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Cytotoxic Effects and Safety Profiles of Extracts of Active Medicinal Plants from South Africa


Abstract and Figures

Plant derived antimicrobial co mpounds that have no or minimal to xicity to host cells are considered candidates for developing new antimicrobial drugs. Safety is therefore critical in the formulation of antimicrobials. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic effects of some South African med icinal plant extracts. The methanolic and aqueous extracts of nine South African medicinal plants were screened for cytotoxic activ ities against MAGI CC5+ cells using MTT assay.The nine plant extracts used in the MTT assayrevealed Herb 2 (Cyanthula inculata) as the most potent extract identified with activity of (1.4 Cc 50 values of 25.6 mg/ ml) and induced over 50% of cell deaths, followed by herb 3 (Croton grattismus) and Herb 4 (Cassine trasvaalensis) with activ ity of (0.2 Cc 50 values of3.7 mg/ ml) each. The herbs that induced the least cell death, were herbs 5 (Capris tomentosa) and 7 (Hypoxis hemerocallidea), with the activity of (0.05 Cc 50 values of 0.9 mg/ ml) each. Of the nine p lant extracts, Croton grattisimus and Lycium inerme 2(22%), exh ibited minimal to xicity on MAGI cells and 7(77.8%) exh ibited 50% to xicity. In a similar study 2(22%) of the methanolic ext racts exhib ited anti-HIV1 IIIB activit ies and against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) only one med icinal plant extract (Lysium inerme) exhib ited 29% act ivity. In this study, a systematic evaluation of cytotoxic activit ies of methanolic extracts made fro m tested med icinal plants showed minimal to xicity on cell lines. Therefore, such plants could serve as sources for natural antimicrobial therapeutic agents.
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Journal of Microbiology Research 2012, 2(6): 176-182
DOI: 10.5923/j.microbiology.20120206.04
Cytotoxic Effects and Safety Profiles of Extracts of Active
Medicinal Plants from South Africa
Morobe I. C.1,*, Mthethwa N. S.1, Bisi-Johnson M. A.1, Vasaikar S. D.1, Obi C. L.1,2, Oyedeji A. O.3,
Kambizi L.4, Eloff J. N.5, Hattori T.6
1Department of Microbiology, Walter Sisulu University, 5117, Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
2Academic and Research Division, Walter Sisulu University, 5117, Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
3Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Walter Sisulu University, 5117, M thatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
4Department of Botany, Walter Sisulu University, 5117, Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
5Department of Phyt omedicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
6Laboratory Emerging Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University Sendai, Japan
Abstract Plant derived antimicrobial co mpounds that have no or minima l to xicity to host cells are considered candidates
for developing new antimicrobial drugs . Safety is therefore critical in the formulation of antimicrobia ls. The aim of this study
was to investigate the cytotoxic effects of some South African med icinal plant e xtracts. The methanolic and aqueous extracts
of nine South African medicinal plants were screened for cytotoxic activ ities against MAGI CC5+ cells us ing MTT assay.The
nine plant e xtracts us ed in the MTT assayrevealed Herb 2 (Cyanthula inculata) as the most potent extract identified with
activity of (1.4 Cc50values of 25.6 mg/ ml) and induced over 50% of cell deaths, followed by herb 3 (Croton grattismus) and
Herb 4 (Cassine trasvaalensis) with activity of (0.2 Cc50 values of3.7 mg/ml) each. The herbs that induced the least cell death,
were herbs 5 (Capris tomentosa) and 7 (Hypoxis hemerocallidea), with the activity of (0.05 Cc50 values of 0.9 mg/ml) each.
Of the nine p lant e xtracts, Croton grattisimus and Lycium inerme 2(22%), exh ibited minimal to xicity on MAGI cells a nd
7(77.8%) exh ibited 50% toxicity. In a similar study 2(22%) of the methanolic ext racts exhibited anti-HIV1 IIIB activit ies and
agains t Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) only one medicina l plant e xtract (Lysium inerme) e xhibited 29% act ivity. In this
study, a systematic eva luation of cytotoxic activities of methanolic extracts made fro m tested medicinal plants s howed
minimal to xicity on cell lines . Therefore, such plants could serve as sources for natural antimicrobial therapeutic agents .
Keywords South Africa, Med icinal Plants , Cytotoxic Activity, Antibacterial Activity, Herbs, Antimicrobial Compounds,
Respiratory Tract Infections
1. Introduction
The increas ing glob al preva lence of mult i res istan t
respiratory tract pathogens is beco ming a se rious pub lic
health and infect ion control p roblems worldwide (1). For
instance H. influenzaeis trans mitted by respiratory droplets
an d may ente r the bloo dst re a m, wh ere it ca n c ause
b ac terae mia a nd diss emin at e t o dis tan t s it es caus ing
d is o rd e rs s u ch as ot itis med ia, s in us itis , ep ig lott itis ,
bronchopneumonia, men ingitis, septic arthritis and cellulitis
resulting fro m invas ion of the bloodstrea m, fo llow ed by
localization of H. influenzae in these and other areas of the
body (1,2). S. pneumoniaeis found in the nasopharynx of 5 to
10% of the healthy adults and 20% of healthy children. The
organ is m att aches to the nasoph aryngea l cells through
interact ion o f bact erial surface adhes ions . This normal
* Corresponding author:
isaacmorob (Isaac Morobe Morobe)
Published online at
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publ ishing. All Rights Reserved
colonizat ion can become infectious in the Eustachian tube or
nas al sinuses where it caus es otitis med ia, sinus itis. The
organism spreads to the bloodstream, initiating bacteraemia
and is carried to the meninges, joint spaces, bones and
peritoneal cavity and may result in men ingitis, brain abscess ,
septic arthritis or osteomyelitis(2). The risk of pneu mococcal
infection is much increased in persons with impaired Ig G
specify the subset (e.g. IgG1,2,3, or4) and it poss ible
mo lecular phys iology activities in the manage ment of
pnemococcal synthesis, p hagocytosis or defective clearance
of pneumococci. In part icular, the abs ence of functional
spleen, through congenital asplenia, splenectomy, or
sickle-cell d iseas e predisposes one to a more s evere course
of infection (3). Bovine Tuberculosis and HIVare major
diseases , which have also impacted on the economies of
several countries. The morbidit ies and mortalities due to TB
bacilli and HIV are well docu mented (3).
Currently, there is a continuous spread of multi -resistant
pathogens which have become a serious threat to public
health and infection control practices worldwide (3). This
problem has necessitated a search for new antimicrobial
177 Journal of Microbiology Research 2012, 2(6): 176-182
compounds from other sources including plants (4). It is
expected that plant e xtracts s howing target sites other than
those used by antibiotics will be act ive against drug resistant
pathogens as plant derived mater ials have provided the
models for about 50% o f western drugs (5,6). The enor mous
benefits of plants in the management of microbial infect ions
are huge and knowledge of herbal formations made fro m
roots, flowers, barks and their e xt racts are we ll docu mented
(7). The great civilization of the ancient Chinese, Indians and
North Africans provided written evidence of our ingenuity in
utilizing plants for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases,
including bacterial, viral, fungal and paras itic infections, as
well as immunological disorders (8). It was reported (9,10),
that about 25% o f prescribed drugs in the wo rld o riginated
from plants and a bout 80% of the population in developing
countries, including South Africa, rely on traditional
plants for their p rimary hea lth care needs . It was also reported
(10), that Bangladesh had a rich and prestigious heritage of
herbal medicines among the south As ian countries. More
than 500 s pecies of medicinal p lants were estimated to be
grown in Banglades h and about 250 s pecies of them were
used in the preparation of traditional medicines and
treatment of various diseases such as pneumonia, as thma,
bronchitis, epiglottitis, s epticae mia, meningitis, ce llulitis,
sep s i s, art h r i t is , d i ab et es, c an c er , i nfl a m m ati on a nd
diseases (11). Medicinal plants may be used for totally
different ailments in different ethnic groups (12). It was
reported (12), that about 70% of South Africans consult
traditional healers and that 1% ofnurses are traditional
Antiviral s ubstances have also been isolated from higher
plants such as algae and lichens. The screening of plant
extracts for antiretroviral activ ity was important becaus e
plant-derived anti-HIV co mpounds could inhibit the
replication of the virus by interfering with one or more of the
ten steps of the HIV replication cycle (13).
Inspire of the therapeutic properties of plants derived
products, their usefulness and efficacies will be severely
compromised if they elicit adverse reactions on
administration. Th is potent that their safety profiles mus t be
guaranteed or that the side effects will be tolerab le and not
toxic to host cells. Therefore a determination of the
cytotoxicity level of any medic inal plant will reveal its safety
as a potential therapeutic agent. Consequently this study
determined the cytotoxic activ ities of aqueous and
methano lic extracts of n ine South African medicinal plants
in order to gauge their usefulnes s as potential candidates for
eventual drug development.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Collection of Plant Material
From June 2010 to June 2011, the leaves, bark, stem, roots
and twigs of nine selected medicinal plants were collected
from different sources in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo
Provinces , South Africa, bas ed on their ethnomedical
application in the treatment of respiratory tract infect ions,
guided by the infor mation fro m trad itional healers on the
bas is of their various uses. The plants (Table 1.) we re
identified and authenticated by Taxonomist (Immelman K.L.)
in the Depart ment of Botany, W alter Sisulu Un iversity,
South Africa. Voucher specimens MI 001, MI 002, MI 003,
MI 004, MI 005, MI 006, M I 007, MI 008 and MI 009 were
deposited at the University herbarium.
All the nine plants in Table 1 are us ed by traditional
healers in South Africa, to treat diseas es such as pneumonia,
bronchitis, epiglottitis, asthma, septicaemia, cellulitis, sepsis,
men ingitis,and arthritis caus ed by respiratory tract
opportunistic pathogens such as Haemophilusinfluenzae and
Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Table 1. List of nine selected South African medicinal plants with their tradit ional uses
Botanical name (Family
Vernacular name
Part Used
Traditional Uses
Vangueriainfuesta (Rubiaceae)
cough, heart beat
cough, chest pains, T B
Croton grattismus
cough, bronchitis, headache
cough, diarrhoea, fever
Capris tomentosa(Capparaceae)
Sore throat, fever and cold
cough, sores, TB, chest pain
bronchitis, sore throat, rush
cough, skin rush, sore throat
cough, tooth ache, fontanel
Morobe I. C. et al.: Cytotoxic Effects and Safety Profiles of Extracts of Active Medicinal Plants from South Africa 178
2.2. Preparation of Plant Extracts
Plant materials were washed with s terile distilled water,
dried in an oven for 2h and cut into small pieces us ing a sharp
knife and then air dried at room temperature for 7 days as
previously described (14 ).The dried material (50g) was
ground into a coars e powder using Macs alab mill (Model
200 LAB), Eriez, Bramley as previously des cribed (14).The
ground plant material was reduced to fine powder us ing an
electric blender and the physiochemical co mponents soaked
in methanol (500ml) for 72h with frequent shakings , as
previously described (14,15).The s amples were s uction
filtered through Whatman No1 filter paper. The filtrate was
evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure using a rotary
evaporator, collected in 10ml o f the solvent, placed in the
tube and allowed to dry at roo m temperature.A stock solution
of 0.2g/ml in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was made for each
extract.All the extracts were kept at 4°C in the dark until they
were further used.
2.3. Cytotoxic Screening of Nine Medicinal Plants
2.3.1. Cell Culture
MAGI CCR5+ cells were us ed for cytotoxic screening of
the nine medicina l plant extracts. All ce ll lines were
purchased fro m AT CC, Manassas, VA 20108, USA. Cell
lines were cu ltured in Advanced Modified Eag le’s Medium
(DMEM) with 10% 5M m L-g lutamine (Gibco BRL) and
grown at 37°C in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator (Thermo
Fisher Scientific, Wakenyaku Co. Ltd, Japan). Cells we re
subcultured every 2 days after the confluent growth was
2.3.2. MTT8 ASSAY 3-(Dimethylthiozole-2-yl-2,
5-diphenyltetrazolium bro mide)
MAGI cells were seeded into two 96 well p lates with 104
cells/well who was this determined?in 100µl of DM EM
supplemented with 10% foetus bovine serum (FBS). 11µl of
herbs was added into 2 wells of row B, with final
concentration of 1/20. Another 11µl of mixture was removed
from B to C and then to D, E, F, and 10µl was discarded from
F. 100µl of mediu m was added into each well fro m B to G.
After 48 h, cells were obs erved and 150µl o f supernatant
from each well was discarded and then 10µl o f MTT was
added into each well. The plates were incubated at 37°C for
4h. 100µl of s top s olution was added into each we ll and
OD570 was checked and then CC50 were determined, as
previously reported (14, 15).
2.3.3. Detection of Anti-HIV-1 III B Activity of Nine Herbs
Using MAGI As s ay
MAGI CCR5+ cells we re seeded into two 96 well plates
with 104 cells per well in 100µl of Dulbecco’s Modified
Eagle’s Medium (DM EM) supplemented with 10% foetal
calf seru m. Herbs in 50mg/ml DMS O, were serially diluted
with co mplete med iu m, by adding 11µl of herbs into 2 we lls
of row B, with a fina l concentration of 1/20. 11µl of mixture
was re moved fro m B to C and then to D, E, F and 10µl
discarded fro m F in flat bottomed microculture plates. The
diluted virus was added 30 minutes later. HIV-infected
(10ng of p24) or moc k-infected MA GI CCR+cells were
cultured with the e xtracts continuously present and no cell
washing was performed throughout the culture. Ce lls we re
stained with chlorophenol red β-D-ga lactopyranoside
(CPRG) as previously described (15). After 3 days of culture,
the medium was removed and the cells were lys ed with
100µl of phos phate buffered saline (PBS) containing 1%
Triton X-100 for 30 minutes at roo m te mperature. The cells
were then incubated at 37 for 1h with 100µl o f staining
solution containing 0.01 M KH2PO4, 0.1 M K2PO4, 2mM
MgCl2 and 10 mM CPRG. After 1h the results were observed
under the micros cope (14,15).
2.4. Virus Dilution
IIIB virus (1/250) was us ed for s creening of nine
med icina l plant extracts in a 96 well microtitre plate, in
which 100µl of the virus was added into each well. Cells
were fixed with 1% formaldehyde and 0.2 % gluteraldehyde
in Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution for 5 minutes at
room te mperature and then was hed 3 times with Phos phate
buffered saline. Cells we re incubated in 50µl of 4mM
potassium ferrocyanide, 4mM potassium ferricyanide, 2mM
MgCl2 and 0.4mg/ ml 5-bro mo-4-ch loro- 3-indolyl-2-D-gala
ctopyranoside (X-gal) at 37 for 1h. The reaction was
stopped by removing the staining solution and washing the
cells twice with Phos phate buffered saline in each well. Blue
cells were counted under a light micros cope at X100
magnificat ion (14,15).
2.5. Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rv0679c
Protein Activity of Nine Herbs Using Enzyme
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
The antigen (Rv0679c) was diluted with carbonate coating
buffer (2µg/ml) and 50µl of the mixture was added into a 96
well ELISA microplate. The plate was then covered and
incubated at room te mperature for 24h. A fter 24h, the plate
was washed once with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The
plate was then blocked with 250µl/well of the blocking
buffer ( PBS and 1% BSA), s ealed and incubated at room
temperature for 2h. The plate was washed 5 times with PBS
and then different herb extracts were added and incubated at
room temperature for 1h. After 1h the plate was was hed once
and the 1/20000 detection antibody (mAb5D4C2 conjugate)
was added and the plate incubated at room te mperature for
2h. After 2h the plate was washed and 1 drop of Vector Elite
ABC reagent was added and the plate incubated at room
temperature for 30 minutes . The plate was then was hed and
100µl/well substrate (H2O2 and TMB reagent) was added and
incubated in the dark roo m for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes
100µl of s top solution (2NH2SO4) was added and ODS was
read immediately at 45nm. Inhibit ion control of the detection
antibody (mAb8G10H2) and c rude Human s erum from TB
179 Journal of Microbiology Research 2012, 2(6): 176-182
pos itive patients was used (Cifuenteset al., 2010).
3. Results
3.1. Cytotoxic Effects of Nine Medicinal Plant Extracts
The results on the Cytotoxic effects of the medic inal plant
extracts tested are presented below.
Figure 1. 1-Vangueria infausta (Umviyo), 2- Cyanthulainculata (Isinama), 3-Croton grattismus (Umhlabakufeni), 4-Cassine t ransvaalensis (Ingwavuma),
5-Caparis tom entosa (Iquaningi), 6-Plumboza fingerleaf (Umpenduli), 7-Hypoxis hemerocallidea (Ilabatheka), 8-Lysium inerme (Umvuthwamini),
9-Dichrostachys cinetia (Umnukelambiba)
The nine p lant ext racts were used in the MTT ass ay and the results of this study revealed Herb 2 ( Cyanthulainculata) as the
mos t to xic extract identified with activity of (1.4 Cc50 values of 25.6 mg/ml (Figure 1) and induced over 50% of cell death,
followed by herb 3 (Croton grattismus) and Herb 4 (Cassinetrasvaalensis) with activity of (0.2 Cc50 values of 3.7 mg/ml)
each. The herbs that induced the least cell death, were herbs 5 (Capris tomentosa) and 7 (Hypoxishemerocallidea), with the
activity of (0.05 Cc50 values of 0.9 mg/ml) each.
Figure 2. Anti-HIV-1 IIIB activity of nine medicinal plant extracts using MAGI cells
Morobe I. C. et al.: Cytotoxic Effects and Safety Profiles of Extracts of Active Medicinal Plants from South Africa 180
Figure 3. 1.Vangueriain faust a (Umviyo), 2. Cyanthulainculat a (Isinama), 3.Croton grattismus (Umhlabakufeni), 4.Cassinetransvaalensis (Ingwavuma),
5.Caparistom ent osa (Iquaningi), 6.Plumbozafingerleaf (Umpenduli), 7.Hypoxishemerocallidea (Ilabat heka), 8.Lysiumin erme (Umvut hwamini), and 9.
Dichrostachyscinetia (Umnukelambiba)
Only extracts 3 (Croton grattismus and 4
(Cassinetransvaalensis) s howed anti-HIV-1 IIIB act ivity
(figure 2). Herb 3 was not included in the list or the
experiment carried out previously by Shenewei on
anti-HIV-1 IIIB activity. Herb 4 has never being deter mined
before us ing MT4 cells (MTT Method). However, the results
revealed its anti-HIV-1 activity of 0.1µg/ ml and 0.2µg/ml.
For Herb 8 (Lysiuminerme), the plant part used in the
Shenwei experiment was a bark and in the current study, the
stem was used. Herb 5 (Caparistomentosa) showed the least
anti- HI V-1 activ ity.
3.2. Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rv0679c
Protein Activity of Nine Herbs Using Enzyme
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Inhibition control of the detection antibody (mAb8G10H2)
and crude Human serum fro m T B positive patients showed
an inhibition and binding activity of 52% (figure 3) wh ile
1mg/ml Herb-8 (Lysiuminerme, Umvuthwamini) showed an
inhibition and binding activity of 29%. Other herbs showed
no inhibition and s pecific binding agains t Mycobacterium
tuberculos is Rv0679c antigen.
4. Discussion
Microbial pathogens and diseases caused are enor mous
and are capable of impacting on several facets of education,
economy and health care systems. Concerted and pers istent
efforts are therefore warranted in gauging the efficac ies of
plant derived antimicrobials as well as critical evaluations
for their s afety profiles.A safety profile is e xemplified,
among other factors and considerations , by cytotoxicity
levels, although in-vitro results may not always simulate in
vivo conditions . However in-vitro cytoto xicity determinati
ons could serve as one of the adjuncts in profiling
justifications for clinical trials.
In the present study, we do not have data on each of this
plant extracts and their activities, no significance level
determined, where are the data on binding of this compounds
to the cells? The fact that the compounds bound to the cells
does not s ignify their ability to kill the cells (cytotoxic ity)
leading to opsonisation; we should have the initial number of
cells and the number of cells after the plant extract have been
added to the wells. This assay would be best determinedwith
a Flo w cytometery, I EAs or by us e of florocho mes and not
direct ELISA. medicinal plant ext racts were screened for
cytotoxic effects on MA GI ce ll lines. Of the nine plant
extracts 2(22%), Croton grattismus and Lysiuminerme
exhibited minimal toxicity on MA GI cells and 7(77.8%)
exhibited 50% to xic ity. Therefore (Crotongrattismus and
Lysiuminerme) may be suitable for the treat ment of
infections caus ed by designated pathogens and this is
consistent with a previous finding ( 15 ). In a similar s tudy
2(22%) of the methanolic e xtracts exhibited anti-HIV1 IIIB
activities. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is
currently one of the most s erious infectious pathogens
caus ing acquired immune deficiency s yndrome (AIDS) and
the observed anti-HIV activity as well as minimal to xicity of
the plants offer pro mise for che motherapy. Elucidation of the
structures of the active compounds will be another focus of
study. In a similar study methanolic e xtracts were screened
agains t Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) and only one
med icina l plant (Lysiuminerme) exh ibited 29% to xicity.
Tuberculosis is a mong the top three leading caus es of death
worldwide and it is aggravated by the increas ed
181 Journal of Microbiology Research 2012, 2(6): 176-182
susceptibility to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
The results obtained in this study had a s lightly lower
toxicities than the previous findings (1, 20)The results in this
study show that the active ingredients of the plant parts are
better ext racted with methanol than other solvents, as were
reported for Croton grattismus, Capris tomentosa, Cassine
transvaalensis, Lysium inerme and Cyantula inculata
Both the methods and result sections are inadequate in
content. They are not informative enough to bring out the
phytochemical activities of the plant e xtracts .
5. Conclusions
In this s tudy, a s ystematic eva luation of cytotoxic
activities of methanolic e xtractsmadefrom tested med icinal
plants showed minimal toxic ity of 22% on cell lines , therefo
re medicinal plantscould be used as natural antimic robial
therapeutic agents for the treatment ofdisorders caused by
thedesignated pathogens.
The authors wish to thank Walter Sisulu Un iversity
(WSU), the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South
Africa and the Medical Res earch Council (M RC) of South
Africa for financial assistance. We are indebted to the
technical s taff of the Department of Medica l Microbiology,
Walter Sisulu Un iversity (WSU) for the technical ass istance
they provided during this research work. Special thanks go to
the management and technical s taff of the National Health
Laboratory Services , Ne lson Mandela AcademicHospital,
Mthatha and The Laboratory for Emerging and Infectious
Diseas es , Tohoku University, Japan for the outs tanding
technical ass istance provided during this research work.
BSA –Bovine serum Albu min
CPRGβ D - galactopyranoside
DMEM Dulbecco’s Modified Eagles’s Medium
DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide
ELIS A Enzyme Lin ked Immunos orbant Assay
FBS – Foetus bovine serum
IgG – Immunoglobulin G
MTT–3- (4,5-Dimethy lthiozol– 2-yl)-2,5-d iphen yltetrazol
ium bromide
TB – Mycobacterium tuberculos is
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... After 48 h, cells were observed and 150 µL of supernatant from each well was discarded and then 10 µL of MTT was added into each well. The plates were incubated at 37°C for 4 h. 100 µL of stop solution was added into each well and OD 570 was checked and then CC 50 were determined as previously reported (Morobe et al., 2012). ...
... were active against all test organisms. Therefore essential oil compounds from C. gratissimus and C. pseudopulchellus may be suitable for treatment of infections caused by designated pathogens and this is consistent with a previous finding (Morobe et al., 2012). According to Nanyonga et al. (2013), the antimicrobial activity of essential oil compounds is linked to its chemical composition. ...
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Essential oil compounds of Croton pseudopulchellus and Croton gratissimus were analysed using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrophotometry and screened for antimicrobial activity against Bacillus pimilus (ATCC 29212), Bacillus cereus (ATCC 10702), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 3983), Streptococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212), Escherichia coli (ATCC 4983), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 2983) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 19582) using Agar gel disk diffusion test and minimum inhibitory concentrations. The susceptibilities of all isolates of different essential oil compounds were standardised by National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS 1998). The cytotoxicity test was also carried out to determine the toxicity levels of essential oil compounds. These plants were selected based on their use by traditional healers for treatment of upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract infections. The essential oil compounds of C. pseudopulchellus and C. gratissimus were found to be active against all the test microorganisms, while the preliminary assessment of essential oil compounds from these plants exhibited low cytotoxic activity.
... After 48 h, cells were observed and 150 µL of supernatant from each well was discarded and then 10 µL of MTT was added into each well. The plates were incubated at 37°C for 4 h. 100 µL of stop solution was added into each well and OD 570 was checked and then CC 50 were determined as previously reported (Morobe et al., 2012). ...
... were active against all test organisms. Therefore essential oil compounds from C. gratissimus and C. pseudopulchellus may be suitable for treatment of infections caused by designated pathogens and this is consistent with a previous finding (Morobe et al., 2012). According to Nanyonga et al. (2013), the antimicrobial activity of essential oil compounds is linked to its chemical composition. ...
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Essential oil compounds of Croton pseudopulchellus and Croton gratissimus were analysed using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrophotometry and screened for antimicrobial activity against Bacillus pimitus (ATCC 29212), Bacillus cereus (ATCC 10702) Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 3983), Streptococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212), Escherichia coli (ATCC 4983), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 2983) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 19582) using Agar gel disk diffusion test and minimum inhibitory concentrations. The susceptibilities of all isolates of different essential oil compounds were standardised by National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) 1998). The cytotoxicity test was also carried out to determine the toxicity levels of essential oil compounds. These plants were selected based on their use by traditional healers for treatment of upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract infections. The essential oil compounds of C. pseudopulchellus and C. gratissimus were found to be active against all the test microorganisms, while the preliminary assessment of essential oil compounds from these plants exhibited low cytotoxic activity. Key words: essential oil; sesquiterpenes; chemical composition; antimicrobial activity
... transvaalense aqueous and methanolic extracts against HeLa MAGI (membrane-associated guanylate Kinase with inverted orientation) CCR5 (CC chemokine receptor 5) cells using the MTT test (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide). The extracts had a half maximum CC 50 (cytotoxic concentration) of 3.7 mg/mL indicating that they were active [62]. Using the MTT cell viability test against HEK293 (human embryonic kidney) and HepG2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma) cells, Nethengwe et al. examined the antitumor effects of E. transvaalense bark of methanolic, dichloromethane, and aqueous extracts [39]. ...
... Using the anti-HIV-1 iiiB test, Morobe et al. assessed the anti-HIV activity of E. transvaalense bark methanolic extracts. At half maximum dose levels (EC 50 ) of 0.1 µg/mL and 0.2 µg/mL, the extract suppressed HIV-1 iiB [62]. Tshikalange et al. tested the anti-HIV activity of E. transvaalense stem bark of 70% acetone, ethyl acetate, and chloroform extracts by measuring suppression of viral proteins, α-glycohydrolase, reverse transcriptase Tat (Transactivator of transcription), and NF-kB (Nuclear Factor Kappa B), using mesuol as a standard drug. ...
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Elaeodendron is a genus of tiny trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs consisting of about 23 species. It is used in traditional medicine and has a wide range of pharmacological activities. From the plants in this genus, flavonoids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, and cardenolides have been isolated. Elaeodendron species have been the subject of numerous in vitro investigations; however, not many in vivo studies are available. Preclinical investigations have also revealed antiviral, anti-HIV, anticancer, antiproliferative, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammation, cytotoxic, anti-plasmodial, anti-arthritic, antibacterial, and anti-diabetic activities. Bioactive substances found in Elaedendron that function in a variety of ways are related to these biological processes. Several databases, including PubMed, Scopus, etc., were searched using keywords such as “Elaeodendron”, “chemical constituents”, “anti-cancer”, “anti-viral”, “pharmacology”, etc., to perform a comprehensive review of the current literature. In this sense, this review intends to provide the most recent developments in the ethnomedical use of Elaeodendron species, and their therapeutic benefits and bioactive compounds. Many species of this genus are reported to be toxic. To provide stronger scientific support for their conventional usage, more in vivo and clinical research for mechanism-based pharmacological evaluation as well as toxicological studies should be carried out in the future.
... transvaalense aqueous and methanolic extracts against HeLa MAGI (membrane-associated guanylate Kinase with inverted orientation) CCR5 (CC chemokine receptor 5) cells using the MTT test (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide). The extracts had a half maximum CC 50 (cytotoxic concentration) of 3.7 mg/mL indicating that they were active [62]. Using the MTT cell viability test against HEK293 (human embryonic kidney) and HepG2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma) cells, Nethengwe et al. examined the antitumor effects of E. transvaalense bark of methanolic, dichloromethane, and aqueous extracts [39]. ...
... Using the anti-HIV-1 iiiB test, Morobe et al. assessed the anti-HIV activity of E. transvaalense bark methanolic extracts. At half maximum dose levels (EC 50 ) of 0.1 µg/mL and 0.2 µg/mL, the extract suppressed HIV-1 iiB [62]. Tshikalange et al. tested the anti-HIV activity of E. transvaalense stem bark of 70% acetone, ethyl acetate, and chloroform extracts by measuring suppression of viral proteins, α-glycohydrolase, reverse transcriptase Tat (Transactivator of transcription), and NF-kB (Nuclear Factor Kappa B), using mesuol as a standard drug. ...
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Elaeodendron is a genus of tiny trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs consisting of about 23 species. It is used in traditional medicine and has a wide range of pharmacological activities. From the plants in this genus, flavonoids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, and cardenolides have been isolated. Elaeodendron species have been the subject of numerous in vitro investigations; however, not many vivo studies are available. Preclinical investigations have also revealed antiviral, anti-HIV, anticancer, antiproliferative, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammation, cytotoxic, anti-plasmodial, anti-arthritic, antibacterial, and anti-diabetic activities. Bioactive substances found in Elaedendron that function in a variety of ways are related to these biological processes. Several databases, including PubMed, Scopus, etc., were searched using keywords such as “Elaeodendron”, “chemical constituents”, “anti-cancer”, “anti-viral”, “pharmacology”, etc., to perform a comprehensive review of the current literature. In this sense, this review intends to provide the most recent developments in the ethnomedical use of Elaeodendron species, and their therapeutic benefits and bioactive compounds. Many species of this genus are reported to be toxic. To provide stronger scientific support for their conventional usage, more in vivo and clinical research for mechanism-based pharmacological evaluation as well as toxicological studies should be carried out in the future.
... Assessing the toxicity of natural product extracts or bioactive compounds is crucial, particularly in the context of their potential applications in human health. This raises significant safety concerns in the development of novel drugs or nutraceuticals (Morobe et al. 2012). Evaluating cytotoxicity is the primary step in the assessment of novel biological agents, and guidelines for cytotoxicity levels are typically based on their impact on in vitro cell viability percentages (López-García et al. 2014). ...
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This study investigated the production of Sangyod rice bran hydrolysate (SYRB) from Sangyod rice, focusing on incubation times (1, 3, and 5 h) and alcalase enzyme concentrations (0, 0.7, and 1% v/v). The results demonstrated a concentration-dependent relationship: higher alcalase concentrations increased hydrolysate yield. Prolonged incubation, especially with alcalase, enhanced substrate breakdown, further increasing hydrolysate production. The degree of hydrolysis, reflecting peptide bond cleavage, depended on both incubation time and enzyme concentration, emphasizing the role of enzyme activity in efficiency. Moreover, color analysis (L*, a*, b*) and color difference (∆E) revealed intricate changes from enzymatic hydrolysis. Proximate composition analysis showed higher protein and lipid content with increased enzyme concentration and longer incubation times, whereas ash content varied with both factors. Hydrolysate powders exhibited higher moisture content than raw rice bran, indicating the impact of the hydrolysis process. The study also explored SYRB's antioxidant properties and cytotoxicity, which were sensitive to incubation time and alcalase concentration. Longer incubation increased DPPH scavenging activity, with the highest efficacy at 3 h. Meanwhile, ABTS scavenging displayed a delicate balance with alcalase concentration. The cytotoxicity study of SYRB revealed that all concentrations of SYRB were non-toxic to C2C12 cells, with cell viability values exceeding 70%.
... Cytotoxicity of a plant is a crucial factor to be considered before conducting an in vivo assay. Plants with low toxicity to host cells are thought to be potential candidates for new drug development, as they will not destroy the healthy living cells of the host, while destroying cancer cells [63]. Te cytotoxic property of PNS could be due to the presence of compounds like piperine and piperlongumine. ...
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Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has revolutionized the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS by overall improving their quality of life and increasing life expectancy. However, ART-associated hepatotoxicity and metabolic disorders in HIV/AIDS patients are growing concerns to clinicians, especially due to the long-term use of the drugs. This study reported on the phytochemical and pharmacological profile of hydroethanolic extracts of Piper nigrum stem (PNS) and evaluated its protective effect against tenofovir/lamivudine/efavirenz (TLE)-induced hepatotoxicity and dyslipidemia in Wistar rats. Cytotoxic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory assays were performed on PNS. Thirty-six rats divided into 6 groups of 6 animals/group were administered: distilled water, 17 mg/kg TLE, 17 mg/kg TLE and 100 mg/kg silymarin, 17 mg/kg TLE, and Piper extract (200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, or 800 mg/kg) orally for 28 days. The body weight of animals was recorded every 7 days. On Day 29, the rats were sacrificed, and blood samples were collected for hematological and biochemical tests. Portions of the liver and kidneys were collected for histological evaluation, while liver homogenates were prepared from the rest to measure antioxidant enzymes. PNS possessed in vitro cytotoxic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities. A significant decrease p < 0.05 in the body weight of rats treated with PNS was observed. A significant high platelet count p < 0.05 was observed in the PNS800 mg/kg group. A considerable decrease in alkaline phosphatase and triglycerides was observed in the silymarin and PNS group compared to the TLE-only group. The findings also show a significant increase in catalase and glutathione in the TLE-only group compared to the normal group, while SOD decreased. Histological observations revealed normal hepatic and renal tissues in the silymarin, and PNS-treated groups compared to the normal control, while leucocyte infiltration was observed in the TLE-only group. These results suggest that PNS extract possessed antioxidant activity that alleviated TLE-induced toxicity. Further studies are necessary to understand the pharmacokinetic interactions between ART and PNS.
... Although traditional medicine is used to treat devastating human and animal infections, the safety profiles of such traditional medicines may be over g/mL or less, as the focus is on the therapeutic potential of the plant species, particularly against multi-resistant pathogenic strains [107]. The 70% methanol extract from the stem bark was evaluated for toxicity using the Brine Shrimp Lethality (BSL) assay [40]. ...
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The use of traditional medicine in treating a variety of both human and animal infections is ancient and still relevant. This is due to the resistance exhibited by most pathogenic microbial stains to currently-used antibiotics. The current work reports the phytochemistry, ethno-medicinal uses, toxicology, and most important pharmacological activities that validate the use of the plant species in African traditional medicine. Curtisia dendata is used in the treatment of many human and animal infections, including diarrhea, skin and related conditions, sexually transmitted infections, cancer, and a variety of ethno-veterinary infections. Pharmacologically, the plant species exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against a variety of pathogens. Further, both extracts and compounds isolated from the plant species exhibited potent antioxidant, anticancer, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and other important biological activities. Phytochemically, the plant species possess a variety of compounds, particularly triterpenes, that may well explain the various pharmacological activities of the plant species. The toxicological parameters, antimicrobial activities against microorganisms related to sexually transmitted infections, anti-diabetic effects, and inflammatory properties of the plant species are not well studied and still need to be explored. The biological activities observed validate the use of the plant species in African traditional medicine, particularly in the treatment of pulmonary infections associated with Mycobacterium species, and may well be due to the presence of triterpenes prevalent in the leaves.
... The successful use of wild medlar in traditional medicine can be traced back to its antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiplasmodial, and anti-inflammatory properties [88,[93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100]. The cytotoxicity activities of methanolic and aqueous root extracts of this plant against MAGI CC5+ cells showed cytotoxic halfmaximal concentrations (CC50) of 0.1 mg/mL [101]. Dichloromethane and methanol extracts of roots of V. infausta tested against Rat skeletal myoblast L6 cell line showed IC 50 values of 45.7 µg/mL and 71.5 µg/mL, respectively [102]. ...
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Africa is home to diverse medicinal plants that have been used for generations for the treatment of several different cancers and, presently, they are gaining interest from researchers as promising approaches to cancer treatment. This review aims to provide a comprehensive review of dietary and medicinal African fruits including their traditional uses, botanical description, ethnobotanical uses, bioactive phytochemical compositions, and anticancer properties investigated to date in vitro, in vivo, and in clinical studies. Data on recent updates concerning the traditional uses and anticancer properties of these fruits were collected from a myriad of available publications in electronic databases, such as Web of Science, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SpringerLink, and Google Scholar. The results suggest that approximately 12 native or commercially grown African fruits belonging to different plant species, including Tribulus terrestris, Xanthium strumarium, Withania somnifera, Xylopia aethiopica, Abelmoschus esculentus, Carissa macrocarpa, Carpobrotus edulis, Syzygium cumini, Kigelia Africana, Annona muricata, Persea americana, and Punica granatum, have been reported for their potential as treatment options for the management of cancer. We further found that approximately eight different fruits from native plant species from Africa, namely, Sclerocarya birrea, Dovyalis caffra, Parinari curatellifolia, Mimusops caffra, Carpobrotus edulis, Vangueria infausta, Harpephyllum caffrum, and Carissa macrocarpa, have been widely used for the traditional treatment of different ailments but somehow failed to gain the interest of researchers for their use in anticancer research. In this review, we show the potential use of various fruits as anticancer agents, such as Tribulus terrestris, Xanthium strumarium, Withania somnifera, Xylopia aethiopica, Abelmoschus esculentus, Carissa macrocarpa, Carpobrotus edulis, Syzygium cumini, Kigelia Africana, Annona muricata, Persea americana, and Punica granatum; unfortunately, not enough reported research data have been published to gain thorough mechanistic insights and clinical applications. Additionally, we discuss the possibility of the utilization of potential phytochemicals from fruits like Persea americana and Punica granatum in anticancer research, as well as future directions.
... The major concern about conventional medications is that some of these drugs are toxic to normal cells. Therefore, safety is very crucial for the development of new and novel anticancer medicines [24]. In the current study, it was observed that crude extract and fractions induced negligible toxicity to BHK-21 (non-cancer) cells at maximum tested dose (125 μg/mL) as shown in Figure 5. ...
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Dryopteris ramosa (family; Dryopteridaceae) has been reported for its medicinal importance in cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, and infections. The present study aimed to investigate the detailed phytochemical profile of D. ramosa and its cytotoxic potential using various cancer cell lines. The phytochemical profile of D. ramosa methanolic extract and its fractions were established by employing UHPLC-MS/MS and Global Natural Product Social (GNPS) molecular networking. Moreover, the cytotoxic activity of extract and fractions was evaluated against human liver (HepG2) and prostate cancer (PC-3) cells using MTT assay. Overall, 18 compounds including flavonoids, flavonoid O-glycosides, isoflavone di-C-glucoside, flavanol, flavanone, rotenoid, phloroglucinol derivative, coumarin derivative, benzofuranone, abietic acid, and phenolic acid were observed as the major phytochemical bioactive constituents in the extract and fractions of D. ramosa. In MTT assay, chloroform fraction showed highest anti-proliferative activity against liver cancer cells (IC50 = 53.49 μg/mL) followed by n-hexane fraction (IC50 = 55.36 μg/mL), D. ramosa extract (IC50 = 85.67 μg/mL) and ethyl acetate (IC50 = 125.00 μg/mL) fraction. However, n-hexane and chloroform fractions presented maximum cytotoxic effect against prostate cancer cells with respective IC50 values of 214.53 and 281.47 μg/mL. Moreover, all the tested samples showed negligible toxicity against non-cancer (BHK-21) cells. The results indicated that D. ramosa is rich in flavonoids, phloroglucinol derivative, and phenolic acids and showed positive results in cytotoxic studies, especially against liver cancer. Therefore, it can be considered safe for the development of anticancer drugs, especially against liver cancer.
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Artemisia afra Jacq. Ex Willd., Carpobrotus edulis L. and Tulbaghia violacea Harv. were screened for activity against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium aurum A+ strain using a two-fold microdilution bioassay. M. aurum is tuberculosis (TB) related strain that was used in this study. These plants were selected based on their use by South African traditional healers for the treatment of TB and symptoms of the disease. All three plants were extracted with water, ethanol and dichloromethane. The extracts of A. afra were found to be active against all the tested microorganisms. Only in the instance of A. afra and C. edulis did water extract show activity against M. aurum A+ strain. The ethanol extract of C. edulis showed very good activity against the Gram-positive bacteria only. Dichloromethane extracts of T. violacea were found to be highly active against all the microorganisms, except for K. pneumoniae.
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Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria are either highly prevalent or increasing rapidly in Hong Kong and China. Treatment options for these bacteria are generally limited, less effective and more expensive. The emergence and dynamics of antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria circulating between animals, the environment and humans are not entirely known. Nonetheless, selective pressure by antibiotics on the microbiomes of animal and human, and their associated environments (especially farms and healthcare institutions), sewage systems and soil are likely to confer survival advantages upon bacteria with antimicrobial-resistance genes, which may be further disseminated through plasmids or transposons with integrons. Therefore, antibiotic use must be tightly regulated to eliminate such selective pressure, including the illegalization of antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed and regulation of antibiotic use in veterinary practice and human medicine. Heightened awareness of infection control measures to reduce the risk of acquiring resistant bacteria is essential, especially during antimicrobial use or institutionalization in healthcare facilities. The transmission cycle must be interrupted by proper hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, avoidance of undercooked or raw food and compliance with infection control measures by healthcare workers, visitors and patients, especially during treatment with antibiotics. In addition to these routine measures, proactive microbiological screening of hospitalized patients with risk factors for carrying resistant bacteria, including history of travel to endemic countries, transfer from other hospitals, and prolonged hospitalization; directly observed hand hygiene before oral intake of drugs, food and drinks; and targeted disinfection of high-touch or mutual-touch items, such as bed rails and bed curtains, are important. Transparency of surveillance data from each institute for public scrutiny provides an incentive for controlling antimicrobial resistance in healthcare settings at an administrative level.
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Antivirals are substances other than a virus or virus containing vaccine or specific antibody which can produce either a protective or therapeutic effect to the clear detectable advantage of the virus infected host. The search for antiviral agents began in earnest in the 1950s but this was directed mainly by chance, with little or no scientific basis. It had a turning point in 1964 with a number of narrow spectrum agents whose values have been more difficult to establish. A lot of success has been achieved in the screening of plants for antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral actions. The use of plants or plant products, traditionally, as antiviral agents is relatively wider than their use in modern medicine. Some antiviral substances have so far been isolated from higher plants, algae and lichens. Suitable methods for evaluating antiviral properties of plants and their extracts include use of animal models, animal protection studies, egg inoculation studies and cell culture methods.
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Background Salmonella enterica includes the major serovars associated with human salmonellosis. In this study, 1764 clinical Salmonella enterica isolates from diarrhea outpatients were collected from fifteen cities in Guangdong province, China, between 2007 and 2012. These isolates represent all of the Salmonella isolates collected from the province during that period. Methods The isolates were characterized by serovar determination, antimicrobial susceptibility tests and PFGE fingerprint typing. Results The serovar distribution results demonstrated that Salmonella Typhimurium (n = 523, 29.65%) and Salmonella 4,5,12:i:- (n = 244, 13.83%) are the most common serovars causing infant salmonellosis, whereas Salmonella Enteritidis (n = 257, 14.57%) mainly causes human salmonellosis in adults. The serovar shift from Salmonella Enteritidis to Salmonella Typhimurium occurred in 2008. Antimicrobial susceptibility data showed a high burden of multidrug resistance (MDR) (n = 1128, 56.58%), and a 20%-30% increase in the number of isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin (n = 142, 8.05%) and third-generation cephalosporins (n = 88, 4.99%) from 2007–2012. Only 9.97% of isolates (n = 176) were fully susceptible to all agents tested. A high burden of MDR was observed in Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella 4,5,12:i:- for all age groups, and a reduced susceptibility to third-generation cephalosporins and quinolones occurred particularly in infants (≤6 years). The dominant PFGE patterns were JPXX01.GD0004, JEGX01.GD0006-7 and JNGX01.GD0006-7. ACSSuT was the predominant MDR profile in the Salmonella Typhimurium & 4,5,12:i:- complexes, while ASSuT-Nal and ASSu-Nal were the major MDR profiles in Salmonella Enteritidis. The predominant PFGE patterns of the Salmonella Typhimurium & 4,5,12:i:- complexes and Salmonella Stanley were most prevalent in infants (≤6 years). However, no obvious relationship was observed between these PFGE profiles and geographic location. Conclusions These data reveal the serovar distribution of isolates recovered from diarrhea patients, the characteristics of resistant strains and fingerprint typing in Guangdong from 2007 to 2012. These results highlight a serovar shift and a worrying percentage of MDR strains with increasing resistance to quinolones and third-generation cephalosporins. Thus, continued surveillance of Salmonella and their MDR profiles using combined molecular tools and efforts to control the rapid increase in antimicrobial resistance among Salmonella in Guangdong are needed.
Ethnoveterinary usefulness of Harungana madagascariensis Choisy Poir (Clusiaceae) has been documented in Africa and in Europe for the treatment of animals with anaemia and various infections [1]. Most of these studies were on the aqueous extract of the leaves. We have found out in our laboratory that aqueous extract of plant material does not show prominent antimicrobial activity. Therefore in this study, hexane (H), dichloromethane (D), chloroform (C), ethyl acetate (E), acetone (A) and methanol (M) extracts were subjected to antimicrobial activity in-vitro testing against fungi (M. canis, C. albicans, C. neoformans, S. schenckii, and A. fumigatus) and bacteria (E. faecalis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus) using the TLC fingerprint and bioautography [2]. The % yield of extractants indicated for M (11.1%), A (10.5%), C (5.8%), D (5.2%), E (5.1%) and H (2.4%). TLC fingerprint and bioautography were best eluted in benzene: ethanol: ammonia (BEA) (18: 2: 0.2) and showed at least 8 different compounds that are active against the different strains of fungi and bacteria used. These compounds are common to D, C, E, A and M, but were not present in H extract. The MIC values of the six extracts showed inhibition of the fungi and bacteria organisms in various degrees. D and H extracts exhibited the lowest (6.3–104.1µg/ml) and the highest (27.9–500.0µg/ml) MIC on fungi pathogens respectively as compared to Amphotericin B which gave (0.62µg/ml). Likewise, the same D and H extracts also gave the lowest (3.6–7.8µg/ml) and the highest (13.0–26.0µg/ml) MIC values respectively on bacteria pathogens as compared to Gentamycin which gave 0.36µg/ml. The study therefore showed that antimicrobial compounds also reside in the stem bark like in the leaves [3, 4] with the highest activities found in the D extract. References: [1] Committee for Veterinary Medical Product (1999): Harungana madagascariensis. The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. [2] Eloff. J.N. (1998) J. Ethnopharmacol. 60 1–8. [3] Moulari, B. et al. (2006) J. Ethnopharmacol. 106 272–278. [4] Okoli A.S. et al. (2002) Phytother Res/16:/174–179.
Infectious diarrhea can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. When bacterial pathogens are involved, antibiotics are a mainstay of treatment because they alleviate symptoms and reduce duration of disease, prevent transmission of disease by eradicating pathogens from the stool, and arguably prevent long-term sequelae. These benefits notwithstanding, the use of antibiotics for bacterial diarrheal illness is associated with several challenges and limitations that should be borne in mind in therapeutic decision making. This paper discusses some of the challenges in the use of antibiotics for the management of bacterial diarrheal illness and considers the utility of nonabsorbed or poorly absorbed oral antibiotics in meeting these challenges. Nonabsorbed oral antibiotic therapy, unlike systemically available antibiotics, allows localized enteric targeting of pathogens'and is associated with minimal risk of systemic toxicity or side effects. Provided that nonabsorbed antibiotics are as effective as systemically absorbed drugs for the target illness, their benign safety and tolerability profiles may render them more suitable than systemically available antibiotics for certain patient groups, such as young children, pregnant or lactating women, and the elderly, among whom side effects are a particular concern. The limited use of nonabsorbed oral antibiotics only for enteric infections should also limit the development of widespread resistance-a major limitation of current antibiotics for enteric infections.
The present study was conducted to investigate the antibacterial activities of nine selected medicinal plants against metheciline resistance coagulase negative Staphylococcus, metheciline resistance Staphylococcus aureus and extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloace and Pseudomonas aeroginosa. The grounded plant materials were extracted with different extractants and screened for anti-microbial activity using the disk diffusion, micro-dilution techniques and bioautographic methods. Preliminary screening revealed that methanol extracts were most active against all assayed bacteria. Metheciline resistance coagulase negative Staphylococcus and metheciline resistance S. aureus were found to be susceptible to all crude methanolic extracts of all tested plants (100%), followed by P. aeroginosa and extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli, E. cloace. Contact biautography indicated that Schotia brachypetala extracts possess one major anti-microbial component against extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli, E. cloace and four components against P. aeroginosa The lowest minimum inhibitory concentration recorded for the different crude methanol extracts against metheciline resistance coagulase negative Staphylococcus, metheciline resistance S. aureus and extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli, E. cloace and P. aeroginosa were 500, 125 and 250 ug/ml respectively. This study also confirm the antimicrobial potential of investigated plants and their usefulness in treatment of resistance microorganisms both gram-negative and gram-positive.
Ertapenem is a long-acting, 1beta-methyl parenteral Group 1 carbapenem antibiotic that has a broad antibacterial spectrum and once-a-day dosing supported by clinical studies. Ertapenem is active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and most species of anaerobic bacteria. Isolates from a variety of infections (intra-abdominal infections, skin/soft-tissue infections, community-acquired pneumonia, pelvic infections and urinary tract infections) are inhibited by ertapenem. It has restricted activity against nosocomial pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter species, methicillin-resistant staphylococci and enterococci. Ertapenem has potent activity against the majority of anaerobic isolates from intra-abdominal infections, and against most of the aerobes isolated from these infections, with the exceptions of the nosocomial pathogens mentioned above. MIC(90)s for most species of Enterobacteriaceae were <1 mg/L, significantly lower than those of imipenem. MIC(90)s for most Bacteroides fragilis group isolates ranged from 1 to 4 mg/L, and MIC(90)s were species specific for Clostridium, ranging from 0.06 mg/L for Clostridium perfringens to 4 mg/L for Clostridium clostridioforme. Ertapenem was equivalent to or better than piperacillin-tazobactam in activity against most anaerobic species isolated from these infections, and was more potent than piperacillin-tazobactam and ceftriaxone against the most common skin pathogens (e.g. methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus). Ertapenem was highly active against most of the pathogens isolated from patients with community-acquired pneumonia, except for isolates of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (which are infrequent causes of community-acquired infection); these isolates were also resistant to ceftriaxone. Resistance to ertapenem is most commonly attributable to a variety of mechanisms including alterations in penicillin-binding proteins in Gram-positive organisms, and combinations of potent metallo-beta-lactamase enzymes, porin protein defects and efflux pumps in Gram-negative organisms
Carbapenems are broad-spectrum β-lactam antimicrobials used for the treatment of serious infections in humans. To date only sporadic studies have reported the occurrence of carbapenemase-producing (CP) bacteria in food-producing animals and their environment. The bacteria and enzymes isolated include VIM-1 producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella Infantis from pigs and poultry in Germany, OXA-23-producing Acinetobacter spp. from cattle and horses in France and Belgium, and NDM-producing Acinetobacter spp. from pigs and poultry in China. In the German S. Infantis and E. coli isolates, the VIM-1-encoding genes were located on IncHI2 plasmids. A methodology including selective culture is proposed for the detection of CP strains of Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. The choice of selective media for the surveillance of carbapenem resistance for testing animal and food samples needs to be experimentally evaluated and validated. Biochemical and phenotypic tests for the confirmatory identification of CP bacteria are available. For CP bacteria in animals and food, active/passive monitoring and/or targeted surveys should cover key zoonotic agents, animal pathogens and indicator organisms. Priority should be given to broilers, fattening turkeys, fattening pigs, veal calves and meat thereof. Because there are no data on the comparative efficacy of individual control options, prioritisation is complex. Continued prohibition of the use of carbapenems in food-producing animals would be a simple and effective option. As genes encoding carbapenemase production are mostly plasmid-mediated, and co-resistance may be an important issue in the spread of such resistance mechanisms, decreasing the frequency of use of antimicrobials in animal production in the EU in accordance with prudent use guidelines is also of high priority. The effectiveness of any control measures should be monitored by targeted surveys, using selective isolation methods and pre-enrichment of samples. Control measures should be proactively implemented at national and international levels to prevent CP strains become widespread in livestock. © European Food Safety Authority, 2013