Leonardo Gallo

Leonardo Gallo
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria | inta · Genetica ecológica y mejoramiento forestal


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Publications (115)
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Breve histórico y características del vivero forestal experimental de la EEA Bariloche del INTA.
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The genetic differentiation of six natural Argentine populations of lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) from the Center West of the Province of Chubut (42 ° 50 ‘S) distributed in an altitudinal range of 500 m (between 1,000 and 1,500 m a.s.l.) was studied by means of common garden greenhouse trials. Individual growth curves were fitted in one-year-old seedl...
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Salix humboldtiana Willd., the only species native to South America, has spread into Argentina, from Salta, Jujuy and Formosa to Patagonia in the south extreme, exhibiting extraordinary adaptation to abiotic stress, especially in flooded and saline soils. However, due to the presence of exotic willow species in the natural distribution zones, the h...
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Este es un manual téorico-práctico que presenta una definición de Zonas Géneticas (ZG) para dos especies de amplia distribución en los Bosques Andino Patagónicos, como lo son lenga y ñire. Las ZG entendidas como unidades genéticas operativas, constituyen una herramienta valiosa en la promoción de la conservación y el manejo sustenable de los recurs...
Technical Report
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La restauración ecológica de las áreas degradadas es una prioridad mundial, y se han propuesto metas enormes para cumplirse al 2020. En América Latina, la iniciativa 20x20, una alianza estratégica entre países, socios técnicos e inversionistas de impacto apoyarán la restauración de más de 27 millones de hectáreas de tierras degradadas en América La...
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We investigated the impact of past changes in habitat suitability on the current patterns of genetic diversity of two southern beeches (Nothofagus nervosa and Nothofagus obliqua) in their eastern fragmented range in Patagonian Argentina, and model likely future threats to their population genetic structure. Our goal was to develop a spatially-expli...
In Patagonia (Argentina) in recent decades, the exotic species and hybrids of Salix alba - Salix fragilis complex has spread over wide areas along watercourses, taking advantage of it is sexually and vegetatively propagation. It out-competes with native vegetation, facilitated by stochastic events related to large floods of long-lasting duration hi...
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El pino ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws) es la principal especie forestal implantada en secano en la Patagonia, con proyección a seguir siéndolo, para lo que es indispensable asegurar la provisión de semilla de adecuada calidad genética. Hace 18 años el INTA comenzó un programa de mejoramiento genético para la especie cuyos huertos semill...
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Our study aims to determine the dynamic that led to the spread of exotic Salicaceae on the Limay River floodplain and its implications in shaping the current neoecosystem. We used images obtained by the HRG sensor on board the SPOT-5 satellite. We selected two images dates allowed a comparison of the floodplain under different flooding regimes prog...
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El género Nothofagus cuenta en nuestro país con especies forestales del bosque templado andino-patagónico que son claves en los ecosistemas que integran, y que a la vez han sido y son aprovechadas por su madera y poseen una gran potencialidad para ser usados en plantaciones productivas. En sus cinco años de desarrollo, el Subprograma Nothofagus del...
Although the importance of using local provenance planting stock for woodland production, habitat conservation and restoration remains contentious, the concept is easy to understand, attractive and easy to ‘sell’. With limited information about the extent and scale of adaptive variation in native trees, discussion about suitable seed sources often...
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Seeds integrate environmental cues that modulate their dormancy and germination. Although many mechanisms have been identified in laboratory experiments, their contribution to germination dynamics in existing communities and their involvement in defining species habitats remain elusive. By coupling mathematical models with ecological data we invest...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN ¿Cómo es la dinámica de un paisaje ribereño, cuyos componentes no comparten una historia evolutiva común? Proponemos el estudio de las invasiones de salicáceas exóticas en los valles de los ríos Limay y Azul sobre la base de modelos matemáticos. La hipótesis de partida plantea que el proceso de sucesión vegetal interactúa con pulsos hidroló...
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We present a set of 23 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci, 18 of which are identified for the first time within the riparian species Salix humboldtiana (Salicaceae) using next-generation sequencing. To characterize the 23 loci, up to 60 individuals were sampled and genotyped at each locus. The number of alleles ranged from two to eight, with a...
Conference Paper
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Resumen Las invasiones de Salix fragilis en las planicies inundables de los ríos andino patagónicos pueden competir con árboles nativos. Para abordar la problemática se diseño un modelo de coevolución de cuatro especies arbóreas (Nothofagus dombeyi, Myrceugenia exsucca, Maytenus boaria), entre ellas el sauce exótico. El modelo asume que: a) los sau...
The Patagonian region is characterized by a complex biogeographic history, with evidence of deep phylogeographic breaks shared among species. Of particular interest to conservation is the nature of colonization and settlement patterns after the last glacial period, including the detection of secondary contact between different lineages and/or hybri...
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Rehabilitation and restoration of forest ecosystems are in growing demand to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and desertification—major environmental problems of our time. Interest in restoration of ecosystems is increasingly translated into strong political commitment to large-scale tree planting projects. Along with this new impetus and t...
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The northernmost ‘robles’ of Argentina, located in Lagunas de Epulauquen (northwest Patagonia), are considered a population of Nothofagus obliqua, even though they differ in some respects from individuals of other populations of the species. In order to analyse a possible genetic basis of their distinctive character, we revised previous information...
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Management practices are important disturbance agents at local level and their incorrect implementation may affect the sustainability of natural forests. Usually, silviculture based on the shelterwood system was carried out in the mixed stands composed of Nothofagus dombeyi, N. alpina and N. obliqua, located at Lanín Natural Reserve (Neuquén Provin...
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Habitat fragmentation might significantly affect mating and pollen dispersal patterns in plant populations, contributing to the decline of remnant populations. However, wind-pollinated species are able to disperse pollen at longer distances after opening of the canopy. Our objectives were to characterize the mating system parameters and to estimate...
Using next generation sequencing, we developed the first whole genome resources for two hybridizing Nothofagus species of the Patagonian forests that crucially lack genomic data, despite their ecological and industrial value. A de novo assembly strategy combining base quality control and optimization of the putative chloroplast gene map yielded ~32...
Genetic information on adaptive traits is crucial for prediction of the evolution of natural populations in relation to global climate change. The seedling emergence process together with germination is a key adaptive stage in any seeding species. We aim to analyze variability in seedling emergence traits within and among marginal populations of Pa...
Conference Paper
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En etapas juveniles del desarrollo, los renovales de las especies de Raulí (Nothofagus nervosa) y Roble Pellín (N. obliqua) en el bosque nativo, están expuestos a diferentes condiciones ambientales en sus micrositios, que pueden cambiar durante el crecimiento de la planta. En este sentido, la plasticidad fenotípica juega un rol importante en el rec...
Development of appropriate forest conservation and management measures for a given tree species includes the identification of distinct genetically homogeneous units across its overall distribution range, which depends on the availability of knowledge on genetic, morphological and adaptive variation. This has important implications for germplasm tr...
Development of appropriate forest conservation and management measures for a given tree species includes the identification of distinct genetically homogeneous units across its overall distribution range, which depends on the availability of knowledge on genetic, morphological and adaptive variation. This has important implications for germplasm tr...
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• Context There is evidence that Nothofagus nervosa (= N. alpina) is suitable for timber production in temperate regions due to its wood quality and fast growth. However, high intra-specific variability in the architectural traits of this species limits its usefulness. • Aims This study was aimed at evaluating intra-specific variability in the arch...
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Background: Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Ser. et Bizzarri commonly known as Patagonian cypress is a member of the Cupressaceae family, characterized by a high adaptive potential for growing in marginal areas and good timber quality. The species grows over a wide area and under a wide range of rainfall. This study assessed adaptive genetic v...
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Cedrela lilloi C. DC. (cedro coya, Meliaceae), an important south American timber species, has been historically overexploited through selective logging in Argentine Yungas Rainforest. Management and conservation programs of the species require knowledge of its genetic variation patterns; however, no information is available. Molecular genetic vari...
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The mating system (outcrossing, selfing, and biparental inbreeding) and the extent of pollen flow are two of the most important genetic features that determine the genetic structure of plant populations, and both are crucial for the design of conservation strategies. The objectives here were to estimate mating system parameters and to fit the polle...
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Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws) is the main forest tree species cultivated in Patagonia without irrigation. Its productive potentiality and the surface available for afforestation with it indicate the spe-cies will continue to be among the first forest tree alternatives in the region, what makes essential to assure the availability...
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Background Nothofagus nervosa is one of the most emblematic native tree species of Patagonian temperate forests. Here, the shotgun RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) of the transcriptome of N. nervosa, including de novo assembly, functional annotation, and in silico discovery of potential molecular markers to support population and associations genetic studi...
In silicoSSRs derived fromNothofagusleaf transcriptome (24,886 unigenes). The data describe the 3,821 SSR: Included are unigenes names, marker ID, Sequence Length (bp), SSR description (# SSRs per seq, repeat length, motif, # Repeats, SSR position (start, stop)), ORF definition (start, stop, SSR in ORF), primers description (sequence of forward and...
KEGG Pathway maps. This table provides information on the enzymes putatively encoded by the RNA sequences, based on homology prediction and their associated pathways. This includes KEGG maps, enzyme names, and sequences ID.
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The rear edges of tree species have begun to be perceived as highly valuable for genetic resources conservation and management. In view of expected climatic changes, the responses of trees at their xeric limits may largely be determined by their capacity to cope with augmented environmental variance.We assess the heritability of early survival of P...
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Water-use efficiency (WUE) is a physiological parameter that plays a significant role in the evolutionary dynamics of many forest tree species. It can be estimated indirectly through carbon isotope discrimination (Δ). In general, plants of more arid origins have lower values of Δ. In order to study the degree of genetic control of this parameter an...
In phylogenetically related plant species, hybridization can influence their current genetic structure. Long-lasting hybridization may be related to persistence in shared glacial refugia, where the differential abilities of each species to survive could have provided adaptations to changing environmental conditions. In temperate South American fore...
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Los individuos femeninos y masculinos de especies dioicas tienen funciones reproductivas específicas y diferencias relacionadas al sexo han sido establecidas para la tasa de crecimiento, la edad de madurez, el tamaño, la distribución espacial y las respuestas fisiológicas al estrés biótico o abiótico. Austrocedrus chilensis (ciprés de la cordillera...
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Longevity is a characteristic of forest trees that influences their responses to challenges by biotic and abiotic stresses and the temporal development of symptoms. Monitoring programs have been extensively used to detect the impact of climatic change, air pollution and outbreaks of pathogens on forest health, growth and dynamics. In Argentina, for...
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Cross-species amplification of microsatellites is a common procedure to obtain suitable markers to be used in population genetic studies. Primers designed for one (source) species are used to amplify homologous loci in related (target) species. It is expected that phylogenetically close species will share a higher proportion of markers, and genetic...
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Knowing the natural range of any species is essential to plan its conservation or use. The South-American beeches Raulí [Nothofagus alpina (Poepp. & Endl.) Oerst. = Nothofagus nervosa (Phil.) Dim. et Mil.] and Roble Pellín [Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst. ssp. obliqua] are two important forest tree species of the North Patagonian forests, and the...
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Natural distribution of Nothofagus alpina and Nothofagus obliqua (Nothofagaceae) in Argentina, two productively important tree species of the North Patagonian temperate forests. Knowing the natural range of any species is essential to plan its conservation or use. The South-American beeches Raulí [Nothofagus alpina (Poepp. & Endl.) Oerst. = Nothofa...
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En el marco del programa de domesticación que el INTA está llevando a cabo para las especies forestales nativas Raulí y Roble Pellín, se realizó un estudio para definir áreas potenciales de cultivo de estas especies en la Provincia de Río Negro a través del desarrollo de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG). La metodología consistió en establ...
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La selección fenotípica generalmente reduce la variabilidad de los caracteres seleccionados y la de los caracteres asociados. Algunas especies muestran asociación negativa entre crecimiento y densidad de la madera. En este estudio, se evaluó la densidad básica de la madera en un grupo de 23 árboles control y 25 árboles plus de Pinus ponderosa selec...
Abstract The study of the genetic variation of early height growth traits in seedlings helps to predict the possible outcomes of tree populations in the face of climate change. Second-year height growth of 10 geographically marginal populations of Patagonian cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Ser. et Bizzarri) (Cupressaceae) was characte...
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• Species distributed along wide environmental ranges are expected to be either plastic or adapted to local optima. The elucidation of which of these alternatives prevails, is crucial in planning breeding and conservation strategies for not yet domesticated species. Austrocedrus chilensis (Cupressaceae) is the most commercially important conifer of...
Fragmentation of the habitat due to glaciations, fires and human activities affected the distribution range of Araucaria araucana in southern South America. On the borders of the Argentinean Patagonian steppe, the species is restricted to isolated patches without natural regeneration. Our objective is to test the hypothesis that these populations a...
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The significant mortality of the Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Serm. et Bizarri forests, locally known as “Mal del Ciprés”, has been reported since 1945 for most sites across its distribution in Argentina. However, the cause of this decline is still a topic of discussion. In this study, radial growth patterns from symptomatic and asymptomati...
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This article documents the addition of 411 microsatellite marker loci and 15 pairs of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acanthopagrus schlegeli, Anopheles lesteri, Aspergillus clavatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergi...
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Willows of the Salix alba–Salix fragilis complex, native to western Eurasia, represent typical invaders of floodplain ecosystems worldwide. Introduced to South America by European settlers probably at the end of the nineteenth century, their distribution has increased significantly along the rivers in Northern Patagonia. This case study carried out...
Knowledge about current patterns of genetic structure of populations together with the evolutionary history of a species helps to understand and predict the adaptation of populations to future climate change. We assayed variation at nuclear microsatellite markers among peripheral vs. continuous populations of the temperate South American species Au...
Conference Paper
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Existe un creciente interés en los países emergentes por la domesticación de sus especies nativas con mayor potencial productivo. Esto implica el desarrollo de tecnologías para poder llevarlas a plantación comercial, involucrando en ello todas las etapas de producción, desde la elección del material genético a reproducir hasta el manejo de la plant...
Climatic oscillations during the Quaternary strongly affected the distribution of warm-temperate tree species, which experienced local restrictions into ice-free areas and posterior expansions. To evaluate the impact of these range movements on the genetic structure of populations, we performed a phylogeographical analysis of the species Nothofagus...
Fourteen natural populations of the South-American Beech Nothofagus obliqua at the Eastern naturally fragmented area of its distribution range were subjected to genetic analysis using genetic markers. The genetic characterization of the analysed populations suggested probable distinct glacial origin of populations at North and South of the distribu...
Researchers dealing with conservation subjects usually do not put the results of their work into practice, even when the primary purpose of their research is the preservation of biodiversity. In the South American temperate forests we identified an area with the highest genetic diversity in Argentina of Nothofagus nervosa, one of the most relevant...
Microdensity profiles of Douglas-fir's clones and weather data were used to study phenotypic plasticity (dendroplasticity). Within-ring microdensity was interpreted as the variation of tree response to drought constraints during selected growing seasons. An original norm of reaction was obtained by pairing evident points of abrupt changes in tree-r...
The management of the genetic resources of any wild species requires the definition of genetically homogeneous units about which practical decisions can be taken. To this end, a structure analysis was performed on the Patagonian cypress Austrocedrus chilensis (D.Don) Pic. Ser. et Bizzarri. A total of 746 seed trees corresponding to 27 natural popul...
Fourteen natural populations of the South-American Beech Nothofagus obliqua at the Eastern naturally fragmented area of its distribution range were subjected to genetic analysis using genetic markers. The genetic characterization of the analysed populations suggested probable distinct glacial origin of populations at North and South of the distribu...
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Climatic oscillations during the Quaternary strongly affected the distribution of warm-temperate tree species, which experienced local restrictions into ice-free areas and posterior expansions. To evaluate the impact of these range movements on the genetic structure of populations, we performed a phylogeographical analysis of the species Nothofagus...
Fourteen natural populations of the South-American Beech Nothofagus obliqua at the Eastern naturally fragmented area of its distribution range were subjected to genetic analysis using genetic markers. The genetic characterization of the analysed populations suggested probable distinct glacial origin of populations at North and South of the distribu...
Climatic oscillations during the Quaternary strongly affected the distribution of warm-temperate tree species, which experienced local restrictions into ice-free areas and posterior expansions. To evaluate the impact of these range movements on the genetic structure of populations, we performed a phylogeographical analysis of the species Nothofagus...
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Nothofagus is the main component of southern South American temperate forests. Overexploitation in the past has led to the loss of 40% of the original distribution range. Genetic diversity as well as biological processes shaping the distribution of the genetic variation (e.g. gene flow) constitutes basic knowledge for the implementation of conserva...
Los crecientes riesgos de pérdida de recursos genéticos forestales y la necesidad de una producción sostenible de madera de calidad hacen necesario orientar la investigación hacia especies arbóreas nativas no domesticadas. Para rescatar la diversidad genética amenazada y como una importante herramienta para el mejoramiento genético, resulta necesar...
Different regional patterns of glaciation are expected to have brought about a differential effect on the present genetic structure of natural tree populations in the temperate regions. The aim of the present study is to test this hypothesis in Nothofagus antarctica, a key tree species of the temperate forests of southern South America. An almost c...
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The Neuquen-Criollo Goat (CCN) is distributed in the province Neuquén (Patagonia, Argentina). This breed originated from animals introduced in the XVII Century have received the contribution of some others breeds. Particular geographical, social and cultural conditions, as well as a traditional production system, characterized the region. Phenotypi...
During the Quaternary, southern South American temperate forests were confined to small and isolated refugia. Recolonization could be related not only with location of refugia but also with postglacial phenomena like volcanism, which could have interrupted the expansion of the forests. The aim of this study was to analyze the local effect of volcan...
An enriched genomic library was constructed and 9 novel polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers developed for Austrocedrus chilensis, the most economically important native conifer in the Andean Patagonian region. Polymorphism was investigated for these markers in 48 individuals from two populations. Numbers of alleles ranged from 3 to 1...
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The analysis of the genetic variation and evolutionary processes related to the conservation and use of forest genetic resources requires reliable tools. The aim of the present study is to determine the mode of inheritance of isozyme variants of Nothofagus antarctica, species of economic and ecological importance inhabiting the temperate forests of...
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In a global warming scenario, drought and heat waves like the one that occurred in 2003 in Europe are expected to become more intense and frequent. This extreme climate event strongly affected the hydraulic balance in many forest tree species including Douglas-fir, with symptoms ranging from partial crown necrosis to death. We studied a French Doug...
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The genetic control of tree ring growth in Douglas-fir in response to the drought and heat-wave that occurred in 2003 in Europe was studied with microdensity profiles in three clonal experiments located in three different French regions. The drought and heat-wave significantly affected Douglas-fir wood formation. The Chassenoix site (Northeast of M...
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Shoot growth and dieback were compared among progenies of nursery-grown seedlings of Nothofagus obliqua belonging to seven progenies of the same provenance (Quila-Quina, Argentina). First-year shoots consisted of one growth unit (GU) and second-year shoots of one or two GUs. The probability of development of two GU was similar for all progenies. Pr...
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Geographic extremes of the natural range of Austrocedrus chilensis (Cupressaceae). The "Patagonian Cypress" (Austrocedrus chilensis (D.Don) Pic. Ser. et Bizzarri) is the most economically important native conifer of the temperate forests of Argentina. Some inaccuracy was detected in the bibliography with respect to its latitudinal range, what motiv...
The mating system of a species is an essential factor that determines the genotypic frequencies of its populations in each generation. Thus, knowledge in this regard is important in the application of practical measures in conservation and forest tree breeding. Austrocedrus chilensis (D.DON) PIC. SER. ET BIZZARRI: is a member of the Cupressaceae na...
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En trabajos de investigación en genética de poblaciones y evolutiva así como en el desarrollo tecnológico de los programas de mejora, la evaluación correcta de la variación genética es el punto crucial para la conclusión acertada y la toma de decisiones. El uso de marcadores genéticos bioquímicos y moleculares en especies forestales permitió un sal...
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The architectural development of three-year-old seedlings of Nothofagus obliqua under nursery conditions was studied. The seedlings were grown from seeds collected from five provenances within the natural distribution area of this species in Argentina. The length, number of nodes and basal diameter of the main axis' annual shoots were registered fo...
The accurate evaluation of the genetic variation, both for population and evolutionary genetic studies as well as for technological improvement, constitutes a crucial point for proper conclusions and decisions. The use of molecular and biochemical genetic markers in forest tree species has become a key issue for the proper understanding of genetic...
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La susceptibilidad a las heladas tardías de la fuente de semilla actualmente utilizada es una de las principales características adaptativas que limitan la ampliación del área de plantación de pino oregón (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) en la Región Norpatagónica de la Argentina. En dos ensayos de procedencias de esta especie se registró el...
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Se estudió el desarrollo arquitectural en tres años de plántulas de Nothofagus obliqua bajo condiciones de vivero. Las plántulas derivaron de semillas de cinco procedencias dentro del área de distribución natural de esta especie en Argentina. En no menos de 40 plantas por procedencia se registraron: longitud, número de nudos y diámetro basal de los...
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Se analiza el efecto de la intervención del hombre sobre la estructura genética de una raza adaptada localmente, tomando como ejemplo una comunidad campesina de la Patagonia (Argentina) y sus cabras. El caso de la Cabra-Criolla-Neuquina se analiza considerando la selección artificial practicada por los campesinos y sus efectos sobre la distribución...
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Trees with a partial leaf-shedding pattern and other morphological features a priori considered intermediate between those of the deciduous Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forster) Oersted and the evergreen N. dombeyi (Mirb.) Oersted (Nothofagaceae) were found in natural stands. The hybridization between a deciduous and an evergreen species of Nothofagus...
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Sexual symmetry, defined as equal allelic frequencies among reproduction effective gametes of both sexes, was analysed by means of 10 isozyme loci in three natural populations of Austrocedrus chilensis (dioecious and wind pollinated tree species). Haplotypes of effective gametes were inferred by analysing side-by-side both the embryo and the endosp...
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11 newly discovered microsatellites were used to identify SSR markers for characterising South American Nothofagus species. This was carried out in six species. The sample sizes used were between four and six individuals per species. The cross-genera transferability of 34 Quercus SSRs was also essayed. Out of the 11 new microsatellite markers, thre...
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El tema de la variación intraespecífica en nuestras especies arbóreas es una pieza fundamental del conocimiento de los recursos forestales. En forma destacada cabe decir que en un mundo velozmente cambiante como el actual por efecto de las actividades humanas y del cambio climático global que pueden afectar seriamente la vida de las especies, el t...
Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Ser. et Bizzarri is a dioecious conifer of the Argentinian and Chilean Subantarctic Forest with a markedly fragmentary range. The aim of the present study is to gain information about the degree and distribution of the genetic variation of this species in natural populations of Argentina. The genotypes of 387 tr...
Aim The distribution of the genetic variation in long‐lived species is a combination of both, historical and current processes. In Nothofagus nervosa (Phil.) Dim. et Mil., the possible existence of multiple glacial refugia, the unidirectional gene flow along fragmented areas and the natural hybridization with the related species Nothofagus obliqua...
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Esta presencia inesperada llamó la atención de los técnicos del INTA desde hace ya más de una década, y motivó que se incluyeran estas poblaciones marginales extremas en diversos estudios sobre la genética y la fisiología de la especie. Con poco más de 300 mm de precipitación media anual, estos bosquetes representan el extremo más seco de la distri...
11 newly discovered microsatellites were used to identify SSR markers for characterising South American Nothofagus species. This was carried out in six species. The sample sizes used were between four and six individuals per species. The cross-genera transferability of 34 Quercus SSRs was also essayed. Out of the 11 new microsatellite markers, thre...
Variación genética y genecológica del Ciprés de la Cordillera


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