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Our aim was to analyze dietary macronutrient intake and its main sources according to sex and age. Results were derived from the ANIBES ("Anthropometry, Intake and Energy Balance in Spain") cross-sectional study using a nationally-representative sample of the Spanish population (9-75 years old). Mean dietary protein intake was 74.5 ± 22.4 g/day, with meat and meat products as the main sources (33.0%). Mean carbohydrate intake was 185.4 ± 60.9 g/day and was higher in children and adolescents; grains (49%), mainly bread, were the main contributor. Milk and dairy products (23%) ranked first for sugar intake. Mean lipid intake was 78.1 ± 26.1 g/day and was higher in younger age groups; contributions were mainly from oils and fats (32.5%; olive oil 25.6%) and meat and meat products (22.0%). Lipid profiles showed relatively high monounsaturated fatty acid intake, of which olive oil contributed 38.8%. Saturated fatty acids were mainly (>70%) combined from meat and meat products, milk and dairy products and oils and fats. Polyunsaturated fatty acids were mainly from oils and fats (31.5%). The macronutrient intake and distribution in the Spanish population is far from population reference intakes and nutritional goals, especially for children and adolescents.
Macronutrient Distribution and Dietary Sources in
the Spanish Population: Findings from the
Emma Ruiz 1, José Manuel Ávila 1, Teresa Valero 1, Susana del Pozo 1, Paula Rodriguez 1,
Javier Aranceta-Bartrina 2, Ángel Gil 3, Marcela González-Gross 4, Rosa M. Ortega 5,
Lluis Serra-Majem 6and Gregorio Varela-Moreiras 1 ,7,*
1Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), C/General Álvarez de Castro 20, 1 pta, Madrid 28010, Spain; (E.R.); (J.M.Á.); (T.V.); (S.P.); (P.R.)
2Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Navarra, C/Irunlarrea 1,
Pamplona 31008, Spain; or
3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II, Institute of Nutrition and Food Sciences,
University of Granada. Campus de la Salud, Avda. del Conocimiento, Armilla, Granada 18100, Spain;
ImFINE Research Group, Department of Health and Human Performance, Technical University of Madrid,
C/Martín Fierro 7, Madrid 28040, Spain;
5Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmacy, Complutense University of Madrid,
Plaza Ramón y Cajal s/n, Madrid 28040, Spain;
6Research Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, C/Doctor Pasteur s/n Trasera del Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Las Palmas 35016, Spain;
7Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, CEU San Pablo University,
Urb. Montepríncipe, Crta. Boadilla Km 53, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid 28668, Spain
*Correspondence: or; Tel.: +34-913724726; Fax: +34-913510496
Received: 29 October 2015; Accepted: 15 March 2016; Published: 22 March 2016
Our aim was to analyze dietary macronutrient intake and its main sources according to
sex and age. Results were derived from the ANIBES (“Anthropometry, Intake and Energy Balance
in Spain”) cross-sectional study using a nationally-representative sample of the Spanish population
(9–75 years old). Mean dietary protein intake was 74.5
22.4 g/day, with meat and meat products
as the main sources (33.0%). Mean carbohydrate intake was 185.4
60.9 g/day and was higher in
children and adolescents; grains (49%), mainly bread, were the main contributor. Milk and dairy
products (23%) ranked first for sugar intake. Mean lipid intake was 78.1
26.1 g/day and was higher
in younger age groups; contributions were mainly from oils and fats (32.5%; olive oil 25.6%) and
meat and meat products (22.0%). Lipid profiles showed relatively high monounsaturated fatty acid
intake, of which olive oil contributed 38.8%. Saturated fatty acids were mainly (>70%) combined
from meat and meat products, milk and dairy products and oils and fats. Polyunsaturated fatty acids
were mainly from oils and fats (31.5%). The macronutrient intake and distribution in the Spanish
population is far from population reference intakes and nutritional goals, especially for children
and adolescents.
macronutrient intake; dietary protein; dietary fat; carbohydrate intake; dietary fat quality
sources; ANIBES study
Nutrients 2016,8, 177; doi:10.3390/nu8030177
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 2 of 25
1. Introduction
Obesity and other nutrition-related non-communicable diseases represent increasing major health
problems in Mediterranean countries, such as Spain [
]. Being overweight and obesity affect more
than 50% of adults and nearly 30% of children in Spain [2].
Undoubtedly, deep social and economic changes occurred in this country in the last few decades,
which also experienced a transition in dietary patterns and life styles [
]. Some have had a potentially
positive impact, such as increasing the variety of foods, access (in fact, a potential overabundance of
energy and nutrients) and food security in the diet. However, globally, these changes are contradictory
with adequate food selection and adherence for a healthy Mediterranean diet [4].
The health-promoting quality of the overall diet is usually associated with energy and nutrient
intake. Populations are encouraged to meet their energy and nutrients needs primarily through
foods [
]. National dietary surveillance, while having inherent limitations (misreporting, accurate
updating of food composition tables at the national level, etc.), provides a way to examine eating
patterns and their impact on calorie and nutrient intakes across different populations [68].
The use of new available methodologies (e.g., real-time recording of eating and drinking events)
has been urgently claimed to avoid these difficulties [
]. The latter was firmly stated in the
consensus document and conclusions “Obesity and sedentarism in the 21st century: What can be done
and what must be done?” [
] and even more recently in the “Methodology of dietary surveys, studies
on nutrition, physical activity and other lifestyles” special review supplement [12].
Different dietary surveys have been previously conducted in Spain [
]. However, no one
has approached up to date energy and macronutrients intake using new, more accurate technologies.
As a consequence
, the ANIBES (“Anthropometry, Intake and Energy Balance in Spain”) study was
recently completed. We have previously reported the ANIBES design and methodology [
] and
energy intake and its dietary sources [19].
This study focuses on macronutrient intake in the Spanish diet, to better characterize also the
macronutrient excess or inadequacy, as well as to analyze food and beverage sources that currently
contribute to the dietary intake of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The latter aim is of particular
interest, to provide more detailed and accurate information on how the different food and beverage
groups and subgroups represent the current market in Spain. Moreover, targeting current food and
beverage selections among the Spanish population is key to the design of the dietary guidelines and
public health strategies to improve the diet quality in the future.
2. Materials and Methods
The complete design, protocol and methodology of the ANIBES study have been described in
detail elsewhere [17,18].
2.1. Sample
The initial potential sample consisted of 2634 individuals, and the final sample comprised 2009
individuals (1013 men, 50.4%; 996 women, 49.6%). In addition, for the youngest age groups (9–12, 13–17
and 18–24 years), a boost sample was included to have at least n= 200 per age group (error
Therefore, the random sample plus booster comprised 2285 participants. Sample quotas according
to the following variables were: age groups (9–12, 13–17, 18–64 and 65–75 years); sex (men/women);
geographical distribution (northeast, Levant, south, central, northwest, Barcelona metropolitan area,
Madrid metropolitan area and Balearic and Canary Islands); and locality size: 2000–30,000 inhabitants
(rural), 30,000–200,000 inhabitants (semi-urban) and over 200,000 inhabitants (urban).
The final protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee for Clinical Research of the Region of
Madrid in Spain.
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 3 of 25
2.2. Food and Beverage Records
Study participants were provided with a tablet device (Samsung Galaxy Tab 27.0) to record by
taking photos of all food and drinks consumed during 3 days, both at home and outside. Photos had
to be taken before beginning to eat and drink and again after finishing, so as to record the actual intake.
The ANIBES software was developed to receive information from the field tablets every 2 seconds,
and the database was updated every 30 min. Food, beverages and nutrient intakes were calculated
from food consumption records using software (VD-FEN 2.1), which is based mainly on Spanish food
composition tables [
]. Macronutrient reference intakes and distribution objectives for the Spanish
population were used to analyze the overall quality of the diet [21].
2.3. Statistical Analysis
The intake data were grouped into 16 food groups, 38 subgroups and 754 ingredients for in-depth
analysis. Every comparison between groups has been performed by a Student’s t-test for independent
samples with a 95% confidence interval. In addition, the Kolmogorov–Smirnoff normality test was
used to test the normality of the distribution: random sample (2009 participants) and random + booster
sample (2285). The random sample is used to show total sample data and to compare between sexes.
To compare age groups and sex in age groups, a booster sample was included in order to expand those
age groups less represented in the random sample.
3. Results
3.1. Macronutrient Intake and Distribution
Daily intake levels of macronutrients, alcohol, water and their distributions are shown in Table 1.
The mean protein intake was 74.5
22.4 g/day, ranging from 28.2 to 352.5 g/day. Differences were
observed between men and women and also according to the age group (the oldest showed the lowest
intake), as shown in Table 2.
The mean total carbohydrate intake was 185.4
60.9 g/day (37.8 g/day min; 450.3 g/day max)
(Table 1), with differences seen between men and women, as also shown in Table 2. Higher total
carbohydrate consumption was observed in younger age groups as compared to adults and older
adults. Total sugar intake was also quantified: higher in children and adolescents and markedly
lower in adults and older adults. Fiber intake and distribution are also shown in Table 1, with
12.7 ˘5.6 g/day
(2.2 g/day min; 45.1 g/day max), and differences were also found between men and
women; values were also much higher in older adults than in the youngest populations.
Mean lipid intake and distribution are shown in Table 1, with 78.1
26.1 g/day, and ranging
from 21.0 g/day to 201.5 g/day. Results for the different age groups are shown in Table 2. Values were
much higher among younger age groups than older adults. Sex differences were also observed, being
higher in men in all age groups. A decreasing trend in intake with advancing age is observed.
3.2. Contribution of Food and Beverage Groups/Subgroups to Total Macronutrients
Contributions (%) of the various food and beverage categories to daily macronutrient intake is
shown in Figure 1. More detailed information according to different age groups (9–12, 13–17, 18–64
and 65–75 years) is provided in Tables 37.
Meat and meat products were the main sources of protein for the whole population (33.1%),
although these contributed much more among younger groups and less so among older adults. Grains
and milk and dairy products ranked second and third, with these groups together contributing over
two-thirds (68%) of the total protein intake (Figure 1). Other protein-rich foods were fish and shellfish,
much higher in older adults. Interestingly, vegetables and pulses contributed only 7% to total daily
protein intake and were especially low in the youngest age groups.
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 4 of 25
Table 1. Daily nutrient intake and distribution in the Spanish ANIBES study population (9–75 years old).
Nutrients Mean Median SD SEM P5 P10 P25 P50 P75 P90 P95 Min Max
Proteins (g) 74.5 71.8 22.4 0.5 43.9 48.2 59.2 71.8 87.0 103.9 112.3 28.2 352.5
Carbohydrates (g) 185.4 177.4 60.9 1.4 99.4 114.2 143.2 177.4 222.1 267.3 294.9 37.8 450.3
Sugar (g) 76.3 71.5 33.9 0.8 30.0 37.3 52.5 71.5 96.2 122.9 136.7 6.7 263.6
Lipids (g) 78.1 75.0 26.1 0.6 41.4 47.3 59.5 75.0 93.0 113.4 126.5 21.0 201.5
SFA (g) 24.0 22.6 9.5 0.2 11.0 12.9 17.3 22.6 29.4 36.2 40.9 5.1 86.6
MUFA (g) 33.7 32.7 11.3 0.3 18.2 20.4 25.3 32.7 40.1 48.5 53.6 8.8 96.7
PUFA (g) 13.4 12.3 6.1 0.1 5.7 6.7 9.0 12.3 16.6 21.2 24.5 2.6 50.6
n-6 (g) 11.1 10.1 5.5 0.1 4.1 5.1 7.0 10.1 14.0 18.4 21.1 1.4 45.1
n-3 (g) 1.3 0.9 11.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.9 2.4 0.2 520.7
Cholesterol (mg) 315 298 137 3 136 162 215 298 389 492 557 11 1.584
Fiber (g) 12.7 11.8 5.6 0.1 5.4 6.5 8.7 11.8 15.6 19.7 22.9 2.2 45.1
Alcohol (g) 5.4 0.0 10.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.8 17.3 26.2 0.0 110.8
Water (mL) 1626 1489 641 14 819 944 1173 1489 1960 2533 2842 368 5683
SD: standard deviation; SEM: standar error; P: Percentil; SFA: saturated fatty acids; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids; n-6: omega-6 fatty acids;
n-3: omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 5 of 25
Table 2. Total daily nutrient intake by sex and age group in the Spanish ANIBES study population aged 9–75 years.
Total Children 9–12 Years Adolescents 13–17 Years Adults 18–64 Years Elderly 65–75 Years
Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women
n2009 1013 996 213 126 87 211 137 74 1655 798 857 206 99 107
ENERGY (kcal) 1810
1660 *
1893 *
1823 *
1675 *
1476 *
PROTEINS (g) 74.5
68.5 *
73.3 *
70.6 *
69.0 *
62.4 *
170.7 *
206.1 *
170.3 *
153.3 *
SUGAR (g) 76.3
73.0 *
71.7 *
LIPIDS (g) 78.1
72.4 *
76.7 *
73.6 *
62.0 *
SFA (g) 24.0
22.1 *
25.2 *
22.5 *
17.9 *
MUFA (g) 33.7
31.3 *
31.2 *
31.8 *
28.3 *
PUFA (g) 13.4
12.5 *
13.4 *
12.7 *
10.3 *
n-6 (g) 11.1
10.1 *
11.5 *
10.3 *
8.3 *
n-3 (g) 1.3
1.0 *
0.9 *
Cholesterol (mg) 315
284 *
299 *
294 *
287 *
273 *
FIBRE (g) 12.7
12.2 *
12.1 *
13.6 *
ALCOHOL (g) 5.4
3.5 *
4.0 *
3.5 *
WATER (mL) 1626
1585 *
1236 *
1608 *
Results are expressed as the mean
the standard deviation (in brackets); * denotes statistical difference (p
005) by sex; SFA: saturated fatty acids; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty
acids; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids; n-6: omega-6 fatty acids; n-3: omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 6 of 25
Table 3. Dietary sources of nutrients (%) from food groups/subgroups in the Spanish ANIBES study population aged 9–75 years (n= 2009).
Total (Aged 9–75 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Grains 7.93 27.40 2.25 17.38 10.35 10.75 7.46 14.68 9.82 5.24 48.97 11.98 39.90 8.60 -
Grains and flours 1.22 4.47 0.17 2.61 0.44 0.30 0.24 1.07 0.71 0.17 8.75 0.25 3.40 - -
Bread 3.90 11.57 1.62 8.35 1.84 1.41 1.20 3.89 2.42 1.36 23.37 2.84 20.72 0.00 -
Breakfast cereals
and cereal bars 0.23 1.00 0.02 0.56 0.23 0.30 - - - - 1.83 1.29 1.57 - -
Pasta 0.98 3.56 0.12 3.09 0.50 0.24 0.17 1.33 0.88 0.41 6.43 0.91 6.21 0.09 -
Bakery and pastry 1.60 6.80 0.32 2.77 7.34 8.49 5.84 8.39 5.81 3.30 8.58 6.69 8.00 8.52 -
Vegetables 8.82 4.02 8.94 3.79 0.59 0.33 0.17 1.55 0.34 1.26 7.66 7.28 23.67 0.01 -
Fruits 7.16 4.75 5.97 1.90 1.86 1.06 1.59 3.13 1.44 1.13 8.21 16.78 17.18 - -
Oils and fats 1.29 12.29 0.05 0.03 32.19 21.39 42.37 33.02 19.48 7.58 0.01 0.02 - 2.45 -
Olive oil 0.91 9.22 0.00 - 24.41 15.01 36.96 18.46 9.84 4.14 - - - - -
Other oils 0.19 1.71 - - 4.41 2.03 3.06 11.49 6.59 0.13 - - - - -
Butter, margarine
and shortening 0.19 1.37 0.05 0.03 3.38 4.35 2.35 3.07 3.06 3.30 0.01 0.02 - 2.45 -
Milk and dairy
products 13.38 11.81 14.95 17.17 13.48 23.67 8.87 2.83 10.00 13.10 9.90 23.26 0.40 14.69 -
Milks 9.10 4.98 10.82 8.05 4.62 7.94 2.99 0.77 4.21 7.34 5.02 12.71 - 5.78 -
Cheeses 0.90 2.99 0.59 5.34 5.34 9.33 3.42 1.25 3.48 3.12 0.21 0.55 - 5.04 -
Yogurt and
fermented milk 2.37 2.37 2.54 2.86 1.77 3.45 1.22 0.36 1.69 2.01 3.09 6.82 0.30 1.41 -
Other dairy
products 1.01 1.47 0.99 0.92 1.76 2.96 1.23 0.45 0.62 0.63 1.58 3.17 0.10 2.46 -
Fish and shellfish 3.03 3.55 2.21 10.63 4.21 3.10 2.94 8.53 9.89 25.88 0.07 0.03 - 12.16 -
Meat and meat
products 7.79 15.16 6.26 33.14 22.52 25.74 22.50 20.33 38.70 38.29 0.30 0.58 - 35.97 -
Meat 5.54 9.25 4.54 21.83 12.74 14.60 12.79 11.29 21.94 25.71 0.00 0.02 - 24.20 -
Sausages and other
meat products 2.16 5.79 1.64 10.95 9.65 10.99 9.63 8.96 16.50 12.32 0.29 0.56 - 11.10 -
Viscera and spoils 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.35 0.13 0.15 0.08 0.07 0.26 0.26 0.01 - - 0.68 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 7 of 25
Table 3. Cont.
Total (Aged 9–75 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Eggs 1.53 2.20 1.37 4.68 3.76 3.92 3.09 3.83 2.11 1.70 0.00 0.01 - 20.81 -
Pulses 0.73 2.25 0.23 3.32 0.49 0.12 0.31 1.27 0.55 0.04 3.24 0.57 9.39 - -
Sugars and sweets 0.83 3.34 0.12 0.84 1.40 2.14 1.19 0.90 0.54 0.62 6.52 15.13 0.68 0.25 -
Sugar 0.32 1.37 0.01 0.00 - - - - - - 3.35 8.18 - - -
Chocolates 0.37 1.54 0.06 0.82 1.38 2.13 1.16 0.87 0.52 0.61 2.17 4.74 0.45 0.24 -
Jams and other 0.11 0.33 0.05 0.01 - - - - - - 0.78 1.77 0.19 - -
Other sweets 0.03 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.21 0.44 0.04 0.01 -
Appetizers 0.26 0.79 0.14 0.32 1.11 1.04 1.40 0.88 0.47 0.16 0.74 0.15 1.45 0.08 -
Ready-to-eat meals 3.66 4.21 3.62 4.60 4.48 4.83 4.15 4.41 3.83 3.23 4.28 1.30 4.50 2.77 -
Sauces and
condiments 0.70 1.57 0.64 0.50 3.16 1.70 3.79 3.84 2.83 1.75 0.36 0.70 2.12 1.96 -
beverage 38.40 3.95 47.71 1.18 0.34 0.18 0.17 0.75 - - 8.36 18.57 0.53 - -
Water 24.01 - 30.04 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coffee and infusions
4.27 0.19 5.46 0.46 0.00 - - - - - 0.35 0.94 - - -
Sugar soft drinks 4.78 2.03 5.74 - - - - - - - 4.62 10.01 - - -
Non-sweetened soft
drinks 1.79 0.02 2.28 0.00 0.05 - - - - - 0.02 0.08 - - -
Sports drinks 0.20 0.07 0.24 - - - - - - - 0.17 0.35 - - -
Energy drinks 0.06 0.04 0.07 - - - - - - - 0.08 0.16 - - -
Juices and nectars 2.59 1.34 3.05 0.31 0.01 - - - - - 2.91 6.55 0.49 - -
Other drinks 0.68 0.26 0.82 0.41 0.28 0.18 0.17 0.75 - - 0.22 0.49 0.05 - -
beverages 4.47 2.62 5.55 0.36 - - - - - - 1.34 3.60 - - 100.00
Low alcohol content
beverages 4.39 2.39 5.45u 0.36 - - - - - - 1.29 3.51 - - 93.45
High alcohol content
beverages 0.09 0.23 0.10 - - - - - - - 0.04 0.09 - - 6.55
Supplements and
meal replacement 0.01 0.09 - 0.17 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.06 - 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.13 0.03 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 8 of 25
Table 4. Dietary sources of nutrients (%) from food groups/subgroups in the Spanish ANIBES study population: children aged 9–12 years (n= 213).
Children (Aged 9–12 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Grains 9.78 29.57 2.65 18.26 12.30 13.29 9.14 16.13 10.54 5.86 48.99 14.82 46.88 10.45 -
Grains and flours 1.30 3.88 0.18 2.27 0.32 0.20 0.17 0.83 0.59 0.16 7.35 0.21 3.11 - -
Bread 4.39 10.99 1.90 8.01 1.93 1.35 1.48 4.04 2.40 1.48 20.50 2.20 20.78 - -
Breakfast cereals
and cereal bars 0.44 1.57 0.04 0.77 0.34 0.58 - - - - 2.82 2.36 2.64 - -
Pasta 1.22 3.96 0.13 3.60 0.51 0.20 0.18 1.49 0.85 0.49 6.85 0.73 7.54 0.09 -
Bakery and pastry 2.42 9.17 0.40 3.61 9.19 10.98 7.31 9.78 6.69 3.72 11.48 9.32 12.82 10.35 -
Vegetables 6.78 2.96 7.04 2.57 0.34 0.18 0.07 0.93 0.25 0.90 5.57 3.61 17.52 0.00 -
Fruits 5.32 2.89 4.54 1.22 1.06 0.56 0.99 2.02 0.94 0.74 4.78 9.80 13.03 - -
Oils and fats 1.31 10.35 0.05 0.02 26.67 15.72 35.80 31.04 17.68 6.89 0.01 0.02 - 2.22 -
Olive oil 0.86 7.09 - - 18.45 9.79 29.86 14.40 7.17 3.44 - - - - -
Other oils 0.24 1.99 - - 5.15 2.14 3.73 13.82 7.80 0.15 - - - - -
Butter, margarine
and shortening 0.21 1.27 0.05 0.02 3.07 3.79 2.21 2.82 2.71 3.31 0.01 0.02 - 2.22 -
Milk and dairy
products 20.66 15.41 23.84 20.77 17.64 28.76 12.06 3.68 11.96 15.63 12.89 29.87 0.52 19.30 -
Milks 13.66 6.71 16.76 10.25 7.20 11.30 4.82 1.28 5.51 9.38 5.74 13.86 - 8.61 -
Cheeses 0.84 2.53 0.53 4.62 4.57 7.38 3.11 1.13 2.57 2.68 0.12 0.32 - 4.48 -
Yogurt and
fermented milk 3.36 3.06 3.65 3.43 2.51 4.61 1.78 0.46 1.87 2.45 3.66 8.70 0.06 1.63 -
Other dairy
products 2.79 3.12 2.90 2.47 3.36 5.46 2.35 0.82 2.01 1.11 3.36 7.00 0.47 4.58 -
Fish and shellfish 2.38 2.13 1.92 7.24 2.22 1.43 1.58 4.68 6.92 20.09 0.02 0.01 - 8.19 -
Meat and meat
products 8.57 14.90 7.09 32.50 22.96 24.28 24.21 21.56 39.81 41.01 0.39 0.67 - 34.24 -
Meat 5.67 7.98 4.83 19.79 11.16 11.92 11.83 9.98 18.96 24.61 0.01 0.02 - 21.42 -
Sausages and other
meat products 2.89 6.89 2.25 12.65 11.77 12.34 12.36 11.57 20.77 16.40 0.38 0.65 - 12.67 -
Viscera and spoils 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.00 - - 0.15 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 9 of 25
Table 4. Cont.
Children (Aged 9–12 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Eggs 1.55 1.90 1.42 4.13 3.21 2.88 2.78 3.45 1.76 1.57 0.00 0.00 - 19.76 -
Pulses 0.72 1.97 0.21 3.02 0.40 0.09 0.26 1.17 0.42 0.02 2.64 0.32 9.02 - -
Sugars and sweets 1.41 5.07 0.25 2.20 3.60 4.57 3.29 3.18 1.85 2.08 7.79 17.18 1.02 0.48 -
Sugar 0.14 0.52 0.00 0.00 - - - - - - 1.19 2.57 - - -
Chocolates 1.10 4.15 0.18 2.17 3.58 4.55 3.27 3.18 1.85 2.08 5.76 12.73 0.91 0.48 -
Jams and other 0.08 0.18 0.03 0.00 - - - - - - 0.41 0.95 0.10 - -
Other sweets 0.09 0.22 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 - - 0.44 0.93 0.01 - -
Appetizers 0.29 1.08 0.06 0.56 1.32 1.28 1.53 1.35 0.40 0.09 1.06 0.12 2.05 0.09 -
Ready-to-eat meals 4.79 5.53 4.73 6.32 5.80 5.75 5.42 6.44 4.67 3.76 5.22 1.32 6.27 4.05 -
Sauces and
condiments 0.94 1.36 0.96 0.61 2.44 1.21 2.86 4.32 2.80 1.36 0.48 0.82 2.86 1.22 -
beverage 35.49 4.87 45.23 0.57 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.06 - - 10.16 21.44 0.82 - -
Water 22.92 - 29.93 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coffee and infusions
0.26 0.00 0.35 0.02 - - - - - - 0.01 0.02 - - -
Sugar soft drinks 4.83 1.86 5.89 - - - - - - - 4.09 8.52 - - -
Non-sweetened soft
drinks 0.95 0.01 1.25 0.00 0.01 - - - - - 0.00 0.01 - - -
Sports drinks 0.46 0.15 0.57 - - - - - - - 0.30 0.63 - - -
Energy drinks 0.02 0.00 0.03 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Juices and nectars 5.99 2.83 7.13 0.51 0.01 - - - - - 5.76 12.24 0.82 - -
Other drinks 0.06 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.06 - - 0.00 0.01 - - -
beverages 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 100.00
Low alcohol content
beverages - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
High alcohol content
beverages 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 - - 100.00
Supplements and
meal replacement 0.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 10 of 25
Table 5. Dietary sources of nutrients (%) from food groups/subgroups in the Spanish ANIBES study population: adolescents aged 13–17 years (n= 211).
Adolescents (Aged 13–17 Years)
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Grains 10.82 30.69 3.01 19.07 12.73 13.08 9.31 17.81 10.80 5.94 50.80 14.96 48.84 10.86 -
Grains and flours 1.53 4.61 0.19 2.69 0.39 0.25 0.22 0.93 0.68 0.19 8.57 0.23 3.21 - -
Bread 4.82 11.35 2.12 8.32 1.98 1.43 1.50 4.07 2.34 1.41 21.37 2.59 22.78 - -
Breakfast cereals and
cereal bars 0.57 1.94 0.05 0.84 0.47 0.78 - - - - 3.47 3.13 3.04 - -
Pasta 1.52 4.47 0.19 3.92 0.63 0.26 0.22 1.72 1.02 0.55 7.74 1.17 8.82 0.08 -
Bakery and pastry 2.37 8.32 0.46 3.30 9.26 10.36 7.37 11.08 6.77 3.79 9.65 7.84 10.98 10.77 -
Vegetables 6.82 2.95 7.18 2.61 0.44 0.27 0.19 1.08 0.23 0.91 5.38 3.79 18.31 0.01 -
Fruits 4.25 2.32 3.68 1.02 0.86 0.51 0.81 1.51 0.70 0.68 3.73 7.99 10.11 - -
Oils and fats 1.32 9.75 0.05 0.02 25.39 15.68 33.67 28.80 17.07 6.72 0.01 0.02 - 2.13 -
Olive oil 0.85 6.62 0.00 - 17.43 9.76 27.92 13.42 7.06 3.31 - - - - -
Other oils 0.26 1.91 - - 4.92 2.12 3.54 12.96 7.33 0.15 - - - - -
Butter, margarine and
shortening 0.21 1.22 0.05 0.02 3.04 3.80 2.21 2.42 2.68 3.26 0.01 0.02 - 2.13 -
Milk and dairy products 17.62 12.60 20.68 17.93 15.13 25.09 10.39 3.07 10.55 14.69 9.73 24.03 0.66 16.57 -
Milks 12.37 5.78 15.41 8.91 6.22 9.88 4.30 1.07 5.25 9.05 4.98 13.20 - 7.43 -
Cheeses 1.00 2.87 0.63 5.26 5.21 8.77 3.45 1.21 3.16 3.63 0.13 0.40 - 5.04 -
Yogurt and fermented
milk 2.30 2.00 2.54 2.23 1.60 2.97 1.14 0.27 1.05 1.39 2.47 5.78 0.26 1.20 -
Other dairy products 1.94 1.94 2.10 1.53 2.11 3.46 1.50 0.52 1.08 0.61 2.15 4.64 0.40 2.91 -
Fish and shellfish 2.29 2.09 1.84 6.33 2.59 1.82 1.98 5.12 6.08 17.68 0.02 0.03 - 7.21 -
Meat and meat products 9.49 15.95 7.98 34.62 24.43 26.30 25.30 22.74 41.27 43.00 0.36 0.69 - 36.07 -
Meat 6.54 9.05 5.69 22.06 12.56 13.54 13.07 11.41 20.97 27.23 0.01 0.03 - 23.17 -
Sausages and other meat
products 2.93 6.88 2.26 12.47 11.86 12.74 12.22 11.33 20.22 15.72 0.35 0.66 - 12.75 -
Viscera and spoils 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.05 - - - 0.14 -
Eggs 1.85 2.06 1.86 4.50 3.46 3.26 3.08 3.52 1.82 1.74 0.00 0.02 - 20.16 -
Pulses 0.73 1.95 0.18 2.90 0.42 0.11 0.26 1.07 0.38 0.03 2.77 0.55 8.80 - -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 11 of 25
Table 5. Cont.
Adolescents (Aged 13–17 Years)
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Sugars and sweets 1.26 4.36 0.19 1.85 3.03 4.03 2.77 2.41 1.36 1.60 6.82 16.33 0.87 0.31 -
Sugar 0.22 0.70 0.01 0.00 - - - - - - 1.61 3.85 - - -
Chocolates 0.92 3.32 0.15 1.80 2.99 4.01 2.71 2.34 1.35 1.59 4.53 10.85 0.69 0.30 -
Jams and other 0.06 0.14 0.03 0.00 - - - - - - 0.31 0.85 0.08 - -
Other sweets 0.07 0.20 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.37 0.78 0.09 0.01 -
Appetizers 0.33 0.99 0.09 0.47 1.17 1.27 1.38 0.95 0.43 0.11 1.06 0.12 1.29 - -
Ready-to-eat meals 5.55 6.51 5.27 7.46 6.87 6.90 6.63 7.17 6.09 4.68 6.21 1.69 7.43 4.42 -
Sauces and condiments 1.02 1.64 1.06 0.57 3.33 1.64 4.12 4.53 3.22 2.23 0.46 1.00 2.75 2.11 -
Non-alcoholic beverage 36.55 6.08 46.81 0.61 0.15 0.06 0.10 0.24 - - 12.60 28.73 0.91 - -
Water 19.98 - 26.18 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coffee and infusions 0.71 0.02 0.98 0.05 0.00 - - - - - 0.04 0.14 - - -
Sugar soft drinks 8.78 3.37 10.87 - - - - - - - 7.27 16.41 - - -
Non-sweetened soft
drinks 1.19 0.01 1.63 0.00 0.02 - - - - - 0.01 0.03 - - -
Sports drinks 0.11 0.03 0.13 - - - - - - - 0.10 0.17 - - -
Energy drinks 0.17 0.09 0.20 - - - - - - - 0.16 0.37 - - -
Juices and nectars 5.38 2.46 6.51 0.42 0.02 - - - - - 4.96 11.46 0.85 - -
Other drinks 0.24 0.10 0.30 0.13 0.11 0.06 0.10 0.24 - - 0.07 0.14 0.06 - -
Alcoholic beverages 0.10 0.04 0.13 0.01 - - - - - - 0.02 0.05 - - 100.00
Low alcohol content
beverage 0.10 0.04 0.13 0.01 - - - - - - 0.02 0.05 - - 100.00
High alcohol content
beverage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Supplements and meal
replacement 0.01 0.02 - 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.01 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 12 of 25
Table 6. Dietary sources of nutrients (%) from food groups/subgroups in the Spanish ANIBES study population: adults aged 18–64 years (n= 1655).
Adults (Aged 18–64 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Grains 7.79 27.27 2.22 17.35 10.21 10.56 7.34 14.53 9.72 5.24 49.10 11.92 40.00 8.36 -
Grains and flours 1.21 4.51 0.18 2.64 0.44 0.31 0.24 1.07 0.71 0.18 8.88 0.27 3.46 - -
Bread 3.85 11.57 1.59 8.35 1.85 1.42 1.21 3.87 2.42 1.35 23.47 2.93 21.02 0.00 -
Breakfast cereals
and cereal bars 0.21 0.96 0.02 0.55 0.22 0.25 - - - - 1.75 1.20 1.53 - -
Pasta 0.98 3.60 0.13 3.12 0.52 0.26 0.19 1.32 0.87 0.42 6.55 0.94 6.28 0.11 -
Bakery and pastry 1.54 6.63 0.31 2.70 7.17 8.31 5.70 8.26 5.73 3.29 8.46 6.58 7.71 8.25 -
Vegetables 8.91 4.08 9.01 3.86 0.60 0.33 0.18 1.54 0.35 1.28 7.82 7.60 24.17 0.01 -
Fruits 6.74 4.60 5.59 1.88 1.93 1.09 1.67 3.24 1.51 1.16 7.83 16.18 16.60 - -
Oils and fats 1.28 12.25 0.04 0.03 32.01 21.30 42.03 32.96 19.44 7.51 0.01 0.02 - 2.47 -
Olive oil 0.90 9.12 0.00 - 24.12 14.84 36.57 18.06 9.59 4.06 - - - - -
Other oils 0.20 1.78 - - 4.57 2.13 3.17 11.88 6.81 0.14 - - - - -
Butter, margarine
and shortening 0.18 1.35 0.04 0.03 3.32 4.33 2.30 3.02 3.04 3.31 0.01 0.02 - 2.47 -
Milk and dairy
products 12.68 11.57 14.04 16.85 13.35 23.51 8.80 2.80 9.85 12.99 9.62 22.77 0.39 14.54 -
Milks 8.57 4.74 10.15 7.71 4.34 7.50 2.82 0.72 3.96 7.15 4.88 12.52 - 5.44 -
Cheeses 0.93 3.12 0.61 5.55 5.57 9.77 3.57 1.29 3.66 3.24 0.22 0.58 - 5.29 -
Yogurt and
fermented milk 2.23 2.26 2.38 2.74 1.67 3.26 1.16 0.34 1.65 1.94 2.97 6.60 0.32 1.33 -
Other dairy
products 0.94 1.45 0.90 0.86 1.77 2.98 1.25 0.45 0.59 0.67 1.54 3.06 0.07 2.48 -
Fish and shellfish 3.00 3.58 2.17 10.61 4.30 3.14 3.06 8.72 9.90 25.92 0.08 0.02 - 12.09 -
Meat and meat
products 7.82 15.34 6.28 33.51 22.62 25.96 22.61 20.33 38.92 38.37 0.30 0.59 - 36.39 -
Meat 5.60 9.42 4.58 22.17 12.88 14.78 12.93 11.38 22.16 25.77 0.01 0.02 - 24.58 -
Sausages and other
meat products 2.14 5.80 1.62 10.97 9.60 11.03 9.59 8.87 16.50 12.32 0.29 0.58 - 11.10 -
Viscera and spoils 0.09 0.12 0.09 0.36 0.13 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.27 0.28 0.01 - - 0.71 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 13 of 25
Table 6. Cont.
Adults (Aged 18–64 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Eggs 1.50 2.19 1.34 4.65 3.73 3.92 3.07 3.73 2.08 1.70 0.00 0.01 - 20.65 -
Pulses 0.72 2.22 0.24 3.28 0.49 0.12 0.30 1.26 0.53 0.04 3.20 0.59 9.28 - -
Sugars and sweets 0.80 3.28 0.11 0.77 1.27 2.03 1.06 0.76 0.45 0.54 6.55 15.34 0.67 0.23 -
Sugar 0.34 1.48 0.01 0.00 - - - - - - 3.63 8.95 - - -
Chocolates 0.32 1.39 0.05 0.74 1.25 2.02 1.02 0.71 0.43 0.54 1.98 4.28 0.44 0.22 -
Jams and other 0.11 0.31 0.05 0.01 - - - - - - 0.74 1.70 0.18 - -
Other sweets 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.20 0.41 0.05 0.01 -
Appetizers 0.27 0.81 0.14 0.32 1.16 1.07 1.47 0.90 0.49 0.17 0.76 0.15 1.53 0.08 -
Ready-to-eat meals 3.46 4.22 3.36 4.53 4.48 4.88 4.16 4.25 3.77 3.13 4.38 1.32 4.50 2.76 -
Sauces and
condiments 0.71 1.67 0.63 0.50 3.38 1.82 4.03 4.01 3.01 1.91 0.36 0.72 2.18 2.11 -
beverage 39.32 3.93 48.67 1.26 0.40 0.21 0.20 0.90 - - 8.37 18.62 0.49 - -
Water 24.48 - 30.46 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coffee and infusions
4.63 0.20 5.91 0.48 0.00 - - - - - 0.37 1.01 - - -
Sugar soft drinks 4.78 2.06 5.70 - - - - - - - 4.72 10.22 - - -
Non-sweetened soft
drinks 2.03 0.03 2.58 0.01 0.06 - - - - - 0.02 0.09 - - -
Sports drinks 0.24 0.09 0.28 - - - - - - - 0.20 0.42 - - -
Energy drinks 0.06 0.04 0.06 - - - - - - - 0.08 0.16 - - -
Juices and nectars 2.36 1.23 2.76 0.30 0.01 - - - - - 2.73 6.17 0.45 - -
Other drinks 0.75 0.30 0.91 0.48 0.33 0.21 0.20 0.90 - - 0.25 0.56 0.04 - -
beverages 4.99 2.89 6.17 0.42 - - - - - - 1.54 4.10 - - 100.00
Low alcohol content
beverages 4.90 2.63 6.06 0.42 - - - - - - 1.49 3.99 - - 92.95
High alcohol content
beverages 0.10 0.26 0.11 - - - - - - - 0.05 0.11 - - 7.05
Supplements and
meal replacement 0.02 0.10 - 0.19 0.07 0.05 0.01 0.07 - 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.14 0.04 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 14 of 25
Table 7. Dietary sources of nutrients (%) from food groups/subgroups in the Spanish ANIBES study population: seniors aged 65–75 years (n= 206).
SENIORS (Aged 65–75 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Grains 6.74 25.59 1.95 16.38 9.24 9.56 6.46 13.69 9.84 4.60 46.89 10.13 31.39 8.23 -
Grains and flours 1.00 3.97 0.13 2.31 0.43 0.31 0.24 1.12 0.76 0.13 7.66 0.19 2.81 - -
Bread 3.67 12.15 1.50 8.87 1.69 1.35 0.87 3.93 2.59 1.27 25.17 2.69 17.32 - -
Breakfast cereals
and cereal bars 0.14 0.75 0.01 0.47 0.14 0.11 - - - - 1.45 0.67 0.86 - -
Pasta 0.57 2.43 0.05 2.08 0.32 0.15 0.08 1.01 0.77 0.26 4.47 0.56 3.70 - -
Bakery and pastry 1.36 6.29 0.26 2.65 6.67 7.64 5.27 7.63 5.73 2.93 8.14 6.02 6.70 8.23 -
Vegetables 10.49 4.86 10.64 4.78 0.72 0.45 0.11 2.16 0.45 1.62 8.89 8.38 25.48 0.01 -
Fruits 13.13 8.53 11.11 3.18 2.90 1.69 2.04 5.18 2.56 1.97 15.32 29.45 28.17 - -
Oils and fats 1.41 14.86 0.06 0.04 39.91 28.31 53.12 35.90 21.12 9.26 0.01 0.03 - 2.86 -
Olive oil 1.10 12.24 - - 33.22 21.64 48.40 25.99 13.93 5.43 - - - - -
Other oils 0.08 0.77 - - 2.09 1.04 1.44 5.45 3.23 0.06 - - - - -
Butter, margarine
and shortening 0.23 1.84 0.06 0.04 4.60 5.64 3.28 4.46 3.96 3.77 0.01 0.03 - 2.86 -
Milk and dairy
products 13.55 11.86 15.19 17.76 12.25 22.55 7.57 2.64 10.72 12.56 11.02 23.97 0.27 13.48 -
Milks 9.50 5.72 11.13 9.44 4.95 9.01 3.01 0.85 5.16 7.27 5.94 13.86 - 6.53 -
Cheeses 0.67 2.25 0.46 4.00 4.04 7.17 2.42 1.02 2.95 2.13 0.20 0.47 - 3.28 -
Yogurt and
fermented milk 2.92 3.07 3.16 3.77 2.40 4.72 1.62 0.55 2.35 2.86 3.86 7.71 0.26 2.18 -
Other dairy
products 0.47 0.82 0.44 0.55 0.87 1.65 0.52 0.22 0.26 0.31 1.02 1.93 0.02 1.49 -
Fish and shellfish 4.02 4.57 2.93 14.32 5.14 4.12 3.23 10.24 12.34 31.36 0.05 0.05 - 17.13 -
Meat and meat
products 6.18 12.83 4.85 28.81 19.44 23.12 18.44 17.93 35.34 33.65 0.16 0.30 - 31.47 -
Meat 4.47 8.30 3.54 19.24 12.01 14.38 11.49 11.00 21.94 24.58 0.00 0.01 - 21.92 -
Sausages and other
meat products 1.55 4.35 1.15 9.02 7.25 8.49 6.81 6.84 13.04 8.82 0.16 0.29 - 8.59 -
Viscera and spoils 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.54 0.18 0.25 0.13 0.09 0.36 0.25 0.01 - - 0.96 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 15 of 25
Table 7. Cont.
SENIORS (Aged 65–75 Years)
Total Intake
(Weight) Energy Water Proteins Lipids SFA MUFA PUFA n-6 n-3 Carbohydrates Sugar Fiber Cholesterol Alcohol
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Eggs 1.74 2.69 1.53 5.75 4.70 5.05 3.65 5.26 2.89 2.04 0.00 0.02 - 24.81 -
Pulses 0.82 2.81 0.20 4.21 0.59 0.12 0.36 1.43 0.72 0.03 4.16 0.63 10.64 - -
Sugars and sweets 0.64 2.64 0.13 0.27 0.44 0.81 0.32 0.15 0.08 0.07 5.85 12.97 0.62 0.10 -
Sugar 0.29 1.37 0.01 0.01 - - - - - - 3.25 7.51 - - -
Chocolates 0.11 0.49 0.02 0.24 0.44 0.81 0.32 0.15 0.08 0.07 0.72 1.60 0.19 0.10 -
Jams and other 0.23 0.76 0.10 0.02 - - - - - - 1.83 3.76 0.43 - -
Other sweets 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - 0.05 0.09 - - -
Appetizers 0.15 0.32 0.13 0.10 0.60 0.51 0.77 0.46 0.33 0.13 0.19 0.08 0.63 0.08 -
Ready-to-eat meals 3.09 1.79 3.57 1.96 2.00 2.34 1.71 2.21 2.13 2.20 1.74 0.73 1.41 0.74 -
Sauces and
condiments 0.35 0.84 0.31 0.38 1.69 1.13 2.04 1.96 1.49 0.50 0.18 0.21 0.91 0.88 -
beverage 32.51 2.19 40.77 1.51 0.34 0.20 0.18 0.79 - - 4.35 9.64 0.37 - -
Water 22.11 - 27.78 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coffee and infusions
5.68 0.29 7.28 0.74 0.02 - - - - - 0.51 1.20 - - -
Sugar soft drinks 1.38 0.66 1.64 - - - - - - - 1.56 3.37 - - -
Non-sweetened soft
drinks 0.72 0.01 0.95 0.00 0.02 - - - - - 0.01 0.02 - - -
Sports drinks 0.06 0.02 0.07 - - - - - - - 0.05 0.13 - - -
Energy drinks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Juices and nectars 1.58 0.91 1.83 0.24 0.01 - - - - - 1.99 4.38 0.28 - -
Other drinks 0.99 0.30 1.23 0.53 0.30 0.20 0.18 0.79 - - 0.24 0.54 0.08 - -
beverages 5.17 3.54 6.62 0.28 - - - - - - 1.15 3.40 - - 100.00
Low alcohol content
beverages 5.05 3.28 6.48 0.28 - - - - - - 1.11 3.28 - - 95.45
High alcohol content
beverages 0.11 0.26 0.15 - - - - - - - 0.04 0.12 - - 4.55
Supplements and
meal replacement 0.02 0.09 - 0.29 0.02 0.03 - - - - 0.03 0.01 0.11 0.06 -
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 16 of 25
Nutrients 2016,8,17717of26
Figure 1. Cont.
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 17 of 25
Nutrients 2016,8,17718of26
Figure 1.
Nutrient intake (%) by food group in the Spanish ANIBES population aged 9–75 years. Food
groups that contribute <1% of the diet to the nutrient are not shown. SFA: saturated fatty acids; MUFA:
monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Carbohydrate intake in the Spanish diet was mainly from grains, with bread as the main
contributor (Figure 1). Within this group, baked goods and pastries ranked next, and this category
was higher for children than for adults and older adults. Grains were followed to a much lesser
extent by milk and dairy products, nonalcoholic beverages, fruits, vegetables, sugars and sweets and
with much lower contributions from ready-to-eat meals, pulses, alcoholic beverages and appetizers
(together accounting for 10% of the total). Older adults had a better variety of carbohydrate sources
compared to children and adolescents, mainly owing to a higher intake of fruits, vegetables and
pulses. Contrarily, the youngest groups showed a much higher contribution from sugars and sweets
and nonalcoholic beverages. Considering sugar intake by food group, milk and dairy products were
the main contributors, followed by fruits, sugars and sweets, grains and much lower contributions
from vegetables and alcoholic beverages; minor contributors were ready-to-eat meals, sauces and
condiments, meat and meat products and pulses, with roughly 1% each. Dietary fiber in the current
Spanish diet was found in descending order to be mainly from grains, vegetables, fruits and pulses.
Contributions of food groups and subgroups to the total lipid intake are also shown in Figure 1.
Oils and fats represented the main source, especially from olive oil (see Table 3). Meats and meat
products ranked second, with contributions mainly from meat, but almost equally as much from
sausages and other meat products. The next food group contributor was milk and milk products, with
cheeses as the main subgroup. Grains, mainly baked goods and pastries, were the fourth contributor
to lipid intake, whereas the remaining groups only contributed from 1% to 5%. Differences were found
according to age group: olive oil intake was much higher among older adults (33.2%) than among
children or adolescents (roughly 18%); fish and shellfish intake also increased with increasing age.
Ready-to-eat meal consumption was, however, higher among the youngest groups. Finally, intake of
sausages and other meat products was higher in younger groups, whereas children and adolescents
accounted for the lowest consumption of meats.
An even more important issue was understanding how the different food and beverage groups
and subgroups were contributing to the quality of dietary fat, namely, SFA, MUFA and PUFA, including
n-6 and n-3 fatty acids (Figure 1).
SFA were obtained primarily (>70%) and almost equally from meat and meat products, milk
and dairy products and oils and fats. In younger age groups, the greatest contribution came from the
sausage and meat derivatives subgroup, followed by bakery and pastry. In adults and older adults,
olive oil and meat ranked as the primary contributors.
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 18 of 25
As for MUFA intake, oils and fats were the greatest contributor, of which olive oil accounted
for 36.9%. However, large differences were observed across the different age groups, with olive
oil contributing roughly 30% among children and adolescents, but nearly 50% in the older adult
population. Other major contributors were sausages and meat derivatives in children and adolescents
(contributing to a much lesser extent in the adult groups). As for total PUFA, oils and fats were also
the main contributors, followed by meat and meat products and grains, whereas fish and shellfish
accounted for 8.5% (25.9% of the total n-3 fatty acid intake). Olive oil was the highest individual
contributor, from 25.9% for older adults to a much lower intake for children and adolescents (<15%).
Differences were also seen according to age for meat and meat products (higher contributions from
sausages and meat derivatives in the youngest groups) and for fish and shellfish (10.2% in older adults
vs. 4.7% in children). Interestingly, meat ranked first in the older groups for n-6 fatty acid intake,
whereas in the youngest groups, sausages and other meat products ranked first. Fish and shellfish
were the main contributors to n-3 fatty acid intake only in older adults and adults and ranked second
to meat among both children and adolescents.
4. Discussion
Assessing macronutrients’ distribution for the whole Spanish population, but also by sex and
age, is important for health policy makers. Moreover, the detailed information on dietary sources for
macronutrients is critical to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of diet quality. Despite
that secular trends in energy intake remaining stable or even decreasing in many European countries,
including Spain, the partitioning of the macronutrient distribution is worsening and somewhat
moving away from the recommendations and traditional Mediterranean dietary pattern, as shown in
the present ANIBES study. Although the negative changes affect all age groups and either males or
females, those are less pronounced as age increase.
In the ANIBES study, overall protein intake was well above the upper recommended limit (15%
Energy (E)) [
]. The dietary reference intake for total protein is about 0.8 g/kg body weight for
adults, representing roughly 12% of energy intake [
]. The Spanish National Survey of Dietary
Intake, the Encuesta Nacional de Ingesta Dietética España (ENIDE) study or trends observed in the
Spain Food Consumption Survey (FCS) results were also equivalent [
]. Protein intake, regardless
of sex or age group, was higher when compared to the updated dietary reference intakes for the
Spanish population [
] (e.g., 54 g/day in adults and older adult men; 41 g/day in adults and older
adult women) or those previously published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2012
and revised in 2015 [
]. In fact, only 10% of the ANIBES population (P10) would be within the
recommended range for dietary protein intake. However, if we refer to the acceptable range proposed
by the Institute of Medicine [
] for protein intake (10%–35% E), our results would be within the limits.
The importance of accurately defining the amount and quality of protein required to meet
nutritional needs is well recognized at present, but describing how protein should be distributed (total
and in terms of quality and sustainability) in food ingredients, whole foods or mixed diets is, as well.
EFSA has recently (2015) launched an updated Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values
(DRV) for protein, which includes typical intakes of protein for children and adolescents from
20 countries in Europe and from 24 countries in the case of the adults [
]. Differences in methodology
and age classification make comparisons difficult. However, an overview shows that average protein
intake ranges in children from 29 to 63 g/day, increasing to 61–116 g/day in adolescents, being higher
in males in both age groups. In adults, average protein ranges from 67 to 114 g/day in men and from
59 to 102 g/day in women. Our findings from the ANIBES study show a mean intake of 74 g/day, also
much higher in males and increasing with age, except for the elderly [24].
Data from food consumption surveys show that the actual mean protein intakes of adults in
Europe are at, or more often above, the population reference intake (PRI) of 0.83 g/kg body weight
per day [
]. In Europe, adult protein intakes at the upper end (90th–97.5th percentile) of the intake
distributions have been reported to be between 17% E and 27% E. It is widely accepted that an excess
of protein may counteract an adequate energy profile and a healthy dietary pattern. However, when
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 19 of 25
consideration has been made to derive an upper level for protein, insufficient available evidence has
been reported. The Institute of Medicine, in fact, reported very high protein intakes (up to 35% E)
without negative effects [
]. The latter meaning that approximately an intake of twice the reference
intakes should be considered safe in adults. This, however, must not be considered as adequate to
achieve a healthy diet. In our Spanish ANIBES population, the protein intake distribution shows
an inadequate high amount consumed, except for the elderly women. It should be necessary to keep
in mind that when intakes are usually higher than 45% E, acute adverse outcomes may be expected.
The potential problem in association with long-term excess of protein would be, among others,
how to maintain the nutrient density. On the other hand, it has been also postulated that a high increase
in protein intake may favor a decrease in body weight and adiposity. However, these observations
need to be well proven, since the mentioned effects may be also due to the concomitant modification
of carbohydrate and/or fat intakes [
]. Most of the literature, however, has concluded that there is
strong and consistent evidence that when energy intake is controlled, the macronutrient proportion
of the diet is not directly related to weight loss [
]. Other potential adverse effects due to high
protein intake are in relation to insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, with somewhat contradictory
results [
]. The dual effect for protein intake may be seen also for its association with calcium
and bone health: it is widely accepted that protein deficiency may increase the risk of bone fragility
and fracture [
], whereas an increase in protein intake could also be associated with higher urinary
calcium excretion [
]. Finally, and more importantly, intervention studies in humans have not shown
remarkable effects of high protein intake on markers of bone health [35,36].
Although animal sources of proteins, including meat, poultry, seafood, milk and eggs, are the
highest quality proteins, plant proteins may be also an excellent and complimentary source of proteins,
mainly when mixed diets include combinations, such as legumes and grains, as is widely recommended.
As collected by EFSA [
], in most European countries, the main contributor to the dietary protein
intake is meat and meat products, followed by grains and grain-based products and milk and dairy
products, contributing all together to about 75% of the protein intake. At that point (2011), meat and
meat products represented a 32% contribution to dietary protein in Spain, much lower when compared
to countries, such as Ireland, Poland or France. The trend seems to be stable in our country, since
our ANIBES data show a similar percentage contribution. A marked and rapid increase for this food
group has been shown in Spain in the last few decades [
], zooming out from the traditional
Mediterranean diet where meat consumption used to be scarce. No significant changes in the last few
years are observed in Spain for grains and grain-based products (by the way, the lowest contribution
within Europe), whereas a decreasing trend in milk and dairy products and in fish and shellfish is
clearly observed in recent years.
In the ENIDE study in Spain [
], most protein intake was also of animal origin (80%) and
mainly from meats (31%), although fish (27%) was also a major contributor and much higher than
its contribution in the present ANIBES study. It should be taken into consideration, however, that
a sharp decline in fish consumption has taken place in recent years in Spain, which may compromise
nutritional goals, especially among younger populations [
]. As mentioned, the FCS also showed
a high protein intake (twice the PRIs) for the adult Spanish population in the last few years, mainly
from meat and meat products (29.9%), followed by milk and milk products (16.6%), grains (16.5%)
and fish and shellfish (11.3%) [
]. In conclusion, more efforts are needed to lower the excessive and
nutritionally unnecessary amount of protein consumed by the Spanish population at present, but also
to redistribute the animal/plant protein ratio.
Total fat intake should be higher than 15% E to provide the intake of the essential fatty acids
and energy and to be able to facilitate the absorption of lipid-soluble vitamins. In general, with
moderate physical activity, a 30% E from fat intake is recommended, and up to 35% in the case of
a high physical activity level [
]. We show, however, that total fat intake in Spain is well above
these recommendations and upper limits in some of the most sedentary societies, such as the Spanish
society, nowadays. Interestingly, there is evidence that moderate fat intake (<35% E) is accompanied
by reduced or adequate energy intake, and therefore, body weight control, moderate weight reduction
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 20 of 25
and/or prevention of weight gain may be better achieved. However, EFSA has concluded that there is
insufficient scientific evidence to define a lower threshold intake or tolerable upper intake level for
total fat [
]. Presently, at the European level, but also from the World Health Organization (WHO)
and Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), a lower boundary for the reference intake range of 20% E
and an upper boundary of 35% E have been proposed [
]. In addition, it is well known that two main
processes contribute to the development of ischemic heart disease: atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
The type of dietary fat may contribute to both. Since some fatty acids have a greater role, consequently,
the evaluation of updated dietary sources of fat may be a helpful tool to advise healthy dietary patterns
to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Fats and oils are also important sources of essential fatty acids and
some bioactive compounds of nutritional interest (e.g., polyphenols from olive oil). However, high-fat
diets may decrease or impair insulin sensitivity and may be also positively associated with increased
higher cardiovascular risk [39,40].
It is also important to understand how the different food and beverage groups and subgroups
contribute to the quality of dietary fat, namely SFA, MUFA and PUFA, including n-6 and n-3 fatty acids,
since dietary fat quality is markedly related to the etiology and/or prevention of different chronic
degenerative diseases.
The intake of SFA has been generally recognized to be deleterious and therefore its determination
is included in most of the diet quality indexes [
]. In contrast, higher consumption of MUFA and
PUFA has been reported to be associated with reduced CVD risk. The minimum recommended level
of total PUFA consumption to lower LDL-C and total cholesterol, increasing HDL-C concentrations
in order to decrease the risk of CHD events, is 6% E. Our present data show that this level is easily
achieved by the Spanish population as a whole. In contrast, higher risk of lipid peroxidation may
occur with high (>11% E) PUFA consumption, although this does not seem to represent a risk in our
population findings [25].
For infants in Europe, average intakes of SFA are usually higher than the recommended upper
limit [
]. In adults, average SFA intakes according to the last available European Nutrition Health
Report [
] vary between less than 9% E and 26% E, with the lowest values mostly observed in southern
European countries. The SFA intake in the ANIBES study was also above the recommendations for
all age groups and both sexes, a negative trend that is being observed in the last two decades [
However, no dietary reference intakes have been set at present, nor upper levels [37,38]. Even so, the
WHO/FAO have recommended a maximum intake of 10% E for SFA [
], which also agrees with
the Spanish Federation of Food, Nutrition and Dietetic Societies (FESNAD) Consensus Document
on Dietary Fats and Oils for the Adult Spanish Population [
]. There is also evidence from dietary
intervention studies that decreasing the intake of products rich in SFA and being replaced with
products rich in n-6 PUFA (with no change in total fat intake) were effective in decreasing some
cardiovascular events [
]. In the ANIBES study, >70% of SFA were obtained almost equally from
meat and meat products, milk and dairy products and oils and fats. In children and adolescents, the
highest contribution corresponded to the sausage and meat derivatives subgroup, followed by bakery
and pastry; in adults and older adults, however, olive oil and meat ranked as the primary individual
contributors. These trends, again, add difficulties at present to following the Mediterranean dietary
patterns for the Spanish population, which is mainly of concern in the youngest.
Available combined data for MUFA intakes in Europe range between 8% E and 11% E in infants
and mostly between 10% E and 13% E in children and adolescents [
]. In adults, the highest mean
intake has been found in Greece (22%–23% E); in other European countries, average intakes vary
between 11% E and 18% E. As for MUFA intake in the present ANIBES results, oils and fats were
the major contributors, of which olive oil accounted for a high proportion. Undoubtedly, the latter
is still one of the main strengths of the present Spanish diet, and all efforts are made to convince all
age groups about its benefits for a better adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Despite this, large
differences were observed across the different age groups, with olive oil contributing roughly 30% in
children and adolescents, but nearly 50% in the older adult population. In our ANIBES population,
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 21 of 25
MUFA intake was slightly higher in the older adult group and lower among children and adolescents,
once again showing a better adherence to the principles of the traditional Mediterranean diet in
the adult and senior populations. The most recent 2011 goals developed by the Spanish Society of
Community Nutrition (SENC) [21] recommend that MUFA should contribute >20% E of total energy,
whereas the FAO/WHO have recommended a MUFA intake of about 16%–19% E [
]. In contrast,
an EFSA panel [
] proposed in 2010, however, not setting any dietary reference value for MUFA
based on the following criteria: MUFA are synthesized by the body, with no known specific role in
preventing or promoting diet-related diseases and are therefore not indispensable constituents of the
diet. This assumption by EFSA, however, is rebuttable because MUFA are present in most tissues’ cells
and have roles as key compounds to maintain membrane fluidity and diverse enzymatic activities [
In addition, MUFA may lower both total and LDL plasma cholesterol levels, potentially lowering
also cardiovascular risk [
]. Moreover, in the Prevention with Mediterranean Diet (PREDIMED)
intervention study [
], intake of virgin olive oil (MUFA at 22% E) was associated with much lower risk
of CVD events and total mortality. Therefore, according to the PREDIMED findings, a MUFA intake
target of 20%–25% E (with virgin olive oil as a main source) has been proposed. At the population
level, the latter may be quite difficult to achieve.
In spite of the well-known metabolic effects of various dietary PUFA [
], EFSA has proposed
not to formulate a dietary reference value for this fatty acid family [
]. Other organizations, such
as the WHO/FAO in 2010 [
] and SENC (2011) [
], have suggested that PUFA should contribute
6%–10% E and 5% E, respectively. In the present ANIBES study, PUFA contributed roughly 6.6%
E, with no sex or age differences, whereas n-3 PUFA intake expressed as the percentage of energy
intake was 0.63% E for the ANIBES study population and increased with age. The WHO/FAO [
have recommended a minimum intake for adults of 250 mg/day for n-3 long-chain PUFA and up
2 g/day
to help prevent CVD. For European children, average cis n-6 PUFA intakes in absolute
amounts vary between approximately 5 g and 17 g per day (in the present ANIBES study, values were
12.0 ˘4.8 g/day
in children and 12.6
5.8 g/day in adolescents), with a much lower contribution for
older adults (9.0 ˘5.3 g/day).
As for total PUFA food sources in the present study, as expected, oils and fats were also the
primary contributors: olive oil was the greatest individual contributor, mainly in adults and seniors
Interestingly, meat ranked first in the older groups for n-6 fatty acid intake, whereas sausages and other
meat products ranked first among the youngest groups. The fish and shellfish food group was the
main contributor to n-3 fatty acids only in older adults (31.4%) and adults (25.9%), but ranked second
to meat and meat products in both children and adolescents. Once again, more efforts are necessary in
children and adolescents to avoid the loss of some key principles of the healthy Mediterranean dietary
pattern as derived from these ANIBES updated results.
WHO/FAO Expert Consultation [
] recommended initially that total carbohydrate (CHO)
in the diet should provide 55%–75% E. Later, the same institutions suggested a new lower limit, 50%
E, whereas EFSA in Europe proposed a range between 45% and 60% E. Finally, in Spain, the SENC
recommend 50%–60% total energy [
]. The Spanish population, however, is well below the lower
limit, which is considered a bad indicator of present diet quality.
Mean total carbohydrate intake was 185.4
60.9 g/day (37.8 g/day min; 450.3 g/day max)
and higher in men than in women. Higher total carbohydrate consumption was observed in the
younger groups as compared to adults and older adults. Total sugar intake was also quantified:
76.3 ˘33.9 g/day
36.6 g/day in men,
73.0 ˘30.6 g/day
in women). Differences were also seen
according to age group with significantly higher intakes in children and adolescents compared to those
observed in adults and older adults.
In the latest EFSA Scientific Opinion on DRV for CHO and dietary fiber, data were presented for
children and adolescents in 19 countries and for adults in 22 countries in Europe [
]. Even though
there is a large diversity in the methodology used and age classification, as stated, the highest mean
intakes were observed in the Czech Republic and Norway, whereas the lowest were found in Greece
and Spain. As for fiber, average dietary intakes varied from 10 to 20 g/day in young children and from
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 22 of 25
15 to 33 g/day in adolescents, whereas in adults, it ranged from 15 to 30 g/day. Finally, for the elderly,
most of the countries showed intakes from 20 to 25 g/day.
It is well known that dietary CHO shows a variety of physical, chemical and important
physiological properties: control of body weight, diabetes, CVD, large bowel cancer, constipation and
resistance to gut infection, caries and a low density of micronutrients, among others. In addition, to
judge the quality of the diet, it is crucial to distinguish the different types of CHO and dietary sources,
as shown in the present study; the latter since the main interest and concern are associated with the
content of sugars (natural or added) and fiber, glycemic index, refined vs. whole-grains, the presence
of fruits and vegetables or solid vs. liquid CHO [49,50].
CHO provide energy and can contribute to weight gain, being overweight and obesity when
consumed in excess. Intervention studies have provided evidence that high fat (>35% E), low
carbohydrate (<50% E) diets are associated with adverse short- and long-term effects on body weight,
although the data are insufficient to define a lower threshold of intake for carbohydrates [
It is also known that frequent consumption of sugar-containing foods can increase the risk of dental
caries [
]. However, the available data do not allow for setting an upper limit for the intake of added
sugars on the basis of risk reduction for dental caries, which has not yet been proposed. Evidence
relating a high intake of sugars (mainly added sugars) versus starches to weight gain is also inconsistent
and controversial [
]. As a consequence, according to EFSA, the available data are insufficient to
set an upper limit for added sugar intake [
], even though there is some evidence that high sugar
intake (>20% E) may increase serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations and might adversely
affect serum glucose and insulin levels, but this is still insufficient to set an upper limit for added
sugar intake. The latter, however, does not exclude that food-based dietary guidelines and nutrition
goals should take into account potential negative effects under certain conditions and reinforce the
importance to limit sugar consumption. More strongly, a new WHO guideline [
] recommends
that adults and children should reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their
total energy intake according to their daily dietary energy reference intakes. A further reduction to
below 5% has been proposed to potentially provide additional health benefits [
]. In this sense, the
percentage of energy from sugars in our study was 17.0% E for the total population, significantly
higher in females compared to males, and was more marked among the oldest participants, which
shows that better educational campaigns and advice for the Spanish population is further needed.
Paradoxically, secular trends of CHO intake in Spain show an inverse association with Spanish people
affected by being overweight/obesity at all ages. Importantly, a diet high in fiber is usually considered
also to have relatively low energy density, the promotion of satiety and a lower degree of weight
gain. The percentage contribution of carbohydrates has steadily decreased since the 1960s in Spain.
In that decade, the energy profile was in line with the recommendations [
]. It is remarkable also
that when dietary fiber intake in Spain in the 1960s was much higher than the present data from
the ANIBES study, the prevalence of excess weight was also quite lower. The current and increasing
worsening is linked to a decline in the consumption of cereals and derivatives, legumes and pulses
and potatoes. However, as expected, cereals and derivatives represent the highest contribution to total
carbohydrates, followed by milk and derivatives. Whole-grain cereals, vegetables, legumes and fruits
are the most recognized sources for dietary CHO due to their additional high content in fiber and low
energy content. As derived from our present data, whole-grain cereals and legumes are consumed in
lower amounts than recommended.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, despite that secular trends in energy intake are remaining stable or even decreasing
in many European countries, including Spain, the partitioning of the macronutrient distribution is
worsening and clearly moving away from the recommendations.
The findings of the present ANIBES study are considered key to the future definition and revision
of PRIs, dietary guidelines, nutritional goals in Spain and appropriate and specific targeted public
campaigns. It seems that the new national strategy, including not only those responsible for the
Nutrients 2016,8, 177 23 of 25
health policy, but also education stakeholders and involving gastronomy leaders, that is now being
implemented may help to improve diet quality in Spain.
The authors would like to thank Coca-Cola Iberia for its support and technical advice,
particularly Rafael Urrialde and Isabel de Julián.
Author Contributions:
E.R.M. conceived of the protocol, the methodology used and designed the training
procedures for interviewers and dietician nutritionists. E.R.M. was also responsible for data collection and quality
control and contributed to data analysis and interpretation. J.M.A. conceived of the overall design, protocol and
methodology of the ANIBES study, as well as contributed to the interpretation and discussion of the results. T.V.,
S.P. and P.R. were responsible for the instruments used, training and data cleaning. They also contributed to
data analysis and interpretation. J.A., A.G., M.G.G., R.M.O. and L.S.M. are members of the Scientific Advisory
Board of the ANIBES study. These authors were responsible for the careful review of the study protocol, design
and methodology, providing scientific advice to the study and for the interpretation of the results. They also
critically reviewed the manuscript. G.V.M., the Principal Investigator, was responsible for the design, protocol,
methodology and follow-up/checking of the study. G.V.M. also wrote the paper. All authors approved the final
version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest:
The study was financially supported by a grant from Coca-Cola Iberia through an agreement
with the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (Fundación Española de la Nutrición (FEN)). The funding sponsor had no
role in the design of the study, the collection, analysis nor interpretation of the data, the writing of the manuscript
nor in the decision to publish the results. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... These results were consistent with previous studies carried out among other university students [38,39]. With respect to protein %E, only 9.4% were within the recommended range, which was also observed in the ANIBES study [40]. However, if we compared our results with those recommended by the Institute of Medicine (10-35%), the values were under the lower limit. ...
... The Institute of Medicine, in fact, reported very a high level of protein intake (>35% E) without negative effects [6]. On the other hand, it is accepted that excessive long-term protein consumption may counteract an adequate energy profile [40]. Protein-rich diets have been demonstrated to be effective at lowering a person's body weight, without negatively affecting cardiovascular health markers, such as the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in plasma. ...
... With respect to fat intake, 66.5% of female students had a fat %E that was higher than the recommended value. This is in concordance with the fat intake level in Spain, which is at the upper end of the recommended value, and certain types of dietary fat may contribute to cardiovascular diseases [40]. Regarding SFA %E and cholesterol, both values were at the upper end of the recommendations. ...
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Introduction: COVID-19 provoked a myriad of challenges for people's health, poor life satisfaction and an unhealthy diet that could be associated with serious negative health outcomes and behaviours. University is a stressful environment that is associated with unhealthy changes in the eating behaviours of students. The association between diet and mental health is complex and bidirectional, depending on the motivation to eat; emotional eaters regulate their emotions through the increased consumption of comfort foods. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the nutritional habits, alcohol consumption, anxiety and sleep quality of female health science college students. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study of 191 female undergraduate students in Madrid was used. Their body mass index and waist hip ratio were measured. The questionnaires used included the Mediterranean Diet Adherence test, AUDIT, Emotional Eater Questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Food Addiction, Perceived Stress Scale and STAI questionnaires. Results: We observed a high intake of protein, fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Overall, 9.5% never had breakfast, and 66.5% consciously reduced their food intake. According to Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, they mainly slept 6-7 h, and 82% presented with a poor sleep quality; 13.5% presented moderate-high food addiction, and 35% had moderate Mediterranean Diet Adherence score. Conclusion: Female students' macronutrient imbalances were noted, with a high-level protein and fat intake diet and a low proportion of carbohydrates and fibre. A high proportion of them need alcohol education and, depending on the social context, they mainly drank beer and spirits.
... According to a cross-sectional study using a representative sample of Spanish population [42], grains (i.e., grains and flours, bread, breakfast cereals, cereal bars, pasta, and bakery and pastry) are the main contributors to energy, carbohydrate, and fiber intakes, providing up to 30%, 49% and 47% of total daily intake in children (aged 9-12 years), and up to 31%, 51% and 49% of total daily intake in adolescents (aged 13-17 years). This same study [42] showed that the main contributors to protein intake are meat and meat products, followed by grains and grain-based products, and milk and dairy products, contributing, all together, to about 72% of the protein intake in children and adolescents. ...
... According to a cross-sectional study using a representative sample of Spanish population [42], grains (i.e., grains and flours, bread, breakfast cereals, cereal bars, pasta, and bakery and pastry) are the main contributors to energy, carbohydrate, and fiber intakes, providing up to 30%, 49% and 47% of total daily intake in children (aged 9-12 years), and up to 31%, 51% and 49% of total daily intake in adolescents (aged 13-17 years). This same study [42] showed that the main contributors to protein intake are meat and meat products, followed by grains and grain-based products, and milk and dairy products, contributing, all together, to about 72% of the protein intake in children and adolescents. Finally, grains were also the fourth contributor to lipid intake (12%) in children and adolescents, providing a significant amount of saturated fat from bakery wares and pastry in children (11%) and 15% of total sugar intake [42]. ...
... This same study [42] showed that the main contributors to protein intake are meat and meat products, followed by grains and grain-based products, and milk and dairy products, contributing, all together, to about 72% of the protein intake in children and adolescents. Finally, grains were also the fourth contributor to lipid intake (12%) in children and adolescents, providing a significant amount of saturated fat from bakery wares and pastry in children (11%) and 15% of total sugar intake [42]. In the present study, GFP provided 25% of total energy, an amount which is close to that described for all grains in general population in Spain with the same age. ...
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Gluten-free products (GFP) are a good choice for the replacement of cereals when following a gluten-free diet due to celiac disease (CD). However, commercial GFP are made with highly refined flours and may contain more fat, sugar, and salt, and less fiber and micronutrients than gluten-containing analogues, thus challenging the nutritional adequacy of the diet. The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of GFP to the diets of children and adolescents with CD. Food intakes were assessed in a cross-sectional study on 70 children and adolescents with CD (aged four to 18, 50% females), using three 24-h dietary records. GFP consumption reached 165 g a day and comprised mostly bread and fine bakery ware, followed by pasta. GFP contributed with a high percentage (>25%) to total energy, carbohydrates, fiber, and salt daily intakes and, to a lesser extent (<20%), to fat (including saturated fat), sugars and protein. Contribution of homemade products was testimonial. GFP contribution to total energy intake is significant and, consequently, relevant to the nutritional adequacy of the diet. Children and adolescents with CD could benefit from fat, saturated fat, and salt reduction, and fiber enrichment of processed GFP.
... The dietary reference suggests adults should consume about 0.8 g/kg body weight, making up 12 % of total energy intake. Surprisingly, only 10 % of the population met this recommendation (Ruiz et al., 2016). This highlights the importance of calculating the true cost of proteins to inform people about their dietary choices. ...
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The food sector is responsible for a great part of the environmental impact of our society (for instance, according to the UN, about a third of all human-made greenhouse gas emissions are linked to this sector) and protein sources, as one of the main food groups, have a particularly significant impact on the environment. Understanding the environmental and economic impacts of dietary choices is crucial, especially proteins choices, a main food source. Market prices alone do not comprehensively represent the true costs for society. True Cost Accounting is a methodology that quantifies the comprehensive economic, environmental, and social costs. Calculating the hidden environmental costs of the different alternative proteins helps to inform the public about the environmental consequences of their dietary choices. Adjusted prices, which integrate market prices with hidden environmental costs of protein alternative sources, including both animal-based and plant-based options, were estimated. In determining the true cost of proteins, assigning monetary values to environmental impacts is essential. Calculating environmental costs and adjusting the price of proteins provide a more accurate reflection of their true cost by accounting for the environmental externalities associated with protein production. A life cycle approach was applied, considering both a conventional mass-based functional unit and a proposed protein-content-based functional unit, which integrates the source's efficiency to deliver protein nutrient. In a mass-based calculation, beef and lamb production consistently demonstrate the highest adjusted costs, amounting to 33.72€ per kg of source, while plant-based protein sources typically exhibit lower adjusted costs, with an average of 12.31€ per kg of source. In between, seafood ranks fourth at 26.41€ per kg of source. However, when the calculation of the adjusted price is based on real protein content, seafood commands the highest value, reaching 179.97€ per kg of protein, whereas beef and lamb drop to the third position at 131.76€ per kg of protein, and plant-based options Increase to 116.32€ per kg of protein. In summary, our study emphasizes the significance of informed dietary choices that account for both environmental sustainability and economic factors, and the need to use proper methodologies for the quantitative accounting. Further research is necessary to include social dimensions in the study, given their current unmeasurability due to complexity and limited information.
... showed that the erythrocyte levels of EPA and DHA were 9.26% in Koreans and 7.05% in the Spanish. Consistently, the Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey reported that Korean older adults consumed 1.59 g/day of n-3 PUFA (29), which was higher than that consumed by Spanish older adults (1.1 g/day of n-3 PUFA) according to the Anthropometry, Intake, and Energy Balance study in Spain (30). In addition, consumption of fatty fish was approximately 54% of the total fish consumed in the present study and 36% of the total fish consumed in the Senior-ENRICA cohort study (19). ...
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Cross-sectional epidemiological studies suggested the intake of fish and seafood was negatively associated with the prevalence of frailty. This study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that the prevalence of frailty is negatively associated with the consumption of total seafood and fish at baseline and 4-year follow-up. Using a multicenter longitudinal study of community-dwelling Korean adults aged 70–84 years old, 953 participants at baseline and 623 participants at 4-year follow-up were included after excluding participants without data on frailty or dietary intake in the Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study. Frailty was defined using the Cardiovascular Health Study index, and participants with scores ≥3 were considered frail. The trained dietitians obtained two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls during spring and fall at baseline. The prevalence of frailty was 13.5%. The intake of fish (OR 0.47; 95% CI 0.24–0.91; p for trend = 0.028) and total seafood (OR 0.34; 95% CI 0.18–0.68; p for trend = 0.002) at baseline was associated with frailty at 4-year follow-up after adjusting for the confounding factors. The intake of fish and total seafood at the baseline was negatively associated with the prevalence of exhaustion, low handgrip strength, and slow gait speed at 4-year follow-up. However, shellfish intake was not associated with frailty. In addition, the intake of fish, shellfish, and total seafood did not differ among the frailty transition groups in terms of deterioration, persistence, and reversal. The total consumption of seafood, particularly fish, could be beneficial for preventing frailty in Korean community-dwelling older adults. In particular, the consumption of fish (total seafood) at baseline could be beneficial for preventing exhaustion, low handgrip strength, and slow gait speed at 4-year follow-up.
... In a recent and interesting study (Cerrillo et al., 2023), it is claimed that the panel data is erroneous and meat consumption in Spain in 2017 is 50% higher than indicated by this source. However, this would imply that not only is the panel data undervalued, but also other independent studies, such as household budget surveys or the ANIBES study (Ruiz et al., 2016), which reach similar consumption data, are also undervalued. Furthermore, even if this were true and meat consumption were 50% higher, there would still be significant disparities between the FAO data and the survey and panel data. ...
Using Spain as a case study, we analyze the evolution of meat consumption from the 1950s to the present. A meat consumption database was constructed using four sources: the FAO, Ministry Balance Sheets, Household Budget Surveys and the Food Consumption Panel. The study has two main contributions. First, we question the idea that meat consumption in Spain has been increasing steadily since the 1950s, as some economic historians have reported. Second, we identify two different food consumption models. The first is characterized by an increase in standardized meat consumption and the second features decreased meat consumption alongside a rise in the consumption of processed and prepared meat.
... Concerning the intake of macro and micronutrients, it was barely modified in the whole sample of volunteers during the year of the study, but it is also worth noting that the dietary intake of Calcium, Zinc, Folic acid and vitamins D, A and E did not cover the recommendations for this age group in the Spanish population [87]. The data obtained were similar to those reported by the ANIBES study [80,88] in Spanish women with a similar age range. However, the requirements of calcium and vitamin D were ensured by the prescription of pharmacological supplements since the beginning of the intervention. ...
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This study examines both the effect of a twice-weekly combined exercise—1 h session of strength and 1 h session of impact-aerobic—on body composition and dietary habits after one year of treatment with aromatase inhibitors (AI) in breast cancer survivors. Overall, forty-three postmenopausal women with a BMI ≤ 35 kg/m2, breast cancer survivors treated with AI, were randomized into two groups: a control group (CG) (n = 22) and a training group (IG) (n = 21). Body composition, i.e., abdominal, visceral, and subcutaneous adipose tissue) was measured by magnetic resonance. In addition, some questionnaires were used to gather dietary data and to measure adherence to the Mediterranean diet. After one year, women in the IG showed a significant improvement in body composition, indicated by decreases in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue, and total fat tissue. Furthermore, the dietary habits were compatible with moderate adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern and a low dietary intake of Ca, Zn, Folic Ac, and vitamins D, A, and E. A twice-weekly training program combining impact aerobic exercise and resistance exercise may be effective in improving the body composition for postmenopausal women who have breast cancer treated with AI, and the results suggest the need for nutritional counselling for this population.
... In terms of foods, most children included in our study did not achieve Spanish recommendations for the fruit, vegetables, nuts and cereals intake but exceeded recommended intake for meat and processed products. This seems to be a general characteristic of the Spanish population lately, as exhibited by the recent ANIBES study [59]. ...
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Background: An unbalanced dietary pattern, characterized by high animal protein content: may worsen metabolic control, accelerate renal deterioration and consequently aggravate the stage of the chronic kidney disease (CKD) in pediatric patients with this condition. Aim: to assess the effect of a registered dietitian (RD) intervention on the CKD children's eating habits. Methods: Anthropometric and dietetic parameters, obtained at baseline and 12 months after implementing healthy eating and nutrition education sessions, were compared in 16 patients (50% girls) of 8.1 (1-15) years. On each occasion, anthropometry, 3-day food records and a food consumption frequency questionnaire were carried out. The corresponding relative intake of macro- and micronutrients was contrasted with the current advice by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and with consumption data obtained using the Spanish dietary guidelines. Student's paired t-test, Wilcoxon test and Mc Nemar test were used. Results: At Baseline 6% were overweight, 69% were of normal weight and 25% were underweight. Their diets were imbalanced in macronutrient composition. Following nutritional education and dietary intervention 63%, 75% and 56% met the Dietary Reference Values requirements for fats, carbohydrates and fiber, respectively, but not significantly. CKD children decreased protein intake (p < 0.001), increased dietary fiber intake at the expense of plant-based foods consumption (p < 0.001) and a corresponding reduction in meat, dairy and processed food intake was noticed. There were no changes in the medical treatment followed or in the progression of the stages. Conclusions: RD-led nutrition intervention focused on good dieting is a compelling helpful therapeutic tool to improve diet quality in pediatric CKD patients.
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Jordan has never conducted a nutrition survey to determine nutrient and energy intakes. The current study aimed to describe the energy and macronutrient consumed by the Jordanian population. A cross-sectional food consumption study was conducted, including a sample of Jordanians using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls (24-h DR) between October 2021 and March 2022. A total of 2145 males and females aged 8 to 85 years old living in households were studied. The average of two 24-h DRs for each individual was converted into energy and nutrient intakes. After measuring weight, height, and waist circumference, the body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) were calculated. The percentage of under-reporters was higher in women than men (58.2% vs. 45.9%). Adults and older adult women had the highest prevalence of obesity (29.6%), while adults and older adult men had the highest prevalence of overweight (41.4%). There is a significant increase in energy intake in children, boys, and all adults, compared to the recommended calories. The mean energy percentage (E %) of total fat was 38%, exceeding the upper limit of the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR). At the same time, the mean daily dietary fiber intake fell below the recommended levels (ranging from 13.5 g in children to 19.5 g in older adults). The study population consumes more fat and less fiber than the recommended levels. Actions must be taken across all age groups to correct the deviation of energy and macronutrient intakes from the recommended dietary allowances.
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Energy and macronutrient intakes in Jordan: a population study Huda Al Hourani 1*, Buthaina Alkhatib 1, Islam Al‑Shami 1, Amin N. Olaimat 1, Murad Al‑Holy 1, Narmeen Jamal Al‑Awwad 1, Mahmoud Abughoush 2, Nada A. Saleh 1, Dima AlHalaika 1, Omar Alboqai 3 & Ayoub Al‑Jawaldeh 4 Jordan has never conducted a nutrition survey to determine nutrient and energy intakes. The current study aimed to describe the energy and macronutrient consumed by the Jordanian population. A cross-sectional food consumption study was conducted, including a sample of Jordanians using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls (24-h DR) between October 2021 and March 2022. A total of 2145 males and females aged 8 to 85 years old living in households were studied. The average of two 24-h DRs for each individual was converted into energy and nutrient intakes. After measuring weight, height, and waist circumference, the body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) were calculated. The percentage of under-reporters was higher in women than men (58.2% vs. 45.9%). Adults and older adult women had the highest prevalence of obesity (29.6%), while adults and older adult men had the highest prevalence of overweight (41.4%). There is a significant increase in energy intake in children, boys, and all adults, compared to the recommended calories. The mean energy percentage (E %) of total fat was 38%, exceeding the upper limit of the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR). At the same time, the mean daily dietary fiber intake fell below the recommended levels (ranging from 13.5 g in children to 19.5 g in older adults). The study population consumes more fat and less fiber than the recommended levels. Actions must be taken across all age groups to correct the deviation of energy and macronutrient intakes from the recommended dietary allowances.
The Mediterranean diet (MD) is a nutritional model inspired by the traditional diets consumed, after the Second World War, within the countries surrounding the Mediterranean basin. This diet mainly emphasizes the consumption of plant-based foods (unrefined cereals, vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, and seeds), incorporates some animal-based foods (fish, dairy products, eggs, and poultry), promotes the use of olive oil as a major source of fat, includes moderate consumption of wine, and rarely includes red and processed meat, sweets, and highly processed foods. Scientifically, the original diet was described and characterized by Ancel Keys, in the Seven Countries Study, whose results were published in 1970. Since then, many other epidemiological studies have reported the significant nutritional and health benefits of the MD. This dietary pattern has been associated with many beneficial effects on health, mainly demonstrating a protective role against the development of several noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including cardiovascular pathologies, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and neurological diseases. The MD also promotes healthy aging and thus reduces overall mortality. Moreover, the diet generates a lower environmental impact, compared to current Western diets, and can be highly recommended for the well-being of the planet. Even though it is not always possible to adapt the MD to populations living outside the Mediterranean basin, mounting evidence shows that adherence to this or similar nutritional plans is associated with several health benefits in countries beyond this geographical area. Indeed, it is worth trying to actively encourage adherence to the major healthy principles of this traditional dietary pattern in order to offer health benefits and improve the quality of life for many populations worldwide.KeywordsMediterranean dietHealthy lifestylePublic health nutritionNoncommunicable diseasesDisease preventionCardiovascular diseaseSustainability
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The quality of dietary fat critically influences health. In this consensus document the scientific evidence relating effects of dietary fat quantity and quality on cardiovascular risk is reviewed and recommendations for the Spanish adult population are issued. As a novelty in nutrition guidelines, emphasis is made more on parent foods than on fatty acids per se. In summary, replacing saturated fatty acids (SFA) for monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) reduces cardiovascular risk. Recent data suggest that SFA proper may be harmful or not depending on the parent food, a reason why an intake threshold is not established, but consumption of foods containing excess SFA, such as butter, some processed meats, and commercial confectionery and fried foods is discouraged. The established threshold of.
Background: In subjects with a high prevalence of metabolic risk abnormalities, the preferred replacement for saturated fat is unresolved. Objective: The objective was to study whether carbohydrate or monounsaturated fat is a preferred replacement for saturated fat. Design: Fifty-two men and 33 women, selected to have any combination of HDL cholesterol ≤ 30th percentile, triacylglycerol ≥ 70th percentile, or insulin ≥ 70th percentile, were enrolled in a 3-period, 7-wk randomized crossover study. The subjects consumed an average American diet (AAD; 36% of energy from fat) and 2 additional diets in which 7% of energy from saturated fat was replaced with either carbohydrate (CHO diet) or monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA diet). Results: Relative to the AAD, LDL cholesterol was lower with both the CHO (−7.0%) and MUFA (−6.3%) diets, whereas the difference in HDL cholesterol was smaller during the MUFA diet (−4.3%) than during the CHO diet (−7.2%). Plasma triacylglycerols tended to be lower with the MUFA diet, but were significantly higher with the CHO diet. Although dietary lipid responses varied on the basis of baseline lipid profiles, the response to diet did not differ between subjects with or without the metabolic syndrome or with or without insulin resistance. Postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations did not differ significantly between the diets. Lipoprotein(a) concentrations increased with both the CHO (20%) and MUFA (11%) diets relative to the AAD. Conclusions: In the study population, who were at increased risk of coronary artery disease, MUFA provided a greater reduction in risk as a replacement for saturated fat than did carbohydrate.
Background: Rates of overweight and obesity have increased. Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SBs) may play a role. Objective: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to determine whether the results of original research with the use of longitudinal and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) support the hypothesis that SB consumption is associated with weight gain among children and adolescents. Design: The MEDLINE database was used to retrieve all original studies of SBs and weight gain involving children and adolescents. Twelve (10 longitudinal and 2 RCT) studies were reviewed. Eight of the longitudinal studies and both RCT studies were incorporated into a quantitative meta-analysis. Forest plots and overall estimates and CIs for the association of the difference (Δ) in SB consumption with Δbody mass index (BMI; in kg/m²) were produced. Funnel plots were examined as a diagnostic test for publication bias. Databases of unpublished scientific studies were searched. Sensitivity tests were conducted to examine the robustness of the meta-analysis results. Results: The overall estimate of the association was a 0.004 (95% CI: −0.006, 0.014) change in BMI during the time period defined by the study for each serving per day change in SB consumption with the fixed-effects model and 0.017 (95% CI: −0.009, 0.044) with the random-effects model. The funnel plot is consistent with publication bias against studies that do not report statistically significant findings. The sensitivity tests suggest that the results are robust to alternative assumptions and new studies. Conclusion: The quantitative meta-analysis and qualitative review found that the association between SB consumption and BMI was near zero, based on the current body of scientific evidence.
Part of the authoritative series on reference values for nutrient intakes , this new release establishes a set of reference values for dietary energy and the macronutrients: carbohydrate (sugars and starches), fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, and amino ...