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Cultural studies vs. political economy: Is anybody else bored with this debate?

   
   
 
    
   
 
  
    
   
    
      
     
     
  
       
      
 
   
    
     
   
   
     
 
    
     
    
     
     
 
  
     
    
     
    
     
      
     
     
    
     
       
 
     
 
     
      
 
      
       
 
     
   
  
    
    
     
      
 
     
   
  
     
 
     
     
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    
       
  
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 
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     
  
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    
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 
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      
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      
       
 
       
     
 
 
      
     
      
  
     
       
  
     
   
     
 
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   
 
       
  
    
  
        
      
    
     
    
 
      
    
       
      
       
     
      
       
     
    
     
    
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     
      
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     
    
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   
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 
 
     
   
     
 
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      
 
  
   
   
     
     
     
    
     
     
      
    
    
     
   
     
    
      
    
      
  
   
     
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     
    
  
       
    
       
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        
      
      
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    
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 
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    
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   
     
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 
 
   
      
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      
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 
    
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        
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      
       
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     
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 
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       
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  
     
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      
   
     
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  
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  
   
 
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  
     
     
 
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      
       
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    
    
     
      
 
     
      
     
    
     
   
    
  
 
   
      
   
       
      
 
    
   
  
   
     
      
 
      
    
    
 
 
    
  
      
  
  
      
    
    
      
 
     
     
     
     
       
     
      
     
  
   
 
      
    
      
    
      
      
       
    
      
   
     
    
       
 
     
    
     
    
       
    
 
  
    
     
    
    
    
      
      
    
     
  
      
    
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     
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      
 
      
     
     
     
  
     
     
     
 
    
    
 
  
    
 
 
     
 
      
     
    
     
   
 
 
 
 
     
     
 
    
     
   
 
    
 
       
     
      
     
   
      
   
      
      
 
 
      
   
  
   
      
   
        
     
 
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       
     
 
     
    
 
       
    
      
     
     
     
 
   
      
    
    
     
      
    
    
      
     
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   
       
  
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     
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       
     
      
 
      
 
    
      
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     
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  
      
   
   
    
       
     
   
     
   
  
  
  
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 
    
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   
 
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    
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    
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     
     
 
    
    
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 
    
     
    
     
   
     
    
 
    
     
     
    
       
  
      
     
     
    
      
 
      
      
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    
     
    
   
    
    
      
      
      
      
       
 
      
   
      
 
     
  
  
    
     
  
   
    
    
      
 
      
  
 
     
    
   
   
     
 
     
   
 
   
     
     
     
      
     
 
 
 
     
     
       
 
     
  
   
       
      
        
     
 
      
       
 
        
      
    
     
     
   
     
    
   
  
      
     
  
             
  
 
         
   
           
  
             
         
  
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            
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  
      
  
  
  
... Together they still failed to answer key questions about why media mattered so much (and increasingly more). Cultural studies scholars argued with political economy scholars, and vice versa, about how much economic structures mattered for media's cultural uses (Garnham, 1995;Grossberg, 1995;Morley, 1998); audience scholars challenged textual analysts to provide some evidence for their claims that textual content made a difference to anything outside the text and the immediate context of its reception (Lewis, 1991, p. 49); meanwhile audience scholars started to worry about whether the meanings audiences make from media are undecidable (Ang, 1996, p. 72). ...
... So argumentierte etwa Graham Murdock (1978) mit dem Verweis darauf, dass es auch nicht werbefinanzierte Medienproduktion gebe, für eine Integration von sowohl polit-ökonomischer als auch ideologietheoretischer Ansätze, die die bewusstseinsformenden und ungleichheitslegitimierenden Funktionen der Medien als Produzenten und Verbreiter kultureller Deutungsangebote im Blick haben. Die Problematik wurde dann in der Diskussion über das Verhältnis zwischen einer politischen Ökonomie der Medien und den Cultural Studies weitergeführt (Gandy und Garnham 1995;Grossberg 1995;Johnson 1999;Thiele und Klaus 2007;Fuchs 2009). ...
Dallas Smythe bearbeitet polit-ökonomisch eine Reihe von Fragen, die dann in der späteren Rezeptionsgeschichte des Textes v. a. in der sog. Blindspot-Debatte und in der Digital Labour-Debatte kontroverse Antworten provoziert haben: Warum werden aus ökonomischer Sicht überhaupt massenmediale Inhalte, wie Information und Unterhaltung produziert? Was genau kaufen die Werbetreibenden mit ihren Werbeausgaben? Wie stellen die Werbetreibenden sicher, auch das zu erhalten, wofür sie bezahlen? Welche Rolle spielt das Publikum für die wirtschaftliche Beziehung zwischen Massenmedien und werbetreibender Industrie? Wer produziert die Dienstleistung bzw. Ware, die die Werbetreibenden kaufen? Wie lässt sich die Werbeindustrie im (Monopol-)Kapitalismus im Rahmen einer marxistischen (Arbeits-)Werttheorie verstehen? Haben sowohl kritische als auch orthodoxe wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Ansätze die ökonomische Rolle werbefinanzierter Medien bisher missinterpretiert? Mit der Einführung des Begriffs der audience commodity (Publikumsware) bestimmt der Text die Rolle des Publikums für die kapitalistische Ökonomie als eine produktive, dessen Aktivität unter monopol- oder oligopolartigen Marktbedingungen fortlaufend gesichert werden muss, um sie ausbeuten zu können.
Media studies is a broad academic discipline that seeks to understand the nature, content, history, and social impact of various media, including mass media such as film and television. As practiced in the field of communication, media studies is but one of the many disciplines in the humanities to be revolutionized by the “New” Critical theory and by recent new approaches to studying culture. However, critical/cultural media studies has a long history. Before its encounter with contemporary cultural studies, media studies (incorporating related fields such as television studies, film studies, cyberspace studies, and journalism studies) was shaped by rhetorical theory and criticism, influenced by German critical social theory and largely defined in opposition to a sociologically oriented behavioral research methodology.
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Se trata de un trabajo etnográfico que recupera experiencias de humillación y vergüenza entre la población de un pequeño rancho ubicado entre la Sierra Madre del Sur y el Océano Pacífico, en el estado de Guerrero, México. En 1972, muchas personas de dicha localidad fueron sometidas a diversos procesos de violencia, a manos del ejército mexicano, por acusarlas de estar vinculadas con movimientos guerrilleros. En ese contexto, el artículo da especial relevancia a aquellas prácticas violentas que generaron humillación y vergüenza entre quienes las padecieron. Se argumenta que el ejercicio de la violencia, en su dimensión humilladora y avergonzante, es una manera de producir estatalidad.
This chapter details the intellectual and political shifts that shaped the origins and development of IAMCR’s Political Economy Section. It traces the initiatives and groupings that fed into the Section’s recovery of critical political economy’s interrogation of media as sites of power and resistance, places research and theorizing in the context of Cold War politics, the rise of the New Left and revaluations of Marxism, and highlights tensions within the association over the place and legitimacy of critical inquiry.KeywordsCold WarCommunicationCritiqueNew LeftPolitical economyPolitical Economy Section
In the 1970s, the journal The Black Scholar (TBS) published two special issues largely under-read in communication studies, titled “Black Media I” and “Black Media II.” The lack of engagement in these special issues by communication scholars represents not merely disciplinary differences but it also signifies different trajectories that both fields take on Marxism. Communication studies would take Europe as its starting point, while Black studies would not dismiss Europe, but would take the Third World as its point of departure. In the process, media and communication analysis in TBS holds more critical potential than what currently exists in communication studies approaches to both Blackness and Marxism. Using a sociology of knowledge approach, I argue that the place to start a wholistic, Marxist, Black studies analysis of communication begins not in communication studies, but in Black studies, which TBS’s special issues are representative of.
Looking back at New Times and its critics Stuart Hall and cultural studies. London: Routledge. Downloaded by
  • A Mcrobbie
McRobbie, A. (in press). Looking back at New Times and its critics. In D. Morley & K. H. Chen (Eds.), Stuart Hall and cultural studies. London: Routledge. Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 02:34 24 December 2014
Old times new enemies
  • . J Clarke
Clarke,.J. (1991). Old times new enemies. New York: Routledge.