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The Effects of Vocabulary Intervention on Young Children’s Word Learning A Meta-Analysis


Abstract and Figures

This meta-analysis examines the effects of vocabulary interventions on pre-K and kindergarten children’s oral language development. The authors quantitatively reviewed 67 studies and 216 effect sizes to better understand the impact of training on word learning. Results indicated an overall effect size of .88, demonstrating, on average, a gain of nearly one standard deviation on vocabulary measures. Moderator analyses reported greater effects for trained adults in providing the treatment, combined pedagogical strategies that included explicit and implicit instruction, and author-created measures compared to standardized measures. Middle- and upper-income at-risk children were significantly more likely to benefit from vocabulary intervention than those students also at risk and poor. These results indicate that although they might improve oral language skills, vocabulary interventions are not sufficiently powerful to close the gap—even in the preschool and kindergarten years.
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Review of Educational
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DOI: 10.3102/0034654310377087
Loren M. Marulis and Susan B. Neuman
: A Meta-Analysis
The Effects of Vocabulary Intervention on Young Children's Word Learning
Published on behalf of
American Educational Research Association
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Review of Educational Research
September 2010, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 300–335
DOI: 10.3102/0034654310377087
© 2010 AERA.
The Effects of Vocabulary Intervention on Young
Children’s Word Learning: A Meta-Analysis
Loren M. Marulis and Susan B. Neuman
University of Michigan
This meta-analysis examines the effects of vocabulary interventions on pre-K
and kindergarten children’s oral language development. The authors quanti-
tatively reviewed 67 studies and 216 effect sizes to better understand the impact
of training on word learning. Results indicated an overall effect size of .88,
demonstrating, on average, a gain of nearly one standard deviation on vocab-
ulary measures. Moderator analyses reported greater effects for trained adults
in providing the treatment, combined pedagogical strategies that included
explicit and implicit instruction, and author-created measures compared to
standardized measures. Middle- and upper-income at-risk children were sig-
nificantly more likely to benefit from vocabulary intervention than those students
also at risk and poor. These results indicate that although they might improve
oral language skills, vocabulary interventions are not sufficiently powerful
to close the gap—even in the preschool and kindergarten years.
Keywords: achievement, achievement gap, early childhood, literacy, meta-
analysis, vocabulary
Learning the meanings of new words is an essential component of early reading
development (Roskos et al., 2008). Vocabulary is at the heart of oral language
comprehension and sets the foundation for domain-specific knowledge and later
reading comprehension (Beck & McKeown, 2007; Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998).
As Stahl and Nagy (2006) report, the size of children’s vocabulary knowledge is
strongly related to how well they will come to understand what they read. Logically,
children will need to know the words that make up written texts to understand them,
especially as the vocabulary demands of content-related materials increase in the
upper grades. Studies (Cunningham & Stanovich, 1997; Scarborough, 2001) have
shown a substantial relationship between vocabulary size in first grade and reading
comprehension later on.
It is well established, however, that there are significant differences in vocabulary
knowledge among children from different socioeconomic groups beginning in
young toddlerhood through high school (Hart & Risley, 1995; Hoff, 2003). Extrapo-
lating to the first 4 years of life, Hart and Risley (2003) estimate that the average
child from a professional family would be exposed to an accumulated experience
of about 42 million words compared to 13 million for the child from a poor family.
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
Moats (1999) estimated the difference at school entry to be about 15,000 words,
with linguistically disadvantaged children knowing about 5,000 words compared
to the more advantaged children knowing 20,000 words. Furthermore, children
from low income groups tend to build their vocabulary at slower rates than children
from high socioeconomic status (SES) groups (Anderson & Nagy, 1992), potentially
creating a cumulative disadvantage over time. By fourth grade, children with
vocabulary below grade level, even if they have adequate word identification skills,
are likely to slump in reading comprehension, unable to profit from independent
reading of most grade level texts (Biemiller & Boote, 2006).
With the recognition of these significant differences and their consequences for
subsequent reading achievement, there is an emerging consensus that intensive
interventions are needed early on to focus on enhancing children’s vocabulary
(Neuman, 2009). Average children acquire many hundreds of word meanings each
year during the first 7 years of vocabulary acquisition. To catch up, therefore, children
with vocabulary limitations will need to acquire several hundred words in addition
to what they would otherwise learn (Biemiller, 2006). In essence, interventions will
have to accelerate—not simply improve—children’s vocabulary development to
narrow the achievement gap.
To date, however, little is known about the effectiveness of overall vocabulary
training on changes in general vocabulary knowledge. Previously published meta-
analyses (Elleman, Lindo, Morphy, & Compton, 2009; Stahl & Fairbanks, 1986)
have addressed the impact of different vocabulary interventions on reading
As can be seen in Table 1, Stahl and Fairbanks (1986) reported an average effect
size of 0.97 of vocabulary instruction on comprehension of passages containing
taught words; a more modest effect size of 0.30 for global measures of comprehen-
sion. By contrast, Elleman and her colleagues (2009), using a more restrictive
criterion for their selection of studies, found less substantial effects: a positive
overall effect size of 0.50 of training programs on comprehension using author-
created measures and a 0.10 effect size for standardized measures. In addition to
these meta-analyses, the National Reading Panel (2000) conducted a narrative
review of published experimental and quasiexperimental studies evaluating vocabu-
lary instruction on comprehension skills and found that it was “generally effective”
for improving comprehension.
Although informative, neither of these meta-analyses nor the narrative review
addressed the effects of training on learning the meanings of words, a more proximal
measure of the impact of the interventions. Furthermore, the majority of the studies
focus on vocabulary training as it applies to printed text. For example, exemplary
training strategies supported by the National Reading Panel (2000) report include
text restructuring, repetition and multiple exposures to words in text, and rereading,
assuming that children are already reading at least at a rudimentary level. In fact,
there is a curious logic in many of these vocabulary training studies. As noted in
both recent and past meta-analyses, much of this research has emphasized building
children’s skills in vocabulary by increasing the amount of reading. Given that poor
readers are likely to select less challenging texts than average or above readers,
rather than closing the gap, this strategy could have the unfortunate potential of
exacerbating vocabulary differentials.
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Previous vocabulary meta-analyses
Author(s) Grade Intervention(s) Skill assessed
Effect size (ES)
(words taught)
Stahl and Fairbanks, 1986 2–college Any Comprehension .97 .30
Elleman et al., 2009 Pre-K–12 Any (beyond read-alouds) Comprehension .50 .10
Mol et al., 2009 Pre-K–1 Interactive book reading Oral language .28
Mol et al., 2009 Pre-K–1 Interactive book reading Print knowledge .25
Mol et al., 2008 Pre-K Dialogic parent–child readings Oral language .50
Mol et al., 2008 K Dialogic parent–child readings Oral language .14
National Early Literacy Panel, 2008 Pre-K Interactive book reading Oral language .75
National Early Literacy Panel, 2008 K Interactive book reading Oral language .66
National Early Literacy Panel, 2008 Pre-K Code focused Oral language .32
National Early Literacy Panel, 2008 K Code focused Oral language .13
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
Moreover, the combination of both oral and print-based vocabulary training inter-
ventions makes it difficult to disentangle whether difficulties in comprehension lie
within the word identification demands or the vocabulary of the text. Mol, Bus, and
deJong (2009) avoided this potential confound by separating oral language outcomes
and print-related skills. Focusing specifically on the impact of interactive storybook
reading, their recent meta-analysis reported a moderate effect size for expressive
vocabulary (.28) and a slightly more modest effect size for print knowledge (.25).
However, the largest effect sizes appeared to be present only in experiments that were
highly controlled and executed by the examiners. Teachers appeared to have difficulty
fostering the same growth in young children’s language skills as researchers did when
implementing interventions. Furthermore, in another recent meta-analysis by Mol
and her colleagues examining the effects of parent–child storybook readings on oral
language development (Mol, Bus, deJong, & Smeets, 2008), two groups did not
appear to benefit from the intervention: those children at risk for language and literacy
impairments and kindergarten children. Using a more rigorous set of screening criteria
(e.g., published in peer-reviewed journals studies, randomized controlled trials or
quasiexperimental studies only), the National Early Literacy Panel (2008) essentially
confirmed Mol et al.’s findings. They, too, reported only moderate effects of storybook
reading interventions on oral language and print knowledge, with smaller effect sizes
reported for children at risk of reading difficulties compared to those not at risk.
Furthermore, their analyses of code-focused interventions and pre-K and kindergarten
programs found negligible effects (0.32, 0.13, respectively) on oral language skills.
Conceivably, if we are to substantially narrow the gap for children who have
limited vocabulary skills, we need to better understand the potential impact of
interventions specifically targeted to accelerate development and the characteristics
of those that may be most effective at increasing children’s vocabulary. This meta-
analysis was designed to build on previous work (Elleman et al., 2009; Mol et al.,
2008; Mol et al., 2009; National Early Literacy Panel, 2008) in several ways. First,
because major vocabulary problems develop during the earlier years before children
can read fluently, we examine vocabulary training interventions prior to formal
reading instruction, in preschool and kindergarten. Farkas and Beron (2004), for
example, in a recent analysis of the children of the National Longitudinal Survey
of Youth 1979 cohort, found more than half of the social class effect on early oral
language was attributable to the years before 5 and that rates of vocabulary growth
declined for each subsequent age period. Second, we extend the work of Mol and
her colleagues (2008, 2009) to include all vocabulary interventions in the early years
in addition to interactive or shared book reading. Third, we examine the impact of
these interventions on growth of general vocabulary knowledge. And finally we
examine specific characteristics that appear to influence word learning.
This meta-analysis, therefore, expands the current literature by addressing the
following questions:
1. Are vocabulary interventions an effective method for teaching words to
young children?
2. What methodological characteristics of vocabulary interventions are associated
with effect size?
3. Is there evidence that vocabulary interventions narrow the achievement gap?
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Marulis & Neuman
To address these questions, it was essential to include all vocabulary interventions
rather than a subset of the most common or most examined types. This approach
allowed for a thorough and comprehensive meta-analysis, permitting us to identify
and examine not only nontraditional interventions but also the wider range of
variables associated with treatments. Based on previous research, we anticipated
that our resulting sample would be highly heterogeneous. We viewed this as an
inevitable compromise and therefore planned to focus much of our analysis on
subgroup moderators, helping to explain these effects. This procedure, in addition
to the use of the random effects model, is recommended in meta-analyses conducted
on diverse literatures such as ours (Cooper, Hedges, & Valentine, 2009; Landis &
Koch, 1977; Raudenbush, 1994; Wood & Eagly, 2009).
Search Strategy and Selection Criteria
This meta-analysis examines the effects of vocabulary training on the receptive and
expressive language of children. Studies were included when they met the following
criteria: (a) the study included a training, intervention, or specific teaching technique
to increase word learning; (b) a (quasi)experimental design was applied, incorporat-
ing one or more of the following: a randomized controlled trial, a pretest–intervention–
posttest with a control group, or a postintervention comparison between preexisting
groups (e.g., two kindergarten classrooms); (c) participants had no mental, physical,
or sensory handicaps and were within ages birth through 9; (d) the study was con-
ducted with English words, excluding foreign language or nonsense words (to be
able to make comparable comparisons across studies); and (e) outcome variables
included a dependent variable that measured word learning, identified as either
expressive or receptive vocabulary development or both. The measure could be
standardized (e.g., Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) or an author-created measure
(e.g., Coyne, McCoach, & Kapp’s, 2007, Expressive and Receptive Definitions).
Our goal was to obtain the corpus of vocabulary intervention studies that met
our eligibility criteria including both published and unpublished studies. To do so,
we developed comprehensive search terms to capture the various iterations and
ways of describing relevant studies. In addition, we consulted an education special-
ist librarian to ensure that we included all keywords and tags used by the various
databases. We searched the following electronic databases: PsycINFO, ISI Web of
Science, Education Abstracts, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, and Educational
Resources Information Center (ERIC, CSA, OCLC FirstSearch) through September
2008 using the following search terms: word learning OR vocabulary AND inter-
vention; OR instruction, training, learning, development, teaching. This search
yielded 53,754 citations.
We imported all citations into the bibliographic program Endnote to maintain
and code our library of citations. We then performed preliminary exclusion coding
on these citations; studies were excluded if children were older than our established
cutoff, if they were off topic and not related to word learning, if the study was
conducted in a language other than English, or if the citation referred to a conference
proceeding that included no primary data. To be excluded at this phase, citations
needed to meet the above criteria with 100% certainty. Twelve exclusion coders
were trained by the first author, and prior to beginning coding interrater reliability
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
was established (Cohen’s κ = .9–1.0). In addition, once exclusion coding was com-
pleted, 25% of the citations were independently coded by two research assistants,
which also resulted in high levels of agreement (κ = .96). The exclusion coding
revealed 3,586 relevant citations, which were subsequently retrieved and read in full.
We also contacted experts and authors in the field for any published and unpub-
lished data and other relevant references. We sent out a total of 95 e-mails and
received 28 responses (29% response rate), which generated 12 manuscripts. In
total, our process yielded 3,598 articles and manuscripts.
Inclusion Coding
Our next task was to examine the research with our eligibility criteria in mind. Four
graduate students were trained in both meta-analytic coding procedures and those
specific to our project. After sufficient training was completed, the four coders read
10 studies together and discussed whether each should be included based on our
inclusion criteria. All disagreements were resolved through discussion until 100%
agreement was reached. Following this discussion, a training set of 50 studies was
coded separately by all four coders. The level of agreement reached between the
four raters on their inclusion determination (Fleiss’s κ = .96) fell well within range
(Landis & Koch, 1977). Subsequently, each coder individually coded the remainder
of the studies. In all, 111 studies met all criteria and were set aside for the compre-
hensive study variable coding. These studies were divided into two groups: those
that targeted oral language and word learning prior to conventional reading (birth
through kindergarten; k = 64) and interventions that focused on word learning in
texts (Grades 1–3; k = 40).
Interventions for these two groups represented different foci of instruction and
different goals in measurement. For example, interventions for birth through kin-
dergarten focused on oral language development through listening and speaking,
with concomitant changes in receptive and expressive language. Intervention for
Grades 1 to 3 emphasized the ability to identify and understand vocabulary words
in print and children’s subsequent understanding of these words in a text. Conse-
quently, our focus was to conduct this particular meta-analysis on studies targeting
the very early years of vocabulary development (birth through age 6), considered
to be a period of time when word learning accelerates, to examine their potential
effects on children’s growth and development.
Study Characteristics and Potential Moderators
To address our second and third research questions, we identified 10 characteristics
for planned moderator analyses based on previous research and findings (Mol et al.,
2009; National Early Literacy Panel, 2008; National Reading Panel, 2000): four
intervention (the adult who conducted the intervention, group size, dosage of the
intervention, and type of training), two participant (at-risk status and SES), two
measurement outcome (the type and focus of the dependent measures used to deter-
mine changes in word learning), and two study level (research design and nature of
the control group). If study descriptions were unclear or key characteristics were
missing, authors were contacted to obtain the information necessary for coding. If
this was not possible or if the information was unavailable, we coded the variable
as missing. Studies were excluded from the particular analysis when variables used
in specific moderator analyses were missing. For example, if it was unclear whether
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Marulis & Neuman
study participants were at risk or not, the effect size data from that particular study
were excluded from the at-risk moderator analysis but included in the overall mean
effect size calculation and in other moderator analyses to maintain statistical power
and to increase the comprehensiveness and precision of the research synthesis
(Bakermans-Kranenburg, van Ijzendoorn, & Juffer, 2003).
Because of the large number of variables and the importance of accuracy, training
for this coding process involved extensive tutorials on research design, variable cod-
ing, and practical coding techniques. At the conclusion of the training, all four coders
coded 5 studies together. Following the coding, coders discussed each study and
revised the coding manual and protocol sheets accordingly. Next, the coders coded
five studies independently. Fleiss’s kappa was calculated at .67, which, although falling
within the "substantial agreement" range, was not sufficiently high enough to allow
for proper use of moderator analysis. Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Rothstein
(2009) and Lipsey and Wilson (2001) recommend an agreement level of at least .81.
Therefore, we initiated a second round of coding and revisions to the coding sheets.
We independently coded an additional 35 articles (more than 60 studies, 150 effect
sizes) and achieved an agreement level within the “almost perfect agreement” range
(κ = .89). Studies were then coded individually by one of the four trained coders.
Analytic Strategy
To calculate effect size estimates, we entered the data into the Comprehensive Meta-
Analysis (CMA) program (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2005) and
standardized by the change score standard deviations (SDs). Through the use of the
CMA program, we were able to enter various types of reported data, including means
and standard deviations, mean gain scores, F or t statistic data, categorical data, odds
ratios, chi-square data, and so on. Because of the ability to enter data in more than
100 formats, we were able to calculate effect sizes even when we were unable to
compute the magnitude of the treatment groups’ improvement through treatment and
control group mean differences and standard deviations, the standard way to calculate
effect sizes. As this standard procedure yields the most precise estimates, we would
have been concerned if a large proportion of the effect sizes were calculated using an
alternate method. However, this was not necessary for the large majority of studies;
nearly 88% of the effect sizes were calculated using means and standard deviations.
We estimated all effect sizes using Hedges’s g coefficient, a more conservative
form of the Cohen’s d effect size estimate. Hedges’s g uses a correction factor J to
correct for bias from sample size, which is calculated as follows: J = 1 – (3 / (4 ×
df – 1)), where df = NTOTAL – 2. To obtain Hedges’s g from Cohen’s d, the following
calculations can be made: g = d × J, StdErr(g) = StdErr(d) × J.
We then weighted the effect sizes by the inverse of their error variances (1/SE2)
to factor in the proportionate reliability of each one to the overall analysis (Shadish
& Haddock, 1994). In this way, less precise estimates are given less weight in the
analyses. The resultant effect size gives the magnitude of the treatment effect, with
an effect size of .20 considered small, .50 in the moderate range, and .80 large
(Cohen, 1988). Specific to psychological, behavioral, and educational interventions,
an effect size of .30 fell in the bottom quartile, .50 at the median, and .67 in the top
quartile in an examination of more than 300 meta-analyses (Lipsey & Wilson, 1993).
To avoid dependency in our effect size data (e.g., when a study used more than
one outcome measure or treatment group resulting in multiple effect sizes per study),
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
we used the mean effect size for each study across conditions while not pooling
the variable of interest (moderator variable) in conducting the moderator analyses
(Borenstein et al., 2009; Cooper & Hedges, 1994). In other words, in analyzing the
effectiveness of an intervener, we averaged the effect sizes per study across the other
multiple conditions (e.g., multiple outcome measures) and used one mean effect
size per study per moderator analysis. Similarly, for the overall mean effect size
calculation, one mean effect size was used per study so that there was one treatment
group compared to one comparison group for each included study.
We used a random effects model for our overall effect sizes and 95% confidence
intervals around the point estimates to address heterogeneity. Within a random effects
model, the variance includes the within-study variance plus the estimate of the
between studies variance (Borenstein et al., 2009). Random effects models are used
when there is reason to suspect that variability is not limited to sampling error
(Lipsey & Wilson, 2001), which we believed was a good description of our sample
of studies. Under this model, we assumed that the true population effect sizes might
vary from study to study, distributed about a mean. However, because our sample
of studies involved a larger corpus of vocabulary interventions than previous meta-
analyses, we expected to have a large dispersion of effect sizes. Therefore, in addition
to the random effects model, we planned subgroup analyses on the characteristics
we believed might moderate these effects.
Outliers and Publication Bias
Only one effect size was considered an outlier (i.e., 4 standard deviations above the
sample mean; SD = 0.53). This outlying effect size was quite large (Lipsey & Wilson,
2001, mean effect size g = 5.43, SE = 0.69). However, because of its low precision
(large standard error), it was weighted the lowest in our analysis and did not dis-
proportionately influence the mean effect size. To substantiate this claim, we com-
pared our analysis with this outlying value (g = 0.89, SE = 0.065, CI95 = 0.76, 1.00)
and without (g = 0.86, SE = 0.062, CI95 = 0.74, 0.98) and found no significant dif-
ference (p > .05). Nevertheless, to reduce the impact of this large outlier in the planned
moderator analyses, we Winsorized it by resetting this effect size to the next largest
effect size of 2.13 (which was only two standard deviations from the mean). This
allowed for a smoother distribution of effect sizes and a less extreme upper limit
without losing data (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). All subsequent analyses, therefore,
were conducted using the Winsorized value. Effect sizes ranged from –10 to 2.13,
with 37 effect sizes below the sample mean and 29 above the sample mean.
In addition to the precautions described in our sampling strategies, we calculated
a fail-safe N, which indicated that we would need to be missing 17,582 studies to
potentially invalidate significant effect size results (rejecting the null hypothesis
that an effect size is the same as 0.00). This number far exceeded the criterion number
(i.e., 5k + 10 = 345 where k = 67 studies; Rosenthal, 1991). We also calculated the
Orwin fail-safe N (Orwin, 1983), which allowed us to use a value other than null
against an effect size criterion (i.e., rather than a p value) addressing the possibility
that file-drawer studies could have a nonzero mean effect. This test addressed the
possibility that missing studies, if included, would diminish, rather than invalidate,
our findings. This allowed us to evaluate how many missing studies would need to
exist to bring our mean below a moderate effect size (0.5). Even with this criterion
value of 0.5, our Orwin fail-safe number was 555, meaning that we would have had
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Marulis & Neuman
to locate 555 studies with a mean effect size of 0.49 to bring our overall Hedges’s
g under a moderate 0.5. We were confident, therefore, that we could proceed with
our analysis and not be overly concerned about publication bias.
The final set of intervention studies targeting vocabulary training in educational
settings for preschool and kindergarten aged children (through age 6 when grade
was not specified) comprised 64 articles, which yielded a total of 67 studies and
216 effect sizes. In total, 5,929 children (N
experimental group
= 3,202, N
control group
= 2,727)
were studied. Of the studies, 70% were published in peer-reviewed journals, and
60% of the children sampled were in pre-K classrooms. The typical study was
quasiexperimental and used an alternative treatment control condition. The majority
of studies used a standardized measure of receptive or expressive language, and
about a third used author-created measures.
We used researcher specifications to describe the interventions. As can be seen
in Table 2, storybook reading and dialogic reading were the most prevalent interven-
tions. However, as noted in both National Reading Panel (2000) and National Early
Literacy Panel (2008), there were wide variations across interventions. For specific
descriptive study characteristics, see Table 2.
We expected our sample to be heterogeneous which was subsequently confirmed,
Qw(66) = 551.54, p < .0001, I2 = .88. Total variability that could be attributed to true
heterogeneity or between-studies variability was 88%, indicating that 88% of the
variance was between-studies variance (e.g., could be explained by study-level covari-
ates) and 12% of the variance was within-studies based on random error. For the
range of associated effect sizes and the precision of each estimate, see Figure 1.
Overall Effect Sizes
To examine the benefit of vocabulary training on word learning, we first calculated
an overall effect size for pre-K and kindergarten. The overall effect size was
g = 0.88, SE = 0.06, CI95 = 0.76, 1.01, p < .0001. Vocabulary training demonstrated
a large effect on word learning in pre-K (g = 0.85, SE = 0.09, CI95 = 0.68, 1.01,
p < .0001) and kindergarten (g = 0.94, SE = 0.11, CI
= 0.73, 1.14, p < .0001).
Although the magnitude of the effect was slightly larger for kindergarten students,
differences were not statistically significant, Qb(1) = 0.48, p = .49. These effect
sizes are considered both educationally significant (Lipsey & Wilson, 1993) and
large (Cohen, 1988).
We found that published studies had significantly higher effect sizes (g = 0.95,
SE = 0.084, CI95 = 0.79, 1.11) than unpublished studies (g = 0.71, SE = 0.087,
CI95 = 0.54, 0.88), Qb(1) = 4.53, p < .05. Therefore, our overall effect size could
be considered conservative because of the inclusion of a considerable number of
unpublished studies (20 of 67).
A total of 11 studies also reported a delayed posttest. To avoid dependency of
effect sizes, we excluded the delayed posttests (e.g., defined as posttests given
more than 24 hours after the completion of the intervention) from our overall
analysis (28 effect sizes). The mean effect size for the delayed posttests (g = 1.02,
SE = 0.22, CI95 = 0.58, 1.45) did not differ significantly from that of immediate
posttests (g = 0.88, SE = 0.06, CI
= 0.76, 1.01), Q
(1) = 0.30, p = .58. These results
indicated that moderate effects persisted over time for these 11 studies (2–180 days
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Key characteristics and effect sizes of meta-analyzed studies
status Grade
At riska
determined) Trainer Conditionb
Type of
Ammon and Ammon, 1971 Publ. Pre-K No Experimenter Peabody Picture
Test training
S n 1.00
Arnold et al., 1994 Publ. Pre-K No Parent DR S tu 0.51
Beck and McKeown, 2007
Study 1
Publ. K Yes Teacher SB A tu 1.54
Beck and McKeown, 2007
Study 2
Publ. K Yes Teacher SB A ws 1.96
Bonds, 1987 Unpubl. K Teacher Basal S at 0.71
Bortnem, 2005 Unpubl. Pre-K Yes Experimenter SB S tu 0.97
Brackenbury, 2001 Unpubl. Pre-K No Experimenter LIP A at 1.63
Brickman, 2002 Publ. Pre-K Yes Parent SB A and S at 0.31
Brooks, 2006 Unpubl. K No Teacher SB A at 0.48
Christ, 2007 Unpubl. K Both Teacher SB A n 0.26
Coyne et al., 2004 Publ. K Yes Experimenter SB A at 0.85
Coyne et al., 2007a Publ. K Yes Experimenter SB A + ws 2.13
Coyne et al., 2007b Publ. K Yes Experimenter SB A + ws 1.64
Coyne et al., 2008 Unpubl. K Yes Experimenter SB S ws 0.84
Coyne et al., in press Unpubl. K Yes Teacher SB A ws 0.96
Crevecoeur, 2008 Unpubl. K Yes Teacher and
SB S + tu 1.20
Cronan et al., 1996 Publ. Pre-K No Parent SB A and S n 0.22
Danger, 2003 Publ. Pre-K
and K
Yes Experimenter Play S tu 0.52
Daniels, 1994a Publ. Pre-K Yes Teacher SL S at 1.88
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status Grade
At riska
determined) Trainer Conditionb
Type of
Daniels, 1994b Publ. K Teacher SL S tu 1.26
Daniels, 2004 Publ. K No Teacher SL S n 0.70
Eller et al., 1988 Publ. K Experimenter SB A n 1.28
Ewers and Brownson, 1999 Publ. K No Experimenter SB A and S at 1.06
Freeman, 2008 Unpubl. K Yes Teacher SB A and S at 1.87
Hargrave and Sénéchal, 2000 Publ. Pre-K Yes Teacher DR A and S at 0.71
Harvey, 2002 Unpubl. Pre-K No Parent AB S at 1.63
Hasson, 1981 Publ. K Yes Teacher Cloze A and S at 0.67
Huebner, 2000 Publ. Pre-K No Parent DR S at 0.82
Justice et al., 2005 Publ. K Yes Experimenter SB A + n 1.49
Karweit, 1989 Publ. K Yes Teacher SB S m 0.35
Lamb, 1986 Unpubl. Pre-K Yes Experimenter SB S n 0.14
Leung, 2008 Publ. Pre-K No Child care teacher
and experimenter
SB A and S at 0.69
Leung and Pikulski, 1990 Publ. K No Experimenter SB A and S tu 0.55
Lever and Sénéchal, 2009 Unpubl. K No Experimenter DR A at 0.95
Levinson & Lalor, 1989 Publ. K Teacher Writing S at 0.66
Light et al., 2004 Publ. Pre-K Experimenter AAC A at 5.43
Loftus, 2008 Unpubl. K Yes Experimenter VOC A + ws 0.45
Lonigan et al., 1999 Publ. Pre-K Yes Experimenter SB S tu –0.10
Lonigan and Whitehurst, 1998 Publ. Pre-K Yes Parent DR S n 0.59
Lowenthal, 1981 Publ. Pre-K Yes Teacher LT S n 1.04
Lucas, 2006 Unpubl. K Yes Teacher LT S at 0.16
McConnell, 1982 Publ. K Yes Parent IBI S tu 0.58
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status Grade
At riska
determined) Trainer Conditionb
Type of
Meehan, 1999 Unpubl. Pre-K Yes Parent and specialist SB S na 0.52
Mendelsohn et al., 2001 Publ. Pre-K Yes Parent SB + S n 0.45
Murphy, 2007 Unpubl. Pre-K Yes Experimenter DR S tu 1.50
Nedler and Sebera, 1971a Publ. Pre-K Yes Child care teacher BEEP S n 0.43
Nedler and Sebera, 1971b Publ. Pre-K Yes Child care teacher BEEP S n 0.17
Neuman, 1999 Publ. Pre-K Yes Child care teacher SB S tu 0.06
Neuman and Gallagher, 1994 Publ. Pre-K Yes Parent SB + play S n 1.43
Notari-Syverson et al., 1996 Unpubl. Pre-K Yes Teacher LTL A and S ws 0.46
Peta, 1973 Publ. Pre-K Yes Teacher TER A and S at 1.75
Rainey, 1968 Unpubl. Pre-K Yes Teacher SV S tu 0.24
Schetz, 1994 Publ. Pre-K Experimenter CAI S tu 0.45
Sénéchal, 1997 Publ. Pre-K No Experimenter SB A + at 1.55
Sénéchal et al., 1995 Publ. Pre-K No Experimenter SB A + at 0.71
Silverman, 2007a Publ. K Yes Teacher MDV A and S + n 0.92
Silverman, 2007b Publ. K No Teacher SB + A and S + n 1.43
Simon, 2003 Unpubl. Pre-K Yes Teacher SB + A and S tu 0.42
Smith, 1993 Unpubl. Pre-K No Experimenter Augmented SB A ws 0.67
Terrell and Daniloff, 1996 Publ. K No Experimenter Book, video A n 0.59
Walsh and Blewitt, 2006 Publ. Pre-K No Experimenter SB A tu 2.04
Warren and Kaiser, 1986 Publ. Pre-K Yes Experimenter LIP S n 1.50
Wasik and Bond, 2001 Publ. Pre-K Yes Teacher IR A and S tu 1.47
Wasik et al., 2006 Publ. Pre-K Yes Teacher SB + S at 1.53
Watson, 2008 Publ. Pre-K Yes Teacher SB A and S ws 0.64
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status Grade
At riska
determined) Trainer Conditionb
Type of
Whitehurst et al., 1988 Publ. Pre-K No Parent DR S + tu 0.96
Whitehurst et al., 1994 Publ. Pre-K Yes Child care teacher
and parent
DR A and S + at 0.63
Note. — indicates missing, insufficient, or unclear information.
aSample was coded at risk if at least 50% of the participant sample was within one risk category: low SES (at or below the national poverty level of $22,000), parental education
of high school graduation or below, qualification for free or reduced-price lunch, second language status, low achievement (as identified by teacher report, achievement, or
adequate yearly progress), individualized education program or Title I placement.
bAAC = augmentative and alternative communications system; AB = audio books; BEEP = Bilingual Early Childhood Educational Program; CAI = computer-assisted instruction;
DR = dialogic reading; IBI = individual bilingual instruction; IR = interactive reading; LIP = language intervention program; LT = language training; LTL = Ladders to Literacy;
MDV = multidimensional vocabulary; SB = storybook; SL = sign language; SV = sight vocabulary; TER = total environment room; VOC = general vocabulary intervention.
cA = author created; S = standardized. + includes a delayed posttest.
dN = received no treatment (includes wait list); TU = treatment as usual; AT = alternate treatment; WS = within subject.
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Figure 1. Forest plot of effect sizes (k = 67). Each circle represents each individual study
and is proportionate to its weight in the overall analysis; the circles and confidence
interval bars illustrate the estimated precision of each study. The diamond represents the
mean effect size for the entire sample.
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Marulis & Neuman
postintervention; M = 63.52, SD = 57.61). Because of the small number of studies,
however, we were not able to conduct further interactions between moderators.
Analysis of Moderator Effects
To attempt to explain variance, we examined the influence of key study variables on effect
sizes by conducting moderator analyses within 10 (4 intervention, 2 participant, 2 outcome
measure, and 2 study level) categories of study characteristics. We were able to conduct
all of the above-planned moderator analyses using contrasts because each subgroup had
more than four studies even after the removal of studies because of missing data.
We used a fixed effects model to combine subgroups and examine the amount
of variance explained by the moderators. In addition, we used a random effects
model to combine studies within subgroups. This mixed-model approach allowed
us to partition the variance and examine the large heterogeneity found in our sample
(Borenstein et al., 2009; Wood & Eagly, 2009).
Context of the Intervention
Among the most important characteristics of training was the person who pro-
vided the intervention. As shown in Table 3, a sizeable portion of the trainers were
the experimenters themselves. The next highest category was classroom teachers,
identified as an individual holding a bachelor’s degree and state certification.
Certified preschool teachers, therefore, were included in this category. Fewer
instances of training were provided by parents and still fewer by child care provid-
ers, identified as an individual who taught in a community-based organization and
did not hold a bachelor’s degree or state certification.
Group size, as well, has often been regarded as a key contextual characteristic
of training. Previous studies have argued for one-to-one instruction (Wasik &
Slavin, 1993) and small group (Elbaum, Vaughn, Hughes, & Moody, 2000) as
compared to whole group instruction (Powell, Burchinal, File, & Kontos, 2008),
particularly for young children. As shown in Table 3, more than 20% of the studies
did not specify group sizes; the remaining studies included a relatively equal number
of small and large group interventions, with a somewhat larger number of indi-
vidualized interventions.
Our moderator analysis on these contextual features analysis indicated a signifi-
cant effect for the adult who carried out the intervention, Qb(3) = 41.26, p < .0001.
Training provided by the experimenter (g = 0.96, SE = 0.13, CI95 = 0.70, 1.22) or
the teacher (g = 0.92, SE = 0.11, CI95 = 0.70, 1.15) resulted in equal magnitude of
growth. Although interventions given by the parent appeared to have a lower
magnitude of growth, the effect size was still substantial (g = 0.76, SE = 0.18, CI95 =
0.41, 1.11). There were no significant differences in the effect sizes associated with
these trainers, Qb(2) = 0.61, p = .44.
On the other hand, trainings given by child care providers were significantly
less successful. Our analysis indicated that trainings given by child care providers
yielded smaller effect sizes that were significantly lower than all others, g = 0.13,
SE = 0.095, CI95 = –0.06, 0.31; Qb(3) = 41.26, p < .0001. It should be noted, how-
ever, that there were substantially fewer studies in this group than in others. In
contrast to others, these interventions were highly and significantly homogeneous,
Qw = 1.9, p = .4, I2 = 0.00; no between-studies variance was unexplained.1
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In addition to variations in the person who provided the treatment, the studies
varied in terms of the number of participants who made up the intervention group.
Whether children were taught in individualized settings (g = 0.98, SE = 0.14,
CI95 = 0.73, 1.22), small groups of five children or fewer (g = 0.88, SE = 0.13, CI95 =
0.64, 1.12), or large groups of six children or more (g = 1.04, SE = 0.21, CI95 = 0.64,
1.44) did not affect the effect size, Qb(2) = 0.56, p = .75. Rather, all group
configurations benefited equally and substantially from the vocabulary
Dosage of instruction. Intensity of instruction or “dosage” refers to the amount of
training that is delivered to participants. However, the concept goes beyond answer-
ing the question of “how much” is provided. It involves duration (i.e., how long the
intervention lasted from start to finish), frequency (i.e., how many sessions were
delivered), and intensity (i.e., the amount of time within each session). For example,
if an intervention was given for 20 minutes, 3 times a week, for 5 weeks, the dura-
tion would be 35 days, the frequency would be 15, and the intensity would be 20.
As shown in Table 4, dosage of instruction and the characteristics within it varied
dramatically across studies. Therefore, each aspect of dosage was examined to mea-
sure how these characteristics might influence word learning.
Duration. The duration of intervention ranged broadly from 1 to 270 days, with a
median of 42 days of instruction. Shown in Table 4, interventions lasting a week or
less (g = 1.35, SE = 0.18, CI95 = 0.99, 1.70) resulted in significantly higher effect
sizes than those lasting longer than a week, up to 270 days (g = 0.85, SE = 0.07,
CI95 = 0.71, 1.00), Qb(1) = 6.28, p < .05. These results, of course, must be interpreted
with caution for several reasons. First, studies with short-term goals (e.g., specific
words related to a storybook) may indicate that even a week of training can be highly
effective in increasing young children’s word learning. Second, there were only seven
studies that lasted a week or less in the sample. However, we then conducted an
analysis to examine whether the median of duration of instruction—42 days—would
Mean effect sizes for contextual characteristics of interventions
Characteristic k g 95% CI QwithinaQbetweenbI2
Intervener 41.26
Experimenter 24 0.96*** 0.70, 1.22 84.94 77.63
Teacher 22 0.92*** 0.70, 1.15 249.89 91.60
Parent 11 0.76*** 0.41, 1.11 44.94 82.20
Child care provider 8 0.13 -0.06, .31 1.91 0.00
Group size 0.56
Individual 21 0.98*** 0.73, 1.22 122.99 84.55
5 or fewer 15 0.88*** 0.64, 1.12 61.68 77.30
6 or more 16 1.04*** 0.64, 1.44 87.91 89.76
***p < .0001.
aQwithin refers to the homogeneity of each subgroup (df = k – 1).
bQbetween refers to the moderator contrasts (df = number of subgroups – 1).
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moderate the effect size. Our analysis indicated interventions lasting 42 days or less
(g = 0.97, SE = 0.11, CI95 = 0.75, 1.19) had no less effect than those lasting more
than 42 days (g = 0.87, SE = 0.10, CI95 = 0.67, 1.10), Qb(1) = 0.44, p = .51. Taken
together, these results suggest that interventions of brief duration can be associated
with positive word learning outcomes.
Frequency. The number of intervention sessions within studies ranged from 1 to
180 sessions, with a median of 18 sessions. However, there were a substantial number
of studies in which the interventions included five or fewer sessions (k = 12, 52
effect sizes). To examine whether these studies with fewer sessions differed from
those with more, we conducted a moderator analysis. As shown in Table 4, we found
that studies with five or fewer intervention sessions had significantly higher effect
sizes (g = 1.42, SE = 0.22, CI95 = 0.98, 1.85) than those with more than five sessions
(g = 0.83, SE = 0.08, CI95 = 0.67, 0.99), Qb(1) = 6.06, p < .05. The approximately
equal number of studies and effect sizes within these two categories provided more
confidence in this moderator analysis. As in the case of the duration analyses, these
differences might reflect the goals of the intervention: More targeted goals and
assessments would likely call for fewer training sessions than those with more global
and broad objectives. To follow up, we once again split our sample by the median.
Our analysis indicated that studies with fewer than 18 sessions had significantly
higher effect sizes (g = 1.13, SE = 0.13, CI95 = 0.87, 1.39) than those with 18 ses-
sions or more (g = 0.80, SE = 0.11, CI95 = 0.58, 1.01), Qb(1) = 3.78, p < .05. Con-
sequently, this suggests that studies with a smaller number of sessions can effectively
improve children’s word learning outcomes.
Mean effects for dosage of intervention
Characteristic k g 95% CI QwithinaQbetweenbI2
Duration of training 183.82
1 week or less 7 1.35*** 0.99, 1.70 19.90 69.81
More than 1 week 52 0.85*** 0.71, 1.00 445.27 88.55
2 weeks 10 1.12*** 0.79, 1.46 34.56 73.96
More than 2 weeks 49 0.87*** 0.72, 1.02 444.79 89.21
Less than 42 days 30 0.97*** 0.75, 1.19 246.62 88.24
More than 42 days 29 0.87*** 0.67, 1.10 244.10 88.53
Frequency 6.06
5 sessions or fewer 12 1.42*** 0.98, 1.85 75.31 85.39
More than 5 sessions 30 0.83*** 0.67, 0.99 106.40 72.75
18 sessions or fewer 22 1.13*** 0.87, 1.39 139.97 84.99
More than 18 sessions 21 0.80*** 0.58, 1.01 90.79 77.97
Intensity 0.11
Less than 20 minutes 19 0.97*** 0.74, 1.20 83.94 78.56
20 minutes or more 17 0.91*** 0.62, 1.20 124.96 87.20
***p < .0001.
aQwithin refers to the homogeneity of each subgroup (df = k – 1).
bQbetween refers to the moderator contrasts (df = number of subgroups – 1).
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
Intensity. We calculated the length of each individual training session as a final
component of dosage. Length in our studies lasted from 7 to 60 minutes, with a
median of 20 minutes. In cases where studies reported a range of time for each
training session, we calculated an average time. We then examined whether the
length of the intervention sessions moderated the effect sizes. Our analysis indicated
no significant differences between effect sizes for the length of training. Sessions
lasting less than 20 minutes (g = 0.97, SE = 0.12, CI95 = 0.74, 1.20) were not sig-
nificantly different from those lasting 20 minutes or more (g = 0.91, SE = 0.15,
= 0.62, 1.20), Q
(1) = 0.11, p = .74. Given that these interventions were geared
toward young children, it is not surprising that longer sessions did not significantly
affect word learning gains. In fact, shorter sessions were somewhat more effective
than longer sessions.
Taken together, the analysis of dosage suggests that even smaller amounts of
treatment can be associated with vocabulary gains. We can hypothesize that one
explanation might hinge on the goals and scope of the intervention. Vocabulary train-
ing targeted to a discrete set of skills (e.g., dialogic reading) might involve shorter
term intervention activities than those that are designed to enhance more global skills.
This is an important area for further research.
Type of Training
Our sample included a large variety of instructional methods and independent
treatments. Although we coded for the type of intervention the authors reported
(see Table 2), we decided to follow Elleman and colleagues’ (2009) meta-analytic
strategy and focus on several key characteristics of the interventions in our meta-
analysis. This decision was made because many of the interventions used different
components within their treatments. Storybook reading, repeated readings, and
dialogic reading—although identified under the rubric of “storybook reading inter-
vention”—were fairly different in their strategies for teaching vocabulary. Further-
more, similar treatments often used different terms. For example, interactive
storybook reading and shared reading, although different in terms, shared many
components of instruction. Especially important for vocabulary instruction, we
decided to focus on the approach that was used in the vocabulary intervention:
whether or not words were explicitly taught or implicitly taught through embedded
activity or whether both strategies were used to teach new words. The pedagogical
approach represented a key component of instruction used by the National Reading
Panel (2000) in its report on vocabulary training.
This variable was straightforward to code. Explicit instruction emphasizes strate-
gies for directly teaching vocabulary. An intervention was coded as explicit if detailed
definitions and examples were given before, during, or after a storybook reading
with a follow-up discussion designed to review these words. Implicit instruction,
on the other hand, involved teaching words within the context of an activity. An
intervention was coded as implicit if words were embedded in an activity, such as
a storybook reading activity without intentional stopping or deliberate teaching of
word meanings. In some cases, interventions used a combination of both strategies.
Treatments in which the deliberate instruction of words was followed by implicit
uses of the words in contexts were coded as combined instruction.
This distinction was useful because it allowed us to examine the pedagogical
strategy within similarly identified interventions. For example, one study examined
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implicit word learning through dialogic reading, whereas another intervention used
direct instruction of words prior to dialogic reading. Similarly, in some cases, research-
ers would use implicit and explicit learning through interactive reading alouds, whereas
others relied exclusively on implicit strategies through reading aloud.
We tested what was more effective: to have explicit instruction, implicit instruc-
tion, or a combination of both methods. We found a significant effect for the type
of instruction. Children made significantly higher gains with interventions that
used an explicit method (g = 1.11, SE = 0.13, CI95 = 0.83, 1.40) or a combination
of explicit and implicit methods (g = 1.21, SE = 0.13, CI95 = 0.94, 1.47) than those
that employed an implicit method only (g = 0.62, SE = 0.084, CI95 = 0.46, 0.78),
Qb(2) = 18.36, p < .0001. As shown in Table 5, interventions that used a combina-
tion of explicit and implicit methods appeared to have a slightly higher magnitude
of effect than explicit alone; however, there was no significant difference between
the effects of these two treatment methods. These results indicate that interventions
that provided explicit or explicit and implicit instruction through multiple exposures
of words in rich contexts were most effective in supporting word learning for pre-K
and kindergarten children.
Instruction for At-Risk and Low SES Children
Evidence of the substantial differences in vocabulary between at-risk and average
children, and its concomitant effects on achievement, has driven much of the research
on vocabulary development (Hart & Risley, 1995). Conceivably, if interventions
are designed to narrow the gap, they must not only improve vocabulary for at-risk
children but also accelerate its development. This would seem to suggest that vocabu-
lary interventions specially targeted for at-risk children must have stronger and more
powerful effects than those for average and above average learners.
We conducted several moderator analyses to examine this question, as can be
seen in Table 6. First, we conducted a moderator analysis using coder-determined
qualifications for at-risk participants. We compared studies with participants we
considered to be at risk in which at least 50% of the participant sample was within
one risk category, low SES level (at or below the national poverty level of $22,000,
parental education of high school graduation or less, qualification for free or reduced-
price lunch), second language status, low academic achievement (as identified by
a teacher report, standardized school assessment, or adequate yearly progress),
and/or special needs (as identified as having an individualized education program
Mean effect sizes for type of training in interventions
Characteristic k g 95% CI QwithinaQbetweenbI2
Type of training 18.36
Explicit 15 1.11*** 0.83, 1.40 82.02 82.93
Implicit 25 0.62*** 0.46, 0.78 95.63 74.90
Combination 17 1.21*** 0.94, 1.47 85.70 81.33
***p < .0001.
aQwithin refers to the homogeneity of each subgroup (df = k – 1).
bQbetween refers to the moderator contrasts (df = number of subgroups – 1).
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or Title 1 placement), to those that were not at risk. Our analysis indicated that
there was no difference between gains on vocabulary measures for at-risk children
(g = 0.85, SE = 0.081, CI95 = 0.69, 1.01) and all other children (g = 0.91, SE = 0.10,
= 0.69, 1.12), Q
(1) = 0.18, p = .67. Studies reportedly targeted to at-risk
populations were no more effective than those designed for average and above
average achievers.
In addition, we conducted a moderator analysis on SES status within our entire
sample that included at-risk children (k = 40), children not at risk (k = 18), and those
whose at-risk status could not be determined (k = 9). Although there was a magnitude
difference favoring the middle to high SES children, no significant differences were
found between vocabulary gains obtained by low SES children (g = 0.75, SE = 0.11,
CI95 = 0.54, 0.96) and those by middle to high SES children (g = 0.99, SE = 0.11,
CI95 = 0.79, 1.21), Qb(1) = 2.71, p = .10. As low SES children are likely to have
lower baseline scores, even parallel gains would not substantially close the gap.
Next, to examine the at-risk population further, we conducted a moderator analysis
comparing children who qualified as low SES in addition to another risk factor as
described above to those children who were coded as at risk but did not qualify as
low income. Within this at-risk category, children with low SES status (g = 0.77,
SE = 0.12, CI95 = 0.53, 1.01) received gains that were significantly lower than those
of middle to high SES at-risk children (g = 1.35, SE = 0.26, CI95 = 0.85, 1.85),
Qb(1) = 4.19, p < .05 (see Table 6). In other words, middle to high SES children
who had at least one risk factor gained more than low SES children with at least
one additional risk factor. These results suggest that poverty was the most serious
risk factor; additional risk factors appeared to compound the disadvantage. Vocabu-
lary interventions, therefore, did not close the gap; in fact, given the differences in
the effect sizes, they could potentially exacerbate already existing differentials.
Type of Word Learning Measurement
In their narrative analysis, the National Reading Panel (2000) report raised important
questions about the measurement of vocabulary development that have since been
Mean effect sizes for participant characteristics
Characteristic k g 95% CI QwithinaQbetweenbI2
Type of learner (coder identified) 0.18
At risk 40 0.85*** 0.69, 1.01 245.86 84.14
Average and above-average learners 18 0.91*** 0.69, 1.12 69.51 75.54
SES status 2.71
Low SES 28 0.75*** 0.54, 0.96 172.75 84.37
Middle to high SES 25 0.99*** 0.79, 1.21 297.75 91.94
At risk and SES status 4.19
At risk, low SES 25 0.77*** 0.53, 1.01 158.06 84.82
At risk, middle to high SES 9 1.35*** 0.85, 1.85 137.33 94.17
***p < .0001.
aQwithin refers to the homogeneity of each subgroup (df = k – 1).
bQbetween refers to the moderator contrasts (df = number of subgroups – 1).
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voiced by other researchers. Specific to vocabulary development, the panel recom-
mended the development of more sensitive measures that could be used to determine
whether an intervention might be effective. Ideally, they suggested, experimenters
should use both author-created and standardized measures to best examine vocabulary
gains. As a result of their recommendations, a number of researchers (e.g., Leung
& Pikulski, 1990; Lonigan, Anthony, Bloomfield, Dyer, & Samwel, 1999) have
included both author-created and standardized assessments in their studies. Others
(e.g., Coyne et al., 2007; Sénéchal & Cornell, 1993) have moved to relying on
author-created measures to attain enough sensitivity to detect fine-grain and more
comprehensive vocabulary growth.
We coded measures according to the type of measurement used to examine
changes in word learning. Author-created measures examined gains in the vocabu-
lary taught in the curriculum and were likely to be more sensitive to the effects of
intervention. Standardized measures, on the other hand, were more likely to measure
growth in global language development. They were unlikely to contain target words
taught in the intervention. Some studies used both types and were coded as a com-
bined set of measures.
We systematically examined the type of measurement through a moderator
analysis with approximately equal numbers of effect sizes obtained for each type
of test (see Table 7). Our analysis revealed that effect sizes (e.g., vocabulary gains)
on the standardized assessments were significantly lower (g = 0.71, SE = 0.072,
CI95 = 0.57, 0.85) than those on author-created measures (g = 1.21, SE = 0.18,
CI95 = 0.85, 1.57), Qb(1) = 6.35, p < .01 . These results provide support of the
National Reading Panel’s (2000) recommendation of using multiple measures to
examine word growth. Taken together, these moderator analyses revealed that
author-created measures appeared to be more proximal indicators of vocabulary
improvement and more targeted to what was taught in the interventions. Global
measures were less sensitive to gains in vocabulary interventions. These results,
however, could be affected by study designs, the specific goals of the vocabulary
intervention, and other factors such as the features of the words in the intervention,
which unfortunately could not be detected in this moderator analysis.
Mean effect sizes for outcome measure characteristics
Characteristic k g 95% CI QwithinaQbetweenbI2
Type of assessment 6.35
Author created 19 1.21*** 0.85, 1.57 257.42 93.01
Standardized 36 0.71*** 0.57, 0.85 168.07 79.18
Focus of vocabulary
Receptive vocabulary 97 0.80*** 0.68, 0.91 812.30 88.18
Expressive vocabulary 86 0.69*** 0.60, 0.78 1066.99 92.03
Combination 33 1.11*** 0.84, 1.39 404.02 92.08
***p < .0001.
aQwithin refers to the homogeneity of each subgroup (df = k – 1).
bQbetween refers to the moderator contrasts (df = number of subgroups – 1).
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Focus of Word Learning Measurement
We also examined whether or not there were differences in receptive and expressive
vocabulary as a result of the vocabulary interventions. The majority of the vocabu-
lary intervention studies in our sample tested participants using more than one type
of measure. Consequently, if we had used the same analysis method applied to our
other moderators (using one mean effect size per study to avoid effect size depen-
dency), we would have pooled our variable of interest. Rather than use a mixed-
model analysis, we compared the overall Hedges’s g effect sizes for these categories
and examined the 95% confidence intervals for overlap to determine significant
differences. Also, we coded some measures (N = 33) as combined. These were
comprehensive measures that tested both receptive and expressive vocabulary such
as the Preschool Language Assessment Instrument.
Our results, shown in Table 7, indicated that children made significantly higher
gains on combined receptive and expressive vocabulary measures (g = 1.11, SE = 0.14,
CI95 = 0.84, 1.39) than on expressive vocabulary alone (g = 0.69, SE = 0.04,
CI95 = 0.60, 0.78), shown by the nonoverlapping confidence intervals. Given that
the combined measures often included an author-created test among its dependent
variables, these differences might reflect the recommendations of the National
Reading Panel report, an issue we intend to pursue in the future. There were no
differences between gains for receptive (g = 0.80, SE = 0.06, CI95 = 0.68, 0.91) and
expressive measures (g = 0.69, SE = 0.04, CI95 = 0.60, 0.78) or between gains for
receptive (g = 0.80, SE = 0.06, CI
= 0.68, 0.91) and combined measures (g = 1.11,
SE = 0.14, CI95 = 0.84, 1.39), shown by nonoverlapping confidence intervals.
Experimental Design
In a synthesis of more than 300 social science intervention meta-analyses, Wilson
and Lipsey (2001) reported that research methods accounted for almost as much
variance as characteristics of the actual interventions. Associated with the largest
proportion of variance was the type of research design, particularly random versus
nonrandom assignment. To examine this issue, we coded studies according to this
distinction and found that 11 (16%) had true experimental designs whereas 56 (84%)
employed quasiexperimental designs. Our analysis indicated, however, that although
there was a slight difference in magnitude favoring the experimental studies (g = 0.92,
SE = 0.22, CI95 = 0.49, 1.35), these studies were not significantly different in the
size of their effects than quasiexperimental studies (g = 0.88, SE = 0.07, CI95 = 0.74,
1.00), Qb(1) = 0.04, p = .84 (see Table 8).
In addition, in accordance with prior meta-analyses (Elleman et al., 2009; Mol
et al., 2009) and best practices in meta-analysis (Cooper & Hedges, 1994; Lipsey
& Wilson, 2001), we examined whether the type of control or comparison group
used influenced effect sizes. We attempted to obtain information about the control
group for all studies, and when insufficient data were provided, we contacted the
authors for the necessary data.
Control Group
Our sample encompassed four types of comparison groups, as shown in Table 8: a
control group that received no treatment (which included wait-list designs), a com-
parison group that received “business as usual” (e.g., same vocabulary instruction
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or practices as usual), an alternate treatment (e.g., a deliberately diluted version of
the treatment with the hypothesized key ingredient missing), and a within-subject
design where participants acted as their own control groups. Because we conducted
eight moderator analyses for the various control group types, we used a Bonferroni-
corrected significance criterion of .008 (six contrast comparisons were made). Within
this criterion, only two moderator analyses were significant. Studies in which the
controls used alternate treatment comparisons (g = 1.03, SE = 0.13, CI
= 0.78,
1.27) were significantly higher in effect sizes compared to studies in which the
controls received no treatment at all (g = 0.51, SE = 0.13, CI
= 0.25, 0.76),
Qb(1) = 8.25, p < .005. However, these results should be interpreted with caution
because of the differences in the number of studies in each group (e.g., control
groups who received nothing k = 7, alternate treatments k = 22). Within-subject
design studies also reported a significantly higher effect size (g = 1.09, SE = 17,
CI95 = 0.75, 1.44) than the no-treatment control group studies (g = 0.51, SE = 0.13,
CI95 = 0.25, 0.76), Qb(1) = 7.25, p = .007. Although measures were taken to obtain
equivalence for repeated measure designs (the standardized difference is computed,
taking into account the correlation between measures; e.g., Dunlap, Cortina, Vaslow,
& Burke, 1996), these studies should be interpreted with caution when compared
with others using more traditional experimental designs. However, these findings
replicate Mol and colleagues (2009), who also found that no-treatment control groups
had significantly lower effect sizes.
Together these results indicated that the particular design—whether or not it was
experimental or quasiexperimental—did not influence effect sizes and that, in most
cases, the nature of the control group also did not affect the effect size.
This meta-analysis examined the effects of vocabulary interventions on the growth
and development of children’s receptive and expressive language development.
Results indicated that children’s oral language development benefited strongly from
these interventions. The overall effect size was 0.88, demonstrating, on average, a
Mean effect sizes for study design characteristics
Characteristic k g 95% CI QwithinaQbetweenbI2
Design 0.04
Quasiexperimental 56 0.88*** 0.74, 1.00 434.32 87.34
Experimental 11 0.92*** 0.49, 1.35 116.90 91.45
Type of control group 21.44
Received nothing
(includes wait list)
7 0.51*** 0.25, 0.76 25.60 76.55
Alt. treatment 22 1.03*** 0.78, 1.27 106.95 80.36
Treatment as usual 17 0.78*** 0.49, 1.08 98.50 83.76
Within-subjects 8 1.09*** 0.75, 1.44 54.45 87.14
***p < .0001.
aQwithin refers to the homogeneity of each subgroup (df = k – 1).
bQbetween refers to the moderator contrasts (df = number of subgroups – 1).
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
gain of nearly 1 standard deviation on vocabulary measures. If anything, this effect
size may be somewhat conservative given that a portion of the studies in the analysis
were not published. Consequently, we conclude with a fair degree of certainty that
vocabulary instruction does appear to have a significant impact on language
These results support Stahl and Fairbanks’s (1986) meta-analysis of vocabulary
instruction, which reported an average effect size of 0.97. By contrast, recent meta-
analyses by Elleman and her colleagues (2009) and Mol and her colleagues (2009)
found far smaller effects for global measures. In the case of Elleman et al.’s meta-
analysis, differences clearly related to the selection of studies and its focus on passage-
related comprehension. Their analysis included only one study in the pre-K age
range and emphasized print-related interventions. In this respect, it was not surpris-
ing to find differences in our results.
On the other hand, the meta-analysis by Mol and her colleagues (2009) focused
on similar objectives and similar age ranges to our meta-analysis and therefore
warrants further explanation. They reported effect sizes ranging from d = 0.54 to
d = 0.57, resulting from interaction before, during, and after shared reading sessions
on oral language development. In a separate meta-analysis (2008), they found an
average effect size of d = 0.59 for parent–child dialogic reading. In both cases,
more moderate effects were reported than our overall mean size.
This divergence in findings might be because of differences in the selection
criteria or the methods used to evaluate effects. For example, we excluded studies
in a foreign language and excluded studies that did not measure real-word learning
(i.e., pseudo-words). Our meta-analysis also included studies with multiple methods
of vocabulary intervention. Many of the interventions, for example, used storybooks
within more comprehensive programs. Inclusion of these elements additional to the
traditional book reading interventions, therefore, might have accounted for the more
potent effect sizes in our meta-analysis.
These more powerful interventions were likely to be implemented by experiment-
ers or teachers (not parents or child care providers). For example, in programs with
effect sizes equal to or greater than 1.0 (n = 79), 43% of the trainers were experi-
menters and 42% teachers; for effect sizes equal to or greater than 2.0 (n = 24), 58%
were experimenters and 33% teachers. We also included vocabulary interventions
that were not related to storybook reading. Computer-based interventions, video-
related interventions, and technology-enhanced interventions were considered within
our analysis. In this respect, our goal was to identify all possible vocabulary inter-
ventions, representing the corpus of experimental techniques targeted to enhancing
children’s oral language development to examine the average size of their effects.
Our strategy, therefore, was to better understand the potential overall effects of
intervening in the early years to improve vocabulary development. But the expan-
siveness of our inclusion strategy also came at a cost. By including many different
instructional techniques, our meta-analysis could not specify the particular interven-
tion that was most effective. Contrary to the wishes of many policymakers, we could
find no specific intervention that worked more powerfully than others. Furthermore,
there were dramatic variations across similarly termed interventions such as story-
book reading. It was for this reason, some 10 years ago, that the National Reading
Panel report concluded that a meta-analysis could not be conducted in vocabulary
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because studies were too varied and too few for each of the different types of instruc-
tion to be examined.
In its recent report, the National Early Literacy Panel (2008) took a different
approach in its meta-analysis than we did in ours. Its goal was to isolate shared book
reading to examine its effects. Contrary to Mol and her colleagues (2009), however,
the committee restricted its selection to published book reading studies only and
those not potentially confounded with any additional enhancements. Its inclusion
criteria yielded a total of 19 studies (5 from a single intervention type and a common
author). Nevertheless, even under these highly restrictive criteria, the authors
acknowledged wide variations in procedures. Furthermore, because of the limited
number of studies, they could not identify the impact of age, risk status, or agent of
intervention, arguing that, at best, it appeared that “some kind of intensified effort
to read” compared to a somewhat “less intensified effort” (p. 154) might have a
moderate effect on oral language skills (0.73).
In contrast, we recognized the variation within similar types of vocabulary inter-
ventions and used a broader inclusion strategy, including both published and unpub-
lished studies to examine oral language development for children in their early years.
Our approach indicated heterogeneity of variances, yet at the same time it provided
us with the additional statistical power to conduct moderator analyses to detect
potential differences among them (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). It also allowed us to
look beyond the most conventional interventions to examine vocabulary trainings
that have not been previously reviewed or synthesized.
Based on the moderator analyses, in particular, we can make some suggestions
for interventions that appeared to work best. Clearly, among the most important
factors is the person who delivers the instruction. Larger effect sizes occurred when
the experimenter conducted the treatment, the most negligible when the intervention
was given by the child care provider. Like Mol and her colleagues (2009), we found
that child care providers seemed to have difficulty in enacting vocabulary training
with pre-K and kindergarten children. It could be hypothesized that providers were
not sufficiently trained to incorporate and internalize the strategies to implement
the training materials with the intention and fidelity of the program developers.
Previous studies of professional development (e.g., Neuman & Wright, in press),
for example, have shown that early childhood providers need greater doses of train-
ing and supports to improve oral language in comparison to the more discrete skills
such as letter knowledge.
A contextual factor that appeared less important in terms of its association with
effect sizes was group configurations. Traditionally, early childhood educators have
tended to favor small group and one-on-one interactions instead of whole group
instruction (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997). Powell and his colleagues (2008), for
example, in their study of the ecology of early learning settings found that whole
group instruction appeared to support passive modes of child engagement: listening
and watching rather than talking and acting.
However, we did not find support for the claim that whole group was less ben-
eficial than small group instruction. In contrast, whole group vocabulary instruction
had the largest effect sizes, although not statistically differentiable from the other
configurations. Our results, therefore, confirm Mol and her colleagues’ (2009)
meta-analysis findings that demonstrated that children’s oral language skills
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
improved in whole group instruction. They suggest that certain foundational activi-
ties, such as vocabulary training, may be appropriately and perhaps more efficiently
taught in whole group instruction settings, with smaller groups and individualized
one-on-one instruction reserved for reviewing and practicing skills already intro-
duced. These results could make a case for a more differentiated model of organizing
instruction, one that more clearly aligns learning goals with the most promising
organizational features.
Turning to the instructional features of these vocabulary interventions, our analysis
revealed that pedagogical approach appeared to make a difference. Programs that
used explicit instruction deliberately either through explanation of words or key
examples were associated with larger effect sizes than those that taught words
implicitly. In addition, programs that combined explicit and implicit instruction,
enabling students to be introduced to words followed by meaningful practice and
review, demonstrated even larger effects. These studies stand in contrast to those
that used implicit instruction alone, which was found to be less effective. They
confirm the recommendations of the National Reading Panel (2000), which called
for providing direct instruction in vocabulary with multiple exposures in rich con-
texts. Given that this meta-analysis focused on many different training programs,
these results should generalize across specific types of programs. Furthermore, there
is evidence to suggest the benefits of explicit instruction may not be limited to word
learning (Klahr & Nigam, 2004; Rittle-Johnson, 2006; Star & Rittle-Johnson, 2008).
Our analysis of the amount of exposure, however, did not reveal such clear-cut
instructional recommendations. Importantly, we did not find support for Ramey
and Ramey’s (2006) conclusion that higher dosages of treatment lead to better
effects. Longer, more intensive, and more frequent interventions did not yield larger
effect sizes than smaller dosages. In fact, even brief doses of vocabulary interven-
tion (e.g., Whitehurst et al., 1988) were associated with large effect sizes. Halle
and her colleagues (in press) have argued that interventions narrower in scope may
require only short-term training; those with a more global focus may require larger
The scope of the treatment may also relate to how these interventions were assessed.
Like Elleman and her colleagues (2009), we found support for author-created mea-
sures being more sensitive in detecting improvements in language development than
standardized measures. Yet at the same time we must be cautious in interpreting these
results, especially in relation to vocabulary training. Given that many of the shorter
interventions employed author-created measures, it was impossible to disentangle
whether or not these results might have been because of interventions that were tied
to a more discrete set of skills than others with a broader focus. Future research that
systematically manipulates these factors could address this. These author-created
measures probably reflected more proximal learning outcomes than the more distal
measures of language development. Because author-created assessments may be
more closely tied to the vocabulary training in the intervention, these measures may
answer a basic question: Did children learn what was taught?
That author-created tests, targeting the content and specifics of their intervention
programs, show gains, however, is not particularly surprising or newsworthy. Without
standardized measures for confirmatory evidence, these author-created measures
may provide an inflated portrait of the vocabulary gains made in studies. For example,
our meta-analysis revealed moderate gains on standardized assessments (g = 0.71,
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SE = 0.07), essentially confirming vocabulary growth, although to a lesser extent.
Standardized assessments, therefore, could reflect the most conservative end of the
spectrum of vocabulary acquisition for young children, with the growth on author-
created measures (g = 1.21, SE = 0.18) reflecting the other end of the spectrum.
Consequently, it may be best to interpret vocabulary learning effect sizes in
tandem with standardized measures, being cognizant of the differences between the
types of tests and their ability to report learning growth. This would suggest that
multiple measures—author created and standardized—be used to provide strong
evidence of the malleability of vocabulary use in different settings. Both types of
measures, however, must be appropriate for the knowledge learned and the tasks to
which the knowledge is to be applied—a high bar for many standardized assessments
in vocabulary development (Pearson, Hiebert, & Kamil, 2007).
Finally, a primary goal of our research endeavor was to determine whether these
interventions might work to close the gap in vocabulary development for young
children. Although many of the interventions purported to be targeted to at-risk
populations, it was clear that there are different degrees of risk. Examining the
effects of coder-identified at-risk status versus not at risk, we reported no differ-
ences in the effect sizes of vocabulary interventions. Vocabulary training interven-
tions appeared to be equally effective for all children in these studies. However,
when we used poverty as an additional risk factor, we found significant differences
in the effect sizes between groups: Middle and upper income at-risk children were
significantly more likely to benefit from vocabulary intervention than those students
also at risk and poor. These results indicate that although they might improve oral
language skills, the vocabulary interventions were not sufficiently powerful to
close the gap—even in the preschool and kindergarten years. It also highlights the
effects that poverty may have on children’s language development (Neuman, 2008).
Extensive early intervention starting at birth through age 6 as in such projects as
the Abecedarian program (Campbell & Ramey, 1995) may be needed to help
ameliorate these differences.
Taken together, our meta-analysis provides some promising recommendations
for classroom settings. However, these moderator analyses should not be interpreted
as testing causal relationships (Cooper, 1998; Viechtbauer, 2007). Rather, our results
should be verified through experimental manipulations that vary these factors
The findings of this study must be considered within the limitations of meta-analysis.
A meta-analysis can generalize only from the characteristics of existing studies. Many
of the studies we included lacked details in their descriptions of the interventions,
the specific materials used, the amount of professional development training provided,
and the fidelity of implementation. Specific to the vocabulary intervention, many
studies did not include details on the difficulty level of words, the number of words
taught, the rationale for the selection of words, or the relationship of the intervention
to the existing curriculum. Researchers need to make the decisions about their choices
of vocabulary more transparent in the future; similarly, editors and reviewers of
peer-reviewed journals must become more diligent in requiring such information. In
addition, in some cases, few details were provided about the control conditions and
their exposure to the vocabulary in the intervention. Given the unconstrained nature
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Vocabulary Intervention and Young Children’s Word Learning
of vocabulary development (Paris, 2005), these details are particularly important if
we are to understand the extent to which vocabulary interventions may improve
language development over time.
There were a number of potential confounds within our moderator analyses that
should be the subject of future research. For example, we suspect that the type of
measure (author created or standardized) may be confounded with the goals of the
instruction (e.g., number of words taught) along with the number of sessions. It
seems quite plausible, for instance, that studies with fewer sessions and more narrow
goals might use more author-created measures than standardized. Furthermore, the
word selection in vocabulary training may influence the type of instruction (e.g.,
explicit and implicit). For example, there are words that easily can be taught explicitly
(e.g., camouflage, habitat), but there are also numerous words that are hard to teach
explicitly (e.g., before, after) without contextualization. Therefore, word features
may represent a potential confound with the type of instruction. Unfortunately, too
few studies identified the words in the vocabulary trainings to allow us to examine
these issues thoroughly.
Finally, it could be argued that we could have split storybook reading by the type
of instruction (e.g., explicit, implicit, or combined) to further disentangle the type
of instruction that is most effective. Unfortunately, we believe that this would have
introduced only additional confounds. Storybook reading, from our perspective, did
not represent a single clearly defined intervention. For example, some storybook
reading interventions included extended and purposeful dialogue, others included
extension activities, others used play objects to encourage retellings. Furthermore,
most of the storybook reading interventions did not detail the names or genres of
the books, another potential confound.
We wish that more studies had conducted delayed posttests to examine the sus-
tainability of treatment. Our sample included only 11 studies with delayed posttests.
Although our results are encouraging, we need additional experimental studies to
examine the longer term impact of word learning interventions.
Statistically, our sample remained largely heterogeneous, which is not uncommon
to meta-analysis. In a review of 125 medical meta-analyses, more than 50% were
found to be largely heterogeneous (Engel, Schmid, Terrin, Olkin, & Lau, 2000).
Because of our heterogeneous sample, however, we were unable to identify a set of
homogeneous practices that systematically lead to higher gains in vocabulary.
Finally, our use of the random effects model fit our heterogeneous distribution
of effect sizes but did not fully explain the variance in effect sizes. It is possible that
there were systematic ways in which our studied differed that we did not address in
our moderator analyses. For example, it is possible that within explicit instruction
other factors such as expressive or receptive vocabulary may have helped to reduce
the heterogeneity and explain the variance in effect sizes. We intend to pursue these
potential relationships in future analyses.
Implications for Practice and Future Research
Results from this meta-analysis of the impact of vocabulary interventions on the
word learning skills of young children indicate positive effects. These effects were
robust across variations in the type of intervention for children in prekindergarten
and kindergarten. These results highlight the importance of teaching vocabulary
in the early years.
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Still, there is much work to be done. Although this meta-analysis detailed a number
of instructional features that seem to support stronger effects, further work is needed
to help design more effective vocabulary interventions. It did not yield recommenda-
tions for how to promote quality instruction in vocabulary. For example, we still need
better information on what words should be taught, how many should be taught, and
what pedagogical strategies are most useful for creating conceptually sound and
meaningful instruction. Furthermore, although author-created measures appeared to
demonstrate more powerful effects, evidence is missing on the quality of these mea-
sures and their reliability and validity. If we believe that author-created measures are
more sensitive and able to detect growth in vocabulary, we need better assurances that
they are, in fact, predictive of greater proficiency in oral language. Given that vocabu-
lary is a strong predictor of comprehension of text, and later achievement (Cunningham
& Stanovich, 1997), until such evidence is present, researchers should consider multiple
measures, author created and standardized, to examine achievement.
The good news about the overall positive effects of vocabulary instruction must
be tempered by the not-so-good news that children who are at risk and poor are not
faring as well as we would hope. Vocabulary interventions did not close the gap; in
fact, given that middle- and upper-middle-class children identified as at risk are
gaining substantially more than their at-risk peers living in poverty, there is the pos-
sibility that such interventions might exacerbate vocabulary differentials. Therefore,
it is imperative that we continue to work toward developing more powerful interven-
tions to enhance their skills. Researchers will need to better understand the environ-
mental and participant factors that place these children at risk to more fully develop
interventions that are better targeted to their needs and can potentially accelerate their
language development.
This research was partially supported by the Ready to Learn Grant funded by the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting/Public Broadcasting System through the Office
of Innovation and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education. We thank the Ready
to Learn project members and staff for their important contributions to this study and
gratefully acknowledge Adriana Bus and Suzanne Mol for their helpful comments on
an earlier draft of our article. We wish to thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable
suggestions that greatly improved the article. Finally, we would like to thank the editor,
who provided valuable insights and remarks.
1 The I2 value reflects the proportion of the total variability across studies because of
heterogeneity, rather than chance, that could be explained through moderator analyses.
When I2 is zero as in this subgroup, all of the observed variance among studies is spuri-
ous and does not reflect real differences in effect sizes; there is nothing left to explain
with further moderator analyses.
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LOREN M. MARULIS is a doctoral student in the Combined Program in Education and
Psychology at the University of Michigan, SEB 1400C, 610 E. University, Ann Arbor, MI
48109; e-mail: Her research interests focus on the malleability of
cognitive development. She serves as a research assistant in the Michigan Research Program
on Ready to Learn. She has previously been a research associate with Larry Hedges and
specializes in meta-analysis.
SUSAN B. NEUMAN is a professor in educational studies specializing in early literacy
development at the University of Michigan, 1905 Scottwood, Ann Arbor, MI 48104; e-mail: She previously served as the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Elementary
and Secondary Education. In her role as Assistant Secretary, she established the Early
Reading First program, developed the Early Childhood Educator Professional Development
Program, and was responsible for all activities in Title I of the Elementary and Secondary
Act. She has directed the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement and
currently directs the Michigan Research Program on Ready to Learn. Her research and
teaching interests include early childhood policy, curriculum, and early reading instruction,
pre-K to third grade, for children who live in poverty.
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... We believe our results are particularly relevant when discussing whether and in what ways early stimulation with interactive technologies may benefit linguistic and communicative abilities in young children. Our results may be specifically relevant for early education because several prior initiatives aimed at improving vocabulary in kindergarten have been ineffective in reducing the gap observed in children who started with poor vocabulary, likely because the methods disproportionately benefitted the already advanced children 41 . ...
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Young children’s linguistic and communicative abilities are foundational for their academic achievement and overall well-being. We present the positive outcomes of a brief tablet-based intervention aimed at teaching toddlers and preschoolers new word-object and letter-sound associations. We conducted two experiments, one involving toddlers ( ~ 24 months old, n = 101) and the other with preschoolers ( ~ 42 months old, n = 152). Using a pre-post equivalent group design, we measured the children’s improvements in language and communication skills resulting from the intervention. Our results showed that the intervention benefited toddlers’ verbal communication and preschoolers’ speech comprehension. Additionally, it encouraged vocalizations in preschoolers and enhanced long-term memory for the associations taught in the study for all participants. In summary, our study demonstrates that the use of a ludic tablet-based intervention for teaching new vocabulary and pre-reading skills can improve young children’s linguistic and communicative abilities, which are essential for future development.
... Effectiveness of parent interventions is highly associated with the implementation supports families receive in authentic settings (Forgatch et al., 2013). When interventions move from the training to natural implementation settings, intervention fidelity might be negatively impacted without appropriate supports (Dickinson, 2011;Marulis & Neuman, 2010). The supports parents receive are crucial for yielding positive child outcomes (Powell et al., 2006), given that the effectiveness of any intervention is directly related to the level of intervention fidelity (Barton & Fettig, 2013;Fettig et al., 2015). ...
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We developed and tested an evidence-based mobile application designed to support families in using functional assessment-based intervention strategies with their young children with disabilities and challenging behaviors in home settings. Five families participated in the study. We utilized a multiple-probe across participants design to examine the effects of the FBSApp on parents' use of intervention strategies and childrens' use of challenging behaviors and replacement behaviors. We adapted our procedures to include individualized coaching to provide meaningful and effective support after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A functional relation was not identified between access to FBSApp and caregiver use of strategies; however, the addition of coaching did lead to increased strategy use for two of four caregivers. A functional relation was identified between the use of the FBSApp plus coaching and CB. Families reported the app and coaching procedures favorably. We found that responsive, family-centered research CAN be conducted in spite of significant history events, and that mobile apps and virtual meeting platforms can be an accessible and efficient method for supporting families. The use of single case design allowed for flexible, yet methodologically sound procedures. More work is needed examining effective and efficient virtual supports for families.
... Research indicates that explicit instruction in reading comprehension can improve reading comprehension outcomes for students with or at-risk for reading disabilities (RD; Edmonds et al., 2009;Filderman et al., 2021;Scammacca et al., 2007). Practices and strategies documented to support reading comprehension include modeling (Edmonds et al., 2009;Marulis & Neuman, 2010), self-questioning (Edmonds et al., 2009;Scammacca et al., 2007), reflecting (Edmonds et al., 2009), inference instruction (Hall et al., 2016(Hall et al., , 2020, context clue strategies (Smith et al., 2021), vocabulary instruction (Elleman & Oslund, 2019), main idea identification (Stevens et al., 2019), summary instruction using graphic organizers (Ciullo et al., 2016), mnemonics (Swanson et al., 2014), and sequential process (Solis et al., 2012). ...
Many students in the upper elementary grades and beyond uniquely struggle with reading comprehension, necessitating explicit instruction and remediation in this area. This study used data-based decision-making (DBDM), a research-based systematic approach to student data collection and analysis, to intensify the evidence-based Strategies for Reading Information and Vocabulary Effectively (STRIVE) reading comprehension intervention. Results indicate that students who received DBDM to intensify STRIVE and students who received STRIVE alone outperformed students in a business-as-usual comparison condition on a researcher-designed vocabulary mastery measurement. Other findings, future directions, and implications for research and teaching are also discussed.
... Indeed, caregiver-child shared reading is an ideal context to foster children's language abilities, since it serves as a social and a contextual crutch for language development, by engaging both caregiver and child in a conversational interaction where they simultaneously pay attention to a single topic [42]. Shared book reading between caregivers and children is an important activity when it comes to the development of children's language skills [43,44], and it serves as a means for caregivers to introduce and teach their children new words [45]. Shared book reading helps the parent and child engage in exchanges that can be orderly and predictable [46] and has been shown to boost expressive language skills [47][48][49], vocabulary growth and later literacy skills ( [30,47,50]; see [51] for a meta-analysis), phonological awareness [52,53] and empathy development [54]. ...
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This current study examines the extent to which children’s interests and caregivers’ sensitivity to their children’s interests are associated with the quality of caregiver–child interaction, and subsequent learning. Eighty-one caregiver–child dyads (24–30-month old children) completed an online shared book-reading task where caregivers and children read two e-books with pictures and descriptions of objects from different categories—one previously determined to be of low and one of high interest to the child (with one novel word-object mapping introduced in each book). We also obtained separate behavioural indices of children’s interests and children’s later recognition of newly introduced word-object mappings. Our findings highlight that the quality of caregiver–child interaction is predicted by children’s interests and caregivers’ perception of children’s interests, although we find only limited overlap between our behavioural indices of children’s interests and caregiver perception of children’s interests. Neither of these factors predicted later novel word recognition. Thus, while the dynamics between higher quality of caregiver–child interaction, children’s interests and learning remain inconclusive, caregivers and children appear to be more attentive, enthusiastic and engaged in reading about topics that (caregivers believe) interest the child. Furthermore, learning in itself seems to be successful, regardless of factors involved, through the mere task of shared book reading.
... Teaching young learners in English presents complexities for early childhood teachers, regardless of the teaching method they employ. It is essential to handle the incorporation of English into preschool curriculum with great caution because of its profound impact (Marulis & Neuman, 2010;Rahmatullah et al., 2021;Yee et al., 2022). However, in the EFL context, teachers' English language skills who teach English for young learners are not satisfactory (Lau, 2020;Zein, 2015). ...
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Non-English major teachers’ experiences of teaching English for young learners in Indonesia have not been widely studied until recent times. To fill the lacuna, this phenomenological study looks at the lived experiences of four teachers with non-English major backgrounds who teach English for young learners. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants and teaching observations were also additionally carried out to triangulate the data. The data were then analyzed following Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis. Findings suggest that the participating teachers encountered multi-level complexities in teaching English such as wording arrangement, sentence construction, spelling, mother tongue fossilization, and misbelief of English as a foreign language. The study also revealed the use of digital tools, songs, and games, as mostly utilized by the teachers. Interestingly, despite the non-English major backgrounds attached to the teachers, their teachings led to sustained and engaging English language learning among young learners. This study implies that pedagogical decisions have been of value to effective pedagogy and classroom activities in teaching English for young learners.
... Meta-analyses on vocabulary interventions for young children found a range of different intervention methods including book reading interventions, computer-based interventions, video-related interventions, and technology-enhanced interventions (Kim, Cho, Jeong, & Koh, 2015;Marulis & Newman, 2010). Shared book reading is one of the evidence-based methods of supporting children's vocabulary for monolingual and bilingual children with and without language impairment (Marulis & Neuman, 2010;Park & Yim, 2019;Wasik et al., 2016). ...
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a bilingual shared book reading intervention on vocabulary learning for Korean-English bilingual children with and without developmental language disorder (DLD).Methods: A total of 16 Korean-English bilingual children aged 4-6 (9 typically developing children and 7 children with DLD) participated in this study. Participants participated in a bilingual shared book reading intervention using bridging to L1 techniques twice a week for 3 weeks, for a total of 6 sessions. Korean, English, and conceptual receptive vocabulary, expressive vocabulary, and expressive definitions were assessed at pre and post tests to examine the effect of the intervention on vocabulary learning.Results: First, there was a statistically significant increase between pre-test and post-test results on all measures of Korean, English, and conceptually scored receptive vocabulary, expressive vocabulary, and expressive definitions for typically developing children. Second, there was a statistically significant increase between pre-test and post-test results on measures of Korean receptive vocabulary, English receptive and expressive vocabulary, and conceptually scored receptive and expressive vocabulary for children with DLD.Conclusion: These results provide preliminary evidence that bilingual shared book reading is an effective method of vocabulary intervention for Korean-English bilingual children with and without DLD.
... By connecting these two separate strands of research-one examining SES gradients in verbal ability, and one on verbal ability and mathematical skills-the current study provides a key factor for longitudinal research to explore. If longitudinal evidence does indicate causation, this would be promising, as there are already a number of verbal ability interventions which have been found to be effective (Marulis & Neuman, 2010). ...
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Early numerical skills are important not only for later mathematical achievement but for overall achievement and are associated with later income, health, and quality of life. Socioeconomic disparities in numerical skills are visible before children begin school, and widen throughout schooling. It is, therefore, important to support the development of early numerical skills in children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Previous studies have highlighted the effectiveness of linear number board games for improving early numerical skills, and the beneficial effect of counting backward as well as forward. We designed a number board game that required children to place number cards in order on a line, either forward-only or forward and backward in small groups in the classroom. The game’s effectiveness was evaluated in 4- to 5-year-old children from schools located in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas. Children were randomly allocated to one of three conditions: playing the number game forward-only (n = 82), playing the number game forward and backward (i.e., bidirectional condition; n = 82), or an alphabet game (active control, n = 85). After eight gameplay sessions across 5 weeks, children’s numerical and letter-sound knowledge skills improved, but there was no significant effect of the intervention condition. Neither forward nor bidirectional number line games (nor the alphabet game) added benefits beyond the learning already happening in the classroom. Short linear board game interventions may be effective compared to control groups who received minimal or absent numerical education, but they fail to provide an additional advantage when children are already learning mathematics in school.
... Interventions targeted at improving vocabulary knowledge have been shown to enhance both word knowledge and reading comprehension (Elleman et al., 2009;Marulis & Neuman, 2010). Supporting vocabulary development in classroom instruction is also important for fostering reading development, particularly during the early years of school, where oral language and vocabulary instruction often receive limited attention (Wright & Neuman, 2014). ...
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Reading comprehension is contingent on both oral language comprehension and word-level reading ability, skills that are thought to be intrinsically related in the early school years. However, while previous studies examining bidirectional relationships among oral vocabulary and reading development have generally found an association between word recognition and subsequent vocabulary skills, they have yielded inconsistent results regarding whether vocabulary is linked to later word recognition. In this longitudinal study ( n = 176), we assessed reciprocal relationships between expressive and receptive vocabulary and word recognition measured yearly from Grade 1 to 5. We compared results from a cross-lagged panel model (CLPM) to a random-intercept cross-lagged panel model (RI-CLPM), an analytic approach which permits disaggregation of variance between children in the constructs of interest from year-to-year fluctuations within children. Expressive and receptive vocabulary were examined in separate models. Results showed that the RI-CLPMs provided a better fit to the data in contrast to the CLPMs, and provided evidence of reciprocal relationships between word recognition and both receptive and expressive vocabulary. Significant between-child variance was shown for vocabulary but not word recognition. These findings confirm that reading and vocabulary skills build upon one another across the primary years, and each is an important area of classroom instruction focus. Early and regular screening measures may serve to inform the development of timely and appropriate support and intervention.
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En este estudio se buscó identificar el vocabulario académico general y disciplinar relevante para el logro de los objetivos curriculares de matemáticas y de ciencias naturales de segundo y tercero básico, y construir pruebas para evaluar su dominio. Para ello se realizó un análisis de las palabras presentes en los materiales curriculares, que se codificaron según tipo y objetivos de aprendizaje. Posteriormente se realizó una selección de palabras para evaluar según frecuencia y relevancia para los objetivos. Para estas palabras se desarrollaron preguntas receptivas y productivas que fueron sometidas al juicio de dos expertos en didáctica de las matemáticas y tres expertos en didáctica de las ciencias, a partir del cual se diseñaron las pruebas piloto. Estas pruebas fueron administradas a 43 estudiantes de segundo básico y 34 de tercero básico en dos escuelas subvencionadas de Santiago. Un análisis psicométrico básico mostró que las tres pruebas tienen buena consistencia interna, y un análisis de correlaciones con pruebas de logro de matemáticas y ciencias administradas por las escuelas aportó evidencia de su validez. Se discuten implicancias prácticas de este estudio para la recuperación y aceleración de aprendizajes a través de la enseñanza del vocabulario académico.
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Tests for experiments with matched groups or repeated measures designs use error terms that involve the correlation between the measures as well as the variance of the data. The larger the correlation between the measures, the smaller the error and the larger the test statistic. If an effect size is computed from the test statistic without taking the correlation between the measures into account, effect size will be overestimated. Procedures for computing effect size appropriately from matched groups or repeated measures designs are discussed.
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This study was designed to assess whether preschool children learn new vocabulary from a single reading of a storybook and whether certain conversational devices used by parents during joint book reading facilitate vocabulary growth. Eighty 4- and eighty 5-year-old children listened to a story. The narrative was constructed to introduce 10 target words not typically known to young children. Children were pretested for their knowledge of the vocabulary words, were posttested immediately after the reading, and were posttested again one week later. Dependent measures included tests of expressive and receptive vocabulary. The two age groups were able to recognize approximately the same number of words on the immediate posttest. After one week, however, 5-year-old children remembered more words than 4-year-old children. Although receptive vocabulary learning was robust, there was no evidence of differential learning of vocabulary under different conditions, including active participation. A single reading of the storybook was not sufficient to enhance children's expressive vocabulary. /// [French] Cette étude a été réalisée pour savoir si des enfants d'âge préscolaire peuvent apprendre un vocabulaire nouveau dans une seule séance de lecture d'un livre et si certains dispositifs conversationnels mis en oeuvre par les parents au cours de la lecture conjointe d'un livre facilitent le développement du vocabulaire. Quatre vingt enfants de 4 ans et quatre vingt enfants de 5 ans ont écouté une histoire. La narration a été construite de façon à introduire dix mots cibles caractéristiques des mots que de jeunes enfants ne connaissent pas. On a fait un prétest des enfants pour évaluer leur connaissance de ce vocabulaire, un posttest juste après la lecture, et un nouveau prétest une semaine après. Les variables dépendants comportaient des tests de vocabulaire actif et passif. Les deux groupes d'âge ont réussi à reconnaître à peuprès le même nombre de mots au posttest immédiat. Toutefois, après une semaine, les enfants de 5 ans se sont souvenus de plus de mots que les enfants de 4 ans. Si l'apprentissage du vocabulaire passif s'est révélé robuste, on n'a pas trouvé de preuves d'un apprentissage différentiel du vocabulaire dans les différentes conditions, participation active inclus. Une lecture unique de l'histoire du livre n'a pas été suffisante pour augmenter le vocabulaire actif des enfants. /// [Spanish] Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar si los niños de preescolar aprenden vocabulario nuevo a partir de una única lectura de un libro de cuentos y si ciertos recursos conversacionales usados por los padres durante la lectura conjunta facilitan el crecimiento del vocabulario. Ochenta niños de 4 años y ochenta de 5 años escucharon un cuento. La narrativa fue construída para introducir diez palabras clave típicamente desconocidas por niños pequeños. Se administró a los niños una prueba previa de conocimiento de las palabras del vocabulario; los niños fueron evaluados inmediatamente después de la lectura y una semana más tarde. Las medidas dependientes incluyeron pruebas de vocabulario expresivo y receptivo. Los dos grupos fueron capaces de reconocer aproximadamente el mismo número de palabras en la evaluación inmediata. Después de una semana, sin embargo, los niños de 5 años recordaban más palabras que los de 4. Si bien el aprendizaje de vocabulario receptivo fue fuerte, no hubo evidencia de un aprendizaje de vocabulario diferenciado según las distintas condiciones, incluyendo participación activa. Una única lectura del libro de cuentos no fue suficiente para mejorar el vocabulario expresivo de los niños. /// [German] Die studie will eine Einschätzung ermöglichen, ob Vorschulkinder neues Vokabular durch einmaliges Lesen eines Buches mit Geschichten lernen oder ob bestimmte Konversationstaktiken der Eltern während dem gemeinsamen Lesen den Vokabelschatz erweitern. 80 Vierjährige und 80 Fünfjährige sollten einer Geschichte zuhören. Die Erzählung war darauf angelegt, zehn Zielwörter einzuführen, die üblicherweise kleinen Kindern nicht bekannt sind. Das Vokabelwissen der Kinder wurde vorab getestet, unmittelbar nach dem Test wieder gemessen und eine Woche danach erneut getestet. Die bedingten Messungen bezogen sich auf aktives wie auch passives Vokabular. Beide Altersgruppen waren imstande, etwa dieselbe Anzahl von Wörtern im unmittelbaren Nachtest wiederzuerkennen. Nach einer Woche allerdings erinnerten die fünfjährigen Kinder mehr Wörter als die vierjährigen. Obwohl das passive Vokabular stark war, ergab dies keinen Beweis eines anderen Vokabellernergebnisses unter verschiedenen Bedingungen, eingeschlossen aktiver Leseerfahrungen. Einmaliges Lesen eines Geschichtenbuches reicht nicht aus, den aktiven Vokabelschatz der Kinder zu erweitern.
A research synthesis typically is not an endpoint in the investigation of a topic. Rarely does a synthesis offer a definitive answer to the theoretical or empirical question that inspired the investigation. Instead, most research syntheses serve as way stations along a sometimes winding research path. The goal is to describe the status of a research literature by highlighting what is unknown as well as what is known. It is the unknowns that are especially likely to suggest useful directions for new research. The purpose of this chapter is to delineate the possible relations between research syntheses, theory development, and future empirical research. By indicating the weaknesses as well as the strengths of existing research, a synthesis can channel thinking about research and theory in directions that would improve the next generation of empirical evidence and theoretical development. In general, scientists' belief about what the next steps are for empirical research and theorizing following a synthesis depends on the level of certainty that they accord its findings (see Cooper and Rosenthal 1980). In this context, certainty refers to the confidence with which the scientific community accepts empirical associations between variables and the theoretical explanations for these associations. As we explain in this chapter, the certainty accorded to findings is influenced by the perceived validity of the research. In a meta-analysis, invalidity can arise at the level of the underlying studies as well as at the meta-analytic, aggregate level. Threats to validity, as William Shadish, Thomas Cook, and Donald Campbell defined it, reduce scientists' certainty about the empirical relations and theoretical explanations considered in a meta-analysis, and this uncertainty in turn stimulates additional research (2002). Empirical relations and theoretical explanations in research syntheses range from those that the scientific community can accept with high certainty to those it can hold with little certainty only. Highly certain conclusions suggest that additional research of the kind evaluated is not required to substantiate the focal effect or validate the theoretical explanation, whereas less certain conclusions suggest a need for additional research. Our proposal to evaluate the uncertainty that remains in empirical relations and in interpretations of those relations challenges more standard ways of valuing research findings. Generally, evaluation of research, be it by journal editors or other interested scientists, favors valid empirical findings and well-substantiated theories. In this conventional approach, science progresses through the cumulation of well-supported findings and theories. Although it is standard practice for researchers to call for additional investigation at the end of a written report, such requests are often treated as rhetorical devices that have limited meaning in themselves. In our experience, editors' publication decisions and manuscript reviewers' evaluations are rarely influenced by such indicators of sources of uncertainty that could be addressed in future investigation. Following scientific convention, research syntheses would be evaluated favorably to the extent that they produce findings and theoretical statements that appear to contribute definitively to the canon of scientific knowledge. In striving to meet such criteria, the authors of syntheses might focus on what is known in preference to what is unknown. In contrast, we believe that, by highlighting points of invalidity in a research literature, research syntheses offer an alternative, generative route for scientific progress. This generative route does not produce valid findings and theoretical statements but instead identifies points of uncertainty and thus promising avenues for subsequent research and theorizing that can reduce the uncertainty. When giving weight to the generative contribution of a synthesis, journal editors and manuscript reviewers would consider how well a synthesis frames questions. By this metric, research syntheses can contribute significantly to scientific progress even when the empirical findings or theoretical understanding of them can be accorded only limited certainty. Certainty is not attached to a synthesis as a whole but rather to specific claims, such as generalizations, which vary in their truth value. This chapter will help readers identify where uncertainty is produced in synthesis findings and how it can be addressed in future empirical research and theorizing. We evaluate two goals for research syntheses and consider the guidance that they provide to subsequent research and theory. One is to integrate studies that examined a relation between variables in order to establish the size and direction of the relation. Another is to identify conditions that modify the size of the relation between two variables or processes that mediate the relation of interest. Meta-analyses that address the first goal are designed to aggregate results pertaining to relations between variables so as to assess the presence and magnitude of those relations in a group of studies. Hence these investigations include a mean effect size and confidence interval and a test of the null hypotheses, and consider whether the relation might be artifactual. In these analyses, the central focus is on establishing the direction and magnitude of a relationship. This approach is deductive to the extent that the examined relation is predicted by a theoretical account. It is inductive to the extent that syntheses are designed to establish an empirical fact as, for example, in some meta-analytic investigations of sex differences and of social interventions and medical and psychological treatments. As we explain, uncertainty in such syntheses could arise in the empirical relation itself, as occurs when the outcomes of available studies are inconclusive about the existence of a relationship, as well as in ambiguous explanations of the relation of interest. Meta-analyses that address the second goal use characteristics of studies to identify moderators or mediators of an empirical relation. Moderating variables account for variability in the size and direction of a relation between two variables, whereas mediators intervene between a predictor and outcome variable and represent a causal mechanism through which the relation occurs (see Kenny, Kashy, and Bolger 1998). Like investigations of main effects, the investigation of moderators and mediators is deductive when the evaluated relations are derived from theories, and inductive when the moderators and mediators are identified by examining the findings of the included studies. Uncertainty in these meta-analyses can emerge in the examined relations and in the explanations of findings yielded by tests of moderators and mediators. We conclude with a discussion of how research syntheses use meta-analytic estimates of mean effect sizes and evaluations of mediators and moderators in order to test competing theories. Just as testing theories about psychological and social processes lends primary research its complexity and richness, meta-analyses also can be designed to examine the plausibility of one theoretical account over others. Meta-analyses with this orientation proceed by examining the overall pattern of empirical findings in a literature, including the relation of interest and potential mediators and moderators of it, with the purpose of testing competing theoretical propositions. Uncertainty in this type of meta-analysis emerges to the extent that the data evaluated cannot firmly discriminate between the theories based on their empirical support.
This study compared the effectiveness of computer video display tube, videotape, and live adult reading modes of instruction in teaching children vocabulary. The same pictured story was implemented in three modes, computer VDT display of still story pictures in color with an accompanying sound track, videotape presentation of the fully animated story, and a picture book whose pictures and narrative matched those of the VDT-computer mode. 78 normal preschool children were presented the story in one of three modes of instruction. The novel words to be learned were embedded in the story as nouns, verbs, and affective state adjectives. Postexposure tests of word recognition showed a small but significant advantage for live voice reading for two of three recognition tests. The VDT and videotape modes did not differ from each other in effectiveness.