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Increase in Skeletal-Muscle Glycogenolysis and Perceived Exertion With Progressive Dehydration During Cycling in Hydrated Men


Abstract and Figures

This study investigated the effects of progressive mild dehydration during cycling on whole-body substrate oxidation and skeletal-muscle metabolism in recreationally active men. Subjects (N = 9) cycled for 120 min at ~65% peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak 22.7 °C, 32% relative humidity) with water to replace sweat losses (HYD) or without fluid (DEH). Blood samples were taken at rest and every 20 min, and muscle biopsies were taken at rest and at 40, 80, and 120 min of exercise. Subjects lost 0.8%, 1.8%, and 2.7% body mass (BM) after 40, 80, and 120 min of cycling in the DEH trial while sweat loss was not significantly different between trials. Heart rate was greater in the DEH trial from 60 to 120 min, and core temperature was greater from 75 to 120 min. Rating of perceived exertion was higher in the DEH trial from 30 to 120 min. There were no differences in VO2, respiratory-exchange ratio, total carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation (HYD 312 ± 9 vs. DEH 307 ± 10 g), or sweat rate between trials. Blood lactate was significantly greater in the DEH trial from 20 to 120 min with no difference in plasma free fatty acids or epinephrine. Glycogenolysis was significantly greater (24%) over the entire DEH vs. HYD trial (433 ± 44 vs. 349 ± 27 mmol · kg-1 · dm-1). In conclusion, dehydration of <2% BM elevated physiological parameters and perceived exertion, as well as muscle glycogenolysis, during exercise without affecting whole-body CHO oxidation.
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International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2013, 23, 220 -229
© 2013 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Logan-Sprenger and Spriet are with the Dept. of Human Health
and Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON,
Canada. Heigenhauser and Jones are with the Dept of Medicine,
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Increase in Skeletal-Muscle Glycogenolysis
and Perceived Exertion With Progressive Dehydration
During Cycling in Hydrated Men
Heather M. Logan-Sprenger, George J.F. Heigenhauser,
Graham L. Jones, and Lawrence L. Spriet
This study investigated the effects of progressive mild dehydration during cycling on whole-body substrate
oxidation and skeletal-muscle metabolism in recreationally active men. Subjects (N = 9) cycled for 120 min at
~65% peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak 22.7 °C, 32% relative humidity) with water to replace sweat losses (HYD)
or without uid (DEH). Blood samples were taken at rest and every 20 min, and muscle biopsies were taken at
rest and at 40, 80, and 120 min of exercise. Subjects lost 0.8%, 1.8%, and 2.7% body mass (BM) after 40, 80,
and 120 min of cycling in the DEH trial while sweat loss was not signicantly different between trials. Heart
rate was greater in the DEH trial from 60 to 120 min, and core temperature was greater from 75 to 120 min.
Rating of perceived exertion was higher in the DEH trial from 30 to 120 min. There were no differences in
VO2, respiratory-exchange ratio, total carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation (HYD 312 ± 9 vs. DEH 307 ± 10 g), or
sweat rate between trials. Blood lactate was signicantly greater in the DEH trial from 20 to 120 min with no
difference in plasma free fatty acids or epinephrine. Glycogenolysis was signicantly greater (24%) over the
entire DEH vs. HYD trial (433 ± 44 vs. 349 ± 27 mmol · kg–1 · dm–1). In conclusion, dehydration of <2% BM
elevated physiological parameters and perceived exertion, as well as muscle glycogenolysis, during exercise
without affecting whole-body CHO oxidation.
Keywords: hydration, exercise, uid intake, body-mass loss, substrate oxidation, sweat rate
It has been widely demonstrated that athletes replace
less than 50% of sweat losses during exercise, resulting
in signicant uid decits (Burke 1997). Consequently, a
1–2% body-mass loss is commonplace among athletes in
training and competition (Godek & Godek, 2005; Godek,
Godek, McCrossin, & Bartolozzi, 2009; Logan-Sprenger,
Palmer, & Spriet, 2011; Maughan, Merson, Broad, &
Shirreffs, 2004; Palmer, Logan, & Spriet, 2010; Palmer &
Spriet, 2008). The cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, and
cognitive penalties associated with exercising dehydrated
are well documented and consistent in demonstrating
that the exercise-induced increases in heart rate (HR),
core temperature (Tc), and rating of perceived exertion
(RPE) are exacerbated with dehydration and directly
proportional to the degree of dehydration (Armstrong et
al., 1997; Gonzalez-Alonso, Mora-Rodriguez, Below, &
Coyle, 1995; Montain & Coyle 1992b; Nadel, Fortney,
& Wenger, 1980; Sawka, Young, Francesconi, Muza, &
Pandolf, 1985).
Despite the large number of studies documenting
the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory changes with
dehydration, only one study has investigated the effects
of dehydration in a thermoneutral environment (~20 °C)
on whole-body substrate oxidation and skeletal-muscle
metabolism. Hargreaves, Dillo, Angus, and Febbraio (1996)
investigated the effects of dehydration on muscle metabo-
lism in men and reported that a 2.9% body-mass loss over
2 hr of cycling resulted in 16% more glycogen use than
maintaining body mass with uid ingestion. The respira-
tory-exchange ratio (RER) was signicantly higher in the
uid-restricted trial after 60 and 120 min of exercise, with
the difference between trials being greater in the second
hour of cycling. This was accompanied by signicantly
higher rectal and muscle temperatures at the end of exer-
cise only. No studies have examined how the time course
of progressive dehydration affects muscle glycogenolysis
and metabolism during prolonged exercise.
Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate
the time course of changes in skeletal-muscle metabolism
with progressive dehydration during 120 min of cycling
at ~65% peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in recreationally
active men and to determine what amount of body-mass
loss is necessary to affect changes in whole-body and
muscle metabolic responses to exercise. We hypothesized
that whole-body carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation and
muscle glycogen use would be greater when dehydrated
starting in the 40- to 80-min period and continuing
Effects of Dehydration on Muscle Metabolism 221
between 80 and 120 min of cycling and that the onset
of increased CHO oxidation and muscle glycogenolysis
would correlate with a higher Tc in the dehydrated trial.
Subject Characteristics
Nine men, M ± SE age 21.6 ± 0.5 years, height 178.1 ±
0.9 cm, body mass 77.3 ± 2.2 kg, and VO2peak 4.4 ± 0.2 L/
min, volunteered to participate in the study. All subjects
engaged in light- to moderate-intensity physical activity
3 or 4 days/week. Subjects were informed both verbally
and in writing of the experimental protocol and potential
risks before giving their written consent to participate.
The research ethics boards of the University of Guelph
and McMaster University approved the study.
Preexperimental Protocol
In preparation for the experiment, subjects visited the
laboratory on three separate occasions. On the first
visit, they performed an incremental cycling test to
exhaustion on an electronically braked cycle ergometer
(LODE Excalibur, Quinton Instrument, Groningen, The
Netherlands) for the determination of VO2peak. Respira-
tory gases were collected and analyzed using a metabolic
cart (MOXUS metabolic system, AEI Technologies,
Pittsburgh, PA). After a 30-min break, subjects cycled for
~20 min at ~65% VO2peak to establish the power output
for the subsequent 120-min trials.
On two subsequent occasions, subjects reported
to the laboratory for practice trials and cycled at ~65%
VO2peak for 120 min without uid (DEH) or with uid
(HYD) to replace sweat losses. DEH trials occurred
rst to ascertain sweat losses over the 120-min trial and
to determine how much uid subjects needed to drink
during the HYD trial to maintain uid balance. All
subjects abstained from strenuous exercise and caffeine
and recorded their diet in the 24 hr before the trials. Two
hours before the practice rides, subjects ingested a meal
provided for them (787 kcal; 144 g carbohydrate, 15 g
fat, 19 g protein) and 250 ml of uid. Subjects also drank
300 ml of water 90 and 45 min before each trial to ensure
that they were hydrated before cycling. On arrival at the
laboratory, subjects provided a small midstream urine
sample to determine urine specic gravity (USG) and
completely voided their bladder. A pretrial body-mass
measurement was made wearing dry shorts only. After 40,
80, and 120 min of exercise, subjects stopped cycling and
dismounted the cycle ergometer, removed their shoes and
shirt, toweled dry, and were weighed wearing only shorts
for the determination of sweat loss during the previous 40
min of exercise. At 40 and 80 min, subjects put on a dry
T-shirt and recommenced cycling. Any urine produced
was collected during each trial to account for total sweat
loss using the equation Sweat loss = [pretrial body mass –
posttrial body mass (kg)] + uid intake (ml) – urine loss
(ml). Three-minute respiratory-gas measurements were
collected every 20 min during exercise to determine the
volume of oxygen consumed (VO2) and the volume of
carbon dioxide produced (VCO2) and to calculate the
RER and whole-body CHO and fat oxidation with use of
the nonprotein RER table and the following equations:
CHO oxidation (g) = 4.585 (VCO2) – 3.226 (VO2)
(Ferrannini, 1988)
Fat oxidation (g) = 1.695 (VO2) – 1.701 (VCO2)
(Peronnet & Massicotte, 1991)
Practice trials were separated by 5–7 days.
Experimental Protocol
Subjects came to the laboratory on two occasions for
the actual experiments. During the experimental trials
subjects cycled at ~65% VO2peak for 120 min with uid
to match sweat losses (HYD) or without uid (DEH).
Subjects replicated the same procedure for the practice
trials. In addition, HR was collected using a Polar RS400
downloadable HR monitor (Polar Electro, Lachine, QC,
Canada), and Tc was determined using an individually
calibrated ingestible thermistor (HQ Inc., Palmetto, FL)
that was ingested 3–5 hr before each trial. Before exercise,
a Teon catheter was inserted into an antecubital vein for
blood sampling and was ushed with 0.9% saline to main-
tain patency. One leg was also prepared for percutaneous
needle-biopsy sampling of the vastus lateralis muscle by
the Bergström technique (Bergström, 1962). Three inci-
sions were made in the skin and deep fascia under local
anesthesia (2% xylocaine without epinephrine) for three
separate biopsies. Immediately before exercise, a venous
blood sample (~5 ml) and a muscle biopsy were obtained
while the subject rested on a bed. All muscle samples
were immediately frozen in the needle in liquid nitrogen
and stored in liquid nitrogen for subsequent analyses.
Subjects then cycled for 120 min at ~65% VO2peak at a
constant cadence (80–95 rpm). Venous blood samples
were obtained at 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 min of
exercise. HR, Tc, and RPE were recorded every 15 min
during exercise. RPE was determined using the Borg
scale (rating 6–20; Borg, 1970). During the HYD trial
subjects were given uid every 15 min to match sweat
loss and drank the uid after HR, Tc, and RPE measure-
ments were recorded. At 40, 80, and 120 min subjects
stopped cycling and a muscle biopsy was taken with the
subjects sitting on the cycle ergometer. After the muscle
biopsy was taken, subjects removed their shoes and shirt,
toweled dry, and were weighed for the determination of
body-mass loss over the previous 40 min of exercise. The
same procedure was replicated for the second trial, with
muscle biopsies taken from the opposite leg, and the trials
were randomized and separated by 7 days.
Trial Conditions. Laboratory temperature (°C) and
relative humidity (%) were measured using a digital
thermometer (Fisher Scientic, Ottawa, ON). USG was
222 Logan-Sprenger et al.
measured via handheld pocket refractometer (Model
PAL10S, Atago USA Inc., Bellevue, WA) to assess
hydration status from the preexercise urine sample. The
refractometer was calibrated with distilled water before
each measurement. Stover, Zachwieja, Stofan, Murray,
and Horswill (2006) reported that USG measured with
refractometry correlated strongly with urine osmolality
(r = .995), and a USG of 1.020 correlated with an urine
osmolality of ~800 mOsm/kg. In light of this and the
published position stand from the American College of
Sports Medicine, a USG below 1.020 was considered to
indicate a hydrated state (Sawka et al., 2007).
Blood Measurements. Venous blood was collected
in sodium heparin tubes. A portion of whole blood
(200 μl) was added to 1 ml of 0.6-M perchloric acid
and centrifuged. The supernatant was stored at –20 °C
and later analyzed for blood glucose and lactate with
uorometric techniques (Bergmeyer, 1974). A second
portion (1.5 ml) was centrifuged and the supernatant
was analyzed for plasma free fatty acids with an
enzymatic colorimetric technique (NEFA C test kit,
Wako Chemicals, Richmond, VA). A third portion
(1.5 ml) was added to 30 ml of EGTA and reduced
glutathione and centrifuged (10,000 g) for 3 min, and
the supernatant was analyzed for epinephrine with an
enzymatic immunoassay kit (Epinephrine RIA kit, Rocky
Mountain Diagnostics Inc., Colorado Springs, CO). The
remaining venous blood was used for the determination
of whole-blood hemoglobin and hematocrit. Hemoglobin
was measured in duplicate using an automated blood-
analysis machine (OSM3 Hemoximeter, Radiometer,
Copenhagen, Denmark). Hematocrit was measured in
triplicate using capillary tubes and a microhematocrit
centrifuge and reader (microcapillary reader, Damon/IEC
Division, USA). The percent plasma volume change was
calculated using whole-blood hemoglobin and hematocrit
measurements (Dill & Costill, 1974).
Muscle Metabolites. Each muscle biopsy was
freeze-dried, powdered, and dissected free of visible
connective tissue, fat, and blood. One aliquot of freeze-
dried powdered muscle (~10 mg) was extracted in
0.5-M HCLO4–1-mM EDTA and neutralized with
2.2-M KHCO3. The supernatant was used to measure
phosphocreatine, creatine, adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), and lactate (Harris, Hultman, & Nordesjo, 1974).
Muscle metabolites were normalized to the highest total
creatine content measured from all biopsies from each
subject. Muscle glycogen content was determined in
duplicate using two additional aliquots of freeze-dried
muscle (2–4 mg). Glycogen was extracted in 0.1-M
NaOH and neutralized with 0.1-M HCL–0.2-M citric
acid–0.2-M Na2PO4, and amyloglucosidase was added
to degrade glycogen to glucose, which was measured
spectrophotometrically and normalized for total creatine
(Bergmeyer, 1974).
Muscle Calculations. Free ADP (ADPf) and AMP
(AMPf) contents were calculated by assuming equilibrium
of the creatine kinase and adenylate kinase reactions
(Dudley, Tullson, & Terjung, 1987). Specically, ADPf
was calculated using the measured ATP, creatine, and
phosphocreatine values, an estimated H+ concentration,
and the creatine kinase constant of 1.66 × 109 (Sahlin,
Harris, Nylind, & Hultman, 1976; Saltin, 1990). AMPf
was calculated from the estimated ADPf and measured
ATP content using the adenylate kinase equilibrium
constant of 1.05.
Statistical Analysis
All data were tested for normality of distribution and
presented as M ± SE. Time-versus-trial data were assessed
using a two-way ANOVA, and specic differences were
located using the Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc test.
A paired t test was used to compare single-parameter
data between trials. Statistical signicance was accepted
as p < .05.
Trial Conditions
No signicant pretrial differences existed between the
HYD and DEH trials for laboratory temperature (HYD
22.6 ± 0.1 vs. DEH 22.8 ± 0.2 °C, p = .29), relative humid-
ity (32% ± 2.8% vs. 33% ± 2.7%, p = .49), pretrial body
mass (77.1 ± 2.2 vs. 77.5 ± 2.2 kg, p = .10), or hydration
state (USG 1.013 ± 0.003 vs. 1.015 ± 0.003, p = .60).
Body-Mass Loss, Sweat Loss,
and Fluid Intake
Body mass was maintained in the HYD trial by consum-
ing a mean of 2.3 ± 0.2 L of uid over the 120 min of
cycling. In the DEH trial, body mass was signicantly
lower at 40 (0.8 ± 0.1%, p = .04), 80 (1.8 ± 0.2%, p =
.003), and 120 min (2.7 ± 0.2%, p < .001, Table 1). There
was no signicant difference in sweat loss between the
HYD and DEH trials (p = .15). Only 1 subject mictur-
ated after both the HYD trial (350 ml) and the DEH trial
(400 ml).
VO2 and Whole-Body Substrate Use
Subjects started the exercise trial at 63%% ± 0.8%
VO2peak, which then increased to 65% ± 0.7% VO2peak.
There was no signicant difference between trials (Figure
1[a], p = .09). The RER progressively decreased in both
trials over time and was signicantly lower than 20 min at
80, 100, and 120 min in both trials (p < .05), with no sig-
nicant differences between trials (p = .47, Figure 1[b]).
There was no signicant difference in total CHO
(HYD 312 ± 9 vs. DEH 307 ± 10 g, p = .38) or fat oxida-
tion (53 ± 8 vs. 55 ± 17 g, p = .33) between trials. CHO
oxidation signicantly decreased over time from zero to
40 (HYD 116 ± 7 vs. DEH 115 ± 6 g, p = .03), 40 to 80
min (105 ± 5 vs. 107 ± 6 g, p = .05), and 80 to 120 min
(91 ± 4 vs. 85 ± 5 g, p = .03), with no signicant differ-
ences between trials (p = .19). Fat oxidation increased
Table 1 Whole-Blood and Plasma Parameters During 120 min of Cycling at ~65% Peak Oxygen Uptake in
the Hydrated (HYD) and Dehydrated (DEH) Trials, M ± SE (N = 9)
Time (min) Trial 0 min 20 min 40 min 60 min 80 min 100 min 120 min
Pvol loss (%) HYD —– 6.0 ± 1.3† 4.9 ± 1.2† 4.5 ± 1.3† 5.1 ± 1.4† 4.9 ± 1.5† 4.1 ± 1.2†
DEH —– 7.1 ± 1.2† 8.3 ± 1.2†* 8.9 ± 1.5†* 8.7 ± 1.5†* 8.5 ± 1.4†* 9.4 ± 1.5†*
Glucose (mM) HYD 4.0 ± 0.2 4.1 ± 0.1 3.9 ± 0.1 3.7 ± 0.1 3.7 ± 0.2 3.7 ± 0.2 3.6 ± 0.2
DEH 4.2 ± 0.2 3.9 ± 0.1 3.9 ± 0.2 3.7 ± 0.2 3.8 ± 0.2 3.8 ± 0.2 3.7 ± 0.3
Lactate (mM) HYD 0.5 ± 0.1 2.0 ± 0.3† 1.5 ± 0.3† 1.4 ± 0.3† 1.4 ± 0.2† 1.2 ± 0.2† 1.5 ± 0.3†
DEH 0.7 ± 0.3 2.6 ± 0.6†* 2.3 ± 0.5†* 1.9 ± 0.3†* 1.9 ± 0.3†* 2.0 ± 0.5†* 2.1 ± 0.5†*
Plasma FFA (mM) HYD 0.15 ± 0.02 —– —– 0.21 ± 0.03† 0.38 ± 0.1† —– 0.89 ± 0.1†
DEH 0.14 ± 0.02 —– —– 0.19 ± 0.04† 0.44 ± 0.1† —– 0.84 ± 0.1†
Plasma EPI (nM) HYD 0.41± 0.03 —– —– 0.93 ± 0.1† 1.13 ± 0.1† —– 1.65 ± 0.2†
DEH 0.41 ± 0.04 —– —– 1.06 ± 0.1† 1.11 ± 0.1† —– 1.66 ± 0.2†
Note. Pvol = plasma volume; FFA = free fatty acids; EPI = epinephrine.
†Signicantly different from 0 min (p < .05). *Signicantly greater than HYD (p < .05).
Figure 1 — (a) Oxygen uptake (VO2) and (b) respiratory-exchange ratio (RER) during 120 min of cycling at ~65% VO2peak
in the hydrated (HYD) and dehydrated (DEH) trials. Data are M ± SE (N = 9). Arrows indicate approximately 1%, 2%, and 3%
body-mass loss.
224 Logan-Sprenger et al.
over time from zero to 40 (HYD 12 ± 2 vs. DEH 13 ± 2
g, p = .05), 40 to 80 (18 ± 2 vs. 18 ± 2 g, p = .02), and
80 to 120 min (23 ± 2 vs. 24 ± 3 g, p = .005), with no
signicant trial differences (p = .11).
HR, Tc, and RPE
HR increased signicantly over time in both trials and
was signicantly higher in the DEH than in the HYD trial
from 60 to 120 min of cycling (p = .002, Figure 2[a]).
Tc increased signicantly over time in both trials (p <
.002) and was signicantly higher in the DEH than in the
HYD trial from 75 to 120 min (p = .003, Figure 2[b]).
RPE signicantly increased over time in both trials (p =
.01) and was signicantly higher in the DEH trial from 30
to 120 min (p = .001, Figure 2[c]). The mean RPE over
the entire trial was also signicantly greater in the DEH
than in the HYD trial (14.4 ± 0.6 vs. 12.9 ± 0.3, p = .01).
Blood Measurements
Hemoglobin and hematocrit were signicantly higher
than rest from 20 to 120 min of exercise in both trials. In
the DEH trial, hemoglobin was signicantly greater from
40 to 120 min (p < .001) and hematocrit was signicantly
greater from 60 to 120 min (p = .013). Plasma volume
loss was signicantly greater in the DEH trial from 40 to
120 min of exercise (p < .001, Table 1). Blood glucose
was unaffected by time (p = .07) or trial (p = .41), and
blood lactate was signicantly increased above rest at all
time points in both trials (p < .001) and was greater in
the DEH trial at all exercise time points (p < .001, Table
1). Plasma free fatty acids and epinephrine signicantly
increased from rest in both trials (p < .001), with no
signicant differences between trials (free fatty acids
p = .84, epinephrine p = .44; Table 1).
Muscle Fuels and Metabolites
Skeletal-muscle phosphocreatine content signicantly
decreased in the rst 40 min of exercise (p = .03) and
remained lower than rest at 80 and 120 min of exercise in
both trials, with no signicant differences between trials
(p = .99, Table 2). Skeletal-muscle creatine changes were
reciprocal to the phosphocreatine changes, and muscle
ATP content was unaffected by exercise (p = .21) or
hydration state (p = .10). ADPf and AMPf were signi-
cantly higher than rest at all time points during exercise
in both trials (p = .01), with no differences between trials
(p = .41, Table 2). Muscle lactate content increased with
exercise (p = .02), peaked at 40 min in both trials, and
was signicantly greater in the DEH trial at 40 (p = .02),
80 (p = .01), and 120 min (p = .009) of exercise (Table 2).
Muscle glycogen content was similar in the two trials
before exercise (p = .11) and signicantly lower at 40,
80, and 120 min in both trials compared with rest (p <
.01). Total glycogen use (0–120 min) was signicantly
greater (24%) in the DEH trial (433 ± 44 vs. 349 ± 27
mmol · kg–1 · dm–1, p = .02, Figure 3). However there was
no signicant difference in glycogen use from 0 to 40
(19%, HYD, 209 ± 30 vs. DEH, 249 ± 43 mmol · kg–1 ·
dm–1, p = .13), 40 to 80 (19%, 77 ± 14 vs. 92 ± 19 mmol
· kg–1 · dm–1, p = .47), and from 80 to 120 min (46%, 63
± 12 vs. 92 ± 24 mmol · kg–1 · dm–1, p = .09), although
there were strong trends in each time period.
This study investigated the effects of mild progressive
dehydration during exercise at ~65% VO2peak on whole-
body substrate oxidation and skeletal-muscle metabolism,
as well as cardiovascular, thermal, and perceived exer-
tion responses in active, hydrated men. In the control
trial (HYD) of this study, we prevented dehydration by
having subjects drink enough uid to precisely replace
their sweat losses over the 120-min cycling trial. HR
increased from 150 ± 4 beats/min at 15 min to 160 ±
5 and 165 ± 4 beats/min at 60 and 120 min, while Tc
increased from 37.2 ± 0.1 °C at rest to 37.8 ± 0.1 °C at
15 min and reached a plateau of 38.1 ± 0.1 and 38.2 ±
0.1 °C at 60 and 120 min, respectively. In the DEH trial,
the subjects lost approximately 1%, 2%, and 3% body
mass at 40, 80, and 120 min through sweating, adding
to the physiological demands of exercising for 120 min
at ~65% VO2peak. All physiological responses to exercise
were exacerbated in the DEH trial, as HR and Tc were
higher at 60 and 120 min by 6–7 beats/min and by 0.2
°C and 0.5 °C, respectively, in the DEH-versus-HYD
trial. Even in the rst 40 min of exercise in DEH (~1%
body-mass loss), RPE, plasma volume loss, and blood
[La] were all higher and there was a signicantly greater
muscle lactate content and a trend for increased muscle
glycogen use (p = .17). From 40 to 80 and 80 to 120 min,
body-mass loss progressed from 1% to 2% and from 2%
to 3%, and all physiological parameters remained higher
in the DEH trial. The 3% body-mass loss over 120 min of
exercise increased overall muscle glycogen use by 24%
but had no effect on whole-body carbohydrate oxidation
in the DEH trial.
The Effects of Progressive Dehydration
on Muscle Metabolism
Previously, Hargreaves et al. (1996) reported that net
muscle glycogen use was 16% greater over a 120-min
trial at 67% VO2peak when trained men were dehydrated by
2.9% body mass. The RER was signicantly higher in the
uid-restricted trial after 60 and 120 min of exercise, with
the difference between trials being greater in the second
hour of cycling. The current study examined time-course
changes to muscle metabolism at 40, 80, and 120 min of
cycling at ~65% VO2peak with progressive dehydration
to ascertain how much dehydration was necessary to see
a shift in substrate oxidation and muscle glycogen use.
There were no differences in whole-body substrate oxida-
tion when subjects were dehydrated by 1%, 2%, or 3%
body mass. In addition, there were trends for accelerated
muscle glycogen use in each 40-min exercise segment,
resulting in a signicant 24% increase over the entire
Figure 2 — (a) Heart rate during 120 min of cycling at ~65% peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in the hydrated (HYD) and dehydrated
(DEH) trials. Heart rate was signicantly greater than 15 min at all time points in both trials (p < .05). bpm = beats per minute.
(b) Core temperature during 120 min of cycling at ~65% VO2peak in the HYD and DEH trials. Core temperature was signicantly
greater than 15 min for all time points in both trials (p < .05). (c) Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during 120 min of cycling
at ~65% VO2peak in the HYD and DEH trials. RPE was signicantly greater than 15 min from 45–120 min in both trials (p < .05).
Data are M ± SE (N = 9). *Signicantly higher than HYD trial (p < .05). Arrows indicate approximately 1%, 2%, and 3% body-
mass loss.
226 Logan-Sprenger et al.
DEH trial compared with HYD. An interesting nding
in this study was the greater total muscle glycogen use
in the DEH trial with no difference in whole-body carbo-
hydrate oxidation. This suggests that the extra glycogen
metabolized to pyruvate was not oxidized but converted
to lactate. This speculation is supported by the augmented
blood and muscle lactate contents throughout the DEH
trial. There are at least three potential mechanisms that
may account for the increased muscle glycogenolysis
and glycogen phosphorylase (PHOS) activity in the DEH
trial without also affecting the activity of pyruvate dehy-
drogenase. They include an increased sympathoadrenal
response leading to elevated circulating epinephrine and
activation of PHOS, a decreased energy status in the
cell manifested by elevated ATP:ADP ratio and AMPf
levels (as they act as allosteric activators of PHOS), and
increased muscle temperature (Tm; Febbraio, 2000).
Hargreaves et al. (1996) reported no difference in
plasma epinephrine at 60 or 120 min of cycling with
2.9% body-mass loss at 120 min, and in the current study
we also found no signicant difference in epinephrine
response with uid restriction up to 3% body-mass loss
in men. Estimates of free ADP and AMP in the DEH
and HYD trials of the current study did not reveal any
apparent differences, downplaying the rst suggestion
that these allosteric regulators can explain the increased
PHOS activity and glycogenolysis in the DEH trial.
Second, studies examining the importance of local
hyperthermia to muscle glycogenolysis increased the Tm
of one leg during exercise and reported increased muscle
glycogenolysis and [La] in the hot leg only, independent
of changes to Tc or circulating epinephrine. This demon-
strated that increasing local Tm increased glycogenolysis
at a given Tc, when both legs were exposed to the same
Table 2 Skeletal-Muscle Fuel and Metabolite Contents (mmol · kg–1 · dm–1) During 120 min of Cycling at
~65% Peak Oxygen Uptake in the Hydrated (HYD) and Dehydrated (DEH) Trials, M ± SE (N = 9)
0 min 40 min 80 min 120 min 0 min 40 min 80 min 120 min
PCr 80.3 ± 4.9 63.8 ± 4.7† 59.4 ± 4.6† 58.0 ± 4.7† 84.6 ± 3.3 57.1 ± 4.3† 58.7 ± 5.0† 61.2 ± 6.2†
Creatine 74.7 ± 3.2 90.8 ± 7.0† 95.2 ± 6.7† 93.0 ± 5.3† 70.5 ± 2.8 98.1 ± 7.1† 96.8 ± 6.2† 94.1 ± 6.2†
ATP 25.6 ± 1.2 26.4 ± 1.1 25.2 ± 0.9 24.8 ± 0.8 26.9 ± 0.8 26.5 ± 0.6 26.1 ± 0.9 26.1 ± 0.8
ADPf 144 ± 19 246 ± 48† 231 ± 24† 205 ± 31† 128 ± 10 238 ± 32† 247 ± 52† 182 ± 28†
AMPf 1.0 ± 0.3 2.8 ± 0.9† 2.0 ± 0.4† 2.9 ± 0.9† 0.6 ± 0.3 1.8 ± 0.5† 2.9 ± 1.1† 1.5 ± 0.4†
Lactate 1.8 ± 0.4 9.3 ± 2.6† 8.1 ± 1.7† 5.2 ± 1.5† 2.1 ± 0.5 13.1± 3.3*† 12.4± 2.2*† 9.9± 2.4*†
Glycogen 522 ± 58 313 ± 63† 228 ± 54† 165 ± 43† 572 ± 61 323 ± 67† 240 ± 53† 147 ± 41†
Note. PCr = phosphocreatine; ATP = adenosine triphosphate; ADPf = free adenosine diphosphate; AMPf = free adenosine monophosphate.
†Signicantly different from 0 min (p < .05). *Signicantly greater than HYD (p < .05).
Figure 3 — Muscle glycogen use during 120 min of cycling at ~65% peak oxygen uptake in the hydrated (HYD) and dehydrated
(DEH) trials. Data are M ± SE (N = 9). *Signicantly greater than HYD (p < .05).
Effects of Dehydration on Muscle Metabolism 227
epinephrine (Febbraio, Carey, Snow, Stathis, & Harg-
reaves, 1996; Starkie, Hargreaves, Lambert, Proietto,
& Febbraio, 1999). In a review article, Febbraio (2000)
stated that increases in Tc of >0.5 °C increased intra-
muscular CHO utilization consistently during moderate-
intensity exercise in the heat. In the current study, Tc was
0.3–0.5 °C higher in the nal 30–45 min of exercise in the
DEH trial (~20 °C). While Tm was not measured in this
study, the work of Hargreaves et al. (1996) and Febbraio
(2000) predicts that Tm would have been higher during
exercise in the DEH trial of the current study (Starkie et
al., 1999). Similar results without Tm measures have been
reported in a DEH versus HYD trial when exercising in
the heat (35 °C), as Gonzalez-Alonso, Calbet, and Nielsen
(1999) had male subjects cycle until volitional exhaustion
(135 ± 4 min) while progressively dehydrating to ~3.9%
body-mass loss. They reported a 45% increase in muscle
glycogen use across the contracting leg compared with
the euhydrated trial.
Therefore, the last mechanism proposed—an
increased Tm and the Q10 effect—appears to be the
most plausible explanation for the increased muscle
glycogenolysis reported during progressive dehydration
in men in the current study. It is currently unknown why
dehydration preferentially increases CHO metabolism
and not fat metabolism, but it may be related to the abil-
ity to quickly mobilize muscle CHO versus the relatively
slower mobilization of fat fuels not coming from intra-
muscular triglycerides.
The current data also suggest that activity of PHOS
may be more sensitive to increased Tm (increased pyru-
vate production) as compared with the activity of pyruvate
dehydrogenase, resulting in no increase in pyruvate oxi-
dation and more lactate formation. As this was the case,
the increased glycogen use with dehydration appeared
to be wasted as the excess pyruvate produced was con-
verted to lactate and not oxidized. Others have reported
that dehydration in the heat increased muscle glycogen
use (45% greater), muscle lactate accumulation, and net
lactate release across the contracting leg compared with
the euhydrated trial (Gonzalez-Alonso et al., 1999), but
there was also an increase in CHO oxidation, unlike the
current study. At the present time, there does not appear to
be an explanation for this nding except that the subjects
in Hargreaves et al.’s (1996) and Gonzalez-Alonso et al.’s
(1999) studies were trained cyclists, and the subjects in
the current study were only recreationally trained.
Effects of Dehydration on Cardiovascular
and Thermal Responses
It is well established that uid ingestion attenuates the
increases in HR and Tc and the decreases in stroke
volume and cardiac output that occur during prolonged
exercise without uid ingestion (Armstrong et al., 1997;
Cheuvront, Keneck, Montain, & Sawka, 2010; Feb-
braio et al., 1996; Hamilton, Gonzalez-Alonso, Montain,
& Coyle,1991; Morimoto, 1990; Nadel et al., 1980;
Sawka et al., 1985). An early study demonstrated that
when heat-acclimatized male subjects were dehydrated
to 3%, 5%, and 7% body-mass loss by an exercise-heat
regimen and then walked in a hot environment (49 °C)
at a low intensity for 140 min, HR and Tc increased
linearly with the severity of dehydration (Sawka et al.,
1985). In a similar way, our results demonstrated that as
dehydration increased from zero to 1%, 1% to 2%, and
2% to 3% body mass during exercise in the DEH trial,
HR and Tc became progressively higher than the eleva-
tions in the HYD trial.
Hypovolemia and the displacement of blood to the
skin for evaporative cooling make it difcult to maintain
central venous pressure during exercise when uid is
restricted (Sawka, Montain, & Latzka, 2001). Central
venous pressure is regulated by the continuous adjustment
of blood volume to the changing size of the vascular bed
to maintain cardiac output, and heat stress or exercise-
induced dehydration provides a threat to this control
as inadequate uid intake during periods of sweat loss
reduces plasma volume (Morimoto, 1990). In light of the
signicantly greater loss in plasma volume found in the
DEH versus the HYD trial after ~40 min of cycling, a
reduction in central venous pressure and stroke volume
may account for the signicantly elevated HR to maintain
cardiac output when stroke volume was compromised. An
accompanying baroreex that would decrease cutaneous
blood ow leading to heat storage may account for the
augmented Tc found in the DEH trial. In support of this,
Nadel et al. (1980) reported that diuretic-induced dehy-
dration of 2.7% body mass led to restrictions in core-to-
skin heat transfer, which forced esophageal temperature
to nearly 39 °C during 30 min of cycling at 55% VO2peak
in the heat. Further support was provided by Montain and
Coyle (1992a), who investigated whether uid ingestion
attenuated the hyperthermia and cardiovascular drift that
occurred during exercise dehydration due to increases in
blood volume. Subjects exercised at ~65% VO2peak for
2 hr in three conditions: no uid replacement, infusion
with a blood-volume expander, or given uid to replace
~80% of sweat loss. They reported that uid replace-
ment and the blood-volume expander maintained blood
volume compared with the no-uid trial, but only uid
replacement resulted in lower Tc. The authors argued that
the decreased hyperthermia during exercise in the uid-
replacement trial was due to the measured increase in skin
blood ow. In the current study, subjects had higher Tc
values in the last 45 min of exercise in the DEH (38.7 °C)
versus HYD (38.1 °C) trials, while the sweat rates were
the same, suggesting that the lack of heat transfer to the
periphery accounted for the elevated Tc in the DEH trial
with as little as ~1–2% body-mass loss.
Effects of Dehydration on RPE
In this study, RPE became signicantly higher in the
DEH trial after only 30 min of cycling when subjects had
lost <1% body mass. Similar results have been reported
in other studies investigating the effects of progressive
dehydration on RPE (Ishijima et al., 2009; McGregor,
228 Logan-Sprenger et al.
Nicholas, Lakomy, & Williams, 1999). It is speculated
that hypovolumia associated with exercise dehydration
leading to a reduction in brain blood ow may exacerbate
the sense of effort associated with exercising without
uid leading to greater perceived exertion (Maughan,
Shirreffs, & Watson, 2007). More simply, it may be that
the temperature and cardiovascular centers that sense
elevations in Tc, HR, and reduced plasma volume feed
back to the brain and increase the RPE during exercise at
the same relative intensity in a mildly dehydrated state.
Shirreffs, Merson, Fraser, and Archer (2004) reported
that as subjects became progressively more dehydrated to
2.7% body-mass loss they reported feelings of headache,
reductions in their ability to concentrate, and reduced
alertness, which may all contribute to an elevated RPE
during exercise. Finally, it is not possible to blind sub-
jects, so the mere knowledge that they are not drinking
during the exercise trial may affect their perceived-
exertion measures.
Summary and Conclusions
This study investigated the time course of changes in
whole-body substrate oxidation and skeletal-muscle
metabolism, as well as cardiovascular, thermal, and
perceived-exertion responses in recreationally active,
hydrated men with progressive mild dehydration during
exercise at ~65% VO2peak. All changes in physiological
parameters accompanying exercise in a hydrated state
were exacerbated with mild dehydration of ~1–2%
body-mass loss. Muscle glycogenolysis was signicantly
increased in the DEH versus HYD condition over the
entire trial (0–120 min) with no difference in whole-body
CHO oxidation between trials. We speculate that the
increased glycogenolysis was due to increases in Tm
and the Q10 effect, as there appear to be no differences
in plasma epinephrine or the energy status of the cell
(free ADP or AMP) between the HYD and DEH trials.
There does not appear to be an obvious explanation for
the lack of increased whole-body CHO oxidation in
the face of the dehydration-induced increase in muscle
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... During exercise, hyperthermia and dehydration may both contribute to increased glycogenolysis and decreased glycogen resynthesis [38]. Although core and muscle hyperthermia are believed to contribute to glycogen impairments following high-intensity or prolonged exercise (internal hyperthermia) or exercising in hot environments (external hyperthermia), it is closely related to dehydration [17]. ...
Full-text available
(1) Background: Trainers and athletes have always sought to reduce the failure of muscle function during long endurance events. However, nowadays, it is a topic that is generating much debate in the scientific field. Currently, deep-sea water (DSW) intake seems to be a suitable hydration alternative for this type of endurance event. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether DSW consumption during a triathlon event could preserve muscle function after exercise. (2) Methods: Nineteen trained male triathletes (age = 39.0 ± 4.25 years; BMI = 23.67 ± 1.81 kg/m²) randomly performed three triathlons, one of them consuming DSW (Totum SPORT 30 AB, Laboratories Quinton International, S.L., Spain), the other consuming isotonic placebo and the last with tap water-hydration. A vertical jump test with countermovement and an isometric muscle strength test were conducted before and after the triathlon test. (3) Results: There was a significant difference between treatment × time during the isometric muscle strength test. Based on the Tukey post hoc analysis, the peak net force decreased statistically in the placebo (p = 0.045) and control conditions (p = 0.026), but not in the experimental condition (p = 0.121). In addition, all of the conditions studied obtained similar results in the countermovement vertical jump after exercise. (4) Conclusions: As a result, consumption of DSW seems to delay the failure of muscle function specifically in isometric exercises but does not improve performance in sports. Thus, DSW does not alter muscle capacity in a negative way; therefore, its consumption may be recommended.
... Therefore, a given level of dehydration represents a greater portion of females' total body water and can be expected to produce greater cardiovascular strain. Females have an earlier onset of increased core temperature, and at a lower level of dehydration, than men during exercise (24,25). These points are based primarily on comparisons of single-sexdesign studies. ...
Background Percentages of heart rate reserve (%HRR) and oxygen consumption reserve (%VO2R) provide equivalent intensities during incremental exercise. These percentages increase during prolonged exercise at a constant workload, and it is unclear if they increase to a similar degree. In this study, we tested whether %HRR and %VO2R maintain equivalency during prolonged exercise at a constant workload. Methods Fifteen males and 12 females participated in an incremental cycle ergometer test to determine maximum VO2. They then performed 2 prolonged exercise trials, 1 for 30 min at a vigorous-intensity workload corresponding with 60% VO2R, and 1 for 60 min at a moderate-intensity workload of 40% VO2R. HR and VO2 were measured continuously, and %HRR and %VO2R were reported every 5 min. A fan and consumption of cold water were used to minimize heat stress. Results Both %HRR and %VO2R increased during constant-workload exercise (P < 0.001), and %HRR increased significantly more than %VO2R (P < 0.001). Females exhibited greater %HRR than %VO2R beginning at 10 min into both trials (P < 0.05), while %HRR exceeded %VO2R for males beginning at 15 min of the 30-min trial (P < 0.05) and at 30 min of the 60-min trial (P < 0.05). HRR values for females were significantly greater than those for males at most time points (P < 0.05). Conclusion During prolonged, constant-workload exercise, cardiovascular drift results in a greater increase in %HRR than %VO2R, and this is more pronounced in females than males.
... However, there appears to be equivalent losses of plasma volume between the sexes under similar exercise conditions [272,273] potentially representing sex differences in the compartmentalization of fluids. Thus, with less total body water and blood volume in conjunction with a lower proportion of total body water [274] distributed to the extracellular compartment, as compared to males, females have less absolute and relative fluid available to lose via sweating making the physiological consequences of fluid loss more severe [45]. ...
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Based on a comprehensive review and critical analysis of the literature regarding the nutritional concerns of female athletes, conducted by experts in the field and selected members of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), the following conclusions represent the official Position of the Society: 1. Female athletes have unique and unpredictable hormone profiles, which influence their physiology and nutritional needs across their lifespan. To understand how perturbations in these hormones affect the individual, we recommend that female athletes of reproductive age should track their hormonal status (natural, hormone driven) against training and recovery to determine their individual patterns and needs and peri and post-menopausal athletes should track against training and recovery metrics to determine the individuals' unique patterns. 2. The primary nutritional consideration for all athletes, and in particular, female athletes, should be achieving adequate energy intake to meet their energy requirements and to achieve an optimal energy availability (EA); with a focus on the timing of meals in relation to exercise to improve training adaptations, performance, and athlete health. 3. Significant sex differences and sex hormone influences on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism are apparent, therefore we recommend first ensuring athletes meet their carbohydrate needs across all phases of the menstrual cycle. Secondly, tailoring carbohydrate intake to hormonal status with an emphasis on greater carbohydrate intake and availability during the active pill weeks of oral contraceptive users and during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle where there is a greater effect of sex hormone suppression on gluconogenesis output during exercise. 4. Based upon the limited research available, we recommend that pre-menopausal, eumenorrheic, and oral contraceptives using female athletes should aim to consume a source of high-quality protein as close to beginning and/or after completion of exercise as possible to reduce exercise-induced amino acid oxidative losses and initiate muscle protein remodeling and repair at a dose of 0.32-0.38 g·kg-1. For eumenorrheic women, ingestion during the luteal phase should aim for the upper end of the range due to the catabolic actions of progesterone and greater need for amino acids. 5. Close to the beginning and/or after completion of exercise, peri- and post-menopausal athletes should aim for a bolus of high EAA-containing (~10 g) intact protein sources or supplements to overcome anabolic resistance. 6. Daily protein intake should fall within the mid- to upper ranges of current sport nutrition guidelines (1.4-2.2 g·kg-1·day-1) for women at all stages of menstrual function (pre-, peri-, post-menopausal, and contraceptive users) with protein doses evenly distributed, every 3-4 h, across the day. Eumenorrheic athletes in the luteal phase and peri/post-menopausal athletes, regardless of sport, should aim for the upper end of the range. 7. Female sex hormones affect fluid dynamics and electrolyte handling. A greater predisposition to hyponatremia occurs in times of elevated progesterone, and in menopausal women, who are slower to excrete water. Additionally, females have less absolute and relative fluid available to lose via sweating than males, making the physiological consequences of fluid loss more severe, particularly in the luteal phase. 8. Evidence for sex-specific supplementation is lacking due to the paucity of female-specific research and any differential effects in females. Caffeine, iron, and creatine have the most evidence for use in females. Both iron and creatine are highly efficacious for female athletes. Creatine supplementation of 3 to 5 g per day is recommended for the mechanistic support of creatine supplementation with regard to muscle protein kinetics, growth factors, satellite cells, myogenic transcription factors, glycogen and calcium regulation, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Post-menopausal females benefit from bone health, mental health, and skeletal muscle size and function when consuming higher doses of creatine (0.3 g·kg-1·d-1). 9. To foster and promote high-quality research investigations involving female athletes, researchers are first encouraged to stop excluding females unless the primary endpoints are directly influenced by sex-specific mechanisms. In all investigative scenarios, researchers across the globe are encouraged to inquire and report upon more detailed information surrounding the athlete's hormonal status, including menstrual status (days since menses, length of period, duration of cycle, etc.) and/or hormonal contraceptive details and/or menopausal status.
... In addition, insufficient production of urine causes the body to retain toxic substances, which may also lead to the disturbance of various physiological functions of the athlete. From a physiological perspective, these responses include reductions in muscle and cerebral [12] blood flow, increased body temperature, increased heart rate/cardiovascular strain and increased muscle glycogenolysis [13], possibly limiting peak oxygen uptake. From a perceptual standpoint, hypohydration stimulates thirst [14,15] and lowers mood [16], producing a level of discomfort that may distract from the task at hand [17]. ...
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Introduction The aim of the study was to assess the effect of caffeine and caffeine with guarana on the dehydration of young soccer players and the effect of dehydration on their reaction time. Material and Methods The study involved 57 players aged 16.8 ± 0.5 years, with an average body weight of 66.5 ± 9.3 kg, and height 178 ± 6.7 cm. An analysis of the body composition was performed. Thus, the results regarding body weight, adipose tissue, muscle tissue, BMI and body hydration were obtained. Next, the competitors performed successively a test for reaction time and speed over a distance of 5 and 15 meters with the use of photocells. After the tests, the players were randomized into 3 groups, where they received 200 mg caffeine, caffeine + guarana (200 mg + 40 mg), and placebo. Then, the players participated in a soccer training of medium intensity on the pitch, which lasted about 60 minutes. Immediately after completing the training, the procedure for testing reaction time and speed as well as body composition analysis were repeated. Results Water loss occurred in each of the study groups and was the highest in players consuming caffeine with guarana and caffeine, but these were not statistically significant differences compared to placebo. Lower BMI correlated with water loss; however, statistically significant differences were noticed only in the placebo group (p ---lt--- 0.001). Water loss also correlated with a smaller decrease in speed over a distance of the 5-meter sprint (p ---lt--- 0.039) and the 15-meter sprint (p ---lt--- 0.035), but only in the caffeine-guarana group. Conclusions Caffeine consumption in the amount of about 3 mg/kg of body weight and also caffeine with guarana did not result in significantly greater loss of water in young soccer players. The loss of water during training in players was almost 0.7 l and did not affect the reaction time. The obtained results are important in the context of consuming supplements based on caffeine and guarana for young footballers in order to improve parameters such as speed or reaction time. However, it is also worth conducting research on a group of adult players.
... (Logan-Sprenger et al., 2012)(Logan-Sprenger et al., 2013 so it may be possible that dehydration can cause fatigue by favoring the condition of hyperthermia while exercising in a hot climate. ...
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The study of the origin and implications of fatigue in exercise has been intensively researched, although the complicated multifactorial mechanisms involved are still not totally understood. The fatigue process must therefore be understood in order for better training, recovery and performance. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine the multiple elements that contribute to fatigue during physical exercise.The intensity of exercise, duration of the exercise, and the type of exercise are all variables that induce varied effects within the body systems, results in various changes at cellular level and produce different kind of sensations within the subject's mind during the exercise. Physical exercise can affect the biochemical equilibrium of the body.Muscle metabolites and heat produced during muscle contraction are transferred into the internal environment, imposing strain on its steady state. The enormous increase in muscle metabolism relative to rest leads to a significant increase in muscle blood supply, resulting in an increase in the blood circulatory system and gas exchange. Energy must be given to the exercising muscle, depleting energy reserves elsewhere in the body. Furthermore, contracting muscle fibers produce cytokines, which have a variety of impacts in other organs, including the brain.All these factors directly or indirectly can participate in development of exercise induced fatigue. Due to the enormous amount of existing research, the volume of new publications, and the scope of the area, keeping your understanding of fatigue in sport and exercise up to date may prove difficult. This article helps readers comprehend that, aside from physiological aspects, fatigue can have a variety of causes. As a result, all of these factors must be considered for future approaches in both athletics and clinical perspective.
... La déshydratation induite par l'exercice (120-135 min, 65 % V̇O 2max , 20-39 °C, 2 à 4 % de la masse corporelle) est également associée à une plus grande oxydation des glucides ainsi qu'à une glycogénolyse plus importante (+ 16 à 45 %)(González-Alonso et al., 1999), et ce, même lorsque l'exercice est effectué à 20-22 °C(Hargreaves et al., 1996;Logan- Sprenger et al., 2013;Logan-Sprenger et al., 2012), renforçant l'impact de ...
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(Thesis written in French) Dehydration, especially when ≥ 2% body mass, is usually associated with an alteration of physiological functions, subjective perceptions as well as endurance performance and cognitive functions. More specifically, it is frequently mentioned that together, the cardiovascular, thermal, metabolic impacts as well as subjective effects induced by dehydration could contribute to increase the perception of effort, which in turn would act as a mediator of endurance performance. While several studies have observed an exacerbation of the perception of effort with dehydration, evidence is contradictory, and some studies do not observe such an effect. In addition, evidence suggests that some individuals may better tolerate dehydration, while others are more widely affected. In this regard, a hypothesis has recently been put forward, according to which repeated exposure to dehydration could somewhat attenuate certain effects, in particular on subjective perceptions, including the perception of effort, and therefore reduce its subsequent impact on performance. In addition to being a possible key mediator in the relationship between exercise-induced dehydration and endurance performance, perception of effort could also play a central role in the process of habituation to the dehydration. However, the idea that humans can become habituated to dehydration has been discussed superficially and anecdotally. Several questions remain unanswered and must therefore be studied.
... The limited studies available have shown that when exercising at the same workload for the same time duration, the onset of the rise in core temperature occurs earlier in women compared with men. In some studies, this occurred at lower relative dehydration in women (0.5% vs. 1.5% body mass loss) [108][109][110][111][112]). Due to women's smaller body size and higher adiposity than men, they possess a lower absolute total body water volume on average [113]. ...
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It was not until 1984 that women were permitted to compete in the Olympic marathon. Today, more women than men participate in road racing in all distances except the marathon where participation is near equal. From the period of 1985 to 2004, the women’s marathon record improved at a rate three times greater than men’s. This has led many to question whether women are capable of surpassing men despite the fact that there remains a 10–12% performance gap in all distance events. The progressive developments in sports performance research and training, beginning with A.V. Hill’s establishment of the concept of VO2max, have allowed endurance athletes to continue performance feats previously thought to be impossible. However, even today women are significantly underrepresented in sports performance research. By focusing more research on the female physiology and sex differences between men and women, we can better define how women differ from men in adapting to training and potentially use this information to improve endurance-exercise performance in women. The male advantage in endurance-exercise performance has commonly been attributed to their higher VO2max, even when expressed as mL/kg/min. It is widely known that oxygen delivery is the primary limiting factor in elite athletes when it comes to improving VO2max, but little research has explored the sex differences in oxygen delivery. Thus, the purpose of this review is to highlight what is known about the sex differences in the physiological factors contributing to VO2max, more specifically oxygen delivery, and the impacts on performance.
... Therefore, it could not be excluded that the relationship between EID and RPE may be different in women. 17,18,100 While they would have provided insight into the possible mechanisms linking EID to RPE, data such as thirst sensation, changes in plasma osmolality and volume were not considered as they were reported by too few included studies. Having studies with higher level of EID (i.e. ...
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Background: Understanding the impact of stressors on the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is relevant from a performance and exercise adherence/participation standpoint. Athletes and recreationally active individuals dehydrate during exercise. No attempt has been made to systematically determine the impact of exercise-induced dehydration (EID) on RPE. Objective: The present meta-analysis aimed to determine the effect of EID on RPE during endurance exercise and examine the moderating effect of potential confounders using a meta-analytical approach. Data analyses: Performed on raw RPE values using random-effects models weighted mean effect summaries and meta-regressions with robust standard errors, and with a practical meaningful effect set at 1 point difference between euhydration (EUH) and EID. Only controlled crossover studies measuring RPE with a Borg scale in healthy adults performing ≥30 min of continuous endurance exercise while dehydrating or drinking to maintain EUH were included. Results: Sixteen studies were included, representing 147 individuals. Mean body mass loss with EUH was 0.5 ± 0.4%, compared to 2.3 ± 0.5% with EID (range 1.7–3.1%). Within an EID of 0.5–3% body mass, a maximum difference in RPE of 0.81 points (95% CI: 0.36–1.27) was observed between conditions. A meta-regression revealed that RPE increases by 0.21 points for each 1% increase in EID (95% CI: 0.12–0.31). Humidity, ambient temperature and aerobic capacity did not alter the relationship between EID and RPE. Conclusion: Therefore, the effect of EID on RPE is unlikely to be practically meaningful until a body mass loss of at least 3%.
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Hyperthermia accelerates dehydration and can lead to a glycolysis malfunction. Therefore, to deeply understand the relationship between dehydration and hyperthermia during exercise, as well as in the recovery time, there might be important factors to improve athletic performance. A systematic review was carried out in different databases using the words “hydration” OR “dehydration” AND “glycogen” OR “glycogenesis” OR “glycogenolysis” AND “muscle” OR “muscle metabolism” OR “cardiovascular system” and adding them to the “topic section” in Web of Science, to “Title/Abstract” in PubMed and to “Abstract” in SPORTDiscus. A total of 18 studies were included in the review and 13 in the meta-analysis. The free statistical software Jamovi was used to run the meta-analysis (version 1.6.15). A total sample of 158 people was included in the qualitative analysis, with a mean age of 23.5 years. Ten studies compared muscle glycogen content after hydration vs. remaining dehydrated (SMD −4.77 to 3.71, positive 80% of estimates, \hat{\mu} = 0.79 (95% CI: −0.54 to 2.12), z = 1.17, p = 0.24, Q-test (Q(9) = 66.38, p < 0.0001, tau2 = 4.14, I2 = 91.88%). Four studies examined the effect of temperature on postexercise muscle glycogen content (SMD −3.14 to −0.63, 100% of estimates being negative, \hat{\mu} = −1.52 (95% CI: −2.52 to −0.53), (z = −3.00, p = 0.003, Q-test (Q(3) = 8.40, p = 0.038, tau2 = 0.68, I2 = 66.81%). In conclusion, both hyperthermia and dehydration may contribute to elevated glycogenolysis during exercise and poor glycogen resynthesis during recovery. Although core and muscle hyperthermia are the key factors in glycogen impairments, they are also directly related to dehydration.
A number of nutrients, foods, and supplements have the potential to augment health, exercise performance, and/ or recovery, particularly in women, due to the fluctuation of sex hormones, or reductions thereof. Some of these for which significant amounts of research have provided evidence include: Carbohydrate (CHO) loading can overcome lower resting muscle glycogen in the follicular phase but an increase in total energy intake may be required. Pre-exercise feeding and/or CHO ingestion can negate the estrogen-induced reduction in gluconeogenesis during endurance exercise. Increased protein during recovery may help offset the increase in protein catabolism in the luteal phase. Special attention to not overhydrating and replacing sodium losses in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle may help reduce the increased risk of hyponatremia that is due to differences in fluid and electrolyte handling and thirst in this phase. Supplementing with dietary sources of antioxidants may be prudent in those with amenorrhea or in menopause and, thus, low estrogen, as estrogen enhances the antioxidant capacity. However, this may not fully compensate for the lack of estrogen. Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acid source) may aid in inflammatory disorders such as dysmenorrhea and those associated with menopause. Vitamin D and calcium influence fertility, possibly dysmenorrhea, as well as bone health; however, supplementation cannot fully compensate for the lack of estrogen. Branched-chain amino acid oxidation may be greater when estrogen is low; this may have dietary implications for those with amenorrhea or in menopause, particularly when training regularly and or on low energy diets. Pre- and probiotics have the potential to help with dysmenorrhea and menopause as well as bone health; however, a healthy microbiota is largely influenced by the diet as a whole. In general, it is acknowledged that the dietary matrix is important to the effects of specific dietary components and that supplementing with a single component rarely achieves the same outcome as when eating a complement of foods, containing myriad phytochemicals and nutrients.KeywordsFemalesDietary supplementsMenstrual cycleDietNutritionEstrogenReactive oxygen speciesAntioxidants
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Research in many sports suggests that losing ~2% of body mass (BM) through sweating impairs athletic performance, although this has not been tested in ice hockey players. This study investigated pregame hydration, and on-ice sweat loss, fluid intake, and sodium (Na+) balance of elite male junior players during an ice hockey game. Twenty-four players (2 goalies, 7 defensemen, 15 forwards) volunteered to participate in the study (age, 18.3 ± 0.3 years; weight, 86.5 ±1.6 kg; height, 184.1 ± 1.3 cm). Players were weighed pre- and postgame, fluid and sodium intake were monitored throughout the game, and fluid and Na+ balance were determined within the time between BM measurements. Sweat Na+ loss was calculated based on sweat loss and sweat [Na+] determined from sweat-patch analysis on the same players during an intense practice. Players arrived at the rink in a euhydrated state and drank 0.6 ± 0.1 L of fluid before the game. Mean playing time for the forwards was 18:85 ± 1:15 min:s and playing time for the defense was 24:00 ± 2:46 min:s. Sweat loss was 3.2 ± 0.2 L and exceeded net fluid intake (2.1 ± 0.1 L). Mean BM loss was 1.3% ± 0.3%, with 8/24 players losing between 1.8% to 4.3% BM. Players preferred to drink water and a carbohydrate electrolyte solution before the game and during intermissions, while only water was consumed during each period. Practice mean forehead sweat [Na+] was 74 mmol·L-1. Estimated sweat Na+ losses of 3.1 ± 0.4 g (~8 g NaCl) coupled with low Na+ intake of 0.8 ± 0.2 g (~2 g NaCl) resulted in a significant Na+ deficit by the end of the game. This study demonstrated that despite abundant opportunities to hydrate during a hockey game, one-third of the players did not drink enough fluid to prevent sweat losses of 2% BM or higher. Losing 2% BM has been associated with decreases in athletic performance.
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Environmental heat stress can challenge the limits of human cardiovascular and temperature regulation, body fluid balance, and thus aerobic performance. This minireview proposes that the cardiovascular adjustments accompanying high skin temperatures (T(sk)), alone or in combination with high core body temperatures (T(c)), provide a primary explanation for impaired aerobic exercise performance in warm-hot environments. The independent (T(sk)) and combined (T(sk) + T(c)) effects of hyperthermia reduce maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2max)), which leads to higher relative exercise intensity and an exponential decline in aerobic performance at any given exercise workload. Greater relative exercise intensity increases cardiovascular strain, which is a prominent mediator of rated perceived exertion. As a consequence, incremental or constant-rate exercise is more difficult to sustain (earlier fatigue) or requires a slowing of self-paced exercise to achieve a similar sensation of effort. It is proposed that high T(sk) and T(c) impair aerobic performance in tandem primarily through elevated cardiovascular strain, rather than a deterioration in central nervous system (CNS) function or skeletal muscle metabolism. Evaporative sweating is the principal means of heat loss in warm-hot environments where sweat losses frequently exceed fluid intakes. When dehydration exceeds 3% of total body water (2% of body mass) then aerobic performance is consistently impaired independent and additive to heat stress. Dehydration augments hyperthermia and plasma volume reductions, which combine to accentuate cardiovascular strain and reduce Vo(2max). Importantly, the negative performance consequences of dehydration worsen as T(sk) increases.
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This study evaluated the repeatability of hydration and sweat measurements taken during on-ice hockey practices with players drinking only water, and determined whether having only a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution (CES) to drink during practices decreased fluid intake or affected other hydration and (or) sweat measures. All testing was conducted on elite players of an Ontario Hockey League team (+/-SE; mean age, 17.6 +/- 0.3 years; mean height, 182.9 +/- 1.4 cm; mean body mass, 83.0 +/- 1.7 kg). Players were studied 3 times over the course of 6 weekly on-ice practices (+/-SE; mean playing time, 1.58 +/- 0.07 h; mean temperature, 11.4 +/- 0.8 degrees C; mean relative humidity, 52% +/- 3%). There was strong repeatability of the measured hydration and sweat parameters between 2 similar on-ice practices when players drank only water. Limiting the players to drinking only a CES (as opposed to water) did not decrease fluid intake during practice (+/-SE; mean CES intake, 0.72 +/- 0.07 L.h-1 vs. mean water intake, 0.82 +/- 0.08 L.h-1) or affect sweat rate (1.5 +/- 0.1 L.h-1 vs. 1.5 +/- 0.1 L.h-1), sweat sodium concentration (72.4 +/- 5.6 mmol.L-1 vs. 73.0 +/- 4.4 mmol.L-1), or percent body mass loss (1.1% +/- 0.2% vs. 0.9% +/- 0.2%). Drinking a CES also improved sodium balance (-2.1 +/- 0.2 g.h-1 vs. -2.6 +/- 0.3 g.h-1) and provided the players with a significant carbohydrate (43 +/- 4 g.h-1 vs. 0 +/- 0 g.h-1) during practice. In summary, a single field sweat test during similar on-ice hockey practices in male junior hockey players is sufficient to evaluate fluid and electrolyte balance. Also, a CES does not affect voluntary fluid intake during practice, compared with water, in these players. The CES provided some salt to offset the salt lost in sweat, and carbohydrate, which may help maintain physical and mental performance in the later stages of practice.
To study the effect of temperature on muscle metabolism during submaximal exercise, six endurance-trained men had one thigh warmed and the other cooled for 40 min prior to exercise using water-perfused cuffs. One cuff was perfused with water at 50-55°C (HL) with the other being perfused with water at 0°C (CL). With the cuffs still in position, subjects performed cycling exercise for 20 min at a work load corresponding to 70% VO2,peak (where VO2,peak is peak pulmonary oxygen uptake) in comfortable ambient conditions (20-22°C). Muscle biopsies were obtained prior to and following exercise and forearm venous blood was collected prior to and throughout the exercise period. Muscle temperature (Tmus) was not different prior to treatment, but treatment resulted in a large difference in pre-exercise Tmus (difference = 6·9 ± 0·9°C; P < 0·01). Although this difference was reduced following exercise, it was nonetheless significant (difference = 0·4 ± 0·1°C; P < 0·05). Intramuscular [ATP] was not affected by either exercise or muscle temperature. [Phosphocreatine] decreased (P < 0·01) and [creatine] increased (P < 0·01) with exercise but were not different when comparing HL with CL. Muscle lactate concentration was not different prior to treatment nor following exercise when comparing HL with CL. Muscle glycogen concentration was not different when comparing the trials before treatment, but the post-exercise value was lower (P < 0·05) in HL compared with CL. Thus, net muscle glycogen use was greater during exercise with heating (208 ± 23 vs. 118 ± 22 mmol kg−1 for HL and CL, respectively; P < 0·05). These data demonstrate that muscle glycogen use is augmented by increases in intramuscular temperature despite no differences in high energy phosphagen metabolism being observed when comparing treatments. This suggests that the increase in carbohydrate utilization occurred as a direct effect of an elevated muscle temperature and was not secondary to allosteric activation of enzymes mediated by a reduced ATP content.
This investigation examined the distinct and interactive effects of initial hydration state, exercise-induced dehydration, and water rehydration in a hot environment. On four occasions, 10 men performed a 90-min heat stress test (treadmill walking at 5.6 km/h, 5% grade, 33 degrees C, 56% relative humidity). These heat stress tests differed in pretest hydration [2 euhydrated (EU) and 2 hypohydrated (HY) trials] and water intake during exercise [2 water ad libitum (W) and 2 no water (NW) trials]. HY+NW indicated greater physiological strain than all other trials (P < 0.05-0.001) in heart rate, plasma osmolality (Posm), sweat sensitivity (g/degrees C.min), and rectal temperature. Unexpectedly, final HY+W and EU+W responses for rectal temperature, heart rate, and Posm were similar, despite the initial 3.9 +/- 0.2% hypohydration in HY+W. We concluded that differences in pretest Posm (295 +/- 7 and 287 +/- 5 mosmol/kg for HY+W and EU+W, respectively) resulted in greater water consumption (1.65 and 0.31 liter for HY+W and EU+W, respectively), no voluntary dehydration (0.9% body mass increase), and attenuated thermal and circulatory strain during HY+W.
This study examined the effects of maintaining euhydration by ingesting fluids with or without carbohydrate on subjective responses of untrained men during prolonged exercise in a hot environment. Six healthy untrained subjects completed 90 min of cycling exercises at 55% maximal oxygen consumption (V(O2max)) in a hot environment (temperature: 28(o)C, humidity: 50%) under three different experimental conditions. During the first trial, subjects did not ingest fluids during exercise (dehydration (DH) trial). In the second and third trials, subjects received mineral water (MW) and hypotonic fluid containing carbohydrate (HF), respectively, in amounts equaling their weight loss in the DH trial. At the end of exercise, the overall rating of perceived exertion (RPE-O) was lower in the MW and HF trials than in the DH trial (14.3+/-1.0 and 13.7+/-0.6 vs 17.7+/-1.0, p<0.05, respectively). RPE-cardiovascular and RPE-legs were lower at the end of exercise in the HF trial compared with the DH trial. V(O2), heart rate (HR), and rectal temperature increased during exercise in the three trials. At the end of exercise, the drift in V(O2) was lower in the MW and HF trials than in the DH trial (304+/-41 and 339+/-40 vs 458+/-33 mL, p<0.05, respectively). HR at the end of exercise in the HF trial was lower than in the DH trial (158+/-5 vs 173+/-7 bpm, p<0.05). These results suggest that maintaining euhydration during prolonged exercise in untrained men could attenuate RPE-O and that hypotonic electrolyte-carbohydrate solution could attenuate RPE-legs during exercise.
Analyzes were made on muscle samples taken from the lateral part of the m. quadriceps femoris of man (lactate, pyruvate, and pH) on venous blood (lactate, pyruvate) and on capillary blood (pH). Samples were taken at rest, immediately after termination of dynamic exercise and during 20 min recovery from exhaustive dynamic exercise. Muscle pH decreased from 7.08 at rest to 6.60 at exhaustion. Decrease in muscle pH was linearly related to muscle content of lactate + pyruvate. The relationship was slightly different from what has been obtained after isometric exercise and this difference was ascribed to acid-base exchange with the blood during dynamic exercise. Lactate content was highly elevated in muscle after exercise and the concentration was 2–3 times higher than in blood. Pyruvate content was, however, only slightly higher than that at rest. During recovery lactate content of muscle decreased exponentially with respect to time, whereas pyruvate content increased. The half-time of lactate decrease was 9.5 min. From the lactate dehydrogenase equilibrium relative values on NADH/NAD ratio could be calculated. It was found that NADH/NAD was highly increased after exercise and that it had not returned to the basal value after 20 min recovery.