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Information Requirements to BIM Models


Abstract and Figures

Building Information Modeling (BIM) stands out as a vector of innovation encouraging a revolution in modern Civil Engineering. This methodology congregates process, politics, and technology enabling a collaborative construction in virtual space. BIM implementation in buildings and infrastructures has been advantageous when compared to traditional process, allowing error and rework reductions as well as improving costs and time previsions. One of BIM’s biggest challenges is managing and sharing a large amount of information. Each building element needs to align the information and detail requirements to be included in the models for design, construction, and operation. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published in 2018 the designation Level of Information Need that explains how requirements are defined and managed in BIM projects in a flexible, adaptable, and digital mode. Thereafter, the work under development aims to make tangible for engineers and architects how the information requirements are applied to BIM models. Initially, it presented a state of the art about BIM and its uses. The parallel of information requirements of global standards and guides bases the framework. The case study comprises modeling of a private leisure space located in Lisbon. A model is developed for each project phase and the corresponding information requirements planned in conformity.
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Information Requirements to BIM Models
Lorena Luedy1, Paula Couto2, Maria João Falcão2 and João Hormigo1
1 Superior Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
2 National Laboratory of Civil Engineer, Lisbon, Portugal
*corresponding author:
Building Information Modelling (BIM) stands out as a vector of innovation
encouraging a revolution in modern Civil Engineering. This methodology
congregates process, politics and technology enabling a collaborative
construction in virtual space. BIM implementation in buildings and
infrastructures has been advantageous when compared to traditional process,
allowing error and rework reductions as well improving costs and time
One of BIM’s biggest challenges is managing and sharing a large amount of
information. Each building element needs to align the information and detail
requirements to be included in the models for design, construction and operation.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published in 2018 the
designation Level of Information Need that explains how requirements are
defined and managed in BIM projects in a flexible, adaptable and digital mode.
Thereafter, the work under development aims to make tangible for engineers and
architects how the Information Requirements is applied to BIM models. Initially,
is presented a state-of-the-art about BIM and its uses. The parallel of information
requirements of global standards and guides bases the framework. The case-study
comprises modeling of a private leisure space located in Lisbon. A model is
developed for each project phase and the corresponding information
requirements planned in conformity.
Keywords: BIM, Information requirements, standards, Level of Information Needed,
3D Models
1 Introduction
The BIM’s revolution highlighted as the change from traditional 2D designs to BIM
models is restructuring all the processes already used in the Architecture, Engineering,
Construction, and Operation (AECO) sector. In this scenario emerges a new demand
for understanding how to manage the information requirements in the models. One of
the main changes is the contracting of services since in the BIM projects there are many
factors to be discussed regarding the amount of information to define the scope of the
project itself [1, 2].
The main resource used since 2009 to establish these contracting information
requirements is the Level of Development (LOD). LOD has become a common
specification for BIM users, nevertheless, recent researches warn that it got different
meanings and levels worldwide. In 2018, the concept of Level of Information Need was
published in the ISO 19650-1 and ISO 19650-2 promote a different solution for the
issue. Given this scenario of a recent concept and a lack of researches in the area, it is
urgent to develop studies about Level of Information Need to make this concept usable
and practical for the sector AECO [3-6].
The present study appears in a connection between Portugal and Brazil, in the intense
implementation of BIM, aligned with a need for depth studies on the theme.
Furthermore, it aims to analyze the existing content on the subject, to produce an
information requirement framework and to validate this through a case study. The data
were analyzed in the light of ISO 19650-1 (2018) [5] and ISO 19650-2 (2018) [6].
2 State of the art
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a symbol of innovation in the construction
industry that uses a combination of technology, process, and politics to promote the
digital design, construction and operation in the virtual environment. This methodology
requests collaborative work between the stakeholders in all lifecycle of the building or
infrastructure. Beyond that, enable process’ digitalization, simulation and optimization
align to intelligence parametric components make this a big revolution in the sector [1,
5, 7].
Using BIM, the problems can be identified and have their solutions taken in an earlier
stage of the project if compares to the traditional bidimensional projects. The big benefit
is that, in this earlier stage, it is more capable to modify the project, and those changes
cost less. In a global expansion, a recent study predicted an economy of 15 to 25% in
the infrastructure market by means of BIM implementation [8-9].
Portugal and Brazil are advancing in BIM Implementation. Both countries already
have a Technic Commission to Standardization and predict a positive impact on their
economy. Portugal advances in the academic and industry implementation along with
technological advancement. In the same direction, Brazil has already published its
National BIM Dissemination Strategy and foresee ten times increase in the participation
of companies that uses BIM in the construction’s gross national product [10-13].
The main resource currently used to solve the BIM’s demand parameters to the
alignment between stakeholders and limits to avoid the overwork and waste of
information is the Level of Development (LOD). Defined the first time in 2009 by the
American Institute of Architects, LOD is a six steps metric used to describe the
information and graphic accuracy each element needs in the design and construction
process. This is specification is known by the BIM user’s community, however,
nowadays has different meanings and levels around the world [3-4].
In 2018, the concept of Level of Information Need was published in the ISO 19650-
1 and ISO 19650-2 in order to develop a more adaptable and digital mode to work with
BIM model’s information requirements. The Level of Information Need is the
framework used to define the information extent and granularity, it states the minimum
information required to define, share, execute, control and verify each information.
Therefore, it is necessary to analyze some BIM standard and relevant guides to
understand the information requirements to BIM Models [4-6, 14]
Table 1 resumes the relevant aspects of the topic in the European standards ISO
12006-2 (2015), ISO 19650 (2018), BS 1192-4 (2014). There are also in the table,
relevant guides used in the United States of America, Europe, and Brazil: BIM Forum
and BIM Notebook of Santa Catarina [3, 5-6, 15-17].
The ISO 12006-2 (2015) indicates the elements’ properties types that can be
functional, spatial or a composition, for example, and explains how the framework for
classification systems works. The ISO 19650-1 (2018) presents relevant concepts and
principles for information management using BIM as the applicability of information
requirements and conditions to share information in a common data environment. The
second part of the ISO 19650, published also in 2018, deepen in the delivery phase of
the assets establishing definitions, how to apply, share and check the Level of
Information Need. The British Standard BS 1192-4 (2014) indicates the information
sharing structure using Construction Operations Building information exchange [5-6,
As a relevant guide used worldwide, the BIM Forum (2018) explains and gives a lot
of examples of LOD and describes the level of detail and level of information. The BIM
Notebook of Santa Catarina (2014) is based on the BIM Forum but extrapolates it by
relating the LOD to each phase of the project and listing the elements’ properties [3,
Table 1. Information Requirements aspects in Standards and Guides [3, 5-6, 15-17].
Relevant aspects
ISO 12006-2 (2015)
ISO 19650-1 (2018)
Classification system; Types of properties
Information management; Applicability of Information
Requirements; Conditions to share information in common data
ISO 19650-2 (2018)
Information Management; Definition; Apply, Share and
Verification of Level of Information Need
BS 1192-4 (2014)
Information sharing structure
BIM Forum 2018
Level of Development; Level of Detail; Level of Information
BIM Notebook of Santa
Catarina (2014)
Level of Development to each phase of the project; Properties of
3 Framework for Information Requirements to BIM models
The proposed work aims to apply the concepts and parameters of information
requirements to BIM models. Initially, it was defined the project phases, disciplines and
list of information to be analyzed. Pursuant to, and based on the standards and guides
described before, all these aspects were related to build the framework considering
which information is necessary for execute the project phase. The parameters to
personalize this framework to the reality of each project is ultimately indicated.
Portugal’s National Decree Law that states the project phases and its deliverables
were the main base to establish the project phases. The Base Program is a phase that
only states that the executor will use BIM although does not have any definition of
information or geometric requirements. This is the reason that this stage is not part of
the case study. After this, the project passes through the Base Program, Previous Study,
Anteproject and Execution Project when BIM can be useful and profitable. In the other
hand, the as-built and Exploration are extra project phases, after the construction, that
will be added in this analysis due to its relevance to the study. The disciplines adopted
in this case study are the main commons in the buildings and infrastructure projects
worldwide: Architecture and Structure. In addition, it was included the Systems to
represent how the complementary projects are applied [18].
The main list of non-graphic information was based and simplified by the BIM
Notebook of Santa Catarina. The complement of this list was the ISO 12006-2 that
clarifies the concept of Category, a property essential to the Previous Study. In order to
attend the Exploration Phase, the information “Data for operation and maintenance”
was added to the list. As a result of those three aspects, the list of information is
category, type, dimension, localization, material, fabricator, resistivity and data for
operation and maintenance. The BIM Notebook of Santa Catarina presents examples
of which information is needed for each LOD and relates the LOD with the phases of
the project. Using this as the main base for matching the information and considering
which information is indispensable for the project phase be executed, controlled and
checked, the framework was developed as the example in Table 2 [15, 17].
Table 2. Information Requirements to BIM models.
Discipline | Information
As built Exploration
1. Architecture
x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x
2. Structure
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x
3. Systems
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x
Project Phase
Post constructed phase
It is noteworthy that this is a proposal for a general framework to be used as a basis for
planning, execution, and control of the information requirements for BIM models. In
order to produce a model that is easy to understand and basic to use, a series of
simplifications and merging of concepts were performed. The target audience for this
study is architects and engineers who are implementing BIM in their projects.
Throughout the larger domain of the BIM methodology, this framework becomes more
complex and personalized to the professional or company reality. It is indicated, also,
to add, in each discipline, a subcategory of its main elements’ categories. Architecture
projects, por example, can be subcategorized by floor, wall, roof, door/window, and
From the generalist framework presented, it is indicated, for each information, an
analysis to adapt it to the reality of the project and the company. European standards
ISO 19650-1 (2018) and ISO 19650-2 (2018) describe in detail the aspects to be
considered in this analysis of BIM model information requirements. The aspects, that
can be described as personalization parameters (Fig.1), are project work plan,
information purpose, information sharing cycle, customer needs, information decisions,
quality of information, amount of information, geometric requirements, alphanumeric
requirements [5-6].
Fig. 1. Personalization parameters of information requirements to each BIM model [5-6].
work plan
Quality of
from the
Quantity of
information Geometric
Afterward, the applicability of the framework of Information Requirements and the
personalization parameters was evaluated in a case study. The building to be analyzed
is an existing cinema located in a commercial center in Lisbon, Portugal. The
referenced documents for this modeling process was traditional 2D projects of the
execution project phase provided by the company SONAE Sierra, the owner, and
manager of the commercial center. The only exception was the Structural project
provided in BIM as an Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format. Therewith, the BIM
model was developed based on those projects provided.
4 Results
Considering the projects provided, the necessities from the client and the minimum
amount of information and work required to analyze the proposal framework for this
case study, the new framework was built. The phase projects analyzed in the case study
were previous study, execution project, and exploration. Inline, the disciplines modeled
were Architecture, Structure and Sewage Facilities. The client did not have any
necessity of the Fabricator and Resistivity information in the models, so they were only
in the auxiliary documents. Besides that, the client needs the Exploration model very
clean containing solely the architecture project and some data for operation and
maintenance. The framework of Information Requirements to BIM models was adapted
by the personalized parameters to the case study (Table 3).
Table 3. Information Requirements to the case study’s BIM model.
Post constructed
Discipline | Information
1. Architecture
x x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x
Data for operation and maintenance
2. Structure
Data for operation and maintenance
3. Sewage Facilities
Data for operation and maintenance
Project Phase
In the Previous Study, the Information Requirements Table (Table 3) was highly useful
to restrict which information is really needed for the project and avoid data and work
waste. In this phase was only necessary to model the volume and category of the
architectural project (Fig. 2.a). The “Mass & Site” feature of Autodesk’s software Revit
was useful to model the walls and roof. The stairs were modeled as a ramp to give the
volume sense needed.
Fig. 2.a
Fig. 2.b
Fig. 2.c
Fig. 2. Previous Study, Execution Project and Exploration models of the case study.
In the Execution Project phase (Fig 2.b), all the projects were modeled and
compatibilized and the importance of the Table 3 was to guide the amount of
information each element requires, how to search the information in the original project
and to help with the project workflow. During the modeling were found design errors,
inconsistencies between the floor plans and cuts and lack of information in the original
project designed in 2D, which highlights the benefits of the BIM methodology. Besides
that, some information was difficult to be searched and interpreted in the referenced
documents. In order to check the BIM principle of interoperability, the IFC model was
included in the execution project. The framework was fundamental and useful to check
if the IFC model had all the information necessary for the execution of this phase,
working as a checklist.
The last phase modeled was the Exploration. For this one was required to SONAE
Sierra the information necessary for the operation and maintenance of the asset. The
main space focused in the Maintenance phase was under the bleachers (Fig. 2.c), an
area that is used for stock and is managed by the company. The cinema area is managed
by the shopkeeper and will not be very useful for this phase of the project. In this model,
Table 3 was useful to understand which information needs to be excluded or added.
Also, it assured the only architecture project and simple model asked by the client.
5 Concluding Remarks
As a revolutionary worldwide methodology in the construction industry, BIM is
changing all the processes from design to construction and operation of buildings and
infrastructure. A consequence of these changes is the new necessity to plan, define,
share, operate and check the information requirements to BIM models. The concept of
Level of Information Need has been published in 2018 to solve this situation in a
flexible, adaptable, digital and useful mode.
The generalist framework proposed is based on different standards and guides and
required some comparisons and simplifications to be developed. This framework aims
to be the base for architectures and engineers, that are beginning the BIM
implementation, understand and can apply the information requirements in this
methodology. Afterward, it is necessary to use the personalization parameters to adapt
the general framework to each reality of the project and the company.
Applying this framework to the case study was possible to conclude that the
framework is useful and applicable to this public and it guides all the modeling process.
Another important result was that the framework performed as a checklist to verify the
information requirements in the IFC model and guarantee the interoperability BIM
principle. As all this work was developed analyzing the scenario of Portugal and Brazil,
the proposal is easily applied to those two countries. Anyway, if the countries aspects
are also considered in the personalized parameters, it can be applied worldwide.
The development of this study was supported by the National Laboratory of Civil
Engineer (LNEC) and Superior Engineering Institute of Lisbon (ISEL). The
information and projects about the case study were provided by SONAE Sierra. The
company Conie Empreendimentos collaborated with an experience report on the BIM
use in Brazil.
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2. CBIC Part 5 (2016). BIM Hiring Forms - Part 5: BIM Implementation for Construction
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3. BIM Forum (2018). Level of Development Specification Part I & Commentary. United
4. Bolpagni, M., Ciribrini, A. (2015). The Information Modeling and the Progression of
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5. ISO 2018. ISO 19650-1:2018 -- Organization and digitization of information about
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6. ISO 2018. ISO 19650-2:2018 -- Organization and digitization of information about
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Information management using building information modelling -- Part 2: Part 2: Delivery
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7. BIM Dictionary (2014). Disponible at:
8. CBIC Part 1 (2016). Fundamentals BIM - Part 1: BIM Implementation for Construction
companies. Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry, Brasilia, Brazil.
9. CT197-BIM (2017). BIM Contracting Guide. Technical Commission for Standardization
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10. BIM Community (2019). Civil Construction in 2019. Biggest investments and challenge
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11. Hore, A. et al (2017). Global BIM Study Lessons for Ireland’s BIM Programme. Dublin,
12. BIM BR (2018). Intelligence Construction. Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and
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14. Camilo, Cristina (2018). Which BIM standards we adopt - MSI Studio. Consult. in
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15. ISO (2015). ISO 12006-2:2015 Building construction - Organization of information
about construction works Part 2: Framework for classification. Geneva, Switzerland
16. BS (2014). BS 1192-4:2014. Collaborative production of information. Part 4: Fulfilling
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17. Government of Santa Catarina (2014). BIM Notebook - Presentation of Building Projects
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18. Portaria n.º 701-H/2008 (2008) Ministry of Public Works, Transport and
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... In this sense, BIM is exploited for the high potential in the organization and management of geometry and information [60,64,65,80]. An evaluation of the proper level of information need [53,54,81,82] intended as the level of detail of geometrical, alphanumerical, and documentation data is a necessary step. In the present study, the American specifications by BIMForum are used to describe the Level of Development (LoD) and the Level of Acceptance (LoA) of the BIM model. ...
Three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation (3D-DIC) gained popularity as a line-of-sight, high-resolution Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) technique. Nonetheless, 3D-DIC is still impractical when the natural frequencies and the mode shapes of the structure have to be correlated. Recently, the integration of Motion Magnification (MM) as a pre-processing tool for 3D-DIC has been explored to enhance the capabilities of DIC for structural analysis and defined a Magnified DIC (M-DIC) workflow. However, such applications do not take full advantage of the potential of the 3D-DIC to produce point-clouds informed of the dynamic properties of a structure. Hence, the definition of a straightforward workflow to manage 3D-DIC point-clouds for real-world applications should be addressed. Moreover, the large amount of raw output coming from MM and 3D-DIC combination requires appropriate tools to systematically visualise and analyse the data. In this context, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has emerged as a robust repository as well as a data management tool to store and exchange data related to the built environment, including long sequences of SHM data. This research proposes a novel Cloud to Model (C2M) tool called M-DIC2BIM that translates the Scalar Fields (SFs) of the M-DIC point-cloud directly into the faces of the BIM model instances. As a case study, a three-storey aluminium frame structure excited with broadband noise is used to validate the developed methodology. The comparison among undamaged and damaged configurations tests made the evolution of the frame's Operational Deflection Shapes (ODSs) computable by quantifying structural changes in its global and local behaviour and mapping them onto the BIM instances.
... At the same time, government bodies have implemented, and where possible made mandatory, new standards capable of communicating the levels of development, detail (LOD) and information (LOI) of digital models. Many nations have encouraged and subsequently adopted new supranational standards such as the ISO and CEN to guarantee the quality of those new types of digital representations (Luedy, Couto, Silva & Hormigo, 2020). As we well know, in December 2018, ISO 19650 was adopted, which through the mechanism of direct adoption of the Vienna Agreement became a European (EN) and national standard for each member state in 2019. ...
Conference Paper
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In recent years we have witnessed how technology applied to built heritage has exponentially changed the daily practices of the various experts involved in the life cycle of buildings. The techniques of representation of historical architecture have been able to make use of new 3D survey tools as well as research methods capable of managing a large amount of data while improving the level of information (LOI) and accuracy of the surveyed artefacts. On the other hand, professionals still have to make use of a large number of exchange formats in order to share their digital representations (3D, 2D) and analysis. For this reason, this paper describes the research approach followed to obtain “standard” architectural representations of a heritage building in the Cultural Heritage domain. The word “standard” is used in its original meaning: “something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example” (Collins Dictionary). In this context, 3D models have a primary role in the workflow because its position is in-between the 3D survey techniques that come first and the restoration/maintenance activities. The authors’ thought is that the workflow should be as smooth and sustainable as possible to have an effective standardization and collaboration among disciplines, sectors and technicians working in the different study areas.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) offers a novel approach to design, construction, and facility management in which a digital representation of the building product and process is used to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of information in digital format. BIM is beginning to change the way buildings look, the way they function, and the ways in which they are designed and built. The BIM Handbook, Third Edition provides an in-depth understanding of BIM technologies, the business and organizational issues associated with its implementation, and the profound advantages that effective use of BIM can provide to all members of a project team. Updates to this edition include: • Information on the ways in which professionals should use BIM to gain maximum value • New topics such as collaborative working, national and major construction clients, BIM standards and guides • A discussion on how various professional roles have expanded through the widespread use and the new avenues of BIM practices and services • A wealth of new case studies that clearly illustrate exactly how BIM is applied in a wide variety of conditions Painting a colorful and thorough picture of the state of the art in building information modeling, the BIM Handbook, Third Edition guides readers to successful implementations, helping them to avoid needless frustration and costs and take full advantage of this paradigm-shifting approach to construct better buildings that consume fewer materials and require less time, labor, and capital resources.
Civil Construction in 2019. Biggest investments and challenge projects. Consult
  • Bim Community
BIM Community (2019). Civil Construction in 2019. Biggest investments and challenge projects. Consult. in 03/2019. Disponible at:
Intelligence Construction. Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services
  • Bim Br
BIM BR (2018). Intelligence Construction. Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, Brazil.
Which BIM standards we adopt -MSI Studio. Consult
  • Cristina Camilo
Camilo, Cristina (2018). Which BIM standards we adopt -MSI Studio. Consult. in 05/2018. Disponible in:
BIM Notebook-Presentation of Building Projects in BIM
  • Santa Government Of
  • Catarina
Global BIM Study Lessons for Ireland's BIM Programme
  • A Hore
Hore, A. et al (2017). Global BIM Study Lessons for Ireland's BIM Programme. Dublin, Ireland.
ISO 12006-2:2015 - Building construction-Organization of information about construction works-Part 2: Framework for classification
  • Iso
BIM Hiring Forms -Part 5: BIM Implementation for Construction companies. Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry
CBIC -Part 5 (2016). BIM Hiring Forms -Part 5: BIM Implementation for Construction companies. Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry, Brasilia, Brazil.
Level of Development Specification Part I & Commentary
BIM Forum (2018). Level of Development Specification Part I & Commentary. United States.
The Information Modeling and the Progression of Data-Driven Projects
  • M Bolpagni
  • A Ciribrini
Bolpagni, M., Ciribrini, A. (2015). The Information Modeling and the Progression of Data-Driven Projects. Milano, Italy.