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MRI evaluation of hip containment and congruency after closed reduction in congenital hip dislocation


Abstract and Figures

Background: Developmental dysplasia of the hip is the most common congenital skeletal disease. In its most severe form--dislocation--the treatment is directed at reducing the hip and establishing normal congruency between the femoral head and the acetabulum. Closed reduction with casting is a common primary treatment, where reduction is confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Objective: This study analyses anatomical aspects depicted on MRI after closed reduction to identify disparities in the growth behaviour of dislocated hips. Materials and methods: In 38 patients MRI after closed reduction was available for analysis. After exclusion of children with underlying diseases or syndromes, MRIs of 28 children were evaluated with respect to head coverage index, acetabular head index and sphericity. The results were compared to the stable opposite sides. Results: Twenty-two stable and 27 initially unstable hips were available for further analysis. The head coverage index as well as the acetabular head index of the unstable hips was significantly smaller than that of the stable hips. The sphericity score of the dislocated femoral heads was significantly lower than that of the stable ones. Conclusion: Dislocated hips showed significantly lower values for all of the evaluated parameters concerning congruency and containment. MRI is not only useful to confirm successful reduction but may also help to predict outcome by evaluating following dislocation.
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© 2013 Wichtig Editore - ISSN 1120-7000
Hip Int (2013 ;:6 ) 552- 55923
MRI evaluation of hip containment and congruency
after closed reduction in congenital hip dislocation
Claudia Druschel, Richard Placzek, Lina Selka, Tamara Seidl, Julia Funk
Centre for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Charité University Medicine Berlin, Berlin - Germany
DOI: 10.5301/hipint.5000070
Developmental hip dysplasia (DDH) is the most common
congenital deformity of the musculoskeletal system with
an incidence of 2-4% (1). DDH describes an ossification
disorder of the cartilaginous acetabulum without dislo-
cation of the femoral head. In contrast, the incidence of
hip dislocation is significantly lower (0.4-0.7%). It is well
known that the early diagnosis and treatment of DDH
and hip dislocation are important for normal hip develop-
ment (2). The fundamental aim of the treatment remains
to obtain and maintain a concentrically reduced hip, with
minimal morbidity and subsequent normal acetabular and
proximal femoral development (3). Furthermore, the re-
quirements for secondary procedures later in childhood or
adolescence should be minimised (3). Early diagnosis and
prompt therapy is important as the highest growth poten-
tial of the acetabular roof lies within the first four months
of life (4). The duration and invasiveness of treatment are
closely related to the severity of the deformity but also to
the patient’s age at the beginning of therapy (4).
Before attempting open reduction, closed reduction and
spica casting for retention of the unstable hip or applica-
tion of a Pavlik harness are standard practice (5). Closed
reduction with casting is commonly performed under
ultrasonographic or fluoroscopic guidance with or without
additional arthrography (5). In young patients with unsta-
ble or dislocated hips closed reduction and retention can
Background: Developmental dysplasia of the hip is the most common congenital skeletal disease.
In its most severe form - dislocation - the treatment is directed at reducing the hip and establishing
normal congruency between the femoral head and the acetabulum. Closed reduction with casting is
a common primary treatment, where reduction is confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Objective: This study analyses anatomical aspects depicted on MRI after closed reduction to identify
disparities in the growth behaviour of dislocated hips.
Materials and methods: In 38 patients MRI after closed reduction was available for analysis. After
exclusion of children with underlying diseases or syndromes, MRIs of 28 children were evaluated with
respect to head coverage index, acetabular head index and sphericity. The results were compared to
the stable opposite sides.
Results: Twenty-two stable and 27 initially unstable hips were available for further analysis. The head
coverage index as well as the acetabular head index of the unstable hips was significantly smaller than
that of the stable hips. The sphericity score of the dislocated femoral heads was significantly lower
than that of the stable ones.
Conclusion: Dislocated hips showed significantly lower values for all of the evaluated parameters
concerning congruency and containment. MRI is not only useful to confirm successful reduction
but may also help to predict outcome by evaluating following dislocation.
Keywords: Developmental hip dysplasia, Closed reduction, MRI, Containment, Congruency
Accepted: May 8, 2013
© 2013 Wichtig Editore - ISSN 1120-7000 553
Druschel et al
be achieved by these options in the vast majority of the
cases. Failed closed reduction in neonates occurs rarely
and has been reported in approximately 1-4% of all dislo-
cations (6, 7). Obstacles preventing reduction of the dis-
located hip include: inversion of the labrum, interposition
of the psoas tendon, narrowing of the capsular isthmus,
thickening of the round ligament (ligamentum teres) and of
the transverse ligament of the acetabulum, thickening of
the fibrofatty pulvinar tissue and hypertrophy of the carti-
lage of the acetabular roof (acetabular bulge) (6-8).
Different imaging techniques (ultrasound, arthrography,
MRI) are used to evaluate the obstacles preventing reduc-
tion and play a role in choosing the treatment strategy. Tré-
guier et al investigated irreducible DDHs with ultrasound
and demonstrated hypertrophy of the cartilage of the ace-
tabular roof (6). Ponseti reported this pathology for the first
time as result of autopsies in six cases and described it as
‘acetabular bulge’’ (8). Today post-reduction MRI is widely
used to confirm closed reduction (5, 9-12). However, use-
ful parameters to determine the growth restriction of the
dislocated hip are still missing.
The aims of this study were to describe the MRI parameters
for determination of containment and congruency between
the femoral head and acetabulum in infants as well as the
correlation of parameters with age and reduction success.
We hypothesised that hip dislocation leads to less congru-
ency confirmed by decreased acetabular head index, head
coverage index and sphericity as compared to the healthy
contralateral side.
A retrospective cohort study of patients treated for develop-
mental hip dislocation with closed reduction and spica cast-
ing in our department between January 2005 and December
2010 was performed. Hips that underwent open reduction
were excluded. 47 congenital hip dislocations in 38 patients
(31 females) were identified. Patients with underlying diseas-
es or syndromes that are known to include the risk of terato-
logic or secondary neuromuscular dislocation were excluded
from the statistical analysis. Diagnosis was confirmed by ul-
trasound according to Graf as well as clinical investigation
(Ludloff sign, Galeazzi sign, abduction inhibition). Graf types
III and IV were treated according to our standard protocol.
Treatment protocol
Closed reduction with arthrography under fluoroscopic
guidance was performed under general anaesthesia in all
cases. A hip spica cast was applied with the hips in more
than 90° of flexion and 40° to 60° abduction, depending
on the position of maximal stability. MRI examination was
carried out under sedation within 24 hours after cast appli-
cation (Fig. 1). Whenever incomplete reduction was found
the cast was removed immediately and the procedure was
repeated within the next few days. In case of successful
reduction and retention the spica cast was left unchanged
for four weeks. After removal stability and hip type were
evaluated clinically and by ultrasound. If the situation was
stable, a Tuebingen flexion-abduction splint (13) was ap-
plied for further remodelling of the acetabulum according
to continuous ultrasound controls.
MRI assessment
In all cases a pelvic MRI depicting both hips was per-
formed. Affected and initially stable hips were evaluated
Fig. 1 - MRI presentation of the reduced left hip in: A) transversal
and B) coronal T2-weighted sequence.
© 2013 Wichtig Editore - ISSN 1120-7000
MRI evaluation after closed reduction in congenital hip dislocation
applying the same protocol. The patients were placed
in a supine position with the leg position limited by the
cast. Images were obtained using a General Electric Signa
System (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wis, USA) with a field
strength of 1.5 Tesla. T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE)
sequences in the transverse and coronal plane were used
for evaluation. The slice thickness was 2 mm (0.2sp). For
measuring areas and distances Centricity® (GE Health-
care) tools were applied.
The acetabular-head-index (AHI) described by Douira-
Khomsi et al (10) was applied after modification for the
cartilaginous infant hip. It is a description of the hip con-
tainment in the coronal plane. Hence, the MRI slice of the
coronal sequence with the largest femoral head area was
selected for each hip by two independent examiners. To
assess the lateral acetabular coverage of the femoral head
a vertical line was drawn from the internal cephalic carti-
laginous edge (Fig. 2). Perpendicular lines from this verti-
cal line were drawn to the lateral cartilaginous margin of
the acetabulum as well as the furthest lateral margin of
the cartilaginous femoral head. The modified cartilaginous
coronal AHI was expressed as relation of the acetabular
cover (DA
) to the largest extension of the femoral head (DH
in percent.
Head coverage index
To determine the containment of the femoral head in the
acetabulum for each hip the MRI slice of the transverse
sequence with the largest area of the femoral head was
selected by two independent examiners for further evalu-
ation. The area (in mm2) of the femoral head (AH
) and the
acetabulum (AA
) were measured as well as the fraction
of the femoral head (AHP) enclosed in the acetabulum
(Fig. 3). The ratio AHP/AH was expressed as head cover-
age index (%). The percentage of the acetabulum filled
with femoral head was also evaluated as a marker for
To evaluate the reliability of this measurement index the
intraclass correlation coefficient was determined for intra-
rater and inter-rater reliability. While the analysis of the
intra-rater reliability was based upon the results from the
measurements of the repeated blinded measurements of
the newly established parameters AH, AA and AHP by one of
the authors (CD) at two different time points, the inter-rater
reliability was determined on the base of an independent
Fig. 2 - Measurement of the modified acetabular-head-index in
a schematic drawing and in a coronal T2-weighted image after
closed reduction of the left hip. A = vertical line from the inter-
nal cephalic cartilaginous edge DA = Distance from vertical line to
the lateral cartilaginous margin of the acetabulum, DH = distance
from ver tical line to the lateral margin of the femoral head. AHI =
DA/DH x 100 (%).
Fig. 3 - A) Presentation of the femoral head area (AH
) evaluation in
a schematic drawing and in a transversal T2-weighted image after
closed reduction of the left hip. B) Visualisation of the acetabular
area (A A
) and the in the acetabulum included femoral head area (AHP
in schematic drawing and MRI image. The AHP of the reduced hip is
markedly smaller than that of the opposite side.
© 2013 Wichtig Editore - ISSN 1120-7000 555
Druschel et al
and blinded MRI analysis by two trained paediatric ortho-
paedic surgeons (CD, JF).
Any deformation of the femoral head was examined using
the modified method from Sankar et al (14). The spericity
was evaluated in the same images in which the AHI was
measured. The largest femoral head diameter was deter-
mined. From its midpoint, which also divided the diameter
into the largest femoral head radii three further radii at 45°,
90° and 135° were added in a clockwise direction. Dmax
was defined as the difference between the largest and the
smallest radius. The modified sphericity score was then cal-
culated according to the formula: sphericity score (SS) = 1 -
Dmax (Fig. 4). For a completely circular head Dmax - as
the maximum difference of the radii - would be 0 and the
sphericity score would be 1.
Reduction obstacles
Obstacles preventing reduction of the dislocated hip
were investigated by two independent observers. They
were classified as inverted labrum, psoas tendon inter-
position, pulvinar tissue or narrowing of the capsular isth-
mus. The shape of the labrum and the cartilaginous roof
was evaluated in both planes and described as normal or
Statistical analysis
Data were analysed using PASW Statistics 18.0 (SPSS
Inc., Chicago, IL). A minimum sample size per group (two-
tailed hypothesis) of 22 was evaluated with an anticipated
effect size of 0.88 resulting from the assumption drawn
from preliminary measurements that AHI is at least 10%
lower in primarily centred than in reduced hips and that the
standard deviation of AHI is twice as high in reduced hips
as in primarily stable ones. After confirming normal distri-
bution of data significant differences between the groups
of reduced and primarily stable hips were evaluated apply-
ing the unpaired two-tailed Student t-test using the con-
ventional 95% level of confidence. To determine the age
dependency the Pearson correlation coefficient was used.
The inter- and intraobserver agreement was determined
by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).
The reliability was interpreted as poor (ICC = 0-0.2), fair
(ICC = 0.3-0.4), moderate (ICC = 0.5-0.6), strong (ICC =
0.7-0.8) or almost perfect (ICC>0.8) (15).
The mean age at reduction was 81 days, with a range of sev-
en to 334 days. Twelve patients underwent a pretreatment
alio loco” with a Pavlik harness or Tuebingen splint before
being referred to our department. In six hips either longitu-
dinal or overhead traction was performed before reduction.
Treatment results
Of the 38 treated patients 10 infants had underlying diseas-
es or syndromes that are known to coincide with either tera-
togenic or neurologic hip dislocations. These patients were
excluded from statistical analysis. The seven hips in six chil-
dren where closed reduction was impossible were excluded
from statistical analysis as well and described separately.
Fig. 4 - Imaging of the method to determine the sphericity (SS = 1 –
Dmax) presented in a schematic drawing and in a coronal T2-weight-
ed images after closed reduction of the left hip.
© 2013 Wichtig Editore - ISSN 1120-7000
MRI evaluation after closed reduction in congenital hip dislocation
Since four of the six children with irreducible hips belonged
to patients who were excluded for underlying diseases
statistical analysis was performed for 49 hips (46 females)
of 26 patients with a mean age of 82 ± 51 days (median
75 days range 7–217 days) at time of closed reduction.
22 stable hips and 27 initially unstable hips with successful
closed reduction and stable retention were analysed.
MRI Assessment
MRI was found to be a satisfactory tool for assessing the
adequacy of reduction. The available sequences sufficed
for applying the modified scores and indices to evaluate
containment and congruency. Table I displays the means,
ranges and standard deviations of the described values
(Tab. I).
The AHI was 8% higher in primarily stable hips (AHI = 76.37 ±
5.78%) than in reduced hips (AHI = 69.85 ± 10.9%). This im-
plicates significantly less coverage of the femoral head (p =
0.015) in reduced hips than in stable hips. In irreducible hips
the AHI was smaller than that of the reduced hips (AHI =
38.0 ± 14.85%).
Head coverage index
The mean femoral head area of the reduced hips (AH =
202.08 ± 43.45 mm2) was significantly (p = 0.04) smaller than
that of the primarily stable hips (AH = 235.80 ± 62.53 mm2).
The mean acetabular area was also significantly (p = 0.003)
smaller in reduced hips (AA = 53.22 ± 16.71 mm2) as com-
pared to the stable hips (AA = 67.24 ± 13.34 mm2). Although
head as well as acetabulum area were smaller in the re-
duced hips, the femoral area that was enclosed in the ac-
etabulum was significantly (p<0.001) smaller in the reduced
hips (AHP = 27.94 ± 15.39 mm2) in comparison to the initially
stable hips (AHP = 48.54 ± 14.44 mm2). The head coverage
index as a description of femoroacetabular containment of
the reduced hips (AHP/AH x100 = 14.08 ± 6.72%) was 33%
smaller than that of the stable hips (AHP/AH x100 = 21.11 ±
5.48%) which illustrates a significant difference between
both groups concerning the containment (p<0.001). The
femoral head area of those hips where reduction had failed
averaged to AH = 173.7 ± 68.8 mm2 which is even smaller
than that of the reduced hips. The acetabular area of the ir-
reducible hips (AA = 30.4 ± 17.1 mm2) also was smaller than
that of the successfully reduced hips. The head coverage
index was not calculable for non-reduced hips, neither was
any area of the head enclosed in the acetabulum in these
cases. Furthermore, the area of the femoral head as well as
that of the acetabulum correlated significantly with age at
closed reduction (p<0.001) in all cases.
The reliability coefficients for these newly developed pa-
rameters concerning intra-rater and inter-rater agreement
are presented in Table II. They represent a strong to almost
perfect agreement concerning reliability of these variables.
The smallest coefficient is 0.78 (intra-rater reliability AA) and
the largest coefficient is 0.98 (inter-rater reliability AH).
Sphericity score
Regarding the shape of the femoral head reduced hips
(SS = 0.77 ± 0.13) showed a significant (p = 0.001) defor-
mation when compared to the initially stable hips (SS =
0.89 ± 0.08). The irreducible hips seemed to be even
more deformed with regard to the sphericity score (SS =
0.5 ± 0.14).
parameter primarily stable
hips (n = 2 2)
hips (n = 27)
by t-test
AH-Index (in %) 76.37 ± 5.78 69.85 ± 10.90 p = 0.015
Head coverage
index (AHP/AH in %)
21.11 ± 5.4 8 14.08 ± 6.72 p<0.0 01
Area head (AH in mm2) 235.80 ± 62.53 202.08 ± 43.45 p = 0.039
Area acetabulum
(AA in mm2)
67.24 ± 13.34 53.22 ± 16.71 p = 0.003
Area head in acetabu-
lum (AHP in mm2)
48.54 ± 14.44 27.94 ± 15.39 p<0.0 01
Percentage acetabu-
lum filled with head (%)
71.94 ± 14.55 51.66 ± 18.54 p<0.0 01
Sphericity 0.89 ± 0.08 0.77 ± 0.13 p = 0.001
parameter Intra-rater
Area head (AH)0.96 0.98
Area acetabulum (AA)0 .78 0.8
Area head in acetabulum (AHP)0.89 0.9
© 2013 Wichtig Editore - ISSN 1120-7000 557
Druschel et al
Reduction obstacles
In the patients with irreducible hips no obstacles such as
inverted labrum, psoas interposition, pulvinar tissue or nar-
rowing of the capsular isthmus were found in the available
MRI sequences. On the other hand all pathologic hips – the
reduced ones as well as the irreducible ones – showed
signs of deformation of the labrum (“bulging”) whereas none
of the initially stable hips had deformed cartilaginous roofs.
Concentric reduction of dislocated hip joints is a mandatory
precondition for the development of a healthy congruent hip
without the risk for early degenerative changes (9). Specific
MRI parameters were evaluated in this study to retrospec-
tively determine containment and congruency of femoral
head and acetabulum in infants after closed reduction.
Although the retrospective study design is a limitation which
may influence the interpretability of the presented results
the evaluated number of patients is within the margins of
the sample size analysis implying satisfactory power of the
results. On the other hand the number is not large enough
to perform valuable subgroup analysis. Therefore, it was
not possible to statistically analyse differences between
irreducible hips and reducible or primarily stable hips.
However, according to the main subgroups of dislocated
and stable hips a homogeneous distribution concerning
number (27 to 22) and age (75 to 76 days) was present.
Previously published measurement methods (10, 14) were
modified to apply them to the MRI analysis of infant hips
instead of older patients groups. Significant differences be-
tween the configuration of stable and reduced hips were
observed with the respective methods.
After closed reduction, MR imaging is the golden stan-
dard to confirm stable reduced retention and to evalu-
ate soft tissue interposition (5, 9-12). The advantage of
magnetic resonance tomograms is the good depiction
of cartilage and soft tissues with an adequate imaging of
bone (9, 11). It is well known that the transverse plane
shows concentric reduction the best whereas the coronal
plane tends to produce false positive results with regard to
proper reduction (11). In addition to documenting adequate
reduction of the hip joint, MRI allows to determine the ex-
tent of abduction in the plaster cast (9). In this study MRIs
produced for assessing the adequacy of reduction were
further evaluated concerning joint congruency and femoral
head containment applying different indices and scores af-
ter modification for MRIs of infant hips. Due to the fact that
the sequences evaluated in this study were initially used to
control the result of closed reduction a limited number of
selected slices was available. This may have influenced the
outcome of this study but would have affected the dislo-
cated hips as well as the stable ones equally.
Despite the generally good results of closed reduction it
has been described to fail in approximately 1-4% of all dis-
locations (7, 9). With the application of MRI as the golden
standard for diagnosing the post-reduction state of the hip
this number has raised to 4% to 6% (11, 16). The relatively
high rate of failed closed reductions (16%, six children out
of 38) in our study population can be explained by the num-
ber of patients with underlying diseases (four of these six
patients) and hence teratogenic or neurogenic dislocations
which are known to have a higher failure rate concerning
closed reduction. One of the remaining two children was
older than three months at the time of reduction. This is
comparable to 7% in our patients (2/28 children without
syndromes, one of them older than three months).
The head coverage index is a valid measure of hip con-
tainment in the transverse plane. Furthermore, this study
successfully applies the measurement of the hip contain-
ment in the coronal plane as described for older patients
by Douira-Khomsi et al (10) to infants. With both methods
it can be shown that uncoupled growth of dislocated hips
during early life resulted in significantly less containment
when compared to the primarily stable hips. The values of
the irreducible hips were even lower although not statisti-
cally tested due to the small number of cases. To dem-
onstrate the difference between the morphology of the
normal and dysplastic acetabula on MRI other modified
parameters have been applied before emphasising angles
and outcome of reduction but not the congruency and
containment of the hip joints (14).
The significantly smaller areas of head and acetabulum of
the reduced hips demonstrated in this study can be valued
as an early sign of biomechanical-biological interaction.
This mechanism was shown in a rat model where after leg
fixation of newborn rats in the position of hip extension and
adduction, the acetabulum was shallow and small com-
pared to the control group (17).
The deformation of the femoral heads and the lateral thirds
of the acetabula was described qualitatively by Ferguson
et al when seen during open reduction (4). The spericity as
© 2013 Wichtig Editore - ISSN 1120-7000
MRI evaluation after closed reduction in congenital hip dislocation
The combination of the results of all applied measurement
methods legitimises the assumption that very early patho-
morphological changes of the dislocated hip joint due to
uncoupled growth lead to a lack of congruency and con-
tainment which ultimately prevent closed reduction. As the
deformation is known to progress with age, diagnosis and
treatment should be enforced as early as possible to yield
the best results with the least invasive therapy. MRI evalua-
tion may be helpful initially for decision making with regard
to the most successful procedure as it optimally shows the
amount of incongruency and lack of containment as a re-
sult of deformation and uncoupled growth of the infantile
hip joint.
Financial Support: No funding was received for this work.
Conflict of Interest: There is no potential conflict of interest, real or
perceived, in: 1) study design; 2) the collection, analysis, and interpre-
tation of data; 3) the writing of the report; and 4) the decision to submit
the paper for publication.
Address for correspondence:
Claudia Druschel
Charité University Medicine Berlin
Centre for Musculoskeletal Surgery
Campus Virchow Clinic, Augustenburger Platz 1
Berlin 13353, Germany
a sign of femoral head deformation can also be evaluated
without surgical intervention on coronal MRI by the modi-
fied method of Sankar et al (14). The evaluated spheric-
ity score revealed a significant deformation of the reduced
femoral heads in comparison to the primarily stable hips
immediately after closed reduction. This can be interpreted
as an early sign of incongruency. The images of the irre-
ducible hips showed even more deformation.
The obstacles preventing reduction of the dislocated hip
that have been described in the literature: inversion of
the labrum, interposition of the psoas, narrowing of the
capsular isthmus, thickening of the round ligament and of
the transverse ligament of the acetabulum, thickening
of the fibrofatty pulvinar tissue and hypertrophy of the
cartilage of the acetabular roof (6-8). Due to the optimal
soft-tissue imaging with magnetic resonance tomogra-
phy, reduction obstacles can be identified easier on MRI
sequences than on arthrograms (18-20). No soft tissue
reduction obstacles were seen in the available MRIs of
this study. Bulging of the acetabular roof was seen in all
pathologic hips – the reduced as well as the irreducible
ones – at least in one plane whereas none of the primarily
stable hips showed this feature. Although a limited num-
ber of MRI slices was available for evaluation, it may be
assumed that incongruency with malcontainment but not
soft tissue interposition was the main reason for failed re-
duction in this population.
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aging in congenital dysplasia of the hip. J Pediatr Orthop.
... Other previous reports described MRI measurements as useful for the evaluation of postoperative hip reduction. [14,15] In the present study, we hypothesized that medial wall thickness had an association with residual acetabular dysplasia. We, therefore, aimed to evaluate the correlation between post-reduction MRI-based parameters and persisting acetabular dysplasia in DDH patients who underwent open reduction. ...
... On the first postoperative day, the acetabular head index (AHI), head coverage index (HCI), and sphericity were measured, as previously described. [14,16] The bony acetabular index (BAI) and cartilage acetabular index (CAI) were measured, as described by Huber et al. [17] The anterior acetabular index (AAI), posterior acetabular index (PAI), and abduction angle (AA) were measured on axial images. [13] The reliability of the indices measured on infant hip MRI scans was previously evaluated. ...
... [13] The reliability of the indices measured on infant hip MRI scans was previously evaluated. [14,[16][17][18] For the measurement of the acetabular medial wall thickness (AMWT), the section in which the femoral head is widest in the axial plane, on the T2 pelvis MRI image, was used. The distance between the deepest point where the femoral head touches the acetabulum and the medial wall of the acetabulum was measured (Figure 1). ...
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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate correlation of post-reduction magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based parameters with residual acetabular dysplasia in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) patients who underwent open reduction. Patients and methods: A total of 62 hips of 54 children (5 males, 57 females; mean age: 8.5±3.5 months; range, 0 to 24 months) with a diagnosis of DDH who underwent open reduction between January 2012 and January 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. The acetabular head index (AHI), head coverage index (HCI), sphericity, bony acetabular index (BAI), cartilage acetabular index (CAI), anterior acetabular index (AAI), posterior acetabular index (PAI), abduction angle (AA), and acetabular medial wall thickness were measured by MRI. The correlation between MRI measurements and residual acetabular dysplasia was evaluated. Results: The mean follow-up was 23.7±10.1 (range, 12 to 56) months. The mean age at the final examination was 47.6±10.4 months. The age at the time of operation (r=0.250, p=0.049), medial wall thickness (r=0.304, p=0.016), AAI (r=0.729, p<0.001), PAI (r=0.590, p<0.001), and early postoperative AI (r=0.900, p<0.001) at the third postoperative month were positively correlated with the last follow-up AI. The AHI (r=-0.512, p<0.001), sphericity (r=-0,661, p<0.001), and HCI (r=-0.554, p< 0.001) were negatively correlated with the last follow-up AI. Conclusion: Post-reduction MRI parameters can be used to evaluate correlation with persistent acetabular dysplasia in DDH patients. Keywords: Acetabular dysplasia, hip dysplasia, magnetic resonance imaging, open reduction.
... Although this technique is associated with a high success rate, there is dissent on predisposing risk factors for failed CR. In the past, hypertrophic ligaments, an inverted labrum, or adipose tissue have been claimed to obstacle reposition, which could not be verified in recent studies [4,5]. ...
... Although the mentioned techniques are known to be associated with these limitations, closed reduction has become gold standard for the treatment of unstable developmental dysplastic hips due to better success rates only recently [16]. So far, existing studies on closed reduction present small sample sizes [4] or do not assess success of reduction immediately after spica casting [17] although MRI is widely accepted for this indication [9]. Furthermore, different inclusion criteria and patient characteristics (age, diagnostic technique, etc.) limit comparability of studies available. ...
... As reported previously, soft tissue obstacles almost never account for unsuccessful CR in cases of DDH [4,5]. Therefore, different morphologic correlates were to be identified to explain for treatment failures. ...
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Aim of the studyThe present study aimed to identify risk factors for unsuccessful CR.IntroductionClosed reduction (CR) represents the gold standard for treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), but to a minor percentage, it fails to reduce dysplastic hips successfully.Methods Seventy-three dysplastic hips underwent closed reduction and post-interventional MRI of the pelvis. MRIs were evaluated for successful reduction of the hip, volumes of femoral heads, and acetabular diameter. Initial treatment results were correlated to AC angles at two years of follow-up. Contralateral, healthy hips served as control.ResultsOut of 73 instable, dysplastic hips, there were nine cases of CR failure. These cases showed significantly increased femoral head volumes (p = 0.002) and a significantly (p = 0.02) larger ratio of femoral head volume to acetabular opening area. There was no significant difference (p = 0.15) in acetabular diameter between both groups. At two years of follow-up, AC angles were significantly (p = 0.003) larger and pathologic in cases of CR failure.Conclusion Exclusive enlargement of the femoral head is a risk factor for unsuccessful reduction and its ratio to the acetabular opening surface is predictive for CR success in DDH.
... and spica cast immobilization is one of the main methods used to treat DDH, and MRI is not only useful to confirm successful reduction but may also help to predict outcome by evaluating following dislocation (5)(6)(7). However, residual acetabular dysplasia (RAD) after CR is still a major problem in clinical practice, and pelvic osteotomy is indicated if RAD persists (8)(9)(10)(11). ...
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Background: Residual acetabular dysplasia (RAD) is a major problem of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) after closed reduction (CR). Several parameters have been investigated as ways of predicting RAD; however, prediction of RAD remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiographic sign of teardrop and sourcil line (TSL) in pediatric patients with DDH to enable prediction of RAD after CR. Methods: One hundred and twenty-five hips with DDH treated with CR and followed up for at least 2 years were included in this study. The mean age at CR was 18.3 months (range, 9 to 32 months) and the average follow-up time was 50.2 months (range, 24 to 89 months). The acetabular index (AI) was measured at different time points. The cases were divided into two groups according to whether TSL became continuous or not. The relationships among TSL, AI and RAD were analyzed. Results: The RAD incidence was 73.6% (92/125) at the last follow-up. AI at CR and TSL were the prognostic factors for RAD (P=0.017 and 0.001, respectively). Thirty-four hips showed a continuous TSL. There was a lower RAD rate in the TSL continuous group (P<0.001). There was no statistical difference in the AI at CR between the TSL continuous and discontinuous groups; however, the level of AI after CR was lower in the TSL continuous group. The TSL of 74% (20/27) hips became continuous after acetabular osteotomy surgery. Conclusions: The TSL continuous group had a lower AI and incidence of RAD than the discontinuous group. The TSL can be a predictive factor of RAD in DDH after CR and restore the continuous of TSL maybe a potential parameter that can help surgeons to make a judgment intra-operation.
... Renshaw et al. [10] found that "false reduction", where reduction was achieved immediately after CR but eventually the hip joint became unstable due to obstruction of soft tissue structures, can occur in some patients. However, Druschel et al. [11] believed that abnormalities of soft tissue structures did not affect the success of CR. ...
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Background Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can show the architecture of the hip joint clearly and has been increasingly used in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) confirmation and follow-up. In this study, MRI was used to observe changes in the hip joints before and after closed reduction (CR) and to explore risk factors of residual acetabular dysplasia (RAD). Methods This is a prospective analysis of unilateral DDH patients with CR and spica cast in our hospital from October 2012 to July 2018. MRI and pelvic plain radiography were performed before and after CR. The labro-chondral complex (LCC) of the hip was divided into four types on MRI images. The variation in the thickening rate of the ligamentum teres, transverse ligaments, and pulvinar during MRI follow-up was analyzed, and the difference in cartilaginous acetabular head index was evaluated. The “complete relocation” rate of the femoral head was analyzed when the cast was changed for the last time, and the necrotic rate of the femoral head was evaluated after 18 months or more after CR. Lastly, the risk factors of RAD were analyzed. Results A total of 63 patients with DDH and CR were included. The LCC was everted before CR and inverted after CR, and the ligamentum teres, transverse ligaments, and pulvinar were hypertrophic before and after CR, and then gradually returned to normal shape. The cartilaginous acetabular head index gradually increased to normal values. Complete relocation was observed in 58.7% of femoral heads, while 8.6% had necrosis. The abnormalities in LCC was related to RAD (OR: 4.35, P = 0.03), and the rate of type 3 LCC in the RAD group was higher. However, the IHDI classification ( P = 0.09); the “complete relocation” of femoral heads ( P = 0.61); and hypertrophy of the ligamentum teres ( P = 1.00), transverse ligaments (P = 1.00), and pulvinar (P = 1.00) were not related to RAD. Conclusions In this study, MRI can observe the variations of the abnormal soft tissue structures of the diseased hips after CR and spica casting, and can evaluate which hips will have RAD after CR. Therefore, we can utilize MRI in DDH patients appropriately.
Clinical examination remains a cornerstone in all branches of Medicine. In the case of DDH, even if a good ultrasound service is available, the skills of clinical examination should not be dispensed with. It is not a case of “either/or” as both ultrasound scanning and clinical examination are complementary.For those responsible for the management of babies with DDH, the various findings listed for the clinical tests in this chapter provide a valuable understanding of the pathology with which we are dealing. A good clinical examination takes only about 3 min, and while it is recognized that cases of DDH may be missed on clinical examination even in expert hands, nevertheless it is 3 min well spent.In addition, in systems that do not yet have universal ultrasound screening, clinical examination is critical. Even when universal ultrasound screening is in place, the quality of the scans, and the quality of their interpretation, can vary.For all these reasons, familiarity with the principles and practice of clinical examination is important. Such familiarity, however, needs training and practice, so training of responsible healthcare professionals in clinical examination remains a critical component of the overall effort to minimize the impact of this condition.KeywordsHipDevelopmental dysplasiaInstabilityClinical examination
Following on from Chap. 11, this chapter outlines the spectrum of therapeutic options for dislocated hips, corresponding to Graf types III and IV.Closed reduction is the treatment of the first choice in the presence of hip dislocation—its success depends largely on the time of initial diagnosis. The principle is: the sooner the better. If at all possible, the manual closed reduction should be performed under anaesthesia and arthrographic control.The longer the dislocation persists, the more difficult it becomes to reduce by closed means. There are no clear limits given in the literature, as to when closed reduction should be used and when open reduction should be used. Open reduction can be carried out alone as a soft tissue procedure, or, depending on the situation, in combination with pelvic osteotomy, and/or proximal femoral osteotomy.The most promising innovation in treatment for hip types III and IV at present is arthroscopy-assisted reduction. It is currently being advocated by a few working groups and at the time of writing, given the case numbers published to date, it cannot yet be considered a standard procedure.Further treatment of dysplasia during growth is also discussed.KeywordsClosed reductionOpen reductionArthrographyArthroscopy
For a diagnosis of any abnormality to be of use, it must be followed by the appropriate treatment. For DDH, it is essential to begin with a correct diagnosis and classification. Undertreatment will of course harm the hip but also overtreatment can harm, not only the hip but also the parents on whom an unnecessary burden will be inflicted. Terms such as “subluxation” and “dislocation” by themselves do not provide a complete understanding of the exact pathology. The treating doctor must first gain a thorough understanding of the situation, and based on this, choose the correct plan of treatment.Different diagnostic modalities are applicable at different ages. Such modalities include radiography, arthrography, ultrasonography (US), and MRI. In a newborn baby, ultrasonography is particularly useful. It provides so much information about the patho-anatomy of DDH that in reality it has by far surpassed the other modalities, both for diagnosis and decision-making. Nevertheless, in the following paragraphs, cases are also included in which X-rays, MRI, or arthrography provide valuable information.The essential steps of sonographic-based treatment may be summarized as: preparation (if required), reduction, retention, and maturation.KeywordsHipDevelopmental dysplasiaUltrasoundTreatment
Introduction Residual acetabular dysplasia of the hip after open reduction can complicate the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) due to the potential need for corrective surgery. This retrospective study aimed to determine the predictive factors for acetabular development using postoperative radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods We retrospectively investigated 74 hips of patients with DDH who underwent open reduction after reaching walking age and were followed up radiologically until skeletal maturity. We evaluated the cartilaginous acetabulum and labrum using a new method that measures the cartilaginous and labral landmarks on coronal and axial MR T2*-weighted images in patients aged 5 years. The mean age at the time of surgery was 22 months and that at the final survey was 20 years. Severin classification was determined at the final follow-up. Groups with good (53 hips) and poor (21 hips) outcomes were compared using the postoperative radiographic and MRI parameters recorded at 5 years of age. Factors predicting acetabular development were identified using univariate and multiple logistic analyses. Results There were no significant differences in the bony-acetabular index (AI) and centre-edge (CE) angle between the good and poor outcome groups. However, the poor outcome group had significantly larger cartilaginous- and labral-AIs but significantly smaller cartilaginous- and labral-CE angles than the good outcome group (both p < 0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that labral-AI and labral-CE angle were predictors of acetabular development after open reduction for DDH, and their optimal cut-offs were 4° (77% sensitivity, 76% specificity) and 37° (68% sensitivity, 85% specificity), respectively. Discussion Normal cartilaginous acetabulum development occurs in childhood, and evaluation using only radiographs is difficult. However, labral-AI ⩾4° and labral-CE angle <37° on MRI at 5 years of age offer useful indications for corrective surgery in patients with DDH.
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Purpose The objective of this study was to explore the predictors for failed reduction in children with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) managed by arthrogram, closed reduction (CR) and spica cast immobilization. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of patients with DDH treated by CR and cast immobilization (2015-2020), including age, sex, affected side, presence/absence of an ossific nucleus, International Hip Dysplasia Institute classification, the delineation of labrum and acetabular surface on arthrogram, inverted labrum, acetabular index (AI), hip abduction angle and medial dye pool (MDP) distance. Predictors that potentially predicted failure of CR were evaluated by logistic regression analysis, simple t-test, Fisher’s Exact Test and chi-square test. Results In total, 16 out of 187 hips failed to achieve initial CR (8.6%). Gender, age, preoperative AI and poor delineation of arthrogram were candidate predictors for failed CR in children aged six to 24 months with DDH; on the other hand, logistic regression analysis confirmed age and poor delineation of arthrogram significantly predicted failure of CR. Receive operating characteristic curve (ROC) showed MDP less than 6 mm and age higher than 14.5 months significantly increased the failure rate of CR in children aged six to 24 months with DDH. Conclusion Age and poor delineation of labrum and acetabular surface during arthrogram predicted failure of CR in children with DDH. In particular, age > 14.5 months and MDP distance ≥ 6 mm significantly increased the risk of CR failure. Level of evidence III
Background Congenital hip dislocation (luxation) has an incidence of 0.4 – 0.7% and is regarded as a prearthrotic deformity. Thus, if not being diagnosed and treated at a very early age, extensive surgical measures are inevitable in childhood and early adulthood. Methods In the time between 01/2013 and 02/2019 we performed 28 600 hips sonographies in babies as part of general screening measures at U2 or U3. There were 71 instable, dysplastic or dislocated hips diagnosed that were treated by arthrographic, closed reduction. After a hip spica cast was applied, reposition was controlled by MRI, estimating the acetabular head index (ACI), the head coverage index (HCI) as well as the femoral headʼs sphericity or by sonography using the Graf method. Results Overall success rate was 91.6% for primary closed reduction. Patients with primarily irreducible hips were significantly older (p < 0.003) than patients with primarily successful reducible hips. Congenital dislocated hips had significantly higher ACIs (p < 0.001) and HCIs (p = 0.03) as well as significantly less well rounded femoral heads (sphericity; p < 0.001) compared to stable hips. Conclusion Early diagnosis and treatment of congenital dislocated hips by closed reduction is essential for a sufficient and regular maturation of the hips without further surgical interventions.
Background: Despite early recognition and appropriate treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip, there are a number of cases that subsequently require further surgery to prevent progressive dysplasia, instability, and eventual early osteoarthritis. This study aimed (1) to determine the incidence of pelvic osteotomy (PO) after late open (OR) or closed (CR) reduction for failed initial conservative treatment or late presentation; (2) study potential radiologic predictors of those that will require a secondary procedure; (3) and to evaluate the effect of potential confounding variables including age of reduction, Pavlik harness treatment, and surgical experience on PO rate. Methods: All cases of congenital dislocation of the hip that presented late or had failed conservative treatment with subsequent late OR versus CR, that were carried out during 1988 to 2003, by the lead surgeon were included. Dislocations secondary to neuromuscular causes or teratologic causes were excluded. Intraoperative arthrograms confirmed the concentric or eccentric reduction and determined subsequent intervention. The AP pelvis plain radiograph was used to measure the height of dislocation, as described by Tonnis, and monitor Acetabular index, and ossific nucleus width and height postreduction. Results: After 134 OR's, 24 hips (19%, 95% CI: 16-23%) later required a pelvic osteotomy compared with 59 out of 104 hips (58%, 95% CI: 49-68%) in the CR cohort. There was no statistical difference in avascular necrosis rates between late OR (10.9%, 95% CI: 4.8-17%) and CR (11.4%, 95% CI: 5.8-17%). Acetabular index was a reliable predictor for the need of subsequent PO becoming significantly different in those that did (PO group) and did not (non-PO group) require further surgery approximately 1.5 years postreduction. There was no difference in the ON development after reduction in both PO and non-PO groups. The PO requirement was not affected by earlier failed Pavlik harness treatment but did change with ongoing surgical experience. Late OR produced the lowest secondary procedure rate without an increase in the incidence of avascular necrosis. There is a learning curve to this procedure that will affect these outcomes. Level of Evidence: Level III (Case-control study).
Fragestellung: Nach offener und geschlossener Repositionsbehandlung von Kindern mit kongenitaler Hüftluxation stellt sich das Problem der Therapiekontrolle im Gipsverband. Die Computertomografie ist durch eine relativ hohe Strahlenexposition belastet. Das Röntgenbild kann weder die räumliche Darstellung, noch die Weichteildarstellung leisten. Die Standardebene der Sonografie ist im Gips nicht einstellbar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll gezeigt werden, in welchem Umfang die Magnetresonanztomografie eine geeignete Methode ist, das Ergebnis nach Repositionsbehandlung des kindlichen Hüftgelenkes darzustellen. Methode: In der Zeit von 1990 bis 1996 wurden bei 34 Kindern nach Repositionsbehandlung insgesamt 43 Magnetresonanztomografien zur Therapiekontrolle durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Die Untersuchungen erbrachten insbesondere in Bezug auf die exakte Position und Zentrierung des Hüftkopfes, unabhängig von der Ausprägung seiner Verknöcherung, einen hohen Informationsgehalt. Die verschiedenen Strukturen der Hüftpfanne mit Acetabulum, Pulvinar, knöchernem und knorpeligem Pfannenrand und Limbus sind exakt darstellbar. Weiterhin lassen sich Fettgewebsinterponate und Gelenkergüsse im Bereich der Hüftpfanne und verdrängte knorpelige Pfannenrandanteile differenzieren. Schlußfolgerungen: Die Magnetresonanztomografie stellt eine ideale Möglichkeit dar, die anatomischen Verhältnisse des kindlichen Hüftgelenkes ohne die Nachteile anderer bildgebender Verfahren in den drei Raumebenen darzustellen und sogar subtile Abweichungen von der idealen Position des Hüftkopfes aufzuzeigen. Dies ist im Hinblick auf therapeutische Konsequenzen von entscheidender Bedeutung.
Ergänzend zur klassischen Graf'schen Klassifikation der Säuglingshüften in die allseits bekannten „Hüfttypen“ wurde eine „Reifungskurve“ des sonographischen Alpha-Winkels erstellt; mit Hilfe dieser „Reifungskurve“ sollte eine noch genauere Abgrenzung der reifen von kontroll- und behandlungsbedürftigen Hüftgelenken zu jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt innerhalb des ersten Lebensjahres ermöglicht werden. Die gefundenen Resultate bestätigen im wesentlichen bereits bekannte Tatsachen über das spontane Reifungsverhalten primär „physiologisch unreifer Hüftgelenke“ (Typ IIa nach Graf): Der Mittelwert der Alpha-Winkel unbehandelter Hüftgelenke schneidet im 2. Lebensmonat die 60-Grad-Linie. erreicht im 4. Lebensmonat die 64-Grad-Marke, um danach bis gegen Ende des ersten Lebensjahres mehr oder minder ein „Plateau“ bei etwas mehr als 64 Grad beizubehalten.
Die intrauterine Hüftposition entspricht der Hocksitzstellung, die nach geltender Meinung die beste Voraussetzung für physiologische Nachreifung der Hüftgelenke bietet. Denn in dieser Stellung ist eine gleichmäßige Druckbelastung aller Teile von Kopf und Pfanne, sowie Spannungsfreiheit der Kapselgefäße gewährleistet. Es wird eine Hüftbeugeschiene vorgestellt, die auf einfache Art sichere Fixierung der Säuglingshüfte in dieser Position erlaubt, also in Beugung von mehr als 90° und in konrollierter Abspreizung. Die Orthese ist indiziert zur Behandlung der Hüftdysplasie. Praktischer Umgang bei Erstanpassung und täglichem Gebrauch werden beschrieben und es wird über Fremderfahrungen mit der preiswerten Orthese berichtet. Der Beitrag ist zusammengefaßt in der einleitenden Posterdarstellung.
Irreducible developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in newborns is a rare entity. The different obstacles preventing reduction have been described in the literature. A clinical form of DDH with hypertrophy of the cartilage of the acetabular roof (acetabular bulge) can be reliably identified on ultrasound and should probably be defined as a separate entity. For the first time, the authors report their experience, a review of the literature and the radiographic description (ultrasound, arthrography MRI) of irreducible neonatal DDH due to hypertrophy of the cartilage of the acetabular roof (acetabular bulge) in 12 infants (15 hips). Neonatal sonography seems to be sufficient to identify this specific clinical entity without any additional work-up. This sonographic sign could help determine the therapeutic strategy earlier in this severe and complex form of DDH.
Despite early recognition and appropriate treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip, there are a number of cases that subsequently require further surgery to prevent progressive dysplasia, instability, and eventual early osteoarthritis. This study aimed (1) to determine the incidence of pelvic osteotomy (PO) after late open (OR) or closed (CR) reduction for failed initial conservative treatment or late presentation; (2) study potential radiologic predictors of those that will require a secondary procedure; (3) and to evaluate the effect of potential confounding variables including age of reduction, Pavlik harness treatment, and surgical experience on PO rate. All cases of congenital dislocation of the hip that presented late or had failed conservative treatment with subsequent late OR versus CR, that were carried out during 1988 to 2003, by the lead surgeon were included. Dislocations secondary to neuromuscular causes or teratologic causes were excluded. Intraoperative arthrograms confirmed the concentric or eccentric reduction and determined subsequent intervention. The AP pelvis plain radiograph was used to measure the height of dislocation, as described by Tonnis, and monitor Acetabular index, and ossific nucleus width and height postreduction. After 134 OR's, 24 hips (19%, 95% CI: 16-23%) later required a pelvic osteotomy compared with 59 out of 104 hips (58%, 95% CI: 49-68%) in the CR cohort. There was no statistical difference in avascular necrosis rates between late OR (10.9%, 95% CI: 4.8-17%) and CR (11.4%, 95% CI: 5.8-17%). Acetabular index was a reliable predictor for the need of subsequent PO becoming significantly different in those that did (PO group) and did not (non-PO group) require further surgery approximately 1.5 years postreduction. There was no difference in the ON development after reduction in both PO and non-PO groups. The PO requirement was not affected by earlier failed Pavlik harness treatment but did change with ongoing surgical experience. Late OR produced the lowest secondary procedure rate without an increase in the incidence of avascular necrosis. There is a learning curve to this procedure that will affect these outcomes. Level III (Case-control study).
Although many studies have discussed acetabular changes in walking aged children with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), almost no data exists in the literature regarding dysplasia of the femoral head. The purpose of our study was to quantify the sphericity of the femoral head in a large, consecutive series of walking aged children with DDH. We conducted a prospective study on 37 consecutive hips (30 patients) that were undergoing surgical procedures for DDH. After induction with general anesthesia (before the planned procedure), hip arthrograms were conducted. An AP radiograph was then taken with the patient positioned supine and the knee-flexed 90 degrees over the end of the operating table and the leg held perpendicular to the plane of the table. The limb was then rotated 90 degrees for the lateral radiograph. Radii were measured from the center of the femoral head to the edge of the head in line with the longest diameter, and then at 45, 90, and 135 degree angles. We created a femoral head sphericity score that was based primarily on the largest difference between these four radii (for each view). The mean age of the children in our series was 33.5 months (range 6 to 79 mo). There were 4 males and 26 females; 7 patients had bilateral involvement. The mean femoral head sphericity score was 85.2+/-5.5. There was significant variability in the "roundness" of the femoral head: the lowest score was 72.2 and the highest was 97.3. We did not find a relationship between age and femoral head sphericity. In walking aged patients with DDH, the femoral head is dysplastic and usually aspherical. Our results suggest that developmental hip dislocation results not only in morphologic changes to the acetabulum but also the femoral head. The asphericity of the femoral head in DDH may affect outcomes following treatment. Anatomic study.
Thirty-one hips in 27 young girls, treated for developmental dysplasia of the hip in the authors' institute since 2003, showed persistent radiographic evidence of residual acetabular dysplasia. These hips were registered as candidates for pelvic osteotomy. A prospective study was conducted and these hips were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); the average age of the patients was 5 years. MRI measurement of acetabular angle and acetabular head index in 2 different landmarks (bone and cartilage) was performed. The results were correlated with plain radiographic film evolution. MRI studies revealed sufficient cartilaginous acetabular coverage in 27 hips, cartilaginous acetabular dysplasia in 2 hips, and short acetabulum in 2 others. The 27 hips with thick cartilage of the acetabular roof were subsequently followed up by plain radiographs. The average follow-up period was 2.1 years. The authors observed a spontaneous progressive ossification of the cartilaginous acetabular roof in all the 27 cases. In 4 cases, the correction of the acetabular angle was complete. They concluded that MRI promotes more accurate selection of patients for pelvic osteotomy and aids in the choice of the most appropriate type of osteotomy. Clinical imaging examples are presented and need to be further evaluated.
By establishing a model of straight-leg swaddle of newborn rats and observing the experimental animals'hips morphologically and pathologically, this study explored the changes of gross appearance of the acetabulum and the maturity of cartilage cells in the different regions of acetabular cartilage complex. The legs and hips were fixed by adhesive tape for 10 days in the position of hip extension and adduction in 31 newborn Wistar rats (experimental group). The other 31 newborn rats without legs and hips treatment were used as the control group. After 10 days raising in the same condition, all the rats were sacrificed. The gross appearance, histological observations and VEGF and type X collagen immunohistochemistry were used for examining the acetabulum changes. A straight leg swaddle model of newborn rats was established successfully. In the experimental group the acetabulum became shallow and small and surrounded by more soft tissues. There were 49 dislocated hips (49/54) in the experimental group and 2 hips dislocated (2/60) in the control group (p<0.01). Fake acetabulum appeared in the experimental group. In the control group, the shape of the acetabulum was normol, and no fake acetabulum was found. The safranin O-fast green staining showed that the orange-red cartilage in the experimental group was wider than the control group. Immunohistochemistry observations showed VEGF and type X collagen immunoreactivities in the hypertrophic layer of the acetabular cartilage complex in the experimental group were lower than those in the control group. The percentages of VEGF positive and type X collagen positive cells in the iliac hypertrophic layer of the acetabular articular cartilage were significantly higher than those in the ischiadic ramus and the pubic branch in the experimental group. VEGF and type X collagen immunoreactivities in acetabular cartilage cells decrease in a straight-leg swaddle model of newborn rats. This suggests that this position might lead to dysmaturity of the acetabular cartilage cells and affect the development of the acetabulum.