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Understanding the process of quantitative ultrasonic tissue characterization

  • Radiology Associates of Florida PA | Radiology Partners Inc.
  • Sanford Univ. of South Dakota Medical Center


Because the human vision system cannot distinguish the broad range of gray values that a computer visual system can, computerized image analysis may be used to obtain quantitative information from ultrasonographic (US) real-time B-mode scans. Most quantitative US involves programming an off-line computer to accept, analyze, and display US image data in a way that enhances the detection of changes in small-scale structures and blood flow that occur with disease. Common image textural features used in quantitative US tissue characterization consist of first-order gray-level statistics (eg, occurrence frequency of gray levels independent of location or spatial relationship) and second-order gray-level statistics dependent on location and spatial relationship, including statistical analysis of gradient distribution, co-occurrence matrix, covariance matrix, run-length histogram, and fractal features. A customized tissue signature software has been developed to analyze image data obtained from clinical US scanners. Means comparison testing and multivariate analysis techniques are used to compare the numbers generated for a particular region of interest. By integrating these techniques into the radiologist's interpretation of the sonogram, the quantitative information gained may lead to earlier detection of lesions difficult to see with the human eye.
Understanding the
Process of Quantitative
Ultrasonic Tissue
Janice W. Allison, MD #{149}Lori L. Barr, MD #{149}Ricbardj Massoth, PhD
Greg P. Berg, MS #{149}Brian H. Krasner, PhD #{149}Brian S. Garra, MD
Because the human vision system cannot distinguish the broad range of gray
values that a computer visual system can, computerized image analysis may be
used to obtain quantitative information from ultrasonographic (US) real-time
B-mode scans. Most quantitative US involves programming an off-line comput-
er to accept, analyze, and display US image data in a way that enhances the de-
tection of changes in small-scale structures and blood flow that occur with dis-
ease. Common image textural features used in quantitative US tissue charac-
tenization consist of first-order gray-bevel statistics (eg, occurrence frequency
of gray levels independent of location or spatial relationship) and second-order
gray-level statistics dependent on location and spatial relationship, including
statistical analysis of gradient distribution, co-occurrence matrix, covariance
matrix, run-length histogram, and fractal features. A customized tissue signa-
tune software has been developed to analyze image data obtained from clinical
Us scanners. Means comparison testing and multivaniate analysis techniques
are used to compare the numbers generated for a particular region of interest.
By integrating these techniques into the radiologist’s interpretation of the
sonogram, the quantitative information gained may lead to earlier detection of
lesions difficult to see with the human eye.
Qualitative interpretation of a sonogram requires visual recognition of patterns from
processed ultrasonographic (US) images by a skilled sonobogist. Quantitative evalua-
tion can be achieved if the analog or digital data from which the real-time B-mode scan
is derived are channeled into a computer system designed to analyze patterns in the
data. Much of the tissue information available in the radio-frequency (RF) data is dis-
carded by the current generation of clinical US instruments. Unless the manufacturer
provides access to the RF data, it is necessary to use envelope-detected image data
from clinical US instruments for off-line quantitative tissue characterization.
Abbreviations: RF radio frequency. ROl =region of intercst
Index terms: tJItr.oound (115) #{149}tiltrjsound (US), technology #{149}tIltr4sound (tTS). tissue characterization
RadioGraphics 1994; 14: J099- I 108
IIroni the 1)cpartrnents of Radiology. Arkansas Childrens hospital and tniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little
Rock (J.W.A.); Childrens 1-lospital Medical Center. 3333 Burnet Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039 (L.L.B.): 1)ivision of Medical
Physics. I iniversity of Cincinnati. College of Medicine. Ohio (R.J.M.): and Georgetown I niversity Medical Center, Washing-
ton, I)C; (BIlK.. 13.5G.) and the t)epartment of Science. Maine Township High School East, Park Ridge. Ill (G.P.B.). Present-
ed as a scientific exhibit at the 1993 RSNA scientifIc assembly. Received April 5. 1994: revision requested May 24 and i-c.
ceivedjune 23; acceptedJune 29. Address reprint requests to L.L.B.
 RSNA, 1994
1100 #{149}Imaging & Therapeutic Technology Volume 14 Number 5
Figure 1. First- versus second-order visual tasks. (a) Coronal sonogram of the brain in an infant horn prenia-
turely. Recognizing the bright intrapanenchymal hemorrhage (arrows) is a first-order visual task easily per-
formed by sonologists. (b) Coronal sonogram of the brain in an infant with low Apgar scores at birth who re-
quired resuscitation. Recognizing subtle changes in the echotextune, such as coarsening caused by hypoxic-
anoxic insult (arrows), is a second-order visual task. Intra- and interobserver variability is greater when the
sonologist is trying to answer questions pertinent to the child’s treatment, such as what percentage of the brain
is affected or how severe is the injury?
This article presents an overview of the con-
cepts and history of ultrasonic tissue character-
ization, describes an example in which textural
data were used to aid the diagnosis of pediatric
brain abnormalities, and discusses textural fea-
tune analysis.
US is currently used in many areas of medicine
for probing tissues noninvasively, in real time,
at low cost, and at low risk to both patient and
sonographer. These attributes have established
sonography as an essential element of an effec-
tive diagnostic imaging program.
Conventional B-mode US images are formed
by transmitting an acoustic pulse into the body,
followed by the receipt, processing, and dis-
play of the amplitude of returning echo signals.
These signals are displayed as a map of ampli-
tude as a function of echo delay for different
acoustic lines of sight. The echo signals used to
form B-mode images reflect three chanacteris-
tics of the tissues: large-scale anatomic bound-
aries, small-scale internal structure, and motion
(eg, blood flow).
Unfortunately, not all of this information is
detectable with the human eye on either a hard
copy or real-time B-mode image. Sonograms ap-
pear speckled because they display both quasi-
regular structures, such as organ microarchi-
tectune, and interfering waves scattered from
very fine, diffuse, randomly positioned struc-
tunes, such as tiny blood vessels. Acoustic
speckle obscures diffuse parenchymal process-
es from qualitative detection. Pathologic enti-
ties such as hepatic cirrhosis and hypoxic or
anoxic injury in the brain result in changes in
the echotexture that may or may not be distin-
guishable from normal appearances in a qualita-
tive interpretation.
Figure 2. Embedded lattice technique of visual testing. (a) A grid is positioned in a quadrant of this image hut
is obscured by noise and is almost impossible to detect with the unaided eye. (b) The grid is positioned in the
lower left quadrant of the test diagram. (Fig 2a and 2b reprinted, with permission, from reference 4.)
September 1994 Allison et al #{149}RadioGraphics U1101
To observe and quantify small-scale struc-
tunes and blood flow directly at US, signal pro-
cessing beyond that used in conventional imag-
ing is necessary. This has prompted investiga-
tons to search for other ways to process the
echo signals and to obtain quantitative ultrason-
ic data from tissues (1,2). One such method is
textural feature analysis, which quantitates the
image texture caused by the acoustic speckle
in the tJS images. This method may be em-
pboyed in the clinical setting as a compliment
to qualitative interpretation.
. Qualitative US
Qualitative IJS involves the performance of
first- and second-order visual tasks by trained
human observers (Fig 1). Although the human
eye can be trained to become quite efficient at
first-rder visual tasks, there is a wide range of
human variability present in performance of
second-order tasks. Several investigations have
compared human visual system performance at
first- and second-order tasks with that of a com-
puten program to measure various acoustic pa-
rameters quantitatively (2,3). Figure 2 illus-
trates the embedded lattice technique of visual
testing (4). In these investigations, the comput-
en greatly outperformed humans at both first-
and second-order visual tasks. Although the hu-
man eye can appreciate pixel intensities on a
cathode nay tube display corresponding to only
1 5-30 shades of gray (5), the computer can dis-
tinguish as many shades of gray as are stoned in
its memory.
Two factors limit the qualitative interpneta-
tion of conventional B-mode images: (a) oh-
scuration of small-scale quasinegulan structures
by acoustic speckle and (b) human inefficiency
in performing second-order visual tasks. Practi-
cally speaking, qualitative US is easy to perform
in the clinical setting, whereas quantitative
methods have had only limited clinical use to
1102 #{149}Imaging & Therapeutic Technology Volume 14 Number 5
Comparison o fRaw versus Processed Data for Quantita five Analysis of US Images
Raw Data Processed t)ata
Parameters Attenuation coefficient, speed of sound,
backscatten coefficient, first-order
scatterer size and strength statistics
Attenuation coefficient, speed of sound,
backscatten coefficient, first-order and
second-order gray-level statistics
Requirements Expensive high-speed digitizer, custom
electrical interface, machine calibration Access to digital image data, machine cali-
bration on repeatable scanning parameters
Advantage Parameters derived correlate with tissue Possible on most commercial units
structure and composition
Disadvantage Massive data stream Assumes that pixel intensities are related to
tissue structure and composition
.Quantitative US
Most quantitative US involves programming an
off-line computer to accept, analyze, and dis-
play ultrasonic image data in a way that en-
hances the detection of changes in small-scale
quasiregular structures and blood flow that fre-
quently occur with disease (2). The develop-
ment of pulsed Doppler velocity on amplitude
displays and color Doppler maps illustrates the
application of additional data manipulation to
quantify the velocity of blood flow. This type
of quantitative analysis, once performed off-
line, has become an integral part of every US
scanner used for color Doppler and color flow
imaging. It is likewise possible to acquire and
manipulate B-mode data to quantitate changes
in small-scale structures within an organ (6,7).
This latter technology is not currently available
on standard commercial systems.
In general, quantitative ultrasonic tissue
characterization aims to measure or estimate
acoustic properties, such as backscatter, alien-
uation, on sound speed (2), that determine the
imaging appearance of tissues. These measur-
able acoustic properties depend on cell size,
the material between cells, and the arrange-
ment of the cells, which affect the viscoelastic
properties of the tissue: density, compnessibii-
ty, and the acoustic absorption coefficient
(8,9). On the basis of the assumption that dis-
ease processes alter the normal tissue structure
and viscoelasticity, quantifying the measurable
acoustic properties provides important diag-
nostic information beyond what is accessible
by qualitatively observing the image.
. Tissue Characterization
The first step in the process of tissue character-
ization is the capture of the ultrasonic RF data.
US waves may be captured after they either
pass through on are reflected back by tissue. RF
data collected after the sound waves pass
through tissue are called through-transmission
data. The majority of studies using through-
transmission data have been performed in laho-
ratory settings, in which tissues are isolated
and embedded in agan and then suspended in a
water bath. Transmitting and receiving trans-
ducers are positioned on opposite sides of the
sample. Hand-held through-transmission instru-
ments are shaped bike calipers, which limits ap-
pbications in vivo to small parts or intraopera-
tive imaging.
The majority of in vivo measurements in-
volve collecting RF data reflected hack from tis-
sue (backscattered data). The acoustic data
needed for off-line quantitative analysis may he
captured at several points in the conventional
image formation process: (a) as they return to
the transducer (raw RF data), (b) after prepro-
cessing (envelope-detected data). or (c) after
postprocessing (digital image data, hand-copy
image, or video output data).
Noise increases during amplification of the
returning signal. Electronic filters such as band-
pass filters remove much of this noise, thus im-
proving the tissue characterization process.
Some electronic filters may increase the uncer-
tainty of derived image parameters, since noise
may also increase. Timing jitter in the video
output or video capture (frame-grabbing) pro-
cess may cause a blurring (time averaging) or
uncertainty (“jumps” or “glitches”) of data ac-
quined in this manner; therefore, video capture
September 1994 Allison et al #{149}RadioGraphics #{149}1103
is not recommended. The Table enumerates
the calculable parameters and limitations of
quantitative analysis with raw versus pro-
cessed data.
Ultrasonic tissue characterization has been
used to analyze normal and diseased tissues for
more than 20 years. Although tissue character-
ization has been attempted in a number of ana-
tomic structures, including the liver (10-16),
spleen (16,17), kidneys (6,7,18), breast
(19,20), muscle (21-23), and eye (24-26), the
areas that have received the most attention
have been the liver and the eye. The liven is a
popular structure for evaluation because it is
affected by a number of diffuse diseases and is
a large organ. This allows for collection of data
from barge regions of interest (ROIs), thus re-
ducing variability in the quantitative results.
A variety of tissue characterization tech-
niques have been attempted. These fall into
two major categories: those that analyze the
statistics of the image data and those that try to
compute tissue parameters from the RF signal.
Initially, much attention was focused oii the
computation of the attenuation coefficient in
tissues. Several methods were developed to
compute this quantity, but the results were
never very clinically useful because most liver
diseases produce only minimal effects on alien-
uation. Fatty infiltration of the liver produces
the largest effect on attenuation, but it is not
an entity of great clinical importance. Attenua-
tion computation in muscle tissue, however,
has been useful in the differentiation between
muscles involved with Duchenne (pseudo-
hypertrophic) muscular dystrophy and healthy
muscles (23). Numerous attempts have been
made to compute the speed of sound in vari-
0U5 tissues, but this measurement alone has
not been very useful in categorizing various
disease states, either in the liven on the spleen.
For liver tissue characterization, the most
useful features have been those that depend on
analysis of the matrix of image data and those
derived from the power spectrum of the auto-
correlation of image data (1 5). In the eye and
the kidney, features derived from analysis of
the RF dependence of the backscatter coeffi-
cient have been found to be useful in both the
detection of disease and the differentiation be-
tween various disease states. In the kidney, the
frequency dependence of the backscatten coef-
ficient can be used to estimate gbomeruban size
(6,7). In the eye, metastatic melanoma in the
retina can be distinguished from other tumor
masses (24,25). In the breast, both features de-
rived from frequency-dependent backscatter
coefficients and those from image statistics
have proved useful in the differentiation of
one type of mass from another.
The problem with all of these techniques
has been that they are difficult to implement
on standard commercial systems and often pro-
duce numeric results rather than an image.
Evaluation of tissue elasticity or hardness is a
promising new approach that is just now be-
ing applied to breast lesions, renal transplants,
and the prostate gland. This method does pro-
duce an image (27). The advent of commercial
workstations for viewing and analyzing images
and of tissue characterization software for
these stations may bead to wider use of the
One example of integration of quantitative
techniques into the clinical and laboratory set-
ting is described herein. We currently perform
off-line tissue characterization on processed
digital image data. In some experiments, the
data were downloaded from the US scanner
(model UM-9; Advanced Technology Laborato-
ries, Bothell, Wash) into a computer (Macin-
tosh IIfx; Apple Computer, Cupertino, Calif)
by using an RS-422 serial port and proprietary
software provided by the manufacturer. Using
the Aegis System (Acuson Computed Sonogra-
phy, Mountain View, Cabif), we stone digital
image data files from an Acuson ART US scan-
ncr. Through machine calibration or the use of
a calibration phantom, the variability produced
by different machine parameters, such as trans-
ducer frequency, image depth, and focus, may
be measured. After scan conversion, the im-
ages are transferred to a workstation (SPARC-
station 2; Sun Microsystems, Mountain View,
Calif), where textural analysis is performed
with a custom software package developed for
the Sun operating system.
- ,#{149}. ,..-, I.
The customized software allows image visu-
alization, ROI selection, and textural feature
analysis (Fig 3). For images of the brain, we
presently employ a 30 x 30- or 40 x 40-pixel
ROL. The 30 x 30-pixel ROI corresponds to a tis-
sue volume of 0.9 mL, with a 10-MHz transduc-
en set used to a maximum depth of 3 cm (a typi-
cab laboratory setting). The textural feature data
may be transferred in either numeric or graphic
file formats to a Macintosh computer for gener-
ation of comparative data bases and statistical
analysis. Means comparison testing and multi-
variate analysis techniques are used to compare
the numbers generated for groups of ROIs.
0246810 12
Gray Level
1104 UImaging & Therapeutic Technology Volume 14 Number 5
., ,i,l
ILI ii:iii
___________________________________1ff:!.. J, ‘:; .IT....: :. : _______
Figure 3. Sun SPARCstation 2 workstation screen with the tissue signature software operating. Photograph
shows a selected 8-bit image, with the selected size and position of the ROI. Clicking on “Features” (arrow)
starts the calculation of textural parameters. The results are displayed in the boxes shown and are recorded in a
text file for easy export into a data base.
Figure 4. Graph of first-order gray-level statistics
shows the occurrence frequency of ROI pixel inten-
September 1994 Allison et al U RadioGraphics #{149}1105
Figures 5, 6. (5) Gradient analysis. I)iagram depicts a 5 x S-pixel ROI. Gradient
analysis (seconthrder gray-level statistics) begins by defining a neighborhood for
each pixel. (ray-level differences are determined by comparing the intensity of pixel
M with those of its neighbors. When this is performed for each pixel in the ROI, the
gradients may he determined. (6) Run-length histogram analysis. Diagram depicts a 5
xS-pixel ROt with a horizontal run of 3 pixels length left of pixel M. In run-length
histogram analysis, the sets of pixels with the same gray level are counted.
Texture measurements that were useful in the
past are those that identify tissue signatures.
These parameters were first described in the
broaden field of digital signal processing and
have since been applied to medical US (28-3 1).
The first- and second-order gray-level statistics
are based on the pixel intensities found in the
selected ROl. Finst-nder gray-level statistics in-
elude the occurrence frequency of the gray 1ev-
els independent of location on spatial relation-
ship (Fig 4). The gray-level histogram allows cal-
culation of mean gray level, gray-level variance,
and skewness (deviation from symmetry). The
first-order gray-level statistics correspond to the
overall echogenicity of an anatomic area as per-
ceived by the sonologist. The second-order
gray-level statistics are dependent on location
OI spatial relationship and include statistical
analysis of gradient distribution, co-occurrence
matrix, covariance matrix, run-length histo-
gram, and fractal features.
In gradient analysis, the difference in intensi-
ties between cacti pixel and all neighboring pix-
els is evaluated (32). The gradient is calculated
by defining a rectangular neighborhood for
each pixel (Fig 5) and then calculating the abso-
lute value and direction of the local gray-level
difference gradient. Mean gradient absolute val-
ue, gradient value variance, and relative fne-
quency of the most dominant edge with respect
to the number of gradient elements in the ROI
may then be calculated. Gradient analysis come-
sponds to edge detection by the sonologist.
Co-occurrence matrix analysis involves gen-
eration of a two-dimensional histogram charac-
terizing the occurrence of gray-level combina-
tions in spatially rebated pixel pairs (32). Analy-
sis of the two-dimensional histogram involves
the search for a pattern of intensity variation
between a pixel and its neighbors in each car-
dinal direction. The neighboring pixels may be
closely (2 pixels apart) on widely (4 pixels
apart) spaced. After assignment of the various
directions, such as east-west, north-south, or
northwest-southeast, the following characteris-
tic features are extracted: (a) contrast, a mea-
sure of how many large gray-bevel differences
are present in the ROI; (b) angular second mo-
ment, a measure of the degree of clustering of
co-occurrence matrix values around a major
gray-level transition; (c) entropy, a measure of
the uniformity of matrix values; and (ci) comrela-
tion, a measure of linearity of the gray-level re-
bationship between rebated pixels. These four
features correspond to the smoothness or
coarseness as perceived by the sonologist.
In run-length histogram analysis, the number
of gray-level runs are counted by their length
and gray-level range. A run is a set of vertically
or horizontally neighboring pixels displaying
similar gray levels (Fig 6). We typically use run
lengths of 2 and 4 pixels. Parameters include
run percentages in the horizontal and vertical
directions, which characterize the distribution
of runs, and long run emphasis in the horizon-
a. b.
Figure 7. Fractal feature analysis. Histograni dis-
plays fractal dimensions of pixel intensities. The
height of each column is based on pixel intensity. A
perfect three-dimensional cube would he formed if
all pixel intensities were maximum. Instead, the
varying intensities ttll somewhere between a dimen-
sionality value of two and three.
1106 #{149}Imaging & Therapeutic Technology Volume 14 Number 5
Figure 8. Perfect fractals in nature. (a) Photograph of a seascape obtained at a distance of 3 in shows a sea fan
(Gorgonfa species) on the right with a branching pattern and irregular surfaces. If the sea fan were measured
with a 10-cm ruler, the overall perimeter would he much shorter than if it were measured with a I -cm ruler.
(b) Photograph obtained at a 0.3-m distance shows the branching patterns and irregular surfaces of a small por-
tion of the sea fan. These are similar to those seen when the whole colony is viewed (self-similarity). (Fig 8a and
8b courtesy of Steven R. Dent, MS. Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Ohio.)
tab and vertical directions, which describes the
frequency of occurrence of long runs.
Fractal feature analysis involves calculation
of the fractional dimension of the irregular sun-
faces created when the pixel intensities are dis-
played as a histogram (Fig 7). Benoit Mandel-
brot defmed fractabs as objects that are heteno-
geneous, self-similar, and impossible to measure
with a single unit of measure (33) (Fig 8). Al-
though perfect fractal surfaces have a constant
fractal dimension oven all ranges of scales, gray-
level images are imperfect fractal surfaces and
thus demonstrate a constant fractal dimension
over only those scales that reflect the size of
the anatomic structures of interest (34). The
software allows the scale to be changed if de-
A single textural feature or a combination of
them may be used to separate ROIs with me-
spect to change over time, pathologic change
versus normal tissue, on other variables. It is es-
sentiab to use repeatable machine settings and
to check machine calibration with a tissue-mim-
icking phantom. We currently hold the ma-
chine settings constant between subjects in lab-
oratory experiments and use the phantom data
for quality assurance. In the clinical setting, we
begin with standard machine settings, acquire a
phantom image, and then change the machine
settings to provide the best images possible for
each patient. Every time a machine setting is
changed, an additional phantom image is ob-
tamed. The phantom data are subjected to the
same textural analysis as the clinical data. Fea-
tunes with statistically significant differences in
the phantom data are discarded from further
D%tile 10
0mean gray
I%tile 90
September 1994 Allison ct al U RadioGraphics #{149}1107
Figure 9. (;raph displays fmrst-()rder
gray-level statistics for a population
of children undergoing intraopera-
tive neurosonography during nesec-
tion of mass lesions. The graph de-
picts the mean values for the mean
gray level, the 10th percentile, and
9()th I)erccntile of pixel intensities.
ABA =mass lesions other than tu-
mor, VG11 =normal gray matter,
NWM =normal white matter, PH =
calibration phantom, 1=tumor.
use. The phantom data may also be used to nor-
mabize the clinical data. Descriptive statistics
are followed by multiple analyses of variance,
regression analysis, or generation of receiver
operating characteristic curves. The results may
be displayed graphically (Fig 9) or as an image
overlay, similar to that used in color Doppler
Quantitative analyses. such as textural feature
analyses, allow additional digital manipulation
of the US B-mode data to overcome some of the
limitations of qualitative interpretation. These
techniques have already proved useful in inter-
pneting images of the eye, breast, kidney, and
liven. We are currently investigating these tech-
niques for analyzing images of the brain. Be-
cause certain patient conditions limit the use of
nonportable imaging modalities. we embrace
the use of off-line computers for acquiring addi-
tional information about iir critically ill pa-
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... Neurosonography is the initial imaging modality of choice in the evaluation of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). This evaluation, which has been mainly performed qualitatively by comparing intracranial structures with different echogenicities, requires visual recognition of patterns by trained radiologists [1]. ...
... Though neurosonographic evaluation of HIE is the most convenient imaging method for this type of injury, it has historically been qualitative and subjective, which may give rise to ambiguity and inconsistency [8,9]. Accurate and reliable interpretation of HIE by neurosonography is heavily dependent on the experience of trained radiologists and visual recognition of patterns [1]. Moreover, depending upon the acquisition settings, transducer, size of the fontanelle, and the selected window/level settings of the neurosonography images, the degree of brain injury may be under-or overestimated if the ultrasound images are reviewed only qualitatively. ...
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Purpose Neurosonography evaluation of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is mainly qualitative. We aimed to quantitatively compare the echogenicity of several brain regions in patients with HIE to healthy controls. Materials and Methods 20 term neonates with clinical/MRI evidence of HIE and 20 term healthy neonates were evaluated. Seven brain regions were assessed [frontal, parietal, occipital, and perirolandic white matter (WM), caudate nucleus head, lentiform nucleus, and thalamus]. The echogenicity of the calvarial bones (bone) and the choroid plexus (CP) was used for ratio calculation. Differences in the ratios were determined between neonates with HIE and controls. Results Ratios were significantly higher for HIE neonates in each region (p<0.05). The differences were greatest for the perirolandic WM, with CP and bone ratios being 0.23 and 0.22 greater, respectively, for the HIE compared to the healthy neonates (p<0.001). The perirolandic WM had a high AUC, at 0.980 for both the CP and bone ratios. The intra-observer reliability for all ratios was high, with the caudate to bone ratio being the lowest at 0.832 and the anterior WM to CP ratio being the highest at 0.992. Conclusion When coupled with internal controls, quantitative neurosonography represents a potential tool to identify early neonatal HIE changes. Larger cohort studies could reveal whether a quantitative approach can discern between degrees of severity of HIE. Future neurosonography protocols should be tailored to evaluate the perirolandic region, which requires posterior coronal scanning.
... -Standard deviation (StD), which refers to the deviation of brightness values around their mean value. • Second-order gray-level statistics based on the co-occurrence matrix (Pratt 1978;Allison et al. 1994;Aschkenasy et al. 2005, Nailon 2010). ...
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The present study aimed to investigate the impact of age, season and ejaculation on ram tes-ticular blood flow and echotexture. The survey was conducted biweekly on 7 Chios rams for one year, including breeding and non-breeding periods. The rams were divided into 2 age groups: 3 rams 2-6 years old (mature) and 4 rams 9-13 years old (old). Hemodynamic indices [Pulsatility index (PI), Resistive index (RI), End-diastolic velocity (EDV), testicular artery Diameter (D), Time-averaged maximum velocity (TAVM), Blood flow volume (BFV)] and echotexture parameters [Mean value (MV), Contrast (Con), Gray value distribution (GVD), Run length distribution (RunLD), Long run emphasis (LRunEm), Entropy (Ent), Correlation (Cor), Standard deviation (StD), Gray variance (GV) and Gradient mean value (GMV)] were evaluated in each testis before and after ejaculation. Ejaculation did not affect testes blood flow or echotexture (p>0.05). PI and RI were higher in the breeding period compared to the non-breeding period, for both testes (p<0.001). Left testis GV and Cor before ejaculation were lower (p=0.01) and higher (p=0.03), respectively, in the breeding compared to the non-breeding period. Left testis D (p=0.005) and BFV (p<0.001) were higher in old compared to mature rams after ejaculation. Right testis Con (p=0.03) and Cor (p=0.05) before ejaculation were higher in old rams, whereas right testis Ent after ejaculation was higher in mature rams (p=0.05). In conclusion, testicular blood flow and echotexture are affected by season and ram age, but not by ejaculation.
... Repeated, non-invasive ultrasound imaging was validated as an economical, reliable and robust method to evaluate blood circulation and tumor health. Computerized image analysis can be applied to grayscale B-mode ultrasonography images to acquire quantitative data (reviewed in [58]); ImageJ is one such program that has been utilized to obtain reliable data in human muscle tissue [59,60]. The performance of this type of image analysis was validated here. ...
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Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is among the most angiogenic cancers in humans and an AIDS-defining condition. KS-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is necessary for KS development, as is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A). DLX1008 is a novel anti-VEGF-A antibody single-chain variable fragment (scFv) with low picomolar affinity for VEGF-A. In vivo imaging techniques were used to establish the efficacy of DLX1008 and to establish the mechanism of action; this included non-invasive imaging by ultrasound and optical fluorescence, verified by post-mortem histochemistry. The results showed that DLX1008 was efficacious in a KS mouse model. The NSG mouse xenografts suffered massive internal necrosis or involution, consistent with a lack of blood supply. We found that imaging by ultrasound was superior to external caliper measurements in the validation of the angiogenesis inhibitor DLX1008. Further development of DLX1008 against VEGF-dependent sarcomas is warranted.
... For the computer-assisted analysis of B-mode imaging, echotexture of the tissues using the parameters mean gray level (MGL), mean gradient (MG), homogeneity (HOM), entropy (ENTR), contrast (CONT) and gray value (GV) was evaluated (Fig. 1). These parameters were defined GÜLTİKEN, KANCA, GÜNEN, KUTSAL, EMRE, EVANGELOS, ASLAN by Allison et al. [26] and Moss et al. [27] as: Mean Gray Level (Arithmetical average grey level of all pixels in picture, defines the brightness), Mean Gradient (Variations in grey values of neighbor pixels, defines microtexture of sample), Homogeneity (Uniformity of grey value combination of neighbor pixels in defined matrix, defines either micro-or macrotexture of sample), Entropy (A measure of the uniformity of matrix values), Contrast (A measure of how many large grey-level differences are present in the ROI), Gray Value (The brightness of pixels in a digitized image). ...
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Forty-one mammary gland tumors from twenty eight bitches were used for the study. Ultrasonographic examinations of tumor masses were performed before surgical excision and a quadratic region-of-interest (ROI) was chosen randomly on B-mode tumor images for the echotexture analyses. All tumors were evaluated histopathologically after surgery. Contrast (CONT), Mean Gradient (MG), Mean Value (MV), Homogeneity (HOM), Entropy (ENTR) and Gray Value (GV) parameters were used for the texture analyses of ultrasonographic images. Ultrasonographic image characteristics were additionally evaluated by the following macroscopic patterns: tumor shape, invasion of tumor to surrounding tissue, tumor border sharpness, echogenicity of tumor, hyperechogenic artifact, anechogenic artifact, and shadow around tumor. After B-mode ultrasonographic examination, Pulsatility Index (PI), Resistive Index (RI), Peak Systolic Flow Velocity (Vmax) and Number of Color Pixel (CP) parameters were evaluated by means of color Doppler sonography. Statistical analysis of the HOM and GV parameters indicated that there was a significant difference between benign (3.10 and 1.14) and malignant tumors (1.54 and 0.57; P<0.01). Besides, a significant difference was found between images of Malignant-Mixed Tumors (MMT) and Benign-Mixed Tumors (BMT) with regard to CONT and HOM (p< 0.001). In addition, MV was significantly higher in malignant tumors in comparison to the benign cases (P<0.05). A significant negative correlation was found between tumor size and MV in malignant tumor and adenocarcinoma cases (-0.991/ P<0.05;-0.999/P<0.01, respectively). On the other hand, there was a positive correlation between tumor size and GV (0.961/P<0.05) in malignant tumors. Özet Çalışma için 28 dişi köpeğe ait olan 41 meme tümörü dokusu kullanılmıştır. Cerrahi eksizyon öncesi tümörlü kitleler B-Mode ultrasonografik muayene ile incelenmiş, görüntüler digital olarak kayıt edilmiş ve ekodesen analizi için bu görüntüler üzerinde rastgele olarak dörtlü inceleme alanları (Region of Interest) seçilmiştir. Tüm tümörlü dokular, cerrahi eksizyon sonrası histopatolojik olarak incelenmiştir. Ultrasonografik resimlerin yapısal analizleri için, Kontrast (CONT), Ortalama Gradyan (MG), Ortalama Değer (MV), Homojenite (HOM), Entropi (ENTR) ve Gri Değer (GV) parametreleri kullanılmıştır. Ultrasonografik resimler ek olarak tümör kitlesi, tümör şekli, tümörün çevre dokulara invazyonu, tümör sınır keskinliği, tümörün ekojenitesi, hiperekojenik artefakt, anekojenik artefakt ve tümör etrafındaki gölgelenme gibi makroskopik parametreler açısından da değerlendirilmiştir. B-Mod ultrasonografik muayenenin ardından, renkli Doppler ile Pulzatil İndeks (PI), Rezistif İndeks (RI), Pik Sistolik Akım Hızı (Vmax) ve Renkli Piksel Sayısı (CP) parametreleri değerlendirilmiştir. İstatistiki analizler sonucunda HOM ve GV parametreleri açısından, benign (3.10 ve 1.14) ve malign (1.54 ve 0.57; P<0.01) tümörler arasında önemli farklar bulunmuştur. Ayrıca CONT ve HOM parametreleri açısından Malign Miks Tümörler (MMT) ve Benign Miks Tümörler (BMT) arasında önemli farklar (P<0.001) bulunmuştur. Ek olarak, MV malign tümörlerde, benign tümörlere göre önemli düzeyde (P<0.05) yüksek bulunmuştur. Tümör büyüklüğü ve MV arasında, malign tümörlerde ve adenokarsinomlarda önemli düzeyde negatif korrelasyon saptanmıştır (sırası ile-0.991/P<0.05;-0.999/P<0.01). Diğer yandan malign tümörlerde tümör büyüklüğü ve GV arasında pozitif korrelasyon saptanmıştır (0.961/P< 0.05).
... For the computer-assisted analysis of B-mode imaging, echotexture of the tissues using the parameters mean gray level (MGL), mean gradient (MG), homogeneity (HOM), entropy (ENTR), contrast (CONT) and gray value (GV) was evaluated (Fig. 1). These parameters were defined GÜLTİKEN, KANCA, GÜNEN, KUTSAL, EMRE, EVANGELOS, ASLAN by Allison et al. [26] and Moss et al. [27] as: Mean Gray Level (Arithmetical average grey level of all pixels in picture, defines the brightness), Mean Gradient (Variations in grey values of neighbor pixels, defines microtexture of sample), Homogeneity (Uniformity of grey value combination of neighbor pixels in defined matrix, defines either micro-or macrotexture of sample), Entropy (A measure of the uniformity of matrix values), Contrast (A measure of how many large grey-level differences are present in the ROI), Gray Value (The brightness of pixels in a digitized image). ...
Forty-one mammary gland tumors from twenty eight bitches were used for the study. Ultrasonographic examinations of tumor masses were performed before surgical excision and a quadratic region-of-interest (ROI) was chosen randomly on B-mode tumor images for the echotexture analyses. All tumors were evaluated histopathologically after surgery. Contrast (CONT), Mean Gradient (MG), Mean Value (MV), Homogeneity (HOM), Entropy (ENTR) and Gray Value (GV) parameters were used for the texture analyses of ultrasonographic images. Ultrasonographic image characteristics were additionally evaluated by the following macroscopic patterns: tumor shape, invasion of tumor to surrounding tissue, tumor border sharpness, echogenicity of tumor, hyperechogenic artifact, anechogenic artifact, and shadow around tumor. After B-mode ultrasonographic examination, Pulsatility Index (PI), Resistive Index (RI), Peak Systolic Flow Velocity (Vmax) and Number of Color Pixel (CP) parameters were evaluated by means of color Doppler sonography. Statistical analysis of the HOM and GV parameters indicated that there was a significant difference between benign (3.10 and 1.14) and malignant tumors (1.54 and 0.57; P< 0.01). Besides, a significant difference was found between images of Malignant-Mixed Tumors (MMT) and Benign-Mixed Tumors (BMT) with regard to CONT and HOM (p< 0.001). In addition, MV was significantly higher in malignant tumors in comparison to the benign cases (P< 0.05). A significant negative correlation was found between tumor size and MV in malignant tumor and adenocarcinoma cases (-0.991/P< 0.05; -0.999/P< 0.01, respectively). On the other hand, there was a positive correlation between tumor size and GV (0.961/P< 0.05) in malignant tumors.
... These quantities can then be used objectively in statistical models. 29 Texture analysis is widely used in human medical imaging. [30][31][32][33] In addition to being objective, the generation of texture variables and their use in predictive statistical models can be fully automated or may be semiautomated (eg, an operator is required to trace an outline of ovarian tissue on the screen). ...
OBJECTIVE To examine ultrasonographic predictors of ovarian development in European eels ( Anguilla anguilla ) undergoing hormonal treatment for assisted reproduction. ANIMALS 83 female European eels. PROCEDURES Eels received weekly IM injections of salmon pituitary extract (first injection = week 1). Ultrasonography of the ovaries was performed twice during hormonal treatment (weeks 7 and 11). Eels were identified on the basis of body weight as having an adequate response by weeks 14 to 20 or an inadequate response after injections for 21 weeks. Eels were euthanized at the end of the experiment and classified by use of ovarian histologic examination. Ovarian cross-sectional area and size of eel (ie, length ³ ) were used to classify eels (fast responder, slow responder, or nonresponder) and to calculate an ultrasonographic-derived gonadosomatic index. Gray-level co-occurrence matrices were calculated from ovarian images, and 22 texture features were calculated from these matrices. RESULTS The ultrasonographic-derived gonadosomatic index differed significantly between fast responders and slow responders or nonresponders at both weeks 7 and 11. Principal component analysis revealed a pattern of separation between the groups, and partial least squares discriminant analysis revealed signals in the ovarian texture that discriminated females that responded to treatment from those that did not. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Ovarian texture information in addition to morphometric variables can enhance ultrasonographic applications for assisted reproduction of eels and potentially other fish species. This was a novel, nonlethal method for classifying reproductive response of eels and the first objective texture analysis performed on ultrasonographic images of the gonads of fish.
Ultrasonography, or ultrasound in short, is an imaging modality that exploits the acoustical properties of the human tissue in conjunction with an ultrasonic energy source and receptor to characterize the boundaries of tissues and movements within the human body. The intensity of sound is usually described relative to some reference intensity. For example, the intensity of ultrasound waves sent into the body may be compared with that of the ultrasound reflected back to the surface by structures in the body. Transducers for ultrasound imaging consist of one or more piezoelectric crystals or elements. The basic properties of ultrasound transducers can be illustrated in terms of single‐element transducers. Signal processing in ultrasound starts with the shaping of the excitation pulses by applying a specific excitation input to each element of the array to generate a focused wave that is directed into the object from the transducer.
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This issue includes the following articles; P1150821002 Chitra.A.Dhawale and Sanjeev Jain Motion Compensated Video Shot Detection using Multiple Feature Experts P1150836346 Vakulabharanam Vijaya Kumar and U S N Raju and K Chandra Sekaran and V V Krishna Employing Long Linear Patterns for Texture Classification relying on Wavelets P1150833305 S. Bouyahia and J. Mbainaibeye and N. Ellouze Wavelet Based Microcalcifications Detection in Digitized Mammograms P1150837362 Zhengmao Ye and Yongmao Ye and Yin Hang and Habib Mohamadian Integration of Wavelet Fusion and Adaptive Contrast Stretching for Object Recognition with Quantitative Information Assessment P1150836349 V.R. Ratnaparkhe and R.R.Manthalkar and Y.V.Joshi Texture Characterization of CT Images Based on Ridgelet Transform
Innovative imaging approaches for monitoring various types of cancer treatment response are discussed in this paper. Radionuclide imaging has demonstrated favorable capabilities for imaging tumor response based on the binding of radionuclides to the cells responding to the treatment. MRI has recently been utilized for detecting the cellular changes associated with apoptosis. Dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound has been proposed for monitoring therapeutics that target blood vessels affecting perfusion. Quantitative ultrasound has been demonstrated to be capable of differentiating between viable cell clusters and clusters responding to treatment. Diffuse optical imaging and photoacoustic imaging have been applied for evaluating functional changes transpiring in soft tissue, such as oxygenation status, during cancer treatment. Considerable developments introduced to improve the precision of treatment response monitoring are expected in the near future to provide clinical approaches to personalized therapy in which therapies can be adapted based on the detection of functional physiology-based responses.
Background and aim: On vaginal ultrasonography, cervical gland area (CGA) gradually disappears with advancing gestation. This is attributed in part to the echogenicity of the CGA becoming equal to that of the cervical stroma. The present study aimed to assess the usefulness of echogenicity in the CGA at term for predicting the time of spontaneous onset of labor. Methods: The ratio of mean grayscale level (MGL) in the CGA to that in the cervical stroma (CGA/stroma MGL ratio) was estimated as an index of echogenicity in the CGA in women after 36 weeks of gestation (n=190). Using this ratio, time until onset of labor was predicted among women between 37 and 38 weeks (n=104). Results: CGA/stroma MGL ratio increased with advancing gestation, decreasing cervical length (CL), and increasing Bishop score. Univariate logistic analysis indicated that a combination of CL<20 mm and CGA/stroma MGL ratio ≥100% predicted onset of labor within a week [odds ratio (OR), 22.2; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.4-202.0] was even better than short CL alone (OR, 6.8; 95%CI, 1.7-26.7; P=0.006). Stepwise logistic analysis identified that this combination was an only independent predictor (OR, 20.8; 95%CI, 2.3-188.5; P=0.007). Conclusion: The combination of CGA/stroma MGL ratio ≥100% and short CL may offer a useful predictor of onset of labor.
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Gray-scale monitors are an essential element of electronic radiology, and their ability to provide images that are perceived to be identical to those available on conventional or laser-printed film is crucial to success of electronic radiology. Image fidelity is measured in physical characteristics (luminance, dynamic range, distortion, resolution, and noise) and with psychophysical techniques, including receiver operator characteristics analysis with clinical images and testing with contrast-detail patterns to determine threshold contrast. Currently, laser-printed images facilitate greater information transfer than does a gray-scale monitor because of their higher absolute luminance (500 ft-L vs 60 ft-L), greater perceived dynamic range, and better spatial resolution. In the near future, the developments of gray-scale monitors with 150-200 ft-L luminance, a display standard based on just noticeable differences, and algorithms to improve similarities between gray-scale display images and laser-printed images will help increase the acceptability of monitors as a means to make primary diagnoses.
We describe a new method for quantitative imaging of strain and elastic modulus distributions in soft tissues. The method is based on external tissue compression, with subsequent computation of the strain profile along the transducer axis, which is derived from cross-correlation analysis of pre- and post-compression A-line pairs. The strain profile can then be converted to an elastic modulus profile by measuring the stresses applied by the compressing device and applying certain corrections for the nonuniform stress field. We report initial results of several phantom and excised animal tissue experiments which demonstrate the ability of this technique to quantitatively image strain and elastic modulus distributions with good resolution, sensitivity and with diminished speckle. We discuss several potential clinical uses of this technique.
In this study, the estimation of ultrasound parameters is evaluated for in vivo differentiation of intraocular melanomas. For this purpose, both tissue and image parameters of the ultrasound signal are considered. These parameters comprised, respectively, the frequency dependent attenuation and backscattering coefficient of the melanoma tissue, and the first and second-order statistics of the amplitude-modulated and phase-derivative images of the melanomas. A diffraction correction procedure has been applied prior to the estimation of the parameters to correct the ultrasound signals for the echographic equipment used and for the various distances of the region-of-interest to the transducer. In addition, a preprocessing to select a homogeneous region from the tumours was implemented to obtain consistent estimates of the ultrasound parameters, because the accuracy and the precision of the parameters would be greatly reduced by the inhomogeneity of the melanoma tissue. The estimation methods are evaluated by means of the accuracy and precision of the parameters estimated from simulated ultrasound data and data obtained from a tissue-mimicking phantom. The mutual correlations of the parameters are discussed for the ultrasound data obtained from the melanomas. This study enabled a preselection of the indepedent ultrasound parameters that could be used in a discriminant analysis to perform a differentiation of intraocular melanomas. The sensitivity and specificity of differentiating spindle cell type from mixed-epitheloid meleanomas were 92 and 89 percent, respectively.
To determine whether quantitative ultrasound tissue characterization differentiates normal myocardial regions from segments of remote infarction, 32 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of previous myocardial infarction were evaluated. Images were obtained in real time with a modified two-dimensional ultrasound system capable of providing continuous signals in proportion to the logarithm of integrated backscatter along each A line. In 15 patients, adequate parasternal long-axis images that delineated both normal and infarct segments were obtained with standard time-gain compensation. Image data were analyzed to yield both magnitude and delay (electrocardiographic R wave to nadir normalized for the QT interval) of the cyclic variation of backscatter. Cyclic variation was present in 55 of 56 normal myocardial sites, averaging (mean +/- SEM) 3.2 +/- 0.2 dB in magnitude and exhibiting a mean normalized delay of 0.87 +/- 0.03. The magnitude of cyclic variation in infarct segments was significantly reduced to 1.1 +/- 0.2 dB (42 sites), and the delay was markedly increased to 1.47 +/- 0.12 (21 sites) (p less than 0.0001 for both). In 20 of 42 infarct sites, no cyclic variation was detectable. Thus, ultrasound tissue characterization quantitatively differentiated infarct segments from normal myocardium in patients with remote myocardial infarction.
Two methods are used to estimate ultrasound attenuation in liver. These were based on amplitude change and frequency change as a result of depth dependent attenuation. Evaluation of the two methods against a family of calibrated phantoms yielded correlation coefficients of 0.98 and 0.99, respectively. Liver attenuation in 26 control subjects was 0.50 and 0.52 dB/MHz/cm, respectively. Liver attenuation was estimated in 50 patients who later underwent liver biopsy. Comparison with quantitative histologic results showed that the presence of fat alone accounted for the increased attenuation associated with cirrhosis. Similar high attenuation values were found in patients with fatty infiltration. Fibrosis alone did not result in elevated liver attenuation. Cirrhotics without fatty infiltration had attenuation similar to that of the controls. Mechanisms of action are discussed.
Attenuation measurements were performed on the quadriceps femoris muscle of 10 normal volunteers. The measurements were made using a statistical narrowband pulse echo method operating at 4.3 MHz. The results show a normal range of 4.71 ± 0.44 dB cm−1 (mean ± S.D.). A one-way analysis of variance was performed on the data which concluded that the populations of attenuation coefficients among the subjects were indeed distinct at the p < 0.0005 level.
Research with texture pairs having identical second-order statistics has revealed that the pre-attentive texture discrimination system cannot globally process third- and higher-order statistics, and that discrimination is the result of a few local conspicuous features, called textons. It seems that only the first-order statistics of these textons have perceptual significance, and the relative phase between textons cannot be perceived without detailed scrutiny by focal attention.
The authors determined whether quantitative ultrasound could be useful in the evaluation of diffuse renal disease. Digitized radiofrequency ultrasound data were acquired from the kidneys of patients with biopsy-proven diffuse renal disease and transplant rejection (37 patients plus 18 normal volunteers). The results of the quantitative analysis were compared with histology results to determine if microscopic renal structure could be correlated with quantitative features such as scatterer size and scatterer spacing. The results also were analyzed using receiver operating characteristic analysis to determine if diffuse disease could be detected reliably using quantitative methods. The three most useful features in the native kidneys were mean scatterer spacing (MSS), sigma's, and average scatterer size (D). Using these features, it was possible to detect diffuse renal disease causing a decrease in renal function with an area under the ROC curve (Az) of 0.93. The feature D corresponded closely to histologically measured average glomerular diameters. For normals, D = 216 microns and glomerular diameter = 211 microns. No histologic correlate was found for scatterer spacing. In transplants, MSS and integrated backscatter were most useful for detecting rejection (Az = 0.87), and D in rejection was similar to the values for normal kidney and normally functioning transplants. The D value corresponds to glomerular diameter, and glomerular enlargement can be detected readily using quantitative ultrasound. Combinations of two to four quantitative features can detect diffuse renal disease and transplant rejection reliably.
Following B.B. Mandelbrot's fractal theory (1982), it was found that the fractal dimension could be obtained in medical images by the concept of fractional Brownian motion. An estimation concept for determination of the fractal dimension based upon the concept of fractional Brownian motion is discussed. Two applications are found: (1) classification; (2) edge enhancement and detection. For the purpose of classification, a normalized fractional Brownian motion feature vector is defined from this estimation concept. It represented the normalized average absolute intensity difference of pixel pairs on a surface of different scales. The feature vector uses relatively few data items to represent the statistical characteristics of the medial image surface and is invariant to linear intensity transformation. For edge enhancement and detection application, a transformed image is obtained by calculating the fractal dimension of each pixel over the whole medical image. The fractal dimension value of each pixel is obtained by calculating the fractal dimension of 7x7 pixel block centered on this pixel.