Lena Godlevska

Lena Godlevska
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology · Laboratory of Population Ecology



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Publications (54)
Knowledge of species distribution and, for migratory species, seasonal occurrence is particularly important for vulnerable and protected animals such as bats. The former European bat species Pipistrellus pipistrellus was split into two, Pipistrelus pipistrellus s.s. and Pipistrelus pygmaeus , over 20 years ago. However, their distribution, breeding...
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The importance of underground hibernacula for the conservation of bats and monitoring their populations is well-recognized. However, the lowland territory of Belarus, with absent natural caves and suitable for bats mines, was one of the least surveyed European regions in terms of underground bat sites, and especially hibernacula. To address this kn...
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The work represents the results of the bat fauna survey in the Kremenetski Hory National Nature Park and adjacent areas, where, in 2018–2019 years, we recorded 12 bat species. Four of them (Myotis alcathoe, M. bechsteinii, M. dasycneme, M. nattereri) were recorded for the first time in the study area. The find of Myotis alcathoe is the first reco...
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The first full-scaled inventory of underground bat sites of Belarus was done. In total, 114 underground objects were checked and explored. All objects were examined for bats for the first time. Additionally, in summer, the team collected data on not troglophilous bat fauna. As a result, absolutely new data on occurrence, number, shelters of 10 spec...
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Here, we represent the first review of the bat fauna of the large territory of Central Ukraine (to the west from Dnieper River). The review is based on results of the original survey in 1999–2021 and data from all available sources (publications, museum collections). Fauna of the region includes 24 bat species: Eptesicus, 2 species; Barbastella, 1;...
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This report presents the results of the bat fauna survey carried out in Belarus during the warm seasons between 2017 and 2020. The presented data were collected in 31 localities in all six administrative regions (voblasćs) of Belarus during field studies (mist-netting, searching for roosts and colonies, and acoustic surveys) and in the course of th...
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Книга містить довідкову та методичну інформацію щодо оцінки впливу на довкілля (ОВД) проектів, що стосуються територій мережі Емеральд (Смарагдової мережі) України в частині впливу на біорізноманіття (види флори та фауни, а також типи природних оселищ). До видання включені окремі нариси по методиках виявлення для окремих груп та зведена таблиця вик...
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Перший випуск цієї серії містить результати ботанічних, мікологічних та зоологічних досліджень, що здійснювалися на території Ржищівської міської об’єднаної територіальної громади на базі Екологічної дослідницької станції «Глибокі Балики» у перший рік її функціонування. Одним із ключових завдань цієї роботи є створення прецеденту ґрунтовної інвента...
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Introduction. Holosiivskyi National Nature Park is a unique, by its location, protected area. Parts of the park are located within the administrative boundaries of the city of Kyiv and include extensive, by area, forest plots. The park consists of three parts: Central (Holosiivskyi forest and other tracts), Southern (Lisnyky), and, since 2014, Nort...
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The results of the examination of bat collection of the Zoological Museum of Belarusian State University, Minsk, one of the largest natural history museums in Belarus are presented. The collection contains 226 specimens, collected in 1924–2006, mainly in Belarus (in all administrative regions). In the collection there are specimens of Vespertilioni...
Conference Paper
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Results of bat fauna survey which had been carried out by different authors in 2006–2019 in Rivne Nature Reserve are summarized. Investigations (although of varied intensity) covered all four areas of the reserve. As of 2019, at the territory of the reserve and bordering plots, 13 bat species were recorded («Perebrody», 10 species; «Somyne», 8; «Bi...
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As bats are long-lived mammals, insight into the age of individuals is important for studies relating to population ecology and conservation biology, as well as longevity. Thus, there is a need to develop methods to estimate the age of bats, and teeth are excellent means to do so. The work detailed here involves an assessment of age-related changes...
Technical Report
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Звіт охоплює період 2013–2017 рр. Крім цього, в звіті розглянуто важливі події та заходи, які мали місце у 2018 р. та є суттєвими для імплементації Конвенції про збереження різноманіття, виконання Стратегічного плану в області збереження біорізноманіття на 2011–2020 рр. і виконання цільових завдань Айті. Звіт підготовлено в рамках виконання науково...
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This report covers the 2013–2017 period. In addition, the events and measures taken during 2018 were included if they were particularly important for the implementation of the CBD and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for the 2011–2020 period, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The report is prepared as a part of the research project “Scienti...
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During 2009–2018, 201 calls were received by the Odesa contact centre, OCC (n = 174, in 143 of them bat species was identified) and the Kyiv contact centre, KCC, from the Northern Black Sea Region (n = 27; 10, with an identified species). The majority of calls (94 %) to the OCC came from Odesa region. The number of calls and its increase in time c...
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A description of the bat fauna of the Left-Bank Dnipro Region within four administrative regions of Ukraine (Kyiv, Chernigiv, Poltava, and Cherkasy) is given. The study was carried out during 2001–2017 in 94 localities and supplemented by data from literature and museum collections. 11 species of bats have been recorded: Myotis dasycneme, M. dauben...
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Information is provided on 374 species of rare and endangered animals in the Donetsk region (among which 189 species are included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, and 185 are subject to special protection within the Region). Taxonomic affi liation, nature onservation status, distribution range and distribution in the country and the region, the nu...
Developmental studies are fundamental to understanding specialized morphologies. The baculum (os penis) is a heterotopic bone in the glans penis, which is probably subject to sexual selection and may play a role in reproductive isolation between closely related species. In this ongoing study, the pre‐ and postnatal development of the reproductive o...
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We give earlier unpublished original data on results of bat survey in underground shelters in regions of Ukraine, where natural caves and mines are absent or poorly represented. The list included 171 underground units in 19 administrative regions (oblasts) of Ukraine: cellars and unheated basements, underground drainage galleries, fortification obj...
Conference Paper
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Developmental studies are fundamental to understanding specialized morphologies. The baculum (os penis) is a heterotopic bone in the glans penis, which is probably subject to sexual selection and may play a role in reproductive isolation between closely related species. In this ongoing study, the pre- and postnatal development of the reproductive o...
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2016 р. в межах Рівненської області, на території Рівненського природного заповідника (РПЗ), Націо-нального природного парку "Дермансько-Острозький" (ДОП) та прилеглих до них ділянок, зареєстровано 14 видів рукокри-лих. Дослідженнями доповнено і уточнено список видів теріофауни області: вперше знайдено або фактично підтверджено знаходження чотирьох...
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During the period from 25.11.2012 to 31.12.2015, ca. 500 calls were received: from Ukraine (85 settlements of 24 administrative provinces and AR Crimea, 482 calls), Russia (5 settlements of 5 provinces, 5 calls) and Kyrgyzstan (1 settlement, 1 call); a few more were not territorially attributed. As for the previous working period, calls concerned s...
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We analysed the sex and age composition of a large colony of Nyctalus noctula (605 specimens), wintering in Kyiv, Ukraine. Age was identified in 113 individuals using the method of counting growth layer groups in dentine. Males contained ca. 70 % both in the colony and in the sample of animals with the estimated ages. Males and females of all ages...
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Before 1990, mass wintering of the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula) in Ukraine was known from the Ukrainian Transcarpathia and the south of the country. For the rest of Ukraine, as for other regions of Europe to the north and the northeast, the species was considered a migratory one. Today, the noctule bat is known in winter for 23 (of 25) administra...
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New Vespertilio murinus (Chiroptera) Winter Records. An Indication of Expansion of the Species' Winter Range? Godlevska L. V. – Absence of winter records, known long distance movements of parti-coloured bats ringed in North-eastern (NE) Europe, and some observations of seasonal concentrations of migrat-ing animals had enabled to consider Vespertili...
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We screened fecal specimens of 4,758 bats from Ghana and 272 bats from 4 European countries for betacoronaviruses. Viruses related to the novel human betacoronavirus EMC/2012 were detected in 46 (24.9%) of 185 Nycteris bats and 40 (14.7%) of 272 Pipistrellus bats. Their genetic relatedness indicated EMC/2012 originated from bats.
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Bat evolutionary lineages and species in which novel group 2c betacoronaviruses were detected, Ghana and Europe.
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The recent skeletal collection of bats preserved in the Paleontological museum of the National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine, was worked out and catalogued; over 750 units, 36 species of 16 genera of four families (Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, and Phyllostomidae) from 9 countries. The majority of specimens were collect...
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In 2010 and 2011 (during three field expeditions, in summer, autumn and winter) we carried out the additional search and examination of bat underground habitats in Podolia and Middle Dniester River region. Totally, over 70 underground objects in 53 loci of Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi and Chernivtsi oblasts were examined. Objects include: mines, fortifi...
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Results of bat fauna research in Holosiyivsky forest (Kiev city) in June 2011 are presented. Bats were caught with mist-nets and traps of two types, bat sounds were recorded with use of ultrasound detectors and digital recorders. 204 individuals of 8 species were caught: M. daubentonii, N. leisleri, N. noctula, E. serotinus, P. pygmaeus, P. nathusi...
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The book includes lists of all species of Ukrainian fauna which have conservation status according to national and international red lists as well as to conventions and agreements ratified by Ukraine. A short review of documents determining conservation status for species and definition for all the conservation categories are given. Ways for practi...
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Data collected in course of the work of the bat public contact-centre are considered and analyzed. During 2009–2012 the author received about 400 calls connected mostly with bats in rooms, bats found on the ground and colonies in buildings. Calls enabled to gather data on 201 records of 8 species: Plecotus auritus, P. austriacus, Nyctalus noctula,...
Conference Paper
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В наш час крайній західний півострів Криму – Тарханкутський, що в адміністративному відношенні входить до Чорноморського, Раздольненського та Сакського районів, є однією з територій, що становлять ключове значення для збереження біорізноманіття степової зони [11]. Особливу природоохоронну цінність являє територія Чорноморського району (з прилеглими...
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– First directed full-scaled census in underground cavities of southern Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson oblasts was carried out in 2008-2011. Totally, 53 underground objects or their complexes were examined. They include limestone mines (most of objects), underground fortification and storage objects. Majority of sites (except 3) were checked for bats fo...
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In summer and winter of 2006–2009 a first full-scale bat census in underground cavities of Podillya and Dniester River region was carried out. More than 65 underground units (limestone, chalk and phosphorite mines, natural caves and grottoes, sacral and fortification cavities) in 61 points of six administrative provinces of Ukraine (Vinnytsya, Cher...
Conference Paper
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Наразі більша частина понто-каспійських степів розорана, види степової флори та фауни перебувають в критичному стані. Одним з найбільших цілинних масивів в Європі є Караларський степ на півночі Керченського півострова. В 1988 р. тут було створено ландшафтний заказник площею 5900 га, на всю площу якого поширювався досить строгий охоронний режим. Тер...
During summer and winter of 2004–2005 totally 64 artificial and natural underground objects in both plain and mountain Crimea were checked. Totally, for all the period of investigations, almost 60 thousands of individuals of 12 species were counted: including all known earlier troglophilic species of the region with the exception of Miniopterus sch...
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Regional red lists enable to provide protection of species not included into Red Data Book of Ukraine from direct and accidental extermination, as well to save last not modified natural communities using included into regional red lists their typical faunistic components as an argument for establishment of new protected areas. Generalizing an exper...
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Use of Kyiv Caves by Bats (Chiroptera): Hibernation and Swarming. Godlevskaya E. V. — We present results of bat observation in the underground cavities of Kyiv and vicinities carried out in 1999–2006. In the studies we examined 28 objects of four different types (sacral artificial caves, loess natural caves, desolated military constructions, and dr...
The guide is addressed to zoologists and amateurs which study vertebrates in the field. The guide includes information on bat composition, distribution of bats in time and space, their morphological features. Approaches applied for revealing of bat roosts and capturing methods are considered. Identification keys for genera and species of bats in fa...
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The guide is addressed to zoologists and amateurs which study vertebrates in the field. The guide includes information on bat composition, distribution of bats in time and space, their morphological features. Approaches applied for revealing of bat roosts and capturing methods are considered. Identification keys for genera and species of bats in fa...


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