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Boldness, behavioral inhibition and learning



While many studies have examined both boldness and behavioral inhibi-tion from psychological, psychiatric and physiological perspectives, little in the way of controlled experimental work has examined the costs or benefits of bold-ness and behavioral inhibition. Predator inspection behavior in fish is a model system for just such an approach. Here, we examined one potential benefit to boldness by examining the relationship between boldness/behavioral inhibition (measured by predator inspection behavior) and associative learning in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). We found a positive relationship between male bold-ness and a simple associative learning task, in that males that learned to associ-ate a cue with food were bolder than those that did not.
Boldness, behavioral inhibition and learning
Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, USA
Received 29 July 2002, accepted 19 December 2002
While many studies have examined both boldness and behavioral inhibi-
tion from psychological, psychiatric and physiological perspectives, little in the
way of controlled experimental work has examined the costs or benefits of bold-
ness and behavioral inhibition. Predator inspection behavior in fish is a model
system for just such an approach. Here, we examined one potential benefit to
boldness by examining the relationship between boldness/behavioral inhibition
(measured by predator inspection behavior) and associative learning in the
guppy (Poecilia reticulata). We found a positive relationship between male bold-
ness and a simple associative learning task, in that males that learned to associ-
ate a cue with food were bolder than those that did not.
: boldness, inhibition, risk-taking.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Materials and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
It is a promising sign that one emerging area of common interest between
behavioral ecologists and those in the mental health community is the evolution of
behaviorally-inhibited vs bold personality types (M
ARKS 1987, KAGAN et al. 1988,
AGAN 1994, MARKS & NESSE 1994, WILSON et al. 1994, ZUCKERMAN 1994, NESSE &
1998). While a great deal of work has been undertaken in understanding both inhi-
bition and boldness from psychological, psychiatric and physiological perspectives
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 15: 43-49, 2003
To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Phone: (502) 852-5943, Fax: (502) 852-
0725 (E-mail:
Current address: Department of Biology, P.O. Box 5838, Winona State University, Winona,
MN 55987-5838, USA.
L.A. Dugatkin and M.S. Alfieri
(see KOGAN & WALLACH 1964; ZUCKERMAN 1979, 1991, 1996), little in the way of con-
trolled experimental work has examined the costs or benefits of inhibition and bold-
ness (see W
ILSON et al. 1994 for an exception). From a behavioral ecology perspec-
tive this omission is striking, as a thorough understanding of the evolution of inhi-
bition and boldness can only be attained through a knowledge of the costs and ben-
efits associated with these traits.
In order to better understand whether natural selection has operated on inhi-
bition and boldness, we must focus experimentally on a single context in which
these traits emerge. Predator inspection behavior in fish may prove an ideal system
for just such a cost/benefit analysis. In many species of fish, one to a few individu-
als move away from their school and approach a putative predator to gain informa-
tion about this potential danger, in a behavior termed “predator inspection” (P
ER et al. 1986). Predator inspection has now been documented in more than half a
dozen species of fishes (D
UGATKIN & GODIN 1992b, PITCHER 1992). Potential benefits
of inspection behavior include: (i) determining whether the potential danger is in
fact a predator, (ii) announcing to an ambush predator that it has been spotted,
(iii) assessing the motivational state of the predator (e.g., is it hunting?), and (iv)
obtaining information on the distance between the school and the predator
In prior work on whether inspectors are capable of individually recognizing
one another, guppies (Poecilia reticulata) differed significantly in their tendency to
inspect predators, and these differences were consistent over time (D
LFIERI 1991, DUGATKIN & WILSON 2000). Some guppies consistently fail to inspect,
while others consistently inspect often and in very close proximity to the predator
(similar behavior has been observed in wild populations of guppies; D
ODIN 1992a). It could be argued that guppies that consistently do not inspect
predators could be labeled “inhibited,” while guppies that consistently inspect
appear to map onto the concept of “boldness” (K
AGAN 1994).
Given that there are consistent differences among inspectors that may map
onto “inhibited” and “bold” personality types, an examination of the costs and/or
benefits of inspection behavior is essential to better understand the evolutionary
implications of these personality traits. In terms of costs, the most obvious ques-
tion is whether the extent to which an individual inspects a predator is correlated
with mortality risk. Do bold inspectors truly put themselves at risk, compared with
their (inhibited) noninspecting shoal mates? Isn’t it possible that bold individuals
simply “warn” potential predators that they have been seen, and that any attack
would be fruitless, thus making bold fish as least as safe, if not safer, than inhibit-
ed fish?
Work on guppies and sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) suggests that pre-
dation rates are greatest on males who inspect predators closely, and weakest on
those who rarely inspect (inhibited fish: D
but see G
ODIN & DAVIS 1995a, 1995b and MILINSKI & BOLTHAUSER 1995). As such, it
seems that there is a clear and evolutionarily relevant cost that is being paid by
bold individuals. The cost is even more dramatic when it is noted that any informa-
tion obtained by bold individuals is passed on (in one way or another) to all fish in
their group (M
From an adaptationist perspective, one would hypothesize that there must be
some compensating benefit(s) obtained by bold individuals or natural selection
would have culled this trait from the population. In an experiment designed to test
the Handicap Hypothesis (Z
AHAVI 1975), GODIN & DUGATKIN (1997) uncovered one
45Boldness and behavioural inhibition
such benefit in that bold male guppies were more attractive to females than their
inhibited counterparts.
Here we examine another potentially important cost/benefit difference related
to bold vs behaviorally-inhibited male guppies during predator inspection behavior.
We test whether there exists a relationship between boldness/behavioral inhibition
(measured by predator inspection behavior) and associative learning in the context
of foraging (see B
UDAEV 1998 for other work on “personality” and avoidance learn-
ing in the guppy).
Guppies were purchased at a local pet store. These guppies were raised in an environ-
ment where they would have had no experience with piscine predators before the experiment
described herein. In the laboratory, 32 male guppies were housed in individual 2.5 gal “home
tanks” during all noninspection periods. All trials consisted of three stages: predator inspec-
tion, learning phase I, and learning phase II; in all cases the predator inspection trials preced-
ed the learning phases.
Predator inspection phase
Boldness and behavioral inhibition during predator inspection were recorded for each
male, once a day for 2 min for 3 consecutive days. For each inspection trial, a male was
taken from its home tank and placed in a 10 gallon aquarium that was juxtaposed to a small-
er (2.5 gal) tank containing a Crenicichla alta predator (a predator natural to the guppy’s
native streams in Trinidad and Tobago).
During a 5-min acclimation period, an opaque partition blocked the view between the
guppy and predator tanks. Once the opaque partition was raised, the inspection behavior of
the guppy was videotaped for 2 min. A grid on the bottom of the tank allowed us to measure
the position of the guppy relative to the predator (i.e., how bold or inhibited the fish was). All
trials were videotaped from a camera suspended 91.4 cm above the experimental apparatus.
When viewing the videotapes, the position of the guppy was noted every 15 sec and a mean
inspection score for the 3 days of testing was computed for each individual. This measure
was used as a boldness/behavioral inhibition score for each guppy (similar results are
obtained if “maximum inspection” values are used).
Learning phase I
The phase I learning component of the experiment began on the day following the last
inspection trial, and lasted 10 days, with two trials per day taking place. At the start of a
phase I learning trial, a clear Plexiglas ring was placed in the center of a male’s home tank.
Introduction of the ring caused little or no stress to the individual guppies, as guppies imme-
diately began swimming around the tank normally after the ring was placed in the tank. Ten
seconds after the ring was placed in the tank, a small amount of flake fish food was dropped
inside the ring and the fish was allowed to feed for 2 min. Fish that approached the ring and
performed the nipping behavior associated with foraging (at or inside the ring) before the
food was placed in the ring, on two of three consecutive trials, were labeled “trained”, and
those who failed to meet this criteria were labeled “untrained”. At the end of each day of tri-
als, any flake food remaining in a fish’s tank was removed and all rings were cleaned of any
flake food residue.
L.A. Dugatkin and M.S. Alfieri
Learning phase II
After the 10-day phase I learning stage, trained fish were provided with a new task. In
the phase II learning stage of a trial, twice a day for 10 consecutive days, two plastic rings —
one colored orange and one colored green — were simultaneously placed in each male’s home
tank. Ten seconds later, food was placed into one of the rings and fish were allowed to feed
for 2 min. The same color ring had food placed in it for all phase II learning trials for a given
fish and the color was chosen randomly at the start of phase II. The position of the colored
rings — left or right of the tank — was alternated between trials to avoid side biases. Learn-
ing in this context was defined as a fish rising up to the correct colored ring and nipping (at
the ring or inside it) before food was placed in it for two of three consecutive trials.
A t-test on phase I learning was used to compare the inspection scores of
trained vs untrained guppies. Significant differences were found across these
groups, with trained fish being bolder than untrained fish (Fig. 1: unpaired t-test df
= 30, t = 3.07, P < 0.005).
A t-test was also employed to examine differences in phase II learning (two
guppies died between phase I and II, reducing our sample size to n = 30). Although
not statistically significant at 0.05 level, a strong trend toward differences were
found across trained and untrained groups, again with fish meeting the learning
criteria for phase II being bolder than those that failed to meet this criteria (Fig. 2:
df = 28, t = 1.94, P = 0.06).
Mean inspection score
Trained Not Trained
Fig. 1. — The mean inspection score (± SE) of those who were trained and those who were
not during phase I. Lower scores indicate closer inspection, on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is
closest to predator. Significance levels shown are the result of comparisons between trained
and untrained fish.
P < 0.005
47Boldness and behavioural inhibition
Bold and inhibited phenotypes are both seen in many contexts in humans as
well as nonhumans. To better understand how natural selection might favor such a
behavioral polymorphism, a thorough understanding of the costs and benefits of
boldness and inhibition is essential. Ethical problems often forbid experimental
work that might shed light on the costs and benefits of boldness and inhibition in
humans, and as such, the animal literature in this area may provide insight not
only with respect to questions relevant to behavioral ecologists and evolutionary
biologists, but to scientists studying human behavior as well.
One of the best-studied systems of risk taking in animals is predator inspec-
tion behavior in fishes. For example, the costs and benefits of inspection behavior
are slowly being deciphered in both guppies and sticklebacks (D
UGATKIN 1997).
These studies have focused primarily on mortality rates (costs) and mating benefits
associated with being either a bold or inhibited inspector. Given that guppies are
very consistent in their predator inspection scores (D
UGATKIN & WILSON 2000), the results presented here suggest a potentially impor-
tant selective advantage with respect to learning in individuals with bold tempera-
Differences in what we are calling associative learning in phase I and II
learning trials could be due to at least two factors. These results might indicate a
true difference in associative learning skills across bold and inhibited individuals
that have experienced the same learning regime. An alternative explanation is that
bold individuals were less fearful of the ring being placed in their home tank, and
Mean inspection score
Learned Did not Learn
P = 0.06
Fig. 2. — The mean inspection score (± SE) for those who learned in phase II and those who
did not. Lower scores indicate closer inspection, on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is closest to pred-
ator. Significance levels shown are the result of comparisons between fish who learned and
those who did not.
L.A. Dugatkin and M.S. Alfieri
hence they formed a stronger association between this ring and food than did
inhibited fish. If this were the case, differences in associative learning may be due
to the fact that bold and inhibited fish did not really experience the same learning
regime after all. Rather, these differences may have been due to fear of the feed-
ing ring leading to differential opportunities for learning in bold and inhibited
fish. However, as mentioned earlier, the placement of the ring into the home tank
of fish did not appear to frighten the fish for more than an instant. It is worth
noting that even if the inhibited fish were indeed more frightened of the ring than
were their bolder counterparts, this is a mechanistic, not a functional explanation
for the differences in associative learning between those fish that learned and
those that did not.
With respect to the possible benefits associated with bold behavior in guppies,
our work suggests a positive relationship between male boldness and the likelihood
of learning a simple associative learning task. In conjunction with prior work on
the mortality costs associated with boldness, and the putative benefits of male
boldness in terms of attracting mates, a clearer picture of the evolutionary forces
driving boldness and behavioral inhibition in guppies is coming into focus.
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49Boldness and behavioural inhibition
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... The boldness of the captive fishes that we used (mean = 38 s, range: 0 s to~6 min) was comparable to that of wild populations of guppies (Harris et al., 2010) and other poeciliids (Brown et al., 2005). We observed guppies swimming toward the cichlids in multiple trials, and although fish often inspect a predator to assess danger, it is possible that our guppies did not initially recognize the cichlids as predators (Dugatkin & Alfieri, 2003). Dugatkin and Alfieri (2003) found that bolder captive-reared guppies had stronger associative learning in the presence of a predator than less bold individuals. ...
... We observed guppies swimming toward the cichlids in multiple trials, and although fish often inspect a predator to assess danger, it is possible that our guppies did not initially recognize the cichlids as predators (Dugatkin & Alfieri, 2003). Dugatkin and Alfieri (2003) found that bolder captive-reared guppies had stronger associative learning in the presence of a predator than less bold individuals. Therefore, boldness can be an important facet of behavior even in captive fish. ...
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Predator–prey interactions are ubiquitous and under strong selection because of the consequences experienced by both predator and prey if they lose the interaction. Biomechanics and behavior play important roles in the outcome of these interactions, but many studies focus on the prey, restrict the range of behaviors considered, and the role of prey boldness in the outcome is not understood. We used high‐speed video to test for effects of multiple measures of performance and kinematics of both the predator and prey, and boldness of prey on the outcome of interactions between Pike Cichlids (Crenicichla sp.) and Guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We found high variation in the behaviors employed during the predator–prey interactions, including in suction versus raptorial feeding, strike accuracy, and guppy responsiveness. We also found that predators moving relatively slower and prey moving relatively faster were more successful at consuming the prey and evading the predator, respectively. Prey that reacted farther from the predator was more likely to escape predation, but boldness of the prey did not affect the interaction. Our work suggests that a high level of variation in predator–prey interactions is widespread, even when strike and escape behaviors are stereotyped. We also showed that what both the predator and the prey do during an interaction are important in determining the outcome.
... It is not immediately obvious how individual variations in learning capacity might relate to such specializations (see Bolnick, et al., 2003, for some possibilities). However, biologists and educational psychologists increasingly are emphasizing that "trait-like" differences between individuals can strongly affect how those individuals learn (Chen, Gully, Whiteman, & Kilcullen, 2000;Chiappe & MacDonald, 2005;Dugatkin & Alfieri, 2003;Sih & Bell, 2008;Sih, Bell, Johnson, & Ziemba, 2004). ...
... As with maze learning, temperament differences within subpopulations can be increased through selective breeding (Groothuis & Carere, 2005). Animals that have been bred to be more or less bold differ in learning capacity (Dugatkin & Alfieri, 2003). ...
... In comparison to the present study, we find that these simple and predictable sexual-social rearing environments increase spatial cognition relative to the more complex and less predictable social environments. Interestingly, boldness and cognitive abilities often positively correlate across taxa [57][58][59]; however, this pattern is not universal (see [60,61]). In the context of our sexual-social rearing environment studies, life-long experience with predictably simple social interactions increased spatial learning but decreased boldness. ...
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Social experiences can shape adult behavior and cognition. Here, we use El Abra swordtails (Xiphophorus nigrensis) to assess how life-long experience with different male mating tactics shapes coercion evasion ability and female spatial cognition. We raised females from birth to adulthood in environments that varied by male mating tactic: coercers only, courtship displayers only, coercers and displayers together, mixed-strategists, and female only. In adulthood, we tested females’ behavioral responses to a coercive male and spatial cognition in a maze. Females reared with only displayers were significantly worse at distancing themselves from the coercive male than females raised with coercers and displayers and females raised with only coercers. Females raised with a single mating tactic (either courtship display or coercion) exhibited significantly higher accuracy in the spatial maze than females from other rearing groups, and showed significant reduction in total errors (courtship display group) or latency to reward (coercion group) over successive trials. These more predictable environments (one tactic), and not the more complex environments (two tactics), showed evidence for spatial learning. The results are discussed in light of the existing literature on two components of environmental change (environmental predictability and the certainty with which cues predict the best behavioral response) and their effect on the development of cognitive abilities.
... Overall activity (i.e., resting, searching, and fleeing) is a significant and commonly evaluated trait in fish behavioural studies and is often related to foraging and growth [33,34]. Boldness (i.e., the tendency to leave a refuge and explore an unknown exposed environment) is another significant behavioural trait observed in fish [35,36] and is linked to responses to stimuli [37,38], predator inspection in school leaders, and predator evasion [39,40], dispersion [41-43], and activity [44][45][46]. Shoaling cohesion and other social behaviours are known to affect the survival of fish living in groups [47,48] by improving threat perceptions [49,50] and reducing individual risks and physical costs of movement [51][52][53]. ...
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River ecosystems are exposed to a multitude of stressors, including increasing pesticide runoff driven by precipitation and irrigation. Pyrethroids are the fourth major group of insecticides in use worldwide and have extremely negative effects on aquatic fauna. In this study, we aimed to assess the effects of an acute 2 h sub-lethal exposure to different levels of the pyrethroid esfenvalerate on the swimming behaviour of two Cypriniformes species: the native Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei) and the non-native invasive bleak (Alburnus alburnus). The experimental setup consisted of previous exposure to three esfenvalerate concentrations (control, 1.2 (low), and 2.0 (high) µg/L) before being stocked in a three-artificial-flume-channel mesocosm for behavioural trials through direct observation. Monitored behaviours included (i) routine activity, (ii) shoal cohesion, and iii) boldness. Significant differences in fish behaviour were detected for the native species (barbel), as individuals spent significantly more time holding position (i.e., resting) in the control (44.9%) than in the high esfenvalerate concentration (25.2%). Concordantly, control barbels were also found to perform more directional changes than the ones exposed to high esfenvalerate concentrations. Behavioural changes were also found for boldness, measured by the proportion of fish attempts to negotiate the upstream ramp, which were significantly higher in the control (37.4%) and in the high concentration (41.5%) compared to the low one (21.1%). Finally, regarding shoal cohesion of the barbel, it was tighter in the control (81.3%) than in the low-(70.5%) and high-(71.1%) esfenvalerate treatments. For the invasive bleak, there were no significant differences in any of the behavioural traits upon previous exposure to an increasing esfenvalerate concentration. This experimental study demonstrated that even short-term exposure to the pyrethroid esfenvalerate was sufficient to alter the behaviour of a native Cypriniformes fish species while not affecting the non-native species. This may confer greater competitive advantages to non-native fish species in the context of global changes.
... Cognitive abilities, broadly defined as the ability to acquire, process, store and use information from the environment [29], have not been studied in the context of metabolic rate but are linked to personality traits. For example, male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) that were bolder in the presence of a predator showed faster learning of an association between a visual cue and a food reward [30]. Boldness was also negatively correlated with decision-making time for sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a T-maze [31]. ...
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Metabolic rate determines life processes and the physiological requirements of an individual, and has recently been implicated as a driver of inter-individual variation in behaviour, with positive correlations associated with boldness, exploration and aggressive behaviours being recorded. While the link between metabolism and personality has been explored, little is known about the influence of metabolism on cognitive abilities. Here we used juvenile female chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) to investigate the relationships between metabolic rate at rest, short-term memory, personality, and dominance. Resting metabolic rates of the chicks were measured over a three-week period, concurrently with measures of short-term memory using an analogue of the radial arm maze. We also measured latency to leave the shelter (boldness), neophobia (fear of novel objects) and dominance within a group, both before and after short-term memory trials. We found that metabolic rate did not explain inter-individual differences in short-term memory, personality traits or dominance, suggesting that energy allocated to these traits is independent of individual metabolic rate, and providing evidence for the independent energy-management hypothesis. Differences in short-term memory were also not explained by boldness or neophobia. Variation in behaviour in chicks, therefore, appears to be driven by separate, currently unknown variables.
... Van Horik (2017a) found that birds with good body condition were more motivated to participate in food reward trials (Van Horik et al., 2017). Regarding personality, proactive individuals tend to learn associations faster than less curious ones, as in the case of male Poecilia reticulata (Poeciliidae) whose most audacious individuals learned to associate an orange or green ring with their food (Dugatkin and Alfieri, 2003). Shyness and neophobia are personality traits that can generate bias when performing a test, more cautious birds take fewer risks and will therefore take longer to solve the test (Shaw, 2017). ...
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In recent decades, the demonstration of cognitive abilities in birds has been documented and various tests have been designed to adequately evaluate their capacities. However, the results of these tests can also be influenced by aspects other than cognitive ability, such as behavioral, body and habitat characteristics. Species facing rapid and new environmental changes must express a cognitive performance that allows them to overcome obstacles through learning and acting, despite the fear of novelty. Even though Sicalis flaveola is extremely successful in disturbed environments, as with most tropical species, its behavioral flexibility and learning capacity are largely unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cognitive abilityof S. flaveola and to determine whether cognition is affected by shyness, neophobia and body condition in individuals from two populations with different degrees of urbanization in Colombia. Obstacle removal and color discrimination tests were applied to 28 individuals in captivity. Shyness and neophobia were not found to be influenced by the place of origin, body condition or sex. For obstacle removal test, shyness and neophobia affected S. flaveolalearning speed of learning, but not discrimination. The ability to discriminate was in turn affected by the speed at which the birds learned to remove obstacles, level of difficulty, and the number of attempts required to solve the test. Learning capacity in this species is confirmed.
In this chapter, we consider practical aspects of the foraging behaviour of insect natural enemies in its widest sense (so wide that we even include a few examples concerning non-insect arthopods, such as mites). Initially, most insect natural enemies must locate the habitat where potential victims may be found. Within that habitat, the victims themselves must be discovered. Once a patch of potential targets is identified, the predator or female parasitoid must choose its victim. Furthermore, in judging host quality, a female parasitoid must decide whether to feed from the host, to oviposit, or to do both. If she does decide to oviposit, then there are questions of sex allocation and offspring number that need to be addressed (Fig. 1.1). All of these activities fall under the aegis of ‘foraging behaviour’.
Animals are exposed to high levels of anthropogenic disturbance, which has profound consequences for population persistence. Individuals can adjust their behavior plastically when faced with perturbations in their environment and may show consistent differences in the way they perceive and respond to risky situations. Over time, this variability among individuals in response to risk can affect the dynamics of populations exposed to human disturbance. Thus, understanding how animals cope behaviorally with human disturbance is important, especially for species vulnerable to human perturbations, such as turtles. In this context, we evaluated whether risk‐taking behaviors are consistent within individual painted turtles ( Chrysemys picta ) and assessed how these behaviors are related to the extent of human disturbance along the Rideau Canal, Ontario, Canada. Specifically, we conducted repeated measurements of the number of active defensive behaviors used during handling and the time taken to escape a floating platform for 730 painted turtles (1117 observations) from 22 sites varying in human disturbance along the canal. We also quantified the emergence of the turtles from the water after escaping the platform. First, individual painted turtles showed consistent differences in all risk‐taking behaviors. Second, painted turtles in areas with high boat activity displayed more active defensive behaviors, while turtles from sites in proximity to more houses with access to the canal used fewer. Our study highlights the importance of studying animal behavior to better understand the impact of human activities on animal populations.
Conservation behavior assists the investigation of species endangerment associated with managing animals impacted by anthropogenic activities. It employs a theoretical framework that examines the mechanisms, development, function, and phylogeny of behavior variation in order to develop practical tools for preventing biodiversity loss and extinction. Developed from a symposium held at the International Congress on Conservation Biology in 2011, this is the first book to offer an in-depth, logical framework that identifies three vital areas for understanding conservation behavior: anthropogenic threats to wildlife, conservation and management protocols, and indicators of anthropogenic threats. Bridging the gap between behavioral ecology and conservation biology, this volume ascertains key links between the fields, explores the theoretical foundations of these linkages, and connects them to practical wildlife management tools and concise applicable advice. Adopting a clear and structured approach throughout, this book is a vital resource for graduate students, academic researchers, and wildlife managers.
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A wide range of species exhibit time- and context-consistent interindividual variation in a number of specific behaviors related to an individual's personality. Several studies have shown that individual differences in personality-associated behavioral traits have an impact on cognitive abilities. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and learning abilities in dwarf goats. The behavior of 95 goats during a repeated open field (OF) and novel object test (NO) was analyzed, and two main components were identified using principal component analysis: boldness and activity. In parallel, the goats learned a 4-choice visual initial discrimination task (ID) and three subsequent reversal learning (RL) tasks. The number of animals that reached the learning criterion and the number of trials needed (TTC) in each task were calculated. Our results show that goats with the lowest learning performance in ID needed more TTC in RL1 and reached the learning criterion less frequently in RL2 and RL3 compared to animals with better learning performance in ID. This suggests a close relationship between initial learning and flexibility in learning behavior. To study the link between personality and learning, we conducted two analyses, one using only data from the first OF- and NO-test (momentary personality traits), while the other included both tests integrating only animals that were stable for their specific trait (stable personality traits). No relationship between personality and learning was found using data from only the first OF- and NO-test. However, stability in the trait boldness was found to have an effect on learning. Unbold goats outperformed bold goats in RL1. This finding supports the general hypothesis that bold animals tend to develop routines and show less flexibility in the context of learning than unbold individuals. Understanding how individual personality traits can affect cognitive abilities will help us gain insight into mechanisms that can constrain cognitive processing and adaptive behavioral responses.
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When faced with the presence of a predator, many species of prey initially approach rather than retreat from such a potential threat. The authors identify five major types of costs associated with approach behaviour: 1) increased risk of mortality to the approacher, 2) increased risk of mortality to relatives of the approacher, 3) lost opportunity costs associated with approaching a predator, 4) energetic costs of approach, and 5) potential costs of the approacher being "exploited' by other group members. Benefits of approach behaviour are: 1) acquiring information about the nature of the potential threat, 2) informing others of the potential threat, 3) deterring predator attack, and 4) advertising one's quality to mates. The authors present a game theory model of prey approaching potential predators. Based on the costs and benefits of approach behaviour and group size, the model predicts the equilibrial frequency of "approachers' and "non-approachers' and the (relative) mean approach distance (as a function of group size). -from Authors
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Milinski & Boltshauser (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 262, 000-000 (1995)) doubt that we (Godin & Davis, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 259, 193-200 (1995)) have provided experimental evidence for a pursuit-deterrence function of predator approach behaviour in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). They claim that our methods are flawed and our results correlational and, as a consequence, our evidence is ambiguous. Here, we present a rebuttal of Milinski & Boltshauser's criticisms, and provide additional experimental data that confirm the original results and interpretations of Godin & Davis.
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Animals commonly approach (or inspect) potential predators at a distance, a practice which is inherently risky and apparently paradoxical. Individuals which dare inspect predators, and who are therefore willing to accept the associated costs, must gain additional fitness benefits from doing so which non-inspectors do not. Here, we report a direct fitness benefit for predator inspection behaviour in the form of a reduced risk of predation on inspectors compared with non-inspectors. Using guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and blue acara cichlid fish (Aequidens pulcher) as a model prey-predator system, we demonstrate experimentally that the predators were significantly less attentative to, and less likely to attack and kill, guppies which inspected them than those which did not. They were thus more likely to abort an initial approach towards an inspecting guppy than a non-inspecting one, and as a consequence, inspectors incurred a significantly lower risk of attack and death than non-inspectors when approached by the predator. Our results constitute strong evidence for a predator pursuit-deterrence function of predator inspection behaviour in the guppy, and also have implications for the conditions necessary for the evolution of predator approach behaviour as a cooperative strategy in prey.
One possible mechanism for the evolution of cooperation/altruism is assortative interactions, in which cooperators interact with each other by choice and cheaters are forced to interact with each other by default. This mechanism has been regarded as implausible in the past, but more recent models have revealed its likelihood when cooperative behaviour is a quantitative trait that can be observed directly by members of the population. Assortative interactions are likely to occur in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) because they cooperate in the context of predator inspection, their inspection behaviour is a quantitative trait, and they are known to monitor each other's behaviour and choose to associate with fish that inspect. Despite these preconditions, our experiments failed to demonstrate assortative interactions in free-swimming guppies. We offer our negative evidence as an incentive for others to look for what remains a theoretically plausible mechanism for the evolution of cooperation/altruism.
Preface 1. Temperament and personality: trait structure and persistence 2. Psychobiological methods 3. Extraversion/sociability 4. Neuroticism 5. Psychoticism (psychopathy), impulsivity, sensation and/or novelty seeking, conscientiousness 6. Aggression-hostility/agreeableness 7. Consilience References.
An investigation of the predator-evasion behaviour of minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) shoals confronted with a pike (Esox lucius) showed that individual minnows generally chose the behaviour that minimized their chance of being eaten by the predator. As soon as the pike had been detected, minnows switched from dispersed small shoals to a single compact school. They then commenced inspection behaviour, during which individuals or groups approached the predator. This inspection served to confirm recognition of the pike and provide information on its behaviour. Avoidance and skittering behaviour took place when the pike began stalking. It was only when the predator escalated its attack and struck at the shoal that the minnows performed their most costly predator evasion tactics, such as flash expansion and fountain. After such tactics individuals often became separated from the shoal and as such were most vulnerable to capture. As a last resort, individual minnows hid among stones. Minnows from provenances with and without pike exhibited a similar repertoire of antipredator behaviour patterns, but those sympatric with the predator integrated their tactics more effectively and regained pre-exposure behaviour sooner after each encounter. Shoal size had an important effect on the execution of tactics. Minnows in shoals of 10 were more likely than minnows in shoals of 20 or 50 to abandon schooling behaviour and seek cover as individuals.
Although predator inspection behavior in fishes has become a model system for examining game theoretical strategies such as Tit for Tat, the direct costs of inspection behavior have not been quantified. To begin quantifying such costs, I conducted an experiment that examined mortality due to predation as a function of predator inspection in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Before being subjected to a “survivorship” experiment, guppies were assayed for their tendency to inspect a predator. Groups were then composed of six guppies that differed in their tendency to inspect. These groups were placed into a pool containing a predator, and survivorship of guppies with different inspection tendencies was noted 36 and 60 h later. Results indicate that individuals that display high degrees of inspection behavior suffer greater mortality than their noninspecting shoalmates.