Conference PaperPDF Available

Unveiling the Involvement of Oxidases in the Resistance of Coffea spp. to Colletotrichum kahawae

  • Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa

Abstract and Figures

Cytological, biochemical and molecular studies were undertaken to elucidate the role of oxidases in coffee resistance to Colletotrichum kahawae (Ck). Hypocotyls of the coffee variety Catimor 88, resistant to Ck isolate Que2 (from Kenya), were used and compared with the susceptible variety Caturra. Coffee resistance was characterized by a restricted fungal growth associated with hypersensitive-like cell death (HR), monitored by cell autofluorescence and/or browning. The activity of the oxidative enzymes peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was evaluated. For both genotypes the activity of POD and PPO measured in the infected tissues was, on average, higher than in control samples. Moreover, in the resistant genotype, POD activity started to increase at 24hai which was coincident with the beginning of the observation of HR. At the molecular level, 33 unigenes with oxidative-related function were identified in an Illumina RNA-seq coffee-Ck database as differentially expressed in Catimor 88 and Caturra infected by C.kahawae comparatively with their controls, and grouped into six main classes: multicopper, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, germin-like, redoxin domain and isoflavone reductase-like protein. For 20 unigenes, a predominant expression profile showing an increase of activation at 48 and/or 72hai in Catimor 88 when compared to Caturra was detected. For the other 13 unigenes, the main expression profile revealed repression at all time points, for both genotypes. Gene validation and expression profiling is being performed through qPCR during key stages of the infection process.
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Unveiling the involvement of oxidases in the resistance of
Coffea spp. to Colletotrichum kahawae
DINIZ, Inês1,2, FINO, Joana1,3, LOUREIRO, Andreia1,2, FIGUEIREDO, Andreia4,
Vítor1,2, GICHURU, Elijah K5, MONCADA Pilar6, OLIVEIRA, Helena2,
BATISTA, Dora1,3, GUERRA-GUIMARÃES, Leonor1,2, SILVA, Maria C.1,2
1-CIFC/Biotrop/IICT - Centro de Investigação das Ferrugens do Cafeeiro/Instituto de
Investigação Científica Tropical, Quinta do Marquês, Oeiras, Portugal; 2-CEER, Instituto
Superior de Agronomia, University of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-
Computational Biology and Population Genomics group, Centro de Biologia Ambiental,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-Plant Systems Biology Lab,
Centre for Biodiversity, Functional and Integrative Genomics, Faculty of Sciences, University
of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-Coffee Research Foundation (CRF), Ruiru, Kenya, 6-Cenicafe,
Manizales, Colombia.
Cytological, biochemical and molecular studies were undertaken to elucidate the role of
oxidases in coffee resistance to Colletotrichum kahawae (Ck). Hypocotyls of the coffee
variety Catimor 88, resistant to Ck isolate Que2 (from Kenya), were used and compared
with the susceptible variety Caturra. Coffee resistance was characterized by a restricted
fungal growth associated with hypersensitive-like cell death (HR), monitored by cell
autofluorescence and/or browning. The activity of the oxidative enzymes peroxidase
(POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was evaluated. For both genotypes the activity of
POD and PPO measured in the infected tissues was, on average, higher than in control
samples. Moreover, in the resistant genotype, POD activity started to increase at 24hai
which was coincident with the beginning of the observation of HR.
At the molecular level, 33 unigenes with oxidative-related function were identified in an
Illumina RNA-seq coffee - Ck database as differentially expressed in Catimor 88 and
Caturra infected by C.kahawae comparatively with their controls, and grouped into six
main classes: multicopper, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, germin-like, redoxin domain
and isoflavone reductase-like protein. For 20 unigenes, a predominant expression
profile showing an increase of activation at 48 and/or 72hai in Catimor 88 when
compared to Caturra was detected. For the other 13 unigenes, the main expression
profile revealed repression at all time points, for both genotypes. Gene validation and
expression profiling is being performed through qPCR during key stages of the
infection process.
Colletotrichum kahawae (Ck), the causal agent of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD), is
responsible for the most devastating Arabica coffee disease in Africa at high altitude,
and represents an imminent threat for coffee cultivation in America and Asia [1,2,3]. It
has long been recognized that increased knowledge on the key mechanisms of plant
resistance is necessary to breed efficiently for durable resistance. Coffee resistance to
Ck is characterized by restricted fungal growth associated with rapid hypersensitive-like
cell death (HR) [2, 4]. In different pathosystems, the rapid loss of cell integrity during
the HR, has been associated with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
an increase in oxidizing enzymes [5,6]. This work aims to elucidate the role of oxidases
in coffee resistance to Ck. Based on field resistance to Ck in Kenya, Catimor 88 (Timor
Hybrid derivative) was selected as resistant genotype to the isolate Que2 from Kenya,
comparatively with the susceptible variety Caturra.
Hypocotyl inoculation: Coffee hypocotyls from the resistant genotype Catimor 88
(from Kenya) and the susceptible genotype Caturra (CIFC 19/1) were inoculated with
the C. kahawae isolate Que2, from Kenya according to the technique previously
described [4]. For the different studies, samples were collected at 12, 24, 48 and 72
hours after inoculation (hai).
Light microscopy: For time-course studies of fungal growth and plant cell responses, cross
sections of infected hypocotyl fragments, made with a freezing microtome, were submitted
to cotton blue lactophenol staining and epifluorescence test [4,7]. Observations were made
with a microscope Leica DM-2500 equipped with a mercury bulb HB 100W, blue light.
POD extraction and activity evaluation: Proteins were extracted from hypocotyls of both
genotypes [6] and protein content was measured using a modified Bradford assay [8].
The activity of guaiacol peroxidase (POD) and catechol polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was
determined by the increase in absorbance at 480 and 410nm, respectively [9].
Differential expression analysis from RNA-Seq data: Differential expressed unigenes
previously identified and annotated as bearing an oxidative-related function were
retrieved from an Illumina RNA-Seq database [10]. Identification of those genes
resulted from a previous analysis of RNA-seq data generated from Catimor 88 and
Caturra hypocotyls, inoculated with Ck Que2, at 24, 48 and 72hai. Only unigenes with a
posterior probability of being differentially expressed (PPDE) > 0.95 and a -1.0 log2
fold change ≥ 1.0 were considered as such.
In both genotypes, the fungus began to penetrate the hypocotyl tissues by 48hai and the
hyphal length was significantly higher in the susceptible genotype than in the resistant
one, at 72hai (Fig.1 and Fig.2). As shown in Fig. 2 in the resistant genotype, the first
cytological changes were displayed at 24hai in 4% of infection sites and corresponded
to the hypersensitive-like cell death HR (associated with the presence of
autofluorescent and/or browning cells). At 48hai and 72hai, HR spread to adjacent cells
of the epidermis and of the first layer of cortex, being observed in 16% and 36% of
infection sites, respectively. In the susceptible genotype this response was also
observed, but in a significantly lower percentage of infection sites (1%- 12%, at 24hai
and 72hai, respectively) (Fig.2, Fig.3A-C). The analysis of post-penetration fungal
growth stages and host responses were similar to those previously described for the
same coffee- Ck interactions [4].
Fig. 1. Hyphal length in resistant (Catimor 88) and susceptible (Caturra) hypocotyls, at different time points. The
mean values of hyphal length did not differ significantly at 48hai (t= 1.32) but were significantly higher in the
susceptible that in the resistant hypocotyls at 72hai (t= 5.05; P0.001). Fig. 2. Percentage of infection sites with HR.
The mean values did not differ significantly at 24hai (t= 1.33) but were significantly higher in the resistant than in
the susceptible hypocotyls at 48hai (t= 2.22; P0.05) and 72hai (t= 5.76; P0.01). Each value (Figs 1 and 2) is the
mean±standard deviation of 2 different experiences (100-150 infection sites were observed per experiment per time).
Fig. 3. Fungal post-penetration
growth stages and plant responses.
Light microscope observations,
cotton blue lactophenol staining
(A and B), epifluorescence test
under blue light (C). (A) Infection
site showing a melanised
appressorium (a) and hyphae
(arrow) inside an epidermal cell of
the susceptible hypocotyl, 48hai.
(B) Infection site showing a
melanised appressorium (a) and a
vesicle (arrow) inside the epidermal cell of the resistant hypocotyl, 72hai. (C) Infection site showing an apressorium
(a) associated with HR-like in one epidermal cell (arrow) of the resistant hypocotyls, 72hai (bars = 10µm)
For both genotypes the activity of PPO measured in the infected tissues was, on
average, higher than in control samples (data not shown). In the resistant genotype
Catimor 88 (Fig.4A) POD activity started to increase by 24hai reaching the highest value at
72hai in the infected tissues, when compared to the control (non-inoculated hypocotyls). In
the susceptible (Fig.4B) genotype Caturra, no differences in POD activity were detected
between samples (inoculated vs control). These results suggest the involvement of POD in
the resistance mechanism of Coffea spp. to Ck.
Fig.4. POD activity in healthy (control) and infected hypocotyls of the resistant genotype Catimor 88 (A) and the susceptible
genotype Caturra (B). POD activity was expressed as O.D.480nm min-1 g-1 dry weight and hypocotyls were harvested at
different times after inoculation.
Based on an Illumina RNA-seq coffee - Ck database previously generated [10], 33
unigenes with annotation as oxidative-related function were identified as differentially
expressed in Catimor 88 and Caturra infected by Ck comparatively with their controls.
These unigenes can be grouped into six main classes of oxidases: multicopper,
peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, germin-like, redoxin domain and isoflavone reductase-
like protein. An integrative in silico analysis of their expression profiles revealed that, in
general for 20 unigenes, Catimor 88 presents a higher expression in genes that are
activated at 48 and/or 72hai, being normally repressed at 24hai (Fig.5A). Also, for the
other 13 unigenes for both genotypes, the predominant expression profile found is
repression in all time points (Fig.5B). To the best of our knowledge, this study
represents the first integrative attempt to understand the involvement of oxidative
enzymes in coffee resistance to Ck.
This work was funded by Portuguese national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
(project PTDC/AGR-GPL/112217/2009, grants SFRH/BPD/47008/2008, SFRH/BPD/63641/2009,
SFRH/BD/84188/2012, SFRH/BPD/88994/2012, attributed to AL, AF, ID and PT, respectively).
[1] Gichuru EK, Agwanda CO, Combes MC, Mutitu EW, Ngugi ECK, Bertrand B,
Lashermes P. (2008). Plant Pathology 57:1117-1124.
[2] Silva MC, Várzea V, Guerra-Guimarães L, Azinheira HG, Fernandez D, Petitot A-S,
Bertrand B, Lashermes P, Nicole M. (2006). Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology
[3] Van der Vossen HAM, Walyaro DJ. (2009). Euphytica 165:105-116.
[4] Loureiro A, Nicole M, Várzea V, Moncada P, Bertrand B, Silva MC. (2012).
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 77: 23-32.
[5] Heath MC. (2000). Plant Molecular Biology 44:321-34
[6] Silva MC, Guerra-Guimarães L, Loureiro A, Nicole MR. (2008). Physiological and
Molecular Plant Pathology 72 :2938
[7] Silva MC, Nicole M, Guerra-Guimarães L, Rodrigues Jr. CJ. (2002). Physiological
and Molecular Plant Pathology 60: 169-183.
[8] Ramagli LS. (1999). Methods in Molecular Biology 112, 99-103, 1999
[9] Cavalcanti FR, Resende MLV, Carvalho CPS, Silveira JAG, Oliveira JTA. (2006).
Biological Control 39: 408417
[10] Fino, J. (2014). Master dissertation, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon,
Lisbon, Portugal
... Cytological and biochemical studies revealed that coffee resistance to C. kahawae is characterized by restricted fungal growth associated with several host responses, such as hypersensitive-like cell death (HR), formation of cork barriers, callose deposition around intracellular hyphae, accumulation of phenolic compounds (flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives), lignification of host cell walls and increased activity of oxidative enzymes, such as peroxidases [3,[9][10][11][12][13]. More recently, differentially expressed genes involved in recognition, signaling and defense responses of coffee to C. kahawae have been identified [14][15][16]. ...
Full-text available
Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying coffee-pathogen interactions are of key importance to aid disease resistance breeding efforts. In this work the expression of genes involved in salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET) pathways were studied in hypocotyls of two coffee varieties challenged with the hemibiotrophic fungus Col-letotrichum kahawae, the causal agent of Coffee Berry Disease. Based on a cytological analysis, key time-points of the infection process were selected and qPCR was used to evaluate the expression of phytohormones biosynthesis, reception and responsive-related genes. The resistance to C. kahawae was characterized by restricted fungal growth associated with early accumulation of phenolic compounds in the cell walls and cytoplasmic contents , and deployment of hypersensitive reaction. Similar responses were detected in the susceptible variety, but in a significantly lower percentage of infection sites and with no apparent effect on disease development. Gene expression analysis suggests a more relevant involvement of JA and ET phytohormones than SA in this pathosystem. An earlier and stronger activation of the JA pathway observed in the resistant variety, when compared with the susceptible one, seems to be responsible for the successful activation of defense responses and inhibition of fungal growth. For the ET pathway, the down or non-regulation of ET receptors in the resistant variety, together with a moderate expression of the responsive related gene ERF1, indicates that this phytohormone may be related with other functions besides the resistance response. However, in the susceptible variety, the stronger activation of ERF1 gene at the beginning of the necrotrophic phase, suggests the involvement of ET in tissue senescence. As far as we know, this is the first attempt to unveil the role PLOS ONE | https://doi.
Full-text available
Coffea arabica plants with the SH5 and SH4SH5 genotypes were inoculated with isolates of the coffee orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix) races II and VI, in order to establish two incompatible interactions (I1 and I2) and a compatible one. Both incompatible interactions were characterized by restricted fungal growth associated with rapid hypersensitive plant cell death, monitored by cell autofluorescence and/or browning. Cytological and biochemical studies were performed to investigate the association of peroxidases (PODs) with coffee resistance to rust. In both incompatible interactions, in contrast with the compatible one, investigations revealed a peak of POD activity prior or at the same time, as the beginning of cell death. During the first peak, the isoenzyme pattern for peroxidases obtained by IEF (isoelectric focusing electrophoresis) showed an increase in activity of anionic and cationic isoenzymes. Cytochemically, POD and H2O2 were localized at the interface between the cuticle and fungal pre-penetration structures, and at infection sites. In both incompatible interactions, a later increase in POD activity was determined which can be related to host cell wall lignification. This peak coincided with the one observed in the compatible interaction. Treatments of coffee leaves (I2 incompatible interaction) with 2,4-dichlorophenol, an activator of peroxidases and other oxidases, significantly increased cell autofluorescence. On the contrary, salicyl hydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of the same enzymes, and diphenyleneiodonium chloride, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidases, decreased cell autofluorescence. These results suggested that POD, NADPH oxidases and eventually other oxidases are involved in the coffee resistance to H. vastatrix.
Full-text available
The growth of a coffee orange rust fungus (Hemileia vastatrix Berk and Br.) isolate (race II) and the sequence of responses it induced in leaves of resistant Coffea arabica L. and C. congensis Froehner as well as on a susceptible C. arabica were investigated cytologically and biochemically. The percentages of germinated urediospores and of appressoria formed over stomata as well as the fungal growth inside leaf tissues were similar in resistant and susceptible leaves until the 3rd day after the inoculation. In the susceptible leaves, at the majority of the infection sites (70%) the fungus pursued its growth without apparent inhibition while in the resistant leaves the fungus ceased its growth with higher frequency (34% in C. arabica and 54% in C. congensis) after the formation of at least one haustorium. The first signs of incompatibility, detected 2 days after the inoculation, were cytologically expressed by hypersensitive host cell death (HR), host cell wall autofluorescence and haustoria encasement with callose and β-1,4-glucans. Biochemically, two peaks of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity were detected by 2 and 5 days after the inoculation. The 1st peak coincided with the early accumulation of phenolic compounds and with the beginning of cell death. The 2nd peak could be related to later accumulation of phenols and the lignification of the host cell walls. About 5–7 days after the inoculation, ultrastructural observations revealed the accumulation of a material partially crystallized in the intercellular spaces around the senescent hyphae, next to dead host cells and in close association with the middle lamella that initially labelled for pectins. It also contained polysaccharides and phenolic-like compounds. Cellulose, hemicellulose, extensins, hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins and proteins were not detected. The hypertrophy of the host cells in the infection area were also observed around 12 days after the inoculation corresponding macroscopically to the reaction flt.In susceptible plants, cell death was also observed 3 days after the inoculation but only in a reduced percentage of infection sites in which the fungus aborted at an early stage. A late haustorium encasement and stimulation of PAL activity were also observed but these delayed host responses did not prevent fungal growth and sporulation.The intercellular material, only observed in the resistant plants, is here reported for the first time and although its role is unknown it might be the result of plant cell death.
The hypersensitive response (HR) of plants resistant to microbial pathogens involves a complex form of programmed cell death (PCD) that differs from developmental PCD in its consistent association with the induction of local and systemic defence responses. Hypersensitive cell death is commonly controlled by direct or indirect interactions between pathogen avirulence gene products and those of plant resistance genes and it can be the result of multiple signalling pathways. Ion fluxes and the generation of reactive oxygen species commonly precede cell death, but a direct involvement of the latter seems to vary with the plant-pathogen combination. Protein synthesis, an intact actin cytoskeleton and salicylic acid also seem necessary for cell death induction. Cytological studies suggest that the actual mode and sequence of dismantling the cell contents varies among plant-parasite systems although there may be a universal involvement of cysteine proteases. It seems likely that cell death within the HR acts more as a signal to the rest of the plant rather than as a direct defence mechanism.
Master dissertation, Faculty of Sciences
  • J Fino
Fino, J. (2014). Master dissertation, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
  • E K Gichuru
  • C O Agwanda
  • M C Combes
  • E W Mutitu
  • Eck Ngugi
  • B Bertrand
  • P Lashermes
Gichuru EK, Agwanda CO, Combes MC, Mutitu EW, Ngugi ECK, Bertrand B, Lashermes P. (2008). Plant Pathology 57:1117-1124.
  • A Loureiro
  • M Nicole
  • V Várzea
  • P Moncada
  • B Bertrand
  • M C Silva
Loureiro A, Nicole M, Várzea V, Moncada P, Bertrand B, Silva MC. (2012). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 77: 23-32.
  • M C Silva
  • V Várzea
  • L Guerra-Guimarães
  • H G Azinheira
  • D Fernandez
  • A-S Petitot
  • B Bertrand
  • P Lashermes
Silva MC, Várzea V, Guerra-Guimarães L, Azinheira HG, Fernandez D, Petitot A-S, Bertrand B, Lashermes P, Nicole M. (2006). Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18:119-147.
  • F R Cavalcanti
  • Mlv Resende
  • Cps Carvalho
  • Jag Silveira
  • Jta Oliveira
Cavalcanti FR, Resende MLV, Carvalho CPS, Silveira JAG, Oliveira JTA. (2006). Biological Control 39: 408-417
  • Ham Van Der Vossen
  • D J Walyaro
Van der Vossen HAM, Walyaro DJ. (2009). Euphytica 165:105-116.