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Biofuel production from microalgae: a review


Abstract and Figures

The shortage of fossil fuels is actually a major economic issue in the context of increasing energy demand. Renewable energies are thus gaining in importance. For instance, microalgae-based fuels are viewed as an alternative. Microalgae are microscopic unicellular plants, which typically grow in marine and freshwater environments. They are fast growing, have high photosynthetic efficiency, and have relatively small land requirement and water consumption in comparison with conventional land crops biofuels. Nonetheless, selling biofuels is still limited by high cost. Here, we review biofuel production from microalgae, including cultivation, harvesting, drying, extraction and conversion of microalgal lipids. Cost issues may be solved by upstream and downstream measures: (1) upstream measures, in which highly productive strains are obtained by strain selection, genetic engineering and metabolic engineering, and (2) downstream measures, in which high biofuels yields are obtained by enhancing the cellular lipid content and by advanced conversion of microalgal biomass to biofuels. Maximum biomass and high biofuels production can be achieved by two-stage culture strategies, which is a win–win approach because it solves the conflicts between cell growth and biomass accumulation.
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Environmental Chemistry Letters
Biofuel production frommicroalgae: areview
LichengPeng1 · DongdongFu1· HuaqiangChu2· ZezhengWang1· HuaiyuanQi1
Received: 21 August 2019 / Accepted: 9 October 2019
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
The shortage of fossil fuels is actually a major economic issue in the context of increasing energy demand. Renewable
energies are thus gaining in importance. For instance, microalgae-based fuels are viewed as an alternative. Microalgae are
microscopic unicellular plants, which typically grow in marine and freshwater environments. They are fast growing, have
high photosynthetic efficiency, and haverelatively small land requirement and water consumption in comparison with con-
ventional land crops biofuels. Nonetheless, selling biofuels is still limited by high cost. Here, we review biofuel production
from microalgae, including cultivation, harvesting, drying, extraction and conversion of microalgal lipids. Cost issues may
be solved by upstream and downstream measures: (1) upstream measures, in which highly productive strains are obtained
by strain selection, genetic engineering and metabolic engineering, and (2) downstream measures, in which high biofuels
yields are obtained by enhancing the cellular lipid content and by advanced conversion of microalgal biomass to biofuels.
Maximum biomass and high biofuels production can be achieved by two-stage culture strategies, which is a win–win approach
because it solves the conflicts between cell growth and biomass accumulation.
Keywords Microalgae· Biofuel· Commercialization· Challenges· Upstream and downstream measures
Fossil fuel has played an important role in the industrial
era; however, they are non-renewable and less environment-
friendly. The statistics from Energy Information Adminis-
tration (EIA) estimated that the reserves of worldwide fos-
sil fuels will be exhausted in less than 50years (Plant and
Floorspace 2010). By comparison, biofuel is renewable
and sustainable alternative energy, which is regarded as
the replacement of fossil fuels. It is predicted by mobility
model results for the 2°C scenario (2DS) that the biofuels’
market share will account for 37% of total transportation
fuel consumption by 2060, and this number indicates a great
space for the production and market requirement as com-
pared with the current share of 4% published in 2016 (Oh
etal. 2018). In general, biofuels can be classified as three
generations such as the first generation, second generation,
and the third generation, corresponding to the feedstocks
of food sources sugarcane, wheat, corn, soybean, potato, or
sugar beet (Bringezu etal. 2007), lignocellulosic biomass
and agricultural wastes (Eisentraut 2010), and algae (i.e.,
macroalgae and microalgae) (Demirbas 2011), respectively.
Among the three types of feedstocks, microalgae-
based biofuel is considered as the promising one and has
attracted more and more attention in the past years, owing
to the characteristics such as fast growing rate, high-effi-
ciency photosynthesis, and high lipid content for some
species (Peng etal. 2016a). Generally speaking, microal-
gae are capable of converting nutrients either in medium
or wastewater into biomass and high-value cellular con-
stituents (Bouabidi etal. 2018; Wang etal. 2010). For
example, lipid, protein, carbohydrate, pigments, antioxi-
dant biomolecules derived from microalgae can be applied
in other sections of CO2 mitigation, wastewater treatment,
cosmetics, dyes, pharmaceuticals, functional food, food
additives, feeds for animals and aquaculture, fertilizers,
and others (Peng etal. 2013; Ramasamy etal. 2015; Umm-
alyma etal. 2017; Yun etal. 2014). Under such circum-
stance, microalgae-based biofuels have received more and
* Licheng Peng
* Huaqiang Chu
1 College ofEcology andEnvironment, Hainan University,
Haikou570228, HainanProvince, China
2 School ofEnergy andEnvironment, Anhui University
ofTechnology, Ma’anshan243002, China
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more concerns; however, the commercialization remains
to be expanded because of barriers such as the shortage
of feedstock, the blending wall of conventional biofuels,
and the most fundamental cause like high production cost.
This is derived from various challenges in the processes
from the selection of strain, mass-cultivation, harvesting,
drying, extraction, conversion, and others (Ho etal. 2014;
Rastogi etal. 2018; Bwapwa etal. 2017; Seo etal. 2018).
Although some major challenges for the production
of microalgae-based biofuels were presented in previous
studies, most are limited to partial sections of the produc-
tion process. This paper presents a brief review on the pro-
gress and challenges of microalgae-based biofuels in the
development of upstream and downstream technologies.
The main objective of this study was to introduce the pro-
gress of technologies involved in upstream such as strain
selection, genetic engineering, metabolic engineering for
obtaining high concentration of microalgae, and the pro-
gress of downstream measures in large-scale cultivation,
process control, harvesting, dewatering, extraction, and
conversion to biofuels products.
Microalgal species forproducing biofuels
Autotrophic microalgae consume carbon dioxide and pro-
duce carbohydrates or hydrogen, protein, and lipids, which
can be further utilized as feedstock of biofuels, including
biodiesel, biogas, biohydrogen, bioethanol, butanol, bio-
oil, char, and even power (Cheng etal. 2015; Francavilla
etal. 2015; Im etal. 2015; Khandelwal etal. 2018; Kim
etal. 2017; Lee etal. 2015; Song etal. 2017; Yun etal.
2016; Zhao etal. 2014) (Fig.1). Some typical microalgal
species can reach high concentrations of targeted biofu-
els; for example, Chlorella protothecoides is considered
as a perfect feedstock of biodiesel since they can accumu-
late 55% of lipid when cultivated heterotrophically under
nitrogen limitation (Xu etal. 2006) (Table1). Microalgae-
based biodiesel is generally obtained through two steps of
Fig. 1 Applications of micro-
Table 1 Typical microalgal species for biofuels production
Microalgal species Targeted biofuels Microalgal growth and/or biofuels
Cultivation/reaction conditions References
C. protothecoides Biodiesel 55% of lipid Heterotrophy; nitrogen limitation Xu etal. (2006)
S. obliques Biohydrogen 300μmol H2/(mgChl*h) Indirect process; light biophotoly-
sis; (Fe–Fe) enzymes
Appel and Schulz (1998)
Nannochloropsis salina Biogas 0.70L biogas/g Photobioreactor, large scale, 35°C Quinn etal. (2014)
Chlorococum sp. Bioethanol 38wt% Fermentation Singh and Gu (2010)
Spirulina sp. Biomethanol Gasification/anaerobic fermenta-
Rodionova etal. (2017)
Microalgal consortium Biochar 45.0 ± 5.9% dw solid biochar (with
energy density 8–10MJ/kg)
Hydrothermal liquefaction Roberts etal. (2013)
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firstly extract lipids from microalgal cells, and followed
by transesterification of lipid fraction using alcohol in the
presence of catalysts (Rodionova etal. 2017). A rate up
to 300μmolH2/(mgChlh) was reported in Scenedesmus
obliques, and this enables S. obliques to be suitable for
producing biohydrogen (Appel and Schulz 1998). The
general routes include indirect process with firstly pro-
duce biomass through photosynthesis and then covert the
biomass (particularly carbohydrates) to biohydrogen via
fermentation and/or photofermentation (Benemann 1996,
2000), while the other approach is splitting water to hydro-
gen and oxygen via processes of direct or indirect water
biophotolysis (Rodionova etal. 2017).
As also shown in Table1, some microalgal species
are also reported to produce biogas with productivity of
0.70L biogas/gVS (0.43L CH4/gVS), and the results
were obtained in the cultivation of Nannochloropsis salina
in photobioreactor at large scale at a temperature of 35°C
(Quinn etal. 2014). Moreover, microalgal biomass can
be also fermented into biogas, which can be illustrated
by that 3.83g/L obtained from 10g/L of lipid-extracted
microalgae debris of Chlorococum sp. (corresponds to
38wt%) when the microalgal biomass as a substrate via
yeast fermentation (Singh and Gu, 2010). In practice, the
addition of hydrogen is demonstrated to modify the com-
bustion characteristics of natural gas (Ren etal. 2019).
Biomethanol can be produced by some species such as
Spirulina sp., through gasification or anaerobic fermenta-
tion (Rodionova etal. 2017). It was also found that micro-
algal consortium has capability to take wastewater effluent
as growth medium in open ponds, and the biomass can be
harvested as the feedstock of biochar, reaching 45.0 ± 5.9%
dw solid biochar (with energy density 8–10MJ/kg) via
hydrothermal liquefaction (Roberts etal. 2013).
Development ofupstream measures
In general, the upstream technologies applicable to microal-
gae mainly include three aspects (Table2). Firstly, it is better
to select some proper strains characterized with robustness,
fast growing rate and rich in lipid from wild environment.
Secondly, advanced genetic engineering can be adopted to
modify and obtain the strains with fast growth rate and high
lipid productivity. Thirdly, other measures such as metabolic
engineering can be used to enhance the accumulation of
lipid and other fuel products. Genetic and metabolic engi-
neering of microalgae could be used to, for example, elimi-
nate photosaturation and photoinhibition, which is expected
to significantly increase productivity of outdoor cultures and
greatly improve the economics of microalgae oil production.
However, it will require long-term research and funding, to
overcome current strictures against the release of genetically
modified organisms. Thus, for the foreseeable future it would
be prudent to limit projections to what can be achieved with
wild-type strains (Rodolfi etal. 2010).
Strain selection
As estimated, there are one to ten million microalgal species
on the earth and more than 40,000 species have been identi-
fied (Wang etal. 2010). Microalgae are featured as having
fast growing rate and high lipid content; however, not all of
them are regarded as the best lipid producers but depend on
particular strain (Mata etal. 2010). In this regard, the fun-
damental requirement of microalgae-based biofuel is select-
ing suitable strains with the best combination of microalgal
biomass productivity and lipid content in outdoor culture.
For example, it would be promising when the strains can
substantially accumulate lipids even to nutrient deficiency.
Table 2 Upstream and downstream measures to enhance microalgal growth and biomass production
Type Approach Representative techniques/criteria References
Upstream measures Strain selection Robust strain; fast growing rate, high lipid
or other fuels’ yield
Arroussi etal. (2017) and Seo etal. (2018)
Genetic engineering Trans-conjugation; transformation; elec-
troporation; microinjection
Qin etal. (2012) and Ghosh etal. (2016)
Metabolic engineering Degradation of nutrients; biosynthesis;
preventing lipid catabolism
Dunahay etal. (1996) and Trentacoste etal.
Downstream measures Large-scale cultivation Appropriate strains Singh and Gu (2010)
Process control Optimal cultivation system and conditions Quinn etal. (2012) and Peng etal. (2016a)
Harvesting and dewatering Primary harvesting; secondary dewatering Mata etal. (2010), Uduman etal. (2010) and
Buckwalter etal. (2013)
Extraction and conversion Transesterification; fermentation; hydro-
treatment; pyrolysis
Skorupskaite etal. (2016), Asada etal.
(2012), Plant and Floorspace (2010),
Sharma and Singh (2017) and Lee and Lee
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The strains should be robust enough to withstand shear stress
generated by mixing or the interference by wild strains or
other microorganisms. Moreover, they are flexible to adapt
to the changes in physicochemical parameters of the grow-
ing environment (Arroussi etal. 2017; Rodolfi etal. 2010;
Seo etal. 2018).
The strain of marine or freshwater microalgae can be
generally isolated using a micropipette for isolation under a
microscope, cell dilution, and cultivation in liquid medium
or agar plate (Arroussi etal. 2017). Winkler test screening
protocol entailed a new and fast method for mutant strain
selection and analysis of algal hydrogen metabolism with-
out applying nutritional stress, and this method was recom-
mended to isolate the hydrogen-producing Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii strains (Rühle etal. 2008). Four strains, in which
two marine and two freshwater strains were screened among
thirty microalgal strains, were found with high biomass pro-
ductivity and lipid content. For example, up to 60% lipid
content was achieved in eustigmatophyte Nannochlorop-
sis sp. F&M-M24 under nitrogen starvation (Rodolfi etal.
2010). Besides, some locally isolated strains are more likely
accustomed in highly variable environment of outdoor cul-
tures, though they may have difficulties in dominating year-
round in the fluctuated cultivation conditions (Rodolfi etal.
Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering is defined as the direct manipulation of
organism’s genes using biotechnology. It has been applied
in the production of microalgae to satisfy the growing needs
and increasing quality of human life (Peng etal. 2016a;
Rodolfi etal. 2010).
In the past, some researchers adopted a crucial systemic
technology to obtain high microalgal biomass concentra-
tion for sustainable industrial applications, and to modify
the metabolic pathway for producing more anticipated high-
value products (Qin etal. 2012). Generally speaking, there
are several methods for transformation in marine algae,
including trans-conjugation, natural transformation and
induced transformation, electroporation (or electropermea-
bilization), biolistic transformation, glass beads, silicon car-
bon whiskers method, microinjection, artificial transposon
method, recombinant eukaryotic algal viruses, and agrobac-
terium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation (Qin
etal. 2012).
Among the methods, gene transfer by electroporation
is characterized by simplicity of the procedure and high
efficiency with a small amount of DNA and is a common
method for various cells and bacteria for over 30 years
(Neumann etal. 1982; Zimmermann et al. 1975). In
detail, an electrical field (e.g., 1–1.5kV, 250–750V/cm)
can be imposed on cells to increase the permeability of
cell membrane, and then chemicals, drugs, or DNA can
be introduced into the cells (Neumann etal. 1982; Sugar
and Neumann 1984). The method is applicable to both
prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic algae including red algae,
green algae, and diatoms. For example, marine alga Nan-
nochloropsis sp., suitable for potential biofuel production,
has been successfully genetically transformed with several
knockout genes involved in the nitrogen metabolism (Kil-
ian etal. 2011). However, this method is constrained in
brown algae because of undeveloped protoplast prepara-
tion and immature regeneration technologies (Qin etal.
Direct gene transfer by biolistic transformation (i.e.,
micro-particle bombardment) has been demonstrated to be
the most efficient method for many diatom strains (Qin etal.
2012; Cheney 1992), and it has been widely employed in
the transformation of the nuclear and chloroplast expression
systems (Qin etal. 2012). The method is characterized by
some advantages; for instance, it is the only effective method
that can repeatedly transform chloroplasts, mitochondria and
other organelles. It can introduce exogenous DNA into broad
cells and tissues of plants, animals, microbes, pollen, and
other peculiar acceptors. Furthermore, diversified endog-
enous vectors can be also used in biolistic transformation
through a controllable and mature manipulation procedure
(Qin etal. 2012). However, this method is highly reproduc-
ible and works under specialized and high-cost equipment
(Qin etal. 2012). Particularly, DNA is generally coated with
gold particles to target within the cell via pressurized helium
gas (Apt etal. 1996; Dunahay etal. 2010; Ghosh etal. 2016).
To date, more than twenty marine microalgal strains have
been successfully transformed with the aforementioned
transformation methods. For marine cyanobacteria, the
genetic transformation was successfully demonstrated in 5
strains of Synechococcus (i.e., Synechococystis, Pseudana-
baena) using the method of trans-conjugation (Sode etal.
1992), or natural transformation (Jiang etal. 2003).
For brown algae, five types of acceptor cells such as
juvenile sporophytes, male and female gametophytes, tissue
pieces from sporophytes, and parthenogenetic sporophytes
can all be transformed by particle bombardment (Jiang etal.
2003; Qin etal. 1999). For diatoms, biolistic transformation
was successfully demonstrated in centric diatom Thalassio-
sira weissflogii (Falciatore etal. 1999), Thalassiosira pseu-
donana (Poulsen etal. 2010), Chaetoceros sp. (Miyagawa-
Yamaguchi etal. 2011), Cyclotella cryptica (Dunahay etal.
2010), and the pinnate diatoms Navicula saprophila (Duna-
hay etal. 2010), Cylindrotheca fusiformis (Fischer etal.
2010), and Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Miyagawa etal.
2010). For green algae, foreign DNA can be also introduced
in marine microalga Dunaliella salina and freshwater micro-
alga C. reinhardtii using the agitation of glass beads (Feng
etal. 2009; Kindle 1998).
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Metabolic engineering ofmicroalgal pathways
Metabolic engineering is the practice of optimizing genetic
processes (i.e., remove and add genes) and regulatory pro-
cesses on an organism, to alter its metabolic functions in
a predetermined manner such as increasing the organisms’
production of a certain substance (Shuler and Kargi 2001).
The control of metabolic pathways is generally completed
by nutritional and environmental regulation in bioprocess
engineering (Park etal. 2019). In general, metabolic reac-
tions can be classified into three major types, including the
degradation of nutrients, biosynthesis of small molecules
(e.g., amino acids, nucleotides), and biosynthesis of large
molecules (Dunahay etal. 1996).
It was reported that fatty acid of diatom C. cryptica can
be increased by the overexpression of the acetyl-CoA car-
boxylase gene (ACCase) under stressed condition (Dunahay
etal. 1996), because ACCase controls the biosynthesis of
fatty acid (Ghosh etal. 2016). The oil content of diatoms
and green algae was also increased by adding heterologous
plant fatty acid synthetase enzymes gene (Blatti etal. 2012;
Radakovits etal. 2010). An increase up to 82% total neutral
lipid was achieved by knocking down the pyruvate carboxy-
lase kinase expression of diatom P. tricornutum using an
antisense cDNA construct (Ma etal. 2014).
In addition to pyruvate, the overexpression of endogenous
malic enzyme can result in a 2.5-fold increased lipid accu-
mulation of P. tricornutum under nutrient-replete condi-
tions (Xue etal. 2014). Some transgenic strategies are also
applied to increase the lipid accumulation of green alga and
diatom under nitrogen-starved conditions (Hamilton etal.
2014; Wang etal. 2009; Yongmanitchai and Ward 1991).
Furthermore, lipid accumulation can be enhanced by pre-
venting lipid catabolism, for example, as compared with the
wild-type, 3.3-fold higher total lipid content of the diatomT.
pseudonana was achieved by transforming antisense con-
structs (Trentacoste etal. 2013).
Development ofdownstream measures
The downstream technologies applicable to microalgae
mainly include the following aspects, such as large-scale
cultivation of suitable microalgal strains, the design of effi-
cient cultivation system and modified cultivation modes to
deal with the conflict between biomass and lipid production,
energy-saving approaches for harvesting and dewatering,
and the efficient technologies of extraction and conversion.
Large‑scale cultivation
Large-scale cultivation is the fundamental of commercial-
izing microalgae-derived biofuels, due to sufficient biomass
makes biofuels production possible. In general, it is limited
by those factors as appropriate strain, farming, process con-
trol, and other measures.
Appropriate strain guaranteeing high biomass production
As aforementioned, it is the priority to select promising
microalgae species with high oil content and can quickly
grow in the culture, and this is one of the essential keys to
produce biocrude, biodiesel, and drop-in fuels and further
develop economically viable project (Singh and Gu 2010;
Arroussi etal. 2017). As reported in Algae 2020 (Will 2009),
five key strategies such as “fatter (i.e., algae species with
high oil content), faster (i.e., grow more quickly), cheaper
(i.e., capital and operating costs), easier (i.e., manipulation
at each sub-sets of systems) and fractionation marketing
approaches (e.g., biomass co-product marketing strategies)”
have been identified as the key factors of driving a successful
commercialization of microalgae-based biofuels.
The strains with high lipid contents are promising spe-
cies feedstock of biodiesel, and this would be the base of
successful industrial farming of microalgae (Sadvakasova
etal. 2019). Some studies screened a series of local strains
(57 strains) from Moroccan coasts and found that diatoms
are generally rich in triglycerides (TAG), while the lipid con-
tent of marine microalgae Tetraselmis sp. and Dunaliella sp.
reached up to 56% and 50% of dry cell weight, respectively
(Arroussi etal. 2017).
Scale‑up cultivation
Commercialization of microalgae-based biofuels is depend-
ent on the high biomass concentration and lipid contents
through large-scale cultivation of microalgae (Quinn etal.
2012). However, large-scale cultivation faces formidable
challenges and the major barrier is the high production cost
(Borowitzka 2013), owing to the intensive energy demands
required for the complex processes of algal cultivation such
as sterilization, mixing, aeration, illumination, gas exchange,
and others (Peng etal. 2015, 2016b). For example, the pro-
cesses such as the sterilization of large volume of cultures
and maintenance of sterility for the whole cultivation sys-
tem, efficient illumination, and deoxygenation approach, and
other steps for better process control are difficult and costly.
Thus, it is important to cut down the cost of microalgal culti-
vation that is potentially caused by the above processes, and
meanwhile to obtain high biomass concentration and lipid
productivity. The routes of offsetting overall costs mainly
include co-producing value-added products, optimization
of algal cultivation processes, and lowering cultivation cost
via the utilization of wastewater or flue gas as nutrients and
carbon source (Peng etal.2013, 2015).
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Under the persistent efforts on the improvement and
development of technologies in the past years, some suc-
cessful examples of large-scale microalgae farming have
been implemented in companies. For instance, Sapphire
Energy was found in 2007 and has built up some multi-year
cooperation or agreement on algae-based research projects
with other companies, aiming to co-develop algae-to-fuel
cultivation systems at commercial-scale in the past few years
(SapphireEnergy 2016). A commercial demonstration algae-
to-energy facility, the Green Crude Farm, was announced
by the company in 2012, and the farm consists of 100 acres
of two ponds (at sizes of 1.1 acres and 2.2 acres), and the
planned 300 acre facility for the mechanical and processing
equipment that are applied in the processes such as harvest-
ing, extraction of algae, and recycle of water (SapphireEn-
ergy 2016).
Algenol is a notable world-class team assorted with state-
of-the-art facility and proprietary algae growing systems
(Algenol 2018). The company adopts photobioreactors with
production yields 2–3 times that of open ponds, and VIPER
manufacturing (i.e., Algenol’s proprietary photobioreac-
tors) with 40,000 square-foot facility. In addition to pro-
duce some high-value products including natural colorants,
protein, Spirulina, personal care ingredients, biofertilizers,
and biostimulants, Algenol also dedicates to biofuels such as
bioethanol and green crude oil with proprietary vapor com-
pression steam stripping unit (VCSS) for the purification of
the ethanol and hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) technology
to make crude oil, respectively.
Process control duringthecultivation ofmicroalgae
Suitable cultivation system formicroalgal growth
Microalgae are capable of growing in natural habitats of
oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds or artificial systems of open
ponds and photobioreactors (Wang etal. 2010). Open ponds
can be natural waters (e.g., lakes, shallow lagoons, ponds)
or artificial ponds such as circular ponds, raceway ponds,
shallow big ponds and tanks, and container-based systems
(e.g., hanging plastic bags) (Pulz 2001; Singh and Gu 2010;
Tredici and Materassi 1992). In general, open ponds are
characterized by some advantages of low cost, simplicity,
and easier to operate. However, they also have some major
limitations; for example, they require large areas of land,
more water evaporation, low biomass productivity, low uti-
lization of CO2 and light, poor mixing, and easier to be con-
taminated (Peng etal. 2013, 2015).
By comparison, closed systems like photobioreactors can
be sorted as vertical column photobioreactors, flat panel
photobioreactor, tubular photobioreactor, internally illumi-
nated photobioreactors, spectral shifting, membrane photo-
bioreactors, and plastic bag photobioreactors (Wang etal.
2012). They are capable of offering good control over key
operational parameters of microalgal cultivation, including
temperature, length of light path, pH, species control, and
others (Peng etal. 2016b). Thus, photobioreactors provide
a higher possibility of achieving much higher growth rate,
microalgal cell density, and volumetric biomass productiv-
ity compared to open ponds (Wang etal. 2012). The high
capital and operational costs result from complex configu-
ration, illumination, cooling, mixing, deoxygenation, and
other operational requirements. These limit the application
of photobioreactors at large-scale microalgal farming (Peng
etal. 2013, 2016b).
In the present scenario, it is necessary to design a suitable
cultivation system for microalgal growth in particular for
large-scale microalgal farming. Based on the advantages and
disadvantages of open ponds and photobioreactors, some
companies prefer to adopt photobioreactors than open ponds
systems or natural formations, but it is an attractive option
of cultivating microalgae in open ponds in the regions where
has sufficient lands and has no competition with arable lands
(Singh and Gu 2010). It was reported that most microalgae
systems today can produce a range of 2500–5000 gallon of
oil per surface acre in raceway ponds with 30% oil content
(Singh and Gu 2010).
Cultivation modes tosolve conicts betweenbiomass
andlipid production
Lipid synthesis is usually induced by environmental stresses
such as salinity, temperature, nutrients, and pH (Peng etal.
2015). Among these factors, nitrogen limitation is regarded
as the most effective approach to enhance lipid accumulation
of microalgae, whereas at the expense of cell growth (Park
etal. 2019). Some studies have demonstrated the feasibil-
ity of enhancing strains from low or medium initial lipid
content to super high level; for example, the lipid content of
Dunaliella tertiolecta was dramatically improved from the
initial level of 21 to up to 70% under saline stress (Arroussi
etal. 2015).
To solve the conflict between cell growth and biomass
accumulation, some efforts are made to select genetically
strains or screen local strains with fast growth rate and
high lipid content (Arroussi etal. 2017; Sadvakasova etal.
2019). High biomass concentration of microalgal cultures
can be achieved through simplified cultivation, including
the optimization of medium composition (Liu etal. 2007),
process optimization and control on light utilization, oxygen
accumulation mitigation, and contamination prevention (Liu
etal. 2007; Pulz 2001; Li etal. 2008), and improvement of
cultivation systems (Wang etal. 2012). Currently, two-stage
process has been demonstrated to be a win–win strategy for
obtaining both high cell density and biomass concentration
(i.e., carbohydrates, lipid or hydrogen) at lower operative
Environmental Chemistry Letters
1 3
and investment costs (Ra etal. 2015; Nagappan etal. 2019).
In the process, microalgal cells are cultivated in photoau-
totrophic conditions in the first stage, and then transfer the
biomass to a heterotrophic reactor where cells use organic
carbon to synthesize starch and lipids (Caprio etal. 2016). A
hetero-photoautotrophic microalgal growth model was also
studied for improved organic-rich wastewater treatment and
microalgal lipid yields, and therefore offering a sustainable
way to produce microalgae-based bioenergy and byproducts
(Zhou etal. 2012).
Energy‑saving approaches forharvesting
Harvesting and dewatering of microalgal biomass are
regarded as a major bottleneck to microalgae-based bio-
fuels due to their energy-intensive feature, and the pro-
cesses may account for 20–30% of the total production
costs (Mata etal. 2010; Uduman etal. 2010). Thus, finding
energy-saving approaches is very important to offset the
production cost of microalgae-based biofuels. In general,
microalgae can be harvested by two steps of bulk harvest-
ing and followed by thickening (or dewatering) (Chen etal.
2011). As shown in Table3, technologies of primary har-
vesting generally consist of coagulation and flocculation,
flotation, filtration, screening, ion exchange, gravity sedi-
mentation, precipitation, centrifugation, and other tech-
niques (Cheng etal. 2011; Heasman etal. 2000; Hwang
etal. 2013; Laamanen etal. 2016; Singh and Patidar 2018;
Uduman etal. 2010; Buckwalter etal. 2013). The sec-
ondary dewatering methods include filtration, drying, and
others such as microwave and fluid bed (Buckwalter etal.
2013; Laamanen etal. 2016; Shelef etal. 1984). Advanced
approaches such as a combined method of pulsed electric
field (PEF) and hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) has been
proposed as a promising and suitable pretreatment for wet
extraction of microalgal residual biomass. It was reported
that PEF could accelerate the formation and extraction
efficiency of amino acids up to 150% in 60min, and this
promised a higher biocrude yield by 6wt% (Vlaskin etal.
2018). Besides, other methods are also applied in specially
cell wall disruption using high energy ultrasonic or micro-
wave-assisted extraction (Ranjan etal. 2010; Balasubra-
manian etal. 2011), or using supercritical fluid extraction
at high temperature and pressure (Crampon etal. 2013),
ionic liquids with very low melting point usually below
100°C (Kim etal. 2012).
Selection of harvesting technology is directly relevant
of the efficiency and cost, while the above technologies
have their own advantages and disadvantages. For exam-
ple, coagulation and flocculation are feasible for small size
of microalgae (e.g., < 5μm) and enable them to be larger
sizes flocks (1–5mm) (Park etal. 2011). Other technolo-
gies such as centrifugation have drawbacks such as being
energy intensive, having high capital and operating costs,
and resulting in shear stress to algal cells (Grima etal.
2003; Harun etal. 2010), while filtration is expensive
and easily to be fouling (Vonshak and Richmond 1988).
As reported, the combination of flocculation with flota-
tion was demonstrated to be capable of achieving a high
rate of solid–liquid separation (Rubio etal. 2007). In the
commercialization utilization, Global Algae Innovations
developed “ZOBI Harvester” which is renowned for an
automated membrane filtration system with 100% harvest
efficiency and no need for secondary dewatering in the
combined processes of harvest and dewatering (Equipment
2018). This system has been commercialized at 20,000L/h
with an energy use of 0.04kWh/m3, and it is capable of
reaching a 30 times reduction in harvest and dewatering
energy and 4 times reduction in water flow (EnergyGovOf-
fices 2016). The automated harvesting system is scalable
(with the size range of 5–200,000 gpm) and easy to oper-
ate. Particularly, it harvests microalgae at ambient pressure
without exposure to high shear stress or centrifugal forces
(Equipment 2018).
Table 3 Approaches for harvesting and dewatering
Types Approaches Examples References
Primary harvesting Sedimentation Gravity/centrifugal sedimentation Uduman etal. (2010)
Flocculation Chemical/biochemical/electro-flocculation Mubarak etal. (2019)
Centrifugation Decanter; centrifuge; hydrocyclones Knuckey etal. (2006)
Flotation Electro-/dissolved air/suspended air flotation Pragya etal. (2013) and Chen etal. (2011)
Others Screening; ion exchange; ultrasonic separa-
tion; electrophoresis techniques; magnetic
Cerff etal. (2012), Cheng etal. (2011), Heasman etal.
(2000), Hwang etal. (2013), Laamanen etal. (2016),
Singh and Patidar (2018) and Uduman etal. (2010)
Drying Steam/spray/drum/freeze/oven/sun drying Shelef etal. (1984)
Secondary dewatering Filtration Forward osmosis; Belt/micro-/ultra-/rotary/
pressure/cross-flow/vacuum drum filtration
Buckwalter etal. (2013)
Others Microwave; fluid bed Buckwalter etal. (2013) and Shelef etal. (1984)
Environmental Chemistry Letters
1 3
Ecient technologies ofextraction andconversion
Improving theextraction eciency ofmicroalgal biomass
The dried microalgae biomass will be further used to extract
microalgal lipids through mechanical or non-mechanical
methods, such as cell homogenizers, autoclave, ultrasounds,
bead mills, and spray drying, and freezing, the utilization
of polar and non-polar solvents, osmotic shock, acid, base,
and enzymatic reactions, and supercritical carbon dioxide
(SCCO2) (Halim etal. 2011; Mata etal. 2010). However,
most of the extraction methods work at the laboratory scale
but to be challenging at large-scale extraction because of
the volume and complex (Lam and Lee 2012). For instance,
some previous studies (Jesus etal. 2019) found that large
quantities of solvent consumption are the largest expense
when extracting lipid from wet microalgae using green
solvents such as 2-methyltetrahydrofuran and cyclopentyl
methyl ether. They also compared various methods of lipid
extraction and demonstrated that the Hara and Radin method
was the most effective for extracting 1kg of fatty acids from
Chlorella pyrenoidosa (at 65.71% moisture) using hexane/
isopropanol (3:2v/v). However, the green solvents prices
are not competitive as compared with fossil-based solvents.
Moreover, a solvent-free osmotic shock pretreatment method
was used to extract lipid and subsequently produce meth-
ane from microalgae D. salina and Chaetoceros muelleri,
a lipid recovery efficiency of 21% and 72% was obtained,
respectively (González-González etal. 2019). Furthermore,
some recent methods including microwave-assisted extrac-
tion, supercritical fluid extraction, use of ionic liquids, and
switchable hydrophilicity solvents are also recommended for
economical lipid extraction (Deshmukh etal. 2019).
Enhancing theconversion ofmicroalgae tobiofuels
Microalgal biomass can be converted to renewable fuels
(e.g., power, heat, and fuels) and energy source through vari-
ous technologies including (1) transesterification (Skorup-
skaite etal. 2016), (2) thermochemical such as combustion,
pyrolysis, gasification, thermochemical liquefaction, and
(3) biochemical/biological conversion in terms of anaero-
bic digestion, fermentation, and photobiological hydrogen
production (Asada etal. 2012; Plant and Floorspace 2010;
Sharma and Singh 2017) (Fig.2).
Direct combustion is used to convert microalgal biomass
into hot gasses for energy production, which can power a
turbine and turn a generator to produce electricity, under
the condition of oxygen, furnace, boiler, or steam turbine at
around 1000°C (Lee and Lee 2016; Suganya etal. 2016).
For example, biomass for power (e.g., electricity) and heat
can be achieved by combustion direct-firing in a boiler,
where high-pressure steam is produced and introduced into
a steam turbine, and flows over a series of turbine blades
to make the turbine and electric generator rotate and there-
fore the electricity is produced (ClimateTechWiki 2006). A
Fig. 2 Conversion technologies of microalgal biomass to renewable
fuel. Note: The black solid frames indicate the major technologies
and techniques applied for the conversion of microalgal biomass to
the renewable fuels, respectively. The green dotted frames are the
targeted microalgal-based fuels or end products. The number repre-
sents the procedures or conditions in which, (1) direct combustion:
energy can be obtained under conditions of oxygen, furnace, boiler/
steam turbine, at 1000°C; (2) transesterification: direct/conventional
transesterification; (3) fermentation: dewatering milling liq-
uefaction sacchar ification fermentation distillation H2,
CH4; and the other route (3) anaerobic/dark environment ethanol,
CO2 pur ification bioethanol; (4) hydrotreatment/gasification:
dehydration pyrolysis combustion gasification water–gas
shift reaction jet fuel; (5) pyrolysis: conventional/fast/flash pyroly-
sis bio-oil, char, syngas; (6) anaerobic digestion: hydrolysis fer -
mentation acetogenesis methanogenesis biogas CH4, CO2: and
the other route is (6) digested at pH 6–9, and methane is produced for
generating electricity
Environmental Chemistry Letters
1 3
limited amount of oxygen or air is required for the burning
of organic material to produce carbon dioxide and energy,
which drives a second reaction that is the conversion of fur-
ther organic material to hydrogen (H2) and additional CO2.
Some CH4 and CO2 would be produced when the third reac-
tion occurs in the way of carbon monoxide (CO) and residual
water (Rao etal. 2017).
Methyl esters (FAME) can be produced by direct (single-
stage) and conventional (two-stage) transesterification, and
the chemical equation is that triglyceride and methanol react
under the role of catalyst, to produce glycerol and methylest-
ers (Adeniyi etal. 2018; Lee and Lee 2016). By comparison,
hydrotreatment or gasification process of microalgal oil into
jet fuel is completed by hydrotreating fatty acid and esters
(Kuepker 2015) with the steps of dehydration, pyrolysis,
combustion, gasification, and/or water–gas shift reaction
(Rao etal. 2017). Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of
biomass in the absence of oxygen, and to produce liquid fuel
(bio-oil), solid fuel (biochar), and gaseous fuel products (H2,
CH4), the process can be classified as conventional pyrolysis,
fast pyrolysis and flash pyrolysis (Lee and Lee 2016; Sira-
junnisa and Surendhiran 2016).
Anaerobic digestion is a process of obtaining methane
from the delipidized algal biomass with carbon and nitrogen
content via the consecutive stages of hydrolysis, fermenta-
tion, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis (Lee and Lee 2016;
Sirajunnisa and Surendhiran 2016). This method converts
organic biomass into biogas (~ 60% CH4 and ~ 40% CO2),
and small-scale biogas digesters have been applied through-
out many developing countries such as China, India, Nepal,
Thailand, South Korea, and Brazil (ESMAP 2005). Fer-
mentation aims to convert the cellulose sugar or starch of
microalgal biomass into bioethanol, with consecutive stages
of dewatering, milling, liquefaction, saccharification, fer-
mentation, distillation and eventually the fuel products of
bioethanol is obtained (Lee and Lee 2016).
With the rapid process of economic development and energy
consumption, as well as the crisis of limited fossil fuel
resource, and the increasing requirement of environmental
protection, more and more concerns have been paid on the
development of environmentally friendly fuels such as bio-
fuels to solve the conflict. Microalgae-based biofuels have
been regarded as one of the promising feedstocks for the
new generation of biofuels. However, its commercialization
faces the biggest challenge of high production cost, which
results from the high capital and operational costs in terms
of complex configuration, illumination, cooling, mixing,
deoxygenation, and other operational requirements. Many
efforts have paid on exploring enormous advances in the
development of upstream and downstream technologies, to
offset the cost of obtaining high biomass concentration and
high content of anticipated fuels. Some appropriate microal-
gal strains have been screened or modified to guarantee high
microalgal biomass production, and win–win strategies such
as two-stage of cultivation have been demonstrated the pos-
sibility of obtaining both high biomass production and lipid
content or other fuels. Furthermore, advanced technologies
applied in harvesting and biomass-to-fuels conversion make
microalgae-based fuels more promising. However, some
significant challenges remain in the scale-up of microalgal
farming systems, and the constraints should be tackled in
the future.
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful for the financial sup-
ports provided by Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province,
China (Grant No. 518QN212), National Natural Science Foundation
of China (41766003), and the Youth Fund Project of Hainan University
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... The need to reduce dependence on oil on the one hand and society's awareness to protect the environment on the other hand has caused research to be directed towards biomass supply chain management. Biomass, the source of biofuels, includes plant and animal materials such as wood, crops, seaweed, residual materials from agricultural and forestry processes, and industrial, human and animal organic wastes, which due to quick access, abundant supply and high efficiency, it has become a competitive source of energy and as a suitable alternative to fossil fuels, and it has recently attracted public attention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the problem of climate change 23,[50][51][52] . ...
... mathematical optimization methods, including programming and heuristic algorithms to solve it, have been significantly used in the field of biomass supply chain management, both in the classical mode and in the biomass supply chain. In addition, environmental and sustainable development issues have created uncertainties, challenges and opportunities in the biomass supply chain 23,[50][51][52][53][54][55] . ...
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Non-renewable energy sources, including fossil fuels, are a type of energy whose consumption rate far exceeds its natural production rate. Therefore, non-renewable resources will be exhausted if alternative energy is not fully developed, leading to an energy crisis in the near future. In this paper, a mathematical model has been proposed for the design of the biomass supply chain of field residues that includes several fields where residue is transferred to hubs after collecting the residue in the hub, the residue is transferred to reactors. In reactors, the residue is converted into gas, which is transferred to condenser and transformers, converted into electricity and sent to demand points through the network. In this paper, the criteria of stability and disturbance were considered, which have been less discussed in related research, and the purpose of the proposed model was to maximize the profit from the sale of energy, including the selling price minus the costs. Genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm have been used to solve the model. Then, to prove the complexity of the problem, different and random examples have been presented in different dimensions of the problem. Also, the efficiency of the algorithm in small and large dimensions was proved by comparing GA and SA due to the low deviation of the solutions and the methods used have provided acceptable results suitable for all decision-makers. Also, the effectiveness of the algorithm in small and large dimensions is proven by comparing the genetic algorithm and simulated annealing, and the genetic algorithm's values are better, considering the deviation of 2.9%.and have provided solution methods suitable for all decision makers.
... Third, additional techniques including genetic engineering may be employed to increase lipid along with additional fuel component deposition. Microalgae genetic engineering could potentially be employed to, for instance, remove photosaturation as well as photoinhibition, that will substantially boost outside culture yield while enhancing the financial viability of algal oil generation [56]. To circumvent the present limitations on the distribution of genetically engineered organisms, nevertheless long-term investigations and investment will be required [57]. ...
... Massive farming, conversely, presents enormous obstacles, the most significant of which is its elevated manufacturing cost, which is due to the intense consumption of energy needed for the intricate methods of algal production such as sterilisation, blending, air circulation, light, exchange of gases, as well as others [78]. Techniques that include sterilisation for huge volumes of cultures and maintaining sterility throughout the production system, appropriate illumination as well as deoxygenation approaches, along with additional processes for improved procedure control, for instance, remain difficult and costly [56]. Hence, it is essential to reduce the expenses associated with farming microalgal that may be triggered by the aforementioned processes whilst preserving substantial biomass concentrations as well as lipid yield. ...
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Algal biomass is a promising feedstock for the environmentally friendly production of a diverse range of high-value products, including bioproducts and biofuels. After extracting the essential macro- and biomolecules, the remaining algae biomass can be used as feedstock and processed into valuable additional goods. Advanced biotechnology techniques and efficient hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) technologies are used to produce beneficial products such as bioenergy and biochemicals. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are essential biochemical components of algal biomass that can be used to produce biofuel. Hence, algae biomass is gaining popularity as a biorefinery alternative. HTL is a process of converting biomass to a liquid byproduct by intricate chemical reactions. The purpose of this review is to highlight modern biotechnological and hydrothermal liquefaction techniques for extracting biological products from algae. A large number of documents were reviewed and analytically structured to lay the groundwork for the subsequent steps. This review also included information on a simple reaction mechanism for the biomass that algae produce, as well as the impact of process parameters.
... Microalgae have the ability to fix atmospheric CO 2 and produce different industrially relevant substances and raw materials of uniform quality without claiming arable land [146]. In recent years, microalgae have been of scientific interest for the production of renewable fuels or functional foods, i.e., nutraceuticals, and feed for aquaculture [147,148]. In the European Union, the commercial use of (non-GM) microalgae is currently at its beginning. ...
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Citation: Dolezel, M.; Lang, A.; Greiter, A.; Miklau, M.; Eckerstorfer, M.; Heissenberger, A.; Willée, E.; Züghart, W. Abstract: Information on the state of the environment is important to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal, including the EU's Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. The existing regulatory provisions for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) foresee an obligatory post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) of potential adverse effects upon release into the environment. So far, GMO monitoring activities have focused on genetically modified crops. With the advent of new genomic techniques (NGT), novel GMO applications are being developed and may be released into a range of different, non-agricultural environments with potential implications for ecosystems and biodiversity. This challenges the current monitoring concepts and requires adaptation of existing monitoring programs to meet monitoring requirements. While the incorporation of existing biodiversity monitoring programs into GMO monitoring at the national level is important, additional monitoring activities will also be required. Using case examples, we highlight that monitoring requirements for novel GMO applications differ from those of GM crop plants previously authorized for commercial use in the European Union.
... Fig. 1 summarizes the benefits of vegetable-based fuels and the differences between generations of biodiesel. Microalgae have advantages over vegetable sources, including a high growth rate, high biomass production per culture, higher lipid content, and greater reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG), phosphate, and nitrate compounds [15,16]. In 2016, the European Federation of Transport and Environment evaluated the CO2 emissions of biofuels compared to fossil fuels [17]. ...
... To overcome these challenges associated with direct combustion, extensive research has been directed towards converting biomass, including sewage sludge, into various forms of biofuels that can exist in solid, liquid, and gaseous states [43]. Several technologies have been developed for biofuel production, categorized into two primary pathways: thermochemical and biochemical [44,45]. (Fig. 1) illustrates the biochemical and thermochemical pathways employed in converting biomass into biofuels. ...
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The renewable energy sector is experiencing rapid growth as researchers, economists, and decision-makers aim to meet multiple objectives. These include generating energy from more sustainable and environmentally friendly sources, as well as addressing the increasing disparity between energy supply and demand in a market where demand continues to rise. It is important to seek a balance that ensures ongoing economic and industrial development while prioritizing environmental health. One promising solution in this regard is the production of biofuel from sewage sludge, which has a calorific value of 8,300 joules per gram. From an environmental perspective, achieving a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions necessitates a daily biofuel production target of 4.610 7 gigajoules by 2040. This review will cover the knowledge about sewage sludge as a form of biomass and how to utilize raw materials in the production of various types of biomasses. Special focus will be given to selected biofuels, including biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas, which serve as alternatives to their fossil fuel or natural gas counterparts.
... This vast untapped reservoir of microalgal biodiversity holds immense potential for further exploration and discovery. Advancements in research and technology will undoubtedly contribute to a deeper understanding of these microorganisms and their ecological significance, unlocking new possibilities for various fields, including bioenergy, biotechnology, and environmental conservation (Peng et al., 2019). To ensure successful microalgae-based biohydrogen generation, it is crucial to carefully select robust microalgal strains that exhibit high growth rates, significant carbohydrate content, and resilience against environmental stressors. ...
... (ii) Acidogenesis Some microorganisms (e.g., Eubacterium limosum, Desulforomonas, Sarcina, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Desulfobacter, Desulforomonas, Veillonella, and Veillonella) participate actively in the acidogenesis process, which is necessary for the breakdown of the end products of the hydrolysis process (Peng et al., 2020;Juliana et al., 2020). Various materials, such as alcohol, valerate, lactate, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, are rapidly formed during acidogenesis . ...
The urgent need for a cleaner, more sustainable energy source has been sparked by the fast-dwindling supply of fossil fuels and the catastrophic consequences of climate change. The thriving market of hydrogen as a fruitful alternative is experiencing as an important environmentally friendly industrial feedstock. There are significant techno-financial and environmental obstacles to the commercialization of hydrogen as a fuel. Microalgal biohydrogen generation has drawn increasing attention as a means of overcoming these difficulties. Different metabolic pathways can be used to make microalgal biohydrogen, but a concise explanation of the economics and technical aspects of improving microalgae-driven biohydrogen generation is highly needed. Thus, assured prolonged sustainability can be achieved by improvising economical hydrogen generation technologies through the amendment of vital trial and error factors, possible gene-level, metabolic engineering modification and AIML employment.
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Industrial wastewater often contains different complex impurities that are hazardous to the environment and human health, making wastewater treatment a necessity prior to its disposal. This review focuses on cell immobilization in the biological wastewater treatment, in which microorganisms are utilized for the biodegradation and removal of different types of contaminants, depending on the type of contaminat. Cell immobilization provides the ability to successfully limit the mobility of the cells using synthetic or natural polymers, which can then be used as biocatalysts instead of free cells. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of major cells immobilization aspects, starting from the definition of the technology and focusing on a critical and technical analysis of the currently used immobilization techniques including adsorption, covalent binding, entrapment and encapsulation. Biological water treatment systems using immobilized cells have the potential to be utilized in the degradation of various types of wastewater contaminants. This resulted in remarkable advances in the immobilization techniques, used materials, and properties of immobilized systems. Cell immobilization techniques are becoming well developed, new techniques are being studied by researchers, and the trend of advances in this area is expected to continue increasing in the coming years. Studies proved that immobilization is an effective and promising technique to enhance biological wastewater treatment processes. Immobilized cells could increase the removal efficiency of water contaminants, particularly nutrients, by more than 60%. In this review, the main factors in the development of immobilized cells are highlighted, starting from the selection of immobilization support and providing a detailed description of the immobilization techniques. The application of cells immobilization for different wastewater treatment processes is illustrated. Different examples of wastewater biotreatment are presented, including refractory organics wastewater, wastewater containing heavy metal ions, nitrogen and phosphorous wastewater as well as the removal of dye and color in textile industry wastewater. The review ends with a brief overview of future perspectives of research on cells immobilization.
The aviation sector relies on petroleum jet fuel because it is the most efficient energy carrier. Due to environmental and economic concerns a strong demand for alternative fuels is emerging. There is a need for diversification of energy sources from natural resources. These resources must be environmentally friendly and costs effective. Environmental impacts of fossil fuels on global warming and climate change are being a major concern today. Furthermore, the fluctuations of oil prices and need for sustainable fuel supply are the strong drivers for the economies of fuel users. In the aviation sector, Jet fuel from microalgae is one of the alternatives receiving considerable attention; it offers the potential to diversify energy sources. Microalgae species can produce lipids; they do not require high use of land, do not need freshwater, can grow in marine water or wastewater, grow faster in very short period of time, the produced oil is not a threat to food security. Similarly, the effect of climate change and global warming due to the generation of greenhouse gases (GHG) from petroleum jet fuel can be considerably reduced due to low carbon footprint generated by algae based fuels. Therefore, algae based aviation fuels can be considered as an alternative to produce an efficient fuel compared to conventional fuels. Conversely, the key challenge is: many algae species have lower lipid content. Harvesting and drying processes are costly as well as upstream processes to convert microalgae oil into Jet fuel. Although algae biofuels are still small players in the aviation industry, there is a potential for the future. This review analyses some routes to be explored or already explored, their strengths and weaknesses, the current trends and possible conceptual approaches to get aviation fuel from microalgae oil.
Over the past decade, the number of original articles and reviews presenting microalgae as a promising feedstock for biodiesel has increased tremendously. Many improvements of microalgae have been achieved through selection and strain development for industrial applications. However, the large-scale production of lipids for commercialization is not yet realistic because the production is still much more expensive than that of agricultural products. This review summarizes recent research on the induction of lipid biosynthesis in microalgae and the various strategies of genetic and metabolic engineering for enhancing lipid production. Strain engineering targets are proposed based on these strategies. To address current limitations of strain engineering for lipid production, this review provides insights on recent engineering strategies based on molecular tools and methods, and also discusses further perspectives.
Microalgae are considered the most suitable feedstock for biodiesel production due to their higher areal productivity and lipid content. The economical production of biofuels from microalgae is important. This paper is a review of different techniques used for flocculating microalgae such as use of inorganic salts, organic salts, bioflocculants, autoflocculation and electrolytic flocculation for harvesting microalgae for biodiesel production. It was found that the usage of natural flocculants for harvesting microalgae eliminates the toxicity of biomass harvested but the cost of flocculant makes it uneconomical for large scale applications. The economic method of harvesting large quantity of microalgae still requires further research and development.
Microalgae are explored as the sustainable source of biodiesel production considering their multi restorative effects on water and air. In spite of rapid growth and high lipid content, production of microalgal biodiesel is energy intensive and costly affair. Efficient oil extraction is one of the major hurdles; which needs special attention for making the microalgae biodiesel production process economical. Current review paper discusses various types of extraction methods starting from conventional organic solvent extraction method to advance methods like microwave irradiation, ultrasound, supercritical fluids and ionic liquids for oil extraction and also the direct transesterification. Modern methods give better yield in comparison to conventional methods. The variation of properties of microalgae biodiesel with respect to fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) composition is also highlighted and the properties are compared against established standards. Also, the previous studies on performance and emission characteristics using microalgae have been reviewed and it is found that microalgae biodiesel is on comparable scale to that of first and second generation biofuel. Lots of research scope and further developments in harvesting, drying, oil extraction and direct transesterification stages can potentially establish microalgae as next generation source for transport fuel production.
A comparative study of lipid extraction from microalgae was performed using the Soxhlet, Bligh and Dyer, Folch, and Hara and Radin methods, with the green solvents 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (2-MeTHF)and cyclopentyl methyl ether (CPME), which have also been used in previously published studies. Extractions were performed with the microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa at 65.71% moisture. The Bligh and Dyer methodology, using the solvents 2-MeTHF:isoamyl alcohol (2:1 v/v)and CPME:methanol (1:1.7 v/v), extracted 95.73 ± 0.52 and 89.35 ± 7.98 mg lipids/g biomass, respectively. Regarding fatty acids yield, CPME showed higher selectivity than 2-MeTHF. A brief cost-effectiveness and energy analysis of the extraction process was performed. Based on the calculations, this study concluded that the energy required for the evaporation of the solvent and mixture of solvents after the extraction process has no significant economic impact; the largest expense is associated with solvent consumption. To extract 1 kg of fatty acids, the Hara and Radin method using hexane:isopropanol (3:2 v/v)proved to be the most cost-effective. Results show that these solvents prices’ are still not competitive when compared to fossil-based solvents. The price reduction of 2-MeTHF would make it more attractive than CPME, as it requires a lower amount of biomass.
This study evaluated osmotic shock pre-treatment, a solvent-free wet lipid extraction method, on two lipid-rich microalgal species, Dunaliella salina and Chaetoceros muelleri. The biogas potential of the lipid-spent microalgae was evaluated to assess the suitability of an integrated biorefinery of biodiesel and biogas production. The obtained results revealed the high potential of the diatom C. muelleri for biofuels production when silica starvation is applied at the final stages of the cultures. The osmotic shock had a higher impact on C. muelleri than on D. salina, with a lipid recovery efficiency of 72% and 21% respectively. Besides the high percentage of lipids recovered with this method for C. muelleri, the lipid-spent biomass showed ones of the highest methane yields reported for microalgae, 484 mL CH4 g VS⁻¹. Overall, these results indicate that C. muelleri could be a target species for combined biodiesel and biogas biorefinery.
Biomass of high-yielding strains of phototrophic microorganisms actively accumulating lipids is a promising non-traditional raw material for bioenergy including the production of biodiesel. In this study, we present results of searching for new strains of microalgae-producers of lipids from hot springs. Within the framework of research, the primary screening of water for the presence of lipid - accumulative microalgae was carried out with the help of qualitative reaction with lipid-specific dyes, as well as 5 axenic isolates of microalgae with stable growth were identified in the laboratory and their productivity and fatty acid composition were studied. The isolated strains were identified as Chlorella vulgaris sp-1, Ankistrodesmus sp-21, Scеnеdеsmus obliquus sp-21, Chlorella pyrenoidosa sp-13 and Chlamydomonas sp-22. The obtained data showed that the isolated strains determined by biomass in the range 1.3 g/l to 1.81 g/l. As a result of the research, it was established that the highest content of lipids was observed in the strains Chlorella vulgaris sp-1 and Scеnеdеsmus obliquus sp-21, which is 28.7 and 29.8% of the cell dry weight, respectively. The analysis of the fatty acid composition of the cells showed that the largest mass fraction of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids was found in strain Scеnеdеsmus obliquus sp-21 - 61.9%. In the result, Scеnеdеsmus obliquus sp-21 strain isolated from thermal sources was selected as a promising candidate for biodiesel production.
With the increasing use of natural gas, improving the thermal efficiency and reducing emissions has become the major goals in its combustion. The objective of the present work is to investigate the effect of hydrogen addition on the combustion characteristics of natural gas. A ChemkinⅡ/Premix Code with the detailed chemical reaction mechanisms was employed with the Soret effect taken into account in all the calculations. With the mole fraction of hydrogen in the fuel varied from 0 to 40% at different initial temperatures (298–500 K) and pressures (1–8 atm), the results showed that the laminar burning velocities (LBVs) and the adiabatic flame temperatures of the C1–C4 four alkanes increased with increasing hydrogen-doping ratio. The LBV and the adiabatic flame temperature of methane displayed the maximum increase with the hydrogen-doping ratio. Additionally, the generation of active radicals H, O, and OH during the combustion process was strongly correlated with the LBV. The sensitivity of the flame temperature in four alkane fuels present in the natural gas at the maximum temperature gradient was analyzed. At a constant hydrogen-doping ratio, the LBV and the adiabatic flame temperature increased significantly with the increasing initial temperature. With increasing the pressure, the LBV gradually decreased while the adiabatic flame temperature increased.