and time. Although several studies found differences in calculated and perceived accessibility, little research has so far focused on the factors that are influencing perceived pedestrian accessibility and thus causing these differences. In order to contribute to the current efforts of conceptualizing perceived accessibility, this study explores the factors which determine whether or not people walk to train stations. Potential influencing factors were first derived from a literature review and clustered into six quality criteria (directness, simplicity, traffic safety, security, comfort and built environment). Then, on-site and online surveys were conducted in five Bavarian towns (Germany) to understand the importance of the identified factors and how this differs between different people and places. The results confirm that above all comfort, safety and security factors play an important role for pedestrian accessibility. In addition, significant differences were found between different age groups and city sizes.
Public bicycle share programs (PBSPs) can play a role in advancing transportation equity if they make bicycling more accessible to disadvantaged populations. In Ontario, Hamilton Bike Share expanded their program in 2018 by adding twelve “equity” stations with the explicit objective of increasing access for under-serviced neighborhoods. In this case study, we investigate differentials in accessibility to stations using a balanced floating catchment area approach and compare accessibility with and without the equity stations. We analyze population interpolated to small cells to better reflect walking to a station and conduct a sensitivity analysis at several walking time thresholds. We then reaggregate the estimated accessibility by income groups for further analysis. Our findings indicate that equity stations increased accessibility for the serviced population at every threshold examined, but the increase was relatively modest especially for population in the bottom 20% of median total household income.
People are driven by their perceptions. Perceptions of the environment shape mobility decisions and represent the “lived reality” of accessibility but are mostly disregarded in common accessibility analysis. This paper explores the role of perceived accessibility. By using a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach, we investigate multiple relations between travel attitudes, socio-demographic factors, objective walking accessibility, perceived walking accessibility and realised walking behaviour in three steps. Firstly, we analyse the influence of objective walking accessibility and travel attitudes on perceived walking accessibility. Secondly, we look at perceived walking accessibility as a mediator variable and, finally, we investigate the association between perceived walking accessibility and walking behaviour. Key results imply that travel attitudes are important in understanding variations in perceptions, in terms of direct effects and as mediator variables. Perceived walking accessibility directly affects the probability of walking and plays, therefore, an important role in understanding travel behaviour. The implications of our results are discussed with regard to future research gaps and policy
In the context of sustainable mobility policies, carsharing services have gained importance as an alternative to personal vehicles. In an effort to increase the adherence to and use of such services, several studies have explored the key factors that determine use and membership. Although the ease with which individuals can access shared vehicles appears to be a central determinant, few studies have specifically investigated how to measure station and vehicle accessibility. To fill this gap, this study seeks to systematically assess and compare the contribution of different accessibility indicators to modeling carsharing membership rate, using 2016 data from the Montreal carsharing company Communauto and from the Canadian census. Three indicators of accessibility to in-station vehicles are generated: walking only, public transport only, and multimodal accessibility (walking and public transport), considering a variety of travel time thresholds and cost functions. A linear regression model is then generated to assess the contribution of the different indicators to modeling membership rates, while controlling for socio-economic and commuting characteristics. The results show that walking accessibility, within 20 minutes, and public transport accessibility, within 40 minutes, are both key determinants of membership rate and in a complementary manner. The influence of public transport accessibility is positive and highest when walking accessibility is low. The results also demonstrate that the use of a cumulative or weighted-opportunity indicator is equally sound from an empirical perspective. The study is of relevance to researchers and planners wishing to better understand and model the influence of vehicle accessibility.