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Recent Advancements of Augmented Reality in Real TimeApplications



Augmented Reality (AR) is an advanced technology that improves users view of interactivity with the present reality by adding virtual objects in it and it is the most natural way to interface with your digital world. This paper presents a survey about real-time applications, commonly used technologies, various open challenges, possible set of solution provided by several researchers and academicians. This paper also provides future of Augmented reality in various areas of artificial intelligence
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S7, July 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B101000782S719/19©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B10100.0782S719
Abstract: Augmented Reality (AR) is an advanced technology
that improves users view of interactivity with the present reality by
adding virtual objects in it and it is the most natural way to
interface with your digital world. This paper presents a survey
about real-time applications, commonly used technologies,
various open challenges, possible set of solution provided by
several researchers and academicians. This paper also provides
future of Augmented reality in various areas of artificial
Index Terms: Augmented Reality, Virtual reality, Artificial
Intelligence, Head mounted display
The Augmented Reality (AR) is an advanced technology
that improves users view of interactivity with the present
reality by adding virtual objects in it and it is the most natural
way to interface with your digital world. Imagine a world
where you look around and wherever you look you see a
visualized view that provides information to explain
everything and with the help of AR that the world isn‟t very a
big deal [1]. The eventual fate of AR will diverge into two
ways: either ordinary use in everyday life or innovative
technology that never lift off. Augmented Reality is known as
AR and as well as Mixed Reality was like a fiction until it
became a science-based reality in the past recent years. Its
objective is not to remove you out from the real world and
take you to the other one but instead it enhances your real
world with 3D virtual objects in it. As the Augmented name
itself means “to add” or “to increase”, hence AR act as digital
addition to the user‟s world. For example, objects can be
displayed on tables, information can be displayed on windows
and graphics can generate motion to track the user. In short
and brief, it directly affects the perception and thought
processes of the human mind [1,2]. It is the only technology
that provides the user with an actual based experience like
snapchat lenses and the game Pokémon go. Whereas Virtual
Reality (VR) is a technology to generate an artificial or
imaginative environment like we can explore the places we‟ve
never been such as the surface of the moon. AR and VR are
two different methods of technologies that can customize the
perception of view of the world [ 3,4].
Revised Manuscript Received on July 5, 2019.
Gauri Jha, Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity
University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India,
Pawan Singh, Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity
University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh India.
Lavanya Sharma, Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity
University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
The field of AR has been introduced in the past few years yet
the advancement in a previous couple of years has been
exceptionally innovative. To achieve and execute AR
technology, there are basically three things required i.e.,
Display to combine virtual 3d objects to the real world,
Trackers to locate your positioning with the help of gesture
movements and the third component is hardware‟s and
software‟s used for interaction. And also, virtual objects must
be modeled in real-time environment for the better experience
of the user. Augmented reality is accessible at any time and at
any place if you have just a smartphone, Head Mounted
Display or a PC. Augmented reality (AR) act as a platform for
sharing information with the real world [4,6]. It changes the
fact that how can we learn, how can we work and even how
can we think.
The motivation behind any innovation is to improve
everyone‟s life as shown in Fig.1.
Fig.1. Future of Augmented Reality [13]
This paper is categorized into six section. Section 1, deals
with introductory part of Augmented Reality, where as in
section 2, is related work. Section 3 deals with history and
evolution of Augmented Reality. In the next section 4 & 5
Applications and challenges of Augmented Reality is
discussed. In section 6 current solutions to AR problems are
provided. In the last conclusion of the work is discussed.
A. Dünser [1] discussed about the user-based
evaluation techniques used in Augmented reality and also
provided some achievable opportunities for the future. M.
Bulearca[2] discussed about the ways in which
Augmented reality is beneficial for the marketing industry in a
long run and described how it can satisfy the customer needs.
Recent Advancements of Augmented Reality in
Real Time Applications
Gauri Jha, Pawan Singh, Lavanya Sharma
Recent Advancements of Augmented Reality in Real Time Applications
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B101000782S719/19©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B10100.0782S719
K. Lee [3] discussed about the ways to be educated in
modern ways with the help of Augmented Reality and also
described how AR can impact the future of learning. E. Zhu [4] discussed current condition of AR regarding user
acceptance, AR application which had been developed and
the impact of AR on the advancement of abilities in medical
and health sector. R. Hammady [5] discussed about the
Augmented Reality effectiveness and provided the ways in
which it can use as a way communication in museums.
Besides, this article also provided new ideas of increasing
user perception by combining AR and games in museum D.
Harborth [6] demonstrated that current exploration in AR is
underrepresented in terms of technical view and also
discussed about modification AR in gaming field. Ryosuke
Umeda [7] demonstrated a medical training overlays in
the beneficial use of medical area and also prepared 3d
objects to evaluate AR platform. D. Chatzopoulous,[8]
discussed that improvement in mobile technology like build in
cameras, sensor, cloud computing has made AR convenience
on smart-phones. T. Williams[9] discussed the ways in
which the combination of Virtual. Mixed and Augmented
reality enhance the interaction of human and robots and also
provided the best practices for design for these interactions. K.
Kim [10] discussed about the researches and trends from the
last decade and also offered further observations for the future.
L. Berkemeir,[11] discussed about the development of
glass and provided enough solution for digital innovation in
AR. V. Interrante,[12] discussed the current state of AR
and VR and how they can affect the future in a whole new
The first example of combination of physical and 3d
objects occurred in the 1960‟s when Ivan Sutherlands started
the concept of virtual and augmented reality. In 1968 he
created the first head mounted display known as Sword of
Damocles which included the use of head tracking. And until
the 1992 the field of augmented reality came to light by
Boeing researcher Tom Caudell.[14] Advancement
proceeded in 1994 when he presented augmented reality
application for giving a doctor a chance to watch a baby
specifically inside a pregnant patient.
In 1996, Hans Kaufmann and Stig[15] developed the first
united and combined augmented reality system in which
multiple users could share virtual objects in the same space. In
1997 Fenner‟s group [16] developed the first augmented
reality system „touring machine‟ at Colombia University, the
touring machine uses a see-through head mounted display
with GPS and orientation tracking delivering 3d graphics.
In 1998, Bruce Thomas and Wayne Piekarski[17]
developed “this is not map in the hat” a platform for AR that
delivered first outdoor AR game Quake, which places the user
in the middle of a zombie attack in a real-life parking area. In
1999, Kato and Mark Billings released AR toolkit the first
open source software platform for augmented reality. It
featured a 3d tracking library and the availability of webcams
which made AR toolkit most popular. After 2000, mobile
computing began growing rapidly, this presented a whole new
opportunity for augmented reality.
And in 2003, Daniel Wagner and Shmuel Stig[18]
presented the first AR system running on personalizedl digital
assistant. It took several years until 2008, the first truly usable
tracking featured system on smart devices introduced and
after that AR technology becomes more easily available to the
Fig.2. Evolution of Augmented Reality [19]
The Earlier, AR was likely to focus only on games but recent
developments in AR technology also focused their attention
in different fields like military, medical science, education,
manufacturing and production industries, robotics and of
course also in entertainment and gaming [10-16,21]. The
application uses of AR in different fields make augmented
reality a very productive innovation. The accompanying sub
areas depicts latest researches and cover every application so
a. Medical: AR is the kind of innovation which is upgrading
medical science towards more safety and proficiency.
Microsoft HoloLens is one of the best examples of
medical AR technology which is used for spinal surgery
and it projects an overlay on the body of patients. And
these overlays are used by surgeons to perform their
operations. AR basically gives doctors or surgeons
guidance to perform their tasks more effectively and
efficiently with minimal risk. It provides interaction
between two doctors who are miles away from each other
and can discuss the surgeries. As well as it is also useful
for the patients to acquire information for their treatments
and preventions [7,8,20].
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S7, July 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B101000782S719/19©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B10100.0782S719
Fig.3. Microsoft HoloLens in Medical Imaging [21]
b. Military: Since military and warfare is constantly emerging
with new technologies which help newest technologies
like virtual and augmented reality to contribute its part in
military. Following are the 3 ways to military
augmentation reality [22].
Tactical Augmented Reality: TAR also helps
soldiers to provide the exact location of
themselves and also give positions of the enemy
forces. It works like night vision goggles but can
work in the day as well.
for army soldiers to prepare them physically and
mentally ready for the real wars.
Helmet Mounted AR Display: With the help of
mounted displays, the soldiers can fight with
each other virtually but in a realistic way. It
provides overlays which contain different
information of allied armies.
Fig.4. Military training using AR technology [23]
c. Education: With the help of mounted display, it can help
the students to easily grab, process an learn the
information more effectively. And of course, it made
education more interesting, exciting and fun [24].
Augmented Education app provides modeling projects,
3d overlays, and designs which help students to make
their models to understand and learn animation and
architectures. Augmented reality apps help to make
boring lectures more interesting and more practical as an
old saying “A picture is worth more than a thousand
words” and AR is obviously more worth than a picture
Fig.5. Head Mounted Display for easy learning [25]
d. Gaming and Entertainment: When we talk about the role
of AR in animation and gaming, how can we forget the
popular game “Pokémon Go”. It's only because of this
famous game, augmented reality comes again in the
spotlight of people. In the gaming industry, AR became
the first-runners as it helps the gamers to be in an
imaginary world like fighting with zombies, aliens or
capture fictional creators. Another famous game based
on augmented reality is “Ingress” developed by Niantic
studio which also becomes a massive hit. Other AR
games are Temple Treasure Hunt, Army of Robots,
Zombie Go, Sharks in the Park, Night Terrors, Beer Pong
AR and many more [26]. With the application of
augmented reality in the gaming and entertainment
industry, gamers want to be a part of the game and with
this desire to be included in-game, the game experience
gets enhanced.
Fig.6. Game Pokémon Go [27]
e. Manufacturing and Production Industries:
Augmented reality helps to give a clear
understanding and also to learn quickly. Introducing
AR to production and manufacturing industries
makes it easier to do more with even fewer efforts.
And also saves human resources, resolves the
problem faster with less risk. Following are some
examples of popular industries which applies AR in
their field [28]:
Recent Advancements of Augmented Reality in Real Time Applications
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B101000782S719/19©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B10100.0782S719
In design: Thyssenkrupp started using Microsoft
HoloLens in their manufacturing industry that helps
to interact with holograms overlaying in the surface
of the real world for designing home mobility.
In assembly: Boeing which is an Aircraft
manufacturing company google glass and skylight in
wire assembling in jets which makes it less complex.
In quality control: Porsche, an automobile
manufacturing industry already uses AR for years
and made their future success a reality
Fig.7. Use of AR in Automobile Industry [29]
f. Marketing and Advertising: As augmented reality catches
eyes of everyone in the past few years, marketing and
advertising industries also admitted as an expressive
innovation of connecting customers and engage users.
With AR it becomes possible for an E-Commerce
website to allow their customers to check and try
products virtually and then buy it after checking how the
clothing items fit and how it looks [20,22]. This facility
has been accomplished by companies like Lego and
IKEA, where you can scan the products and check how it
would fit you or into your home.
The concept of augmented reality also becomes a
tool of storytelling medium for advertising your
products as only then customers will find it easy to
understand and will have a better experience, like
explaining the features of products. Timberland also
created a virtual fitting room in 2014 based on the
concept on AR, in which shoppers can see an image
of their face on the model body and try different
outfits and can see what looks better [30].
Fig.8. Virtual Fitting Room [31]
1. Public acceptance: However, the augmented reality is
slowly emerging and evolving in the last few years but there is
always a hindrance when it comes to accepting this
technology from people worldwide. There is a mild
acceptance from the public because this technology is not
believed useful for the long term because of poor quality and
low standards designs of AR applications [32].
2. Poor quality of content: Except in gaming industries, AR
applications is not having very effective content rather than it
has only some simple non-tricky contents. Poor quality is the
biggest reason why AR is facing certain issues when it comes
to acceptance by people from all over the world. The reason
behind this is maybe less expertise and developers in the AR
field who can deliver a better experience quality [33].
3. Devices used in AR: There are many devices like
cameras, screen motions, sensors, graphics, high internet
connectivity, processors and many more which combines
together to give us an experience of augmented reality world.
But many other devices like HoloLens, google glass, AR
headsets to feel a thrilling experience but these devices are
costly and not easily available to the common public. Hence it
is also the main challenges with augmented reality [34].
4. The possibility of physical harm: Augmented reality
adds digital and virtual 3d objects in the real world and also
because of that it takes away the attention from the real world.
There is a significant possibility of harming yourself from
surrounding nature of mother earth. So, it is also the reason
which becomes an obstacle in the way of the success of AR
5. Technical challenges: there are many technical problems
like hardware, less expertise, people education and
awareness, poor content which makes AR difficult to use and
socially acceptable [36].
6.Unsatisfying experience: Augmented reality made a hype
surrounding to everyone after virtual reality that everybody is
accepting so much from it and because of that brings less
experience. Even good AR apps fail to give the user a better
and immersive experience [37].
An We can improve equipment capabilities utilizing
exponential smoothing procedure, improve camera execution
by utilizing 2D QR and scanner tag markers and utilize huge
milestones to defeat GPS issues until better arrangements
emerge for these issues [26-30, 32,34].
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S7, July 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B101000782S719/19©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B10100.0782S719
1. Noteworthy items like Microsoft HoloLens can possibly
enlarge this present reality and remove any exasperating
visuals that adversely sway client experience [20-24].
2. Increased the truth is an approach to bust the idea of
restricting the interface of substance offering a path to a
progressively intuitive, drawing in and out of the container
(truly) experience. Presently your whole environment can go
about as the holder for substance, subsequently giving a new
experience to its utilization [23,28].
3. With regards to AR, a solid and responsive route for
announcing unbound sellers that don't consent to AR
wellbeing, protection, and security norms will go far in
driving purchaser trust in cutting edge AR items. And this can
help in taking feedback from the AR users for further
advancements in the future [28,29].
4. Set up a kind of AR administering body that would assess,
discussion and afterward distribute guidelines for designers to
pursue. Alongside this, build up an incorporated advanced
administration AR that groups public, private and business
spaces [30,35].
5. Perceiving dangers to purchaser security and protection is
just the initial step to settling long haul vulnerabilities that
quickly rising new innovations as AR make [32,37, 38-40].
In this paper, we provide a brief overview of Augmented
Reality and its real-time applications in various areas such as
education, medical, gaming, marketing, and many more. The
main aim of this work is to study the uses of AR, some of the
recent advancements of Augmented reality from the last few
years. This paper also presents and discuss various
challenging issues faced by AR as well as provides some
current solutions and observations. As a whole, it can be
concluded that AR is one of the technologies which can
enhance the lives in modern ways and it can become the
ubiquitous innovation in coming future.
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Recent Advancements of Augmented Reality in Real Time Applications
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B101000782S719/19©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B10100.0782S719
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Gauri Jha is an BCA graduate in the field of
information technology form Amity University.
She is a recipient of several prestigious awards
during academic career. She had worked in KR
Network Cloud Technologies Pvt. Limited. She
also developed an android application named
Doconsult. She has adequate knowledge of
different computer related programming language.
Her current research interest includes Artificial intelligence
Pawan Singh is an BCA graduate in the field of
information technology. He is a recipient of several
prestigious awards during academic career. He had
worked in KR Network Cloud Technologies Pvt.
Limited. He has adequate knowledge of different
computer related programming language. His
current research interests include Cyber Security and
Artificial Intelligence.
Dr. Lavanya Sharma is a Ph.D. graduate in the
domain of Computer Vision at Uttarakhand
Technical University (govt.), India and an
assistant professor, Amity Institute of
Information Technology at Amity University UP,
Noida, India. She is an active nationally
recognized researcher who produces dozens of
papers in her field. She is an Editorial Member/
Reviewer of various journal of repute and active
program committee member of various IEEE and
Springer conferences also She is an active nationally recognized Computer
Vision educator who has produced dozens of papers
... Artificial intelligence and augment reality (AR) both provide significant technological advancements in recent years that enable virtual environments to be developed or real-world environments to be improved through multiple sensual modes [7,8]. AR creates a physical boundary to the digital world by adding virtual images to it to improve the way users interact with it by adding virtual images into it. ...
... The result is a more intuitive interaction with the digital world. This demonstrates that there are virtual images all over the world that contain knowledge that explains everything about the universe [7,9]. Objects are exhibited on boards, and information is provided on windows, while photographs can create motion to track the user, all of which has an impact on the individual's experience and mental processes [7]. ...
... This demonstrates that there are virtual images all over the world that contain knowledge that explains everything about the universe [7,9]. Objects are exhibited on boards, and information is provided on windows, while photographs can create motion to track the user, all of which has an impact on the individual's experience and mental processes [7]. This technology provides users with real-world experiences such as the Pokémon Go game, Instagram creative filters, Snapchat lenses, and animation on user-generated content [10]. ...
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As global health concerns become more complex, technological intervention is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal. This study explores the use of the internet of things (IoT) and augmented reality (AR) applications for medication adherence. IOT devices can collect, transmit, and store up information not including the need for human or computer involvement. It has potential to streamline and improve healthcare. AR, is an advancement in technology which permits patients to interact with virtual objects in a natural way by proactively predicting health conditions, detecting, providing care, and observing patient role while inside and outside the healthcare center. A systematized scoping literature review was conducted on academic databases: Google Scholar, ACM, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, and SpringerLink. The study identified components of IoT, AR, gaming strategy relevant to the healthcare domain and medication adherence. Further discourses applications of AR in the medical disciplines and focus on improving adherence to medication through gaming. The study, point out how AR has enhanced user experience in adherence to medication through gaming. Using AR in health care will provide us with a better understanding of how to deliver health services and how AR technology will be used to enhance global health care in the coming decade.
... with what is displayed in the application (Huang et al., 2015;Chen et al., 2019;Jha et al., 2019). Science learning media based on Merge Cube Augmented Reality (AR) has been developed. ...
... Merge Cube AR technology as a learning media can be used as a teaching aid for modeling science concepts (Cowin, 2020). Teachers applying Merge Cube AR as an innovative learning media and inform that details of complex and abstract concept material can be visualized interactively so that it is easier for students to understand (Fonseca et al., 20114;Kiryakova et al., 2018;Kurniawan & Witjaksono, 2018;Pujiastuti & Haryadi, 2020;Taufiq et al., 2021) and provide real-time interaction with what is displayed in the application (Huang et al., 2015;Chen et al., 2019;Jha et al., 2019) The results of the analysis also show that teachers are strongly believe that the Merge Cube AR media helps them in a more effective way to deliver science learning activity. The percentage of applicability level in this description reach 90.3%, those also indicate that the media is in very good criteria. ...
Science learning media based on Merge Cube Augmented Reality (AR) has been developed. This research aims to determine the level of applicability of science learning media based on Merge Cube AR to users, especially junior high school science teachers. The research method was carried out through a descriptive survey after testing the use of science learning media based on Merge Cube Augmented Reality. The respondents of this research were 41 teachers from 13 different junior hight schools. Based on the analysis data showed that respondents were very confident of being able to apply Merge Cube AR media in science learning and the percentage of applicability level in this description reach 87.8%, those indicate that the media is in very good criteria. Teachers are very confident that they can achieve learning goals by implementing Merge Cube AR learning media. The percentage of applicability level in this description reach 82.9%, those indicate that the media is in very good criteria. The results of the analysis also show that teachers are strongly believe that the Merge Cube AR media helps them in a more effective way to deliver science learning activity. The percentage of applicability level in this description reach 90.3%, those also indicate that the media is in very good criteria. The average percentage of applicability level reach 87.0 %, it is indicated that the applicability level of science learning media based on merge cube ar in the very good criteria. It can be concluded that science learning media based on Merge Cube AR has a very good level of applicability and can be used in science learning.
... A vehemence to engage with AR experiences is noted in many research studies while users report feeling higher satisfaction, having more fun, and being more willing to repeat the AR experiences. [6][7][8][9][10]. ...
... And the same goes with the words, the user will put the camera over the word and scan it and the 3D model will be displayed. [9][10][11][12][13][14]. ✓ A text is being detected. ...
... AR can and may extend to all aspects, including sound, contact, and odor, and the term is not restricted to the sense of vision. Finally, AR includes the removal of real items in favor of virtual ones [1]. ...
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Edge computing is a collection of connected systems and devices that uses artificial intelligence for gathering and processing data, caching, and computing at the proximity as to where it was captured. It strives to improve data processing and analysis while ensuring that the user’s privacy and data are preserved. This research topic has seen tremendous growth over the last five years despite its recent emergence from 2011 to today. This paper covers the complete knowledge, a survey demands in the area of edge computing. This review commences with a discussion of the attributes and traits of edge computing that make it so viable when compared to other options. This is followed by a systematic overview of edge applications in the current scenario. In addition to the preceding, the review elaborates, compares and analyses each application while keeping in mind the approaches that one needs to adopt, the objectives the application aims to cover, performance of the applications under the test window, benefits that are in bound, and limitations that are to be ignored. An overview of the evolution of developing study disciplines and breakthrough for this research is also covered in the paper. The paper culminates with a discussion of the most pressing challenges and potential solutions from a theoretical and a technical standpoint.KeywordsEdge computingHealthcare5GIoTSmart city
... AR can and may extend to all aspects, including sound, contact, and odor, and the term is not restricted to the sense of vision. Finally, AR includes the removal of real items in favor of virtual ones [1]. ...
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The term “augmented reality” refers to a technology that combines digital and actual experiences. It is an immersive experience of a physical environment in which actual objects are enhanced with digital visual features, sound, or other sensory stimuli. The rapid advancement of augmented reality has piqued people’s interest in recent years. It is a rapidly developing area among businesses that deal with mobile computing and commercial apps. Using AR, digital information can be placed in reality to improve a human’s perspective of reality. This paper begins by defining augmented reality, its history, and its challenges. The paper then discusses some essential technology, development tools, and augmented reality applications in several industries. The main focus point of the paper is centered around the discussion on EDGE Technology as a solution to the limitations of AR. We have drawn a comparison between some frameworks that have been developed over time, merging AR with EDGE. Finally, it anticipates future advancements in augmented reality technologies, such as the Mobile AR.KeywordsAugmented realityVirtual realityEDGE devicesHead mount displayMobile augmented reality
... On the head-up display, which is connected to augmented reality (AR-HUD), the parts overlap with the external optical world by projection on the windshield. With AR-HUD technology, drivers have better access to the information they need without having to look away from the road [26,27]. The main task of the AR-HUD is to create safer vehicles, but there are still some concerns about driver distraction. ...
In this paper, we present the possibilities of implementing augmented reality in the automotive industry. We will show the directions of augmented reality applications and we focus primarily on head-up displays, specifically on augmented reality head-up displays. In the first part, the chapter presents the use of augmented reality in the automotive industry from research, development, assembly, disassembly to our chosen issue of head-up displays. Subsequently, we presented and compared the three basic principles of head-up displays. The first is a fully graphical head-up display projected on the windshield, the second is a head-up display projected on a retractable translucent screen, and the third type is a head-up display projected from a mobile phone using specific applications. Each of the evaluated technologies has its advantages and disadvantages. This chapter points out the required parameters and possibilities how to increase driving safety and shorten the time when the driver is not engaged in driving. In the end, the individual technical solutions and mobile applications are compared. In this chapter, we try to point out that projecting information about the vehicle and driving significantly simplifies the driving process and allows the driver to focus exclusively on the road.
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A utilization of expanded reality (AR) for virtual labs is carried out. The accentuation is to exhibit the utilization of various buttons and handles of a Cathode Beam Oscilloscope (CRO) utilizing an application Solidarity 3D which will make it more straightforward for the understudies to get a superior comprehension of the CRO and its working. Utilizing Vuforia motor, which is utilized to make AR applications in Solidarity 3D, an application is made which snaps the photo of a CRO and superimposes the portrayal of various handles and fastens present on it. The AR camera does this by recognizing explicit elements of the picture. Understanding the effect of a steady and adaptable AR virtual lab on the current schooling system,a more significant application has been presented in this paper
This paper explores the marketing strategies of food delivery services in India by focusing on the comparison between four popular platforms—Food Panda, Zomato, Swiggy, and Faasos. The food delivery service sector in India has seen significant growth in recent years due to the increasing demand for convenience, busy lifestyle, and the ease of access to mobile devices. The study analyzed the various marketing techniques employed by these platforms, such as discounts, loyalty programs, targeted advertising, partnerships with restaurants, and promotional campaigns. The research found that Swiggy dominates the Indian food delivery market with its focus on providing fast and reliable service, while Zomato and Food Panda are catching up with their recent innovative marketing strategies. Faasos, on the other hand, has a unique positioning with its focus on providing healthy and fresh food options. Overall, the findings suggest that the success of food delivery services in India depends on several factors, including customer satisfaction, strong partnerships with restaurants, and effective marketing strategies.
This research aims to conduct a quantitative analysis of academic literature by assessing the publications related to a social network, Instagram. The data needed is collected via Web of Science. “Instagram” was selected as the keyword for conducting the research, and the criteria of topic and title were used for identifying the publications. In this study, publications between 2010 and 2018 were taken into consideration, and totally there were 1019 publications. The number of studies reached 267 in 2018. Among all the document types, there were ten document categories for research on Instagram. Articles were the most used document type, while poetry and correction were the least used document type among others. Again, among all publications, the most productive country was the United States, and English was the most commonly used in all other document types with 942 publications in English. Furthermore, Computers in Human Behavior appeared as the most used distribution channel when source titles are considered, while computer science, communication, and engineering were the trendiest research areas.KeywordsInstagramSocial mediaPublication trendsScientometric analysis
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In recent years, everyday objects and locating of people become an active area in IoT-based visual surveillance system. Internet of things (IoT) is basically transferring data with numerous other things. In visual surveillance systems, conventional methods are very easily susceptible to the environmental changes (i.e., illumination changing, slow motion in the background due to waving tree leaves, rippling of water, and variation in lightening condition). This chapter describes the current challenging issues present in literature along with major application areas, resources and dataset, tools and advantages of IoT-based visual surveillance systems.
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In 2008, Zhou et al. presented a survey paper summarizing the previous ten years of ISMAR publications, which provided invaluable insights into the research challenges and trends associated with that time period. Ten years later, we review the research that has been presented at ISMAR conferences since the survey of Zhou et al., at a time when both academia and the AR industry are enjoying dramatic technological changes. Here we consider the research results and trends of the last decade of ISMAR by carefully reviewing the ISMAR publications from the period of 2008–2017, in the context of the first ten years. The numbers of papers for different research topics and their impacts by citations were analyzed while reviewing them-which reveals that there is a sharp increase in AR evaluation and rendering research. Based on this review we offer some observations related to potential future research areas or trends, which could be helpful to AR researchers and industry members looking ahead.
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Over the last decennium, the object detection is the pivotal step in any machine vision and image processing application. It is the initial step applied to extract most informative pixel from the video stream. Many algorithms are available in literature for extraction of visual information or foreground object from video sequence. This paper also provides a detailed overview of both conventional and traditional approaches used for detection of object. This paper explores various related methods, major challenges, applications, resources such as datasets, web-sources, etc. This paper presents a detailed overview of a moving object detection using background subtraction techniques in the video surveillance system that provide safety in cities, towns or home when video sequence is captured using IP cameras. The experimental work of this paper is performed over change detection, I2R, and wallflower datasets. The experimental work also depicts a comparative analysis of some of the peer methods. This work demonstrates several performance metrics to check robustness of the compared state-of-the-art methods.
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Virtual and augmented reality technologies have entered a new near-commodity era, accompanied by massive commercial investments, but still are subject to numerous open research questions. This special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications aims at broad views to capture the state of the art, important achievements, and impact of several areas in these dynamic disciplines. It contains three original articles that consider important aspects of VR/AR technologies and outline future research opportunities.
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The 1st International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interactions (VAM-HRI) will bring together HRI, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Mixed Reality researchers to identify challenges in mixed reality interactions between humans and robots. Topics relevant to the workshop include development of robots that can interact with humans in mixed reality, use of virtual reality for developing interactive robots, the design of new augmented reality interfaces that mediate communication between humans and robots, comparisons of the capabilities and perceptions of robots and virtual agents, and best practices for the design of such interactions. VAM-HRI is the first workshop of its kind at an academic AI or Robotics conference, and is intended to serve as a timely call to arms to the academic community in response to the growing promise of this emerging field.
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Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the most prominent emerging technologies recently. This increase in recognition has happened predominantly because of the success of the smartphone game "Pokémon Go". But research on AR is not a new strand of literature. Especially computer scientists investigate different technological solutions and areas of application for almost 30 years. This systematic literature review aims at analyzing, synthesizing and categorizing this strand of research in the information systems (IS) domain. We follow an established methodology for conducting the literature review ensuring rigor and replicability. We apply a keyword and backward search resulting in 28 and 118 articles, respectively. Results are categorized with regard to the focus of the research and the domain of the application being investigated. We show that research on user behavior is underrepresented in the current IS literature on AR compared to technical research, especially in the domains gaming and smartphone browsers.
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The detection of moving object in the presence of complex or cluttered background is a very critical challenge. The moving object may be a person, patient, vehicle, animal or any tissue inside body in medical domain. In this context, this work has proposed a robust background subtraction method for resolving illumination variation and motion-based problems. Initially, this work has developed a background modelling method using initial few frames in training stage. In testing stage, a foreground modelling method is investigated that is able to detect moving object in video frames. In testing stage, this work classify moving pixel with a suitable threshold and update the background using appropriate learning rate. The learning rate is updated through histogram of classified resulting frame and background model. Finally, morphological filters and image processing techniques are applied to improve the detection quality. The employed method also demonstrates how it can be improved using adaptive learning rate-based controlling scheme and the incorporation of feedback-based model updating scheme. It clearly depicts strength of proposed method in handling illumination variation problems and also eliminating moving environmental effects. This method presents significant performance in comparison with considered state-of-the-art methods.
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Augmented Reality (AR) technology is one of the fastest growing areas in the computing field and it has pervaded many applications in the market including museums. However, there is a need for a survey exploring the effectiveness of augmented reality as a communication medium in museums. This paper reviews the development of Augmented Reality as a mass communication [1] tool in museums. We introduce a communication model which would work as a roadmap building AR guidance system with ensuring this system will be a successful method of communication with users. Besides, we propose a novel way to enhance the visitors’ experience and learning by combining AR with games in museums.
In video surveillance, the moving human detection in thermal video is a critical phase that filters out redundant information to extract relevant information. The moving object detection is applied on thermal video because it penetrate challenging problems such as dynamic issues of background and illumination variation. In this work, we have proposed a new background subtraction method using Fisher’s linear discriminant ratio based threshold. This threshold is investigated automatically during run-time for each pixel of every sequential frame. Automatically means to avoid the involvement of external source such as programmer or user for threshold selection. This threshold provides better pixel classification at run-time. This method handles problems generated due to multiple behavior of background more accurately using Fisher’s ratio. It maximizes the separation between object pixel and the background pixel. To check the efficacy, the performance of this work is observed in terms of various parameters depicted in analysis. The experimental results and their analysis demonstrated better performance of proposed method against considered peer methods.