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Is leishmaniasis the new emerging zoonosis in the world?


Abstract and Figures

Leishmania is a genus of parasitic protozoa that causes a disease called leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female sandflies. There are several different species of Leishmania that can cause various forms of the disease, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on species of Leishmania involved and the immune response of the host. Leishmania parasites have a variety of reservoirs, including humans, domestic animals, horses, rodents, wild animals, birds, and reptiles. Leishmaniasis is endemic of 90 countries, mainly in South American, East and West Africa, Mediterranean region, Indian subcontinent, and Central Asia. In recent years, cases have been detected in other countries, and it is already an infection present throughout the world. The increase in temperatures due to climate change makes it possible for sandflies to appear in countries with traditionally colder regions, and the easy movement of people and animals today, facilitate the appearance of Leishmania species in new countries. These data mean that leishmaniasis will probably become an emerging zoonosis and a public health problem in the coming years, which we must consider controlling it from a One Health point of view. This review summarizes the prevalence of Leishmania spp. around the world and the current knowledge regarding the animals that could be reservoirs of the parasite.
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Veterinary Research Communications
Is leishmaniasis thenew emerging zoonosis intheworld?
EsperanzaMontaner‑Angoiti1· LolaLlobat1
Received: 20 May 2023 / Accepted: 5 July 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2023
Leishmania is a genus of parasitic protozoa that causes a disease called leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is transmitted to humans
through the bites of infected female sandflies. There are several different species of Leishmania that can cause various forms
of the disease, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on species of Leishmania involved and the
immune response of the host. Leishmania parasites have a variety of reservoirs, including humans, domestic animals, horses,
rodents, wild animals, birds, and reptiles. Leishmaniasis is endemic of 90 countries, mainly in South American, East and
West Africa, Mediterranean region, Indian subcontinent, and Central Asia. In recent years, cases have been detected in other
countries, and it is already an infection present throughout the world. The increase in temperatures due to climate change
makes it possible for sandflies to appear in countries with traditionally colder regions, and the easy movement of people and
animals today, facilitate the appearance of Leishmania species in new countries. These data mean that leishmaniasis will
probably become an emerging zoonosis and a public health problem in the coming years, which we must consider control-
ling it from a One Health point of view. This review summarizes the prevalence of Leishmania spp. around the world and
the current knowledge regarding the animals that could be reservoirs of the parasite.
Keywords Infection· Leishmania· Prevalence· World· Zoonosis
Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease caused by an obli-
gate parasitic protozoan, from the genus Leishmania (family
Trypanosomatidae). It is transmitted by the bite of infected
female sandflies of the genus Phlebotomus in the Old World,
and of the genus Lutzomyia in the New World at least 93
sandfly species are proven or probable vectors worldwide
(Akhoundi etal. 2017; Mann etal. 2021).
Leishmania is a wide genus, it is meaning that it has a
complex life cycle that involves two main stages, the pro-
mastigote, and the amastigote, changing according to the
host: invertebrate vector (sandfly) and vertebrate host
(human or animal), respectively. Transmission is mediated
by the sandfly and can be anthroponotic or zoonotic depend-
ing on the region (Pace 2014).
Female sandfly takes a blood meal from an infected ver-
tebrate host, ingesting macrophages or other host cells that
contain amastigotes, which are the intracellular form of
Leishmania parasites. Once inside the sandfly, the amas-
tigotes transform into promastigotes in the midgut of the
insect. These promastigotes are elongated with a hair-
like flagellum and multiply through binary fission. They
migrate to the anterior portion of the sandfly’s gut and
attach to the gut wall, where they continue to divide (Slama
etal. 2014).
After several days, the promastigotes differentiate into
infective metacyclic promastigotes. These metacyclic pro-
mastigotes are highly mobile and infectious. They migrate
toward the proboscis of the sandfly, ready to be transmitted
to a new vertebrate host. When an infected sandfly takes a
blood meal from a vertebrate host, it injects the infective
metacyclic promastigotes into the skin. Once inside the host,
the metacyclic promastigotes are engulfed by phagocytes,
such as macrophages. Within the phagocytes, the metacy-
clic promastigotes transform into amastigotes, which are
the intracellular stage of the parasite. The amastigotes mul-
tiply within the host cells, primarily within macrophages,
and form clusters called amastigote-laden parasitophorous
* Lola Llobat
1 Molecular Mechanisms ofZoonotic Disease (MMOPS)
Group, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Cardenal
Herrera-CEU, CEU Universities Valencia, Valencia, Spain
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vacuoles. The presence of Leishmania parasites inside the
host cells triggers an immune response, leading to the clini-
cal manifestations of leishmaniasis. If an infected sandfly
takes a blood meal from the infected vertebrate host, it
ingests the amastigote-laden macrophages, restarting the
cycle (Solano-Gallego etal. 2012; Akhoundi etal. 2016;
Bates 2018) (Fig.1).
This heterogeneous nature of Leishmania has important
implications for disease transmission and control, as inter-
ventions must target both the vertebrate and invertebrate
hosts to effectively reduce disease transmission (Akhoundi
etal. 2016). The primary hosts are vertebrates commonly
infecting canids, rodents, marsupials, mongooses, bats,
hyraxes, and humans, being the disease is an important
zoonosis around the world (Millán etal. 2014; Akhoundi
etal. 2017). In fact, according to the World Health Organi-
zation (WHO), more than 1 billion people live at risk of
infection in endemic areas for leishmaniasis, with approxi-
mately 30,000 new cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL)
and more than one million new cases of cutaneous leish-
maniasis (CL) occurring annually (www. who. int/ health-
topics/ leish mania sis).
The purpose of this review is to summarize the current
knowledge of the species that are affected by this parasite
and to raise awareness, that Leishmania is infecting a wide
and growing range of species, and its importance as a pos-
sible reservoir as it is an emergent zoonotic disease.
Classication ofLeishmania genus
There are many different species of Leishmania, which
are classified based on their geographic distribution, host
range, and clinical manifestations of the disease. Currently,
54 Leishmania species are identified (Akhoundi etal. 2016).
Thirty have been proven to affect mammals, of which at
least 21 are pathogenic to humans. Overall, the classification
of Leishmania is complex and continues to evolve as new
research is conducted on the parasites and their interactions
with hosts and vectors. Figure2 shows the complete clas-
sification of Leishmania species.
For this review, we summarize the most relevant Leish-
mania species in terms of human and animal health in four
complexes: L. donovani; L. tropica; L.mexicana; L. brazil-
iensis. L. donovani includes L. donovani (syn, L. archibaldi)
and L. infantum (syn., L chagasi) can cause cutaneous leish-
maniasis (CL) and visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in humans
and animals. These parasites are found in parts of Europe,
Asia, Africa, America (especially South America) the Mid-
dle East. L. tropica complex includes L. tropica (syn. L kil-
licki) and L. aethiopica. These species can cause CL, and
we can encounter them in parts of Asia, Africa, and the
Middle East, L. mexicana complex includes several species
L. mexicana (syn. L. pifanoi), L. amazonensis (syn. L. gar-
hami), L. aristidesi, L. forattinii, L. venezuelensis, L.waltoni
found in Central and South America, causing CL in humans,
Fig. 1 Life cycle of Leishmania parasite. Created with
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L. brazilensis complex theseparasites can cause CL and
mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) in the Americas, and
L. major complex includes L. major, L. gerbili, L. turanica
and L. arabica. These species are primarily found in North
Africa and the Middle East, where it is a significant cause
of cutaneous leishmaniasis in these regions.
Leishmania spp. intheworld
Leishmaniasis is endemic in many regions of the world,
including parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas
(Figs.3 and 4). The prevalence of the disease is influenced
by a variety of factors, including climate, environment, and
socioeconomic conditions (Torres-Guerrero etal. 2017).
In Europe, the disease is endemic in several countries,
particularly in the Mediterranean basin. The prevalence of
Leishmania and the species causing the disease can vary
between regions and even within countries (Palma etal.
2021; Van der Auwera etal. 2022).
The main species found in Europe are L. infantum and
L. tropica. L. infantum is the most common species found
and is endemic in the Mediterranean area, affecting mainly
mammals and humans, and responsible for causing human
visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, and canine leishmani-
osis. L. tropica has been reported in Greece, and neighbor-
ing countries causing sporadically anthroponotic cutaneous
leishmaniasis (Alvar etal. 2012; Antoniou etal. 2013; Ber-
riatua etal. 2021; El Idrissi etal. 2022).
Although infection of Leishmania is common in Spain,
Italy, Portugal, Greece, and France, the epidemiological
trend of Leishmania spp. is varying in the last few years
as L. infantum is spreading northward, mostly due to the
traveling of infected dogs, becoming a real issue in northern
latitudes where sandfly vectors are either absent or present
in very low densities as is occurring in Germany and the
United Kingdom, where Leishmania parasites are regularly
imported by dogs and humans from endemic regions leading
to a continual risk of autochthonous transmission (Naucke
etal. 2008; Ready 2010; Oerther etal. 2020).
Furthermore, the introduction of exotic Leishmania spe-
cies or strains into Europe via the traveling of humans and
domestic animals. A retrospective analysis of leishmania-
sis cases was conducted in 15 European centers where they
Fig. 2 Classification of Leishmania species. Adapted from Akhoundi etal. (2016) and Klatt etal. (2019)
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found a total of 9 different species of Leishmania, all of them
except L. infantum considered as imported or travel-related
infections (Millán etal. 2014; Van der Auwera etal. 2022).
Lastly, there is evidence based on molecular markers, that
European vectors of Leishmania have extended their ranges
northward (Aransay etal. 2003; Perrotey etal. 2005; Ready
2010). Different studies are conducted to understand if cli-
mate change is influencing the distribution of the presence
of Leishmania species in Europe, but so far has been only
theorized (Maroli etal. 2008; Ready 2010).
In the Americas, leishmaniasis is endemic in many coun-
tries, particularly in the Andean and Amazonian regions.
Africa 9,165 cases
Americas 37,502 cases
Eastern Mediterranean 174,920 cases
Europe 201 cases
South-East Asia 2 cases
GLOBAL 221,790 cases
< 100
100 - 999
1000 - 4999
>= 5000
Not applicable
No autochthonous cases reported
No data
Fig. 3 Distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) around the world
< 100
100 - 499
500 - 999
>= 1000
Not applicable
No autochthonous cases reported
No data
Africa 3,825 cases
Americas 1,604 cases
Eastern Mediterranean 4,660 cases
Europe 214 cases
South-East Asia 1,464 cases
GLOBAL 11,767 cases
Fig. 4 Distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) around the world
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The prevalence and species of Leishmania causing the dis-
ease can vary between regions and even within countries,
making leishmaniasis a complex disease, encountering up
to ten species within the same territory (Herrera etal. 2020).
Leishmaniasis is a complex and endemic disease in the
American continent, due to the high concentration of dif-
ferent species in the same country, encountering up to ten
species within the same territory (Ramírez etal. 2016; Mon-
talvo etal. 2017; Herrera etal. 2020).
An interactive database of the distribution of the differ-
ent Leishmania species in the Americas has been created by
Herrera etal. (2020), reporting a total of 20 species with a
wide range of hosts. L. amazonensis, L. brazilensis, L. guay-
anensis, L. infantum, L. mexicana, L. panamensis, and L.
peruviana are the most reported in the bibliography affecting
humans. Table1 summarizes the different species that have
been described in hosted vertebrates by country in Americas.
In the United States (U.S.), leishmaniasis is the most
common imported infection, mostly acquired during travel
abroad. Except L. mexicana which is considered endemic
in the U.S., most reported in Texas and southeast Okla-
homa and L. infantum is present in dogs in the U.S. with
a prevalence of up to 20% (range 2–20%). In humans is
considered an imported disease, as they consider the posi-
tive cases mostly related to the American soldiers that
return from Iraq, as 19.5% of the return with asymptomatic
visceral leishmaniasis, and general immigration. Sandfly
transmission to humans is possible but not confirmed in
U.S. (McHugh etal. 1996; Clarke etal. 2013; McIlwee
etal. 2018; Curtin and Aronson 2021).
The most common species found in Asia are L. infantum
and L. donovani, being responsible for most of the VL and
CL in humans (Ready 2014). India has the highest burden
of VL in the world, with 33,000 new cases reported in 2019
according to the National Vector Borne Disease Control Pro-
gram (Lukes etal. 2007; Ghatee etal. 2020; Kumar etal.
2020). Another country with a high burden of VL is Afghan-
istan with over 5,000 new cases reported in 2020, according
to the Ministry of Public Health (Knight etal. 2022). In Iran,
a study published in 2020 found that the prevalence of CL
was highest in the central and eastern regions of the country,
with over 9,000 cases reported in 2018 (Ghatee etal. 2020).
In Pakistan, there were over 12,000 cases of CL reported in
2019, according to the Ministry of National Health Services,
Regulations, and Coordination (Kayani etal. 2021). MCL
presentation, typical of L. brazilensis complex infection, is
rare in Asia (Strazzulla etal. 2013).
The disease is endemic in many countries in Africa,
particularly in North Africa, East Africa, and parts of
West Africa. The prevalence of Leishmania spp. can
vary between regions and even within countries being L.
donovani and L. infantum as the most common species
causing leishmaniasis in Africa (Alvar etal. 2021). The
prevalence of leishmaniasis in Africa ranges from 14%-
50%, the highest range found in Algeria with the second
highest incidence in CL, commonly caused for L. major
in this area (Aoun and Bouratbine 2014; Beniklef etal.
2021). Overall, the prevalence of leishmaniasis in Africa
is difficult to estimate due to the lack of adequate reporting
and surveillance systems in many regions. However, it is
believed that the disease is underdiagnosed and underre-
ported in many parts of the continent (Jones and Welburn
2021; Viana de Almeida etal. 2021).
Methods fordetection ofparasite
Serological methods
Involves the detection of antibodies produced by the immune
system against Leishmania spp. parasites in the blood or
other body fluids of infected individuals. IFAT (Indirect Flu-
orescent Antibody Test), ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immuno-
sorbent Assay) and Western Blot (WB) are three commonly
used serological tests for the diagnosis of leishmaniosis. The
principle of these three techniques is based on the detection
of antibodies against the Leishmania parasite in a patient's
blood serum (Persichetti etal. 2017).
In the IFAT test, a small amount of Leishmania antigen
is placed on a slide and mixed with the patient's blood sam-
ple. If the patient has previously been infected, their blood
will contain antibodies that will stick to the antigen. Next,
a fluorescently labeled secondary antibody is added. If the
patient's antibodies are present, the secondary antibody
will bind to them. If the sample fluoresces indicates that
the patient has antibodies against Leishmania (Ryan etal.
2002). ELISA method works on a similar principle but in
this test the secondary antibody is enzyme-labeled instead
of fluorescent-labeled. For ELISA tests it is common to use
microtiter plates, where the Leishmania antigen is attached,
and the patient's serum is added. If the patient has antibodies
against Leishmania, these antibodies will bind to the antigen
on the plate, and the secondary antibody will also bind to the
patient’s antibodies if present. A substrate is added helping
to produce an enzymatic reaction that will produce a color
change that can be detected with a spectrophotometer (Alhajj
and Farhana 2023).
Both IFAT and ELISA are sensitive and specific tests
for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis, but they differ in
their sensitivity and specificity depending on the antigen
used, the stage of the disease, and the population being
tested. IFAT tests show acceptable sensitivity (87–100%)
and specificity (77–100%), but it is more expensive and
requires sophisticated laboratory. ELISA is the preferred
laboratory test for the serodiagnosis of leishmaniasis as
it is easier and faster to perform and can be done using
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Table 1 Leishmania spp. found in the Americas classified by country and vertebrate host. O: order
Subgenus Species Countries Vertebrate Host Reference
Leishmania L. donovani Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Harris etal. (1998); Monroy-Ostria etal. (2000)
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Zulueta etal. (1999)
O. Didelphimorphia: Didelphis albiventris, Brazil-
ian common opossum (Didelphis aurita), Com-
mon opossum (Didelphis marsupialis)
Sherlock etal. (1984)
O. Rodentia: Black rat (Rattus rattus) Zulueta etal. (1999)
L. infantum Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay,
O. Artiodctyla: Cow (Bos taurus) Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Carnivora: Molina's hog-nosed skunk (Cone-
patus chinga), Cat (Felis silvestris catus), Dog
(Canis lupus familiaris), Patagonian fox (Pseu-
dalopex griseus), Crab eating fox (Cerdocyon
thous), Lion (Panthera leo), Jaguar (Panthera
onca), Bush dog (Spheotos venaticus)
Dahroug etal. (2010, 2011); Silva etal. (2014); Mil-
lán etal. (2016); Almeida etal. (2018); Lopes etal.
O. Chiroptera: Dog-faced bat (Molossus molossus),
Pallas's long-tongued bat (Glossophaga soricina),
Black myotis bat (Myotis nigricans), Ghost bat
(Diclidurus scutatus), Seba's short-tailed bat
(Carollia perspicillata)
Savani etal. (2010); Gómez-Hernández etal. (2017)
L. major Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens), Red-handed
howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul) Calvopina etal. (2006); Lau etal. (2014); Pasquali
etal. (2019); Martínez etal. (2020)
O. Carnivora: Patagonian fox (Pseudalopex griseus) Millán etal. (2016)
O. Didelphimorphia: White-bellied opossum
(Didelphis albiventris), Brazilian common opos-
sum (Didelphis aurita)
Grimaldi etal. (1987); Corredor etal. (1989); Hum-
berg etal. (2012)
O. Lagomorpha: European rabbit (Oryctolagus
cuniculus) Gonçalves etal. (2012)
O. Perissodactyla: Horse (Equus ferus caballus) Soares etal. (2013)
O. Rodentia: Hamster (Cricetidae spp.), Hystri-
cognath rodents (family Hystricognathi), Mouse
(Mus musculus), Necromys laisuris, Black rat
(Rattus rattus), Proechimys canicollis
Berzunza-Cruz etal. (2000); Cássia-Pires etal.
L. mexicana Argentina, Brazil, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia,
Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama,
Peru, Venezuela, Costa Rica
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens), Red howler
monkey (Alouatta palliata), Black howler monkey
(Alouatta pigra)
Berzunza-Cruz etal. (2000, 2009); Rovirosa-Hernán-
dez etal. (2013)
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Cat
(Felis silvestris catus),
López-Céspedes etal. (2012); Rivas etal. (2018);
Castillo-Ureta etal. (2019)
O. Artiodctyla: Cow (Bos taurus) Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
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Table 1 (continued)
Subgenus Species Countries Vertebrate Host Reference
O. Chiroptera: Mexican fruit bat (Artibeus
jamaicensis), yellow-shouldered bat (Sturnira
lilium), Vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus),
Common bat (Carollia sowelli), Ludwig's bon-
neted bat (Sturnira ludovici), great fruit-eating
bat (Artibeus lituratus), black mustached bat
(Dermanura phaeotis), Seba’s short-tailed bat
(Carollia perspicillata), Godman’s long-tailed bat
(Choeroniscus godmani), Pallas's long-tongued
bat (Glossophaga soricina), Wagner’s mustached
bat (Pteronotus parnelli and Pteronotus persona-
tus, Black myotis bat (Myotis nigricans),
Berzunza-Cruz etal. (2015)
O. Didelphimorphia: Brazilian common opossum
(Didelphis aurita) Grimaldi etal. (1987); Guimarães-E-Silva etal.
O. Pilosa: Mexican tamandua (Tamandua mexi-
cana) Lainson etal. (1982)
L. tropica Peru, Mexico O. Rodentia: Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus aura-
tus), Gaumer’s spiny pocket mouse (Heteromys
gaumeri and Heteromysgaumeri desmarestianus),
Mouse (Mus musculus), Hamster (Cricetidae
spp.), Nicaraguan oryzomys (Oryzomys melano-
tis), Yucatan deer mouse (Peromyscus yucat-
anicus), Hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus),
Black rat (Rattus rattus)
Chable-Santos etal. (1995)
L. amazonensis Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador,
Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens), Red-handed
howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul) Calvopina etal. (2006); García Bustos etal. (2016);
Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017); Salvioni Recalde
etal. (2019); Hoyos etal. (2020); Martínez etal.
O. Artiodctyla: Cow (Bos taurus) Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Carnivora: Molina's hog-nosed skunk (Cone-
patus chinga), Cat (Felis silvestris catus), Dog
(Canis lupus familiaris), Crab eating fox Cerdo-
cyon thous
Miles etal. (1980); Tolezano etal. (2007); Souza
etal. (2009); Dias etal. (2011); Buitrago etal.
(2011); Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017); Valdivia
etal. (2017); Paz etal. (2018); Herrera etal.
(2018); Alves Souza etal. (2019); Picón etal.
O. Cingulata: Armadillo (Dasypodidae spp.) Lainson etal. (1982)
O. Chiroptera: Wagner's bonneted bat (Eumops
perotis), Brazilian porcupine (Coendou pre-
hensilis), Dog-faced bat (Molossus molossus),
Pallas's long-tongued bat (Glossophaga soricina),
Black myotis bat (Myotis nigricans), Ghost bat
(Diclidurus scutatus), Round-eared bats (Carollia
spp.), Bat (Sturnira spp.)
Miles etal. (1980); Savani etal. (2010); Oliveira
etal. (2015); Gómez-Hernández etal. (2017)
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Table 1 (continued)
Subgenus Species Countries Vertebrate Host Reference
O. Didelphimorphia: White-bellied opossum
(Didelphis albiventris), Common opossum
(Didelphis marsupialis), Murine mouse opossum
(Marmosa murina), Water opossum (Metachirus
Arias and Naiff (1981); Grimaldi etal. (1987);
Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Rodentia: Tropical rat (Hylaeamys spp.), Mouse
(Mus musculus), Guyanan spiny rat (Proechimys
guyannensis), Big marsh rat (Oryzomys capito),
Black rat (Rattus rattus), Hamster (Cricetinae
spp.), Hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus)
Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
L. colombiensis Colombia, Venezuela O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Rodriguez-Bonfante etal. (2003)
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Zerpa etal. (2001)
L. iansoni Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Surinam O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Kato etal. (2016); Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017);
Bilbao-Ramos etal. (2017)
Viannia L. brazilensis Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens), Azara's night
monkey (Aotus azarae azarae) Acardi etal. (2013); Patino etal. (2017); Araujo-
Pereira etal. (2018); Olivo Freites etal. (2018);
Copa etal. (2019)
O. Carnivora: Molina's hog-nosed skunk (Cone-
patus chinga), Cat (Felis silvestris catus), Dog
(Canis lupus familiaris), Crab eating fox (Cerdo-
cyon thous)
Buitrago etal. (2011); López-Céspedes etal. (2012);
Longoni etal. (2012); Morgado etal. (2016)
O. Artiodctyla: Cow (Bos taurus) Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Chiroptera: Wagner's bonneted bat (Eumops
perotis), Free-tailed bats (Molossidae spp.),
Striped hairy-nosed bat (Platyrrhinus lineatus),
Jamaican fruit bat (Artibeus planirostris)
Shapiro etal. (2013); Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Didelphimorphia: White-bellied opossum
(Didelphis albiventris), Brazilian common
opossum (Didelphis aurita), Common opossum
(Didelphis marsupialis), Demerara opossum
(Marmosa demerarae)
Silva etal. (2016); Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Lagomorpha: European rabbit (Oryctolagus
cuniculus), Brazilian Cottontail (Sylvilagus
Gonçalves etal. (2012)
O. Perissodactyla: Horse (Equus ferus caballus),
Donkey (Equus asinus) Truppel etal. (2014)
O. Pilosa: Hoffmann's two-toed sloth (Choloepus
hoffmanni) Loyola etal. (1988)
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Table 1 (continued)
Subgenus Species Countries Vertebrate Host Reference
O. Rodentia: Hamster (Cricetidae spp.), red-bellied
rice rat (Euryoryzomys russatus), Hystricognath
rodents (family Hystricognathi), Cerradomys,
Akodon cursor, Mouse (Mus musculus), Necro-
mys lasiurus, Black rat (Rattus rattus), Melano-
mys caliginosus, Micromys minutus, big marsh rat
(Oryzomys capito)
Tonelli etal. (2017); Fernández etal. (2018)
L. guayanensis Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suri-
nam, Venezuela
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Rosales-Chilama etal. (2015); Kato etal. (2016);
Muvdi-Arenas and Ovalle-Bracho (2019)
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Santaella etal. (2011); Guimarães-E-Silva etal.
O. Artiodctyla: Cow (Bos taurus) Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Chiroptera: Round-eared bats (Carollia spp.),
Bat (Sturnira spp.)
Lourenço etal. (2018)
O. Didelphimorphia: White-bellied opossum
(Didelphis albiventris), Brazilian common
opossum (Didelphis aurita), Common opossum
(Didelphis marsupialis),
Grimaldi etal. (1991); Guimarães-E-Silva etal.
O. Pilosa: Hoffmann's two-toed sloth (Choloepus
hoffmanni) Grimaldi etal. (1987, 1991)
O. Rodentia: Hystricognath rodents (family
Hystricognathi), Mouse (Mus musculus), Hamster
(Cricetinae spp.), Rat (Rattus spp.)
Cássia-Pires etal. (2014)
L. lidenbergi Colombia O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Correa-Cárdenas etal. (2020)
L. naiffi Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Surinam O. Artiodctyla: Cow (Bos taurus) Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
O. Cingulata: Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus
O. Didelphimorphia: opossum
O. Rodentia: Hystricognath rodents (family Hystri-
cognathi), Mouse (Mus musculus)
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Kato etal. (2013)
L. panamensis Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) Longoni etal. (2011)
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Figueroa etal. (2009)
O. Rodentia: Hamster (Cricetinae spp.), Mouse
(Mus musculus) Berzunza-Cruz etal. (2009)
L. peruviana Mexico, Peru O. carnívora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), King
skunk (Conepatus rex) Llanos-Cuentas etal. (1999); Reithinger etal. (2000)
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Table 1 (continued)
Subgenus Species Countries Vertebrate Host Reference
O. Didelphimorphia: Small marsupials (Marmosa
spp.), White-bellied opossum (Didelphis albiven-
Llanos-Cuentas etal. (1999)
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Lucas etal. (1998)
O. Rodentia: Andean leaf-eared mouse (Phyllotis
andinum), small rodents (Akodon spp.), Mouse
(Mus musculus), Rice rat (Oryzomys spp.), Black
rat (Rattus rattus)
Llanos-Cuentas etal. (1999)
L. shawi Brazil, Ecuador, Peru O. Artiodctyla: Cow (Bos taurus) Guimarães-E-Silva etal. (2017)
O.Carnivora: Nasua nasua, Dog (Canis lupus
O. Didelphimorphia: opossum
O. Pilosa: Three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylu)
O. Rodentia: Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus
auratus), Mouse (Mus musculus), Hystricognath
rodents (family Hystricognathi),
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens), Brown
capuchin (Cebus apella), Black-bearded saki
(Chiropotes satanus)
Lainson etal. (1989); Guimarães-E-Silva etal.
Mundinia L. enriettii Brazil O. Rodentia: Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) Thomaz-Soccol etal. (1996)
L. hertigi Brazil O. Carnivora: Crab eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) Miles etal. (1980)
O. Didelphimorphia: Murine mouse opossum
(Marmosa murina), Water opossum (Metachirus
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens)
O. Rodentia: Brazilian porcupine (Coendou prehen-
silis), Guyanan spiny rat (Proechimys guyannen-
sis), Big marsh rat (Oryzomys capito)
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standard laboratory equipment. This technique is highly
sensitive, but its specificity depends upon the antigen used
(Elmahallawy etal. 2014).
If using crude soluble promastigote antigen (CSA) the
sensitivity of the test ranges form 80–100% with and speci-
ficity of 84–95%. Cross-reactions may occur in patients with
trypanosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, and tuberculosis. It is not
recommended to use selective antigenic molecules as has
very low sensitivity (37%) (Sundar and Rai 2002).
A conserved proportion of kinesin-related protein recom-
binant antigen from a cloned protein of L. chagasi (rK39)
has been reported to be highly reactive to sera from human
to canine VL, with a specificity and sensitivity of 99%.
Lastly, lipid-binding proteins have shown high levels of sen-
sitivity and specificity with the absence of cross-reactions
(Elmahallawy etal. 2014). Finally, WB method using 14-kD
and 16 kD antigens have a 100% and 91% of sensitivity for
CL and VL respectively, and no present cross-reactivity with
others, being a good method for diagnosis both two leishma-
niasis presentation (Seyyedtabaei etal. 2017).
Therefore, it is important to interpret serological results
in conjunction with other diagnostic tests, such as PCR, or
direct visualization of the parasite, to confirm the diagnosis
of leishmaniasis. In endemic areas, serology tests may have
a limited diagnostic value where many people and animals
have been previously exposed to the parasite and have devel-
oped antibodies without experiencing symptoms.
Molecular methods
Different molecular methods have been developed and evalu-
ated to ensure better specificity, sensitivity, and reproduc-
ibility in molecular diagnostics of leishmaniasis, including
multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, conventional polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) based assays, quantitative Real-Time
PCR as well as simplified PCR methods.
PCR is the most sensitive and specific technique for
the diagnosis of leishmaniasis, being advantageous over
IFAT and ELISA, as host species-specific reagents are not
required. Also, its sensitivity is greater in cases of CL, MCL,
and immunocompromised patients (Tsokana etal. 2019).
PCR uses different target sequences, which include ribo-
somal RNA genes, kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), miniexon-
derived RNA (medRNA), and the β-tubulina gene region.
The sensitivity and specificity of the test depends on the
sample used, with a wide variety of samples possible as
spleen, lymph node, bone marrow aspirates, buffy coat,
and whole blood, the latest is considered the ideal sample
as its non-invasive. With peripheral blood the PCR has a
sensitivity range from 70–100% (Elmahallawy etal. 2014).
Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) has replaced conven-
tional PCR for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis, as is highly
sensitive especially at the lower parasite loads, specific and
reproducible, offering the ability to monitor therapy and to
prevent relapses (Tsokana etal. 2014).
High-resolution melting PCR (HRM-PCR) is a very sen-
sitive amplification technique that enables the direct char-
acterization of amplicons in a closed-tube assay and does
not require additional precautions to prevent the crossover
of PCR products. It measures changes in the fluorescence
intensity of a DNA-intercalating dye during dis- association
from double-stranded DNA to single-stranded DNA, thus
detecting single nucleotide polymorphism. In the last few
years, this technique has become widely used mostly for
epidemiological purposes, as allows to identification of the
species of Leishmania and discriminates between Old World
and New World Leishmania spp. (Derghal etal. 2022).
From a clinical point of view, it is important to note that
PCR can demonstrate parasitemia even before the clinical
presentation starts (Galluzzi etal. 2018).
Prevalence ofLeishmania spp. according tothespecie
Worldwide at least 70 species of wild and domestic animals
have been identified as confirmed or potential reservoirs of
the leishmania parasite (Maia etal. 2018). These potential
reservoirs include human, domestic animals, wild animals,
reptiles, and other non-mammalian animals.
Leishmaniasis is a major public health problem in many
parts of the world, particularly in developing countries.
The prevalence of leishmaniasis in humans varies widely
depending on the geographic location, the type of leishma-
niasis, and other factors such as environmental conditions,
socioeconomic status, and human behavior. It is considered
that at developed countries most of the infected humans
are at a subclinical level (Singh etal. 2014). The presence
of a higher number of asymptomatic carriers makes infec-
tion control in endemic areas very challenging (Akhoundi
etal. 2017; Ibarra-Meneses etal. 2019). According to the
World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 700,000
to 1 million new cases of leishmaniasis occur each year,
with more than 90% of cases occurring in the following
countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Brazil, Colombia, Iran,
Iraq, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia, and Syria (www. who.
int/ health- topics/ leish mania sis).
In humans, leishmaniasis can present in three main forms,
cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), visceral leishmaniasis (VL),
and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), depending on
the species and the immune status of the infected human
(Alvar etal. 2012). CL is caused by different species of the
subgenus Leishmania (L. major, L. tropica, L. infantum, L.
mexicana, L. amazonensis) and of the subgenus Viannia (L.
braziliensis, L. guyanensis and L. panamensis). This is the
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most common presentation of disease in human, represent-
ing around of 90% of the cases, and it is endemic in many
parts of the world. The estimated annual incidence of CL is
0.7 to 1.2 million cases globally. The highest incidence rates
are reported in Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, and Saudi Ara-
bia (Alvar etal. 2012; Akhoundi etal. 2017; Volpedo etal.
2021). VL is caused by the viscerotropic species L. infantum
(syn. L. chagasi in Central and South America) and L. dono-
vani. This is a potentially fatal form of leishmaniasis, and
it is endemic in several regions of the world. The estimated
annual prevalence of VL is 50,000 to 90,000 cases glob-
ally. Most cases occur in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan,
Ethiopia, and Brazil (Dixit etal. 2021). On the contrary,
MCL is a rare form of leishmaniasis caused by an infection
with the Central or South American species L. braziliensis,
L. panamensis and L. guyanensis. This presentation is often
associated with high morbidity although its prevalence is
difficult to estimate, it is thought to be much lower than CL
and VL (Boggild etal. 2019).
Companion animals (dogs andcats)
Dogs have been considered important disease reservoirs in
the domestic environment due the human proximity and inter-
action that can facilitates the transmission through the bite
of infected sandflies (Campino and Maia 2018; Pennisi etal.
2015). Cats can also be infected with the parasite, but they are
not considered to be significant reservoir hosts for the disease
until now (Pennisi 2015; Ahuir-Baraja etal. 2021).
The prevalence of Leishmania spp. infection in compan-
ion animals (dogs and cats) varies widely depending on the
geographic location, the type of leishmaniosis, and other
factors such as the presence of sandflies, the density of dog
populations, and the use of preventative measures.
Canine leishmaniosis (CanL) is endemic in many
regions of the world, particularly in the Mediterranean
basin, the Middle East, and Latin America. Domestic
dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) have been considered the
primary reservoir of L. infantum but can also be infected
by several Leishmania spp. including L. infantum, L.
donovani, L. tropica, L. braziliensis, L. peruviana and L.
panamensis but do not seem to be a significant reservoir
for the last one (Dantas-Torres 2007; Miró etal. 2017).
The prevalence of CanL varies widely depending on the
region, with estimates ranging from less than 1% to over
50%. In endemic areas, the prevalence of CanL can be as
high as 30% to 50% in some dog populations (Morales-
Yuste etal. 2022).
Clinical manifestations of CanL are dermatitis (non-
pruritic exfoliative, erosive-ulcerative, nodular, papular
and/or pustular), onychogryphosis, ocular manifestations
as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, anterior
uveitis, and general manifestations as lymphadenomegaly,
loss of body weight, change in appetite, lethargy, mucous
membranes pallor, splenomegaly, polyuria, polydipsia, fever,
vomiting, and diarrhea. Other common manifestations are
mucocutaneous and mucosal ulcerative or nodular lesions,
epistaxis, lameness, atrophic masticatory myositis, vascular
disorders, and neurological disorders (Solano-Gallego etal.
2011; Lago etal. 2019).
Domestic cats have been proposed as a potential sec-
ondary reservoir in endemic areas such as the Mediter-
ranean basin and some parts of South America, although
the prevalence of feline leishmaniosis (FeL) is much lower
than CanL, and it is estimated to be less than 3% in most
endemic areas (Alcover etal. 2021). However, cats could
be a reservoir of the parasite to take into account, so the
prevalence of infection by Leishmania spp. has increased
in recent years (Ahuir-Baraja etal. 2021). Domestic cats
and other felids can also be infected by the same species
described for humans and domestic dogs, that is, L. infantum
in the Mediterranean basin, Iran, and Brazil; L. mexicana in
Texas (USA), L. braziliensis in Brazil and French Guiana,
L. amazonensis in Brazil and L. venezuelensis in Venezuela
(Soares etal. 2016).
Cats are apparently less susceptible than dogs to develop
of disease, and the clinical manifestations include skin or
mucocutaneous and cutaneous lesions, including nodules,
ulcerations or exfoliative dermatitis, and ocular manifesta-
tions (Pennisi etal. 2015).
Livestock animals (Horses andothers)
Equine leishmaniosis is a rare form of leishmaniosis and
has a lower prevalence than in other animal species like
dogs. In Europe, L. infantum has been identified as the
etiological agent of sporadic equine CL in Germany (Koe-
hler etal. 2002), Switzerland (Müller etal. 2009), Spain
(Solano-Gallego etal. 2003), and Portugal (Rolão etal.
2005). In America, autochthonous CL case produced by L.
infantum, and previously attributed to Leishmania siamen-
sis, were reported in Texas (Reuss etal. 2012). In Brazil,
different studies reported CL in horses due to L. infantum
(Soares etal. 2013) and L. braziliensis infection (Agui-
lar and Rangel 1986; Aguilar etal. 1987; Falqueto etal.
1987). In Costa Rica, five cases of CL have been reported
recently and the etiological agent was Leishmania spp.
(Ortega-García etal. 2021).
Few studies have been carried out to determine the preva-
lence of Leishmania spp. infection in horses, and this data
depends on the country. In Italy, Gazzonis etal. (2020) show
13.9% of seroprevalence of L. infantum infection in equine
population, and in Spain, the equine prevalence has been
estimated around 14.2% (Fernández-Bellon etal. 2006).
However, Sudan and Ethiopia demonstrated high seroprev-
alences (33.3%) to L. donovani in donkeys (Kenubih etal.
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2015), and in Brazil, 76.3% of the horses studied were posi-
tive for L. brazilensis (Truppel etal. 2014).
Clinical presentation of the disease is normally less
severe than in other hosts and is not a life-threatening dis-
ease. Equids normally develop skin lesions on the appear-
ance of papules or nodules in the areas where sand flies
commonly feed (eyes, muscles, neck, pinnae, scrotum, and
legs) (Escobar etal. 2019), although infection by VL and
mixed infection with CL in horses has been demonstrated
(Soares etal. 2013).
Risk factors for equine leishmaniosis correlate with
the endemicity of the area and the cohabitation with other
infected hosts, most commonly dogs (Mhadhbi and Sassi
2020). Measures such as insecticide use, and screening and
treatment of infected animals can help to reduce the risk in
these situations.
But not only horses are the livestock specie that could act
as a reservoir of Leishmania spp. Recently, other species have
been found positive for Leishmania, including cow, sheep,
goat, cattle, and pig in endemic regions as Sicily (Abbate
etal. 2020), Ethiopia (Yared etal. 2019), Iran (Rezaei etal.
2022), and Brazil (Paixão-Marques etal. 2019).
Wild animals
Leishmania parasites can be an opportunistic pathogen in
many animals, including wild animals. Depending on the
geographical area, some animals have a more active role
as a Leishmania spp. reservoir (Azami-Conesa etal. 2021).
In Europe, the main wild animal reservoir is rodents, where
the prevalence of L. infantum has been reported to be as high
as 15% in Spain (Galán-Puchades etal. 2019). However, other
wild animals could be infected by L. infantum. In fact, a fatal
case of naturally acquired leishmaniosis was described for
the first time in a Bennett's wallaby in 2011 (Macropus rufog-
riseus rufogriseus) kept in a wildlife park in Madrid, Spain
(Montoya etal. 2016). In Mediterranean basin, L. infantum
infection has been detected in small mammals as mice (Mus
spretus), red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) and hedgehog (Eri-
naceous europaeous), wild carnivores as marten (Martes
foina), badger (Meles meles), vison (Mustela vison), red fox
(Vulpes vulpes) (Alcover etal. 2020), American mink (Mus-
tela lutreola) (Giner etal. 2022), European rabbit (Oryctola-
gus cuniculus), European hares (Lepus europaeus) (Abbate
etal. 2019). In South America, a wide range of animals, such
as rodents, marsupials, and monkeys are the main reservoir
hosts for Leishmania spp. The prevalence of leishmania in
wild animals in South America varies widely depending on
the region and the host species (Guiraldi etal. 2022), even
reaching 60% of wild rodents in some areas of Brazil (Azami-
Conesa etal. 2021). Table2 shows different species, including
wildlife, where Leishmania spp. has been found in Europe.
In Africa, Leishmania spp. has been found in the order
Chiroptera, Order Eulipotyphla (hedgehog), Order Roden-
tia (Azami-Conesa etal. 2021), and Order Primates with a
prevalence from 13% in the Gorilla gorilla to 77% in Papio
cynocephalus Anubis (Olive baboons) (Gicheru etal. 2009;
Hamad etal. 2015).
Most of the studies conducted in Asia on wild animals are
on the Order Rodentia, but a cross-sectional study in Iran
investigated the presence of CanL in wild canines finding
L. infantum 19% of the foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and 11% of
jackals (Canis aureus) (Mohebali etal. 2016).
Birds andReptilians
Traditionally, Leishmania spp. has been a parasite that infect
exclusively species of mammals, being necessary a mam-
malian host for its replication and development. Therefore,
the prevalence of leishmania in reptiles was generally con-
sidered to be low or non-existent.
However, in the last years, some studies have reported
the presence of antibodies to Leishmania spp. in birds and
reptiles, in areas where the disease is endemic. In 2010, an
experimental study tries to demonstrate the role of birds
as hosts of L. infantum. The results of this study indicate
that chicken are not suitable host for L. infantum, whereas
domestic gooses (Anser anser) and pheasant (Phasianus col-
chicus) could have a role in the epidemiology of disease in
Brazil (Otranto etal. 2010). At the same, a research group
in Brazil described the first detection of Leishmania of the
subgenus Viannia in yellow-faced parrot (Alipiopsitta xan-
thops) in 2021 (Matheus etal. 2021). More recently, Men-
doza-Roldan etal. (2021) demonstrated the presence of L.
infantum in geckoes (Tarentola mauritanica) in Italy, also
the presence of amastigotes in the bone marrow of geckoes
suggested that the animal was not only exposed to the para-
site but also infected.
However, these findings are rare and further research is
needed to understand the significance of such findings and
their potential role in the transmission of Leishmania spp.
Although, it is possible that birds and reptiles may poten-
tially act as a source of infection for sandflies.
Treatment andprevention
Treatment of human leishmaniasis depends on different fac-
tors, such as clinical forms, efficacy, and toxicity, among
others, and the response of treatment is very heterogeneous.
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has
recently published a guide to recommendations for the
treatment of human leishmaniasis (Pan American Health
Organization 2022). For cutaneous leishmaniasis, the
local treatment recommended is subcutaneous injections
of antimonial, whereas the systematic treatment is with
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Table 2 Leishmania spp. found in the Europe classified by country and vertebrate host. O: order
Subgenus Species Countries Vertebrate Host Reference
Leishmania L. donovani Spain, France, Portugal,
Italy, Greece, Turkey,
Cyprus, Netherlands
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Antoniou etal. (2009); Bart etal. (2013)
O. Carnivora: Cat (Felis catus) Pereira etal. (2019)
O. Lagomorpha: European hare (Lepus europaeus) Tsokana etal. (2016)
L. infantum Spain, France, Portugal,
Italy, Greece, Turkey,
Cyprus, Georgia,
O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens), North-west Bornean
Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pigmaeus)
Moral etal. (2002); Chitimia etal. (2011); Miró etal. (2018); Iatta
etal. (2021a, b)
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Domestic cat (Felis
catus), Red fox (Vulpes vulpes), Wolf (Canis lupus), Golden
jackal (Canis aureus), Tiger (Panthera tigris), Egyptian mon-
goose (Herpestes ichneumon), Iberian lynx (Lynx pardons),
European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris), Stone marten
(Martes foina) Pine marten (Martes martes), Weasel (Mustela
nivalis), European mink (Mustela lutreola), Polecat (Mustela
putorius), European badger (Meles meles), Barbary Lion
(Panthera leo); Tiger (Panthera tigris), Egyptian Mongoose
(Herpestes ichneumon), Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra), Beech
Marten (Martes foina), Domesticated ferret (Mustela putorius
furo), Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus),
Brown Bear (Ursus arctos); Common Genet (Genetta genetta),
Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Rioux etal. (1968); Bettini etal. (1980); Abranches etal. (1983);
Mancianti etal. (1994); Semião-Santos etal. (1996); Martín-
Sánchez etal. (2007); Toplu etal. (2007); Dipineto etal. (2007);
Tabar etal. (2008); Beck etal. (2008); Sobrino etal. (2008);
Verin etal. (2010); Millán etal. (2011, 2015); Chitimia etal.
(2011); Libert etal. (2012); Del Río etal. (2014); Oleaga etal.
(2018); Risueño etal. (2018); Ortuño etal. (2019); Alcover
etal. (2020); Gomes etal. (2020); Iatta etal. (2020, 2021b);
Cantos-Barreda etal. (2020); Villanueva-Saz (2022); Taddei
etal. (2022)
O. Artiodactyla: Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), Red deer
(Cervus elaphus), Wild boar (Sus scrofa), Domestic goat
(Capra aegagrus), Domestic sheep (Ovis aries)
Rioux etal. (1968); Kantzoura etal. (2013); Taddei etal. (2022)
O. Lagomorpha: Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis), European
hare (Lepus europaeus), European rabbit (Oryctolagus cunicu-
Chitimia etal. (2011); Molina etal. (2012); Ruiz-Fons etal.
(2013); Moreno etal. (2014); Taddei etal. (2022)
O. Perissodactyla: Horse (Equus caballus), Donkey (Equus
africanus Asinus) Koehler etal. (2002); Fernández-Bellon etal. (2006); Rodrigues
etal. (2019); Nardoni etal. (2019); Escobar etal. (2019); Gaz-
zonis etal. (2020)
O. Rodentia: Black rat (Rattus rattus), Norwegian rat (Rattus
norvegicus), Rat (Rattus spp.), Edible dormouse (Glis glis),
Garden dormouse (Elyomis quercinus), House mouse (Mus
musculus), Yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis),
Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), Algerian mouse (Mus
spretus), Porcupine (Hystricidae spp.)
Rioux etal. (1968); Bettini etal. (1980); Helhazar etal. (2013);
Zanet etal. (2014); Taddei etal. (2022)
O. Diprotodontia: Bennett’s Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) Ramírez etal. (2013)
O. Chiroptera: Schreibers' bats (Miniopterus schreibersii), Urban
bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus)
Millán etal. (2011); Azami-Conesa etal. (2020)
O. Insectivora/ O. Eulipotyphla: European hedgehog (Erina-
ceous europaeus), White-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula)
Rioux etal. (1968)
Veterinary Research Communications
1 3
miltefosine. However, in pregnant women, patients with
electrocardiogram alterations, kidney, liver and/or heart
disease, or immunocompromised, other treatments are
most adequate, such as thermotherapy, or amphotericin
B deoxycholate, whereas for pediatric patients, the rec-
ommendation is pentavalent antimonial. This treatment is
effective for mucocutaneous and mucosal form of leishma-
niasis, and for visceral leishmaniasis, where the ampho-
tericin B deoxycholate and liposomal amphotericin B are
also adequate.
The PAHO warns that the level of safety regarding
cure with any of these treatments is moderate or low,
and all of them are toxic drug, therefore the search
for new and more effective treatment continues, and
the development of liposomal drug delivery system to
diminish the toxicity (Tuon etal. 2022). In pets, long-
term treatment with allopurinol alone or combined with
meglumine antimoniate or miltefosine is the treatment of
choice, although the clinical relapse is usual (Baneth and
Solano-Gallego 2022).
Since treatment for both humans and animals do not give
convincing or definitive results, and the emergence of resist-
ance gene in the parasite (Salari etal. 2022), prevention is
essential. In fact, the recent global report on neglected tropi-
cal diseases of the WHO includes cutaneous and visceral
leishmaniasis, and the first pillar in the road map targets for
2030 is reduced incidence and prevalence of this disease
(WHO 2023).
To control and prevention of disease, two strategies
are possible: the effective vaccine and control of disease
transmission. Currently, no vaccines are available for
human use, even though leishmaniasis could be prevent
by vaccination (Kaye etal. 2021). In dogs, four vaccines
have been marketed (Velez and Gállego 2020), although
currently only one is authorized,, with the recent sus-
pension of Leish-Tec for the Ministry of Agriculture
and Livestock (MAPA). This vaccine, LetiFend®, was
licensed in Europe in 2016, and are relative efficacy, 72%
(Reguera etal. 2016).
In this scenario, prevention methods for the proliferation
of sandfly vector and disease transmission for human and
other animals become very relevant. The barriers systems
and system control of vertebrate hosts have proven to be
the most effective measures (de Vries and Schallig 2022;
Kumosani etal. 2022). The use of deltamethrin-impregned
collars could be the one more effective prevention method
for canine leishmaniosis, reducing the sand fly feeding
around 94% (de Camargo-Neves etal. 2021; Evans etal.
2021; Paulin etal. 2018).
Certainly, a greater knowledge of the species involved in
the transmission of the parasite and its prevalence worldwide
are essential for the eradication of this zoonosis, which is
increasingly relevant.
Table 2 (continued)
Subgenus Species Countries Vertebrate Host Reference
O. Anseriformes: Greylag Goose (Anser answer), Muscovy
Duck (Cairina moschata)
Otranto etal. (2010)
O. Galliformes: Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus),
Chicken (Gallus gallus) Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida
Otranto etal. (2010)
O. Reptilia: Geckoes (Tarentola mauritanica), lizard (Podarcis
Mendoza-Roldan etal. (2021, 2022)
L. major Portugal, Turkey O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Ravel etal. (2006)
O. Carnivora: Cat (Felis catus) Paşa etal. (2015); Pereira etal. (2020)
L. tropica Turkey O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Toz etal. (2009)
O. Carnivora: Cat (Felis catus) Paşa etal. (2015)
L. siamensis Switzerland O. Artiodactyla: Cattle (Bos taurus) Lobsiger etal. (2010)
Sauroleishmania L. tarentolae Italy O. Primates: Human (Homo sapiens) Pombi etal. (2020)
O. Carnivora: Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) Iatta etal. (2021a)
O. Reptilia: Geckoes (Tarentola mauritanica), lizard (Podarcis
Mendoza-Roldan etal. (2021, 2022)
Veterinary Research Communications
1 3
Leishmaniasis is a complex and wide-ranging disease that
affects a variety of hosts, including humans, companion
animals, livestock, and wildlife in many regions of the
world. Environmental changes, such as deforestation and
climatic change, are affecting the distribution of sand flies,
resulting in the expansion of the disease, and making trans-
mission to new hosts/reservoirs possible. Efforts to pre-
vent and control the spread of the disease in wild animal
populations are important for protecting both animal and
human health. Companion animals, including dogs, cats,
and livestock, including horses, bovines, and others, in
endemic areas, should be evaluated for leishmaniosis, and
guardians/owners/tutors should provide protection against
sand fly bites with the use of preventive measures.
In conclusion, leishmaniasis is a significant global health
concern that requires ongoing research and collaboration to
improve our understanding of the disease and develop effec-
tive prevention and treatment strategies. The finding of a new
wild species naturally infected by Leishmania spp. indicates
the importance of investigating infection by these parasites in
wild animals of different species to identify new hosts and
evaluate the possibility of these acting as reservoirs, contrib-
uting to a better understanding of the transmission cycles of
leishmaniasis and consequently to its control.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to University Cardenal Herrera-CEU.
Authors’ contributions E. M-A. wrote the first manuscript. L. L. con-
ceived the research, wrote, and revised the final version of manuscript.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Funding This work was supported by IDOC (IDOC22-05) and
PUENTE (PUENTE22-01) projects of University CEU Cardenal Her-
rera. The funding agency was not involved in the study design, data
collection, data analysis or drafting of the manuscript.
Data availability Not applicable.
Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable.
Consent for publication Not applicable.
Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing
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... The protozoan parasites of the Leishmania species are transmitted by phlebotomine sandflies and cause leishmaniasis in humans and leishmaniosis in animals. The zoonotic vector-borne disease is endemic in tropical and subtropical climates, including the Mediterranean basin [1]. In Europe, Leishmania infantum is the most prevalent Leishmania species, and this protozoan is transmitted by different species of phlebotomies [2]. ...
... Humans infected with L. infantum may develop either visceral leishmaniasis, including fever and splenomegaly, or cutaneous leishmaniasis, characterized by skin ulcers [3]. Dogs are considered the main domestic reservoir, and clinical manifestations of canine leishmaniosis cause cutaneous lesions, ocular and general abnormalities [1,3]. Moreover, other carnivores, such as cats, could have a direct impact as urban reservoirs in cities related to the stray cat populations in endemic areas of L. infantum infection [4,5]. ...
... Its influence on leishmaniosis distribution is shown in the effect of temperature on sandflies' development, although final proof for this hypothesis is still pending [2]. The northward expansion of L. infantum is largely attributed to the movement of infected dogs, presenting a significant challenge in countries with limited or absent populations of sandfly vectors, such as Germany [1]. In 1999, the first plebotomine sandflies, Phlebotomus mascittii, were detected in the southwest of the German federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg. ...
Full-text available
In Europe, the protozoan parasite Leishmania infantum is transmitted by sandflies. A recent study found that sheep had antibodies against this parasite, triggered questions about the role of these animals in the life cycle. Therefore, blood samples from sheep and goats from two southern German states, Baden-Wuerttemberg (BW) and Bavaria (BAV), were tested for antibodies using a method called ELISA. Details such as the species, sex and age were recorded to assess any association between seropositivity and these animal characteristics. A total of seven sheep flocks from BW and seven from BAV were included, comprising 274 sheep and 10 goats in BW, and 277 sheep and 78 goats in BAV. In BW, four sheep from three flocks had antibodies, and in BAV, the same number of sheep tested positive but from four different flocks. Overall, 1.45% of sheep had antibodies against L. infantum, while all goats tested negative. No significant links were found between the presence of antibodies and the factors examined. Our study shows that sheep in areas not typically associated with Leishmania can still be exposed to it. Further research is needed to determine if sheep could help us identify new areas where sandflies live and where the disease could spread.
... La trasmisión se produce a través de la picadura de un mosquito infectado conocido como flebótomo. Esta enfermedad está presente en numerosas regiones tropicales y subtropicales a nivel mundial, siendo endémica en aproximadamente 100 países (3)(4)(5) . La forma más común de leishmaniasis es la cutánea (LC) con 0,7 a 1,3 millones de casos nuevos cada año en el mundo. ...
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Introducción. La leishmaniasis es una enfermedad zoonótica endémica con amplia distribución en Perú. Objetivo. Identificar los escenarios de transmisión de leishmaniasis y la población que reside en estos, e identificar las características de las poblaciones afectadas durante el periodo 2010 a 2022. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, transversal, ecológico con unidad de análisis el nivel distrital. Se utilizó datos de fuentes secundarias de acceso público. Resultados. En el periodo de estudio se reportaron 85 117 casos, 7 374 007(22,08%) habitantes residían en 543 distritos con transmisión continua, 11 467 420 (34,33%) habitantes que residían en 454 distritos con reporte esporádico de casos y 14 558 983(43,59%) residían en 893 distritos libres de trasmisión. El 98,16% de los casos ocurrieron en distritos con trasmisión continua, el 1,84%, en distritos con reporte esporádico de casos. La incidencia acumulada media anual fue 3,48 casos/10 000 habitantes. 18 departamentos reportaban trasmisión continua, Madre de Dios (42,45 casos/10 000 habitantes) y Cusco (15,78 casos/10 000 habitantes) tuvieron las tasas más altas. Las poblaciones de mayor riesgo son: hombres, adolescentes y jóvenes; residentes de distritos: de selva, del quintil de mayor pobreza monetaria, del quintil con mayor porcentaje con al menos 1 NBI, y del quintil de menor índice de desarrollo humano. Conclusión. La leishmaniasis tiene amplia distribución en Perú, 56,41% de la población habita en distritos que reportan casos. Existen grupos poblacionales con mayor riesgo absoluto, los cuales pueden ser blanco de intervenciones diferenciadas de prevención y control.
... The relevance of horses in parasite transmission is related to the close relationship between this species and humans, since they often coexist, and in addition, these animals are usually stabled near urban centers. The majority of studies about this species are conducted in New World [14], still the leishmaniosis is considered endemic in Mediterranean basin. The studies carried out in Europe indicate that the number of clinical cases of equine leishmaniosis (EL) reported has been low, and clinical manifestations are mild without visceral involvement, and cutaneous lesions tend to self-recover without treatment [15][16][17]. ...
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Leishmaniosis is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania spp., an intracellular protozoan parasite. This parasite is transmitted by sandflies, and the disease is endemic in the Mediterranean basin. In recent years, the number of species which could be a reservoir of the parasite is increased. One of the most relevant species is the horse, due to their contact with humans and ability to control the disease, thus being a possible silent reservoir. In this study, we have analyzed the prevalence and factors related to L. infantum infection in healthy horses in the Mediterranean region. Epidemiological data and serum samples were obtained from 167 apparently healthy horses, and the presence of L. infantum was evaluated via the ELISA method and real-time PCR. The results show 27.5% of prevalence and that the main factors related to infection are equine breed, morphotype, outdoor living, use, and season. In conclusion, the prevalence of L. infantum infection in apparently healthy horses from eastern Spain (Mediterranean basin) is elevated. To control this zoonosis, it would be advisable to carry out more studies on this and other species that could be silent reservoirs of the parasite, as well as carry out measures such as the use of repellents on a regular basis.
Background and purpose Leishmaniasis is a globally prevalent vector-borne disease caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania. The available chemotherapeutic drugs present problems related to efficacy, emergence of parasite resistance, toxicity and high cost, justifying the search for new drugs. Several classes of compounds have demonstrated activity against Leishmania, including icetexane-type diterpenes, previously isolated from Salvia and other Lamiaceae genera. Thus, in this study, compounds of Salvia procurrens were investigated for their leishmanicidal and immunomodulatory activities. Methods The exudate of S. procurrens was obtained by rapidly dipping the aerial parts in dichloromethane. The compounds were isolated by column and centrifugal planar chromatography over silica gel. The effects on L. amazonensis growth, survival, membrane integrity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, mitochondrial membrane potential and cytotoxicity of the compounds towards human erythrocytes, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and macrophages were evaluated. The effects on intracellular amastigote forms, nitric oxide (NO) and TNF-α production were also investigated. Results The exudate from the leaves afforded the novel icetexane 7-hydroxyfruticulin A (1) as well as the known demethylisofruticulin A (2), fruticulin A (3) and demethylfruticulin A (4). The compounds (1-4) were tested against promastigotes of L. amazonensis and showed an effective inhibition of the parasite survival (IC50 = 4.08-16.26 μM). In addition, they also induced mitochondrial ROS production, plasma membrane permeability and mitochondrial dysfunction in treated parasites, and presented low cytotoxicity against macrophages. Furthermore, all diterpenes tested reduced the number of parasites inside macrophages, by mechanisms involving TNF-α, NO and ROS. Conclusion The results suggest the potential of 7-hydroxyfruticulin A (1) as well as the known demethylisofruticulin A (2),fruticulin A (3) and demethylfruticulin A (4) as candidates for use in further studies on the design of anti-leishmanial drugs.
Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by protozoa parasites from the Leishmania genus. Vertebrate hosts acquire the infection through the bite of a female sandfly, initiating a complex parasite development cycle. Contrary to previous beliefs regarding cats’ resistance, these animals have recently been identified as potential reservoirs for leishmaniasis. Clinical symptoms in cats can manifest in diverse forms, including cutaneous, mucocutaneous, and visceral manifestations. The diagnosis of feline leishmaniasis is complicated by nonspecific symptoms and the relatively lower specificity of serological tests. The recommended treatment for feline leishmaniasis involves the administration of medications; however, success varies in each cat. This review aims to present cases of feline leishmaniasis, highlighting clinical symptoms, diagnostic methods, therapy schedules, and outcomes. Among the 24 cases documented in the available literature, 12 achieved successful treatment without relapses, resulting in a reduced parasite load and improved symptoms. Three cases responded well but presented persistent sequelae. Two feline leishmaniasis cases initially had treatment success but later experienced recurrences. Finally, no response was observed in seven cases, leading to the euthanasia of cats due to ineffectiveness or irregularities along the therapy. Conventional treatments, despite potential hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity, exhibit a high efficacy in reducing parasitic load, thereby improving clinical symptoms and increasing the life expectancy of affected cats. Nevertheless, consistent adherence is crucial, as interruptions may render the therapy ineffective and contribute to parasite resistance. Therefore, addressing the challenges associated with feline leishmaniasis treatment necessitates the development of new strategies to ensure a more effective and sustained approach.
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Leishmaniose é uma doença causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania, que podem acometer diversas espécies de mamíferos, incluindo os gatos. Devido ao seu caráter zoonótico, trata-se de uma doença de grande importância na medicina veterinária, como também na saúde pública. Os gatos podem atuar como hospedeiros intermediários deste parasita, porém, ainda existem poucos relatos sobre essa doença nos felinos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de uma gata positiva para Leishmaniose no município de Itacaré (BA). O diagnóstico foi confirmado por meio dos sinais clínicos característicos e da citologia aspirativa das lesões na região do focinho e orelha, na qual foi encontrada formas amastigotas do parasita. Foi prescrito tratamento clínico com alopurinol, além de orientações a respeito de medidas que devem ser tomadas com animais positivos para a doença. Segundo o tutor, houve melhora das lesões, mas após cinco meses foi relatada a morte do animal. Este é o primeiro relato de caso de um felino com Leishmaniose no Sul da Bahia, sugerindo a necessidade de que esta informação seja compartilhada e que os tutores busquem auxilio veterinário para o tratamento destes animais.
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This work presents an overview of the application of satellite imagery or remote sensing (RS) data for vector-borne disease (VBD) monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa. We discussed the different vector-borne disease conditions that are prevalent and endemic in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and how satellite imagery (RS data) can be used in monitoring these conditions. Key disease conditions considered include malaria, human African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, lymphatic filariasis, loa loa filariasis, rift valley fever, dengue, yellow fever, and rickettsioses. Furthermore, we explored some of the current ways remote sensing data and geographical information systems (GIS) are being applied to monitoring these diseases. We discuss the efficacy of using strong spatial modelling techniques combined with RS data to enhance our comprehension of the role that environmental conditions play in influencing VBD vectors and transmission alongside the utilization of GIS/RS technologies for vector-borne illness surveillance, prevention, and control. Finally, we discussed how drone technology and new remote sensing platforms can provide improved monitoring and the impact of such improvements from a population health standpoint.
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Leishmaniasis, one of the most neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), is the third most important vector-borne disease worldwide. This disease has a global impact and severity of the infection and is greatest in the Middle East. The agent of infection is a protozoan parasite of the genus, Leishmania , and is generally transmitted by blood-sucking female sandflies. In humans, there are three clinical forms of infection: (1) cutaneous (CL), (2) mucocutaneous (ML), and (3) visceral leishmaniasis (VL). This review aims to discuss the current epidemiological status of leishmaniasis in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen with a consideration of treatment options. The elevated risk of leishmaniasis is influenced by the transmission of the disease across endemic countries into neighboring non-infected regions.
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Background: Leishmaniasis is a widespread skin protozoan infectious disease. It is an intracellular parasitic microorganism that develops in the body of infected female phlebotomine sandflies vector, prior to its transmission to human or animal host by the vector bite. The objective of this review is to highlight the current prevalence of Leishmaniasis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the direction in research for its control. Materials: The update literature covered The infection of the host with this trypanosome starts with a skin bite from the infected sand fly, followed by penetration of the parasite into cellular structures of the skin, or its infiltration to the circulatory system, targeting the internal organs. Different research groups are experimenting on construction of recombinant Leishmania antigens, compiled from this protozoa and from antigens recovered from the saliva of sand flies, in an attempt to immunize the host for protection against this disease. Conclusion: The benefits behind such a review is to support the personnel involved in developing evidence-based policy guidelines, strategies and standards for disease prevention and management of their implementation; in addition, it provided a technical support to member states to collaborate on establishment of an effective systems to handle the Leishmaniasis.
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In the last decade, an upsurge of human leishmaniasis has been reported in the Emilia-Romagna region, Northeast Italy. Epidemiologic data have raised doubts about the role of dogs as the main reservoirs for Leishmania infantum. In the present study, a total of 1,077 wild animals were screened for L. infantum DNA in earlobe and spleen samples from 2019 to 2022. The lymph nodes were tested only in 23 animals already positive in the earlobe and/or spleen. A total of 71 (6.6%) animals resulted positive in at least one of the sampled tissues, including 3/18 (16.7%) wolves, 6/39 (15.4%) European hares, 38/309 (12.3%) roe deer, 1/11 (9.1%) red deer, 8/146 (4.9%) wild boars, 13/319 (4.1%) red foxes, 1/54 (1.9%) porcupine, and 1/59 (1.7%) European badger. Most of the infected animals (62/71) tested positive only in the earlobe tissue, only four animals (two roe deer and two wild boars) tested positive only in the spleen, and five animals (three roe deer and two red foxes) resulted positive for both tissues. L. infantum DNA was detected in the lymph nodes of 6/23 animals. L. infantum detection occurred in all seasons associated with low real-time PCR Ct values. Further research is needed in order to clarify the role of wildlife in the re-emerging focus of leishmaniasis in Northeast Italy.
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Human le ishmaniasis is a vector-borne, neglected infectious disease that is widely distributed in America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Current therapy is based on old and toxic drugs, including antimonials, aminoglycosides, and amphotericin. As a neglected disease, investment in the development of new therapeutic molecules is scarce. Considering these aspects, the optimization of treatment through novel delivery systems for current therapeutic agents is an attractive alternative. The encapsulation into liposomes of drugs used in treating leishmaniasis increases the concentration of these molecules in macrophages, which may not only increase the chance of cure but also expand their therapeutic spectrum to include resistant Leishmania, as well as reducing toxicity since the drug is less exposed to healthy cells. The classical example is the liposomal formulation of amphotericin B, a well-established therapeutic option that uses liposomes to decrease the progression of renal failure in patients. However, loading other leishmanicidal drugs into liposomes, such as pentavalent antimonials, presents an opportunity for innovative and cheaper therapeutic options for the treatment of human leishmaniasis. This review aims to discuss liposomes as a drug delivery system for leishmanicidal drugs. Graphical abstract
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This review is an update of an earlier narrative review published in 2015 on developments in the clinical management of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) including diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control measurements. CL is a vector-borne infection caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. The vector is the female sandfly. Globally, CL affects 12 million cases and annually 2 million new cases occur. CL is endemic in almost 100 countries and the total risk population is approximately 350 million people. WHO lists CL an emerging and uncontrolled disease and a neglected tropical disease. Local experience-based evidence remains the mainstay for the management of CL. Whereas intralesional therapeutic options are the first treatment option for most CL patients, those with mucocutaneous and disseminated involvement require a systemic therapeutic approach. Moreover, different Leishmania species can vary in their treatment outcomes. Therefore, species determination is critical for optimal CL clinical management. New DNA techniques allow for relatively easy Leishmania species determination, yet they are not easily implemented in resource-limited settings. There is a desperate need for novel, less toxic, and less painful treatment options, especially for children with CL. Yet, the large and well conducted studies required to provide the necessary evidence are lacking. To further control and potentially eliminate CL, we urgently need to improve vector control, and diagnostics, and we require efficient and safe vaccines. Alas, since CL primarily affects poor people, biotechnical companies dedicate little investment into the research programs that could lead to diagnostic, pharmaceutical, and vaccine innovations.
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The trypanosomatid protist Leishmania tarentolae is a saurian-associated parasite vectored by the Sergentomyia minuta sand fly. This study aimed to confirm the circulation of L . infantum and L . tarentolae in sand flies, reptiles and dogs and to isolate new strains of these protists. Reptilian and sheltered dog blood samples were collected, and sand flies were captured. Samples were tested for Leishmania spp. using duplex real-time PCR (dqPCR) and real-time PCR (qPCR); the origin of blood meal was identified in engorged sand flies by conventional PCR. The reptilian blood and intestinal content of sand fly females were cultured. Dog sera were tested by IFAT using both Leishmania species. Four Tarentola mauritanica geckoes were molecularly positive for L . infantum or L . tarentolae , with no co-infections; moreover, amastigote-like forms of L . infantum were observed in the bone marrow. 24/294 sand flies scored positive for Leishmania spp. by dqPCR, 21 S . minuta and two Phlebotomus perniciosus were positive for L . tarentolae , while only a single Ph . perniciosus was positive for L . infantum . Blood meal analysis confirmed reptile and dog in S . minuta , dog and human in Ph . perniciosus and dog in Phlebotomus neglectus . Two axenic strains of L . tarentolae were obtained. Twelve of 19 dogs scored positive for L . infantum and L . tarentolae by IFAT and three of them also for L . infantum by dqPCR, and six by qPCR. These data confirm the sympatric circulation of L . infantum and L . tarentolae in geckoes, sand flies, and dogs, and suggest that geckoes may be infected with L . infantum .
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Dog are the main reservoir of Leishmania infantum, causing canine leishmaniasis, an incurable multisystemic disease that leads to death in symptomatic dogs, when not treated. This parasite causes visceral, cutaneous, and mucosal leishmaniasis in people in the Mediterranean Basin, North Africa, South America, and West Asia. This disease is mostly unknown by veterinarians outside the endemic areas, but the disease is expanding in the Northern Hemisphere due to travel and climate change. New methodologies to study the epidemiology of the disease have found new hosts of leishmaniasis and drawn a completely new picture of the parasite biological cycle. Canine leishmaniasis diagnosis has evolved over the years through the analysis of new samples using novel molecular techniques. Given the neglected nature of leishmaniasis, progress in drug discovery is slow, and the few drugs that reach clinical stages in humans are unlikely to be commercialised for dogs, but several approaches have been developed to support chemotherapy. New-generation vaccines developed during the last decade are now widely used, along with novel prevention strategies. The implications of the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of canine leishmaniasis are fundamental to public health.
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Background Pentavalent antimonials (Sb(V)) such as meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime®) and sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam®) are used as first‐line treatments for leishmaniasis, either alone or in combination with second‐line drugs such as amphotericin B (Amp B), miltefosine (MIL), methotrexate (MTX), or cryotherapy. Therapeutic aspects of these drugs are now challenged because of clinical resistance worldwide. Methods We reviewedthe recent original studies were assessed by searching in electronic databases such as Scopus, Pubmed, Embase, and Web of Science. Results Studies on molecular biomarkers involved in drug resistance are essential for monitoring the disease. We reviewed genes and mechanisms of resistance to leishmaniasis, and the geographical distribution of these biomarkers in each country has also been thoroughly investigated. Conclusion Due to the emergence of resistant genes mainly in anthroponotic Leishmania species such as L. donovani and L. tropica, as the causative agents of ACL and AVL, respectively, selection of an appropriate treatment modality is essential. Physicians should be aware of the presence of such resistance for the selection of proper treatment modalities in endemic countries.
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Background Query ID="Q1" Text="Graphical abstract: As per journal requirements, graphical abstract is necessary. Kindly check and provide the same."The magnitude of the health problems caused by leishmaniasis has been a major driving factor behind the development and implementation of leishmaniasis control programs by the national authorities in Iran, with a priority for health and environmental management. Such programs are not achievable unless all of the factors leading to the infection, including the parasite’s life-cycle, vectors and reservoirs, are recognized. So far in Iran, humans and rodents have been considered the principal reservoirs of Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major, respectively, both associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), with domestic dogs considered to be the main reservoir for Leishmania infantum, associated with visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The role of other mammals in maintaining the Leishmania parasite has remained unclear. This study aimed to investigate Leishmania infection among livestock in endemic areas of VL and CL in Fars province, southern Iran, using serological and molecular methods. Methods Blood samples from 181 clinically healthy livestock, including 49 sheep, 114 goats, 16 cattle and two donkeys, were screened to detect Leishmania DNA and anti-Leishmania antibodies using qPCR (quantitative PCR) and the direct agglutination test (DAT), respectively. Four qPCR-positive samples were amplified using the internal transcribed spacer one (ITS1) primers in conventional PCR and sent for directional sequencing. Results Of the 181 livestock tested, 51 (28.2%) were infected with Leishmania, using serological and molecular methods. Anti-Leishmania antibodies were detected in 70 (38.7%) (95% confidence interval [CI]: 31.5–46.2) and Leishmania DNA in 93 (51.4%) (95% CI: 43.9–58.9) livestock. The identified Leishmania spp. were L. infantum and L. major. Conclusions The findings of the present study show a relatively high prevalence of Leishmania infection among livestock in endemic areas of the disease, in Fars province, southern Iran. Given the large population of this group of animals and the fact that they live in the vicinity of the main reservoirs of the disease and vectors, it seems that sand flies regularly bite these animals. Further studies are needed to determine the role of livestock in the parasite’s life-cycle and the epidemiology of Leishmania infection. Graphical Abstract
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Wild nonhuman primates (NHP) are considered natural hosts of a protozoan parasite from the genus Leishmania, the etiological agent of leishmaniasis. It is important to study the population of this infectious agent in zoo animals to establish surveillance and control mechanisms in Sorocaba through the application of a One Health approach, this is where human–animal–environment health and disease interface and can aid in the protection of endangered species. This study aimed to identify Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis in NHP living in a city where leishmaniasis is endemic. DNA was extracted from 48 NHP and analyzed using polymerase chain reaction primers that are specific for the species L. infantum and L. braziliensis. The results of our research revealed the first report of L. infantum and L. braziliensis naturally infecting primates at Sorocaba zoo. One primate from the species Plecturocebus vieirai was positive for L. infantum and five primates (four Alouatta caraya and one Ateles chamek) were positive for L. braziliensis. This indicates a possible role of these animals on the maintenance of these parasites. Illustration of the methodology used in our study, with the collection of primate blood samples for molecular biology techniques. Natural infection of Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis in captive nonhuman primates (NHPs) from Brazilian savanna. NHP can participate in the maintenance of Leishmania spp. and contribute to the transmission of this parasite in other animals, including humans, potentially impacting One Health. Natural infection of Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis in captive nonhuman primates (NHPs) from Brazilian savanna. NHP can participate in the maintenance of Leishmania spp. and contribute to the transmission of this parasite in other animals, including humans, potentially impacting One Health.