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Muscular endurance training and motor unit firing patterns during fatigue


Abstract and Figures

With muscular training, the central nervous system may regulate motor unit firing rates to sustain force output and delay fatigue. The aims of this study were to investigate motor unit firing rates and patterns of the adductor pollicis (AdP) muscle in young, able-bodied adults throughout a sustained submaximal isometric fatiguing contraction and postactivation potentiation pre-post 4 weeks of muscular endurance training. Fifteen participants (training group: N = 10; control group: N = 5) performed maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) and a sustained isometric 20 % MVC fatigue task pre-post training. Single-motor-unit potentials were recorded from the AdP during the fatigue task with intramuscular fine-wire electrodes. Twitch force potentiation was measured during single-pulse electrical stimulation of the ulnar nerve before and after MVCs. The training group endurance trained their AdP muscle at 20 % MVC for 4 weeks. Mean motor unit firing rates were calculated every 5 % of endurance time (ET). ET increased by 45.2 ± 8.7 % (p < 0.001) following muscular endurance training. Although ET increased, mean motor unit firing rates during the fatigue task did not change significantly with training. The general motor unit firing pattern consisted of an initial slowing followed by an increase in firing rate late in fatigue and remained consistent pre-post training. Potentiation did not change following training. These data suggest that the ability of the neuromuscular system to sustain motor unit firing rate may serve as a mechanism to augment the duration of submaximal muscle performance and delay muscular fatigue.
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Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
DOI 10.1007/s00221-015-4455-x
Muscular endurance training and motor unit firing patterns
during fatigue
Joni A. Mettler1 · Lisa Griffin2
Received: 28 March 2015 / Accepted: 23 September 2015 / Published online: 8 October 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
neuromuscular system to sustain motor unit firing rate may
serve as a mechanism to augment the duration of submaxi-
mal muscle performance and delay muscular fatigue.
Keywords Motor unit · Training · Potentiation ·
Muscular endurance · Fatigue
The neuromuscular system is highly adaptable and quickly
responds to new patterns of muscular activity. In the earli-
est phase of muscular training, changes in force production
may be due to neuromuscular adaptations related to learn-
ing optimal muscle activation patterns (for review, see Grif-
fin and Cafarelli 2005; Carroll et al. 2011). For example,
increases in motor unit firing rate (Van Cutsem et al. 1998;
Kamen and Knight 2004) and earlier motor unit recruit-
ment (Van Cutsem et al. 1998; Keen et al. 1994) occur dur-
ing the first few weeks of resistance training. Maximal H
to M (H/M) wave ratios of the triceps surae muscles are
higher in endurance-trained compared to power-trained
and sedentary individuals (Rochcongar et al. 1979; Maffi-
uletti et al. 2001), suggesting that endurance training may
increase excitability of the spinal cord. Further, motor unit
firing rates during a brief non-fatiguing contraction at 30 %
maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) were lower after
6 weeks of aerobic cycle ergometer training (Vila-Cha et al.
2010). In contrast, the same study also found that motor
unit firing rates during brief non-fatiguing contractions
were higher after resistance training (Vila-Cha et al. 2010).
The study by Vila-Cha et al. (2010) and other studies cited
above indicate that the specificity of training principle may
play a role in training-related neuromuscular adaptations,
namely single-motor-unit firing rate patterns. Therefore, it
Abstract With muscular training, the central nerv-
ous system may regulate motor unit firing rates to sus-
tain force output and delay fatigue. The aims of this study
were to investigate motor unit firing rates and patterns of
the adductor pollicis (AdP) muscle in young, able-bodied
adults throughout a sustained submaximal isometric fatigu-
ing contraction and postactivation potentiation pre-post
4 weeks of muscular endurance training. Fifteen partici-
pants (training group: N = 10; control group: N = 5) per-
formed maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) and a
sustained isometric 20 % MVC fatigue task pre-post train-
ing. Single-motor-unit potentials were recorded from the
AdP during the fatigue task with intramuscular fine-wire
electrodes. Twitch force potentiation was measured during
single-pulse electrical stimulation of the ulnar nerve before
and after MVCs. The training group endurance trained their
AdP muscle at 20 % MVC for 4 weeks. Mean motor unit
firing rates were calculated every 5 % of endurance time
(ET). ET increased by 45.2 ± 8.7 % (p < 0.001) follow-
ing muscular endurance training. Although ET increased,
mean motor unit firing rates during the fatigue task did not
change significantly with training. The general motor unit
firing pattern consisted of an initial slowing followed by
an increase in firing rate late in fatigue and remained con-
sistent pre-post training. Potentiation did not change fol-
lowing training. These data suggest that the ability of the
* Lisa Griffin
1 Department of Health and Human Performance, Texas State
University, San Marcos, TX, USA
2 Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, University
of Texas at Austin, Bellmont 222, 1 University Station,
D3700, Austin, TX 78712, USA
268 Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
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is also possible that altered motor unit firing rates and fir-
ing patterns contribute to delayed fatigue onset during pro-
longed submaximal force output following local muscular
endurance training (i.e., low-intensity resistance training
specifically designed to improve local muscular endur-
ance). To our knowledge, however, no study has measured
single-motor-unit firing rates and firing patterns throughout
the time-course of muscle fatigue following local muscular
endurance training. Throughout this paper, local muscular
endurance training will often be referred to as muscular
endurance training.
In untrained muscle, the typical pattern of most motor
units recruited from the onset of submaximal isometric sus-
tained fatiguing contractions consists of an early decrease
in firing rate which increases later in fatigue (Garland et al.
1997; Adam and De Luca 2005). Additionally, Vila-Chã
et al. (2012) reported a decline in motor unit firing rate
from the first 10 s of muscle contraction to the 60–70-s
time period of muscle contraction of a fatigue task in the
quadriceps muscle, with no change in the rate of decline
during this time segment following 6 weeks of cycle
ergometer endurance training performed at 50–70 % of
heart rate reserve. The present study expands on this study
by examining firing rates and the pattern of firing rate of
a single motor unit throughout the time-course of muscle
fatigue following local muscular endurance training. The
initial decline in motor unit firing rate during fatigue has
been correlated with force potentiation magnitude (Klien
et al. 2001). Because muscle fibers produce greater force
in the potentiated state, firing rates may slow to avoid an
overshoot of the target force during submaximal contrac-
tion. It is also possible that firing rates of active motor units
fire at a higher rate and are maintained over a longer dura-
tion to maintain submaximal force output with recruitment
of fewer motor units during fatigue. Our previous work
has shown that 8-week muscular endurance training leads
to greater postactivation potentiation during a submaximal
fatigue task and following maximal effort conditioning
contractions (Mettler and Griffin 2012). Endurance athletes
have greater potentiation in the trained muscles following
maximal voluntary conditioning contractions compared
to untrained individuals (Hamada et al. 2000). Therefore,
changes in force potentiation as a result of muscular endur-
ance training may alter motor unit firing patterns and act as
a mechanism to counteract muscular fatigue.
As muscle contraction is maintained, metabolites accu-
mulate that can activate Group III and IV afferents (Rotto
and Kaufman 1988) which inhibit depolarization of the
motor neuron. Ischemia, such as produced during sus-
tained muscle contraction, increases the concentration
of these metabolites in the active muscle tissue and can
inhibit cortical excitability (Taylor and Gandevia 2008),
reduce H-reflex amplitude (Garland 1991) and decrease
single-motor-unit firing rates (Bigland-Ritchie et al. 1986).
Endurance training effectively decreases the production of
metabolites (Lucia et al. 2000) and increases capillarization
and blood flow throughout the muscle to increase clearance
of metabolites produced during muscle activity (Brodal
et al. 1977; Lucia et al. 2000). Thus, muscular endurance
training may reduce the inhibition from Group III and IV
afferents to induce higher motor unit firing rates and to sus-
tain firing frequencies over a longer duration and improve
muscle endurance.
The purpose of this study was to determine single-
motor-unit firing rates and patterns of the adductor polli-
cis (AdP) muscle throughout the time-course of a sustained
submaximal fatigue task before and after 4 weeks of local
muscular endurance training. We also aimed to determine
the postactivation potentiation response to MVCs pre- can
post- 4 weeks of muscular endurance training.
Materials and methods
Fifteen healthy males (N = 7) and females (N = 8) par-
ticipated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned
to training (N = 10) and control groups (N = 5). The
training group consisted of four males and six females
(25.1 ± 1.5 years old). The control group consisted of three
males and two females (24.3 ± 1.8 years old). A control
group was included in this study to ensure a methodologi-
cally sound design. Having a larger treatment group than
control group does not present any special statistical prob-
lems for the analysis technique we used, other than the
general truth that larger sample sizes yield greater power
to detect effects that exist in the population from which
the sample was drawn. In terms of both invasiveness and
time, testing and analysis of each subject is not a trivial
task. While the inclusion of a control group strengthens
the design, there was of course no reason to suspect that
the control group would differ from the treatment group
at pretest. There was also little reason to suspect that the
control group would change significantly over time, but in
any event statistical power to detect change over time in
the same individuals tends to be high. We suspected that
a fairly minimal control group would therefore suffice. In
contrast, capturing the change that was expected to occur in
the training group was our primary concern. We considered
the possibility of individual differences in both response
to training and fidelity to the training regimen. These were
obviously no concerns for the control group. Participants
in this study were healthy, did not take medications known
to affect nervous system function, and had no history of
neurological disorder or injury to the non-dominant hand.
269Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
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Musicians and athletes with a highly trained non-dominant
hand were also excluded from the study. Participants were
instructed to abstain from caffeine consumption on experi-
mental test days. All procedures were approved by The
University of Texas at Austin Internal Review Board, and
all individuals signed informed consent forms prior to par-
ticipation in the study.
Experimental setup
Participants first attended an initial orientation session in
which they were familiarized with the experimental setup,
equipment and protocol. They also practiced performing
MVCs and holding isometric contractions. They returned
to the laboratory at least 48 h after the orientation session
for the pretraining experimental session. Participants were
seated with the non-dominant forearm supported in a splint.
The wrist was placed in a pronated position, and the thumb
was abducted and positioned against a metal strain-gauge
force transducer. To determine maximal M-wave, a pair
of pregelled, adhesive, Ag/AgCl disposable surface elec-
tromyography (EMG) electrodes (Danlee Products, Inc.,
Syracuse, NY) were placed on the palmer surface of the
hand, over the AdP muscle, and a ground surface electrode
was placed on the radial styloid process of the wrist. The
skin surface was prepped with alcohol at the intramuscu-
lar electrode insertion site and the surface electrode place-
ment sites. Intramuscular insulated stainless steel fine-wire
(0.002 mm) electrodes (California Fine Wire Company,
Grover Beach, CA) made of three fine wires were used to
record single-motor-unit data. The intramuscular electrodes
were then inserted with a thin hollow needle (25 g) just
under the skin and into the muscle belly of the AdP of the
non-dominant hand. A ground surface electrode was placed
at the unlar styloid process of the wrist. A surface stimulat-
ing electrode was secured with a strap over the unlar nerve
at the wrist. Straps at the wrist, forearm, upper arm and
shoulder secured the limb and hand position. Therapeutic
hand putty was also placed around the hand and fingers
to prevent the hand from slipping. A visual display of the
force and EMG was provided on a computer screen posi-
tioned in front of the individual.
Experimental protocol
To test postactivation potentiation, maximal M-wave
amplitude was determined by applying single-pulse (50 µs
duration) surface electrical stimulation (Digitimer DS7A,
Garden City, England) to the ulnar nerve at the wrist and
increasing the stimulation intensity until the M-wave
reached maximal amplitude and increasing the intensity
did not increase the peak to peak M-wave amplitude. All
stimulation was supramaximal (at a stimulation intensity
10 % higher than required to evoke a maximal M-wave).
After the maximal M-wave was determined, five single
twitches were evoked with single-pulse surface stimula-
tion of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. Participants then per-
formed three MVCs of the AdP muscle. Each MVC was
held approximately 3.5 s, and participants were instructed
to adduct the thumb against the metal strain-gauge bar as
fast and forcefully as possible to MVC. Verbal encourage-
ment was provided during each MVC. Immediately follow-
ing the MVCs, five maximal twitches were again evoked to
determine the potentiated twitch force.
Following a 7-min rest period, participants performed
the fatigue task which consisted of holding a 20 % MVC
isometrically until the endurance limit. Verbal encourage-
ment was provided to participants during the fatigue task.
The fatigue task force was calculated based on the largest
MVC of each respective test day. The criterion for endur-
ance time (ET) was determined post hoc and was defined as
two force fluctuations of 10 % MVC within a 10-s time
period. Previous single-motor-unit fatigue studies have
used a similar criterion for ET (Adam and De Luca 2005;
Garland et al. 1997; Contessa et al. 2009). The same exper-
imental protocol was utilized for the pretest and posttest.
The posttest was performed 2 days after the last training
day. The control group did not participate in any training
and performed only the pretest and posttest approximately
4 weeks apart.
Muscular endurance training
The training group trained the AdP muscle of the non-
dominant thumb every other day for 4 weeks for a total of
14 training sessions. Muscular endurance training was per-
formed using a portable, custom-designed and built thumb
training device (University of Texas Mechanical Engineer-
ing Department, Austin, TX) which isolated thumb adduc-
tion. The muscular endurance training protocol consisted
of performing three sets of seven 1-min isometric thumb
adduction contractions at 20 % MVC. Each repetition was
followed by a 5-s rest interval and each set by a 2-min rest
interval. The training protocol in this study was based on
The American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand
that states that local muscular endurance can be most effec-
tively improved by performing light resistance loads at less
than 50 % of the 1-repetition maximum and high repeti-
tions (15–25) (Ratamess et al. 2009; Garber et al. 2011).
Participants were provided with visual feedback of
the force they were exerting via a gauge on the training
device, which allowed them to maintain the target force
level throughout the contraction. The first and every third
training session were conducted in the laboratory under
the supervision of the experimenter to ensure that training
was performed correctly to measure MVC and to adjust
270 Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
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training load accordingly. All other training sessions were
performed at home, and participants were provided with a
training device, a hand-held stopwatch and a training log on
which to record their training sessions. Subjects reported
100 % training compliance and were able to complete each
training session.
Data analysis
Surface EMG was high-pass-filtered at 13 Hz, gain 100
(Coulbourn Instruments, Allentown, PA), and digitized at
2000 Hz [Cambridge Electronic Design (CED), Cambridge,
England]. Intramuscular EMG was preamplified, band-
pass-filtered 10 Hz–3.12 kHz with a gain of 330 (B&L
Engineering, Tustin, CA) and digitized at a sampling rate
of 20 kHz. The force signal was low-pass-filtered at 1 kHz
with a gain of 100 (World Precision Instruments, Sarasota,
FL) and digitized at a sampling rate of 1 kHz. Force and
intramuscular EMG were synchronously recorded (Fig. 1).
All data were analyzed off-line using Spike2 for Windows
(version 5) software package (CED, Cambridge, England).
Individual motor unit potentials were analyzed off-line
with the Spike2 waveform discrimination system (CED,
Cambridge, England).
Mean single-motor-unit firing frequency was meas-
ured off-line during 5-s time bins every 5 % of ET. The
first 5 % segment of the fatigue task represented the ini-
tial motor unit firing frequency, the last 5 % segment of
the fatigue task represented the final motor unit firing
frequency, and the segment with the lowest mean motor
unit firing frequency represented the minimum motor
unit firing frequency. Motor unit firing rates in absolute
time and relative to ET (every 5 % ET) were compared.
The slopes of firing rate over time during the fatigue
task were compared before and after endurance training.
Mean motor unit firing rates during the initial, mini-
mum and final time bins of the fatigue task were also
compared. During the fatigue task, a total of 31 motor
units were recorded and analyzed throughout the fatigue
task (14 pretraining and 17 posttraining). All interspike
intervals (ISIs) 20 and 200 ms were excluded from
analysis because they result in false-positive and false-
negative ISIs, respectively, and, therefore, alter mean
firing rate (Garland et al. 1994). Approximately 5 %
of the identified action potentials were excluded from
The mean peak twitch force from the five single pulses
measured before the three MVCs served as the control
twitch force. The mean peak twitch force from the five sin-
gle pulses after the MVCs served as the potentiated twitch
force. Each participant’s ET and MVC are expressed as a
percent change pre- and post-test.
Statistical analysis
A between–within general linear mixed model (GLMM)
with group (training and control), training (pre and post)
and fatigue time (initial, minimum and final) as the inde-
pendent variables was used to test motor unit firing rate
changes with training. A GLMM with group × training as
the independent factors was also used to test pre- and post-
training changes in time to minimum motor unit firing rate
Fig. 1 Representative force
(top trace) and intramuscular
EMG (bottom trace) record-
ings from the adductor pollicis
muscle during the 20 % MVC
sustained isometric fatigue
task. The intramuscular EMG
recording depicts two single
motor units that were following
throughout the course of the
fatigue task
271Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
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and training-related differences in overall mean motor unit
firing rates at relative and absolute times during the fatigue
task. The slopes of the motor unit firing rate changes at rel-
ative and absolute times from the start of the fatigue task
were compared using a group × training × fatigue time
Two-way repeated measures ANOVA with
group × training as the independent factors was used to test
pre-post training differences in ET and MVC. Postactiva-
tion potentiation was compared using a three-way repeated
measures ANOVA with twitch force (control and potenti-
ated), training and group as the independent factors. Bon-
ferroni corrections were used for post hoc analysis of mul-
tiple comparisons. An alpha level p 0.05 was accepted as
the level of statistical significance for all tests. All data are
reported as mean ± standard error.
Endurance time
There were a significant main effect for training
(p < 0.001) and a significant group × training interaction
(p = 0.030) for ET. Post hoc comparisons revealed that
muscular endurance training resulted in a 45.2 ± 8.7 %
(p < 0.001) (9.5 ± 1.7 and 13.8 ± 2.8 min, pre- and
posttraining, respectively) increase in ET of the fatigue
task for the training group and no significant change
in ET for the control group (12.6 ± 6.8 %; p = 0.27)
(12.0 ± 2.3 vs. 13.6 ± 2.8 min, pre- and posttraining,
Maximal voluntary contraction
There was a significant training main effect (p = 0.05)
for an increase in MVC following training. There was
no difference between groups (p = 0.09), and the train-
ing × group interaction (p = 0.22) was not significant for
MVC (training group: 78.0 ± 10.7 vs. 91.3 ± 13.1 N; con-
trol group: 50.4 ± 6.6 vs. 53.9 ± 7.5 N, pre- and posttrain-
ing, respectively).
Postactivation potentiation
There was a significant main effect for potentiation (con-
trol vs. potentiated twitch force) (p < 0.001) which showed
that twitch force increased significantly following the
three 3.5-s MVCs. Compared to the control twitch force,
the average potentiated twitch force increased by 3.9 N
and 4.2 N pre- and posttraining, respectively, for the train-
ing group, and by 2.7 N and 2.9 N pre- and posttraining,
respectively, for the control group. Data are displayed in
Fig. 2. The main effect for training and the interactions
were not significant.
Motor unit firing patterns
Thirty-one motor units were recorded throughout the course
of the fatigue task. In the training group, nine motor units
from eight subjects (one motor unit for seven subjects; two
motor units for one subject) were analyzed pretraining and
12 motor units from 10 subjects (one motor unit for eight
subjects; two motor units for two subjects) were analyzed
PrePostPre Post
Control GroupTraining Group
Twitch Force (N)
Control Twitch
Potentiated Twitch
Fig. 2 Mean control and potentiated twitch forces. *Potentiated
twitch force is significantly greater than the control twitch force
(p < 0.001)
Fig. 3 Mean initial, minimum and final motor unit firing rates for
motor units analyzed throughout the fatigue task. *Significantly lower
motor unit firing rate than initial. Significantly lower motor unit fir-
ing rate than final. The bracket indicates main effect
272 Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
1 3
posttraining. In the control group, five motor units from
four subjects (one motor unit for three subjects; two motor
units for one subject) were analyzed pretraining and five
motor units from four subjects (one motor unit for three
subjects; two motor units for one subject) were analyzed
posttraining from four subjects. At least one motor unit for
at least one test was recorded for all subjects included in
the data analysis. Mean motor unit firing rate patterns did
not change with muscular endurance training. Motor unit
firing rates during the initial, minimum and final sections of
the fatigue task were compared, and there was a significant
main effect for fatigue time (p < 0.001). Post hoc results
show that initial motor unit firing rates were significantly
higher than minimum firing rates (p < 0.001) and final fir-
ing rates (p < 0.001) and that final firing rates were higher
than minimum firing rates (p < 0.001) (Fig. 3). There was
no significant main effect for training (p = 0.245) or group
(p = 0.106), and no significant interactions.
Although the time from the start of the fatigue task to
the point in the fatigue task where minimum motor unit
firing rate occurred increased; the main effect for training
and the training × group interaction were not statistically
significant (Fig. 4). Additionally, the group × training and
group × training × fatigue time interactions were not sig-
nificantly different when mean motor unit firing rate of the
5-s time bins was compared at points relative to ET (Fig. 5)
or when compared at absolute times (Fig. 6) during the
fatigue task indicating no change in mean motor unit firing
rate and no change in the slope of motor unit firing behav-
ior, respectively, throughout the fatigue task (p > 0.05).
Individual motor unit firing rate patterns during the fatigue
task are displayed in Fig. 7. Additionally, newly recruited
motor units were observed in some subjects during the
fatigue task; however, they were not quantified or ana-
lyzed as the purpose of the present study was to examine
a specific motor unit from the onset of muscle contraction
throughout the time-course of muscle fatigue.
To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine motor
unit firing rates and the pattern in which the firing rate of a
single motor unit changes throughout the course of a sus-
tained submaximal voluntary fatigue task before and after
local muscular endurance training. Although ET increased,
we found that the pattern of single-motor-unit firing rate
activity during the fatigue task did not change with mus-
cular endurance training. The general pattern of motor unit
Control Training
Time to Minimum Firing Rate (M in)
Fig. 4 Mean time at which minimum motor unit firing rates occurred
during the fatigue task. There was no significant difference pre-post
% Endurance Time
Motor Unit Firing Rate (Hz)
% Endurance Time
Motor Unit Firing Rate (Hz
Fig. 5 Mean motor unit firing rate averaged over 5-s bins every 5 %
endurance time (20 time bins) pre- and posttraining. Each data point
is the mean of all motor units analyzed. Training group: pretraining
12 motor units, posttraining nine motor units; control group: pretrain-
ing five motor units, posttraining five motor units. a Training group
and b control group. There was no significant change between the
pre- and post-tests (p = 0.09)
273Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
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firing observed in the present study during a submaximal
fatiguing contraction is consistent with our previous work
(Garland et al. 1997; Griffin et al. 2000) and the work of
others (Garland et al. 1994; Adam and De Luca 2005) in
untrained individuals, whereby most initially recruited
motor units display an initial decrease in firing rate and an
increase late in fatigue. Our data are also in agreement with
a cycle ergometer training study in which motor unit firing
rates were lower during the 60–70-s time period of contrac-
tion compared to the first 10 s of the 30 % MVC with no
training-related change (Vila-Chã et al. 2012). This decline
in motor unit firing rate during fatigue has been attributed
to the muscle wisdom hypothesis (Marsden et al. 1983),
twitch force potentiation (Klien et al. 2001), decreased
central drive (Gandevia 2001; Taylor and Gandevia 2008),
motor neuron adaptation (Kernell and Monster 1982),
decrease in Ia afferent excitatory input to the motor neuron
(Macefield et al. 1991) and inhibition from Group III and
IV afferents (Bigland-Ritchie et al. 1986; Garland 1991).
The late increase in motor unit firing rate may be due to
increased central drive and increased Ia afferent activity
late in fatigue (Ljubisavlijecvic and Anastasijevic 1994). In
the present study, this pattern was also maintained pre-post
0500 1000 1500 2000
Motor Unit Firing Rat e (Hz)
Absolute Time (s)
0500 1000 1500 2000
Motor Unit Firing Rate (Hz)
Absolute Time (s)
Fig. 6 Motor unit firing rates in absolute time from the onset of the
fatigue task for the training group. Each data point represents the
mean firing rate over a 5-s time bin during the fatigue task. To dem-
onstrate the mean motor unit firing rate and slope of the change in
firing rate pattern throughout the course of fatigue, the data were fit
with a second-order polynomial trendline. a Pretraining firing rates:
y = 8E 06x2 0.0087x + 15.061; R2 = 0.0442, and b posttrain-
ing firing rates: y = 2E 06x2 0.0045x + 15.662; R2 = 0.0245.
There were no significant changes in mean motor unit firing rate or
the slope of the curve pre-post training
Fig. 7 Individual single-motor-unit data are displayed during the
time-course of muscle fatigue relative to endurance time. To demon-
strate the individual single-motor-unit firing rate pattern throughout
the course of fatigue, the mean motor unit firing rate of each motor
unit during the 5-s time bins was fit with a second-order polynomial
trendline. Motor units are numbered, with each number representing
a specific subject a pretraining and b posttraining
274 Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
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muscular endurance training and, therefore, may serve as
the optimal central nervous system (CNS) strategy to post-
pone fatigue during sustained muscular activity.
The mean firing rate at the onset of contraction, at the
end of the fatigue task, and the lowest firing frequency
during the fatigue task did not change with training. Addi-
tionally, mean motor unit firing rates did not change with
training when compared at points relative to ET or when
compared in absolute time from the onset of muscle con-
traction. Yet, because muscular ET increased significantly
with training, the CNS was able to sustain similar firing
rates of a single motor unit over a longer period of time in
the endurance-trained state compared to the untrained state.
Several neural and metabolic adaptations that occur in
response to endurance training may have contributed to
the maintenance of pretraining firing rates over the course
of a longer posttraining fatigue task and thus contribute to
the enhanced muscular endurance. Group III and IV small
diameter afferents likely inhibit cortical motoneurons (Tay-
lor and Gandevia 2008), and increased activation of Group
III and IV afferents occurs in response to the accumula-
tion of metabolites produced during prolonged contractile
activity (Mense and Stahnke 1983; Rotto and Kaufman
1988). Trained individuals, however, deplete muscle glyco-
gen stores more slowly than untrained individuals and in
so doing may delay and/or reduce lactate production (Her-
mansen et al. 1967) which may reduce motor unit inhibi-
tion to allow the neuromuscular system to sustain a given
motor unit firing frequency over a longer duration of sub-
maximal muscle contraction.
During sustained MVC, motor unit firing rates have
been found to continue to decline under ischemic condi-
tions until blood flow was re-established (Woods et al.
1987). Motor unit firing rates, however, are maintained
during dynamic fatiguing submaximal contractions (Miller
et al. 1996; Griffin et al. 1998), perhaps due to greater
blood flow during dynamic contractions which increases
metabolite removal from the muscle. Aerobic endurance
training (running) produces adaptations such as a reduc-
tion in metabolite production (Lucia et al. 2000), increased
capillarization and increased blood flow to the muscle
to aid in the clearance of metabolic byproducts (Brodal
et al. 1977; Lucia et al. 2000). Indeed, increased blood
flow and decreased metabolite production may decrease
Group III and IV afferent inhibition to the motor neuron
pool in the muscle trained for local muscular endurance
and allow for prolonged maintenance of motor unit firing
rate. In the present study, these physiological adaptations
may explain why the neuromuscular system sustains pre-
training firing frequencies over a longer period of time after
training to defer muscle fatigue. Furthermore, a trend was
observed where the minimum firing rate occurred later in
the fatiguing contraction after training, also suggesting that
higher firing rates were maintained over a longer duration
in the endurance-trained muscle.
Central fatigue may also play a role in the performance
of submaximal sustained contractions as excitability of the
motor neuron has been found to decrease during submaxi-
mal fatiguing contractions (McNeil et al. 2011). Motor unit
firing rates decrease as pain increases (Farina et al. 2004) in
part due to stimulation of Group III and IV afferents which
inhibit motor unit activation. Additionally, rating of per-
ceived effort during a sustained 15 % MVC increased by
almost four times during the course of a 40-min contraction
(Sogaard et al. 2006). It is possible that perception of effort
is reduced after muscular endurance training. Increases in
central drive may allow for firing rate to be maintained over
a longer duration, thereby sustaining force longer follow-
ing muscular endurance training. Further, we have previ-
ously found that cortical excitability increases with short-
term resistance training (Griffin and Cafarelli 2007) and
the excitability of the spinal cord (H/M ratio) is greater
in endurance-trained compared to sedentary individuals
(Rochcongar et al. 1979; Maffiuletti et al. 2001). These
factors may also allow for more efficient neural activation
to assist in sustaining motor unit firing rates longer. Our
data support previous findings that mean motor unit firing
rate did not change following 6 weeks of cycle ergometer
endurance training during unfatigued, 10-s contractions at
10 % MVC (Vila-Cha et al. 2010), but are in contrast to
the same study that reported lower motor unit firing rates
during an unfatigued, 10-s contraction performed at 30 %
MVC after 6 weeks of cycle ergometer endurance training
(Vila-Cha et al. 2010). Differences in training mode and the
short duration of muscular activity may account for the dis-
crepancy between results observed in the present study and
those of Vila-Cha et al. (2010).
We did not find a muscular endurance training-related
change in twitch force potentiation magnitude when MVCs
were used as conditioning contractions. Our previous work
shows that 8 weeks of similar muscular endurance training
in the AdP muscle increased maximal muscle twitch force
potentiation following MVC and during a submaximal
fatiguing contraction (Mettler and Griffin 2012). Endur-
ance athletes have also been found to have greater potentia-
tion in the trained muscles compared to untrained individu-
als (Hamada et al. 2000). It is, however, likely that 4-week
training was not long enough to induce significant changes
in potentiation. Additionally, we did not evoke electrically
induced contractions to test twitch force potentiation dur-
ing the fatigue task in the present study as that may have
altered motor unit behavior, and therefore, it is not clear
whether potentiation influenced motor unit firing rates dur-
ing the submaximal fatigue task.
275Exp Brain Res (2016) 234:267–276
1 3
Study limitations
Results obtained in the predominately slow twitch AdP
muscle may not generalize to all muscles, and future
study is needed to examine muscular endurance training
responses during a fatiguing contraction in larger muscles
of the lower and upper extremities and in muscles of differ-
ent fiber type composition. Also, although a small sample
of single motor units was followed throughout the fatigue
task, the sample size in the present study is consistent with
previous studies in which the same motor unit was fol-
lowed throughout the entire course of the fatigue task (Gar-
land et al. 1997; Adam and De Luca 2005). These studies
followed seven motor units (Garland et al. 1997) and eight
motor units (Adam and De Luca 2005) that were followed
during the entire fatigue task. In addition, an inherent limi-
tation to single motor unit recording using intramuscular
EMG is that it is not possible to ensure that the same motor
unit is recorded during different experimental sessions. The
firing rates of motor units vary within a given motor pool.
It is therefore possible that the firing rate of motor units
recorded during pretraining may have changed with train-
ing; however, since different motor units were recorded
posttraining, these physiological changes may have been
obscured. Similarly, motor unit firing rates vary across sub-
jects, and motor units from several subjects were pooled in
this study which also may have potentially obscured train-
ing-related changes in motor unit firing patterns. Addition-
ally, a control group was included in this study to ensure a
methodologically sound design. Although the control group
was smaller than the training group, having a larger treat-
ment group than control group does not present any spe-
cial statistical problems for the analysis technique we used,
other than the general truth that larger sample sizes yield
greater power to detect effects that exist in the population
from which the sample was drawn.
Postfatigue MVCs and postfatigue twitch forces may
have provided physiological information to assist with
interpretation of the motor unit data. During pilot testing,
however, we determined that it would not be technically
feasible to obtain postfatigue twitch forces due to diffi-
culty in maintaining electrode placement during the fatigue
task and this would be necessary in order to elicit maximal
twitch force immediately postfatigue task. In addition, sub-
jects reported pain at the wrist from the pressure of secur-
ing the stimulating electrode during the fatigue task. Motor
units are inhibited by pain, and we did not want to compro-
mise the motor unit data; therefore, we elected to forfeit the
postfatigue twitch data. Postfatigue MVCs were performed;
however, because the fatigue criterion was determined post
hoc, the postfatigue MVCs were not reported as they did
not provide meaningful information regarding the degree
of muscle fatigue. Motor unit recruitment thresholds were
not measured in the present study. It is possible that altered
recruitment threshold may have contributed to prolonged
muscular endurance and future research is warranted to
investigate recruitment threshold changes with muscular
endurance training.
In conclusion, we found that 4 weeks of local muscu-
lar endurance training resulted in increased local muscular
endurance. The mean motor unit firing rates of a sustained
submaximal fatigue task did not change with 4 weeks of
muscular endurance training. ET significantly increased
posttraining; therefore, mean firing rates were sustained
longer, and the pattern of single-motor-unit firing rate
changes during the course of muscle fatigue occurred over
a longer duration in the trained muscle. These findings sug-
gest that preservation of firing rates during the course of
sustained submaximal muscle contraction may be a mecha-
nism that contributes to increased muscular endurance and
delayed fatigue onset following short-term local muscular
endurance training.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank statistician,
Michael Mahometa, Ph.D., for consulting on the statistical analyses
and Brian Huynh for his time working on this project. We would also
like to thank all of the study participants for their time and dedication
to this project.
Author contributions Joni A. Mettler involved in experimental
design, training protocol design, data acquisition and analysis, inter-
pretation of data and writing of manuscript. Lisa Griffin involved in
conception, experimental design, interpretation of data and editing of
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... Prior studies have investigated the effects of endurance training on MU properties during fatiguing contractions. For example, Mettler and Griffin (2016) reported 4 weeks of muscular endurance training (three sets of seven, 1-min isometric thumb adduction contractions at 20% MVC) for the adductor pollicis resulted in greater time to volitional failure (~45%) during an isometric contraction at 20% MVC. However, MU firing rate patterns were unchanged, as they displayed an initial decrease in firing rates followed by an increase late in fatigue before and after the training intervention. ...
... Similarly, the authors reported an increase in time to task failure (~30%), while MU firing rates decreased during the contraction without a change to the overall pattern following training. It was proposed that alterations in sarcolemmal excitability (Vila-Cha et al., 2012), decreased accumulation of metabolic by-products (Mettler & Griffin, 2016;Vila-Cha et al., 2012), increased blood flow to the muscle (Mettler & Griffin, 2016), reduced coactivation of the antagonist muscles (Vila-Cha et al., 2012), and increases in central drive (Mettler & Griffin, 2016) and/or cortical excitability (Maffiuletti et al., 2001;Mettler & Griffin, 2016;Rochcongar et al., 1979) may have allowed for greater endurance times during the fatiguing contractions following training. Due to the findings of Vila-Cha et al. (2012) and Mettler and Griffin (2016), it appears that endurance training increases time to task failure for a relative intensity without changes to the overall MU firing rate scheme. ...
... Similarly, the authors reported an increase in time to task failure (~30%), while MU firing rates decreased during the contraction without a change to the overall pattern following training. It was proposed that alterations in sarcolemmal excitability (Vila-Cha et al., 2012), decreased accumulation of metabolic by-products (Mettler & Griffin, 2016;Vila-Cha et al., 2012), increased blood flow to the muscle (Mettler & Griffin, 2016), reduced coactivation of the antagonist muscles (Vila-Cha et al., 2012), and increases in central drive (Mettler & Griffin, 2016) and/or cortical excitability (Maffiuletti et al., 2001;Mettler & Griffin, 2016;Rochcongar et al., 1979) may have allowed for greater endurance times during the fatiguing contractions following training. Due to the findings of Vila-Cha et al. (2012) and Mettler and Griffin (2016), it appears that endurance training increases time to task failure for a relative intensity without changes to the overall MU firing rate scheme. ...
Purpose: To examine the effects of a 5-week continuous cycling training intervention on electromyographic amplitude (EMGRMS)- and mechanomyographic amplitude (MMGRMS)-torque relationships of the vastus lateralis (VL) during a prolonged contraction. Methods: Twenty-four sedentary, young adults performed maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) and a prolonged isometric trapezoidal contraction at the same absolute 40% MVC for the knee extensors before (PRE) and after training (POSTABS). Individual b- (slopes) and a-terms (y-intercepts) were calculated from the log-transformed electromyographic amplitude (EMGRMS)- and mechanomyographic amplitude (MMGRMS)-torque relationships during the increasing and decreasing segments of the trapezoid. EMGRMS and MMGRMS was normalized for the 45-s steady torque segment. Results: At PRE, b-terms for the EMGRMS-torque relationships during the linearly decreasing segment were greater than the increasing segment (p < .001), and decreased from PRE to POSTABS (p = .027). a-terms were greater during the linearly increasing than decreasing segment at PRE, while the a-terms for the linearly decreasing segment increased from PRE to POSTABS (p = .027). For the MMGRMS-torque relationships, b-terms during the linearly decreasing segment decreased from PRE to POSTABS (p = .013), while a-terms increased from PRE to POSTABS when collapsed across segments (p = .022). Steady torque EMGRMS increased for POSTABS (p < .001). Conclusion: Although cycling training increased aerobic endurance, incorporating resistance training may benefit athletes/individuals as the alterations in neuromuscular parameters post-training suggest a greater neural cost (EMGRMS) and mechanical output (MMGRMS) to complete the same pre-training fatiguing contraction.
... Because the progressive decrease in discharge rates is typically paralleled by an increase in surface EMG amplitude, it has been generally assumed that the contraction can be sustained by the recruitment of additional motor units, which is supported by experimental observations (Adam and De Luca 2005;Carpentier et al. 2001). On the other hand, other studies have challenged the observation of a continuous decrease in discharge rate during submaximal fatiguing contractions (Adam and De Luca 2005;Dorfman et al. 1990;Garland et al. 1997;Griffin et al. 2000;Kuchinad et al. 2004;Mettler and Griffin 2016). In these studies, an increase in motor unit discharge rates was observed after an initial decrease, and this behavior was linked with a decrease in whole muscle single-twitch force (Adam and De Luca 2005). ...
... Trends of motor unit discharge rate over time. Although it is generally accepted that motor unit discharge rate decreases linearly during submaximal fatiguing contractions until failure (Enoka and Duchateau 2008), many of the studies analyzing motor unit firing properties during these contractions have reported an initial decrease and later increase in firing frequency (Adam and De Luca 2005;Bigland-Ritchie et al. 1986;Castronovo et al. 2015;Dorfman et al. 1990;Garland et al. 1997;Griffin et al. 2000;Kuchinad et al. 2004;Mettler and Griffin 2016). Although the divergence in motor unit behavior could be likely related to differences in the tasks performed to study fatigue (Enoka and Duchateau 2008), it is important to note that all previous studies used decomposition methods based on MUAP template matching to follow motor units throughout the ...
... Besides methodological constraints, other factors, such as contraction duration (sustained contraction for a fixed period of time versus sustained contraction until failure), force level, and muscle studied, might be behind the differences in results across studies. For instance, all studies that have identified a nonlinear firing response have performed submaximal contractions until task failure (Adam and De Luca 2005;Bigland-Ritchie et al. 1986;Castronovo et al. 2015;Dorfman et al. 1990;Garland et al. 1997;Griffin et al. 2000;Kuchinad et al. 2004;Mettler and Griffin 2016), while those reporting monotonic decreases in discharge rate have been performed for either a fixed duration (Mottram et al. 2005;Pascoe et al. 2014;Riley et al. 2008) or until failure (Carpentier et al. 2001;Dalton et al. 2010;Garland et al. 1994;McManus et al. 2016). In the specific case of the studies from Carpentier et al. and Garland et al., the authors showed that motor unit behavior could be related to the recruitment threshold. ...
We investigated changes in motor unit (MU) behaviour and vasti-muscle contractile properties during sustained submaximal fatiguing contractions with a new time-domain tracking technique in order to understand the mechanisms responsible for task failure. Sixteen participants performed a non-fatiguing 15s isometric knee-extension at 50% of the maximum voluntary torque (MVC), followed by a 30% MVC sustained contraction until exhaustion. Two grids of 64 surface electromyography electrodes were placed over vastus medialis and lateralis. Signals were decomposed into MU discharge-times and the MUs from the 30% MVC sustained contraction were followed until task failure by overlapping decomposition intervals. These MUs were then tracked between 50% and 30% MVC. During the sustained fatiguing contraction, MUs of the two muscles decreased their discharge rate until ~40% of the endurance time, referred to as the reversal time, and then increased their discharge rate until task failure. This reversal in firing behaviour predicted total endurance time and was matched by opposite changes in twitch force (increase followed by a decrease). Despite the later increase in MU firing rates, peak discharge rates at task failure did not reach the frequency attained during a non-fatiguing 50% MVC contraction. These results show that changes in MU firing properties are influenced by adjustments in contractile properties during the course of the contraction, allowing the identification of two phases. Nevertheless, the contraction cannot be sustained possibly due to progressive motoneuron inhibition/decreased excitability, as the later increase in firing rate saturates at a much lower frequency compared to a higher-force non-fatiguing contraction.
... Whilst previous literature consistently suggests progressive increases in the number of identified MUs during prolonged submaximal isometric contractions (Adam & De Luca, 2005;Carpentier et al., 2001;Castronovo et al., 2015;Contessa et al., 2016;Maton, 1981;Person & Kudina, 1972), the reported patterns of MU discharge rate modulation during prolonged contractions have been inconsistent. Most commonly a gradual decrease has been observed (Carpentier et al., 2001;Garland et al., 1994;Lowe et al., 2023;McManus et al., 2016;Vila-Chã et al., 2012), though others have also reported an increase (Bigland-Ritchie et al., 1986;Kuchinad et al., 2004), or a biphasic modulation pattern, whereby an initial decrease was followed by a progressive increase until task failure (Adam & De Luca, 2005;Griffin et al., 2000;Mettler & Griffin, 2016). These inconsistencies are thought to be at least partly attributed to the variety of exercise tasks employed in the previous studies, with different contraction durations, intensities and modalities (i.e. ...
... The studies that did not perform contraction tasks to failure seem less likely to be comparable; the progressive decrease of MU discharge rate in those studies (Mottram et al., 2005;Pascoe et al., 2014;Riley et al., 2008) might reflect task cessation before the MU twitch potentiation had reached its peak, not necessitating the need for an increase in synaptic input to motoneurons to maintain the constant torque output. Our demonstration of a biphasic behaviour in MU discharge, with an increase towards task failure, seems to agree with a large number of studies that performed tasks to failure (Adam & De Luca, 2005;Bigland-Ritchie et al., 1986;Garland et al., 1997;Griffin et al., 2000;Kuchinad et al., 2004;Mettler & Griffin, 2016), though not with some others (Carpentier et al., 2001;Garland et al., 1994;McManus et al., 2016). ...
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The physiological mechanisms determining the progressive decline in the maximal muscle torque production capacity during isometric contractions to task failure are known to depend on task demands. Task‐specificity of the associated adjustments in motor unit discharge rate (MUDR), however, remains unclear. This study examined MUDR adjustments during different submaximal isometric knee extension tasks to failure. Participants performed a sustained and an intermittent task at 20% and 50% of maximal voluntary torque (MVT), respectively (Experiment 1). High‐density surface EMG signals were recorded from vastus lateralis (VL) and medialis (VM) and decomposed into individual MU discharge timings, with the identified MUs tracked from recruitment to task failure. MUDR was quantified and normalised to intervals of 10% of contraction time (CT). MUDR of both muscles exhibited distinct modulation patterns in each task. During the 20% MVT sustained task, MUDR decreased until ∼50% CT, after which it gradually returned to baseline. Conversely, during the 50% MVT intermittent task, MUDR remained stable until ∼40–50% CT, after which it started to continually increase until task failure. To explore the effect of contraction intensity on the observed patterns, VL and VM MUDR was quantified during sustained contractions at 30% and 50% MVT (Experiment 2). During the 30% MVT sustained task, MUDR remained stable until ∼80–90% CT in both muscles, after which it continually increased until task failure. During the 50% MVT sustained task the increase in MUDR occurred earlier, after ∼70–80% CT. Our results suggest that adjustments in MUDR during submaximal isometric contractions to failure are contraction modality‐ and intensity‐dependent. image Key points During prolonged muscle contractions a constant motor output can be maintained by recruitment of additional motor units and adjustments in their discharge rate. Whilst contraction‐induced decrements in neuromuscular function are known to depend on task demands, task‐specificity of motor unit discharge behaviour adjustments is still unclear. In this study, we tracked and compared discharge activity of several concurrently active motor units in the vastii muscles during different submaximal isometric knee extension tasks to failure, including intermittent vs. sustained contraction modalities performed in the same intensity domain (Experiment 1), and two sustained contractions performed at different intensities (Experiment 2). During each task, motor units modulated their discharge rate in a distinct, biphasic manner, with the modulation pattern depending on contraction intensity and modality. These results provide insight into motoneuronal adjustments during contraction tasks posing different demands on the neuromuscular system.
... To observe the fatigue effect on motor unit recruitment, the relationship between the firing rate and the motor unit amplitude can be presented (Figure 7), evidencing how fatigue reduces the threshold of the low firing rate and high amplitude motor units (with no clear effect on the high firing rate motor units). This decrease in the recruitment threshold is well reported [34,35,40] and this experience would allow to empirically explain how lowerthreshold motor units are considered resistance fiber units, while higher-threshold motor units produce higher force levels but are more fatigable [41]. Finally, it is important to mention that each person could present a particular degree of fatigue-induced changes in motor unit recruitment behavior [35]. ...
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Concepts about motor unit recruitment are important learning contents in exercise physiology and biomechanics classes that are usually taught theoretically. In the last few years, great advances have occurred in the decomposition of surface electromyography, allowing the learning of theoretical contents in an experimental way. In this tutorial paper, we have described the decomposition of surface electromyography methodological aspects and examples to teach motor unit recruitment concepts in exercise physiology and biomechanics practical lessons. This work has the aim to facilitate physiology and biomechanics academics to introduce this technique in practical classes.
... Thus, it is inevitable to reduce radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA principle) while maintaining diagnostic accuracy. In the last decade, various technical approaches have been developed and implemented to reduce radiation dose in CT imaging, including modulation of tube current, automatic adjustment of tube voltage, reduction of z-axis scan coverage as well as overranging, and modern post-processing technologies, such as iterative reconstruction [20,21]. Recently, an ultra-low dose CT (ULD CT) simulation study has shown in an intra-individual setting that radiation dose reduction down to 1% of the original radiation dose and the non-inferiority regarding the diagnostic accuracy of torsion measurements of the lower limb [22]. ...
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This study analyzed the radiation exposure of a new ultra-low dose (ULD) protocol compared to a high-quality (HQ) protocol for CT-torsion measurement of the lower limb. The analyzed patients (n = 60) were examined in the period March to October 2019. In total, 30 consecutive patients were examined with the HQ and 30 consecutive patients with the new ULD protocol comprising automatic tube voltage selection, automatic exposure control, and iterative image reconstruction algorithms. Radiation dose parameters as well as the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and diagnostic confidence (DC; rated by two radiologists) were analyzed and potential predictor variables, such as body mass index and body volume, were assessed. The new ULD protocol resulted in significantly lower radiation dose parameters, with a reduction of the median total dose equivalent to 0.17 mSv in the ULD protocol compared to 4.37 mSv in the HQ protocol (p < 0.001). Both groups showed no significant differences in regard to other parameters (p = 0.344–0.923). CNR was 12.2% lower using the new ULD protocol (p = 0.033). DC was rated best by both readers in every HQ CT and in every ULD CT. The new ULD protocol for CT-torsion measurement of the lower limb resulted in a 96% decrease of radiation exposure down to the level of a single pelvic radiograph while maintaining good image quality.
... Although these assessments provide information when fatigue is installed, evaluating changes in muscle's electrophysiological properties extracted from electromyography timeseries helps identify fatigue or non-fatigue status (Merletti et al., 1990). The myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue are indirectly related to reduced motor unit firing rate (Mettler and Griffin, 2016) and a concomitant decrease in muscle fiber conduction velocity (Rampichini et al., 2020). This information can be obtained by analyzing different spectral Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) patterns (Karthick et al., 2016). ...
The Short-Time Fourier transform (STFT) is a helpful tool to identify muscle fatigue with clinical and sports applications. However, the choice of STFT parameters may affect the estimation of myoelectrical manifestations of fatigue. Here we determine the effect of window length and overlap selections on the frequency slope and the coefficient of variation from EMG spectrum features in fatiguing contractions. We also determine whether STFT parameters affect the relationship between frequency slopes and task failure. Eighty-eight healthy adult men performed one-leg heel-rise until exhaustion. A factorial design with a window length of 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ms with 0, 25, 50, 75, and 90% of overlap was used. The frequency slope was non-linearly fitted as a task failure function, followed by a dimensionality reduction and clustering analysis. The STFT parameters elicited five patterns. A small window length produced a higher slope frequency for the peak frequency (p<0.001). The contrary was found for the mean and median frequency (p<0.001). A larger window length elicited a higher slope frequency for the mean and peak frequencies. The largest frequency slope and dispersion was found for a window length of 50 ms without overlap using peak frequency. A combination of 250 ms with 50% of overlap reduced the dispersion both for peak, median, and mean frequency, but decreased the slope frequency. Therefore, the selection of STFT parameters during dynamic contractions should be accompanied by a mechanical measure of the task failure, and its parameters should be adjusted according to the experiment’s requirements.
... In muscle strengthening training for generalized skeletal muscles, resistance exercise of low intensity with isometric contractions at 30% of the maximal voluntary contraction was found to increase muscle tissue after 16 weeks (Always et al., 1990). With resistance exercise at less than 30% of the maximal voluntary contraction, only increases in physical endurance were reported (Mettler & Griffin, 2016). Even with the tongue pressure cut-off value for oral frailty, difficulties are associated with sustaining ACP for phonation in daily life at a force of at least 30% of the maximum voluntary tongue pressure, and this pressure is insufficient to increase tongue pressure. ...
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Objectives This study aimed to clarify the relationship between oral function and life‐space mobility or social networks in order to explore approaches that prevent a decline in oral function. Materials and methods A total of 113 community‐dwelling older people (mean age; 75.7 ± 7.3 years) who participated in preventive long‐term care projects aimed at the maintenance or improvement of physical and mental functions were included in this study. The life‐space assessment (LSA) was used to evaluate life‐space mobility, while the Lubben Social Network Scale‐6 (LSNS‐6) was employed to assess social networks. Oral function was measured by maximum voluntary tongue pressure, oral diadochokinesis, the repetitive saliva swallowing test, and lip pressure. Indices of frailty were grip strength and the Kihon Checklist score. Multiple regression analysis was performed to clarify whether the LSA, LSNS‐6, and frailty are associated with oral function. Results The results of the Kihon Checklist showed that 63 participants (56%) were subjectively and at least slightly aware of a decline in oral function. LSA (B = 0.222, p < .001) and grip strength (B = 0.266, p = .003) associated with maximum voluntary tongue pressure. The goodness of fit of the predictive model was an adjusted R² value of .486. Other oral functions were not associated with any factors and the goodness of fit of the model was poor (Adjusted R² < .1). LSNS‐6 was not associated with any oral function. Conclusions Life‐space mobility and grip strength were independent factors associating maximum voluntary tongue pressure, while social networks did not directly association oral function. This study suggests the necessity of a program that approaches both oral and physical functions through guidance for securing a certain amount of daily activity for older people at risk of or exhibiting a decline in maximum voluntary tongue pressure.
... This study differences may be due to either (1) differences in fatigability of lower vs. upper limb muscle fatigability or (2) differences in the absolute force levels generated during the contractions. Neural drive to muscle (RMS of EMG and averaged discharge rate of motor units) typically increases during sub-maximal low-to moderate-intensity fatiguing contractions in healthy individuals (27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35). Thus, our findings suggest that decreased rate coding and or the drop out of motor units likely contributed to the reduced magnitude of the paretic RMS EMG compared to the non-paretic leg and is consistent with findings from other studies showing impaired ability to modulate EMG post stroke and different load levels and during fatigue (36,37). ...
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Introduction: This study quantified stroke-related changes in the following: (1) the averaged discharge rate of motor units (individually tracked and untracked) identified from high-density electromyography (HD-EMG) recordings, (2) global muscle EMG properties of the dorsiflexors during a fatiguing contraction, and the relationship between task endurance and measures of leg function. Methods: Ten individuals with chronic stroke performed a sustained sub-maximal, isometric, fatiguing dorsiflexion contraction in paretic and non-paretic legs. Motor-unit firing behavior, task duration, maximal voluntary contraction strength (MVC), and clinical measures of leg function were obtained. Results: Compared to the non-paretic leg, the paretic leg task duration was shorter, and there was a larger exercise-related reduction in motor unit global rates, individually tracked discharge rates, and overall magnitude of EMG. Task duration of the paretic leg was more predictive of walking speed and lower extremity Fugl-Meyer scores compared to the non-paretic leg. Discussion: Paretic leg muscle fatigability is increased post stroke. It is characterized by impaired rate coding and recruitment and relates to measures of motor function.
... Shoulder pain can be caused by prolonged exercise and flexibility or muscle imbalances between internal and external rotators during upper limb movements [2]. In addition, repeating or continuing maximum voluntary contractions for a long time increases motor unit recruitment and fatigue [4,5], which result in instability and changes in the muscles around the scapulae, glenohumeral joint, and shoulder-thorax joint [6]. ...
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Shoulder joint dysfunction is the leading cause of decreased athletic ability in athletes. Shoulder joint sports injuries affect the athletic performance of athletes. Improvements in the muscle endurance of the shoulder joint can reduce the incidence of shoulder joint dysfunction. Acupuncture has been an important part of Asian culture for a long time. In acupuncture, nerves are stimulated, inducing postactivation potentiation (PAP) in the body’s motor units and enhancing muscle strength. In this research, 20 female participants with full flexion/extension and adduction/abduction ranges of motion in the shoulder joint during isokinetic exercises underwent stimulation of the following acupuncture points in the shoulder joint: Binao (LI14), Jianyu (LI15), Jianliao (SJ14), Naohui (SJ13), Yuzhong (KI26), Zhongfu (LU1), Yunmen (LU2), Xiabai (LU4), Chize (LU5), Tianfu (LU3), and Xiaoluo (SJ12). In the study, there were significant increases after acupuncture in the average maximum torque in flexion, extension, and adduction; the average work in flexion/extension and adduction/abduction; the average power in flexion/extension and adduction/abduction; the total work in flexion/extension and adduction/abduction; the total net sagittal-plane work (flexion + extension); and the total net frontal-plane work (adduction + abduction) (P<0.05). The average maximum abduction torque did not increase significantly, potentially due to antagonistic forces of muscles. Therefore, acupuncture at acupoints around the shoulder joint can increase muscle excitability, thereby delaying muscle fatigue and increasing muscle endurance.
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This study examined electromyographic amplitude (EMGRMS)-force relationships during repeated submaximal knee extensor muscle actions among chronic aerobically-(AT), resistance-trained (RT), and sedentary (SED) individuals. Fifteen adults (5/group) attempted 20 isometric trapezoidal muscle actions at 50% of maximal strength. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from vastus lateralis (VL) during the muscle actions. For the first and last successfully completed contractions, linear regression models were fit to the log-transformed EMGRMS-force relationships during the linearly increasing and decreasing segments, and the b terms (slope) and a terms (antilog of y-intercept) were calculated. EMGRMS was averaged during steady force. Only the AT completed all 20 muscle actions. During the first contraction, the b terms for RT (1.301 ± 0.197) were greater than AT (0.910 ± 0.123; p = 0.008) and SED (0.912 ± 0.162; p = 0.008) during the linearly increasing segment, and in comparison to the linearly decreasing segment (1.018 ± 0.139; p = 0.014), respectively. For the last contraction, the b terms for RT were greater than AT during the linearly increasing (RT = 1.373 ± 0.353; AT = 0.883 ± 0.129; p = 0.018) and decreasing (RT = 1.526 ± 0.328; AT = 0.970 ± 0.223; p = 0.010) segments. In addition, the b terms for SED increased from the linearly increasing (0.968 ± 0.144) to decreasing segment (1.268 ± 0.126; p = 0.015). There were no training, segment, or contraction differences for the a terms. EMGRMS during steady force increased from the first- (64.08 ± 51.68 μV) to last-contraction (86.73 ± 49.55 μV;p = 0.001) collapsed across training statuses. The b terms differentiated the rate of change for EMGRMS with increments in force among training groups, indicating greater muscle excitation to the motoneuron pool was necessary for the RT than AT during the linearly increasing and decreasing segments of a repetitive task.
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The aim of the study was to find out to what extent muscle receptors with slowly conducting afferent fibres (group III and IV) are activated by muscular contractions of moderate force, and what kind of muscle afferents could mediate the pain of ischaemic exercise. In chloralose-anaesthetized cats, the impulse activity of single afferent units from the triceps surae muscle was recorded from dorsal root filaments during muscular contractions with intact blood supply and after occlusion of the muscle artery. Two types of responses were observed to contractions without muscular ischaemia. One was characterized by sudden onset and a graded response amplitude to contractions of increasing force. In most cases stretching the muscle was also an effective stimulus. Units showing this response behaviour were labelled c.s.m (contraction-sensitive with mechanical mechanism of activation). The other response type had a more delayed onset and often outlasted the exercise period; because of the unknown mechanism of activation, units of this kind were labelled c.s.x. The proportion of c.s.m receptors was significantly higher amongst group III than amongst group IV units. During ischaemic contractions of comparable force the c.s.m and c.s.x receptors exhibited an unchanged or a decreased response amplitude. Under these conditions another receptor type (N, for nociceptive) was activated which did not respond to contractions with intact blood supply. Vigorous activations during ischaemic work were only observed in group IV receptors. The majority of the 131 group III and IV units tested did not respond to contractions at all. These contraction-insensitive (c.i.) endings probably comprised different receptor populations (nociceptors, thermoreceptors, low-threshold mechanoreceptors). It is concluded that the various central nervous effects of muscular exercise without ischaemia which are known to be due to raised activity in thin muscle afferents (e.g. cardiopulmonary adjustments, spinal locomotor reflexes) are probably produced by the c.s.m and c.s.x types. The pain of ischaemic contractions is most likely mediated by the N receptors most of which possess non-myelinated afferent fibres.
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The aim of this study was to investigate muscle twitch force potentiation after voluntary conditioning contractions (CC) of various intensities and the CC duration necessary to achieve maximal potentiation before and after muscular endurance training. Fourteen healthy men and women (23.6 ± 0.96 years of age) performed repeated CCs of 25%, 50%, and 100% maximal voluntary contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle until maximal potentiation. CCs were followed by electrically evoked twitches. The training group performed a fatigue task and endurance trained for 8 weeks. Endurance time increased by 79.8 ± 22.5% posttraining. Potentiation occurred after all CC intensities and was greater after training. The CC duration needed to achieve maximal potentiation decreased as CC intensity increased. Potentiation was greater during the fatigue task after compared to before training and was correlated with endurance time. An increase in muscle force potentiation may function as a mechanism to prolong muscular endurance.
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The purpose of this Position Stand is to provide guidance to professionals who counsel and prescribe individualized exercise to apparently healthy adults of all ages. These recommendations also may apply to adults with certain chronic diseases or disabilities, when appropriately evaluated and advised by a health professional. This document supersedes the 1998 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Position Stand, "The Recommended Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory and Muscular Fitness, and Flexibility in Healthy Adults." The scientific evidence demonstrating the beneficial effects of exercise is indisputable, and the benefits of exercise far outweigh the risks in most adults. A program of regular exercise that includes cardiorespiratory, resistance, flexibility, and neuromotor exercise training beyond activities of daily living to improve and maintain physical fitness and health is essential for most adults. The ACSM recommends that most adults engage in moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise training for ≥30 min·d on ≥5 d·wk for a total of ≥150 min·wk, vigorous-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise training for ≥20 min·d on ≥3 d·wk (≥75 min·wk), or a combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercise to achieve a total energy expenditure of ≥500-1000 MET·min·wk. On 2-3 d·wk, adults should also perform resistance exercises for each of the major muscle groups, and neuromotor exercise involving balance, agility, and coordination. Crucial to maintaining joint range of movement, completing a series of flexibility exercises for each the major muscle-tendon groups (a total of 60 s per exercise) on ≥2 d·wk is recommended. The exercise program should be modified according to an individual's habitual physical activity, physical function, health status, exercise responses, and stated goals. Adults who are unable or unwilling to meet the exercise targets outlined here still can benefit from engaging in amounts of exercise less than recommended. In addition to exercising regularly, there are health benefits in concurrently reducing total time engaged in sedentary pursuits and also by interspersing frequent, short bouts of standing and physical activity between periods of sedentary activity, even in physically active adults. Behaviorally based exercise interventions, the use of behavior change strategies, supervision by an experienced fitness instructor, and exercise that is pleasant and enjoyable can improve adoption and adherence to prescribed exercise programs. Educating adults about and screening for signs and symptoms of CHD and gradual progression of exercise intensity and volume may reduce the risks of exercise. Consultations with a medical professional and diagnostic exercise testing for CHD are useful when clinically indicated but are not recommended for universal screening to enhance the safety of exercise.
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The study investigated changes in motor output and motor unit behavior following 6 wk of either strength or endurance training programs commonly used in conditioning and rehabilitation. Twenty-seven sedentary healthy men (age, 26.1 ± 3.9 yr; mean ± SD) were randomly assigned to strength training (ST; n = 9), endurance training (ET; n = 10), or a control group (CT; n = 8). Maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), time to task failure (isometric contraction at 30% MVC), and rate of force development (RFD) of the quadriceps were measured before (week 0), during (week 3), and after a training program of 6 wk. In each experimental session, surface and intramuscular EMG signals were recorded from the vastus medialis obliquus and vastus lateralis muscles during isometric knee extension at 10 and 30% MVC. After 6 wk of training, MVC and RFD increased in the ST group (17.5 ± 7.5 and 33.3 ± 15.9%, respectively; P < 0.05), whereas time to task failure was prolonged in the ET group (29.7 ± 13.4%; P < 0.05). The surface EMG amplitude at 30% MVC force increased with training in both groups, but the training-induced changes in motor unit discharge rates differed between groups. After endurance training, the motor unit discharge rate at 30% MVC decreased from 11.3 ± 1.3 to 10.1 ± 1.1 pulses per second (pps; P < 0.05) in the vasti muscles, whereas after strength training it increased from 11.4 ± 1.2 to 12.7 ± 1.3 pps (P < 0.05). Finally, motor unit conduction velocity during the contractions at 30% MVC increased for both the ST and ET groups, but only after 6 wk of training (P < 0.05). In conclusion, these strength and endurance training programs elicit opposite adjustments in motor unit discharge rates but similar changes in muscle fiber conduction velocity.
SUMMARY In order to stimulate further adaptation toward specific training goals, progressive resistance training (RT) protocols are necessary. The optimal characteristics of strength-specific programs include the use of concentric (CON), eccentric (ECC), and isometric muscle actions and the performance of bilateral and unilateral single- and multiple-joint exercises. In addition, it is recommended that strength programs sequence exercises to optimize the preservation of exercise intensity (large before small muscle group exercises, multiple-joint exercises before single-joint exercises, and higher-intensity before lower-intensity exercises). For novice (untrained individuals with no RT experience or who have not trained for several years) training, it is recommended that loads correspond to a repetition range of an 8-12 repetition maximum (RM). For intermediate (individuals with approximately 6 months of consistent RT experience) to advanced (individuals with years of RT experience) training, it is recommended that individuals use a wider loading range from 1 to 12 RM in a periodized fashion with eventual emphasis on heavy loading (1-6 RM) using 3- to 5-min rest periods between sets performed at a moderate contraction velocity (1-2 s CON; 1-2 s ECC). When training at a specific RM load, it is recommended that 2-10% increase in load be applied when the individual can perform the current workload for one to two repetitions over the desired number. The recommendation for training frequency is 2-3 dIwkj1 for novice training, 3-4 dIwkj1 for intermediate training, and 4-5 dIwkj1 for advanced training. Similar program designs are recom- mended for hypertrophy training with respect to exercise selection and frequency. For loading, it is recommended that loads corresponding to 1-12 RM be used in periodized fashion with emphasis on the 6-12 RM zone using 1- to 2-min rest periods between sets at a moderate velocity. Higher volume, multiple-set programs are recommended for maximizing hypertrophy. Progression in power training entails two general loading strategies: 1) strength training and 2) use of light loads (0-60% of 1 RM for lower body exercises; 30-60% of 1 RM for upper body exercises) performed at a fast contraction velocity with 3-5 min of rest between sets for multiple sets per exercise (three to five sets). It is also recommended that emphasis be placed on multiple-joint exercises especially those involving the total body. For local muscular endurance training, it is recommended that light to moderate loads (40-60% of 1 RM) be performed for high repetitions (915) using short rest periods (G90 s). In the interpretation of this position stand as with prior ones, recommendations should be applied in context and should be contingent upon an individual's target goals, physical capacity, and training
The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of strength and endurance training on muscle fiber membrane properties and discharge rates of low-threshold motor units of the vasti muscles during fatiguing contractions. Twenty-five sedentary healthy men (age (mean ± SD) = 26.3 ± 3.9 yr) were randomly assigned to one of three groups: strength training, endurance training, or a control group. Conventional endurance and strength training was performed 3 d·wk⁻¹, during a period of 6 wk. Motor unit conduction velocity and EMG amplitude of the vastus medialis obliquus and lateralis muscles and biceps femoris were measured during sustained isometric knee extensions at 10% and 30% of the maximum voluntary contraction before and immediately after training. After 6 wk of training, the reduction in motor unit conduction velocity during the sustained contractions at 30% of the maximum voluntary force occurred at slower rates compared with baseline (P < 0.05). However, the rate of decrease was lower after endurance training compared with strength training (P < 0.01). For all groups, motor unit discharge rates declined during the sustained contraction (P < 0.001), and their trend was not altered by training. In addition, the biceps femoris-vasti coactivation ratio declined after the endurance training. Short-term strength and endurance training induces alterations of the electrophysiological membrane properties of the muscle fiber. In particular, endurance training lowers the rate of decline of motor unit conduction velocity during sustained contractions more than strength training.
During fatigue caused by a sustained maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), motoneurones become markedly less responsive when tested during the silent period following transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). To determine whether this reduction depends on the repetitive activation of the motoneurones, responses to TMS (motor evoked potentials, MEPs) and to cervicomedullary stimulation (cervicomedullary motor evoked potentials, CMEPs) were tested during a sustained submaximal contraction at a constant level of electromyographic activity (EMG). In such a contraction, some motoneurones are repetitively activated whereas others are not active. On four visits, eight subjects performed a 10 min maintained-EMG elbow flexor contraction of 25% maximum. Test stimuli were delivered with and without conditioning by TMS given 100 ms prior. Test responses were MEPs or CMEPs (two visits each, small responses evoked by weak stimuli on one visit and large responses on the other). During the sustained contraction, unconditioned CMEPs decreased ∼20% whereas conditioned CMEPs decreased ∼75 and 30% with weak and strong stimuli, respectively. Conditioned MEPs were reduced to the same extent as CMEPs of the same size. The data reveal a novel decrease in motoneurone excitability during a submaximal contraction if EMG is maintained. Further, the much greater reduction of conditioned than unconditioned CMEPs shows the critical influence of voluntary drive on motoneurone responsiveness. Strong test stimuli attenuate the reduction of conditioned CMEPs which indicates that low-threshold motoneurones active in the contraction are most affected. The equivalent reduction of conditioned MEPs and CMEPs suggests that, similar to findings with a sustained MVC, impaired motoneurone responsiveness rather than intracortical inhibition is responsible for the fatigue-related impairment of the MEP during a sustained submaximal contraction.
It has long been believed that training for increased strength not only affects muscle tissue, but also results in adaptive changes in the central nervous system. However, only in the last 10 years has the use of methods to study the neurophysiological details of putative neural adaptations to training become widespread. There are now many published reports that have used single motor unit recordings, electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves, and non-invasive stimulation of the human brain [i.e. transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)] to study neural responses to strength training. In this review, we aim to summarize what has been learned from single motor unit, reflex and TMS studies, and identify the most promising avenues to advance our conceptual understanding with these methods. We also consider the few strength training studies that have employed alternative neurophysiological techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography. The nature of the information that these techniques can provide, as well as their major technical and conceptual pitfalls, are briefly described. The overall conclusion of the review is that the current evidence regarding neural adaptations to strength training is inconsistent and incomplete. In order to move forward in our understanding, it will be necessary to design studies that are based on a rigorous consideration of the limitations of the available techniques, and that are specifically targeted to address important conceptual questions.